[shell] Shell Script Syntax Error: Unexpected End of File

In the following script I get an error:

syntax error: unexpected end of file

What is this error how can I resove it? It is pointing at the line whee the function is called.



httpdconn=`ps -ef|grep -i httpd|grep -v grep|wc -l` #httpd connections
cpu_usage=`ps aux|awk 'NR > 0 { s +=$3 }; END {print s}'`
disk_usage=`df -h|awk {'print $2'}|head -n3|awk 'NF{s=$0}END{print s}'`
#db_connections=`mysql -uroot -pexxxxxx -s -N -e "show processlist"|wc -l`

    `touch /tmp/alert.txt && > /tmp/alert.txt`
    echo -e "$date\n" > /tmp/alert.txt
    echo -e "$message" >> /tmp/alert.txt
    cd $path
    tfd=`ls -l|wc -l`;
    sfd=`ls -ltr|grep sock|wc -l`;
    echo "Total fds: $tfd" >> /tmp/alert.txt
    echo "Socket fds: $sfd" >> /tmp/alert.txt
    echo "Other fds: $[$tfd - $sfd]" >> /tmp/alert.txt

    freememory=`vmstat | awk '{if (NR == 3) print "Free Memory:"\$4}'`;
    echo "Free memory :$freememory" >> /tmp/alert.txt
    Bufferedmemory=`vmstat | awk '{if (NR == 3) print "Buffered Memory:"\$5}'`;
    echo "Buffered memory $Bufferedmemory" >> /tmp/alert.txt
    CacheMemory=`vmstat | awk '{if (NR == 3) print "Cache Memory:"\$6}'`;
    echo "Cache memory : $CacheMemory" >> /tmp/alert.txt
    sshconn=`netstat -an|grep 22|wc -l`  #ssh connections
    httpsconn=`netstat -an|grep 443|wc -l`  #https connections
    wwwconn=`netstat -an|grep 80|wc -l`  #www connections
    echo "Disk usage is $disk_usage" >> /tmp/alert.txt
    echo "DB connections $db_connections" >> /tmp/alert.txt
    echo "Network connections $nwconn" >> /tmp/alert.txt
    echo "CPU Usage: $cpu_usage" >> /tmp/alert.txt
    topsnapshot=`top -n 1 -b`
    echo "===========================TOP COMMAND    SNAPSHOT====================================================";
    echo "$topsnapshot" >> /tmp/alert.txt
    echo"==================PS COMMAND SNAPSHOT=============================================================="
    entireprocesslist=`ps -ef`
    echo "$entireprocesslist" >> /tmp/alert.txt

    echo Hello hi"";


if [ ${disk_usage%?} -le $expected_diskusage ]    ##{x%?} Removes last character
    echo "disk usage exceeded";
    message="Disk usage limit exceeded \nCurrent disk usage is $disk_usage\nConfigured disk usage is    $expected_diskusage\n\n\n\n\n";
    #Checking for CPU usage
    if [ $cpu_usage -ge $expected_cpuusage]    ##{x%?}
        echo "CPU usage exceeded";
        if [ $message -ne "" ]
            message="$message\n\nCPU usage exceeded configured usage limit \nCurrent CPU usage is $cpu_usage\nConfigured CPU usage is $expected_cpuusage\n\n\n\n\n";
            message="CPU usage exceeded configured usage limit \nCurrent CPU usage is   $cpu_usage\nConfigured CPU usage is $expected_cpuusage\n\n\n\n\n";
        fi ;
    #Checking for httpd connections
    if [ $httpdconn -ge $expected_httpdconn]    ##{x%?}
        echo "HTTPD connections exceeded";
        if [ $message -ne "" ]
            message="$message\n\nHTTPD connections exceeded configured usage limit \nCurrent HTTPD connections is $httpdconn\nConfigured HTTPD connection is $expected_httpdconn";
            message="HTTPD connections exceeded configured usage limit \nCurrent HTTPD connections is $httpdconn\nConfigured HTTPD connection is $expected_httpdconn";
        fi ;
    fi ;
    value=$(cld_alert $message $httpdconn $cpu_usage $disk_usage $db_connections)

This question is related to shell sh

The answer is

echo"==================PS COMMAND SNAPSHOT=============================================================="

needs to be

echo "==================PS COMMAND SNAPSHOT=============================================================="

Else, a program or command named echo"===... is searched.

more problems:

If you do a grep (-A1: + 1 line context)

grep -A1 "if " cldtest.sh 

you find some embedded ifs, and 4 if/then blocks.

grep "fi " cldtest.sh 

only reveals 3 matching fi statements. So you forgot one fi too.

I agree with camh, that correct indentation from the beginning helps to avoid such errors. Finding the desired way later means double work in such spaghetti code.

You've got an unclosed quote, brace, bracket, if, loop, or something.

If you can't see it just by looking (I'd recommend a syntax colouring editor and a neat indentation style), take a copy of the script, and delete half of it, cutting it of somewhere that ought to be valid. If the script runs, as far as it can, then the problem is in the other half. Repeat until you've narrowed down the problem.

I have found that this is sometimes caused by running a MS Dos version of a file. If that's the case dos2ux should fix that.

dos2ux file1 > file2

I have encountered the same error while trying to execute a script file created in windows OS using textpad. so that one can select proper file format like unix/mac etc.. or recreate the script in linux iteself.

Indentation when using a block can cause this error and is very hard to find.

if [ ! -d /var/lib/mysql/mysql ]; then
   /usr/bin/mysql --protocol=socket --user root << EOSQL
        CREATE USER 'root'@'%';

=> Example above will cause an error because EOSQL is indented. Remove indentation as shown below. Posting this because it took me over an hour to figure out the error.

if [ ! -d /var/lib/mysql/mysql ]; then
   /usr/bin/mysql --protocol=socket --user root << EOSQL
        CREATE USER 'root'@'%';

Unrelated to the OP's problem, but my issue was that I'm a noob shell scripter. All the other languages I've used require parentheses to invoke methods, whereas shell doesn't seem to like that.

function do_something() {
  # do stuff here

# bad

# works

I had this problem when running some script in cygwin. Fixed by running dos2unix on the script, with proper description of problem and solution given in that answer

In my case, I found that placing a here document (like sqplus ... << EOF) statements indented also raise the same error as shown below:

./dbuser_case.ksh: line 25: syntax error: unexpected end of file

So after removing the indentation for this, then it went fine.

Hope it helps...

in my case the issue was in the EOL Conversion. (End Of Line).

i created the file on windows and only after i converted the EOL from windows(CR LF) to unix(LF), everything went well.

I did the conversion with Notepad++ very easily from: Edit -> EOL Conversion -> Unix(LF)

It can also be caused by piping out of a pair of curly braces on a line.

This fails:

{ /usr/local/bin/mycommand ; outputstatus=$? } >> /var/log/mycommand.log 2>&1h
#Get NOW that saved output status for the following $? invocation
sh -c "exit $outputstatus"

while this is allowed:

} >> /var/log/mycommand.log 2>&1h
#Get NOW that saved output status for the following $? invocation
sh -c "exit $outputstatus"

Helpful post, I found that my error was using else if instead of elif like so:

if [ -z "$VARIABLE1" ]; then
    # do stuff
else if [ -z "$VARIABLE2" ]; then
    # do other stuff

Fixed it by changing to this:

if [ -z "$VARIABLE1" ]; then
    # do stuff
elif [ -z "$VARIABLE2" ]; then
    # do other stuff