Programs & Examples On #Temp tables

Temporary tables are a feature of RDBMS's as a means of storing intermediate results. Some RDBMS's make the distinction between local and global temporary tables. Temporary tables are typically dropped when the session ends for local, or when the temporary table is no longer referenced for global. Note that a temporary table is not the same as a table variable even though both are temporary in nature.

Create a temporary table in MySQL with an index from a select

I wrestled quite a while with the proper syntax for CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE SELECT. Having figured out a few things, I wanted to share the answers with the rest of the community.

Basic information about the statement is available at the following MySQL links:


At times it can be daunting to interpret the spec. Since most people learn best from examples, I will share how I have created a working statement, and how you can modify it to work for you.

  1. Add multiple indexes

    This statement shows how to add multiple indexes (note that index names - in lower case - are optional):

    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE core.my_tmp_table 
    (INDEX my_index_name (tag, time), UNIQUE my_unique_index_name (order_number))
    SELECT * FROM core.my_big_table
    WHERE my_val = 1
  2. Add a new primary key:

    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE core.my_tmp_table 
    (PRIMARY KEY my_pkey (order_number),
    INDEX cmpd_key (user_id, time))
    SELECT * FROM core.my_big_table
  3. Create additional columns

    You can create a new table with more columns than are specified in the SELECT statement. Specify the additional column in the table definition. Columns specified in the table definition and not found in select will be first columns in the new table, followed by the columns inserted by the SELECT statement.

    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE core.my_tmp_table 
    PRIMARY KEY my_pkey (my_new_id), INDEX my_unique_index_name (invoice_number))
    SELECT * FROM core.my_big_table
  4. Redefining data types for the columns from SELECT

    You can redefine the data type of a column being SELECTed. In the example below, column tag is a MEDIUMINT in core.my_big_table and I am redefining it to a BIGINT in core.my_tmp_table.

    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE core.my_tmp_table 
    (tag BIGINT,
    my_time DATETIME,  
    INDEX my_unique_index_name (tag) )
    SELECT * FROM core.my_big_table
  5. Advanced field definitions during create

    All the usual column definitions are available as when you create a normal table. Example:

    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE core.my_tmp_table 
    country CHAR(2) DEFAULT "XX" COMMENT "Two-letter country code",  
    INDEX my_index_name (location))
    SELECT * FROM core.my_big_table

How to retrieve field names from temporary table (SQL Server 2008)

To use information_schema and not collide with other sessions:

select * 
where table_name =
        (select database_id from sys.databases where name = 'tempdb'))

SQL Server Creating a temp table for this query

DECLARE #MyTempTable TABLE (SiteName varchar(50), BillingMonth varchar(10), Consumption float)

INSERT INTO #MyTempTable (SiteName, BillingMonth, Consumption)
SELECT  tblMEP_Sites.Name AS SiteName, convert(varchar(10),BillingMonth ,101) AS BillingMonth, SUM(Consumption) AS Consumption
FROM tblMEP_Projects.......  --your joining statements

Here, # - use this to create table inside tempdb
@ - use this to create table as variable.

Inserting data into a temporary table

All the above mentioned answers will almost fullfill the purpose. However, You need to drop the temp table after all the operation on it. You can follow-

INSERT INTO #TempTable (ID, Date, Name) 
SELECT id, date, name 
FROM physical_table;

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#TempTable') IS NOT NULL 
    DROP TABLE #TempTable;

Create a temporary table in a SELECT statement without a separate CREATE TABLE


dropping a global temporary table

yes - the engine will throw different exceptions for different conditions.

you will change this part to catch the exception and do something different


here is a reference

How to find difference between two columns data?

Yes, you can select the data, calculate the difference, and insert all values in the other table:

insert into #temp2 (Difference)
select previous - Present
from #TEMP1

How can I simulate an array variable in MySQL?

I Think I can improve on this answer. Try this:

The parameter 'Pranks' is a CSV. ie. '1,2,3,4.....etc'

IN Pranks TEXT
  SET VCounter = 0;
    SET VStringToAdd = (SELECT TRIM(SUBSTRING_INDEX(Pranks, ',', 1)));
    SET Pranks = (SELECT RIGHT(Pranks, TRIM(LENGTH(Pranks) - LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(Pranks, ',', 1))-1)));
    INSERT INTO tbl_rank_names(rank)
    SET VCounter = VCounter + 1;
  UNTIL (Pranks = '')
  SELECT VCounter AS 'Records added';

This method makes the searched string of CSV values progressively shorter with each iteration of the loop, which I believe would be better for optimization.

How to return temporary table from stored procedure

What version of SQL Server are you using? In SQL Server 2008 you can use Table Parameters and Table Types.

An alternative approach is to return a table variable from a user defined function but I am not a big fan of this method.

You can find an example here

Is there a way to get a list of all current temporary tables in SQL Server?

SELECT left(NAME, charindex('_', NAME) - 1)
FROM tempdb..sysobjects
    AND upper(xtype) = 'U'
    AND NOT object_id('tempdb..' + NAME) IS NULL

you can remove the ## line if you want to include global temp tables.

SQL Server: Is it possible to insert into two tables at the same time?

It sounds like the Link table captures the many:many relationship between the Object table and Data table.

My suggestion is to use a stored procedure to manage the transactions. When you want to insert to the Object or Data table perform your inserts, get the new IDs and insert them to the Link table.

This allows all of your logic to remain encapsulated in one easy to call sproc.

How do you create a temporary table in an Oracle database?

Just a tip.. Temporary tables in Oracle are different to SQL Server. You create it ONCE and only ONCE, not every session. The rows you insert into it are visible only to your session, and are automatically deleted (i.e., TRUNCATE, not DROP) when you end you session ( or end of the transaction, depending on which "ON COMMIT" clause you use).

How can I make a SQL temp table with primary key and auto-incrementing field?

you dont insert into identity fields. You need to specify the field names and use the Values clause

insert into #tmp (AssignedTo, field2, field3) values (value, value, value)

If you use do a insert into... select field field field it will insert the first field into that identity field and will bomb

TSQL select into Temp table from dynamic sql

DECLARE @count_ser_temp int;
SELECT @TableName = 'TableTemporal'

    SELECT *
    FROM ' + @TableTemporal)
SELECT TOP 1 * INTO #servicios_temp  FROM vTemp


-- Contar la cantidad de registros de la tabla temporal
SELECT @count_ser_temp = COUNT(*) FROM #servicios_temp;

-- Recorro los registros de la tabla temporal 
WHILE @count_ser_temp > 0

Temporary table in SQL server causing ' There is already an object named' error

I usually put these lines at the beginning of my stored procedure, and then at the end.

It is an "exists" check for #temp tables.

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MyCoolTempTable') IS NOT NULL
        drop table #MyCoolTempTable

Full Example:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspTempTableSuperSafeExample]

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MyCoolTempTable') IS NOT NULL
            DROP TABLE #MyCoolTempTable

    CREATE TABLE #MyCoolTempTable (
        MyCoolTempTableKey INT IDENTITY(1,1),
        MyValue VARCHAR(128)

    INSERT INTO #MyCoolTempTable (MyValue)
        SELECT LEFT(@@VERSION, 128)
        UNION ALL SELECT TOP 10 LEFT(name, 128) from sysobjects

    SELECT MyCoolTempTableKey, MyValue FROM #MyCoolTempTable

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MyCoolTempTable') IS NOT NULL
            DROP TABLE #MyCoolTempTable


Check if a temporary table exists and delete if it exists before creating a temporary table

The statement should be of the order

  1. Alter statement for the table
  2. GO
  3. Select statement.

Without 'GO' in between, the whole thing will be considered as one single script and when the select statement looks for the column,it won't be found.

With 'GO' , it will consider the part of the script up to 'GO' as one single batch and will execute before getting into the query after 'GO'.

Which are more performant, CTE or temporary tables?

CTE won't take any physical space. It is just a result set we can use join.

Temp tables are temporary. We can create indexes, constrains as like normal tables for that we need to define all variables.

Temp table's scope only within the session. EX: Open two SQL query window

create table #temp(empid int,empname varchar)
insert into #temp 
select 101,'xxx'

select * from #temp

Run this query in first window then run the below query in second window you can find the difference.

select * from #temp

When should I use a table variable vs temporary table in sql server?

Microsoft says here

Table variables does not have distribution statistics, they will not trigger recompiles. Therefore, in many cases, the optimizer will build a query plan on the assumption that the table variable has no rows. For this reason, you should be cautious about using a table variable if you expect a larger number of rows (greater than 100). Temp tables may be a better solution in this case.

What's the difference between a temp table and table variable in SQL Server?

Quote taken from; Professional SQL Server 2012 Internals and Troubleshooting

Statistics The major difference between temp tables and table variables is that statistics are not created on table variables. This has two major consequences, the fi rst of which is that the Query Optimizer uses a fi xed estimation for the number of rows in a table variable irrespective of the data it contains. Moreover, adding or removing data doesn’t change the estimation.

Indexes You can’t create indexes on table variables although you can create constraints. This means that by creating primary keys or unique constraints, you can have indexes (as these are created to support constraints) on table variables. Even if you have constraints, and therefore indexes that will have statistics, the indexes will not be used when the query is compiled because they won’t exist at compile time, nor will they cause recompilations.

Schema Modifications Schema modifications are possible on temporary tables but not on table variables. Although schema modifi cations are possible on temporary tables, avoid using them because they cause recompilations of statements that use the tables.

Temporary Tables versus Table Variables


There is a common misconception that table variables are in-memory structures and as such will perform quicker than temporary tables. Thanks to a DMV called sys . dm _ db _ session _ space _ usage , which shows tempdb usage by session, you can prove that’s not the case. After restarting SQL Server to clear the DMV, run the following script to confi rm that your session _ id returns 0 for user _ objects _ alloc _ page _ count :

SELECT session_id,
FROM sys.dm_db_session_space_usage
WHERE session_id > 50 ;

Now you can check how much space a temporary table uses by running the following script to create a temporary table with one column and populate it with one row:

CREATE TABLE #TempTable ( ID INT ) ;
INSERT INTO #TempTable ( ID )
VALUES ( 1 ) ;
SELECT session_id,
FROM sys.dm_db_session_space_usage
WHERE session_id > 50 ;

The results on my server indicate that the table was allocated one page in tempdb. Now run the same script but use a table variable this time:

INSERT INTO @TempTable ( ID )
VALUES ( 1 ) ;
SELECT session_id,
FROM sys.dm_db_session_space_usage
WHERE session_id > 50 ;

Which one to Use?

Whether or not you use temporary tables or table variables should be decided by thorough testing, but it’s best to lean towards temporary tables as the default because there are far fewer things that can go wrong.

I’ve seen customers develop code using table variables because they were dealing with a small amount of rows, and it was quicker than a temporary table, but a few years later there were hundreds of thousands of rows in the table variable and performance was terrible, so try and allow for some capacity planning when you make your decision!

Local and global temporary tables in SQL Server

Local temporary tables: if you create local temporary tables and then open another connection and try the query , you will get the following error.

the temporary tables are only accessible within the session that created them.

Global temporary tables: Sometimes, you may want to create a temporary table that is accessible other connections. In this case, you can use global temporary tables.

Global temporary tables are only destroyed when all the sessions referring to it are closed.

how to run or install a *.jar file in windows?

Open up a command prompt and type java -jar jbpm-installer-3.2.7.jar

Can you 'exit' a loop in PHP?

$arr = array('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'stop', 'five');
foreach ($arr as $val) {
    if ($val == 'stop') {
        break;    /* You could also write 'break 1;' here. */
    echo "$val<br />\n";

What is difference between monolithic and micro kernel?

Monolithic kernel is a single large process running entirely in a single address space. It is a single static binary file. All kernel services exist and execute in the kernel address space. The kernel can invoke functions directly. Examples of monolithic kernel based OSs: Unix, Linux.

In microkernels, the kernel is broken down into separate processes, known as servers. Some of the servers run in kernel space and some run in user-space. All servers are kept separate and run in different address spaces. Servers invoke "services" from each other by sending messages via IPC (Interprocess Communication). This separation has the advantage that if one server fails, other servers can still work efficiently. Examples of microkernel based OSs: Mac OS X and Windows NT.

Table scroll with HTML and CSS

For whatever it's worth now: here is yet another solution:

  • create two divs within a display: inline-block
  • in the first div, put a table with only the header (header table tabhead)
  • in the 2nd div, put a table with header and data (data table / full table tabfull)
  • use JavaScript, use setTimeout(() => {/*...*/}) to execute code after render / after filling the table with results from fetch
  • measure the width of each th in the data table (using clientWidth)
  • apply the same width to the counterpart in the header table
  • set visibility of the header of the data table to hidden and set the margin top to -1 * height of data table thead pixels

With a few tweaks, this is the method to use (for brevity / simplicity, I used d3js, the same operations can be done using plain DOM):

setTimeout(() => { // pass one cycle'#tabfull')
    .style('margin-top', (-1 *'#tabscroll').select('thead').node().getBoundingClientRect().height) + 'px')
      .style('visibility', 'hidden');
  let widths=[]; // really rely on COMPUTED values'#tabfull').select('thead').selectAll('th')
    .each((n, i, nd) => widths.push(nd[i].clientWidth));'#tabhead').select('thead').selectAll('th')
    .each((n, i, nd) =>[i])
          .style('padding-right', 0)
          .style('padding-left', 0)
          .style('width', widths[i]+'px'));

Waiting on render cycle has the advantage of using the browser layout engine thoughout the process - for any type of header; it's not bound to special condition or cell content lengths being somehow similar. It also adjusts correctly for visible scrollbars (like on Windows)

I've put up a codepen with a full example here:

Unioning two tables with different number of columns

if only 1 row, you can use join

Select t1.Col1, t1.Col2, t1.Col3, t2.Col4, t2.Col5 from Table1 t1 join Table2 t2;

How to debug (only) JavaScript in Visual Studio?

For debugging JavaScript code in VS2015, there is no need for

  1. Enabling script debugging in IE Options -> Advanced tab
  2. Writing debugger statement in JavaScript code

Attaching IE didn't work, but here is a workaround.

Select IE

enter image description here

and press F5. This will attach both worker process and IE as shown here- enter image description here

If you are not interested in debugging server code, detach it from Processes window. enter image description here

You will still face the slowness when you press F5 and all your server code compiles and loads up in VS. Note that you can detach and attach again the IE instance launched from VS. JavaScript breakpoints are hit the same way they are in server side code.

Accessing session from TWIG template

The way to access a session variable in Twig is:

{{ app.session.get('name_variable') }}

How can I view all historical changes to a file in SVN

Thanks, Bendin. I like your solution very much.

I changed it to work in reverse order, showing most recent changes first. Which is important with long standing code, maintained over several years. I usually pipe it into more.

svnhistory |more

I added -r to the sort. I removed spec. handling for 'first record'. It is it will error out on the last entry, as there is nothing to diff it with. Though I am living with it because I never get down that far.


# history_of_file                                                              
# Bendin on Stack Overflow:          
#   Outputs the full history of a given file as a sequence of                  
#   logentry/diff pairs.  The first revision of the file is emitted as         
#   full text since there's not previous version to compare it to.             
# Dlink                                                                        
#   Made to work in reverse order                                              

function history_of_file() {
    url=$1 # current url of file                                               
    svn log -q $url | grep -E -e "^r[[:digit:]]+" -o | cut -c2- | sort -nr | {
        while read r
            svn log -r$r $url@HEAD
            svn diff -c$r $url@HEAD

history_of_file $1

Python Requests library redirect new url

the documentation has this blurb

import requests

r = requests.get('')
#returns instead of the http page you asked for 

Format ints into string of hex

Just for completeness, using the modern .format() syntax:

>>> numbers = [1, 15, 255]
>>> ''.join('{:02X}'.format(a) for a in numbers)

Move all files except one

How about:

mv $(echo * | sed s:Tux.png::g) ~/Linux/New/

You have to be in the folder though.

How to import keras from tf.keras in Tensorflow?

this worked for me in tensorflow==1.4.0

from tensorflow.python import keras

Loading custom configuration files

the articles posted by Ricky are very good, but unfortunately they don't answer your question.

To solve your problem you should try this piece of code:

ExeConfigurationFileMap configMap = new ExeConfigurationFileMap();
configMap.ExeConfigFilename = @"d:\test\justAConfigFile.config.whateverYouLikeExtension";
Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(configMap, ConfigurationUserLevel.None);

If need to access a value within the config you can use the index operator:


how to add script inside a php code?

You could use PHP's file_get_contents();


   $script = file_get_contents('javascriptFile.js');
   echo "<script>".$script."</script>";


For more information on the function:

How do I create a new column from the output of pandas groupby().sum()?

How do I create a new column with Groupby().Sum()?

There are two ways - one straightforward and the other slightly more interesting.

Everybody's Favorite: GroupBy.transform() with 'sum'

@Ed Chum's answer can be simplified, a bit. Call DataFrame.groupby rather than Series.groupby. This results in simpler syntax.

# The setup.
df[['Date', 'Data3']]

         Date  Data3
0  2015-05-08      5
1  2015-05-07      8
2  2015-05-06      6
3  2015-05-05      1
4  2015-05-08     50
5  2015-05-07    100
6  2015-05-06     60
7  2015-05-05    120


0     55
1    108
2     66
3    121
4     55
5    108
6     66
7    121
Name: Data3, dtype: int64 

It's a tad faster,

df2 = pd.concat([df] * 12345)

%timeit df2['Data3'].groupby(df['Date']).transform('sum')
%timeit df2.groupby('Date')['Data3'].transform('sum')

10.4 ms ± 367 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
8.58 ms ± 559 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

Unconventional, but Worth your Consideration: GroupBy.sum() +

I stumbled upon an interesting idiosyncrasy in the API. From what I tell, you can reproduce this on any major version over 0.20 (I tested this on 0.23 and 0.24). It seems like you consistently can shave off a few milliseconds of the time taken by transform if you instead use a direct function of GroupBy and broadcast it using map:'Date')['Data3'].sum())

0     55
1    108
2     66
3    121
4     55
5    108
6     66
7    121
Name: Date, dtype: int64

Compare with


0     55
1    108
2     66
3    121
4     55
5    108
6     66
7    121
Name: Data3, dtype: int64

My tests show that map is a bit faster if you can afford to use the direct GroupBy function (such as mean, min, max, first, etc). It is more or less faster for most general situations upto around ~200 thousand records. After that, the performance really depends on the data.

(Left: v0.23, Right: v0.24)

Nice alternative to know, and better if you have smaller frames with smaller numbers of groups. . . but I would recommend transform as a first choice. Thought this was worth sharing anyway.

Benchmarking code, for reference:

import perfplot
    setup=lambda n: pd.DataFrame({'A': np.random.choice(n//10, n), 'B': np.ones(n)}),
        lambda df: df.groupby('A')['B'].transform('sum'),
        lambda df:'A')['B'].sum()),
    labels=['GroupBy.transform', 'GroupBy.sum + map'],
    n_range=[2**k for k in range(5, 20)],

Check whether a path is valid

You could try using Path.IsPathRooted() in combination with Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars() to make sure the path is half-way okay.

Problem with converting int to string in Linq to entities

I solved a similar problem by placing the conversion of the integer to string out of the query. This can be achieved by putting the query into an object.

var items = from c in contacts
            select new 
                Value = c.ContactId,
                Text = c.Name
var itemList = new SelectList();
foreach (var item in items)
    itemList.Add(new SelectListItem{ Value = item.ContactId, Text = item.Name });

How to set default values in Rails?

Based on SFEley's answer, here is an updated/fixed one for newer Rails versions:

class SetDefault < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    change_column :table_name, :column_name, :type, default: "Your value"

How can I manually set an Angular form field as invalid?

You could also change the viewChild 'type' to NgForm as in:

@ViewChild('loginForm') loginForm: NgForm;

And then reference your controls in the same way @Julia mentioned:

 private login(formData: any): void {
    this.authService.login(formData).subscribe(res => {
      alert(`Congrats, you have logged in. We don't have anywhere to send you right now though, but congrats regardless!`);
    }, error => {
      this.loginFailed = true; // This displays the error message, I don't really like this, but that's another issue.

      this.loginForm.controls['email'].setErrors({ 'incorrect': true});
      this.loginForm.controls['password'].setErrors({ 'incorrect': true});

Setting the Errors to null will clear out the errors on the UI:


Can I check if Bootstrap Modal Shown / Hidden?

With Bootstrap 4:

if ($('#myModal').hasClass('show')) {
    alert("Modal is visible")

Convert integers to strings to create output filenames at run time

Try the following:

    character(len=30) :: filename  ! length depends on expected names
    integer           :: inuit
    do i=1,n
        write(filename,'("output",i0,".txt")') i

Where "..." means other appropriate code for your purpose.

How to get response from S3 getObject in Node.js?

Alternatively you could use minio-js client library get-object.js

var Minio = require('minio')

var s3Client = new Minio({
  endPoint: '',
  accessKey: 'YOUR-ACCESSKEYID',

var size = 0
// Get a full object.
s3Client.getObject('my-bucketname', 'my-objectname', function(e, dataStream) {
  if (e) {
    return console.log(e)
  dataStream.on('data', function(chunk) {
    size += chunk.length
  dataStream.on('end', function() {
    console.log("End. Total size = " + size)
  dataStream.on('error', function(e) {

Disclaimer: I work for Minio Its open source, S3 compatible object storage written in golang with client libraries available in Java, Python, Js, golang.

Efficient way to insert a number into a sorted array of numbers?

Here's a comparison of four different algorithms for accomplishing this:


Naive is always horrible. It seems for small array sizes, the other three dont differ too much, but for larger arrays, the last 2 outperform the simple linear approach.

How do I pass a variable by reference?

Think of stuff being passed by assignment instead of by reference/by value. That way, it is always clear, what is happening as long as you understand what happens during the normal assignment.

So, when passing a list to a function/method, the list is assigned to the parameter name. Appending to the list will result in the list being modified. Reassigning the list inside the function will not change the original list, since:

a = [1, 2, 3]
b = a
b = ['a', 'b']
print a, b      # prints [1, 2, 3, 4] ['a', 'b']

Since immutable types cannot be modified, they seem like being passed by value - passing an int into a function means assigning the int to the function's parameter. You can only ever reassign that, but it won't change the original variables value.

.NET code to send ZPL to Zebra printers

The simplest solution is with copying files to shared printer.
Example in C#:

System.IO.File.Copy(inputFilePath, printerPath);


  • inputFilePath - path to ZPL file (special extension is not required);
  • printerPath - path to shared(!) printer, for example: \\zebraGX

Facebook key hash does not match any stored key hashes

Using Debug key store including android's debug.keystore present in .android folder was generating a strange problem; the log-in using facebook login button on android app would happen perfectly as desired for the first time. But when ever I Logged out and tried logging in, it would throw up an error saying: This app has no android key hashes configured. Please go to http:// ....

Creating a Keystore using keytool command(keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA1withRSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000) and putting this keystore in my projects topmost parent folder and making a following entry in projects build.gradle file solved the issue:

 signingConfigs {
        release {
            storeFile file("my-release-key.keystore")
            storePassword "passpass"
            keyAlias "alias_name"
            keyPassword "passpass"
        }    }

Please note that you always use the following method inside onCreate() of your android activity to get the key hash value(to register in site of your app) instead of using command line to generate hash value as command line in some cased may out put a wrong key hash:

    public  void showHashKey(Context context) {
        try {
            PackageInfo info = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo("com.superreceptionist",
            for ( signature : info.signatures) {
                MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");

                 String sign=Base64.encodeToString(md.digest(), Base64.DEFAULT);
                Log.e("KeyHash:", sign);
                //  Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),sign,     Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
            Log.d("KeyHash:", "****------------***");
        } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {

jquery, find next element by class

To find the next element with the same class:

$(".class").eq( $(".class").index( $(element) ) + 1 )

In C#, can a class inherit from another class and an interface?

No, not exactly. But it can inherit from a class and implement one or more interfaces.

Clear terminology is important when discussing concepts like this. One of the things that you'll see mark out Jon Skeet's writing, for example, both here and in print, is that he is always precise in the way he decribes things.

If WorkSheet("wsName") Exists

Slightly changed to David Murdoch's code for generic library

Function HasByName(cSheetName As String, _ 
                   Optional oWorkBook As Excel.Workbook) As Boolean

    HasByName = False
    Dim wb

    If oWorkBook Is Nothing Then
        Set oWorkBook = ThisWorkbook
    End If

    For Each wb In oWorkBook.Worksheets
        If wb.Name = cSheetName Then
            HasByName = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next wb
End Function

How do you decompile a swf file

I've had good luck with the SWF::File library on CPAN, and particularly the dumpswf.plx tool that comes with that distribution. It generates Perl code that, when run, regenerates your SWF.

Connecting to a network folder with username/password in Powershell

PowerShell 3 supports this out of the box now.

If you're stuck on PowerShell 2, you basically have to use the legacy net use command (as suggested earlier).

How to select the first row for each group in MySQL?

From MySQL 5.7 documentation

MySQL 5.7.5 and up implements detection of functional dependence. If the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL mode is enabled (which it is by default), MySQL rejects queries for which the select list, HAVING condition, or ORDER BY list refer to nonaggregated columns that are neither named in the GROUP BY clause nor are functionally dependent on them.

This means that @Jader Dias's solution wouldn't work everywhere.

Here is a solution that would work when ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY is enabled:

SET @row := NULL;
        CASE @id <=> SomeColumn AND @row IS NOT NULL 
            WHEN TRUE THEN @row := @row+1 
            ELSE @row := 0 
        END AS rownum,
        @id := SomeColumn AS SomeColumn,
        SomeColumn, -AnotherColumn DESC
) _values
WHERE rownum = 0
ORDER BY SomeColumn;

How can VBA connect to MySQL database in Excel?

Enable Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library

Dim oConn As ADODB.Connection 
Private Sub ConnectDB()     
Set oConn = New ADODB.Connection    
oConn.Open "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};" & _        
"SERVER=localhost;" & _         
"DATABASE=yourdatabase;" & _        
"USER=yourdbusername;" & _      
"PASSWORD=yourdbpassword;" & _      
End Sub

There rest is here:

Using Python to execute a command on every file in a folder

To find all the filenames use os.listdir().

Then you loop over the filenames. Like so:

import os
for filename in os.listdir('dirname'):
     callthecommandhere(blablahbla, filename, foo)

If you prefer subprocess, use subprocess. :-)

Setting up connection string in ASP.NET to SQL SERVER

You can put this in your web.config file connectionStrings:

<add name="myConnectionString" connectionString="Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

How to vertically center <div> inside the parent element with CSS?

if you are using fix height div than you can use padding-top according your design need. or you can use top:50%. if we are using div than vertical align does not work so we use padding top or position according need.

IE8 crashes when loading website - res://ieframe.dll/acr_error.htm

I was having this same issue and it was because I was trying to manipulate elements using javascript in a div that was overflow: scroll, all I did was change overflow to auto and everything worked.

Hope this helps

Select Rows with id having even number

Sql Server we can use %

select * from orders where ID % 2 = 0;

This can be used in both Mysql and oracle. It is more affection to use mod function that %.

select * from orders where mod(ID,2) = 0

Stopping a JavaScript function when a certain condition is met

use return for this

if(i==1) { 
    return; //stop the execution of function

//keep on going

How to insert values in two dimensional array programmatically?

In case you don't know in advance how many elements you will have to handle it might be a better solution to use collections instead ( It would be possible also to create a new bigger 2-dimensional array, copy the old data over and insert the new items there, but the collection framework handles this for you automatically.

In this case you could use a Map of Strings to Lists of Strings:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class MyClass {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Map<String, List<String>> shades = new HashMap<>();

        ArrayList<String> shadesOfGrey = new ArrayList<>();
        shadesOfGrey.add("sgi gray 92");

        ArrayList<String> shadesOfBlue = new ArrayList<>();
        shadesOfBlue.add("dodgerblue 2");
        shadesOfBlue.add("steelblue 2");

        ArrayList<String> shadesOfYellow = new ArrayList<>();
        shadesOfYellow.add("yellow 1");
        shadesOfYellow.add("gold 1");
        shadesOfYellow.add("darkgoldenrod 1");

        ArrayList<String> shadesOfRed = new ArrayList<>();
        shadesOfRed.add("indianred 1");
        shadesOfRed.add("firebrick 1");
        shadesOfRed.add("maroon 1");

        shades.put("greys", shadesOfGrey);
        shades.put("blues", shadesOfBlue);
        shades.put("yellows", shadesOfYellow);
        shades.put("reds", shadesOfRed);

        System.out.println(shades.get("greys").get(0)); // prints "lightgrey"

m2e lifecycle-mapping not found

Suprisingly these 3 steps helped me:

mvn clean
mvn package
mvn spring-boot:run

The entity cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query

Here is one way to do this without declaring aditional class:

public List<Product> GetProducts(int categoryID)
    var query = from p in db.Products
            where p.CategoryID == categoryID
            select new { Name = p.Name };
    var products = query.ToList().Select(r => new Product
        Name = r.Name;

    return products;

However, this is only to be used if you want to combine multiple entities in a single entity. The above functionality (simple product to product mapping) is done like this:

public List<Product> GetProducts(int categoryID)
    var query = from p in db.Products
            where p.CategoryID == categoryID
            select p;
    var products = query.ToList();

    return products;

What is the purpose and use of **kwargs?

In Java, you use constructors to overload classes and allow for multiple input parameters. In python, you can use kwargs to provide similar behavior.

java example:

python example:

class Robot():
    # name is an arg and color is a kwarg
    def __init__(self,name, color='red'): = name
        self.color = color

red_robot = Robot('Bob')
blue_robot = Robot('Bob', color='blue')

print("I am a {color} robot named {name}.".format(color=red_robot.color,
print("I am a {color} robot named {name}.".format(color=blue_robot.color,

>>> I am a red robot named Bob.
>>> I am a blue robot named Bob.

just another way to think about it.


From Language DDL & UDF of Hive

NVL(value, default value) 

Returns default value if value is null else returns value

HTML input textbox with a width of 100% overflows table cells

I usually set the width of my inputs to 99% to fix this:

input {
    width: 99%;

You can also remove the default styles, but that will make it less obvious that it is a text box. However, I will show the code for that anyway:

input {
    width: 100%;
    border-width: 0;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    -webkit-appearance: none;
    -moz-appearance: none;
    appearance: none;


Escaping Double Quotes in Batch Script

The escape character in batch scripts is ^. But for double-quoted strings, double up the quotes:

"string with an embedded "" character"

How to test if a double is zero?

Numeric primitives in class scope are initialized to zero when not explicitly initialized.

Numeric primitives in local scope (variables in methods) must be explicitly initialized.

If you are only worried about division by zero exceptions, checking that your double is not exactly zero works great.

if(value != 0)
    //divide by value is safe when value is not exactly zero.

Otherwise when checking if a floating point value like double or float is 0, an error threshold is used to detect if the value is near 0, but not quite 0.

public boolean isZero(double value, double threshold){
    return value >= -threshold && value <= threshold;

Difference between partition key, composite key and clustering key in Cassandra?

In cassandra , the difference between primary key,partition key,composite key, clustering key always makes some confusion.. So I am going to explain below and co relate to each others. We use CQL (Cassandra Query Language) for Cassandra database access. Note:- Answer is as per updated version of Cassandra. Primary Key :-

In cassandra there are 2 different way to use primary Key .

    id int PRIMARY KEY,
    name text 

Create Table Cass (
   id int,
   name text,

In CQL, the order in which columns are defined for the PRIMARY KEY matters. The first column of the key is called the partition key having property that all the rows sharing the same partition key (even across table in fact) are stored on the same physical node. Also, insertion/update/deletion on rows sharing the same partition key for a given table are performed atomically and in isolation. Note that it is possible to have a composite partition key, i.e. a partition key formed of multiple columns, using an extra set of parentheses to define which columns forms the partition key.

Partitioning and Clustering The PRIMARY KEY definition is made up of two parts: the Partition Key and the Clustering Columns. The first part maps to the storage engine row key, while the second is used to group columns in a row.

CREATE TABLE device_check (
  device_id   int,
  checked_at  timestamp,
  is_power    boolean,
  is_locked   boolean,
  PRIMARY KEY (device_id, checked_at)

Here device_id is partition key and checked_at is cluster_key.

We can have multiple cluster key as well as partition key too which depends on declaration.

How can I get a list of all values in select box?

As per the DOM structure you can use below code:

var x = document.getElementById('mySelect');
     var txt = "";
     var val = "";
     for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
         txt +=x[i].text + ",";
         val +=x[i].value + ",";

Laravel - Pass more than one variable to view

Passing multiple variables to a Laravel view

//Passing variable to view using compact method    
return view('viewName', compact('var1','var2','var3'));

//Passing variable to view using with Method
return view('viewName')->with(['var1'=>value1,'var2'=>value2,'var3'=>'value3']);

//Passing variable to view using Associative Array
return view('viewName', ['var1'=>value1,'var2'=>value2,'var3'=>value3]);

Read here about Passing Data to Views in Laravel

Elegant way to report missing values in a data.frame

My new favourite for (not too wide) data are methods from excellent naniar package. Not only you get frequencies but also patterns of missingness:


riskfactors %>%
  as_shadow_upset() %>%

enter image description here

It's often useful to see where the missings are in relation to non missing which can be achieved by plotting scatter plot with missings:

       aes(x = Ozone,
           y = Solar.R)) +

enter image description here

Or for categorical variables:

gg_miss_fct(x = riskfactors, fct = marital)

enter image description here

These examples are from package vignette that lists other interesting visualizations.

Excel VBA Password via Hex Editor

If you deal with .xlsm file instead of .xls you can use the old method. I was trying to modify vbaProject.bin in .xlsm several times using DBP->DBx method by it didn't work, also changing value of DBP didn't. So I was very suprised that following worked :
1. Save .xlsm as .xls.
2. Use DBP->DBx method on .xls.
3. Unfortunately some erros may occur when using modified .xls file, I had to save .xls as .xlsx and add modules, then save as .xlsm.

Retrofit and GET using parameters

Complete working example in Kotlin, I have replaced my API keys with 1111...

        val apiService = API.getInstance().retrofit.create(
        val params = HashMap<String, String>()
        params["q"] =  "munich,de"
        params["APPID"] = "11111111111111111"

        val call = apiService.getWeather(params)

        call.enqueue(object : Callback<WeatherResponse> {
            override fun onFailure(call: Call<WeatherResponse>?, t: Throwable?) {
                Log.e("Error:::","Error "+t!!.message)

            override fun onResponse(call: Call<WeatherResponse>?, response: Response<WeatherResponse>?) {
                if (response != null && response.isSuccessful && response.body() != null) {
                    Log.e("SUCCESS:::","Response "+ response.body()!!.main.temp)

                    temperature.setText(""+ response.body()!!.main.temp)



How to compare two NSDates: Which is more recent?

Let's assume two dates:

NSDate *date1;
NSDate *date2;

Then the following comparison will tell which is earlier/later/same:

if ([date1 compare:date2] == NSOrderedDescending) {
    NSLog(@"date1 is later than date2");
} else if ([date1 compare:date2] == NSOrderedAscending) {
    NSLog(@"date1 is earlier than date2");
} else {
    NSLog(@"dates are the same");

Please refer to the NSDate class documentation for more details.

How to use the IEqualityComparer

The inclusion of your comparison class (or more specifically the AsEnumerable call you needed to use to get it to work) meant that the sorting logic went from being based on the database server to being on the database client (your application). This meant that your client now needs to retrieve and then process a larger number of records, which will always be less efficient that performing the lookup on the database where the approprate indexes can be used.

You should try to develop a where clause that satisfies your requirements instead, see Using an IEqualityComparer with a LINQ to Entities Except clause for more details.

Creating a BAT file for python script


You can use this for some other file types.

.NET HttpClient. How to POST string value?

Below is example to call synchronously but you can easily change to async by using await-sync:

var pairs = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
                new KeyValuePair<string, string>("login", "abc")

var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(pairs);

var client = new HttpClient {BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:6740")};

    // call sync
var response = client.PostAsync("/api/membership/exist", content).Result; 
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)

sending mail from Batch file

There are multiple methods for handling this problem.

My advice is to use the powerful Windows freeware console application SendEmail.

sendEmail.exe -f [email protected] -o message-file=body.txt -u subject message -t [email protected] -a -s -xu gmail.login -xp gmail.password

How to generate random positive and negative numbers in Java

Random random=new Random();
int randomNumber=(random.nextInt(65536)-32768);

Type definition in object literal in TypeScript

In TypeScript if we are declaring object then we'd use the following syntax:

[access modifier] variable name : { /* structure of object */ }

For example:

private Object:{ Key1: string, Key2: number }

how to do file upload using jquery serialization

hmmmm i think there is much efficient way to make it specially for people want to target all browser and not only FormData supported browser

the idea to have hidden IFRAME on page and making normal submit for the From inside IFrame example

<FORM action='save_upload.php' method=post
   enctype='multipart/form-data' target=hidden_upload>
      type=file name='upload_scn' class=file_upload></DIV>
      type=submit name=submit value=Upload /> <IFRAME id=hidden_upload
      name=hidden_upload src='' onLoad='uploadDone("hidden_upload")'
      style='width:0;height:0;border:0px solid #fff'></IFRAME> 

most important to make a target of form the hidden iframe ID or name and enctype multipart/form-data to allow accepting photos

javascript side

function getFrameByName(name) {
    for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++)
        if (frames[i].name == name)
            return frames[i];

    return null;

function uploadDone(name) {
    var frame = getFrameByName(name);
    if (frame) {
        ret = frame.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML;

        if (ret.length) {
            var json = JSON.parse(ret);
         // do what ever you want 

server Side Example PHP

  $target_filepath = "/tmp/" . basename($_FILES['upload_scn']['name']);

  if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload_scn']['tmp_name'], $target_filepath)) {
    $result = ....

echo json_encode($result);

Response Content type as CSV

For C# MVC 4.5 you need to do like this:

Response.ContentType = "application/CSV";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + ".csv\"");
return new EmptyResult();  //this line is important else it will not work.

Regular expression to extract URL from an HTML link

Don't use regexes, use BeautifulSoup. That, or be so crufty as to spawn it out to, say, w3m/lynx and pull back in what w3m/lynx renders. First is more elegant probably, second just worked a heck of a lot faster on some unoptimized code I wrote a while back.

How to access the elements of a 2D array?

Seems to work here:

>>> a=[[1,1],[2,1],[3,1]]
>>> a
[[1, 1], [2, 1], [3, 1]]
>>> a[1]
[2, 1]
>>> a[1][0]
>>> a[1][1]

Make XAMPP / Apache serve file outside of htdocs folder

You can set Apache to serve pages from anywhere with any restrictions but it's normally distributed in a more secure form.

Editing your apache files (http.conf is one of the more common names) will allow you to set any folder so it appears in your webroot.


alias myapp c:\myapp\

I've edited my answer to include the format for creating an alias in the http.conf file which is sort of like a shortcut in windows or a symlink under un*x where Apache 'pretends' a folder is in the webroot. This is probably going to be more useful to you in the long term.

Why does javascript replace only first instance when using replace?

You can use:

String.prototype.replaceAll = function(search, replace) {
if (replace === undefined) {
    return this.toString();
return this.split(search).join(replace);

Get generic type of java.util.List

Use Reflection to get the Field for these then you can just do: field.genericType to get the type that contains the information about generic as well.

How to generate range of numbers from 0 to n in ES2015 only?

How about just mapping ....

Array(n).map((value, index) ....) is 80% of the way there. But for some odd reason it does not work. But there is a workaround.

Array(n).map((v,i) => i) // does not work
Array(n).fill().map((v,i) => i) // does dork

For a range

Array(end-start+1).fill().map((v,i) => i + start) // gives you a range

Odd, these two iterators return the same result: Array(end-start+1).entries() and Array(end-start+1).fill().entries()

Swap DIV position with CSS only

Using CSS only:

#blockContainer {
display: -webkit-box;
display: -moz-box;
display: box;

-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
-moz-box-orient: vertical;
box-orient: vertical;
#blockA {
-webkit-box-ordinal-group: 2;
-moz-box-ordinal-group: 2;
box-ordinal-group: 2;
#blockB {
-webkit-box-ordinal-group: 3;
-moz-box-ordinal-group: 3;
box-ordinal-group: 3;


<div id="blockContainer">
 <div id="blockA">Block A</div>
 <div id="blockB">Block B</div>
 <div id="blockC">Block C</div>

How can I delete all Git branches which have been merged?

Write a script in which Git checks out all the branches that have been merged to master.

Then do git checkout master.

Finally, delete the merged branches.

for k in $(git branch -ra --merged | egrep -v "(^\*|master)"); do
  branchnew=$(echo $k | sed -e "s/origin\///" | sed -e "s/remotes\///")
  echo branch-name: $branchnew
  git checkout $branchnew

git checkout master

for k in $(git branch -ra --merged | egrep -v "(^\*|master)"); do
  branchnew=$(echo $k | sed -e "s/origin\///" | sed -e "s/remotes\///")
  echo branch-name: $branchnew
  git push origin --delete $branchnew

Android XXHDPI resources

The resolution is 480 dpi, the launcher icon is 144*144px all is scaled 3x respect to mdpi (so called "base", "baseline" or "normal") sizes. read stream to byte[]

Use commons-io IOUtils.toByteArray(URL):

String url = "http://localhost:8080/images/anImage.jpg";
byte[] fileContent = IOUtils.toByteArray(new URL(url));

Maven dependency:


Multiple types were found that match the controller named 'Home'

In Route.config

namespaces: new[] { "Appname.Controllers" }

python "TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer"

I came here with the same Error, though one with a different origin.

It is caused by unsupported float index in 1.12.0 and newer numpy versions even if the code should be considered as valid.

An int type is expected, not a np.float64

Solution: Try to install numpy 1.11.0

sudo pip install -U numpy==1.11.0.

Are list-comprehensions and functional functions faster than "for loops"?

If you check the info on, you can see this summary:

Version Time (seconds)
Basic loop 3.47
Eliminate dots 2.45
Local variable & no dots 1.79
Using map function 0.54

But you really should read the above article in details to understand the cause of the performance difference.

I also strongly suggest you should time your code by using timeit. At the end of the day, there can be a situation where, for example, you may need to break out of for loop when a condition is met. It could potentially be faster than finding out the result by calling map.

Excel 2010 VBA Referencing Specific Cells in other worksheets

Sub Results2()

    Dim rCell As Range
    Dim shSource As Worksheet
    Dim shDest As Worksheet
    Dim lCnt As Long

    Set shSource = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
    Set shDest = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")

    For Each rCell In shSource.Range("A1", shSource.Cells(shSource.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)).Cells
        lCnt = lCnt + 1
        shDest.Range("A4").Offset(0, lCnt * 4).Formula = "=" & rCell.Address(False, False, , True) & "+" & rCell.Offset(0, 1).Address(False, False, , True)
    Next rCell

End Sub

This loops through column A of sheet1 and creates a formula in sheet2 for every cell. To find the last cell in Sheet1, I start at the bottom (shSource.Rows.Count) and .End(xlUp) to get the last cell in the column that's not blank.

To create the elements of the formula, I use the Address property of the cell on Sheet. I'm using three of the arguments to Address. The first two are RowAbsolute and ColumnAbsolute, both set to false. I don't care about the third argument, but I set the fourth argument (External) to True so that it includes the sheet name.

I prefer to go from Source to Destination rather than the other way. But that's just a personal preference. If you want to work from the destination,

Sub Results3()

    Dim i As Long, lCnt As Long
    Dim sh As Worksheet

    lCnt = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Columns(1))
    Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")

    Const sSOURCE As String = "Sheet1!"

    For i = 1 To lCnt
        sh.Range("A1").Offset(0, 4 * (i - 1)).Formula = "=" & sSOURCE & "A" & i & " + " & sSOURCE & "B" & i
    Next i

End Sub

SQL query with avg and group by

As I understand, you want the average value for each id at each pass. The solution is

SELECT id, pass, avg(value) FROM data_r1
GROUP BY id, pass;

Spark RDD to DataFrame python

I liked Arun's answer better but there is a tiny problem and I could not comment or edit the answer. sparkContext does not have createDeataFrame, sqlContext does (as Thiago mentioned). So:

from pyspark.sql import SQLContext

# assuming the spark environemnt is set and sc is spark.sparkContext 
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
schemaPeople = sqlContext.createDataFrame(RDDName)

How to append data to a json file?

You probably want to use a JSON list instead of a dictionary as the toplevel element.

So, initialize the file with an empty list:

with open(DATA_FILENAME, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    json.dump([], f)

Then, you can append new entries to this list:

with open(DATA_FILENAME, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as feedsjson:
    entry = {'name':, 'url': args.url}
    json.dump(feeds, feedsjson)

Note that this will be slow to execute because you will rewrite the full contents of the file every time you call add. If you are calling it in a loop, consider adding all the feeds to a list in advance, then writing the list out in one go.

Intercept a form submit in JavaScript and prevent normal submission

You cannot attach events before the elements you attach them to has loaded

This works -

Plain JS


Recommended to use eventListener

// Should only be triggered on first page load

window.addEventListener("load", function() {
  document.getElementById('my-form').addEventListener("submit", function(e) {
    e.preventDefault(); // before the code
    /* do what you want with the form */

    // Should be triggered on form submit
<form id="my-form">
  <input type="text" name="in" value="some data" />
  <button type="submit">Go</button>

but if you do not need more than one listener you can use onload and onsubmit

// Should only be triggered on first page load

window.onload = function() {
  document.getElementById('my-form').onsubmit = function() {
    /* do what you want with the form */

    // Should be triggered on form submit
    // You must return false to prevent the default form behavior
    return false;
    <form id="my-form">
      <input type="text" name="in" value="some data" />
      <button type="submit">Go</button>


// Should only be triggered on first page load

$(function() {
  $('#my-form').on("submit", function(e) {
    e.preventDefault(); // cancel the actual submit

    /* do what you want with the form */

    // Should be triggered on form submit

<script src=""></script>
<form id="my-form">
  <input type="text" name="in" value="some data" />
  <button type="submit">Go</button>

FTP/SFTP access to an Amazon S3 Bucket

As other posters have pointed out, there are some limitations with the AWS Transfer for SFTP service. You need to closely align requirements. For example, there are no quotas, whitelists/blacklists, file type limits, and non key based access requires external services. There is also a certain overhead relating to user management and IAM, which can get to be a pain at scale.

We have been running an SFTP S3 Proxy Gateway for about 5 years now for our customers. The core solution is wrapped in a collection of Docker services and deployed in whatever context is needed, even on-premise or local development servers. The use case for us is a little different as our solution is focused data processing and pipelines vs a file share. In a Salesforce example, a customer will use SFTP as the transport method sending email, to an SFTP/S3 enpoint. This is mapped an object key on S3. Upon arrival, the data is picked up, processed, routed and loaded to a warehouse. We also have fairly significant auditing requirements for each transfer, something the Cloudwatch logs for AWS do not directly provide.

As other have mentioned, rolling your own is an option too. Using AWS Lightsail you can setup a cluster, say 4, of $10 2GB instances using either Route 53 or an ELB.

In general, it is great to see AWS offer this service and I expect it to mature over time. However, depending on your use case, alternative solutions may be a better fit.

How to handle errors with boto3?

Just an update to the 'no exceptions on resources' problem as pointed to by @jarmod (do please feel free to update your answer if below seems applicable)

I have tested the below code and it runs fine. It uses 'resources' for doing things, but catches the client.exceptions - although it 'looks' somewhat wrong... it tests good, the exception classes are showing and matching when looked into using debugger at exception time...

It may not be applicable to all resources and clients, but works for data folders (aka s3 buckets).

lab_session = boto3.Session() 
c = lab_session.client('s3') #this client is only for exception catching

    b = s3.Bucket(bucket)
except c.exceptions.NoSuchBucket as e:
    #ignoring no such bucket exceptions
    logger.debug("Failed deleting bucket. Continuing. {}".format(e))
except Exception as e:
    #logging all the others as warning
    logger.warning("Failed deleting bucket. Continuing. {}".format(e))

Hope this helps...

Spring 3.0: Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace

This trick worked for me too: In Eclipse right-click on the project and then Maven > Update Dependencies.

JWT (Json Web Token) Audience "aud" versus Client_Id - What's the difference?

As it turns out, my suspicions were right. The audience aud claim in a JWT is meant to refer to the Resource Servers that should accept the token.

As this post simply puts it:

The audience of a token is the intended recipient of the token.

The audience value is a string -- typically, the base address of the resource being accessed, such as

The client_id in OAuth refers to the client application that will be requesting resources from the Resource Server.

The Client app (e.g. your iOS app) will request a JWT from your Authentication Server. In doing so, it passes it's client_id and client_secret along with any user credentials that may be required. The Authorization Server validates the client using the client_id and client_secret and returns a JWT.

The JWT will contain an aud claim that specifies which Resource Servers the JWT is valid for. If the aud contains, but the client app tries to use the JWT on, then access will be denied because that Resource Server will see that the JWT was not meant for it.

Is it possible to use global variables in Rust?

Look at the const and static section of the Rust book.

You can use something as follows:

const N: i32 = 5; 


static N: i32 = 5;

in global space.

But these are not mutable. For mutability, you could use something like:

static mut N: i32 = 5;

Then reference them like:

unsafe {
    N += 1;

    println!("N: {}", N);

align 3 images in same row with equal spaces?

The modern approach: flexbox

Simply add the following CSS to the container element (here, the div):

div {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between;

div {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  justify-content: space-between;_x000D_
 <img src="" alt=""  /> _x000D_
 <img src="" alt=""  />_x000D_
 <img src="" alt="" />_x000D_

The old way (for ancient browsers - prior to flexbox)

Use text-align: justify; on the container element.

Then stretch the content to take up 100% width


 <img src="" alt=""  /> 
 <img src="" alt=""  />
 <img src="" alt="" />


div {
    text-align: justify;

div img {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;

div:after {
    content: '';
    display: inline-block;
    width: 100%;

div {_x000D_
    text-align: justify;_x000D_
div img {_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    width: 100px;_x000D_
    height: 100px;_x000D_
div:after {_x000D_
    content: '';_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
 <img src="" alt=""  /> _x000D_
 <img src="" alt=""  />_x000D_
 <img src="" alt="" />_x000D_

What is the best way to insert source code examples into a Microsoft Word document?

If you are still looking for an simple way to add code snippets.

you can easily go to [Insert] > [Object] > [Opendocument Text] > paste your code > Save and Close.

You could also put this into a macro and add it to your easy access bar.


  • This will only take up to one page of code.
  • Your Code will not be autocorrected.
  • You can only interact with it by double-clicking it.

How to use z-index in svg elements?

As discussed, svgs render in order and don't take z-index into account (for now). Maybe just send the specific element to the bottom of its parent so that it'll render last.

function bringToTop(targetElement){
  // put the element at the bottom of its parent
  let parent = targetElement.parentNode;

// then just pass through the element you wish to bring to the top

Worked for me.


If you have a nested SVG, containing groups, you'll need to bring the item out of its parentNode.

function bringToTopofSVG(targetElement){
  let parent = targetElement.ownerSVGElement;

A nice feature of SVG's is that each element contains it's location regardless of what group it's nested in :+1:

How do you format code on save in VS Code

To automatically format code on save:

  • Press Ctrl , to open user preferences
  • Enter the following code in the opened settings file

        "editor.formatOnSave": true
  • Save file


Is there a function to round a float in C or do I need to write my own?

#include <math.h>

double round(double x);
float roundf(float x);

Don't forget to link with -lm. See also ceil(), floor() and trunc().

"Parameter" vs "Argument"

A parameter is the variable which is part of the method’s signature (method declaration). An argument is an expression used when calling the method.

Consider the following code:

void Foo(int i, float f)
    // Do things

void Bar()
    int anInt = 1;
    Foo(anInt, 2.0);

Here i and f are the parameters, and anInt and 2.0 are the arguments.

How can I select an element in a component template?

to get the immediate next sibling ,use this


C# HttpWebRequest The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send

I had similar issue and the below line helped me solving the issue.Thanks to rene. I just pasted this line above the authentication code and it worked

ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

How do I set vertical space between list items?

You can use margin. See the example:

  margin: 10px 0;

UITableViewCell, show delete button on swipe

For Swift, Just write this code

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, commitEditingStyle editingStyle: UITableViewCellEditingStyle, forRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
        if editingStyle == .Delete {
            print("Delete Hit")

For Objective C, Just write this code

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView commitEditingStyle:(UITableViewCellEditingStyle)editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
       if (editingStyle == UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete) {           
            NSLog(@"index: %@",indexPath.row);

Bootstrap date and time picker

If you are still interested in a javascript api to select both date and time data, have a look at these projects which are forks of bootstrap datepicker:

The first fork is a big refactor on the parsing/formatting codebase and besides providing all views to select date/time using mouse/touch, it also has a mask option (by default) which lets the user to quickly type the date/time based on a pre-specified format.

How to get only filenames within a directory using c#?

You could use the DirectoryInfo and FileInfo classes.

//GetFiles on DirectoryInfo returns a FileInfo object.
var pdfFiles = new DirectoryInfo("C:\\Documents").GetFiles("*.pdf");

//FileInfo has a Name property that only contains the filename part.
var firstPdfFilename = pdfFiles[0].Name;

Parsing CSV files in C#, with header

Another one to this list, Cinchoo ETL - an open source library to read and write multiple file formats (CSV, flat file, Xml, JSON etc)

Sample below shows how to read CSV file quickly (No POCO object required)

string csv = @"Id, Name
1, Carl
2, Tom
3, Mark";

using (var p = ChoCSVReader.LoadText(csv)
    foreach (var rec in p)
        Console.WriteLine($"Id: {rec.Id}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Name: {rec.Name}");

Sample below shows how to read CSV file using POCO object

public partial class EmployeeRec
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

static void CSVTest()
    string csv = @"Id, Name
1, Carl
2, Tom
3, Mark";

    using (var p = ChoCSVReader<EmployeeRec>.LoadText(csv)
        foreach (var rec in p)
            Console.WriteLine($"Id: {rec.Id}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Name: {rec.Name}");

Please check out articles at CodeProject on how to use it.

Build unsigned APK file with Android Studio

You can click the dropdown near the run button on toolbar,

  1. Select "Edit Configurations"
  2. Click the "+"
  3. Select "Gradle"
  4. Choose your module as Gradle project
  5. In Tasks: enter assemble

Now press ok,

all you need to do is now select your configuration from the dropdown and press run button. It will take some time. Your unsigned apk is now located in


Function that creates a timestamp in c#

when you need in a timestamp in seconds, you can use the following:

var timestamp = (int)(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime() - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;

Write HTML string in JSON

in json everything is string between double quote ", so you need escape " if it happen in value (only in direct writing) use backslash \

and everything in json file wrapped in {} change your json to

      "id": "services.html",_x000D_
      "img": "img/SolutionInnerbananer.jpg",_x000D_
      "html": "<h2 class=\"fg-white\">AboutUs</h2><p class=\"fg-white\">developing and supporting complex IT solutions.Touching millions of lives world wide by bringing in innovative technology</p>"_x000D_

How to save and load numpy.array() data properly?

The most reliable way I have found to do this is to use np.savetxt with np.loadtxt and not np.fromfile which is better suited to binary files written with tofile. The np.fromfile and np.tofile methods write and read binary files whereas np.savetxt writes a text file. So, for example:

a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
np.savetxt('test1.txt', a, fmt='%d')
b = np.loadtxt('test1.txt', dtype=int)
a == b
# array([ True,  True,  True,  True], dtype=bool)


c = np.fromfile('test2.dat', dtype=int)
c == a
# array([ True,  True,  True,  True], dtype=bool)

I use the former method even if it is slower and creates bigger files (sometimes): the binary format can be platform dependent (for example, the file format depends on the endianness of your system).

There is a platform independent format for NumPy arrays, which can be saved and read with and np.load:'test3.npy', a)    # .npy extension is added if not given
d = np.load('test3.npy')
a == d
# array([ True,  True,  True,  True], dtype=bool)

Custom ImageView with drop shadow

My dirty solution:

private static Bitmap getDropShadow3(Bitmap bitmap) {

    if (bitmap==null) return null;
    int think = 6;
    int w = bitmap.getWidth();
    int h = bitmap.getHeight();

    int newW = w - (think);
    int newH = h - (think);

    Bitmap.Config conf = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;
    Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, conf);
    Bitmap sbmp = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, newW, newH, false);

    Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
    Canvas c = new Canvas(bmp);

    // Right
    Shader rshader = new LinearGradient(newW, 0, w, 0, Color.GRAY, Color.LTGRAY, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);
    c.drawRect(newW, think, w, newH, paint);

    // Bottom
    Shader bshader = new LinearGradient(0, newH, 0, h, Color.GRAY, Color.LTGRAY, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);
    c.drawRect(think, newH, newW  , h, paint);

    Shader cchader = new LinearGradient(0, newH, 0, h, Color.LTGRAY, Color.LTGRAY, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);
    c.drawRect(newW, newH, w  , h, paint);

    c.drawBitmap(sbmp, 0, 0, null);

    return bmp;

result: enter image description here

How do I get the "id" after INSERT into MySQL database with Python?

Also, cursor.lastrowid (a dbapi/PEP249 extension supported by MySQLdb):

>>> import MySQLdb
>>> connection = MySQLdb.connect(user='root')
>>> cursor = connection.cursor()
>>> cursor.execute('INSERT INTO sometable VALUES (...)')
>>> connection.insert_id()
>>> cursor.lastrowid
>>> cursor.execute('SELECT last_insert_id()')
>>> cursor.fetchone()
>>> cursor.execute('select @@identity')
>>> cursor.fetchone()

cursor.lastrowid is somewhat cheaper than connection.insert_id() and much cheaper than another round trip to MySQL.

C/C++ check if one bit is set in, i.e. int variable

You could "simulate" shifting and masking: if((0x5e/(2*2*2))%2) ...

Show constraints on tables command

There is also a tool that oracle made called mysqlshow

If you run it with the --k keys $table_name option it will display the keys.

   mysqlshow [options] [db_name [tbl_name [col_name]]]
·   --keys, -k
   Show table indexes.


?-?  mysqlshow -h -u root -p --keys database tokens
Database: database  Table: tokens
| Field           | Type             | Collation          | Null | Key | Default | Extra          | Privileges                      | Comment |
| id              | int(10) unsigned |                    | NO   | PRI |         | auto_increment | select,insert,update,references |         |
| token           | text             | utf8mb4_unicode_ci | NO   |     |         |                | select,insert,update,references |         |
| user_id         | int(10) unsigned |                    | NO   | MUL |         |                | select,insert,update,references |         |
| expires_in      | datetime         |                    | YES  |     |         |                | select,insert,update,references |         |
| created_at      | timestamp        |                    | YES  |     |         |                | select,insert,update,references |         |
| updated_at      | timestamp        |                    | YES  |     |         |                | select,insert,update,references |         |
| Table  | Non_unique | Key_name                 | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment |
| tokens | 0          | PRIMARY                  | 1            | id          | A         | 2           |          |        |      | BTREE      |         |               |
| tokens | 1          | tokens_user_id_foreign   | 1            | user_id     | A         | 2           |          |        |      | BTREE      |         |               |

PostgreSQL, checking date relative to "today"

I think this will do it:

SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE mydate > now()::date - 365;

How to split/partition a dataset into training and test datasets for, e.g., cross validation?

As sklearn.cross_validation module was deprecated, you can use:

import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X, y = np.arange(10).reshape((5, 2)), range(5)

X_trn, X_tst, y_trn, y_tst = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

PHPmailer sending HTML CODE

all you need to do is just add $mail->IsHTML(true); to the code it works fine..

How to set the background image of a html 5 canvas to .png image

You can use this plugin, but for printing purpose i have added some code like <button onclick="window.print();">Print</button> and for saving image <button onclick="savePhoto();">Save Picture</button>

     function savePhoto() {
     var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
     var img    = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
     window.location = img;}

checkout this plugin

How can I strip first and last double quotes?

To remove the first and last characters, and in each case do the removal only if the character in question is a double quote:

import re

s = re.sub(r'^"|"$', '', s)

Note that the RE pattern is different than the one you had given, and the operation is sub ("substitute") with an empty replacement string (strip is a string method but does something pretty different from your requirements, as other answers have indicated).

Overloading operators in typedef structs (c++)

The breakdown of your declaration and its members is somewhat littered:

Remove the typedef

The typedef is neither required, not desired for class/struct declarations in C++. Your members have no knowledge of the declaration of pos as-written, which is core to your current compilation failure.

Change this:

typedef struct {....} pos;

To this:

struct pos { ... };

Remove extraneous inlines

You're both declaring and defining your member operators within the class definition itself. The inline keyword is not needed so long as your implementations remain in their current location (the class definition)

Return references to *this where appropriate

This is related to an abundance of copy-constructions within your implementation that should not be done without a strong reason for doing so. It is related to the expression ideology of the following:

a = b = c;

This assigns c to b, and the resulting value b is then assigned to a. This is not equivalent to the following code, contrary to what you may think:

a = c;
b = c;

Therefore, your assignment operator should be implemented as such:

pos& operator =(const pos& a)
    x = a.x;
    y = a.y;
    return *this;

Even here, this is not needed. The default copy-assignment operator will do the above for you free of charge (and code! woot!)

Note: there are times where the above should be avoided in favor of the copy/swap idiom. Though not needed for this specific case, it may look like this:

pos& operator=(pos a) // by-value param invokes class copy-ctor
    return *this;

Then a swap method is implemented:

void pos::swap(pos& obj)
    // TODO: swap object guts with obj

You do this to utilize the class copy-ctor to make a copy, then utilize exception-safe swapping to perform the exchange. The result is the incoming copy departs (and destroys) your object's old guts, while your object assumes ownership of there's. Read more the copy/swap idiom here, along with the pros and cons therein.

Pass objects by const reference when appropriate

All of your input parameters to all of your members are currently making copies of whatever is being passed at invoke. While it may be trivial for code like this, it can be very expensive for larger object types. An exampleis given here:

Change this:

bool operator==(pos a) const{
    if(a.x==x && a.y== y)return true;
    else return false;

To this: (also simplified)

bool operator==(const pos& a) const
    return (x == a.x && y == a.y);

No copies of anything are made, resulting in more efficient code.

Finally, in answering your question, what is the difference between a member function or operator declared as const and one that is not?

A const member declares that invoking that member will not modifying the underlying object (mutable declarations not withstanding). Only const member functions can be invoked against const objects, or const references and pointers. For example, your operator +() does not modify your local object and thus should be declared as const. Your operator =() clearly modifies the local object, and therefore the operator should not be const.


struct pos
    int x;
    int y;

    // default + parameterized constructor
    pos(int x=0, int y=0) 
        : x(x), y(y)

    // assignment operator modifies object, therefore non-const
    pos& operator=(const pos& a)
        return *this;

    // addop. doesn't modify object. therefore const.
    pos operator+(const pos& a) const
        return pos(a.x+x, a.y+y);

    // equality comparison. doesn't modify object. therefore const.
    bool operator==(const pos& a) const
        return (x == a.x && y == a.y);

EDIT OP wanted to see how an assignment operator chain works. The following demonstrates how this:

a = b = c;

Is equivalent to this:

b = c;
a = b;

And that this does not always equate to this:

a = c;
b = c;

Sample code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

struct obj
    std::string name;
    int value;

    obj(const std::string& name, int value)
        : name(name), value(value)

    obj& operator =(const obj& o)
        cout << name << " = " << << endl;
        value = (o.value+1); // note: our value is one more than the rhs.
        return *this;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    obj a("a", 1), b("b", 2), c("c", 3);

    a = b = c;
    cout << "a.value = " << a.value << endl;
    cout << "b.value = " << b.value << endl;
    cout << "c.value = " << c.value << endl;

    a = c;
    b = c;
    cout << "a.value = " << a.value << endl;
    cout << "b.value = " << b.value << endl;
    cout << "c.value = " << c.value << endl;

    return 0;


b = c
a = b
a.value = 5
b.value = 4
c.value = 3
a = c
b = c
a.value = 4
b.value = 4
c.value = 3

Generating a list of pages (not posts) without the index file

I have never used jekyll, but it's main page says that it uses Liquid, and according to their docs, I think the following should work:

<ul> {% for page in site.pages %}     {% if page.title != 'index' %}     <li><div class="drvce"><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></div></li>     {% endif %} {% endfor %} </ul> 

Storing and retrieving datatable from session

Add a datatable into session:

DataTable Tissues = new DataTable();

Tissues = dal.returnTissues("TestID", "TestValue");// returnTissues("","") sample     function for adding values

Session.Add("Tissues", Tissues);

Retrive that datatable from session:

DataTable Tissues = Session["Tissues"] as DataTable


DataTable Tissues = (DataTable)Session["Tissues"];

How to perform element-wise multiplication of two lists?

To maintain the list type, and do it in one line (after importing numpy as np, of course):

list(np.array([1,2,3,4]) * np.array([2,3,4,5]))


list(np.array(a) * np.array(b))

Access a URL and read Data with R

scan can read from a web page automatically; you don't necessarily have to mess with connections.

how to avoid a new line with p tag?

something like:


in your stylesheet would do it for all p tags.

Bash write to file without echo?

Interestingly, I had this problem I search and found this thread....I found that this worked well for me:

echo "Hello world" | grep "" > test.txt

However - When I had closed that terminal and opened a new one, I discovered that the problem went away! I wish I had kept that terminal open to compare the settings. My current terminal is a bash shell. Not sure what caused that issue to begin with - anyone?

What's the difference between "end" and "exit sub" in VBA?

This is a bit outside the scope of your question, but to avoid any potential confusion for readers who are new to VBA: End and End Sub are not the same. They don't perform the same task.

End puts a stop to ALL code execution and you should almost always use Exit Sub (or Exit Function, respectively).

End halts ALL exectution. While this sounds tempting to do it also clears all global and static variables. (source)

See also the MSDN dox for the End Statement

When executed, the End statement resets allmodule-level variables and all static local variables in allmodules. To preserve the value of these variables, use the Stop statement instead. You can then resume execution while preserving the value of those variables.

Note The End statement stops code execution abruptly, without invoking the Unload, QueryUnload, or Terminate event, or any other Visual Basic code. Code you have placed in the Unload, QueryUnload, and Terminate events offorms andclass modules is not executed. Objects created from class modules are destroyed, files opened using the Open statement are closed, and memory used by your program is freed. Object references held by other programs are invalidated.

Nor is End Sub and Exit Sub the same. End Sub can't be called in the same way Exit Sub can be, because the compiler doesn't allow it.

enter image description here

This again means you have to Exit Sub, which is a perfectly legal operation:

Exit Sub
Immediately exits the Sub procedure in which it appears. Execution continues with the statement following the statement that called the Sub procedure. Exit Sub can be used only inside a Sub procedure.

Additionally, and once you get the feel for how procedures work, obviously, End Sub does not clear any global variables. But it does clear local (Dim'd) variables:

End Sub
Terminates the definition of this procedure.

What are the undocumented features and limitations of the Windows FINDSTR command?

/D tip for multiple directories: put your directory list before the search string. These all work:

findstr /D:dir1;dir2 "searchString" *.*
findstr /D:"dir1;dir2" "searchString" *.*
findstr /D:"\path\dir1\;\path\dir2\" "searchString" *.*

As expected, the path is relative to location if you don't start the directories with \. Surrounding the path with " is optional if there are no spaces in the directory names. The ending \ is optional. The output of location will include whatever path you give it. It will work with or without surrounding the directory list with ".

How to install a Python module via its in Windows? is designed to be run from the command line. You'll need to open your command prompt (In Windows 7, hold down shift while right-clicking in the directory with the file. You should be able to select "Open Command Window Here").

From the command line, you can type

python --help get a list of commands. What you are looking to do is...

python install

How do I encode a JavaScript object as JSON?

All major browsers now include native JSON encoding/decoding.

// To encode an object (This produces a string)
var json_str = JSON.stringify(myobject); 

// To decode (This produces an object)
var obj = JSON.parse(json_str);

Note that only valid JSON data will be encoded. For example:

var obj = {'foo': 1, 'bar': (function (x) { return x; })}
JSON.stringify(obj) // --> "{\"foo\":1}"

Valid JSON types are: objects, strings, numbers, arrays, true, false, and null.

Some JSON resources:

How to use OUTPUT parameter in Stored Procedure

SqlCommand yourCommand = new SqlCommand();
yourCommand.Connection = yourSqlConn;
yourCommand.Parameters["@yourParam"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

// execute your query successfully

int yourResult = yourCommand.Parameters["@yourParam"].Value;

Does Java have a complete enum for HTTP response codes?

Here's an enum with status codes and their descriptions that (at time of writing) corresponds to the HTTP status code registry.

Note that the registry might get updated, and that sometimes unofficial status codes are used.

public enum HttpStatusCode {

    //1xx: Informational
    CONTINUE(100, "Continue"),
    SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS(101, "Switching Protocols"),
    PROCESSING(102, "Processing"),
    EARLY_HINTS(103, "Early Hints"),

    //2xx: Success
    OK(200, "OK"),
    CREATED(201, "Created"),
    ACCEPTED(202, "Accepted"),
    NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION(203, "Non-Authoritative Information"),
    NO_CONTENT(204, "No Content"),
    RESET_CONTENT(205, "Reset Content"),
    PARTIAL_CONTENT(206, "Partial Content"),
    MULTI_STATUS(207, "Multi-Status"),
    ALREADY_REPORTED(208, "Already Reported"),
    IM_USED(226, "IM Used"),

    //3xx: Redirection
    MULTIPLE_CHOICES(300, "Multiple Choice"),
    MOVED_PERMANENTLY(301, "Moved Permanently"),
    FOUND(302, "Found"),
    SEE_OTHER(303, "See Other"),
    NOT_MODIFIED(304, "Not Modified"),
    USE_PROXY(305, "Use Proxy"),
    TEMPORARY_REDIRECT(307, "Temporary Redirect"),
    PERMANENT_REDIRECT(308, "Permanent Redirect"),

    //4xx: Client Error
    BAD_REQUEST(400, "Bad Request"),
    UNAUTHORIZED(401, "Unauthorized"),
    PAYMENT_REQUIRED(402, "Payment Required"),
    FORBIDDEN(403, "Forbidden"),
    NOT_FOUND(404, "Not Found"),
    METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED(405, "Method Not Allowed"),
    NOT_ACCEPTABLE(406, "Not Acceptable"),
    PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED(407, "Proxy Authentication Required"),
    REQUEST_TIMEOUT(408, "Request Timeout"),
    CONFLICT(409, "Conflict"),
    GONE(410, "Gone"),
    LENGTH_REQUIRED(411, "Length Required"),
    PRECONDITION_FAILED(412, "Precondition Failed"),
    REQUEST_TOO_LONG(413, "Payload Too Large"),
    REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG(414, "URI Too Long"),
    UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE(415, "Unsupported Media Type"),
    REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE(416, "Range Not Satisfiable"),
    EXPECTATION_FAILED(417, "Expectation Failed"),
    MISDIRECTED_REQUEST(421, "Misdirected Request"),
    UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY(422, "Unprocessable Entity"),
    LOCKED(423, "Locked"),
    FAILED_DEPENDENCY(424, "Failed Dependency"),
    TOO_EARLY(425, "Too Early"),
    UPGRADE_REQUIRED(426, "Upgrade Required"),
    PRECONDITION_REQUIRED(428, "Precondition Required"),
    TOO_MANY_REQUESTS(429, "Too Many Requests"),
    REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE(431, "Request Header Fields Too Large"),
    UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS(451, "Unavailable For Legal Reasons"),

    //5xx: Server Error
    INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR(500, "Internal Server Error"),
    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(501, "Not Implemented"),
    BAD_GATEWAY(502, "Bad Gateway"),
    SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE(503, "Service Unavailable"),
    GATEWAY_TIMEOUT(504, "Gateway Timeout"),
    HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED(505, "HTTP Version Not Supported"),
    VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES(506, "Variant Also Negotiates"),
    INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE(507, "Insufficient Storage"),
    LOOP_DETECTED(508, "Loop Detected"),
    NOT_EXTENDED(510, "Not Extended"),
    NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED(511, "Network Authentication Required");

    private final int value;
    private final String description;

    HttpStatusCode(int value, String description) {
        this.value = value;
        this.description = description;

    public int getValue() {
        return value;

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    public String toString() {
        return value + " " + description;

    public static HttpStatusCode getByValue(int value) {
        for(HttpStatusCode status : values()) {
            if(status.value == value) return status;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid status code: " + value);

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ECHO in

Missing ; after var_dump($row)

Why is a primary-foreign key relation required when we can join without it?

I know its late to post, but I use the site for my own reference and so I wanted to put an answer here for myself to reference in the future too. I hope you (and others) find it helpful.

Lets pretend a bunch of super Einstein experts designed our database. Our super perfect database has 3 tables, and the following relationships defined between them:

TblA 1:M TblB
TblB 1:M TblC

Notice there is no relationship between TblA and TblC

In most scenarios such a simple database is easy to navigate but in commercial databases it is usually impossible to be able to tell at the design stage all the possible uses and combination of uses for data, tables, and even whole databases, especially as systems get built upon and other systems get integrated or switched around or out. This simple fact has spawned a whole industry built on top of databases called Business Intelligence. But I digress...

In the above case, the structure is so simple to understand that its easy to see you can join from TblA, through to B, and through to C and vice versa to get at what you need. It also very vaguely highlights some of the problems with doing it. Now expand this simple chain to 10 or 20 or 50 relationships long. Now all of a sudden you start to envision a need for exactly your scenario. In simple terms, a join from A to C or vice versa or A to F or B to Z or whatever as our system grows.

There are many ways this can indeed be done. The one mentioned above being the most popular, that is driving through all the links. The major problem is that its very slow. And gets progressively slower the more tables you add to the chain, the more those tables grow, and the further you want to go through it.

Solution 1: Look for a common link. It must be there if you taught of a reason to join A to C. If it is not obvious, create a relationship and then join on it. i.e. To join A through B through C there must be some commonality or your join would either produce zero results or a massive number or results (Cartesian product). If you know this commonality, simply add the needed columns to A and C and link them directly.

The rule for relationships is that they simply must have a reason to exist. Nothing more. If you can find a good reason to link from A to C then do it. But you must ensure your reason is not redundant (i.e. its already handled in some other way).

Now a word of warning. There are some pitfalls. But I don't do a good job of explaining them so I will refer you to my source instead of talking about it here. But remember, this is getting into some heavy stuff, so this video about fan and chasm traps is really only a starting point. You can join without relationships. But I advise watching this video first as this goes beyond what most people learn in college and well into the territory of the BI and SAP guys. These guys, while they can program, their day job is to specialise in exactly this kind of thing. How to get massive amounts of data to talk to each other and make sense.

This video is one of the better videos I have come across on the subject. And it's worth looking over some of his other videos. I learned a lot from him.

How to tell if a connection is dead in python

Short answer:

use a non-blocking recv(), or a blocking recv() / select() with a very short timeout.

Long answer:

The way to handle socket connections is to read or write as you need to, and be prepared to handle connection errors.

TCP distinguishes between 3 forms of "dropping" a connection: timeout, reset, close.

Of these, the timeout can not really be detected, TCP might only tell you the time has not expired yet. But even if it told you that, the time might still expire right after.

Also remember that using shutdown() either you or your peer (the other end of the connection) may close only the incoming byte stream, and keep the outgoing byte stream running, or close the outgoing stream and keep the incoming one running.

So strictly speaking, you want to check if the read stream is closed, or if the write stream is closed, or if both are closed.

Even if the connection was "dropped", you should still be able to read any data that is still in the network buffer. Only after the buffer is empty will you receive a disconnect from recv().

Checking if the connection was dropped is like asking "what will I receive after reading all data that is currently buffered ?" To find that out, you just have to read all data that is currently bufferred.

I can see how "reading all buffered data", to get to the end of it, might be a problem for some people, that still think of recv() as a blocking function. With a blocking recv(), "checking" for a read when the buffer is already empty will block, which defeats the purpose of "checking".

In my opinion any function that is documented to potentially block the entire process indefinitely is a design flaw, but I guess it is still there for historical reasons, from when using a socket just like a regular file descriptor was a cool idea.

What you can do is:

  • set the socket to non-blocking mode, but than you get a system-depended error to indicate the receive buffer is empty, or the send buffer is full
  • stick to blocking mode but set a very short socket timeout. This will allow you to "ping" or "check" the socket with recv(), pretty much what you want to do
  • use select() call or asyncore module with a very short timeout. Error reporting is still system-specific.

For the write part of the problem, keeping the read buffers empty pretty much covers it. You will discover a connection "dropped" after a non-blocking read attempt, and you may choose to stop sending anything after a read returns a closed channel.

I guess the only way to be sure your sent data has reached the other end (and is not still in the send buffer) is either:

  • receive a proper response on the same socket for the exact message that you sent. Basically you are using the higher level protocol to provide confirmation.
  • perform a successful shutdow() and close() on the socket

The python socket howto says send() will return 0 bytes written if channel is closed. You may use a non-blocking or a timeout socket.send() and if it returns 0 you can no longer send data on that socket. But if it returns non-zero, you have already sent something, good luck with that :)

Also here I have not considered OOB (out-of-band) socket data here as a means to approach your problem, but I think OOB was not what you meant.

How to .gitignore all files/folder in a folder, but not the folder itself?

You can't commit empty folders in git. If you want it to show up, you need to put something in it, even just an empty file.

For example, add an empty file called .gitkeep to the folder you want to keep, then in your .gitignore file write:

# exclude everything

# exception to the rule

Commit your .gitignore and .gitkeep files and this should resolve your issue.

HTTP POST Returns Error: 417 "Expectation Failed."

Check that your network connection isn't redirecting.

I had this issue when on the wrong wifi and any web request was redirecting to a corporate login page.

Javascript - How to show escape characters in a string?

If your goal is to have

str = "Hello\nWorld";

and output what it contains in string literal form, you can use JSON.stringify:

console.log(JSON.stringify(str)); // ""Hello\nWorld""

const str = "Hello\nWorld";_x000D_
const json = JSON.stringify(str);_x000D_
console.log(json); // ""Hello\nWorld""_x000D_
for (let i = 0; i < json.length; ++i) {_x000D_
    console.log(`${i}: ${json.charAt(i)}`);_x000D_
.as-console-wrapper {_x000D_
    max-height: 100% !important;_x000D_

console.log adds the outer quotes (at least in Chrome's implementation), but the content within them is a string literal (yes, that's somewhat confusing).

JSON.stringify takes what you give it (in this case, a string) and returns a string containing valid JSON for that value. So for the above, it returns an opening quote ("), the word Hello, a backslash (\), the letter n, the word World, and the closing quote ("). The linefeed in the string is escaped in the output as a \ and an n because that's how you encode a linefeed in JSON. Other escape sequences are similarly encoded.

Difference between scaling horizontally and vertically for databases

Traditional relational databases were designed as client/server database systems. They can be scaled horizontally but the process to do so tends to be complex and error prone. NewSQL databases like NuoDB are memory-centric distributed database systems designed to scale out horizontally while maintaining the SQL/ACID properties of traditional RDBMS.

For more information on NuoDB, read their technical white paper. main method


public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);  

        //do your ReconTool stuff

will work in all circumstances. Whether you want to launch the application from the IDE, or the build tool.

Using maven just use mvn spring-boot:run

while in gradle it would be gradle bootRun

An alternative to adding code under the run method, is to have a Spring Bean that implements CommandLineRunner. That would look like:

public class ReconTool implements CommandLineRunner {

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
       //implement your business logic here

Check out this guide from Spring's official guide repository.

The full Spring Boot documentation can be found here

Only variable references should be returned by reference - Codeigniter

Edit filename: core/Common.php, line number: 257


return $_config[0] =& $config; 


$_config[0] =& $config;
return $_config[0]; 


Added by NikiC

In PHP assignment expressions always return the assigned value. So $_config[0] =& $config returns $config - but not the variable itself, but a copy of its value. And returning a reference to a temporary value wouldn't be particularly useful (changing it wouldn't do anything).


This fix has been merged into CI 2.2.1 ( It's better to upgrade rather than modifying core framework files.

Concatenating multiple text files into a single file in Bash

You can do like this: cat [directory_path]/**/*.[h,m] > test.txt

if you use {} to include the extension of the files you want to find, there is a sequencing problem.

Invalid Host Header when ngrok tries to connect to React dev server

I'm encountering a similar issue and found two solutions that work as far as viewing the application directly in a browser

ngrok http 8080 -host-header="localhost:8080"
ngrok http --host-header=rewrite 8080

obviously replace 8080 with whatever port you're running on

this solution still raises an error when I use this in an embedded page, that pulls the bundle.js from the react app. I think since it rewrites the header to localhost, when this is embedded, it's looking to localhost, which the app is no longer running on

Bootstrap 4 card-deck with number of columns based on viewport

I don't remember the specific source, but I am using:

    /* Number of Cards by Row based on Viewport */
    @media (min-width: 576px) {
        .card-deck .card {
            min-width: 50.1%; /* 1 Column */
            margin-bottom: 12px;
    @media (min-width: 768px) {
        .card-deck .card {
            min-width: 33.4%;  /* 2 Columns */
    @media (min-width: 1200px) {
        .card-deck .card {
            min-width: 25.1%;  /* 3 Columns */

You may want to tinker with the specific values to fit your needs.

Multiple FROMs - what it means

The first answer is too complex, historic, and uninformative for my tastes.

It's actually rather simple. Docker provides for a functionality called multi-stage builds the basic idea here is to,

  • Free you from having to manually remove what you don't want, by forcing you to whitelist what you do want,
  • Free resources that would otherwise be taken up because of Docker's implementation.

Let's start with the first. Very often with something like Debian you'll see.

RUN apt-get update \ 
  && apt-get dist-upgrade \
  && apt-get install <whatever> \
  && apt-get clean

We can explain all of this in terms of the above. The above command is chained together so it represents a single change with no intermediate Images required. If it was written like this,

RUN apt-get update ;
RUN apt-get dist-upgrade;
RUN apt-get install <whatever>;
RUN apt-get clean;

It would result in 3 more temporary intermediate Images. Having it reduced to one image, there is one remaining problem: apt-get clean doesn't clean up artifacts used in the install. If a Debian maintainer includes in his install a script that modifies the system that modification will also be present in the final solution (see something like pepperflashplugin-nonfree for an example of that).

By using a multi-stage build you get all the benefits of a single changed action, but it will require you to manually whitelist and copy over files that were introduced in the temporary image using the COPY --from syntax documented here. Moreover, it's a great solution where there is no alternative (like an apt-get clean), and you would otherwise have lots of un-needed files in your final image.

See also

"’" showing on page instead of " ' "

If your content type is already UTF8 , then it is likely the data is already arriving in the wrong encoding. If you are getting the data from a database, make sure the database connection uses UTF-8.

If this is data from a file, make sure the file is encoded correctly as UTF-8. You can usually set this in the "Save as..." Dialog of the editor of your choice.

If the data is already broken when you view it in the source file, chances are that it used to be a UTF-8 file but was saved in the wrong encoding somewhere along the way.

Check if an apt-get package is installed and then install it if it's not on Linux

I had a similar requirement when running test locally instead of in docker. Basically I only wanted to install any .deb files found if they weren't already installed.

# If there are .deb files in the folder, then install them
if [ `ls -1 *.deb 2> /dev/null | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then
  for file in *.deb; do
    # Only install if not already installed (non-zero exit code)
    dpkg -I ${file} | grep Package: | sed -r 's/ Package:\s+(.*)/\1/g' | xargs dpkg -s
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
        dpkg -i ${file}
  err "No .deb files found in '$PWD'"

I guess they only problem I can see is that it doesn't check the version number of the package so if .deb file is a newer version, then this wouldn't overwrite the currently installed package.

How to use not contains() in xpath?

I need to select every production with a category that doesn't contain "Business"

Although I upvoted @Arran's answer as correct, I would also add this... Strictly interpreted, the OP's specification would be implemented as

//production[category[not(contains(., 'Business'))]]

rather than

//production[not(contains(category, 'Business'))]

The latter selects every production whose first category child doesn't contain "Business". The two XPath expressions will behave differently when a production has no category children, or more than one.

It doesn't make any difference in practice as long as every <production> has exactly one <category> child, as in your short example XML. Whether you can always count on that being true or not, depends on various factors, such as whether you have a schema that enforces that constraint. Personally, I would go for the more robust option, since it doesn't "cost" much... assuming your requirement as stated in the question is really correct (as opposed to e.g. 'select every production that doesn't have a category that contains "Business"').

Swift: print() vs println() vs NSLog()

If you're using Swift 2, now you can only use print() to write something to the output.

Apple has combined both println() and print() functions into one.

Updated to iOS 9

By default, the function terminates the line it prints by adding a line break.

print("Hello Swift")


To print a value without a line break after it, pass an empty string as the terminator

print("Hello Swift", terminator: "")


You now can use separator to concatenate multiple items

print("Hello", "Swift", 2, separator:" ")


Or you could combine using in this way

print("Hello", "Swift", 2, separator:" ", terminator:".")

Depend on a branch or tag using a git URL in a package.json?

On latest version of NPM you can just do:

npm install gitAuthor/gitRepo#tag

If the repo is a valid NPM package it will be auto-aliased in package.json as:

{ "NPMPackageName": "gitAuthor/gitRepo#tag" }

If you could add this to @justingordon 's answer there is no need for manual aliasing now !

Apache: client denied by server configuration

I had this issue using Vesta CP and for me, the trick was remove .htaccess and try to access to any file again.

That resulted on regeneration of .htaccess file and then I was able to access to my files.

Postgres FOR LOOP

I just ran into this question and, while it is old, I figured I'd add an answer for the archives. The OP asked about for loops, but their goal was to gather a random sample of rows from the table. For that task, Postgres 9.5+ offers the TABLESAMPLE clause on WHERE. Here's a good rundown:

I tend to use Bernoulli as it's row-based rather than page-based, but the original question is about a specific row count. For that, there's a built-in extension:

CREATE EXTENSION tsm_system_rows;

Then you can grab whatever number of rows you want:

select * from playtime tablesample system_rows (15);

C# error: "An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property"

The Main method is Static. You can not invoke a non-static method from a static method.


is not a static method. Either you have to create an instance of Program

Program p = new Program();

or make

GetRandomBits() static.

Disable arrow key scrolling in users browser

I've tried different ways of blocking scrolling when the arrow keys are pressed, both jQuery and native Javascript - they all work fine in Firefox, but don't work in recent versions of Chrome.
Even the explicit {passive: false} property for window.addEventListener, which is recommended as the only working solution, for example here.

In the end, after many tries, I found a way that works for me in both Firefox and Chrome:

window.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
    if ( != 'input') {   // if you need to filter <input> elements
        switch (e.keyCode) {
            case 37: // left
            case 39: // right
            case 38: // up
            case 40: // down
}, {
    capture: true,   // this disables arrow key scrolling in modern Chrome
    passive: false   // this is optional, my code works without it

Quote for EventTarget.addEventListener() from MDN

options Optional
   An options object specifies characteristics about the event listener. The available options are:

   A Boolean indicating that events of this type will be dispatched to the registered listener before being dispatched to any EventTarget beneath it in the DOM tree.
   A Boolean that, if true, indicates that the function specified by listener will never call preventDefault(). If a passive listener does call preventDefault(), the user agent will do nothing other than generate a console warning. ...

int to hex string

Use ToString("X4").

The 4 means that the string will be 4 digits long.

Reference: The Hexadecimal ("X") Format Specifier on MSDN.

How to link to a named anchor in Multimarkdown?

I tested Github Flavored Markdown for a while and can summarize with four rules:

  1. punctuation marks will be dropped
  2. leading white spaces will be dropped
  3. upper case will be converted to lower
  4. spaces between letters will be converted to -

For example, if your section is named this:

## 1.1 Hello World

Create a link to it this way:


How to uncompress a tar.gz in another directory

gzip -dc archive.tar.gz | tar -xf - -C /destination

or, with GNU tar

tar xzf archive.tar.gz -C /destination

Find closing HTML tag in Sublime Text

I think, you may want to try another approach with folding enabled.

In both ST2 and ST3, if you enable folding in User settings:

    ...(previous item)
    "fold_buttons": true,
    ...(next item, thus the comma)

You can see the triangle folding button at the left side of the line where the start tag is. Click it to expand/fold. If you want to copy, fold and copy, you get all block.

enter image description here

How do I convert an ANSI encoded file to UTF-8 with Notepad++?

Maybe this is not the answer you needed, but I encountered similar problem, so I decided to put it here.

I needed to convert 500 xml files to UTF8 via Notepad++. Why Notepad++? When I used the option "Encode in UTF8" (many other converters use the same logic) it messed up all special characters, so I had to use "Convert to UTF8" explicitly.

Here some simple steps to convert multiple files via Notepad++ without messing up with special characters (for ex. diacritical marks).

  1. Run Notepad++ and then open menu Plugins->Plugin Manager->Show Plugin Manager
  2. Install Python Script. When plugin is installed, restart the application.
  3. Choose menu Plugins->Python Script->New script.
  4. Choose its name, and then past the following code:

import os
import sys
from Npp import notepad # import it first!

filePathSrc="C:\\Users\\" # Path to the folder with files to convert
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(filePathSrc):
    for fn in files: 
        if fn[-4:] == '.xml': # Specify type of the files
   + "\\" + fn)      
            notepad.runMenuCommand("Encoding", "Convert to UTF-8")
            # if you try to save/replace the file, an annoying confirmation window would popup.
            notepad.saveAs("{}{}".format(fn[:-4], '_utf8.xml')) 

After all, run the script

how to add the missing RANDR extension

I am seeing this error message when I run Firefox headless through selenium using xvfb. It turns out that the message was a red herring for me. The message is only a warning, not an error. It is not why Firefox was not starting correctly.

The reason that Firefox was not starting for me was that it had been updated to a version that was no longer compatible with the Selenium drivers that I was using. I upgraded the selenium drivers to the latest and Firefox starts up fine again (even with this warning message about RANDR).

New releases of Firefox are often only compatible with one or two versions of Selenium. Occasionally Firefox is released with NO compatible version of Selenium. When that happens, it may take a week or two for a new version of Selenium to get released. Because of this, I now keep a version of Firefox that is known to work with the version of Selenium that I have installed. In addition to the version of Firefox that is kept up to date by my package manager, I have a version installed in /opt/ (eg /opt/firefox31/). The Selenium Java API takes an argument for the location of the Firefox binary to be used. The downside is that older versions of Firefox have known security vulnerabilities and shouldn't be used with untrusted content.

Indent multiple lines quickly in vi

How to indent highlighted code in vi immediately by a number of spaces:

Option 1: Indent a block of code in vi to three spaces with Visual Block mode:

  1. Select the block of code you want to indent. Do this using Ctrl+V in normal mode and arrowing down to select text. While it is selected, enter : to give a command to the block of selected text.

  2. The following will appear in the command line: :'<,'>

  3. To set indent to three spaces, type le 3 and press enter. This is what appears: :'<,'>le 3

  4. The selected text is immediately indented to three spaces.

Option 2: Indent a block of code in vi to three spaces with Visual Line mode:

  1. Open your file in vi.
  2. Put your cursor over some code
  3. Be in normal mode and press the following keys:

    Vjjjj:le 3

    Interpretation of what you did:

    V means start selecting text.

    jjjj arrows down four lines, highlighting four lines.

    : tells vi you will enter an instruction for the highlighted text.

    le 3 means indent highlighted text three lines.

    The selected code is immediately increased or decreased to three spaces indentation.

Option 3: use Visual Block mode and special insert mode to increase indent:

  1. Open your file in vi.
  2. Put your cursor over some code
  3. Be in normal mode press the following keys:



    (press the spacebar five times)

    Esc Shift+i

    All the highlighted text is indented an additional five spaces.

How to change the plot line color from blue to black?

If you get the object after creation (for instance after "seasonal_decompose"), you can always access and edit the properties of the plot; for instance, changing the color of the first subplot from blue to black:


Out-File -append in Powershell does not produce a new line and breaks string into characters

Add-Content is default ASCII and add new line however Add-Content brings locked files issues too.

Safe String to BigDecimal conversion

String value = "1,000,000,000.999999999999999";
BigDecimal money = new BigDecimal(value.replaceAll(",", ""));

Full code to prove that no NumberFormatException is thrown:

import java.math.BigDecimal;

public class Tester {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        String value = "1,000,000,000.999999999999999";
        BigDecimal money = new BigDecimal(value.replaceAll(",", ""));



line breaks in a textarea

My recommendation is to save the data to database with Line breaks instead parsing it with nl2br. You should use nl2br in output not input.

For your question, you can use php or javascript:


str_replace('<br />', "\n", $textarea);


$('#myTextArea').val($('#myTextArea').val().replace(@<br />@, "\N"));

__init__ and arguments in Python

The fact that your method does not use the self argument (which is a reference to the instance that the method is attached to) doesn't mean you can leave it out. It always has to be there, because Python is always going to try to pass it in.

In MVC, how do I return a string result?

You can also just return string if you know that's the only thing the method will ever return. For example:

public string MyActionName() {
  return "Hi there!";

CSS pseudo elements in React

Got a reply from @Vjeux over at the React team:

Normal HTML/CSS:

<div class="something"><span>Something</span></div>
    .something::after {
    content: '';
    position: absolute;
    -webkit-filter: blur(10px) saturate(2);

React with inline style:

render: function() {
    return (
          <div style={{position: 'absolute', WebkitFilter: 'blur(10px) saturate(2)'}} />

The trick is that instead of using ::after in CSS in order to create a new element, you should instead create a new element via React. If you don't want to have to add this element everywhere, then make a component that does it for you.

For special attributes like -webkit-filter, the way to encode them is by removing dashes - and capitalizing the next letter. So it turns into WebkitFilter. Note that doing {'-webkit-filter': ...} should also work.

I keep getting this error for my simple python program: "TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer"


for i in range(c/10):

You're creating a float as a result - to fix this use the int division operator:

for i in range(c // 10):

Getting path of captured image in Android using camera intent

Here I updated the sample code in Kotlin. Please note on Nougat and above version Uri.fromFile(file) is not working and it crashes the app for that need to implement FileProvider which is safest way to send files from intent. For implementing this refer this answer or this article

private fun takePhotoFromCamera() {
        val isDeviceSupportCamera: Boolean = this.packageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_CAMERA)
        if (isDeviceSupportCamera) {
            val takePictureIntent = Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE)

            if (takePictureIntent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) {
                file = File(getExternalFilesDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS + "/attachments")!!.path,
                        System.currentTimeMillis().toString() + ".jpg")
//            fileUri = Uri.fromFile(file)
                fileUri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(this, this.applicationContext.packageName + ".provider", file!!)
                takePictureIntent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, fileUri)
                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {
                startActivityForResult(takePictureIntent, Constants.REQUEST_CODE_IMAGE_CAPTURE)

        } else {
            Toast.makeText(this, this.getString(R.string.camera_not_supported), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
        if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
             if(requestCode == Constants.REQUEST_CODE_IMAGE_CAPTURE) {
                realPath = file?.path
                 //do what ever you want to do

Clear android application user data

To clear Application Data Please Try this way.

    public void clearApplicationData() {
    File cache = getCacheDir();
    File appDir = new File(cache.getParent());
    if (appDir.exists()) {
        String[] children = appDir.list();
        for (String s : children) {
            if (!s.equals("lib")) {
                deleteDir(new File(appDir, s));Log.i("TAG", "**************** File /data/data/APP_PACKAGE/" + s + " DELETED *******************");

public static boolean deleteDir(File dir) {
    if (dir != null &amp;&amp; dir.isDirectory()) {
        String[] children = dir.list();
        for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
            boolean success = deleteDir(new File(dir, children[i]));
            if (!success) {
                return false;

    return dir.delete();

How to access first element of JSON object array?

'[{"event":"inbound","ts":1426249238}]' is a string, you cannot access any properties there. You will have to parse it to an object, with JSON.parse() and then handle it like a normal object

Remove portion of a string after a certain character

$variable = substr($initial, 0, strpos($initial, "By"));

if (!empty($variable)) { echo $variable; } else { echo $initial; }

Get a Div Value in JQuery

your div looks like this:

<div id="someId">Some Value</div>

With jquery:

   <script type="text/javascript">
         var text = $('#someId').html(); 
         var text = $('#someId').text();

Android scale animation on view

public void expand(final View v) {
        ScaleAnimation scaleAnimation = new ScaleAnimation(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
        scaleAnimation.setAnimationListener(new Animation.AnimationListener() {
            public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {


            public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {

            public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {


    public void collapse(final View v) {
        ScaleAnimation scaleAnimation = new ScaleAnimation(1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0);
        scaleAnimation.setAnimationListener(new Animation.AnimationListener() {
            public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {


            public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {

            public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {


Re-assign host access permission to MySQL user

I received the same error with RENAME USER and GRANTS aren't covered by the currently accepted solution:

The most reliable way seems to be to run SHOW GRANTS for the old user, find/replace what you want to change regarding the user's name and/or host and run them and then finally DROP USER the old user. Not forgetting to run FLUSH PRIVILEGES (best to run this after adding the new users' grants, test the new user, then drop the old user and flush again for good measure).

    > SHOW GRANTS FOR 'olduser'@'oldhost';
    | Grants for olduser@oldhost                                                        |
    | GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'olduser'@'oldhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*PASSHASH'      |
    | GRANT SELECT ON `db`.* TO 'olduser'@'oldhost'                                     |
    2 rows in set (0.000 sec)

    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.006 sec)

    > GRANT SELECT ON `db`.* TO 'newuser'@'newhost';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.007 sec)

    > DROP USER 'olduser'@'oldhost';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.016 sec)

How to get all keys with their values in redis

Below is just a little variant of the script provided by @"Juuso Ohtonen".

I have add a password variable and counter so you can can check the progression of your backup. Also I replaced simple brackets [] by double brackets [[]] to prevent an error I had on macos.

1. Get the total number of keys

$ sudo redis-cli
INFO keyspace
AUTH yourpassword
INFO keyspace

2. Edit the script


# Default to '*' key pattern, meaning all redis keys in the namespace
for key in $(redis-cli -a "$PASS" --scan --pattern "$REDIS_KEY_PATTERN")
    echo $i.
    type=$(redis-cli -a "$PASS" type $key)
    if [[ $type = "list" ]]
        printf "$key => \n$(redis-cli -a "$PASS" lrange $key 0 -1 | sed 's/^/  /')\n"
    elif [[ $type = "hash" ]]
        printf "$key => \n$(redis-cli -a "$PASS" hgetall $key | sed 's/^/  /')\n"
        printf "$key => $(redis-cli -a "$PASS" get $key)\n"

3. Execute the script

bash > redis.bak

4. Check progression

tail redis.bak

jQuery counting elements by class - what is the best way to implement this?

for counting:


should work fine.

storing in a variable is as easy as:

var count = $('.yourClass').length;

Conda update failed: SSL error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed

according to @jreback here

conda config --set ssl_verify false 

will turn off this feature, e.g. here

How to select a schema in postgres when using psql?

quick solution could be:

SELECT your_db_column_name from "your_db_schema_name"."your_db_tabel_name";

rsync copy over only certain types of files using include option

Wrote this handy function and put in my bash scripts or ~/.bash_aliases. Tested sync'ing locally on Linux with bash and awk installed. It works

# selective rsync to sync only certain filetypes;
# based on:
# Example: selrsync 'tsv,csv' ./source ./target --dry-run
types="$1"; shift; #accepts comma separated list of types. Must be the first argument.
includes=$(echo $types| awk  -F',' \
    'BEGIN{OFS=" ";}
    for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++ ) { if (length($i) > 0) $i="--include=*."$i; } print

echo Command: rsync -avz --prune-empty-dirs --include="*/" $includes --exclude="*" "$restargs"
eval rsync -avz --prune-empty-dirs --include="*/" "$includes" --exclude="*" $restargs


short handy and extensible when one wants to add more arguments (i.e. --dry-run).


selrsync 'tsv,csv' ./source ./target --dry-run

Prevent text selection after double click

In plain javascript:

element.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }, false);

Or with jQuery:

jQuery(element).mousedown(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); });

how to show only even or odd rows in sql server 2008?

Try following


How can I convert a Unix timestamp to DateTime and vice versa?

Be careful, if you need precision higher than milliseconds!

.NET (v4.6) methods (e.g. FromUnixTimeMilliseconds) don't provide this precision.

AddSeconds and AddMilliseconds also cut off the microseconds in the double.

These versions have high precision:

Unix -> DateTime

public static DateTime UnixTimestampToDateTime(double unixTime)
    DateTime unixStart = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc);
    long unixTimeStampInTicks = (long) (unixTime * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);
    return new DateTime(unixStart.Ticks + unixTimeStampInTicks, System.DateTimeKind.Utc);

DateTime -> Unix

public static double DateTimeToUnixTimestamp(DateTime dateTime)
    DateTime unixStart = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc);
    long unixTimeStampInTicks = (dateTime.ToUniversalTime() - unixStart).Ticks;
    return (double) unixTimeStampInTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;

How to make inline functions in C#

The answer to your question is yes and no, depending on what you mean by "inline function". If you're using the term like it's used in C++ development then the answer is no, you can't do that - even a lambda expression is a function call. While it's true that you can define inline lambda expressions to replace function declarations in C#, the compiler still ends up creating an anonymous function.

Here's some really simple code I used to test this (VS2015):

    static void Main(string[] args)
        Func<int, int> incr = a => a + 1;
        Console.WriteLine($"P1 = {incr(5)}");

What does the compiler generate? I used a nifty tool called ILSpy that shows the actual IL assembly generated. Have a look (I've omitted a lot of class setup stuff)

This is the Main function:

        IL_001f: stloc.0
        IL_0020: ldstr "P1 = {0}"
        IL_0025: ldloc.0
        IL_0026: ldc.i4.5
        IL_0027: callvirt instance !1 class [mscorlib]System.Func`2<int32, int32>::Invoke(!0)
        IL_002c: box [mscorlib]System.Int32
        IL_0031: call string [mscorlib]System.String::Format(string, object)
        IL_0036: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
        IL_003b: ret

See those lines IL_0026 and IL_0027? Those two instructions load the number 5 and call a function. Then IL_0031 and IL_0036 format and print the result.

And here's the function called:

        .method assembly hidebysig 
            instance int32 '<Main>b__0_0' (
                int32 a
            ) cil managed 
            // Method begins at RVA 0x20ac
            // Code size 4 (0x4)
            .maxstack 8

            IL_0000: ldarg.1
            IL_0001: ldc.i4.1
            IL_0002: add
            IL_0003: ret
        } // end of method '<>c'::'<Main>b__0_0'

It's a really short function, but it is a function.

Is this worth any effort to optimize? Nah. Maybe if you're calling it thousands of times a second, but if performance is that important then you should consider calling native code written in C/C++ to do the work.

In my experience readability and maintainability are almost always more important than optimizing for a few microseconds gain in speed. Use functions to make your code readable and to control variable scoping and don't worry about performance.

"Premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming." -- Donald Knuth

"A program that doesn't run correctly doesn't need to run fast" -- Me

Convert a date format in PHP

You can try the strftime() function. Simple example: strftime($time, '%d %m %Y');

CSS: stretching background image to 100% width and height of screen?

You need to set the height of html to 100%

body {
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: 100% 100%;
html {
    height: 100%

Finding element's position relative to the document

I suggest using


as proposed here instead of manual offset calculation through offsetLeft, offsetTop and offsetParent. as proposed here Under some circumstances* the manual traversal produces invalid results. See this Plunker:

*When element is inside of a scrollable parent with static (=default) positioning.

How to install older version of node.js on Windows?

Go here and find the version you want to install and then download the correct msi file and run the installer. You cannot install node by running this command, also the error you receive is stating that npm is not on your path which suggests machine doesn't currently have node installed on it

Python JSON encoding

The data you are encoding is a keyless array, so JSON encodes it with [] brackets. See for more information about that. The curly braces are used for lists with key/value pairs.


JSON is built on two structures:

A collection of name/value pairs. In various languages, this is realized as an object, record, struct, dictionary, hash table, keyed list, or associative array. An ordered list of values. In most languages, this is realized as an array, vector, list, or sequence.

An object is an unordered set of name/value pairs. An object begins with { (left brace) and ends with } (right brace). Each name is followed by : (colon) and the name/value pairs are separated by , (comma).

An array is an ordered collection of values. An array begins with [ (left bracket) and ends with ] (right bracket). Values are separated by , (comma).

How to refer to Excel objects in Access VBA?

I dissent from both the answers. Don't create a reference at all, but use late binding:

  Dim objExcelApp As Object
  Dim wb As Object

  Sub Initialize()
    Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
  End Sub

  Sub ProcessDataWorkbook()
     Set wb = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open("path to my workbook")
     Dim ws As Object
     Set ws = wb.Sheets(1)

     ws.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Hello"
     ws.Cells(1, 2).Value = "World"

     'Close the workbook
     Set wb = Nothing
  End Sub

You will note that the only difference in the code above is that the variables are all declared as objects and you instantiate the Excel instance with CreateObject().

This code will run no matter what version of Excel is installed, while using a reference can easily cause your code to break if there's a different version of Excel installed, or if it's installed in a different location.

Also, the error handling could be added to the code above so that if the initial instantiation of the Excel instance fails (say, because Excel is not installed or not properly registered), your code can continue. With a reference set, your whole Access application will fail if Excel is not installed.

Find OpenCV Version Installed on Ubuntu

The other methods here didn't work for me, so here's what does work in Ubuntu 12.04 'precise'.

On Ubuntu and other Debian-derived platforms, dpkg is the typical way to get software package versions. For more recent versions than the one that @Tio refers to, use

 dpkg -l | grep libopencv

If you have the development packages installed, like libopencv-core-dev, you'll probably have .pc files and can use pkg-config:

 pkg-config --modversion opencv

Change MySQL root password in phpMyAdmin

Change It like this, It worked for me. Hope It helps. firs I did

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = 'mysql wampserver';
//$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'changed';
/* Server parameters */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = false;
/* Select mysql if your server does not have mysqli */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysqli';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = false;

Then I Changed Like this...

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = 'mysql wampserver';
//$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'root';
/* Server parameters */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = false;
/* Select mysql if your server does not have mysqli */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysqli';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = false;

What are Java command line options to set to allow JVM to be remotely debugged?

Command Line

-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=PORT_NUMBER


gradle bootrun --debug-jvm


mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.jvmArguments="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=PORT_NUMBER

Vue 2 - Mutating props vue-warn

Vue.js props are not to be mutated as this is considered an Anti-Pattern in Vue.

The approach you will need to take is creating a data property on your component that references the original prop property of list

props: ['list'],
data: () {
  return {
    parsedList: JSON.parse(this.list)

Now your list structure that is passed to the component is referenced and mutated via the data property of your component :-)

If you wish to do more than just parse your list property then make use of the Vue component' computed property. This allow you to make more in depth mutations to your props.

props: ['list'],
computed: {
  filteredJSONList: () => {
    let parsedList = JSON.parse(this.list)
    let filteredList = parsedList.filter(listItem =>
    return filteredList

The example above parses your list prop and filters it down to only active list-tems, logs it out for schnitts and giggles and returns it.

note: both data & computed properties are referenced in the template the same e.g



It can be easy to think that a computed property (being a method) needs to be called... it doesn't

How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java

In my example, two timeouts are set. The connection timeout throws Socket is not connected and the socket timeout The operation timed out.

HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(url);
HttpParams httpParameters = new BasicHttpParams();
// Set the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established.
// The default value is zero, that means the timeout is not used. 
int timeoutConnection = 3000;
HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(httpParameters, timeoutConnection);
// Set the default socket timeout (SO_TIMEOUT) 
// in milliseconds which is the timeout for waiting for data.
int timeoutSocket = 5000;
HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(httpParameters, timeoutSocket);

DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(httpParameters);
HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpGet);

If you want to set the Parameters of any existing HTTPClient (e.g. DefaultHttpClient or AndroidHttpClient) you can use the function setParams().


Throwing exceptions in a PHP Try Catch block

Throw needs an object instantiated by \Exception. Just the $e catched can play the trick.

throw $e

SQL INSERT INTO from multiple tables

If I'm understanding you correctly, you should be able to do this in one query, joining table1 and table2 together:

INSERT INTO table3 { name, age, sex, city, id, number}
SELECT, p.age,,,, c.number
FROM table1 p
INNER JOIN table2 c ON c.Id = p.Id

Get a list of URLs from a site

Write a spider which reads in every html from disk and outputs every "href" attribute of an "a" element (can be done with a parser). Keep in mind which links belong to a certain page (this is common task for a MultiMap datastructre). After this you can produce a mapping file which acts as the input for the 404 handler.

Only allow Numbers in input Tag without Javascript

Though it's probably suggested to get some heavier validation via JS or on the server, HTML5 does support this via the pattern attribute.

<input type= "text" name= "name" pattern= "[0-9]"  title= "Title"/>

How to read data from excel file using c#

CSharpJExcel for reading Excel 97-2003 files (XLS), ExcelPackage for reading Excel 2007/2010 files (Office Open XML format, XLSX), and ExcelDataReader that seems to have the ability to handle both formats

Good luck!

Why can't variables be declared in a switch statement?

It appears that anonymous objects can be declared or created in a switch case statement for the reason that they cannot be referenced and as such cannot fall through to the next case. Consider this example compiles on GCC 4.5.3 and Visual Studio 2008 (might be a compliance issue tho' so experts please weigh in)

#include <cstdlib>

struct Foo{};

int main()
    int i = 42;

    switch( i )
    case 42:
        Foo();  // Apparently valid

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Mysql - How to quit/exit from stored procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE SP_Reporting(IN tablename VARCHAR(20))
     IF tablename IS NULL THEN
          LEAVE proc_label;
     END IF;

     #proceed the code

jQuery: Handle fallback for failed AJAX Request

You will need to either use the lower level $.ajax call, or the ajaxError function. Here it is with the $.ajax method:

function update() {
    type: 'GET',
    dataType: 'json',
    url: url,
    timeout: 5000,
    success: function(data, textStatus ){
       alert('request successful');
    fail: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown){
       alert('request failed');

EDIT I added a timeout to the $.ajax call and set it to five seconds.

$(document).click() not working correctly on iPhone. jquery

On mobile iOS the click event does not bubble to the document body and thus cannot be used with .live() events. If you have to use a non native click-able element like a div or section is to use cursor: pointer; in your css for the non-hover on the element in question. If that is ugly you could look into delegate().