[excel] Conditional formatting using AND() function

I am currently responsible for an Excel application with a lot of legacy code. One of the slowest pieces of this code was looping through 500 Rows in 6 Columns, setting conditional formatting formulae for each. The formulae are to identify where the cell contents are non-blank but do not form part of a Named Range, therefore referring twice to the cell itself, originally written as:


Obviously the overheads would be much reduced by updating all Cells in each Column (Range) at once. However, as noted above, using ADDRESS(ROW(),COLUMN(),n) does not work in this circumstance, i.e. this does not work:


I experimented extensively with a blank workbook and could find no way around this, using various alternatives such as ISBLANK. In the end, to get around this, I created two User-Defined Functions (using a tip I found elsewhere on this site):

Public Function returnCellContent() As Variant

  returnCellContent = Application.Caller.Value

End Function

Public Function Cell_HasContent() As Boolean

  If Application.Caller.Value = "" Then
    Cell_HasContent = False
    Cell_HasContent = True
  End If

End Function

The conditional formula is now:


which works fine.

This has sped the code up, in Excel 2010, from 5s to 1s. Because this code is run whenever data is loaded into the application, this saving is significant and noticeable to the user. It's also a lot cleaner and reusable.

I've taken the time to post this because I could not find any answers on this site or elsewhere that cover all of the circumstances, whilst I'm sure that there are others who could benefit from the above approach, potentially with much larger numbers of cells to update.

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