Programs & Examples On #Ctest

How to correctly write async method?

To get the behavior you want you need to wait for the process to finish before you exit Main(). To be able to tell when your process is done you need to return a Task instead of a void from your function, you should never return void from a async function unless you are working with events.

A re-written version of your program that works correctly would be

class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         Debug.WriteLine("Calling DoDownload");         var downloadTask = DoDownloadAsync();         Debug.WriteLine("DoDownload done");         downloadTask.Wait(); //Waits for the background task to complete before finishing.      }      private static async Task DoDownloadAsync()     {         WebClient w = new WebClient();          string txt = await w.DownloadStringTaskAsync("");         Debug.WriteLine(txt);     } } 

Because you can not await in Main() I had to do the Wait() function instead. If this was a application that had a SynchronizationContext I would do await downloadTask; instead and make the function this was being called from async.

Delay/Wait in a test case of Xcode UI testing


It actually just occurred to me that in Xcode 7b4, UI testing now has expectationForPredicate:evaluatedWithObject:handler:


Another way is to spin the run loop for a set amount of time. Really only useful if you know how much (estimated) time you'll need to wait for

Obj-C: [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: <<time to wait in seconds>>]]

Swift: NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop().runMode(NSDefaultRunLoopMode, beforeDate: NSDate(timeIntervalSinceNow: <<time to wait in seconds>>))

This is not super useful if you need to test some conditions in order to continue your test. To run conditional checks, use a while loop.

Java ElasticSearch None of the configured nodes are available

If the above advices do not work for you, change the log level of your logging framework configuration (log4j, logback...) to INFO. Then re-check the output.

The logger may be hiding messages like:

INFO  org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClientNodesService - failed to get node info for...
Caused by: ElasticsearchSecurityException: missing authentication token for action...

(in the example above, there was X-Pack plugin in ElasticSearch which requires authentication)

pip is not able to install packages correctly: Permission denied error

It looks like you're having a permissions error, based on this message in your output: error: could not create '/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lxml': Permission denied.

One thing you can try is doing a user install of the package with pip install lxml --user. For more information on how that works, check out this StackOverflow answer. (Thanks to Ishaan Taylor for the suggestion)

You can also run pip install as a superuser with sudo pip install lxml but it is not generally a good idea because it can cause issues with your system-level packages.

How do I import a Swift file from another Swift file?

So, you need to

  1. Import external modules you want to use
  2. And make sure you have the right access modifiers on the class and methods you want to use.

In my case I had a swift file I wanted to unit test, and the unit test file was also a swift class. I made sure the access modifiers were correct, but the statement

import stMobile

(let's say that stMobile is our target name)

still did not work (I was still getting the 'No such module' error), I checked my target, and its name was indeed stMobile. So, I went to Build Settings, under packaging, and found the Product Module Name, and for some reason this was called St_Mobile, so I changed my import statement

import St_Mobile

(which is the Product Module Name), and everything worked.

So, to sum up:

  1. Check your Product Module Name and use the import statement below in you unit test class

    import myProductModuleName
  2. Make sure your access modifiers are correct (class level and your methods). no protocol on URL based on a string modified with URLEncoder

This code worked for me

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try { myUr = new"http://path");
        System.out.println("Instantiated new URL: " + connection_url);
    catch (MalformedURLException e) {

Instantiated new URL: http://path

How can I tell Moq to return a Task?

Now you can also use Talentsoft.Moq.SetupAsync package

Which on the base on the answers found here and ideas proposed to Moq but still not yet implemented here:, greatly simplify setup of async methods

Few examples found in previous responses done with SetupAsync extension:

mock.SetupAsync(arg=>arg.DoSomethingAsync()).Callback(() => { <my code here> });
mock.SetupAsync(arg=>arg.DoSomethingAsync()).Throws(new InvalidOperationException());

Can't Find Theme.AppCompat.Light for New Android ActionBar Support

IntelliJ IDEA solution.

1. Run Android SDK Manager and install the latest SDK and Android Support Libarary. The version of SDK and Android Support Libarary should be the same! 23 in my case. Another variants will give you the errors.
enter image description here
2. Change SDK version of your IDEA project to the last one you installed in previous step. (ps. you may not use Maven).
enter image description here

3. Add new Module from existing sourse to your IDEA project.
enter image description here

4. Add AppCompat project. !!! Should be under the last SDK too! (ps. Say "Yes" anywhere in process of this step)
enter image description here

5. Open settings of your main Project Module and add to it next 3 dependecies:

5.1. Module Dependency. Chose android-support-v7-appcompat
enter image description here

5.2. 2 pc. Library Dependencies. Add android-sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\libs\android-support-v4.jar and android-support-v4\android-support-v7-appcompat.jar
enter image description here

In total it will be:
enter image description here

6. Very important!!!
Add theme with prefix @style (not another!).
enter image description here

Android Studio solution.

1. Run Android SDK Manager and install the latest SDK and Android Support Libarary. The version of SDK and Android Support Libarary should be the same! 23 in my case. Another variants will give you the errors.
enter image description here

2. Add next to build.gradle

dependencies {
    compile ''

P.S. If you are new in Android developing, I strongly recomend you move to Android Studio & Gradle right now - you will get the simplest way of managing your android app.

How to pass multiple arguments in processStartInfo?

System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Normal;
startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
startInfo.Arguments = @"/c -sk server -sky exchange -pe -n CN=localhost -ir LocalMachine -is Root -ic MyCA.cer -sr LocalMachine -ss My MyAdHocTestCert.cer"

use /c as a cmd argument to close cmd.exe once its finish processing your commands

If my interface must return Task what is the best way to have a no-operation implementation?

Task.Delay(0) as in the accepted answer was a good approach, as it is a cached copy of a completed Task.

As of 4.6 there's now Task.CompletedTask which is more explicit in its purpose, but not only does Task.Delay(0) still return a single cached instance, it returns the same single cached instance as does Task.CompletedTask.

The cached nature of neither is guaranteed to remain constant, but as implementation-dependent optimisations that are only implementation-dependent as optimisations (that is, they'd still work correctly if the implementation changed to something that was still valid) the use of Task.Delay(0) was better than the accepted answer.

Unit testing private methods in C#

Another option that has not been mentioned is just creating the unit test class as a child of the object that you are testing. NUnit Example:

public class UnitTests : ObjectWithPrivateMethods
    public void TestSomeProtectedMethod()
        Assert.IsTrue(this.SomeProtectedMethod() == true, "Failed test, result false");

This would allow easy testing of private and protected (but not inherited private) methods, and it would allow you to keep all your tests separate from the real code so you aren't deploying test assemblies to production. Switching your private methods to protected methods would be acceptable in a lot of inherited objects, and it is a pretty simple change to make.


While this is an interesting approach to solving the problem of how to test hidden methods, I am unsure that I would advocate that this is the correct solution to the problem in all cases. It seems a little odd to be internally testing an object, and I suspect there might be some scenarios that this approach will blow up on you. (Immutable objects for example, might make some tests really hard).

While I mention this approach, I would suggest that this is more of a brainstormed suggestion than a legitimate solution. Take it with a grain of salt.

EDIT: I find it truly hilarious that people are voting this answer down, since I explicitly describe this as a bad idea. Does that mean that people are agreeing with me? I am so confused.....

inject bean reference into a Quartz job in Spring?

A simple way to do it would be to just annotate the Quartz Jobs with @Component annotation, and then Spring will do all the DI magic for you, as it is now recognized as a Spring bean. I had to do something similar for an AspectJ aspect - it was not a Spring bean until I annotated it with the Spring @Component stereotype.

How do I configure PyCharm to run py.test tests?

With 2018.3 it appears to automatically detect that I'm using pytest, which is nice, but it still doesn't allow running from the top level of the project. I had to run pytest for each tests directory individually.

However, I found that I could choose one of the configurations and manually edit it to run at the root of the project and that this worked. I have to manually choose it in the Configurations drop-down - can't right click on the root folder in the Project pane. But at least it allows me to run all tests at once.

Testing whether a value is odd or even

To test whether or not you have a odd or even number, this also works.

const comapare = x => integer(checkNumber(x));

function checkNumber (x) {
   if (x % 2 == 0) {
       return true;
   else if (x % 2 != 0) {
       return false;

function integer (x) {
   if (x) {
   else {

Rotating videos with FFmpeg

An additional solution with a different approach from the last mentioned solutions, is to check if your camera driver support the v4l2 camera controls (which is very common).
In the terminal just type:

v4l2-ctl -L

If your camera driver supports the v4l2 camera controls, you should get something like this (the list below depends on the controls that your camera driver supports):

               contrast (int)    : min=0 max=255 step=1 default=0 value=0 flags=slider
             saturation (int)    : min=0 max=255 step=1 default=64 value=64 flags=slider
                    hue (int)    : min=0 max=359 step=1 default=0 value=0 flags=slider
white_balance_automatic (bool)   : default=1 value=1 flags=update
            red_balance (int)    : min=0 max=4095 step=1 default=0 value=128 flags=inactive, slider
           blue_balance (int)    : min=0 max=4095 step=1 default=0 value=128 flags=inactive, slider
               exposure (int)    : min=0 max=65535 step=1 default=0 value=885 flags=inactive, volatile
         gain_automatic (bool)   : default=1 value=1 flags=update
                   gain (int)    : min=0 max=1023 step=1 default=0 value=32 flags=inactive, volatile
        horizontal_flip (bool)   : default=0 value=0
          vertical_flip (bool)   : default=0 value=0

And if you are lucky it supports horizontal_flip and vertical_flip.
Then all you need to do is to set the horizontal_flip by:

v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl horizontal_flip=1

or the vertical_flip by:

v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl vertical_flip=1

and then you can call your video device to capture a new video (see example below), and the video will be rotated/flipped.

ffmpeg -f v4l2 -video_size 640x480 -i /dev/video0 -vcodec libx264 -f mpegts input.mp4

Of-course that if you need to process an already existing video, than this method is not the solution you are looking for.

The advantage in this approach is that we flip the image in the sensor level, so the sensor of the driver already gives us the image flipped, and that's saves the application (like FFmpeg) any further and unnecessary processing.

Using PropertyInfo.GetValue()

In your example propertyInfo.GetValue(this, null) should work. Consider altering GetNamesAndTypesAndValues() as follows:

public void GetNamesAndTypesAndValues()
  foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in allClassProperties)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} [type = {1}] [value = {2}]",
      propertyInfo.GetValue(this, null));

React this.setState is not a function

Now in react with es6/7 you can bind function to current context with arrow function like this, make request and resolve promises like this :

listMovies = async () => {
 const request = await VK.api('users.get',{fields: 'photo_50'});
 const data = await request.json()
 if (data) {
  this.setState({movies: data})

With this method you can easily call this function in the componentDidMount and wait the data before render your html in your render function.

I don't know the size of your project but I personally advise against using the current state of the component to manipulate datas. You should use external state like Redux or Flux or something else for that.

How can I catch an error caused by mail()?

also using will not help you out, because mail() does not emmit its errors into this function.

Only way seems to be using a proper mailer, like already suggested above.

How to use `@ts-ignore` for a block

You can't.

As a workaround you can use a // @ts-nocheck comment at the top of a file to disable type-checking for that file:

So to disable checking for a block (function, class, etc.), you can move it into its own file, then use the comment/flag above. (This isn't as flexible as block-based disabling of course, but it's the best option available at the moment.)

How to compare arrays in C#?

You're comparing the object references, and they are not the same. You need to compare the array contents.

.NET2 solution

An option is iterating through the array elements and call Equals() for each element. Remember that you need to override the Equals() method for the array elements, if they are not the same object reference.

An alternative is using this generic method to compare two generic arrays:

static bool ArraysEqual<T>(T[] a1, T[] a2)
    if (ReferenceEquals(a1, a2))
        return true;

    if (a1 == null || a2 == null)
        return false;

    if (a1.Length != a2.Length)
        return false;

    var comparer = EqualityComparer<T>.Default;
    for (int i = 0; i < a1.Length; i++)
        if (!comparer.Equals(a1[i], a2[i])) return false;
    return true;

.NET 3.5 or higher solution

Or use SequenceEqual if Linq is available for you (.NET Framework >= 3.5)

Clearing the terminal screen?

imprime en linea los datos con un espaciado determinado, así tendrás columnas de datos de la misma variable y será más claro

Print all data in line, so you have rows with the data you need, i just solve the same problem like this, just make sur you had asignad a constant data size and spacement between, I made this

Serial.print("cuenta q2: ");
Serial.print( cuenta_pulsos_encoder_1,3);
Serial.print("cuenta q3: ");
Serial.print( cuenta_pulsos_encoder_2,3);
Serial.print("cuenta q4: ");
Serial.print( cuenta_pulsos_encoder_3,3);

Android Location Manager, Get GPS location ,if no GPS then get to Network Provider location

use the fusion API that google developer have developed with fusion of GPS Sensor,Magnetometer,Accelerometer also using Wifi or cell location to calculate or estimate the location. It is also able to give location updates also inside the building accurately.

package com.example.ashis.gpslocation;

import android.location.Location;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.Toast;


import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

 * Location sample.
 * Demonstrates use of the Location API to retrieve the last known location for a device.
 * This sample uses Google Play services (GoogleApiClient) but does not need to authenticate a user.
 * See if you are
 * also using APIs that need authentication.

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements LocationListener,
        GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener {

    private static final long ONE_MIN = 500;
    private static final long TWO_MIN = 500;
    private static final long FIVE_MIN = 500;
    private static final long POLLING_FREQ = 1000 * 20;
    private static final long FASTEST_UPDATE_FREQ = 1000 * 5;
    private static final float MIN_ACCURACY = 1.0f;
    private static final float MIN_LAST_READ_ACCURACY = 1;

    private LocationRequest mLocationRequest;
    private Location mBestReading;
TextView tv;
    private GoogleApiClient mGoogleApiClient;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        if (!servicesAvailable()) {

tv= (TextView) findViewById(;
        mLocationRequest = LocationRequest.create();

        mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)

        if (mGoogleApiClient != null) {

    protected void onResume() {

        if (mGoogleApiClient != null) {

    protected void onPause() {d

        if (mGoogleApiClient != null && mGoogleApiClient.isConnected()) {

        tv.setText(location + "");
        // Determine whether new location is better than current best
        // estimate
        if (null == mBestReading || location.getAccuracy() < mBestReading.getAccuracy()) {
            mBestReading = location;

            if (mBestReading.getAccuracy() < MIN_ACCURACY) {
                LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.removeLocationUpdates(mGoogleApiClient, this);

    public void onConnected(Bundle dataBundle) {
        // Get first reading. Get additional location updates if necessary
        if (servicesAvailable()) {

            // Get best last location measurement meeting criteria
            mBestReading = bestLastKnownLocation(MIN_LAST_READ_ACCURACY, FIVE_MIN);

            if (null == mBestReading
                    || mBestReading.getAccuracy() > MIN_LAST_READ_ACCURACY
                    || mBestReading.getTime() < System.currentTimeMillis() - TWO_MIN) {

                LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.requestLocationUpdates(mGoogleApiClient, mLocationRequest, this);

               //Schedule a runnable to unregister location listeners

                    public void run() {
                        LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.removeLocationUpdates(mGoogleApiClient, MainActivity.this);


                }, ONE_MIN, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);



    public void onConnectionSuspended(int i) {


    private Location bestLastKnownLocation(float minAccuracy, long minTime) {
        Location bestResult = null;
        float bestAccuracy = Float.MAX_VALUE;
        long bestTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;

        // Get the best most recent location currently available
        Location mCurrentLocation = LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.getLastLocation(mGoogleApiClient);
        if (mCurrentLocation != null) {
            float accuracy = mCurrentLocation.getAccuracy();
            long time = mCurrentLocation.getTime();

            if (accuracy < bestAccuracy) {
                bestResult = mCurrentLocation;
                bestAccuracy = accuracy;
                bestTime = time;

        // Return best reading or null
        if (bestAccuracy > minAccuracy || bestTime < minTime) {
            return null;
        else {
            return bestResult;

    public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult connectionResult) {


    private boolean servicesAvailable() {
        int resultCode = GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(this);

        if (ConnectionResult.SUCCESS == resultCode) {
            return true;
        else {
            GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog(resultCode, this, 0).show();
            return false;

JPA Hibernate Persistence exception [PersistenceUnit: default] Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory

I was getting this error even when all the relevant dependencies were in place because I hadn't created the schema in MySQL.

I thought it would be created automatically but it wasn't. Although the table itself will be created, you have to create the schema.

Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC Error

I was getting the same error but it's sorted now. In my case, I had columns with the heading "Key1", "Key2", and "Key3". I have changed the column names to something else and it's sorted.

It seems that these are reserved keywords.

Regards, Mahesh

how to install Lex and Yacc in Ubuntu?

Use the synaptic packet manager in order to install yacc / lex. If you are feeling more comfortable doing this on the console just do:

sudo apt-get install bison flex

There are some very nice articles on the net on how to get started with those tools. I found the article from CodeProject to be quite good and helpful (see here). But you should just try and search for "introduction to lex", there are plenty of good articles showing up.

How to call a stored procedure (with parameters) from another stored procedure without temp table

 Create PROCEDURE  Stored_Procedure_Name_2
  @param1 int = 5  ,
  @param2 varchar(max),
  @param3 varchar(max)


   id int,
   name varchar(max),
   address varchar(max)

EXEC Stored_Procedure_Name_1 @param1 , @param2 = 'Raju' ,@param3 =@param3

SELECT id ,name ,address  FROM @Table  

C: How to free nodes in the linked list?

struct node{
    int position;
    char name[30];
    struct node * next;

void free_list(node * list){
    node* next_node;

    printf("\n\n Freeing List: \n");
    while(list != NULL)
        next_node = list->next;
        printf("clear mem for: %s",list->name);
        list = next_node;

Best way to change font colour halfway through paragraph?

<span> will allow you to style text, but it adds no semantic content.

As you're emphasizing some text, it sounds like you'd be better served by wrapping the text in <em></em> and using CSS to change the color of the <em> element. For example:


.description {
  color: #fff;

.description em {
  color: #ffa500;


<p class="description">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur 
adipiscing elit. Sed hendrerit mollis varius. Etiam ornare placerat 
massa, <em>eget vulputate tellus fermentum.</em></p>

In fact, I'd go to great pains to avoid the <span> element, as it's completely meaningless to everything that doesn't render your style sheet (bots, screen readers, luddites who disable styles, parsers, etc.) or renders it in unexpected ways (personal style sheets). In many ways, it's no better than using the <font> element.

.description {_x000D_
  color: #000;_x000D_
.description em {_x000D_
  color: #ffa500;_x000D_
<p class="description">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur _x000D_
adipiscing elit. Sed hendrerit mollis varius. Etiam ornare placerat _x000D_
massa, <em>eget vulputate tellus fermentum.</em></p>

Convert .cer certificate to .jks

keytool comes with the JDK installation (in the bin folder):

keytool -importcert -file "your.cer" -keystore your.jks -alias "<anything>"

This will create a new keystore and add just your certificate to it.

So, you can't convert a certificate to a keystore: you add a certificate to a keystore.

grep's at sign caught as whitespace

No -P needed; -E is sufficient:

grep -E '(^|\s)abc(\s|$)' 

or even without -E:

grep '\(^\|\s\)abc\(\s\|$\)' 

Convert a string into an int

I use:

NSInteger stringToInt(NSString *string) {
    return [string integerValue];

And vice versa:

NSString* intToString(NSInteger integer) {
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", integer];

How to access cookies in AngularJS?

This answer has been updated to reflect latest stable angularjs version. One important note is that $cookieStore is a thin wrapper surrounding $cookies. They are pretty much the same in that they only work with session cookies. Although, this answers the original question, there are other solutions you may wish to consider such as using localstorage, or jquery.cookie plugin (which would give you more fine-grained control and do serverside cookies. Of course doing so in angularjs means you probably would want to wrap them in a service and use $scope.apply to notify angular of changes to models (in some cases).

One other note and that is that there is a slight difference between the two when pulling data out depending on if you used $cookie to store value or $cookieStore. Of course, you'd really want to use one or the other.

In addition to adding reference to the js file you need to inject ngCookies into your app definition such as:

angular.module('myApp', ['ngCookies']);

you should then be good to go.

Here is a functional minimal example, where I show that cookieStore is a thin wrapper around cookies:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">
<body ng-controller="MyController">

  <h3>Cookie Store</h3>

  <script src="//"></script>
  <script src="//"></script>
    angular.module('myApp', ['ngCookies']);
                       function($scope,$cookies,$cookieStore) {
      var someSessionObj = { 'innerObj' : 'somesessioncookievalue'};

    $cookies.dotobject = someSessionObj;
    $scope.usingCookies = { 'cookies.dotobject' : $cookies.dotobject, "cookieStore.get" : $cookieStore.get('dotobject') };

    $cookieStore.put('obj', someSessionObj);
    $scope.usingCookieStore = { "cookieStore.get" : $cookieStore.get('obj'), 'cookies.dotobject' : $cookies.obj, };


The steps are:

  1. include angular.js
  2. include angular-cookies.js
  3. inject ngCookies into your app module (and make sure you reference that module in the ng-app attribute)
  4. add a $cookies or $cookieStore parameter to the controller
  5. access the cookie as a member variable using the dot (.) operator -- OR --
  6. access cookieStore using put/get methods

Best Practices for Custom Helpers in Laravel 5

Custom Classes in Laravel 5, the Easy Way

This answer is applicable to general custom classes within Laravel. For a more Blade-specific answer, see Custom Blade Directives in Laravel 5.

Step 1: Create your Helpers (or other custom class) file and give it a matching namespace. Write your class and method:

<?php // Code within app\Helpers\Helper.php

namespace App\Helpers;

class Helper
    public static function shout(string $string)
        return strtoupper($string);

Step 2: Create an alias:

<?php // Code within config/app.php

    'aliases' => [
        'Helper' => App\Helpers\Helper::class,

Step 3: Run composer dump-autoload in the project root

Step 4: Use it in your Blade template:

<!-- Code within resources/views/template.blade.php -->

{!! Helper::shout('this is how to use autoloading correctly!!') !!}

Extra Credit: Use this class anywhere in your Laravel app:

<?php // Code within app/Http/Controllers/SomeController.php

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Helper;

class SomeController extends Controller

    public function __construct()
        Helper::shout('now i\'m using my helper class in a controller!!');


Why it works:

Where autoloading originates from:

How to convert string to datetime format in pandas python?

Approach: 1

Given original string format: 2019/03/04 00:08:48

you can use

updated_df = df['timestamp'].astype('datetime64[ns]')

The result will be in this datetime format: 2019-03-04 00:08:48

Approach: 2

updated_df = df.astype({'timestamp':'datetime64[ns]'})

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {XXXX} failed due to the following error: 80040154

I found that my problem related to the actual registration of the DLL.

  • First run "Regedit.exe" from a CMD prompt (I raised it's security level to Administrator, "just in case")
  • then search the Registry (by clicking on "Edit/Find" in the RegEdit menu or by pressing Ctrl+F) for the CLSID showing in the error message which you received regarding the COM class factory. My CLSID was 29AB7A12-B531-450E-8F7A-EA94C2F3C05F.
  • When this key is found, select the sub-key "InProcServer2" under that Hive node and ascertain the filename of the problem DLL in the right hand Regedit frame. showing under "Default".
  • If that file resides in "C:\Windows\SysWow64"(such as C:\Windows\SysWow64\Redemption.dll") then it is important that you use the "C:\Windows\SysWow64\RegSvr32.exe" file to register that DLL from the command line and NOT the default "C:\Windows\System32\RegSvr32.exe" file.
  • So I ran a CMD prompt (under Administrative level control (just in case this level is need required) and type on the command line (in the case of my DLL): C:\Windows\SysWow64\RegSvr32.exe c:\Windows\SysWow64\Redemption.dll the press enter.
  • Close the command window (via "Exit" then Restart your computer (always use restart instead of Close Down then start up, since (strangely) Restart perform a thorough shut down and reload of everything whereas "Shut Down" and Power-Up reloads a stored cache of drivers and other values (which may be faulty).
  • Whenever you register a DLL in the future, remember to use the SysWow64 "RegSvr32.exe" for any DLL stored in the C:\Windows\SysWow64 folder and this problem c(if it is caused by incorrect registration) should not happen again.

Passing a dictionary to a function as keyword parameters

In python, this is called "unpacking", and you can find a bit about it in the tutorial. The documentation of it sucks, I agree, especially because of how fantasically useful it is.

Plotting a python dict in order of key values

Python dictionaries are unordered. If you want an ordered dictionary, use collections.OrderedDict

In your case, sort the dict by key before plotting,

import matplotlib.pylab as plt

lists = sorted(d.items()) # sorted by key, return a list of tuples

x, y = zip(*lists) # unpack a list of pairs into two tuples

plt.plot(x, y)

Here is the result. enter image description here

How to Enable ActiveX in Chrome?

Chrome currently supports only a small subset of ActiveX components entirely on purpose, and it's never going to support them all, and especially lots of random 3rd party propriety ones.


Because ActiveX is a mess - it's a huge security hole and all the components can run at a higher security level than the browser.

That means that if you let in an ActiveX component it owns your PC - and while many are not malign most are resource hogs. Also if a malign site can't hack your browser it might still be able to hack one of its ActiveXs.

This is completely against Chrome's sandbox everything and wall off every tab approach - the reason why Chrome is by far the quickest, most secure and most stable browser is the same reason that it currently only supports Flash, Silverlight and one or two more.

However, it sounds like you're not really developing a web application anyway - your site in IE is basically a portal to downloading further ActiveX-based applications. Why worry about supporting anything that your DVR clients with their coding teams writing ActiveXs don't?

Can I simultaneously declare and assign a variable in VBA?

In some cases the whole need for declaring a variable can be avoided by using With statement.

For example,

    Dim fd As Office.FileDialog
    Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
    If fd.Show Then
        'use fd.SelectedItems(1)
    End If

this can be rewritten as

    With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
      If .Show Then
        'use .SelectedItems(1)
      End If
    End With

The cast to value type 'Int32' failed because the materialized value is null

Had this error message when I was trying to select from a view.

The problem was the view recently had gained some new null rows (in SubscriberId column), and it had not been updated in EDMX (EF database first).

The column had to be Nullable type for it to work.

var dealer = Context.Dealers.Where(x => x.dealerCode == dealerCode).FirstOrDefault();

Before view refresh:

public int SubscriberId { get; set; }

After view refresh:

public Nullable<int> SubscriberId { get; set; }

Deleting and adding the view back in EDMX worked.

Hope it helps someone.

How add class='active' to html menu with php

The solution i'm using is as follows and allows you to set the active class per php page.

Give each of your menu items a unique class, i use .nav-x (nav-about, here).

<li class="nav-item nav-about"> <a class="nav-link" href="about.php">About</a> </li>

At the top of each page (about.php here):

<!-- Navbar Active Class -->
<?php $activeClass = '.nav-about > a'; ?>

Elsewhere (header.php / index.php):

<?php echo $activeClass; ?> {
    color: #fff !important;

Simply change the .nav-about > a per page, .nav-forum > a, for example.

If you want different styling (colors etc) for each nav item, just attach the inline styling to that page instead of the index / header page.

The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Ntlm'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Negotiate,NTLM'

I know this question is old, but the solution to my application, was different to the already suggested answers. If anyone else like me still have this issue, and none of the above answers works, this might be the problem:

I used a Network Credentials object to parse a windows username+password to a third party SOAP webservice. I had set the username="domainname\username", password="password" and domain="domainname". Now this game me that strange Ntlm and not NTLM error. To solve the problems, make sure not to use the domain parameter on the NetworkCredentials object if the domain name is included in the username with the backslash. So either remove domain name from the username and parse in domain parameter, or leave out the domain parameter. This solved my issue.

Powershell Error "The term 'Get-SPWeb' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function..."

I think this need to be run from the Management Shell rather than the console, it sounds like the module isn't being imported into the Powershell console. You can add the module by running:

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Sharepoint.Powershell

in the Powershell console.

How to query all the GraphQL type fields without writing a long query?

Yes, you can do this using introspection. Make a GraphQL query like (for type UserType)

   __type(name:"UserType") {
      fields {

and you'll get a response like (actual field names will depend on your actual schema/type definition)

  "data": {
    "__type": {
      "fields": [
          "name": "id",
          "description": ""
          "name": "username",
          "description": "Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only."
          "name": "firstName",
          "description": ""
          "name": "lastName",
          "description": ""
         "name": "email",
          "description": ""
        ( etc. etc. ...)

You can then read this list of fields in your client and dynamically build a second GraphQL query to get all of these fields.

This relies on you knowing the name of the type that you want to get the fields for -- if you don't know the type, you could get all the types and fields together using introspection like

  __schema {
    types {
      fields {

NOTE: this is the over-the-wire GraphQL data -- you're on your own to figure out how to read and write with your actual client. Your graphQL javascript library may already employ introspection in some capacity, for example the apollo codegen command uses introspection to generate types.

ASP.NET MVC Razor pass model to layout

For example

@model IList<Model.User>


Read more about the new @model directive

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered

Hello, In my case using (WordPress) and PHP7.4 I get a warning about numeric value issue. So I changed the old code as follow:


$val = $oldval + $val;


$val = ((int)$oldval + (int)$val);

Now the warning disappeared :)

Regular Expression with wildcards to match any character

The following should work:

ABC: *\([a-zA-Z]+\) *(.+)


ABC:            # match literal characters 'ABC:'
 *              # zero or more spaces
\([a-zA-Z]+\)   # one or more letters inside of parentheses
 *              # zero or more spaces
(.+)            # capture one or more of any character (except newlines)

To get your desired grouping based on the comments below, you can use the following:

(ABC:) *(\([a-zA-Z]+\).+)

Sending HTML mail using a shell script

I've been trying to just make a simple bash script that emails out html formatted content-type and all these are great but I don't want to be creating local files on the filesystem to be passing into the script and also on our version of mailx(12.5+) the -a parameter for mail doesn't work anymore since it adds an attachment and I couldn't find any replacement parameter for additional headers so the easiest way for me was to use sendmail.

Below is the simplest 1 liner I created to run in our bash script that works for us. It just basically passes the Content-Type: text/html, subject, and the body and works.

printf "Content-Type: text/html\nSubject: Test Email\nHTML BODY<b>test bold</b>" | sendmail <Email Address To>

If you wanted to create an entire html page from a variable an alternative method I used in the bash script was to pass the variable as below.

emailBody="From: <Email Address From>
Subject: Test
Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"us-ascii\"
<b> test bold</b>

echo "$emailBody" | sendmail <Email Address To>

How can I setup & run PhantomJS on Ubuntu?

From the official site: phantomjs site

sudo apt-get install build-essential chrpath git-core libssl-dev libfontconfig1-dev
git clone git://
cd phantomjs
git checkout 1.8

Java how to replace 2 or more spaces with single space in string and delete leading and trailing spaces

A lot of correct answers been provided so far and I see lot of upvotes. However, the mentioned ways will work but not really optimized or not really readable. I recently came across the solution which every developer will like.

String nameWithProperSpacing = StringUtils.normalizeSpace( stringWithLotOfSpaces );

You are done. This is readable solution.

Kotlin Android start new Activity

Simply you can start an Activity in KOTLIN by using this simple method,

val intent = Intent(this,
intent.putExtra("key", value)

The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nullable

I've met this problem before several hours and try everything, but in my case the solution was diferent from the listed above.

If you use already retrieved entity from the database and try to modify it's childrens the error will occure, but if you get fresh copy of the entity from the database there should not be any problems. Do not use this:

 public void CheckUsersCount(CompanyProduct companyProduct) 
     companyProduct.Name = "Test";

Use this:

 public void CheckUsersCount(Guid companyProductId)
      CompanyProduct companyProduct = CompanyProductManager.Get(companyProductId);
      companyProduct.Name = "Test";

What's the simplest way to extend a numpy array in 2 dimensions?

Another elegant solution to the first question may be the insert command:

p = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
p = np.insert(p, 2, values=0, axis=1) # insert values before column 2

Leads to:

array([[1, 2, 0],
       [3, 4, 0]])

insert may be slower than append but allows you to fill the whole row/column with one value easily.

As for the second question, delete has been suggested before:

p = np.delete(p, 2, axis=1)

Which restores the original array again:

array([[1, 2],
       [3, 4]])

Linux: is there a read or recv from socket with timeout?

You can use the setsockopt function to set a timeout on receive operations:


Sets the timeout value that specifies the maximum amount of time an input function waits until it completes. It accepts a timeval structure with the number of seconds and microseconds specifying the limit on how long to wait for an input operation to complete. If a receive operation has blocked for this much time without receiving additional data, it shall return with a partial count or errno set to [EAGAIN] or [EWOULDBLOCK] if no data is received. The default for this option is zero, which indicates that a receive operation shall not time out. This option takes a timeval structure. Note that not all implementations allow this option to be set.

struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = timeout_in_seconds;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&tv, sizeof tv);

DWORD timeout = timeout_in_seconds * 1000;
setsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&timeout, sizeof timeout);

// MAC OS X (identical to Linux)
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = timeout_in_seconds;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&tv, sizeof tv);

Reportedly on Windows this should be done before calling bind. I have verified by experiment that it can be done either before or after bind on Linux and OS X.

What is private bytes, virtual bytes, working set?

There is an interesting discussion here: My understanding of this thread is that freeing small allocations are not reflected in Private Bytes or Working Set.

Long story short:

if I call


then the Private Bytes reflect only the allocation, not the deallocation.

if I call


then the Private Bytes correctly reflect the allocation and the deallocation.

How to read from input until newline is found using scanf()?

use getchar and a while that look like this

while(x = getchar())
    if(x == '\n'||x == '\0')
       do what you need when space or return is detected

Sorry if I wrote a pseudo-code but I don't work with C language from a while.

Where is the .NET Framework 4.5 directory?

The webpage is incorrect and I have pointed this out to MS and they will get it changed.

As already stated above .NET 4.5 is an in-place upgrade of 4.0 so you will only have Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319.

The ToolVersion for MSBuild remains at "4.0".

Getting error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of with no type

You forgot the return types in your member function definitions:

int ttTree::ttTreeInsert(int value) { ... }

and so on.

What is the difference between a candidate key and a primary key?

Primary key -> Any column or set of columns that can uniquely identify a record in the table is a primary key. (There can be only one Primary key in the table) and the candidate key-> the same as Primary key but the Primary Key chosen by DB administrator's prospective for example(the primary key the least candidate key in size)

Excel column number from column name

Based on Anastasiya's answer. I think this is the shortest vba command:

Option Explicit

Sub Sample()
    Dim sColumnLetter as String
    Dim iColumnNumber as Integer

    sColumnLetter = "C"
    iColumnNumber = Columns(sColumnLetter).Column

    MsgBox "The column number is " & iColumnNumber
End Sub

Caveat: The only condition for this code to work is that a worksheet is active, because Columns is equivalent to ActiveSheet.Columns. ;)

Opening a remote machine's Windows C drive

If it's not the Home edition of XP, you can use \\servername\c$

Mark Brackett's comment:

Note that you need to be an Administrator on the local machine, as the share permissions are locked down

Java2D: Increase the line width

What is Stroke:

The BasicStroke class defines a basic set of rendering attributes for the outlines of graphics primitives, which are rendered with a Graphics2D object that has its Stroke attribute set to this BasicStroke.

Note that the Stroke setting:

Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(10));

is setting the line width,since BasicStroke(float width):

Constructs a solid BasicStroke with the specified line width and with default values for the cap and join styles.

And, it also effects other methods like Graphics2D.drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) and Graphics2D.drawRect(int x, int y, int width, int height):

The methods of the Graphics2D interface that use the outline Shape returned by a Stroke object include draw and any other methods that are implemented in terms of that method, such as drawLine, drawRect, drawRoundRect, drawOval, drawArc, drawPolyline, and drawPolygon.

How do I automatically resize an image for a mobile site?

if you use bootstrap 3 , just add img-responsive class in your img tag

<img class="img-responsive"  src="...">

if you use bootstrap 4, add img-fluid class in your img tag

<img class="img-fluid"  src="...">

which does the staff: max-width: 100%, height: auto, and display:block to the image

How to free memory from char array in C

The memory associated with arr is freed automatically when arr goes out of scope. It is either a local variable, or allocated statically, but it is not dynamically allocated.

A simple rule for you to follow is that you must only every call free() on a pointer that was returned by a call to malloc, calloc or realloc.

JavaFX and OpenJDK

As a quick solution you can copy the JavaFX runtime JAR file and those referenced from Oracle JRE(JDK) or any self-contained application that uses JavaFX(e.g. JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0):

cp <JRE_WITH_JAVAFX_HOME>/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar     <JRE_HOME>/lib/ext/
cp <JRE_WITH_JAVAFX_HOME>/lib/amd64/libprism_*  <JRE_HOME>/lib/amd64/
cp <JRE_WITH_JAVAFX_HOME>/lib/amd64/ <JRE_HOME>/lib/amd64/
cp <JRE_WITH_JAVAFX_HOME>/lib/amd64/libjavafx_* <JRE_HOME>/lib/amd64/

just make sure you have the gtk 2.18 or higher

Abstract variables in Java?

The best you could do is have accessor/mutators for the variable.
Something like getTAG()
That way all implementing classes would have to implement them.

Abstract classes are used to define abstract behaviour not data.

Difference between if () { } and if () : endif;

I would use the first option if at all possible, regardless of the new option. The syntax is standard and everyone knows it. It's also backwards compatible.

SQL server ignore case in a where expression

Usually, string comparisons are case-insensitive. If your database is configured to case sensitive collation, you need to force to use a case insensitive one:

SELECT balance FROM people WHERE email = '[email protected]'
  COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS 

How to filter a dictionary according to an arbitrary condition function?

points_small = dict(filter(lambda (a,(b,c)): b<5 and c < 5, points.items()))

How do I change a tab background color when using TabLayout?

You can try this:

<style name="MyCustomTabLayout" parent="Widget.Design.TabLayout">
    <item name="tabBackground">@drawable/background</item>

In your background xml file:

<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:state_selected="true" android:drawable="@color/white" />
    <item android:drawable="@color/black" />

Can Powershell Run Commands in Parallel?

To complete previous answers, you can also use Wait-Job to wait for all jobs to complete:

For ($i=1; $i -le 3; $i++) {
    $ScriptBlock = {
        Param (
            [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $increment

        Write-Host $increment

    Start-Job $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $i

Get-Job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job

How to change the display name for LabelFor in razor in mvc3?

You can change the labels' text by adorning the property with the DisplayName attribute.

[DisplayName("Someking Status")]
public string SomekingStatus { get; set; }

Or, you could write the raw HTML explicitly:

<label for="SomekingStatus" class="control-label">Someking Status</label>

Mocking Extension Methods with Moq

You can easily mock an extension method with JustMock. The API is the same as mocking normal method. Consider the following

public static string Echo(this Foo foo, string strValue) 
    return strValue; 

To arrange and verify this method use the following:

string expected = "World";

var foo = new Foo();
Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Echo(Arg.IsAny<string>())).Returns(expected);

string result = foo.Echo("Hello");

Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);

Here is also a link to the documentation: Extension Methods Mocking

Disclaimer. I am one of the developers responsible for JustMock.

Android: Is it possible to display video thumbnails?

Try this it's working for me

RequestOptions requestOptions = new RequestOptions();

C programming in Visual Studio

Short answer: Yes, you need to rename .cpp files to c, so you can write C:

From the link above:

By default, the Visual C++ compiler treats all files that end in .c as C source code, and all files that end in .cpp as C++ source code. To force the compiler to treat all files as C regardless of file name extension, use the /Tc compiler option.

That being said, I do not recommend learning C language in Visual Studio, why VS? It does have lots of features you are not going to use while learning C

What is the use of ByteBuffer in Java?

This is a good description of its uses and shortcomings. You essentially use it whenever you need to do fast low-level I/O. If you were going to implement a TCP/IP protocol or if you were writing a database (DBMS) this class would come in handy.

How to create a stopwatch using JavaScript?

function StopWatch() {
    let startTime, endTime, running, duration = 0
    this.start = () => {
        if (running) console.log('its already running')
        else {
            running = true
            startTime =

    this.stop = () => {
        if (!running) console.log('its not running!')
        else {
            running = false
            endTime =

            const seconds = (endTime - startTime) / 1000
            duration += seconds

    this.restart = () => {
        startTime = endTime = null
        running = false
        duration = 0
    Object.defineProperty(this, 'duration', {
        get: () => duration.toFixed(2)


const sw =  new StopWatch()



Stop absolutely positioned div from overlapping text

If you are working with elements of unknown size, and you want to use position: absolute on them or their siblings, you're inevitably going to have to deal with overlap. By setting absolute position you're removing the element from the document flow, but the behaviour you want is that your element should be be pushed around by its siblings so as not to it should flow! You're seeking two totally contradictory things.

You should rethink your layout.

Perhaps what you want is that the .btn element should be absolutely positioned with respect to one of its preceding siblings, rather than against their common parent? In that case, you should set position: relative on the element you'd like to position the button against, and then make the button a child of that element. Now you can use absolute positioning and control overlap.

Using atan2 to find angle between two vectors

You don't have to use atan2 to calculate the angle between two vectors. If you just want the quickest way, you can use dot(v1, v2)=|v1|*|v2|*cos A to get

A = Math.acos( dot(v1, v2)/(v1.length()*v2.length()) );

Initialize a Map containing arrays

Per Mozilla's Map documentation, you can initialize as follows:

private _gridOptions:Map<string, Array<string>> = 
    new Map([
        ["1", ["test"]],
        ["2", ["test2"]]

Finding multiple occurrences of a string within a string in Python

I think there's no need to test for length of text; just keep finding until there's nothing left to find. Like this:

    >>> text = 'Allowed Hello Hollow'
    >>> place = 0
    >>> while text.find('ll', place) != -1:
            print('ll found at', text.find('ll', place))
            place = text.find('ll', place) + 2

    ll found at 1
    ll found at 10
    ll found at 16

Manifest Merger failed with multiple errors in Android Studio

The following hack works:

  1. Add the xmlns:tools="" line in the manifest tag
  2. Add tools:replace="android:icon,android:theme,android:allowBackup,label,name" in the application tag

Update UI from Thread in Android

The most simplest solution I have seen to supply a short execution to the UI thread is via the post() method of a view. This is needed since UI methods are not re-entrant. The method for this is:

package android.view;

public class View;

public boolean post(Runnable action);

The post() method corresponds to the SwingUtilities.invokeLater(). Unfortunately I didn't find something simple that corresponds to the SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(), but one can build the later based on the former with a monitor and a flag.

So what you save by this is creating a handler. You simply need to find your view and then post on it. You can find your view via findViewById() if you tend to work with id-ed resources. The resulting code is very simple:

/* inside your non-UI thread */ Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            /* the desired UI update */

Note: Compared to SwingUtilities.invokeLater() the method does return a boolean, indicating whether the view has an associated event queue. Since I used the invokeLater() resp. post() anyway only for fire and forget, I did not check the result value. Basically you should call post() only after onAttachedToWindow() has been called on the view.

Best Regards

PuTTY scripting to log onto host

entering a command after you logged in can be done by going through SSH section at the bottom of putty and you should have an option Remote command (data to send to the server) separate the two commands with ;

Express.js - app.listen vs server.listen

Express is basically a wrapper of http module that is created for the ease of the developers in such a way that..

  1. They can set up middlewares to respond to HTTP Requests (easily) using express.
  2. They can dynamically render HTML Pages based on passing arguments to templates using express.
  3. They can also define routing easily using express.

Entityframework Join using join method and lambdas

You can find a few examples here:

// Fill the DataSet.
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

DataTable contacts = ds.Tables["Contact"];
DataTable orders = ds.Tables["SalesOrderHeader"];

var query =
    order => order.Field<Int32>("ContactID"),
    contact => contact.Field<Int32>("ContactID"),
    (contact, order) => new
        ContactID = contact.Field<Int32>("ContactID"),
        SalesOrderID = order.Field<Int32>("SalesOrderID"),
        FirstName = contact.Field<string>("FirstName"),
        Lastname = contact.Field<string>("Lastname"),
        TotalDue = order.Field<decimal>("TotalDue")

foreach (var contact_order in query)
    Console.WriteLine("ContactID: {0} "
                    + "SalesOrderID: {1} "
                    + "FirstName: {2} "
                    + "Lastname: {3} "
                    + "TotalDue: {4}",

Or just google for 'linq join method syntax'.

Why in C++ do we use DWORD rather than unsigned int?

DWORD is not a C++ type, it's defined in <windows.h>.

The reason is that DWORD has a specific range and format Windows functions rely on, so if you require that specific range use that type. (Or as they say "When in Rome, do as the Romans do.") For you, that happens to correspond to unsigned int, but that might not always be the case. To be safe, use DWORD when a DWORD is expected, regardless of what it may actually be.

For example, if they ever changed the range or format of unsigned int they could use a different type to underly DWORD to keep the same requirements, and all code using DWORD would be none-the-wiser. (Likewise, they could decide DWORD needs to be unsigned long long, change it, and all code using DWORD would be none-the-wiser.)

Also note unsigned int does not necessary have the range 0 to 4,294,967,295. See here.

How can I create a unique constraint on my column (SQL Server 2008 R2)?

Set column as unique in SQL Server from the GUI:

They really make you run around the barn to do it with the GUI:

Make sure your column does not violate the unique constraint before you begin.

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Right click your Table, click "Design".
  3. Right click the column you want to edit, a popup menu appears, click Indexes/Keys.
  4. Click the "Add" Button.
  5. Expand the "General" tab.
  6. Make sure you have the column you want to make unique selected in the "columns" box.
  7. Change the "Type" box to "Unique Key".
  8. Click "Close".
  9. You see a little asterisk in the file window, this means changes are not yet saved.
  10. Press Save or hit Ctrl+s. It should save, and your column should be unique.

Or set column as unique from the SQL Query window:

alter table location_key drop constraint pinky;
alter table your_table add constraint pinky unique(yourcolumn);

Changes take effect immediately:

Command(s) completed successfully.

how do you insert null values into sql server

If you're using SSMS (or old school Enterprise Manager) to edit the table directly, press CTRL+0 to add a null.

How do I disable the security certificate check in Python requests

Also can be done from the environment variable:

export CURL_CA_BUNDLE=""

How can I retrieve the remote git address of a repo?

If you have the name of the remote, you will be able with git 2.7 (Q4 2015), to use the new git remote get-url command:

git remote get-url origin

(nice pendant of git remote set-url origin <newurl>)

See commit 96f78d3 (16 Sep 2015) by Ben Boeckel (mathstuf).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit e437cbd, 05 Oct 2015)

remote: add get-url subcommand

Expanding insteadOf is a part of ls-remote --url and there is no way to expand pushInsteadOf as well.
Add a get-url subcommand to be able to query both as well as a way to get all configured urls.

C++: How to round a double to an int?

Casting to an int truncates the value. Adding 0.5 causes it to do proper rounding.

int y = (int)(x + 0.5);

Laravel: Get Object From Collection By Attribute

As from Laravel 5.5 you can use firstWhere()

In you case:

$green_foods = $foods->firstWhere('color', 'green');

How to decrypt the password generated by wordpress

You will not be able to retrieve a plain text password from wordpress.

Wordpress use a 1 way encryption to store the passwords using a variation of md5. There is no way to reverse this.

See this article for more info

How can I make git show a list of the files that are being tracked?

The files managed by git are shown by git ls-files. Check out its manual page.

How to scroll to an element in jQuery?

If you're simply trying to scroll to the specified element, you can use the scrollIntoView method of the Element. Here's an example :


How to bundle an Angular app for production

As of today I still find the Ahead-of-Time Compilation cookbook as the best recipe for production bundling. You can find it here:

My experience with Angular 2 so far is that AoT creates the smallest builds with almost no loading time. And most important as the question here is about - you only need to ship a few files to production.

This seems to be because the Angular compiler will not be shipped with the production builds as the templates are compiled "Ahead of Time". It's also very cool to see your HTML template markup transformed to javascript instructions that would be very hard to reverse engineer into the original HTML.

I've made a simple video where I demonstrate download size, number of files etc. for an Angular 2 app in dev vs AoT build - which you can see here:

You'll find the source code used in the video here:

Call ASP.NET function from JavaScript?

You can use PageMethods.Your C# method Name in order to access C# methods or VB.NET methods into JavaScript.

Browse files and subfolders in Python

from tkinter import *
import os

root = Tk()
file = filedialog.askdirectory()
changed_dir = os.listdir(file)

How to handle-escape both single and double quotes in an SQL-Update statement

When SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is OFF, literal strings in expressions can be delimited by single or double quotation marks.

If a literal string is delimited by double quotation marks, the string can contain embedded single quotation marks, such as apostrophes.

How to programmatically disable page scrolling with jQuery

Not sure if anybody has tried out my solution. This one works on the whole body/html but no doubt it can be applied to any element that fires a scroll event.

Just set and unset scrollLock as you need.

var scrollLock = false;
var scrollMem = {left: 0, top: 0};

    if (scrollLock) {
    } else {
        scrollMem = {
            left: self.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft,
            top: self.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop

Here's the example JSFiddle

Hope this one helps somebody.

Copy a git repo without history

Deleting the .git folder is probably the easiest path since you don't want/need the history (as Stephan said).

So you can create a new repo from your latest commit: (How to clone seed/kick-start project without the whole history?)

git clone <git_url>

then delete .git, and afterwards run

git init

Or if you want to reuse your current repo: Make the current commit the only (initial) commit in a Git repository?

Follow the above steps then:

git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

Push to your repo.

git remote add origin <github-uri>
git push -u --force origin master

send Content-Type: application/json post with node.js

For some reason only this worked for me today. All other variants ended up in bad json error from API.

Besides, yet another variant for creating required POST request with JSON payload.

    uri: '',_x000D_
    headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},_x000D_
    body: JSON.stringify({"longUrl": ""})_x000D_

Python pandas: fill a dataframe row by row

This is a simpler version

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=('col1', 'col2', 'col3'))
for i in range(5):
   df.loc[i] = ['<some value for first>','<some value for second>','<some value for third>']`

How do I combine a background-image and CSS3 gradient on the same element?

you could simply type :

background: linear-gradient(_x000D_
    to bottom,_x000D_
    rgba(0,0,0, 0),_x000D_
    rgba(0,0,0, 100)_x000D_

Query-string encoding of a Javascript Object

I made a comparison of JSON stringifiers and the results are as follows:

JSON:    {"_id":"5973782bdb9a930533b05cb2","isActive":true,"balance":"$1,446.35","age":32,"name":"Logan Keller","email":"[email protected]","phone":"+1 (952) 533-2258","friends":[{"id":0,"name":"Colon Salazar"},{"id":1,"name":"French Mcneil"},{"id":2,"name":"Carol Martin"}],"favoriteFruit":"banana"}
Rison:   (_id:'5973782bdb9a930533b05cb2',age:32,balance:'$1,446.35',email:'[email protected]',favoriteFruit:banana,friends:!((id:0,name:'Colon Salazar'),(id:1,name:'French Mcneil'),(id:2,name:'Carol Martin')),isActive:!t,name:'Logan Keller',phone:'+1 (952) 533-2258')
O-Rison: _id:'5973782bdb9a930533b05cb2',age:32,balance:'$1,446.35',email:'[email protected]',favoriteFruit:banana,friends:!((id:0,name:'Colon Salazar'),(id:1,name:'French Mcneil'),(id:2,name:'Carol Martin')),isActive:!t,name:'Logan Keller',phone:'+1 (952) 533-2258'
JSURL:   ~(_id~'5973782bdb9a930533b05cb2~isActive~true~balance~'!1*2c446.35~age~32~name~'Logan*20Keller~email~'logankeller*'*2b1*20*28952*29*20533-2258~friends~(~(id~0~name~'Colon*20Salazar)~(id~1~name~'French*20Mcneil)~(id~2~name~'Carol*20Martin))~favoriteFruit~'banana)
QS:      _id=5973782bdb9a930533b05cb2&isActive=true&balance=$1,446.35&age=32&name=Logan Keller&[email protected]&phone=+1 (952) 533-2258&friends[0][id]=0&friends[0][name]=Colon Salazar&friends[1][id]=1&friends[1][name]=French Mcneil&friends[2][id]=2&friends[2][name]=Carol Martin&favoriteFruit=banana
URLON:   $_id=5973782bdb9a930533b05cb2&isActive:true&balance=$1,446.35&age:32&name=Logan%20Keller&[email protected]&phone=+1%20(952)%20533-2258&friends@$id:0&name=Colon%20Salazar;&$id:1&name=French%20Mcneil;&$id:2&name=Carol%20Martin;;&favoriteFruit=banana
QS-JSON: isActive=true&balance=%241%2C446.35&age=32&name=Logan+Keller&

The shortest among them is URL Object Notation.

presentViewController and displaying navigation bar

If you didn't set the modalPresentationStyle property (like to UIModalPresentationFormSheet), the navigation bar will be displayed always. To ensure, always do

[[self.navigationController topViewController] presentViewController:vieController 

This will show the navigation bar always.

Avoid browser popup blockers

I didn't want to make the new page unless the callback returned successfully, so I did this to simulate the user click:

function submitAndRedirect {
  apiCall.then(({ redirect }) => {
      const a = document.createElement('a');
      a.href = redirect; = '_blank';

Understanding [TCP ACKed unseen segment] [TCP Previous segment not captured]

Another cause of "TCP ACKed Unseen" is the number of packets that may get dropped in a capture. If I run an unfiltered capture for all traffic on a busy interface, I will sometimes see a large number of 'dropped' packets after stopping tshark.

On the last capture I did when I saw this, I had 2893204 packets captured, but once I hit Ctrl-C, I got a 87581 packets dropped message. Thats a 3% loss, so when wireshark opens the capture, its likely to be missing packets and report "unseen" packets.

As I mentioned, I captured a really busy interface with no capture filter, so tshark had to sort all packets, when I use a capture filter to remove some of the noise, I no longer get the error.

Can a java file have more than one class?

Yes you can have more than one class inside a .java file. At most one of them can be public. The others are package-private. They CANNOT be private or protected. If one is public, the file must have the name of that class. Otherwise ANYTHING can be given to that file as its name.

Having many classes inside one file means those classes are in the same package. So any other classes which are inside that package but not in that file can also use those classes. Moreover, when that package is imported, importing class can use them as well.

For a more detailed investigation, you can visit my blog post in here.

How can I access each element of a pair in a pair list?

If you want to use names, try a namedtuple:

from collections import namedtuple

Pair = namedtuple("Pair", ["first", "second"])

pairs = [Pair("a", 1), Pair("b", 2), Pair("c", 3)]

for pair in pairs:
    print("First = {}, second = {}".format(pair.first, pair.second))

React.js, wait for setState to finish before triggering a function?

According to the docs of setState() the new state might not get reflected in the callback function findRoutes(). Here is the extract from React docs:

setState() does not immediately mutate this.state but creates a pending state transition. Accessing this.state after calling this method can potentially return the existing value.

There is no guarantee of synchronous operation of calls to setState and calls may be batched for performance gains.

So here is what I propose you should do. You should pass the new states input in the callback function findRoutes().

handleFormSubmit: function(input){
    // Form Input
        originId: input.originId,
        destinationId: input.destinationId,
        radius: input.radius,
    this.findRoutes(input);    // Pass the input here

The findRoutes() function should be defined like this:

findRoutes: function(me = this.state) {    // This will accept the input if passed otherwise use this.state
    if (!me.originId || !me.destinationId) {
    var p1 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            origin: {'placeId': me.originId},
            destination: {'placeId': me.destinationId},
            travelMode: me.travelMode
        }, function(response, status){
            if (status === google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
                // me.response = response;
            } else {
                window.alert('Directions config failed due to ' + status);
    return p1

OnClickListener in Android Studio

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
        getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
        return true;

    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
         int id = item.getItemId();
         if (id == {
            startActivity(new Intent(MainActivity.this,StandingsActivity.class));
            return true;
        return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

Customize the Authorization HTTP header

I would recommend not to use HTTP authentication with custom scheme names. If you feel that you have something of generic use, you can define a new scheme, though. See for details.

How to get user name using Windows authentication in

Username you get like this:

var userName = HttpContext.Current.Request.LogonUserIdentity?.Name;

CSS: stretching background image to 100% width and height of screen?

html, body {
    min-height: 100%;

Will do the trick.

By default, even html and body are only as big as the content they hold, but never more than the width/height of the windows. This can often lead to quite strange results.

You might also want to read

There are some great ways do achieve a very good and scalable full background image.

Getting query parameters from react-router hash fragment

"react-router-dom": "^5.0.0",

you do not need to add any additional module, just in your component that has a url address like this:


you can try the following simple code:

    const search;
    const params = new URLSearchParams(search);
    const authority = params.get('authority'); //

Twitter bootstrap scrollable modal

Try and override bootstrap's:

 .modal {
position: fixed;


.modal {
position: absolute;

It worked for me.

req.query and req.param in ExpressJS

req.query will return a JS object after the query string is parsed.

/user?name=tom&age=55 - req.query would yield {name:"tom", age: "55"}

req.params will return parameters in the matched route. If your route is /user/:id and you make a request to /user/5 - req.params would yield {id: "5"}

req.param is a function that peels parameters out of the request. All of this can be found here.


If the verb is a POST and you are using bodyParser, then you should be able to get the form body in you function with req.body. That will be the parsed JS version of the POSTed form.

Null vs. False vs. 0 in PHP

The differences between these values always come down to detailed language-specific rules. What you learn for PHP isn't necessarily true for Python, or Perl, or C, etc. While it is valuable to learn the rules for the language(s) you're working with, relying on them too much is asking for trouble. The trouble comes when the next programmer needs to maintain your code and you've used some construct that takes advantage of some little detail of Null vs. False (for example). Your code should look correct (and conversely, wrong code should look wrong).

Pure JavaScript: a function like jQuery's isNumeric()

var str = 'test343',
    isNumeric = /^[-+]?(\d+|\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)$/;


When to use a linked list over an array/array list?

It all depends what type of operation you are doing while iterating , all data structures have trade off between time and memory and depending on our needs we should choose the right DS. So there are some cases where LinkedList are faster then array and vice versa . Consider the three basic operation on data structures.

  • Searching

Since array is index based data structure searching array.get(index) will take O(1) time while linkedlist is not index DS so you will need to traverse up to index , where index <=n , n is size of linked list , so array is faster the linked list when have random access of elements.

Q.So what's the beauty behind this ?

As Arrays are contiguous memory blocks, large chunks of them will be loaded into the cache upon first access this makes it comparatively quick to access remaining elements of the array,as much as we access the elements in array locality of reference also increases thus less catch misses, Cache locality refers to the operations being in the cache and thus execute much faster as compared to in memory,basically In array we maximize the chances of sequential element access being in the cache. While Linked lists aren't necessarily in contiguous blocks of memory, there's no guarantee that items which appear sequentially in the list are actually arranged near each-other in memory, this means fewer cache hits e.g. more cache misses because we need to read from memory for every access of linked list element which increases the time it takes to access them and degraded performance so if we are doing more random access operation aka searching , array will be fast as explained below.

  • Insertion

This is easy and fast in LinkedList as insertion is O(1) operation in LinkedList (in Java) as compared to array, consider the case when array is full, we need to copy contents to new array if array gets full which makes inserting an element into ArrayList of O(n) in worst case, while ArrayList also needs to update its index if you insert something anywhere except at the end of array , in case of linked list we needn't to be resize it, you just need to update pointers.

  • Deletion

It works like insertions and better in LinkedList than array.


I have found this over here

I found this solution, insert this code at the beginning of your source file:

import ssl

   _create_unverified_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
except AttributeError:
    # Legacy Python that doesn't verify HTTPS certificates by default
    # Handle target environment that doesn't support HTTPS verification
    ssl._create_default_https_context = _create_unverified_https_context

This code makes the verification undone so that the ssl certification is not verified.

C# Generics and Type Checking

I hope you find this helpful:

  • typeof(IList<T>).IsGenericType == true
  • typeof(IList<T>).GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IList<>)
  • typeof(IList<int>).GetGenericArguments()[0] == typeof(int)

What's the environment variable for the path to the desktop?

in windows 7 this returns the desktop path:

FOR /F "usebackq tokens=3 " %%i in (`REG QUERY "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" /v Desktop`) DO SET DESKTOPDIR=%%i 
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%i in (`ECHO %DESKTOPDIR%`) DO SET DESKTOPDIR=%%i 

How to clear/remove observable bindings in Knockout.js?

Instead of using KO's internal functions and dealing with JQuery's blanket event handler removal, a much better idea is using with or template bindings. When you do this, ko re-creates that part of DOM and so it automatically gets cleaned. This is also recommended way, see here:

iPhone viewWillAppear not firing

Thanks iOS 13.

ViewWillDisappear, ViewDidDisappear, ViewWillAppear and ViewDidAppear won't get called on a presenting view controller on iOS 13 which uses a new modal presentation that doesn't cover the whole screen.

Credits are going to Arek Holko. He really saved my day.

enter image description here

How to get the pure text without HTML element using JavaScript?

Try (short version of Gabi answer idea)

function get_content() {
   txt.innerHTML = txt.textContent;

function get_content() {_x000D_
   txt.innerHTML = txt.textContent ;_x000D_
span { background: #fbb}
<input type="button" onclick="get_content()" value="Get Content"/>_x000D_
<p id='txt'>_x000D_
<span class="A">I am</span>_x000D_
<span class="B">working in </span>_x000D_
<span class="C">ABC company.</span>_x000D_

How to prevent line breaks in list items using CSS

display: inline-block; will prevent break between the words in a list item

 li {
    display: inline-block;

How do you make a HTTP request with C++?

C++ does not provide any way to do it directly. It would entirely depend on what platforms and libraries that you have.

At worst case, you can use the boost::asio library to establish a TCP connection, send the HTTP headers (RFC 2616), and parse the responses directly. Looking at your application needs, this is simple enough to do.

Is there a workaround for ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 error?

there is also another way to resolve this issue. lets say you have two tables Table1 and Table2. and it is required to fetch all entries of Table1 not referred/present in Table2 using Criteria query. So go ahead like this...

List list=new ArrayList(); 
Criteria cr=session.createCriteria(Table1.class);
cr.add(Restrictions.sqlRestriction(" not in (select t2.t1_id from Table2 t2 )"));

. . . It will perform all the subquery function directly in SQL without including 1000 or more parameters in SQL converted by Hibernate framework. It worked for me. Note: You may need to change SQL portion as per your requirement.

Android: Create spinner programmatically from array

In Kotlin language you can do it in this way:

val values = arrayOf(

).also {
    spinner.adapter = it

How can I disable editing cells in a WPF Datagrid?

The DataGrid has an XAML property IsReadOnly that you can set to true:


Position DIV relative to another DIV?

You need to set postion:relative of outer DIV and position:absolute of inner div.
Try this. Here is the Demo

    background-color: #EEE;
    margin: 62px 258px;
    padding: 5px;
    width: 200px;
    position: relative;   

    background-color: #F00;
    display: inline-block;
    height: 30px;
    position: absolute;
    width: 100px;

Git error: "Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists"

Your git URL might have changed. Change the URL in the local directory by using the following command

for https protocol

git remote set-url origin

for ssh protocol

git remote set-url origin [email protected]:username/repository.git

Upload files with HTTPWebrequest (multipart/form-data)

I wrote a class using WebClient way back when to do multipart form upload.

/// MimePart
/// Abstract class for all MimeParts

abstract class MimePart
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public abstract string ContentDisposition { get; }

    public abstract string ContentType { get; }

    public abstract void CopyTo(Stream stream);

    public String Boundary

class NameValuePart : MimePart
    private NameValueCollection nameValues;

    public NameValuePart(NameValueCollection nameValues)
        this.nameValues = nameValues;

    public override void CopyTo(Stream stream)
        string boundary = this.Boundary;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        foreach (object element in this.nameValues.Keys)
            sb.AppendFormat("--{0}", boundary);
            sb.AppendFormat("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{0}\";", element);



        sb.AppendFormat("--{0}", boundary);

        byte [] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sb.ToString());
        stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

    public override string ContentDisposition
        get { return "form-data"; }

    public override string ContentType
        get { return String.Empty; }

class FilePart : MimePart


    private Stream input;

    private String contentType;

    public FilePart(Stream input, String name, String contentType)


        this.input = input;

        this.contentType = contentType;

        this.Name = name;


    public override void CopyTo(Stream stream)


        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        sb.AppendFormat("Content-Disposition: {0}", this.ContentDisposition);

        if (this.Name != null)

            sb.Append("; ").AppendFormat("name=\"{0}\"", this.Name);

        if (this.FileName != null)

            sb.Append("; ").AppendFormat("filename=\"{0}\"", this.FileName);





    // serialize the header data.

    byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sb.ToString());

    stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

    // send the stream.

    byte[] readBuffer = new byte[1024];

    int read = input.Read(readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.Length);

    while (read > 0)


        stream.Write(readBuffer, 0, read);

        read = input.Read(readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.Length);


    // write the terminating boundary

    sb.Length = 0;


    sb.AppendFormat("--{0}", this.Boundary);


    buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sb.ToString());

    stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);


 public override string ContentDisposition
      get { return "file"; }

 public override string ContentType
    get { 
       return String.Format("content-type: {0}", this.contentType); 

 public String FileName { get; set; }


    /// Helper class that encapsulates all file uploads
    /// in a mime part.

    class FilesCollection : MimePart
        private List files;

        public FilesCollection()
            this.files = new List();
            this.Boundary = MultipartHelper.GetBoundary();

        public int Count
            get { return this.files.Count; }

        public override string ContentDisposition
                return String.Format("form-data; name=\"{0}\"", this.Name);

        public override string ContentType
            get { return String.Format("multipart/mixed; boundary={0}", this.Boundary); }

        public override void CopyTo(Stream stream)
            // serialize the headers
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
            sb.Append("Content-Disposition: ").Append(this.ContentDisposition).Append("\r\n");
            sb.Append("Content-Type: ").Append(this.ContentType).Append("\r\n");
            sb.AppendFormat("--{0}", this.Boundary).Append("\r\n");

            byte[] headerBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sb.ToString());
            stream.Write(headerBytes, 0, headerBytes.Length);
            foreach (FilePart part in files)
                part.Boundary = this.Boundary;

        public void Add(FilePart part)

/// Helper class to aid in uploading multipart
/// entities to HTTP web endpoints.

class MultipartHelper
    private static Random random = new Random(Environment.TickCount);

    private List formData = new List();
    private FilesCollection files = null;
    private MemoryStream bufferStream = new MemoryStream();
    private string boundary;

    public String Boundary { get { return boundary; } }

    public static String GetBoundary()
        return Environment.TickCount.ToString("X");

    public MultipartHelper()
        this.boundary = MultipartHelper.GetBoundary();

    public void Add(NameValuePart part)
        part.Boundary = boundary;

    public void Add(FilePart part)
        if (files == null)
            files = new FilesCollection();

    public void Upload(WebClient client, string address, string method)
        // set header
        client.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + this.boundary);
        Trace.WriteLine("Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" + this.boundary + "\r\n");

        // first, serialize the form data
        foreach (NameValuePart part in this.formData)

        // serialize the files.

        if (this.files.Count > 0)
            // add the terminating boundary.
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.AppendFormat("--{0}", this.Boundary).Append("\r\n");
            byte [] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sb.ToString());
            bufferStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

        bufferStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

        byte [] response = client.UploadData(address, method, bufferStream.ToArray());
        Trace.WriteLine("----- RESPONSE ------");

    /// Helper class that encapsulates all file uploads
    /// in a mime part.

    class FilesCollection : MimePart
        private List files;

        public FilesCollection()
            this.files = new List();
            this.Boundary = MultipartHelper.GetBoundary();

        public int Count
            get { return this.files.Count; }

        public override string ContentDisposition
                return String.Format("form-data; name=\"{0}\"", this.Name);

        public override string ContentType
            get { return String.Format("multipart/mixed; boundary={0}", this.Boundary); }

        public override void CopyTo(Stream stream)
            // serialize the headers
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
            sb.Append("Content-Disposition: ").Append(this.ContentDisposition).Append("\r\n");
            sb.Append("Content-Type: ").Append(this.ContentType).Append("\r\n");
            sb.AppendFormat("--{0}", this.Boundary).Append("\r\n");

            byte[] headerBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sb.ToString());
            stream.Write(headerBytes, 0, headerBytes.Length);
            foreach (FilePart part in files)
                part.Boundary = this.Boundary;

        public void Add(FilePart part)

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Trace.Listeners.Add(new ConsoleTraceListener());
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("testfile.txt", false))
                sw.Write("Hello there!");

            using (Stream iniStream = File.OpenRead(@"c:\platform.ini"))
            using (Stream fileStream = File.OpenRead("testfile.txt"))
            using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                MultipartHelper helper = new MultipartHelper();

                NameValueCollection props = new NameValueCollection();
                props.Add("fname", "john");
                props.Add("id", "acme");
                helper.Add(new NameValuePart(props));

                FilePart filepart = new FilePart(fileStream, "pics1", "text/plain");
                filepart.FileName = "1.jpg";

                FilePart ini = new FilePart(iniStream, "pics2", "text/plain");
                ini.FileName = "inifile.ini";

                helper.Upload(client, "http://localhost/form.aspx", "POST");
        catch (Exception e)

This will work with all versions of the .NET framework.

View contents of database file in Android Studio

The easiest way is to use Android Debug Database library (7.7k stars on GitHub).



  • Fast implementation
  • See all the databases and shared preferences
  • Directly edit, delete, create the database values
  • Run any SQLite query on the given database
  • Search in your data
  • Download database
  • Adding custom database files
  • No need to root device

How to use:

  1. Add debugImplementation '' to build.gradle (module);
  2. Launch app;
  3. Find the debugging link in logs (in LogCat) (i.e. D/DebugDB: Open in your browser, the link will be different) and open it in the browser;
  4. Enjoy the powerful debugging tool!


  • Unfortunately doesn't work with emulators
  • If you are using it over USB, run adb forward tcp:8080 tcp:8080
  • Your Android phone and laptop should be connected to the same Network (Wifi or LAN)

For more information go to the library page on GitHub.

How to capture the android device screen content?

Framebuffer seems the way to go, it will not always contain 2+ frames like mentioned by Ryan Conrad. In my case it contained only one. I guess it depends on the frame/display size.

I tried to read the framebuffer continuously but it seems to return for a fixed amount of bytes read. In my case that is (3 410 432) bytes, which is enough to store a display frame of 854*480 RGBA (3 279 360 bytes). Yes, the frame in binary outputed from fb0 is RGBA in my device. This will most likely depend from device to device. This will be important for you to decode it =)

In my device /dev/graphics/fb0 permissions are so that only root and users from group graphics can read the fb0. graphics is a restricted group so you will probably only access fb0 with a rooted phone using su command.

Android apps have the user id (uid) app_## and group id (guid) app_## .

adb shell has uid shell and guid shell, which has much more permissions than an app. You can actually check those permissions at /system/permissions/platform.xml

This means you will be able to read fb0 in the adb shell without root but you will not read it within the app without root.

Also, giving READ_FRAME_BUFFER and/or ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permissions on AndroidManifest.xml will do nothing for a regular app because these will only work for 'signature' apps.

Check if a Bash array contains a value

Using parameter expansion:

${parameter:+word} If parameter is null or unset, nothing is substituted, otherwise the expansion of word is substituted.

declare -A myarray

for i in hello goodbye 123
  if [ ${myarray[$i]:+_} ]
    echo ${!myarray[$i]} ${myarray[$i]} 
    printf "there is no %s\n" $i

Does HTML5 <video> playback support the .avi format?

There are three formats with a reasonable level of support: H.264 (MPEG-4 AVC), OGG Theora (VP3) and WebM (VP8). See the wiki linked by Sam for which browsers support which; you will typically need at least one of those plus Flash fallback.

Whilst most browsers won't touch AVI, there are some browser builds that expose all the multimedia capabilities of the underlying OS to <video>. These browser will indeed be able to play AVI, as long as they have matching codecs installed (AVI can contain about a million different video and audio formats). In particular Safari on OS X with QuickTime, or Konqi with GStreamer.

Personally I think this is an absolutely disastrous idea, as it exposes a very large codec codebase to the net, a codebase that was mostly not written to be resistant to network attacks. One of the worst drawbacks of media player plugins was the huge number of security holes they made available to every web page exploit. Let's not make this mistake again.

What does "select 1 from" do?

It does what you ask, SELECT 1 FROM table will SELECT (return) a 1 for every row in that table, if there were 3 rows in the table you would get


Take a look at Count(*) vs Count(1) which may be the issue you were described.

How can I use String substring in Swift 4? 'substring(to:)' is deprecated: Please use String slicing subscript with a 'partial range from' operator

substring(from: index) Converted to [index...]

Check the sample

let text = "1234567890"
let index = text.index(text.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)

text.substring(from: index) // "4567890"   [Swift 3]
String(text[index...])      // "4567890"   [Swift 4]

How to use Boost in Visual Studio 2010

Here is how I was able to use Boost:

  1. Download and extract the zip version of Boost libraries.
  2. Run bootstrap.bat file and then run bjam.exe.
  3. Wait for roughly 30 minutes or so.
  4. Create a new project in Visual Studio.
  5. Go to project-->properties-->Linker-->General-->Additional Library Directories and add boost/stage/lib directory to it.
  6. Go to project-->properties-->C/C++-->General-->Additional Include Directories and add boost directory to it.

You will be able to build your project without any errors !

How to print spaces in Python?

rjust() and ljust()

test_string = "HelloWorld"

'          HelloWorld'

'HelloWorld          '

Finding a branch point with Git?

After a lot of research and discussions, it's clear there's no magic bullet that would work in all situations, at least not in the current version of Git.

That's why I wrote a couple of patches that add the concept of a tail branch. Each time a branch is created, a pointer to the original point is created too, the tail ref. This ref gets updated every time the branch is rebased.

To find out the branch point of the devel branch, all you have to do is use devel@{tail}, that's it.

Resolve Git merge conflicts in favor of their changes during a pull

To resolve all conflicts with the version in a particular branch:

git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U | xargs git checkout ${branchName}

So, if you are already in the merging state, and you want to keep the master version of the conflicting files:

git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U | xargs git checkout master

Python+OpenCV: cv2.imwrite

This following code should extract face in images and save faces on disk

def detect(image):
    image_faces = []
    bitmap = cv.fromarray(image)
    faces = cv.HaarDetectObjects(bitmap, cascade, cv.CreateMemStorage(0))
    if faces:
        for (x,y,w,h),n in faces:
            image_faces.append(image[y:(y+h), x:(x+w)])
    return image_faces

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    while 1:
        image_faces = []
        image_faces = detect(frame)
        for i, face in enumerate(image_faces):
            cv2.imwrite("face-" + str(i) + ".jpg", face)

        #cv2.imshow("features", frame)
        if cv2.waitKey(1) == 0x1b: # ESC
            print 'ESC pressed. Exiting ...'

How to replace string in Groovy

You need to escape the backslash \:

println yourString.replace("\\", "/")

How to edit/save a file through Ubuntu Terminal

Within Nano use Ctrl+O to save and Ctrl+X to exit if you were wondering

Error: "dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required" on Django 1.4

In my case, my get_context_data in one of my views was returning return render(self.request, 'es_connection_error.html', {'error':error}); in a try/catch block instead of returning context

Unable to start the mysql server in ubuntu

I think this is because you are using client software and not the server.

  • mysql is client
  • mysqld is the server

Try: sudo service mysqld start

To check that service is running use: ps -ef | grep mysql | grep -v grep.


sudo apt-get purge mysql-server
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get autoclean


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mysql-server

Backup entire folder before doing this:

sudo rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades*
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

How can I get form data with JavaScript/jQuery?

I wrote a function that takes care of multiple checkboxes and multiple selects. In those cases it returns an array.

function getFormData(formId) {
    return $('#' + formId).serializeArray().reduce(function (obj, item) {
        var name =,
            value = item.value;

        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
            if (typeof obj[name] == "string") {
                obj[name] = [obj[name]];
            } else {
        } else {
            obj[name] = value;
        return obj;
    }, {});

How do I convert hh:mm:ss.000 to milliseconds in Excel?

Rather than doing string manipulation, you can use the HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND functions to break apart the time. You can then multiply by 60*60*1000, 60*1000, and 1000 respectively to get milliseconds.

When is TCP option SO_LINGER (0) required?

The typical reason to set a SO_LINGER timeout of zero is to avoid large numbers of connections sitting in the TIME_WAIT state, tying up all the available resources on a server.

When a TCP connection is closed cleanly, the end that initiated the close ("active close") ends up with the connection sitting in TIME_WAIT for several minutes. So if your protocol is one where the server initiates the connection close, and involves very large numbers of short-lived connections, then it might be susceptible to this problem.

This isn't a good idea, though - TIME_WAIT exists for a reason (to ensure that stray packets from old connections don't interfere with new connections). It's a better idea to redesign your protocol to one where the client initiates the connection close, if possible.

How to set background color of HTML element using css properties in JavaScript

var element = document.getElementById('element');_x000D_
element.onclick = function() {_x000D_
  setTimeout(function() {_x000D_
  }, 2000);_x000D_
.backGroundColor {_x000D_
    background-color: green;_x000D_
<div id="element">Click Me</div>

How to dismiss AlertDialog in android

I think there's a simpler solution: Just use the DialogInterface argument that is passed to the onClick method.

AlertDialog.Builder db = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);
        db.setNegativeButton("cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){
            public void onClick(DialogInterface d, int arg1) {
                //here db.cancel will dismiss the builder


See, for example,

What is content-type and datatype in an AJAX request?

contentType is the type of data you're sending, so application/json; charset=utf-8 is a common one, as is application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8, which is the default.

dataType is what you're expecting back from the server: json, html, text, etc. jQuery will use this to figure out how to populate the success function's parameter.

If you're posting something like:

{"name":"John Doe"}

and expecting back:


Then you should have:

var data = {"name":"John Doe"}
    dataType : "json",
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    data : JSON.stringify(data),
    success : function(result) {
        alert(result.success); // result is an object which is created from the returned JSON

If you're expecting the following:


Then you should do:

var data = {"name":"John Doe"}
    dataType : "html",
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    data : JSON.stringify(data),
    success : function(result) {
        jQuery("#someContainer").html(result); // result is the HTML text

One more - if you want to post:


Then don't stringify the data, and do:

var data = {"name":"John", "age": 34}
    dataType : "html",
    contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", // this is the default value, so it's optional
    data : data,
    success : function(result) {
        jQuery("#someContainer").html(result); // result is the HTML text

Maven: Command to update repository after adding dependency to POM

Pay attention to your dependency scope I was having the issue where when I invoke clean compile via Intellij, the pom would get downloaded, but the jar would not. There was a xxx.jar.lastUpdated file created. Then realized that the dependency scope was test, but I was triggering the compile. I deleted the repos, and triggered the mvn test, and issue was resolved.

Using `window.location.hash.includes` throws “Object doesn't support property or method 'includes'” in IE11

Adding import 'core-js/es7/array'; to my polyfill.ts fixed the issue for me.

How to identify all stored procedures referring a particular table

The following works on SQL2008 and above. Provides a list of both stored procedures and functions.

select distinct [Table Name] = o.Name, [Found In] = sp.Name, sp.type_desc
  from sys.objects o inner join sys.sql_expression_dependencies  sd on o.object_id = sd.referenced_id
                inner join sys.objects sp on sd.referencing_id = sp.object_id
                    and sp.type in ('P', 'FN')
  where = 'YourTableName'
  order by sp.Name

Struct inheritance in C++

Yes. The inheritance is public by default.

Syntax (example):

struct A { };
struct B : A { };
struct C : B { };

What's the C# equivalent to the With statement in VB?

Not really, you have to assign a variable. So

    var bar = Stuff.Elements.Foo;
    bar.Name = "Bob Dylan";
    bar.Age = 68;
    bar.Location = "On Tour";
    bar.IsCool = True;

Or in C# 3.0:

    var bar = Stuff.Elements.Foo
        Name = "Bob Dylan",
        Age = 68,
        Location = "On Tour",
        IsCool = True

JQuery window scrolling event?

See jQuery.scroll(). You can bind this to the window element to get your desired event hook.

On scroll, then simply check your scroll position:

$(window).scroll(function() {
  var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
  if ( scrollTop > $(headerElem).offset().top ) { 
    // display add

How to view hierarchical package structure in Eclipse package explorer

Here is representation of screen eclipse to make hierarachical.

enter image description here

Can I use DIV class and ID together in CSS?

Yes, why not? Then CSS that applies to class "x" AND CSS that applies to ID "y" applies to the div.

Simple pagination in javascript

i am assuming you will display 10 data in every page


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet"  href="pathofcssfile.css">
        <table id="user"></table>
    <script src=""></script>
    <li value="1">1</li>
    <li value="2">2</li>
    <li value="3">3</li>
    <li value="4">4</li>
    <li value="5">5</li>
    <li value="6">6</li>
    <li value="7">7</li>
    <li value="8">8</li>
    <li value="9">9</li>
    <li value="10">10</li>


    <script src="pathnameofjsfile.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET',"",true);

var udata;

xhr.onload = function() 
    if(this.status == 200) 
        var userdata = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
        udata = userdata;

$("li").click(function ()
var a = $(this).attr("value");
console.log("value li "+ a);

function data(a)
    var output = "";
        output +='<tr>'+
                 '<td>'+ udata[i].userId + '</td>'+
                 '<td>'+ udata[i].id + '</td>'+
                 '<td>'+ udata[i].title + '</td>'+ '<br>'
    document.getElementById('user').innerHTML = output;


display: flex;
padding: 20px;

padding: 20px;

    padding: 10px;

How do I break out of a loop in Perl?

Additional data (in case you have more questions):

FOO: {
       for my $i ( @listone ){
          for my $j ( @listtwo ){
                 if ( cond( $i,$j ) ){

                    last FOO;  # --->
                                   # |
                 }                 # |
          }                        # |
       }                           # |
 } # <-------------------------------

How to get table list in database, using MS SQL 2008?

Answering the question in your title, you can query sys.tables or sys.objects where type = 'U' to check for the existence of a table. You can also use OBJECT_ID('table_name', 'U'). If it returns a non-null value then the table exists:

IF (OBJECT_ID('dbo.My_Table', 'U') IS NULL)
    CREATE TABLE dbo.My_Table (...)

You can do the same for databases with DB_ID():

IF (DB_ID('My_Database') IS NULL)

If you want to create the database and then start using it, that needs to be done in separate batches. I don't know the specifics of your case, but there shouldn't be many cases where this isn't possible. In a SQL script you can use GO statements. In an application it's easy enough to send across a new command after the database is created.

The only place that you might have an issue is if you were trying to do this in a stored procedure and creating databases on the fly like that is usually a bad idea.

If you really need to do this in one batch, you can get around the issue by using EXEC to get around the parsing error of the database not existing:


IF (OBJECT_ID('Test_DB2.dbo.My_Table', 'U') IS NULL)
    EXEC('CREATE TABLE Test_DB2.dbo.My_Table (my_id INT)')

EDIT: As others have suggested, the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES system view is probably preferable since it is supposedly a standard going forward and possibly between RDBMSs.

How do you query for "is not null" in Mongo?

An alternative that has not been mentioned, but that may be a more efficient option for some (won't work with NULL entries) is to use a sparse index (entries in the index only exist when there is something in the field). Here is a sample data set:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("544540b31b5cf91c4893eb94"), "imageUrl" : "" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("544540ba1b5cf91c4893eb95"), "imageUrl" : "" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("544540c51b5cf91c4893eb96"), "imageUrl" : "" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("544540c91b5cf91c4893eb97"), "imageUrl" : "" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("544540ed1b5cf91c4893eb98"), "otherField" : 1 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("544540f11b5cf91c4893eb99"), "otherField" : 2 }

Now, create the sparse index on imageUrl field: { "imageUrl": 1 }, { sparse: true } )
    "createdCollectionAutomatically" : false,
    "numIndexesBefore" : 1,
    "numIndexesAfter" : 2,
    "ok" : 1

Now, there is always a chance (and in particular with a small data set like my sample) that rather than using an index, MongoDB will use a table scan, even for a potential covered index query. As it turns out that gives me an easy way to illustrate the difference here:{}, {_id : 0, imageUrl : 1})
{ "imageUrl" : "" }
{ "imageUrl" : "" }
{ "imageUrl" : "" }
{ "imageUrl" : "" }
{  }
{  }

OK, so the extra documents with no imageUrl are being returned, just empty, not what we wanted. Just to confirm why, do an explain:{}, {_id : 0, imageUrl : 1}).explain()
    "cursor" : "BasicCursor",
    "isMultiKey" : false,
    "n" : 6,
    "nscannedObjects" : 6,
    "nscanned" : 6,
    "nscannedObjectsAllPlans" : 6,
    "nscannedAllPlans" : 6,
    "scanAndOrder" : false,
    "indexOnly" : false,
    "nYields" : 0,
    "nChunkSkips" : 0,
    "millis" : 0,
    "server" : "localhost:31100",
    "filterSet" : false

So, yes, a BasicCursor equals a table scan, it did not use the index. Let's force the query to use our sparse index with a hint():{}, {_id : 0, imageUrl : 1}).hint({imageUrl : 1})
{ "imageUrl" : "" }
{ "imageUrl" : "" }
{ "imageUrl" : "" }
{ "imageUrl" : "" }

And there is the result we were looking for - only documents with the field populated are returned. This also only uses the index (i.e. it is a covered index query), so only the index needs to be in memory to return the results.

This is a specialized use case and can't be used generally (see other answers for those options). In particular it should be noted that as things stand you cannot use count() in this way (for my example it will return 6 not 4), so please only use when appropriate.

Remove all constraints affecting a UIView

(As of July 31, 2017)



Objective C

[self.yourCustomView removeFromSuperview];
[self.yourCustomViewParentView addSubview:self.yourCustomView];

This is the easiest way to quickly remove all constraints that exist on a UIView. Just be sure to add the UIView back with it's new constraints or new frame afterwards =)

How to set the title text color of UIButton?

func setTitleColor(_ color: UIColor?, 
               for state: UIControl.State)


The color of the title to use for the specified state.

The state that uses the specified color. The possible values are described in UIControl.State.


let MyButton = UIButton()
MyButton.setTitle("Click Me..!", for: .normal)
MyButton.setTitleColor(.green, for: .normal)

Loading inline content using FancyBox

The solution is very simple, but took me about 2 hours and half the hair on my head to find it.

Simply wrap your content with a (redundant) div that has display: none and Bob is your uncle.

<div style="display: none">
    <div id="content-div">Some content here</div>


Send FormData and String Data Together Through JQuery AJAX?

For Multiple file input : Try this code :

 <form name="form" id="form" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" name="file[]">
    <input type="file" name="file[]" >
    <input type="text" name="name" id="name">
    <input type="text" name="name1" id="name1">
    <input type="button" name="submit" value="upload" id="upload">

 $('#upload').on('click', function() {
  var fd = new FormData();
    var c=0;
    var file_data;
        file_data = $('input[type="file"]')[c].files; // for multiple files

     for(var i = 0;i<file_data.length;i++){
         fd.append("file_"+c, file_data[i]);
     var other_data = $('form').serializeArray();
         url: 'work.php',
         data: fd,
         contentType: false,
         processData: false,
         type: 'POST',
         success: function(data){

jQuery jump or scroll to certain position, div or target on the page from button onclick

I would style a link to look like a button, because that way there is a no-js fallback.

So this is how you could animate the jump using jquery. No-js fallback is a normal jump without animation.

Original example:


$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  $(".jumper").on("click", function( e ) {_x000D_
    $("body, html").animate({ _x000D_
      scrollTop: $( $(this).attr('href') ).offset().top _x000D_
    }, 600);_x000D_
#long {_x000D_
  height: 500px;_x000D_
  background-color: blue;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<!-- Links that trigger the jumping -->_x000D_
<a class="jumper" href="#pliip">Pliip</a>_x000D_
<a class="jumper" href="#ploop">Ploop</a>_x000D_
<div id="long">...</div>_x000D_
<!-- Landing elements -->_x000D_
<div id="pliip">pliip</div>_x000D_
<div id="ploop">ploop</div>

New example with actual button styles for the links, just to prove a point.

Everything is essentially the same, except that I changed the class .jumper to .button and I added css styling to make the links look like buttons.

Button styles example

How do you Programmatically Download a Webpage in Java

I'd use a decent HTML parser like Jsoup. It's then as easy as:

String html = Jsoup.connect("").get().html();

It handles GZIP and chunked responses and character encoding fully transparently. It offers more advantages as well, like HTML traversing and manipulation by CSS selectors like as jQuery can do. You only have to grab it as Document, not as a String.

Document document = Jsoup.connect("").get();

You really don't want to run basic String methods or even regex on HTML to process it.

See also:

Oracle: what is the situation to use RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR?

if your application accepts errors raise from Oracle, then you can use it. we have an application, each time when an error happens, we call raise_application_error, the application will popup a red box to show the error message we provide through this method.

When using dotnet code, I just use "raise", dotnet exception mechanisim will automatically capture the error passed by Oracle ODP and shown inside my catch exception code.

How to programmatically set the ForeColor of a label to its default?

DefaultForeColor is enough for this statement. This property gets the default foreground color of the control.

lblExample.ForeColor = DefaultForeColor;

Read connection string from web.config

In VB : This should work


In C# it would be (as per comment of Ala)


Difference and uses of onCreate(), onCreateView() and onActivityCreated() in fragments


onActivityCreated() is deprecated from API Level 28.


The onCreate() method in a Fragment is called after the Activity's onAttachFragment() but before that Fragment's onCreateView().
In this method, you can assign variables, get Intent extras, and anything else that doesn't involve the View hierarchy (i.e. non-graphical initialisations). This is because this method can be called when the Activity's onCreate() is not finished, and so trying to access the View hierarchy here may result in a crash.


After the onCreate() is called (in the Fragment), the Fragment's onCreateView() is called. You can assign your View variables and do any graphical initialisations. You are expected to return a View from this method, and this is the main UI view, but if your Fragment does not use any layouts or graphics, you can return null (happens by default if you don't override).


As the name states, this is called after the Activity's onCreate() has completed. It is called after onCreateView(), and is mainly used for final initialisations (for example, modifying UI elements). This is deprecated from API level 28.

To sum up...
... they are all called in the Fragment but are called at different times.
The onCreate() is called first, for doing any non-graphical initialisations. Next, you can assign and declare any View variables you want to use in onCreateView(). Afterwards, use onActivityCreated() to do any final initialisations you want to do once everything has completed.

If you want to view the official Android documentation, it can be found here:

There are also some slightly different, but less developed questions/answers here on Stack Overflow:

'numpy.float64' object is not iterable

numpy.linspace() gives you a one-dimensional NumPy array. For example:

>>> my_array = numpy.linspace(1, 10, 10)
>>> my_array
array([  1.,   2.,   3.,   4.,   5.,   6.,   7.,   8.,   9.,  10.])


for index,point in my_array

cannot work. You would need some kind of two-dimensional array with two elements in the second dimension:

>>> two_d = numpy.array([[1, 2], [4, 5]])
>>> two_d
array([[1, 2], [4, 5]])

Now you can do this:

>>> for x, y in two_d:
    print(x, y)

1 2
4 5

How to play a sound using Swift?

Game style:

file Sfx.swift

import AVFoundation

public let sfx = Sfx.shared
public final class Sfx: NSObject {
    static let shared = Sfx()
    var apCheer: AVAudioPlayer? = nil
    private override init() {
        guard let s = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "cheer", ofType: "mp3") else {
            return  print("Sfx woe")
        do {
            apComment = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: s))
        } catch {
            return  print("Sfx woe")
    func cheer() { apCheer?.play() }
    func plonk() { apPlonk?.play() }
    func crack() { apCrack?.play() } .. etc

Anywhere at all in code


How to BULK INSERT a file into a *temporary* table where the filename is a variable?

Sorry to dig up an old question but in case someone stumbles onto this thread and wants a quicker solution.

Bulk inserting a unknown width file with \n row terminators into a temp table that is created outside of the EXEC statement.


    DROP TABLE #BulkInsert

    Line    VARCHAR(MAX)


SELECT * FROM #BulkInsert

Further support that dynamic SQL within an EXEC statement has access to temp tables outside of the EXEC statement.!3/d41d8/19343


    DROP TABLE #BulkInsert

    Line    VARCHAR(MAX)

SET @SQL = 'SELECT * FROM #BulkInsert'

Further support, written for MSSQL2000

Example at the bottom of the link

DECLARE @cmd VARCHAR(1000), @ExecError INT
CREATE TABLE #ErrFile (ExecError INT)
SET @cmd = 'EXEC GetTableCount ' + 
'''pubs.dbo.authors''' + 
SET @ExecError = (SELECT * FROM #ErrFile)
SELECT @ExecError AS '@@ERROR'

Symfony2 : How to get form validation errors after binding the request to the form


I simply implemented a static method to handle the display of errors

static function serializeFormErrors(Form\Form $form)
    $errors = array();
     * @var  $key
     * @var Form\Form $child
    foreach ($form->all() as $key => $child) {
        if (!$child->isValid()) {
            foreach ($child->getErrors() as $error) {
                $errors[$key] = $error->getMessage();

    return $errors;

Hoping to help

Insert current date/time using now() in a field using MySQL/PHP


worked for me . but my field type is date only and yours is datetime. i am not sure if this is the case

Build and Install unsigned apk on device without the development server?

Just in case someone else is recently getting into this same issue, I'm using React Native 0.59.8 (tested with RN 0.60 as well) and I can confirm some of the other answers, here are the steps:

  1. Uninstall the latest compiled version of your app installed you have on your device

  2. Run react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res

  3. run cd android/ && ./gradlew assembleDebug

  4. Get your app-debug.apk in folder android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug

good luck!

What are Java command line options to set to allow JVM to be remotely debugged?


java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8001,suspend=y -jar target/cxf-boot-simple-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

address specifies the port at which it will allow to debug


**Debug Spring Boot app with Maven:

mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.jvmArguments=**"-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8001"

Does Java have something like C#'s ref and out keywords?

Actually there is neither ref nor out keyword equivalent in Java language as far as I know. However I've just transformed a C# code into Java that uses out parameter and will advise what I've just done. You should wrap whatever object into a wrapper class and pass the values wrapped in wrapper object instance as follows;

A Simple Example For Using Wrapper

Here is the Wrapper Class;

public class Wrapper {
    public Object ref1; // use this as ref
    public Object ref2; // use this as out

    public Wrapper(Object ref1) {
        this.ref1 = ref1;

And here is the test code;

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String abc = "abc";
        System.out.println("Initial object: " + abc); //wont print "def"

        Wrapper w = new Wrapper(abc);
        System.out.println("Updated object: " + w.ref1);
        System.out.println("Out     object: " + w.ref2);

    // This won't work
    public static void changeString(String str) {
        str = "def";

    // This will work
    public static void changeStringWithWrapper(Wrapper w) {
        w.ref1 = "def";
        w.ref2 = "And this should be used as out!";


A Real World Example

A C#.NET method using out parameter

Here there is a C#.NET method that is using out keyword;

public bool Contains(T value)
    BinaryTreeNode<T> parent;
    return FindWithParent(value, out parent) != null;

private BinaryTreeNode<T> FindWithParent(T value, out BinaryTreeNode<T> parent)
    BinaryTreeNode<T> current = _head;
    parent = null;

    while(current != null)
        int result = current.CompareTo(value);

        if (result > 0)
            parent = current;
            current = current.Left;
        else if (result < 0)
            parent = current;
            current = current.Right;

    return current;

Java Equivalent of the C# code that is using the out parameter

And the Java equivalent of this method with the help of wrapper class is as follows;

public boolean contains(T value) {
    BinaryTreeNodeGeneration<T> result = findWithParent(value);

    return (result != null);

private BinaryTreeNodeGeneration<T> findWithParent(T value) {
    BinaryTreeNode<T> current = head;
    BinaryTreeNode<T> parent = null;
    BinaryTreeNodeGeneration<T> resultGeneration = new BinaryTreeNodeGeneration<T>();

    while(current != null) {
        int result = current.compareTo(value);

        if(result >0) {
            parent = current;
            current = current.left;
        } else if(result < 0) {
            parent = current;
            current = current.right;
        } else {


    return resultGeneration;

Wrapper Class

And the wrapper class used in this Java code is as below;

public class BinaryTreeNodeGeneration<TNode extends Comparable<TNode>>  {

    private BinaryTreeNode<TNode>   parentNode;
    private BinaryTreeNode<TNode>   childNode;

    public BinaryTreeNodeGeneration() {
        this.parentNode = null;
        this.childNode = null;

    public BinaryTreeNode<TNode> getParentNode() {
        return parentNode;

    public void setParentNode(BinaryTreeNode<TNode> parentNode) {
        this.parentNode = parentNode;

    public BinaryTreeNode<TNode> getChildNode() {
        return childNode;

    public void setChildNode(BinaryTreeNode<TNode> childNode) {
        this.childNode = childNode;


How do I measure the execution time of JavaScript code with callbacks?

Old question but for a simple API and light-weight solution; you can use perfy which uses high-resolution real time (process.hrtime) internally.

var perfy = require('perfy');

function end(label) {
    return function (err, saved) {
        console.log(err ? 'Error' : 'Saved'); 
        console.log( perfy.end(label).time ); // <——— result: seconds.milliseconds

for (var i = 1; i < LIMIT; i++) {
    var label = 'db-save-' + i;
    perfy.start(label); // <——— start and mark time{ id: i, name: 'MongoUser [' + i + ']' }, end(label));

Note that each time perfy.end(label) is called, that instance is auto-destroyed.

Disclosure: Wrote this module, inspired by D.Deriso's answer. Docs here.

What's the best way to center your HTML email content in the browser window (or email client preview pane)?

I was struggling with Outlook and Office365. Surprisingly the thing that seemed to work was:

<table align='center' style='text-align:center'>
    <td align='center' style='text-align:center'>
      <!-- AMAZING CONTENT! -->

I only listed some of the key things that resolved my Microsoft email issues.

Might I add that building an email that looks nice on all emails is a pain. This website was super nice for testing:

It allows you to list all the emails you'd like to send your test email to. You can paste your code right into the window, edit, send, and resend. It helped me a ton.

How to search for string in an array

Here's another answer. It works fast, reliably (see atomicules' answer) and has compact calling code:

' Returns true if item is in the array; false otherwise.
Function IsInArray(ar, item$) As Boolean
    Dim delimiter$, list$

    ' Chr(7) is the ASCII 'Bell' Character.
    ' It was chosen for being unlikely to be found in a normal array.
    delimiter = Chr(7)

    ' Create a list string containing all the items in the array separated by the delimiter.
    list = delimiter & Join(ar, delimiter) & delimiter

    IsInArray = InStr(list, delimiter & item & delimiter) > 0
End Function

Sample usage:

Sub test()
    Debug.Print "Is 'A' in the list?", IsInArray(Split("A,B", ","), "A")
End Sub

Linq select object from list depending on objects attribute

Few things to fix here:

  1. No parenthesis in class declaration
  2. Make the "correct" property as public
  3. And then do the selection

Your code will look something like this

List<Answer> answers = new List<Answer>();
/* test
answers.Add(new Answer() { correct = false });
answers.Add(new Answer() { correct = true });
answers.Add(new Answer() { correct = false });
Answer answer = answers.Single(a => a.correct == true);

and the class

class Answer
   public bool correct;

Is there a simple JavaScript slider?

The lightweight MooTools framework has one:

Printing Java Collections Nicely (toString Doesn't Return Pretty Output)

With java 8 streams and collectors it can be done easily:

String format(Collection<?> c) {
  String s =","));
  return String.format("[%s]", s);

first we use map with Object::toString to create Collection<String> and then use joining collector to join every item in collection with , as delimiter.

Bootstrap trying to load map file. How to disable it? Do I need to do it?

Delete the line "/*# */ " in following files.

  • css/bootstrap.min.css
  • css/bootstrap.css

To fetch the file path in Linux use the command find / -name "\*bootstrap\*"

How do I check out a specific version of a submodule using 'git submodule'?

Step 1: Add the submodule

   git submodule add git://some_repository.git some_repository

Step 2: Fix the submodule to a particular commit

By default the new submodule will be tracking HEAD of the master branch, but it will NOT be updated as you update your primary repository. In order to change the submodule to track a particular commit or different branch, change directory to the submodule folder and switch branches just like you would in a normal repository.

   git checkout -b some_branch origin/some_branch

Now the submodule is fixed on the development branch instead of HEAD of master.

From Two Guys Arguing — Tie Git Submodules to a Particular Commit or Branch .

How do I find the version of Apache running without access to the command line?

In the default installation, call a page that doesn't exist and you get an error with the version at the end:

Object not found!

The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 404
10/03/08 14:41:45
Apache/2.2.8 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.8 OpenSSL/0.9.8g mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.2.5

Python Pandas User Warning: Sorting because non-concatenation axis is not aligned

jezrael's answer is good, but did not answer a question I had: Will getting the "sort" flag wrong mess up my data in any way? The answer is apparently "no", you are fine either way.

from pandas import DataFrame, concat

a = DataFrame([{'a':1,      'c':2,'d':3      }])
b = DataFrame([{'a':4,'b':5,      'd':6,'e':7}])

>>> concat([a,b],sort=False)
   a    c  d    b    e
0  1  2.0  3  NaN  NaN
0  4  NaN  6  5.0  7.0

>>> concat([a,b],sort=True)
   a    b    c  d    e
0  1  NaN  2.0  3  NaN
0  4  5.0  NaN  6  7.0

How to get current time and date in Android

This is a method that will be useful to get date and time:

private String getDate(){
    DateFormat dfDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd");
    String date=dfDate.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
    DateFormat dfTime = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm");
    String time = dfTime.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
    return date + " " + time;

You can call this method and get the current date and time values:

2017/01//09 19:23

Generating Request/Response XML from a WSDL

I use SOAPUI 5.3.0, it has an option for creating requests/responses (also using WSDL), you can even create a mock service which will respond when you send request. Procedure is as follows:

  1. Right click on your project and select New Mock Service option which will create mock service.
  2. Right click on mock service and select New Mock Operation option which will create response which you can use as template.

EDIT #1:

Check out the SoapUI link for the latest version. There is a Pro version as well as the free open source version.

Can't change table design in SQL Server 2008

Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation

Five swift clicks

Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation in five clicks

  1. Tools
  2. Options
  3. Designers
  4. Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation
  5. OK.

After saving, repeat the proceudure to re-tick the box. This safe-guards against accidental data loss.

Further explanation

  • By default SQL Server Management Studio prevents the dropping of tables, because when a table is dropped its data contents are lost.*

  • When altering a column's datatype in the table Design view, when saving the changes the database drops the table internally and then re-creates a new one.

*Your specific circumstances will not pose a consequence since your table is empty. I provide this explanation entirely to improve your understanding of the procedure.

Finding non-numeric rows in dataframe in pandas?

Already some great answers to this question, however here is a nice snippet that I use regularly to drop rows if they have non-numeric values on some columns:

# Eliminate invalid data from dataframe (see Example below for more context)

num_df = (df.drop(data_columns, axis=1)
         .join(df[data_columns].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')))

num_df = num_df[num_df[data_columns].notnull().all(axis=1)]

The way this works is we first drop all the data_columns from the df, and then use a join to put them back in after passing them through pd.to_numeric (with option 'coerce', such that all non-numeric entries are converted to NaN). The result is saved to num_df.

On the second line we use a filter that keeps only rows where all values are not null.

Note that pd.to_numeric is coercing to NaN everything that cannot be converted to a numeric value, so strings that represent numeric values will not be removed. For example '1.25' will be recognized as the numeric value 1.25.

Disclaimer: pd.to_numeric was introduced in pandas version 0.17.0


In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: df = pd.DataFrame({"item": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"],
   ...:                    "a": [1,2,3,"bad",5],
   ...:                    "b":[0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]})

In [3]: df
     a    b item
0    1  0.1    a
1    2  0.2    b
2    3  0.3    c
3  bad  0.4    d
4    5  0.5    e

In [4]: data_columns = ['a', 'b']

In [5]: num_df = (df
   ...:           .drop(data_columns, axis=1)
   ...:           .join(df[data_columns].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')))

In [6]: num_df
  item   a    b
0    a   1  0.1
1    b   2  0.2
2    c   3  0.3
3    d NaN  0.4
4    e   5  0.5

In [7]: num_df[num_df[data_columns].notnull().all(axis=1)]
  item  a    b
0    a  1  0.1
1    b  2  0.2
2    c  3  0.3
4    e  5  0.5

Managing jQuery plugin dependency in webpack

For global access to jquery then several options exist. In my most recent webpack project, I wanted global access to jquery so I added the following to my plugins declarations:

 plugins: [
    new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
      $: "jquery",
      jQuery: "jquery"

This then means that jquery is accessible from within the JavaScript source code via global references $ and jQuery.

Of course, you need to have also installed jquery via npm:

$ npm i jquery --save

For a working example of this approach please feel free to fork my app on github

Specify JDK for Maven to use

So bottom line is, is there a way to specify a jdk for a single invocation of maven?

Temporarily change the value of your JAVA_HOME environment variable.

How to set recurring schedule for xlsm file using Windows Task Scheduler

Better to use a as you indicated

  1. Create a simple vbs, which is a text file with a .vbs extension (see sample code below)
  2. Use the Task Scheduler to run the vbs
  3. Use the vbs to open the workbook at the scheduled time and then either:
    • use the Private Sub Workbook_Open() event in the ThisWorkbook module to run code when the file is opened
    • more robustly (as macros may be disabled on open), use Application.Run in the vbs to run the macro

See this example of the later approach at Running Excel on Windows Task Scheduler

sample vbs

Dim ObjExcel, ObjWB
Set ObjExcel = CreateObject("excel.application")
'vbs opens a file specified by the path below
Set ObjWB = ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\temp\rod.xlsm")
'either use the Workbook Open event (if macros are enabled), or Application.Run

ObjWB.Close False
Set ObjExcel = Nothing

csv.Error: iterator should return strings, not bytes

In Python3, csv.reader expects, that passed iterable returns strings, not bytes. Here is one more solution to this problem, that uses codecs module:

import csv
import codecs
ifile  = open('sample.csv', "rb")
read = csv.reader(codecs.iterdecode(ifile, 'utf-8'))
for row in read :
    print (row) 

RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with 'rvm use ...' will not work

FWIW- I just ran across this as well, it was in the context of a cancelled selenium run. Perhaps there was a sub-shell being instantiated and left in place. Closing that terminal window and opening a new one was all I needed to do. (macOS Sierra)

Git merge errors

I had the same issue when switching from a dev branch to master branch. What I did was commit my changes and switch to the master branch. You might have uncommitted changes.

Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one of its dependencies

I've experienced similar problems with my ASP.NET Core projects. What happens is that the .config file in the bin/debug-folder is generated with this:

    <assemblyIdentity name="Newtonsoft.Json" publicKeyToken="30ad4fe6b2a6aeed" culture="neutral" />
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

If I manually change the second bindingRedirect to this it works:

<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

Not sure why this happens.

I'm using Visual Studio 2015 with .Net Core SDK 1.0.0-preview2-1-003177.

Get request URL in JSP which is forwarded by Servlet

If you use RequestDispatcher.forward() to route the request from controller to the view, then request URI is exposed as a request attribute named javax.servlet.forward.request_uri. So, you can use




not None test in Python

Either of the latter two, since val could potentially be of a type that defines __eq__() to return true when passed None.

When should I use Async Controllers in ASP.NET MVC?

Asynchronous action methods are useful when an action must perform several independent long running operations.

A typical use for the AsyncController class is long-running Web service calls.

Should my database calls be asynchronous ?

The IIS thread pool can often handle many more simultaneous blocking requests than a database server. If the database is the bottleneck, asynchronous calls will not speed up the database response. Without a throttling mechanism, efficiently dispatching more work to an overwhelmed database server by using asynchronous calls merely shifts more of the burden to the database. If your DB is the bottleneck, asynchronous calls won’t be the magic bullet.

You should have a look at 1 and 2 references

Derived from @PanagiotisKanavos comments:

Moreover, async doesn't mean parallel. Asynchronous execution frees a valuable threadpool thread from blocking for an external resource, for no complexity or performance cost. This means the same IIS machine can handle more concurrent requests, not that it will run faster.

You should also consider that blocking calls start with a CPU-intensive spinwait. During stress times, blocking calls will result in escalating delays and app pool recycling. Asynchronous calls simply avoid this

Best way to convert text files between character sets?

Under Linux you can use the very powerful recode command to try and convert between the different charsets as well as any line ending issues. recode -l will show you all of the formats and encodings that the tool can convert between. It is likely to be a VERY long list.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0

As @Seth Holladay @MinusFour commented, you are parsing an undefined variable.
Try adding an if condition before doing the parse.

if (typeof test1 !== 'undefined') { test2 = JSON.parse(test1); }

Note: This is just a check for undefined case. Any other parsing issues still need to be handled.