[python] Run multiple python scripts concurrently

How can I run multiple python scripts? At the moment I run one like so python script1.py.

I've tried python script1.py script2.py and that doesn't work: only the first script is run. Also, I've tried using a single file like this;

import script1
import script2

python script1.py
python script2.py

However this doesn't work either.

This question is related to python linux shell

The answer is

I am working in Windows 7 with Python IDLE. I have two programs,

# progA
while True:
    m = input('progA is running ')
    print (m)


# progB
while True:
    m = input('progB is running ')
    print (m)

I open up IDLE and then open file progA.py. I run the program, and when prompted for input I enter "b" + <Enter> and then "c" + <Enter>

I am looking at this window:

Python 3.6.3 (v3.6.3:2c5fed8, Oct  3 2017, 17:26:49) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
= RESTART: C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\progA.py =
progA is running b
progA is running c
progA is running 

Next, I go back to Windows Start and open up IDLE again, this time opening file progB.py. I run the program, and when prompted for input I enter "x" + <Enter> and then "y" + <Enter>

I am looking at this window:

Python 3.6.3 (v3.6.3:2c5fed8, Oct  3 2017, 17:26:49) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
= RESTART: C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\progB.py =
progB is running x
progB is running y
progB is running 

Now two IDLE Python 3.6.3 Shell programs are running at the same time, one shell running progA while the other one is running progB.

The simplest solution to run two Python processes concurrently is to run them from a bash file, and tell each process to go into the background with the & shell operator.

python script1.py &
python script2.py &

For a more controlled way to run many processes in parallel, look into the Supervisor project, or use the multiprocessing module to orchestrate from inside Python.

I do this in node.js (on Windows 10) by opening 2 separate cmd instances and running each program in each instance.

This has the advantage that writing to the console is easily visible for each script.

I see that in python can do the same: 2 shells.

You can run multiple instances of IDLE/Python shell at the same time. So open IDLE and run the server code and then open up IDLE again, which will start a separate instance and then run your client code.

I had to do this and used subprocess.

import subprocess

subprocess.run("python3 script1.py & python3 script2.py", shell=True)

You can use Gnu-Parallel to run commands concurrently, works on Windows, Linux/Unix.

parallel ::: "python script1.py" "python script2.py"

The most simple way in my opinion would be to use the PyCharm IDE and install the 'multirun' plugin. I tried alot of the solutions here but this one worked for me in the end!

You try the following ways to run the multiple python scripts:

  import os
  print "Starting script1"
  os.system("python script1.py arg1 arg2 arg3")
  print "script1 ended"
  print "Starting script2"
  os.system("python script2.py arg1 arg2 arg3")
  print "script2 ended"

Note: The execution of multiple scripts depends purely underlined operating system, and it won't be concurrent, I was new comer in Python when I answered it.

Update: I found a package: https://pypi.org/project/schedule/ Above package can be used to run multiple scripts and function, please check this and maybe on weekend will provide some example too.


 import schedule
 import time
 import script1, script2

 def job():
     print("I'm working...")


 while True:

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