[c++] Why are C++ inline functions in the header?

NB This is not a question about how to use inline functions or how they work, more why they are done the way they are.

The declaration of a class member function does not need to define a function as inline, it is only the actual implementation of the function. For example, in the header file:

struct foo{
    void bar(); // no need to define this as inline

So why does the inline implementation of a classes function have to be in the header file? Why can't I put the inline function the .cpp file? If I were to try to put the inline definition in the .cpp file I would get an error along the lines of:

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
"public: void __thiscall foo::bar(void)"
(?bar@foo@@QAEXXZ) referenced in function _main 
1>C:\Users\Me\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\inline\Debug\inline.exe 
: fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

This question is related to c++ inline theory language-design c++-faq

The answer is

There are two ways to look at it:

  1. Inline functions are defined in the header because, in order to inline a function call, the compiler must be able to see the function body. For a naive compiler to do that, the function body must be in the same translation unit as the call. (A modern compiler can optimize across translation units, and so a function call may be inlined even though the function definition is in a separate translation unit, but these optimizations are expensive, aren't always enabled, and weren't always supported by the compiler)

  2. functions defined in the header must be marked inline because otherwise, every translation unit which includes the header will contain a definition of the function, and the linker will complain about multiple definitions (a violation of the One Definition Rule). The inline keyword suppresses this, allowing multiple translation units to contain (identical) definitions.

The two explanations really boil down to the fact that the inline keyword doesn't exactly do what you'd expect.

A C++ compiler is free to apply the inlining optimization (replace a function call with the body of the called function, saving the call overhead) any time it likes, as long as it doesn't alter the observable behavior of the program.

The inline keyword makes it easier for the compiler to apply this optimization, by allowing the function definition to be visible in multiple translation units, but using the keyword doesn't mean the compiler has to inline the function, and not using the keyword doesn't forbid the compiler from inlining the function.

This is a limit of the C++ compiler. If you put the function in the header, all the cpp files where it can be inlined can see the "source" of your function and the inlining can be done by the compiler. Otherwhise the inlining would have to be done by the linker (each cpp file is compiled in an obj file separately). The problem is that it would be much more difficult to do it in the linker. A similar problem exists with "template" classes/functions. They need to be instantiated by the compiler, because the linker would have problem instantiating (creating a specialized version of) them. Some newer compiler/linker can do a "two pass" compilation/linking where the compiler does a first pass, then the linker does its work and call the compiler to resolve unresolved things (inline/templates...)

Because the compiler needs to see them in order to inline them. And headers files are the "components" which are commonly included in other translation units.

#include "file.h"
// Ok, now me (the compiler) can see the definition of that inline function. 
// So I'm able to replace calls for the actual implementation.

The reason is that the compiler has to actually see the definition in order to be able to drop it in in place of the call.

Remember that C and C++ use a very simplistic compilation model, where the compiler always only sees one translation unit at a time. (This fails for export, which is the main reason only one vendor actually implemented it.)

Inline Functions

In C++ a macro is nothing but inline function. SO now macros are under control of compiler.

  • Important : If we define a function inside class it will become Inline automatically

Code of Inline function is replaced at the place it is called, so it reduce the overhead of calling function.

In some cases Inlining of function can not work, Such as

  • If static variable used inside inline function.

  • If function is complicated.

  • If recursive call of function

  • If address of function taken implicitely or explicitely

Function defined outside class as below may become inline

inline int AddTwoVar(int x,int y); //This may not become inline 

inline int AddTwoVar(int x,int y) { return x + y; } // This becomes inline

Function defined inside class also become inline

// Inline SpeedMeter functions
class SpeedMeter
    int speed;
    int getSpeed() const { return speed; }
    void setSpeed(int varSpeed) { speed = varSpeed; }
int main()
    SpeedMeter objSM;
    int speedValue = A.getSpeed();

Here both getSpeed and setSpeed functions will become inline

The c++ inline keyword is misleading, it doesn't mean "inline this function". If a function is defined as inline, it simply means that it can be defined multiple times as long as all definitions are equal. It's perfectly legal for a function marked inline to be a real function that is called instead of getting code inlined at the point where it's called.

Defining a function in a header file is needed for templates, since e.g. a templated class isn't really a class, it's a template for a class which you can make multiple variations of. In order for the compiler to be able to e.g. make a Foo<int>::bar() function when you use the Foo template to create a Foo class, the actual definition of Foo<T>::bar() must be visible.

I know this is an old thread but thought I should mention that the extern keyword. I've recently ran into this issue and solved as follows


namespace DX
    extern inline void ThrowIfFailed(HRESULT hr);


namespace DX
    inline void ThrowIfFailed(HRESULT hr)
        if (FAILED(hr))
            std::stringstream ss;
            ss << "#" << hr;
            throw std::exception(ss.str().c_str());

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