Programs & Examples On #Assembly signing

Create line after text with css

I am not experienced at all so feel free to correct things. However, I tried all these answers, but always had a problem in some screen. So I tried the following that worked for me and looks as I want it in almost all screens with the exception of mobile.

<div class="wrapper">
   <div id="Section-Title">
     <div id="h2"> YOUR TITLE
        <div id="line"><hr></div>


margin:20px auto;
padding:50px 5%;}

margin: 2% auto;
overflow: hidden;}

font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

#h2 #line {

#Section-Title:after{content:""; display:block; clear:both; }
.wrapper:after{content:""; display:block; clear:both; }

How to get multiple counts with one SQL query?

FROM sometable;

COUNT only counts non null values and the DECODE will return non null value 1 only if your condition is satisfied.

How can I access Google Sheet spreadsheets only with Javascript?

There's a solution that does not require one to publish the spreadsheet. However, the sheet does need to be 'Shared'. More specifically, one needs to share the sheet in a manner where anyone with the link can access the spreadsheet. Once this is done, one can use the Google Sheets HTTP API.

First up, you need an Google API key. Head here: NB. Please be aware of the security ramifications of having an API key made available to the public:

Get all data for a spreadsheet - warning, this can be a lot of data.{spreadsheetId}/?key={yourAPIKey}&includeGridData=true

Get sheet metadata{spreadsheetId}/?key={yourAPIKey}

Get a range of cells{spreadsheetId}/values/{sheetName}!{cellRange}?key={yourAPIKey}

Now armed with this information, one can use AJAX to retrieve data and then manipulate it in JavaScript. I would recommend using axios.

var url = "{spreadsheetId}/?key={yourAPIKey}&includeGridData=true";                                                             
  .then(function (response) {
  .catch(function (error) {

Submit a form in a popup, and then close the popup

Try like this as well


var convPop = null;
function covertPostSub(action,paramsTosend,targetIframe,isWindow){
    var Popup = null;
    var form = document.createElement("form");
    form.setAttribute("method", "POST");
    form.setAttribute("action", action);
    form.setAttribute("target", targetIframe);
    var params = paramsTosend;
    params = params.substring(1, params.length);
    params = params.split("&");
    for(var key=0; key<params.length; key++) {
        var sa = params[key];
        sa = sa.split("=");
        var xs = (sa[1]);

        if(params.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");
            hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
            hiddenField.setAttribute("name", sa[0]);

    document.body.appendChild(form); = "none";
    if(isWindow){'', "formpopup","width=900,height=590,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,location=0,directories=0,status=1,menubar=0,left=60,top=60"); = 'formpopup';


How to calculate time difference in java?

String start = "12:00:00";
String end = "02:05:00";

SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); 

Date date1 = format.parse(start);

Date date2 = format.parse(end);

long difference = date2.getTime() - date1.getTime(); 

int minutes = (int) TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(difference);

if(minutes<0)minutes += 1440; 

Now minutes will be the correct duration between two time (in minute).

Different ways of loading a file as an InputStream

All these answers around here, as well as the answers in this question, suggest that loading absolute URLs, like "/foo/" treated the same by class.getResourceAsStream(String) and class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(String). This is NOT the case, at least not in my Tomcat configuration/version (currently 7.0.40).

MyClass.class.getResourceAsStream("/foo/"); // works!  
MyClass.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("/foo/"); // does NOT work!

Sorry, I have absolutely no satisfying explanation, but I guess that tomcat does dirty tricks and his black magic with the classloaders and cause the difference. I always used class.getResourceAsStream(String) in the past and haven't had any problems.

PS: I also posted this over here

Disable mouse scroll wheel zoom on embedded Google Maps

Here is my solution for the problem, I was building a WP site, so there is a little php code here. But the key is scrollwheel: false, in the map object.

function initMap() {
        var uluru = {lat: <?php echo $latitude; ?>, lng: <?php echo $Longitude; ?>};
        var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
            zoom: 18,
            scrollwheel: false,
            center: uluru
        var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
            position: uluru,
            map: map

Hope this will help. Cheers

How to get current date in jquery?

Date() is not part of jQuery, it is one of JavaScript's features.

See the documentation on Date object.

You can do it like that:

var d = new Date();

var month = d.getMonth()+1;
var day = d.getDate();

var output = d.getFullYear() + '/' +
    (month<10 ? '0' : '') + month + '/' +
    (day<10 ? '0' : '') + day;

See this jsfiddle for a proof.

The code may look like a complex one, because it must deal with months & days being represented by numbers less than 10 (meaning the strings will have one char instead of two). See this jsfiddle for comparison.

How can I plot data with confidence intervals?

Some addition to the previous answers. It is nice to regulate the density of the polygon to avoid obscuring the data points.

lm.fit2 = lm(medv~poly(lstat,2))
new.lstat = seq(min(lstat), max(lstat), length.out=100)
preds <- predict(lm.fit2, newdata = data.frame(lstat=new.lstat), interval = 'prediction')
lines(sort(lstat), fitted(lm.fit2)[order(lstat)], col='red', lwd=3) 
polygon(c(rev(new.lstat), new.lstat), c(rev(preds[ ,3]), preds[ ,2]), density=10, col = 'blue', border = NA)
lines(new.lstat, preds[ ,3], lty = 'dashed', col = 'red')
lines(new.lstat, preds[ ,2], lty = 'dashed', col = 'red')

drawing of the prediction interval in polynomial regression

Please note that you see the prediction interval on the picture, which is several times wider than the confidence interval. You can read here the detailed explanation of those two types of interval estimates.

Converting dd/mm/yyyy formatted string to Datetime

use DateTime.ParseExact

string strDate = "24/01/2013";
DateTime date = DateTime.ParseExact(strDate, "dd/MM/YYYY", null)

null will use the current culture, which is somewhat dangerous. Try to supply a specific culture

DateTime date = DateTime.ParseExact(strDate, "dd/MM/YYYY", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

Open window in JavaScript with HTML inserted

Here's how to do it with an HTML Blob, so that you have control over the entire HTML document:

This is the code, but StackOverflow blocks the window from being opened (see the codepen example instead):

const winHtml = `<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
            <title>Window with Blob</title>_x000D_
            <h1>Hello from the new window!</h1>_x000D_
const winUrl = URL.createObjectURL(_x000D_
    new Blob([winHtml], { type: "text/html" })_x000D_
const win =
_x000D_ examples?

Here is the utility I wrote to generate a simple file (template) with useful comments and links. I hope, it will be useful.


sudo pip install setup-py-cli


To generate file just type in the terminal.


Now file should occur in the current directory.


from distutils.core import setup
from setuptools import find_packages
import os

# User-friendly description from
current_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    with open(os.path.join(current_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f:
        long_description =
except Exception:
    long_description = ''

    # Name of the package
    name=<name of current directory>,

    # Packages to include into the distribution

    # Start with a small number and increase it with every change you make

    # Chose a license from here:
    # For example: MIT

    # Short description of your library

    # Long description of your library
    long_description = long_description,
    long_description_context_type = 'text/markdown',

    # Your name

    # Your email

    # Either the link to your github or to your website

    # Link from which the project can be downloaded

    # List of keyword arguments

    # List of packages to install with this one


Content of the generated

  • automatically fulfilled package name based on the name of the current directory.
  • some basic fields to fulfill.
  • clarifying comments and links to useful resources.
  • automatically inserted description from or an empty string if there is no

Here is the link to the repository. Fill free to enhance the solution.

Send FormData with other field in AngularJS

Don't serialize FormData with POSTing to server. Do this:

this.uploadFileToUrl = function(file, title, text, uploadUrl){
    var payload = new FormData();

    payload.append("title", title);
    payload.append('text', text);
    payload.append('file', file);

    return $http({
        url: uploadUrl,
        method: 'POST',
        data: payload,
        //assign content-type as undefined, the browser
        //will assign the correct boundary for us
        headers: { 'Content-Type': undefined},
        //prevents serializing payload.  don't do it.
        transformRequest: angular.identity

Then use it:

MyService.uploadFileToUrl(file, title, text, uploadUrl).then(successCallback).catch(errorCallback);

How to create an empty DataFrame with a specified schema?

As of Spark 2.4.3

val df = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate().emptyDataFrame

How can I use jQuery in Greasemonkey?

There's absolutely nothing wrong with including the entirety of jQuery within your Greasemonkey script. Just take the source, and place it at the top of your user script. No need to make a script tag, since you're already executing JavaScript!

The user only downloads the script once anyways, so size of script is not a big concern. In addition, if you ever want your Greasemonkey script to work in non-GM environments (such as Opera's GM-esque user scripts, or Greasekit on Safari), it'll help not to use GM-unique constructs such as @require.

How can I check the current status of the GPS receiver?

As a developer of SpeedView: GPS speedometer for Android, I must have tried every possible solution to this problem, all with the same negative result. Let's reiterate what doesn't work:

  1. onStatusChanged() isn't getting called on Eclair and Froyo.
  2. Simply counting all available satellites is, of course, useless.
  3. Checking if any of the satellites return true for usedInFix() isn't very helpful also. The system clearly loses the fix but keeps reporting that there are still several sats that are used in it.

So here's the only working solution I found, and the one that I actually use in my app. Let's say we have this simple class that implements the GpsStatus.Listener:

private class MyGPSListener implements GpsStatus.Listener {
    public void onGpsStatusChanged(int event) {
        switch (event) {
            case GpsStatus.GPS_EVENT_SATELLITE_STATUS:
                if (mLastLocation != null)
                    isGPSFix = (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mLastLocationMillis) < 3000;

                if (isGPSFix) { // A fix has been acquired.
                    // Do something.
                } else { // The fix has been lost.
                    // Do something.

            case GpsStatus.GPS_EVENT_FIRST_FIX:
                // Do something.
                isGPSFix = true;


OK, now in onLocationChanged() we add the following:

public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
    if (location == null) return;

    mLastLocationMillis = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();

    // Do something.

    mLastLocation = location;

And that's it. Basically, this is the line that does it all:

isGPSFix = (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mLastLocationMillis) < 3000;

You can tweak the millis value of course, but I'd suggest to set it around 3-5 seconds.

This actually works and although I haven't looked at the source code that draws the native GPS icon, this comes close to replicating its behaviour. Hope this helps someone.

newline in <td title="">

I use the jQuery clueTip plugin for this.

Choosing the best concurrency list in Java

If set is sufficient, ConcurrentSkipListSet might be used. (Its implementation is based on ConcurrentSkipListMap which implements a skip list.)

The expected average time cost is log(n) for the contains, add, and remove operations; the size method is not a constant-time operation.

WCF Service , how to increase the timeout?

The timeout configuration needs to be set at the client level, so the configuration I was setting in the web.config had no effect, the WCF test tool has its own configuration and there is where you need to set the timeout.

Undo git pull, how to bring repos to old state

If you have gitk (try running "gitk --all from your git command line"), it's simple. Just run it, select the commit you want to rollback to (right-click), and select "Reset master branch to here". If you have no uncommited changes, chose the "hard" option.

MySQL query to select events between start/end date

I am assuming that active events in a time period means at least one day of the event falls inside the time period. This is a simple "find overlapping dates" problem and there is a generic solution:

-- [@d1, @d2] is the date range to check against
SELECT * FROM events WHERE @d2 >= start AND end >= @d1

Some tests:

-- list of events
SELECT * FROM events;
| id   | start      | end        |
|    1 | 2013-06-14 | 2013-06-14 |
|    2 | 2013-06-15 | 2013-08-21 |
|    3 | 2013-06-22 | 2013-06-25 |
|    4 | 2013-07-01 | 2013-07-10 |
|    5 | 2013-07-30 | 2013-07-31 |

-- events between [2013-06-01, 2013-06-15]
SELECT * FROM events WHERE '2013-06-15' >= start AND end >= '2013-06-01';
| id   | start      | end        |
|    1 | 2013-06-14 | 2013-06-14 |
|    2 | 2013-06-15 | 2013-08-21 |

-- events between [2013-06-16, 2013-06-30]
SELECT * FROM events WHERE '2013-06-30' >= start AND end >= '2013-06-16';
| id   | start      | end        |
|    2 | 2013-06-15 | 2013-08-21 |
|    3 | 2013-06-22 | 2013-06-25 |

-- events between [2013-07-01, 2013-07-01]
SELECT * FROM events WHERE '2013-07-01' >= start AND end >= '2013-07-01';
| id   | start      | end        |
|    2 | 2013-06-15 | 2013-08-21 |
|    4 | 2013-07-01 | 2013-07-10 |

-- events between [2013-07-11, 2013-07-29]
SELECT * FROM events WHERE '2013-07-29' >= start AND end >= '2013-07-11';
| id   | start      | end        |
|    2 | 2013-06-15 | 2013-08-21 |

Linking to an external URL in Javadoc?

Javadocs don't offer any special tools for external links, so you should just use standard html:

See <a href="">Grover's Mill</a> for a history of the
Martian invasion.


@see <a href="">Grover's Mill</a> for a history of 
the Martian invasion.

Don't use {@link ...} or {@linkplain ...} because these are for links to the javadocs of other classes and methods.

How to convert this var string to URL in Swift

in swift 4 to convert to url use URL

let fileUrl = URL.init(fileURLWithPath: filePath)


let fileUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: filePath)

How to delete history of last 10 commands in shell?


Changed the braced iterators, good call. Also, call this function with a reverse iterator.

You can probably do something like this:

HISTFILE=~/.bash_history   # if you are running it in a 
                           # non interactive shell history would not work else
set -o history
for i in `seq $1 $2`;
    history -d $i
history -w

Where you will evoke like this:

./nameOfYourScript 563 514

Notice I haven't put any error checking in for the bounds. I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader.

see also this question

rails simple_form - hidden field - create?

= f.input_field :title, as: :hidden, value: "some value"

Is also an option. Note, however, that it skips any wrapper defined for your form builder.

Form Submit Execute JavaScript Best Practice?

Attach an event handler to the submit event of the form. Make sure it cancels the default action.

Quirks Mode has a guide to event handlers, but you would probably be better off using a library to simplify the code and iron out the differences between browsers. All the major ones (such as YUI and jQuery) include event handling features, and there is a large collection of tiny event libraries.

Here is how you would do it in YUI 3:

<script src=""></script>
    YUI().use('event', function (Y) {'form').on('submit', function (e) {
            // Whatever else you want to do goes here

Make sure that the server will pick up the slack if the JavaScript fails for any reason.

How to pass an array into a SQL Server stored procedure

There is no support for array in sql server but there are several ways by which you can pass collection to a stored proc .

  1. By using datatable
  2. By using XML.Try converting your collection in an xml format and then pass it as an input to a stored procedure

The below link may help you

passing collection to a stored procedure

What is a good game engine that uses Lua?

Heroes of Might and Magic V used modified Silent Storm engine. I think you can find many good engines listed in wikipedia: Lua-scriptable game engines

Possible reasons for timeout when trying to access EC2 instance

I had the same problem, and the solution ended up being adding my local machine's IP to the list of inbound rules in the active security group. In the inbound dialog below, enter 22 in the port range, your local IP/32 in the source field, and leave 'custom tcp rule' in the dropdown.

enter image description here

What linux shell command returns a part of a string?

From the bash manpage:

        Substring  Expansion.   Expands  to  up  to length characters of
        parameter starting at the character  specified  by  offset.

Or, if you are not sure of having bash, consider using cut.

Text size and different android screen sizes

To unify all of the screens to show same element sizes including font size: - Design the UI on one screen size with whatever sizes you find appropriate during the design i.e. TextView font size is 14dp on default screen size with 4'6 inches.

  • Programmatically calculate the physical screen size of the other phones i.e. 5'2 inches of other phones/screens.

  • Use a formula to calculate the percentage difference between the 2 screens. i.e. what's the % difference between 4'6 and 5'2.

  • Calculate the pixel difference between the 2 TextViews based on the above formula.

  • Get the actual size (in pixels) of the TextView font-size and apply the pixels difference (you calculated earlier) to the default font-size.

With this way you can apply dynamic aspect ratio to all of screen sizes and the result is great. You'll have identical layout and sizes on each screen.

It can be a bit tricky at first but totally achieves the goal once you figure the formula out. With this method you don't need to make multiple layouts just to fit different screen sizes.

Convert string to number and add one

The simplest solution here is to change

  var newcurrentpageTemp = $(this).attr("id") + 1;//Get the id from the hyperlink


  var newcurrentpageTemp = (($(this).attr("id")) * 1) + 1;//Get the id from the hyperlink

SSIS Convert Between Unicode and Non-Unicode Error

On the above example I kept losing the values, I think that delaying the Validation will allow the new data types to be saved as part of the meta data.

On the connection Manager for 'Excel Connection Manager' set the Delay Validation to False from the Properties.

Then on the data flow Destination task for Excel set the ValidationExternalMetaData to False, again from the properties.

This will now allow you to right click on the Excel Destination Task and go to Advanced Editor for Excel Destination --> far right tab - Input and Output Properties. In the External Columns folder section you will be able to now change the Data Types and Length values of the problematic columns and this can now be saved.

Good Luck!

Using filesystem in node.js with async / await

Starting with node 8.0.0, you can use this:

const fs = require('fs');
const util = require('util');

const readdir = util.promisify(fs.readdir);

async function myF() {
  let names;
  try {
    names = await readdir('path/to/dir');
  } catch (err) {
  if (names === undefined) {
  } else {
    console.log('First Name', names[0]);



How to delete file from public folder in laravel 5.1

Two ways to delete the image from public folder without changing laravel filesystems config file or messing with pure php unlink function:

  1. Using the default local storage you need to specify public subfolder:
  1. Use public storage directly:

I would suggest second way as the best one.

Hope this help other people.

How do I query using fields inside the new PostgreSQL JSON datatype?

With postgres 9.3 use -> for object access. 4 example


se = = 
            type: 1,
            code: 1,
            value: 2012,
            description: 'year of producction'
            type: 1,
            code: 2,
            value: 30,
            description: 'length'

rails c

SELECT data->'params'->0 as data FROM smart_elements;


 {"type":1,"code":1,"value":2012,"description":"year of producction"}
(1 row)

You can continue nesting

SELECT data->'params'->0->'type' as data FROM smart_elements;


(1 row)

Is there an equivalent of lsusb for OS X

I got tired of forgetting the system_profiler SPUSBDataType syntax, so I made an lsusb alternative. You can find it here , or install it with homebrew:

brew install lsusb

How do you create nested dict in Python?

It is important to remember when using defaultdict and similar nested dict modules such as nested_dict, that looking up a nonexistent key may inadvertently create a new key entry in the dict and cause a lot of havoc.

Here is a Python3 example with nested_dict module:

import nested_dict as nd
nest = nd.nested_dict()
nest['outer1']['inner1'] = 'v11'
nest['outer1']['inner2'] = 'v12'
print('original nested dict: \n', nest)
except KeyError as e:
    print('exception missing key', e)
print('nested dict after lookup with missing key.  no exception raised:\n', nest)

# Instead, convert back to normal dict...
nest_d = nest.to_dict(nest)
    print('converted to normal dict. Trying to lookup Wrong_key2')
except KeyError as e:
    print('exception missing key', e)
    print(' no exception raised:\n')

# ...or use dict.keys to check if key in nested dict
print('checking with dict.keys')
if 'wrong_key3' in list(nest.keys()):

    print('found wrong_key3')
    print(' did not find wrong_key3')

Output is:

original nested dict:   {"outer1": {"inner2": "v12", "inner1": "v11"}}

nested dict after lookup with missing key.  no exception raised:  
{"outer1": {"wrong_key1": {}, "inner2": "v12", "inner1": "v11"}} 

converted to normal dict. 
Trying to lookup Wrong_key2 

exception missing key 'wrong_key2' 

checking with dict.keys 

['wrong_key1', 'inner2', 'inner1']  
did not find wrong_key3

How to get records randomly from the oracle database?

To randomly select 20 rows I think you'd be better off selecting the lot of them randomly ordered and selecting the first 20 of that set.

Something like:

Select *
  from (select *
          from table
         order by dbms_random.value) -- you can also use DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM
 where rownum < 21;

Best used for small tables to avoid selecting large chunks of data only to discard most of it.

Android XXHDPI resources

A set of four generalized sizes: small, normal, large, and xlarge Note: Beginning with Android 3.2 (API level 13), these size groups are deprecated in favor of a new technique for managing screen sizes based on the available screen width. If you're developing for Android 3.2 and greater, see Declaring Tablet Layouts for Android 3.2 for more information.

A set of six generalized densities:

ldpi (low) ~120dpi

mdpi (medium) ~160dpi

hdpi (high) ~240dpi

xhdpi (extra-high) ~320dpi

xxhdpi (extra-extra-high) ~480dpi

xxxhdpi (extra-extra-extra-high) ~640dpi

From :

One line ftp server in python


pip install twisted

Then the code:

from twisted.protocols.ftp import FTPFactory, FTPRealm
from twisted.cred.portal import Portal
from twisted.cred.checkers import AllowAnonymousAccess, FilePasswordDB
from twisted.internet import reactor

reactor.listenTCP(21, FTPFactory(Portal(FTPRealm('./'), [AllowAnonymousAccess()])))

Get deeper:

How to use JQuery with ReactJS

Yes, we can use jQuery in ReactJs. Here I will tell how we can use it using npm.

step 1: Go to your project folder where the package.json file is present via using terminal using cd command.

step 2: Write the following command to install jquery using npm : npm install jquery --save

step 3: Now, import $ from jquery into your jsx file where you need to use.


write the below in index.jsx

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import $ from 'jquery';

//   react code here

    $.get("demo_test.asp", function(data, status){
        alert("Data: " + data + "\nStatus: " + status);

// react code here

write the below in index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="index.jsx"></script>
    <!-- other scripting files -->
    <!-- other useful tags -->
    <div id="div1">
        <h2>Let jQuery AJAX Change This Text</h2>
    <button>Get External Content</button>

".addEventListener is not a function" why does this error occur?

Another important thing you need to note with ".addEventListener is not a function" error is that the error might be coming a result of assigning it a wrong object eg consider

let myImages = ['images/pic1.jpg','images/pic2.jpg','images/pic3.jpg','images/pic4.jpg','images/pic5.jpg'];
let i = 0;
while(i < myImages.length){
  const newImage = document.createElement('img');

 //Code just below will bring the said error 

 //Code just below execute properly 


In the code Above I am basically assigning images to a div element in my html dynamically using javascript. I've done this by writing the images in an array and looping them through a while loop and adding all of them to the div element.

I've then added a click event listener for all images.

The code "myImages[i].addEventListener('click',fullImage);" will give you an error of "addEventListener is not a function" because I am chaining an addEventListener to an array object which does not have the addEventListener() function.

However for the code "newImage.addEventListener('click',fullImage);" it executes properly because the newImage object has access the function addEventListener() while the array object does not.

For more clarification follow the link:

How to redirect docker container logs to a single file?

If you work on Windows and use PowerShell (like me), you could use the following line to capture the stdout and stderr:

 docker logs <containerId> | Out-File 'C:/dev/mylog.txt'

I hope it helps someone!

What's the difference between setWebViewClient vs. setWebChromeClient?

If you want to log errors from web-page, you should use WebChromeClient and override its onConsoleMessage:

webView.settings.apply {
    javaScriptEnabled = true
    javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = true
    domStorageEnabled = true
webView.webViewClient = WebViewClient()
webView.webChromeClient = MyWebChromeClient()

private class MyWebChromeClient : WebChromeClient() {
    override fun onConsoleMessage(consoleMessage: ConsoleMessage): Boolean {
        Timber.d("${consoleMessage.lineNumber()} ${consoleMessage.sourceId()}")
        return super.onConsoleMessage(consoleMessage)

Getting "file not found" in Bridging Header when importing Objective-C frameworks into Swift project

Well its little strange but I guess you have to add a resource to your "Copy Bundle Resources" phase of your test target to make it load all headers from your main app target. In my case, I added main.storyboard and it took care of the error.

enter image description here

Using if-else in JSP

You may try this example:

  <h1>Hello! I'm duke! What's you name?</h1>_x000D_
  <input type="text" name="user">_x000D_
  <input type="submit" value="submit">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;_x000D_
  <input type="reset">_x000D_
<h1>Hello ${param.user}</h1> _x000D_
<!-- its Expression Language -->

How do I run pip on python for windows?

I have a Mac, but luckily this should work the same way:

pip is a command-line thing. You don't run it in python.

For example, on my Mac, I just say:

$pip install somelib

pretty easy!

How to convert int to NSString?

NSString *string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", theinteger];

Node.js Logging

A 'nodejslogger' module can be used for simple logging. It has three levels of logging (INFO, ERROR, DEBUG)

var logger = require('nodejslogger')
logger.init({"file":"output-file", "mode":"DIE"})

D : Debug, I : Info, E : Error

logger.debug("Debug logs")"Info logs")
logger.error("Error logs")

The module can be accessed at :

Which equals operator (== vs ===) should be used in JavaScript comparisons?

JSLint sometimes gives you unrealistic reasons to modify stuff. === has exactly the same performance as == if the types are already the same.

It is faster only when the types are not the same, in which case it does not try to convert types but directly returns a false.

So, IMHO, JSLint maybe used to write new code, but useless over-optimizing should be avoided at all costs.

Meaning, there is no reason to change == to === in a check like if (a == 'test') when you know it for a fact that a can only be a String.

Modifying a lot of code that way wastes developers' and reviewers' time and achieves nothing.

Get value of a merged cell of an excel from its cell address in vba

Even if it is really discouraged to use merge cells in Excel (use Center Across Selection for instance if needed), the cell that "contains" the value is the one on the top left (at least, that's a way to express it).

Hence, you can get the value of merged cells in range B4:B11 in several ways:

  • Range("B4").Value
  • Range("B4:B11").Cells(1).Value
  • Range("B4:B11").Cells(1,1).Value

You can also note that all the other cells have no value in them. While debugging, you can see that the value is empty.

Also note that Range("B4:B11").Value won't work (raises an execution error number 13 if you try to Debug.Print it) because it returns an array.

Deleting a local branch with Git

Switch to some other branch and delete Test_Branch, as follows:

$ git checkout master
$ git branch -d Test_Branch

If above command gives you error - The branch 'Test_Branch' is not fully merged. If you are sure you want to delete it and still you want to delete it, then you can force delete it using -D instead of -d, as:

$ git branch -D Test_Branch

To delete Test_Branch from remote as well, execute:

git push origin --delete Test_Branch

require_once :failed to open stream: no such file or directory

It says that the file C:\wamp\www\mysite\php\includes\ doesn't exist, so the error is, you're missing the file.

How to generate List<String> from SQL query?

Where the data returned is a string; you could cast to a different data type:

(from DataRow row in dataTable.Rows select row["columnName"].ToString()).ToList();

How to Define Callbacks in Android?

to clarify a bit on dragon's answer (since it took me a while to figure out what to do with Handler.Callback):

Handler can be used to execute callbacks in the current or another thread, by passing it Messages. the Message holds data to be used from the callback. a Handler.Callback can be passed to the constructor of Handler in order to avoid extending Handler directly. thus, to execute some code via callback from the current thread:

Message message = new Message();
<set data to be passed to callback - eg message.obj, message.arg1 etc - here>

Callback callback = new Callback() {
    public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) {
        <code to be executed during callback>

Handler handler = new Handler(callback);

EDIT: just realized there's a better way to get the same result (minus control of exactly when to execute the callback):

post(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        <code to be executed during callback>

How to set the current working directory?

import os
print os.getcwd()  # Prints the current working directory

To set the working directory:

os.chdir('c:\\Users\\uname\\desktop\\python')  # Provide the new path here

Convert a JSON String to a HashMap

You can use google gson library to convert json object.

Other librarys like Jackson are also available.

This won't convert it to a map. But you can do all things which you want.

Creating Duplicate Table From Existing Table

Use this query to create the new table with the values from existing table

CREATE TABLE New_Table_name AS SELECT * FROM Existing_table_Name; 

Now you can get all the values from existing table into newly created table.

tsconfig.json: Build:No inputs were found in config file


Should be different from



    "outDir": "./dist",
    "rootDir": "./src", 

What is the Windows version of cron?

Use the Windows Task Scheduler to schedule tasks over time and dates.

Script @php artisan package:discover handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 1

My problem was fideloper proxy version.

when i upgraded laravel 5.5 to 5.8 this happened

just sharing if anybody get help

change you composer json fideloper version:

"fideloper/proxy": "^4.0",

After that you need to run update composer that's it.

composer update

iTerm2 keyboard shortcut - split pane navigation

there is configuration in the following way:

Preferences -> keys -> Navigation shortcuts

the 3rd option: shortcut to choose a split pane is "no shortcut" by default, we can choose one


Swift Error: Editor placeholder in source file

Sometimes, XCode does not forget the line which had an "Editor Placeholder" even if you have replaced it with a value. Cut the portion of the code where XCode is complaining and paste the code back to the same place to make the error message go away. This worked for me.

Using jq to parse and display multiple fields in a json serially

While both of the above answers work well if key,value are strings, I had a situation to append a string and integer (jq errors using the above expressions)

Requirement: To construct a url out below json

pradeep@seleniumframework>curl | jq .[0]
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   251  100   251    0     0   155k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  245k
  "Node": "myconsul",
  "Address": "",
  "ServiceID": "4ce41e90ede4:compassionate_wozniak:443",
  "ServiceName": "apache-443",
  "ServiceTags": [],
  "ServiceAddress": "",
  "ServicePort": 1443,
  "ServiceEnableTagOverride": false,
  "CreateIndex": 45,
  "ModifyIndex": 45


curl |
jq '.[0] | "http://" + .Address + ":" + "\(.ServicePort)"'

:last-child not working as expected?

The last-child selector is used to select the last child element of a parent. It cannot be used to select the last child element with a specific class under a given parent element.

The other part of the compound selector (which is attached before the :last-child) specifies extra conditions which the last child element must satisfy in-order for it to be selected. In the below snippet, you would see how the selected elements differ depending on the rest of the compound selector.

.parent :last-child{ /* this will select all elements which are last child of .parent */_x000D_
  font-weight: bold;_x000D_
.parent div:last-child{ /* this will select the last child of .parent only if it is a div*/_x000D_
  background: crimson;_x000D_
.parent div.child-2:last-child{ /* this will select the last child of .parent only if it is a div and has the class child-2*/_x000D_
  color: beige;_x000D_
<div class='parent'>_x000D_
  <div class='child'>Child</div>_x000D_
  <div class='child'>Child</div>_x000D_
  <div class='child'>Child</div>_x000D_
  <div>Child w/o class</div>_x000D_
<div class='parent'>_x000D_
  <div class='child'>Child</div>_x000D_
  <div class='child'>Child</div>_x000D_
  <div class='child'>Child</div>_x000D_
  <div class='child-2'>Child w/o class</div>_x000D_
<div class='parent'>_x000D_
  <div class='child'>Child</div>_x000D_
  <div class='child'>Child</div>_x000D_
  <div class='child'>Child</div>_x000D_
  <p>Child w/o class</p>_x000D_

To answer your question, the below would style the last child li element with background color as red.

    background-color: red;

But the following selector would not work for your markup because the last-child does not have the class='complete' even though it is an li.

    background-color: green;

It would have worked if (and only if) the last li in your markup also had class='complete'.

To address your query in the comments:

@Harry I find it rather odd that: .complete:last-of-type does not work, yet .complete:first-of-type does work, regardless of it's position it's parents element. Thanks for your help.

The selector .complete:first-of-type works in the fiddle because it (that is, the element with class='complete') is still the first element of type li within the parent. Try to add <li>0</li> as the first element under the ul and you will find that first-of-type also flops. This is because the first-of-type and last-of-type selectors select the first/last element of each type under the parent.

Refer to the answer posted by BoltClock, in this thread for more details about how the selector works. That is as comprehensive as it gets :)

Facebook OAuth "The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domain"

Nothing really worked for me, until I updated the SDK version I was using. I started with 5.0. Not even 5.4.0 would not work either. When I updated to 5.6.2, it worked flawlessly, despite there being nothing in the changelogs that was relevant!

using jquery $.ajax to call a PHP function

I developed a jQuery plugin that allows you to call any core PHP function or even user defined PHP functions as methods of the plugin: jquery.php

After including jquery and jquery.php in the head of our document and placing request_handler.php on our server we would start using the plugin in the manner described below.

For ease of use reference the function in a simple manner:

    var P = $.fn.php;

Then initialize the plugin:

    // The path to our function request handler is absolutely required
    'path': '',

    // Synchronous requests are required for method chaining functionality
    'async': false,

    // List any user defined functions in the manner prescribed here
            // There must be user defined functions with these same names in your PHP
    'userFunctions': {

        languageFunctions: 'someFunc1 someFunc2'

And now some usage scenarios:

// Suspend callback mode so we don't work with the DOM

// Both .end() and .data return data to variables
var strLenA = P.strlen('some string').end();
var strLenB = P.strlen('another string').end();
var totalStrLen = strLenA + strLenB;
console.log( totalStrLen ); // 25

// .data Returns data in an array
var data1 = P.crypt("Some Crypt String").data();
console.log( data1 ); // ["$1$Tk1b01rk$shTKSqDslatUSRV3WdlnI/"]

Demonstrating PHP function chaining:

var data1 = P.strtoupper("u,p,p,e,r,c,a,s,e").strstr([], "C,A,S,E").explode(",", [], 2).data();
var data2 = P.strtoupper("u,p,p,e,r,c,a,s,e").strstr([], "C,A,S,E").explode(",", [], 2).end();
console.log( data1, data2 );

Demonstrating sending a JSON block of PHP pseudo-code:

var data1 = 
    $str: "Let's use PHP's file_get_contents()!",
            http: {
                method: "GET",
                header: "Accept-language: en\r\n" +
                        "Cookie: foo=bar\r\n"
        stream_context_create: ['$opts']
        file_get_contents: ['', false, '$context']
        htmlentities: ['$contents']
    console.log( data1 );

The backend configuration provides a whitelist so you can restrict which functions can be called. There are a few other patterns for working with PHP described by the plugin as well.

git rebase merge conflict

When you have a conflict during rebase you have three options:

  • You can run git rebase --abort to completely undo the rebase. Git will return you to your branch's state as it was before git rebase was called.

  • You can run git rebase --skip to completely skip the commit. That means that none of the changes introduced by the problematic commit will be included. It is very rare that you would choose this option.

  • You can fix the conflict as iltempo said. When you're finished, you'll need to call git rebase --continue. My mergetool is kdiff3 but there are many more which you can use to solve conflicts. You only need to set your merge tool in git's settings so it can be invoked when you call git mergetool

If none of the above works for you, then go for a walk and try again :)

what does mysql_real_escape_string() really do?

PHP’s mysql_real_escape_string function is only a wrapper for MySQL’s mysql_real_escape_string function. It basically prepares the input string to be safely used in a MySQL string declaration by escaping certain characters so that they can’t be misinterpreted as a string delimiter or an escape sequence delimiter and thereby allow certain injection attacks.

The real in mysql_real_escape_string in opposite to mysql_escape_string is due to the fact that it also takes the current character encoding into account as the risky characters are not encoded equally in the different character encodings. But you need to specify the character encoding change properly in order to get mysql_real_escape_string work properly.

How do I install cygwin components from the command line?

I wanted a solution for this similar to apt-get --print-uris, but unfortunately apt-cyg doesn't do this. The following is a solution that allowed me to download only the packages I needed, with their dependencies, and copy them to the target for installation. Here is a bash script that parses the output of apt-cyg into a list of URIs:


depends=$( \
    apt-cyg depends $package \
    | perl -ne 'while ($x = /> ([^>\s]+)/g) { print "$1\n"; }' \
    | sort \
    | uniq)
depends=$(echo -e "$depends\n$package")
for curpkg in $depends; do
    if ! grep -q "^$curpkg " /etc/setup/installed.db; then
    apt-cyg show $curpkg \
        | perl -ne '
            if ($x = /install: ([^\s]+)/) { 
                print "$1\n"; 
            if (/\[prev\]/) { 

The above will print out the paths of the packages that need downloading, relative to the cygwin mirror root, omitting any packages that are already installed. To download them, I wrote the output to a file cygwin-packages-list and then used wget:

uris=$(for line in $(cat cygwin-packages-list); do echo "$mirror$line"; done)
wget -x $uris

The installer can then be used to install from a local cache directory. Note that for this to work I needed to copy setup.ini from a previous cygwin package cache to the directory with the downloaded files (otherwise the installer doesn't know what's what).

Scanning Java annotations at runtime

The Classloader API doesn't have an "enumerate" method, because class loading is an "on-demand" activity -- you usually have thousands of classes in your classpath, only a fraction of which will ever be needed (the rt.jar alone is 48MB nowadays!).

So, even if you could enumerate all classes, this would be very time- and memory-consuming.

The simple approach is to list the concerned classes in a setup file (xml or whatever suits your fancy); if you want to do this automatically, restrict yourself to one JAR or one class directory.

How can I convert a VBScript to an executable (EXE) file?

You can use VBSedit software to convert your VBS code to .exe file. You can download free version from Internet and installtion vbsedit applilcation on your system and convert the files to exe format.

Vbsedit is a good application for VBscripter's

Check last modified date of file in C#

You simply want the File.GetLastWriteTime static method.


var lastModified = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime("C:\");

Console.WriteLine(lastModified.ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss"));

Note however that in the rare case the last-modified time is not updated by the system when writing to the file (this can happen intentionally as an optimisation for high-frequency writing, e.g. logging, or as a bug), then this approach will fail, and you will instead need to subscribe to file write notifications from the system, constantly listening.

Passing arguments to an interactive program non-interactively

Many ways

pipe your input

echo "yes
maybe" | your_program

redirect from a file

your_program < answers.txt

use a here document (this can be very readable)

your_program << ANSWERS

use a here string

your_program <<< $'yes\nno\nmaybe\n'

How to write an ArrayList of Strings into a text file?

FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("output.txt"); 
for(String str: arr) {
  writer.write(str + System.lineSeparator());

How to get image width and height in OpenCV?

Also for openCV in python you can do:

img = cv2.imread('myImage.jpg')
height, width, channels = img.shape 

How do I find the last column with data?

I think we can modify the UsedRange code from @Readify's answer above to get the last used column even if the starting columns are blank or not.

So this lColumn = ws.UsedRange.Columns.Count modified to

this lColumn = ws.UsedRange.Column + ws.UsedRange.Columns.Count - 1 will give reliable results always

enter image description here

?Sheet1.UsedRange.Column + Sheet1.UsedRange.Columns.Count - 1

Above line Yields 9 in the immediate window.

Passing parameters from jsp to Spring Controller method

Use the @RequestParam to pass a parameter to the controller handler method. In the jsp your form should have an input field with name = "id" like the following:

<input type="text" name="id" />
<input type="submit" />

Then in your controller, your handler method should be like the following:

public String listNotes(@RequestParam("id") int id) {
    Person person = personService.getCurrentlyAuthenticatedUser();
    model.addAttribute("person", new Person());
    model.addAttribute("listPersons", this.personService.listPersons());
    model.addAttribute("listNotes", this.notesService.listNotesBySectionId(id, person));
    return "note";

Please also refer to these answers and tutorial:

Variable might not have been initialized error

Since no other answer has cited the Java language standard, I have decided to write an answer of my own:

In Java, local variables are not, by default, initialized with a certain value (unlike, for example, the field of classes). From the language specification one (§4.12.5) can read the following:

A local variable (§14.4, §14.14) must be explicitly given a value before it is used, by either initialization (§14.4) or assignment (§15.26), in a way that can be verified using the rules for definite assignment (§16 (Definite Assignment)).

Therefore, since the variables a and b are not initialized :

 for (int l= 0; l<x.length; l++) 
        if (x[l] == 0) 
        a++ ;
        else if (x[l] == 1) 
        b++ ;

the operations a++; and b++; could not produce any meaningful results, anyway. So it is logical for the compiler to notify you about it: variable a might not have been initialized
                a++ ;
                ^ variable b might not have been initialized
                b++ ;

However, one needs to understand that the fact that a++; and b++; could not produce any meaningful results has nothing to do with the reason why the compiler displays an error. But rather because it is explicitly set on the Java language specification that

A local variable (§14.4, §14.14) must be explicitly given a value (...)

To showcase the aforementioned point, let us change a bit your code to:

public static Rand searchCount (int[] x) 
    if(x == null || x.length  == 0)
      return null;
    int a ; 
    int b ; 


    for (int l= 0; l<x.length; l++) 
        if(l == 0)
           a = l;
        if(l == 1)
           b = l;


So even though the code above can be formally proven to be valid (i.e., the variables a and b will be always assigned with the value 0 and 1, respectively) it is not the compiler job to try to analyze your application's logic, and neither does the rules of local variable initialization rely on that. The compiler checks if the variables a and b are initialized according to the local variable initialization rules, and reacts accordingly (e.g., displaying a compilation error).

How to pass dictionary items as function arguments in python?

If you want to use them like that, define the function with the variable names as normal:

def my_function(school, standard, city, name):
    schoolName  = school
    cityName = city
    standardName = standard
    studentName = name

Now you can use ** when you call the function:

data = {'school':'DAV', 'standard': '7', 'name': 'abc', 'city': 'delhi'}


and it will work as you want.

P.S. Don't use reserved words such as class.(e.g., use klass instead)

Filter dict to contain only certain keys?

Based on the accepted answer by delnan.

What if one of your wanted keys aren't in the old_dict? The delnan solution will throw a KeyError exception that you can catch. If that's not what you need maybe you want to:

  1. only include keys that excists both in the old_dict and your set of wanted_keys.

    old_dict = {'name':"Foobar", 'baz':42}
    wanted_keys = ['name', 'age']
    new_dict = {k: old_dict[k] for k in set(wanted_keys) & set(old_dict.keys())}
    >>> new_dict
    {'name': 'Foobar'}
  2. have a default value for keys that's not set in old_dict.

    default = None
    new_dict = {k: old_dict[k] if k in old_dict else default for k in wanted_keys}
    >>> new_dict
    {'age': None, 'name': 'Foobar'}

Unable to verify leaf signature

I had the same issues. I have followed @ThomasReggi and @CoolAJ86 solution and worked well but I'm not satisfied with the solution.

Because "UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE" issue is happened due to certification configuration level.

I accept @thirdender solution but its partial solution.As per the nginx official website, they clearly mentioned certificate should be combination of The server certificate and chained certificates.

enter image description here

How to get a cookie from an AJAX response?

Similar to yebmouxing I could not the


method to work. It would only return null even if I had set HTTPOnly to false on my server.

I too wrote a simple js helper function to grab the cookies from the document. This function is very basic and only works if you know the additional info (lifespan, domain, path, etc. etc.) to add yourself:

function getCookie(cookieName){
  var cookieArray = document.cookie.split(';');
  for(var i=0; i<cookieArray.length; i++){
    var cookie = cookieArray[i];
    while (cookie.charAt(0)==' '){
      cookie = cookie.substring(1);
    cookieHalves = cookie.split('=');
    if(cookieHalves[0]== cookieName){
      return cookieHalves[1];
  return "";

Instantiating a generic class in Java

I could do this in a JUnit Test Setup.

I wanted to test a Hibernate facade so I was looking for a generic way to do it. Note that the facade also implements a generic interface. Here T is the database class and U the primary key. Ifacade<T,U> is a facade to access the database object T with the primary key U.

public abstract class GenericJPAController<T, U, C extends IFacade<T,U>>

    protected static EntityManagerFactory emf;

    /* The properties definition is straightforward*/
    protected T testObject;
    protected C facadeManager;

    public static void setUpClass() {

        try {
            emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("my entity manager factory");

        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            System.err.println("Failed to create sessionFactory object." + ex);
            throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);


    public static void tearDownClass() {

    public void setUp() {
    /* Get the class name*/
        String className = ((ParameterizedType) getClass().getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments()[2].getTypeName();

        /* Create the instance */
        try {
            facadeManager = (C) Class.forName(className).newInstance();
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(GenericJPAController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

    public void tearDown() {

     * Test of testFindTEntities_0args method, of class
     * GenericJPAController<T, U, C extends IFacade<T,U>>.
     * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
     * @throws java.lang.NoSuchMethodException
     * @throws java.lang.InstantiationException
     * @throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException
    public void  testFindTEntities_0args() throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {

        /* Example of instance usage. Even intellisense (NetBeans) works here!*/
        try {
            List<T> lista = (List<T>) facadeManager.findAllEntities();
   -> {
                System.out.println("Find all: " + stringReport());
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            System.err.println("Failed to access object." + ex);
            throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);

     * @return
    public abstract String stringReport();

    protected abstract T createTestObject();
    protected abstract T editTestObject();
    protected abstract U getTextObjectIndex();

count number of characters in nvarchar column

Doesn't SELECT LEN(column_name) work?

How to automatically insert a blank row after a group of data

Figured it out.

Step 1

Put a new column to the left of column1 and copy+paste the following formula




... all the way to the bottom (assume column B here is column1 in the original question).

This formula evaluates whether or not the next row is a new value in column1. Deopending on the result, you will have TRUE or FALSE. Copy and Paste these results as values and then swap "FALSE" for nil and "TRUE" for 0.5

Step 2

Then add that column full of only 0.5's to the column1 which will yield the following table:

  newcolumn0  |   column1 ("B") |   column2   |  column3
              |     1           |     small   |  blue
              |     1           |     small   |  orange
      1.5     |     1           |     small   |  yellow
              |     2           |     med     |  yellow
      2.5     |     2           |     med     |  blue
      3.5     |     3           |     large   |  green
              |     4           |     large   |  green
      4.5     |     4           |     small   |  pink

Step 3

Lastly, copy and paste the values from newcolumn0 right below the values in column1 and then sort the table by column1 and you should have a blank row in between each distinct whole number in column1, with the table something like this:

    newcolumn0   |  column1 ("B")  |   column2       |  column3
                 |     1           |     small   |  blue
                 |     1           |     small   |  orange
        1.5      |     1.5         |             |
                 |     1           |     small   |  yellow
                 |     2           |     med     |  yellow
                 |     2           |     med     |  blue
        2.5      |     2.5         |             |
                 |     3           |     large   |  green
        3.5      |     3.5         |             |
                 |     4           |     large   |  green
                 |     4           |     small   |  pink
        4.5      |     4.5         |             |

Alternative Solutions (still no VBA)

  1. Put a value of 1 Column 1, Row 2 (assume this is A2)
  2. Put this formula in A3 =IF(B3=B2,A2,A2+1) and copy+paste this formula for the rest of column 2
  3. Then copy and paste all the values from column 1 into a new temp excel sheet, remove duplicates, then add 0.5 to all numbers, then paste these values below the values in original spreadsheet below the data in column 1, paste all data in column as values and then sort by that column, delete the temp excel sheet

Find value in an array

I'm guessing that you're trying to find if a certain value exists inside the array, and if that's the case, you can use Array#include?(value):

a = [1,2,3,4,5]
a.include?(3)   # => true
a.include?(9)   # => false

If you mean something else, check the Ruby Array API

Converting a string to a date in DB2

You can use:

select VARCHAR_FORMAT(creationdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') from table name

Twitter - How to embed native video from someone else's tweet into a New Tweet or a DM

I eventually figured out an easy way to do it:

  1. On your Twitter feed, click the date/time of the tweet containing the video. That will open the single tweet view
  2. Look for the down-pointing arrow at the top-right corner of the tweet, click it to open drop-down menue
  3. Select the "Embed Video" option and copy the HTML embed code and Paste it to Notepad
  4. Find the last "" shortened URL inside the HTML code (should be something like this: https://`` Copy this URL and paste it in a new browser tab.
  5. The browser will expand the shortened URL to something which looks like this:

This is the link to the Twitter Card containing the native video. Pasting this link in a new tweet or DM will include the native video in it!

Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved

The problem is probably that the JVM client doesn't trust the certificate. As suggested, you can try and access in your browser.

If that works - this is probably the case. You will have to explicitly tell the JMV to trust maven certificate. You can refer to the answer here "PKIX path building failed" and "unable to find valid certification path to requested target"

for me on Mac OS, the certificate file is located at /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_181.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/security and the certificate you need is the one presented to your browser when you enter the URL mentioned above

How to calculate an angle from three points?

Very Simple Geometric Solution with Explanation

Few days ago, a fell into the same problem & had to sit with the math book. I solved the problem by combining and simplifying some basic formulas.

Lets consider this figure-


We want to know ?, so we need to find out a and ß first. Now, for any straight line-

y = m * x + c

Let- A = (ax, ay), B = (bx, by), and O = (ox, oy). So for the line OA-

oy = m1 * ox + c   ? c = oy - m1 * ox   ...(eqn-1)

ay = m1 * ax + c   ? ay = m1 * ax + oy - m1 * ox   [from eqn-1]
                   ? ay = m1 * ax + oy - m1 * ox
                   ? m1 = (ay - oy) / (ax - ox)
                   ? tan a = (ay - oy) / (ax - ox)   [m = slope = tan ?]   ...(eqn-2)

In the same way, for line OB-

tan ß = (by - oy) / (bx - ox)   ...(eqn-3)

Now, we need ? = ß - a. In trigonometry we have a formula-

tan (ß-a) = (tan ß + tan a) / (1 - tan ß * tan a)   ...(eqn-4)

After replacing the value of tan a (from eqn-2) and tan b (from eqn-3) in eqn-4, and applying simplification we get-

tan (ß-a) = ( (ax-ox)*(by-oy)+(ay-oy)*(bx-ox) ) / ( (ax-ox)*(bx-ox)-(ay-oy)*(by-oy) )


? = ß-a = tan^(-1) ( ((ax-ox)*(by-oy)+(ay-oy)*(bx-ox)) / ((ax-ox)*(bx-ox)-(ay-oy)*(by-oy)) )

That is it!

Now, take following figure-


This C# or, Java method calculates the angle (?)-

    private double calculateAngle(double P1X, double P1Y, double P2X, double P2Y,
            double P3X, double P3Y){

        double numerator = P2Y*(P1X-P3X) + P1Y*(P3X-P2X) + P3Y*(P2X-P1X);
        double denominator = (P2X-P1X)*(P1X-P3X) + (P2Y-P1Y)*(P1Y-P3Y);
        double ratio = numerator/denominator;

        double angleRad = Math.Atan(ratio);
        double angleDeg = (angleRad*180)/Math.PI;

            angleDeg = 180+angleDeg;

        return angleDeg;

Can we have functions inside functions in C++?

Let me post a solution here for C++03 that I consider the cleanest possible.*

    struct { RETURN_TYPE operator () FUNCTION } NAME;


int main(){
  DECLARE_LAMBDA(demoLambda, void, (){ cout<<"I'm a lambda!"<<endl; });

  DECLARE_LAMBDA(plus, int, (int i, int j){
    return i+j;
  cout << "plus(1,2)=" << plus(1,2) << endl;
  return 0;

(*) in the C++ world using macros is never considered clean.

Last element in .each() set

For future Googlers i've a different approach to check if it's last element. It's similar to last lines in OP question.

This directly compares elements rather than just checking index numbers.

$yourset.each(function() {
    var $this = $(this);
    if($this[0] === $yourset.last()[0]) {
        //$this is the last one

SQL ROWNUM how to return rows between a specific range

(SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Id) AS RowNum, * FROM maps006) AS DerivedTable

Why is it string.join(list) instead of list.join(string)?

This was discussed in the String methods... finally thread in the Python-Dev achive, and was accepted by Guido. This thread began in Jun 1999, and str.join was included in Python 1.6 which was released in Sep 2000 (and supported Unicode). Python 2.0 (supported str methods including join) was released in Oct 2000.

  • There were four options proposed in this thread:
    • str.join(seq)
    • seq.join(str)
    • seq.reduce(str)
    • join as a built-in function
  • Guido wanted to support not only lists, tuples, but all sequences/iterables.
  • seq.reduce(str) is difficult for new-comers.
  • seq.join(str) introduces unexpected dependency from sequences to str/unicode.
  • join() as a built-in function would support only specific data types. So using a built in namespace is not good. If join() supports many datatypes, creating optimized implementation would be difficult, if implemented using the __add__ method then it's O(n²).
  • The separator string (sep) should not be omitted. Explicit is better than implicit.

There are no other reasons offered in this thread.

Here are some additional thoughts (my own, and my friend's):

  • Unicode support was coming, but it was not final. At that time UTF-8 was the most likely about to replace UCS2/4. To calculate total buffer length of UTF-8 strings it needs to know character coding rule.
  • At that time, Python had already decided on a common sequence interface rule where a user could create a sequence-like (iterable) class. But Python didn't support extending built-in types until 2.2. At that time it was difficult to provide basic iterable class (which is mentioned in another comment).

Guido's decision is recorded in a historical mail, deciding on str.join(seq):

Funny, but it does seem right! Barry, go for it...
--Guido van Rossum

how to read all files inside particular folder

using System.IO;
foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(folderPath, "*.xml"))
    string contents = File.ReadAllText(file);

Note the above uses a .NET 4.0 feature; in previous versions replace EnumerateFiles with GetFiles). Also, replace File.ReadAllText with your preferred way of reading xml files - perhaps XDocument, XmlDocument or an XmlReader.

Using SHA1 and RSA with vs. MessageDigest and Cipher

Code below (taken from my blog article - ) is hopefully helpful in understanding what is present in a standard SHA with RSA signature. This should work in standard Oracle JDK and does not require Bouncy Castle libraries. It is using the classes to process the decrypted signature contents - you could just as easily manually parse.

In the example below, the message digest algorithm is SHA-512 which produces a 64 byte (512-bit) checksum.

SHA-1 would be pretty similar - but producing a 20-byte (160-bit) checksum.


import java.util.Arrays;

import javax.crypto.Cipher;


public class RSASignatureVerification
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        KeyPairGenerator generator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");

        KeyPair keyPair = generator.generateKeyPair();
        PrivateKey privateKey = keyPair.getPrivate();
        PublicKey publicKey = keyPair.getPublic();

        String data = "hello oracle";
        byte[] dataBytes = data.getBytes("UTF8");

        Signature signer = Signature.getInstance("SHA512withRSA");


        byte[] signature = signer.sign(); // signature bytes of the signing operation's result.

        Signature verifier = Signature.getInstance("SHA512withRSA");

        boolean verified = verifier.verify(signature);
        if (verified)
            System.out.println("Signature verified!");

    The statement that describes signing to be equivalent to RSA encrypting the
    hash of the message using the private key is a greatly simplified view
    The decrypted signatures bytes likely convey a structure (ASN.1) encoded
    using DER with the hash just one component of the structure.

        // lets try decrypt signature and see what is in it ...
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA");
        cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, publicKey);

        byte[] decryptedSignatureBytes = cipher.doFinal(signature);

    sample value of decrypted signature which was 83 bytes long

    30 51 30 0D 06 09 60 86 48 01 65 03 04 02 03 05
    00 04 40 51 00 41 75 CA 3B 2B 6B C0 0A 3F 99 E3
    6B 7A 01 DC F2 9B 36 E6 0D D4 31 89 53 A3 D9 80
    6D AE DD 45 7E 55 45 01 FC C8 73 D2 DD 8D E5 B9
    E0 71 57 13 41 D0 CD FF CA 58 01 03 A3 DD 95 A1
    C1 EE C8

    Taking above sample bytes ...
    0x30 means A SEQUENCE - which contains an ordered field of one or more types.
    It is encoded into a TLV triplet that begins with a Tag byte of 0x30.
    DER uses T,L,V (tag bytes, length bytes, value bytes) format

    0x51 is the length = 81 decimal (13 bytes)

    the 0x30 (48 decimal) that follows begins a second sequence
    the DER encoding T of the DigestInfo value is equal to the following for SHA-512
    0D 06 09 60 86 48 01 65 03 04 02 03 05 00 04 40 || H
    where || is concatenation and H is the hash value.

    0x0D is the length = 13 decimal (13 bytes)

    0x06 means an OBJECT_ID tag
    0x09 means the object id is 9 bytes ...

    taking 2.16.840. (object id for SHA512 Hash Algorithm)

    The first two nodes of the OID are encoded onto a single byte.
    The first node is multiplied by the decimal 40 and the result is added to the value of the second node
    2 * 40 + 16 = 96 decimal = 60 hex
    Node values less than or equal to 127 are encoded on one byte.
    1 101 3 4 2 3 corresponds to in hex 01 65 03 04 02 03
    Node values greater than or equal to 128 are encoded on multiple bytes.
    Bit 7 of the leftmost byte is set to one. Bits 0 through 6 of each byte contains the encoded value.
    840 decimal = 348 hex
    -> 0000 0011 0100 1000
    set bit 7 of the left most byte to 1, ignore bit 7 of the right most byte,
    shifting right nibble of leftmost byte to the left by 1 bit
    -> 1000 0110 X100 1000 in hex 86 48

    05 00          ; NULL (0 Bytes)

    04 40          ; OCTET STRING (0x40 Bytes = 64 bytes
    SHA512 produces a 512-bit (64-byte) hash value

    51 00 41 ... C1 EE C8 is the 64 byte hash value

        // parse DER encoded data
        DerInputStream derReader = new DerInputStream(decryptedSignatureBytes);

        byte[] hashValueFromSignature = null;

        // obtain sequence of entities
        DerValue[] seq = derReader.getSequence(0);
        for (DerValue v : seq)
            if (v.getTag() == 4)
                hashValueFromSignature = v.getOctetString(); // SHA-512 checksum extracted from decrypted signature bytes

        MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512");

        byte[] hashValueCalculated = md.digest();

        boolean manuallyVerified = Arrays.equals(hashValueFromSignature, hashValueCalculated);
        if (manuallyVerified)
            System.out.println("Signature manually verified!");
            System.out.println("Signature could NOT be manually verified!");

Extract Month and Year From Date in R

Here's another solution using a package solely dedicated to working with dates and times in R:


(df <- tibble(ID = 1:3, Date = c("2004-02-06" , "2006-03-14", "2007-07-16")))
#> # A tibble: 3 x 2
#>      ID Date      
#>   <int> <chr>     
#> 1     1 2004-02-06
#> 2     2 2006-03-14
#> 3     3 2007-07-16

df %>%
    Date = ymd(Date),
    Month_Yr = format_ISO8601(Date, precision = "ym")
#> # A tibble: 3 x 3
#>      ID Date       Month_Yr
#>   <int> <date>     <chr>   
#> 1     1 2004-02-06 2004-02 
#> 2     2 2006-03-14 2006-03 
#> 3     3 2007-07-16 2007-07

Created on 2020-09-01 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Java generating non-repeating random numbers

Achintya Jha has the right idea here. Instead of thinking about how to remove duplicates, you remove the ability for duplicates to be created in the first place.

If you want to stick with an array of ints and want to randomize their order (manually, which is quite simple) follow these steps.

  1. create array of size n.
  2. loop through and initialize each value at index i to the value i (or i+1 if you wish to have the numbers 1 to n rather than 0 to n-1).
  3. finally, loop through the array again swapping each value for a value at a random index.

Your code could be modified to look like this:

import java.util.Random;

public class Sort
    // use a constant rather than having the "magic number" 10000 scattered about
    public static final int N = 10000;

    public static void main(String[] args)
        //array to store N random integers (0 - N-1)
        int[] nums = new int[N];

        // initialize each value at index i to the value i 
        for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; ++i)
            nums[i] = i;

        Random randomGenerator = new Random();
        int randomIndex; // the randomly selected index each time through the loop
        int randomValue; // the value at nums[randomIndex] each time through the loop

        // randomize order of values
        for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; ++i)
             // select a random index
             randomIndex = randomGenerator.nextInt(nums.length);

             // swap values
             randomValue = nums[randomIndex];
             nums[randomIndex] = nums[i];
             nums[i] = randomValue;

And if I were you I would likely break each of these blocks into separate, smaller methods rather than having one large main method.

Hope this helps.

How to left align a fixed width string?

You can prefix the size requirement with - to left-justify:

sys.stdout.write("%-6s %-50s %-25s\n" % (code, name, industry))

Get list of certificates from the certificate store in C#

The simplest way to do that is by opening the certificate store you want and then using X509Certificate2UI.

var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);
var selectedCertificate = X509Certificate2UI.SelectFromCollection(

More information in X509Certificate2UI on MSDN.

C++, copy set to vector

I think the most efficient way is to preallocate and then emplace elements:

template <typename T>
std::vector<T> VectorFromSet(const std::set<T>& from)
    std::vector<T> to;

    for (auto const& value : from)

    return to;

That way we will only invoke copy constructor for every element as opposed to calling default constructor first and then copy assignment operator for other solutions listed above. More clarifications below.

  1. back_inserter may be used but it will invoke push_back() on the vector ( emplace_back() is more efficient because it avoids creating a temporary when using push_back(). It is not a problem with trivially constructed types but will be a performance implication for non-trivially constructed types (e.g. std::string).

  2. We need to avoid constructing a vector with the size argument which causes all elements default constructed (for nothing). Like with solution using std::copy(), for instance.

  3. And, finally, vector::assign() method or the constructor taking the iterator range are not good options because they will invoke std::distance() (to know number of elements) on set iterators. This will cause unwanted additional iteration through the all set elements because the set is Binary Search Tree data structure and it does not implement random access iterators.

Hope that helps.

Run an exe from C# code

I know this is well answered, but if you're interested, I wrote a library that makes executing commands much easier.

Check it out here:

Run PHP function on html button click

if (isset($_POST['str'])){
function printme($str){
echo $str;

<form action="<?php $_PHP_SELF ?>" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="str" /> <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>

Declare global variables in Visual Studio 2010 and VB.NET

Okay. I finally found what actually works to answer the question that seems to be asked;

"When needing many modules and forms, how can I declare a variable to be public to all of them such that they each reference the same variable?"

Amazingly to me, I spent considerable time searching the web for that seemingly simple question, finding nothing but vagueness that left me still getting errors.

But thanks to Cody Gray's link to an example, I was able to discern a proper answer;

Situation; You have multiple Modules and/or Forms and want to reference a particular variable from each or all.

"A" way that works; On one module place the following code (wherein "DefineGlobals" is an arbitrarily chosen name);

Public Module DefineGlobals

Public Parts As Integer                 'Assembled-particle count
Public FirstPrtAff As Long              'Addr into Link List 
End Module

And then in each Module/Form in need of addressing that variable "Parts", place the following code (as an example of the "InitForm2" form);

Public Class InitForm2
Private Sub InitForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    Parts = Parts + 3

End Sub

End Class

And perhaps another Form; Public Class FormX

Sub CreateAff()

   Parts = 1000

End Sub 

 End Class

That type of coding seems to have worked on my VB2008 Express and seems to be all needed at the moment (void of any unknown files being loaded in the background) even though I have found no end to the "Oh btw..." surprise details. And I'm certain a greater degree of standardization would be preferred, but the first task is simply to get something working at all, with or without standards.

Nothing beats exact and well worded, explicit examples.

Thanks again, Cody

CSS Grid Layout not working in IE11 even with prefixes

To support IE11 with auto-placement, I converted grid to table layout every time I used the grid layout in 1 dimension only. I also used margin instead of grid-gap.

The result is the same, see how you can do it here

ASP.NET MVC Html.DropDownList SelectedValue

This appears to be a bug in the SelectExtensions class as it will only check the ViewData rather than the model for the selected item. So the trick is to copy the selected item from the model into the ViewData collection under the name of the property.

This is taken from the answer I gave on the MVC forums, I also have a more complete answer in a blog post that uses Kazi's DropDownList attribute...

Given a model

public class ArticleType
   public Guid Id { get; set; }
   public string Description { get; set; }

public class Article
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public ArticleType { get; set; }

and a basic view model of

public class ArticleModel
     public Guid Id { get; set; }
     public string Name { get; set; }

     public Guid ArticleType { get; set; }

Then we write a DropDownList editor template as follows..

<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl" %>
<script runat="server">  
    IEnumerable<SelectListItem> GetSelectList()
        var metaData = ViewData.ModelMetadata;
        if (metaData == null)
            return null;

        var selected = Model is SelectListItem ? ((SelectListItem) Model).Value : Model.ToString();
        ViewData[metaData.PropertyName] = selected;

        var key = metaData.PropertyName + "List";
        return (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewData[key];
<%= Html.DropDownList(null, GetSelectList()) %>

This will also work if you change ArticleType in the view model to a SelectListItem, though you do have to implement a type converter as per Kazi's blog and register it to force the binder to treat this as a simple type.

In your controller we then have...

public ArticleController 
     public ActionResult Edit(int id)
          var entity = repository.FindOne<Article>(id);
          var model = builder.Convert<ArticleModel>(entity);

          var types = repository.FindAll<ArticleTypes>();
          ViewData["ArticleTypeList"] = builder.Convert<SelectListItem>(types);

          return VIew(model);

MS SQL 2008 - get all table names and their row counts in a DB

SELECT +'.'+ TableName
 ,SUM(pa.rows) RowCnt
 FROM sys.tables ta
 INNER JOIN sys.partitions pa
 INNER JOIN sys.schemas sc
 ON ta.schema_id = sc.schema_id
 WHERE ta.is_ms_shipped = 0 AND pa.index_id IN (1,0)

See this:

Is there any way to redraw tmux window when switching smaller monitor to bigger one?

This is still the top post when searching, but it's no longer valid. Best answer is here, but the TLDR is

<c-b>:resize-window -A

How to rename array keys in PHP?

Talking about functional PHP, I have this more generic answer:

        $ret = $arr;
        $ret['value'] = $ret['url'];
        return $ret;
    }, $tag);

Date format in the json output using spring boot

You most likely mean "yyyy-MM-dd" small latter 'm' would imply minutes section.

You should do two things

  • add spring.jackson.serialization.write-dates-as-timestamps:false in your this will disable converting dates to timestamps and instead use a ISO-8601 compliant format

  • You can than customize the format by annotating the getter method of you dateOfBirth property with @JsonFormat(pattern="yyyy-MM-dd")

Change background position with jQuery

rebellion's answer above won't actually work, because to CSS, 'background-position' is actually shorthand for 'background-position-x' and 'background-position-y' so the correct version of his code would be:

    $('#submenu li').hover(function(){
        $('#carousel').css('background-position-x', newValueX);
        $('#carousel').css('background-position-y', newValue);
    }, function(){
        $('#carousel').css('background-position-x', oldValueX);
        $('#carousel').css('background-position-y', oldValueY);

It took about 4 hours of banging my head against it to come to that aggravating realization.

Write to Windows Application Event Log

As stated in MSDN (eg. ), checking an non existing source and creating a source requires admin privilege.

It is however possible to use the source "Application" without. In my test under Windows 2012 Server r2, I however get the following log entry using "Application" source:

The description for Event ID xxxx from source Application cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer. If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event. The following information was included with the event: {my event entry message} the message resource is present but the message is not found in the string/message table

I defined the following method to create the source:

    private string CreateEventSource(string currentAppName)
        string eventSource = currentAppName;
        bool sourceExists;
            // searching the source throws a security exception ONLY if not exists!
            sourceExists = EventLog.SourceExists(eventSource);
            if (!sourceExists)
            {   // no exception until yet means the user as admin privilege
                EventLog.CreateEventSource(eventSource, "Application");
        catch (SecurityException)
            eventSource = "Application";

        return eventSource;

I am calling it with currentAppName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName

It might be possible to use the EventLogPermission class instead of this try/catch but not sure we can avoid the catch.

It is also possible to create the source externally, e.g in elevated Powershell:

New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source MyApp

Then, using 'MyApp' in the method above will NOT generate exception and the EventLog can be created with that source.

Best way to style a TextBox in CSS

You Also wanna put some text (placeholder) in the empty input box for the

.myClass {_x000D_
   ::-webkit-input-placeholder {_x000D_
    color: #f00;_x000D_
   ::-moz-placeholder {_x000D_
    color: #f00;_x000D_
  /* firefox 19+ */_x000D_
   :-ms-input-placeholder {_x000D_
    color: #f00;_x000D_
  /* ie */_x000D_
  input:-moz-placeholder {_x000D_
    color: #f00;_x000D_
<input type="text" class="myClass" id="fname" placeholder="Enter First Name Here!">

user to understand what to type.

How to add custom method to Spring Data JPA

I extends the SimpleJpaRepository:

public class ExtendedRepositoryImpl<T extends EntityBean> extends SimpleJpaRepository<T, Long>
    implements ExtendedRepository<T> {

    private final JpaEntityInformation<T, ?> entityInformation;

    private final EntityManager em;

    public ExtendedRepositoryImpl(final JpaEntityInformation<T, ?> entityInformation,
                                                      final EntityManager entityManager) {
       super(entityInformation, entityManager);
       this.entityInformation = entityInformation;
       this.em = entityManager;

and adds this class to @EnableJpaRepositoryries repositoryBaseClass.

Add tooltip to font awesome icon

The issue of adding tooltips to any HTML-Output (not only FontAwesome) is an entire book on its own. ;-)

The default way would be to use the title-attribute:

  <div id="welcomeText" title="So nice to see you!">
    <p>Welcome Harriet</p>


<i class="fa fa-cog" title="Do you like my fa-coq icon?"></i>

But since most people (including me) do not like the standard-tooltips, there are MANY tools out there which will "beautify" them and offer all sort of enhancements. My personal favourites are jBox and qtip2.

How to use HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR properly?

HTTP_CLIENT_IP is the most reliable way of getting the user's IP address. Next is HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, followed by REMOTE_ADDR. Check all three, in that order, assuming that the first one that is set (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) returns true if that variable is set) is correct. You can independently check if the user is using a proxy using various methods. Check this out.

MySQL select query with multiple conditions

Lets suppose there is a table with following describe command for table (hello)- name char(100), id integer, count integer, city char(100).

we have following basic commands for MySQL -

select * from hello;
select name, city from hello;

select name from hello where id = 8;
select id from hello where name = 'GAURAV';

now lets see multiple where condition -

select name from hello where id = 3 or id = 4 or id = 8 or id = 22;

select name from hello where id =3 and count = 3 city = 'Delhi';

This is how we can use multiple where commands in MySQL.

Passing parameter via url to sql server reporting service

Try passing multiple values via url:


This should work.

How to execute command stored in a variable?

$cmd would just replace the variable with it's value to be executed on command line. eval "$cmd" does variable expansion & command substitution before executing the resulting value on command line

The 2nd method is helpful when you wanna run commands that aren't flexible eg.
for i in {$a..$b}
format loop won't work because it doesn't allow variables.
In this case, a pipe to bash or eval is a workaround.

Tested on Mac OSX 10.6.8, Bash 3.2.48

Git on Bitbucket: Always asked for password, even after uploading my public SSH key

Show history of a file?

You can use git log to display the diffs while searching:

git log -p -- path/to/file

String Concatenation in EL

With EL 2 you can do the following:

#{'this'.concat(' is').concat(' a').concat(' test!')}

Docker error: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase

Indeed, the docker registry as of today (sha 2e2f252f3c88679f1207d87d57c07af6819a1a17e22573bcef32804122d2f305) does not handle paths containing upper-case characters. This is obviously a poor design choice, probably due to wanting to maintain compatible with certain operating systems that do not distinguish case at the file level (ie, windows).

If one authenticates for a scope and tries to fetch a non-existing repository with all lowercase, the output is

(auth step not shown)
curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -X GET https://$LOCALREGISTRY/v2/test/someproject/tags/list
{"errors":[{"code":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"authentication required","detail":[{"Type":"repository","Class":"","Name":"test/someproject","Action":"pull"}]}]}

However, if one tries to do this with an uppercase component, only 404 is returned:

(authorization step done but not shown here)
$ curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -X GET

404 page not found

How to get data from observable in angular2

You need to subscribe to the observable and pass a callback that processes emitted values

this.myService.getConfig().subscribe(val => console.log(val));

Passing an array by reference

It's a syntax for array references - you need to use (&array) to clarify to the compiler that you want a reference to an array, rather than the (invalid) array of references int & array[100];.

EDIT: Some clarification.

void foo(int * x);
void foo(int x[100]);
void foo(int x[]);

These three are different ways of declaring the same function. They're all treated as taking an int * parameter, you can pass any size array to them.

void foo(int (&x)[100]);

This only accepts arrays of 100 integers. You can safely use sizeof on x

void foo(int & x[100]); // error

This is parsed as an "array of references" - which isn't legal.

pandas loc vs. iloc vs. at vs. iat?

There are two primary ways that pandas makes selections from a DataFrame.

  • By Label
  • By Integer Location

The documentation uses the term position for referring to integer location. I do not like this terminology as I feel it is confusing. Integer location is more descriptive and is exactly what .iloc stands for. The key word here is INTEGER - you must use integers when selecting by integer location.

Before showing the summary let's all make sure that ...

.ix is deprecated and ambiguous and should never be used

There are three primary indexers for pandas. We have the indexing operator itself (the brackets []), .loc, and .iloc. Let's summarize them:

  • [] - Primarily selects subsets of columns, but can select rows as well. Cannot simultaneously select rows and columns.
  • .loc - selects subsets of rows and columns by label only
  • .iloc - selects subsets of rows and columns by integer location only

I almost never use .at or .iat as they add no additional functionality and with just a small performance increase. I would discourage their use unless you have a very time-sensitive application. Regardless, we have their summary:

  • .at selects a single scalar value in the DataFrame by label only
  • .iat selects a single scalar value in the DataFrame by integer location only

In addition to selection by label and integer location, boolean selection also known as boolean indexing exists.

Examples explaining .loc, .iloc, boolean selection and .at and .iat are shown below

We will first focus on the differences between .loc and .iloc. Before we talk about the differences, it is important to understand that DataFrames have labels that help identify each column and each row. Let's take a look at a sample DataFrame:

df = pd.DataFrame({'age':[30, 2, 12, 4, 32, 33, 69],
                   'color':['blue', 'green', 'red', 'white', 'gray', 'black', 'red'],
                   'food':['Steak', 'Lamb', 'Mango', 'Apple', 'Cheese', 'Melon', 'Beans'],
                   'height':[165, 70, 120, 80, 180, 172, 150],
                   'score':[4.6, 8.3, 9.0, 3.3, 1.8, 9.5, 2.2],
                   'state':['NY', 'TX', 'FL', 'AL', 'AK', 'TX', 'TX']
                  index=['Jane', 'Nick', 'Aaron', 'Penelope', 'Dean', 'Christina', 'Cornelia'])

enter image description here

All the words in bold are the labels. The labels, age, color, food, height, score and state are used for the columns. The other labels, Jane, Nick, Aaron, Penelope, Dean, Christina, Cornelia are used as labels for the rows. Collectively, these row labels are known as the index.

The primary ways to select particular rows in a DataFrame are with the .loc and .iloc indexers. Each of these indexers can also be used to simultaneously select columns but it is easier to just focus on rows for now. Also, each of the indexers use a set of brackets that immediately follow their name to make their selections.

.loc selects data only by labels

We will first talk about the .loc indexer which only selects data by the index or column labels. In our sample DataFrame, we have provided meaningful names as values for the index. Many DataFrames will not have any meaningful names and will instead, default to just the integers from 0 to n-1, where n is the length(number of rows) of the DataFrame.

There are many different inputs you can use for .loc three out of them are

  • A string
  • A list of strings
  • Slice notation using strings as the start and stop values

Selecting a single row with .loc with a string

To select a single row of data, place the index label inside of the brackets following .loc.


This returns the row of data as a Series

age           4
color     white
food      Apple
height       80
score       3.3
state        AL
Name: Penelope, dtype: object

Selecting multiple rows with .loc with a list of strings

df.loc[['Cornelia', 'Jane', 'Dean']]

This returns a DataFrame with the rows in the order specified in the list:

enter image description here

Selecting multiple rows with .loc with slice notation

Slice notation is defined by a start, stop and step values. When slicing by label, pandas includes the stop value in the return. The following slices from Aaron to Dean, inclusive. Its step size is not explicitly defined but defaulted to 1.


enter image description here

Complex slices can be taken in the same manner as Python lists.

.iloc selects data only by integer location

Let's now turn to .iloc. Every row and column of data in a DataFrame has an integer location that defines it. This is in addition to the label that is visually displayed in the output. The integer location is simply the number of rows/columns from the top/left beginning at 0.

There are many different inputs you can use for .iloc three out of them are

  • An integer
  • A list of integers
  • Slice notation using integers as the start and stop values

Selecting a single row with .iloc with an integer


This returns the 5th row (integer location 4) as a Series

age           32
color       gray
food      Cheese
height       180
score        1.8
state         AK
Name: Dean, dtype: object

Selecting multiple rows with .iloc with a list of integers

df.iloc[[2, -2]]

This returns a DataFrame of the third and second to last rows:

enter image description here

Selecting multiple rows with .iloc with slice notation


enter image description here

Simultaneous selection of rows and columns with .loc and .iloc

One excellent ability of both .loc/.iloc is their ability to select both rows and columns simultaneously. In the examples above, all the columns were returned from each selection. We can choose columns with the same types of inputs as we do for rows. We simply need to separate the row and column selection with a comma.

For example, we can select rows Jane, and Dean with just the columns height, score and state like this:

df.loc[['Jane', 'Dean'], 'height':]

enter image description here

This uses a list of labels for the rows and slice notation for the columns

We can naturally do similar operations with .iloc using only integers.

df.iloc[[1,4], 2]
Nick      Lamb
Dean    Cheese
Name: food, dtype: object

Simultaneous selection with labels and integer location

.ix was used to make selections simultaneously with labels and integer location which was useful but confusing and ambiguous at times and thankfully it has been deprecated. In the event that you need to make a selection with a mix of labels and integer locations, you will have to make both your selections labels or integer locations.

For instance, if we want to select rows Nick and Cornelia along with columns 2 and 4, we could use .loc by converting the integers to labels with the following:

col_names = df.columns[[2, 4]]
df.loc[['Nick', 'Cornelia'], col_names] 

Or alternatively, convert the index labels to integers with the get_loc index method.

labels = ['Nick', 'Cornelia']
index_ints = [df.index.get_loc(label) for label in labels]
df.iloc[index_ints, [2, 4]]

Boolean Selection

The .loc indexer can also do boolean selection. For instance, if we are interested in finding all the rows where age is above 30 and return just the food and score columns we can do the following:

df.loc[df['age'] > 30, ['food', 'score']] 

You can replicate this with .iloc but you cannot pass it a boolean series. You must convert the boolean Series into a numpy array like this:

df.iloc[(df['age'] > 30).values, [2, 4]] 

Selecting all rows

It is possible to use .loc/.iloc for just column selection. You can select all the rows by using a colon like this:

df.loc[:, 'color':'score':2]

enter image description here

The indexing operator, [], can slice can select rows and columns too but not simultaneously.

Most people are familiar with the primary purpose of the DataFrame indexing operator, which is to select columns. A string selects a single column as a Series and a list of strings selects multiple columns as a DataFrame.


Jane          Steak
Nick           Lamb
Aaron         Mango
Penelope      Apple
Dean         Cheese
Christina     Melon
Cornelia      Beans
Name: food, dtype: object

Using a list selects multiple columns

df[['food', 'score']]

enter image description here

What people are less familiar with, is that, when slice notation is used, then selection happens by row labels or by integer location. This is very confusing and something that I almost never use but it does work.

df['Penelope':'Christina'] # slice rows by label

enter image description here

df[2:6:2] # slice rows by integer location

enter image description here

The explicitness of .loc/.iloc for selecting rows is highly preferred. The indexing operator alone is unable to select rows and columns simultaneously.

df[3:5, 'color']
TypeError: unhashable type: 'slice'

Selection by .at and .iat

Selection with .at is nearly identical to .loc but it only selects a single 'cell' in your DataFrame. We usually refer to this cell as a scalar value. To use .at, pass it both a row and column label separated by a comma.['Christina', 'color']

Selection with .iat is nearly identical to .iloc but it only selects a single scalar value. You must pass it an integer for both the row and column locations

df.iat[2, 5]

Accessing clicked element in angularjs

While AngularJS allows you to get a hand on a click event (and thus a target of it) with the following syntax (note the $event argument to the setMaster function; documentation here:

function AdminController($scope) {    
  $scope.setMaster = function(obj, $event){

this is not very angular-way of solving this problem. With AngularJS the focus is on the model manipulation. One would mutate a model and let AngularJS figure out rendering.

The AngularJS-way of solving this problem (without using jQuery and without the need to pass the $event argument) would be:

<div ng-controller="AdminController">
    <ul class="list-holder">
        <li ng-repeat="section in sections" ng-class="{active : isSelected(section)}">
            <a ng-click="setMaster(section)">{{}}</a>
    {{selected | json}}

where methods in the controller would look like this:

$scope.setMaster = function(section) {
    $scope.selected = section;

$scope.isSelected = function(section) {
    return $scope.selected === section;

Here is the complete jsFiddle:

Java 8 optional: ifPresent return object orElseThrow exception

Actually what you are searching is: Your code would then look like: -> "result" /* or your function */)

I would rather omit passing the Optional if you can. In the end you gain nothing using an Optional here. A slightly other variant:

public String getString(Object yourObject) {
  if (Objects.isNull(yourObject)) { // or use requireNonNull instead if NullPointerException suffices
     throw new MyCustomException();
  String result = ...
  // your string mapping function
  return result;

If you already have the Optional-object due to another call, I would still recommend you to use the map-method, instead of isPresent, etc. for the single reason, that I find it more readable (clearly a subjective decision ;-)).

Run a command shell in jenkins

I was running a job which ran a shell script in Jenkins on a Windows machine. The job was failing due to the error given below. I was able to fix the error thanks to clues in Andrejz's answer.

Error :

Started by user james
Running as SYSTEM
Building in workspace C:\Users\jamespc\.jenkins\workspace\myfolder\my-job
[my-job] $ sh -xe C:\Users\jamespc\AppData\Local\Temp\
The system cannot find the file specified
FATAL: command execution failed CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
    at java.base/java.lang.ProcessImpl.create(Native Method)
    at java.base/java.lang.ProcessImpl.<init>(
    at java.base/java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(
    at java.base/java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
Caused: Cannot run program "sh" (in directory "C:\Users\jamespc\.jenkins\workspace\myfolder\my-job"): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
    at java.base/java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
    at java.base/java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
    at hudson.Proc$LocalProc.<init>(
    at hudson.Proc$LocalProc.<init>(
    at hudson.Launcher$LocalLauncher.launch(
    at hudson.Launcher$ProcStarter.start(
    at hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter.perform(
    at hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter.perform(
    at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$1.perform(
    at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.perform(
    at hudson.model.Build$
    at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.doRun(
    at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$
    at hudson.model.Run.execute(
    at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE

Solution :

1 - Install Cygwin and note the directory where it gets installed.

It was C:\cygwin64 in my case. The sh.exe which is needed to run shell scripts is in the "bin" sub-directory, i.e. C:\cygwin64\bin.

2 - Tell Jenkins where sh.exe is located.

Jenkins web console > Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Under shell, set the "Shell executable" = C:\cygwin64\bin\sh.exe > Click apply & also click save.

That's all I did to make my job pass. I was running Jenkins from a war file and I did not need to restart it to make this work.

Copy and paste content from one file to another file in vi

My scenario was I need to copy n number of lines in middle, n unknown, from file 1 to file 2.

:'a,'bw /name/of/output/file.txt

How to define hash tables in Bash?

hput () {
  eval hash"$1"='$2'

hget () {
  eval echo '${hash'"$1"'#hash}'
hput France Paris
hput Netherlands Amsterdam
hput Spain Madrid
echo `hget France` and `hget Netherlands` and `hget Spain`

$ sh
Paris and Amsterdam and Madrid

Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window'

you don't need to pass the entire encoded string to atob method, you need to split the encoded string and pass the required string to atob method

const token= "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJob3NzYW0iLCJUb2tlblR5cGUiOiJCZWFyZXIiLCJyb2xlIjoiQURNSU4iLCJpc0FkbWluIjp0cnVlLCJFbXBsb3llZUlkIjoxLCJleHAiOjE2MTI5NDA2NTksImlhdCI6MTYxMjkzNzA1OX0.8f0EeYbGyxt9hjggYW1vR5hMHFVXL4ZvjTA6XgCCAUnvacx_Dhbu1OGh8v5fCsCxXQnJ8iAIZDIgOAIeE55LUw"

Difference between variable declaration syntaxes in Javascript (including global variables)?

In global scope there is no semantic difference.

But you really should avoid a=0 since your setting a value to an undeclared variable.

Also use closures to avoid editing global scope at all

(function() {
   // do stuff locally

   // Hoist something to global scope
   window.someGlobal = someLocal

Always use closures and always hoist to global scope when its absolutely neccesary. You should be using asynchronous event handling for most of your communication anyway.

As @AvianMoncellor mentioned there is an IE bug with var a = foo only declaring a global for file scope. This is an issue with IE's notorious broken interpreter. This bug does sound familiar so it's probably true.

So stick to window.globalName = someLocalpointer

What is the difference between for and foreach?

It depends on what you are doing, and what you need.

If you are iterating through a collection of items, and do not care about the index values then foreach is more convenient, easier to write and safer: you can't get the number of items wrong.

If you need to process every second item in a collection for example, or process them ion the reverse order, then a for loop is the only practical way.

The biggest differences are that a foreach loop processes an instance of each element in a collection in turn, while a for loop can work with any data and is not restricted to collection elements alone. This means that a for loop can modify a collection - which is illegal and will cause an error in a foreach loop.

For more detail, see MSDN : foreach and for

MySQL: ALTER TABLE if column not exists

Here is a solution that does not involve querying INFORMATION_SCHEMA, it simply ignores the error if the column does exist.

  ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD COLUMN `column_name` INTEGER;
END //
CALL `?`();

P.S. Feel free to give it other name rather than ?

Android - running a method periodically using postDelayed() call

Please check the below its working on my side in below code your handler will run after every 1 Second when you are on same activity

 HandlerThread handlerThread = new HandlerThread("HandlerThread");
                handler = new Handler(handlerThread.getLooper());
                runnable = new Runnable()
                    public void run()

                            handler.postDelayed(this, 1000);
                handler.postDelayed(runnable, 1000);

Java synchronized block vs. Collections.synchronizedMap

If you are using JDK 6 then you might want to check out ConcurrentHashMap

Note the putIfAbsent method in that class.

HTML - Alert Box when loading page

If you use jqueryui (or another toolset) this is the way you do it


<div id="hw" title="Empty the recycle bin?">The new way</div>


        alert('the old way')

UPDATE : how to include jqueryui by pointing to cdn

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

How to check all checkboxes using jQuery?

Trigger Click





    $('input:checkbox').prop('checked', this.checked);

Best way to combine two or more byte arrays in C#

    public static bool MyConcat<T>(ref T[] base_arr, ref T[] add_arr)
            int base_size = base_arr.Length;
            int size_T = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(base_arr[0]);
            Array.Resize(ref base_arr, base_size + add_arr.Length);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(add_arr, 0, base_arr, base_size * size_T, add_arr.Length * size_T);
        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ioor)
            return false;
        return true;

Store JSON object in data attribute in HTML jQuery

This is how it worked for me.


var my_object ={"Super Hero":["Iron Man", "Super Man"]};


Encode the stringified object with encodeURIComponent() and set as attribute:

var data_str = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(my_object));


To get the value as an object, parse the decoded, with decodeURIComponent(), attribute value:

var data_str = $("div#mydiv").attr("data-hero");
var my_object = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(data_str));

What is __future__ in Python used for and how/when to use it, and how it works

One of the uses which I found to be very useful is the print_function from __future__ module.

In Python 2.7, I wanted chars from different print statements to be printed on same line without spaces.

It can be done using a comma(",") at the end, but it also appends an extra space. The above statement when used as :

from __future__ import print_function
print (v_num,end="")

This will print the value of v_num from each iteration in a single line without spaces.

Javascript onclick hide div

just add onclick handler for anchor tag

onclick=" = 'none'"

or change onclick handler for img tag

onclick=" = 'none'"

How to save local data in a Swift app?

NsUserDefaults saves only small variable sizes. If you want to save many objects you can use CoreData as a native solution, or I created a library that helps you save objects as easy as .save() function. It’s based on SQLite.


Check it out and tell me your comments

Android : How to read file in bytes?

If you want to use a the openFileInput method from a Context for this, you can use the following code.

This will create a BufferArrayOutputStream and append each byte as it's read from the file to it.

 * <p>
 *     Creates a InputStream for a file using the specified Context
 *     and returns the Bytes read from the file.
 * </p>
 * @param context The context to use.
 * @param file The file to read from.
 * @return The array of bytes read from the file, or null if no file was found.
public static byte[] read(Context context, String file) throws IOException {
    byte[] ret = null;

    if (context != null) {
        try {
            InputStream inputStream = context.openFileInput(file);
            ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

            int nextByte =;
            while (nextByte != -1) {
                nextByte =;

            ret = outputStream.toByteArray();

        } catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) { }

    return ret;

Set cellpadding and cellspacing in CSS?

For tables, cellspacing and cellpadding are obsolete in HTML 5.

Now for cellspacing you have to use border-spacing. And for cellpadding you have to use border-collapse.

And make sure you don't use this in your HTML5 code. Always try to use these values in a CSS 3 file.

How do you get the current time of day?

Here we go:

 DateTime time = DateTime.Now;
 Console.WriteLine(time.ToString("h:mm:ss tt"));

How can I wrap or break long text/word in a fixed width span?

By default a span is an inline element... so that's not the default behavior.

You can make the span behave that way by adding display: block; to your CSS.

span {
    display: block;
    width: 100px;

JavaScript: How to find out if the user browser is Chrome?

To know the names of different desktop browsers (Firefox, IE, Opera, Edge, Chrome). Except Safari.

function getBrowserName() {
  var browserName = '';
  var userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
  (typeof InstallTrigger !== 'undefined') && (browserName = 'Firefox');
  ( /* @cc_on!@*/ false || !!document.documentMode) && (browserName = 'IE');
  (!! && userAgent.match(/OPR/)) && (browserName = 'Opera');
  (!! && userAgent.match(/Edge/)) && (browserName = 'Edge');
  (!! && !userAgent.match(/(OPR|Edge)/)) && (browserName = 'Chrome');

   * Expected returns
   * Firefox, Opera, Edge, Chrome
  return browserName;

Works in the following browser versions:

Opera - 58.0.3135.79
Firefox - 65.0.2 (64-bit)
IE - 11.413.15063 (JS Fiddle no longer supports IE just paste in Console)
Edge - 44.17763.1.0
Chrome - 72.0.3626.121 (Official Build) (64-bit)

View the gist here and the fiddle here

The original code snippet no longer worked for Chrome and I forgot where I found it. It had safari before but I no longer have access to safari so I cannot verify anymore.

Only the Firefox and IE codes were part of the original snippet.

The checking for Opera, Edge, and Chrome is straight forward. They have differences in the userAgent. OPR only exists in Opera. Edge only exists in Edge. So to check for Chrome these string shouldn't be there.

As for the Firefox and IE, I cannot explain what they do.

I'll be adding this functionality to a package i'm writing

set dropdown value by text using jquery

try this..

$(element).find("option:contains(" + theText+ ")").attr('selected', 'selected');

Create SQL script that create database and tables

Not sure why SSMS doesn’t take into account execution order but it just doesn’t. This is not an issue for small databases but what if your database has 200 objects? In that case order of execution does matter because it’s not really easy to go through all of these.

For unordered scripts generated by SSMS you can go following

a) Execute script (some objects will be inserted some wont, there will be some errors)

b) Remove all objects from the script that have been added to database

c) Go back to a) until everything is eventually executed

Alternative option is to use third party tool such as ApexSQL Script or any other tools already mentioned in this thread (SSMS toolpack, Red Gate and others).

All of these will take care of the dependencies for you and save you even more time.

Objective-C - Remove last character from string

The documentation is your friend, NSString supports a call substringWithRange that can shorten the string that you have an return the shortened String. You cannot modify an instance of NSString it is immutable. If you have an NSMutableString is has a method called deleteCharactersInRange that can modify the string in place

NSRange r;
r.location = 0;
r.size = [mutable length]-1;
NSString* shorted = [stringValue substringWithRange:r];

Center a 'div' in the middle of the screen, even when the page is scrolled up or down?

Correct Method is

    border: solid 1px black;
    position: fixed;
    left: 50%;
    top: 50%;
    background-color: white;
    z-index: 100;
    height: 400px;
    margin-top: -200px;

    width: 600px;
    margin-left: -300px;

How to position the Button exactly in CSS

I'd use absolute positioning:

#play_button {
transition: .5s ease;
    left: 202px;
    top: 198px;


How to change the URL from "localhost" to something else, on a local system using wampserver?

After another hour or two I can actually answer my own question.

Someone on another forum mentioned that you need to keep a mention of plain ol' localhost in the httpd-vhost.conf file, so here's what I ended up with in there:

ServerName localhost

DocumentRoot "c:/wamp/www/"

DocumentRoot "C:/wamp/www/pocket/"
ErrorLog "logs/"
CustomLog "logs/" common
<Directory "C:/wamp/www/pocket/">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

Exit WAMP, restart - good to go. Hope this helps someone else :)

How to access ssis package variables inside script component

This should work:

IDTSVariables100 vars = null;
string TaskName = vars("System::TaskName").Value.ToString();

Your initial code lacks call of the GetVariables() method.

How to Compare two strings using a if in a stored procedure in sql server 2008?

You can also try this for match string.

DECLARE @temp1 VARCHAR(1000)
    SET @temp1 = '<li>Error in connecting server.</li>'
DECLARE @temp2 VARCHAR(1000)
    SET @temp2 = '<li>Error in connecting server. connection timeout.</li>'

IF @temp1 like '%Error in connecting server.%' OR @temp1 like '%Error in connecting server. connection timeout.%'
  SELECT 'yes'
  SELECT 'no'

Unable to Build using MAVEN with ERROR - Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile

For my situation, I switched the value of "fork" to false, such as <fork>false</fork>. I do not understand why, hope someone could explain to me. Thanks in advance.

Programmatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard

Adding this to your code android:focusableInTouchMode="true" will make sure that your keypad doesn't appear on startup for your edittext box. You want to add this line to your linear layout that contains the EditTextBox. You should be able to play with this to solve both your problems. I have tested this. Simple solution.

ie: In your app_list_view.xml file


------------------ EDIT: To Make keyboard appear on startup -----------------------

This is to make they Keyboard appear on the username edittextbox on startup. All I've done is added an empty Scrollview to the bottom of the .xml file, this puts the first edittext into focus and pops up the keyboard. I admit this is a hack, but I am assuming you just want this to work. I've tested it, and it works fine.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="" 
        android:hint="Password" />

If you are looking for a more eloquent solution, I've found this question which might help you out, it is not as simple as the solution above but probably a better solution. I haven't tested it but it apparently works. I think it is similar to the solution you've tried which didn't work for you though.

Hope this is what you are looking for.


How can I protect my .NET assemblies from decompilation?

At work here we use Dotfuscator from PreEmptive Solutions.

Although it's impossible to protect .NET assemblies 100% Dotfuscator makes it hard enough I think. I comes with a lot of obfuscation techniques;

Cross Assembly Renaming
Renaming Schemes
Renaming Prefix
Enhanced Overload Induction
Incremental Obfuscation
HTML Renaming Report
Control Flow
String Encryption

And it turned out that they're not very expensive for small companies. They have a special pricing for small companies.

(No I'm not working for PreEmptive ;-))

There are freeware alternatives of course;

Access 2013 - Cannot open a database created with a previous version of your application

I've just used Excel 2016 to open Access 2003 tables.

  1. Open a new worksheet
  2. Go to Data tab
  3. Click on "From Access" menu item
  4. Select the database's .mdb file
  5. In the "Data Link Properties" box that opens, switch to the "Provider" tab
  6. Select the "Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider"
  7. Click on Next
  8. Reselect the database's .mdb file (it forgets it when you change Provider)
  9. Click OK
  10. From the Select Table dialogue that appears, choose the table you want to import.

How do I enable the column selection mode in Eclipse?

To activate the cursor and select the columns you want to select use:

Windows: Alt+Shift+A

Mac: command + option + A

Linux-based OS: Alt+Shift+A

To deactivate, press the keys again.

This information was taken from DJ's Java Blog.

How do I use the CONCAT function in SQL Server 2008 R2?

Just for completeness - in SQL 2008 you would use the plus + operator to perform string concatenation.

Take a look at the MSDN reference with sample code. Starting with SQL 2012, you may wish to use the new CONCAT function.

Flask-SQLAlchemy how to delete all rows in a single table

Try delete:


From the docs: Returns the number of rows deleted, excluding any cascades.

Border in shape xml

If you want make a border in a shape xml. You need to use:

For the external border,you need to use:


For the internal background,you need to use:


If you want to set corners,you need to use:


If you want a padding betwen border and the internal elements,you need to use:


Here is a shape xml example using the above items. It works for me

<shape xmlns:android=""> 
  <stroke android:width="2dp" android:color="#D0CFCC" /> 
  <solid android:color="#F8F7F5" /> 
  <corners android:radius="10dp" />
  <padding android:left="2dp" android:top="2dp" android:right="2dp" android:bottom="2dp" />

Converting string to title case

public static string PropCase(string strText)
    return new CultureInfo("en").TextInfo.ToTitleCase(strText.ToLower());

What does character set and collation mean exactly?

From MySQL docs:

A character set is a set of symbols and encodings. A collation is a set of rules for comparing characters in a character set. Let's make the distinction clear with an example of an imaginary character set.

Suppose that we have an alphabet with four letters: 'A', 'B', 'a', 'b'. We give each letter a number: 'A' = 0, 'B' = 1, 'a' = 2, 'b' = 3. The letter 'A' is a symbol, the number 0 is the encoding for 'A', and the combination of all four letters and their encodings is a character set.

Now, suppose that we want to compare two string values, 'A' and 'B'. The simplest way to do this is to look at the encodings: 0 for 'A' and 1 for 'B'. Because 0 is less than 1, we say 'A' is less than 'B'. Now, what we've just done is apply a collation to our character set. The collation is a set of rules (only one rule in this case): "compare the encodings." We call this simplest of all possible collations a binary collation.

But what if we want to say that the lowercase and uppercase letters are equivalent? Then we would have at least two rules: (1) treat the lowercase letters 'a' and 'b' as equivalent to 'A' and 'B'; (2) then compare the encodings. We call this a case-insensitive collation. It's a little more complex than a binary collation.

In real life, most character sets have many characters: not just 'A' and 'B' but whole alphabets, sometimes multiple alphabets or eastern writing systems with thousands of characters, along with many special symbols and punctuation marks. Also in real life, most collations have many rules: not just case insensitivity but also accent insensitivity (an "accent" is a mark attached to a character as in German 'ö') and multiple-character mappings (such as the rule that 'ö' = 'OE' in one of the two German collations).

The ResourceConfig instance does not contain any root resource classes

Have you tried adding


to your SpringServlet definition? Obviously replace with the package that AdminUiResource is in and make sure it is in the classpath.

importing pyspark in python shell

If it prints such error:

ImportError: No module named py4j.java_gateway

Please add $SPARK_HOME/python/build to PYTHONPATH:

export SPARK_HOME=/Users/pzhang/apps/spark-1.1.0-bin-hadoop2.4

How to create a css rule for all elements except one class?

The negation pseudo-class seems to be what you are looking for.

table:not(.dojoxGrid) {color:red;}

It's not supported by = IE8 though.

Cannot use special principal dbo: Error 15405

To fix this, open the SQL Server Management Studio and click New Query. Then type:

USE mydatabase
exec sp_changedbowner 'sa', 'true'

Eclipse jump to closing brace

Press Ctrl + Shift + P.

Before Eclipse Juno you need to place the cursor just beyond an opening or closing brace.

In Juno cursor can be anywhere in the code block.

Deserializing JSON data to C# using JSON.NET


var rootObject =  JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject>(string json);

Create your classes on JSON 2 C#

Json.NET documentation: Serializing and Deserializing JSON with Json.NET

Convert ArrayList to String array in Android

I know im very late to answer this. But it will help others, I was also stucked on this.

Here is what i did to get it work.

String[] namesArr = (String[]) names.toArray(new String[names.size()]);

How to execute a * .PY file from a * .IPYNB file on the Jupyter notebook?

Maybe not very elegant, but it does the job:


What difference between the DATE, TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP Types

I have a slightly different perspective on the difference between a DATETIME and a TIMESTAMP. A DATETIME stores a literal value of a date and time with no reference to any particular timezone. So, I can set a DATETIME column to a value such as '2019-01-16 12:15:00' to indicate precisely when my last birthday occurred. Was this Eastern Standard Time? Pacific Standard Time? Who knows? Where the current session time zone of the server comes into play occurs when you set a DATETIME column to some value such as NOW(). The value stored will be the current date and time using the current session time zone in effect. But once a DATETIME column has been set, it will display the same regardless of what the current session time zone is.

A TIMESTAMP column on the other hand takes the '2019-01-16 12:15:00' value you are setting into it and interprets it in the current session time zone to compute an internal representation relative to 1/1/1970 00:00:00 UTC. When the column is displayed, it will be converted back for display based on whatever the current session time zone is. It's a useful fiction to think of a TIMESTAMP as taking the value you are setting and converting it from the current session time zone to UTC for storing and then converting it back to the current session time zone for displaying.

If my server is in San Francisco but I am running an event in New York that starts on 9/1/1029 at 20:00, I would use a TIMESTAMP column for holding the start time, set the session time zone to 'America/New York' and set the start time to '2009-09-01 20:00:00'. If I want to know whether the event has occurred or not, regardless of the current session time zone setting I can compare the start time with NOW(). Of course, for displaying in a meaningful way to a perspective customer, I would need to set the correct session time zone. If I did not need to do time comparisons, then I would probably be better off just using a DATETIME column, which will display correctly (with an implied EST time zone) regardless of what the current session time zone is.


The TIMESTAMP type has a range of '1970-01-01 00:00:01' UTC to '2038-01-19 03:14:07' UTC and so it may not usable for your particular application. In that case you will have to use a DATETIME type. You will, of course, always have to be concerned that the current session time zone is set properly whenever you are using this type with date functions such as NOW().

Cannot open solution file in Visual Studio Code

VSCode is a code editor, not a full IDE. Think of VSCode as a notepad on steroids with IntelliSense code completion, richer semantic code understanding of multiple languages, code refactoring, including navigation, keyboard support with customizable bindings, syntax highlighting, bracket matching, auto indentation, and snippets.

It's not meant to replace Visual Studio, but making "Visual Studio" part of the name in VSCode will of course confuse some people at first.

Conditional formatting using AND() function

You can use a much simpler formula. I just created a new workbook to test it.

Column A = Date1 | Column B = Date2 | Column C = Date3

Highlight Column A and enter the conditional formatting formula:


How to Exit a Method without Exiting the Program?

@John, Earlz and Nathan. The way I learned it at uni is: functions return values, methods don't. In some languages the syntax is/was actually different. Example (no specific language):

Method SetY(int y) ...
Function CalculateY(int x) As Integer ...

Most languages now use the same syntax for both versions, using void as a return type to say there actually isn't a return type. I assume it's because the syntax is more consistent and easier to change from method to function, and vice versa.

how to use #ifdef with an OR condition?

Like this

#if defined(LINUX) || defined(ANDROID)

OpenMP set_num_threads() is not working

The omp_get_num_threads() function returns the number of threads that are currently in the team executing the parallel region from which it is called. You are calling it outside of the parallel region, which is why it returns 1.

Using jquery to get all checked checkboxes with a certain class name

A simple way to get the ids of the checked check boxes by class name:

$(".yourClassName:checkbox:checked").each(function() {

Notification bar icon turns white in Android 5 Lollipop

To avoid Notification icons to turn white, use "Silhouette" icons for them, ie. white-on-transparent background images. You may use Irfanview to build them:

  • choose a picture, open in IrfanView, press F12 for the painting tools, clean picture if necessary (remove unwanted parts, smooth and polish)
  • Image / Decrease Color Depth to 2 (for a black & white picture)
  • Image / Negative (for a white on black picture)
  • Image / Resize/Resample to 144 x 144 (use Size Method "Resize" not "Resample", otherwise picture is increased to 24 color bits per pixel (24 BPP) again
  • File / Save as PNG, check Show option dialog, check Save Transparent Color, click Save, then click on the black color in the image to set the transparent color

Android seems to be using the drawable-xxhdpi picture resolution (144 x 144) only, so copy your resulting ic_notification.png file to \AndroidStudio\Projects\...\app\src\main\res\drawable-xxhdpi. Use .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_notification) in your code, or use getNotificationIcon() as Daniel Saidi suggested above.

You may also use Roman Nurik's Android Asset Studio.

How do I supply an initial value to a text field?

(From the mailing list. I didn't come up with this answer.)

class _FooState extends State<Foo> {
  TextEditingController _controller;

  void initState() {
    _controller = new TextEditingController(text: 'Initial value');

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Column(
      children: <Widget>[
        new TextField(
          // The TextField is first built, the controller has some initial text,
          // which the TextField shows. As the user edits, the text property of
          // the controller is updated.
          controller: _controller,
        new RaisedButton(
          onPressed: () {
            // You can also use the controller to manipuate what is shown in the
            // text field. For example, the clear() method removes all the text
            // from the text field.
          child: new Text('CLEAR'),

Get last 30 day records from today date in SQL Server

Add one more condition in where clause

SELECT * FROM  product 
WHERE pdate >= DATEADD(day,-30,GETDATE()) 
and   pdate <= getdate()

Or use DateDiff

SELECT * FROM  product 
WHERE DATEDIFF(day,pdate,GETDATE()) between 0 and 30 

psql: command not found Mac

Open the file .bash_profile in your Home folder. It is a hidden file.

Add this path below to the end export PATH line in you .bash_profile file :/Applications/

The symbol : separates the paths.


If the file contains: export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

it will become: export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/

How to show hidden files

In Terminal, paste the following: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES

Which MySQL datatype to use for an IP address?

You have two possibilities (for an IPv4 address) :

  • a varchar(15), if your want to store the IP address as a string
    • for instance
  • an integer (4 bytes), if you convert the IP address to an integer
    • 3229614095 for the IP I used before

The second solution will require less space in the database, and is probably a better choice, even if it implies a bit of manipulations when storing and retrieving the data (converting it from/to a string).

About those manipulations, see the ip2long() and long2ip() functions, on the PHP-side, or inet_aton() and inet_ntoa() on the MySQL-side.

Extract parameter value from url using regular expressions

I use seperate custom functions which gets all URL Parameters and URL parts . For URL parameters, (which is the final part of an URI String, http://domain.tld/urlpart/?x=a&y=b

    function getUrlVars() {
    var vars = {};
    var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) {
        vars[key] = value;
    return vars;

The above function will return an array consisting of url variables.

For URL Parts or functions, (which is http://domain.tld/urlpart/?x=a&y=b I use a simple uri split,

function getUrlParams() { 
    var vars = {};
    var parts = window.location.href.split('/' );
    return parts;

You can even combine them both to be able to use with a single call in a page or in javascript.

Sublime 3 - Set Key map for function Goto Definition

To set go to definition to alt + d. From the Menu Preferences > Key Bindings-User. And then add the following JSON.

    { "keys": ["alt+d"], "command": "goto_definition" }

Ordering by the order of values in a SQL IN() clause

See following how to get sorted data.

  FROM ...
 WHERE zip IN (91709,92886,92807,...,91356)
   AND user.status=1
    BY provider.package_id DESC 
     , FIELD(zip,91709,92886,92807,...,91356)

JavaScript - cannot set property of undefined

you never set d[a] to any value.

Because of this, d[a] evaluates to undefined, and you can't set properties on undefined.

If you add d[a] = {} right after d = {} things should work as expected.

Alternatively, you could use an object initializer:

d[a] = {
    greetings: b,
    data: c

Or you could set all the properties of d in an anonymous function instance:

d = new function () {
    this[a] = {
        greetings: b,
        data: c

If you're in an environment that supports ES2015 features, you can use computed property names:

d = {
  [a]: {
    greetings: b,
    data: c

Kotlin Ternary Conditional Operator

With the following infix functions I can cover many common use cases pretty much the same way it can be done in Python :

class TestKotlinTernaryConditionalOperator {

    fun testAndOrInfixFunctions() {
        Assertions.assertThat(true and "yes" or "no").isEqualTo("yes")
        Assertions.assertThat(false and "yes" or "no").isEqualTo("no")

        Assertions.assertThat("A" and "yes" or "no").isEqualTo("yes")
        Assertions.assertThat("" and "yes" or "no").isEqualTo("no")

        Assertions.assertThat(1 and "yes" or "no").isEqualTo("yes")
        Assertions.assertThat(0 and "yes" or "no").isEqualTo("no")

        Assertions.assertThat(Date() and "yes" or "no").isEqualTo("yes")
        Assertions.assertThat(null as Date? and "yes" or "no").isEqualTo("no")

infix fun <E> Boolean?.and(other: E?): E? = if (this == true) other else null
infix fun <E> CharSequence?.and(other: E?): E? = if (!(this ?: "").isEmpty()) other else null
infix fun <E> Number?.and(other: E?): E? = if (this?.toInt() ?: 0 != 0) other else null
infix fun <E> Any?.and(other: E?): E? = if (this != null) other else null
infix fun <E> E?.or(other: E?): E? = this ?: other

Using jQuery Fancybox or Lightbox to display a contact form

Have a look at: Greybox

It's an awesome version of lightbox that supports forms, external web pages as well as the traditional images and slideshows. It works perfectly from a link on a webpage.

You will find many information on how to use Greybox and also some great examples. Cheers Kara

How to catch a unique constraint error in a PL/SQL block?

As an alternative to explicitly catching and handling the exception you could tell Oracle to catch and automatically ignore the exception by including a /*+ hint */ in the insert statement. This is a little faster than explicitly catching the exception and then articulating how it should be handled. It is also easier to setup. The downside is that you do not get any feedback from Oracle that an exception was caught.

Here is an example where we would be selecting from another table, or perhaps an inner query, and inserting the results into a table called TABLE_NAME which has a unique constraint on a column called IDX_COL_NAME.

INSERT /*+ ignore_row_on_dupkey_index(TABLE_NAME(IDX_COL_NAME)) */ 
  , col_1
  , col_2
  , col_3
  , ...
  , col_n)
  , col_1
  , col_2
  , col_3
  , ...
  , col_n);

This is not a great solution if your goal it to catch and handle (i.e. print out or update the row that is violating the constraint). But if you just wanted to catch it and ignore the violating row then then this should do the job.

How can strip whitespaces in PHP's variable?

Is old post but can be done like this:

if(!function_exists('strim')) :
function strim($str,$charlist=" ",$option=0){
        // Translate HTML entities
        $return = str_replace("&nbsp;"," ",$str);
        $return = strtr($return, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, ENT_QUOTES)));
        // Choose trim option
            // Strip whitespace (and other characters) from the begin and end of string
            case 0:
                $return = trim($return,$charlist);
            // Strip whitespace (and other characters) from the begin of string 
            case 1:
                $return = ltrim($return,$charlist);
            // Strip whitespace (and other characters) from the end of string 
            case 2:
                $return = rtrim($return,$charlist);

    return $return;

Standard trim() functions can be a problematic when come HTML entities. That's why i wrote "Super Trim" function what is used to handle with this problem and also you can choose is trimming from the begin, end or booth side of string.