Programs & Examples On #Google closure compiler

Google Closure Compiler compiles a typed superset of modern JavaScript to a target version of JavaScript, applying type checking, dead code elimination, minification and other improvements.

How do ports work with IPv6?

They work almost the same as today. However, be sure you include [] around your IP.

For example : http://[1fff:0:a88:85a3::ac1f]:8001/index.html

Wikipedia has a pretty good article about IPv6:

MySQL date formats - difficulty Inserting a date

The date format for mysql insert query is YYYY-MM-DD


INSERT INTO table_name (date_column) VALUE ('YYYY-MM-DD');

Table with 100% width with equal size columns



<table id="my-table"><tr>
<td> CELL 1 With a lot of text in it</td>
<td> CELL 2 </td>
<td> CELL 3 </td>
<td> CELL 4 With a lot of text in it </td>
<td> CELL 5 </td>


#my-table{width:100%;} /*or whatever width you want*/
#my-table td{width:2000px;} /*something big*/

if you have th you need to set it too like this:

#my-table th{width:2000px;}

Selenium 2.53 not working on Firefox 47

Firefox 47.0 stopped working with Webdriver.

Easiest solution is to switch to Firefox 47.0.1 and Webdriver 2.53.1. This combination again works. In fact, restoring Webdriver compatibility was the main reason behind the 47.0.1 release, according to

CSS3 transition on click using pure CSS


div {_x000D_
  background-color: red;_x000D_
  color: white;_x000D_
  font-weight: bold;_x000D_
  width: 48px;_x000D_
  height: 48px;  _x000D_
  transform: rotate(360deg);_x000D_
  transition: transform 0.5s;_x000D_
div:active {_x000D_
  transform: rotate(0deg);_x000D_
  transition:  0s;_x000D_

What is the perfect counterpart in Python for "while not EOF"

The Python idiom for opening a file and reading it line-by-line is:

with open('filename') as f:
    for line in f:

The file will be automatically closed at the end of the above code (the with construct takes care of that).

Finally, it is worth noting that line will preserve the trailing newline. This can be easily removed using:

line = line.rstrip()

SQL: parse the first, middle and last name from a fullname field

I would do this as an iterative process.

1) Dump the table to a flat file to work with.

2) Write a simple program to break up your Names using a space as separator where firsts token is the first name, if there are 3 token then token 2 is middle name and token 3 is last name. If there are 2 tokens then the second token is the last name. (Perl, Java, or C/C++, language doesn't matter)

3) Eyeball the results. Look for names that don't fit this rule.

4) Using that example, create a new rule to handle that exception...

5) Rinse and Repeat

Eventually you will get a program that fixes all your data.

Error: could not find function "%>%"

On Windows: if you use %>% inside a %dopar% loop, you have to add a reference to load package dplyr (or magrittr, which dplyr loads).


plots <- foreach(myInput=iterators::iter(plotCount), .packages=c("RODBC", "dplyr")) %dopar%

If you omit the .packages command, and use %do% instead to make it all run in a single process, then works fine. The reason is that it all runs in one process, so it doesn't need to specifically load new packages.

Utilizing multi core for tar+gzip/bzip compression/decompression

You can use pigz instead of gzip, which does gzip compression on multiple cores. Instead of using the -z option, you would pipe it through pigz:

tar cf - paths-to-archive | pigz > archive.tar.gz

By default, pigz uses the number of available cores, or eight if it could not query that. You can ask for more with -p n, e.g. -p 32. pigz has the same options as gzip, so you can request better compression with -9. E.g.

tar cf - paths-to-archive | pigz -9 -p 32 > archive.tar.gz

How to check how many letters are in a string in java?

To answer your questions in a easy way:

    a) String.length();
    b) String.charAt(/* String index */);

Android Studio with Google Play Services

In my case google-play-services_lib are integrate as module (External Libs) for Google map & GCM in my project.

Now, these time require to implement Google Places Autocomplete API but problem is that's code are new and my libs are old so some class not found:

following these steps...

1> Update Google play service into SDK Manager

2> select new .jar file of google play service (Sdk/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/libs) replace with old one

i got success...!!!

How to implement class constants?

For me none of earlier answer works. I did need to convert my static class to enum. Like this:

export enum MyConstants {
  MyFirstConstant = 'MyFirstConstant',
  MySecondConstant = 'MySecondConstant'

Then in my component I add new property as suggested in other answers

export class MyComponent {
public MY_CONTANTS = MyConstans;
constructor() { }

Then in my component's template I use it this way

<div [myDirective]="MY_CONTANTS.MyFirstConstant"> </div>

EDIT: Sorry. My problem was different than OP's. I still leave this here if someelse have same problem than I.

CSS media query to target iPad and iPad only?

Well quite same question and there is also an answer =)

@media only screen and (device-width: 768px) ...
@media only screen and (max-device-width: 1024px) ...

I can not test it currently so please test it =)

Also found some more:

Or you check the navigator with some javascript and generate / add a css file with javascript

Javascript one line If...else...else if statement

I know this is an old thread, but thought I'd put my two cents in. Ternary operators are able to be nested in the following fashion:

var variable = conditionA ? valueA : (conditionB ? valueB: (conditionC ? valueC : valueD));


var answer = value === 'foo' ? 1 :
    (value === 'bar' ? 2 : 
        (value === 'foobar' ? 3 : 0));

"Parameter" vs "Argument"

A parameter is the variable which is part of the method’s signature (method declaration). An argument is an expression used when calling the method.

Consider the following code:

void Foo(int i, float f)
    // Do things

void Bar()
    int anInt = 1;
    Foo(anInt, 2.0);

Here i and f are the parameters, and anInt and 2.0 are the arguments.

How can I put the current running linux process in background?

Suspend the process with CTRL+Z then use the command bg to resume it in background. For example:

sleep 60
^Z  #Suspend character shown after hitting CTRL+Z
[1]+  Stopped  sleep 60  #Message showing stopped process info
bg  #Resume current job (last job stopped)

More about job control and bg usage in bash manual page:

Typing the suspend character (typically ^Z, Control-Z) while a process is running causes that process to be stopped and returns control to bash. [...] The user may then manipulate the state of this job, using the bg command to continue it in the background, [...]. A ^Z takes effect immediately, and has the additional side effect of causing pending output and typeahead to be discarded.

bg [jobspec ...]
Resume each suspended job jobspec in the background, as if it had been started with &. If jobspec is not present, the shell's notion of the current job is used.


To start a process where you can even kill the terminal and it still carries on running

nohup [command] [-args] > [filename] 2>&1 &


nohup /home/edheal/myprog -arg1 -arg2 > /home/edheal/output.txt 2>&1 &

To just ignore the output (not very wise) change the filename to /dev/null

To get the error message set to a different file change the &1 to a filename.

In addition: You can use the jobs command to see an indexed list of those backgrounded processes. And you can kill a backgrounded process by running kill %1 or kill %2 with the number being the index of the process.

Execute a command in command prompt using excel VBA

The S parameter does not do anything on its own.

/S      Modifies the treatment of string after /C or /K (see below) 
/C      Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates  
/K      Carries out the command specified by string but remains  

Try something like this instead

Call Shell("cmd.exe /S /K" & "perl c:\temp", vbNormalFocus)

You may not even need to add "cmd.exe" to this command unless you want a command window to open up when this is run. Shell should execute the command on its own.

Shell("perl c:\temp")

To wait for the command to finish you will have to do something like @Nate Hekman shows in his answer here

Dim wsh As Object
Set wsh = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim waitOnReturn As Boolean: waitOnReturn = True
Dim windowStyle As Integer: windowStyle = 1

wsh.Run "cmd.exe /S /C perl c:\temp", windowStyle, waitOnReturn

C++ Calling a function from another class

Forward declare class B and swap order of A and B definitions: 1st B and 2nd A. You can not call methods of forward declared B class.

Add space between cells (td) using css

table { 
  border-spacing: 10px; 

This worked for me once I removed

border-collapse: separate;

from my table tag.

Find out free space on tablespace

I use this query

column "Tablespace" format a13
column "Used MB"    format 99,999,999
column "Free MB"    format 99,999,999
column "Total MB"   format 99,999,999
   fs.tablespace_name                          "Tablespace",
   (df.totalspace - fs.freespace)              "Used MB",
   fs.freespace                                "Free MB",
   df.totalspace                               "Total MB",
   round(100 * (fs.freespace / df.totalspace)) "Pct. Free"
      round(sum(bytes) / 1048576) TotalSpace
   group by
   ) df,
      round(sum(bytes) / 1048576) FreeSpace
   group by
   ) fs
   df.tablespace_name = fs.tablespace_name;

Javascript reduce on array of objects

reduce function iterates over a collection

arr = [{x:1},{x:2},{x:4}] // is a collection

arr.reduce(function(a,b){return a.x + b.x})

translates to:

    //for each index in the collection, this callback function is called
  function (
    a, //a = accumulator ,during each callback , value of accumulator is 
         passed inside the variable "a"
    b, //currentValue , for ex currentValue is {x:1} in 1st callback
  ) {
    return a.x + b.x; 
  accumulator // this is returned at the end of arr.reduce call 
    //accumulator = returned value i.e return a.x + b.x  in each callback. 

during each index callback, value of variable "accumulator" is passed into "a" parameter in the callback function. If we don't initialize "accumulator", its value will be undefined. Calling undefined.x would give you error.

To solve this, initialize "accumulator" with value 0 as Casey's answer showed above.

To understand the in-outs of "reduce" function, I would suggest you look at the source code of this function. Lodash library has reduce function which works exactly same as "reduce" function in ES6.

Here is the link : reduce source code

Logical operator in a handlebars.js {{#if}} conditional

Correct Solution for AND/OR

Handlebars.registerHelper('and', function () {
    // Get function args and remove last one (function name)
    return, 0, arguments.length - 1).every(Boolean);
Handlebars.registerHelper('or', function () {
    // Get function args and remove last one (function name)
    return, 0, arguments.length - 1).some(Boolean);

Then call as follows

{{#if (or (eq questionType 'STARTTIME') (eq questionType 'ENDTIME') (..) ) }}

BTW: Note that the solution given here is incorrect, he's not subtracting the last argument which is the function name.

His original AND/OR was based on the full list of arguments

   and: function () {
    or: function () {

Can someone change that answer? I just wasted an hour trying to fix something in an answer recommended by 86 people. The fix is to filter out the last argument which is the function name., 0, arguments.length - 1)

In what situations would AJAX long/short polling be preferred over HTML5 WebSockets?

For chat applications or any other application that is in constant conversation with the server, WebSockets are the best option. However, you can only use WebSockets with a server that supports them, so that may limit your ability to use them if you cannot install the required libraries. In which case, you would need to use Long Polling to obtain similar functionality.

Converting from Integer, to BigInteger

You can do in this way:

    Integer i = 1;
    new BigInteger("" + i);

Where to place and how to read configuration resource files in servlet based application?

It's your choice. There are basically three ways in a Java web application archive (WAR):

1. Put it in classpath

So that you can load it by ClassLoader#getResourceAsStream() with a classpath-relative path:

ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
InputStream input = classLoader.getResourceAsStream("");
// ...
Properties properties = new Properties();

Here is supposed to be placed in one of the roots which are covered by the default classpath of a webapp, e.g. webapp's /WEB-INF/lib and /WEB-INF/classes, server's /lib, or JDK/JRE's /lib. If the propertiesfile is webapp-specific, best is to place it in /WEB-INF/classes. If you're developing a standard WAR project in an IDE, drop it in src folder (the project's source folder). If you're using a Maven project, drop it in /main/resources folder.

You can alternatively also put it somewhere outside the default classpath and add its path to the classpath of the appserver. In for example Tomcat you can configure it as shared.loader property of Tomcat/conf/

If you have placed the it in a Java package structure like com.example, then you need to load it as below

ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
InputStream input = classLoader.getResourceAsStream("com/example/");
// ...

Note that this path of a context class loader should not start with a /. Only when you're using a "relative" class loader such as SomeClass.class.getClassLoader(), then you indeed need to start it with a /.

ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
InputStream input = classLoader.getResourceAsStream("/com/example/");
// ...

However, the visibility of the properties file depends then on the class loader in question. It's only visible to the same class loader as the one which loaded the class. So, if the class is loaded by e.g. server common classloader instead of webapp classloader, and the properties file is inside webapp itself, then it's invisible. The context class loader is your safest bet so you can place the properties file "everywhere" in the classpath and/or you intend to be able to override a server-provided one from the webapp on.

2. Put it in webcontent

So that you can load it by ServletContext#getResourceAsStream() with a webcontent-relative path:

InputStream input = getServletContext().getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/");
// ...

Note that I have demonstrated to place the file in /WEB-INF folder, otherwise it would have been public accessible by any webbrowser. Also note that the ServletContext is in any HttpServlet class just accessible by the inherited GenericServlet#getServletContext() and in Filter by FilterConfig#getServletContext(). In case you're not in a servlet class, it's usually just injectable via @Inject.

3. Put it in local disk file system

So that you can load it the usual way with an absolute local disk file system path:

InputStream input = new FileInputStream("/absolute/path/to/");
// ...

Note the importance of using an absolute path. Relative local disk file system paths are an absolute no-go in a Java EE web application. See also the first "See also" link below.

Which to choose?

Just weigh the advantages/disadvantages in your own opinion of maintainability.

If the properties files are "static" and never needs to change during runtime, then you could keep them in the WAR.

If you prefer being able to edit properties files from outside the web application without the need to rebuild and redeploy the WAR every time, then put it in the classpath outside the project (if necessary add the directory to the classpath).

If you prefer being able to edit properties files programmatically from inside the web application using Properties#store() method, put it outside the web application. As the Properties#store() requires a Writer, you can't go around using a disk file system path. That path can in turn be passed to the web application as a VM argument or system property. As a precaution, never use getRealPath(). All changes in deploy folder will get lost on a redeploy for the simple reason that the changes are not reflected back in original WAR file.

See also:

sublime text2 python error message /usr/bin/python: can't find '__main__' module in ''

Don't run with a space between the directory and the filename:

python /root/Desktop/1

Use a / instead:

python /root/Desktop/1/

Specifying java version in maven - differences between properties and compiler plugin

How to specify the JDK version?

Use any of three ways: (1) Spring Boot feature, or use Maven compiler plugin with either (2) source & target or (3) with release.

Spring Boot

  1. <java.version> is not referenced in the Maven documentation.
    It is a Spring Boot specificity.
    It allows to set the source and the target java version with the same version such as this one to specify java 1.8 for both :


Feel free to use it if you use Spring Boot.

maven-compiler-plugin with source & target

  1. Using maven-compiler-plugin or maven.compiler.source/ properties are equivalent.

That is indeed :


is equivalent to :


according to the Maven documentation of the compiler plugin since the <source> and the <target> elements in the compiler configuration use the properties maven.compiler.source and if they are defined.


The -source argument for the Java compiler.
Default value is: 1.6.
User property is: maven.compiler.source.


The -target argument for the Java compiler.
Default value is: 1.6.
User property is:

About the default values for source and target, note that since the 3.8.0 of the maven compiler, the default values have changed from 1.5 to 1.6.

maven-compiler-plugin with release instead of source & target

  1. The maven-compiler-plugin 3.6 and later versions provide a new way :

    org.apache.maven.plugins maven-compiler-plugin 3.8.0 9

You could also declare just :


But at this time it will not work as the maven-compiler-plugin default version you use doesn't rely on a recent enough version.

The Maven release argument conveys release : a new JVM standard option that we could pass from Java 9 :

Compiles against the public, supported and documented API for a specific VM version.

This way provides a standard way to specify the same version for the source, the target and the bootstrap JVM options.
Note that specifying the bootstrap is a good practice for cross compilations and it will not hurt if you don't make cross compilations either.

Which is the best way to specify the JDK version?

The first way (<java.version>) is allowed only if you use Spring Boot.

For Java 8 and below :

About the two other ways : valuing the maven.compiler.source/ properties or using the maven-compiler-plugin, you can use one or the other. It changes nothing in the facts since finally the two solutions rely on the same properties and the same mechanism : the maven core compiler plugin.

Well, if you don't need to specify other properties or behavior than Java versions in the compiler plugin, using this way makes more sense as this is more concise:


From Java 9 :

The release argument (third point) is a way to strongly consider if you want to use the same version for the source and the target.

What happens if the version differs between the JDK in JAVA_HOME and which one specified in the pom.xml?

It is not a problem if the JDK referenced by the JAVA_HOME is compatible with the version specified in the pom but to ensure a better cross-compilation compatibility think about adding the bootstrap JVM option with as value the path of the rt.jar of the target version.

An important thing to consider is that the source and the target version in the Maven configuration should not be superior to the JDK version referenced by the JAVA_HOME.
A older version of the JDK cannot compile with a more recent version since it doesn't know its specification.

To get information about the source, target and release supported versions according to the used JDK, please refer to java compilation : source, target and release supported versions.

How handle the case of JDK referenced by the JAVA_HOME is not compatible with the java target and/or source versions specified in the pom?

For example, if your JAVA_HOME refers to a JDK 1.7 and you specify a JDK 1.8 as source and target in the compiler configuration of your pom.xml, it will be a problem because as explained, the JDK 1.7 doesn't know how to compile with.
From its point of view, it is an unknown JDK version since it was released after it.
In this case, you should configure the Maven compiler plugin to specify the JDK in this way :


You could have more details in examples with maven compiler plugin.

It is not asked but cases where that may be more complicated is when you specify source but not target. It may use a different version in target according to the source version. Rules are particular : you can read about them in the Cross-Compilation Options part.

Why the compiler plugin is traced in the output at the execution of the Maven package goal even if you don't specify it in the pom.xml?

To compile your code and more generally to perform all tasks required for a maven goal, Maven needs tools. So, it uses core Maven plugins (you recognize a core Maven plugin by its groupId : org.apache.maven.plugins) to do the required tasks : compiler plugin for compiling classes, test plugin for executing tests, and so for... So, even if you don't declare these plugins, they are bound to the execution of the Maven lifecycle.
At the root dir of your Maven project, you can run the command : mvn help:effective-pom to get the final pom effectively used. You could see among other information, attached plugins by Maven (specified or not in your pom.xml), with the used version, their configuration and the executed goals for each phase of the lifecycle.

In the output of the mvn help:effective-pom command, you could see the declaration of these core plugins in the <build><plugins> element, for example :


You can have more information about it in the introduction of the Maven lifeycle in the Maven documentation.

Nevertheless, you can declare these plugins when you want to configure them with other values as default values (for example, you did it when you declared the maven-compiler plugin in your pom.xml to adjust the JDK version to use) or when you want to add some plugin executions not used by default in the Maven lifecycle.

Center HTML Input Text Field Placeholder

You can make like this:

    <form action="" method="POST">
    <input type="text" class="emailField" placeholder="[email protected]" style="text-align: center" name="email" />
    <input type="submit" value="submit" />  

Working CodePen here

How to get just one file from another branch

How to check out one or more files from another branch or commit hash into your currently-checked-out branch:

# check out all files in <paths> from branch <branch_name>
git checkout <branch_name> -- <paths>


See also man git checkout.


# Check out "somefile.c" from branch `my_branch`
git checkout my_branch -- somefile.c

# Check out these 4 files from `my_branch`
git checkout my_branch -- file1.h file1.cpp mydir/file2.h mydir/file2.cpp

# Check out ALL files from my_branch which are in
# directory "path/to/dir"
git checkout my_branch -- path/to/dir

If you don't specify, the branch_name it is automatically assumed to be HEAD, which is your most-recent commit of the currently-checked-out branch. So, you can also just do this to check out "somefile.c" and have it overwrite any local, uncommitted changes:

# Check out "somefile.c" from `HEAD`, to overwrite any local, uncommitted
# changes
git checkout -- somefile.c

# Or check out a whole folder from `HEAD`:
git checkout -- some_directory

See also:

  1. I show some more of these examples of git checkout -- in my answer here: Who is "us" and who is "them" according to Git?.

SQL Server 2012 Install or add Full-text search

You can add full text to an existing instance by changing the SQL Server program in Programs and Features. Follow the steps below. You might need the original disk or ISO for the installation to complete. (Per HotN's comment: If you have SQL Server Express, make sure it is SQL Server Express With Advanced Services.)


  1. Open the Programs and Features control panel.
  2. Select Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and click Change.
  3. When prompted to Add/Repair/Remove, select Add.
  4. Advance through the wizard until the Feature Selection screen. Then select Full-Text Search.

Step 1 Step 2

enter image description here

  1. On the Installation Type screen, select the appropriate SQL Server instance.

  2. Advance through the rest of the wizard.

Source (with screenshots):

Replace new line/return with space using regex


L.replaceAll("(\\t|\\r?\\n)+", " ");

Depending on the system a linefeed is either \r\n or just \n.

Prevent nginx 504 Gateway timeout using PHP set_time_limit()

Using set_time_limit(0) is useless when using php-fpm or similar process manager.

Bottomline is not to use set_time_limit when using php-fpm, to increase your execution timeout, check this tutorial.

' << ' operator in verilog

1 << ADDR_WIDTH means 1 will be shifted 8 bits to the left and will be assigned as the value for RAM_DEPTH.

In addition, 1 << ADDR_WIDTH also means 2^ADDR_WIDTH.

Given ADDR_WIDTH = 8, then 2^8 = 256 and that will be the value for RAM_DEPTH

How can a LEFT OUTER JOIN return more records than exist in the left table?

Pay attention if you have a where clause on the "right side' table of a query containing a left outer join... In case you have no record on the right side satisfying the where clause, then the corresponding record of the 'left side' table will not appear in the result of your query....

Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) after Installation

Turn off firewall and restart mysql server. then turn on firewall. It's the easy way! just try it

Case vs If Else If: Which is more efficient?

I believe because cases must be constant values, the switch statement does the equivelent of a goto, so based on the value of the variable it jumps to the right case, whereas in the if/then statement it must evaluate each expression.

PHP - get base64 img string decode and save as jpg (resulting empty image )

Decode and save image as PNG

header('content-type: image/png');


        $ret = fopen($fullurl, 'r', true, $context);
        $contents = stream_get_contents($ret);
        $base64 = 'data:image/PNG;base64,' . base64_encode($contents);
        echo "<img src=$base64 />" ;


Remove a child with a specific attribute, in SimpleXML for PHP

While SimpleXML provides a way to remove XML nodes, its modification capabilities are somewhat limited. One other solution is to resort to using the DOM extension. dom_import_simplexml() will help you with converting your SimpleXMLElement into a DOMElement.

Just some example code (tested with PHP 5.2.5):

    <seg id="A1"/>
    <seg id="A5"/>
    <seg id="A12"/>
    <seg id="A29"/>
    <seg id="A30"/>
$doc=new SimpleXMLElement($data);
foreach($doc->seg as $seg)
    if($seg['id'] == 'A12') {
echo $doc->asXml();


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<data><seg id="A1"/><seg id="A5"/><seg id="A29"/><seg id="A30"/></data>

By the way: selecting specific nodes is much more simple when you use XPath (SimpleXMLElement->xpath):

if (count($segs)>=1) {
// same deletion procedure as above

After updating Entity Framework model, Visual Studio does not see changes

I've also experienced this problem with none of the classes being generated under the file. In my case it was down to issues with how I had built the DB in SQL2012. I'd set a column in a table to nullable that was also a foreign key and although I think you should be able to do this it caused a problem in EF5.

As soon as this was cleared and the diagram updated from the database they reappeared.

EF5 VS2013

"inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation"


My Solution to this problem was to open it in idle editor and then idle editor will uncover your problem



while run:

    milli = clock.tick()
    seconds = milli/1000
    timeForLevel += seconds


while run:

       milli = clock.tick()
    seconds = milli/1000
    timeForLevel += seconds

I am not saying that you should only use idle editor. I'm saying that if you get that error you should check idle editor

Plotting multiple time series on the same plot using ggplot()

ggplot allows you to have multiple layers, and that is what you should take advantage of here.

In the plot created below, you can see that there are two geom_line statements hitting each of your datasets and plotting them together on one plot. You can extend that logic if you wish to add any other dataset, plot, or even features of the chart such as the axis labels.


jobsAFAM1 <- data.frame(
  data_date = runif(5,1,100),
  Percent.Change = runif(5,1,100)

jobsAFAM2 <- data.frame(
  data_date = runif(5,1,100),
  Percent.Change = runif(5,1,100)

ggplot() + 
  geom_line(data = jobsAFAM1, aes(x = data_date, y = Percent.Change), color = "red") +
  geom_line(data = jobsAFAM2, aes(x = data_date, y = Percent.Change), color = "blue") +
  xlab('data_date') +

Can't start Tomcat as Windows Service

It is very important that you don't include bin in your JAVA_HOME path. It should be like,

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.3

Calling a Function defined inside another function in Javascript

You can also try this.Here you are returning the function "inside" and invoking with the second set of parenthesis.

function outer() {
  return (function inside(){
    console.log("Inside inside function");


function outer2() {
    let inside = function inside(){
      console.log("Inside inside");
    return inside;

Convert one date format into another in PHP

This native way will help to convert any inputted format to the desired format.

$formatInput = 'd-m-Y'; //Give any format here, this would be converted into your format
$dateInput = '01-02-2018'; //date in above format

$formatOut = 'Y-m-d'; // Your format
$dateOut = DateTime::createFromFormat($formatInput, $dateInput)->format($formatOut);

Getting around the Max String size in a vba function?

Are you sure? This forum thread suggests it might be your watch window. Try outputting the string to a MsgBox, which can display a maximum of 1024 characters:

MsgBox RunMacros

How to Set Focus on JTextField?

How about put jTextField.requestFocusInWindow(); into jTextField FocusLost event? Works for me have 5 controls on JPanel Soon as click on MessageBox, focus lost on jTextField. Used all the suggested codes but no luck Only above method works my case.

Return value in a Bash function

The return statement sets the exit code of the function, much the same as exit will do for the entire script.

The exit code for the last command is always available in the $? variable.

function fun1(){
  return 34

function fun2(){
  local res=$(fun1)
  echo $? # <-- Always echos 0 since the 'local' command passes.

  echo $?  #<-- Outputs 34

modal View controllers - how to display and dismiss

I wanted this:

MapVC is a Map in full screen.

When I press a button, it opens PopupVC (not in full screen) above the map.

When I press a button in PopupVC, it returns to MapVC, and then I want to execute viewDidAppear.

I did this:

MapVC.m: in the button action, a segue programmatically, and set delegate

- (void) buttonMapAction{
   PopupVC *popvc = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"popup"];
   popvc.delegate = self;
   [self presentViewController:popvc animated:YES completion:nil];

- (void)dismissAndPresentMap {
  [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:^{
    //When returns of the other view I call viewDidAppear but you can call to other functions
    [self viewDidAppear:YES];

PopupVC.h: before @interface, add the protocol

@protocol PopupVCProtocol <NSObject>
- (void)dismissAndPresentMap;

after @interface, a new property

@property (nonatomic,weak) id <PopupVCProtocol> delegate;


- (void) buttonPopupAction{
  //jump to dismissAndPresentMap on Map view
  [self.delegate dismissAndPresentMap];

Pandas - replacing column values

You can also try using apply with get method of dictionary, seems to be little faster than replace:

data['sex'] = data['sex'].apply({1:'Male', 0:'Female'}.get)

Testing with timeit:



The slowest run took 5.83 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
1000 loops, best of 3: 510 µs per loop

Using apply:

data['sex'] = data['sex'].apply({1:'Male', 0:'Female'}.get)


The slowest run took 5.92 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
1000 loops, best of 3: 331 µs per loop

Note: apply with dictionary should be used if all the possible values of the columns in the dataframe are defined in the dictionary else, it will have empty for those not defined in dictionary.

Checkout remote branch using git svn

Standard Subversion layout

Create a git clone of that includes your Subversion trunk, tags, and branches with

git svn clone -T trunk -b branches -t tags

The --stdlayout option is a nice shortcut if your Subversion repository uses the typical structure:

git svn clone --stdlayout

Make your git repository ignore everything the subversion repo does:

git svn show-ignore >> .git/info/exclude

You should now be able to see all the Subversion branches on the git side:

git branch -r

Say the name of the branch in Subversion is waldo. On the git side, you'd run

git checkout -b waldo-svn remotes/waldo

The -svn suffix is to avoid warnings of the form

warning: refname 'waldo' is ambiguous.

To update the git branch waldo-svn, run

git checkout waldo-svn
git svn rebase

Starting from a trunk-only checkout

To add a Subversion branch to a trunk-only clone, modify your git repository's .git/config to contain

[svn-remote "svn-mybranch"]
        url =
        fetch = :refs/remotes/mybranch

You'll need to develop the habit of running

git svn fetch --fetch-all

to update all of what git svn thinks are separate remotes. At this point, you can create and track branches as above. For example, to create a git branch that corresponds to mybranch, run

git checkout -b mybranch-svn remotes/mybranch

For the branches from which you intend to git svn dcommit, keep their histories linear!

Further information

You may also be interested in reading an answer to a related question.

How do I set path while saving a cookie value in JavaScript?

For access cookie in whole app (use path=/):

function createCookie(name,value,days) {
    if (days) {
        var date = new Date();
        var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
    else var expires = "";
    document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"; 


If you set path=/,
Now the cookie is available for whole application/domain. If you not specify the path then current cookie is save just for the current page you can't access it on another page(s).

For more info read- (Domain and path part)

If you use cookies in jquery by plugin jquery-cookie:

$.cookie('name', 'value', { expires: 7, path: '/' });
$.cookie('name', 'value', { path: '/' });

What is a smart pointer and when should I use one?

In computer science, a smart pointer is an abstract data type that simulates a pointer while providing additional features, such as automatic garbage collection or bounds checking. These additional features are intended to reduce bugs caused by the misuse of pointers while retaining efficiency. Smart pointers typically keep track of the objects that point to them for the purpose of memory management. The misuse of pointers is a major source of bugs: the constant allocation, deallocation and referencing that must be performed by a program written using pointers makes it very likely that some memory leaks will occur. Smart pointers try to prevent memory leaks by making the resource deallocation automatic: when the pointer to an object (or the last in a series of pointers) is destroyed, for example because it goes out of scope, the pointed object is destroyed too.

Closing Application with Exit button

Don't ever put an Exit button on an Android app. Let the OS decide when to kill your Activity. Learn about the Android Activity lifecycle and implement any necessary callbacks.

Print text instead of value from C enum

There is another solution: Create your own dynamic enumeration class. Means you have a struct and some function to create a new enumeration, which stores the elements in a struct and each element has a string for the name. You also need some type to store a individual elements, functions to compare them and so on. Here is an example:

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

struct Enumeration_element_T
  size_t index;
  struct Enumeration_T *parrent;
  char *name;

struct Enumeration_T
  size_t len;
  struct Enumeration_element_T elements[];

void enumeration_delete(struct Enumeration_T *self)

struct Enumeration_T *enumeration_create(size_t len,...)
  //We do not check for size_t overflows, but we should.
  struct Enumeration_T *self=malloc(sizeof(self)+sizeof(self->elements[0])*len);
    return NULL;
  va_list l; 
  for(size_t i=0;i<len;i++)
    const char *name=va_arg(l,const char *);
      return NULL;
  return self;

bool enumeration_isEqual(struct Enumeration_element_T *a,struct Enumeration_element_T *b)
  return a->parrent==b->parrent && a->index==b->index;

bool enumeration_isName(struct Enumeration_element_T *a, const char *name)
  return !strcmp(a->name,name);

const char *enumeration_getName(struct Enumeration_element_T *a)
  return a->name;

struct Enumeration_element_T *enumeration_getFromName(struct Enumeration_T *self, const char *name)
  for(size_t i=0;i<self->len;i++)
      return &self->elements[i];
  return NULL;
struct Enumeration_element_T *enumeration_get(struct Enumeration_T *self, size_t index)
  return &self->elements[index];

size_t enumeration_getCount(struct Enumeration_T *self)
  return self->len;

bool enumeration_isInRange(struct Enumeration_T *self, size_t index)
  return index<self->len;

int main(void)
  struct Enumeration_T *weekdays=enumeration_create(7,"Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday");
    return 1;
  printf("Please enter the day of the week (0 to 6)\n");
  size_t j = 0;
    return 1;
  // j=j%enumeration_getCount(weekdays); //alternative way to make sure j is in range
    return 1;

  struct Enumeration_element_T *day=enumeration_get(weekdays,j);


  return 0;

The functions of enumeration should be in their own translation unit, but i combined them here to make it simpler.

The advantage is that this solution is flexible, follows the DRY principle, you can store information along with each element, you can create new enumerations during runtime and you can add new elements during runtime. The disadvantage is that this is complex, needs dynamic memory allocation, can't be used in switch-case, needs more memory and is slower. The question is if you should not use a higher level language in cases where you need this.

Can I convert a C# string value to an escaped string literal

What about Regex.Escape(String) ?

Regex.Escape escapes a minimal set of characters (\, *, +, ?, |, {, [, (,), ^, $,., #, and white space) by replacing them with their escape codes.

How to detect the screen resolution with JavaScript?

var width = screen.width;
var height = screen.height;

Google Maps API V3 : How show the direction from a point A to point B (Blue line)?

Use directions service of Google Maps API v3. It's basically the same as directions API, but nicely packed in Google Maps API which also provides convenient way to easily render the route on the map.

Information and examples about rendering the directions route on the map can be found in rendering directions section of Google Maps API v3 documentation.

npm command to uninstall or prune unused packages in Node.js

Note: Recent npm versions do this automatically when package-locks are enabled, so this is not necessary except for removing development packages with the --production flag.

Run npm prune to remove modules not listed in package.json.

From npm help prune:

This command removes "extraneous" packages. If a package name is provided, then only packages matching one of the supplied names are removed.

Extraneous packages are packages that are not listed on the parent package's dependencies list.

If the --production flag is specified, this command will remove the packages specified in your devDependencies.

1064 error in CREATE TABLE ... TYPE=MYISAM

A complementary note about CREATE TABLE .. TYPE="" syntax in SQL dump files

TLDR: If you still get CREATE TABLE ... TYPE="..." statements in SQL dump files generated by third party tools, it most certainly indicates that your server is configured to use a default sqlmode of MYSQL40 or MYSQL323.

Long story

As it was said by others, the TYPE argument to CREATE TABLE has been deprecated for a long time in MySQL. mysqldump correctly uses the ENGINE argument, unless you specifically ask it to generate a backward compatible dump (for example using --compatible=mysql40 in versions of mysqldump up to 5.7).

However, many external SQL dump tools (for example, those integrated in MySQL clients such as phpmyadmin, Navicat and DBVisualizer, as well as those used by external automated backup services such as iControlWP) are not specifically aware of this change, and instead rely on the SHOW CREATE TABLE ... command to provide table creation statements for each tables (and just to it make it clear: this is actually a good thing). However, the SHOW CREATE TABLE will actually produce outdated syntax, including the TYPE argument, if the sqlmode variable is set to MYSQL40 or MYSQL323.

Therefore, if you still get CREATE TABLE ... TYPE="..." statements in SQL dump files generated by third party tools, it most certainly indicates that your server is configured to use a default sqlmode of MYSQL40 or MYSQL323.

These sqlmodes basically configure MySQL to retain some backward compatible behaviours, and using them by default was largely recommended a few years ago. It is however highly improbable that you still have any code that wouldn't work correctly without these modes. Anyway, MYSQL40, MYSQL323 and several other similar sqlmodes have themselves been deprecated and are not supported in MySQL 8.0 and higher.

If your server is still configured with these sqlmodes and you are worried that some legacy program might fail if you change these, then one possibility is to set the sqlmode locally for that program, by executing SET SESSION sql_mode = 'MYSQL40'; immediately after connection. Note that this should only be considered as a temporary patch, and will not work in MySQL 8.0 and higher.

A more future-proof solution that do not involve rewriting your SQL queries would be to determine exactly which compatibility features need to be enable, and to enable only those, on a per-program basis (as described previously). The default sqlmode (that is, in server's configuration) should ideally be left unset (which will use official MySQL defaults for your current version). The full list of sqlmode (as of MySQL 5.7) is described here:

What is the "Temporary ASP.NET Files" folder for?

The CLR uses it when it is compiling at runtime. Here is a link to MSDN that explains further.

Add a string of text into an input field when user clicks a button

Example for you to work from


<input type="text" value="This is some text" id="text" style="width: 150px;" />
<br />
<input type="button" value="Click Me" id="button" />?


<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
    $('#button').on('click', function () {
        var text = $('#text');
        text.val(text.val() + ' after clicking');    


<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("button").addEventListener('click', function () {
    var text = document.getElementById('text');
    text.value += ' after clicking';

Working jQuery example: ?

MySQL: How to set the Primary Key on phpMyAdmin?

You can't set the field having data-type "text". Only because of that thing you are getting this error. Try to change the data-type with int

New to MongoDB Can not run command mongo

After several attempts this works for me on Windows 7 env.:

Initially directory to which you have copied all MongDB sources has such view:


All you need is to add data directory and db directory nested( data/db ) Final view should look like this:


Than simply type in directory where MongoDB sources and data/db dirs exist this command:

C:\my_mongo_dir\bin>mongod --dbpath .\data\db

JQuery Ajax Post results in 500 Internal Server Error

I had this problem because the page I called ajax post from had EnableViewState="false" and EnableViewStateMac="false" but not the page called.

When I put this on both pages everything started to work. I suspected this when I saw MAC address exception.

Selecting/excluding sets of columns in pandas

You don't really need to convert that into a set:

cols = [col for col in df.columns if col not in ['B', 'D']]
df2 = df[cols]

Get Folder Size from Windows Command Line

Easiest method to get just the total size is powershell, but still is limited by fact that pathnames longer than 260 characters are not included in the total

Sort columns of a dataframe by column name


sort on names of columns can work easily.

Get img thumbnails from Vimeo?

From the Vimeo Simple API docs:

Making a Video Request

To get data about a specific video, use the following url:

video_id The ID of the video you want information for.

output Specify the output type. We currently offer JSON, PHP, and XML formats.

So getting this URL


Parse this for every video to get the thumbnail

Here's approximate code in PHP


$imgid = 6271487;

$hash = unserialize(file_get_contents("$imgid.php"));

echo $hash[0]['thumbnail_medium'];  

JQuery show and hide div on mouse click (animate)

That .toggle() method was removed from jQuery in version 1.9. You can do this instead:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#showmenu').click(function() {


...but as with the code in your question that would slide up or down. To slide left or right you can do the following:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#showmenu').click(function() {


Noting that this requires jQuery-UI's slide effect, but you added that tag to your question so I assume that is OK.

How to make a pure css based dropdown menu?

You don't have to always use ul elements to achieve that, you can use other elements too as seen below. Here there are 2 examples, one using div and one using select.

This examples demonstrates the basic functionality, but can be extended/enriched more. It is tested in linux only (iceweasel and chrome).

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='UTF-8'>
  border:2px silver solid;
  font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif;
.always_visible:hover + .hidden_container
  border:1px gray solid;
  border:1px tomato solid;


<div class="line_1">
<div class="drop_container">
  <select class="always_visible" disabled><option>Select</option></select>
  <div class="hidden_container">
  <a href="" class="link">Option_ 1</a>
  <a href="" class="link">Option__ 2</a>
  <a href="" class="link">Option___ 3</a>
  <a href="" class="link">Option____ 4</a>
<div class="drop_container">
  <select class="always_visible" disabled><option>Select</option></select>
  <div class="hidden_container">
  <a href="" class="link">____1</a>
  <a href="" class="link">___2</a>
  <a href="" class="link">__3</a>
  <a href="" class="link">_4</a>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>


<div class="line_1">
 <div class="drop_container">
  <div class="always_visible">Select___</div>
  <div class="hidden_container">
  <a href="" class="link">Option_ 1</a>
  <a href="" class="link">Option__ 2</a>
  <a href="" class="link">Option___ 3</a>
  <a href="" class="link">Option____ 4</a>
 <div class="drop_container">
  <div class="always_visible">Select___</div>
  <div class="hidden_container">
  <a href="" class="link">Option_ 1</a>
  <a href="" class="link">Option__ 2</a>
  <a href="" class="link">Option___ 3</a>
  <a href="" class="link">Option____ 4</a>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>


linq query to return distinct field values from a list of objects

I think this is what your looking for:

    var objs= (from c in List_Objects 
orderby c.TypeID  select c).GroupBy(g=>g.TypeID).Select(x=>x.FirstOrDefault());      

Similar to this Returning a Distinct IQueryable with LINQ?

MVC Razor Radio Button

Simply :

   <label>@Html.RadioButton("ABC", True)Yes</label>
   <label>@Html.RadioButton("ABC", False)No</label>

But you should always use strongly typed model as suggested by cacho.

Box shadow for bottom side only

Try using online generator Change the value and get the code, pretty simple.

PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '?' in helpers.php 233

If I had to guess, I'd say you installed the PPA 7.1.8 as CLI only (php7-cli). You're getting your version info from that, but your libapache2-mod-php package is still 14.04 main which is 5.6. Check your phpinfo in your browser to confirm the version. You might also consider migrating to Ubuntu 16.04 to get PHP 7.0 in main.

How to pass multiple arguments in processStartInfo?

For makecert, your startInfo.FileName should be the complete path of makecert (or just makecert.exe if it's in standard path) then the Arguments would be -sk server -sky exchange -pe -n CN=localhost -ir LocalMachine -is Root -ic MyCA.cer -sr LocalMachine -ss My MyAdHocTestCert.cer now I'm bit unfamiliar with how certificate store works, but perhaps you'll need to set startInfo.WorkingDirectory if you're referring the .cer files outside the certificate store

Why can't I find SQL Server Management Studio after installation?

Generally if the installation went smoothly, it will create the desktop icons/folders. Maybe check the installation summary log to see if there's any underlying errors.

It should be located C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log(date stamp)\

Table Height 100% inside Div element

to set height of table to its container I must do:

1) set "position: absolute"

2) remove redundant contents of cells (!)

Excel tab sheet names vs. Visual Basic sheet names

I have had to resort to this, but this has issues with upkeep.

Function sheet_match(rng As Range) As String  ' Converts Excel TAB names to the required VSB Sheetx names.
  TABname = rng.Worksheet.Name                ' Excel sheet TAB name, not VSB Sheetx name. Thanks, Bill Gates.
' Next, match this Excel sheet TAB name to the VSB Sheetx name:
   Select Case TABname 'sheet_match
      Case Is = "Sheet1": sheet_match = "Sheet1"  ' You supply these relationships
      Case Is = "Sheet2": sheet_match = "Sheet2"
      Case Is = "TABnamed": sheet_match = "Sheet3" 'Re-named TAB
      Case Is = "Sheet4": sheet_match = "Sheet4"
      Case Is = "Sheet5": sheet_match = "Sheet5"
      Case Is = "Sheet6": sheet_match = "Sheet6"
      Case Is = "Sheet7": sheet_match = "Sheet7"
      Case Is = "Sheet8": sheet_match = "Sheet8"
   End Select
End Function

remove table row with specific id

Remove by id -


Also I would suggest to use better naming, like row-1, row-2

What does FETCH_HEAD in Git mean?

As mentioned in Jonathan's answer, FETCH_HEAD corresponds to the file .git/FETCH_HEAD. Typically, the file will look like this:

71f026561ddb57063681109aadd0de5bac26ada9                        branch 'some-branch' of <remote URL>
669980e32769626587c5f3c45334fb81e5f44c34        not-for-merge   branch 'some-other-branch' of <remote URL>
b858c89278ab1469c71340eef8cf38cc4ef03fed        not-for-merge   branch 'yet-some-other-branch' of <remote URL>

Note how all branches but one are marked not-for-merge. The odd one out is the branch that was checked out before the fetch. In summary: FETCH_HEAD essentially corresponds to the remote version of the branch that's currently checked out.

Angularjs - ng-cloak/ng-show elements blink

you'd better reference angular document, becuase the version[1.4.9] has update to below that make it could support data-ng-cloak directive.

[ng\:cloak], [ng-cloak], [data-ng-cloak], [x-ng-cloak], .ng-cloak, .x-ng-cloak {
  display: none !important;

unsigned int vs. size_t

The size_t type is the type returned by the sizeof operator. It is an unsigned integer capable of expressing the size in bytes of any memory range supported on the host machine. It is (typically) related to ptrdiff_t in that ptrdiff_t is a signed integer value such that sizeof(ptrdiff_t) and sizeof(size_t) are equal.

When writing C code you should always use size_t whenever dealing with memory ranges.

The int type on the other hand is basically defined as the size of the (signed) integer value that the host machine can use to most efficiently perform integer arithmetic. For example, on many older PC type computers the value sizeof(size_t) would be 4 (bytes) but sizeof(int) would be 2 (byte). 16 bit arithmetic was faster than 32 bit arithmetic, though the CPU could handle a (logical) memory space of up to 4 GiB.

Use the int type only when you care about efficiency as its actual precision depends strongly on both compiler options and machine architecture. In particular the C standard specifies the following invariants: sizeof(char) <= sizeof(short) <= sizeof(int) <= sizeof(long) placing no other limitations on the actual representation of the precision available to the programmer for each of these primitive types.

Note: This is NOT the same as in Java (which actually specifies the bit precision for each of the types 'char', 'byte', 'short', 'int' and 'long').

Fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional values

I was having this issue as well and the problem was in the view controllers. I'm not sure how your application is structured, so I'll just explain what I found. I'm pretty new to xcode and coding, so bear with me.

I was trying to programmatically change the text on a UILabel. Using "self.mylabel.text" worked fine until I added another view controller under the same class that didn't also include that label. That is when I got the error that you're seeing. When I added the same UILabel and connected it into that additional view controller, the error went away.

In short, it seems that in Swift, all view controllers assigned to the same class have to reference the code you have in there, or else you get an error. If you have two different view controllers with different code, assign them to different classes. This worked for me and hopefully applies to what you're doing.

Why does the 'int' object is not callable error occur when using the sum() function?

This means that somewhere else in your code, you have something like:

sum = 0

Which shadows the builtin sum (which is callable) with an int (which isn't).

jQuery multiple events to trigger the same function

You can use .on() to bind a function to multiple events:

$('#element').on('keyup keypress blur change', function(e) {
    // e.type is the type of event fired

Or just pass the function as the parameter to normal event functions:

var myFunction = function() {


Select SQL Server database size

If you want to simply check single database size, you can do it using SSMS Gui

Go to Server Explorer -> Expand it -> Right click on Database -> Choose Properties -> In popup window choose General tab ->See Size

Source: Check database size in Sql server ( Various Ways explained)

How can one print a size_t variable portably using the printf family?

if you want to print the value of a size_t as a string you can do this:

char text[] = "Lets go fishing in stead of sitting on our but !!";
size_t line = 2337200120702199116;

/* on windows I64x or I64d others %lld or %llx if it works %zd or %zx */
printf("number: %I64d\n",*(size_t*)&text);
printf("text: %s\n",*(char(*)[])&line);

result is:

number: 2337200120702199116

text: Lets go fishing in stead of sitting on our but !!

Edit: rereading the question because of the down votes i noted his problem is not %llu or %I64d but the size_t type on different machines see this question

size_t is unsigned int on a 32bit machine and unsigned long long int on 64bit
but %ll always expects a unsigned long long int.

size_t varies in length on different operating systems while %llu is the same

Setting session variable using javascript

It is very important to understand both sessionStorage and localStorage as they both have different uses:

From MDN:

All of your web storage data is contained within two object-like structures inside the browser: sessionStorage and localStorage. The first one persists data for as long as the browser is open (the data is lost when the browser is closed) and the second one persists data even after the browser is closed and then opened again.

sessionStorage - Saves data until the browser is closed, the data is deleted when the tab/browser is closed.

localStorage - Saves data "forever" even after the browser is closed BUT you shouldn't count on the data you store to be there later, the data might get deleted by the browser at any time because of pretty much anything, or deleted by the user, best practice would be to validate that the data is there first, and continue the rest if it is there. (or set it up again if its not there)

To understand more, read here: localStorage | sessionStorage

SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to

same issue with KAV. Restart it solved the pb.

MySQL JDBC Driver 5.1.33 - Time Zone Issue

Agree with @bluecollarcoder answer, but it's better to use TimeZone.getDefault().getID(); at the end of the connection string:

"jdbc:mysql://localhost/db?useUnicode=true&useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=" + TimeZone.getDefault().getID();  

In this case Timezone parameter automatically updates depending on the local machine timezone.

Add a list item through javascript

If you want to create a li element for each input/name, then you have to create it, with document.createElement [MDN].

Give the list the ID:

<ol id="demo"></ol>

and get a reference to it:

var list = document.getElementById('demo');

In your event handler, create a new list element with the input value as content and append to the list with Node.appendChild [MDN]:

var firstname = document.getElementById('firstname').value;
var entry = document.createElement('li');


Best way to test for a variable's existence in PHP; isset() is clearly broken

I have to say in all my years of PHP programming, I have never encountered a problem with isset() returning false on a null variable. OTOH, I have encountered problems with isset() failing on a null array entry - but array_key_exists() works correctly in that case.

For some comparison, Icon explicitly defines an unused variable as returning &null so you use the is-null test in Icon to also check for an unset variable. This does make things easier. On the other hand, Visual BASIC has multiple states for a variable that doesn't have a value (Null, Empty, Nothing, ...), and you often have to check for more than one of them. This is known to be a source of bugs.

What does the Visual Studio "Any CPU" target mean?

"Any CPU" means that when the program is started, the .NET Framework will figure out, based on the OS bitness, whether to run your program in 32 bits or 64 bits.

There is a difference between x86 and Any CPU: on a x64 system, your executable compiled for X86 will run as a 32-bit executable.

As far as your suspicions go, just go to the Visual Studio 2008 command line and run the following.

dumpbin YourProgram.exe /headers

It will tell you the bitness of your program, plus a whole lot more.

Setting up Vim for Python

For those arriving around summer 2013, I believe some of this thread is outdated.

I followed this howto which recommends Vundle over Pathogen. After one days use I found installing plugins trivial.

The klen/python-mode plugin deserves special mention. It provides pyflakes and pylint amongst other features.

I have just started using Valloric/YouCompleteMe and I love it. It has C-lang auto-complete and python also works great thanks to jedi integration. It may well replace jedi-vim as per this discussion /davidhalter/jedi-vim/issues/119

Finally browsing the /carlhuda/janus plugins supplied is a good guide to useful scripts you might not know you are looking for such as NerdTree, vim-fugitive, syntastic, powerline, ack.vim, snipmate...

All the above '{}/{}' are found on github you can find them easily with Google.

How to remove unused dependencies from composer?

In fact, it is very easy.

composer update

will do all this for you, but it will also update the other packages.

To remove a package without updating the others, specifiy that package in the command, for instance:

composer update monolog/monolog

will remove the monolog/monolog package.

Nevertheless, there may remain some empty folders or files that cannot be removed automatically, and that have to be removed manually.

Placing border inside of div and not on its edge

Probably it is belated answer, but I want to share with my findings. I found 2 new approaches to this problem that I have not found here in the answers:

Inner border through box-shadow css property

Yes, box-shadow is used to add box-shadows to the elements. But you can specify inset shadow, that would look like a inner border rather like a shadow. You just need to set horizontal and vertical shadows to 0px, and the "spread" property of the box-shadow to the width of the border you want to have. So for the 'inner' border of 10px you would write the following:

    box-shadow:0px 0px 0px 10px black inset;

Here is jsFiddle example that illustrates the difference between box-shadow border and 'normal' border. This way your border and the box width are of total 100px including the border.

More about box-shadow:here

Border through outline css property

Here is another approach, but this way the border would be outside of the box. Here is an example. As follows from the example, you can use css outline property, to set the border that does not affect the width and height of the element. This way, the border width is not added to the width of an element.

   outline:10px solid black;

More about outline: here

Brew doctor says: "Warning: /usr/local/include isn't writable."

You can alias the command to fix this problem in your .bash_profile and run it every time you encounter it:

At the end of the file ~/.bash_profile, add:

alias fix_brew='sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local/'

And now inside your terminal you can run:

$ fix_brew

How can I get the UUID of my Android phone in an application?

As of API 26, getDeviceId() is deprecated. If you need to get the IMEI of the device, use the following:

 String deviceId = "";
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
        deviceId = getSystemService(TelephonyManager.class).getImei();
        deviceId = getSystemService(TelephonyManager.class).getDeviceId();

Remove all child nodes from a parent?

You can use .empty(), like this:


From the docs:

Remove all child nodes of the set of matched elements from the DOM.

What does servletcontext.getRealPath("/") mean and when should I use it

My Method:

protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {

    try {
        String path = request.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/");
        Properties p = new Properties();
        p.load(new FileInputStream(path));

        String StringConexion=p.getProperty("StringConexion");
        String User=p.getProperty("User");
        String Password=p.getProperty("Password");
    catch(Exception e){
        String msg = "Excepcion " + e;

How can I safely create a nested directory?

You have to set the full path before creating the directory:

import os,sys,inspect
import pathlib

currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
your_folder = currentdir + "/" + "your_folder"

if not os.path.exists(your_folder):
   pathlib.Path(your_folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

This works for me and hopefully, it will works for you as well

SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. (Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)

If you are upgrading from an older version of apache2, make sure your apache sites-available conf files end in .conf and are enabled with a2ensite

Get parent of current directory from Python script

import os def parent_directory(): # Create a relative path to the parent # of the current working directory path = os.getcwd() parent = os.path.dirname(path)

relative_parent = os.path.join(path, parent)

# Return the absolute path of the parent directory
return relative_parent


How to make a HTTP request using Ruby on Rails?

My favorite two ways to grab the contents of URLs are either OpenURI or Typhoeus.

OpenURI because it's everywhere, and Typhoeus because it's very flexible and powerful.

jQuery .slideRight effect

Another solution is by using .animate() and appropriate CSS.


   $('#mydiv').animate({ marginLeft: "100%"} , 4000);

JS Fiddle

Identifying Exception Type in a handler Catch Block

    // Some code
catch (Web2PDFException ex)
    // It's your special exception
catch (Exception ex)
    // Any other exception here

What is the difference between up-casting and down-casting with respect to class variable

Better try this method for upcasting, it's easy to understand:

/* upcasting problem */
class Animal
    public void callme()
        System.out.println("In callme of Animal");

class Dog extends Animal 
    public void callme()
        System.out.println("In callme of Dog");

    public void callme2()
        System.out.println("In callme2 of Dog");

public class Useanimlas 
    public static void main (String [] args) 
        Animal animal = new Animal ();
        Dog dog = new Dog();
        Animal ref;
        ref = animal;
        ref = dog;

From milliseconds to hour, minutes, seconds and milliseconds

Good question. Yes, one can do this more efficiently. Your CPU can extract both the quotient and the remainder of the ratio of two integers in a single operation. In <stdlib.h>, the function that exposes this CPU operation is called div(). In your psuedocode, you'd use it something like this:

function to_tuple(x):
    qr = div(x, 1000)
    ms = qr.rem
    qr = div(qr.quot, 60)
    s  = qr.rem
    qr = div(qr.quot, 60)
    m  = qr.rem
    h  = qr.quot

A less efficient answer would use the / and % operators separately. However, if you need both quotient and remainder, anyway, then you might as well call the more efficient div().

How to configure encoding in Maven?

If you combine the answers above, finally a pom.xml that configured for UTF-8 should seem like that.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""




        <!-- Your dependencies -->


PHP read and write JSON from file

Try using second parameter for json_decode function:

$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true);

How to pass a Javascript Array via JQuery Post so that all its contents are accessible via the PHP $_POST array?

Here it goes an example:

$.post("test.php", { 'choices[]': ["Jon", "Susan"] });

Hope it helps.

How to get device make and model on iOS?

#import <sys/utsname.h>

#define HARDWARE @{@"i386": @"Simulator",@"x86_64": @"Simulator",@"iPod1,1": @"iPod Touch",@"iPod2,1": @"iPod Touch 2nd Generation",@"iPod3,1": @"iPod Touch 3rd Generation",@"iPod4,1": @"iPod Touch 4th Generation",@"iPhone1,1": @"iPhone",@"iPhone1,2": @"iPhone 3G",@"iPhone2,1": @"iPhone 3GS",@"iPhone3,1": @"iPhone 4",@"iPhone4,1": @"iPhone 4S",@"iPhone5,1": @"iPhone 5",@"iPhone5,2": @"iPhone 5",@"iPhone5,3": @"iPhone 5c",@"iPhone5,4": @"iPhone 5c",@"iPhone6,1": @"iPhone 5s",@"iPhone6,2": @"iPhone 5s",@"iPad1,1": @"iPad",@"iPad2,1": @"iPad 2",@"iPad3,1": @"iPad 3rd Generation ",@"iPad3,4": @"iPad 4th Generation ",@"iPad2,5": @"iPad Mini",@"iPad4,4": @"iPad Mini 2nd Generation - Wifi",@"iPad4,5": @"iPad Mini 2nd Generation - Cellular",@"iPad4,1": @"iPad Air 5th Generation - Wifi",@"iPad4,2": @"iPad Air 5th Generation - Cellular"}

@interface ViewController ()

@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    struct utsname systemInfo;
    NSLog(@"hardware: %@",[HARDWARE objectForKey:[NSString stringWithCString: systemInfo.machine encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]);

How do I get the current Date/time in DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM format?

For date:

#!/usr/bin/ruby -w

date =
#set 'date' equal to the current date/time. 

date = + "/" + date.month.to_s + "/" + date.year.to_s
#Without this it will output 2015-01-10 11:33:05 +0000; this formats it to display DD/MM/YYYY

puts date
#output the date

The above will display, for example, 10/01/15

And for time

time =
#set 'time' equal to the current time. 

time = time.hour.to_s + ":" + time.min.to_s
#Without this it will output 2015-01-10 11:33:05 +0000; this formats it to display hour and           minute

puts time
#output the time

The above will display, for example, 11:33

Then to put it together, add to the end:

puts date + " " + time

C#: New line and tab characters in strings

    StringBuilder SqlScript = new StringBuilder();

    foreach (var file in lstScripts)
        var input = File.ReadAllText(file.FilePath);
        SqlScript.AppendFormat(input, Environment.NewLine);

Setting Action Bar title and subtitle

supportActionBar?.title = "Hola tio"
supportActionBar?.subtitle = "Vamos colega!"

Any tools to generate an XSD schema from an XML instance document?

If you have .Net installed, a tool to generate XSD schemas and classes is already included by default.
For me, the XSD tool is installed under the following structure. This may differ depending on your installation directory.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC>xsd
Microsoft (R) Xml Schemas/DataTypes support utility
[Microsoft (R) .NET Framework, Version 2.0.50727.42]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

xsd.exe -
   Utility to generate schema or class files from given source.

xsd.exe <schema>.xsd /classes|dataset [/e:] [/l:] [/n:] [/o:] [/s] [/uri:]
xsd.exe <assembly>.dll|.exe [/outputdir:] [/type: [...]]
xsd.exe <instance>.xml [/outputdir:]
xsd.exe <schema>.xdr [/outputdir:]

Normally the classes and schemas that this tool generates work rather well, especially if you're going to be consuming them in a .Net language

I typically take the XML document that I'm after, push it through the XSD tool with the /o:<your path> flag to generate a schema (xsd) and then push the xsd file back through the tool using the /classes /L:VB (or CS) /o:<your path> flags to get classes that I can import and use in my day to day .Net projects

Fixed footer in Bootstrap

You can do this by wrapping the page contents in a div with the following id styling applied:

#wrap {
   min-height: 100%;
   height: auto !important;
   height: 100%;
   margin: 0 auto -60px;

<div id="wrap">
    <!-- Your page content here... -->

Worked for me.

Parse large JSON file in Nodejs

To process a file line-by-line, you simply need to decouple the reading of the file and the code that acts upon that input. You can accomplish this by buffering your input until you hit a newline. Assuming we have one JSON object per line (basically, format B):

var stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath, {flags: 'r', encoding: 'utf-8'});
var buf = '';

stream.on('data', function(d) {
    buf += d.toString(); // when data is read, stash it in a string buffer
    pump(); // then process the buffer

function pump() {
    var pos;

    while ((pos = buf.indexOf('\n')) >= 0) { // keep going while there's a newline somewhere in the buffer
        if (pos == 0) { // if there's more than one newline in a row, the buffer will now start with a newline
            buf = buf.slice(1); // discard it
            continue; // so that the next iteration will start with data
        processLine(buf.slice(0,pos)); // hand off the line
        buf = buf.slice(pos+1); // and slice the processed data off the buffer

function processLine(line) { // here's where we do something with a line

    if (line[line.length-1] == '\r') line=line.substr(0,line.length-1); // discard CR (0x0D)

    if (line.length > 0) { // ignore empty lines
        var obj = JSON.parse(line); // parse the JSON
        console.log(obj); // do something with the data here!

Each time the file stream receives data from the file system, it's stashed in a buffer, and then pump is called.

If there's no newline in the buffer, pump simply returns without doing anything. More data (and potentially a newline) will be added to the buffer the next time the stream gets data, and then we'll have a complete object.

If there is a newline, pump slices off the buffer from the beginning to the newline and hands it off to process. It then checks again if there's another newline in the buffer (the while loop). In this way, we can process all of the lines that were read in the current chunk.

Finally, process is called once per input line. If present, it strips off the carriage return character (to avoid issues with line endings – LF vs CRLF), and then calls JSON.parse one the line. At this point, you can do whatever you need to with your object.

Note that JSON.parse is strict about what it accepts as input; you must quote your identifiers and string values with double quotes. In other words, {name:'thing1'} will throw an error; you must use {"name":"thing1"}.

Because no more than a chunk of data will ever be in memory at a time, this will be extremely memory efficient. It will also be extremely fast. A quick test showed I processed 10,000 rows in under 15ms.

How to clear form after submit in Angular 2?

To reset the complete form upon submission, you can use reset() in Angular. The below example is implemented in Angular 8. Below is a Subscribe form where we are taking email as an input.

<form class="form" id="subscribe-form" data-response-message-animation="slide-in-left" #subscribeForm="ngForm"
(ngSubmit)="subscribe(subscribeForm.value); subscribeForm.reset()">
<div class="input-group">
   <input type="email" name="email" id="sub_email" class="form-control rounded-circle-left"
      placeholder="Enter your email" required ngModel #email="ngModel" email>
   <div class="input-group-append">
      <button class="btn btn-rounded btn-dark" type="submit" id="register"

Refer official doc:

GUI-based or Web-based JSON editor that works like property explorer

Generally when I want to create a JSON or YAML string, I start out by building the Perl data structure, and then running a simple conversion on it. You could put a UI in front of the Perl data structure generation, e.g. a web form.

Converting a structure to JSON is very straightforward:

use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON::Any;

my $data = { arbitrary structure in here };
my $json_handler = JSON::Any->new(utf8=>1);
my $json_string = $json_handler->objToJson($data);

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class on path: dexpathlist

I was getting this crash only on Samsung Lollipop devices and this solution worked for me.

dexOptions {
     preDexLibraries false

I'm posting this answer here because this question is currently the highest ranked search result on Google for this crash and none of the above answers worked for me.

Formatting a number with exactly two decimals in JavaScript

Here is my 1-line solution: Number((yourNumericValueHere).toFixed(2));

Here's what happens:

1) First, you apply .toFixed(2) onto the number that you want to round off the decimal places of. Note that this will convert the value to a string from number. So if you are using Typescript, it will throw an error like this:

"Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'"

2) To get back the numeric value or to convert the string to numeric value, simply apply the Number() function on that so-called 'string' value.

For clarification, look at the example below:

EXAMPLE: I have an amount that has upto 5 digits in the decimal places and I would like to shorten it to upto 2 decimal places. I do it like so:

var price = 0.26453;_x000D_
var priceRounded = Number((price).toFixed(2));_x000D_
console.log('Original Price: ' + price);_x000D_
console.log('Price Rounded: ' + priceRounded);

Any way to make plot points in scatterplot more transparent in R?

When creating the colors, you may use rgb and set its alpha argument:

plot(1:10, col = rgb(red = 1, green = 0, blue = 0, alpha = 0.5),
     pch = 16, cex = 4)
points((1:10) + 0.4, col = rgb(red = 0, green = 0, blue = 1, alpha = 0.5),
       pch = 16, cex = 4)

enter image description here

Please see ?rgb for details.

How do I remove version tracking from a project cloned from git?

You can also remove all the git related stuff using one command. The .gitignore file will also be deleted with this one.

rm -rf .git*

Elegant Python function to convert CamelCase to snake_case?

Personally I am not sure how anything using regular expressions in python can be described as elegant. Most answers here are just doing "code golf" type RE tricks. Elegant coding is supposed to be easily understood.

def to_snake_case(not_snake_case):
    final = ''
    for i in xrange(len(not_snake_case)):
        item = not_snake_case[i]
        if i < len(not_snake_case) - 1:
            next_char_will_be_underscored = (
                not_snake_case[i+1] == "_" or
                not_snake_case[i+1] == " " or
        if (item == " " or item == "_") and next_char_will_be_underscored:
        elif (item == " " or item == "_"):
            final += "_"
        elif item.isupper():
            final += "_"+item.lower()
            final += item
    if final[0] == "_":
        final = final[1:]
    return final

>>> to_snake_case("RegularExpressionsAreFunky")

>>> to_snake_case("RegularExpressionsAre Funky")

>>> to_snake_case("RegularExpressionsAre_Funky")

How to expire a cookie in 30 minutes using jQuery?

If you're using jQuery Cookie (, you can use decimal point or fractions.

As one day is 1, one minute would be 1 / 1440 (there's 1440 minutes in a day).

So 30 minutes is 30 / 1440 = 0.02083333.

Final code:

$.cookie("example", "foo", { expires: 30 / 1440, path: '/' });

I've added path: '/' so that you don't forget that the cookie is set on the current path. If you're on /my-directory/ the cookie is only set for this very directory.

Hide horizontal scrollbar on an iframe?

This answer is only applicable for websites which use Bootstrap. The responsive embed feature of the Bootstrap takes care of the scrollbars.

<!-- 16:9 aspect ratio -->
<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
  <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src=""></iframe>


CodeIgniter: How to use WHERE clause and OR clause

$where = "name='Joe' AND status='boss' OR status='active'";


Comparing two input values in a form validation with AngularJS

I need to do this just in one form in my entire application and i see a directive like a super complicate for my case, so i use the ng-patter like some has point, but have some problems, when the string has special characters like .[\ this broke, so i create a function for scape special characters.

$scope.escapeRegExp(str) {
  return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");

and in the view

<form name="ExampleForm">
  <input ng-model="password" required />
   <label>Confirm password</label>
  <input ng-model="confirmPassword" required ng-pattern="escapeRegExp(password)"/>  

SVN (Subversion) Problem "File is scheduled for addition, but is missing" - Using Versions

Avoid using Xcode to rename files in a folder reference. If you rename a file using Xcode, it will be marked for commit. If you later delete it before the commit, you will end up with this error.

Docker - Container is not running

Here is what worked for me.

Get the container ID and restart.

docker ps -a --no-trunc 


docker restart ace7ca65e6e3fdb678d9cdfb33a7a165c510e65c3bc28fecb960ac993c37ef33

C# : 'is' keyword and checking for Not

C# 9 (released with .NET 5) includes the logical patterns and, or and not, which allows us to write this more elegantly:

if (child is not IContainer) { ... }

Likewise, this pattern can be used to check for null:

if (child is not null) { ... }

What's the advantage of a Java enum versus a class with public static final fields?

Nobody mentioned the ability to use them in switch statements; I'll throw that in as well.

This allows arbitrarily complex enums to be used in a clean way without using instanceof, potentially confusing if sequences, or non-string/int switching values. The canonical example is a state machine.

YouTube Autoplay not working

This code allows you to autoplay iframe video

<iframe src=""  width="560" height="315"  frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here Is working fiddle

Programmatically retrieve SQL Server stored procedure source that is identical to the source returned by the SQL Server Management Studio gui?

I saw a article via link. There are four methods, I just did a short summary here for helping other programmers.

  1. EXEC sp_helptext 'sp_name';

  2. SELECT OBJECT_ID('sp_name')

  3. SELECT OBJECT_DEFINITION( OBJECT_ID('sp_name') ) AS [Definition];

  4. SELECT * FROM sys.sql_modules WHERE object_id = object_id('sp_name');

Android Studio: Gradle - build fails -- Execution failed for task ':dexDebug'

If you are also using Dagger or Butterknife you should to add guava as a dependency to your build.gradle main file like classpath :

In other hand, if you are having problems with larger heap for the Gradle daemon you can increase adding to your radle file:

 dexOptions {
        javaMaxHeapSize "4g"

How to read XML using XPath in Java

You can try this.

XML Document

Save as employees.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Employee id="1">
        <role>Java Developer</role>
    <Employee id="2">
    <Employee id="3">
    <Employee id="4">

Parser class

The class have following methods

  • List item
  • A Method that will return the Employee Name for input ID.
  • A Method that will return list of Employees Name with age greater than the input age.
  • A Method that will return list of Female Employees Name.

Source Code

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

public class Parser {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder builder;
        Document doc = null;
        try {
            builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
            doc = builder.parse("employees.xml");

            // Create XPathFactory object
            XPathFactory xpathFactory = XPathFactory.newInstance();

            // Create XPath object
            XPath xpath = xpathFactory.newXPath();

            String name = getEmployeeNameById(doc, xpath, 4);
            System.out.println("Employee Name with ID 4: " + name);

            List<String> names = getEmployeeNameWithAge(doc, xpath, 30);
            System.out.println("Employees with 'age>30' are:" + Arrays.toString(names.toArray()));

            List<String> femaleEmps = getFemaleEmployeesName(doc, xpath);
            System.out.println("Female Employees names are:" +

        } catch (ParserConfigurationException | SAXException | IOException e) {


    private static List<String> getFemaleEmployeesName(Document doc, XPath xpath) {
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            //create XPathExpression object
            XPathExpression expr =
            //evaluate expression result on XML document
            NodeList nodes = (NodeList) expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++)
        } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
        return list;

    private static List<String> getEmployeeNameWithAge(Document doc, XPath xpath, int age) {
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            XPathExpression expr =
                xpath.compile("/Employees/Employee[age>" + age + "]/name/text()");
            NodeList nodes = (NodeList) expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++)
        } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
        return list;

    private static String getEmployeeNameById(Document doc, XPath xpath, int id) {
        String name = null;
        try {
            XPathExpression expr =
                xpath.compile("/Employees/Employee[@id='" + id + "']/name/text()");
            name = (String) expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.STRING);
        } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {

        return name;


Can't find keyplane that supports type 4 for keyboard iPhone-Portrait-NumberPad; using 3876877096_Portrait_iPhone-Simple-Pad_Default

I had the same problem in Xcode 8.1 and iOS 10.1. What worked for me was going into Simulator-> Hardware->Keyboard and unchecking Connect Hardware Keyboard.

Getting one value from a tuple

For anyone in the future looking for an answer, I would like to give a much clearer answer to the question.

# for making a tuple
my_tuple = (89, 32)
my_tuple_with_more_values = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

# to concatenate tuples
another_tuple = my_tuple + my_tuple_with_more_values
# (89, 32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

# getting a value from a tuple is similar to a list
first_val = my_tuple[0]
second_val = my_tuple[1]

# if you have a function called my_tuple_fun that returns a tuple,
# you might want to do this

# or this
v1, v2 = my_tuple_fun()

Hope this clears things up further for those that need it.

Creating a Facebook share button with customized url, title and image

Crude, but it works on our system:

<div class="block-share spread-share p-t-md">
  <a href="!" 
    <button class="btn btn-social btn-facebook">
      <span class="icon icon-facebook">
      Share on Facebook

  <a href="" target="_blank">
    <button class="btn btn-social btn-facebook">
      <span class="icon icon-facebook">
      Like  on Facebook

Send POST data using XMLHttpRequest

Just for feature readers finding this question. I found that the accepted answer works fine as long as you have a given path, but if you leave it blank it will fail in IE. Here is what I came up with:

function post(path, data, callback) {
    "use strict";
    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();

    if (path === "") {
        path = "/";
    }'POST', path, true);
    request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
    request.onload = function (d) {

You can you it like so:

post("", {orem: ipsum, name: binny}, function (response) {

Bootstrap full responsive navbar with logo or brand name text

The placeholder image you're including has a height of 50px. It is wrapped in an anchor (.navbar-brand) with a padding-top of 15px and a height of 50px. That's why the placeholder logo flows out of the bar. Try including a smaller image or play with the anchor's padding by assigning a class or an id to it wich you can reference in your css.

EDIT Or remove the static height: 50px from .navbar-brand. Your navbar will then take the height of its highest child.

h3 in bootstrap by default has a padding-top of 20px. Again, it is wrapped with that padding-top: 15px anchor. That's why it's not vertically centered like you want it. You could give the h3 a class or and id that resets the margin-top. And the same you could do with the padding of the anchor.

Here's something to play with:,output

How do I create HTML table using jQuery dynamically?

Here is a full example of what you are looking for:

    <script src=""></script>
        $( document ).ready(function() {
            $("#providersFormElementsTable").html("<tr><td>Nickname</td><td><input type='text' id='nickname' name='nickname'></td></tr><tr><td>CA Number</td><td><input type='text' id='account' name='account'></td></tr>");

    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" id='providersFormElementsTable'> </table>

How to bring view in front of everything?

Try FrameLayout, it gives you the possibility to put views one above another. You can create two LinearLayouts: one with the background views, and one with foreground views, and combine them using the FrameLayout. Hope this helps.

What GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA exactly do?

Well, this is my final solution for a simple db, for Linux:

# Read this before!
# * roles in postgres are users, and can be used also as group of users
# * $ROLE_LOCAL will be the user that access the db for maintenance and
#   administration. $ROLE_REMOTE will be the user that access the db from the webapp
# * you have to change '$ROLE_LOCAL', '$ROLE_REMOTE' and '$DB'
#   strings with your desired names
# * it's preferable that $ROLE_LOCAL == $DB



cd /etc/postgresql/$VERSION/main
sudo cp pg_hba.conf pg_hba.conf_bak
sudo -e pg_hba.conf

# change all `md5` with `scram-sha-256`
# save and exit


sudo -u postgres psql

# in psql:
create role $ROLE_LOCAL login createdb;
\password $ROLE_LOCAL
create role $ROLE_REMOTE login;
\password $ROLE_REMOTE

create database $DB owner $ROLE_LOCAL encoding "utf8";
\connect $DB $ROLE_LOCAL

# Create all tables and objects, and after that:

\connect $DB postgres

revoke connect on database $DB from public;
revoke all on schema public from public;
revoke all on all tables in schema public from public;

grant connect on database $DB to $ROLE_LOCAL;
grant all on schema public to $ROLE_LOCAL;
grant all on all tables in schema public to $ROLE_LOCAL;
grant all on all sequences in schema public to $ROLE_LOCAL;
grant all on all functions in schema public to $ROLE_LOCAL;

grant connect on database $DB to $ROLE_REMOTE;
grant usage on schema public to $ROLE_REMOTE;
grant select, insert, update, delete on all tables in schema public to $ROLE_REMOTE;
grant usage, select on all sequences in schema public to $ROLE_REMOTE;
grant execute on all functions in schema public to $ROLE_REMOTE;

alter default privileges for role $ROLE_LOCAL in schema public
    grant all on tables to $ROLE_LOCAL;

alter default privileges for role $ROLE_LOCAL in schema public
    grant all on sequences to $ROLE_LOCAL;

alter default privileges for role $ROLE_LOCAL in schema public
    grant all on functions to $ROLE_LOCAL;

alter default privileges for role $ROLE_REMOTE in schema public
    grant select, insert, update, delete on tables to $ROLE_REMOTE;

alter default privileges for role $ROLE_REMOTE in schema public
    grant usage, select on sequences to $ROLE_REMOTE;

alter default privileges for role $ROLE_REMOTE in schema public
    grant execute on functions to $ROLE_REMOTE;


Access is denied when attaching a database

I'd like to add additional info to the answers that were posted.

Be careful when detaching the database because the windows user you are logged in as becomes the only user with permissions to the .mdf file! The original permissions the .mdf file had which included the user SQLServerMSSQLUser$<computer_name>$<instance_name> and the Administrators account get overwritten by whichever windows user you are logged in as (not sql server user). Boom, all permissions gone just like that. So do as others have said and right click your .mdf file and double check the permissions.

I ran into this problem because I used SSMS to connect to the database (doesn't matter which sql server account) and detached the database. After doing that my windows user was the only one that had any permissions to the .mdf file. So later on when I tried to attach the db using the sa account, it threw the "access denied" error.

To keep the original permissions in tact you should take the database offline, then detach, then attach in that order like so:

USE [master]
-- kick all users out of the db

-- Take the Database Offline

-- detach the db
EXEC master.dbo.sp_detach_db @dbname = N'mydb'

Remove an item from array using UnderscoreJS

Use can use plain JavaScript's Array#filter method like this:

var arr = [{id:1,name:'a'},{id:2,name:'b'},{id:3,name:'c'}];_x000D_
var filteredArr = arr.filter(obj => != 3);_x000D_

Or, use Array#reduce and Array#concat methods like this:

var arr = [{id:1,name:'a'},{id:2,name:'b'},{id:3,name:'c'}];_x000D_
var reducedArr = arr.reduce((accumulator, currObj) => {_x000D_
  return ( != 3) ? accumulator.concat(currObj) : accumulator;_x000D_
}, []);_x000D_


  • Both of these are pure functional approach (i.e. they don't modify the existing array).
  • No, external library is required in these approach (Vanilla JavaScript is enough).

How to detect chrome and safari browser (webkit)

/WebKit/.test(navigator.userAgent) — that's it.

What is "runtime"?

In my understanding runtime is exactly what it means - the time when the program is run. You can say something happens at runtime / run time or at compile time.

I think runtime and runtime library should be (if they aren't) two separate things. "C runtime" doesn't seem right to me. I call it "C runtime library".

Answers to your other questions: I think the term runtime can be extended to include also the environment and the context of the program when it is run, so:

  • it consists of everything that can be called "environment" during the time when the program is run, for example other processes, state of the operating system and used libraries, state of other processes, etc
  • it doesn't interact with your code in a general sense, it just defines in what circumstances your code works, what is available to it during execution.

This answer is to some extend just my opinion, not a fact or definition.

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Http 4.0.0 after update from 2012 to 2013

I had same problem and reinstalling package doesn't work.

My application runs in LocalIIS(not IIS EXPRESS). I enable Assembly Load Trace and find out it want load System.Web.Http load from below temp catche. so remove all catch folders in it.

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files[my application]

Is it possible to use vh minus pixels in a CSS calc()?

It does work indeed. Issue was with my less compiler. It was compiled in to:

.container {
  min-height: calc(-51vh);

Fixed with the following code in less file:

.container {
  min-height: calc(~"100vh - 150px");

Thanks to this link: Less Aggressive Compilation with CSS3 calc

Meaning of - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

This is the XML optional preamble.

  • version="1.0" means that this is the XML standard this file conforms to
  • encoding="utf-8" means that the file is encoded using the UTF-8 Unicode encoding

Regular expression for a hexadecimal number?

If you're using Perl or PHP, you can replace




PHP class: Global variable as property in class

Try to avoid globals, instead you can use something like this

class myClass() {
 private $myNumber;

 public function setNumber($number) {
  $this->myNumber = $number;

Now you can call

$class = new myClass();

Best C++ Code Formatter/Beautifier

AStyle can be customized in great detail for C++ and Java (and others too)

This is a source code formatting tool.

clang-format is a powerful command line tool bundled with the clang compiler which handles even the most obscure language constructs in a coherent way.

It can be integrated with Visual Studio, Emacs, Vim (and others) and can format just the selected lines (or with git/svn to format some diff).

It can be configured with a variety of options listed here.

When using config files (named .clang-format) styles can be per directory - the closest such file in parent directories shall be used for a particular file.

Styles can be inherited from a preset (say LLVM or Google) and can later override different options

It is used by Google and others and is production ready.

Also look at the project UniversalIndentGUI. You can experiment with several indenters using it: AStyle, Uncrustify, GreatCode, ... and select the best for you. Any of them can be run later from a command line.

Uncrustify has a lot of configurable options. You'll probably need Universal Indent GUI (in Konstantin's reply) as well to configure it.

Quadratic and cubic regression in Excel

I know that this question is a little old, but I thought that I would provide an alternative which, in my opinion, might be a little easier. If you're willing to add "temporary" columns to a data set, you can use Excel's Analysis ToolPak?Data Analysis?Regression. The secret to doing a quadratic or a cubic regression analysis is defining the Input X Range:.

If you're doing a simple linear regression, all you need are 2 columns, X & Y. If you're doing a quadratic, you'll need X_1, X_2, & Y where X_1 is the x variable and X_2 is x^2; likewise, if you're doing a cubic, you'll need X_1, X_2, X_3, & Y where X_1 is the x variable, X_2 is x^2 and X_3 is x^3. Notice how the Input X Range is from A1 to B22, spanning 2 columns.

Input for Quadratic Regression Analysis in Excel

The following image the output of the regression analysis. I've highlighted the common outputs, including the R-Squared values and all the coefficients.

Coefficients of Quadratic Regression Analysis in Excel

Determining the size of an Android view at runtime

I was also lost around getMeasuredWidth() and getMeasuredHeight() getHeight() and getWidth() for a long time.......... later i found that getting the view's width and height in onSizeChanged() is the best way to do this........ you can dynamically get your CURRENT width and CURRENT height of your view by overriding the onSizeChanged() method.

might wanna take a look at this which has an elaborate code snippet. New Blog Post: how to get width and height dimensions of a customView (extends View) in Android

How can I rotate an HTML <div> 90 degrees?

We can add the following to a particular tag in CSS:

-webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(90deg);
-o-transform: rotate(90deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(90deg);
transform: rotate(90deg);

In case of half rotation change 90 to 45.

How to check if keras tensorflow backend is GPU or CPU version?

Also you can check using Keras backend function:

from keras import backend as K

I test this on Keras (2.1.1)

IPC performance: Named Pipe vs Socket

Keep in mind that sockets does not necessarily mean IP (and TCP or UDP). You can also use UNIX sockets (PF_UNIX), which offer a noticeable performance improvement over connecting to

jQuery ajax request with json response, how to?

You need to call the


For example:

success: function(data){
       var json = $.parseJSON(data); // create an object with the key of the array
       alert(json.html); // where html is the key of array that you want, $response['html'] = "<a>something..</a>";
    error: function(data){
       var json = $.parseJSON(data);
    } ...

see this in

if you still have the problem of slashes: search for security.magicquotes.disabling.php or: function.stripslashes.php


This answer here is for those who try to use $.ajax with the dataType property set to json and even that got the wrong response type. Defining the header('Content-type: application/json'); in the server may correct the problem, but if you are returning text/html or any other type, the $.ajax method should convert it to json. I make a test with older versions of jQuery and only after version 1.4.4 the $.ajax force to convert any content-type to the dataType passed. So if you have this problem, try to update your jQuery version.

Validating a Textbox field for only numeric input.

To check if the value is a double:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    if (!double.TryParse(textBox1.Text, out var x))
        System.Console.WriteLine("it's not a double ");
    System.Console.WriteLine("it's a double ");

'printf' vs. 'cout' in C++

I would like say that extensibility lack of printf is not entirely true:
In C, it is true. But in C, there are no real classes.
In C++, it is possible to overload cast operator, so, overloading a char* operator and using printf like this:

Foo bar;

can be possible, if Foo overload the good operator. Or if you made a good method. In short, printf is as extensible as cout for me.

Technical argument I can see for C++ streams (in general... not only cout.) are:

  • Typesafety. (And, by the way, if I want to print a single '\n' I use putchar('\n')... I will not use a nuke-bomb to kill an insect.).

  • Simpler to learn. (no "complicated" parameters to learn, just to use << and >> operators)

  • Work natively with std::string (for printf there is std::string::c_str(), but for scanf?)

For printf I see:

  • Easier, or at least shorter (in term of characters written) complex formatting. Far more readable, for me (matter of taste I guess).

  • Better control of what the function made (Return how many characters where written and there is the %n formatter: "Nothing printed. The argument must be a pointer to a signed int, where the number of characters written so far is stored." (from printf - C++ Reference)

  • Better debugging possibilities. For same reason as last argument.

My personal preferences go to printf (and scanf) functions, mainly because I love short lines, and because I don't think type problems on printing text are really hard to avoid. The only thing I deplore with C-style functions is that std::string is not supported. We have to go through a char* before giving it to printf (with the std::string::c_str() if we want to read, but how to write?)

Margin-Top not working for span element?

span element is display:inline; by default you need to make it inline-block or block

Change your CSS to be like this

span.first_title {
    margin-top: 20px;
    margin-left: 12px;
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #221461;
    /*The change*/
    display:inline-block; /*or display:block;*/

How do I call a function twice or more times consecutively?

You may try while loop as shown below;

def do1():
    # Do something

def do2(x):
    while x > 0:
        x -= 1


Thus make call the do1 function 5 times.

Submitting the value of a disabled input field

Input elements have a property called disabled. When the form submits, just run some code like this:

var myInput = document.getElementById('myInput');
myInput.disabled = true;

How to disable an input type=text?

If the data is populated from the database, you might consider not using an <input> tag to display it. Nevertheless, you can disable it right in the tag:

<input type='text' value='${magic.database.value}' disabled>

If you need to disable it with Javascript later, you can set the "disabled" attribute:

document.getElementById('theInput').disabled = true;

The reason I suggest not showing the value as an <input> is that, in my experience, it causes layout issues. If the text is long, then in an <input> the user will need to try and scroll the text, which is not something normal people would guess to do. If you just drop it into a <span> or something, you have more styling flexibility.

CSS @font-face not working in ie

I read a lot of tutorials that suggested hacks, so I came up with this solution I think is better... It seems to work fine.

@font-face { 
    font-family: MyFont; src: url('myfont.ttf'); 
    font-family: MyFont_IE; src: url('myfont.eot'); 
    font-family: MyFont, MyFont_IE, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 

Retrieve the position (X,Y) of an HTML element relative to the browser window

To get the total offset of an element, you could recursively sum up all parent offsets:

function getParentOffsets(el): number {
if (el.offsetParent) {
    return el.offsetParent.offsetTop + getParentOffset(el.offsetParent);
} else {
    return 0;

with this utility function the total top offset of a dom element is:

el.offsetTop + getParentOffsets(el);

How to show code but hide output in RMarkdown?

To hide warnings, you can also do {r, warning=FALSE}

Presenting modal in iOS 13 fullscreen

If you are using a UINavigationController and embed a ViewController as a root view controller, then also you would rise up with same issue. Use following code to overcome.

let vc = UIViewController()
let navController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: vc)
navController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen

Rename multiple files in a folder, add a prefix (Windows)

I know it's an old question but I learned alot from the various answers but came up with my own solution as a function. This should dynamically add the parent folder as a prefix to all files that matches a certain pattern but only if it does not have that prefix already.

function Add-DirectoryPrefix($pattern) {
    # To debug, replace the Rename-Item with Select-Object
    Get-ChildItem -Path .\* -Filter $pattern -Recurse | 
        Where-Object {$_.Name -notlike ($_.Directory.Name + '*')} | 
        Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Directory.Name + '-' + $_.Name}
        # Select-Object -Property Directory,Name,@{Name = 'NewName'; Expression= {$_.Directory.Name + '-' + $_.Name}}

Group a list of objects by an attribute

You could do this:

Map<String, List<Student>> map = new HashMap<String, List<Student>>();
List<Student> studlist = new ArrayList<Student>();
studlist.add(new Student("1726", "John", "New York"));
map.put("New York", studlist);

the keys will be locations and the values list of students. So later you can get a group of students just by using:

studlist = map.get("New York");

How to find the length of a string in R

Use stringi package and stri_length function

> stri_length(c("ala ma kota","ABC",NA))
[1] 11  3 NA

Why? Because it is the FASTEST among presented solutions :)

x <- c(letters,NA,paste(sample(letters,2000,TRUE),collapse=" "))
Unit: microseconds
           expr    min     lq  median      uq     max neval
       nchar(x) 11.868 12.776 13.1590 13.6475  41.815   100
  str_length(x) 30.715 33.159 33.6825 34.1360 173.400   100
 stri_length(x)  2.653  3.281  4.0495  4.5380  19.966   100

and also works fine with NA's

## [1] 2
## [1] NA

Can't install via pip because of egg_info error

virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments.

you will need to add the following to fix command python egg_info failed with error code 1, so inside your requirements.txt add this:


How to install CocoaPods?

Are you behind a proxy? If so, pass the proxy as an argument sudo gem install --http-proxy http://user:[email protected]:80 cocoapods `

Redirection of standard and error output appending to the same log file

Andy gave me some good pointers, but I wanted to do it in an even cleaner way. Not to mention that with the 2>&1 >> method PowerShell complained to me about the log file being accessed by another process, i.e. both stderr and stdout trying to lock the file for access, I guess. So here's how I worked it around.

First let's generate a nice filename, but that's really just for being pedantic:

$name = "sync_common"
$currdate = get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd
$logfile = "c:\scripts\$name\log\$name-$currdate.txt"

And here's where the trick begins:

start-transcript -append -path $logfile

write-output "starting sync"
robocopy /mir /copyall S:\common \\\common 2>&1 | Write-Output
some_other.exe /exeparams 2>&1 | Write-Output
write-output "ending sync"


With start-transcript and stop-transcript you can redirect ALL output of PowerShell commands to a single file, but it doesn't work correctly with external commands. So let's just redirect all the output of those to the stdout of PS and let transcript do the rest.

In fact, I have no idea why the MS engineers say they haven't fixed this yet "due to the high cost and technical complexities involved" when it can be worked around in such a simple way.

Either way, running every single command with start-process is a huge clutter IMHO, but with this method, all you gotta do is append the 2>&1 | Write-Output code to each line which runs external commands.

Make element fixed on scroll

Plain Javascript Solution (DEMO) :

  <div id="myyy_bar" style="background:red;"> Here is window </div>

<script type="text/javascript">
var myyElement = document.getElementById("myyy_bar"); 
var EnableConsoleLOGS = true;           //to check the results in Browser's Inspector(Console), whenever you are scrolling
// ==============================================

window.addEventListener('scroll', function (evt) {
    var Positionsss =  GetTopLeft ();  
    if (EnableConsoleLOGS) { console.log(Positionsss); }
    if (Positionsss.toppp  > 70)    {"relative"; = "0px"; = "auto"; }
    else                            {"fixed"; = "100px"; = "0px"; }

function GetOffset (object, offset) {
    if (!object) return;
    offset.x += object.offsetLeft;       offset.y += object.offsetTop;
    GetOffset (object.offsetParent, offset);
function GetScrolled (object, scrolled) {
    if (!object) return;
    scrolled.x += object.scrollLeft;    scrolled.y += object.scrollTop;
    if (object.tagName.toLowerCase () != "html") {          GetScrolled (object.parentNode, scrolled);        }

function GetTopLeft () {
    var offset = {x : 0, y : 0};        GetOffset (myyElement.parentNode, offset);
    var scrolled = {x : 0, y : 0};      GetScrolled (myyElement.parentNode.parentNode, scrolled);
    var posX = offset.x - scrolled.x;   var posY = offset.y - scrolled.y;
    return {lefttt: posX , toppp: posY };
// ==============================================

How do I fix "for loop initial declaration used outside C99 mode" GCC error?

I had the same problem and it works you just have to declare the i outside of the loop:

int i;

for(i = low; i <= high; ++i)

        res = runalg(i);
        if (res > highestres)
                highestres = res;


jQuery scrollTop() doesn't seem to work in Safari or Chrome (Windows)

There is not a big choice of elements that might get auto-assigned with a scrollTop value as we scroll a webpage.

So I wrote this little function to iterate through the probable elements and return the one we seek.

var grab=function (){
    var el=$();
        $('body#my_body, html, document').each(function(){
            if ($(this).scrollTop()>0) {
                el= ($(this));
                return false;
    return el;

In Google chrome it would get us the body, in IE - HTML.

(Note, we don't need to set overflow:auto explicitly on our html or body that way.)

How to access global variables

I suggest use the common way of import.

First I will explain the way it called "relative import" maybe this way cause of some error

Second I will explain the common way of import.


In go version >= 1.12 there is some new tips about import file and somethings changed.

1- You should put your file in another folder for example I create a file in "model" folder and the file's name is "example.go"

2- You have to use uppercase when you want to import a file!

3- Use Uppercase for variables, structures and functions that you want to import in another files

Notice: There is no way to import the main.go in another file.

file directory is:


this is a example.go:

package model

import (

var StartTime = time.Now()

and this is main.go you should use uppercase when you want to import a file. "Mod" started with uppercase

package main

import (
    Mod "./model"

func main() {


NOTE: I don't recommend this this type of import!


(normal import)

the better way import file is:

your structure should be like this:

         |                |__________Your-project-name
         |                                |________main.go
         |                                |________handlers
         |                                |________models

and this is a example:

package main

import (

func main(){
     //you can use sessions here

so you can import "" in every where that you want...just import it.

Linux error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I had a similar error and it didn't fix with giving LD_LIBRARY_PATH in ~/.bashrc . What solved my issue is by adding .conf file and loading it. Go to terminal an be in su.

gedit /etc/

Add your library path in this file and save.(eg: /usr/local/lib). You must run the following command to activate path:


Verify Your New Library Path:

ldconfig -v | less

If this shows your library files, then you are good to go.

How to emit an event from parent to child?

As far as I know, there are 2 standard ways you can do that.

1. @Input

Whenever the data in the parent changes, the child gets notified about this in the ngOnChanges method. The child can act on it. This is the standard way of interacting with a child.

public inputToChild: Object;

<child [data]="inputToChild"> </child>       

Child-Component: @Input() data;

ngOnChanges(changes: { [property: string]: SimpleChange }){
   // Extract changes to the input property by its name
   let change: SimpleChange = changes['data']; 
// Whenever the data in the parent changes, this method gets triggered. You 
// can act on the changes here. You will have both the previous value and the 
// current value here.
  1. Shared service concept

Creating a service and using an observable in the shared service. The child subscribes to it and whenever there is a change, the child will be notified. This is also a popular method. When you want to send something other than the data you pass as the input, this can be used.

subject: Subject<Object>;

constructor(sharedService: SharedService);

constructor(sharedService: SharedService)

// Whenever the parent emits using the next method, you can receive the data 
in here and act on it.})

How to edit hosts file via CMD?

Use Hosts Commander. It's simple and powerful. Translated description (from russian) here.

Examples of using

hosts add # Remote host
hosts add test.local # used by default
hosts set # new comment
hosts rem *.local
hosts enable local*
hosts disable localhost

...and many others...


    hosts - run hosts command interpreter
    hosts <command> <params> - execute hosts command

    add  <host> <aliases> <addr> # <comment>   - add new host
    set  <host|mask> <addr> # <comment>        - set ip and comment for host
    rem  <host|mask>   - remove host
    on   <host|mask>   - enable host
    off  <host|mask>   - disable host
    view [all] <mask>  - display enabled and visible, or all hosts
    hide <host|mask>   - hide host from 'hosts view'
    show <host|mask>   - show host in 'hosts view'
    print      - display raw hosts file
    format     - format host rows
    clean      - format and remove all comments
    rollback   - rollback last operation
    backup     - backup hosts file
    restore    - restore hosts file from backup
    recreate   - empty hosts file
    open       - open hosts file in notepad


How to force uninstallation of windows service

If you can not stop the service in Services, you can stop your windows service exe in Task Manager. After that, you can remove the service.

How to create a numeric vector of zero length in R

If you read the help for vector (or numeric or logical or character or integer or double, 'raw' or complex etc ) then you will see that they all have a length (or length.out argument which defaults to 0



All return 0 length vectors of the appropriate atomic modes.

# the following will also return objects with length 0

How to see full absolute path of a symlink

realpath isn't available on all linux flavors, but readlink should be.

readlink -f symlinkName

The above should do the trick.

Alternatively, if you don't have either of the above installed, you can do the following if you have python 2.6 (or later) installed

python -c 'import os.path; print(os.path.realpath("symlinkName"))'

How to post JSON to PHP with curl

You need to set a few extra flags so that curl sends the data as JSON.


$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
       -X POST \
       -d '{"JSON": "HERE"}' \


  • -H: custom header, next argument is expected to be header
  • -X: custom HTTP verb, next argument is expected to be verb
  • -d: sends the next argument as data in an HTTP POST request


PDF to image using Java

If GPL is fine you may have an additional look at jPodRenderer (SourceForge)

jQuery - Trigger event when an element is removed from the DOM

The "remove" event from jQuery works fine, without addition. It might be more reliable in time to use a simple trick, instead of patching jQuery.

Just modify or add an attribute in the element you are about to remove from the DOM. Thus, you can trigger any update function, that will just ignore elements on way to be destroyed, with the attribute "do_not_count_it".

Suppose we have a table with cells corresponding to prices, and that you need to show only the last price: This is the selector to trigger when a price cell is deleted (we have a button in each line of the table doing that, not shown here)

$('td[validity="count_it"]').on("remove", function () {

And here is a function that finds the last price in the table, not taking account of the last one, if it was the one that was removed. Indeed, when the "remove" event is triggered, and when this function is called, the element is not removed yet.

function update_prices(){
      var mytable=$("#pricestable");
      var lastpricecell = mytable.find('td[validity="count_it"]').last();

In the end, the update_prices() function works fine, and after that, the DOM element is removed.

jQuery UI dialog positioning

Thanks to some answers above, I experimented and ultimately found that all you need to do is edit the "position" attribute in the Modal Dialog's definition:


JQuery had no problems with the "middle" text for the horizontal "X" value and my dialog popped up in the middle, 20px down from the top.

I heart JQuery.

How to get Last record from Sqlite?

I wanted to maintain my table while pulling in one row that gives me the last value in a particular column in the table. I essentially was looking to replace the LAST() function in excel and this worked.

, (Select column_name FROM report WHERE rowid = (select last_insert_rowid() from report))

Find character position and update file name

I know this thread is a bit old but, I was looking for something similar and could not find it. Here's what I came up with. I create a string object using the .Net String class to expose all the methods normally found if using C#

 $myString = "237801_201011221155.xml"
 $startPos = $myString.LastIndexOf("_") + 1 # Do not include the "_" character
 $subString = $myString.Substring($startPos,$myString.Length - $startPos)

Result: 201011221155.xml

Why can't I use a list as a dict key in python?

A Dictionary is a HashMap it stores map of your keys, value converted to a hashed new key and value mapping.

something like (psuedo code):

{key : val}  
hash(key) = val

If you are wondering which are available options that can be used as key for your dictionary. Then

anything which is hashable(can be converted to hash, and hold static value i.e immutable so as to make a hashed key as stated above) is eligible but as list or set objects can be vary on the go so hash(key) should also needs to vary just to be in sync with your list or set.

You can try :

hash(<your key here>)

If it works fine it can be used as key for your dictionary or else convert it to something hashable.

Inshort :

  1. Convert that list to tuple(<your list>).
  2. Convert that list to str(<your list>).

Message "Async callback was not invoked within the 5000 ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout"

I recently ran into this issue for a different reason: I was running some tests synchronously using jest -i, and it would just timeout. For whatever reasoning, running the same tests using jest --runInBand (even though -i is meant to be an alias) doesn't time out.

Maybe this will help someone ¯\_(:/)_/¯

Rotating a point about another point (2D)

This is the answer by Nils Pipenbrinck, but implemented in c# fiddle.

using System;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        var angle = 180 * Math.PI/180;
        Console.WriteLine(rotate_point(0,0,angle,new Point{X=10, Y=10}).Print());

    static Point rotate_point(double cx, double cy, double angle, Point p)
        double s = Math.Sin(angle);
        double c = Math.Cos(angle);
        // translate point back to origin:
        p.X -= cx;
        p.Y -= cy;
        // rotate point
        double Xnew = p.X * c - p.Y * s;
        double Ynew = p.X * s + p.Y * c;
        // translate point back:
        p.X = Xnew + cx;
        p.Y = Ynew + cy;
        return p;

    class Point
        public double X;
        public double Y;

        public string Print(){
            return $"{X},{Y}";

Ps: Apparently I can’t comment, so I’m obligated to post it as an answer ...

How to gzip all files in all sub-directories into one compressed file in bash

tar -zcvf compressFileName.tar.gz folderToCompress

everything in folderToCompress will go to compressFileName

Edit: After review and comments I realized that people may get confused with compressFileName without an extension. If you want you can use .tar.gz extension(as suggested) with the compressFileName