These answers seem strangely convoluted. Unless I'm missing something...if you want to convert numbers to letters, you can just stock them all in an array using a for loop then call on the number associated with that column letter. Like so
For intloop = 1 To 26
colcheck(intloop) = Chr$(64 + intloop)
For lenloop = 1 To 26
colcheck((intloop * 26) + lenloop) = Chr$(64 + intloop) & Chr$(64 + lenloop)
For terloop = 1 To 26
colcheck((intloop * 676) + (lenloop * 26) + terloop) = Chr$(64 + intloop) & Chr$(64 + lenloop) & Chr$(64 + terloop)
For qualoop = 1 To 26
colcheck((intloop * 17576) + (lenloop * 676) + (terloop * 26) + qualoop) = Chr$(64 + intloop) & Chr$(64 + lenloop) & Chr$(64 + terloop) & Chr$(64 + qualoop)
Next qualoop
Next terloop
Next lenloop
Next intloop
Then just use colcheck(yourcolumnnumberhere) and you will get the column heading associated with that letter (i.e. colcheck(703) = AAA