[spring] Passing parameters from jsp to Spring Controller method

I am working in a Spring MVC application which uses Hibernate.

In the JSP page I have a function which lists the values stored in the database(currently all the value).

I have written a method, where the list is only limited to an ID passed in the JSP file. I got the HQL query working right, so I know it is retrieving data based upon the ID as a parameter.

Now, I would like to use this method in the controller. For that I have to pass a parameter of ID to the list, so in the controller side, the function is called which will retrieve list based upon that ID.

Unfortunately I don't know how to pass parameters from a JSP file.

JSP File :

  <c:url var="addAction" value="/note/add" ></c:url>
<form:form action="${addAction}" commandName="notices">
        <c:if test="${!empty notices.notetext}">
                    <form:label path="noticesid">
                        <spring:message text="noticesid"/>
                    <form:input path="noticesid" readonly="true" size="8"  disabled="true" />
                    <form:hidden path="noticesid" />
                <form:label path="notetext">
                    <spring:message text="notetext"/>
                <form:input path="notetext"  />
                <form:label path="notetag" >
                    <spring:message text="notetag"/>
                <form:input path="notetag"/>
                <form:label path="notecolor">
                    <spring:message text="notecolor"/>
                <form:input path="notecolor" />

                <form:label path="canvasid">
                    <spring:message text="canvasid"/>
                <form:input path="canvasid" />

                <form:label path="sectionid">
                    <spring:message text="sectionid"/>
                <form:input path="sectionid"  />

                <form:label path="canvasnName">
                    <spring:message text="canvasnName"/>
                <form:input path="canvasnName"  />

            <td colspan="2">
                <c:if test="${!empty notices.noticesid}">
                    <input type="submit"
                           value="<spring:message text="Edit note"/>" />
                <c:if test="${empty notices.notetext}">
                    <input type="submit"
                           value="<spring:message text="Add note"/>" />
<h3>Notes List</h3>

<c:url var="listAction" value="/note/list/2323" ></c:url>
<c:if test="${!empty notices.noticesid}">
    <table class="tg">
            <th width="80">Notes ID</th>
            <th width="120">Notes text</th>
            <th width="120">Note Tag</th>
            <th width="120">Note color</th>
            <th width="120">Note section</th>
            <th width="120">Canvas id</th>
            <th width="120">Canvas name</th>
            <th width="120">Other id</th>
            <th width="60">Edit</th>
            <th width="60">Delete</th>
        <c:forEach items="${listNotes}" var="notices">
                <td><a href="<c:url value='/editnote/${notices.noticesid}' />" >Edit</a></td>
                <td><a href="<c:url value='/removenote/${notices.noticesid}' />" >Delete</a></td>

Controller file with list function :

@RequestMapping(value = "/note/list/{id}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
    public String listNotes(@PathVariable int id,Model model) {
        Person person = personService.getCurrentlyAuthenticatedUser();
        model.addAttribute("person", new Person());
        model.addAttribute("listPersons", this.personService.listPersons());
        return "note";

@RequestMapping(value= "/note/add")
    public String addNote(@ModelAttribute("notices") Notes p,Model model) {
        Person person = personService.getCurrentlyAuthenticatedUser();

        int id = getSectionid();
        System.out.println("Section id is"+id);
        this.notesService.addNote(p, person);
        return "note";

I tried looking up the net, but I don't know what it is called that I am looking for, so having a hard time. Any help would be good. Thank you.

This question is related to spring jsp spring-mvc

The answer is

Your controller method should be like this:

@RequestMapping(value = " /<your mapping>/{id}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String listNotes(@PathVariable("id")int id,Model model) {
    Person person = personService.getCurrentlyAuthenticatedUser();
    int id = 2323;  // Currently passing static values for testing
    model.addAttribute("person", new Person());
    model.addAttribute("listPersons", this.personService.listPersons());
    return "note";

Use the id in your code, call the controller method from your JSP as:

/{your mapping}/{your id}


Change your jsp code to:

<c:forEach items="${listNotes}" var="notices" varStatus="status">
        <td><a href="<c:url value='/editnote/${listNotes[status.index].noticesid}' />" >Edit</a></td>
        <td><a href="<c:url value='/removenote/${listNotes[status.index].noticesid}' />" >Delete</a></td>

Use the @RequestParam to pass a parameter to the controller handler method. In the jsp your form should have an input field with name = "id" like the following:

<input type="text" name="id" />
<input type="submit" />

Then in your controller, your handler method should be like the following:

public String listNotes(@RequestParam("id") int id) {
    Person person = personService.getCurrentlyAuthenticatedUser();
    model.addAttribute("person", new Person());
    model.addAttribute("listPersons", this.personService.listPersons());
    model.addAttribute("listNotes", this.notesService.listNotesBySectionId(id, person));
    return "note";

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