[excel] Create excel ranges using column numbers in vba?

These answers seem strangely convoluted. Unless I'm missing something...if you want to convert numbers to letters, you can just stock them all in an array using a for loop then call on the number associated with that column letter. Like so

For intloop = 1 To 26
    colcheck(intloop) = Chr$(64 + intloop)
    For lenloop = 1 To 26
        colcheck((intloop * 26) + lenloop) = Chr$(64 + intloop) & Chr$(64 + lenloop)
        For terloop = 1 To 26
            colcheck((intloop * 676) + (lenloop * 26) + terloop) = Chr$(64 + intloop) & Chr$(64 + lenloop) & Chr$(64 + terloop)
            For qualoop = 1 To 26
                colcheck((intloop * 17576) + (lenloop * 676) + (terloop * 26) + qualoop) = Chr$(64 + intloop) & Chr$(64 + lenloop) & Chr$(64 + terloop) & Chr$(64 + qualoop)
            Next qualoop
        Next terloop
    Next lenloop
Next intloop

Then just use colcheck(yourcolumnnumberhere) and you will get the column heading associated with that letter (i.e. colcheck(703) = AAA