[sql-server] sql delete statement where date is greater than 30 days

I need a SQL statement to delete row that are older than 30 days.

My table events has a field date that contains the date and the time it was inserted in the database.

Will this work?
SELECT * from Results WHERE [Date] >= DATEADD(d, -30, getdate())

This question is related to sql-server date-arithmetic

The answer is

To delete records from a table that have a datetime value in Date_column older than 30 days use this query:

USE Database_name;
DELETE FROM Table_name
WHERE Date_column < GETDATE() - 30

...or this:

USE Database_name;
DELETE FROM Table_name
WHERE Date_column < DATEADD(dd,-30,GETDATE())

To delete records from a table that have a datetime value in Date_column older than 12 hours:

USE Database_name;
DELETE FROM Table_name
WHERE Date_column < DATEADD(hh,-12,GETDATE())

To delete records from a table that have a datetime value in Date_column older than 15 minutes:

USE Database_name;
DELETE FROM Table_name
WHERE Date_column < DATEADD(mi,-15,GETDATE())

From: http://zarez.net/?p=542

You could also set between two dates:

Delete From tblAudit
WHERE Date_dat < DATEADD(day, -360, GETDATE())
Delete From tblAudit
WHERE Date_dat > DATEADD(day, -60, GETDATE())

You could also use

SELECT * from Results WHERE date < NOW() - INTERVAL 30 DAY;

Although the DATEADD is probably the most transparrent way of doing this, it is worth noting that simply getdate()-30 will also suffice.

Also, are you looking for 30 days from now, i.e. including hours, minutes, seconds, etc? Or 30 days from midnight today (e.g. 12/06/2010 00:00:00.000). In which case, you might consider:

FROM Results 
WHERE convert(varchar(8), [Date], 112) >= convert(varchar(8), getdate(), 112)

GETDATE() didn't work for me using mySQL 8

ERROR 1305 (42000): FUNCTION mydatabase.GETDATE does not exist

but this does:

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE date_column < CURRENT_DATE - 30;

Instead of converting to varchar to get just the day (convert(varchar(8), [Date], 112)), I prefer keeping it a datetime field and making it only the date (without the time).

SELECT * FROM Results 
WHERE CONVERT(date, [Date]) >= CONVERT(date, GETDATE())

We can use this:

    DELETE FROM table_name WHERE date_column < 
           CAST(CONVERT(char(8), (DATEADD(day,-30,GETDATE())), 112) AS datetime)

But a better option is to use:

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE DATEDIFF(dd, date_column, GETDATE()) > 30

The former is not sargable (i.e. functions on the right side of the expression so it can’t use index) and takes 30 seconds, the latter is sargable and takes less than a second.