Programs & Examples On #Fastformat

Is there an easy way to reload css without reloading the page?

Yes, reload the css tag. And remember to make the new url unique (usually by appending a random query parameter). I have code to do this but not with me right now. Will edit later...

edit: too late... harto and nickf beat me to it ;-)

Why should we include ttf, eot, woff, svg,... in a font-face

WOFF 2.0, based on the Brotli compression algorithm and other improvements over WOFF 1.0 giving more than 30 % reduction in file size, is supported in Chrome, Opera, and Firefox. has an example on how to use it.

Basically you add a src url to the woff2 file and specify the woff2 format. It is important to have this before the woff-format: the browser will use the first format that it supports.

Set Background cell color in PHPExcel

function cellColor($cells,$color){
    global $objPHPExcel;

        'type' => PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_SOLID,
        'startcolor' => array(
             'rgb' => $color

cellColor('B5', 'F28A8C');
cellColor('G5', 'F28A8C');
cellColor('A7:I7', 'F28A8C');
cellColor('A17:I17', 'F28A8C');
cellColor('A30:Z30', 'F28A8C');

enter image description here

Loading inline content using FancyBox

Just something I found for Wordpress users,

As obvious as it sounds, If your div is returning some AJAX content based on say a header that would commonly link out to a new post page, some tutorials will say to return false since you're returning the post data on the same page and the return would prevent the page from moving. However if you return false, you also prevent Fancybox2 from doing it's thing as well. I spent hours trying to figure that stupid simple thing out.

So for these kind of links, just make sure that the href property is the hashed (#) div you wish to select, and in your javascript, make sure that you do not return false since you no longer will need to.

Simple I know ^_^

Convert double to string C++?

Use std::stringstream. Its operator << is overloaded for all built-in types.

#include <sstream>    

std::stringstream s;
s << "(" << c1 << "," << c2 << ")";
storedCorrect[count] = s.str();

This works like you'd expect - the same way you print to the screen with std::cout. You're simply "printing" to a string instead. The internals of operator << take care of making sure there's enough space and doing any necessary conversions (e.g., double to string).

Also, if you have the Boost library available, you might consider looking into lexical_cast. The syntax looks much like the normal C++-style casts:

#include <string>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
using namespace boost;

storedCorrect[count] = "(" + lexical_cast<std::string>(c1) +
                       "," + lexical_cast<std::string>(c2) + ")";

Under the hood, boost::lexical_cast is basically doing the same thing we did with std::stringstream. A key advantage to using the Boost library is you can go the other way (e.g., string to double) just as easily. No more messing with atof() or strtod() and raw C-style strings.

Clicking the back button twice to exit an activity

You can also use the visibility of a Toast, so you don't need that Handler/postDelayed ultra solution.

Toast doubleBackButtonToast;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    doubleBackButtonToast = Toast.makeText(this, "Double tap back to exit.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

public void onBackPressed() {
    if (doubleBackButtonToast.getView().isShown()) {

Readably print out a python dict() sorted by key

You could transform this dict a little to ensure that (as dicts aren't kept sorted internally), e.g.

pprint([(key, mydict[key]) for key in sorted(mydict.keys())])

Warning: mysqli_query() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given. What?

The issue is that you're not saving the mysqli connection. Change your connect to:

$aVar = mysqli_connect('localhost','tdoylex1_dork','dorkk','tdoylex1_dork');

And then include it in your query:

$query1 = mysqli_query($aVar, "SELECT name1 FROM users
    LIMIT 1");
$aName1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query1);
$name1 = $aName1['name1'];

Also don't forget to enclose your connections variables as strings as I have above. This is what's causing the error but you're using the function wrong, mysqli_query returns a query object but to get the data out of this you need to use something like mysqli_fetch_assoc to actually get the data out into a variable as I have above.

jQuery: how to scroll to certain anchor/div on page load?

Use the following simple example

function scrollToElement(ele) {

where ele is your element (jQuery) .. for example : scrollToElement($('#myid'));

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'

  1. The reason this is failing is because (Python 3) input returns a string. To convert it to an integer, use int(some_string).

  2. You do not typically keep track of indices manually in Python. A better way to implement such a function would be

    def cat_n_times(s, n):
        for i in range(n):
    text = input("What would you like the computer to repeat back to you: ")
    num = int(input("How many times: ")) # Convert to an int immediately.
    cat_n_times(text, num)
  3. I changed your API above a bit. It seems to me that n should be the number of times and s should be the string.

Changing the Git remote 'push to' default

Like docs say:

When the command line does not specify where to push with the <repository> argument, branch.*.remote configuration for the current branch is consulted to determine where to push. If the configuration is missing, it defaults to origin.

how to add a jpg image in Latex

if you add a jpg,png,pdf picture, you should use pdflatex to compile it.

How to connect android emulator to the internet

I had a similar problem on Win7 64 bit. Tried disabling my hamachi and virtualbox adapters and didn't work. Tried starting avd as admin and didn't work. In the end I disabled the teredo tunneling adapter using the info on this site and it worked:

How do I set a ViewModel on a window in XAML using DataContext property?

There is also this way of specifying the viewmodel:

using Wpf = System.Windows;

public partial class App : Wpf.Application //your skeleton app already has this.
    protected override void OnStartup( Wpf.StartupEventArgs e ) //you need to add this.
        base.OnStartup( e );
        MainWindow = new MainView();
        MainWindow.DataContext = new MainViewModel( e.Args );


All of the solutions previously proposed require that MainViewModel must have a parameterless constructor.

Microsoft is under the impression that systems can be built using parameterless constructors. If you are also under that impression, go ahead and use some of the other solutions.

For those that know that constructors must have parameters, and therefore the instantiation of objects cannot be left in the hands of magic frameworks, the proper way of specifying the viewmodel is the one I showed above.


How to manage Angular2 "expression has changed after it was checked" exception when a component property depends on current datetime

Use a default form value to avoid the error.

Instead of using the accepted answer of applying detectChanges() in ngAfterViewInit() (which also solved the error in my case), I decided instead to save a default value for a dynamically required form field, so that when the form is later updated, it's validity is not changed if the user decides to change an option on the form that would trigger the new required fields (and cause the submit button to be disabled).

This saved a tiny bit of code in my component, and in my case the error was avoided altogether.

How to change column datatype from character to numeric in PostgreSQL 8.4

You can try using USING:

The optional USING clause specifies how to compute the new column value from the old; if omitted, the default conversion is the same as an assignment cast from old data type to new. A USING clause must be provided if there is no implicit or assignment cast from old to new type.

So this might work (depending on your data):

alter table presales alter column code type numeric(10,0) using code::numeric;
-- Or if you prefer standard casting...
alter table presales alter column code type numeric(10,0) using cast(code as numeric);

This will fail if you have anything in code that cannot be cast to numeric; if the USING fails, you'll have to clean up the non-numeric data by hand before changing the column type.

How to connect Robomongo to MongoDB

Here's what we do:

  • Create a new connection, set the name, IP address and the appropriate port:

    Connection setup

  • Set up authentication, if required

    Authentication settings

  • Optionally set up other available settings for SSL, SSH, etc.

  • Save and connect

jquery dialog save cancel button styling

It has been a while since this question was posted, but the following code works across all browsers (note although MattPII's answer works in FFox and Chrome, it throws script errors in IE).

    autoOpen: true,
    buttons: [
        text: 'OK',
        open: function() { $(this).addClass('b') }, //will append a class called 'b' to the created 'OK' button.
        click: function() { alert('OK Clicked')}
        text: "Cancel",
        click: function() { alert('Cancel Clicked')}

How to use code to open a modal in Angular 2?

Easy way to achieve this in angular 2 or 4 (Assuming that you are using bootstrap 4)


<button type="button" (click)="openModel()">Open Modal</button>_x000D_
<div #myModel class="modal fade">_x000D_
  <div class="modal-dialog">_x000D_
    <div class="modal-content">_x000D_
     <div class="modal-header">_x000D_
        <h5 class="modal-title ">Title</h5>_x000D_
        <button type="button" class="close" (click)="closeModel()">_x000D_
            <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>_x000D_
      <div class="modal-body">_x000D_
        <p>Some text in the modal.</p>_x000D_


import {Component, OnInit, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';

@ViewChild('myModal') myModal;

openModel() {
  this.myModal.nativeElement.className = 'modal fade show';
closeModel() {
   this.myModal.nativeElement.className = 'modal hide';

Class file has wrong version 52.0, should be 50.0

If you are using javac to compile, and you get this error, then remove all the .class files

rm *.class     # On Unix-based systems

and recompile.


How to concat string + i?

Let me add another solution:

>> N = 5;
>> f = cellstr(num2str((1:N)', 'f%d'))
f = 

If N is more than two digits long (>= 10), you will start getting extra spaces. Add a call to strtrim(f) to get rid of them.

As a bonus, there is an undocumented built-in function sprintfc which nicely returns a cell arrays of strings:

>> N = 10;
>> f = sprintfc('f%d', 1:N)
f = 
    'f1'    'f2'    'f3'    'f4'    'f5'    'f6'    'f7'    'f8'    'f9'    'f10'

Arduino Nano - "avrdude: ser_open():system can't open device "\\.\COM1": the system cannot find the file specified"

Changing the port in Device Manager works for me. I was also able to fix it by finding the port that Arduino was using and then select it from the Adruion IDE from tools menu Tools>Port>Com Port

Adruino IDE

How do I change the background of a Frame in Tkinter?

You use ttk.Frame, bg option does not work for it. You should create style and apply it to the frame.

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import * 

root = Tk()

s = Style()
s.configure('My.TFrame', background='red')

mail1 = Frame(root, style='My.TFrame'), width=400, x=83, y=109)

cannot convert 'std::basic_string<char>' to 'const char*' for argument '1' to 'int system(const char*)'

try using concatenation of string

Statistics(string date)
        this->date += date;

acually this was a part of a class..

How to force browser to download file?

This is from a php script which solves the problem perfectly with every browser I've tested (FF since 3.5, IE8+, Chrome)

header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$fname_local."\"");
header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header("Content-Length: ".filesize($fname));

So as far as I can see, you're doing everything correctly. Have you checked your browser settings?

Overcoming "Display forbidden by X-Frame-Options"

This is the solution guys!!

FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(response) { = 'url';

The only thing that worked for facebook apps!

Get the latest date from grouped MySQL data

Subquery giving dates. We are not linking with the model. So below query solves the problem.

If there are duplicate dates/model can be avoided by the following query.

select t.model,
from doc t
inner join (select model, max(date) as MaxDate from doc  group by model)
tm on t.model = tm.model and = tm.MaxDate

How to save picture to iPhone photo library?

Swift 4

func writeImage(image: UIImage) {
    UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(image, self, #selector(self.finishWriteImage), nil)

@objc private func finishWriteImage(_ image: UIImage, didFinishSavingWithError error: NSError?, contextInfo: UnsafeRawPointer) {
    if (error != nil) {
        // Something wrong happened.
        print("error occurred: \(String(describing: error))")
    } else {
        // Everything is alright.
        print("saved success!")

Is it wrong to place the <script> tag after the </body> tag?

IE doesn't allow this anymore (since Version 10, I believe) and will ignore such scripts. FF and Chrome still tolerate them, but there are chances that some day they will drop this as non-standard.

Batch file to restart a service. Windows

net stop <your service> && net start <your service>

No net restart, unfortunately.

javascript scroll event for iPhone/iPad?

Sorry for adding another answer to an old post but I usually get a scroll event very well by using this code (it works at least on 6.1)

element.addEventListener('scroll', function() {

// This is the magic, this gives me "live" scroll events
element.addEventListener('gesturechange', function() {});

And that works for me. Only thing it doesn't do is give a scroll event for the deceleration of the scroll (Once the deceleration is complete you get a final scroll event, do as you will with it.) but if you disable inertia with css by doing this

-webkit-overflow-scrolling: none;

You don't get inertia on your elements, for the body though you might have to do the classic

document.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e) {e.preventDefault();}, true);

Question mark and colon in JavaScript

? : isn't this the ternary operator?

var x= expression ? true:false

Why is this printing 'None' in the output?

Because of double print function. I suggest you to use return instead of print inside the function definition.

def lyrics():
    return "The very first line"


def lyrics():
    print("The very first line")

How to update Identity Column in SQL Server?

You need to

set identity_insert YourTable ON

Then delete your row and reinsert it with different identity.

Once you have done the insert don't forget to turn identity_insert off

set identity_insert YourTable OFF

PHP AES encrypt / decrypt

$sDecrypted and $sEncrypted were undefined in your code. See a solution that works (but is not secure!):


This example is insecure! Do not use it!

$Pass = "Passwort";
$Clear = "Klartext";        

$crypted = fnEncrypt($Clear, $Pass);
echo "Encrypred: ".$crypted."</br>";

$newClear = fnDecrypt($crypted, $Pass);
echo "Decrypred: ".$newClear."</br>";        

function fnEncrypt($sValue, $sSecretKey)
    return rtrim(
                $sSecretKey, $sValue, 
            ), "\0"

function fnDecrypt($sValue, $sSecretKey)
    return rtrim(
        ), "\0"

But there are other problems in this code which make it insecure, in particular the use of ECB (which is not an encryption mode, only a building block on top of which encryption modes can be defined). See Fab Sa's answer for a quick fix of the worst problems and Scott's answer for how to do this right.

HTML email in outlook table width issue - content is wider than the specified table width

I guess problem is in width attributes in table and td remove 'px' for example

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="580px" style="background-color: #0290ba;">

Should be

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="580" style="background-color: #0290ba;">

Java equivalent to #region in C#

In Eclipse you can collapse the brackets wrapping variable region block. The closest is to do something like this:

public class counter_class 

    { // Region

        int variable = 0;


How to serialize object to CSV file?

Worth mentioning that the handlebar library can trivialize many transformation tasks include toCSV.

gcc error: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

You can specify '-m32' or '-m64' to select the compilation mode.

When dealing with autoconf (configure) scripts, I usually set CC="gcc -m64" (or CC="gcc -m32") in the environment so that everything is compiled with the correct bittiness. At least, usually...people find endless ways to make that not quite work, but my batting average is very high (way over 95%) with it.

How to copy a string of std::string type in C++?

You shouldn't use strcpy() to copy a std::string, only use it for C-Style strings.

If you want to copy a to b then just use the = operator.

string a = "text";
string b = "image";
b = a;

How to center a component in Material-UI and make it responsive?

Another option is:

<Grid container justify = "center">
  <Your centered component/>

What does [object Object] mean? (JavaScript)

That is because there are different types of objects in Javascript!

For example

  • Function objects:

stringify(function (){}) -> [object Function]

  • Array objects:

stringify([]) -> [object Array]

  • RegExp objects

stringify(/x/) -> [object RegExp]

  • Date objects

stringify(new Date) -> [object Date]

  • Object objects!

stringify({}) -> [object Object]

the constructor function is called Object (with a capital "O"), and the term "object" (with small "o") refers to the structural nature of the thingy.

When you're talking about "objects" in Javascript, you actually mean "Object objects", and not the other types.

If you want to see value inside "[Object objects]" use:


Arduino IDE can't find ESP8266WiFi.h file

When programming the NODEMCU card with the Arduino IDE, you need to customize it and you must have selected the correct card.

Open Arduino IDE and go to files and click on the preference in the Arduino IDE.

Add the following link to the Additional Manager URLS section: "" and press the OK button.

Then click Tools> Board Manager. Type "ESP8266" in the text box to search and install the ESP8266 software for Arduino IDE.

You will be successful when you try to program again by selecting the NodeMCU card after these operations. I hope I could help.

how to draw a rectangle in HTML or CSS?

Use <div id="rectangle" style="width:number px; height:number px; background-color:blue"></div>

This will create a blue rectangle.

Creating a list of objects in Python

Create a new instance each time, where each new instance has the correct state, rather than continually modifying the state of the same instance.

Alternately, store an explicitly-made copy of the object (using the hint at this page) at each step, rather than the original.

Matplotlib scatterplot; colour as a function of a third variable

Sometimes you may need to plot color precisely based on the x-value case. For example, you may have a dataframe with 3 types of variables and some data points. And you want to do following,

  • Plot points corresponding to Physical variable 'A' in RED.
  • Plot points corresponding to Physical variable 'B' in BLUE.
  • Plot points corresponding to Physical variable 'C' in GREEN.

In this case, you may have to write to short function to map the x-values to corresponding color names as a list and then pass on that list to the plt.scatter command.


# Function to map the colors as a list from the input list of x variables
def pltcolor(lst):
    for l in lst:
        if l=='A':
        elif l=='B':
    return cols
# Create the colors list using the function above

plt.scatter(x=x,y=y,s=500,c=cols) #Pass on the list created by the function here

Coloring scatter plot as a function of x variable

Android SDK is missing, out of date, or is missing templates. Please ensure you are using SDK version 22 or later

same problem happened to me, From this

I have faced the same issue, to solve it:

1- delete (or move) the projects folder (AndroidStudioProjects).

2- Run the Android-Studio (a WELCOME screen will started).

3- From Welcome Screen choose, "Configure -> Project Defaults -> Project Structure)

4- Under Platform Settings choose SDKs.

5- Select Android SDK -> right_click delete.

6- Right_click -> New Sdk -> Android SDK -> choose your SDK dir -> then OK.

7- Choose the Build target -> apply -> OK. enjoy

Adding :default => true to boolean in existing Rails column

If you don't want to create another migration-file for a small, recent change - from Rails Console:

ActiveRecord::Migration.change_column :profiles, :show_attribute, :boolean, :default => true

Then exit and re-enter rails console, so DB-Changes will be in-effect. Then, if you do this ...

You should see the "show_attribute" default-value as true.

For existing records, if you want to preserve existing "false" settings and only update "nil" values to your new default:

Profile.all.each{|profile| profile.update_attributes(:show_attribute => (profile.show_attribute == nil ? true : false))  }

Update the migration that created this table, so any future builds of the DB will get it right from the onset. Also run the same process on any deployed-instances of the DB.

If using the "new db migration" method, you can do the update of existing nil-values in that migration.

How to hide status bar in Android

This is the official documentation about hiding the Status Bar on Android 4.0 and lower and on Android 4.1 and higher

Please, take a look at it:

select data up to a space?

select left(col, charindex(' ', col) - 1)

Read and write to binary files in C?

Reading and writing binary files is pretty much the same as any other file, the only difference is how you open it:

unsigned char buffer[10];
FILE *ptr;

ptr = fopen("test.bin","rb");  // r for read, b for binary

fread(buffer,sizeof(buffer),1,ptr); // read 10 bytes to our buffer

You said you can read it, but it's not outputting correctly... keep in mind that when you "output" this data, you're not reading ASCII, so it's not like printing a string to the screen:

for(int i = 0; i<10; i++)
    printf("%u ", buffer[i]); // prints a series of bytes

Writing to a file is pretty much the same, with the exception that you're using fwrite() instead of fread():

FILE *write_ptr;

write_ptr = fopen("test.bin","wb");  // w for write, b for binary

fwrite(buffer,sizeof(buffer),1,write_ptr); // write 10 bytes from our buffer

Since we're talking Linux.. there's an easy way to do a sanity check. Install hexdump on your system (if it's not already on there) and dump your file:

mike@mike-VirtualBox:~/C$ hexdump test.bin
0000000 457f 464c 0102 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000010 0001 003e 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Now compare that to your output:

mike@mike-VirtualBox:~/C$ ./a.out 
127 69 76 70 2 1 1 0 0 0

hmm, maybe change the printf to a %x to make this a little clearer:

mike@mike-VirtualBox:~/C$ ./a.out 
7F 45 4C 46 2 1 1 0 0 0

Hey, look! The data matches up now*. Awesome, we must be reading the binary file correctly!

*Note the bytes are just swapped on the output but that data is correct, you can adjust for this sort of thing

Assigning default value while creating migration file

Yes, I couldn't see how to use 'default' in the migration generator command either but was able to specify a default value for a new string column as follows by amending the generated migration file before applying "rake db:migrate":

class AddColumnToWidgets < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    add_column :widgets, :colour, :string, default: 'red'

This adds a new column called 'colour' to my 'Widget' model and sets the default 'colour' of new widgets to 'red'.

How does the 'binding' attribute work in JSF? When and how should it be used?

each JSF component renders itself out to HTML and has complete control over what HTML it produces. There are many tricks that can be used by JSF, and exactly which of those tricks will be used depends on the JSF implementation you are using.

  • Ensure that every from input has a totaly unique name, so that when the form gets submitted back to to component tree that rendered it, it is easy to tell where each component can read its value form.
  • The JSF component can generate javascript that submitts back to the serer, the generated javascript knows where each component is bound too, because it was generated by the component.
  • For things like hlink you can include binding information in the url as query params or as part of the url itself or as matrx parameters. for examples.

    http:..../somelink?componentId=123 would allow jsf to look in the component tree to see that link 123 was clicked. or it could e htp:..../jsf;LinkId=123

The easiest way to answer this question is to create a JSF page with only one link, then examine the html output it produces. That way you will know exactly how this happens using the version of JSF that you are using.

VBA changing active workbook

Use ThisWorkbook which will refer to the original workbook which holds the code.

Alternatively at code start

Dim Wb As Workbook
Set Wb = ActiveWorkbook

sample code that activates all open books before returning to ThisWorkbook

Sub Test()
Dim Wb As Workbook
Dim Wb2 As Workbook
Set Wb = ThisWorkbook
For Each Wb2 In Application.Workbooks
End Sub

PHP Multidimensional Array Searching (Find key by specific value)

Another poossible solution is based on the array_search() function. You need to use PHP 5.5.0 or higher.


(0) => Array
        (uid) => '100',
        (name) => 'Sandra Shush',
        (url) => 'urlof100'

(1) => Array
        (uid) => '5465',
        (name) => 'Stefanie Mcmohn',
        (pic_square) => 'urlof100'

(2) => Array
        (uid) => '40489',
        (name) => 'Michael',
        (pic_square) => 'urlof40489'

$key = array_search(40489, array_column($userdb, 'uid'));

echo ("The key is: ".$key);
//This will output- The key is: 2


The function array_search() has two arguments. The first one is the value that you want to search. The second is where the function should search. The function array_column() gets the values of the elements which key is 'uid'.


So you could use it as:

array_search('breville-one-touch-tea-maker-BTM800XL', array_column($products, 'slug'));

or, if you prefer:

// define function
function array_search_multidim($array, $column, $key){
    return (array_search($key, array_column($array, $column)));

// use it
array_search_multidim($products, 'slug', 'breville-one-touch-tea-maker-BTM800XL');

The original example(by xfoxawy) can be found on the DOCS.
The array_column() page.


Due to Vael comment I was curious, so I made a simple test to meassure the performance of the method that uses array_search and the method proposed on the accepted answer.

I created an array which contained 1000 arrays, the structure was like this (all data was randomized):

            "_id": "57fe684fb22a07039b3f196c",
            "index": 0,
            "guid": "98dd3515-3f1e-4b89-8bb9-103b0d67e613",
            "isActive": true,
            "balance": "$2,372.04",
            "picture": "",
            "age": 21,
            "eyeColor": "blue",
            "name": "Green",
            "company": "MIXERS"

I ran the search test 100 times searching for different values for the name field, and then I calculated the mean time in milliseconds. Here you can see an example.

Results were that the method proposed on this answer needed about 2E-7 to find the value, while the accepted answer method needed about 8E-7.

Like I said before both times are pretty aceptable for an application using an array with this size. If the size grows a lot, let's say 1M elements, then this little difference will be increased too.

Update II

I've added a test for the method based in array_walk_recursive which was mentionend on some of the answers here. The result got is the correct one. And if we focus on the performance, its a bit worse than the others examined on the test. In the test, you can see that is about 10 times slower than the method based on array_search. Again, this isn't a very relevant difference for the most of the applications.

Update III

Thanks to @mickmackusa for spotting several limitations on this method:

  • This method will fail on associative keys.
  • This method will only work on indexed subarrays (starting from 0 and have consecutively ascending keys).

Inserting one list into another list in java?

100, it will hold the same references. Therefore if you make a change to a specific object in the list, it will affect the same object in anotherList.

Adding or removing objects in any of the list will not affect the other.

list and anotherList are two different instances, they only hold the same references of the objects "inside" them.

Get selected key/value of a combo box using jQuery

<select name="foo" id="foo">
 <option value="1">a</option>
 <option value="2">b</option>
 <option value="3">c</option>
  <input type="button" id="button" value="Button" />
  <script> ("#foo").val() </script>

which returns 1 if you have selected a and so on..

SELECTING with multiple WHERE conditions on same column

AND will return you an answer only when both volunteer and uploaded are present in your column. Otherwise it will return null value...

try using OR in your statement ...

SELECT contactid  WHERE flag = 'Volunteer' OR flag = 'Uploaded'

Saving and loading objects and using pickle

You can use anycache to do the job for you. Assuming you have a function myfunc which creates the instance:

from anycache import anycache

class Fruits:pass

def myfunc()
    banana = Fruits()
    banana.color = 'yellow'
    banana.value = 30
return banana

Anycache calls myfunc at the first time and pickles the result to a file in cachedir using an unique identifier (depending on the the function name and the arguments) as filename. On any consecutive run, the pickled object is loaded.

If the cachedir is preserved between python runs, the pickled object is taken from the previous python run.

The function arguments are also taken into account. A refactored implementation works likewise:

from anycache import anycache

class Fruits:pass

def myfunc(color, value)
    fruit = Fruits()
    fruit.color = color
    fruit.value = value
return fruit

What is Ad Hoc Query?

An Ad-Hoc Query is a query that cannot be determined prior to the moment the query is issued. It is created in order to get information when need arises and it consists of dynamically constructed SQL which is usually constructed by desktop-resident query tools. An ad hoc query does not reside in the computer or the database manager but is dynamically created depending on the needs of the data user.

In SQL, an ad hoc query is a loosely typed command/query whose value depends upon some variable. Each time the command is executed, the result is different, depending on the value of the variable. It cannot be predetermined and usually comes under dynamic programming SQL query. An ad hoc query is short lived and is created at runtime.

Joining 2 SQL SELECT result sets into one


   (select col_a,col_bfrom tab1) a
   (select col_a,col_cfrom tab2) b 
on a.col_a= b.col_a

How can I check if char* variable points to empty string?

My preferred method:

if (*ptr == 0) // empty string

Probably more common:

if (strlen(ptr) == 0) // empty string

"unexpected token import" in Nodejs5 and babel?

Until modules are implemented you can use the Babel "transpiler" to run your code:

npm install --save babel-cli babel-preset-node6

and then

./node_modules/babel-cli/bin/babel-node.js --presets node6 ./your_script.js

If you dont want to type --presets node6 you can save it .babelrc file by:

  "presets": [

See and

Java read file and store text in an array

I have found this way of reading strings from files to work best for me

String st, full;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(URL));
while ((st=br.readLine())!=null) {

"full" will be the completed combination of all of the lines. If you want to add a line break between the lines of text you would do full+=st+"\n";

Read XLSX file in Java

docx4j now covers xlsx as well.

"Why would you use docx4j to do this", I hear you ask, "rather than POI, which focuses on xlsx and binary xls?"

Probably because you like JAXB (as opposed to XML Beans), or you are already using docx4j for docx or pptx, and need to be able to do some stuff with xlsx as well.

Another possible reason is that the jar XML Beans generates from the OpenXML schemas is too big for your purposes. (To get around this, POI offers a 'lite' subset: the 'big' ooxml-schemas-1.0.jar is 14.5 MB! But if you need to support arbitrary spreadsheets, you'll probably need the complete jar). In contrast, the whole of docx4j/pptx4j/xlsx4j weighs in at about the same as POI's lite subset.

If you are processing spreadsheets only (ie not docx or pptx), and preceding paragraph is not a concern for you, then you would probably be best off using POI.

How to change the font color in the textbox in C#?

Assuming WinForms, the ForeColor property allows to change all the text in the TextBox (not just what you're about to add):

TextBox.ForeColor = Color.Red;

To only change the color of certain words, look at RichTextBox.

Python: converting a list of dictionaries to json

import json

list = [{'id': 123, 'data': 'qwerty', 'indices': [1,10]}, {'id': 345, 'data': 'mnbvc', 'indices': [2,11]}]

Write to json File:

with open('/home/ubuntu/test.json', 'w') as fout:
    json.dump(list , fout)

Read Json file:

with open(r"/home/ubuntu/test.json", "r") as read_file:
    data = json.load(read_file)
#list = [{'id': 123, 'data': 'qwerty', 'indices': [1,10]}, {'id': 345, 'data': 'mnbvc', 'indices': [2,11]}]

How do you modify the web.config appSettings at runtime?

Try This:

using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Configuration;

namespace SampleApplication.WebConfig
    public partial class webConfigFile : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Helps to open the Root level web.config file.
            Configuration webConfigApp = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~");
            //Modifying the AppKey from AppValue to AppValue1
            webConfigApp.AppSettings.Settings["ConnectionString"].Value = "ConnectionString";
            //Save the Modified settings of AppSettings.

Best C++ IDE or Editor for Windows

One that hasn't been mentioned is CodeLite, a powerful open-source, cross platform IDE. It has code completion amongst other features.

How can I alias a default import in JavaScript?

defaultMember already is an alias - it doesn't need to be the name of the exported function/thing. Just do

import alias from 'my-module';

Alternatively you can do

import {default as alias} from 'my-module';

but that's rather esoteric.

How to detect page zoom level in all modern browsers?

Now it's an even bigger mess than it was when this question was first asked. From reading all the responses and blog posts I could find, here's a summary. I also set up this page to test all these methods of measuring the zoom level.

Edit (2011-12-12): I've added a project that can be cloned:

  • IE8: screen.deviceXDPI / screen.logicalXDPI (or, for the zoom level relative to default zoom, screen.systemXDPI / screen.logicalXDPI)
  • IE7: var body = document.body,r = body.getBoundingClientRect(); return (r.left-r.right)/body.offsetWidth; (thanks to this example or this answer)
  • FF3.5 ONLY: screen.width / media query screen width (see below) (takes advantage of the fact that screen.width uses device pixels but MQ width uses CSS pixels--thanks to Quirksmode widths)
  • FF3.6: no known method
  • FF4+: media queries binary search (see below)
  • WebKit: (thanks to Teo in the comments)
  • WebKit: measure the preferred size of a div with -webkit-text-size-adjust:none.
  • WebKit: (broken since r72591) document.width / jQuery(document).width() (thanks to Dirk van Oosterbosch above). To get ratio in terms of device pixels (instead of relative to default zoom), multiply by window.devicePixelRatio.
  • Old WebKit? (unverified): parseInt(getComputedStyle(document.documentElement,null).width) / document.documentElement.clientWidth (from this answer)
  • Opera: document.documentElement.offsetWidth / width of a position:fixed; width:100% div. from here (Quirksmode's widths table says it's a bug; innerWidth should be CSS px). We use the position:fixed element to get the width of the viewport including the space where the scrollbars are; document.documentElement.clientWidth excludes this width. This is broken since sometime in 2011; I know no way to get the zoom level in Opera anymore.
  • Other: Flash solution from Sebastian
  • Unreliable: listen to mouse events and measure change in screenX / change in clientX

Here's a binary search for Firefox 4, since I don't know of any variable where it is exposed:

<style id=binarysearch></style>
<div id=dummyElement>Dummy element to test media queries.</div>
var mediaQueryMatches = function(property, r) {
  var style = document.getElementById('binarysearch');
  var dummyElement = document.getElementById('dummyElement');
  style.sheet.insertRule('@media (' + property + ':' + r +
                         ') {#dummyElement ' +
                         '{text-decoration: underline} }', 0);
  var matched = getComputedStyle(dummyElement, null).textDecoration
      == 'underline';
  return matched;
var mediaQueryBinarySearch = function(
    property, unit, a, b, maxIter, epsilon) {
  var mid = (a + b)/2;
  if (maxIter == 0 || b - a < epsilon) return mid;
  if (mediaQueryMatches(property, mid + unit)) {
    return mediaQueryBinarySearch(
        property, unit, mid, b, maxIter-1, epsilon);
  } else {
    return mediaQueryBinarySearch(
        property, unit, a, mid, maxIter-1, epsilon);
var mozDevicePixelRatio = mediaQueryBinarySearch(
    'min--moz-device-pixel-ratio', '', a, b, maxIter, epsilon);
var ff35DevicePixelRatio = screen.width / mediaQueryBinarySearch(
    'min-device-width', 'px', 0, 6000, 25, .0001);

How do I add a foreign key to an existing SQLite table?

You can add the constraint if you alter table and add the column that uses the constraint.

First, create table without the parent_id:

  description TEXT);

Then, alter table:


Which websocket library to use with Node.js?

Getting the ball rolling with this community wiki answer. Feel free to edit me with your improvements.

  • ws WebSocket server and client for node.js. One of the fastest libraries if not the fastest one.

  • websocket-node WebSocket server and client for node.js

  • websocket-driver-node WebSocket server and client protocol parser node.js - used in faye-websocket-node

  • faye-websocket-node WebSocket server and client for node.js - used in faye and sockjs

  • WebSocket server and client for node.js + client for browsers + (v0 has newest to oldest fallbacks, v1 of uses + channels - used in Client library tries to reconnect upon disconnection.

  • sockjs WebSocket server and client for node.js and others + client for browsers + newest to oldest fallbacks

  • faye WebSocket server and client for node.js and others + client for browsers + fallbacks + support for other server-side languages

  • clusterable realtime server that handles WebSockets & TCP connections and provides data-sync, pub/sub and request/response

  • socketcluster WebSocket server cluster which makes use of all CPU cores on your machine. For example, if you were to use an xlarge Amazon EC2 instance with 32 cores, you would be able to handle almost 32 times the traffic on a single instance.

  • primus Provides a common API for most of the libraries above for easy switching + stability improvements for all of them.

When to use:

  • use the basic WebSocket servers when you want to use the native WebSocket implementations on the clientside, beware of the browser incompatabilities

  • use the fallback libraries when you care about browser fallbacks

  • use the full featured libraries when you care about channels

  • use primus when you have no idea about what to use, are not in the mood for rewriting your application when you need to switch frameworks because of changing project requirements or need additional connection stability.

Where to test:

Firecamp is a GUI testing environment for SocketIO, WS and all major real-time technology. Debug the real-time events while you're developing it.

Redirect pages in JSP?

Extending @oopbase's answer with return; statement.

Let's consider a use case of traditional authentication system where we store login information into the session. On each page we check for active session like,

/* Some Import Statements here. */

if(null == session || !session.getAttribute("is_login").equals("1")) {

// ....


// ....
/* Some More JSP+Java+HTML code here */

It looks fine at first glance however; It has one issue. If your server has expired session due to time limit and user is trying to access the page he might get error if you have not written your code in try..catch block or handled if(null != session.getAttribute("attr_name")) everytime.

So by putting a return; statement I stopped further execution and forced to redirect page to certain location.

if(null == session || !session.getAttribute("is_login").equals("1")) {

Note that Use of redirection may vary based on the requirements. Nowadays people don't use such authentication system. (Modern approach - Token Based Authentication) It's just an simple example to understand where and how to place redirection(s).

Sending and receiving data over a network using TcpClient

Be warned - this is a very old and cumbersome "solution".

By the way, you can use serialization technology to send strings, numbers or any objects which are support serialization (most of .NET data-storing classes & structs are [Serializable]). There, you should at first send Int32-length in four bytes to the stream and then send binary-serialized (System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter) data into it.

On the other side or the connection (on both sides actually) you definetly should have a byte[] buffer which u will append and trim-left at runtime when data is coming.

Something like that I am using:

namespace System.Net.Sockets
    public class TcpConnection : IDisposable
        public event EvHandler<TcpConnection, DataArrivedEventArgs> DataArrive = delegate { };
        public event EvHandler<TcpConnection> Drop = delegate { };

        private const int IntSize = 4;
        private const int BufferSize = 8 * 1024;

        private static readonly SynchronizationContext _syncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
        private readonly TcpClient _tcpClient;
        private readonly object _droppedRoot = new object();
        private bool _dropped;
        private byte[] _incomingData = new byte[0];
        private Nullable<int> _objectDataLength;

        public TcpClient TcpClient { get { return _tcpClient; } }
        public bool Dropped { get { return _dropped; } }

        private void DropConnection()
            lock (_droppedRoot)
                if (Dropped)

                _dropped = true;

            _syncContext.Post(delegate { Drop(this); }, null);

        public void SendData(PCmds pCmd) { SendDataInternal(new object[] { pCmd }); }
        public void SendData(PCmds pCmd, object[] datas)
            SendDataInternal(new object[] { pCmd }.Append(datas));
        private void SendDataInternal(object data)
            if (Dropped)

            byte[] bytedata;

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();

                try { bf.Serialize(ms, data); }
                catch { return; }

                bytedata = ms.ToArray();

                lock (_tcpClient)
                    TcpClient.Client.BeginSend(BitConverter.GetBytes(bytedata.Length), 0, IntSize, SocketFlags.None, EndSend, null);
                    TcpClient.Client.BeginSend(bytedata, 0, bytedata.Length, SocketFlags.None, EndSend, null);
            catch { DropConnection(); }
        private void EndSend(IAsyncResult ar)
            try { TcpClient.Client.EndSend(ar); }
            catch { }

        public TcpConnection(TcpClient tcpClient)
            _tcpClient = tcpClient;

        private void StartReceive()
            byte[] buffer = new byte[BufferSize];

                _tcpClient.Client.BeginReceive(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, DataReceived, buffer);
            catch { DropConnection(); }

        private void DataReceived(IAsyncResult ar)
            if (Dropped)

            int dataRead;

            try { dataRead = TcpClient.Client.EndReceive(ar); }

            if (dataRead == 0)

            byte[] byteData = ar.AsyncState as byte[];
            _incomingData = _incomingData.Append(byteData.Take(dataRead).ToArray());
            bool exitWhile = false;

            while (exitWhile)
                exitWhile = true;

                if (_objectDataLength.HasValue)
                    if (_incomingData.Length >= _objectDataLength.Value)
                        object data;
                        BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();

                        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(_incomingData, 0, _objectDataLength.Value))
                            try { data = bf.Deserialize(ms); }

                        _syncContext.Post(delegate(object T)
                            try { DataArrive(this, new DataArrivedEventArgs(T)); }
                            catch { DropConnection(); }
                        }, data);

                        _incomingData = _incomingData.TrimLeft(_objectDataLength.Value);
                        _objectDataLength = null;
                        exitWhile = false;
                    if (_incomingData.Length >= IntSize)
                        _objectDataLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(_incomingData.TakeLeft(IntSize), 0);
                        _incomingData = _incomingData.TrimLeft(IntSize);
                        exitWhile = false;

        public void Dispose() { DropConnection(); }

That is just an example, you should edit it for your use.

How to call another components function in angular2

You can access component one's method from component two..


  ngOnInit() {}

  public testCall(){
    alert("I am here..");    


import { oneComponent } from '../one.component';

  providers:[oneComponent ],
  selector: 'app-two',
  templateUrl: ...

constructor(private comp: oneComponent ) { }

public callMe(): void {

componentTwo html file

<button (click)="callMe()">click</button>

Changing date format in R

You could also use the parse_date_time function from the lubridate package:

[1] "2011-08-31"

parse_date_time returns a POSIXct object, so we use as.Date to get a date object. The first argument of parse_date_time specifies a date vector, the second argument specifies the order in which your format occurs. The orders argument makes parse_date_time very flexible.

How do I detect when someone shakes an iPhone?

I came across this post looking for a "shaking" implementation. millenomi's answer worked well for me, although i was looking for something that required a bit more "shaking action" to trigger. I've replaced to Boolean value with an int shakeCount. I also reimplemented the L0AccelerationIsShaking() method in Objective-C. You can tweak the ammount of shaking required by tweaking the ammount added to shakeCount. I'm not sure i've found the optimal values yet, but it seems to be working well so far. Hope this helps someone:

- (void)accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)acceleration {
    if (self.lastAcceleration) {
        if ([self AccelerationIsShakingLast:self.lastAcceleration current:acceleration threshold:0.7] && shakeCount >= 9) {
            //Shaking here, DO stuff.
            shakeCount = 0;
        } else if ([self AccelerationIsShakingLast:self.lastAcceleration current:acceleration threshold:0.7]) {
            shakeCount = shakeCount + 5;
        }else if (![self AccelerationIsShakingLast:self.lastAcceleration current:acceleration threshold:0.2]) {
            if (shakeCount > 0) {
    self.lastAcceleration = acceleration;

- (BOOL) AccelerationIsShakingLast:(UIAcceleration *)last current:(UIAcceleration *)current threshold:(double)threshold {
    deltaX = fabs(last.x - current.x),
    deltaY = fabs(last.y - current.y),
    deltaZ = fabs(last.z - current.z);

    (deltaX > threshold && deltaY > threshold) ||
    (deltaX > threshold && deltaZ > threshold) ||
    (deltaY > threshold && deltaZ > threshold);

PS: I've set the update interval to 1/15th of a second.

[[UIAccelerometer sharedAccelerometer] setUpdateInterval:(1.0 / 15)];

Regular expression for matching latitude/longitude coordinates?


Here is the PHP's version (input values are: $latitude and $longitude):

$latitude_pattern  = '/\A[+-]?(?:90(?:\.0{1,18})?|\d(?(?<=9)|\d?)\.\d{1,18})\z/x';
$longitude_pattern = '/\A[+-]?(?:180(?:\.0{1,18})?|(?:1[0-7]\d|\d{1,2})\.\d{1,18})\z/x';
if (preg_match($latitude_pattern, $latitude) && preg_match($longitude_pattern, $longitude)) {
  // Valid coordinates.

Visual Studio: How to show Overloads in IntelliSense?

Mine showed up in VS2010 after writing the first parenthesis..

so, prams.Add(

After doings something like that, the box with the up and down arrows appeared.

jQuery ajax upload file in mvc

I have a sample like this on vuejs version: v2.5.2

<form action="url" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <div class="col-md-6">
        <input type="file" class="image_0" name="FilesFront" ref="FilesFront" />
    <div class="col-md-6">
        <input type="file" class="image_1" name="FilesBack" ref="FilesBack" />
Vue.component('v-bl-document', {
    template: '#document-item-template',
    props: ['doc'],
    data: function () {
        return {
            document: this.doc
    methods: {
        submit: function () {

            var data = new FormData();
            var _doc = this.document;
            Object.keys(_doc).forEach(function (key) {
                data.append(key, _doc[key]);
            var _refs = this.$refs;
            Object.keys(_refs).forEach(function (key) {
                data.append(key, _refs[key].files[0]);

                type: "POST",
                data: data,
                url: url,
                cache: false,
                contentType: false,
                processData: false,
                success: function (result) {
                    //do something


Difference between "read commited" and "repeatable read"

I think this picture can also be useful, it helps me as a reference when I want to quickly remember the differences between isolation levels (thanks to kudvenkat on youtube)

enter image description here

MySQL Incorrect datetime value: '0000-00-00 00:00:00'

You can change the type of created field from datetime to varchar(255), then you can set (update) all records that have the value "0000-00-00 00:00:00" to NULL.

Now, you can do your queries without error. After you finished, you can alter the type of the field created to datetime.

How to disable a input in angular2

What you are looking for is disabled="true". Here is an example:

<textarea class="customPayload" disabled="true" *ngIf="!showSpinner"></textarea>

Python list subtraction operation

Use a list comprehension:

[item for item in x if item not in y]

If you want to use the - infix syntax, you can just do:

class MyList(list):
    def __init__(self, *args):
        super(MyList, self).__init__(args)

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return self.__class__(*[item for item in self if item not in other])

you can then use it like:

x = MyList(1, 2, 3, 4)
y = MyList(2, 5, 2)
z = x - y   

But if you don't absolutely need list properties (for example, ordering), just use sets as the other answers recommend.

List of phone number country codes

I generated json file in the following format (Hope that it will help you) :

  "countries": [
      "code": "+7 840",
      "name": "Abkhazia"
      "code": "+93",
      "name": "Afghanistan"
      "code": "+355",
      "name": "Albania"
      "code": "+213",
      "name": "Algeria"
      "code": "+1 684",
      "name": "American Samoa"
      "code": "+376",
      "name": "Andorra"
      "code": "+244",
      "name": "Angola"
      "code": "+1 264",
      "name": "Anguilla"
      "code": "+1 268",
      "name": "Antigua and Barbuda"
      "code": "+54",
      "name": "Argentina"
      "code": "+374",
      "name": "Armenia"
      "code": "+297",
      "name": "Aruba"
      "code": "+247",
      "name": "Ascension"
      "code": "+61",
      "name": "Australia"
      "code": "+672",
      "name": "Australian External Territories"
      "code": "+43",
      "name": "Austria"
      "code": "+994",
      "name": "Azerbaijan"
      "code": "+1 242",
      "name": "Bahamas"
      "code": "+973",
      "name": "Bahrain"
      "code": "+880",
      "name": "Bangladesh"
      "code": "+1 246",
      "name": "Barbados"
      "code": "+1 268",
      "name": "Barbuda"
      "code": "+375",
      "name": "Belarus"
      "code": "+32",
      "name": "Belgium"
      "code": "+501",
      "name": "Belize"
      "code": "+229",
      "name": "Benin"
      "code": "+1 441",
      "name": "Bermuda"
      "code": "+975",
      "name": "Bhutan"
      "code": "+591",
      "name": "Bolivia"
      "code": "+387",
      "name": "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
      "code": "+267",
      "name": "Botswana"
      "code": "+55",
      "name": "Brazil"
      "code": "+246",
      "name": "British Indian Ocean Territory"
      "code": "+1 284",
      "name": "British Virgin Islands"
      "code": "+673",
      "name": "Brunei"
      "code": "+359",
      "name": "Bulgaria"
      "code": "+226",
      "name": "Burkina Faso"
      "code": "+257",
      "name": "Burundi"
      "code": "+855",
      "name": "Cambodia"
      "code": "+237",
      "name": "Cameroon"
      "code": "+1",
      "name": "Canada"
      "code": "+238",
      "name": "Cape Verde"
      "code": "+ 345",
      "name": "Cayman Islands"
      "code": "+236",
      "name": "Central African Republic"
      "code": "+235",
      "name": "Chad"
      "code": "+56",
      "name": "Chile"
      "code": "+86",
      "name": "China"
      "code": "+61",
      "name": "Christmas Island"
      "code": "+61",
      "name": "Cocos-Keeling Islands"
      "code": "+57",
      "name": "Colombia"
      "code": "+269",
      "name": "Comoros"
      "code": "+242",
      "name": "Congo"
      "code": "+243",
      "name": "Congo, Dem. Rep. of (Zaire)"
      "code": "+682",
      "name": "Cook Islands"
      "code": "+506",
      "name": "Costa Rica"
      "code": "+385",
      "name": "Croatia"
      "code": "+53",
      "name": "Cuba"
      "code": "+599",
      "name": "Curacao"
      "code": "+537",
      "name": "Cyprus"
      "code": "+420",
      "name": "Czech Republic"
      "code": "+45",
      "name": "Denmark"
      "code": "+246",
      "name": "Diego Garcia"
      "code": "+253",
      "name": "Djibouti"
      "code": "+1 767",
      "name": "Dominica"
      "code": "+1 809",
      "name": "Dominican Republic"
      "code": "+670",
      "name": "East Timor"
      "code": "+56",
      "name": "Easter Island"
      "code": "+593",
      "name": "Ecuador"
      "code": "+20",
      "name": "Egypt"
      "code": "+503",
      "name": "El Salvador"
      "code": "+240",
      "name": "Equatorial Guinea"
      "code": "+291",
      "name": "Eritrea"
      "code": "+372",
      "name": "Estonia"
      "code": "+251",
      "name": "Ethiopia"
      "code": "+500",
      "name": "Falkland Islands"
      "code": "+298",
      "name": "Faroe Islands"
      "code": "+679",
      "name": "Fiji"
      "code": "+358",
      "name": "Finland"
      "code": "+33",
      "name": "France"
      "code": "+596",
      "name": "French Antilles"
      "code": "+594",
      "name": "French Guiana"
      "code": "+689",
      "name": "French Polynesia"
      "code": "+241",
      "name": "Gabon"
      "code": "+220",
      "name": "Gambia"
      "code": "+995",
      "name": "Georgia"
      "code": "+49",
      "name": "Germany"
      "code": "+233",
      "name": "Ghana"
      "code": "+350",
      "name": "Gibraltar"
      "code": "+30",
      "name": "Greece"
      "code": "+299",
      "name": "Greenland"
      "code": "+1 473",
      "name": "Grenada"
      "code": "+590",
      "name": "Guadeloupe"
      "code": "+1 671",
      "name": "Guam"
      "code": "+502",
      "name": "Guatemala"
      "code": "+224",
      "name": "Guinea"
      "code": "+245",
      "name": "Guinea-Bissau"
      "code": "+595",
      "name": "Guyana"
      "code": "+509",
      "name": "Haiti"
      "code": "+504",
      "name": "Honduras"
      "code": "+852",
      "name": "Hong Kong SAR China"
      "code": "+36",
      "name": "Hungary"
      "code": "+354",
      "name": "Iceland"
      "code": "+91",
      "name": "India"
      "code": "+62",
      "name": "Indonesia"
      "code": "+98",
      "name": "Iran"
      "code": "+964",
      "name": "Iraq"
      "code": "+353",
      "name": "Ireland"
      "code": "+972",
      "name": "Israel"
      "code": "+39",
      "name": "Italy"
      "code": "+225",
      "name": "Ivory Coast"
      "code": "+1 876",
      "name": "Jamaica"
      "code": "+81",
      "name": "Japan"
      "code": "+962",
      "name": "Jordan"
      "code": "+7 7",
      "name": "Kazakhstan"
      "code": "+254",
      "name": "Kenya"
      "code": "+686",
      "name": "Kiribati"
      "code": "+965",
      "name": "Kuwait"
      "code": "+996",
      "name": "Kyrgyzstan"
      "code": "+856",
      "name": "Laos"
      "code": "+371",
      "name": "Latvia"
      "code": "+961",
      "name": "Lebanon"
      "code": "+266",
      "name": "Lesotho"
      "code": "+231",
      "name": "Liberia"
      "code": "+218",
      "name": "Libya"
      "code": "+423",
      "name": "Liechtenstein"
      "code": "+370",
      "name": "Lithuania"
      "code": "+352",
      "name": "Luxembourg"
      "code": "+853",
      "name": "Macau SAR China"
      "code": "+389",
      "name": "Macedonia"
      "code": "+261",
      "name": "Madagascar"
      "code": "+265",
      "name": "Malawi"
      "code": "+60",
      "name": "Malaysia"
      "code": "+960",
      "name": "Maldives"
      "code": "+223",
      "name": "Mali"
      "code": "+356",
      "name": "Malta"
      "code": "+692",
      "name": "Marshall Islands"
      "code": "+596",
      "name": "Martinique"
      "code": "+222",
      "name": "Mauritania"
      "code": "+230",
      "name": "Mauritius"
      "code": "+262",
      "name": "Mayotte"
      "code": "+52",
      "name": "Mexico"
      "code": "+691",
      "name": "Micronesia"
      "code": "+1 808",
      "name": "Midway Island"
      "code": "+373",
      "name": "Moldova"
      "code": "+377",
      "name": "Monaco"
      "code": "+976",
      "name": "Mongolia"
      "code": "+382",
      "name": "Montenegro"
      "code": "+1664",
      "name": "Montserrat"
      "code": "+212",
      "name": "Morocco"
      "code": "+95",
      "name": "Myanmar"
      "code": "+264",
      "name": "Namibia"
      "code": "+674",
      "name": "Nauru"
      "code": "+977",
      "name": "Nepal"
      "code": "+31",
      "name": "Netherlands"
      "code": "+599",
      "name": "Netherlands Antilles"
      "code": "+1 869",
      "name": "Nevis"
      "code": "+687",
      "name": "New Caledonia"
      "code": "+64",
      "name": "New Zealand"
      "code": "+505",
      "name": "Nicaragua"
      "code": "+227",
      "name": "Niger"
      "code": "+234",
      "name": "Nigeria"
      "code": "+683",
      "name": "Niue"
      "code": "+672",
      "name": "Norfolk Island"
      "code": "+850",
      "name": "North Korea"
      "code": "+1 670",
      "name": "Northern Mariana Islands"
      "code": "+47",
      "name": "Norway"
      "code": "+968",
      "name": "Oman"
      "code": "+92",
      "name": "Pakistan"
      "code": "+680",
      "name": "Palau"
      "code": "+970",
      "name": "Palestinian Territory"
      "code": "+507",
      "name": "Panama"
      "code": "+675",
      "name": "Papua New Guinea"
      "code": "+595",
      "name": "Paraguay"
      "code": "+51",
      "name": "Peru"
      "code": "+63",
      "name": "Philippines"
      "code": "+48",
      "name": "Poland"
      "code": "+351",
      "name": "Portugal"
      "code": "+1 787",
      "name": "Puerto Rico"
      "code": "+974",
      "name": "Qatar"
      "code": "+262",
      "name": "Reunion"
      "code": "+40",
      "name": "Romania"
      "code": "+7",
      "name": "Russia"
      "code": "+250",
      "name": "Rwanda"
      "code": "+685",
      "name": "Samoa"
      "code": "+378",
      "name": "San Marino"
      "code": "+966",
      "name": "Saudi Arabia"
      "code": "+221",
      "name": "Senegal"
      "code": "+381",
      "name": "Serbia"
      "code": "+248",
      "name": "Seychelles"
      "code": "+232",
      "name": "Sierra Leone"
      "code": "+65",
      "name": "Singapore"
      "code": "+421",
      "name": "Slovakia"
      "code": "+386",
      "name": "Slovenia"
      "code": "+677",
      "name": "Solomon Islands"
      "code": "+27",
      "name": "South Africa"
      "code": "+500",
      "name": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"
      "code": "+82",
      "name": "South Korea"
      "code": "+34",
      "name": "Spain"
      "code": "+94",
      "name": "Sri Lanka"
      "code": "+249",
      "name": "Sudan"
      "code": "+597",
      "name": "Suriname"
      "code": "+268",
      "name": "Swaziland"
      "code": "+46",
      "name": "Sweden"
      "code": "+41",
      "name": "Switzerland"
      "code": "+963",
      "name": "Syria"
      "code": "+886",
      "name": "Taiwan"
      "code": "+992",
      "name": "Tajikistan"
      "code": "+255",
      "name": "Tanzania"
      "code": "+66",
      "name": "Thailand"
      "code": "+670",
      "name": "Timor Leste"
      "code": "+228",
      "name": "Togo"
      "code": "+690",
      "name": "Tokelau"
      "code": "+676",
      "name": "Tonga"
      "code": "+1 868",
      "name": "Trinidad and Tobago"
      "code": "+216",
      "name": "Tunisia"
      "code": "+90",
      "name": "Turkey"
      "code": "+993",
      "name": "Turkmenistan"
      "code": "+1 649",
      "name": "Turks and Caicos Islands"
      "code": "+688",
      "name": "Tuvalu"
      "code": "+1 340",
      "name": "U.S. Virgin Islands"
      "code": "+256",
      "name": "Uganda"
      "code": "+380",
      "name": "Ukraine"
      "code": "+971",
      "name": "United Arab Emirates"
      "code": "+44",
      "name": "United Kingdom"
      "code": "+1",
      "name": "United States"
      "code": "+598",
      "name": "Uruguay"
      "code": "+998",
      "name": "Uzbekistan"
      "code": "+678",
      "name": "Vanuatu"
      "code": "+58",
      "name": "Venezuela"
      "code": "+84",
      "name": "Vietnam"
      "code": "+1 808",
      "name": "Wake Island"
      "code": "+681",
      "name": "Wallis and Futuna"
      "code": "+967",
      "name": "Yemen"
      "code": "+260",
      "name": "Zambia"
      "code": "+255",
      "name": "Zanzibar"
      "code": "+263",
      "name": "Zimbabwe"

Getting value from table cell in JavaScript...not jQuery

If you are looking for the contents of the TD (cell), then it would simply be: col.innerHTML

I.e: alert(col.innerHTML);

You'll then need to parse that for any values you're looking for.

What is the difference between Python and IPython?

There are few differences between Python and IPython but they are only the interpretation of few syntax like the few mentioned by @Ryan Chase but deep inside the true flavor of Python is maintained even in the Ipython.

The best part of the IPython is the IPython notebook. You can put all your work into a notebook like script, image files, etc. But with base Python, you can only make the script in a file and execute it.

At start, you need to understand that the IPython is developed with the intention of supporting rich media and Python script in a single integrated container.

Entity Framework 6 GUID as primary key: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Id', table 'FileStore'; column does not allow nulls

It happened to me before.

When the table has been created and I added in .HasDatabaseGeneratedOption(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity) later, the code migration somehow could not assign default value for the Guid column.

The fix:

All we need is to go to the database, select the Id column and add newsequentialid() manually into Default Value or Binding.

No need to update dbo.__MigrationHistory table.

Hope it helps.

The solution of adding New Guid() is generally not preferred, because in theory there is possibility that you might get a duplicate accidentally.

And you shouldn't worry about directly editing in the database. All Entity Framework do is automate part of our database work.




[Id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL DEFAULT newsequentialid(),

If somehow our EF missed one thing and did not add in the default value for us, just go ahead and add it manually.

How to link to part of the same document in Markdown?

Some more spins on the <a name=""> trick:

<a id="a-link"></a> Title

#### <a id="a-link"></a> Title (when you wanna control the h{N} with #'s)

Android java.exe finished with non-zero exit value 1

I resolve this problem with a joking way. I have two class with names startDl and StartDl. I just change one of them to StartDownload and my problem solved. also can resources have a name that already is reserved with anymore resource in project. just rename similar names to different.

Order by descending date - month, day and year

I'm guessing EventDate is a char or varchar and not a date otherwise your order by clause would be fine.

You can use CONVERT to change the values to a date and sort by that

   CONVERT(DateTime, EventDate,101)  DESC

The problem with that is, as Sparky points out in the comments, if EventDate has a value that can't be converted to a date the query won't execute.

This means you should either exclude the bad rows or let the bad rows go to the bottom of the results

To exclude the bad rows just add WHERE IsDate(EventDate) = 1

To let let the bad dates go to the bottom you need to use CASE


       WHEN IsDate(EventDate) = 1 THEN CONVERT(DateTime, EventDate,101)
       ELSE null

Purpose of __repr__ method?

This is explained quite well in the Python documentation:

repr(object): Return a string containing a printable representation of an object. This is the same value yielded by conversions (reverse quotes). It is sometimes useful to be able to access this operation as an ordinary function. For many types, this function makes an attempt to return a string that would yield an object with the same value when passed to eval(), otherwise the representation is a string enclosed in angle brackets that contains the name of the type of the object together with additional information often including the name and address of the object. A class can control what this function returns for its instances by defining a __repr__() method.

So what you're seeing here is the default implementation of __repr__, which is useful for serialization and debugging.

When to use 'raise NotImplementedError'?

As Uriel says, it is meant for a method in an abstract class that should be implemented in child class, but can be used to indicate a TODO as well.

There is an alternative for the first use case: Abstract Base Classes. Those help creating abstract classes.

Here's a Python 3 example:

class C(abc.ABC):
    def my_abstract_method(self, ...):

When instantiating C, you'll get an error because my_abstract_method is abstract. You need to implement it in a child class.

TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class C with abstract methods my_abstract_method

Subclass C and implement my_abstract_method.

class D(C):
    def my_abstract_method(self, ...):

Now you can instantiate D.

C.my_abstract_method does not have to be empty. It can be called from D using super().

An advantage of this over NotImplementedError is that you get an explicit Exception at instantiation time, not at method call time.

How to merge a specific commit in Git

'git cherry-pick' should be your answer here.

Apply the change introduced by an existing commit.

Do not forget to read bdonlan's answer about the consequence of cherry-picking in this post:
"Pull all commits from a branch, push specified commits to another", where:




The problem with this commit is that git considers commits to include all history before them

Where C' has a different SHA-1 ID.
Likewise, cherry picking a commit from one branch to another basically involves generating a patch, then applying it, thus losing history that way as well.

This changing of commit IDs breaks git's merging functionality among other things (though if used sparingly there are heuristics that will paper over this).
More importantly though, it ignores functional dependencies - if C actually used a function defined in B, you'll never know.

How to use QTimer

  1. It's good practice to give a parent to your QTimer to use Qt's memory management system.

  2. update() is a QWidget function - is that what you are trying to call or not?

  3. If number 2 does not apply, make sure that the function you are trying to trigger is declared as a slot in the header.

  4. Finally if none of these are your issue, it would be helpful to know if you are getting any run-time connect errors.

How to make execution pause, sleep, wait for X seconds in R?

See help(Sys.sleep).

For example, from ?Sys.sleep

testit <- function(x)
    p1 <- proc.time()
    proc.time() - p1 # The cpu usage should be negligible


> testit(3.7)
   user  system elapsed 
  0.000   0.000   3.704 

JSON order mixed up

For those who're using maven, please try com.github.tsohr/json

<!-- -->

It's forked from JSON-java but switch its map implementation with LinkedHashMap which @lemiorhan noted above.

Convert PDF to image with high resolution

Please take note before down voting, this solution is for Gimp using a graphical interface, and not for ImageMagick using a command line, but it worked perfectly fine for me as an alternative, and that is why I found it needful to share here.

Follow these simple steps to extract images in any format from PDF documents

  1. Download GIMP Image Manipulation Program
  2. Open the Program after installation
  3. Open the PDF document that you want to extract Images
  4. Select only the pages of the PDF document that you would want to extract images from. N/B: If you need only the cover images, select only the first page.
  5. Click open after selecting the pages that you want to extract images from
  6. Click on File menu when GIMP when the pages open
  7. Select Export as in the File menu
  8. Select your preferred file type by extension (say png) below the dialog box that pops up.
  9. Click on Export to export your image to your desired location.
  10. You can then check your file explorer for the exported image.

That's all.

I hope this helps

How to clear all data in a listBox?

In C# Core DataSource does not exist, but this work fine:

listbox.ItemsSource = null;

How to remove listview all items

You can do this:


How to construct a std::string from a std::vector<char>?

std::string s(v.begin(), v.end());

Where v is pretty much anything iterable. (Specifically begin() and end() must return InputIterators.)

How to set textColor of UILabel in Swift

The easiest workaround is create dummy labels in IB, give them the text the color you like and set to hidden. You can then reference this color in your code to set your label to the desired color.

yourLabel.textColor = hiddenLabel.textColor

The only way I could change the text color programmatically was by using the standard colors, UIColor.white,

How to set background color of an Activity to white programmatically?

Button btn;
View root;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    btn = (Button)findViewById(;

    btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {
            root =findViewById(;

Regular expression for extracting tag attributes

PHP (PCRE) and Python

Simple attribute extraction (See it working):


Or with tag opening / closure verification, tag name retrieval and comment escaping. This expression foresees unquoted / quoted, single / double quotes, escaped quotes inside attributes, spaces around equals signs, different number of attributes, check only for attributes inside tags, and manage different quotes within an attribute value. (See it working):


(Works better with the "gisx" flags.)


As Javascript regular expressions don't support look-behinds, it won't support most features of the previous expressions I propose. But in case it might fit someone's needs, you could try this version. (See it working).


Running Java Program from Command Line Linux

(This is the KISS answer.)

Let's say you have several .java files in the current directory:

$ ls -1 *.java

Let's say each of them have a main() method (so they are programs, not libs), then to compile them do:

javac *.java -d .

This will generate as many subfolders as "packages" the .java files are associated to. In my case all java files where inside under the same package name packageName, so only one folder was generated with that name, so to execute each of them:

java -cp . packageName.javaFileName1
java -cp . packageName.javaFileName2

Reading Data From Database and storing in Array List object

try this

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import com.rcb.dbconnection.DbConnection;
import com.rcb.model.Docter;

public class DocterService {

public ArrayList<Docter> getAllDocters() {
    ArrayList<Docter> docters = new ArrayList<Docter>();

    try {
        String sql = "SELECT tbl_docters";

        ResultSet rs = db.getData(sql);
        while ( {
            Docter docter = new Docter();




    } catch (Exception e) {

    return (docters);

public static void main(String args[]) {
    DocterService ds = new DocterService();
    ArrayList<Docter> doctersList = ds.getAllDocters();
    String s[] = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < doctersList.size(); i++) {



Android studio 3.0: Unable to resolve dependency for :app@dexOptions/compileClasspath': Could not resolve project :animators

In my case, the problem I had was due to a dependency I was trying to import (BottomNavigationViewEx).

This dependency requires to be downloaded from and, and I was putting this config in buildscript section:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" } // this is incorrect
        maven { url "" } // this is incorrect
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

which it was incorrect, I need to remove these two maven lines and include them in the right section, 'allprojects':

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }
        maven { url "" }

Hope it helps somebody as same for me.

How can I change the default credentials used to connect to Visual Studio Online (TFSPreview) when loading Visual Studio up?

You can also try to reset visual studio setting

  1. Open Visual Studio Command Prompt

  2. Enter command Devenv /ResetSettings

It will remove already saved TFS account and ask for credentials

Drop-down menu that opens up/upward with pure css

Add bottom:100% to your #menu:hover ul li:hover ul rule

Demo 1

#menu:hover ul li:hover ul {
    position: absolute;
    margin-top: 1px;
    font: 10px;
    bottom: 100%; /* added this attribute */

Or better yet to prevent the submenus from having the same effect, just add this rule

Demo 2

#menu>ul>li:hover>ul { 

Demo 3


And to get back the border you can add the following attribute

#menu>ul>li:hover>ul { 
    border-bottom: 1px solid transparent

Java - How to create a custom dialog box?

i created a custom dialog API. check it out here It supports message and confirmation box. input and option dialog just like in joptionpane will be implemented soon.

Sample Error Dialog from CUstomDialog API: CustomDialog Error Message

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it?

If this happens always, it literally means that the machine exists but that it has no services listening on the specified port, or there is a firewall stopping you.

If it happens occasionally - you used the word "sometimes" - and retrying succeeds, it is likely because the server has a full 'backlog'.

When you are waiting to be accepted on a listening socket, you are placed in a backlog. This backlog is finite and quite short - values of 1, 2 or 3 are not unusual - and so the OS might be unable to queue your request for the 'accept' to consume.

The backlog is a parameter on the listen function - all languages and platforms have basically the same API in this regard, even the C# one. This parameter is often configurable if you control the server, and is likely read from some settings file or the registry. Investigate how to configure your server.

If you wrote the server, you might have heavy processing in the accept of your socket, and this can be better moved to a separate worker-thread so your accept is always ready to receive connections. There are various architecture choices you can explore that mitigate queuing up clients and processing them sequentially.

Regardless of whether you can increase the server backlog, you do need retry logic in your client code to cope with this issue - as even with a long backlog the server might be receiving lots of other requests on that port at that time.

There is a rare possibility where a NAT router would give this error should its ports for mappings be exhausted. I think we can discard this possibility as too much of a long shot though, since the router has 64K simultaneous connections to the same destination address/port before exhaustion.

How to customize the background/border colors of a grouped table view cell?

One thing I ran into with the above CustomCellBackgroundView code from Mike Akers which might be useful to others:

cell.backgroundView doesn't get automatically redrawn when cells are reused, and changes to the backgroundView's position var don't affect reused cells. That means long tables will have incorrectly drawn cell.backgroundViews given their positions.

To fix this without having to create a new backgroundView every time a row is displayed, call [cell.backgroundView setNeedsDisplay] at the end of your -[UITableViewController tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:]. Or for a more reusable solution, override CustomCellBackgroundView's position setter to include a [self setNeedsDisplay].

Check whether a cell contains a substring

This is an old question but a solution for those using Excel 2016 or newer is you can remove the need for nested if structures by using the new IFS( condition1, return1 [,condition2, return2] ...) conditional.

I have formatted it to make it visually clearer on how to use it for the case of this question:


Since SEARCH returns an error if a string is not found I wrapped it with an ISERROR(...)=FALSE to check for truth and then return the value wanted. It would be great if SEARCH returned 0 instead of an error for readability, but thats just how it works unfortunately.

Another note of importance is that IFS will return the match that it finds first and thus ordering is important. For example if my strings were Surf, Surfing, Surfs as String1,String2,String3 above and my cells string was Surfing it would match on the first term instead of the second because of the substring being Surf. Thus common denominators need to be last in the list. My IFS would need to be ordered Surfing, Surfs, Surf to work correctly (swapping Surfing and Surfs would also work in this simple example), but Surf would need to be last.

Concrete Javascript Regex for Accented Characters (Diacritics)

How about this?


How do I apply CSS3 transition to all properties except background-position?

For anyone looks for a shorthand way, to add transition for all properties except for one specific property with delay, be aware of there're differences among even modern browsers.

A simple demo below shows the difference. Check out full code

div:hover {
  width: 500px;
  height: 500px;
  border-radius: 0;
  transition: all 2s, border-radius 2s 4s;

Chrome will "combine" the two animation (which is like I expect), like below:

enter image description here

While Safari "separates" it (which may not be expected):

enter image description here

A more compatible way is that you assign the specific transition for specific property, if you have a delay for one of them.

How to write a multidimensional array to a text file?

ndarray.tofile() should also work

e.g. if your array is called a:

a.tofile('yourfile.txt',sep=" ",format="%s")

Not sure how to get newline formatting though.

Edit (credit Kevin J. Black's comment here):

Since version 1.5.0, np.tofile() takes an optional parameter newline='\n' to allow multi-line output.

String literals and escape characters in postgresql

The warning is issued since you are using backslashes in your strings. If you want to avoid the message, type this command "set standard_conforming_strings=on;". Then use "E" before your string including backslashes that you want postgresql to intrepret.

How can I delete an item from an array in VB.NET?

Seems like this sounds more complicated than it is...

    Dim myArray As String() = TextBox1.Lines
    'First we count how many null elements there are...
    Dim Counter As Integer = 0
    For x = 0 To myArray.Count - 1
        If Len(myArray(x)) < 1 Then
            Counter += 1
        End If
    'Then we dimension an array to be the size of the last array
    'minus the amount of nulls found...
    Dim tempArr(myArray.Count - Counter) As String

    'Indexing starts at zero, so let's set the stage for that...
    Counter = -1

    For x = 0 To myArray.Count - 1
        'Set the conditions for the new array as in
        'It .contains("word"), has no value, length is less than 1, ect.
        If Len(myArray(x)) > 1 Then
            Counter += 1
            'So if a value is present, we move that value over to
            'the new array.
            tempArr(Counter) = myArray(x)
        End If

Now you can assign tempArr back to the original or what ever you need done with it as in...

TextBox1.Lines = tempArr (You now have a textbox void of blank lines)

Using `date` command to get previous, current and next month

the following will do:

date -d "$(date +%Y-%m-1) -1 month" +%-m
date -d "$(date +%Y-%m-1) 0 month" +%-m
date -d "$(date +%Y-%m-1) 1 month" +%-m

or as you need:

LAST_MONTH=`date -d "$(date +%Y-%m-1) -1 month" +%-m`
NEXT_MONTH=`date -d "$(date +%Y-%m-1) 1 month" +%-m`
THIS_MONTH=`date -d "$(date +%Y-%m-1) 0 month" +%-m`

you asked for output like 9,10,11, so I used the %-m

%m (without -) will produce output like 09,... (leading zero)

this also works for more/less than 12 months:

date -d "$(date +%Y-%m-1) -13 month" +%-m

just try

date -d "$(date +%Y-%m-1) -13 month"

to see full result

How to find a text inside SQL Server procedures / triggers?

There are much better solutions than modifying the text of your stored procedures, functions, and views each time the linked server changes. Here are some options:

  1. Update the linked server. Instead of using a linked server named with its IP address, create a new linked server with the name of the resource such as Finance or DataLinkProd or some such. Then when you need to change which server is reached, update the linked server to point to the new server (or drop it and recreate it).

  2. While unfortunately you cannot create synonyms for linked servers or schemas, you CAN make synonyms for objects that are located on linked servers. For example, your procedure [].dbo.SPROCEDURE_EXAMPLE could by aliased. Perhaps create a schema datalinkprod, then CREATE SYNONYM datalinkprod.dbo_SPROCEDURE_EXAMPLE FOR [].dbo.SPROCEDURE_EXAMPLE;. Then, write a stored procedure that accepts a linked server name, which queries all the potential objects from the remote database and (re)creates synonyms for them. All your SPs and functions get rewritten just once to use the synonym names starting with datalinkprod, and ever after that, to change from one linked server to another you just do EXEC dbo.SwitchLinkedServer '[]'; and in a fraction of a second you're using a different linked server.

There may be even more options. I highly recommend using the superior techniques of pre-processing, configuration, or indirection rather than changing human-written scripts. Automatically updating machine-created scripts is fine, this is preprocessing. Doing things manually is awful.

WPF Databinding: How do I access the "parent" data context?

This will also work:

<Hyperlink Command="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=ItemsControl},
                             Path=DataContext.AllowItemCommand}" />

ListView will inherit its DataContext from Window, so it's available at this point, too.
And since ListView, just like similar controls (e. g. Gridview, ListBox, etc.), is a subclass of ItemsControl, the Binding for such controls will work perfectly.

OperationalError: database is locked

For me it gets resolved once I closed the django shell which was opened using python shell

Vue js error: Component template should contain exactly one root element

Just make sure that you have one root div and put everything inside this root

  <div class="root">
    <!--and put all child here --!>
   <div class='child1'></div>
   <div class='child2'></div>

and so on

NLTK and Stopwords Fail #lookuperror

If you want to manually install NLTK Corpus.

1) Go to and download your desired NLTK Corpus file.

2) Now in a Python shell check the value of

3) Choose one of the path that exists on your machine, and unzip the data files into the corpora sub directory inside.

4) Now you can import the data from nltk.corpos import stopwords


How to test whether a service is running from the command line

Let's go back to the old school of batch programing on windows

net start | find "Service Name"

This will work everywhere...

Automatic creation date for Django model form objects?

You can use the auto_now and auto_now_add options for updated_at and created_at respectively.

class MyModel(models.Model):
    created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)

wamp server does not start: Windows 7, 64Bit

You just need Visual C++ runtime 2015 installed, if you change your php version to the newest version you will get the error for it. this is why apache has php dependency error.

Ruby, remove last N characters from a string?

I would suggest chop. I think it has been mentioned in one of the comments but without links or explanations so here's why I think it's better:

It simply removes the last character from a string and you don't have to specify any values for that to happen.

If you need to remove more than one character then chomp is your best bet. This is what the ruby docs have to say about chop:

Returns a new String with the last character removed. If the string ends with \r\n, both characters are removed. Applying chop to an empty string returns an empty string. String#chomp is often a safer alternative, as it leaves the string unchanged if it doesn’t end in a record separator.

Although this is used mostly to remove separators such as \r\n I've used it to remove the last character from a simple string, for example the s to make the word singular.

android: how to use getApplication and getApplicationContext from non activity / service class

The getApplication() method is located in the Activity class, that's why you can't access it from your helper class.

If you really need to access your application context from your helper, you should hold a reference to the activity's context and pass it on invocation to the helper.

Why are there two ways to unstage a file in Git?


D:\code\gt2>git status
# On branch master
# Initial commit
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
#       new file:   a

(use "git rm --cached ..." to unstage)

  • git is a system of pointers

  • you do not have a commit yet to change your pointer to

  • the only way to 'take files out of the bucket being pointed to' is to remove files you told git to watch for changes


D:\code\gt2>git commit -m a
[master (root-commit) c271e05] a
0 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 a

git commit -m a

  • you commited, 'saved'


D:\code\gt2>git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#       new file:   b

(use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage)

  • you made a commit in your code at this time
  • now you can reset your pointer to your commit 'revert back to last save'

Pass react component as props

Using this.props.children is the idiomatic way to pass instantiated components to a react component

const Label = props => <span>{props.children}</span>
const Tab = props => <div>{props.children}</div>
const Page = () => <Tab><Label>Foo</Label></Tab>

When you pass a component as a parameter directly, you pass it uninstantiated and instantiate it by retrieving it from the props. This is an idiomatic way of passing down component classes which will then be instantiated by the components down the tree (e.g. if a component uses custom styles on a tag, but it wants to let the consumer choose whether that tag is a div or span):

const Label = props => <span>{props.children}</span>
const Button = props => {
    const Inner = props.inner; // Note: variable name _must_ start with a capital letter 
    return <button><Inner>Foo</Inner></button>
const Page = () => <Button inner={Label}/>

If what you want to do is to pass a children-like parameter as a prop, you can do that:

const Label = props => <span>{props.content}</span>
const Tab = props => <div>{props.content}</div>
const Page = () => <Tab content={<Label content='Foo' />} />

After all, properties in React are just regular JavaScript object properties and can hold any value - be it a string, function or a complex object.

Dynamically load a function from a DLL

This is not exactly a hot topic, but I have a factory class that allows a dll to create an instance and return it as a DLL. It is what I came looking for but couldn't find exactly.

It is called like,

IHTTP_Server *server = SN::SN_Factory<IHTTP_Server>::CreateObject();
IHTTP_Server *server2 =

where IHTTP_Server is the pure virtual interface for a class created either in another DLL, or the same one.

DEFINE_INTERFACE is used to give a class id an interface. Place inside interface;

An interface class looks like,

class IMyInterface

    virtual ~IMyInterface() {};

    virtual void MyMethod1() = 0;

The header file is like this


#pragma once

The libraries are listed in this macro definition. One line per library/executable. It would be cool if we could call into another executable.

#define SN_APPLY_LIBRARIES(L, A)                          \
    L(A, sn, "sn.dll")                                    \
    L(A, http_server_lib, "http_server_lib.dll")          \
    L(A, http_server, "")

Then for each dll/exe you define a macro and list its implementations. Def means that it is the default implementation for the interface. If it is not the default, you give a name for the interface used to identify it. Ie, special, and the name will be IHTTP_Server_special_entry.

#define SN_APPLY_ENTRYPOINTS_sn(M)                                     \
    M(IHTTP_Handler, SNI::SNI_HTTP_Handler, sn, def)                   \
    M(IHTTP_Handler, SNI::SNI_HTTP_Handler, sn, special)

#define SN_APPLY_ENTRYPOINTS_http_server_lib(M)                        \
    M(IHTTP_Server, HTTP::server::server, http_server_lib, def)

#define SN_APPLY_ENTRYPOINTS_http_server(M)

With the libraries all setup, the header file uses the macro definitions to define the needful.

#define APPLY_ENTRY(A, N, L) \

    public: \
        static const long Id = SN::I##_def_entry; \

namespace SN
    #define DEFINE_LIBRARY_ENUM(A, N, L) \

This creates an enum for the libraries.

    enum LibraryValues

    #define DEFINE_ENTRY_ENUM(I, C, L, D) \

This creates an enum for interface implementations.

    enum EntryValues

    long CallEntryPoint(long id, long interfaceId);

This defines the factory class. Not much to it here.

    template <class I>
    class SN_Factory

        static I *CreateObject(long id = I::Id )
            return (I *)CallEntryPoint(id, I::Id);


Then the CPP is,

#include "sn_factory.h"

#include <windows.h>

Create the external entry point. You can check that it exists using depends.exe.

extern "C"
    __declspec(dllexport) long entrypoint(long id)
        #define CREATE_OBJECT(I, C, L, D) \
            case SN::I##_##D##_entry: return (int) new C();

        switch (id)
        case -1:
            return 0;

The macros set up all the data needed.

namespace SN
    bool loaded = false;

    char * libraryPathArray[SN::LastLibrary];
    #define DEFINE_LIBRARY_PATH(A, N, L) \
        libraryPathArray[N##_library] = L;

    static void LoadLibraryPaths()

    typedef long(*f_entrypoint)(long id);

    f_entrypoint libraryFunctionArray[LastLibrary - 1];
    void InitlibraryFunctionArray()
        for (long j = 0; j < LastLibrary; j++)
            libraryFunctionArray[j] = 0;

        #define DEFAULT_LIBRARY_ENTRY(A, N, L) \
            libraryFunctionArray[N##_library] = &entrypoint;


    enum SN::LibraryValues libraryForEntryPointArray[SN::LastEntry];
            libraryForEntryPointArray[I##_##D##_entry] = L##_library;
    void LoadLibraryForEntryPointArray()

    enum SN::EntryValues defaultEntryArray[SN::LastEntry];
        #define DEFINE_ENTRY_DEFAULT(I, C, L, D) \
            defaultEntryArray[I##_##D##_entry] = I##_def_entry;

    void LoadDefaultEntries()

    void Initialize()
        if (!loaded)
            loaded = true;

    long CallEntryPoint(long id, long interfaceId)

        // assert(defaultEntryArray[id] == interfaceId, "Request to create an object for the wrong interface.")
        enum SN::LibraryValues l = libraryForEntryPointArray[id];

        f_entrypoint f = libraryFunctionArray[l];
        if (!f)
            HINSTANCE hGetProcIDDLL = LoadLibraryA(libraryPathArray[l]);

            if (!hGetProcIDDLL) {
                return NULL;

            // resolve function address here
            f = (f_entrypoint)GetProcAddress(hGetProcIDDLL, "entrypoint");
            if (!f) {
                return NULL;
            libraryFunctionArray[l] = f;
        return f(id);

Each library includes this "cpp" with a stub cpp for each library/executable. Any specific compiled header stuff.

#include "sn_pch.h"

Setup this library.

    L(A, sn, "sn.dll")

An include for the main cpp. I guess this cpp could be a .h. But there are different ways you could do this. This approach worked for me.

#include "../inc/sn_factory.cpp"

How to Concatenate Numbers and Strings to Format Numbers in T-SQL?

If you are using SQL Server 2012+ you can use CONCAT function in which we don't have to do any explicit conversion

SET @ActualWeightDIMS = Concat(@Actual_Dims_Lenght, 'x', @Actual_Dims_Width, 'x' 
                        , @Actual_Dims_Height) 

How do I configure HikariCP in my Spring Boot app in my files?

you can't use dataSourceClassName approach in configurations as said by @Andy Wilkinson. if you want to have dataSourceClassName anyway you can use Java Config as:

class DataSourceConfig {

private String user;

private String password;

private String dataSourceUrl;

private String dataSourceClassName;

private String poolName;

private int connectionTimeout;

private int maxLifetime;

private int maximumPoolSize;

private int minimumIdle;

private int idleTimeout;

public DataSource primaryDataSource() {
    Properties dsProps = new Properties();
    dsProps.put("url", dataSourceUrl);
    dsProps.put("user", user);
    dsProps.put("password", password);

    Properties configProps = new Properties();
       configProps.put("dataSourceClassName", dataSourceClassName);
       configProps.put("connectionTimeout", connectionTimeout);
       configProps.put("idleTimeout", idleTimeout);
       configProps.put("dataSourceProperties", dsProps);

   HikariConfig hc = new HikariConfig(configProps);
   HikariDataSource ds = new HikariDataSource(hc);
   return ds;

reason you cannot use dataSourceClassName because it will throw and exception

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: both driverClassName and dataSourceClassName are specified, one or the other should be used.

which mean spring boot infers from spring.datasource.url property the Driver and at the same time setting the dataSourceClassName creates this exception. To make it right your should look something like this for HikariCP datasource:

# hikariCP 

Note: Please check if there is any tomcat-jdbc.jar or commons-dbcp.jar in your classpath added most of the times by transitive dependency. If these are present in classpath Spring Boot will configure the Datasource using default connection pool which is tomcat. HikariCP will only be used to create the Datasource if there is no other provider in classpath. there is a fallback sequence from tomcat -> to HikariCP -> to Commons DBCP.

XML Parsing - Read a Simple XML File and Retrieve Values

class Program

    static void Main(string[] args)

        //Load XML from local
        string sourceFileName="";
        string element=string.Empty;
        var FolderPath=@"D:\Test\RenameFileWithXmlAttribute";

            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(FolderPath, "*.xml");
            foreach (string xmlfile in files)
                    sourceFileName = xmlfile;
                    XElement xele = XElement.Load(sourceFileName);
                    string convertToString = xele.ToString();
                    XElement parseXML = XElement.Parse(convertToString);
                    element = parseXML.Descendants("Meta").Where(x => (string)x.Attribute("name") == "XMLTAG").Last().Value;
                    DirectoryInfo CurrentDate = Directory.CreateDirectory(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                    string saveWithThisName= Path.Combine(CurrentDate.FullName, element);
                    File.Copy(sourceFileName, saveWithThisName,true);                      
                catch(Exception ex)


Change header text of columns in a GridView

Better to find cells from gridview instead of static/fix index so it will not generate any problem whenever you will add/remove any columns on gridview.


<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" OnRowDataBound="GridView1_RowDataBound" >
        <asp:BoundField HeaderText="Date" DataField="CreatedDate" />


protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
    if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header)
        for (int i = 0; i < e.Row.Cells.Count; i++)
            if (string.Compare(e.Row.Cells[i].Text, "Date", true) == 0)
                e.Row.Cells[i].Text = "Created Date";

Add a properties file to IntelliJ's classpath

I spent quite a lot of time figuring out how to do this in Intellij 13x. I apparently never added the properties files to the artifacts that required them, which is a separate step in Intellij. The setup below also works when you have a properties file that is shared by multiple modules.

  • Go to your project setup (CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + S)
  • In the list, select the module that you want to add one or more properties files to.
  • On the right, select the Dependencies tab.
  • Click the green plus and select "Jars or directories".
  • Now select the folder that contains the property file(s). (I haven't tried including an individual file)
  • Intellij will now ask you what the "category" of the selected file is. Choose "classes" (even though they are not).
  • Now you must add the properties files to the artifact. Intellij will give you the shortcut shown below. It will show errors in the red part at the bottom and a 'red lightbulb' that when clicked shows you an option to add the files to the artifact. You can also go to the 'artifacts' section and add the files to the artifacts manually.

enter image description here

Installing R on Mac - Warning messages: Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using "C"

Just open the R(software) and copy and paste

system("defaults write org.R-project.R force.LANG en_US.UTF-8")

Hope this will work fine or use the other method

open(on mac): Utilities/Terminal copy and paste

defaults write org.R-project.R force.LANG en_US.UTF-8

and close both terminal and R and reopen R.

How do I delete rows in a data frame?

You can also work with a so called boolean vector, aka logical:

myData = myData[row_to_keep,]

Note that the ! operator acts as a NOT, i.e. !TRUE == FALSE:

myData = myData[!row_to_keep,]

This seems a bit cumbersome in comparison to @mrwab's answer (+1 btw :)), but a logical vector can be generated on the fly, e.g. where a column value exceeds a certain value:

myData = myData[myData$A > 4,]
myData = myData[!myData$A > 4,] # equal to myData[myData$A <= 4,]

You can transform a boolean vector to a vector of indices:

row_to_keep = which(myData$A > 4)

Finally, a very neat trick is that you can use this kind of subsetting not only for extraction, but also for assignment:

myData$A[myData$A > 4,] <- NA

where column A is assigned NA (not a number) where A exceeds 4.

How to check db2 version

There is a typo in your SQL. Fixed version is below:


I ran this on the IBM Mainframe under Z/OS in QMF and got the following results. We are currently running DB2 Version 8 and upgrading to Ver 10.

DSN08015  -- Format seems to be DSNVVMMM

display: inline-block extra margin

Cleaner way to remove those spaces is by using float: left; :



<div>Some Text</div>
<div>Some Text</div>


div {
    background-color: red;
    float: left;

I'ts supported in all new browsers. Never got it why back when IE ruled lot's of developers didn't make sue their site works well on firefox/chrome, but today, when IE is down to 14.3 %. anyways, didn't have many issues in IE-9 even thought it's not supported, for example the above demo works fine.

Bootstrap 4 Change Hamburger Toggler Color

Default bootstrap navbar icon

<span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>

Add Font Awesome Icon and Remove class="navbar-toggler-icon"

<span> <i class="fas fa-bars" style="color:#fff; font-size:28px;"></i> </span>

What is the difference between SQL and MySQL?

SQL is the actual language that as defined by the ISO and ANSI. Here is a link to the Wikipedia article. MySQL is a specific implementation of this standard. I believe Oracle bought the company that originally developed MySQL. Other companies also have their own implementations of the SQL standard.

What is causing ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table?

In postgresql all foreign keys must reference a unique key in the parent table, so in your bar table you must have a unique (name) index.

See also and specifically:

Finally, we should mention that a foreign key must reference columns that either are a primary key or form a unique constraint.

Emphasis mine.

Array slices in C#

You can use Take extension method

var array = new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4};
var firstTwoItems = array.Take(2);

C# get string from textbox

I show you this with an example:

string userName= textBox1.text;

and then use it as you wish

How to parse a JSON file in swift?

The entire viewcontroller which show data in collecction view using two methods of json parsig

@IBOutlet weak var imagecollectionview: UICollectionView!
lazy var data = NSMutableData()
var dictdata : NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary()
override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    return dictdata.count
func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {

    let cell  = collectionView.dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier("CustomcellCollectionViewCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! CustomcellCollectionViewCell = dictdata.valueForKey("Data")?.valueForKey("location") as? String
    let url = NSURL(string: (dictdata.valueForKey("Data")?.valueForKey("avatar_url") as? String)! )

    LazyImage.showForImageView(cell.image, url:"URL
    return cell
func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView,
                    layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout,
                           sizeForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGSize {
    let kWhateverHeightYouWant = 100
    return CGSizeMake(self.view.bounds.size.width/2, CGFloat(kWhateverHeightYouWant))

func startNewConnection()

   let url: URL = URL(string: "YOUR URL" as String)!
    let session = URLSession.shared

    let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: url as URL)
    request.httpMethod = "GET" //set the get or post according to your request

    //        request.cachePolicy = NSURLRequest.CachePolicy.ReloadIgnoringCacheData
    request.cachePolicy = NSURLRequest.CachePolicy.reloadIgnoringCacheData

    let task = session.dataTask(with: request as URLRequest) {
        ( data, response, error) in

        guard let _:NSData = data as NSData?, let _:URLResponse = response, error == nil else {

       let jsonString = NSString(data: data!, encoding:String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue) as! String


func startConnection(){
    let urlPath: String = "your URL"
    let url: NSURL = NSURL(string: urlPath)!
    var request: NSURLRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: url)
    var connection: NSURLConnection = NSURLConnection(request: request, delegate: self, startImmediately: false)!

func connection(connection: NSURLConnection!, didReceiveData data: NSData!){

func buttonAction(sender: UIButton!){

func connectionDidFinishLoading(connection: NSURLConnection!) {
    do {
        let JSON = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(, options:NSJSONReadingOptions(rawValue: 0))
        guard let JSONDictionary :NSDictionary = JSON as? NSDictionary else {
            print("Not a Dictionary")
            // put in function
        print("JSONDictionary! \(JSONDictionary)")
        dictdata.setObject(JSONDictionary, forKey: "Data")

    catch let JSONError as NSError {
    }    }

System.Drawing.Image to stream C#

public static Stream ToStream(this Image image)
     var stream = new MemoryStream();

     image.Save(stream, image.RawFormat);
     stream.Position = 0;

     return stream;

How to split strings into text and number?

import re

s = raw_input()
m = re.match(r"([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9]+)",s)

HTML table with fixed headers and a fixed column?

If what you want is to have the headers stay put while the data in the table scrolls vertically, you should implement a <tbody> styled with "overflow-y: auto" like this:

       . . . 
   <tbody style="height: 300px; overflow-y: auto"> 
       . . .
     . . .

If the <tbody> content grows taller than the desired height, it will start scrolling. However, the headers will stay fixed at the top regardless of the scroll position.

How to delete a record by id in Flask-SQLAlchemy

Another possible solution specially if you want batch delete

deleted_objects = User.__table__.delete().where([1, 2, 3]))

Java JSON serialization - best practice

Are you tied to this library? Google Gson is very popular. I have myself not used it with Generics but their front page says Gson considers support for Generics very important.

Java synchronized block vs. Collections.synchronizedMap

Check out Google Collections' Multimap, e.g. page 28 of this presentation.

If you can't use that library for some reason, consider using ConcurrentHashMap instead of SynchronizedHashMap; it has a nifty putIfAbsent(K,V) method with which you can atomically add the element list if it's not already there. Also, consider using CopyOnWriteArrayList for the map values if your usage patterns warrant doing so.

Does Visual Studio have code coverage for unit tests?

As already mentioned you can use Fine Code Coverage that visualize coverlet output. If you create a xunit test project (dotnet new xunit) you'll find coverlet reference already present in csproj file because Coverlet is the default coverage tool for every .NET Core and >= .NET 5 applications.

Microsoft has an example using ReportGenerator that converts coverage reports generated by coverlet, OpenCover, dotCover, Visual Studio, NCover, Cobertura, JaCoCo, Clover, gcov or lcov into human readable reports in various formats.

Example report:

enter image description here

While the article focuses on C# and xUnit as the test framework, both MSTest and NUnit would also work.


If you want code coverage in .xml files you can run any of these commands:

dotnet test --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage"

dotnet test /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=cobertura

Substring in excel

Another way you can do this is by using the substitute function. Substitute "(", ")" and "," with spaces. e.g.

 =SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1, "(", " "), ")", " "), ",", " ")

How can I get the class name from a C++ object?

Do you want [classname] to be 'one' and [objectname] to be 'A'?

If so, this is not possible. These names are only abstractions for the programmer, and aren't actually used in the binary code that is generated. You could give the class a static variable classname, which you set to 'one' and a normal variable objectname which you would assign either directly, through a method or the constructor. You can then query these methods for the class and object names.

Executing a command stored in a variable from PowerShell

Here is yet another way without Invoke-Expression but with two variables (command:string and parameters:array). It works fine for me. Assume 7z.exe is in the system path.

$cmd = '7z.exe'
$prm = 'a', '-tzip', 'c:\temp\with space\', 'C:\TEMP\with space\changelog'

& $cmd $prm

If the command is known (7z.exe) and only parameters are variable then this will do

$prm = 'a', '-tzip', 'c:\temp\with space\', 'C:\TEMP\with space\changelog'

& 7z.exe $prm

BTW, Invoke-Expression with one parameter works for me, too, e.g. this works

$cmd = '& 7z.exe a -tzip "c:\temp\with space\" "C:\TEMP\with space\changelog"'

Invoke-Expression $cmd

P.S. I usually prefer the way with a parameter array because it is easier to compose programmatically than to build an expression for Invoke-Expression.

Best way to do nested case statement logic in SQL Server

You could try some sort of COALESCE trick, eg:

  CASE WHEN condition1 THEN calculation1 ELSE NULL END,
  CASE WHEN condition2 THEN calculation2 ELSE NULL END,

Python: Checking if a 'Dictionary' is empty doesn't seem to work

use 'any'

dict = {}

if any(dict) :

     # true
     # dictionary is not empty 

else :

     # false 
     # dictionary is empty

NoSuchMethodError in javax.persistence.Table.indexes()[Ljavax/persistence/Index

Hibernate 4.3 is the first version to implement the JPA 2.1 spec (part of Java EE 7). And it's thus expecting the JPA 2.1 library in the classpath, not the JPA 2.0 library. That's why you get this exception: Table.indexes() is a new attribute of Table, introduced in JPA 2.1

How can I generate a self-signed certificate with SubjectAltName using OpenSSL?

Can someone help me with the exact syntax?

It's a three-step process, and it involves modifying the openssl.cnf file. You might be able to do it with only command line options, but I don't do it that way.

Find your openssl.cnf file. It is likely located in /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf:

$ find /usr/lib -name openssl.cnf

On my Debian system, /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf is used by the built-in openssl program. On recent Debian systems it is located at /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf

You can determine which openssl.cnf is being used by adding a spurious XXX to the file and see if openssl chokes.

First, modify the req parameters. Add an alternate_names section to openssl.cnf with the names you want to use. There are no existing alternate_names sections, so it does not matter where you add it.

[ alternate_names ]

DNS.1        =
DNS.2        =
DNS.3        =
DNS.4        =

Next, add the following to the existing [ v3_ca ] section. Search for the exact string [ v3_ca ]:

subjectAltName      = @alternate_names

You might change keyUsage to the following under [ v3_ca ]:

keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment

digitalSignature and keyEncipherment are standard fare for a server certificate. Don't worry about nonRepudiation. It's a useless bit thought up by computer science guys/gals who wanted to be lawyers. It means nothing in the legal world.

In the end, the IETF (RFC 5280), browsers and CAs run fast and loose, so it probably does not matter what key usage you provide.

Second, modify the signing parameters. Find this line under the CA_default section:

# Extension copying option: use with caution.
# copy_extensions = copy

And change it to:

# Extension copying option: use with caution.
copy_extensions = copy

This ensures the SANs are copied into the certificate. The other ways to copy the DNS names are broken.

Third, generate your self-signed certificate:

$ openssl genrsa -out private.key 3072
$ openssl req -new -x509 -key private.key -sha256 -out certificate.pem -days 730
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.

Finally, examine the certificate:

$ openssl x509 -in certificate.pem -text -noout
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 9647297427330319047 (0x85e215e5869042c7)
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C=US, ST=MD, L=Baltimore, O=Test CA, Limited, CN=Test CA/[email protected]
            Not Before: Feb  1 05:23:05 2014 GMT
            Not After : Feb  1 05:23:05 2016 GMT
        Subject: C=US, ST=MD, L=Baltimore, O=Test CA, Limited, CN=Test CA/[email protected]
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (3072 bit)
                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:

            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
            X509v3 Key Usage:
                Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment, Certificate Sign
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption

Find out if string ends with another string in C++

The std::mismatch method can serve this purpose when used to backwards iterate from the end of both strings:

const string sNoFruit = "ThisOneEndsOnNothingMuchFruitLike";
const string sOrange = "ThisOneEndsOnOrange";

const string sPattern = "Orange";

assert( mismatch( sPattern.rbegin(), sPattern.rend(), sNoFruit.rbegin() )
          .first != sPattern.rend() );

assert( mismatch( sPattern.rbegin(), sPattern.rend(), sOrange.rbegin() )
          .first == sPattern.rend() );

How to make Bootstrap 4 cards the same height in card-columns?


Just add the height you want with CSS, example:

    height: 350px;

You will have to add your own CSS.

If you check the documentation, this is for Masonry style - the point of that is they are not all the same height.

How to block until an event is fired in c#

If you're happy to use the Microsoft Reactive Extensions, then this can work nicely:

public class Foo
    public delegate void MyEventHandler(object source, MessageEventArgs args);
    public event MyEventHandler _event;
    public string ReadLine()
        return Observable
            .FromEventPattern<MyEventHandler, MessageEventArgs>(
                h => this._event += h,
                h => this._event -= h)
            .Select(ep => ep.EventArgs.Message)
    public void SendLine(string message)
        _event(this, new MessageEventArgs() { Message = message });

public class MessageEventArgs : EventArgs
    public string Message;

I can use it like this:

var foo = new Foo();

        () => foo.SendLine("Bar!"));

var resp = foo.ReadLine();


I needed to call the SendLine message on a different thread to avoid locking, but this code shows that it works as expected.

npm WARN package.json: No repository field

To avoid warnings like:

npm WARN [email protected] No repository field.

You must define repository in your project package.json. In the case when you are developing with no publishing to the repository you can set "private": true in package.json


  "name": "test.loc",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "private": true,
  "license": "ISC"

NPM documentation about this:

build-impl.xml:1031: The module has not been deployed

Check whether you placed the within the .. or outside the ... If you placed it outside the server tag , and if you try to access the init-parameter then it will give error.

Passing struct to function

When passing a struct to another function, it would usually be better to do as Donnell suggested above and pass it by reference instead.

A very good reason for this is that it makes things easier if you want to make changes that will be reflected when you return to the function that created the instance of it.

Here is an example of the simplest way to do this:

#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct student {
    int age;
} student;

void addStudent(student *s) {
    /* Here we can use the arrow operator (->) to dereference 
       the pointer and access any of it's members: */
    s->age = 10;

int main(void) {

    student aStudent = {0};     /* create an instance of the student struct */
    addStudent(&aStudent);      /* pass a pointer to the instance */

    printf("%d", aStudent.age);

    return 0;

In this example, the argument for the addStudent() function is a pointer to an instance of a student struct - student *s. In main(), we create an instance of the student struct and then pass a reference to it to our addStudent() function using the reference operator (&).

In the addStudent() function we can make use of the arrow operator (->) to dereference the pointer, and access any of it's members (functionally equivalent to: (*s).age).

Any changes that we make in the addStudent() function will be reflected when we return to main(), because the pointer gave us a reference to where in the memory the instance of the student struct is being stored. This is illustrated by the printf(), which will output "10" in this example.

Had you not passed a reference, you would actually be working with a copy of the struct you passed in to the function, meaning that any changes would not be reflected when you return to main - unless you implemented a way of passing the new version of the struct back to main or something along those lines!

Although pointers may seem off-putting at first, once you get your head around how they work and why they are so handy they become second nature, and you wonder how you ever coped without them!

No more data to read from socket error

In our case we had a query which loads multiple items with select * from x where something in (...) The in part was so long for benchmark test.(17mb as text query). Query is valid but text so long. Shortening the query solved the problem.

starting file download with JavaScript

Just call window.location.href = new_url from your javascript and it will redirect the browser to that URL as it the user had typed that into the address bar

How to convert 1 to true or 0 to false upon model fetch

Assigning Comparison to property value


You could assign the comparison of the property to "1"

obj["isChecked"] = (obj["isChecked"]==="1");

This only evaluates for a String value of "1" though. Other variables evaulate to false like an actual typeof number would be false. (i.e. obj["isChecked"]=1)

If you wanted to be indiscrimate about "1" or 1, you could use:

obj["isChecked"] = (obj["isChecked"]=="1");

Example Outputs

console.log(obj["isChecked"]==="1"); // true
console.log(obj["isChecked"]===1); // false
console.log(obj["isChecked"]==1); // true
console.log(obj["isChecked"]==="0"); // false
console.log(obj["isChecked"]==="Elephant"); // false


Same concept in PHP

$obj["isChecked"] = ($obj["isChecked"] == "1");

The same operator limitations as stated above for JavaScript apply.

Double Not

The 'double not' also works. It's confusing when people first read it but it works in both languages for integer/number type values. It however does not work in JavaScript for string type values as they always evaluate to true:


!!"1"; //true
!!"0"; //true
!!1; //true
!!0; //false
!!parseInt("0",10); // false


echo !!"1"; //true
echo !!"0"; //false
echo !!1; //true
echo !!0; //false

CSS: How can I set image size relative to parent height?

If all your trying to do is fill the div this might help someone else, if aspect ratio is not important, is responsive.

.img-fill > img {
  min-height: 100%;
  min-width: 100%;  

Applying function with multiple arguments to create a new pandas column

If you need to create multiple columns at once:

  1. Create the dataframe:

    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [10,20,30], "B": [20, 30, 10]})
  2. Create the function:

    def fab(row):                                                  
        return row['A'] * row['B'], row['A'] + row['B']
  3. Assign the new columns:

    df['newcolumn'], df['newcolumn2'] = zip(*df.apply(fab, axis=1))

Makefile: How to correctly include header file and its directory?

These lines in your makefile,

INC_DIR = ../StdCUtil
CFLAGS=-c -Wall -I$(INC_DIR)
DEPS = split.h

and this line in your .cpp file,

#include "StdCUtil/split.h"

are in conflict.

With your makefile in your source directory and with that -I option you should be using #include "split.h" in your source file, and your dependency should be ../StdCUtil/split.h.

Another option:

INC_DIR = ../StdCUtil
CFLAGS=-c -Wall -I$(INC_DIR)/..  # Ugly!
DEPS = $(INC_DIR)/split.h

With this your #include directive would remain as #include "StdCUtil/split.h".

Yet another option is to place your makefile in the parent directory:

  |     |____DBC.cpp
  |     |____Lock.cpp
  |     |____Trace.cpp

With this layout it is common to put the object files (and possibly the executable) in a subdirectory that is parallel to your Core and StdCUtil directories. Object, for example. With this, your makefile becomes:

INC_DIR = StdCUtil
SRC_DIR = Core
OBJ_DIR = Object
CFLAGS  = -c -Wall -I.
SRCS = $(SRC_DIR)/Lock.cpp $(SRC_DIR)/DBC.cpp $(SRC_DIR)/Trace.cpp
OBJS = $(OBJ_DIR)/Lock.o $(OBJ_DIR)/DBC.o $(OBJ_DIR)/Trace.o
# Note: The above will soon get unwieldy.
# The wildcard and patsubt commands will come to your rescue.

DEPS = $(INC_DIR)/split.h
# Note: The above will soon get unwieldy.
# You will soon want to use an automatic dependency generator.

all: $(OBJS)

$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp
  $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

$(OBJ_DIR)/Trace.o: $(DEPS)

Repeat-until or equivalent loop in Python

UNTIL cond

Is equivalent to

while True:
    if cond:

$(this).val() not working to get text from span using jquery

.val() is for input elements, use .html() instead

Adding values to specific DataTable cells

If anyone is looking for an updated correct syntax for this as I was, try the following:

dg.Rows[0].Cells[6].Value = "test";

How to convert .pfx file to keystore with private key?

I found this page which tells you how to import a PFX to JKS (Java Key Store):

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore PFX_P12_FILE_NAME -srcstoretype pkcs12 -srcstorepass PFX_P12_FILE -srcalias SOURCE_ALIAS -destkeystore KEYSTORE_FILE -deststoretype jks -deststorepass PASSWORD -destalias ALIAS_NAME

WPF checkbox binding

This works for me (essential code only included, fill more for your needs):

In XAML a user control is defined:

<UserControl x:Class="Mockup.TestTab" ......>
    <!-- a checkbox somewhere within the control -->
    <!-- IsChecked is bound to Property C1 of the DataContext -->
    <CheckBox Content="CheckBox 1" IsChecked="{Binding C1, Mode=TwoWay}" />

In code behind for UserControl

public partial class TestTab : UserControl
    public TestTab()
        InitializeComponent();  // the standard bit

    // then we set the DataContex of TestTab Control to a MyViewModel object
    // this MyViewModel object becomes the DataContext for all controls
         // within TestTab ... including our CheckBox
         DataContext = new MyViewModel(....);


Somewhere in solution class MyViewModel is defined

public class MyViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged 
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    private bool m_c1 = true;

    public bool C1 {
        get { return m_c1; }
        set {
            if (m_c1 != value) {
                m_c1 = value;
                if (PropertyChanged != null)
                    PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("C1"));

How to read GET data from a URL using JavaScript?

I also made a fairly simple function. You call on it by: get("yourgetname");

and get whatever there was. (now that i wrote it i noticed it will give you %26 if you had a & in your value..)

function get(name){
  var url =;
  var num =;
  var namel = name.length;
  var frontlength = namel+num+1; //length of everything before the value 
  var front = url.substring(0, frontlength);  
  url = url.replace(front, "");  
  num ="&");

 if(num>=0) return url.substr(0,num); 
 if(num<0)  return url;             

How can I initialise a static Map?

Java 8 with streams:

    private static final Map<String, TemplateOpts> templates = new HashMap<>();

    static { String[][]{
                {CUSTOMER_CSV, "Plantilla cliente", "csv"}
        }).forEach(f -> templates.put(f[0], new TemplateOpts(f[1], f[2])));

It can be also a Object[][] to put anything inside and map it in the forEach loop

Turn Pandas Multi-Index into column

The reset_index() is a pandas DataFrame method that will transfer index values into the DataFrame as columns. The default setting for the parameter is drop=False (which will keep the index values as columns).

All you have to do add .reset_index(inplace=True) after the name of the DataFrame:


What's the @ in front of a string in C#?

An '@' has another meaning as well: putting it in front of a variable declaration allows you to use reserved keywords as variable names.

For example:

string @class = "something";
int @object = 1;

I've only found one or two legitimate uses for this. Mainly in ASP.NET MVC when you want to do something like this:

<%= Html.ActionLink("Text", "Action", "Controller", null, new { @class = "some_css_class" })%>

Which would produce an HTML link like:

<a href="/Controller/Action" class="some_css_class">Text</a>

Otherwise you would have to use 'Class', which isn't a reserved keyword but the uppercase 'C' does not follow HTML standards and just doesn't look right.

MongoDB: How to find out if an array field contains an element?

It seems like the $in operator would serve your purposes just fine.

You could do something like this (pseudo-query):

if ({"students" : {"$in" : [studentId]}, "course" : courseId }).count() > 0) {
  // student is enrolled in class

Alternatively, you could remove the "course" : courseId clause and get back a set of all classes the student is enrolled in.

Passing array in GET for a REST call

Collections are a resource so /appointments is fine as the resource.

Collections also typically offer filters via the querystring which is essentially what users=id1,id2... is.



is fine as a filtered RESTful resource.

Get distance between two points in canvas

If you have the coordinates, use the formula to calculate the distance:

var dist = Math.sqrt( Math.pow((x1-x2), 2) + Math.pow((y1-y2), 2) );

If your platform supports the ** operator, you can instead use that:

const dist = Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2);

Generate UML Class Diagram from Java Project

I´d say MoDisco is by far the most powerful one (though probably not the easiest one to work with).

MoDisco is a generic reverse engineering framework (so that you can customize your reverse engineering project, with MoDisco you can even reverse engineer the behaviour of the java methods, not only the structure and signatures) but also includes some predefined features like the generation of class diagrams out of Java code that you need.

Why does IE9 switch to compatibility mode on my website?

To force IE to render in IE9 standards mode you should use

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

Some conditions may cause IE9 to jump down into the compatibility modes. By default this can occur on intranet sites.

Python Decimals format

Just use Python's standard string formatting methods:

>>> "{0:.2}".format(1.234232)
>>> "{0:.3}".format(1.234232)

If you are using a Python version under 2.6, use

>>> "%f" % 1.32423
>>> "%.2f" % 1.32423
>>> "%d" % 1.32423

How to get a Fragment to remove itself, i.e. its equivalent of finish()?

If you need to popback from the fourth fragment in the backstack history to the first, use tags!!!

When you add the first fragment you should use something like this:

getFragmentManager.beginTransaction.addToBackStack("A").add(, FragmentA).commit() 


getFragmentManager.beginTransaction.addToBackStack("A").replace(, FragmentA).commit()

And when you want to show Fragments B,C and D you use this:

getFragmentManager.beginTransaction.addToBackStack("B").replace(, FragmentB, "B").commit()

and other letters....

To return to Fragment A, just call popBackStack(0, "A"), yes, use the flag that you specified when you add it, and note that it must be the same flag in the command addToBackStack(), not the one used in command replace or add.

You're welcome ;)

Filter Excel pivot table using VBA

You could check this if you like. :)

Use this code if SavedFamilyCode is in the Report Filter:

 Sub FilterPivotTable()
   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").ManualUpdate = True


   ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("SavedFamilyCode").CurrentPage = _

  ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").ManualUpdate = False
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  End Sub

But if the SavedFamilyCode is in the Column or Row Labels use this code:

 Sub FilterPivotTable()
     Application.ScreenUpdating = False
     ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").ManualUpdate = True


      ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("SavedFamilyCode").PivotFilters. _
    Add Type:=xlCaptionEquals, Value1:="K123223"

  ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").ManualUpdate = False
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  End Sub

Hope this helps you.

How to check that an element is in a std::set?

I use

if(!my_set.count(that_element)) //Element is present...

But it is not as efficient as

if(my_set.find(that_element)!=my_set.end()) ....;

My version only saves my time in writing the code. I prefer it this way for competitive coding.

List all tables in postgresql information_schema

For private schema 'xxx' in postgresql :

SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables 
 WHERE table_schema = 'xxx' AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE'

Without table_type = 'BASE TABLE' , you will list tables and views

Smart cast to 'Type' is impossible, because 'variable' is a mutable property that could have been changed by this time

For there to be a Smart Cast of the properties, the data type of the property must be the class that contains the method or behavior that you want to access and NOT that the property is of the type of the super class.

e.g on Android


class MyVM : ViewModel() {
    fun onClick() {}


From: private lateinit var viewModel: ViewModel
To: private lateinit var viewModel: MyVM


viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this)[]
viewModel.onClick {}


Maintain aspect ratio of div but fill screen width and height in CSS?

here a solution based on @Danield solution, that works even within a div.

In that example, I am using Angular but it can quickly move to vanilla JS or another framework.

The main idea is just to move the @Danield solution within an empty iframe and copy the dimensions after iframe window size changes.

That iframe has to fit dimensions with its father element.

Here a few screenshots:

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

ActiveXObject in Firefox or Chrome (not IE!)

No for the moment.

I doubt it will be possible for the future for ActiveX support will be discontinued in near future (as MS stated).

Look here about HTML Object tag, but not anything will be accepted. You should try.

How to get the last row of an Oracle a table

$sql = "INSERT INTO table_name( field1, field2 )  VALUES ('foo','bar') 
        RETURNING ID INTO :mylastid";
$stmt = oci_parse($db, $sql);
oci_bind_by_name($stmt, "mylastid", $last_id, 8, SQLT_INT);

echo "last inserted id is:".$last_id;

Tip: you have to use your id column name in {your_id_col_name} below...

"RETURNING {your_id_col_name} INTO :mylastid"

How to replace text in a column of a Pandas dataframe?

Use the vectorised str method replace:

In [30]:

df['range'] = df['range'].str.replace(',','-')
0    (2-30)
1  (50-290)


So if we look at what you tried and why it didn't work:


from the docs we see this desc:

str or regex: str: string exactly matching to_replace will be replaced with value

So because the str values do not match, no replacement occurs, compare with the following:

In [43]:

df = pd.DataFrame({'range':['(2,30)',',']})
df['range'].replace(',','-', inplace=True)
0    (2,30)
1         -
Name: range, dtype: object

here we get an exact match on the second row and the replacement occurs.