Programs & Examples On #Cscope

Cscope is a code searching application originally written for searching C code bases. Cscope is useful for searching many other code bases as well: C++, Java, Python, etc.

Git push requires username and password

Update for HTTPS:

GitHub has launched a new program for Windows that stores your credentials when you're using HTTPS:

To use:

  • Download the program from here

  • Once you run the program, it will edit your .gitconfig file. Recheck if it edited the correct .gitconfig in case you have several of them. If it didn't edit the correct one, add the following to your .gitconfig

        helper = !'C:\\Path\\To\\Your\\Downloaded\\File\\git-credential-winstore.exe'

    NOTE the line break after [credential]. It is required.

  • Open up your command line client and try git push origin master once. If it asks you for a password, enter it and you're through. Password saved!

JQuery - $ is not defined

I had this problem once for no apparent reason. It was happenning locally whilst I was running through the aspnet development server. It had been working and I reverted everything to a state where it had previously been working and still it didn't work. I looked in the chrome debugger and the jquery-1.7.1.min.js had loaded without any problems. It was all very confusing. I still don't know what the problem was but closing the browser, closing the development server and then trying again sorted it out.

Getting full-size profile picture

Set either the width or height to some arbitrarily large number:

If the width and height are the same number, the photo is cropped to a square.

Short form for Java if statement

name = city.getName()!=null?city.getName():"N/A"

How to format a duration in java? (e.g format H:MM:SS)

Here is one more sample how to format duration. Note that this sample shows both positive and negative duration as positive duration.

import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.DAYS;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.HOURS;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.MINUTES;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.SECONDS;

import java.time.Duration;

public class DurationSample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Let's say duration of 2days 3hours 12minutes and 46seconds
        Duration d =, DAYS).plus(3, HOURS).plus(12, MINUTES).plus(46, SECONDS);

        //in case of negative duration
        if(d.isNegative()) d = d.negated();

        System.out.printf("Total duration is %sdays %shrs %smin %ssec.\n", d.toDays(), d.toHours() % 24, d.toMinutes() % 60, d.getSeconds() % 60);

        //or format HOURS MINUTES SECONDS 
        System.out.printf("Or total duration is %shrs %smin %sec.\n", d.toHours(), d.toMinutes() % 60, d.getSeconds() % 60);

        //or format MINUTES SECONDS 
        System.out.printf("Or total duration is %smin %ssec.\n", d.toMinutes(), d.getSeconds() % 60);

        //or format SECONDS only 
        System.out.printf("Or total duration is %ssec.\n", d.getSeconds());

ggplot2, change title size

+ theme(plot.title = element_text(size=22))

Here is the full set of things you can change in element_text:

element_text(family = NULL, face = NULL, colour = NULL, size = NULL,
  hjust = NULL, vjust = NULL, angle = NULL, lineheight = NULL,
  color = NULL)

Installing specific package versions with pip

There are 2 ways you may install any package with version:- A). pip install -Iv package-name == version B). pip install -v package-name == version

For A

Here, if you're using -I option while installing(when you don't know if the package is already installed) (like 'pip install -Iv pyreadline == 2.* 'or something), you would be installing a new separate package with the same existing package having some different version.

For B

  1. At first, you may want to check for no broken requirements. pip check

2.and then see what's already installed by pip list

3.if the list of the packages contain any package that you wish to install with specific version then the better option is to uninstall the package of this version first, by pip uninstall package-name

4.And now you can go ahead to reinstall the same package with a specific version, by pip install -v package-name==version e.g. pip install -v pyreadline == 2.*

How to solve a timeout error in Laravel 5

In Laravel:

Add set_time_limit(0) line on top of query.


$users = App\User::all();

It helps you in different large queries but you should need to improve query optimise.

How to replace spaces in file names using a bash script

For those struggling through this using macOS, first install all the tools:

 brew install tree findutils rename

Then when needed to rename, make an alias for GNU find (gfind) as find. Then run the code of @Michel Krelin:

alias find=gfind 
find . -depth -name '* *' \
| while IFS= read -r f ; do mv -i "$f" "$(dirname "$f")/$(basename "$f"|tr ' ' _)" ; done   

Laravel 5 call a model function in a blade view

want to use model in view as:

{{ Product::find($id) }}

you can use in view:

$tmp = \App\Product::find($id);
{{ $tmp->name }}

Hope this will help you

Java: Integer equals vs. ==

Besides these given great answers, What I have learned is that:

NEVER compare objects with == unless you intend to be comparing them by their references.

SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list

How to reproduce this error:

SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list

This code produces the error:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-2.1.0.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">


If you run this and look at the error output in firebug, you get this error. The empty function passed into 'ready' is not closed. Fix it like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-2.1.0.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

  });      //<-- notice the right parenthesis and semicolon

And then the Javascript is interpreted correctly.

How to split a dos path into its components in Python

For a somewhat more concise solution, consider the following:

def split_path(p):
    a,b = os.path.split(p)
    return (split_path(a) if len(a) and len(b) else []) + [b]

How to do error logging in CodeIgniter (PHP)

To simply put a line in the server's error log, use PHP's error_log() function. However, that method will not send an e-mail.

First, to trigger an error:

trigger_error("Error message here", E_USER_ERROR);

By default, this will go in the server's error log file. See the ErrorLog directive for Apache. To set your own log file:

ini_set('error_log', 'path/to/log/file');

Note that the log file you choose must already exist and be writable by the server process. The simplest way to make the file writable is to make the server user the owner of the file. (The server user may be nobody, _www, apache, or something else, depending on your OS distribution.)

To e-mail the error, you need to set up a custom error handler:

function mail_error($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
  $message = "[Error $errno] $errstr - Error on line $errline in file $errfile";
  error_log($message); // writes the error to the log file
  mail('[email protected]', 'I have an error', $message);
set_error_handler('mail_error', E_ALL^E_NOTICE);

Please see the relevant PHP documentation for more info.

Removing NA observations with dplyr::filter()

From @Ben Bolker:

[T]his has nothing specifically to do with dplyr::filter()

From @Marat Talipov:

[A]ny comparison with NA, including NA==NA, will return NA

From a related answer by @farnsy:

The == operator does not treat NA's as you would expect it to.

Think of NA as meaning "I don't know what's there". The correct answer to 3 > NA is obviously NA because we don't know if the missing value is larger than 3 or not. Well, it's the same for NA == NA. They are both missing values but the true values could be quite different, so the correct answer is "I don't know."

R doesn't know what you are doing in your analysis, so instead of potentially introducing bugs that would later end up being published an embarrassing you, it doesn't allow comparison operators to think NA is a value.

Java SSLHandshakeException "no cipher suites in common"

In my case, I got this no cipher suites in common error because I've loaded a p12 format file to the keystore of the server, instead of a jks file.

How to build and fill pandas dataframe from for loop?

The simplest answer is what Paul H said:

d = []
for p in game.players.passing():
            'Player': p,
            'Passer Rating':  p.passer_rating()


But if you really want to "build and fill a dataframe from a loop", (which, btw, I wouldn't recommend), here's how you'd do it.

d = pd.DataFrame()

for p in game.players.passing():
    temp = pd.DataFrame(
            'Player': p,
            'Passer Rating': p.passer_rating()

    d = pd.concat([d, temp])

How can I expand and collapse a <div> using javascript?

try jquery,

        <a href="#" class="majorpoints" onclick="majorpointsexpand(" + $('.majorpointslegend').html() + ")"/>
        <legend class="majorpointslegend">Expand</legend>
        <div id="data" style="display:none" >

function majorpointsexpand(expand)
        if (expand == "Expand")

'dict' object has no attribute 'has_key'


if start not in graph:

For more info see ProgrammerSought

How to update RecyclerView Adapter Data?

I strongly recommend you to use [DiffUtil.ItemCallback][1] to handle the change in RecyclerView.Adapter

 fun setData(data: List<T>) {
        val calculateDiff = DiffUtil.calculateDiff(DiffUtilCallback(items, data))
        items += data

under the hood it handles most of the things with AdapterListUpdateCallback:

 * ListUpdateCallback that dispatches update events to the given adapter.
 * @see DiffUtil.DiffResult#dispatchUpdatesTo(RecyclerView.Adapter)
public final class AdapterListUpdateCallback implements ListUpdateCallback {
    private final RecyclerView.Adapter mAdapter;

     * Creates an AdapterListUpdateCallback that will dispatch update events to the given adapter.
     * @param adapter The Adapter to send updates to.
    public AdapterListUpdateCallback(@NonNull RecyclerView.Adapter adapter) {
        mAdapter = adapter;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void onInserted(int position, int count) {
        mAdapter.notifyItemRangeInserted(position, count);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void onRemoved(int position, int count) {
        mAdapter.notifyItemRangeRemoved(position, count);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void onMoved(int fromPosition, int toPosition) {
        mAdapter.notifyItemMoved(fromPosition, toPosition);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void onChanged(int position, int count, Object payload) {
        mAdapter.notifyItemRangeChanged(position, count, payload);

Construct pandas DataFrame from items in nested dictionary

Building on verified answer, for me this worked best:

ab = pd.concat({k: pd.DataFrame(v).T for k, v in data.items()}, axis=0)

Should I set max pool size in database connection string? What happens if I don't?

Currently your application support 100 connections in pool. Here is what conn string will look like if you want to increase it to 200:

public static string srConnectionString = 
                "server=localhost;database=mydb;uid=sa;pwd=mypw;Max Pool Size=200;";

You can investigate how many connections with database your application use, by executing sp_who procedure in your database. In most cases default connection pool size will be enough.

Nested lists python

The question title is too wide and the author's need is more specific. In my case, I needed to extract all elements from nested list like in the example below:


input -> [1,2,[3,4]]
output -> [1,2,3,4]

The code below gives me the result, but I would like to know if anyone can create a simpler answer:

def get_elements_from_nested_list(l, new_l):
    if l is not None:
        e = l[0]
        if isinstance(e, list):
            get_elements_from_nested_list(e, new_l)
        if len(l) > 1:
            return get_elements_from_nested_list(l[1:], new_l)
            return new_l

Call of the method

l = [1,2,[3,4]]
new_l = []

get_elements_from_nested_list(l, new_l)

Extract public/private key from PKCS12 file for later use in SSH-PK-Authentication

OpenSSH cannot use PKCS#12 files out of the box. As others suggested, you must extract the private key in PEM format which gets you from the land of OpenSSL to OpenSSH. Other solutions mentioned here don’t work for me. I use OS X 10.9 Mavericks (10.9.3 at the moment) with “prepackaged” utilities (OpenSSL 0.9.8y, OpenSSH 6.2p2).

First, extract a private key in PEM format which will be used directly by OpenSSH:

openssl pkcs12 -in filename.p12 -clcerts -nodes -nocerts | openssl rsa > ~/.ssh/id_rsa

I strongly suggest to encrypt the private key with password:

openssl pkcs12 -in filename.p12 -clcerts -nodes -nocerts | openssl rsa -passout 'pass:Passw0rd!' > ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Obviously, writing a plain-text password on command-line is not safe either, so you should delete the last command from history or just make sure it doesn’t get there. Different shells have different ways. You can prefix your command with space to prevent it from being saved to history in Bash and many other shells. Here is also how to delete the command from history in Bash:

history -d $(history | tail -n 2 | awk 'NR == 1 { print $1 }')

Alternatively, you can use different way to pass a private key password to OpenSSL - consult OpenSSL documentation for pass phrase arguments.

Then, create an OpenSSH public key which can be added to authorized_keys file:

ssh-keygen -y -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa > ~/.ssh/

What does "export default" do in JSX?

In simple word export means letting the script we wrote to be used by another script. If we say export, we mean any module can use this script by importing it.

convert epoch time to date

Please take care that the epoch time is in second and Date object accepts Long value which is in milliseconds. Hence you would have to multiply epoch value with 1000 to use it as long value . Like below :-

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
Long dateLong=Long.parseLong(sdf.format(epoch*1000));

How do you configure HttpOnly cookies in tomcat / java webapps?

For cookies that I am explicitly setting, I switched to use SimpleCookie provided by Apache Shiro. It does not inherit from javax.servlet.http.Cookie so it takes a bit more juggling to get everything to work correctly however it does provide a property set HttpOnly and it works with Servlet 2.5.

For setting a cookie on a response, rather than doing response.addCookie(cookie) you need to do cookie.saveTo(request, response).

java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 (unable to load class frontend.listener.StartupListener)

What is your output when you do java -version? This will tell you what version the running JVM is.

The Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 error could mean:

  • Your server is running a lower Java version then the one used to compile your Servlet and vice versa

Either way, uninstall all JVM runtimes including JDK and download latest and re-install. That should fix any Unsupported major.minor error as you will have the lastest JRE and JDK (Maybe even newer then the one used to compile the Servlet)

See: (7 Update 25 )

and here: (Java Platform (JDK) 7u25)

for the latest version of the JRE and JDK respectively.


Most likely your code was written in Java7 however maybe it was done using Java7update4 and your system is running Java7update3. Thus they both are effectively the same major version but the minor versions differ. Only the larger minor version is backward compatible with the lower minor version.

Edit 2 : If you have more than one jdk installed on your pc. you should check that Apache Tomcat is using the same one (jre) you are compiling your programs with. If you installed a new jdk after installing apache it normally won't select the new version.


SELECT val1, val2 
SELECT val1, val2

What characters do I need to escape in XML documents?

New, simplified answer to an old, commonly asked question...

Simplified XML Escaping (prioritized, 100% complete)

  1. Always (90% important to remember)

    • Escape < as &lt; unless < is starting a <tag/>.
    • Escape & as &amp; unless & is starting an &entity;.
  2. Attribute Values (9% important to remember)

    • attr=" 'Single quotes' are ok within double quotes."
    • attr=' "Double quotes" are ok within single quotes.'
    • Escape " as &quot; and ' as &apos; otherwise.
  3. Comments, CDATA, and Processing Instructions (0.9% important to remember)

    • <!-- Within comments --> nothing has to be escaped but no -- strings are allowed.
    • <![CDATA[ Within CDATA ]]> nothing has to be escaped, but no ]]> strings are allowed.
    • <?PITarget Within PIs ?> nothing has to be escaped, but no ?> strings are allowed.
  4. Esoterica (0.1% important to remember)

    • Escape ]]> as ]]&gt; unless ]]> is ending a CDATA section.
      (This rule applies to character data in general – even outside a CDATA section.)

How do I show a message in the foreach loop?

You are looking to see if a single value is in an array. Use in_array.

However note that case is important, as are any leading or trailing spaces. Use var_dump to find out the length of the strings too, and see if they fit.

Implicit function declarations in C

An implicitly declared function is one that has neither a prototype nor a definition, but is called somewhere in the code. Because of that, the compiler cannot verify that this is the intended usage of the function (whether the count and the type of the arguments match). Resolving the references to it is done after compilation, at link-time (as with all other global symbols), so technically it is not a problem to skip the prototype.

It is assumed that the programmer knows what he is doing and this is the premise under which the formal contract of providing a prototype is omitted.

Nasty bugs can happen if calling the function with arguments of a wrong type or count. The most likely manifestation of this is a corruption of the stack.

Nowadays this feature might seem as an obscure oddity, but in the old days it was a way to reduce the number of header files included, hence faster compilation.

How to select the first, second, or third element with a given class name?

You probably finally realized this between posting this question and today, but the very nature of selectors makes it impossible to navigate through hierarchically unrelated HTML elements.

Or, to put it simply, since you said in your comment that

there are no uniform parent containers

... it's just not possible with selectors alone, without modifying the markup in some way as shown by the other answers.

You have to use the jQuery .eq() solution.

How to implement history.back() in angular.js

For me, my problem was I needed to navigate back and then transition to another state. So using $window.history.back() didn't work because for some reason the transition happened before history.back() occured so I had to wrap my transition in a timeout function like so.

setTimeout(function() {
  $state.transitionTo(""); }, 100);

This fixed my issue.

Read and Write CSV files including unicode with Python 2.7

Make sure you encode and decode as appropriate.

This example will roundtrip some example text in utf-8 to a csv file and back out to demonstrate:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import csv

tests={'German': [u'Straße',u'auslösen',u'zerstören'], 
       'French': [u'français',u'américaine',u'épais'], 
       'Chinese': [u'???',u'??',u'???']}

with open('/tmp/utf.csv','w') as fout:
    for row in zip(*tests.values()):
        row=[s.encode('utf-8') for s in row]

with open('/tmp/utf.csv','r') as fin:
    for row in reader:
        print fmt.format(*[s.decode('utf-8') for s in temp])


German         Chinese        French         
Straße         ???            français       
auslösen       ??             américaine     
zerstören      ???            épais  

Building with Lombok's @Slf4j and Intellij: Cannot find symbol log

This is another related post Lombok not working with IntelliJ 2020.3 Community Edition which may resolve the question when user use lombook and IntelliJ 2020.3 CommunityEdition.

Angular 2 beta.17: Property 'map' does not exist on type 'Observable<Response>'

In Angular 2x

In example.component.ts

import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

In example.component.html

  Observable.interval(2000).map(valor => 'Async value');

In Angular 5x or Angular 6x:

In example.component.ts

import { Observable, interval, pipe } from 'rxjs';
import {switchMap, map} from 'rxjs/operators';

In example.component.html

valorAsync = interval(2500).pipe(map(valor => 'Async value'));

Can we pass parameters to a view in SQL?

No you can't, as Mladen Prajdic said. Think of a view as a "static filter" on a table or a combination of tables. For example: a view may combine tables Order and Customer so you get a new "table" of rows from Order along with new columns containing the customer's name and the customer number (combination of tables). Or you might create a view that selects only unprocessed orders from the Order table (static filter).

You'd then select from the view like you would select from any other "normal" table - all "non-static" filtering must be done outside the view (like "Get all the orders for customers called Miller" or "Get unprocessed orders that came in on Dec 24th").

Xcode 9 error: "iPhone has denied the launch request"

I had this issue and I'm running on xCode 10.2.1, I'm not sure what is causing it but the first thing you should try to do is do a hard reset of the device you are trying to build to. That fixed it for me just fine. I bet these other answers have merit but any of the answers that tell you to edit the scheme WILL NOT FIX IT but just mask the issue until you need to debug. Try my fix first and see if it works and if it doesn't look at another one. This doesn't seem to be caused by just a single issue.

Want to show/hide div based on dropdown box selection

The core problem is the js errors:

$('#purpose').on('change', function () {
    // if (this.value == '1'); { No semicolon and I used === instead of ==
    if (this.value === '1'){
    } else {
// }); remove

I had to clean up the html & js...I couldn't help myself.


<select id='purpose'>
    <option value="0">Personal use</option>
    <option value="1">Business use</option>
    <option value="2">Passing on to a client</option>
<form id="business">
    <label for="business">Business Name</label>
    <input type='text' class='text' name='business' value size='20' />


#business {


$('#purpose').on('change', function () {
    if(this.value === "1"){
    } else {

Pythonic way to create a long multi-line string

I like this approach because it privileges reading. In cases where we have long strings there is no way! Depending on the level of indentation you are in and still limited to 80 characters per line... Well... No need to say anything else

In my view, the Python style guides are still very vague. I took the Eero Aaltonen approach, because it privileges reading and common sense. I understand that style guides should help us and not make our lives a mess.

class ClassName():
    def method_name():
        if condition_0:
            if condition_1:
                if condition_2:
                    some_variable_0 =\
        'some_attr_0': 'value_0',
        'some_attr_1': 'value_1',
        'some_attr_2': '""" + some_variable_1 + """'

Binding IIS Express to an IP Address

I think you can.

To do this you need to edit applicationhost.config file manually (edit bindingInformation '<ip-address>:<port>:<host-name>')

To start iisexpress, you need administrator privileges

How to resolve "gpg: command not found" error during RVM installation?

As the instruction said "might need gpg2"

In mac, you can try install it with homebrew

$ brew install gpg2 

Remove folder and its contents from git/GitHub's history

Complete copy&paste recipe, just adding the commands in the comments (for the copy-paste solution), after testing them:

git filter-branch --tree-filter 'rm -rf node_modules' --prune-empty HEAD
echo node_modules/ >> .gitignore
git add .gitignore
git commit -m 'Removing node_modules from git history'
git gc
git push origin master --force

After this, you can remove the line "node_modules/" from .gitignore

Clicking a checkbox with ng-click does not update the model

.task{ng:{repeat:'task in model.tasks'}}

Static Classes In Java

All good answers, but I did not saw a reference to java.util.Collections which uses tons of static inner class for their static factor methods. So adding the same.

Adding an example from java.util.Collections which has multiple static inner class. Inner classes are useful to group code which needs to be accessed via outer class.

 * @serial include
static class UnmodifiableSet<E> extends UnmodifiableCollection<E>
                             implements Set<E>, Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -9215047833775013803L;

    UnmodifiableSet(Set<? extends E> s)     {super(s);}
    public boolean equals(Object o) {return o == this || c.equals(o);}
    public int hashCode()           {return c.hashCode();}

Here is the static factor method in the java.util.Collections class

public static <T> Set<T> unmodifiableSet(Set<? extends T> s) {
    return new UnmodifiableSet<>(s);

Why .NET String is immutable?

  1. Instances of immutable types are inherently thread-safe, since no thread can modify it, the risk of a thread modifying it in a way that interferes with another is removed (the reference itself is a different matter).
  2. Similarly, the fact that aliasing can't produce changes (if x and y both refer to the same object a change to x entails a change to y) allows for considerable compiler optimisations.
  3. Memory-saving optimisations are also possible. Interning and atomising being the most obvious examples, though we can do other versions of the same principle. I once produced a memory saving of about half a GB by comparing immutable objects and replacing references to duplicates so that they all pointed to the same instance (time-consuming, but a minute's extra start-up to save a massive amount of memory was a performance win in the case in question). With mutable objects that can't be done.
  4. No side-effects can come from passing an immutable type as a method to a parameter unless it is out or ref (since that changes the reference, not the object). A programmer therefore knows that if string x = "abc" at the start of a method, and that doesn't change in the body of the method, then x == "abc" at the end of the method.
  5. Conceptually, the semantics are more like value types; in particular equality is based on state rather than identity. This means that "abc" == "ab" + "c". While this doesn't require immutability, the fact that a reference to such a string will always equal "abc" throughout its lifetime (which does require immutability) makes uses as keys where maintaining equality to previous values is vital, much easier to ensure correctness of (strings are indeed commonly used as keys).
  6. Conceptually, it can make more sense to be immutable. If we add a month onto Christmas, we haven't changed Christmas, we have produced a new date in late January. It makes sense therefore that Christmas.AddMonths(1) produces a new DateTime rather than changing a mutable one. (Another example, if I as a mutable object change my name, what has changed is which name I am using, "Jon" remains immutable and other Jons will be unaffected.
  7. Copying is fast and simple, to create a clone just return this. Since the copy can't be changed anyway, pretending something is its own copy is safe.
  8. [Edit, I'd forgotten this one]. Internal state can be safely shared between objects. For example, if you were implementing list which was backed by an array, a start index and a count, then the most expensive part of creating a sub-range would be copying the objects. However, if it was immutable then the sub-range object could reference the same array, with only the start index and count having to change, with a very considerable change to construction time.

In all, for objects which don't have undergoing change as part of their purpose, there can be many advantages in being immutable. The main disadvantage is in requiring extra constructions, though even here it's often overstated (remember, you have to do several appends before StringBuilder becomes more efficient than the equivalent series of concatenations, with their inherent construction).

It would be a disadvantage if mutability was part of the purpose of an object (who'd want to be modeled by an Employee object whose salary could never ever change) though sometimes even then it can be useful (in a many web and other stateless applications, code doing read operations is separate from that doing updates, and using different objects may be natural - I wouldn't make an object immutable and then force that pattern, but if I already had that pattern I might make my "read" objects immutable for the performance and correctness-guarantee gain).

Copy-on-write is a middle ground. Here the "real" class holds a reference to a "state" class. State classes are shared on copy operations, but if you change the state, a new copy of the state class is created. This is more often used with C++ than C#, which is why it's std:string enjoys some, but not all, of the advantages of immutable types, while remaining mutable.

ionic build Android | error: No installed build tools found. Please install the Android build tools

This is very irritating error and i wasted my almost 9 hours to solve this.

Steps to solve:

Notice **ANDROID_HOME** while you run **ionic cordova build android** . command i. for example in my case it was pointing to some other android sdk which i uninstalled and then it started pointing to right sdk.
**In my case i uninstalled :**

brew cask uninstall android-sdk
brew cask uninstall android-platform-tool

then i ran **ionic cordova build android**

> cordova build android

Then it might say lineces not accepted then run below command :

cd /Users/Android/sdk/tools/bin/
then run ./sdkmanager --licenses
accepts all with y option

Then it might say unable to download jars then go to platform android and build.gradle

and search for buildscript and inside that reverse the order 

repositories {
        maven {
            url ""

Thats it . Enjoy huh

How to make "if not true condition"?

What am I doing wrong?

$(...) holds the value, not the exit status, that is why this approach is wrong. However, in this specific case, it does indeed work because sysa will be printed which makes the test statement come true. However, if ! [ $(true) ]; then echo false; fi would always print false because the true command does not write anything to stdout (even though the exit code is 0). That is why it needs to be rephrased to if ! grep ...; then.

An alternative would be cat /etc/passwd | grep "sysa" || echo error. Edit: As Alex pointed out, cat is useless here: grep "sysa" /etc/passwd || echo error.

Found the other answers rather confusing, hope this helps someone.

Multiline editing in Visual Studio Code

My settings: Windows 8.1 64 bits, Visual Studio Code version 1.33.1.

Problem: Conflict with keyboard shortcuts of Intel HD Graphics 4000

I had a problem when I was using the default shortcuts of the Visual Studio Code (Ctrl + Alt + UP, Ctrl + Alt + DOWN). In my case, these commands were turning my screen in 0º and 180º respectively. It's happening, because there is the Graphic Intel application installed on my computer. Then, I just disable the shortcuts of this application.

Here is an tutorial to help someone.

RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField received a naive datetime

One can both fix the warning and use the timezone specified in, which might be different from UTC.

For example in my I have:

USE_TZ = True
TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/Paris'

Here is a solution; the advantage is that str(mydate) gives the correct time:

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from django.utils.timezone import get_current_timezone
>>> mydate =
>>> mydate
datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 10, 11, 16, 9, 184106, 
    tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Paris' CET+1:00:00 STD>)
>>> str(mydate)
'2019-03-10 11:16:09.184106+01:00'

Another equivalent method is using make_aware, see dmrz post.

How to make a list of n numbers in Python and randomly select any number?

You can try this code

import random
N = 5
count_list = range(1,N+1)

while count_list:
    value = count_list.pop()
    # do whatever you want with 'value'

Selenium and xpath: finding a div with a class/id and verifying text inside

To verify this:-

<div class="Caption">
  Model saved

Write this -

//div[contains(@class, 'Caption') and text()='Model saved']

And to verify this:-

<div id="alertLabel" class="gwt-HTML sfnStandardLeftMargin sfnStandardRightMargin sfnStandardTopMargin">
  Save to server successful

Write this -

//div[@id='alertLabel' and text()='Save to server successful']

Dynamically updating css in Angular 2

In Html:

<div [style.maxHeight]="maxHeightForScrollContainer + 'px'">

In Ts

this.maxHeightForScrollContainer = 200 //your custom maxheight

git index.lock File exists when I try to commit, but cannot delete the file

On Linux, Unix, Git Bash, or Cygwin, try:

rm -f .git/index.lock

On Windows Command Prompt, try:

del .git\index.lock

For Windows:

  • From a PowerShell console opened as administrator, try

    rm -Force ./.git/index.lock
  • If that does not work, you must kill all git.exe processes

    taskkill /F /IM git.exe

    SUCCESS: The process "git.exe" with PID 20448 has been terminated.
    SUCCESS: The process "git.exe" with PID 11312 has been terminated.
    SUCCESS: The process "git.exe" with PID 23868 has been terminated.
    SUCCESS: The process "git.exe" with PID 27496 has been terminated.
    SUCCESS: The process "git.exe" with PID 33480 has been terminated.
    SUCCESS: The process "git.exe" with PID 28036 has been terminated. \

    rm -Force ./.git/index.lock

Dynamically change bootstrap progress bar value when checkboxes checked

Bootstrap 4 progress bar

<div class="progress">
<div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" style="" aria-valuenow="" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>


change progress bar on next/previous page actions

var count = Number(document.getElementById('count').innerHTML); //set this on page load in a hidden field after an ajax call
var total = document.getElementById('total').innerHTML; //set this on initial page load
var pcg = Math.floor(count/total*100);        

Understanding passport serialize deserialize

  1. Where does go after passport.serializeUser has been called?

The user id (you provide as the second argument of the done function) is saved in the session and is later used to retrieve the whole object via the deserializeUser function.

serializeUser determines which data of the user object should be stored in the session. The result of the serializeUser method is attached to the session as req.session.passport.user = {}. Here for instance, it would be (as we provide the user id as the key) req.session.passport.user = {id: 'xyz'}

  1. We are calling passport.deserializeUser right after it where does it fit in the workflow?

The first argument of deserializeUser corresponds to the key of the user object that was given to the done function (see 1.). So your whole object is retrieved with help of that key. That key here is the user id (key can be any key of the user object i.e. name,email etc). In deserializeUser that key is matched with the in memory array / database or any data resource.

The fetched object is attached to the request object as req.user

Visual Flow

passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) {
});              ¦
                 +--------------------? saved to session
                                   ¦    req.session.passport.user = {id: '..'}
passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) {
    User.findById(id, function(err, user) {
        done(err, user);
    });            +--------------? user object attaches to the request as req.user   

Spring 3 MVC resources and tag <mvc:resources />

You can keep rsouces directory in Directory NetBeans: Web Pages Eclipse: webapps

File: dispatcher-servlet.xml

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!-- was: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> -->
<beans xmlns=""

    <context:component-scan base-package="controller" />

    <bean id="viewResolver"
          p:suffix=".jsp" />

    <mvc:resources location="/resources/theme_name/" mapping="/resources/**"  cache-period="10000"/>


File: web.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="3.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

In JSP File

<link href="<c:url value="/resources/css/default.css"/>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

jQuery: using a variable as a selector

You're thinking too complicated. It's actually just $('#'+openaddress).

When should static_cast, dynamic_cast, const_cast and reinterpret_cast be used?

Does this answer your question?

I have never used reinterpret_cast, and wonder whether running into a case that needs it isn't a smell of bad design. In the code base I work on dynamic_cast is used a lot. The difference with static_cast is that a dynamic_cast does runtime checking which may (safer) or may not (more overhead) be what you want (see msdn).

How to convert a string to an integer in JavaScript?

Try str - 0 to convert string to number.

> str = '0'
> str - 0
> str = '123'
> str - 0
> str = '-12'
> str - 0
> str = 'asdf'
> str - 0
> str = '12.34'
> str - 0

Here are two links to compare the performance of several ways to convert string to int

Concatenate two string literals

The difference between a string (or to be precise, std::string) and a character literal is that for the latter there is no + operator defined. This is why the second example fails.

In the first case, the compiler can find a suitable operator+ with the first argument being a string and the second a character literal (const char*) so it used that. The result of that operation is again a string, so it repeats the same trick when adding "!" to it.

"Invalid signature file" when attempting to run a .jar

Some of your dependencies are likely signed jarfiles. When you combine them all into one big jarfile, the corresponding signature files are still present, and no longer match the "big combined" jarfile, so the runtime halts thinking the jar file has been tampered with (which it...has so to speak).

Assuming you're using ant, you can solve the problem by eliminating the signature files from your jarfile dependencies. Unfortunately, it's not possible to do this in one step in ant.

However, I was able to get this working with Ant in two steps, without specifically naming each jarfile dependency, by using:

<target name="jar" depends="compile" description="Create one big jarfile.">
    <jar jarfile="${output.dir}/deps.jar">
        <zipgroupfileset dir="jars">
            <include name="**/*.jar" />
    <sleep seconds="1" />
    <jar jarfile="${output.dir}/myjar.jar" basedir="${classes.dir}">
        <zipfileset src="${output.dir}/deps.jar" excludes="META-INF/*.SF" />
            <attribute name="Main-Class" value="com.mycompany.MyMain" />

The sleep element is supposed to prevent errors about files with modification dates in the future.

Other variations I found in the linked threads didn't work for me.

Call and receive output from Python script in Java?

You can try using groovy. It runs on the JVM and it comes with great support for running external processes and extracting the output:

You can see in this code taken from the same link how groovy makes it easy to get the status of the process:

println "return code: ${ proc.exitValue()}"
println "stderr: ${proc.err.text}"
println "stdout: ${}" // *out* from the external program is *in* for groovy

UICollectionView cell selection and cell reuse

I had a horizontal scrolling collection view (I use collection view in Tableview) and I too faced problems withcell reuse, whenever I select one item and scroll towards right, some other cells in the next visible set gets select automatically. Trying to solve this using any custom cell properties like "selected", highlighted etc didnt help me so I came up with the below solution and this worked for me.


Create a variable in the collectionView to store the selected index, here I have used a class level variable called selectedIndex

- (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath


    MyCVCell *cell = (MyCVCell*)[collectionView dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"MyCVCell" forIndexPath:indexPath];    

// When scrolling happens, set the selection status only if the index matches the selected Index

if (selectedIndex == indexPath.row) {

        cell.layer.borderWidth = 1.0;

        cell.layer.borderColor = [[UIColor redColor] CGColor];

        // Turn off the selection
        cell.layer.borderWidth = 0.0;

    return cell;

- (void)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView didSelectItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath

    MyCVCell *cell = (MyCVCell *)[collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:indexPath];
    // Set the index once user taps on a cell
    selectedIndex = indexPath.row;
    // Set the selection here so that selection of cell is shown to ur user immediately
    cell.layer.borderWidth = 1.0;
    cell.layer.borderColor = [[UIColor redColor] CGColor];
    [cell setNeedsDisplay];

- (void)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView didDeselectItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath


    MyCVCell *cell = (MyCVCell *)[collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:indexPath];

    // Set the index to an invalid value so that the cells get deselected
    selectedIndex = -1;
    cell.layer.borderWidth = 0.0;
    [cell setNeedsDisplay];



Excel formula to search if all cells in a range read "True", if not, then show "False"

You can just AND the results together if they are stored as TRUE / FALSE values:


Or if stored as text, use an array formula - enter the below and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter instead of Enter.


Zsh: Conda/Pip installs command not found

  1. Find the right version of your anaconda

  2. Put it to ~/.zshrc via command vim ~/.zshrc

    • Anaconda 2 export PATH="/User/<your-username>/anaconda2/bin:$PATH"
    • Anaconda 3 export PATH="/User/<your-username>/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
    • Or if you install Anaconda in root directory:
    • Anaconda 2 export PATH="/anaconda2/bin:$PATH"
    • Anaconda 3 export PATH="/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
  3. Restart the zsh source ~/.zshrc

QtCreator: No valid kits found

Another way to solve this issue (I did it on Ubuntu 16.04 but it might also work for windows and other Ubuntu versions):

While going through the installation steps, when you reach the step where you choose which packages to install via check boxes, instead of just pressing next with the default "Tools" checkbox selected also check the box for the version of QT you would like in addition to the "Tools" box. I usually check the first box which is the latest version of QT.

After doing this you should not see the "no valid kits found" issue described in this thread.

Happy Coding.

get one item from an array of name,value JSON

To answer your exact question you can get the exact behaviour you want by extending the Array prototype with:

Array.prototype.get = function(name) {
    for (var i=0, len=this.length; i<len; i++) {
        if (typeof this[i] != "object") continue;
        if (this[i].name === name) return this[i].value;

this will add the get() method to all arrays and let you do what you want, i.e:

arr.get('k1'); //= abc

How can I display a tooltip on an HTML "option" tag?

I don't think this would be possible to do across all browsers.

W3Schools reports that the option events exist in all browsers, but after setting up this test demo. I can only get it to work for Firefox (not Chrome or IE), I haven't tested it on other browsers.

Firefox also allows mouseenter and mouseleave but this is not reported on the w3schools page.

Update: Honestly, from looking at the example code you provided, I wouldn't even use a select box. I think it would look nicer with a slider. I've updated your demo. I had to make a few minor changes to your ratings object (adding a level number) and the safesurf tab. But I left pretty much everything else intact.

Very Simple, Very Smooth, JavaScript Marquee

I've made very simple function for marquee. See: It pauses on mouseover & resumes on mouseleave. Speed can be varied. Easy to understand.

function marquee(a, b) {
var width = b.width();
var start_pos = a.width();
var end_pos = -width;

function scroll() {
    if (b.position().left <= -width) {
        b.css('left', start_pos);
    else {
        time = (parseInt(b.position().left, 10) - end_pos) *
            (10000 / (start_pos - end_pos)); // Increase or decrease speed by changing value 10000
            'left': -width
        }, time, 'linear', function() {

    'width': width,
    'left': start_pos
scroll(a, b);
b.mouseenter(function() {     // Remove these lines
    b.stop();                 //
    b.clearQueue();           // if you don't want
});                           //
b.mouseleave(function() {     // marquee to pause
    scroll(a, b);             //
});                           // on mouse over

$(document).ready(function() {
    marquee($('#display'), $('#text'));  //Enter name of container element & marquee element

Check if program is running with bash shell script?

PROCESS="process name shown in ps -ef"
START_OR_STOP=1        # 0 = start | 1 = stop


until [ $COUNT -gt $MAX ] ; do
        echo -ne "."
        PROCESS_NUM=$(ps -ef | grep "$PROCESS" | grep -v `basename $0` | grep -v "grep" | wc -l)
        if [ $PROCESS_NUM -gt 0 ]; then

        if [ $RET -eq $START_OR_STOP ]; then
            sleep 5 #wait...
            if [ $START_OR_STOP -eq 1 ]; then
                    echo -ne " stopped"
                    echo -ne " started"
            exit 0
        let COUNT=COUNT+1

if [ $START_OR_STOP -eq 1 ]; then
    echo -ne " !!$PROCESS failed to stop!! "
    echo -ne " !!$PROCESS failed to start!! "
exit 1

CSS endless rotation animation

Infinite rotation animation in CSS

  animation: rotate 1.5s linear infinite; _x000D_
@keyframes rotate{_x000D_
  to{ transform: rotate(360deg); }_x000D_
  display:inline-block; width: 50px; height: 50px;_x000D_
  border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
  box-shadow: inset -2px 0 0 2px #0bf;_x000D_
<span class="spinner rotate"></span>

MDN - Web CSS Animation

Difference between scaling horizontally and vertically for databases

Traditional relational databases were designed as client/server database systems. They can be scaled horizontally but the process to do so tends to be complex and error prone. NewSQL databases like NuoDB are memory-centric distributed database systems designed to scale out horizontally while maintaining the SQL/ACID properties of traditional RDBMS.

For more information on NuoDB, read their technical white paper.

How to completely uninstall python 2.7.13 on Ubuntu 16.04

try following to see all instances of python

whereis python
which python

Then remove all instances using:

sudo apt autoremove python

repeat sudo apt autoremove python(for all versions) that should do it, then install Anaconda and manage Pythons however you like if you need to reinstall it.

Plot 3D data in R

Adding to the solutions of others, I'd like to suggest using the plotly package for R, as this has worked well for me.

Below, I'm using the reformatted dataset suggested above, from xyz-tripplets to axis vectors x and y and a matrix z:

x <- 1:5/10
y <- 1:5
z <- x %o% y
z <- z + .2*z*runif(25) - .1*z

plot_ly(x=x,y=y,z=z, type="surface")

enter image description here

The rendered surface can be rotated and scaled using the mouse. This works fairly well in RStudio.

You can also try it with the built-in volcano dataset from R:

plot_ly(z=volcano, type="surface")

enter image description here

Regular expression that doesn't contain certain string

In general it's a pain to write a regular expression not containing a particular string. We had to do this for models of computation - you take an NFA, which is easy enough to define, and then reduce it to a regular expression. The expression for things not containing "cat" was about 80 characters long.

Edit: I just finished and yes, it's:

aa([^a] | a[^a])aa

Here is a very brief tutorial. I found some great ones before, but I can't see them anymore.

How to check if character is a letter in Javascript?

It's possible to know if the character is a letter or not by using a standard builtin function isNaN or Number.isNaN() from ES6:

isNaN('s') // true
isNaN('-') // true
isNaN('32') // false, '32' is converted to the number 32 which is not NaN

It retruns true if the given value is not a number, otherwise false.

How to concatenate string variables in Bash

echo "${bla}ohai${laber}bye"

Will output


This is useful when $blaohai leads to a variable not found error. Or if you have spaces or other special characters in your strings. "${foo}" properly escapes anything you put into it.

How do I delete NuGet packages that are not referenced by any project in my solution?

If you want to use Visual Studio option, please see How to remove Nuget Packages from Existing Visual Studio solution:

Step 1:

In Visual Studio, Go to Tools/NuGet Package Manager/Manage NuGet Packages for Solution…

Step 2:

UnCheck your project(s) from Current solution

Step 3:

Unselect project(s) and press OK

How do I accomplish an if/else in mustache.js?

This is how you do if/else in Mustache (perfectly supported):

  No repos :(

Or in your case:

    <img src="{{avatar}}"/>
    <img src="/images/default_avatar.png" height="75" width="75" />

Look for inverted sections in the docs:

How to use bootstrap datepicker

Just add this below JS file

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $('your input's id or class with # or .').datepicker({
            format: "dd/mm/yyyy"

How to overlay one div over another div

You need to add a parent with a relative position, inside this parent you can set the absolute position of your divs

<div> <------Relative
  <div/> <------Absolute
  <div/> <------Absolute
  <div/> <------Absolute

Final result:

enter image description here

<div class="container">
  <div class="header">TOP: I am at Top & above of body container</div>
    <div class="center">CENTER: I am at Top & in Center of body container</div>
  <div class="footer">BOTTOM: I am at Bottom & above of body container</div>

Set HTML Body full width

 html, body {
  overflow: hidden;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

After that, you can set a div with the relative position to take full width and height

.container {
  position: relative;
  background-color: blue;
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
  border:1px solid;
  color: white;
  background-image: url("");
  background-color: #cccccc;

Inside this div with the relative position you can put your div with absolute positions

On TOP above the container

.header {
  position: absolute;
  margin-top: -10px;
  background-color: #d81b60 ;
  font-size: large;

On BOTTOM above the container

.footer {
  position: absolute;
  background-color: #00bfa5;
  color: white;
  font-size: large;


In CENTER above the container

.center {
  position: absolute;
  background-color: #00bfa5;
  left:  30%;
  right: 30%;
  top: 30%;
  color: white;
  font-size: large;

Apache Prefork vs Worker MPM

Apache has 2 types of MPM (Multi-Processing Modules) defined:

1:Prefork 2: Worker

By default, Apacke is configured in preforked mode i.e. non-threaded pre-forking web server. That means that each Apache child process contains a single thread and handles one request at a time. Because of that, it consumes more resources.

Apache also has the worker MPM that turns Apache into a multi-process, multi-threaded web server. Worker MPM uses multiple child processes with many threads each.

HTTP post XML data in C#

AlliterativeAlice's example helped me tremendously. In my case, though, the server I was talking to didn't like having single quotes around utf-8 in the content type. It failed with a generic "Server Error" and it took hours to figure out what it didn't like:

request.ContentType = "text/xml; encoding=utf-8";

running php script (php function) in linux bash

php -f test.php

See the manual for full details of running PHP from the command line

Get-WmiObject : The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)

I found this blog post which suggested adding a firewall exception for "Remote Administration", and that worked for us on our Windows Server 2008 Enterprise systems.

JFrame: How to disable window resizing?

You can use this.setResizable(false); or frameObject.setResizable(false);

How to compute the sum and average of elements in an array?

If you are in need of the average and can skip the requirement of calculating the sum, you can compute the average with a single call of reduce:

// Assumes an array with only values that can be parsed to a Float
var reducer = function(cumulativeAverage, currentValue, currentIndex) {
  // 1. multiply average by currentIndex to find cumulative sum of previous elements
  // 2. add currentValue to get cumulative sum, including current element
  // 3. divide by total number of elements, including current element (zero-based index + 1)
  return (cumulativeAverage * currentIndex + parseFloat(currentValue))/(currentIndex + 1)
console.log([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10].reduce(reducer, 0)); // => 5.5
console.log([].reduce(reducer, 0)); // => 0
console.log([0].reduce(reducer, 0)); // => 0
console.log([].reduce(reducer, 0)); // => 0
console.log([,,,].reduce(reducer, 0)); // => 0
console.log([].reduce(reducer, 0)); // => 0

SQL Server Insert if not exists

Different SQL, same principle. Only insert if the clause in where not exists fails

    SELECT '2014-12-26 22:00',
        (SELECT 1
         WHERE PriceDate = '2014-12-26 22:00'
           AND TimeFrame = 'W')

Running Groovy script from the command line

You need to run the script like this:

groovy helloworld.groovy

Error in spring application context schema

If you don't have control those files, as those files can be part of other projects and you are not authorized to make any changes, then you can bypass those errors in eclipse by going, Preferences --> XML --> XML Files --> Validation --> Referenced file contains errors --> choose Ignore option.

And let project get's validated, the error message will disappear.

Android Get Current timestamp?

You can get Current timestamp in Android by trying below code


and timeStamp to time format

SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
String dateString = formatter.format(new Date(Long.parseLong(time.getText().toString())));

PHP MySQL Query Where x = $variable

What you are doing right now is you are adding . on the string and not concatenating. It should be,

$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT `note` FROM `glogin_users` WHERE email = '".$email."'");

or simply

$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT `note` FROM `glogin_users` WHERE email = '$email'");

Xcode - iPhone - profile doesn't match any valid certificate-/private-key pair in the default keychain

This also can happen if the device you are trying to run on has some older version of the provisioning profile you are using that points to an old, expired or revoked certificate or a certificate without associated private key. Delete any invalid Provisioning Profiles under your device section in Xcode organizer.

How to replace values at specific indexes of a python list?

numpy has arrays that allow you to use other lists/arrays as indices:

import numpy

Remove an array element and shift the remaining ones

You just need to overwrite what you're deleting with the next value in the array, propagate that change, and then keep in mind where the new end is:

int array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};

// delete 3 (index 2)
for (int i = 2; i < 8; ++i)
    array[i] = array[i + 1]; // copy next element left

Now your array is {1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9}. You cannot delete the extra 9 since this is a statically-sized array, you just have to ignore it. This can be done with std::copy:

std::copy(array + 3, // copy everything starting here
          array + 9, // and ending here, not including it,
          array + 2) // to this destination

In C++11, use can use std::move (the algorithm overload, not the utility overload) instead.

More generally, use std::remove to remove elements matching a value:

// remove *all* 3's, return new ending (remaining elements unspecified)
auto arrayEnd = std::remove(std::begin(array), std::end(array), 3);

Even more generally, there is std::remove_if.

Note that the use of std::vector<int> may be more appropriate here, as its a "true" dynamically-allocated resizing array. (In the sense that asking for its size() reflects removed elements.)

How to loop through a HashMap in JSP?

Below code works for me

first I defined the partnerTypesMap like below in the server side,

Map<String, String> partnerTypes = new HashMap<>();

after adding values to it I added the object to model,

model.addAttribute("partnerTypesMap", partnerTypes);

When rendering the page I use below foreach to print them one by one.

<c:forEach items="${partnerTypesMap}" var="partnerTypesMap">
      <form:option value="${partnerTypesMap['value']}">${partnerTypesMap['key']}</form:option>

Should I always use a parallel stream when possible?

A parallel stream has a much higher overhead compared to a sequential one. Coordinating the threads takes a significant amount of time. I would use sequential streams by default and only consider parallel ones if

  • I have a massive amount of items to process (or the processing of each item takes time and is parallelizable)

  • I have a performance problem in the first place

  • I don't already run the process in a multi-thread environment (for example: in a web container, if I already have many requests to process in parallel, adding an additional layer of parallelism inside each request could have more negative than positive effects)

In your example, the performance will anyway be driven by the synchronized access to System.out.println(), and making this process parallel will have no effect, or even a negative one.

Moreover, remember that parallel streams don't magically solve all the synchronization problems. If a shared resource is used by the predicates and functions used in the process, you'll have to make sure that everything is thread-safe. In particular, side effects are things you really have to worry about if you go parallel.

In any case, measure, don't guess! Only a measurement will tell you if the parallelism is worth it or not.

Android "gps requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" error, even though my manifest file contains this

My simple solution is this

if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) ==
        PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED &&
        ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) ==
        PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
} else {
    Toast.makeText(this, R.string.error_permission_map, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

or you can open permission dialog in else like this

} else {
   ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[] {
      Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION }, 

How do you use script variables in psql?

I've posted a new solution for this on another thread.

It uses a table to store variables, and can be updated at any time. A static immutable getter function is dynamically created (by another function), triggered by update to your table. You get nice table storage, plus the blazing fast speeds of an immutable getter.

org.springframework.beans.factory.CannotLoadBeanClassException: Cannot find class

i recently experienced this issue when i was trying to build and suddenly the laptop battery ran out of charge. I just removed all the servers from eclipse and then restore it. after doing that, i re-built the war file and it worked.

BigDecimal to string

If you just need to set precision quantity and round the value, the right way to do this is use it's own object for this.

BigDecimal value = new BigDecimal("10.0001");
value = value.setScale(4, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
System.out.println(value); //the return should be "10.0001"

One of the pillars of Oriented Object Programming (OOP) is "encapsulation", this pillar also says that an object should deal with it's own operations, like in this way:

Format Date as "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"

Call the toISOString() method:

var dt = new Date("30 July 2010 15:05 UTC");

// Output:
//  2010-07-30T15:05:00.000Z

Nginx: Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited

  • use these command to

    1. sudo service apache2 stop

    2. sudo apt-get purge apache2

    3. sudo apt-get update

    4. sudo apt-get install nginx

    5. sudo service nginx restart

Advantages of SQL Server 2008 over SQL Server 2005?

There are new features added. But, you will have to see if it is worth the upgrade. Some good improvements in Management Studio 2008 though, especially the intellisense for the Query Editor.

ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor: Include JavaScript file in the head tag

You can use Named Sections.


    <script type="text/javascript" src="@Url.Content("/Scripts/jquery-1.6.2.min.js")"></script>
    @RenderSection("JavaScript", required: false)


@section JavaScript
   <script type="text/javascript" src="@Url.Content("/Scripts/SomeScript.js")"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript" src="@Url.Content("/Scripts/AnotherScript.js")"></script>

CSS z-index not working (position absolute)


You have to put the second div on top of the first one because the both have an z-index of zero so that the order in the dom will decide which is on top. This also affects the relative positioned div because its z-index relates to elements inside the parent div.

<div class="absolute" style="top: 54px"></div>
<div class="absolute">
    <div id="relative"></div>

Css stays the same.

Can you do greater than comparison on a date in a Rails 3 search?

If you aren't a fan of passing in a string, I prefer how @sesperanto has done it, except to make it even more concise, you could drop Float::INFINITY in the date range and instead simply use created_at: p[:date]..

    notetype: p[:note_type],
    created_at: p[:date]..
).order(:date, :created_at)

Take note that this will change the query to be >= instead of >. If that's a concern, you could always add a unit of time to the date by running something like p[:date] +

X-Frame-Options on apache

This worked for me on all browsers:

  1. Created one page with all my javascript
  2. Created a 2nd page on the same server and embedded the first page using the object tag.
  3. On my third party site I used the Object tag to embed the 2nd page.
  4. Created a .htaccess file on the original server in the public_html folder and put Header unset X-Frame-Options in it.

Algorithm to convert RGB to HSV and HSV to RGB in range 0-255 for both

I'm not C++ developer so I will not provide code. But I can provide simple hsv2rgb algorithm (rgb2hsv here) which I currently discover - I update wiki with description: HSV and HLS. Main improvement is that I carefully observe r,g,b as hue functions and introduce simpler shape function to describe them (without loosing accuracy). The Algorithm - on input we have: h (0-255), s (0-255), v(0-255)

r = 255*f(5),   g = 255*f(3),   b = 255*f(1)

We use function f described as follows

f(n) = v/255 - (v/255)*(s/255)*max(min(k,4-k,1),0)

where (mod can return fraction part; k is floating point number)

k = (n+h*360/(255*60)) mod 6;

Here are snippets/PoV in SO in JS: HSV and HSL

What is a callback URL in relation to an API?

I'll make this pretty simple for you. When a transaction is initiated, it goes under processing stage until it reaches the terminal stage. Once it reaches the terminal stage, the transaction status is posted by the payment gateway to the callback url which generally the merchants use as a reference to show the success/failure page to the user. Hope this helps?

Finding the average of an array using JS

The average function you can do is:

const getAverage = (arr) => arr.reduce((p, c) => p + c, 0) / arr.length

Also, I suggest that use the popoular open source tool, eg. Lodash:

const _ = require('lodash')
const getAverage = (arr) => _.chain(arr)

jQuery returning "parsererror" for ajax request

the problem is that your controller returning string or other object that can't be parsed. the ajax call expected to get Json in return. try to return JsonResult in the controller like that:

 public JsonResult YourAction()
        ...return Json(YourReturnObject);


hope it helps :)

How to save a base64 image to user's disk using JavaScript?

HTML5 download attribute

Just to allow user to download the image or other file you may use the HTML5 download attribute.

Static file download

<a href="/images/image-name.jpg" download>
<!-- OR -->
<a href="/images/image-name.jpg" download="new-image-name.jpg"> 

Dynamic file download

In cases requesting image dynamically it is possible to emulate such download.

If your image is already loaded and you have the base64 source then:

function saveBase64AsFile(base64, fileName) {
    var link = document.createElement("a");

    document.body.appendChild(link); // for Firefox

    link.setAttribute("href", base64);
    link.setAttribute("download", fileName);;

Otherwise if image file is downloaded as Blob you can use FileReader to convert it to Base64:

function saveBlobAsFile(blob, fileName) {
    var reader = new FileReader();

    reader.onloadend = function () {    
        var base64 = reader.result ;
        var link = document.createElement("a");

        document.body.appendChild(link); // for Firefox

        link.setAttribute("href", base64);
        link.setAttribute("download", fileName);;



The anchor tag you are creating also needs to be added to the DOM in Firefox, in order to be recognized for click events (Link).

IE is not supported: Caniuse link

Remote desktop connection protocol error 0x112f

I got the same error recently. I think McX is right it was caused by insufficient memory on RDP server. Here is the solution that works for us.

  1. use sc cmd to get running services on the remote server. Make sure you can use windows explorer to access the remote server \\remote_server.

    sc \\<remote_server> query

  2. find out the service you can stop.

    sc \\<remote_server> stop <service_name>

After stopping one service, the remote desktop works again.

Is it possible to use Java 8 for Android development?

I figured I would post an updated answer for those looking at for something a little more current.

Currently Android and Android Studio are supporting a subset of Java 8 features. According to the Android documentation located on their website, Google says:

Support for Java 8 language features requires a new compiler called Jack. Jack is supported only on Android Studio 2.1 and higher. So if you want to use Java 8 language features, you need to use Android Studio 2.1 to build your app.

If you already have Android Studio installed, make sure you update to the latest version by clicking Help > Check for Update (on Mac, Android Studio > Check for Updates). If you don't already have the IDE installed on your workstation, download Android Studio here.

Supported Java 8 Language Features and APIs

Android does not support all Java 8 language features. However, the following features are available when developing apps targeting Android 7.0 (API level 24):

  • Default and static interface methods Lambda expressions (also available on API level 23 and lower)
  • Repeatable annotations
  • Method References (also available on API level 23 and lower)
  • Type Annotations (also available on API level 23 and lower)

Additionally, the following Java 8 language APIs are also available:

Reflection and language-related APIs:

  • java.lang.FunctionalInterface
  • java.lang.annotation.Repeatable
  • java.lang.reflect.Method.isDefault() and Reflection APIs associated with repeatable annotations, such as AnnotatedElement.getAnnotationsByType(Class)

Utility APIs:

  • java.util.function

In order to use the new Java 8 language features, you need to also use the Jack toolchain. This new Android toolchain compiles Java language sources into Android-readable DEX bytecode, has its own .jack library format, and provides most toolchain features as part of a single tool: repackaging, shrinking, obfuscation and multidex.

Here is a comparison of the two toolchains used to build Android DEX files:

Legacy javac toolchain:
    javac (.java ? .class) ? dx (.class ? .dex)
    New Jack toolchain:
    Jack (.java ? .jack ? .dex)

Measuring code execution time

If you are looking for the amount of time that the associated thread has spent running code inside the application.
You can use ProcessThread.UserProcessorTime Property which you can get under System.Diagnostics namespace.

TimeSpan startTime= Process.GetCurrentProcess().Threads[i].UserProcessorTime; // i being your thread number, make it 0 for main
//Write your function here
TimeSpan duration = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Threads[i].UserProcessorTime.Subtract(startTime);

Console.WriteLine($"Time caluclated by CurrentProcess method: {duration.TotalSeconds}"); // This syntax works only with C# 6.0 and above

Note: If you are using multi threads, you can calculate the time of each thread individually and sum it up for calculating the total duration.

Where can I get Google developer key

You should be able to generate a Youtube API key there.

The recommended way to authorize your API call is to use OAuth 2.0 (without API key), as pointed by the documentation an API key is only necessary when using OAuth 1.0 credentials.

The API key for your application can be found in the Google APIs Console in API Access > Simple API.

jQuery change event on dropdown

You should've kept that DOM ready function

$(function() {
    $("#projectKey").change(function() {
        alert( $('option:selected', this).text() );

The document isn't ready if you added the javascript before the elements in the DOM, you have to either use a DOM ready function or add the javascript after the elements, the usual place is right before the </body> tag

How to read data when some numbers contain commas as thousand separator?

We can also use readr::parse_number, the columns must be characters though. If we want to apply it for multiple columns we can loop through columns using lapply

df[2:3] <- lapply(df[2:3], readr::parse_number)

#  a        b        c
#1 a    12234       12
#2 b      123  1234123
#3 c     1234     1234
#4 d 13456234    15342
#5 e    12312 12334512

Or use mutate_at from dplyr to apply it to specific variables.

df %>% mutate_at(2:3, readr::parse_number)
df %>% mutate_at(vars(b:c), readr::parse_number)


df <- data.frame(a = letters[1:5], 
                 b = c("12,234", "123", "1,234", "13,456,234", "123,12"),
                 c = c("12", "1,234,123","1234", "15,342", "123,345,12"), 
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Inline SVG in CSS

My solution was You just simply insert your svg and getting back background-image code

cmake error 'the source does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt'

You should do mkdir build and cd build while inside opencv folder, not the opencv-contrib folder. The CMakeLists.txt is there.

Vagrant stuck connection timeout retrying

I experienced the same issue on a Windows 8.1 machine. The connection timeout and enabling the gui was not usefull at all, the screen was black. The fix in my case was disabling "Hyper V"

Quote from Vagrant documentation

Warning: Enabling Hyper-V will cause VirtualBox, VMware, and any other virtualization technology to no longer work. See this blog post for an easy way to create a boot entry to boot Windows without Hyper-V enabled, if there will be times you'll need other hypervisors.

SSLHandshakeException: No subject alternative names present

Thanks,Bruno for giving me heads up on Common Name and Subject Alternative Name. As we figured out certificate was generated with CN with DNS name of network and asked for regeneration of new certificate with Subject Alternative Name entry i.e. san=ip: which is the actual solution.

But, we managed to find out a workaround with which we can able to run on development phase. Just add a static block in the class from which we are making ssl connection.

static {
    HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier()
            public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session)
                // ip address of the service URL(like.
                if (hostname.equals(""))
                    return true;
                return false;

If you happen to be using Java 8, there is a much slicker way of achieving the same result:

static {
    HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier((hostname, session) -> hostname.equals(""));

How do I calculate the MD5 checksum of a file in Python?

In regards to your error and what's missing in your code. m is a name which is not defined for getmd5() function.

No offence, I know you are a beginner, but your code is all over the place. Let's look at your issues one by one :)

First, you are not using hashlib.md5.hexdigest() method correctly. Please refer explanation on hashlib functions in Python Doc Library. The correct way to return MD5 for provided string is to do something like this:

>>> import hashlib
>>> hashlib.md5("filename.exe").hexdigest()

However, you have a bigger problem here. You are calculating MD5 on a file name string, where in reality MD5 is calculated based on file contents. You will need to basically read file contents and pipe it though MD5. My next example is not very efficient, but something like this:

>>> import hashlib
>>> hashlib.md5(open('filename.exe','rb').read()).hexdigest()

As you can clearly see second MD5 hash is totally different from the first one. The reason for that is that we are pushing contents of the file through, not just file name.

A simple solution could be something like that:

# Import hashlib library (md5 method is part of it)
import hashlib

# File to check
file_name = 'filename.exe'

# Correct original md5 goes here
original_md5 = '5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592'  

# Open,close, read file and calculate MD5 on its contents 
with open(file_name) as file_to_check:
    # read contents of the file
    data =    
    # pipe contents of the file through
    md5_returned = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()

# Finally compare original MD5 with freshly calculated
if original_md5 == md5_returned:
    print "MD5 verified."
    print "MD5 verification failed!."

Please look at the post Python: Generating a MD5 checksum of a file. It explains in detail a couple of ways how it can be achieved efficiently.

Best of luck.

How do I calculate a point on a circle’s circumference?

Implemented in JavaScript (ES6):

    * Calculate x and y in circle's circumference
    * @param {Object} input - The input parameters
    * @param {number} input.radius - The circle's radius
    * @param {number} input.angle - The angle in degrees
    * @param {number} - The circle's origin x
    * @param {number} - The circle's origin y
    * @returns {Array[number,number]} The calculated x and y
function pointsOnCircle({ radius, angle, cx, cy }){

    angle = angle * ( Math.PI / 180 ); // Convert from Degrees to Radians
    const x = cx + radius * Math.sin(angle);
    const y = cy + radius * Math.cos(angle);
    return [ x, y ];



const [ x, y ] = pointsOnCircle({ radius: 100, angle: 180, cx: 150, cy: 150 });
console.log( x, y );


 * Calculate x and y in circle's circumference
 * @param {Object} input - The input parameters
 * @param {number} input.radius - The circle's radius
 * @param {number} input.angle - The angle in degrees
 * @param {number} - The circle's origin x
 * @param {number} - The circle's origin y
 * @returns {Array[number,number]} The calculated x and y
function pointsOnCircle({ radius, angle, cx, cy }){
  angle = angle * ( Math.PI / 180 ); // Convert from Degrees to Radians
  const x = cx + radius * Math.sin(angle);
  const y = cy + radius * Math.cos(angle);
  return [ x, y ];

const canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

function draw( x, y ){

  ctx.clearRect( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height );
  ctx.strokeStyle = "orange";
  ctx.arc( 100, 100, 80, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
  ctx.lineWidth = 3;

  ctx.fillStyle = "indigo";
  ctx.arc( x, y, 6, 0, 2 * Math.PI);

let angle = 0;  // In degrees

  const [ x, y ] = pointsOnCircle({ radius: 80, angle: angle++, cx: 100, cy: 100 });
  console.log( x, y );
  draw( x, y );
  document.querySelector("#degrees").innerHTML = angle + "&deg;";
  document.querySelector("#points").textContent = x.toFixed() + "," + y.toFixed();

}, 100 );
<p>Degrees: <span id="degrees">0</span></p>
<p>Points on Circle (x,y): <span id="points">0,0</span></p>
<canvas width="200" height="200" style="border: 1px solid"></canvas>

How to set the Default Page in ASP.NET?

I had done all the above solutions but it did not work.

My default page wasn't an aspx page, it was an html page.

This article solved the problem.

Basically, in my \App_Start\RouteConfig.cs file, I had to add a line:

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
    routes.IgnoreRoute("");   // This was the line I had to add here!

        name: "Default",
        url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
        defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

Hope this helps someone, it took me a goodly while to find the answer.

Drawing rotated text on a HTML5 canvas

Like others have mentioned, you probably want to look at reusing an existing graphing solution, but rotating text isn't too difficult. The somewhat confusing bit (to me) is that you rotate the whole context and then draw on it:


The angle is in radians. The code is taken from this example, which I believe was made for the transformations part of the MDC canvas tutorial.

Please see the answer below for a more complete solution.

How to change the style of the title attribute inside an anchor tag?

a[title="My site"] {
    color: red;

This also works with any attribute you want to add for instance:


<div class="my_class" anything="whatever">My Stuff</div>


.my_class[anything="whatever"] {
    color: red;

See it work at:

How do you make a LinearLayout scrollable?

Wrap the linear layout with a <ScrollView>

See here for an example:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                  <!-- Content here -->

Note: fill_parent is deprecated and renamed to match_parent in API Level 8 and higher.

Binding a WPF ComboBox to a custom list

To bind the data to ComboBox

List<ComboData> ListData = new List<ComboData>();
ListData.Add(new ComboData { Id = "1", Value = "One" });
ListData.Add(new ComboData { Id = "2", Value = "Two" });
ListData.Add(new ComboData { Id = "3", Value = "Three" });
ListData.Add(new ComboData { Id = "4", Value = "Four" });
ListData.Add(new ComboData { Id = "5", Value = "Five" });

cbotest.ItemsSource = ListData;
cbotest.DisplayMemberPath = "Value";
cbotest.SelectedValuePath = "Id";

cbotest.SelectedValue = "2";

ComboData looks like:

public class ComboData
  public int Id { get; set; } 
  public string Value { get; set; } 

(note that Id and Value have to be properties, not class fields)

Display DateTime value in dd/mm/yyyy format in Asp.NET MVC

You need to use html helper, and you don't need to provide date format in model class. e.x :

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.ResgistrationhaseDate, "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}")

what is the difference between GROUP BY and ORDER BY in sql

It should be noted GROUP BY is not always necessary as (at least in PostgreSQL, and likely in other SQL variants) you can use ORDER BY with a list and you can still use ASC or DESC per column...

SELECT name_first, name_last, dob 
FROM those_guys 
ORDER BY name_last ASC, name_first ASC, dob DESC;

Android Fragment handle back button press

if you are using FragmentActivity. then do like this

first call This inside your Fragment.

public void callParentMethod(){

and then Call onBackPressed method in side your parent FragmentActivity class.

public void onBackPressed() {
  //create a dialog to ask yes no question whether or not the user wants to exit

How to create a property for a List<T>

Either specify the type of T, or if you want to make it generic, you'll need to make the parent class generic.

public class MyClass<T>

How to enable CORS in AngularJs

I encountered a similar problem like this, problem was with the backend . I was using node server(Express). I had a get request from the frontend(angular) as shown below

        return this.http.get("http://localhost:3000/user").pipe(map(
                const user =response.json();
                return user;

But it gave the following errorThe error

This is the backend code written using express without the headers

     const user=await getuser();

After adding a header to the method problem was solved

    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    const user=await getuser();

You can get more details about Enabling CORS on Node JS

How to Check whether Session is Expired or not in

I prefer not to check session variable in code instead use FormAuthentication. They have inbuilt functionlity to redirect to given LoginPage specified in web.config.

However if you want to explicitly check the session you can check for NULL value for any of the variable you created in session earlier as Pranay answered.

You can create Login.aspx page and write your message there , when session expires FormAuthentication automatically redirect to loginUrl given in FormAuthentication section

<authentication mode="Forms">
  <forms loginUrl="Login.aspx" protection="All" timeout="30">

The thing is that you can't give seperate page for Login and SessionExpire , so you have to show/hide some section on Login.aspx to act it both ways.

There is another way to redirect to sessionexpire page after timeout without changing formauthentication->loginurl , see the below link for this :

TextFX menu is missing in Notepad++

A lot of the old TextFX operations like removing empty lines and sorting are available under:

Menu Edit ? Line Operations

django order_by query set, ascending and descending


Notice the - before check_in.

Django Documentation

Print <div id="printarea"></div> only?

hm ... use the type of a stylsheet for printing ... eg:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="print.css" media="print" />


div { display: none; }
#yourdiv { display: block; }

How to get names of enum entries?

According to TypeScript documentation, we can do this via Enum with static functions.

Get Enum Name with static functions

enum myEnum { 

namespace myEnum {
    export function GetmyEnumName(m: myEnum) {
      return myEnum[m];

now we can call it like below
// result entry1 

for reading more about Enum with static function follow the below link

How to set portrait and landscape media queries in css?

It can also be as simple as this.

@media (orientation: landscape) {


How to stop a goroutine

Typically, you pass the goroutine a (possibly separate) signal channel. That signal channel is used to push a value into when you want the goroutine to stop. The goroutine polls that channel regularly. As soon as it detects a signal, it quits.

quit := make(chan bool)
go func() {
    for {
        select {
        case <- quit:
            // Do other stuff

// Do stuff

// Quit goroutine
quit <- true

Align nav-items to right side in bootstrap-4


Create another <ul class="navbar-nav ml-auto"> for the navbar items you want on the right.
ml-auto will pull your navbar-nav to the right where mr-auto will pull it to the left.

Tested against Bootstrap v4.5.2

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
    /* Stackoverflow preview fix, please ignore */
    .navbar-nav {
      flex-direction: row;
    .nav-link {
      padding-right: .5rem !important;
      padding-left: .5rem !important;
    /* Fixes dropdown menus placed on the right side */
    .ml-auto .dropdown-menu {
      left: auto !important;
      right: 0px;
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark bg-primary rounded">
  <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Navbar</a>
  <ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto">
    <li class="nav-item active">
      <a class="nav-link">Left Link 1</a>
    <li class="nav-item">
      <a class="nav-link">Left Link 2</a>
  <ul class="navbar-nav ml-auto">
    <li class="nav-item">
      <a class="nav-link">Right Link 1</a>
    <li class="nav-item dropdown">
      <a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarDropdown" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">            Dropdown on Right</a>
      <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdown">
        <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Action</a>
        <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Another action with a lot of text inside of an item</a>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

As you can see additional styling rules have been added to account for some oddities in Stackoverflows preview box.
You should be able to safely ignore those rules in your project.

As of v4.0.0 this seems to be the official way to do it.

EDIT: I modified the Post to include a dropdown placed on the right side of the navbar as suggested by @Bruno. It needs its left and right attributes to be inverted. I added an extra snippet of css to the beginning of the example code.
Please note, that the example shows the mobile version when you click the Run code snippet button. To view the desktop version you must click the Expand snippet button.

.ml-auto .dropdown-menu {
    left: auto !important;
    right: 0px;

Including this in your stylesheet should do the trick.

How to select distinct query using symfony2 doctrine query builder?

you could write

select DISTINCT f from t;


select f from t group by f;

thing is, I am just currently myself getting into Doctrine, so I cannot give you a real answer. but you could as shown above, simulate a distinct with group by and transform that into Doctrine. if you want add further filtering then use HAVING after group by.

Enable vertical scrolling on textarea

Maybe a fixed height and overflow-y: scroll;

How to complete the RUNAS command in one line

The runas command does not allow a password on its command line. This is by design (and also the reason you cannot pipe a password to it as input). Raymond Chen says it nicely:

The RunAs program demands that you type the password manually. Why doesn't it accept a password on the command line?

This was a conscious decision. If it were possible to pass the password on the command line, people would start embedding passwords into batch files and logon scripts, which is laughably insecure.

In other words, the feature is missing to remove the temptation to use the feature insecurely.

iterating quickly through list of tuples

Assuming a bit more memory usage is not a problem and if the first item of your tuple is hashable, you can create a dict out of your list of tuples and then looking up the value is as simple as looking up a key from the dict. Something like:

dct = dict(tuples)
val = dct.get(key) # None if item not found else the corresponding value

EDIT: To create a reverse mapping, use something like:

revDct = dict((val, key) for (key, val) in tuples)

Java 8 stream reverse order

How NOT to do it:

  • Don't use .sorted(Comparator.reverseOrder()) or .sorted(Collections.reverseOrder()), because it will just sort elements in the descending order.
    Using it for given Integer input:
    [1, 4, 2, 5, 3]
    the output would be as follows:
    [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    For String input:
    ["A", "D", "B", "E", "C"]
    the output would be as follows:
    [E, D, C, B, A]
  • Don't use .sorted((a, b) -> -1) (explanation at the end)

The easiest way to do it properly:

List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 4, 2, 5, 3);

[3, 5, 2, 4, 1]

The same for String:

List<String> stringList = Arrays.asList("A", "D", "B", "E", "C");

[C, E, B, D, A]

Don't use .sorted((a, b) -> -1)!
It breaks comparator contract and might work only for some cases ie. only on single thread but not in parallel.
yankee explanation:

(a, b) -> -1 breaks the contract for Comparator. Whether this works depends on the implementation of the sort algorithm. The next release of the JVM might break this. Actually I can already break this reproduciblly on my machine using IntStream.range(0, 10000).parallel().boxed().sorted((a, b) -> -1).forEachOrdered(System.out::println);

//Don't use this!!!
List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 4, 2, 5, 3);
List<Integer> reversedList =
        .sorted((a, b) -> -1)

Output in positive case:
[3, 5, 2, 4, 1]

Possible output in parallel stream or with other JVM implementation:
[4, 1, 2, 3, 5]

The same for String:

//Don't use this!!!
List<String> stringList = Arrays.asList("A", "D", "B", "E", "C");
List<String> reversedStringList =
        .sorted((a, b) -> -1)

Output in positive case:
[C, E, B, D, A]

Possible output in parallel stream or with other JVM implementation:
[A, E, B, D, C]

Check if Variable is Empty - Angular 2

Lets say we have a variable called x, as below:

var x;

following statement is valid,

x = 10;
x = "a";
x = 0;
x = undefined;
x = null;

1. Number:

x = 10;

and for x = undefined or x = 0 (be careful here)


2. String x = null , x = undefined or x = ""


3 Boolean x = false and x = undefined,


By keeping above in mind we can easily check, whether variable is empty, null, 0 or undefined in Angular js. Angular js doest provide separate API to check variable values emptiness.

How do I execute a MS SQL Server stored procedure in java/jsp, returning table data?

Our server calls stored procs from Java like so - works on both SQL Server 2000 & 2008:

String SPsql = "EXEC <sp_name> ?,?";   // for stored proc taking 2 parameters
Connection con = SmartPoolFactory.getConnection();   // java.sql.Connection
PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(SPsql);
ps.setQueryTimeout(<timeout value>);
ps.setString(1, <param1>);
ps.setString(2, <param2>);
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();

Running stages in parallel with Jenkins workflow / pipeline

As @Quartz mentioned, you can do something like

stage('Tests') {
        'Unit Tests': {
            container('node') {
                sh("npm test --cat=unit")
        'API Tests': {
            container('node') {
                sh("npm test --cat=acceptance")

How to use MySQL DECIMAL?

There are correct solutions in the comments, but to summarize them into a single answer:

You have to use DECIMAL(6,4).

Then you can have 6 total number of digits, 2 before and 4 after the decimal point (the scale). At least according to this.

How to programmatically log out from Facebook SDK 3.0 without using Facebook login/logout button?

Session class has been removed on SDK 4.0. The login magement is done through the class LoginManager. So:

mLoginManager = LoginManager.getInstance();

As the reference Upgrading to SDK 4.0 says:

Session Removed - AccessToken, LoginManager and CallbackManager classes supercede and replace functionality in the Session class.

Java finished with non-zero exit value 2 - Android Gradle

I think it's conflicts of .jar file in your project.

I have removed android-support-v4.jar from libs folder and its working !!!

if your project gives error, check in your build.gradle file

dependencies {


How to reload / refresh model data from the server programmatically?

Before I show you how to reload / refresh model data from the server programmatically? I have to explain for you the concept of Data Binding. This is an extremely powerful concept that will truly revolutionize the way you develop. So may be you have to read about this concept from this link or this seconde link in order to unterstand how AngularjS work.

now I'll show you a sample example that exaplain how can you update your model from server.

HTML Code:

<div ng-controller="PersonListCtrl">
        <li ng-repeat="person in persons">
            Name: {{}}, Age {{person.age}}
   <button ng-click="updateData()">Refresh Data</button>

So our controller named: PersonListCtrl and our Model named: persons. go to your Controller js in order to develop the function named: updateData() that will be invoked when we are need to update and refresh our Model persons.

Javascript Code:

app.controller('adsController', function($log,$scope,...){


$scope.updateData = function(){
$http.get('/persons').success(function(data) {
       $scope.persons = data;// Update Model-- Line X


Now I explain for you how it work: when user click on button Refresh Data, the server will call to function updateData() and inside this function we will invoke our web service by the function $http.get() and when we have the result from our ws we will affect it to our model (Line X).Dice that affects the results for our model, our View of this list will be changed with new Data.

Attempt by security transparent method 'WebMatrix.WebData.PreApplicationStartCode.Start()'

Deleting all files from bin and then rebuilding the solution worked for me.

How to call a Parent Class's method from Child Class in Python?

class department:
    def printer(self):

class CS_dept(department):
    def overr_CS(self):
        print("i am child class1")

c.overr_CS() is deprecated, what should I use instead?

Use the other encode method in URLEncoder:

URLEncoder.encode(String, String)

The first parameter is the text to encode; the second is the name of the character encoding to use (e.g., UTF-8). For example:


Center Triangle at Bottom of Div

I know this isn't a direct answer to your question, but you could also consider using clip-path, as in this question:

How to use sbt from behind proxy?

If you are using a Proxy which requires authentication, I have a solution for you :)

As @Faiz explained above, SBT has a very hard time handling proxy requiring authentication. The solution is to bypass this authentication, if you cannot turn off your proxy on demand (corporate proxy for example). To do so, I suggest you use a squid proxy, and configure it with your username and password to access your corporate proxy. See : Then, you can set JAVA_OPTS or SBT_OPTS environment variables so that SBT connects to your own local squid proxy instead of your corporate proxy :

export JAVA_OPTS = "-Dhttps.proxyHost=localhost -Dhttps.proxyPort=3128 -Dhttp.proxyHost=localhost -Dhttp.proxyPort=3128"

(just c/c this in your bashrc without modifying anything and it should work fine).

The trick is that Squid Proxy does not require any authentication, and acts as an intermediate between SBT and your other proxy.

If you have troubles in applying this advise, please let me know.



How to use SharedPreferences in Android to store, fetch and edit values

To store and retrieve global variables in a function way. To test, make sure you have Textview items on your page, uncomment the two lines in the code and run. Then comment the two lines again, and run.
Here the id of the TextView is username and password.

In every Class where you want to use it, add these two routines at the end. I would like this routine to be global routines, but do not know how. This works.

The variabels are available everywhere. It stores the variables in "MyFile". You may change it your way.

You call it using


the variable username will be filled with "frans" and the password with "!2#4%". Even after a restart they are available.

and you retrieve it using


below the entire code of my

    package nl.yentel.yenteldb2;
    import android.content.SharedPreferences;
    import android.os.Bundle;
    import android.view.View;
    import android.widget.EditText;
    import android.widget.TextView;

    public class Grid extends AppCompatActivity {
    private TextView usernames;
    private TextView password;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;

        FloatingActionButton fab = (FloatingActionButton) findViewById(;
        fab.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {
                Snackbar.make(view, "Replace with your own action", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
                        .setAction("Action", null).show();

      ***//  storeSession("username","[email protected]");
        //storeSession("password","mijn wachtwoord");***
        password = (TextView) findViewById(;
        usernames=(TextView) findViewById(;

    public void storeSession(String key, String waarde) { 
        SharedPreferences pref = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("MyFile", MODE_PRIVATE);
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = pref.edit();
        editor.putString(key, waarde);

    public String getSession(String key) {
        SharedPreferences pref = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("MyFile", MODE_PRIVATE);
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = pref.edit();
        String output = pref.getString(key, null);
        return output;


below you find the textview items

    android:hint="hier komt de username" />

    android:hint="hier komt het wachtwoord" />

Joining Multiple Tables - Oracle

While former answer is absolutely correct, I prefer using the JOIN ON syntax to be sure that I know how do I join and on what fields. It would look something like this:

SELECT bc.firstname, bc.lastname, b.title, TO_CHAR(bo.orderdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') "Order         Date", p.publishername
FROM books b
JOIN book_customer bc ON bc.costumer_id = b.book_id
LEFT JOIN book_order bo ON bo.book_id = b.book_id
WHERE b.publishername = 'PRINTING IS US';

This syntax seperates completely the WHERE clause from the JOIN clause, making the statement more readable and easier for you to debug.

CSS submit button weird rendering on iPad/iPhone

The above answer for webkit appearance worked, but the button still looked kind pale/dull compared to the browser on other devices/desktop. I also had to set opacity to full (ranges from 0 to 1)

opacity: 1

After setting the opacity, the button looked the same on all the different devices/emulator/desktop.

How can I force input to uppercase in an ASP.NET textbox?

Use the text-transform CSS for the front-end and then use the toUpper method on your string server-side before you validate.

How can I get the source code of a Python function?

to summarize :

import inspect
print( "".join(inspect.getsourcelines(foo)[0]))

At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs

If one wants to have the conf\ read one must (see also here) dump this file into the Servers\Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost-config\ folder and then add the lines :

-Djava.util.logging.config.file="${workspace_loc}\Servers\Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost-config\" -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager

to the VM arguments of the launch configuration one is using.

This may have taken a restart or two (or not) but finally I saw in the console in bright red :

FINE: No TLD files were found in [file:/C:/Dropbox/eclipse_workspaces/javaEE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/ted2012/WEB-INF/lib/logback-classic-1.0.7.jar]. Consider adding the JAR to the tomcat.util.scan.DefaultJarScanner.jarsToSkip or org.apache.catalina.startup.TldConfig.jarsToSkip property in CATALINA_BASE/conf/ file. //etc

I still don't know when exactly this FINE warning appears - does not appear immediately on tomcat launch EDIT: from the comment by @Stephan: "The FINE warning appears each time any change is done in the JSP file".

Bonus: To make the warning go away add in :

# Additional JARs (over and above the default JARs listed above) to skip when
# scanning for TLDs. The list must be a comma separated list of JAR file names.

Check if a string contains a string in C++

Starting from C++23 you can use std::string::contains

#include <string>

const auto haystack = std::string("haystack with needles");
const auto needle = std::string("needle");

if (haystack.contains(needle))
    // found!

Letter Count on a string

def count_letter(word, char):
    count = 0
    for char in word:
        if char == word:
            count += 1
    return count        #Your return is inside your for loop
r = count_word("banana", "a")
print r


Replacing blank values (white space) with NaN in pandas

print(df.isnull().sum()) # check numbers of null value in each column

modifiedDf=df.fillna("NaN") # Replace empty/null values with "NaN"

# modifiedDf = fd.dropna() # Remove rows with empty values

print(modifiedDf.isnull().sum()) # check numbers of null value in each column

bootstrap.min.js:6 Uncaught Error: Bootstrap dropdown require Popper.js

In my case I am using Visual Studio and Nuget packages its failing because have duplicated libraries one in the same folder as jQuery and another in the folder umd. By removing the popper javascript files from the same level as jQuery and refere to the popper.js inside the umd folder fixed my issue and I can see the tooltips correctly.

Eclipse reports rendering library more recent than ADT plug-in

Change the Target version to new updates you have. Otherwise, change what SDK version you have in the Android manifest file.


Writing String to Stream and reading it back does not work

I think it would be a lot more productive to use a TextWriter, in this case a StreamWriter to write to the MemoryStream. After that, as other have said, you need to "rewind" the MemoryStream using something like stringAsStream.Position = 0L;.

stringAsStream = new MemoryStream();

// create stream writer with UTF-16 (Unicode) encoding to write to the memory stream
using(StreamWriter sWriter = new StreamWriter(stringAsStream, UnicodeEncoding.Unicode))
  sWriter.Write("Lorem ipsum.");
stringAsStream.Position = 0L; // rewind

Note that:

StreamWriter defaults to using an instance of UTF8Encoding unless specified otherwise. This instance of UTF8Encoding is constructed without a byte order mark (BOM)

Also, you don't have to create a new UnicodeEncoding() usually, since there's already one as a static member of the class for you to use in convenient utf-8, utf-16, and utf-32 flavors.

And then, finally (as others have said) you're trying to convert the bytes directly to chars, which they are not. If I had a memory stream and knew it was a string, I'd use a TextReader to get the string back from the bytes. It seems "dangerous" to me to mess around with the raw bytes.

Adding extra zeros in front of a number using jQuery?

I have a potential solution which I guess is relevent, I posted about it here:

basically, you want a minimum length of 2 or 3, you can adjust how many 0's you put in this piece of code

var d = new Date();
var h = ("0"+d.getHours()).slice(-2);
var m = ("0"+d.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
var s = ("0"+d.getSeconds()).slice(-2);

I knew I would always get a single integer as a minimum (cause hour 1, hour 2) etc, but if you can't be sure of getting anything but an empty string, you can just do "000"+d.getHours() to make sure you get the minimum.

then you want 3 numbers? just use -3 instead of -2 in my code, I'm just writing this because I wanted to construct a 24 hour clock in a super easy fashion.

How to remove non-alphanumeric characters?

Sounds like you almost knew what you wanted to do already, you basically defined it as a regex.

preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $string);

How can I add an item to a SelectList in MVC

This is possible.

//Create the select list item you want to add
SelectListItem selListItem = new SelectListItem() { Value = "null", Text = "Select One" };

//Create a list of select list items - this will be returned as your select list
List<SelectListItem> newList = new List<SelectListItem>();

//Add select list item to list of selectlistitems

//Return the list of selectlistitems as a selectlist
return new SelectList(newList, "Value", "Text", null);

Android Studio - Auto complete and other features not working

Close Android Studio Go to C:\Users\ and rename the folder:

  • build-cache to build-cache_old

Go to C:\Users\UserName.AndroidStudio3.x\system OR (Android studio 4 and Higher) Go to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Google\AndroidStudio4.x and rename these folders:

  • caches to caches_old

  • compiler to compiler_old

  • compile-server to compile-server_old

  • conversion to conversion_old

  • external_build_system to external_build_system_old

  • frameworks to frameworks_old

  • gradle to gradle_old

  • resource_folder_cache to resource_folder_cache_old

Open the Android Studio and open your project again.

Rails DB Migration - How To Drop a Table?

Drop Table/Migration

run:- $ rails generate migration DropTablename

exp:- $ rails generate migration DropProducts

What is a View in Oracle?

If you like the idea of Views, but are worried about performance you can get Oracle to create a cached table representing the view which oracle keeps up to date.
See materialized views

Parsing a JSON array using Json.Net

You can get at the data values like this:

string json = @"
    { ""General"" : ""At this time we do not have any frequent support requests."" },
    { ""Support"" : ""For support inquires, please see our support page."" }

JArray a = JArray.Parse(json);

foreach (JObject o in a.Children<JObject>())
    foreach (JProperty p in o.Properties())
        string name = p.Name;
        string value = (string)p.Value;
        Console.WriteLine(name + " -- " + value);


What's the difference between text/xml vs application/xml for webservice response

According to this article application/xml is preferred.


I did a little follow-up on the article.

The author claims that the encoding declared in XML processing instructions, like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

can be ignored when text/xml media type is used.

They support the thesis with the definition of text/* MIME type family specification in RFC 2046, specifically the following fragment:

4.1.2.  Charset Parameter

   A critical parameter that may be specified in the Content-Type field
   for "text/plain" data is the character set.  This is specified with a
   "charset" parameter, as in:

     Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

   Unlike some other parameter values, the values of the charset
   parameter are NOT case sensitive.  The default character set, which
   must be assumed in the absence of a charset parameter, is US-ASCII.

   The specification for any future subtypes of "text" must specify
   whether or not they will also utilize a "charset" parameter, and may
   possibly restrict its values as well.  For other subtypes of "text"
   than "text/plain", the semantics of the "charset" parameter should be
   defined to be identical to those specified here for "text/plain",
   i.e., the body consists entirely of characters in the given charset.
   In particular, definers of future "text" subtypes should pay close
   attention to the implications of multioctet character sets for their
   subtype definitions.

According to them, such difficulties can be avoided when using application/xml MIME type. Whether it's true or not, I wouldn't go as far as to avoid text/xml. IMHO, it's best just to follow the semantics of human-readability(non-readability) and always remember to specify the charset.

Is it possible to read the value of a annotation in java?

I've never done it, but it looks like Reflection provides this. Field is an AnnotatedElement and so it has getAnnotation. This page has an example (copied below); quite straightforward if you know the class of the annotation and if the annotation policy retains the annotation at runtime. Naturally if the retention policy doesn't keep the annotation at runtime, you won't be able to query it at runtime.

An answer that's since been deleted (?) provided a useful link to an annotations tutorial that you may find helpful; I've copied the link here so people can use it.

Example from this page:

import java.lang.annotation.Retention; 
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

@interface MyAnno {
  String str();

  int val();

class Meta {
  @MyAnno(str = "Two Parameters", val = 19)
  public static void myMeth(String str, int i) {
    Meta ob = new Meta();

    try {
      Class c = ob.getClass();

      Method m = c.getMethod("myMeth", String.class, int.class);

      MyAnno anno = m.getAnnotation(MyAnno.class);

      System.out.println(anno.str() + " " + anno.val());
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException exc) {
      System.out.println("Method Not Found.");

  public static void main(String args[]) {
    myMeth("test", 10);

C# importing class into another class doesn't work

MyClass is a class not a namespace. So this code is wrong:


You should check the namespace of the MyClass (e.g: MyNamespace). Then call it in a proper way:

MyNamespace.MyClass myClass =new MyNamespace.MyClass();

Iterate over model instance field names and values in template

I've come up with the following method, which works for me because in every case the model will have a ModelForm associated with it.

def GetModelData(form, fields):
    Extract data from the bound form model instance and return a
    dictionary that is easily usable in templates with the actual
    field verbose name as the label, e.g.

    model_data{"Address line 1": "32 Memory lane",
               "Address line 2": "Brainville",
               "Phone": "0212378492"}

    This way, the template has an ordered list that can be easily
    presented in tabular form.
    model_data = {}
    for field in fields:
        model_data[form[field].label] = eval("" % form[field].name)
    return model_data

def clients_view(request, client_id):
    client = Client.objects.get(id=client_id)
    form = AddClientForm(client)

    fields = ("address1", "address2", "address3", "address4",
              "phone", "fax", "mobile", "email")
    model_data = GetModelData(form, fields)

    template_vars = RequestContext(request,
            "client": client,
            "model_data": model_data
    return render_to_response("clients-view.html", template_vars)

Here is an extract from the template I am using for this particular view:

<table class="client-view">
    {% for field, value in model_data.items %}
            <td class="field-name">{{ field }}</td><td>{{ value }}</td>
    {% endfor %}

The nice thing about this method is that I can choose on a template-by-template basis the order in which I would like to display the field labels, using the tuple passed in to GetModelData and specifying the field names. This also allows me to exclude certain fields (e.g. a User foreign key) as only the field names passed in via the tuple are built into the final dictionary.

I'm not going to accept this as the answer because I'm sure someone can come up with something more "Djangonic" :-)

Update: I'm choosing this as the final answer because it is the simplest out of those given that does what I need. Thanks to everyone who contributed answers.

How do I POST a x-www-form-urlencoded request using Fetch?

If you are using JQuery, this works too..

fetch(url, {
      method: 'POST', 
      body: $.param(data),
        'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

Setting attribute disabled on a SPAN element does not prevent click events

The disabled attribute is not global and is only allowed on form controls. What you could do is set a custom data attribute (perhaps data-disabled) and check for that attribute when you handle the click event.

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A03EC)

For all of those, who still experiencing this problem, I just spent 2 days tracking down the bloody thing. I was getting the same error when there was no rows in dataset. Seems obvious, but error message is very obscure, hence 2 days.

How can I check if PostgreSQL is installed or not via Linux script?

If you are running Debian Linux (or derivative) and if you have a postive return with > which psql, then simply type psql -V (capital "V") and you will get a return like: psql (PostgreSQL) 9.4.8

How to append to a file in Node?

Using fs.appendFile or fsPromises.appendFile are the fastest and the most robust options when you need to append something to a file.

In contrast to some of the answers suggested, if the file path is supplied to the appendFile function, It actually closes by itself. Only when you pass in a filehandle that you get by something like you have to take care of closing it.

I tried it with over 50,000 lines in a file.

Examples :

(async () => {
  // using appendFile.
  const fsp = require('fs').promises;
  await fsp.appendFile(
    '/path/to/file', '\r\nHello world.'

  // using apickfs; handles error and edge cases better.
  const apickFileStorage = require('apickfs');
  await apickFileStorage.writeLines(
    '/path/to/directory/', 'filename', 'Hello world.'

enter image description here

Example Execution:

Datetime current year and month in Python

The question asks to use datetime specifically.

This is a way that uses datetime only:

year =
month =

Is there a way to change the spacing between legend items in ggplot2?

To add spacing between entries in a legend, adjust the margins of the theme element legend.text.

To add 30pt of space to the right of each legend label (may be useful for a horizontal legend):

p + theme(legend.text = element_text(
    margin = margin(r = 30, unit = "pt")))

To add 30pt of space to the left of each legend label (may be useful for a vertical legend):

p + theme(legend.text = element_text(
    margin = margin(l = 30, unit = "pt")))

for a ggplot2 object p. The keywords are legend.text and margin.

[Note about edit: When this answer was first posted, there was a bug. The bug has now been fixed]

How can I perform a short delay in C# without using sleep?

You can probably use timers :

Timers can provide you a precision up to 1 millisecond. Depending on the tick interval an event will be generated. Do your stuff inside the tick event.

How to build and run Maven projects after importing into Eclipse IDE

Dependencies can be updated by using "Maven --> Update Project.." in Eclipse using m2e plugin, after pom.xml file modification. Maven Project Update based on changes on pom.xml

how to download image from any web page in java

This works for me:

URL url = new URL("");
InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(url.openStream());
OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("Image-Porkeri_001.jpg"));

for ( int i; (i = != -1; ) {

jQuery: How to get to a particular child of a parent?

This will find the first parent with class box then find the first child class with regex matching something and get the id.


How to inject JPA EntityManager using spring

The latest Spring + JPA versions solve this problem fundamentally. You can learn more how to use Spring and JPA togather in a separate thread

$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] gives server IP rather than visitor IP

REMOTE_ADDR can not be trusted.

Anyway, try

$ipAddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
if (array_key_exists('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', $_SERVER)) {
    $ipAddress = array_pop(explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']));

Edit: Also, does your server's router have port forwarding enabled? It may be possible that it's messing with the packets.

Security warning: REMOTE_ADDR can be fully trusted! It comes from your own webserver and contains the IP that was used to access it. You don't even need to quote() it for SQL inserts.
But HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR is taken directly from the HTTP headers, it can contain the picture of a cat, malicious code, any content. Treat it like that, never trust it.