[excel] Conditionally formatting if multiple cells are blank (no numerics throughout spreadsheet )

  1. Select columns A:H with A1 as the active cell.
  2. Open Home ? Styles ? Conditional Formatting ? New Rule.
  3. Choose Use a formula to determine which cells to format and supply one of the following formulas¹ in the Format values where this formula is true: text box.
    • To highlight the Account and Store Manager columns when one of the four dates is blank:
              =AND(LEN($A1), COLUMN()<3, COUNTBLANK($E1:$H1))
    • To highlight the Account, Store Manager and blank date columns when one of the four dates is blank:
              =AND(LEN($A1), OR(COLUMN()<3, AND(COLUMN()>4, COUNTBLANK(A1))), COUNTBLANK($E1:$H1))
  4. Click [Format] and select a cell Fill.
  5. Click [OK] to accept the formatting and then [OK] again to create the new rule. In both cases, the Applies to: will refer to =$A:$H.

Results should be similar to the following.

  Conditionally formatting if multiple cells are blank

¹ The COUNTBLANK function was introduced with Excel 2007. It will count both true blanks and zero-length strings left by formulas (e.g. "").

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