Programs & Examples On #Nhibernate 3

Use this tag for Nhibernate version 3.x series specific question.

How to get the element clicked (for the whole document)?

Use delegate and delegate takes advantage of the event bubbling by letting one element listen for, and handle, events on child elements. target is the jQ-normalized property of the event object representing the object from which the event originated.

$(document).delegate('*', 'click', function (event) {
    // is the element
    // $( gets its text


Can I avoid the native fullscreen video player with HTML5 on iPhone or android?

Old answer (applicable till 2016)

Here's an Apple developer link that explicitly says that -

on iPhone and iPod touch, which are small screen devices, "Video is NOT presented within the Web Page"

Safari Device-Specific Considerations

Your options:

  • The webkit-playsinline attribute works for HTML5 videos on iOS but only when you save the webpage to your home screen as a webapp - Not if opened a page in Safari
  • For a native app with a WebView (or a hybrid app with HTML, CSS, JS) the UIWebView allows to play the video inline, but only if you set the allowsInlineMediaPlayback property for the UIWebView class to true

How to convert a String to a Date using SimpleDateFormat?

Try this:

new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy")
  • MM is "month" (not mm)
  • dd is "day" (not DD)

It's all in the javadoc for SimpleDateFormat

FYI, the reason your format is still a valid date format is that:

  • mm is "minutes"
  • DD is "day in year"

Also, you don't need the cast to Date... it already is a Date (or it explodes):

public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
    System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy").parse("08/16/2011"));


Tue Aug 16 00:00:00 EST 2011


How can I write data attributes using Angular?

About access

<ol class="viewer-nav">
    <li *ngFor="let section of sections" 
        {{ section.text }}


get_data(event) {

Contains method for a slice

I created the following Contains function using reflect package. This function can be used for various types like int32 or struct etc.

// Contains returns true if an element is present in a slice
func Contains(list interface{}, elem interface{}) bool {
    listV := reflect.ValueOf(list)

    if listV.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
        for i := 0; i < listV.Len(); i++ {
            item := listV.Index(i).Interface()

            target := reflect.ValueOf(elem).Convert(reflect.TypeOf(item)).Interface()
            if ok := reflect.DeepEqual(item, target); ok {
                return true
    return false

Usage of contains function is below

// slice of int32
containsInt32 := Contains([]int32{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 3)
fmt.Println("contains int32:", containsInt32)

// slice of float64
containsFloat64 := Contains([]float64{1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5}, 4.4)
fmt.Println("contains float64:", containsFloat64)

// slice of struct
type item struct {
    ID   string
    Name string
list := []item{
        ID:   "1",
        Name: "test1",
        ID:   "2",
        Name: "test2",
        ID:   "3",
        Name: "test3",
target := item{
    ID:   "2",
    Name: "test2",
containsStruct := Contains(list, target)
fmt.Println("contains struct:", containsStruct)

// Output:
// contains int32: true
// contains float64: true
// contains struct: true

Please see here for more details:

How do I add slashes to a string in Javascript?

var myNewString = myOldString.replace(/'/g, "\\'");

undefined reference to 'vtable for class' constructor

You're declaring a virtual function and not defining it:

virtual void calculateCredits();

Either define it or declare it as:

virtual void calculateCredits() = 0;

Or simply:

virtual void calculateCredits() { };

Read more about vftable:

Select where count of one field is greater than one

One way

SELECT t1.* 
FROM db.table t1
WHERE exists 
      (SELECT *
      FROM db.table t2 
      where != 
      and t1.someField = t2.someField)

Calculate the display width of a string in Java

If you just want to use AWT, then use Graphics.getFontMetrics (optionally specifying the font, for a non-default one) to get a FontMetrics and then FontMetrics.stringWidth to find the width for the specified string.

For example, if you have a Graphics variable called g, you'd use:

int width = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(text);

For other toolkits, you'll need to give us more information - it's always going to be toolkit-dependent. Software caused connection abort: recv failed

I too had this problem. My solution was:

sc.setSoLinger(true, 10);

COPY FROM A WEBSITE -->By using the setSoLinger() method, you can explicitly set a delay before a reset is sent, giving more time for data to be read or send.

Maybe it is not the answer to everybody but to some people.

How do I discover memory usage of my application in Android?

Yes, you can get memory info programmatically and decide whether to do memory intensive work.

Get VM Heap Size by calling:


Get Allocated VM Memory by calling:

Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();

Get VM Heap Size Limit by calling:


Get Native Allocated Memory by calling:


I made an app to figure out the OutOfMemoryError behavior and monitor memory usage.

You can get the source code at

show icon in actionbar/toolbar with AppCompat-v7 21

Try this:

    ActionBar actionbar = getSupportActionBar();

so your icon will be used for Home / back

    ActionBar actionbar = getSupportActionBar();

for static icon

How to add data via $.ajax ( serialize() + extra data ) like this

Personally, I'd append the element to the form instead of hacking the serialized data, e.g.

moredata = 'your custom data here';

// do what you like with the input
$input = $('<input type="text" name="moredata"/>').val(morevalue);

// append to the form

// then..
data: $('#myForm').serialize()

That way, you don't have to worry about ? or &

Show Console in Windows Application?

What you want to do is not possible in a sane way. There was a similar question so look at the answers.

Then there's also an insane approach (site down - backup available here.) written by Jeffrey Knight:

Question: How do I create an application that can run in either GUI (windows) mode or command line / console mode?

On the surface of it, this would seem easy: you create a Console application, add a windows form to it, and you're off and running. However, there's a problem:

Problem: If you run in GUI mode, you end up with both a window and a pesky console lurking in the background, and you don't have any way to hide it.

What people seem to want is a true amphibian application that can run smoothly in either mode.

If you break it down, there are actually four use cases here:

User starts application from existing cmd window, and runs in GUI mode
User double clicks to start application, and runs in GUI mode
User starts application from existing cmd window, and runs in command mode
User double clicks to start application, and runs in command mode.

I'm posting the code to do this, but with a caveat.

I actually think this sort of approach will run you into a lot more trouble down the road than it's worth. For example, you'll have to have two different UIs' -- one for the GUI and one for the command / shell. You're going to have to build some strange central logic engine that abstracts from GUI vs. command line, and it's just going to get weird. If it were me, I'd step back and think about how this will be used in practice, and whether this sort of mode-switching is worth the work. Thus, unless some special case called for it, I wouldn't use this code myself, because as soon as I run into situations where I need API calls to get something done, I tend to stop and ask myself "am I overcomplicating things?".

Output type=Windows Application

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.Win32;

namespace WindowsApplication
    static class Program
    DEMO CODE ONLY: In general, this approach calls for re-thinking 
    your architecture!
    There are 4 possible ways this can run:
    1) User starts application from existing cmd window, and runs in GUI mode
    2) User double clicks to start application, and runs in GUI mode
    3) User starts applicaiton from existing cmd window, and runs in command mode
    4) User double clicks to start application, and runs in command mode.

    To run in console mode, start a cmd shell and enter:
        c:\path\to\Debug\dir\WindowsApplication.exe console
        To run in gui mode,  EITHER just double click the exe, OR start it from the cmd prompt with:
        c:\path\to\Debug\dir\WindowsApplication.exe (or pass the "gui" argument).
        To start in command mode from a double click, change the default below to "console".
    In practice, I'm not even sure how the console vs gui mode distinction would be made from a
    double click...
        string mode = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : "console"; //default to console

        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        static extern bool AllocConsole();

        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        static extern bool FreeConsole();

        [DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError = true)]
        static extern bool AttachConsole(int dwProcessId);

        static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();

        [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        static extern uint GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out int lpdwProcessId);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //TODO: better handling of command args, (handle help (--help /?) etc.)
            string mode = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : "gui"; //default to gui

            if (mode == "gui")
                MessageBox.Show("Welcome to GUI mode");



                Application.Run(new Form1());
            else if (mode == "console")

                //Get a pointer to the forground window.  The idea here is that
                //IF the user is starting our application from an existing console
                //shell, that shell will be the uppermost window.  We'll get it
                //and attach to it
                IntPtr ptr = GetForegroundWindow();

                int  u;

                GetWindowThreadProcessId(ptr, out u);

                Process process = Process.GetProcessById(u);

                if (process.ProcessName == "cmd" )    //Is the uppermost window a cmd process?

                    //we have a console to attach to ..
                    Console.WriteLine("hello. It looks like you started me from an existing console.");
                    //no console AND we're in console mode ... create a new console.


                    Console.WriteLine(@"hello. It looks like you double clicked me to start
                   AND you want console mode.  Here's a new console.");
                    Console.WriteLine("press any key to continue ...");


Output in a table format in Java's System.out

public class Main {
 public static void main(String args[]) {
   String format = "|%1$-10s|%2$-10s|%3$-20s|\n";
   System.out.format(format, "A", "AA", "AAA");
   System.out.format(format, "B", "", "BBBBB");
   System.out.format(format, "C", "CCCCC", "CCCCCCCC");

   String ex[] = { "E", "EEEEEEEEEE", "E" };

   System.out.format(String.format(format, (Object[]) ex));

differece in sizes of input doesnt effect the output

SQL Server returns error "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'." in Windows application

One of my SQL jobs had the same issue. It involved uploadaing data from one server to another. The error occurred because I was using sql Server Agent Service Account. I created a Credential using a UserId (that uses Window authentication) common to all servers. Then created a Proxy using this credential. Used the proxy in sql server job and it is running fine.

Check variable equality against a list of values

In ECMA2016 you can use the includes method. It's the cleanest way I've seen. (Supported by all major browsers)

if([1,3,12].includes(foo)) {
    // ...

Better way to call javascript function in a tag

Some advantages to the second option:

  1. You can use this inside onclick to reference the anchor itself (doing the same in option 1 will give you window instead).

  2. You can set the href to a non-JS compatible URL to support older browsers (or those that have JS disabled); browsers that support JavaScript will execute the function instead (to stay on the page you have to use onclick="return someFunction();" and return false from inside the function or onclick="return someFunction(); return false;" to prevent default action).

  3. I've seen weird stuff happen when using href="javascript:someFunction()" and the function returns a value; the whole page would get replaced by just that value.


Inline code:

  1. Runs in document scope as opposed to code defined inside <script> tags which runs in window scope; therefore, symbols may be resolved based on an element's name or id attribute, causing the unintended effect of attempting to treat an element as a function.

  2. Is harder to reuse; delicate copy-paste is required to move it from one project to another.

  3. Adds weight to your pages, whereas external code files can be cached by the browser.

How to check ASP.NET Version loaded on a system?

Look in c:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework and you will see various folders starting with "v" indicating the versions of .NET installed.

How to convert strings into integers in Python?

I would rather prefer using only comprehension lists:

[[int(y) for y in x] for x in T1]

How to add Date Picker Bootstrap 3 on MVC 5 project using the Razor engine?

This answer uses the jQuery UI Datepicker, which is a separate include. There are other ways to do this without including jQuery UI.

First, you simply need to add the datepicker class to the textbox, in addition to form-control:

<div class="form-group input-group-sm">
    @Html.LabelFor(model => model.DropOffDate)
    @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.DropOffDate, new { @class = "form-control datepicker", placeholder = "Enter Drop-off date here..." })
    @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.DropOffDate)

Then, to be sure the javascript is triggered after the textbox is rendered, you have to put the datepicker call in the jQuery ready function:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () { // will trigger when the document is ready
       $('.datepicker').datepicker(); //Initialise any date pickers

Login to remote site with PHP cURL

Panama Jack Example not work for me - Give Fatal error: Call to undefined function build_unique_path(). I used this code - (more simple - my opinion) :

// options
$login_email = '[email protected]';
$login_pass = 'alabala4807';
$cookie_file_path = "/tmp/cookies.txt";
$agent = "Nokia-Communicator-WWW-Browser/2.0 (Geos 3.0 Nokia-9000i)";

// begin script
$ch = curl_init();

// extra headers
$headers[] = "Accept: */*";
$headers[] = "Connection: Keep-Alive";

// basic curl options for all requests
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $agent);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $cookie_file_path);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cookie_file_path);

// set first URL
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $LOGINURL);

// execute session to get cookies and required form inputs
$content = curl_exec($ch);

// grab the hidden inputs from the form required to login
$fields = getFormFields($content);
$fields['email'] = $login_email;
$fields['password'] = $login_pass;

// set postfields using what we extracted from the form
$POSTFIELDS = http_build_query($fields);
// change URL to login URL
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $LOGINURL);

// set post options
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);

// perform login
$result = curl_exec($ch);

print $result;

function getFormFields($data)
if (preg_match('/()/is', $data, $matches)) {
$inputs = getInputs($matches[1]);

return $inputs;
} else {
die('didnt find login form');

function getInputs($form)
$inputs = array();
$elements = preg_match_all("/(]+>)/is", $form, $matches);
if ($elements > 0) {
for($i = 0;$i $el = preg_replace('/\s{2,}/', ' ', $matches[1][$i]);
if (preg_match('/name=(?:["\'])?([^"\'\s]*)/i', $el, $name)) {
$name = $name[1];

$value = '';
if (preg_match('/value=(?:["\'])?([^"\'\s]*)/i', $el, $value)) {
$value = $value[1];

$inputs[$name] = $value;

return $inputs;


//page with the content I want to grab
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $grab_url);
//do stuff with the info with DomDocument() etc
$html = curl_exec($ch);


Connect Android to WiFi Enterprise network EAP(PEAP)

Finally, I've defeated my CiSCO EAP-FAST corporate wifi network, and all our Android devices are now able to connect to it.

The walk-around I've performed in order to gain access to this kind of networks from an Android device are easiest than you can imagine.

There's a Wifi Config Editor in the Google Play Store you can use to "activate" the secondary CISCO Protocols when you are setting up a EAP wifi connection.

Its name is Wifi Config Advanced Editor.

  • First, you have to setup your wireless network manually as close as you can to your "official" corporate wifi parameters.

  • Save it.

  • Go to the WCE and edit the parameters of the network you have created in the previous step.

  • There are 3 or 4 series of settings you should activate in order to force the Android device to use them as a way to connect (the main site I think you want to visit is Enterprise Configuration, but don't forget to check all the parameters to change them if needed.
    As a suggestion, even if you have a WPA2 EAP-FAST Cipher, try LEAP in your setup. It worked for me as a charm.

  • When you finished to edit the config, go to the main Android wifi controller, and force to connect to this network.

  • Do not Edit the network again with the Android wifi interface.

I have tested it on Samsung Galaxy 1 and 2, Note mobile devices, and on a Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet.

What is the difference between encode/decode?

The decode method of unicode strings really doesn't have any applications at all (unless you have some non-text data in a unicode string for some reason -- see below). It is mainly there for historical reasons, i think. In Python 3 it is completely gone.

unicode().decode() will perform an implicit encoding of s using the default (ascii) codec. Verify this like so:

>>> s = u'ö'
>>> s.decode()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf6' in position 0:
ordinal not in range(128)

>>> s.encode('ascii')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf6' in position 0:
ordinal not in range(128)

The error messages are exactly the same.

For str().encode() it's the other way around -- it attempts an implicit decoding of s with the default encoding:

>>> s = 'ö'
>>> s.decode('utf-8')
>>> s.encode()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 0:
ordinal not in range(128)

Used like this, str().encode() is also superfluous.

But there is another application of the latter method that is useful: there are encodings that have nothing to do with character sets, and thus can be applied to 8-bit strings in a meaningful way:

>>> s.encode('zip')

You are right, though: the ambiguous usage of "encoding" for both these applications is... awkard. Again, with separate byte and string types in Python 3, this is no longer an issue.

Java: Integer equals vs. ==

The issue is that your two Integer objects are just that, objects. They do not match because you are comparing your two object references, not the values within. Obviously .equals is overridden to provide a value comparison as opposed to an object reference comparison.

Effect of NOLOCK hint in SELECT statements

1) Yes, a select with NOLOCK will complete faster than a normal select.

2) Yes, a select with NOLOCK will allow other queries against the effected table to complete faster than a normal select.

Why would this be?

NOLOCK typically (depending on your DB engine) means give me your data, and I don't care what state it is in, and don't bother holding it still while you read from it. It is all at once faster, less resource-intensive, and very very dangerous.

You should be warned to never do an update from or perform anything system critical, or where absolute correctness is required using data that originated from a NOLOCK read. It is absolutely possible that this data contains rows that were deleted during the query's run or that have been deleted in other sessions that have yet to be finalized. It is possible that this data includes rows that have been partially updated. It is possible that this data contains records that violate foreign key constraints. It is possible that this data excludes rows that have been added to the table but have yet to be committed.

You really have no way to know what the state of the data is.

If you're trying to get things like a Row Count or other summary data where some margin of error is acceptable, then NOLOCK is a good way to boost performance for these queries and avoid having them negatively impact database performance.

Always use the NOLOCK hint with great caution and treat any data it returns suspiciously.

Rubymine: How to make Git ignore .idea files created by Rubymine

In the rubymine gui, there is an ignore list (settings/version control). Maybe try disabling it there. I got the hint from their support guys.

enter image description here

Getting number of days in a month

  int month = Convert.ToInt32(ddlMonth.SelectedValue);/*Store month Value From page*/
  int year = Convert.ToInt32(txtYear.Value);/*Store Year Value From page*/
  int days = System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month); /*this will store no. of days for month, year that we store*/

PHP Swift mailer: Failed to authenticate on SMTP using 2 possible authenticators

I tried almost all the possible suggestions mention here but for me problem got solved after changing "Access for less secure apps" to ENABLE in my Google account security settings tab. Hope this might useful for others !

How to check if a variable is equal to one string or another string?

for a in soup("p",{'id':'pagination'})[0]("a",{'href': True}):
        if createunicode(a.text) in ['<','<']:

It works for me.

How do I store an array in localStorage?

The JSON approach works, on ie 7 you need json2.js, with it it works perfectly and despite the one comment saying otherwise there is localStorage on it. it really seems like the best solution with the least hassle. Of course one could write scripts to do essentially the same thing as json2 does but there is little point in that.

at least with the following version string there is localStorage, but as said you need to include json2.js because that isn't included by the browser itself: 4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; BRI/2; NP06; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; Zune 4.7) (I would have made this a comment on the reply, but can't).

Javascript Array inside Array - how can I call the child array name?

Yes it is. You can use


to get the size "S"



to get the color "Red"

How To Raise Property Changed events on a Dependency Property?

I think the OP is asking the wrong question. The code below will show that it not necessary to manually raise the PropertyChanged EVENT from a dependency property to achieve the desired result. The way to do it is handle the PropertyChanged CALLBACK on the dependency property and set values for other dependency properties there. The following is a working example. In the code below, MyControl has two dependency properties - ActiveTabInt and ActiveTabString. When the user clicks the button on the host (MainWindow), ActiveTabString is modified. The PropertyChanged CALLBACK on the dependency property sets the value of ActiveTabInt. The PropertyChanged EVENT is not manually raised by MyControl.


/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged
    public MainWindow()
        DataContext = this;
        ActiveTabString = "zero";

    private string _ActiveTabString;
    public string ActiveTabString
        get { return _ActiveTabString; }
            if (_ActiveTabString != value)
                _ActiveTabString = value;

    private int _ActiveTabInt;
    public int ActiveTabInt
        get { return _ActiveTabInt; }
            if (_ActiveTabInt != value)
                _ActiveTabInt = value;

    #region INotifyPropertyChanged implementation
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    public void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        if (PropertyChanged != null)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

    private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        ActiveTabString = (ActiveTabString == "zero") ? "one" : "zero";


public class MyControl : Control
    public static List<string> Indexmap = new List<string>(new string[] { "zero", "one" });

    public string ActiveTabString
        get { return (string)GetValue(ActiveTabStringProperty); }
        set { SetValue(ActiveTabStringProperty, value); }

    public static readonly DependencyProperty ActiveTabStringProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
        typeof(MyControl), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(

    public int ActiveTabInt
        get { return (int)GetValue(ActiveTabIntProperty); }
        set { SetValue(ActiveTabIntProperty, value); }
    public static readonly DependencyProperty ActiveTabIntProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
        typeof(MyControl), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
            new Int32(),

    static MyControl()
        DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(MyControl), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(MyControl)));


    public override void OnApplyTemplate()

    private static void ActiveTabStringChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        MyControl thiscontrol = sender as MyControl;

        if (Indexmap[thiscontrol.ActiveTabInt] != thiscontrol.ActiveTabString)
            thiscontrol.ActiveTabInt = Indexmap.IndexOf(e.NewValue.ToString());



    <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
    <Button Content="Change Tab Index" Click="Button_Click" Width="110" Height="30"></Button>
    <local:MyControl x:Name="myControl" ActiveTabInt="{Binding ActiveTabInt, Mode=TwoWay}" ActiveTabString="{Binding ActiveTabString}"></local:MyControl>


<Style TargetType="local:MyControl">
        <Setter Property="Template">
                <ControlTemplate TargetType="local:MyControl">
                    <TabControl SelectedIndex="{Binding ActiveTabInt, Mode=TwoWay}">
                        <TabItem Header="Tab Zero">
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding ActiveTabInt}"></TextBlock>
                        <TabItem Header="Tab One">
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding ActiveTabInt}"></TextBlock>

Display special characters when using print statement

Do you merely want to print the string that way, or do you want that to be the internal representation of the string? If the latter, create it as a raw string by prefixing it with r: r"Hello\tWorld\nHello World".

>>> a = r"Hello\tWorld\nHello World"
>>> a # in the interpreter, this calls repr()
'Hello\\tWorld\\nHello World'
>>> print a
Hello\tWorld\nHello World

Also, \s is not an escape character, except in regular expressions, and then it still has a much different meaning than what you're using it for.

Making text bold using attributed string in swift

Building on Jeremy Bader and David West's excellent answers, a Swift 3 extension:

extension String {
    func withBoldText(boldPartsOfString: Array<NSString>, font: UIFont!, boldFont: UIFont!) -> NSAttributedString {
        let nonBoldFontAttribute = [NSFontAttributeName:font!]
        let boldFontAttribute = [NSFontAttributeName:boldFont!]
        let boldString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: self as String, attributes:nonBoldFontAttribute)
        for i in 0 ..< boldPartsOfString.count {
            boldString.addAttributes(boldFontAttribute, range: (self as NSString).range(of: boldPartsOfString[i] as String))
        return boldString


let label = UILabel()
let font = UIFont(name: "AvenirNext-Italic", size: 24)!
let boldFont = UIFont(name: "AvenirNext-BoldItalic", size: 24)!
label.attributedText = "Make sure your face is\nbrightly and evenly lit".withBoldText(
    boldPartsOfString: ["brightly", "evenly"], font: font, boldFont: boldFont)

Get value of c# dynamic property via string

This is the way i ve got the value of a property value of a dinamic:

    public dynamic Post(dynamic value)
            if (value != null)
                var valorCampos = "";

                foreach (Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JProperty item in value)
                    if (item.Name == "valorCampo")//property name
                        valorCampos = item.Value.ToString();

        catch (Exception ex)



How do I uninstall a Windows service if the files do not exist anymore?

I needed to reinstall my tomcat service, which meant first removing it. This worked for me:

Start a command prompt window using run as administrator

sc query type= service >t.txt

(edit the file t.txt, search through the list and find the tomcat service. It's called Tomcat7)

sc delete Tomcat7

HOWEVER, the query command did not work the first time, because the tomcat service was not running. It seems to only list services that are running. I had to start the service and run the query command again.

How to remove an element from a list by index

One can either use del or pop, but I prefer del, since you can specify index and slices, giving the user more control over the data.

For example, starting with the list shown, one can remove its last element with del as a slice, and then one can remove the last element from the result using pop.

>>> l = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> del l[-1:]
>>> l
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> l.pop(-1)
>>> l
[1, 2, 3]

JSON for List of int

JSON is perfectly capable of expressing lists of integers, and the JSON you have posted is valid. You can simply separate the integers by commas:

    "Id": "610",
    "Name": "15",
    "Description": "1.99",
    "ItemModList": [42, 47, 139]

jQuery: Slide left and slide right

This code works well :

        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>
            var options = {};
                 $("#c").toggle( "slide", options, 500 );
                 $("#d").toggle( "slide", options, 500 );
            border:1px solid olive;
            border:2px solid blue;
            <button id="a">Register 1</button>
            <button id="b">Register 2</button>

        <article id="c">
                <label>User name:</label>
                <input type="text" name="123" value="something"/>
                <input type="text" name="456" value="something"/>
        <article id="d">
</html> and

Note:This is a example code don't forget to add all the script tags in order to achieve proper functioning of the code.

Understanding typedefs for function pointers in C

cdecl is a great tool for deciphering weird syntax like function pointer declarations. You can use it to generate them as well.

As far as tips for making complicated declarations easier to parse for future maintenance (by yourself or others), I recommend making typedefs of small chunks and using those small pieces as building blocks for larger and more complicated expressions. For example:

typedef int (*FUNC_TYPE_1)(void);
typedef double (*FUNC_TYPE_2)(void);
typedef FUNC_TYPE_1 (*FUNC_TYPE_3)(FUNC_TYPE_2);

rather than:

typedef int (*(*FUNC_TYPE_3)(double (*)(void)))(void);

cdecl can help you out with this stuff:

cdecl> explain int (*FUNC_TYPE_1)(void)
declare FUNC_TYPE_1 as pointer to function (void) returning int
cdecl> explain double (*FUNC_TYPE_2)(void)
declare FUNC_TYPE_2 as pointer to function (void) returning double
cdecl> declare FUNC_TYPE_3 as pointer to function (pointer to function (void) returning double) returning pointer to function (void) returning int
int (*(*FUNC_TYPE_3)(double (*)(void )))(void )

And is (in fact) exactly how I generated that crazy mess above.

How to generate sample XML documents from their DTD or XSD?

XML Blueprint also does that; instructions here

It's not free, but there's a 10-day free trial; it seems fast and efficient; unfortunately it's Windows only.

How to get http headers in flask?

just note, The different between the methods are, if the header is not exist


will return None or no exception, so you can use it like

if request.headers.get('your-header-name'):

but the following will throw an error

if request.headers['your-header-name'] # KeyError: 'your-header-name'

You can handle it by

if 'your-header-name' in request.headers:
   customHeader = request.headers['your-header-name']

Most efficient way to append arrays in C#?

Olmo's suggestion is very good, but I'd add this: If you're not sure about the size, it's better to make it a little bigger than a little smaller. When a list is full, keep in mind it will double its size to add more elements.

For example: suppose you will need about 50 elements. If you use a 50 elements size and the final number of elements is 51, you'll end with a 100 sized list with 49 wasted positions.

How to tell a Mockito mock object to return something different the next time it is called?

For Anyone using spy() and the doReturn() instead of the when() method:

what you need to return different object on different calls is this:



For classic mocks:

when(this.mockFoo.someMethod()).thenReturn(obj1, obj2);

or with an exception being thrown:

        .thenThrow(new IllegalArgumentException())
        .thenReturn(obj2, obj3);

Select records from NOW() -1 Day

You're almost there: it's NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY

How to multiply individual elements of a list with a number?

In NumPy it is quite simple

import numpy as np
S=[22, 33, 45.6, 21.6, 51.8]
SP = P*np.array(S)

I recommend taking a look at the NumPy tutorial for an explanation of the full capabilities of NumPy's arrays:

How to use format() on a moment.js duration?

I needed to do this for work as a requirement to display the hours in this format. At first I tried this.


However anything over 24 hours and the hours reset to 0. But the minutes and seconds were accurate. So I used only that part for the minutes and seconds.

var minutesSeconds = moment.utc(totalMilliseconds).format("mm:ss")

Now all I need is the total hours.

var hours = moment.duration(totalMilliseconds).asHours().toFixed()

And to get that format that we all want we just glue it together.

var formatted = hours + ":" + minutesSeconds

if totalMilliseconds is 894600000 this will return 249:30:00.

Hope that helped. Leave any questions in the comments. ;)

Better way to check if a Path is a File or a Directory?

using System;
using System.IO;
namespace FileOrDirectory
     class Program
          public static string FileOrDirectory(string path)
               if (File.Exists(path))
                    return "File";
               if (Directory.Exists(path))
                    return "Directory";
               return "Path Not Exists";
          static void Main()
               Console.WriteLine("Enter The Path:");
               string path = Console.ReadLine();

Check if a given key already exists in a dictionary

The ways in which you can get the results are:

Which is better is dependent on 3 things:

  1. Does the dictionary 'normally has the key' or 'normally does not have the key'.
  2. Do you intend to use conditions like if...else...elseif...else?
  3. How big is dictionary?

Read More:

Use of try/block instead of 'in' or 'if':

except KeyError:
    # Do the operation you wanted to do for "key not present in dict".
    # Do the operation you wanted to do with "key present in dict."

How to use custom packages

For a project hosted on GitHub, here's what people usually do:


package mylib



import ""


Accept server's self-signed ssl certificate in Java client

The accepted answer needs an Option 3

ALSO Option 2 is TERRIBLE. It should NEVER be used (esp. in production) since it provides a FALSE sense of security. Just use HTTP instead of Option 2.


Use the self-signed certificate to make the Https connection.

Here is an example:


 * Use a SSLSocket to send a HTTP GET request and read the response from an HTTPS server.
 * It assumes that the client is not behind a proxy/firewall

public class SSLSocketClientCert
    private static final String[] useProtocols = new String[] {"TLSv1.2"};
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        URL inputUrl = null;
        String certFile = null;
        if(args.length < 1)
            System.out.println("Usage: " + SSLSocketClient.class.getName() + " <url>");
        if(args.length == 1)
            inputUrl = new URL(args[0]);
            inputUrl = new URL(args[0]);
            certFile = args[1];
        SSLSocket sslSocket = null;
        PrintWriter outWriter = null;
        BufferedReader inReader = null;
            SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = getSSLSocketFactory(certFile);

            sslSocket = (SSLSocket) sslSocketFactory.createSocket(inputUrl.getHost(), inputUrl.getPort() == -1 ? inputUrl.getDefaultPort() : inputUrl.getPort());
            String[] enabledProtocols = sslSocket.getEnabledProtocols();
            System.out.println("Enabled Protocols: ");
            for(String enabledProtocol : enabledProtocols) System.out.println("\t" + enabledProtocol);

            String[] supportedProtocols = sslSocket.getSupportedProtocols();
            System.out.println("Supported Protocols: ");
            for(String supportedProtocol : supportedProtocols) System.out.println("\t" + supportedProtocol + ", ");


             * Before any data transmission, the SSL socket needs to do an SSL handshake.
             * We manually initiate the handshake so that we can see/catch any SSLExceptions.
             * The handshake would automatically  be initiated by writing & flushing data but
             * then the PrintWriter would catch all IOExceptions (including SSLExceptions),
             * set an internal error flag, and then return without rethrowing the exception.
             * This means any error messages are lost, which causes problems here because
             * the only way to tell there was an error is to call PrintWriter.checkError().
            outWriter = sendRequest(sslSocket, inputUrl);
            closeAll(sslSocket, outWriter, inReader);
        catch(Exception e)
            closeAll(sslSocket, outWriter, inReader);

    private static PrintWriter sendRequest(SSLSocket sslSocket, URL inputUrl) throws IOException
        PrintWriter outWriter = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(sslSocket.getOutputStream())));
        outWriter.println("GET " + inputUrl.getPath() + " HTTP/1.1");
        outWriter.println("Host: " + inputUrl.getHost());
        outWriter.println("Connection: Close");
        if(outWriter.checkError())        // Check for any PrintWriter errors
            System.out.println("SSLSocketClient: PrintWriter error");
        return outWriter;

    private static void readResponse(SSLSocket sslSocket) throws IOException
        BufferedReader inReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sslSocket.getInputStream()));
        String inputLine;
        while((inputLine = inReader.readLine()) != null)

    // Terminate all streams
    private static void closeAll(SSLSocket sslSocket, PrintWriter outWriter, BufferedReader inReader) throws IOException
        if(sslSocket != null) sslSocket.close();
        if(outWriter != null) outWriter.close();
        if(inReader != null) inReader.close();

    // Create an SSLSocketFactory based on the certificate if it is available, otherwise use the JVM default certs
    public static SSLSocketFactory getSSLSocketFactory(String certFile)
        throws CertificateException, KeyStoreException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException
        if (certFile == null) return (SSLSocketFactory) SSLSocketFactory.getDefault();
        Certificate certificate = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509").generateCertificate(new FileInputStream(new File(certFile)));

        KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
        keyStore.load(null, null);
        keyStore.setCertificateEntry("server", certificate);

        TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());

        SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
        sslContext.init(null, trustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers(), null);

        return sslContext.getSocketFactory();

Python : List of dict, if exists increment a dict value, if not append a new dict

This always works fine for me:

for url in list_of_urls:
    urls.setdefault(url, 0)
    urls[url] += 1

difference between $query>num_rows() and $this->db->count_all_results() in CodeIgniter & which one is recommended

There are two ways to count total number of records that the query will return. First this

$query = $this->db->query('select blah blah');  
return $query->num_rows();

This will return number of rows the query brought.


return $this->db->count_all_results('select blah blah');

Simply count_all_results will require to run the query again.

What is "not assignable to parameter of type never" error in typescript?

I was having same error In ReactJS statless function while using ReactJs Hook useState. I wanted to set state of an object array , so if I use the following way

const [items , setItems] = useState([]);

and update the state like this:

 const item = { id : new Date().getTime() , text : 'New Text' };
 setItems([ item , ...items ]);

I was getting error:

Argument of type '{ id: number; text: any }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'

but if do it like this,

const [items , setItems] = useState([{}]);

Error is gone but there is an item at 0 index which don't have any data(don't want that).

so the solution I found is:

const [items , setItems] = useState([] as any);

Submit a form in a popup, and then close the popup

I know this is an old question, but I stumbled across it when I was having a similar issue, and just wanted to share how I ended achieving the results you requested so future people can pick what works best for their situation.

First, I utilize the onsubmit event in the form, and pass this to the function to make it easier to deal with this particular form.

<form action="/system/wpacert" onsubmit="return closeSelf(this);" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"  name="certform">
    <div>Certificate 1: <input type="file" name="cert1"/></div>
    <div>Certificate 2: <input type="file" name="cert2"/></div>
    <div>Certificate 3: <input type="file" name="cert3"/></div>

    <div><input type="submit" value="Upload"/></div>

In our function, we'll submit the form data, and then we'll close the window. This will allow it to submit the data, and once it's done, then it'll close the window and return you to your original window.

<script type="text/javascript">
  function closeSelf (f) {

Hope this helps someone out. Enjoy!

Option 2: This option will let you submit via AJAX, and if it's successful, it'll close the window. This prevents windows from closing prior to the data being submitted. Credits to for their work on the jQuery Form Plugin

First, remove your onsubmit/onclick events from the form/submit button. Place an ID on the form so AJAX can find it.

<form action="/system/wpacert" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"  id="certform">
    <div>Certificate 1: <input type="file" name="cert1"/></div>
    <div>Certificate 2: <input type="file" name="cert2"/></div>
    <div>Certificate 3: <input type="file" name="cert3"/></div>

    <div><input type="submit" value="Upload"/></div>

Second, you'll want to throw this script at the bottom, don't forget to reference the plugin. If the form submission is successful, it'll close the window.

<script src=""></script> 
<script src=""></script> 

       $(document).ready(function () {
          $('#certform').ajaxForm(function () {

Creating Scheduled Tasks

You can use Task Scheduler Managed Wrapper:

using System;
using Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler;

class Program
   static void Main(string[] args)
      // Get the service on the local machine
      using (TaskService ts = new TaskService())
         // Create a new task definition and assign properties
         TaskDefinition td = ts.NewTask();
         td.RegistrationInfo.Description = "Does something";

         // Create a trigger that will fire the task at this time every other day
         td.Triggers.Add(new DailyTrigger { DaysInterval = 2 });

         // Create an action that will launch Notepad whenever the trigger fires
         td.Actions.Add(new ExecAction("notepad.exe", "c:\\test.log", null));

         // Register the task in the root folder
         ts.RootFolder.RegisterTaskDefinition(@"Test", td);

         // Remove the task we just created

Alternatively you can use native API or go for Quartz.NET. See this for details.

How do I export html table data as .csv file?

For exporting html to csv try following this example. More details and examples are available at the author's website.

Create a html2csv.js file and put the following code in it.

jQuery.fn.table2CSV = function(options) {
    var options = jQuery.extend({
        separator: ',',
        header: [],
        delivery: 'popup' // popup, value

    var csvData = [];
    var headerArr = [];
    var el = this;

    var numCols = options.header.length;
    var tmpRow = []; // construct header avalible array

    if (numCols > 0) {
        for (var i = 0; i < numCols; i++) {
            tmpRow[tmpRow.length] = formatData(options.header[i]);
    } else {
        $(el).filter(':visible').find('th').each(function() {
            if ($(this).css('display') != 'none') tmpRow[tmpRow.length] = formatData($(this).html());


    // actual data
    $(el).find('tr').each(function() {
        var tmpRow = [];
        $(this).filter(':visible').find('td').each(function() {
            if ($(this).css('display') != 'none') tmpRow[tmpRow.length] = formatData($(this).html());
    if ( == 'popup') {
        var mydata = csvData.join('\n');
        return popup(mydata);
    } else {
        var mydata = csvData.join('\n');
        return mydata;

    function row2CSV(tmpRow) {
        var tmp = tmpRow.join('') // to remove any blank rows
        // alert(tmp);
        if (tmpRow.length > 0 && tmp != '') {
            var mystr = tmpRow.join(options.separator);
            csvData[csvData.length] = mystr;
    function formatData(input) {
        // replace " with “
        var regexp = new RegExp(/["]/g);
        var output = input.replace(regexp, "“");
        var regexp = new RegExp(/\<[^\<]+\>/g);
        var output = output.replace(regexp, "");
        if (output == "") return '';
        return '"' + output + '"';
    function popup(data) {
        var generator ='', 'csv', 'height=400,width=600');
        generator.document.write('</head><body >');
        generator.document.write('<textArea cols=70 rows=15 wrap="off" >');
        return true;

include the js files into the html page like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.js" ></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="html2CSV.js" ></script>


<table id="example1" border="1"  style="background-color:#FFFFCC" width="0%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">




























<input value="Export as CSV 2" type="button" onclick="$('#example1').table2CSV({header:['prefix','Employee Name','Contact']})">

What is the list of valid @SuppressWarnings warning names in Java?

JSL 1.7

The Oracle documentation mentions:

  • unchecked: Unchecked warnings are identified by the string "unchecked".
  • deprecation: A Java compiler must produce a deprecation warning when a type, method, field, or constructor whose declaration is annotated with the annotation @Deprecated is used (i.e. overridden, invoked, or referenced by name), unless: [...] The use is within an entity that is annotated to suppress the warning with the annotation @SuppressWarnings("deprecation"); or

It then explains that implementations can add and document their own:

Compiler vendors should document the warning names they support in conjunction with this annotation type. Vendors are encouraged to cooperate to ensure that the same names work across multiple compilers.

Twitter Bootstrap Form File Element Upload Button

In respect of claviska answer - if you want to show uploaded file name in a basic file upload you can do it in inputs' onchange event. Just use this code:

 <label class="btn btn-default">
                    <span id="uploaded-file-name" style="font-style: italic"></span>
                    <input id="file-upload" type="file" name="file"
                           onchange="$('#uploaded-file-name').text($('#file-upload')[0].value);" hidden>

This jquery JS code is responsible will retrieving uploaded file name:


Or with vanilla JS:



copy-item With Alternate Credentials

Since PowerShell doesn't support "-Credential" usage via many of the cmdlets (very annoying), and mapping a network drive via WMI proved to be very unreliable in PS, I found pre-caching the user credentials via a net use command to work quite well:

# cache credentials for our network path
net use \\server\C$ $password /USER:$username

Any operation that uses \\server\C$ in the path seems to work using the *-item cmdlets.

You can also delete the share when you're done:

net use \\server\C$ /delete

Why doesn't GCC optimize a*a*a*a*a*a to (a*a*a)*(a*a*a)?

GCC does actually optimize a*a*a*a*a*a to (a*a*a)*(a*a*a) when a is an integer. I tried with this command:

$ echo 'int f(int x) { return x*x*x*x*x*x; }' | gcc -o - -O2 -S -masm=intel -x c -

There are a lot of gcc flags but nothing fancy. They mean: Read from stdin; use O2 optimization level; output assembly language listing instead of a binary; the listing should use Intel assembly language syntax; the input is in C language (usually language is inferred from input file extension, but there is no file extension when reading from stdin); and write to stdout.

Here's the important part of the output. I've annotated it with some comments indicating what's going on in the assembly language:

; x is in edi to begin with.  eax will be used as a temporary register.
mov  eax, edi  ; temp = x
imul eax, edi  ; temp = x * temp
imul eax, edi  ; temp = x * temp
imul eax, eax  ; temp = temp * temp

I'm using system GCC on Linux Mint 16 Petra, an Ubuntu derivative. Here's the gcc version:

$ gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu9) 4.8.1

As other posters have noted, this option is not possible in floating point, because floating point arithmetic is not associative.

Smooth scroll to specific div on click

What if u use scrollIntoView function?

var elmntToView = document.getElementById("sectionId");

Has {behavior: "smooth"} too.... ;)

How can I change the class of an element with jQuery>

      $('button').attr('class','btn btn-primary');
}); </script>

Can I run multiple versions of Google Chrome on the same machine? (Mac or Windows)

A small virtual machine maybe?

Try VirtualBox a freeware program to install virtual machines (a lot of work for what you want to do, but it'll work)

Display HTML form values in same page after submit using Ajax

<script type = "text/javascript">
function get_values(input_id)
var input = document.getElementById(input_id).value;

<!--Insert more code here-->

<input type = "text" id = "textfield">
<input type = "button" onclick = "get('textfield')" value = "submit">

Next time you ask a question here, include more detail and what you have tried.

How to Iterate over a Set/HashSet without an Iterator?

Here are few tips on how to iterate a Set along with their performances:

public class IterateSet {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        //example Set
        Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();


        long startTime = System.nanoTime();
        long endTime = System.nanoTime();

        //using iterator
        System.out.println("Using Iterator");
        startTime = System.nanoTime();
        Iterator<String> setIterator = set.iterator();
        endTime = System.nanoTime();
        long durationIterator = (endTime - startTime);

        //using lambda
        System.out.println("Using Lambda");
        startTime = System.nanoTime();
        set.forEach((s) -> System.out.println(s));
        endTime = System.nanoTime();
        long durationLambda = (endTime - startTime);

        //using Stream API
        System.out.println("Using Stream API");
        startTime = System.nanoTime(); -> System.out.println(s));
        endTime = System.nanoTime();
        long durationStreamAPI = (endTime - startTime);

        //using Split Iterator (not recommended)
        System.out.println("Using Split Iterator");
        startTime = System.nanoTime();
        Spliterator<String> splitIterator = set.spliterator();
        splitIterator.forEachRemaining((s) -> System.out.println(s));
        endTime = System.nanoTime();
        long durationSplitIterator = (endTime - startTime);

        //time calculations
        System.out.println("Iterator Duration:" + durationIterator);
        System.out.println("Lamda Duration:" + durationLambda);
        System.out.println("Stream API:" + durationStreamAPI);
        System.out.println("Split Iterator:"+ durationSplitIterator);

The code is self explanatory.

The result of the durations are:

Iterator Duration: 495287
Lambda Duration: 50207470
Stream Api:       2427392
Split Iterator:    567294

We can see the Lambda takes the longest while Iterator is the fastest.

What does /p mean in set /p?

The /P switch allows you to set the value of a variable to a line of input entered by the user. Displays the specified promptString before reading the line of input. The promptString can be empty.

Two ways I've used it... first:

SET /P variable=

When batch file reaches this point (when left blank) it will halt and wait for user input. Input then becomes variable.

And second:

SET /P variable=<%temp%\filename.txt

Will set variable to contents (the first line) of the txt file. This method won't work unless the /P is included. Both tested on Windows 8.1 Pro, but it's the same on 7 and 10.

Using media breakpoints in Bootstrap 4-alpha

I answered a similar question here

As @Syden said, the mixins will work. Another option is using SASS map-get like this..

@media (min-width: map-get($grid-breakpoints, sm)){
  .something {
    padding: 10px;

@media (min-width: map-get($grid-breakpoints, md)){
  .something {
    padding: 20px;

Bootstrap 4 Breakpoints demo

Is there a pure CSS way to make an input transparent?

    background: transparent;
    border: none;

Nobody will even know it's there.

Verify host key with pysftp

Hi We sort of had the same problem if I understand you well. So check what pysftp version you're using. If it's the latest one which is 0.2.9 downgrade to 0.2.8. Check this out.

Is it possible to include one CSS file in another?

Yes You can import easily one css to another (any where in website) You have to use like:

@import url("url_path");

Show values from a MySQL database table inside a HTML table on a webpage

Example taken from W3Schools: PHP Select Data from MySQL

// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM Persons");

echo "<table border='1'>

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . $row['FirstName'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $row['LastName'] . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";


It's a good place to learn from!

Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined

You are calling the ready function before the jQuery JavaScript is included. Reference jQuery first.

document.getElementByID is not a function

It's getElementById()

Note the lower-case d in Id.

Trigger a Travis-CI rebuild without pushing a commit?

If the build never occurred (perhaps you didn't get the Pull-Request build switch set to on in time), you can mark the Pull Request on Github as closed then mark it as opened and a new build will be triggered.

php var_dump() vs print_r()

print_r() and var_dump() are Array debugging functions used in PHP for debugging purpose. print_r() function returns the array keys and its members as Array([key] = value) whereas var_dump() function returns array list with its array keys with data type and length as well e.g Array(array_length){[0] = string(1)'a'}.

How to compare two colors for similarity/difference

For quick and dirty, you can do

import java.awt.Color;
private Color dropPrecision(Color c,int threshold){
    return new Color((c.getRed()/threshold),
public boolean inThreshold(Color _1,Color _2,int threshold){
    return dropPrecision(_1,threshold)==dropPrecision(_2,threshold);

making use of integer division to quantize the colors.

numpy get index where value is true

You can use nonzero function. it returns the nonzero indices of the given input.

Easy Way

>>> (e > 15).nonzero()

(array([1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]), array([6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]))

to see the indices more cleaner, use transpose method:

>>> numpy.transpose((e>15).nonzero())

[[1 6]
 [1 7]
 [1 8]
 [1 9]
 [2 0]

Not Bad Way

>>> numpy.nonzero(e > 15)

(array([1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]), array([6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]))

or the clean way:

>>> numpy.transpose(numpy.nonzero(e > 15))

[[1 6]
 [1 7]
 [1 8]
 [1 9]
 [2 0]

python : list index out of range error while iteratively popping elements

List comprehension will lead you to a solution.

But the right way to copy a object in python is using python module copy - Shallow and deep copy operations.

for i in range(0,len(l)):
   if l[i]==0:

If instead of this,

import copy
duplicate_l = copy.copy(l)
for i in range(0,len(l)):
   if l[i]==0:
l = m

Then, your own code would have worked. But for optimization, list comprehension is a good solution.

How to list files in a directory in a C program?

Below code will only print files within directory and exclude directories within given directory while traversing.

#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
int main(void)
    DIR *d;
    struct dirent *dir;
    char path[1000]="/home/joy/Downloads";
    d = opendir(path);
    char full_path[1000];
    if (d)
        while ((dir = readdir(d)) != NULL)
            //Condition to check regular file.

Angular 2 execute script after template render

Actually ngAfterViewInit() will initiate only once when the component initiate.

If you really want a event triggers after the HTML element renter on the screen then you can use ngAfterViewChecked()

C# - Insert a variable number of spaces into a string? (Formatting an output file)

Use String.Format() or TextWriter.Format() (depending on how you actually write to the file) and specify the width of a field.

String.Format("{0,20}{1,15}{2,15}", "Sample Title One", "Element One", "Whatever Else");

You can specify the width of a field within interpolated strings as well:

$"{"Sample Title One",20}{"Element One",15}{"Whatever Else",15}"

And just so you know, you can create a string of repeated characters using the appropriate string contructor.

new String(' ', 20); // string of 20 spaces

Permanently adding a file path to sys.path in Python

There are a few ways. One of the simplest is to create a my-paths.pth file (as described here). This is just a file with the extension .pth that you put into your system site-packages directory. On each line of the file you put one directory name, so you can put a line in there with /path/to/the/ and it will add that directory to the path.

You could also use the PYTHONPATH environment variable, which is like the system PATH variable but contains directories that will be added to sys.path. See the documentation.

Note that no matter what you do, sys.path contains directories not files. You can't "add a file to sys.path". You always add its directory and then you can import the file.

How to prevent scanf causing a buffer overflow in C?

In their book The Practice of Programming (which is well worth reading), Kernighan and Pike discuss this problem, and they solve it by using snprintf() to create the string with the correct buffer size for passing to the scanf() family of functions. In effect:

int scanner(const char *data, char *buffer, size_t buflen)
    char format[32];
    if (buflen == 0)
        return 0;
    snprintf(format, sizeof(format), "%%%ds", (int)(buflen-1));
    return sscanf(data, format, buffer);

Note, this still limits the input to the size provided as 'buffer'. If you need more space, then you have to do memory allocation, or use a non-standard library function that does the memory allocation for you.

Note that the POSIX 2008 (2013) version of the scanf() family of functions supports a format modifier m (an assignment-allocation character) for string inputs (%s, %c, %[). Instead of taking a char * argument, it takes a char ** argument, and it allocates the necessary space for the value it reads:

char *buffer = 0;
if (sscanf(data, "%ms", &buffer) == 1)
    printf("String is: <<%s>>\n", buffer);

If the sscanf() function fails to satisfy all the conversion specifications, then all the memory it allocated for %ms-like conversions is freed before the function returns.

Folder structure for a Node.js project

More example from my project architecture you can see here:

+-- Dockerfile
+-- config
¦   +-- production.json
+-- package.json
+-- schema
¦   +--
¦   +-- db.sql
+-- scripts
¦   +-- 
+-- src
¦   +-- app -> Containes API routes
¦   +-- db -> DB Models (ORM)
¦   +-- server.js -> the Server initlializer.
+-- test

Basically, the logical app separated to DB and APP folders inside the SRC dir.

Add "Appendix" before "A" in thesis TOC

You can easily achieve what you want using the appendix package. Here's a sample file that shows you how. The key is the titletoc option when calling the package. It takes whatever value you've defined in \appendixname and the default value is Appendix.


\chapter{Lorem ipsum}
\section{Dolor sit amet}
  \chapter{Consectetur adipiscing elit}
  \chapter{Mauris euismod}

The output looks like

enter image description here

Rewrite left outer join involving multiple tables from Informix to Oracle

I'm guessing that you want something like

SELECT tab1.a, tab2.b, tab3.c, tab4.d
  FROM table1 tab1 
       JOIN table2 tab2 ON (tab1.fg = tab2.fg)
       LEFT OUTER JOIN table4 tab4 ON ( =
       LEFT OUTER JOIN table3 tab3 ON (tab4.xya = tab3.xya and tab3.desc = 'XYZ')
       LEFT OUTER JOIN table5 tab5 on (tab4.kk = tab5.kk AND
                                       tab3.dd = tab5.dd)

Why does Lua have no "continue" statement?

We can achieve it as below, it will skip even numbers

local len = 5
for i = 1, len do
        if i%2 == 0 then break end
        print(" i = "..i)
    until true


i = 1
i = 3
i = 5

Git clone without .git directory


git clone --depth=1 --branch=master git://someserver/somerepo dirformynewrepo
rm -rf ./dirformynewrepo/.git
  • The depth option will make sure to copy the least bit of history possible to get that repo.
  • The branch option is optional and if not specified would get master.
  • The second line will make your directory dirformynewrepo not a Git repository any more.
  • If you're doing recursive submodule clone, the depth and branch parameter don't apply to the submodules.

Search all tables, all columns for a specific value SQL Server

The below Query works but very slow... copied from

Declare @SearchStr nvarchar(100)

SET  @SearchStr='Search String' BEGIN

CREATE TABLE #Results (ColumnName nvarchar(370), ColumnValue nvarchar(3630))


DECLARE @TableName nvarchar(256), @ColumnName nvarchar(128),
 @SearchStr2 nvarchar(110)  SET  @TableName = ''    SET @SearchStr2 =
 QUOTENAME('%' + @SearchStr + '%','''')

WHILE @TableName IS NOT NULL    
  SET @ColumnName = ''      
  SET @TableName =  (
        'IsMSShipped') = 0)

  WHILE (@TableName IS NOT NULL) AND (@ColumnName IS NOT NULL)      
    SET @ColumnName = (
        AND TABLE_NAME = PARSENAME(@TableName, 1)
      AND DATA_TYPE IN ('char', 'varchar', 'nchar', 'nvarchar')
      IF @ColumnName IS NOT NULL            
      INSERT INTO #Results
        'SELECT ''' + @TableName + '.' + @ColumnName + ''', LEFT(' + @ColumnName + 
          ', 3630) FROM ' + @TableName + ' (NOLOCK) ' +
        ' WHERE ' + @ColumnName + ' LIKE ' + @SearchStr2

  SELECT ColumnName, ColumnValue FROM #Results END

Launch an app from within another (iPhone)

You can only launch apps that have registered a URL scheme. Then just like you open the SMS app by using sms:, you'll be able to open the app using their URL scheme.

There is a very good example available in the docs called LaunchMe which demonstrates this.

LaunchMe sample code as of 6th Nov 2017.

How to determine the longest increasing subsequence using dynamic programming?

Simplest LIS solution in C++ with O(nlog(n)) time complexity

#include <iostream>
#include "vector"
using namespace std;

// binary search (If value not found then it will return the index where the value should be inserted)
int ceilBinarySearch(vector<int> &a,int beg,int end,int value)
        int mid = (beg+end)/2;
        if(a[mid] == value)
            return mid;
        else if(value < a[mid])
            return ceilBinarySearch(a,beg,mid-1,value);
            return ceilBinarySearch(a,mid+1,end,value);

    return 0;

    return beg;

int lis(vector<int> arr)
    vector<int> dp(arr.size(),0);
    int len = 0;
    for(int i = 0;i<arr.size();i++)
        int j = ceilBinarySearch(dp,0,len-1,arr[i]);
        dp[j] = arr[i];
        if(j == len)

    return len;

int main()
    vector<int> arr  {2, 5,-1,0,6,1,2};
    return 0;


Can I find events bound on an element with jQuery?

Note that events may be attached to the document itself rather than the element in question. In that case, you'll want to use:

$._data( $(document)[0], "events" );

And find the event with the correct selector:

enter image description here

And then look at the handler > [[FunctionLocation]]

enter image description here

Databound drop down list - initial value

hi friend in this case you can use the


and after this use the list item. for e.g.:

<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" AppendDataBoundItems="true">
    <asp:ListItem Text="--Select One--" Value="" />   

but the problem in this is after second time select data are append with old data.

how to get selected row value in the KendoUI

I think it needs to be checked if any row is selected or not? The below code would check it:

var entityGrid = $("#EntitesGrid").data("kendoGrid");
            var selectedItem = entityGrid.dataItem(;
            if (selectedItem != undefined)
                alert("The Row Is SELECTED");
                alert("NO Row Is SELECTED")

Does svn have a `revert-all` command?

You could do:

svn revert -R .

This will not delete any new file not under version control. But you can easily write a shell script to do that like:

for file in `svn status|grep "^ *?"|sed -e 's/^ *? *//'`; do rm $file ; done

Pandas merge two dataframes with different columns

I think in this case concat is what you want:

In [12]:

pd.concat([df,df1], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
   attr_1  attr_2  attr_3  id  quantity
0       0       1     NaN   1        20
1       1       1     NaN   2        23
2       1       1     NaN   3        19
3       0       0     NaN   4        19
4       1     NaN       0   5         8
5       0     NaN       1   6        13
6       1     NaN       1   7        20
7       1     NaN       1   8        25

by passing axis=0 here you are stacking the df's on top of each other which I believe is what you want then producing NaN value where they are absent from their respective dfs.

How do I make a composite key with SQL Server Management Studio?

Open up the table designer in SQL Server Management Studio (right-click table and select 'Design')

Holding down the Ctrl key highlight two or more columns in the left hand table margin

Hit the little 'Key' on the standard menu bar at the top

You're done..


.NET Out Of Memory Exception - Used 1.3GB but have 16GB installed

As already mentioned, compiling the app in x64 gives you far more available memory.

But in the case one must build an app in x86, there is a way to raise the memory limit from 1,2GB to 4GB (which is the actual limit for 32 bit processes):

In the VC/bin folder of the Visual Studio installation directory, there must be an editbin.exe file. So in my default installation I find it under

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\editbin.exe

In order to make the program work, maybe you must execute vcvars32.bat in the same directory first. Then a

editbin /LARGEADDRESSAWARE <your compiled exe file>

is enough to let your program use 4GB RAM. <your compiled exe file> is the exe, which VS generated while compiling your project.

If you want to automate this behavior every time you compile your project, use the following Post-Build event for the executed project:

if exist "$(DevEnvDir)..\tools\vsvars32.bat" (
   call "$(DevEnvDir)..\tools\vsvars32.bat"
   editbin /largeaddressaware "$(TargetPath)"

Sidenote: The same can be done with the devenv.exe to let Visual Studio also use 4GB RAM instead of 1.2GB (but first backup the old devenv.exe).

Detect click outside React component

Bit late to the party, but I was having issues getting any of these to work with a React.Select dropdown as the option clicked would no longer be contained within the parent I was looking to click out of by the time onClick was fired.

I got round this issue by using:

componentDidMount() {
    document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onClick );

componentWillUnmount() {
    document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.onClick );

onClick = (event) => {
    if(!event.path.includes(this.detectOutsideClicksDiv)) {
        // Do stuff here

Tomcat: LifecycleException when deploying

Remove the servlet-api.jar from build path and just add it on web-inf lib folder and then export the WAR'll work...cheers..!!!

Swift: declare an empty dictionary

You need to explicitly tell the data type or the type can be inferred when you declare anything in Swift.

Swift 3

The sample below declare a dictionary with key as a Int type and the value as a String type.

Method 1: Initializer

let dic = Dictionary<Int, String>()

Method 2: Shorthand Syntax

let dic = [Int:String]()

Method 3: Dictionary Literal

var dic = [1: "Sample"]
// dic has NOT to be a constant

Multiple file upload in php

this simple script worked for me.


foreach($_FILES as $file){
  //echo $file['name']; 
  echo $file['tmp_name'].'</br>'; 
  move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], "./uploads/".$file["name"]);


updating Google play services in Emulator

My answer is not to update the Google play service but work around. Get the play service version of the emulator by using the following code

getPackageManager().getPackageInfo("", 0 ).versionName);

For example if the value is "9.8.79" then use the nearest lesser version available'

This will resolve your problem. Get the release history from

Kill python interpeter in linux from the terminal

There's a rather crude way of doing this, but be careful because first, this relies on python interpreter process identifying themselves as python, and second, it has the concomitant effect of also killing any other processes identified by that name.

In short, you can kill all python interpreters by typing this into your shell (make sure you read the caveats above!):

ps aux | grep python | grep -v "grep python" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9

To break this down, this is how it works. The first bit, ps aux | grep python | grep -v "grep python", gets the list of all processes calling themselves python, with the grep -v making sure that the grep command you just ran isn't also included in the output. Next, we use awk to get the second column of the output, which has the process ID's. Finally, these processes are all (rather unceremoniously) killed by supplying each of them with kill -9.

Email and phone Number Validation in android

in Kotlin you can use Extension function to validate input

// for Email validation

 fun String.isValidEmail(): Boolean =
        this.isNotEmpty() && Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(this).matches()

// for Phone validation

fun String.isValidMobile(phone: String): Boolean {
    return Patterns.PHONE.matcher(phone).matches()

How do I do logging in C# without using 3rd party libraries?

public void Logger(string lines)
  //Write the string to a file.append mode is enabled so that the log
  //lines get appended to  test.txt than wiping content and writing the log

  using(System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("c:\\test.txt", true))

For more information MSDN

class << self idiom in Ruby

First, the class << foo syntax opens up foo's singleton class (eigenclass). This allows you to specialise the behaviour of methods called on that specific object.

a = 'foo'
class << a
  def inspect
a.inspect   # => "bar"

a = 'foo'   # new object, new singleton class
a.inspect   # => "foo"

Now, to answer the question: class << self opens up self's singleton class, so that methods can be redefined for the current self object (which inside a class or module body is the class or module itself). Usually, this is used to define class/module ("static") methods:

class String
  class << self
    def value_of obj

String.value_of 42   # => "42"

This can also be written as a shorthand:

class String
  def self.value_of obj

Or even shorter:

def String.value_of obj

When inside a function definition, self refers to the object the function is being called with. In this case, class << self opens the singleton class for that object; one use of that is to implement a poor man's state machine:

class StateMachineExample
  def process obj
    process_hook obj

  def process_state_1 obj
    # ...
    class << self
      alias process_hook process_state_2

  def process_state_2 obj
    # ...
    class << self
      alias process_hook process_state_1

  # Set up initial state
  alias process_hook process_state_1

So, in the example above, each instance of StateMachineExample has process_hook aliased to process_state_1, but note how in the latter, it can redefine process_hook (for self only, not affecting other StateMachineExample instances) to process_state_2. So, each time a caller calls the process method (which calls the redefinable process_hook), the behaviour changes depending on what state it's in.

Tokenizing strings in C

int not_in_delimiter(char c, char *delim){

    while(*delim != '\0'){
            if(c == *delim) return 0;
    return 1;

char *token_separater(char *source, char *delimiter, char **last){

char *begin, *next_token;
char *sbegin;

/*Get the start of the token */
  begin = source;
  begin = *last;

sbegin = begin;

/*Scan through the string till we find character in delimiter. */
while(*begin != '\0' && not_in_delimiter(*begin, delimiter)){

/* Check if we have reached at of the string */
if(*begin == '\0') {
/* We dont need to come further, hence return NULL*/
   *last = NULL;
    return sbegin;
/* Scan the string till we find a character which is not in delimiter */
 next_token  = begin;
 while(next_token != '\0' && !not_in_delimiter(*next_token, delimiter))    {
 /* If we have not reached at the end of the string */
 if(*next_token != '\0'){
  *last = next_token--;
  *next_token = '\0';
   return sbegin;

 void main(){

    char string[10] = "abcb_dccc";
    char delim[10] = "_";
    char *token = NULL;
    char *last = "" ;
    token  = token_separater(string, delim, &last);
    printf("%s\n", token);
            token  = token_separater(NULL, delim, &last);
            printf("%s\n", token);


You can read detail analysis at blog mentioned in my profile :)

The model backing the 'ApplicationDbContext' context has changed since the database was created

Deleting Rows in [__MigrationHistory] table with Older productVersion worked for me. This answer is for those who don't want to delete entire [__MigrationHistory] table. Just delete the rows with older version in ProductVersion Column. Hope it helps some one!

What is the difference between print and puts?

puts call the to_s of each argument and adds a new line to each string, if it does not end with new line. print just output each argument by calling their to_s.

for example: puts "one two": one two

{new line}

puts "one two\n": one two

{new line} #puts will not add a new line to the result, since the string ends with a new line

print "one two": one two

print "one two\n": one two

{new line}

And there is another way to output: p

For each object, directly writes obj.inspect followed by a newline to the program’s standard output.

It is helpful to output debugging message. p "aa\n\t": aa\n\t

How to manage local vs production settings in Django?

I differentiate it in and created two separate settings file: and

In I check whether the server is local server or production server. If it is a local server it would load up and it is a production server it would load up Basically this is how it would look like:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import socket
from import execute_manager 

ipaddress = socket.gethostbyname( socket.gethostname() )
if ipaddress == '':
        import local_settings # Assumed to be in the same directory.
        settings = local_settings
    except ImportError:
        import sys
        sys.stderr.write("Error: Can't find the file '' in the directory containing %r. It appears you've customized things.\nYou'll have to run, passing it your settings module.\n(If the file does indeed exist, it's causing an ImportError somehow.)\n" % __file__)
        import prod_settings # Assumed to be in the same directory.
        settings = prod_settings    
    except ImportError:
        import sys
        sys.stderr.write("Error: Can't find the file '' in the directory containing %r. It appears you've customized things.\nYou'll have to run, passing it your settings module.\n(If the file does indeed exist, it's causing an ImportError somehow.)\n" % __file__)

if __name__ == "__main__":

I found it to be easier to separate the settings file into two separate file instead of doing lots of ifs inside the settings file.

How to use null in switch

Just consider how the SWITCH might work,

  • in case of primitives we know it can fail with NPE for auto-boxing
  • but for String or enum, it might be invoking equals method, which obviously needs a LHS value on which equals is being invoked. So, given no method can be invoked on a null, switch cant handle null.

Parsing XML in Python using ElementTree example

So I have ElementTree 1.2.6 on my box now, and ran the following code against the XML chunk you posted:

import elementtree.ElementTree as ET

tree = ET.parse("test.xml")
doc = tree.getroot()
thingy = doc.find('timeSeries')

print thingy.attrib

and got the following back:

{'name': 'NWIS Time Series Instantaneous Values'}

It appears to have found the timeSeries element without needing to use numerical indices.

What would be useful now is knowing what you mean when you say "it doesn't work." Since it works for me given the same input, it is unlikely that ElementTree is broken in some obvious way. Update your question with any error messages, backtraces, or anything you can provide to help us help you.

Why a function checking if a string is empty always returns true?

PHP evaluates an empty string to false, so you can simply use:

if (trim($userinput['phoneNumber'])) {
  // validate the phone number
} else {
  echo "Phone number not entered<br/>";

Eslint: How to disable "unexpected console statement" in Node.js?

Use Window Object


What database does Google use?

Google primarily uses Bigtable.

Bigtable is a distributed storage system for managing structured data that is designed to scale to a very large size.

For more information, download the document from here.

Google also uses Oracle and MySQL databases for some of their applications.

Any more information you can add is highly appreciated.

Handling back button in Android Navigation Component

If you are using BaseFragment for your app then you can add onBackPressedDispatcher to your base fragment.

//Make a BaseFragment for all your fragments
abstract class BaseFragment : Fragment() {

private lateinit var callback: OnBackPressedCallback

 * SetBackButtonDispatcher in OnCreate

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

 * Adding BackButtonDispatcher callback to activity
private fun setBackButtonDispatcher() {
    callback = object : OnBackPressedCallback(true) {
        override fun handleOnBackPressed() {
    requireActivity().onBackPressedDispatcher.addCallback(this, callback)

 * Override this method into your fragment to handleBackButton
  open fun onBackPressed() {


Override onBackPressed() in your fragment by extending basefragment

//How to use this into your fragment
class MyFragment() : BaseFragment(){

private lateinit var mView: View

override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
    mView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_my, container, false)
    return mView.rootView

override fun onBackPressed() {
    //Write your code here on back pressed.


Get the closest number out of an array

A simpler way with O(n) time complexity is to do this in one iteration of the array. This method is intended for unsorted arrays.

Following is a javascript example, here from the array we find the number which is nearest to "58".

var inputArr = [150, 5, 200, 50, 30];
var search = 58;
var min = Math.min();
var result = 0;
for(i=0;i<inputArr.length;i++) {
  let absVal = Math.abs(search - inputArr[i])
  if(min > absVal) {
    result = inputArr[i];
console.log(result); //expected output 50 if input is 58

This will work for positive, negative, decimal numbers as well.

Math.min() will return Infinity.

The result will store the value nearest to the search element.

Multiple left-hand assignment with JavaScript

a = (b = 'string is truthy'); // b gets string; a gets b, which is a primitive (copy)
a = (b = { c: 'yes' }); // they point to the same object; a === b (not a copy)

(a && b) is logically (a ? b : a) and behaves like multiplication (eg. !!a * !!b)

(a || b) is logically (a ? a : b) and behaves like addition (eg. !!a + !!b)

(a = 0, b) is short for not caring if a is truthy, implicitly return b

a = (b = 0) && "nope, but a is 0 and b is 0"; // b is falsey + order of operations
a = (b = "b is this string") && "a gets this string"; // b is truthy + order of ops

JavaScript Operator Precedence (Order of Operations)

Note that the comma operator is actually the least privileged operator, but parenthesis are the most privileged, and they go hand-in-hand when constructing one-line expressions.

Eventually, you may need 'thunks' rather than hardcoded values, and to me, a thunk is both the function and the resultant value (the same 'thing').

const windowInnerHeight = () => 0.8 * window.innerHeight; // a thunk

windowInnerHeight(); // a thunk

How to remove frame from matplotlib (pyplot.figure vs matplotlib.figure ) (frameon=False Problematic in matplotlib)

plt.savefig(file_path, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches = 0)

plt.savefig has those options in itself, just need to set axes off before

Best GUI designer for eclipse?

It's not free or open source. But you can give Intellij Idea's SWING GUI designer a try.

Difference between Static methods and Instance methods

Difference between Static methods and Instance methods

  1. Instance method are methods which require an object of its class to be created before it can be called. Static methods are the methods in Java that can be called without creating an object of class.

  2. Static method is declared with static keyword. Instance method is not with static keyword.

  3. Static method means which will exist as a single copy for a class. But instance methods exist as multiple copies depending on the number of instances created for that class.

  4. Static methods can be invoked by using class reference. Instance or non static methods are invoked by using object reference.

  5. Static methods can’t access instance methods and instance variables directly. Instance method can access static variables and static methods directly.

Reference : geeksforgeeks

Checking if type == list in python

You should try using isinstance()

if isinstance(object, list):
       ## DO what you want

In your case

if isinstance(tmpDict[key], list):

To elaborate:

x = [1,2,3]
if type(x) == list():
    print "This wont work"
if type(x) == list:                  ## one of the way to see if it's list
    print "this will work"           
if type(x) == type(list()):
    print "lets see if this works"
if isinstance(x, list):              ## most preferred way to check if it's list
    print "This should work just fine"

The difference between isinstance() and type() though both seems to do the same job is that isinstance() checks for subclasses in addition, while type() doesn’t.

How to create new folder?

Have you tried os.mkdir?

You might also try this little code snippet:

mypath = ...
if not os.path.isdir(mypath):

makedirs creates multiple levels of directories, if needed.

How do I make a simple makefile for gcc on Linux?

Interesting, I didn't know make would default to using the C compiler given rules regarding source files.

Anyway, a simple solution that demonstrates simple Makefile concepts would be:

HEADERS = program.h headers.h

default: program

program.o: program.c $(HEADERS)
    gcc -c program.c -o program.o

program: program.o
    gcc program.o -o program

    -rm -f program.o
    -rm -f program

(bear in mind that make requires tab instead of space indentation, so be sure to fix that when copying)

However, to support more C files, you'd have to make new rules for each of them. Thus, to improve:

HEADERS = program.h headers.h
OBJECTS = program.o

default: program

%.o: %.c $(HEADERS)
    gcc -c $< -o $@

program: $(OBJECTS)
    gcc $(OBJECTS) -o $@

    -rm -f $(OBJECTS)
    -rm -f program

I tried to make this as simple as possible by omitting variables like $(CC) and $(CFLAGS) that are usually seen in makefiles. If you're interested in figuring that out, I hope I've given you a good start on that.

Here's the Makefile I like to use for C source. Feel free to use it:

TARGET = prog
LIBS = -lm
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -g -Wall

.PHONY: default all clean

default: $(TARGET)
all: default

OBJECTS = $(patsubst %.c, %.o, $(wildcard *.c))
HEADERS = $(wildcard *.h)

%.o: %.c $(HEADERS)
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@


    $(CC) $(OBJECTS) -Wall $(LIBS) -o $@

    -rm -f *.o
    -rm -f $(TARGET)

It uses the wildcard and patsubst features of the make utility to automatically include .c and .h files in the current directory, meaning when you add new code files to your directory, you won't have to update the Makefile. However, if you want to change the name of the generated executable, libraries, or compiler flags, you can just modify the variables.

In either case, don't use autoconf, please. I'm begging you! :)

How do I remove/delete a virtualenv?

Use rmvirtualenv

Remove an environment, in the $WORKON_HOME.


rmvirtualenv ENVNAME

You must use deactivate before removing the current environment.

$ rmvirtualenv my_env


How to flush output after each `echo` call?

One thing that is not often mentionned is gzip compression that keeps turned ON because of details in various hosting environments.

Here is a modern approach, working with PHP-FPM as Fast CGI, which does not need .htaccess rewrite rule or environment variable :

In php.ini or .user.ini :

output_buffering = 0
zlib.output_compression = 0
implicit_flush = true
output_handler = 

In PHP script :

header('Content-Encoding: none'); // Disable gzip compression
ob_end_flush(); // Stop buffer
ob_implicit_flush(1); // Implicit flush at each output command

See this comment on official PHP doc for ob_end_flush() need.

How to enter newline character in Oracle?

According to the Oracle PLSQL language definition, a character literal can contain "any printable character in the character set".

@Robert Love's answer exhibits a best practice for readable code, but you can also just type in the linefeed character into the code. Here is an example from a Linux terminal using sqlplus:

SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> begin   
  2  dbms_output.put_line( 'hello' || chr(10) || 'world' );
  3  end;
  4  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> begin
  2  dbms_output.put_line( 'hello
  3  world' );
  4  end;
  5  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Instead of the CHR( NN ) function you can also use Unicode literal escape sequences like u'\0085' which I prefer because, well you know we are not living in 1970 anymore. See the equivalent example below:

SQL> begin
  2  dbms_output.put_line( 'hello' || u'\000A' || 'world' );
  3  end;
  4  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

For fair coverage I guess it is worth noting that different operating systems use different characters/character sequences for end of line handling. You've got to have a think about the context in which your program output is going to be viewed or printed, in order to determine whether you are using the right technique.

  • Microsoft Windows: CR/LF or u'\000D\000A'
  • Unix (including Apple MacOS): LF or u'\000A'
  • IBM OS390: NEL or u'\0085'
  • HTML: '<BR>'
  • XHTML: '<br />'
  • etc. etc.

How to Parse JSON Array with Gson

you can get List value without using Type object.

EvalClassName[] evalClassName;
ArrayList<EvalClassName> list;
evalClassName= new Gson().fromJson(JSONArrayValue.toString(),EvalClassName[].class);
list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(evalClassName));

I have tested it and it is working.

How and when to use ‘async’ and ‘await’

The answers here are useful as a general guidance about await/async. They also contain some detail about how await/async is wired. I would like to share some practical experience with you that you should know before using this design pattern.

The term "await" is literal, so whatever thread you call it on will wait for the result of the method before continuing. On the foreground thread, this is a disaster. The foreground thread carries the burden of constructing your app, including views, view models, initial animations, and whatever else you have boot-strapped with those elements. So when you await the foreground thread, you stop the app. The user waits and waits when nothing appears to happen. This provides a negative user experience.

You can certainly await a background thread using a variety of means:

Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () => { await AnyAwaitableMethod(); });

// Notice that we do not await the following call, 
// as that would tie it to the foreground thread.
Task.Run(async () => { await AnyAwaitableMethod(); });

The complete code for these remarks is at See the solution called AwaitAsyncAntipattern.sln.

The GitHub site also provides links to a more detailed discussion on this topic.

C# Telnet Library

Here is my code that is finally working

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;

class TelnetTest

    static void Main(string[] args)
        TelnetTest tt = new TelnetTest();

        tt.tcpClient = new TcpClient("myserver", 23);
        tt.ns = tt.tcpClient.GetStream();

        tt.connectHost("admin", "admin");


public void connectHost(string user, string passwd) {
    bool i = true;
    while (i)
        Byte[] output = new Byte[1024];
        String responseoutput = String.Empty;
        Byte[] cmd = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("\n");
        ns.Write(cmd, 0, cmd.Length);

        Int32 bytes = ns.Read(output, 0, output.Length);
        responseoutput = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(output, 0, bytes);
        Console.WriteLine("Responseoutput: " + responseoutput);
        Regex objToMatch = new Regex("login:");
        if (objToMatch.IsMatch(responseoutput)) {
           cmd = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(user + "\r");
           ns.Write(cmd, 0, cmd.Length);

        bytes = ns.Read(output, 0, output.Length);
        responseoutput = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(output, 0, bytes);
        objToMatch = new Regex("Password");
        if (objToMatch.IsMatch(responseoutput))
            cmd = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(passwd + "\r");
            ns.Write(cmd, 0, cmd.Length);

        bytes = ns.Read(output, 0, output.Length);
        responseoutput = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(output, 0, bytes);
        Console.Write("Responseoutput: " + responseoutput);

        objToMatch = new Regex("#");
        if (objToMatch.IsMatch(responseoutput))
            i = false;


    Console.WriteLine("Just works");

Flutter plugin not installed error;. When running flutter doctor

When you execute the flutter doctor command it checks your environment and displays a report to the terminal window. In your case it seems that you did not install the dart and flutter plugin to be able to use them in Android Studio.

To install a plugin, click on Files>Settings>Plugins>install jetbrain plugins

The plugins will add new functionalities to android studio related to flutter. Example it will add the flutter inspector, outliner.

The SDK that you added to the path, will be needed when creating a new flutter project.

enter image description here

Should I set max pool size in database connection string? What happens if I don't?

We can define maximum pool size in following way:


How to split a dos path into its components in Python

The problem here starts with how you're creating the string in the first place.

a = "d:\stuff\morestuff\furtherdown\THEFILE.txt"

Done this way, Python is trying to special case these: \s, \m, \f, and \T. In your case, \f is being treated as a formfeed (0x0C) while the other backslashes are handled correctly. What you need to do is one of these:

b = "d:\\stuff\\morestuff\\furtherdown\\THEFILE.txt"      # doubled backslashes
c = r"d:\stuff\morestuff\furtherdown\THEFILE.txt"         # raw string, no doubling necessary

Then once you split either of these, you'll get the result you want.

Gradle DSL method not found: 'runProguard'

enter image description hereIf you are using version 0.14.0 or higher of the gradle plugin, you should replace "runProguard" with "minifyEnabled" in your build.gradle files.

runProguard was renamed to minifyEnabled in version 0.14.0. For more info, See Android Build System

How to create a new variable in a data.frame based on a condition?

If you have a very limited number of levels, you could try converting y into factor and change its levels.

> xy <- data.frame(x = c(1, 2, 4), y = c(1, 4, 5))
> xy$w <- as.factor(xy$y)
> levels(xy$w) <- c("good", "fair", "bad")
> xy
  x y    w
1 1 1 good
2 2 4 fair
3 4 5  bad

How do I give PHP write access to a directory?

chmod does not allow you to set ownership of a file. To set the ownership of the file you must use the chown command.

Font from origin has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy

The only thing that has worked for me (probably because I had inconsistencies with www. usage):

Paste this in to your .htaccess file:

<IfModule mod_headers.c>
<FilesMatch "\.(eot|font.css|otf|ttc|ttf|woff)$">
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
<IfModule mod_mime.c>
# Web fonts
AddType application/font-woff woff
AddType application/ eot

# Browsers usually ignore the font MIME types and sniff the content,
# however, Chrome shows a warning if other MIME types are used for the
# following fonts.
AddType application/x-font-ttf ttc ttf
AddType font/opentype otf

# Make SVGZ fonts work on iPad:
AddType     image/svg+xml svg svgz
AddEncoding gzip svgz


# rewrite ?

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.+)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^ http://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]

In PHP with PDO, how to check the final SQL parametrized query?

So I think I'll finally answer my own question in order to have a full solution for the record. But have to thank Ben James and Kailash Badu which provided the clues for this.

Short Answer
As mentioned by Ben James: NO.
The full SQL query does not exist on the PHP side, because the query-with-tokens and the parameters are sent separately to the database. Only on the database side the full query exists.

Even trying to create a function to replace tokens on the PHP side would not guarantee the replacement process is the same as the SQL one (tricky stuff like token-type, bindValue vs bindParam, ...)

This is where I elaborate on Kailash Badu's answer. By logging all SQL queries, we can see what is really run on the server. With mySQL, this can be done by updating the my.cnf (or my.ini in my case with Wamp server), and adding a line like:


Just do not run this in production!!!

multiple figure in latex with captions

Look at the Subfloats section of,_Figures_and_Captions.


  \subfloat[Subcaption 1]{\label{figur:1}\includegraphics[width=60mm]{explicit3185.eps}}
  \subfloat[Subcaption 2]{\label{figur:2}\includegraphics[width=60mm]{explicit3183.eps}}
  \subfloat[Subcaption 3]{\label{figur:3}\includegraphics[width=60mm]{explicit1501.eps}}
  \subfloat[Subcaption 4]{\label{figur:4}\includegraphics[width=60mm]{explicit23185.eps}}
  \subfloat[Subcaption 5]{\label{figur:5}\includegraphics[width=60mm]{explicit23183.eps}}
  \subfloat[Subcaption 6]{\label{figur:6}\includegraphics[width=60mm]{explicit21501.eps}}


The apk must be signed with the same certificates as the previous version

You can use new feature Google play app signing to generate a new key file .

After May 2017 Google play store add a new feature on Play store and It’s Good News For Android Developers. From this feature, Developer can update their app or Apk who lost a KeyStore file. you need to enable google play app signing on play store console.

Create view with primary key?

You cannot create a primary key on a view. In SQL Server you can create an index on a view but that is different to creating a primary key.

If you give us more information as to why you want a key on your view, perhaps we can help with that.

git: How to diff changed files versus previous versions after a pull?

There are all kinds of wonderful ways to specify commits - see the specifying revisions section of man git-rev-parse for more details. In this case, you probably want:

git diff HEAD@{1}

The @{1} means "the previous position of the ref I've specified", so that evaluates to what you had checked out previously - just before the pull. You can tack HEAD on the end there if you also have some changes in your work tree and you don't want to see the diffs for them.

I'm not sure what you're asking for with "the commit ID of my latest version of the file" - the commit "ID" (SHA1 hash) is that 40-character hex right at the top of every entry in the output of git log. It's the hash for the entire commit, not for a given file. You don't really ever need more - if you want to diff just one file across the pull, do

git diff HEAD@{1} filename

This is a general thing - if you want to know about the state of a file in a given commit, you specify the commit and the file, not an ID/hash specific to the file.

Are there any log file about Windows Services Status?

Under Windows 7, open the Event Viewer. You can do this the way Gishu suggested for XP, typing eventvwr from the command line, or by opening the Control Panel, selecting System and Security, then Administrative Tools and finally Event Viewer. It may require UAC approval or an admin password.

In the left pane, expand Windows Logs and then System. You can filter the logs with Filter Current Log... from the Actions pane on the right and selecting "Service Control Manager." Or, depending on why you want this information, you might just need to look through the Error entries.

enter image description here

The actual log entry pane (not shown) is pretty user-friendly and self-explanatory. You'll be looking for messages like the following:

"The Praxco Assistant service entered the stopped state."
"The Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) service entered the running state."
"The MySQL service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 3 time(s)."

Change a Git remote HEAD to point to something besides master

Since you mention GitHub, to do it on their site simply go into your project, then...

admin > Default Branch > (choose something)


Maven home (M2_HOME) not being picked up by IntelliJ IDEA

type in Terminal:

$ mvn --version

then get following result:

Apache Maven 3.0.5 (r01de14724cdef164cd33c7c8c2fe155faf9602da; 2013-02-19 16:51:28+0300)
Maven home: /opt/local/share/java/maven3
Java version: 1.6.0_65, vendor: Apple Inc.
Java home: /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home
Default locale: ru_RU, platform encoding: MacCyrillic
OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.9.4", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"

here in second line we have:

Maven home: /opt/local/share/java/maven3

type this path into field on configuration dialog. That's all to fix!

Razor If/Else conditional operator syntax

You need to put the entire ternary expression in parenthesis. Unfortunately that means you can't use "@:", but you could do something like this:

@(deletedView ? "Deleted" : "Created by")

Razor currently supports a subset of C# expressions without using @() and unfortunately, ternary operators are not part of that set.

How to set custom favicon in Express?

If you are using Express.static to serve a folder, just put the favicon.ico file in the root of that folder and it will be served when the browser requests it. There's no need to add a link tag to your html or a special middleware route in the application code.

If you're behind a reverse proxy, you may need to specify the media/mime type for the file (here's how in IIS) but if you navigate directly to your app it "just works".

How to list imported modules?

I like using a list comprehension in this case:

>>> [w for w in dir() if w == 'datetime' or w == 'sqlite3']
['datetime', 'sqlite3']

# To count modules of interest...
>>> count = [w for w in dir() if w == 'datetime' or w == 'sqlite3']
>>> len(count)

# To count all installed modules...
>>> count = dir()
>>> len(count)

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" /> Meaning

Modules Preconditions:

The IIS core engine uses preconditions to determine when to enable a particular module. Performance reasons, for example, might determine that you only want to execute managed modules for requests that also go to a managed handler. The precondition in the following example (precondition="managedHandler") only enables the forms authentication module for requests that are also handled by a managed handler, such as requests to .aspx or .asmx files:

<add name="FormsAuthentication" type="System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationModule" preCondition="managedHandler" />

If you remove the attribute precondition="managedHandler", Forms Authentication also applies to content that is not served by managed handlers, such as .html, .jpg, .doc, but also for classic ASP (.asp) or PHP (.php) extensions. See "How to Take Advantage of IIS Integrated Pipeline" for an example of enabling ASP.NET modules to run for all content.

You can also use a shortcut to enable all managed (ASP.NET) modules to run for all requests in your application, regardless of the "managedHandler" precondition.

To enable all managed modules to run for all requests without configuring each module entry to remove the "managedHandler" precondition, use the runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests property in the <modules> section:

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />    

When you use this property, the "managedHandler" precondition has no effect and all managed modules run for all requests.

Copied from IIS Modules Overview: Preconditions

How can I change the font-size of a select option?

We need a trick here...

Normal select-dropdown things won't accept styles. BUT. If there's a "size" parameter in the tag, almost any CSS will apply. With this in mind, I've created a fiddle that's practically equivalent to a normal select tag, plus the value can be edited manually like a ComboBox in visual languages (unless you put readonly in the input tag).

A simplified example:


    /* only these 2 lines are truly required */
    .stylish span {position:relative;}
    .stylish select {position:absolute;left:0px;display:none}

    /* now you can style the hell out of them */
    .stylish input    { ... }
    .stylish select   { ... }
    .stylish option   { ... }
    .stylish optgroup { ... }

<div class="stylish">
    <label> Choose your superhero: </label>
        <input onclick="$(this).closest('div').find('select').slideToggle(110)">
        <select size=15 onclick="$(this).hide().closest('div').find('input').val($(this).find('option:selected').text());">

            <optgroup label="Fantasy"></optgroup>
            <option value="gandalf">Gandalf</option>
            <option value="harry">Harry Potter</option>
            <option value="jon">Jon Snow</option>

            <optgroup label="Comics"></optgroup>
            <option value="tony">Tony Stark</option>
            <option value="steve">Steven Rogers</option>
            <option value="natasha">Natasha Romanova</option>


        For the sake of simplicity, I used jQuery here.
        Today it's easy to do the same without it, now
        that we have querySelector(), closest(), etc.


A live example:

Note 1: Sorry for the gradients & all fancy stuff, no they're not necessary, yes I'm showing off, I know, hashtag onlyhuman, hashtag notproud.

Note 2: Those <optgroup> tags don't encapsulate the options belonging under them as they normally should; this is intentional. It's better for the styling (the well-mannered way would be a lot less stylable), and yes this is painless and works in every browser.

How to add a second css class with a conditional value in razor MVC 4

You can add property to your model as follows:

    public string DetailsClass { get { return Details.Count > 0 ? "show" : "hide" } }

and then your view will be simpler and will contain no logic at all:

    <div class="details @Model.DetailsClass"/>

This will work even with many classes and will not render class if it is null:

    <div class="@Model.Class1 @Model.Class2"/>

with 2 not null properties will render:

    <div class="class1 class2"/>

if class1 is null

    <div class=" class2"/>

Convert unix time to readable date in pandas dataframe

These appear to be seconds since epoch.

In [20]: df = DataFrame(data['values'])

In [21]: df.columns = ["date","price"]

In [22]: df
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 358 entries, 0 to 357
Data columns (total 2 columns):
date     358  non-null values
price    358  non-null values
dtypes: float64(1), int64(1)

In [23]: df.head()
         date  price
0  1349720105  12.08
1  1349806505  12.35
2  1349892905  12.15
3  1349979305  12.19
4  1350065705  12.15
In [25]: df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'],unit='s')

In [26]: df.head()
                 date  price
0 2012-10-08 18:15:05  12.08
1 2012-10-09 18:15:05  12.35
2 2012-10-10 18:15:05  12.15
3 2012-10-11 18:15:05  12.19
4 2012-10-12 18:15:05  12.15

In [27]: df.dtypes
date     datetime64[ns]
price           float64
dtype: object

Regular Expression to match only alphabetic characters

This will match one or more alphabetical characters:


You can make it case insensitive using:




Left Join With Where Clause

When making OUTER JOINs (ANSI-89 or ANSI-92), filtration location matters because criteria specified in the ON clause is applied before the JOIN is made. Criteria against an OUTER JOINed table provided in the WHERE clause is applied after the JOIN is made. This can produce very different result sets. In comparison, it doesn't matter for INNER JOINs if the criteria is provided in the ON or WHERE clauses -- the result will be the same.

  SELECT  s.*, 
                               AND cs.character_id = 1

How do I trim() a string in angularjs?

JS .trim() is supported in basically everthing, except IE 8 and below.

If you want it to work with that, then, you can use JQuery, but it'll need to be <2.0.0 (as they removed support for IE8 in the 2.x.x line).

Your other option, if you care about IE7/8 (As you mention earlier), is to add trim yourself:

if(typeof String.prototype.trim !== 'function') {
  String.prototype.trim = function() {
    return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); 

How to rollback everything to previous commit

I searched for multiple options to get my git reset to specific commit, but most of them aren't so satisfactory.

I generally use this to reset the git to the specific commit in source tree.

  1. select commit to reset on sourcetree.

  2. In dropdowns select the active branch , first Parent Only

  3. And right click on "Reset branch to this commit" and select hard reset option (soft, mixed and hard)

  4. and then go to terminal git push -f

You should be all set!

ng-if check if array is empty

Verify the length property of the array to be greater than 0:

<p ng-if="post.capabilities.items.length > 0">
   <span ng-repeat="topic in post.capabilities.items">

Arrays (objects) in JavaScript are truthy values, so your initial verification <p ng-if="post.capabilities.items"> evaluates always to true, even if the array is empty.

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute

For me, the reason for this error was that there was a folder with the same name as the python module I was trying to import.

|-- core  <-- empty directory on the same level as the module that throws the error

And python treated that folder as a python package and tried to import from that empty package "core", not from

Seems like for some reason git left that empty folder during the branches switch

So I just removed that folder and everything worked like a charm

Debug message "Resource interpreted as other but transferred with MIME type application/javascript"

Another common cause of this error on the Mac is Apple's quarantine flag.

ls the directory containing the resource(s) in question. If you see the extended attribute indicator, i.e., the little @ symbol at the end of the permissions block (e.g. -rw-r--r--@ ) then the file could be quarantined.

Try ls -la@e and look for

The following command will remove the quarantine:

xattr -d /path/to/file

When do you use POST and when do you use GET?

This traverses into the concept of REST and how the web was kinda intended on being used. There is an excellent podcast on Software Engineering radio that gives an in depth talk about the use of Get and Post.

Get is used to pull data from the server, where an update action shouldn't be needed. The idea being is that you should be able to use the same GET request over and over and have the same information returned. The URL has the get information in the query string, because it was meant to be able to be easily sent to other systems and people like a address on where to find something.

Post is supposed to be used (at least by the REST architecture which the web is kinda based on) for pushing information to the server/telling the server to perform an action. Examples like: Update this data, Create this record.

LINQ: combining join and group by

We did it like this:

from p in Products                         
join bp in BaseProducts on p.BaseProductId equals bp.Id                    
where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.SomeId) && p.LastPublished >= lastDate                         
group new { p, bp } by new { p.SomeId } into pg    
let firstproductgroup = pg.FirstOrDefault()
let product = firstproductgroup.p
let baseproduct = firstproductgroup.bp
let minprice = pg.Min(m => m.p.Price)
let maxprice = pg.Max(m => m.p.Price)
select new ProductPriceMinMax
SomeId = product.SomeId,
BaseProductName = baseproduct.Name,
CountryCode = product.CountryCode,
MinPrice = minprice, 
MaxPrice = maxprice

EDIT: we used the version of AakashM, because it has better performance

How to save username and password with Mercurial?

mercurial_keyring installation on Mac OSX using MacPorts:

sudo port install py-keyring
sudo port install py-mercurial_keyring

Add the following to ~/.hgrc:

# Add your username if you haven't already done so.
username = [email protected]

mercurial_keyring =

Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment

It is stated on the same tutorial that

Please note that the code below is only useful for testing your settings in an application targeting Android API 12 or later

Just change your min SDK version to 12 and it will works

        android:targetSdkVersion="15" />

Haven's tried Aurel's workaround for older versions of the API yet.

How do I open a new window using jQuery?

It's not really something you need jQuery to do. There is a very simple plain old javascript method for doing this:'','GoogleWindow', 'width=800, height=600');

That's it.

The first arg is the url, the second is the name of the window, this should be specified because IE will throw a fit about trying to use window.opener later if there was no window name specified (just a little FYI), and the last two params are width/height.

EDIT: Full specification can be found in the link mmmshuddup provided.

Is it possible to run a .NET 4.5 app on XP?

Last version to support windows XP (SP3) is mono- and that doesnot replace .NET 4.5 but could be of interest for some applications.

see there:

how to overlap two div in css?

add to second div bottomDiv

and add this to css.


How do I create a new Git branch from an old commit?


This will create a new branch called 'NEW_BRANCH_NAME' and check it out.

("check out" means "to switch to the branch")


This just creates the new branch without checking it out.

in the comments many people seem to prefer doing this in two steps. here's how to do so in two steps:

git checkout COMMIT_ID
# you are now in the "detached head" state
git checkout -b NEW_BRANCH_NAME

Responsive iframe using Bootstrap

The best solution that worked great for me.

You have to: Copy this code to your main CSS file,

.responsive-video {
    position: relative;
    padding-bottom: 56.25%;
    padding-top: 60px; overflow: hidden;

.responsive-video iframe,
.responsive-video object,
.responsive-video embed {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

and then put your embeded video to

<div class="responsive-video">
    <iframe ></iframe>

That’s it! Now you can use responsive videos on your site.

AngularJS directive does not update on scope variable changes

You should keep a watch on your scope.

Here is how you can do it:

<layout layoutId="myScope"></layout>

Your directive should look like

app.directive('layout', function($http, $compile){
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
            layoutId: "=layoutId"
        link: function(scope, element, attributes) {
            var layoutName = (angular.isDefined( ? : 'Default';
            $http.get(scope.constants.pathLayouts + layoutName + '.html')
                    var regexp = /^([\s\S]*?){{content}}([\s\S]*)$/g;
                    var result = regexp.exec(layout);

                    var templateWithLayout = result[1] + element.html() + result[2];

        //Do Whatever you want

Similarly you can models in your directive, so if model updates automatically your watch method will update your directive.

React Native: Possible unhandled promise rejection

In My case, I am running a local Django backend in IP with Expo start. Just make sure you have the server in public domain not hosted lcoally on your machine

Convert pyQt UI to python

I've ran into the same problem recently. After finding the correct path to the pyuic4 file using the file finder I've ran:

C:\Users\ricckli.qgis2\python\plugins\qgis2leaf>C:\OSGeo4W64\bin\pyuic4 -o ui_q ui_qgis2leaf.ui

As you can see my ui file was placed in this folder...

QT Creator was installed separately and the pyuic4 file was placed there with the OSGEO4W installer

Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, resource given

You are mixing mysqli and mysql extensions, which will not work.

You need to use

$myConnection= mysqli_connect("$db_host","$db_username","$db_pass") or die ("could not connect to mysql"); 

mysqli_select_db($myConnection, "mrmagicadam") or die ("no database");   

mysqli has many improvements over the original mysql extension, so it is recommended that you use mysqli.

Passing an Array as Arguments, not an Array, in PHP

For sake of completeness, as of PHP 5.1 this works, too:

function title($title, $name) {
    return sprintf("%s. %s\r\n", $title, $name);
$function = new ReflectionFunction('title');
$myArray = array('Dr', 'Phil');
echo $function->invokeArgs($myArray);  // prints "Dr. Phil"


For methods you use ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs instead and pass the object as first parameter.

How do I make a PHP form that submits to self?

That will only work if register_globals is on, and it should never be on (unless of course you are defining that variable somewhere else).

Try setting the form's action attribute to ?...

<form method="post" action="?">

You can also set it to be blank (""), but older WebKit versions had a bug.

URL encode sees “&” (ampersand) as “&amp;” HTML entity

Without seeing your code, it's hard to answer other than a stab in the dark. I would guess that the string you're passing to encodeURIComponent(), which is the correct method to use, is coming from the result of accessing the innerHTML property. The solution is to get the innerText/textContent property value instead:

var str, 
    el = document.getElementById("myUrl");

if ("textContent" in el)
    str = encodeURIComponent(el.textContent);
    str = encodeURIComponent(el.innerText);

If that isn't the case, you can use the replace() method to replace the HTML entity:

encodeURIComponent(str.replace(/&amp;/g, "&"));

Correct location of openssl.cnf file


This is a local installation. You downloaded and built OpenSSL taking the default prefix, of you configured with ./config --prefix=/usr/local/ssl or ./config --openssldir=/usr/local/ssl.

You will use this if you use the OpenSSL in /usr/local/ssl/bin. That is, /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf will be used when you issue:

/usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 -tls1 -servername localhost


This is where Ubuntu places openssl.cnf for the OpenSSL they provide.

You will use this if you use the OpenSSL in /usr/bin. That is, /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf will be used when you issue:

openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 -tls1 -servername localhost


I don't know when this is used. The stuff in /etc/ssl is usually certificates and private keys, and it sometimes contains a copy of openssl.cnf. But I've never seen it used for anything.

Which is the main/correct one that I should use to make changes?

From the sounds of it, you should probably add the engine to /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf. That ensures most "off the shelf" gear will use the new engine.

After you do that, add it to /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf also because copy/paste is easy.

Here's how to see which openssl.cnf directory is associated with a OpenSSL installation. The library and programs look for openssl.cnf in OPENSSLDIR. OPENSSLDIR is a configure option, and its set with --openssldir.

I'm on a MacBook with 3 different OpenSSL's (Apple's, MacPort's and the one I build):

# Apple    
$ /usr/bin/openssl version -a | grep OPENSSLDIR
OPENSSLDIR: "/System/Library/OpenSSL"

# MacPorts
$ /opt/local/bin/openssl version -a | grep OPENSSLDIR
OPENSSLDIR: "/opt/local/etc/openssl"

# My build of OpenSSL
$ openssl version -a | grep OPENSSLDIR
OPENSSLDIR: "/usr/local/ssl/darwin"

I have an Ubuntu system and I have installed openssl.

Just bike shedding, but be careful of Ubuntu's version of OpenSSL. It disables TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2, so you will only have clients capable of older cipher suites; and you will not be able to use newer ciphers like AES/CTR (to replace RC4) and elliptic curve gear (like ECDHE_ECDSA_* and ECDHE_RSA_*). See Ubuntu 12.04 LTS: OpenSSL downlevel version is 1.0.0, and does not support TLS 1.2 in Launchpad.

EDIT: Ubuntu enabled TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 recently. See Comment 17 on the bug report.

Chosen Jquery Plugin - getting selected values

if you want to get text of a selected option (chosen get display selected value)

 $("#select-id").chosen().find("option:selected" ).text();

Which version of CodeIgniter am I currently using?

You should try :


Or check the file system/core/CodeIgniter.php

Convert date to YYYYMM format

A more efficient method, that uses integer math rather than strings/varchars, that will result in an int type rather than a string type is:


Adds two zeros to the right side of the year and then adds the month to the added two zeros.

Change DIV content using ajax, php and jQuery

try this

   function getmoviename(id)
     var p_url= yoururl from where you get movie name,
     type: "GET",             
     url: p_url,
     data: "id=" + id,
      success: function(data) {


and you html part is

  <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="movie" onclick="getmoviename(youridvariable)">
  Name of movie</a>

  <div id="summary">Here is summary of movie</div>

Remove row lines in twitter bootstrap

bootstrap.min.css is more specific than your own stylesheet if you just use .table td. So use this instead:

.table>tbody>tr>th, .table>tbody>tr>td {
    border-top: none;

Multiple conditions in an IF statement in Excel VBA

In VBA we can not use if jj = 5 or 6 then we must use if jj = 5 or jj = 6 then

maybe this:

If inputWks.Range("d9") > 0 And (inputWks.Range("d11") = "Restricted_Expenditure" Or inputWks.Range("d11") = "Unrestricted_Expenditure") Then

Difference between a virtual function and a pure virtual function

A pure virtual function is usually not (but can be) implemented in a base class and must be implemented in a leaf subclass.

You denote that fact by appending the "= 0" to the declaration, like this:

class AbstractBase
    virtual void PureVirtualFunction() = 0;

Then you cannot declare and instantiate a subclass without it implementing the pure virtual function:

class Derived : public AbstractBase
    virtual void PureVirtualFunction() override { }

By adding the override keyword, the compiler will ensure that there is a base class virtual function with the same signature.

How to change font-size of a tag using inline css?

use this attribute in style

font-size: 11px !important;//your font size

by !important it override your css

C# Copy a file to another location with a different name

Use the File.Copy method instead


File.Copy(@"C:\oldFile.txt", @"C:\newFile.txt");

You can call it whatever you want in the newFile, and it will rename it accordingly.

jQuery - checkbox enable/disable

$jQuery(function() {_x000D_
function enable_cb() {_x000D_
  if (this.checked) {_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
    jQuery("input.group1").attr("disabled", true);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<form name="frmChkForm" id="frmChkForm">_x000D_
  <input type="checkbox" name="chkcc9" id="group1">Check Me <br>_x000D_
  <input type="checkbox" name="chk9[120]" class="group1"><br>_x000D_
  <input type="checkbox" name="chk9[140]" class="group1"><br>_x000D_
  <input type="checkbox" name="chk9[150]" class="group1"><br>_x000D_

What is the purpose of meshgrid in Python / NumPy?

meshgrid helps in creating a rectangular grid from two 1-D arrays of all pairs of points from the two arrays.

x = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
y = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

Now, if you have defined a function f(x,y) and you wanna apply this function to all the possible combination of points from the arrays 'x' and 'y', then you can do this:

f(*np.meshgrid(x, y))

Say, if your function just produces the product of two elements, then this is how a cartesian product can be achieved, efficiently for large arrays.

Referred from here

ASP.NET MVC 404 Error Handling

The response from Marco is the BEST solution. I needed to control my error handling, and I mean really CONTROL it. Of course, I have extended the solution a little and created a full error management system that manages everything. I have also read about this solution in other blogs and it seems very acceptable by most of the advanced developers.

Here is the final code that I am using:

protected void Application_EndRequest()
        if (Context.Response.StatusCode == 404)
            var exception = Server.GetLastError();
            var httpException = exception as HttpException;
            var routeData = new RouteData();
            routeData.Values["controller"] = "ErrorManager";
            routeData.Values["action"] = "Fire404Error";
            routeData.Values["exception"] = exception;
            Response.StatusCode = 500;

            if (httpException != null)
                Response.StatusCode = httpException.GetHttpCode();
                switch (Response.StatusCode)
                    case 404:
                        routeData.Values["action"] = "Fire404Error";
            // Avoid IIS7 getting in the middle
            Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;
            IController errormanagerController = new ErrorManagerController();
            HttpContextWrapper wrapper = new HttpContextWrapper(Context);
            var rc = new RequestContext(wrapper, routeData);

and inside my ErrorManagerController :

        public void Fire404Error(HttpException exception)
        //you can place any other error handling code here
        throw new PageNotFoundException("page or resource");

Now, in my Action, I am throwing a Custom Exception that I have created. And my Controller is inheriting from a custom Controller Based class that I have created. The Custom Base Controller was created to override error handling. Here is my custom Base Controller class:

public class MyBasePageController : Controller
    protected override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
        filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
        this.View("ErrorManager", filterContext).ExecuteResult(this.ControllerContext);

The "ErrorManager" in the above code is just a view that is using a Model based on ExceptionContext

My solution works perfectly and I am able to handle ANY error on my website and display different messages based on ANY exception type.

Extracting text from HTML file using Python

I am achieving it something like this.

>>> import requests
>>> url = ""
>>> res = requests.get(url)
>>> text = res.text

Can you find all classes in a package using reflection?

In general class loaders do not allow for scanning through all the classes on the classpath. But usually the only used class loader is UrlClassLoader from which we can retrieve the list of directories and jar files (see getURLs) and open them one by one to list available classes. This approach, called class path scanning, is implemented in Scannotation and Reflections.

Reflections reflections = new Reflections("my.package");
Set<Class<? extends Object>> classes = reflections.getSubTypesOf(Object.class);

Another approach is to use Java Pluggable Annotation Processing API to write annotation processor which will collect all annotated classes at compile time and build the index file for runtime use. This mechanism is implemented in ClassIndex library:

package my.package;

// your code
Iterable<Class> classes = ClassIndex.getPackageClasses("my.package");

Notice that no additional setup is needed as the scanning is fully automated thanks to Java compiler automatically discovering any processors found on the classpath.

How to choose the id generation strategy when using JPA and Hibernate

A while ago i wrote a detailed article about Hibernate key generators:

Choosing the correct generator is a complicated task but it is important to try and get it right as soon as possible - a late migration might be a nightmare.

A little off topic but a good chance to raise a point usually overlooked which is sharing keys between applications (via API). Personally I always prefer surrogate keys and if I need to communicate my objects with other systems I don't expose my key (even though it is a surrogate one) – I use an additional ‘external key’. As a consultant I have seen more than once 'great' system integrations using object keys (the 'it is there let's just use it' approach) just to find a year or two later that one side has issues with the key range or something of the kind requiring a deep migration on the system exposing its internal keys. Exposing your key means exposing a fundamental aspect of your code to external constrains shouldn’t really be exposed to.

How can you print a variable name in python?

Rather than ask for details to a specific solution, I recommend describing the problem you face; I think you'll get better answers. I say this since there's almost certainly a better way to do whatever it is you're trying to do. Accessing variable names in this way is not commonly needed to solve problems in any language.

That said, all of your variable names are already in dictionaries which are accessible through the built-in functions locals and globals. Use the correct one for the scope you are inspecting.

One of the few common idioms for inspecting these dictionaries is for easy string interpolation:

>>> first = 'John'
>>> last = 'Doe'
>>> print '%(first)s %(last)s' % globals()
John Doe

This sort of thing tends to be a bit more readable than the alternatives even though it requires inspecting variables by name.