Programs & Examples On #Julian date

tsc is not recognized as internal or external command

Me too faced the same problem. Use nodeJS command prompt instead of windows command prompt.

Step 1: Execute the npm install -g typescript

Step 2: tsc filename.ts

New file will be create same name and different extension as ".js"

Step 3: node filename.js

You can see output in screen. It works for me.


In my humble experience with postgres 9.6, cascade delete doesn't work in practice for tables that grow above a trivial size.

  • Even worse, while the delete cascade is going on, the tables involved are locked so those tables (and potentially your whole database) is unusable.
  • Still worse, it's hard to get postgres to tell you what it's doing during the delete cascade. If it's taking a long time, which table or tables is making it slow? Perhaps it's somewhere in the pg_stats information? It's hard to tell.

Convert string with commas to array

use the built-in map function with an anonymous function, like so:

string.split(',').map(function(n) {return Number(n);});

[edit] here's how you would use it

var string = "0,1";
var array = string.split(',').map(function(n) {
    return Number(n);
alert( array[0] );

Press Keyboard keys using a batch file

Wow! Mean this that you must learn a different programming language just to send two keys to the keyboard? There are simpler ways for you to achieve the same thing. :-)

The Batch file below is an example that start another program (cmd.exe in this case), send a command to it and then send an Up Arrow key, that cause to recover the last executed command. The Batch file is simple enough to be understand with no problems, so you may modify it to fit your needs.

@if (@CodeSection == @Batch) @then

@echo off

rem Use %SendKeys% to send keys to the keyboard buffer
set SendKeys=CScript //nologo //E:JScript "%~F0"

rem Start the other program in the same Window
start "" /B cmd

%SendKeys% "echo off{ENTER}"

set /P "=Wait and send a command: " < NUL
ping -n 5 -w 1 > NUL
%SendKeys% "echo Hello, world!{ENTER}"

set /P "=Wait and send an Up Arrow key: [" < NUL
ping -n 5 -w 1 > NUL
%SendKeys% "{UP}"

set /P "=] Wait and send an Enter key:" < NUL
ping -n 5 -w 1 > NUL
%SendKeys% "{ENTER}"

%SendKeys% "exit{ENTER}"

goto :EOF


// JScript section

var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");

For a list of key names for SendKeys, see:

For example:


For a further explanation of this solution, see: GnuWin32 openssl s_client conn to WebSphere MQ server not closing at EOF, hangs

Total Number of Row Resultset getRow Method

As others have answered there is no way to get the count of rows without iterating till the end. You could do that, but you may not want to, note the following points:

  1. For a many RDBMS systems ResultSet is a streaming API, this means that it does not load (or maybe even fetch) all the rows from the database server. See this question on SO. By iterating to the end of the ResultSet you may add significantly to the time taken to execute in certain cases.

  2. A default ResultSet object is not updatable and has a cursor that moves forward only. I think this means that unless you execute the query with ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE rSet.beforeFirst() will throw SQLException. The reason it is this way is because there is cost with scrollable cursor. According to the documentation, it may throw SQLFeatureNotSupportedException even if you create a scrollable cursor.

  3. Populating and returning a List<Operations> means that you will also need extra memory. For very large resultsets this will not work at all.

So the big question is which RDBMS?. All in all I would suggest not logging the number of records.

Which MySQL datatype to use for an IP address?

For IPv4 addresses, you can use VARCHAR to store them as strings, but also look into storing them as long integesrs INT(11) UNSIGNED. You can use MySQL's INET_ATON() function to convert them to integer representation. The benefit of this is it allows you to do easy comparisons on them, like BETWEEN queries

INET_ATON() MySQL function

Writing BMP image in pure c/c++ without other libraries

Here is a C++ variant of the code that works for me. Note I had to change the size computation to account for the line padding.

// mimeType = "image/bmp";

unsigned char file[14] = {
    'B','M', // magic
    0,0,0,0, // size in bytes
    0,0, // app data
    0,0, // app data
    40+14,0,0,0 // start of data offset
unsigned char info[40] = {
    40,0,0,0, // info hd size
    0,0,0,0, // width
    0,0,0,0, // heigth
    1,0, // number color planes
    24,0, // bits per pixel
    0,0,0,0, // compression is none
    0,0,0,0, // image bits size
    0x13,0x0B,0,0, // horz resoluition in pixel / m
    0x13,0x0B,0,0, // vert resolutions (0x03C3 = 96 dpi, 0x0B13 = 72 dpi)
    0,0,0,0, // #colors in pallete
    0,0,0,0, // #important colors

int w=waterfallWidth;
int h=waterfallHeight;

int padSize  = (4-(w*3)%4)%4;
int sizeData = w*h*3 + h*padSize;
int sizeAll  = sizeData + sizeof(file) + sizeof(info);

file[ 2] = (unsigned char)( sizeAll    );
file[ 3] = (unsigned char)( sizeAll>> 8);
file[ 4] = (unsigned char)( sizeAll>>16);
file[ 5] = (unsigned char)( sizeAll>>24);

info[ 4] = (unsigned char)( w   );
info[ 5] = (unsigned char)( w>> 8);
info[ 6] = (unsigned char)( w>>16);
info[ 7] = (unsigned char)( w>>24);

info[ 8] = (unsigned char)( h    );
info[ 9] = (unsigned char)( h>> 8);
info[10] = (unsigned char)( h>>16);
info[11] = (unsigned char)( h>>24);

info[20] = (unsigned char)( sizeData    );
info[21] = (unsigned char)( sizeData>> 8);
info[22] = (unsigned char)( sizeData>>16);
info[23] = (unsigned char)( sizeData>>24);

stream.write( (char*)file, sizeof(file) );
stream.write( (char*)info, sizeof(info) );

unsigned char pad[3] = {0,0,0};

for ( int y=0; y<h; y++ )
    for ( int x=0; x<w; x++ )
        long red = lround( 255.0 * waterfall[x][y] );
        if ( red < 0 ) red=0;
        if ( red > 255 ) red=255;
        long green = red;
        long blue = red;

        unsigned char pixel[3];
        pixel[0] = blue;
        pixel[1] = green;
        pixel[2] = red;

        stream.write( (char*)pixel, 3 );
    stream.write( (char*)pad, padSize );

Creating a constant Dictionary in C#

There does not seem to be any standard immutable interface for dictionaries, so creating a wrapper seems like the only reasonable option, unfortunately.

Edit: Marc Gravell found the ILookup that I missed - that will allow you to at least avoid creating a new wrapper, although you still need to transform the Dictionary with .ToLookup().

If this is a need constrained to a specific scenario, you might be better off with a more business-logic-oriented interface:

interface IActiveUserCountProvider
    int GetMaxForServer(string serverName);

JavaScript .replace only replaces first Match

Try using a regex instead of a string for the first argument.

"this is a test".replace(/ /g,'%20') // #=> "this%20is%20a%20test"

SQL Update to the SUM of its joined values

This is a valid error. See this. Following (and others suggested below) are the ways to achieve this:-

SET extrasPrice = t.TotalPrice
    SUM(Price) TotalPrice
  ) t
ON t.PitchID = p.ID

How to force the browser to reload cached CSS and JavaScript files

You can use SRI to break the browser cache. You only have to update your index.html file with the new SRI hash every time. When the browser loads the HTML and finds out the SRI hash on the HTML page didn't match that of the cached version of the resource, it will reload your resource from your servers. It also comes with a good side effect of bypassing cross-origin read blocking.

<script src="" integrity="sha384-muTMBCWlaLhgTXLmflAEQVaaGwxYe1DYIf2fGdRkaAQeb4Usma/kqRWFWErr2BSi" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

HttpGet with HTTPS : SSLPeerUnverifiedException

Your local JVM or remote server may not have the required ciphers. go here

and download the zip file that contains: US_export_policy.jar and local_policy.jar

replace the existing files (you need to find the existing path in your JVM).

on a Mac, my path was here. /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_131.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/security

this worked for me.

How to comment/uncomment in HTML code

Eclipse Juno has a good way for it. You just do the cmd+/

How do I get whole and fractional parts from double in JSP/Java?

Since this 1-year old question was kicked up by someone who corrected the question subject, and this question is been tagged with jsp, and nobody here was able to give a JSP targeted answer, here is my JSP-targeted contribution.

Use JSTL (just drop jstl-1.2.jar in /WEB-INF/lib) fmt taglib. There's a <fmt:formatNumber> tag which does exactly what you want and in a quite easy manner with help of maxFractionDigits and maxIntegerDigits attributes.

Here's an SSCCE, just copy'n'paste'n'run it.

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>

    // Just for quick prototyping. Don't do this in real! Use servlet/javabean.
    double d = 3.25;
    request.setAttribute("d", d);

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
        <title>SO question 343584</title>
        <p>Whole: <fmt:formatNumber value="${d}" maxFractionDigits="0" />
        <p>Fraction: <fmt:formatNumber value="${d}" maxIntegerDigits="0" />


Whole: 3

Fraction: .25

That's it. No need to massage it with help of raw Java code.

jQuery - Create hidden form element on the fly

The same as David's, but without attr()

$('<input>', {
    type: 'hidden',
    id: 'foo',
    name: 'foo',
    value: 'bar'

Programmatically getting the MAC of an Android device

Taken from the Android sources here. This is the actual code that shows your MAC ADDRESS in the system's settings app.

private void refreshWifiInfo() {
    WifiInfo wifiInfo = mWifiManager.getConnectionInfo();

    Preference wifiMacAddressPref = findPreference(KEY_MAC_ADDRESS);
    String macAddress = wifiInfo == null ? null : wifiInfo.getMacAddress();
    wifiMacAddressPref.setSummary(!TextUtils.isEmpty(macAddress) ? macAddress
            : getActivity().getString(R.string.status_unavailable));

    Preference wifiIpAddressPref = findPreference(KEY_CURRENT_IP_ADDRESS);
    String ipAddress = Utils.getWifiIpAddresses(getActivity());
    wifiIpAddressPref.setSummary(ipAddress == null ?
            getActivity().getString(R.string.status_unavailable) : ipAddress);

jQuery: print_r() display equivalent?

You could use very easily reflection to list all properties, methods and values.

For Gecko based browsers you can use the .toSource() method:

var data = new Object();
data["firstname"] = "John";
data["lastname"] = "Smith";
data["age"] = 21;

alert(data.toSource()); //Will return "({firstname:"John", lastname:"Smith", age:21})"

But since you use Firebug, why not just use console.log?

How to show two figures using matplotlib?

Alternatively to calling at the end of the script, you can also control each figure separately doing:

f = plt.figure(1)

g = plt.figure(2)


In this case you must call raw_input to keep the figures alive. This way you can select dynamically which figures you want to show

Note: raw_input() was renamed to input() in Python 3

Run a task every x-minutes with Windows Task Scheduler

You can also create a batch file like the following if you need finer granularity between calls:

timeout /t timeToWaitBetweenCallsInSeconds /nobreak
goto :loop

RegEx: Grabbing values between quotation marks

For me worked this one:


I've used in a sentence like this one:

preg_match_all('|([\'"])(.*?)\1|i', $cont, $matches);

and it worked great.

Ant build failed: "Target "build..xml" does not exist"

  1. Probably you don't have environment variable ANT_HOME set properly
  2. It seems that you are calling Ant like this: "ant build..xml". If your ant script has name build.xml you need to specify only a target in command line. For example: "ant target1".

How to write a link like <a href="#id"> which link to the same page in PHP?


Are you trying to do sth like this? See:

See the working example:

<a href="#id">go to id</a>
<div style="margin-top:2000px;"></div>
<a id="id">id</a>

Multiple ping script in Python

import subprocess,os,threading,time
from queue import Queue
def check(n):
    with open(os.devnull, "wb") as limbo:
                result=subprocess.Popen(["ping", "-n", "1", "-w", "300", ip],stdout=limbo, stderr=limbo).wait()
                with lock:                    
                    if not result:
                        print (ip, "active")                    

def threader():
    while True:

for x in range(255):
for worker in range(1,255):
print("Process completed in: ",time.time()-_start)

I think this will be better one.

Could not execute menu item (internal error)[Exception] - When changing PHP version from 5.3.1 to 5.2.9

Maybe an old version of the service was not uninstalled from windows

  1. uninstall the old version running this command line

    sc delete wampapache

  2. Reinstall the service from wamp:

    Wamp Tray Icon -> Apache -> Service -> Install Service

It works for me, enjoy!

exceeds the list view threshold 5000 items in Sharepoint 2010

The setting for the list throttle

  • Open the SharePoint Central Administration,
  • go to Application Management --> Manage Web Applications
  • Click to select the web application that hosts your list (eg. SharePoint - 80)
  • At the Ribbon, select the General Settings and select Resource Throttling
  • Then, you can see the 5000 List View Threshold limit and you can edit the value you want.
  • Click OK to save it.

For addtional reading:

How do I get extra data from intent on Android?

In the receiving activity

Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); 
String userName;

if (extras != null) {
    userName = extras.getString("name");
    // and get whatever type user account id is

Is there a way to create interfaces in ES6 / Node 4?

Interfaces are not part of the ES6 but classes are.

If you really need them, you should look at TypeScript which support them.

Ping with timestamp on Windows CLI

This might fit the bill for later Windows versions:

for /l %i in (1,0,2) do @echo|cmd /v:on /c set /p=!time! & ping -n 1 | findstr "Reply timed" && timeout /t 2 > nul:

Hash string in c#

The fastest way, to get a hash string for password store purposes, is a following code:

    internal static string GetStringSha256Hash(string text)
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
            return String.Empty;

        using (var sha = new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed())
            byte[] textData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text);
            byte[] hash = sha.ComputeHash(textData);
            return BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", String.Empty);


  • if the method is invoked often, the creation of sha variable should be refactored into a class field;
  • output is presented as encoded hex string;

Default value in an mvc view model

Create a base class for your ViewModels with the following constructor code which will apply the DefaultValueAttributeswhen any inheriting model is created.

public abstract class BaseViewModel
    protected BaseViewModel()
        // apply any DefaultValueAttribute settings to their properties
        var propertyInfos = this.GetType().GetProperties();
        foreach (var propertyInfo in propertyInfos)
            var attributes = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DefaultValueAttribute), true);
            if (attributes.Any())
                var attribute = (DefaultValueAttribute) attributes[0];
                propertyInfo.SetValue(this, attribute.Value, null);

And inherit from this in your ViewModels:

public class SearchModel : BaseViewModel
    public bool IsMale { get; set; }
    public bool IsFemale { get; set; }

Git pull till a particular commit

This works for me:

git pull origin <sha>


[dbn src]$ git fetch
[dbn src]$ git status
On branch current_feature
Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged,
and have 2 and 7 different commits each, respectively.
[dbn src]$ git log -3 --pretty=oneline origin/master
f4d10ad2a5eda447bea53fed0b421106dbecea66 CASE-ID1: some descriptive msg
28eb00a42e682e32bdc92e5753a4a9c315f62b42 CASE-ID2: I'm so good at writing commit titles
ff39e46b18a66b21bc1eed81a0974e5c7de6a3e5 CASE-ID2: woooooo
[dbn src]$ git pull origin 28eb00a42e682e32bdc92e5753a4a9c315f62b42
[dbn src]$ git status
On branch current_feature
Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged,
and have 2 and 1 different commits each, respectively.

This pulls 28eb00, ff39e4, and everything before, but doesn't pull f4d10ad. It allows the use of pull --rebase, and honors pull settings in your gitconfig. This works because you're basically treating 28eb00 as a branch.

For the version of git that I'm using, this method requires a full commit hash - no abbreviations or aliases are allowed. You could do something like:

[dbn src]$ git pull origin `git rev-parse origin/master^`

How to exit from Python without traceback?

something like import sys; sys.exit(0) ?

(XML) The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed. Start location: 6:2

In XML there can be only one root element - you have two - heading and song.

If you restructure to something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 The Twelve Days of Christmas

The error about well-formed XML on the root level should disappear (though there may be other issues).

Should I use the Reply-To header when sending emails as a service to others?

You may want to consider placing the customer's name in the From header and your address in the Sender header:

From: Company A <[email protected]>
Sender: [email protected]

Most mailers will render this as "From [email protected] on behalf of Company A", which is accurate. And then a Reply-To of Company A's address won't seem out of sorts.

From RFC 5322:

The "From:" field specifies the author(s) of the message, that is, the mailbox(es) of the person(s) or system(s) responsible for the writing of the message. The "Sender:" field specifies the mailbox of the agent responsible for the actual transmission of the message. For example, if a secretary were to send a message for another person, the mailbox of the secretary would appear in the "Sender:" field and the mailbox of the actual author would appear in the "From:" field.

What is the parameter "next" used for in Express?

Next is used to pass control to the next middleware function. If not the request will be left hanging or open.

How to get page content using cURL?

Try This:

$url = "".$strSearch."&hl=en&start=0&sa=N";
  $ch = curl_init();
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)");
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, urlencode($url));
  $response = curl_exec($ch);

How to connect to mysql with laravel?

I spent a lot of time trying to figure this one out. Finally, I tried shutting down my development server and booting it up again. Frustratingly, this worked for me. I came to the conclusion, that after editing the .env file in Laravel 5, you have to exit the server, and run php artisan serve again.

how to make label visible/invisible?

You are looking for display:

document.getElementById("endTimeLabel").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("endTimeLabel").style.display = 'block';

Edit: You could also easily reuse your validation function.


<span id="startDateLabel">Start date/time: </span>
<input id="startDateStr" name="startDateStr" size="8" onchange="if (!formatDate(this,'USA')) {this.value = '';}" />
<button id="startDateCalendarTrigger">...</button>
<input id="startDateTime" type="text" size="8" name="startTime" value="12:00 AM" onchange="validateHHMM(this.value, 'startTimeLabel');"/>
<label id="startTimeLabel" class="errorMsg">Time must be entered in the format HH:MM AM/PM</label><br />

<span id="endDateLabel">End date/time: </span>
<input id="endDateStr" name="endDateStr" size="8" onchange="if (!formatDate(this,'USA')) {this.value = '';}" />
<button id="endDateCalendarTrigger">...</button>

<input id="endDateTime" type="text" size="8" name="endTime" value="12:00 AM" onchange="validateHHMM(this.value, 'endTimeLabel');"/>
<label id="endTimeLabel" class="errorMsg">Time must be entered in the format HH:MM AM/PM</label>


function validateHHMM(value, message) {
    var isValid = /^(0?[1-9]|1[012])(:[0-5]\d) [APap][mM]$/.test(value);

    if (isValid) {
        document.getElementById(message).style.display = "none";
    }else {
        document.getElementById(message).style.display= "inline";

    return isValid;


How can I format decimal property to currency?

Your returned format will be limited by the return type you declare. So yes, you can declare the property as a string and return the formatted value of something. In the "get" you can put whatever data retrieval code you need. So if you need to access some numeric value, simply put your return statement as:

    private decimal _myDecimalValue = 15.78m;
    public string MyFormattedValue
        get { return _myDecimalValue.ToString("c"); }
        private set;  //makes this a 'read only' property.

Speed up rsync with Simultaneous/Concurrent File Transfers?

The simplest I've found is using background jobs in the shell:

for d in /main/files/*; do
    rsync -a "$d" remote:/main/files/ &

Beware it doesn't limit the amount of jobs! If you're network-bound this is not really a problem but if you're waiting for spinning rust this will be thrashing the disk.

You could add

while [ $(jobs | wc -l | xargs) -gt 10 ]; do sleep 1; done

inside the loop for a primitive form of job control.

Vertically aligning a checkbox

    <input type="checkbox">
    <img src="/image.png" />
    margin-top: -50%;
    vertical-align: middle;

Permission denied at hdfs

For Hadoop 3.x, if you try to create a file on HDFS when unauthenticated (e.g. user=dr.who) you will get this error.

It is not recommended for systems that need to be secure, however if you'd like to disable file permissions entirely in Hadoop 3 the hdfs-site.xml setting has changed to:


django order_by query set, ascending and descending

This is working for me.

latestsetuplist = SetupTemplate.objects.order_by('-creationTime')[:10][::1]

What is the best way to implement nested dictionaries?

defaultdict() is your friend!

For a two dimensional dictionary you can do:

d = defaultdict(defaultdict)
d[1][2] = 3

For more dimensions you can:

d = defaultdict(lambda :defaultdict(defaultdict))
d[1][2][3] = 4

UILabel is not auto-shrinking text to fit label size

This is for Swift 3 running Xcode 8.2.1 ( 8C1002 )

The best solution that I've found is to set a fixed width in your Storyboard or IB on the label. Set your constraints with constrain to margins. In your viewDidLoad add the following lines of code:

override func viewDidLoad() {

            label.numberOfLines = 1
            label.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
            label.minimumScaleFactor = 0.5

label constraints to margin

fixed width label constraints to margin

attributes inspector

This worked like a charm and it doesn't overflow to a new line and shrinks the text to fit the width of the label without any weird issues and works in Swift 3.

Unable to add window -- token null is not valid; is your activity running?

This error happens when you are trying to show popUpWindow too early ,to fix it, give Id to main layout as main_layout and use below code


 findViewById( Runnable() {
   public void run() {
       popupWindow.showAtLocation(findViewById(, Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0);

Kotlin: {
      popupWindow?.showAtLocation(main_layout, Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0)

Credit to @kordzik

How do I use spaces in the Command Prompt?

set "CMD=C:\Program Files (x86)\PDFtk\bin\pdftk"
echo cmd /K ""%CMD%" %D% output trimmed.pdf"
start cmd /K ""%CMD%" %D% output trimmed.pdf"

this worked for me in a batch file

How to get UTF-8 working in Java webapps?

One other point that hasn't been mentioned relates to Java Servlets working with Ajax. I have situations where a web page is picking up utf-8 text from the user sending this to a JavaScript file which includes it in a URI sent to the Servlet. The Servlet queries a database, captures the result and returns it as XML to the JavaScript file which formats it and inserts the formatted response into the original web page.

In one web app I was following an early Ajax book's instructions for wrapping up the JavaScript in constructing the URI. The example in the book used the escape() method, which I discovered (the hard way) is wrong. For utf-8 you must use encodeURIComponent().

Few people seem to roll their own Ajax these days, but I thought I might as well add this.

Jquery $(this) Child Selector

The best way with the HTML you have would probably be to use the next function, like so:

var div = $(this).next('.class2');

Since the click handler is happening to the <a>, you could also traverse up to the parent DIV, then search down for the second DIV. You would do this with a combination of parent and children. This approach would be best if the HTML you put up is not exactly like that and the second DIV could be in another location relative to the link:

var div = $(this).parent().children('.class2');

If you wanted the "search" to not be limited to immediate children, you would use find instead of children in the example above.

Also, it is always best to prepend your class selectors with the tag name if at all possible. ie, if only <div> tags are going to have those classes, make the selector be div.class1, div.class2.

Eclipse IDE: How to zoom in on text?

Starting from tonight nightly build of 4.6/Neon, the Eclipse Platform includes a way to increase/decrease font size on text editors using Ctrl+ and Ctrl- (on Windows or Linux, Cmd= and Cmd- on Mac OS X) : . The implementation is shipped with any product using a recent build of the platform, and is more reliable that the one in the alternative plugins mentioned above. It will be more widely available within weeks, when the IDE packages for Neon M4 will be available, and it will be part of the public Neon release in June 2016.

div background color, to change onhover

To make the whole div act as a link, set the anchor tag as:

display: block

And set your height of the anchor tag to 100%. Then set a fixed height to your div tag. Then style your anchor tag like usual.

For example:

    <title>DIV Link</title>

    <style type="text/css">
    .link-container {
        border: 1px solid;
        width: 50%;
        height: 20px;

    .link-container a {
        display: block;
        background: #c8c8c8;
        height: 100%;
        text-align: center;

    .link-container a:hover {
        background: #f8f8f8;



    <div class="link-container">
        <a href="">Stack Overflow</a>

    <div class="link-container">
        <a href="">Stack Overflow</a>

</body> </html>

Good luck!

Event handlers for Twitter Bootstrap dropdowns?

Try this:

$('div.btn-group ul.dropdown-menu li a').click(function (e) {
    var $div = $(this).parent().parent().parent(); 
    var $btn = $div.find('button');
    $btn.html($(this).text() + ' <span class="caret"></span>');
    return false;

Spring Boot - How to log all requests and responses with exceptions in single place?

If you have Spring boot Config server configured then just enable Debug logger for class :

Debugs will log all the requests and responses for every request

Change name of folder when cloning from GitHub?

git clone <Repo> <DestinationDirectory>

Clone the repository located at Repo into the folder called DestinationDirectory on the local machine.

How to correctly implement custom iterators and const_iterators?

I don't know if Boost has anything that would help.

My preferred pattern is simple: take a template argument which is equal to value_type, either const qualified or not. If necessary, also a node type. Then, well, everything kind of falls into place.

Just remember to parameterize (template-ize) everything that needs to be, including the copy constructor and operator==. For the most part, the semantics of const will create correct behavior.

template< class ValueType, class NodeType >
struct my_iterator
 : std::iterator< std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, T > {
    ValueType &operator*() { return cur->payload; }

    template< class VT2, class NT2 >
    friend bool operator==
        ( my_iterator const &lhs, my_iterator< VT2, NT2 > const &rhs );

    // etc.

    NodeType *cur;

    friend class my_container;
    my_iterator( NodeType * ); // private constructor for begin, end

typedef my_iterator< T, my_node< T > > iterator;
typedef my_iterator< T const, my_node< T > const > const_iterator;

Convert byte slice to io.Reader

r := strings(byteData)

This also works to turn []byte into io.Reader

insert multiple rows into DB2 database

I disagree on the comment posted by Hogan. Those instructions will work for IBM DB2 Mini, but it's not the case of DB2 Z/OS.

Here is an example:

Exception data: org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException:
The error occurred while setting parameters

 (?,          1,          ?,          ?,          ?,          ?),          
 (?,          1,          ?,          ?,          ?,          ?)


So I can confirm that inline comma separated bulk inserts are not working on DB2 Z/OS (maybe you could feed it some props to get it working...)


I know I'm late to the party, but try this...

FROM TrainTable

Src: Group Concat Documentation

Edit: fixed sql syntax

How to launch Safari and open URL from iOS app

Try this:

NSString *URL = @"";
if([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:URL]])
     [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:URL]];

How to improve performance of ngRepeat over a huge dataset (angular.js)?

The hottest - and arguably most scalable - approach to overcoming these challenges with large datasets is embodied by the approach of Ionic's collectionRepeat directive and of other implementations like it. A fancy term for this is 'occlusion culling', but you can sum it up as: don't just limit the count of rendered DOM elements to an arbitrary (but still high) paginated number like 50, 100, 500... instead, limit only to as many elements as the user can see.

If you do something like what's commonly known as "infinite scrolling", you're reducing the initial DOM count somewhat, but it bloats quickly after a couple refreshes, because all those new elements are just tacked on at the bottom. Scrolling comes to a crawl, because scrolling is all about element count. There's nothing infinite about it.

Whereas, the collectionRepeat approach is to use only as many elements as will fit in viewport, and then recycle them. As one element rotates out of view, it's detached from the render tree, refilled with data for a new item in the list, then reattached to the render tree at the other end of the list. This is the fastest way known to man to get new information in and out of the DOM, making use of a limited set of existing elements, rather than the traditional cycle of create/destroy... create/destroy. Using this approach, you can truly implement an infinite scroll.

Note that you don't have to use Ionic to use/hack/adapt collectionRepeat, or any other tool like it. That's why they call it open-source. :-) (That said, the Ionic team is doing some pretty ingenious things, worthy of your attention.)

There's at least one excellent example of doing something very similar in React. Only instead of recycling the elements with updated content, you're simply choosing not to render anything in the tree that's not in view. It's blazing fast on 5000 items, although their very simple POC implementation allows a bit of flicker...

Also... to echo some of the other posts, using track by is seriously helpful, even with smaller datasets. Consider it mandatory.

I lose my data when the container exits

You might want to look at docker volumes if you you want to persist the data in your container. Visit The docker documentation is a very good place to start

Access Tomcat Manager App from different host

Following two configuration is working for me.

1 .tomcat-users.xml details
  <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
  <role rolename="manager-script"/>
  <role rolename="manager-jmx"/>
  <role rolename="manager-status"/>
  <role rolename="admin-gui"/>
  <role rolename="admin-script"/>
  <role rolename="tomcat"/>

  <user  username="tomcat"  password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/>

  <user  username="admin"  password="admin" roles="admin-gui"/>

  <user  username="adminscript"  password="adminscrip" roles="admin-script"/>

  <user  username="tomcat"  password="s3cret" roles="manager-gui"/>
  <user  username="status"  password="status" roles="manager-status"/>

  <user  username="both"    password="both"   roles="manager-gui,manager-status"/>

  <user  username="script"  password="script" roles="manager-script"/>
  <user  username="jmx"     password="jmx"    roles="manager-jmx"/>

2. context.xml  of <tomcat>/webapps/manager/META-INF/context.xml and 
<Context antiResourceLocking="false" privileged="true" >

  <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve"
         allow=".*" />
  <Manager sessionAttributeValueClassNameFilter="java\.lang\.(?:Boolean|Integer|Long|Number|String)|org\.apache\.catalina\.filters\.CsrfPreventionFilter\$LruCache(?:\$1)?|java\.util\.(?:Linked)?HashMap"/>

Get AVG ignoring Null or Zero values

this should work, haven't tried though. this will exclude zero. NULL is excluded by default


How to clear out session on log out

I would prefer Session.Abandon()

Session.Clear() will not cause End to fire and further requests from the client will not raise the Session Start event.

Selecting an element in iFrame jQuery

If the case is accessing the IFrame via console, e. g. Chrome Dev Tools then you can just select the context of DOM requests via dropdown (see the picture).

Chrome Dev Tools - Selecting the iFrame

placeholder for select tag

         <option value="" disabled selected hidden> placeholder</option>
         <option value="op1">op1</option>
         <option value="op2">op2</option>
         <option value="op3">op3</option>
         <option value="op4">op4</option>

What does the ^ (XOR) operator do?

One thing that other answers don't mention here is XOR with negative numbers -

 a  |  b  | a ^ b
 0  |  0  |  0
 0  |  1  |  1
 1  |  0  |  1
 1  |  1  |  0

While you could easily understand how XOR will work using the above functional table, it doesn't tell how it will work on negative numbers.

How XOR works with Negative Numbers :

Since this question is also tagged as python, I will be answering it with that in mind. The XOR ( ^ ) is an logical operator that will return 1 when the bits are different and 0 elsewhere.

A negative number is stored in binary as two's complement. In 2's complement, The leftmost bit position is reserved for the sign of the value (positive or negative) and doesn't contribute towards the value of number.

In, Python, negative numbers are written with a leading one instead of a leading zero. So if you are using only 8 bits for your two's-complement numbers, then you treat patterns from 00000000 to 01111111 as the whole numbers from 0 to 127, and reserve 1xxxxxxx for writing negative numbers.

With that in mind, lets understand how XOR works on negative number with an example. Lets consider the expression - ( -5 ^ -3 ) .

  • The binary representation of -5 can be considered as 1000...101 and
  • Binary representation of -3 can be considered as 1000...011.

Here, ... denotes all 0s, the number of which depends on bits used for representation (32-bit, 64-bit, etc). The 1 at the MSB ( Most Significant Bit ) denotes that the number represented by the binary representation is negative. The XOR operation will be done on all bits as usual.

XOR Operation :

      -5   :  10000101          |
     ^                          | 
      -3   :  10000011          |  
    ===================         |
    Result :  00000110  =  6    |

     ? -5 ^ -3 = 6

Since, the MSB becomes 0 after the XOR operation, so the resultant number we get is a positive number. Similarly, for all negative numbers, we consider their representation in binary format using 2's complement (one of most commonly used) and do simple XOR on their binary representation.

The MSB bit of result will denote the sign and the rest of the bits will denote the value of the final result.

The following table could be useful in determining the sign of result.

  a   |   b   | a ^ b
  +   |   +   |   +
  +   |   -   |   -
  -   |   +   |   -
  -   |   -   |   +

The basic rules of XOR remains same for negative XOR operations as well, but how the operation really works in negative numbers could be useful for someone someday .

How can I set the focus (and display the keyboard) on my EditText programmatically

I tried the top answer by David Merriman and it also didn't work in my case. But I found the suggestion to run this code delayed here and it works like a charm.

val editText = view.findViewById<View>(


    val imm = context.getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as? InputMethodManager
    imm?.showSoftInput(editText, InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT)
}, 100)

RS256 vs HS256: What's the difference?

There is a difference in performance.

Simply put HS256 is about 1 order of magnitude faster than RS256 for verification but about 2 orders of magnitude faster than RS256 for issuing (signing).

 640,251  91,464.3 ops/s
  86,123  12,303.3 ops/s (RS256 verify)
   7,046   1,006.5 ops/s (RS256 sign)

Don't get hung up on the actual numbers, just think of them with respect of each other.


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        foreach (var duration in new[] { 1, 3, 5, 7 })
            var t = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration);

            byte[] publicKey, privateKey;

            using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())
                publicKey = rsa.ExportCspBlob(false);
                privateKey = rsa.ExportCspBlob(true);

            byte[] key = new byte[64];

            using (var rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider())

            var s1 = new Stopwatch();
            var n1 = 0;

            using (var hs256 = new HMACSHA256(key))
                while (s1.Elapsed < t)
                    var hash = hs256.ComputeHash(privateKey);

            byte[] sign;

            using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())

                sign = rsa.SignData(privateKey, "SHA256");

            var s2 = new Stopwatch();
            var n2 = 0;

            using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())

                while (s2.Elapsed < t)
                    var success = rsa.VerifyData(privateKey, "SHA256", sign);

            var s3 = new Stopwatch();
            var n3 = 0;

            using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())

                while (s3.Elapsed < t)
                    rsa.SignData(privateKey, "SHA256");

            Console.WriteLine($"{s1.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0} {n1,7:N0} {n1 / s1.Elapsed.TotalSeconds,9:N1} ops/s");
            Console.WriteLine($"{s2.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0} {n2,7:N0} {n2 / s2.Elapsed.TotalSeconds,9:N1} ops/s");
            Console.WriteLine($"{s3.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0} {n3,7:N0} {n3 / s3.Elapsed.TotalSeconds,9:N1} ops/s");

            Console.WriteLine($"RS256 is {(n1 / s1.Elapsed.TotalSeconds) / (n2 / s2.Elapsed.TotalSeconds),9:N1}x slower (verify)");
            Console.WriteLine($"RS256 is {(n1 / s1.Elapsed.TotalSeconds) / (n3 / s3.Elapsed.TotalSeconds),9:N1}x slower (issue)");

            // RS256 is about 7.5x slower, but it can still do over 10K ops per sec.

How to set my phpmyadmin user session to not time out so quickly?

Once you're logged into phpmyadmin look on the top navigation for "Settings" and click that then:

"Features" >

...and you'll find "Login cookie validity" which is typically set to 1440.

Unfortunately changing it through the UI means that the changes don't persist between logins.

Display image at 50% of its "native" size

This should work:

img {
    max-width: 50%;
    height: auto;

How do I style (css) radio buttons and labels?

The first part of your question can be solved with just HTML & CSS; you'll need to use Javascript for the second part.

Getting the Label Near the Radio Button

I'm not sure what you mean by "next to": on the same line and near, or on separate lines? If you want all of the radio buttons on the same line, just use margins to push them apart. If you want each of them on their own line, you have two options (unless you want to venture into float: territory):

  • Use <br />s to split the options apart and some CSS to vertically align them:
<style type='text/css'>
    .input input
        width: 20px;
<div class="input radio">
        <legend>What color is the sky?</legend>
        <input type="hidden" name="data[Submit][question]" value="" id="SubmitQuestion" />

        <input type="radio" name="data[Submit][question]" id="SubmitQuestion1" value="1"  />
        <label for="SubmitQuestion1">A strange radient green.</label>
        <br />
        <input type="radio" name="data[Submit][question]" id="SubmitQuestion2" value="2"  />
        <label for="SubmitQuestion2">A dark gloomy orange</label>
        <br />
        <input type="radio" name="data[Submit][question]" id="SubmitQuestion3" value="3"  />
        <label for="SubmitQuestion3">A perfect glittering blue</label>

Applying a Style to the Currently Selected Label + Radio Button

Styling the <label> is why you'll need to resort to Javascript. A library like jQuery is perfect for this:

<style type='text/css'>
    .input label.focused
        background-color: #EEEEEE;
        font-style: italic;
<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('.input :radio').focus(updateSelectedStyle);
        $('.input :radio').blur(updateSelectedStyle);
        $('.input :radio').change(updateSelectedStyle);

    function updateSelectedStyle() {
        $('.input :radio').removeClass('focused').next().removeClass('focused');
        $('.input :radio:checked').addClass('focused').next().addClass('focused');

The focus and blur hooks are needed to make this work in IE.

How do I compare two strings in python?

If you just need to check if the two strings are exactly same,

text1 = 'apple'

text2 = 'apple'

text1 == text2

The result will be


If you need the matching percentage,

import difflib

text1 = 'Since 1958.'

text2 = 'Since 1958'

output = str(int(difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, text1, text2).ratio()*100))

Matching percentage output will be,


Updating a java map entry

If key is present table.put(key, val) will just overwrite the value else it'll create a new entry. Poof! and you are done. :)

you can get the value from a map by using key is table.get(key); That's about it

Simple Java Client/Server Program

Instead of using the IP address from, what if you just get the IP address directly from the machine and plug that in? will give you the address of your router (I'm assuming you're on a home network). I don't think port forwarding will work since your request will come from within the network, not outside.

SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin from accessing a cross-origin frame

I would like to add Java Spring specific configuration that can effect on this.

In Web site or Gateway application there is a contentSecurityPolicy setting

in Spring you can find implementation of WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter sub class

script-src 'self' [URLDomain]/scripts ; 
style-src 'self' [URLDomain]/styles;
frame-src 'self' [URLDomain]/frameUrl...



Browser will be blocked if you have not define safe external contenet here.

tSQL - Conversion from varchar to numeric works for all but integer

Converting a varchar value into an int fails when the value includes a decimal point to prevent loss of data.

If you convert to a decimal or float value first, then convert to int, the conversion works.

Either example below will return 7082:

SELECT CONVERT(int, CONVERT(decimal(12,7), '7082.7758172'));
SELECT CAST(CAST('7082.7758172' as float) as int);

Be aware that converting to a float value may result, in rare circumstances, in a loss of precision. I would tend towards using a decimal value, however you'll need to specify precision and scale values that make sense for the varchar data you're converting.

Running powershell script within python script, how to make python print the powershell output while it is running

I don't have Python 2.7 installed, but in Python 3.3 calling Popen with stdout set to sys.stdout worked just fine. Not before I had escaped the backslashes in the path, though.

>>> import subprocess
>>> import sys
>>> p = subprocess.Popen(['powershell.exe', 'C:\\Temp\\test.ps1'], stdout=sys.stdout)
>>> Hello World

Pretty Printing a pandas dataframe

I used Ofer's answer for a while and found it great in most cases. Unfortunately, due to inconsistencies between pandas's to_csv and prettytable's from_csv, I had to use prettytable in a different way.

One failure case is a dataframe containing commas:

pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2], 'B': ['a,', 'b']})

Prettytable raises an error of the form:

Error: Could not determine delimiter

The following function handles this case:

def format_for_print(df):    
    table = PrettyTable([''] + list(df.columns))
    for row in df.itertuples():
    return str(table)

If you don't care about the index, use:

def format_for_print2(df):    
    table = PrettyTable(list(df.columns))
    for row in df.itertuples():
    return str(table)

How do you use $sce.trustAsHtml(string) to replicate ng-bind-html-unsafe in Angular 1.2+

my helpful code for others(just one aspx to do text area post)::

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="WebForm1.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication45.WebForm1" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

    enter code here

<html ng-app="htmldoc" xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <script src="angular.min.js"></script>
    <script src="angular-sanitize.min.js"></script>
        angular.module('htmldoc', ['ngSanitize']).controller('x', function ($scope, $sce) {
            //$scope.htmlContent = '<script> (function () { location = \"\"; } )()<\/script> In last valid content';
            $scope.htmlContent = '';
            $scope.withoutSanitize = function () {
                return $sce.getTrustedHtml($scope.htmlContent);
            $scope.postMessage = function () {
                var ValidContent = $sce.trustAsHtml($scope.htmlContent);

                //your ajax call here
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        Example to show posting valid content to server with two way binding
        <div ng-controller="x">
            <p ng-bind-html="htmlContent"></p>
            <textarea ng-model="htmlContent" ng-trim="false"></textarea>
            <button ng-click="postMessage()">Send</button>

How can I make a clickable link in an NSAttributedString?

Just find a code-free solution for UITextView: enter image description here

Enable Detection->Links options, the URL and also email will be detected and clickable!

Why don't self-closing script elements work?

Others have answered "how" and quoted spec. Here is the real story of "why no <script/>", after many hours digging into bug reports and mailing lists.


HTML 4 is based on SGML.

SGML has some shorttags, such as <BR//, <B>text</>, <B/text/, or <OL<LI>item</LI</OL>. XML takes the first form, redefines the ending as ">" (SGML is flexible), so that it becomes <BR/>.

However, HTML did not redfine, so <SCRIPT/> should mean <SCRIPT>>.
(Yes, the '>' should be part of content, and the tag is still not closed.)

Obviously, this is incompatible with XHTML and will break many sites (by the time browsers were mature enough to care about this), so nobody implemented shorttags and the specification advises against them.

Effectively, all 'working' self-ended tags are tags with prohibited end tag on technically non-conformant parsers and are in fact invalid. It was W3C which came up with this hack to help transitioning to XHTML by making it HTML-compatible.

And <script>'s end tag is not prohibited.

"Self-ending" tag is a hack in HTML 4 and is meaningless.


HTML5 has five types of tags and only 'void' and 'foreign' tags are allowed to be self-closing.

Because <script> is not void (it may have content) and is not foreign (like MathML or SVG), <script> cannot be self-closed, regardless of how you use it.

But why? Can't they regard it as foreign, make special case, or something?

HTML 5 aims to be backward-compatible with implementations of HTML 4 and XHTML 1. It is not based on SGML or XML; its syntax is mainly concerned with documenting and uniting the implementations. (This is why <br/> <hr/> etc. are valid HTML 5 despite being invalid HTML4.)

Self-closing <script> is one of the tags where implementations used to differ. It used to work in Chrome, Safari, and Opera; to my knowledge it never worked in Internet Explorer or Firefox.

This was discussed when HTML 5 was being drafted and got rejected because it breaks browser compatibility. Webpages that self-close script tag may not render correctly (if at all) in old browsers. There were other proposals, but they can't solve the compatibility problem either.

After the draft was released, WebKit updated the parser to be in conformance.

Self-closing <script> does not happen in HTML 5 because of backward compatibility to HTML 4 and XHTML 1.


When really served as XHTML, <script/> is really closed, as other answers have stated.

Except that the spec says it should have worked when served as HTML:

XHTML Documents ... may be labeled with the Internet Media Type "text/html" [RFC2854], as they are compatible with most HTML browsers.

So, what happened?

People asked Mozilla to let Firefox parse conforming documents as XHTML regardless of the specified content header (known as content sniffing). This would have allowed self-closing scripts, and content sniffing was necessary anyway because web hosters were not mature enough to serve the correct header; IE was good at it.

If the first browser war didn't end with IE 6, XHTML may have been on the list, too. But it did end. And IE 6 has a problem with XHTML. In fact IE did not support the correct MIME type at all, forcing everyone to use text/html for XHTML because IE held major market share for a whole decade.

And also content sniffing can be really bad and people are saying it should be stopped.

Finally, it turns out that the W3C didn't mean XHTML to be sniffable: the document is both, HTML and XHTML, and Content-Type rules. One can say they were standing firm on "just follow our spec" and ignoring what was practical. A mistake that continued into later XHTML versions.

Anyway, this decision settled the matter for Firefox. It was 7 years before Chrome was born; there were no other significant browser. Thus it was decided.

Specifying the doctype alone does not trigger XML parsing because of following specifications.

How to upload image in CodeIgniter?

Below code for an uploading a single file at a time. This is correct and perfect to upload a single file. Read all commented instructions and follow the code. Definitely, it is worked.

public function upload_file() {
    ***// Upload folder location***
    $config['upload_path'] = './public/upload/';

    ***// Allowed file type***
    $config['allowed_types'] = 'jpg|jpeg|png|pdf';

    ***// Max size, i will set 2MB***
    $config['max_size'] = '2024';

    $config['max_width'] = '1024';
    $config['max_height'] = '768';

    ***// load upload library***            
    $this->load->library('upload', $config);

    ***// do_upload is the method, to send the particular image and file on that 
       // particular 
       // location that is detail in $config['upload_path']. 
       // In bracks will set name upload, here you need to set input name attribute 
       // value.***

    if($this->upload->do_upload('upload')) {
       $data = $this->upload->data();
       $post['upload'] = $data['file_name'];
    } else {
      $error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors());

Sticky Header after scrolling down

a similar solution using jquery would be:

$(window).scroll(function () {

This turns the header into a fixed position element immediately on scroll

How can I convert JSON to CSV?

A generic solution which translates any json list of flat objects to csv.

Pass the input.json file as first argument on command line.

import csv, json, sys

input = open(sys.argv[1])
data = json.load(input)

output = csv.writer(sys.stdout)

output.writerow(data[0].keys())  # header row

for row in data:

How to use shell commands in Makefile


FILES = $(shell ls)

indented underneath all like that, it's a build command. So this expands $(shell ls), then tries to run the command FILES ....

If FILES is supposed to be a make variable, these variables need to be assigned outside the recipe portion, e.g.:

FILES = $(shell ls)
        echo $(FILES)

Of course, that means that FILES will be set to "output from ls" before running any of the commands that create the .tgz files. (Though as Kaz notes the variable is re-expanded each time, so eventually it will include the .tgz files; some make variants have FILES := ... to avoid this, for efficiency and/or correctness.1)

If FILES is supposed to be a shell variable, you can set it but you need to do it in shell-ese, with no spaces, and quoted:

        FILES="$(shell ls)"

However, each line is run by a separate shell, so this variable will not survive to the next line, so you must then use it immediately:

        FILES="$(shell ls)"; echo $$FILES

This is all a bit silly since the shell will expand * (and other shell glob expressions) for you in the first place, so you can just:

        echo *

as your shell command.

Finally, as a general rule (not really applicable to this example): as esperanto notes in comments, using the output from ls is not completely reliable (some details depend on file names and sometimes even the version of ls; some versions of ls attempt to sanitize output in some cases). Thus, as l0b0 and idelic note, if you're using GNU make you can use $(wildcard) and $(subst ...) to accomplish everything inside make itself (avoiding any "weird characters in file name" issues). (In sh scripts, including the recipe portion of makefiles, another method is to use find ... -print0 | xargs -0 to avoid tripping over blanks, newlines, control characters, and so on.)

1The GNU Make documentation notes further that POSIX make added ::= assignment in 2012. I have not found a quick reference link to a POSIX document for this, nor do I know off-hand which make variants support ::= assignment, although GNU make does today, with the same meaning as :=, i.e., do the assignment right now with expansion.

Note that VAR := $(shell command args...) can also be spelled VAR != command args... in several make variants, including all modern GNU and BSD variants as far as I know. These other variants do not have $(shell) so using VAR != command args... is superior in both being shorter and working in more variants.

Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

If you happen to be running on Windows; A simple solution is to run the MySQL server instance configuration wizard. It is in your MYSQL group in the start menu. On the second from last screen click the box that says "allow root access from remote machines".

XPath query to get nth instance of an element

This is a FAQ:


means "Find every node selected by //somexpression that is the $Nth child of its parent".

What you want is:


Remember: The [] operator has higher precedence (priority) than the // abbreviation.

CodeIgniter -> Get current URL relative to base url

If url helper is loaded, use


will be better

PostgreSQL: Show tables in PostgreSQL

This SQL Query works with most of the versions of PostgreSQL and fairly simple .

select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema='public' ;

Accessing Redux state in an action creator?

Presenting an alternative way of solving this. This may be better or worse than Dan's solution, depending on your application.

You can get the state from the reducers into the actions by splitting the action in 2 separate functions: first ask for the data, second act on the data. You can do that by using redux-loop.

First 'kindly ask for the data'

export const SOME_ACTION = 'SOME_ACTION';
export function someAction() {
    return {
        type: SOME_ACTION,

In the reducer, intercept the ask and provide the data to the second stage action by using redux-loop.

import { loop, Cmd } from 'redux-loop';
const initialState = { data: '' }
export default (state=initialState, action) => {
    switch(action.type) {
        case SOME_ACTION: {
            return loop(state, Cmd.action(anotherAction(

With the data in hand, do whatever you initially wanted

export function anotherAction(data) {
    return {
        type: ANOTHER_ACTION,
        payload: data,

Hope this helps someone.

#1062 - Duplicate entry for key 'PRIMARY'

The DB I was importing had a conflict during the import due to the presence of a column both autoincrement and primary key.

The problem was that in the .sql file the table was chopped into multiple "INSERT INTO" and during the import these queries were executed all together.

MY SOLUTION was to deselect the "Run multiple queries in each execution" on Navicat and it worked perfectly

Switch statement for string matching in JavaScript

RegExp can be used on the input string not just technically but practically with the match method too.

Because the output of the match() is an array we need to retrieve the first array element of the result. When the match fails, the function returns null. To avoid an exception error we will add the || conditional operator before accessing the first array element and test against the input property that is a static property of regular expressions that contains the input string.

str = 'XYZ test';
switch (str) {
  case (str.match(/^xyz/) || {}).input:
    console.log("Matched a string that starts with 'xyz'");
  case (str.match(/test/) || {}).input:
    console.log("Matched the 'test' substring");        
    console.log("Didn't match");

Another approach is to use the String() constructor to convert the resulting array that must have only 1 element (no capturing groups) and whole string must be captured with quanitifiers (.*) to a string. In case of a failure the null object will become a "null" string. Not convenient.

str = 'haystack';
switch (str) {
  case String(str.match(/^hay.*/)):
    console.log("Matched a string that starts with 'hay'");

Anyway, a more elegant solution is to use the /^find-this-in/.test(str) with switch (true) method which simply returns a boolean value and it's easier to search without case sensitivity.

Get day of week using NSDate

If you want the full "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday" etc.

EDIT: There's actually a built in format that returns localized day names:

extension NSDate {
    func dayOfTheWeek() -> String? {        
        let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
        dateFormatter.dateFormat = "EEEE"
        return dateFormatter.stringFromDate(self)

My previous solution (for English only):

extension NSDate {

    func dayOfTheWeek() -> String? {
        let weekdays = [

        let calendar: NSCalendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
        let components: NSDateComponents = calendar.components(.Weekday, fromDate: self)
        return weekdays[components.weekday - 1]

You don't need to unwrap calendar and components, they are guaranteed by the foundation framework.



Differences between Emacs and Vim

There is a lot of thing that have been said about both editors, but I just have my 5 pence to add. Both editors are wonderful and you cannot go wrong with either of them.

I am a vi/vim user for about 15 years now. I've tried converting to emacs several times but every time was rather discovering that vim actually can do the missing thing out of the box without the need to write a lisp extension or install something.

For me the main difference in the editors that vim makes you use the environment/OS, while emacs tries to encapsulate it or replace it. For instance you can add a date in you text by :r!date in vim, or calendar with :r!cal 1 2014, or even replace the contents of you buffer with the hex version of the contents. Eg. :%!xxd, edit hex and then get back with :%!xxd -r, and many more other uses, like builtin grep, sed, etc.

Another example is use with jq and gron. Eg. paste json blob to the editor and then run for tranformation:

:r!curl -s http://interesting/api/v1/get/stuff
:%!gron | grep 'interesting' | gron -u



Each of the piped commands above can be run separately via :%!<command>, where % means all document, but can also be run on selection, selected lines, etc. Here gron output can be used as jq path.

You also get the EX batch editing functionality, eg. Replacing certain words, reformatting the code, converting dos->unix newline characters, run a macro on say 100 files at a time. It is easily done with ex. I am not sure if emacs has something similar.

In other words IMHO vim goes closer to the unix philosophy. It generally simpler and smaller, but if you know your OS and your tools, you wont likely need more than it(VIM) has to offer. I never do.

Besides vi is defacto standard on any unix/linux system, why learn to use 2 tools that do the same thing. Of course some systems offer mg or something similar, but definitely not all of them. Unix + Vi < 3.

Well, just my 5 pence.

Bootstrap 3 breakpoints and media queries

@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {


@media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px){


@media only screen and (min-device-width : 768px) and (max-device-width : 1024px) and (orientation : landscape){


@media screen and (min-width: 992px) {


how to increase java heap memory permanently?

if you need to increase reserved memory, there are VM parameters -Xms and -Xmx, usage e.g. -Xms512m -Xmx512m . There is also parameter -XX:MaxPermSize=256m which changes memory reserved for permanent generation

If your application runs as windows service, in Control panels -> Administration tools -> Services you can add some run parameters to your service

Telling Python to save a .txt file to a certain directory on Windows and Mac

If you want to save a file to a particular DIRECTORY and FILENAME here is some simple example. It also checks to see if the directory has or has not been created.

import os.path
directory = './html/'
filename = "file.html"
file_path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
file = open(file_path, "w")

Hope this helps you!

Correct way to delete cookies server-side

For GlassFish Jersey JAX-RS implementation I have resolved this issue by common method is describing all common parameters. At least three of parameters have to be equal: name(="name"), path(="/") and domain(=null) :

public static NewCookie createDomainCookie(String value, int maxAgeInMinutes) {
    ZonedDateTime time =;
    Date expiry = time.toInstant().toEpochMilli();
    NewCookie newCookie = new NewCookie("name", value, "/", null, Cookie.DEFAULT_VERSION,null, maxAgeInMinutes*60, expiry, false, false);
    return newCookie;

And use it the common way to set cookie:

NewCookie domainNewCookie = RsCookieHelper.createDomainCookie(token, 60);
Response res = Response.status(Response.Status.OK).cookie(domainNewCookie).build();

and to delete the cookie:

NewCookie domainNewCookie = RsCookieHelper.createDomainCookie("", 0);
Response res = Response.status(Response.Status.OK).cookie(domainNewCookie).build();

bootstrap 3 - how do I place the brand in the center of the navbar?

Use these classes: navbar-brand mx-auto

All other solutions overcomplicate the matter.

How to handle errors with boto3?

I found it very useful, since the Exceptions are not documented, to list all exceptions to the screen for this package. Here is the code I used to do it:

import botocore.exceptions
def listexns(mod):
    #module = __import__(mod)
    exns = []
    for name in botocore.exceptions.__dict__:
        if (isinstance(botocore.exceptions.__dict__[name], Exception) or
    for name in exns:
        print('%s.%s is an exception type' % (str(mod), name))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
        print('Give me a module name on the $PYTHONPATH!')
    print('Looking for exception types in module: %s' % sys.argv[1])

Which results in:

Looking for exception types in module: boto3
boto3.BotoCoreError is an exception type
boto3.DataNotFoundError is an exception type
boto3.UnknownServiceError is an exception type
boto3.ApiVersionNotFoundError is an exception type
boto3.HTTPClientError is an exception type
boto3.ConnectionError is an exception type
boto3.EndpointConnectionError is an exception type
boto3.SSLError is an exception type
boto3.ConnectionClosedError is an exception type
boto3.ReadTimeoutError is an exception type
boto3.ConnectTimeoutError is an exception type
boto3.ProxyConnectionError is an exception type
boto3.NoCredentialsError is an exception type
boto3.PartialCredentialsError is an exception type
boto3.CredentialRetrievalError is an exception type
boto3.UnknownSignatureVersionError is an exception type
boto3.ServiceNotInRegionError is an exception type
boto3.BaseEndpointResolverError is an exception type
boto3.NoRegionError is an exception type
boto3.UnknownEndpointError is an exception type
boto3.ConfigParseError is an exception type
boto3.MissingParametersError is an exception type
boto3.ValidationError is an exception type
boto3.ParamValidationError is an exception type
boto3.UnknownKeyError is an exception type
boto3.RangeError is an exception type
boto3.UnknownParameterError is an exception type
boto3.AliasConflictParameterError is an exception type
boto3.PaginationError is an exception type
boto3.OperationNotPageableError is an exception type
boto3.ChecksumError is an exception type
boto3.UnseekableStreamError is an exception type
boto3.WaiterError is an exception type
boto3.IncompleteReadError is an exception type
boto3.InvalidExpressionError is an exception type
boto3.UnknownCredentialError is an exception type
boto3.WaiterConfigError is an exception type
boto3.UnknownClientMethodError is an exception type
boto3.UnsupportedSignatureVersionError is an exception type
boto3.ClientError is an exception type
boto3.EventStreamError is an exception type
boto3.InvalidDNSNameError is an exception type
boto3.InvalidS3AddressingStyleError is an exception type
boto3.InvalidRetryConfigurationError is an exception type
boto3.InvalidMaxRetryAttemptsError is an exception type
boto3.StubResponseError is an exception type
boto3.StubAssertionError is an exception type
boto3.UnStubbedResponseError is an exception type
boto3.InvalidConfigError is an exception type
boto3.InfiniteLoopConfigError is an exception type
boto3.RefreshWithMFAUnsupportedError is an exception type
boto3.MD5UnavailableError is an exception type
boto3.MetadataRetrievalError is an exception type
boto3.UndefinedModelAttributeError is an exception type
boto3.MissingServiceIdError is an exception type

changing default x range in histogram matplotlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


plt.xlim(xmin=6.5, xmax = 12.5)

How to list all properties of a PowerShell object

I like

 Get-WmiObject Win32_computersystem | format-custom *

That seems to expand everything.

There's also a show-object command in the PowerShellCookbook module that does it in a GUI. Jeffrey Snover, the PowerShell creator, uses it in his unplugged videos (recommended).

Although most often I use

Get-WmiObject Win32_computersystem | fl *

It avoids the .format.ps1xml file that defines a table or list view for the object type, if there are any. The format file may even define column headers that don't match any property names.

How do I rename the android package name?

Most of the answers even the most voted answers didn't do the job properly, they seem to work and the builds work however, a closer look at the file structure and references will show you that not much was done. IntelliJ actually does this whole process automatically.

1) Go to Project Tab and make sure Packages is the active Tab in the drop down like so:

Select Packages in the drop down

find your com.example package (note test as in com.example.test is not there) right-click and choose Refactor->Rename...

It will issue a warning that multiple directories... (which is actually the desired effect), click on Rename package.

Input the new package name and Refactor...

It will do searches and show you refactoring results.

Click on the Do Refactor button and it will do everything and even rename the folders and files involved... every reference is corrected to this new name.

2) Then Finally change the AndroidManifest.xml file


Fixed header, footer with scrollable content

As of 2013: This would be my approach. jsFiddle:


<header class="container global-header">
    <h1>Header (fixed)</h1>

<div class="container main-content">
    <div class="inner-w">
        <h1>Main Content</h1>
    </div><!-- .inner-w -->
</div> <!-- .main-content -->

<footer class="container global-footer">
    <h3>Footer (fixed)</h3>


// User reset

* { // creates a natural box model layout
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box; 
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; 
    box-sizing: border-box; 
} // asume normalize.css

// structure

.container {
    position: relative;
    width: 100%;
    float: left;
    padding: 1em;

// type

body {
    font-family: arial;   

.main-content {
    h1 {
        font-size: 2em;
        font-weight: bold;
        margin-bottom: .2em;
} // .main-content

// style

    // variables
    $global-header-height: 8em;
    $global-footer-height: 6em;

.global-header {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0; left: 0;
    background-color: gray;
    height: $global-header-height;

.main-content {
    background-color: orange;
    margin-top: $global-header-height;
    margin-bottom: $global-footer-height;
    z-index: -1; // so header will be on top
    min-height: 50em; // to make it long so you can see the scrolling

.global-footer {
    position: fixed;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    height: $global-footer-height;
    background-color: gray;

Httpd returning 503 Service Unavailable with mod_proxy for Tomcat 8

Resolve issue Immediate, It's related to internal security

We, working for enterprise linux RedHat, found httpd server don't allow proxy to run, neither localhost or, nor any other external domain.

As investigate in server log found

[error] (13)Permission denied: proxy: AJP: attempt to connect to
   10.x.x.x:8069 ( failed

Audit log found similar port issue

type=AVC msg=audit(1265039669.305:14): avc:  denied  { name_connect } for  pid=4343 comm="httpd" dest=8069 
scontext=system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:port_t:s0 tclass=tcp_socket

Due to internal default security of linux, this cause, now to fix (temporary)

 /usr/sbin/setsebool httpd_can_network_connect 1

Resolve Permanent Issue

/usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1

Wait until an HTML5 video loads

you can use preload="none" in the attribute of video tag so the video will be displayed only when user clicks on play button.

<video preload="none">

creating batch script to unzip a file without additional zip tools

Here's my overview about built-in zi/unzip (compress/decompress) capabilities in windows - How can I compress (/ zip ) and uncompress (/ unzip ) files and folders with batch file without using any external tools?

To unzip file you can use this script :

zipjs.bat unzip -source C:\myDir\ -destination C:\MyDir -keep yes -force no

Get div tag scroll position using JavaScript

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function scollPos() {
            var div = document.getElementById("myDiv").scrollTop;
            document.getElementById("pos").innerHTML = div;
    <form id="form1">
    <div id="pos">
    <div id="myDiv" style="overflow: auto; height: 200px; width: 200px;" onscroll="scollPos();">
        Place some large content here

PHP Sort a multidimensional array by element containing date

From php7 you can use the Spaceship operator:

usort($array, function($a, $b) {
  return new DateTime($a['datetime']) <=> new DateTime($b['datetime']);

Angular 5, HTML, boolean on checkbox is checked

Work with checkboxes using observables

You could even choose to use a behaviourSubject to utilize the power of observables so you can start a certain chain of reaction starting at the isChecked$ observable.

In your component.ts:

public isChecked$ = new BehaviorSubject(false);
toggleChecked() {

In your template

<input type="checkbox" [checked]="isChecked$ | async" (change)="toggleChecked()">

Deserialize json object into dynamic object using

Yes you can do it using the JsonConvert.DeserializeObject. To do that, just simple do:

dynamic jsonResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);

How can I remove duplicate rows?

To Fetch Duplicate Rows:

name, email, COUNT(*)
name, email

To Delete the Duplicate Rows:

DELETE users 
(SELECT MIN(rowid)
FROM users
GROUP BY name, email);      

What does "where T : class, new()" mean?

where (C# Reference)

The new() Constraint lets the compiler know that any type argument supplied must have an accessible parameterless--or default-- constructor

So it should be, T must be a class, and have an accessible parameterless--or default constructor.

How do I iterate through each element in an n-dimensional matrix in MATLAB?

As pointed out in a few other answers, you can iterate over all elements in a matrix A (of any dimension) using a linear index from 1 to numel(A) in a single for loop. There are also a couple of functions you can use: arrayfun and cellfun.

Let's first assume you have a function that you want to apply to each element of A (called my_func). You first create a function handle to this function:

fcn = @my_func;

If A is a matrix (of type double, single, etc.) of arbitrary dimension, you can use arrayfun to apply my_func to each element:

outArgs = arrayfun(fcn, A);

If A is a cell array of arbitrary dimension, you can use cellfun to apply my_func to each cell:

outArgs = cellfun(fcn, A);

The function my_func has to accept A as an input. If there are any outputs from my_func, these are placed in outArgs, which will be the same size/dimension as A.

One caveat on outputs... if my_func returns outputs of different sizes and types when it operates on different elements of A, then outArgs will have to be made into a cell array. This is done by calling either arrayfun or cellfun with an additional parameter/value pair:

outArgs = arrayfun(fcn, A, 'UniformOutput', false);
outArgs = cellfun(fcn, A, 'UniformOutput', false);

.gitignore and "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout"

In my case git rm --cached didn't work. But i got it with a git rebase

How to find a value in an array and remove it by using PHP array functions?

$data_arr = array('hello', 'developer', 'laravel' );

// We Have to remove Value "hello" from the array
// Check if the value is exists in the array

if (array_search('hello', $data_arr ) !== false) {
     $key = array_search('hello', $data_arr );
     unset( $data_arr[$key] );

# output:
// It will Return unsorted Indexed array
print( $data_arr )

// To Sort Array index use this
$data_arr = array_values( $data_arr );

// Now the array key is sorted

How to check if $? is not equal to zero in unix shell scripting?

You don't need to test if $? is not 0. The shell provides && and || so you can easily branch based on implicit result of that test:

some_command && {
    # executes this block of code,
    # if some_command would result in:  $? -eq 0
} || {
    # executes this block of code,
    # if some_command would result in:  $? -ne 0

You can remove either branch, depending on what you want. So if you just want to test for failure (i.e. $? -ne 0):

some_command_returning_nonzero || {
    # executes this block of code when:     $? -ne 0
    # and nothing if the command succeeds:  $? -eq 0

However, the code you provided in the question works, as is. I'm confused that you got syntax errors & concluded that $? was a string. It's most likely that the errant code causing the syntax error was not provided with the question. This is especially evident because you claim that no one else's solutions work either. When this happens, you have to re-evaluate your assumptions.

NB: The code above may give confusing results if the code inside the braces returns an error. In that case simply use the if command instead, like this:

if some_command; then
    # executes this block of code,
    # if some_command would result in:  $? -eq 0
    # executes this block of code,
    # if some_command would result in:  $? -ne 0

How to show all rows by default in JQuery DataTable


    aLengthMenu: [
        [25, 50, 100, 200, -1],
        [25, 50, 100, 200, "All"]
    iDisplayLength: -1

Or if using 1.10+

    paging: false

The option you should use is iDisplayLength:

  'iDisplayLength': 100

   "lengthMenu": [ [5, 10, 25, 50, -1], [5, 10, 25, 50, "All"] ]

It will Load by default all entries.

    aLengthMenu: [
        [25, 50, 100, 200, -1],
        [25, 50, 100, 200, "All"]
    iDisplayLength: -1

Or if using 1.10+

    paging: false

If you want to load by default 25 not all do this.

    aLengthMenu: [
        [25, 50, 100, 200, -1],
        [25, 50, 100, 200, "All"]

Load content of a div on another page

Yes, see "Loading Page Fragments" on

In short, you add the selector after the URL. For example:

$('#result').load('ajax/test.html #container');

Having the output of a console application in Visual Studio instead of the console

You have three possibilities to do this, but it's not trivial. The main idea of all IDEs is that all of them are the parents of the child (debug) processes. In this case, it is possible to manipulate with standard input, output and error handler. So IDEs start child applications and redirect out into the internal output window. I know about one more possibility, but it will come in future

  1. You could implement your own debug engine for Visual Studio. Debug Engine control starting and debugging for application. Examples for this you could find how to do this on (Visual Studio Debug engine)
  2. Redirect form application using duplication of std handler for c++ or use Console.SetOut(TextWriter) for c#. If you need to print into the output window you need to use Visual Studio extension SDK. Example of the second variant you could find on Github.
  3. Start application that uses System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine (for printing into output) and than it will start child application. On starting a child, you need to redirect stdout into parent with pipes. You could find an example on MSDN. But I think this is not the best way.

Normalization in DOM parsing with java - how does it work?

In simple, Normalisation is Reduction of Redundancies.
Examples of Redundancies:
a) white spaces outside of the root/document tags(...<document></document>...)
b) white spaces within start tag (<...>) and end tag (</...>)
c) white spaces between attributes and their values (ie. spaces between key name and =")
d) superfluous namespace declarations
e) line breaks/white spaces in texts of attributes and tags
f) comments etc...

IIS error, Unable to start debugging on the webserver

in my case, the DefaultAppPool was stopped, I edited the Advanced Settings and set the value of Identity as LocalSystem, after that I start the DefaultAppPool.

How to center cards in bootstrap 4?

i basically suggest equal gap on right and left, and setting width to auto. Here like:

.bmi {         /*my additional class name -for card*/
    margin-left: 18%;      
    margin-right: 18%;
    width: auto;

Intellij reformat on file save

If it's about Prettier, just use a File Watcher :

references => Tools => File Watchers => click + to add a new watcher => Prettier

Error: allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level

In our case, we were deploying a site out to a server which was replicated across other servers. Performing an IISRESET on all servers in the deployment environment worked.

What does "Error: object '<myvariable>' not found" mean?

The error means that R could not find the variable mentioned in the error message.

The easiest way to reproduce the error is to type the name of a variable that doesn't exist. (If you've defined x already, use a different variable name.)

## Error: object 'x' not found

The more complex version of the error has the same cause: calling a function when x does not exist.

## Error in mean(x) : 
##   error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'mean': Error: object 'x' not found

Once the variable has been defined, the error will not occur.

x <- 1:5
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5     
## [1] 3

You can check to see if a variable exists using ls or exists.

ls()        # lists all the variables that have been defined
exists("x") # returns TRUE or FALSE, depending upon whether x has been defined.

Errors like this can occur when you are using non-standard evaluation. For example, when using subset, the error will occur if a column name is not present in the data frame to subset.

d <- data.frame(a = rnorm(5))
subset(d, b > 0)
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'b' not found

The error can also occur if you use custom evaluation.

get("var", "package:stats") #returns the var function
get("var", "package:utils")
## Error in get("var", "package:utils") : object 'var' not found

In the second case, the var function cannot be found when R looks in the utils package's environment because utils is further down the search list than stats.

In more advanced use cases, you may wish to read:

How to get current PHP page name

In your case you can use __FILE__ variable !
It should help.
It is one of predefined.
Read more about predefined constants in PHP

yum error "Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: epel. Please verify its path and try again" updating ContextBroker

Walkthrough Steps

Running the following command will update the repo to use HTTP rather than HTTPS:

sudo sed -i "s/mirrorlist=https/mirrorlist=http/" /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo

You should then be able to update with this command:

yum -y update

Execute script after specific delay using JavaScript

The simple reply is:

    function () {
        x = 1;
    }, 1000);

The function above waits for 1 second (1000 ms) then sets x to 1. Obviously this is an example; you can do anything you want inside the anonymous function.

How can I define an interface for an array of objects with Typescript?

In Angular use 'extends' to define the interface for an 'Array' of objects.

Using an indexer will give you an error as its not an Array interface so doesn't contain the properties and methods.


error TS2339: Property 'find' does not exist on type 'ISelectOptions2'.

// good    
export interface ISelectOptions1 extends Array<ISelectOption> {}

// bad
export interface ISelectOptions2 {
    [index: number]: ISelectOption;

interface ISelectOption {
    prop1: string;
    prop2?: boolean;

bootstrap button shows blue outline when clicked

Override the exact bootstrap statements:

.btn-primary.focus, .btn-primary:focus, .btn-primary:not(:disabled):not(.disabled).active:focus,.btn-primary:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active:focus,.show>.btn-primary.dropdown-toggle:focus{
 box-shadow: none;

How to add app icon within phonegap projects?

For me the custom icon was not working I then updated the icon on the following location and it worked.


Creating and returning Observable from Angular 2 Service

I'm a little late to the party, but I think my approach has the advantage that it lacks the use of EventEmitters and Subjects.

So, here's my approach. We can't get away from subscribe(), and we don't want to. In that vein, our service will return an Observable<T> with an observer that has our precious cargo. From the caller, we'll initialize a variable, Observable<T>, and it will get the service's Observable<T>. Next, we'll subscribe to this object. Finally, you get your "T"! from your service.

First, our people service, but yours doesnt pass parameters, that's more realistic:

people(hairColor: string): Observable<People> {
   this.url = "api/" + hairColor + "/people.json";

   return Observable.create(observer => {
          .map(res => res.json())
          .subscribe((data) => {
             this._people = data



Ok, as you can see, we're returning an Observable of type "people". The signature of the method, even says so! We tuck-in the _people object into our observer. We'll access this type from our caller in the Component, next!

In the Component:

private _peopleObservable: Observable<people>;

constructor(private peopleService: PeopleService){}

getPeople(hairColor:string) {
   this._peopleObservable = this.peopleService.people(hairColor);

   this._peopleObservable.subscribe((data) => {
      this.people = data;

We initialize our _peopleObservable by returning that Observable<people> from our PeopleService. Then, we subscribe to this property. Finally, we set this.people to our data(people) response.

Architecting the service in this fashion has one, major advantage over the typical service: map(...) and component: "subscribe(...)" pattern. In the real world, we need to map the json to our properties in our class and, sometimes, we do some custom stuff there. So this mapping can occur in our service. And, typically, because our service call will be used not once, but, probably, in other places in our code, we don't have to perform that mapping in some component, again. Moreover, what if we add a new field to people?....

Java command not found on Linux

You can add one of the Java path to PATH variable using the following command.

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jre1.6.0_24/bin/

You can add this line to .bashrc file in your home directory. Adding this to .bashrc will ensure everytime you open bash it will be PATH variable is updated.

Run Batch File On Start-up


RunOnce is an option and have a few keys that can be used for pointing a command to start on startup (depending if it concerns a user or the whole system):


setting the value:

reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v MyBat /D "!C:\mybat.bat"

With setting and exclamation mark at the beginning and if the script exist with a value different than 0 the registry key wont be deleted and the script will be executed every time on startup


You can use SCHTASKS and a triggering event:

SCHTASKS /Create /SC ONEVENT /MO ONLOGON /TN ON_LOGON /tr "c:\some.bat" 



Startup Folder

You also have two startup folders - one for the current user and one global. There you can copy your scripts (or shortcuts) in order to start a file on startup

::the global one
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
::for the current user
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Is there a git-merge --dry-run option?

My solution is to merge backwards.

Instead of merging your branch into the remote "target" branch, merge that branch into yours.

git checkout my-branch
git merge origin/target-branch

You will see if there are any conflicts and can plan on how to solve them.

After that you can either abort the merge via git merge --abort, or (if there weren't any conflicts and merge has happened) roll back to previous commit via git reset --hard HEAD~1

SQL Server Service not available in service list after installation of SQL Server Management Studio

downloaded Sql server management 2008 r2 and got it installed. Its getting installed but when I try to connect it via .\SQLEXPRESS it shows error. DO I need to install any SQL service on my system?

You installed management studio which is just a management interface to SQL Server. If you didn't (which is what it seems like) already have SQL Server installed, you'll need to install it in order to have it on your system and use it.

Importing CSV File to Google Maps

none of that needed.... just go to:

now and load your csv file as-is. extra columns and all. it will slice and dice and use just the log & lat columns and plot it for you on google maps.

Jquery, Clear / Empty all contents of tbody element?




    <tbody id="tbodyid">

Works for me

Can't import Numpy in Python

I was trying to import numpy in python 3.2.1 on windows 7.

Followed suggestions in above answer for as below after unzipping it

cd numpy-1.6
python install

but got an error with a statement as below

unable to find vcvarsall.bat

For this error I found a related question here which suggested installing mingW. MingW was taking some time to install.

In the meanwhile tried to install numpy 1.6 again using the direct windows installer available at this link the file name is "numpy-1.6.1-win32-superpack-python3.2.exe"

Installation went smoothly and now I am able to import numpy without using mingW.

Long story short try using windows installer for numpy, if one is available.

How to set some xlim and ylim in Seaborn lmplot facetgrid

You need to get hold of the axes themselves. Probably the cleanest way is to change your last row:

lm = sns.lmplot('X','Y',df,col='Z',sharex=False,sharey=False)

Then you can get hold of the axes objects (an array of axes):

axes = lm.axes

After that you can tweak the axes properties



enter image description here

Java - how do I write a file to a specified directory


File file = new File("Z:\\results\\results.txt");

You need to double the backslashes in Windows because the backslash character itself is an escape in Java literal strings.

For POSIX system such as Linux, just use the default file path without doubling the forward slash. this is because forward slash is not a escape character in Java.

File file = new File("/home/userName/Documents/results.txt");

The entitlements specified...profile. (0xE8008016). Error iOS 4.2

I also encountered the same problem, I was such a solution.

First of all to be clear: provisioning profile must choose "Automatic" to debug.

If provisioning profile is "adhoc", then you can not debug, and can only export the ".ipa" file, import to iTunes for installation.

System.loadLibrary(...) couldn't find native library in my case

The reason for this error is because there is a mismatch of the ABI between your app and the native library you linked against. Another words, your app and your .so is targeting different ABI.

if you create your app using latest Android Studio templates, its probably targeting the arm64-v8a but your .so may be targeting armeabi-v7a for example.

There is 2 way to solve this problem:

  1. build your native libraries for each ABI your app support.
  2. change your app to target older ABI that your .so built against.

Choice 2 is dirty but I think you probably have more interested in:

change your app's build.gradle

android {
    defaultConfig {
        ndk {
            abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a'

SQL: sum 3 columns when one column has a null value?

looks like you want to SUM all the columns (I'm not sure where "sum 3 columns" comes from), not just TotalHoursM, so try this:

    SUM(    ISNULL(TotalHoursM  ,0)
          + ISNULL(TotalHoursT  ,0)
          + ISNULL(TotalHoursW  ,0)
          + ISNULL(TotalHoursTH ,0)
          + ISNULL(TotalHoursF  ,0) 
       ) AS TOTAL
    FROM LeaveRequest

Most simple code to populate JTable from ResultSet

go here java tips weblog

then,put in your project : and add another class with this code:

    enter code here
 * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
 * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package comp;

import java.awt.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import static javax.swing.JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE;
import javax.swing.table.*;

public class TableFromDatabase extends JPanel {

    private Connection conexao = null;

    public TableFromDatabase() {
        Vector columnNames = new Vector();
        Vector data = new Vector();

        try {
            //  Connect to an Access Database
            conexao = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://" + "localhost"
                    + ":3306/yourdatabase", "root", "password");

            //  Read data from a table
            String sql = "select * from tb_something";
            Statement stmt = conexao.createStatement();
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
            ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData();
            int columns = md.getColumnCount();

            //  Get column names
            for (int i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {

            //  Get row data
            while ( {
                Vector row = new Vector(columns);

                for (int i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {


        } catch (Exception e) {

        //  Create table with database data
        JTable table = new JTable(data, columnNames) {
            public Class getColumnClass(int column) {
                for (int row = 0; row < getRowCount(); row++) {
                    Object o = getValueAt(row, column);

                    if (o != null) {
                        return o.getClass();

                return Object.class;

        JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);

        JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
        add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                JFrame frame = new JFrame("any");

                //Create and set up the content pane.
                TableFromDatabase newContentPane = new TableFromDatabase();
                newContentPane.setOpaque(true); //content panes must be opaque

                //Display the window.


then drag this class to you jframe,and it's done

it's deprecated,but it works.........

How do you test that a Python function throws an exception?

Since Python 2.7 you can use context manager to get ahold of the actual Exception object thrown:

import unittest

def broken_function():
    raise Exception('This is broken')

class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def test(self):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:

        self.assertTrue('This is broken' in context.exception)

if __name__ == '__main__':

In Python 3.5, you have to wrap context.exception in str, otherwise you'll get a TypeError

self.assertTrue('This is broken' in str(context.exception))

JQUERY ajax passing value from MVC View to Controller

I didn't want to open another threat so ill post my problem here

Ajax wont forward value to controller, and i just cant find an error :(


        $(document).ready(function () {
            $("#sMarka").change(function () {
                var markaId = $(this).val();
                    dataType: "html",
                    data: { "markaId": markaId },
                    success: function (model) {


public IActionResult VratiModele(int markaId = 0)
            if (markaId != 0)
                List<Model> listaModela = db.Modeli.Where(m => m.MarkaId == markaId).ToList();
                ViewBag.ModelVozila = new SelectList(listaModela, "ModelId", "Naziv");
                ViewBag.Greska = markaId.ToString();

            return PartialView();

How can I show and hide elements based on selected option with jQuery?

To show the div while selecting one value and hide while selecting another value from dropdown box: -

 $('#yourselectorid').bind('change', function(event) {

           var i= $('#yourselectorid').val();

            if(i=="sometext") // equal to a selection option
               $('#divid').hide(); // hide the first one
               $('#divid2').show(); // show the other one


Writing numerical values on the plot with Matplotlib

You can use the annotate command to place text annotations at any x and y values you want. To place them exactly at the data points you could do this

import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot

x = numpy.arange(10)
y = numpy.array([5,3,4,2,7,5,4,6,3,2])

fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
for i,j in zip(x,y):

If you want the annotations offset a little, you could change the annotate line to something like


How to find if a given key exists in a C++ std::map

To check if a particular key in the map exists, use the count member function in one of the following ways:

m.count(key) > 0
m.count(key) == 1
m.count(key) != 0

The documentation for map::find says: "Another member function, map::count, can be used to just check whether a particular key exists."

The documentation for map::count says: "Because all elements in a map container are unique, the function can only return 1 (if the element is found) or zero (otherwise)."

To retrieve a value from the map via a key that you know to exist, use map::at:

value =

Unlike map::operator[], map::at will not create a new key in the map if the specified key does not exist.

How to deploy ASP.NET webservice to IIS 7?

  1. rebuild project in VS
  2. copy project folder to iis folder, probably C:\inetpub\wwwroot\
  3. in iis manager (run>inetmgr) add website, point to folder, point application pool based on your .net
  4. add web service to created website, almost the same as 3.
  5. INSTALL ASP for windows 7 and .net 4.0: c:\windows\ framework\v4.(some numbers)\regiis.exe -i
  6. check access to web service on your browser

Python set to list

Try using combination of map and lambda functions:

aList = map( lambda x: x, set ([1, 2, 6, 9, 0]) )

It is very convenient approach if you have a set of numbers in string and you want to convert it to list of integers:

aList = map( lambda x: int(x), set (['1', '2', '3', '7', '12']) )

How can I strip HTML tags from a string in ASP.NET?

Regex.Replace(htmlText, "<.*?>", string.Empty);

Accessing the logged-in user in a template

You can access user data directly in the twig template without requesting anything in the controller. The user is accessible like that : app.user.

Now, you can access every property of the user. For example, you can access the username like that : app.user.username.

Warning, if the user is not logged, the app.user is null.

If you want to check if the user is logged, you can use the is_granted twig function. For example, if you want to check if the user has ROLE_ADMIN, you just have to do is_granted("ROLE_ADMIN").

So, in every of your pages you can do :

{% if is_granted("ROLE") %}
    Hi {{ app.user.username }}
{% endif %}

Why should I use a container div in HTML?

The most common reasons for me are so that:

  1. The layout can have a fixed width (yes, I know, I do a lot of work for designers who love fixed widths), and
  2. So the layout can be centered by applying text-align: center to the body and then margin: auto to the left and right of the container div.

What is the newline character in the C language: \r or \n?

If you mean by newline the newline character it is \n and \r is the carrier return character, but if you mean by newline the line ending then it depends on the operating system: DOS uses carriage return and line feed ("\r\n") as a line ending, which Unix uses just line feed ("\n")

Oracle: how to INSERT if a row doesn't exist

SELECT 'jonny', NULL
  FROM dual -- Not Oracle? No need for dual, drop that line
 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL -- canonical way, but you can select
                               -- anything as EXISTS only checks existence
                     FROM table
                    WHERE name = 'jonny'

How to change date format using jQuery?

You can use date.js to achieve this:

var date = new Date('2014-01-06');
var newDate = date.toString('dd-MM-yy');

Alternatively, you can do it natively like this:

var dateAr = '2014-01-06'.split('-');_x000D_
var newDate = dateAr[1] + '-' + dateAr[2] + '-' + dateAr[0].slice(-2);_x000D_

How to send characters in PuTTY serial communication only when pressing enter?

The settings you need are "Local echo" and "Line editing" under the "Terminal" category on the left.

To get the characters to display on the screen as you enter them, set "Local echo" to "Force on".

To get the terminal to not send the command until you press Enter, set "Local line editing" to "Force on".

PuTTY Line discipline options


From the PuTTY User Manual (Found by clicking on the "Help" button in PuTTY):

4.3.8 ‘Local echo’

With local echo disabled, characters you type into the PuTTY window are not echoed in the window by PuTTY. They are simply sent to the server. (The server might choose to echo them back to you; this can't be controlled from the PuTTY control panel.)

Some types of session need local echo, and many do not. In its default mode, PuTTY will automatically attempt to deduce whether or not local echo is appropriate for the session you are working in. If you find it has made the wrong decision, you can use this configuration option to override its choice: you can force local echo to be turned on, or force it to be turned off, instead of relying on the automatic detection.

4.3.9 ‘Local line editing’ Normally, every character you type into the PuTTY window is sent immediately to the server the moment you type it.

If you enable local line editing, this changes. PuTTY will let you edit a whole line at a time locally, and the line will only be sent to the server when you press Return. If you make a mistake, you can use the Backspace key to correct it before you press Return, and the server will never see the mistake.

Since it is hard to edit a line locally without being able to see it, local line editing is mostly used in conjunction with local echo (section 4.3.8). This makes it ideal for use in raw mode or when connecting to MUDs or talkers. (Although some more advanced MUDs do occasionally turn local line editing on and turn local echo off, in order to accept a password from the user.)

Some types of session need local line editing, and many do not. In its default mode, PuTTY will automatically attempt to deduce whether or not local line editing is appropriate for the session you are working in. If you find it has made the wrong decision, you can use this configuration option to override its choice: you can force local line editing to be turned on, or force it to be turned off, instead of relying on the automatic detection.

Putty sometimes makes wrong choices when "Auto" is enabled for these options because it tries to detect the connection configuration. Applied to serial line, this is a bit trickier to do.

Should I URL-encode POST data?

@DougW has clearly answered this question, but I still like to add some codes here to explain Doug's points. (And correct errors in the code above)

Solution 1: URL-encode the POST data with a content-type header :application/x-www-form-urlencoded .

Note: you do not need to urlencode $_POST[] fields one by one, http_build_query() function can do the urlencoding job nicely.

$fields = array(

$fields_string = http_build_query($fields);

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$fields_string);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$response = curl_exec($ch);

Solution 2: Pass the array directly as the post data without URL-encoding, while the Content-Type header will be set to multipart/form-data.

$fields = array(

    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$fields);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    $response = curl_exec($ch);

Both code snippets work, but using different HTTP headers and bodies.

Oracle SQL escape character (for a '&')

Set the define character to something other than &

create table blah (x varchar(20));
insert into blah (x) values ('blah&amp');
select * from blah;


Difference between string object and string literal

Some disassembly is always interesting...

$ cat 
public class Test {
    public static void main(String... args) {
        String abc = "abc";
        String def = new String("def");

$ javap -c -v Test
Compiled from ""
public class Test extends java.lang.Object
  SourceFile: ""
  minor version: 0
  major version: 50
  Constant pool:
const #1 = Method  #7.#16;  //  java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
const #2 = String  #17;     //  abc
const #3 = class   #18;     //  java/lang/String
const #4 = String  #19;     //  def
const #5 = Method  #3.#20;  //  java/lang/String."<init>":(Ljava/lang/String;)V
const #6 = class   #21;     //  Test
const #7 = class   #22;     //  java/lang/Object
const #8 = Asciz   <init>;

public Test(); ...    

public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
   Stack=3, Locals=3, Args_size=1
    0:    ldc #2;           // Load string constant "abc"
    2:    astore_1          // Store top of stack onto local variable 1
    3:    new #3;           // class java/lang/String
    6:    dup               // duplicate top of stack
    7:    ldc #4;           // Load string constant "def"
    9:    invokespecial #5; // Invoke constructor
   12:    astore_2          // Store top of stack onto local variable 2
   13:    return

Change background color on mouseover and remove it after mouseout


<div id="id">
<div id="hiddenDiv" style="display:none;"></div>



How to make one Observable sequence wait for another to complete before emitting?

Here's yet another, but I feel more straightforward and intuitive (or at least natural if you're used to Promises), approach. Basically, you create an Observable using Observable.create() to wrap one and two as a single Observable. This is very similar to how Promise.all() may work.

var first = someObservable.take(1);
var second = Observable.create((observer) => {
  return first.subscribe(
    function onNext(value) {
      /* do something with value like: */
    function onError(error) {
    function onComplete() {
        function onNext(value) {
        function onError(error) {
        function onComplete() {

So, what's going on here? First, we create a new Observable. The function passed to Observable.create(), aptly named onSubscription, is passed the observer (built from the parameters you pass to subscribe()), which is similar to resolve and reject combined into a single object when creating a new Promise. This is how we make the magic work.

In onSubscription, we subscribe to the first Observable (in the example above, this was called one). How we handle next and error is up to you, but the default provided in my sample should be appropriate generally speaking. However, when we receive the complete event, which means one is now done, we can subscribe to the next Observable; thereby firing the second Observable after the first one is complete.

The example observer provided for the second Observable is fairly simple. Basically, second now acts like what you would expect two to act like in the OP. More specifically, second will emit the first and only the first value emitted by someOtherObservable (because of take(1)) and then complete, assuming there is no error.


Here is a full, working example you can copy/paste if you want to see my example working in real life:

var someObservable = Observable.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
var someOtherObservable = Observable.from([6, 7, 8, 9]);

var first = someObservable.take(1);
var second = Observable.create((observer) => {
  return first.subscribe(
    function onNext(value) {
      /* do something with value like: */;
    function onError(error) {
    function onComplete() {
        function onNext(value) {
        function onError(error) {
        function onComplete() {
  function onNext(value) {
  function onError(error) {
  function onComplete() {

If you watch the console, the above example will print:




Should I use scipy.pi, numpy.pi, or math.pi?

One thing to note is that not all libraries will use the same meaning for pi, of course, so it never hurts to know what you're using. For example, the symbolic math library Sympy's representation of pi is not the same as math and numpy:

import math
import numpy
import scipy
import sympy

print(math.pi == numpy.pi)
> True
print(math.pi == scipy.pi)
> True
print(math.pi == sympy.pi)
> False

How to print bytes in hexadecimal using System.out.println?

byte test[] = new byte[3];
test[0] = 0x0A;
test[1] = 0xFF;
test[2] = 0x01;

for (byte theByte : test)

NOTE: test[1] = 0xFF; this wont compile, you cant put 255 (FF) into a byte, java will want to use an int.

you might be able to do...

test[1] = (byte) 0xFF;

I'd test if I was near my IDE (if I was near my IDE I wouln't be on Stackoverflow)

problem with <select> and :after with CSS in WebKit

This solution is similar to the one from sroy, but with css triangle instead of web font:

.select-wrapper {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  width: 200px;_x000D_
.select-wrapper:after {_x000D_
  content: "";_x000D_
  width: 0;_x000D_
  height: 0;_x000D_
  border-left: 5px solid transparent;_x000D_
  border-right: 5px solid transparent;_x000D_
  border-top: 6px solid #666;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  right: 8px;_x000D_
  top: 8px;_x000D_
  pointer-events: none;_x000D_
select {_x000D_
  background: #eee;_x000D_
  border: 0 !important;_x000D_
  border-radius: 0;_x000D_
  text-indent: 0.01px;_x000D_
  text-overflow: "";_x000D_
  font-size: inherit;_x000D_
  line-height: inherit;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
select::-ms-expand {_x000D_
  display: none;_x000D_
<div class="select-wrapper">_x000D_
    <option value="1">option 1</option>_x000D_
    <option value="2">option 2</option>_x000D_
    <option value="3">option 3</option>_x000D_

How do I escape a percentage sign in T-SQL?


WHERE column_name LIKE '%|%%' ESCAPE '|'

How to check the version before installing a package using apt-get?

Also, the apt-show-versions package (installed separately) parses dpkg information about what is installed and tells you if packages are up to date.


$ sudo apt-show-versions --regex chrome
google-chrome-stable/stable upgradeable from 32.0.1700.102-1 to 35.0.1916.114-1
xserver-xorg-video-openchrome/quantal-security uptodate 1:0.3.1-0ubuntu1.12.10.1

How to search for string in an array

there is a function that will return an array of all the strings found.

Filter(sourcearray, match[, include[, compare]])
The sourcearray has to be 1 dimensional
The function will return all strings in the array that have the match string in them

Web colors in an Android color xml resource file

With the help of excel I have converted the link above to android xml ready code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <color name="Black">#000000</color>
    <color name="Gunmetal">#2C3539</color>
    <color name="Midnight">#2B1B17</color>
    <color name="Charcoal">#34282C</color>
    <color name="Dark_Slate_Grey">#25383C</color>
    <color name="Oil">#3B3131</color>
    <color name="Black_Cat">#413839</color>
    <color name="Black_Eel">#463E3F</color>
    <color name="Black_Cow">#4C4646</color>
    <color name="Gray_Wolf">#504A4B</color>
    <color name="Vampire_Gray">#565051</color>
    <color name="Gray_Dolphin">#5C5858</color>
    <color name="Carbon_Gray">#625D5D</color>
    <color name="Ash_Gray">#666362</color>
    <color name="Cloudy_Gray">#6D6968</color>
    <color name="Smokey_Gray">#726E6D</color>
    <color name="Gray">#736F6E</color>
    <color name="Granite">#837E7C</color>
    <color name="Battleship_Gray">#848482</color>
    <color name="Gray_Cloud">#B6B6B4</color>
    <color name="Gray_Goose">#D1D0CE</color>
    <color name="Platinum">#E5E4E2</color>
    <color name="Metallic_Silver">#BCC6CC</color>
    <color name="Blue_Gray">#98AFC7</color>
    <color name="Light_Slate_Gray">#6D7B8D</color>
    <color name="Slate_Gray">#657383</color>
    <color name="Jet_Gray">#616D7E</color>
    <color name="Mist_Blue">#646D7E</color>
    <color name="Marble_Blue">#566D7E</color>
    <color name="Slate_Blue">#737CA1</color>
    <color name="Steel_Blue">#4863A0</color>
    <color name="Blue_Jay">#2B547E</color>
    <color name="Dark_Slate_Blue">#2B3856</color>
    <color name="Midnight_Blue">#151B54</color>
    <color name="Navy_Blue">#000080</color>
    <color name="Blue_Whale">#342D7E</color>
    <color name="Lapis_Blue">#15317E</color>
    <color name="Cornflower_Blue">#151B8D</color>
    <color name="Earth_Blue">#0000A0</color>
    <color name="Cobalt_Blue">#0020C2</color>
    <color name="Blueberry_Blue">#0041C2</color>
    <color name="Sapphire_Blue">#2554C7</color>
    <color name="Blue_Eyes">#1569C7</color>
    <color name="Royal_Blue">#2B60DE</color>
    <color name="Blue_Orchid">#1F45FC</color>
    <color name="Blue_Lotus">#6960EC</color>
    <color name="Light_Slate_Blue">#736AFF</color>
    <color name="Silk_Blue">#488AC7</color>
    <color name="Blue_Ivy">#3090C7</color>
    <color name="Blue_Koi">#659EC7</color>
    <color name="Columbia_Blue">#87AFC7</color>
    <color name="Baby_Blue">#95B9C7</color>
    <color name="Light_Steel_Blue">#728FCE</color>
    <color name="Ocean_Blue">#2B65EC</color>
    <color name="Blue_Ribbon">#306EFF</color>
    <color name="Blue_Dress">#157DEC</color>
    <color name="Dodger_Blue">#1589FF</color>
    <color name="Butterfly_Blue">#38ACEC</color>
    <color name="Iceberg">#56A5EC</color>
    <color name="Crystal_Blue">#5CB3FF</color>
    <color name="Deep_Sky_Blue">#3BB9FF</color>
    <color name="Denim_Blue">#79BAEC</color>
    <color name="Light_Sky_Blue">#82CAFA</color>
    <color name="Sky_Blue">#82CAFF</color>
    <color name="Jeans_Blue">#A0CFEC</color>
    <color name="Blue_Angel">#B7CEEC</color>
    <color name="Pastel_Blue">#B4CFEC</color>
    <color name="Sea_Blue">#C2DFFF</color>
    <color name="Powder_Blue">#C6DEFF</color>
    <color name="Coral_Blue">#AFDCEC</color>
    <color name="Light_Blue">#ADDFFF</color>
    <color name="Robin_Egg_Blue">#BDEDFF</color>
    <color name="Pale_Blue_Lily">#CFECEC</color>
    <color name="Light_Cyan">#E0FFFF</color>
    <color name="Water">#EBF4FA</color>
    <color name="AliceBlue">#F0F8FF</color>
    <color name="Azure">#F0FFFF</color>
    <color name="Light_Slate">#CCFFFF</color>
    <color name="Light_Aquamarine">#93FFE8</color>
    <color name="Electric_Blue">#9AFEFF</color>
    <color name="Aquamarine">#7FFFD4</color>
    <color name="Cyan_or_Aqua">#00FFFF</color>
    <color name="Tron_Blue">#7DFDFE</color>
    <color name="Blue_Zircon">#57FEFF</color>
    <color name="Blue_Lagoon">#8EEBEC</color>
    <color name="Celeste">#50EBEC</color>
    <color name="Blue_Diamond">#4EE2EC</color>
    <color name="Tiffany_Blue">#81D8D0</color>
    <color name="Cyan_Opaque">#92C7C7</color>
    <color name="Blue_Hosta">#77BFC7</color>
    <color name="Northern_Lights_Blue">#78C7C7</color>
    <color name="Medium_Turquoise">#48CCCD</color>
    <color name="Turquoise">#43C6DB</color>
    <color name="Jellyfish">#46C7C7</color>
    <color name="Mascaw_Blue_Green">#43BFC7</color>
    <color name="Light_Sea_Green">#3EA99F</color>
    <color name="Dark_Turquoise">#3B9C9C</color>
    <color name="Sea_Turtle_Green">#438D80</color>
    <color name="Medium_Aquamarine">#348781</color>
    <color name="Greenish_Blue">#307D7E</color>
    <color name="Grayish_Turquoise">#5E7D7E</color>
    <color name="Beetle_Green">#4C787E</color>
    <color name="Teal">#008080</color>
    <color name="Sea_Green">#4E8975</color>
    <color name="Camouflage_Green">#78866B</color>
    <color name="Hazel_Green">#617C58</color>
    <color name="Venom_Green">#728C00</color>
    <color name="Fern_Green">#667C26</color>
    <color name="Dark_Forrest_Green">#254117</color>
    <color name="Medium_Sea_Green">#306754</color>
    <color name="Medium_Forest_Green">#347235</color>
    <color name="Seaweed_Green">#437C17</color>
    <color name="Pine_Green">#387C44</color>
    <color name="Jungle_Green">#347C2C</color>
    <color name="Shamrock_Green">#347C17</color>
    <color name="Medium_Spring_Green">#348017</color>
    <color name="Forest_Green">#4E9258</color>
    <color name="Green_Onion">#6AA121</color>
    <color name="Spring_Green">#4AA02C</color>
    <color name="Lime_Green">#41A317</color>
    <color name="Clover_Green">#3EA055</color>
    <color name="Green_Snake">#6CBB3C</color>
    <color name="Alien_Green">#6CC417</color>
    <color name="Green_Apple">#4CC417</color>
    <color name="Yellow_Green">#52D017</color>
    <color name="Kelly_Green">#4CC552</color>
    <color name="Zombie_Green">#54C571</color>
    <color name="Frog_Green">#99C68E</color>
    <color name="Green_Peas">#89C35C</color>
    <color name="Dollar_Bill_Green">#85BB65</color>
    <color name="Dark_Sea_Green">#8BB381</color>
    <color name="Iguana_Green">#9CB071</color>
    <color name="Avocado_Green">#B2C248</color>
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    <color name="Salad_Green">#A1C935</color>
    <color name="Hummingbird_Green">#7FE817</color>
    <color name="Nebula_Green">#59E817</color>
    <color name="Stoplight_Go_Green">#57E964</color>
    <color name="Algae_Green">#64E986</color>
    <color name="Jade_Green">#5EFB6E</color>
    <color name="Green">#00FF00</color>
    <color name="Emerald_Green">#5FFB17</color>
    <color name="Lawn_Green">#87F717</color>
    <color name="Chartreuse">#8AFB17</color>
    <color name="Dragon_Green">#6AFB92</color>
    <color name="Mint_green">#98FF98</color>
    <color name="Green_Thumb">#B5EAAA</color>
    <color name="Light_Jade">#C3FDB8</color>
    <color name="Tea_Green">#CCFB5D</color>
    <color name="Green_Yellow">#B1FB17</color>
    <color name="Slime_Green">#BCE954</color>
    <color name="Goldenrod">#EDDA74</color>
    <color name="Harvest_Gold">#EDE275</color>
    <color name="Sun_Yellow">#FFE87C</color>
    <color name="Yellow">#FFFF00</color>
    <color name="Corn_Yellow">#FFF380</color>
    <color name="Parchment">#FFFFC2</color>
    <color name="Cream">#FFFFCC</color>
    <color name="Lemon_Chiffon">#FFF8C6</color>
    <color name="Cornsilk">#FFF8DC</color>
    <color name="Beige">#F5F5DC</color>
    <color name="AntiqueWhite">#FAEBD7</color>
    <color name="BlanchedAlmond">#FFEBCD</color>
    <color name="Vanilla">#F3E5AB</color>
    <color name="Tan_Brown">#ECE5B6</color>
    <color name="Peach">#FFE5B4</color>
    <color name="Mustard">#FFDB58</color>
    <color name="Rubber_Ducky_Yellow">#FFD801</color>
    <color name="Bright_Gold">#FDD017</color>
    <color name="Golden_brown">#EAC117</color>
    <color name="Macaroni_and_Cheese">#F2BB66</color>
    <color name="Saffron">#FBB917</color>
    <color name="Beer">#FBB117</color>
    <color name="Cantaloupe">#FFA62F</color>
    <color name="Bee_Yellow">#E9AB17</color>
    <color name="Brown_Sugar">#E2A76F</color>
    <color name="BurlyWood">#DEB887</color>
    <color name="Deep_Peach">#FFCBA4</color>
    <color name="Ginger_Brown">#C9BE62</color>
    <color name="School_Bus_Yellow">#E8A317</color>
    <color name="Sandy_Brown">#EE9A4D</color>
    <color name="Fall_Leaf_Brown">#C8B560</color>
    <color name="Gold">#D4A017</color>
    <color name="Sand">#C2B280</color>
    <color name="Cookie_Brown">#C7A317</color>
    <color name="Caramel">#C68E17</color>
    <color name="Brass">#B5A642</color>
    <color name="Khaki">#ADA96E</color>
    <color name="Camel_brown">#C19A6B</color>
    <color name="Bronze">#CD7F32</color>
    <color name="Tiger_Orange">#C88141</color>
    <color name="Cinnamon">#C58917</color>
    <color name="Dark_Goldenrod">#AF7817</color>
    <color name="Copper">#B87333</color>
    <color name="Wood">#966F33</color>
    <color name="Oak_Brown">#806517</color>
    <color name="Moccasin">#827839</color>
    <color name="Army_Brown">#827B60</color>
    <color name="Sandstone">#786D5F</color>
    <color name="Mocha">#493D26</color>
    <color name="Taupe">#483C32</color>
    <color name="Coffee">#6F4E37</color>
    <color name="Brown_Bear">#835C3B</color>
    <color name="Red_Dirt">#7F5217</color>
    <color name="Sepia">#7F462C</color>
    <color name="Orange_Salmon">#C47451</color>
    <color name="Rust">#C36241</color>
    <color name="Red_Fox">#C35817</color>
    <color name="Chocolate">#C85A17</color>
    <color name="Sedona">#CC6600</color>
    <color name="Papaya_Orange">#E56717</color>
    <color name="Halloween_Orange">#E66C2C</color>
    <color name="Pumpkin_Orange">#F87217</color>
    <color name="Construction_Cone_Orange">#F87431</color>
    <color name="Sunrise_Orange">#E67451</color>
    <color name="Mango_Orange">#FF8040</color>
    <color name="Dark_Orange">#F88017</color>
    <color name="Coral">#FF7F50</color>
    <color name="Basket_Ball_Orange">#F88158</color>
    <color name="Light_Salmon">#F9966B</color>
    <color name="Tangerine">#E78A61</color>
    <color name="Dark_Salmon">#E18B6B</color>
    <color name="Light_Coral">#E77471</color>
    <color name="Bean_Red">#F75D59</color>
    <color name="Valentine_Red">#E55451</color>
    <color name="Shocking_Orange">#E55B3C</color>
    <color name="Red">#FF0000</color>
    <color name="Scarlet">#FF2400</color>
    <color name="Ruby_Red">#F62217</color>
    <color name="Ferrari_Red">#F70D1A</color>
    <color name="Fire_Engine_Red">#F62817</color>
    <color name="Lava_Red">#E42217</color>
    <color name="Love_Red">#E41B17</color>
    <color name="Grapefruit">#DC381F</color>
    <color name="Chestnut_Red">#C34A2C</color>
    <color name="Cherry_Red">#C24641</color>
    <color name="Mahogany">#C04000</color>
    <color name="Chilli_Pepper">#C11B17</color>
    <color name="Cranberry">#9F000F</color>
    <color name="Red_Wine">#990012</color>
    <color name="Burgundy">#8C001A</color>
    <color name="Blood_Red">#7E3517</color>
    <color name="Sienna">#8A4117</color>
    <color name="Sangria">#7E3817</color>
    <color name="Firebrick">#800517</color>
    <color name="Maroon">#810541</color>
    <color name="Plum_Pie">#7D0541</color>
    <color name="Velvet_Maroon">#7E354D</color>
    <color name="Plum_Velvet">#7D0552</color>
    <color name="Rosy_Finch">#7F4E52</color>
    <color name="Puce">#7F5A58</color>
    <color name="Dull_Purple">#7F525D</color>
    <color name="Rosy_Brown">#B38481</color>
    <color name="Khaki_Rose">#C5908E</color>
    <color name="Pink_Bow">#C48189</color>
    <color name="Lipstick_Pink">#C48793</color>
    <color name="Rose">#E8ADAA</color>
    <color name="Desert_Sand">#EDC9AF</color>
    <color name="Pig_Pink">#FDD7E4</color>
    <color name="Cotton_Candy">#FCDFFF</color>
    <color name="Pink_Bubblegum">#FFDFDD</color>
    <color name="Misty_Rose">#FBBBB9</color>
    <color name="Pink">#FAAFBE</color>
    <color name="Light_Pink">#FAAFBA</color>
    <color name="Flamingo_Pink">#F9A7B0</color>
    <color name="Pink_Rose">#E7A1B0</color>
    <color name="Pink_Daisy">#E799A3</color>
    <color name="Cadillac_Pink">#E38AAE</color>
    <color name="Blush_Red">#E56E94</color>
    <color name="Hot_Pink">#F660AB</color>
    <color name="Watermelon_Pink">#FC6C85</color>
    <color name="Violet_Red">#F6358A</color>
    <color name="Deep_Pink">#F52887</color>
    <color name="Pink_Cupcake">#E45E9D</color>
    <color name="Pink_Lemonade">#E4287C</color>
    <color name="Neon_Pink">#F535AA</color>
    <color name="Magenta">#FF00FF</color>
    <color name="Dimorphotheca_Magenta">#E3319D</color>
    <color name="Bright_Neon_Pink">#F433FF</color>
    <color name="Pale_Violet_Red">#D16587</color>
    <color name="Tulip_Pink">#C25A7C</color>
    <color name="Medium_Violet_Red">#CA226B</color>
    <color name="Rogue_Pink">#C12869</color>
    <color name="Burnt_Pink">#C12267</color>
    <color name="Bashful_Pink">#C25283</color>
    <color name="Carnation_Pink">#C12283</color>
    <color name="Plum">#B93B8F</color>
    <color name="Viola_Purple">#7E587E</color>
    <color name="Purple_Iris">#571B7E</color>
    <color name="Plum_Purple">#583759</color>
    <color name="Indigo">#4B0082</color>
    <color name="Purple_Monster">#461B7E</color>
    <color name="Purple_Haze">#4E387E</color>
    <color name="Eggplant">#614051</color>
    <color name="Grape">#5E5A80</color>
    <color name="Purple_Jam">#6A287E</color>
    <color name="Dark_Orchid">#7D1B7E</color>
    <color name="Purple_Flower">#A74AC7</color>
    <color name="Medium_Orchid">#B048B5</color>
    <color name="Purple_Amethyst">#6C2DC7</color>
    <color name="Dark_Violet">#842DCE</color>
    <color name="Violet">#8D38C9</color>
    <color name="Purple_Sage_Bush">#7A5DC7</color>
    <color name="Lovely_Purple">#7F38EC</color>
    <color name="Purple">#8E35EF</color>
    <color name="Aztec_Purple">#893BFF</color>
    <color name="Medium_Purple">#8467D7</color>
    <color name="Jasmine_Purple">#A23BEC</color>
    <color name="Purple_Daffodil">#B041FF</color>
    <color name="Tyrian_Purple">#C45AEC</color>
    <color name="Crocus_Purple">#9172EC</color>
    <color name="Purple_Mimosa">#9E7BFF</color>
    <color name="Heliotrope_Purple">#D462FF</color>
    <color name="Crimson">#E238EC</color>
    <color name="Purple_Dragon">#C38EC7</color>
    <color name="Lilac">#C8A2C8</color>
    <color name="Blush_Pink">#E6A9EC</color>
    <color name="Mauve">#E0B0FF</color>
    <color name="Wisteria_Purple">#C6AEC7</color>
    <color name="Blossom_Pink">#F9B7FF</color>
    <color name="Thistle">#D2B9D3</color>
    <color name="Periwinkle">#E9CFEC</color>
    <color name="Lavender_Pinocchio">#EBDDE2</color>
    <color name="Lavender">#E3E4FA</color>
    <color name="Pearl">#FDEEF4</color>
    <color name="SeaShell">#FFF5EE</color>
    <color name="Milk_White">#FEFCFF</color>
    <color name="White">#FFFFFF</color>

How to write Unicode characters to the console?

Console.OutputEncoding Property

Note that successfully displaying Unicode characters to the console requires the following:

  • The console must use a TrueType font, such as Lucida Console or Consolas, to display characters.

C# DateTime to "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS" format

DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); // case sensitive

Rails: Adding an index after adding column

You can use this, just think Job is the name of the model to which you are adding index cader_id:

class AddCaderIdToJob < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
  def change
    change_table :jobs do |t|
      t.integer :cader_id
      t.index :cader_id

Simple function to sort an array of objects

var library = [_x000D_
        {name: 'Steve', course:'WAP', courseID: 'cs452'}, _x000D_
        {name: 'Rakesh', course:'WAA', courseID: 'cs545'},_x000D_
        {name: 'Asad', course:'SWE', courseID: 'cs542'},_x000D_
const sorted_by_name = library.sort( (a,b) => > );_x000D_
for(let k in sorted_by_name){_x000D_

Twitter Bootstrap - add top space between rows

Bootstrap 3

If you need to separate rows in bootstrap, you can simply use .form-group. This adds 15px margin to the bottom of row.

In your case, to get margin top, you can add this class to previous .row element

<div class="row form-group">

/* From bootstrap.css */
.form-group {
        margin-bottom: 15px;

Bootstrap 4

You can use built-in spacing classes

<div class="row mt-3"></div>

The "t" in class name makes it apply only to "top" side, there are similar classes for bottom, left, right. The number defines space size.

Angular - Use pipes in services and components

Other answers don't work in angular 5?

I got an error because DatePipe is not a provider, so it cannot be injected. One solution is to put it as a provider in your app module but my preferred solution was to instantiate it.

Instantiate it where needed:

I looked at DatePipe's source code to see how it got the locale:

I wanted to use it within a pipe, so my example is within another pipe:

    import { Pipe, PipeTransform, Inject, LOCALE_ID } from '@angular/core';
    import { DatePipe } from '@angular/common';

        name: 'when',
    export class WhenPipe implements PipeTransform {
        static today = new Date((new Date).toDateString().split(' ').slice(1).join(' '));
        datePipe: DatePipe;

        constructor(@Inject(LOCALE_ID) private locale: string) {
            this.datePipe = new DatePipe(locale);
        transform(value: string | Date): string {
            if (typeof(value) === 'string')
                value = new Date(value);

            return this.datePipe.transform(value, value < ? 'MMM d': 'shortTime')

The key here is importing Inject, and LOCALE_ID from angular's core, and then injecting that so you can give it to the DatePipe to instantiate it properly.

Make DatePipe a provider

In your app module you could also add DatePipe to your providers array like this:

    import { DatePipe } from '@angular/common';

        providers: [

Now you can just have it injected in your constructor where needed (like in cexbrayat's answer).


Either solution worked, I don't know which one angular would consider most "correct" but I chose to instantiate it manually since angular didn't provide datepipe as a provider itself.

How to embed a PDF?

This works perfectly and this is official html5.

<object data="https://link-to-pdf"></object>

Redirecting to a new page after successful login

Javascript redirection generated with php code:

 if($match > 0){
     $msg = 'Login Complete! Thanks';
     echo "<script> window.location.assign('index.php'); </script>";
     $msg = 'Login Failed!<br /> Please make sure that you enter the correct  details and that you have activated your account.';

Php redirection only:

    header("Location: index.php"); 
?> is not a function

There is an error on $.map() invocation, try this:

    function getData(data) {
        this.productID = data.product_id;
        this.productData = data.product_data;
        this.imageID = data.product_data.image_id;
        this.text = data.product_data.text; =;
        this.imageUrl = data.product_data.image_url;

    $.getJSON("json.json?sdfsdfg").done(function (data) {

        var allPosts = $.map(data,function (item) {

            for (var i = 0; i < item.length; i++) {
                new getData(item[i]);



The error in your code was that you made return in your AJAX call, so it executed only one time.

How can I use a for each loop on an array?

Element needs to be a variant, so you can't declare it as a string. Your function should accept a variant if it is a string though as long as you pass it ByVal.

Public Sub example()
    Dim sArray(4) As string
    Dim element As variant

    For Each element In sArray
        do_something (element)
    Next element
End Sub

Sub do_something(ByVal e As String)

End Sub

The other option is to convert the variant to a string before passing it.

  do_something CStr(element)

ValueError : I/O operation on closed file

Indent correctly; your for statement should be inside the with block:

import csv    

with open('v.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
    cwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)

    for w, c in p.items():
        cwriter.writerow(w + c)

Outside the with block, the file is closed.

>>> with open('/tmp/1', 'w') as f:
...     print(f.closed)
>>> print(f.closed)

DataGridView AutoFit and Fill

To build on AlfredBr's answer, if you hid some of your columns, you can use the following to auto-size all columns and then just have the last visible column fill the empty space:

myDgv.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells;
myDgv.Columns.GetLastColumn(DataGridViewElementStates.Visible, DataGridViewElementStates.None).AutoSizeMode = 

Why does Firebug say toFixed() is not a function?

Low is a string.

.toFixed() only works with a number.

A simple way to overcome such problem is to use type coercion:

Low = (Low*1).toFixed(..);

The multiplication by 1 forces to code to convert the string to number and doesn't change the value.

Simple InputBox function

Probably the simplest way is to use the InputBox method of the Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction class:


$title = 'Demographics'
$msg   = 'Enter your demographics:'

$text = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox($msg, $title)

How to build a JSON array from mysql database

Use this

$array = array();
$sql_results = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `location`');

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_results))
    $subArray[location_id]=$row['location'];  //location_id is key and $row['location'] is value which come fron database.

 $array[] =  $subArray ;

How can I get a user's media from Instagram without authenticating as a user?

Since Instagram changed the way they provide this data, none of above methods work nowadays. Here is the new way to get user's media:
query_id - permanent value: 17888483320059182 (note it might be changed in future).
id - id of the user. It may come with list of users. To get the list of users you can use following request: GET
first - amount of items to get.
after - id of the last item if you want to get items from that id.

Assert an object is a specific type

Solution for JUnit 5

The documentation says:

However, JUnit Jupiter’s org.junit.jupiter.Assertions class does not provide an assertThat() method like the one found in JUnit 4’s org.junit.Assert class which accepts a Hamcrest Matcher. Instead, developers are encouraged to use the built-in support for matchers provided by third-party assertion libraries.

Example for Hamcrest:

import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.instanceOf;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class HamcrestAssertionDemo {

    void assertWithHamcrestMatcher() {
        SubClass subClass = new SubClass();
        assertThat(subClass, instanceOf(BaseClass.class));


Example for AssertJ:

import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class AssertJDemo {

    void assertWithAssertJ() {
        SubClass subClass = new SubClass();


Note that this assumes you want to test behaviors similar to instanceof (which accepts subclasses). If you want exact equal type, I don’t see a better way than asserting the two class to be equal like you mentioned in the question.

HTML5 Pre-resize images before uploading

If you don't want to reinvent the wheel you may try

Determine the data types of a data frame's columns

I would suggest

sapply(foo, typeof)

if you need the actual types of the vectors in the data frame. class() is somewhat of a different beast.

If you don't need to get this information as a vector (i.e. you don't need it to do something else programmatically later), just use str(foo).

In both cases foo would be replaced with the name of your data frame.

Converting string to title case

Use ToLower() first, than CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase on the result to get the correct output.

    // Get title case of a string (every word with leading upper case,
    //                             the rest is lower case)
    //    i.e: ABCD EFG -> Abcd Efg,
    //         john doe -> John Doe,
    //         miXEd CaSING - > Mixed Casing
    public static string ToTitleCase(string str)
        return CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(str.ToLower());

anchor jumping by using javascript

I have a button for a prompt that on click it opens the display dialogue and then I can write what I want to search and it goes to that location on the page. It uses javascript to answer the header.

On the .html file I have:

<button onclick="myFunction()">Load Prompt</button>
<span id="test100"><h4>Hello</h4></span>

On the .js file I have

function myFunction() {
    var input = prompt("list or new or quit");

    while(input !== "quit") {
        if(input ==="test100") {
            window.location.hash = 'test100';
// else if(input.indexOf("test100") >= 0) {
//   window.location.hash = 'test100';
//   return;
// }

When I write test100 into the prompt, then it will go to where I have placed span id="test100" in the html file.

I use Google Chrome.

Note: This idea comes from linking on the same page using

<a href="#test100">Test link</a>

which on click will send to the anchor. For it to work multiple times, from experience need to reload the page.

Credit to the people at stackoverflow (and possibly stackexchange, too) can't remember how I gathered all the bits and pieces. ?

Explain the "setUp" and "tearDown" Python methods used in test cases

In general you add all prerequisite steps to setUp and all clean-up steps to tearDown.

You can read more with examples here.

When a setUp() method is defined, the test runner will run that method prior to each test. Likewise, if a tearDown() method is defined, the test runner will invoke that method after each test.

For example you have a test that requires items to exist, or certain state - so you put these actions(creating object instances, initializing db, preparing rules and so on) into the setUp.

Also as you know each test should stop in the place where it was started - this means that we have to restore app state to it's initial state - e.g close files, connections, removing newly created items, calling transactions callback and so on - all these steps are to be included into the tearDown.

So the idea is that test itself should contain only actions that to be performed on the test object to get the result, while setUp and tearDown are the methods to help you to leave your test code clean and flexible.

You can create a setUp and tearDown for a bunch of tests and define them in a parent class - so it would be easy for you to support such tests and update common preparations and clean ups.

If you are looking for an easy example please use the following link with example