What's a memory leak:
Typical example:
A cache of objects is a good starting point to mess things up.
private static final Map<String, Info> myCache = new HashMap<>();
public void getInfo(String key)
// uses cache
Info info = myCache.get(key);
if (info != null) return info;
// if it's not in cache, then fetch it from the database
info = Database.fetch(key);
if (info == null) return null;
// and store it in the cache
myCache.put(key, info);
return info;
Your cache grows and grows. And pretty soon the entire database gets sucked into memory. A better design uses an LRUMap (Only keeps recently used objects in cache).
Sure, you can make things a lot more complicated:
What often happens:
If this Info object has references to other objects, which again have references to other objects. In a way you could also consider this to be some kind of memory leak, (caused by bad design).