Programs & Examples On #This pointer

The "this" pointer is a compiler generated pointer during a function call that points to the object upon which that function gets called.

How can I divide two integers to get a double?

var firstNumber=5000,

var decimalResult = decimal.Divide(firstNumber,secondeNumber);

Console.WriteLine(decimalResult );

Exception : peer not authenticated

This can also happen if you are attempting to connect over HTTPS and the server is not configured to handle SSL connections correctly.

I would check your application servers SSL settings and make sure that the certification is configured correctly.

Slick.js: Get current and total slides (ie. 3/5)

You need to bind init before initialization.

$('.slider-for').on('init', function(event, slick){
        $(this).append('<div class="slider-count"><p><span id="current">1</span> von <span id="total">'+slick.slideCount+'</span></p></div>');
      slidesToShow: 1,
      slidesToScroll: 1,
      arrows: true,
      fade: true
        .on('afterChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide){
            // finally let's do this after changing slides
            $('.slider-count #current').html(currentSlide+1);

Could not load file or assembly 'EntityFramework' after downgrading EF -->

I received the exact same error message. Except that my error message said "Could not load file or assembly 'EntityFramework, Version=", because I installed EF 6.1.1. Here's what I did to resolve the problem.

1) I started NuGet Manager Console by clicking on Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console 2) I uninstalled the installed EntityFramework 6.1.1 by typing the following command:

Uninstall-package EntityFramework

3) Once I received confirmation that the package has been uninstalled successfully, I installed the 5.0.0 version by typing the following command:

Install-Package EntityFramework -version 5.0.0

The problem is resolved.

How can I get javascript to read from a .json file?


If you have your JSON as a string, JSON.parse() will work fine. Since you are loading the json from a file, you will need to do a XMLHttpRequest to it. For example (This is example):

var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();_x000D_
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {_x000D_
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {_x000D_
        var myObj = JSON.parse(this.responseText);_x000D_
        document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML =;_x000D_
};_x000D_"GET", "json_demo.txt", true);_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<h2>Use the XMLHttpRequest to get the content of a file.</h2>_x000D_
<p>The content is written in JSON format, and can easily be converted into a JavaScript object.</p>_x000D_
<p id="demo"></p>_x000D_
<p>Take a look at <a href="json_demo.txt" target="_blank">json_demo.txt</a></p>_x000D_

It will not work here as that file isn't located here. Go to this w3schools example though:

Here is the documentation for JSON.parse():

Here's a summary:

The JSON.parse() method parses a JSON string, constructing the JavaScript value or object described by the string. An optional reviver function can be provided to perform a transformation on the resulting object before it is returned.

Here's the example used:

var json = '{"result":true, "count":42}';_x000D_
obj = JSON.parse(json);_x000D_
// expected output: 42_x000D_
// expected output: true

Here is a summary on XMLHttpRequests from

Use XMLHttpRequest (XHR) objects to interact with servers. You can retrieve data from a URL without having to do a full page refresh. This enables a Web page to update just part of a page without disrupting what the user is doing. XMLHttpRequest is used heavily in Ajax programming.

If you don't want to use XMLHttpRequests, then a JQUERY way (which I'm not sure why it isn't working for you) is

Since it isn't working, I'd try using XMLHttpRequests

You could also try AJAX requests:

    'async': false,
    'global': false,
    'url': "/jsonfile.json",
    'dataType': "json",
    'success': function (data) {
        // do stuff with data


how to empty recyclebin through command prompt?

Yes, you can Make a Batch file with the following code:

cd \Desktop

echo $Shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application >>FILENAME.ps1
echo $RecBin = $Shell.Namespace(0xA) >>FILENAME.ps1
echo $RecBin.Items() ^| %%{Remove-Item $_.Path -Recurse -Confirm:$false} >>FILENAME.ps1

REM The actual lines being writen are right, exept for the last one, the actual thigs being writen are "$RecBin.Items() | %{Remove-Item $_.Path -Recurse -Confirm:$false}"   
But since | and % screw things up, i had to make some changes.

Powershell.exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -File  C:\Desktop\FILENAME.ps1

This basically creates a powershell script that empties the trash in the \Desktop directory, then runs it.

Calculate percentage Javascript


const result = Math.round((data.expense / data.income) * 100)

How to lazy load images in ListView in Android

Some answers have already mentioned using various image libraries like Universal Image Loader and androidimageloader etc. This is an old quesion but for anyone still looking for something like this, there are several such libraries for image loading/caching.

Postgresql column reference "id" is ambiguous

SELECT (, name) FROM v_groups vg 
INNER JOIN people2v_groups p2vg ON = p2vg.v_group_id
WHERE p2vg.people_id = 0;

Can't bind to 'routerLink' since it isn't a known property

I was getting this error, even though I have exported RouterModule from app-routing.module and imported app-routingModule in Root module(app module).

Then I identified, I've imported component in Routing Module only.

Declaring the component in my Root module(App Module) solves the problem.

declarations: [

Delete commits from a branch in Git

All the commands above restore the state of your work tree and index as they were before making the commit, but do not restore the state of the repository. If you look at it, the "removed" commit is not actually removed, it is simply not the one on the tip of the current branch.

I think that there are no means to remove a commit with porcelain commands. The only way is to remove it from the log and reflog and then to execute a git prune --expire -now.

Where does application data file actually stored on android device?

Application Private Data files are stored within <internal_storage>/data/data/<package>

Files being stored in the internal storage can be accessed with openFileOutput() and openFileInput()

When those files are created as MODE_PRIVATE it is not possible to see/access them within another application such as a FileManager.

'const int' vs. 'int const' as function parameters in C++ and C

There is no difference. They both declare "a" to be an integer that cannot be changed.

The place where differences start to appear is when you use pointers.

Both of these:

const int *a
int const *a

declare "a" to be a pointer to an integer that doesn't change. "a" can be assigned to, but "*a" cannot.

int * const a

declares "a" to be a constant pointer to an integer. "*a" can be assigned to, but "a" cannot.

const int * const a

declares "a" to be a constant pointer to a constant integer. Neither "a" nor "*a" can be assigned to.

static int one = 1;

int testfunc3 (const int *a)
  *a = 1; /* Error */
  a = &one;
  return *a;

int testfunc4 (int * const a)
  *a = 1;
  a = &one; /* Error */
  return *a;

int testfunc5 (const int * const a)
  *a = 1;   /* Error */
  a = &one; /* Error */
  return *a;

Changing SQL Server collation to case insensitive from case sensitive?

You basically need to run the installation again to rebuild the master database with the new collation. You cannot change the entire server's collation any other way.


Update: if you want to change the collation of a database, you can get the current collation using this snippet of T-SQL:

SELECT name, collation_name 
FROM sys.databases
WHERE name = 'test2'   -- put your database name here

This will yield a value something like:


The _CI means "case insensitive" - if you want case-sensitive, use _CS in its place:


So your T-SQL command would be:

ALTER DATABASE test2 -- put your database name here
   COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS   -- replace with whatever collation you need

You can get a list of all available collations on the server using:

SELECT * FROM ::fn_helpcollations()

You can see the server's current collation using:


How do I get an object's unqualified (short) class name?

Found on the documentation page of get_class, where it was posted by me at nwhiting dot com.

function get_class_name($object = null)
    if (!is_object($object) && !is_string($object)) {
        return false;

    $class = explode('\\', (is_string($object) ? $object : get_class($object)));
    return $class[count($class) - 1];

But the idea of namespaces is to structure your code. That also means that you can have classes with the same name in multiple namespaces. So theoretically, the object you pass could have the name (stripped) class name, while still being a totally different object than you expect.

Besides that, you might want to check for a specific base class, in which case get_class doesn't do the trick at all. You might want to check out the operator instanceof.

Can I assume (bool)true == (int)1 for any C++ compiler?

Charles Bailey's answer is correct. The exact wording from the C++ standard is (§4.7/4): "If the source type is bool, the value false is converted to zero and the value true is converted to one."

Edit: I see he's added the reference as well -- I'll delete this shortly, if I don't get distracted and forget...

Edit2: Then again, it is probably worth noting that while the Boolean values themselves always convert to zero or one, a number of functions (especially from the C standard library) return values that are "basically Boolean", but represented as ints that are normally only required to be zero to indicate false or non-zero to indicate true. For example, the is* functions in <ctype.h> only require zero or non-zero, not necessarily zero or one.

If you cast that to bool, zero will convert to false, and non-zero to true (as you'd expect).

Returning a boolean from a Bash function

    [ -d "$1" ]
if myfun "path"; then
    echo yes
# or
myfun "path" && echo yes

Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Unable to relay for [email protected]

Wanted to share what caused the error in my case. Spend couple hours to figure this out, so hopefully it will help to save someone some time.

Strangely enough, the error was raised with the Enable drop directory quota setting being enabled for the domain.

enter image description here

I am not the expert and don't know the technical explanation, but unticking the mentioned setting sorted the problem.

Creating a LinkedList class from scratch

What you have coded is not a LinkedList, at least not one that I recognize. For this assignment, you want to create two classes:


A LinkNode has one member field for the data it contains, and a LinkNode reference to the next LinkNode in the LinkedList. Yes, it's a self referential data structure. A LinkedList just has a special LinkNode reference that refers to the first item in the list.

When you add an item in the LinkedList, you traverse all the LinkNode's until you reach the last one. This LinkNode's next should be null. You then construct a new LinkNode here, set it's value, and add it to the LinkedList.

public class LinkNode { 

    String data;
    LinkNode next;

    public LinkNode(String item) { 

       data = item;



public class LinkedList { 

    LinkNode head;

    public LinkedList(String item) { 

       head = new LinkNode(item);


    public void add(String item) { 

       //pseudo code: while next isn't null, walk the list
       //once you reach the end, create a new LinkNode and add the item to it.  Then
       //set the last LinkNode's next to this new LinkNode



How to restore SQL Server 2014 backup in SQL Server 2008

No I guess you cannot restore the databases from higher version to lower version , you can make data flow b/w them i,e you can scriptout.

When and why do I need to use cin.ignore() in C++?

Short answer

Why? Because there is still whitespace (carriage returns, tabs, spaces, newline) left in the input stream.

When? When you are using some function which does not on their own ignores the leading whitespaces. Cin by default ignores and removes the leading whitespace but getline does not ignore the leading whitespace on its own.

Now a detailed answer.

Everything you input in the console is read from the standard stream stdin. When you enter something, let's say 256 in your case and press enter, the contents of the stream become 256\n. Now cin picks up 256 and removes it from the stream and \n still remaining in the stream. Now next when you enter your name, let's say Raddicus, the new contents of the stream is \nRaddicus.

Now here comes the catch. When you try to read a line using getline, if not provided any delimiter as the third argument, getline by default reads till the newline character and removes the newline character from the stream. So on calling new line, getline reads and discards \n from the stream and resulting in an empty string read in mystr which appears like getline is skipped (but it's not) because there was already an newline in the stream, getline will not prompt for input as it has already read what it was supposed to read.

Now, how does cin.ignore help here?

According to the ignore documentation extract from

istream& ignore (streamsize n = 1, int delim = EOF);

Extracts characters from the input sequence and discards them, until either n characters have been extracted, or one compares equal to delim.

The function also stops extracting characters if the end-of-file is reached. If this is reached prematurely (before either extracting n characters or finding delim), the function sets the eofbit flag.

So, cin.ignore(256, '\n');, ignores first 256 characters or all the character untill it encounters delimeter (here \n in your case), whichever comes first (here \n is the first character, so it ignores until \n is encountered).

Just for your reference, If you don't exactly know how many characters to skip and your sole purpose is to clear the stream to prepare for reading a string using getline or cin you should use cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'\n').

Quick explanation: It ignores the characters equal to maximum size of stream or until a '\n' is encountered, whichever case happens first.

Parse JSON from JQuery.ajax success data

you can use the jQuery parseJSON method:

var Data = $.parseJSON(response);

How to format a java.sql.Timestamp(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S) to a date(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)

A date-time object is not a String

The java.sql.Timestamp class has no format. Its toString method generates a String with a format.

Do not conflate a date-time object with a String that may represent its value. A date-time object can parse strings and generate strings but is not itself a string.


First convert from the troubled old legacy date-time classes to java.time classes. Use the new methods added to the old classes.

Instant instant = mySqlDate.toInstant() ;

Lose the fraction of a second you don't want.

instant = instant.truncatedTo( ChronoUnit.Seconds );

Assign the time zone to adjust from UTC used by Instant.

ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" ) ;
ZonedDateTime zdt = instant.atZone( z );

Generate a String close to your desired output. Replace its T in the middle with a SPACE.

DateTimeFormatter f = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME ;
String output = zdt.format( f ).replace( "T" , " " );

jQuery ajax request being block because Cross-Origin

There is nothing you can do on your end (client side). You can not enable crossDomain calls yourself, the source ( needs to have CORS enabled for this to work.

The only thing you can really do is to create a server side proxy script which does this for you. Are you using any server side scripts in your project? PHP, Python, ASP.NET etc? If so, you could create a server side "proxy" script which makes the HTTP call to dailymotion and returns the response. Then you call that script from your Javascript code, since that server side script is on the same domain as your script code, CORS will not be a problem.

Merge two rows in SQL

if one row has value in field1 column and other rows have null value then this Query might work.

  MAX(Field1) as Field1,
  MAX(Field2) as Field2
select FK,ISNULL(Field1,'') as Field1,ISNULL(Field2,'') as Field2 from table1

How to create unit tests easily in eclipse

You can use my plug-in to create tests easily:

  1. highlight the method
  2. press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U
  3. it will create the unit test for it.

The plug-in is available here. Hope this helps.

How to replace a character from a String in SQL?

Are you sure that the data stored in the database is actually a question mark? I would tend to suspect from the sample data that the problem is one of character set conversion where ? is being used as the replacement character when the character can't be represented in the client character set. Possibly, the database is actually storing Microsoft "smart quote" characters rather than simple apostrophes.

What does the DUMP function show is actually stored in the database?

SELECT column_name,
  FROM your_table
 WHERE <<predicate that returns just the sample data you posted>>

What application are you using to view the data? What is the client's NLS_LANG set to?

What is the database and national character set? Is the data stored in a VARCHAR2 column? Or NVARCHAR2?

SELECT parameter, value
  FROM v$nls_parameters

If all the problem characters are stored in the database as 0x19 (decimal 25), your REPLACE would need to be something like

UPDATE table_name
   SET column1 = REPLACE(column1, chr(25), q'[']'),
       column2 = REPLACE(column2, chr(25), q'[']'),
       columnN = REPLACE(columnN, chr(25), q'[']')
 WHERE INSTR(column1,chr(25)) > 0
    OR INSTR(column2,chr(25)) > 0 
    OR INSTR(columnN,chr(25)) > 0

jquery stop child triggering parent event

The answers here took the OP's question too literally. How can these answers be expanded into a scenario where there are MANY child elements, not just a single <a> tag? Here's one way.

Let's say you have a photo gallery with a blacked out background and the photos centered in the browser. When you click the black background (but not anything inside of it) you want the overlay to close.

Here's some possible HTML:

<div class="gallery" style="background: black">
    <div class="contents"> <!-- Let's say this div is 50% wide and centered -->
        <h1>Awesome Photos</h1>
        <img src="img1.jpg"><br>
        <img src="img2.jpg"><br>
        <img src="img3.jpg"><br>
        <img src="img4.jpg"><br>
        <img src="img5.jpg">

And here's how the JavaScript would work:


$('.gallery > .contents').click(
    function(e) {

This will stop the click events from elements inside .contents from every research .gallery so the gallery will close only when you click in the faded black background area, but not when you click in the content area. This can be applied to many different scenarios.

How to build minified and uncompressed bundle with webpack?

In my opinion it's a lot easier just to use the UglifyJS tool directly:

  1. npm install --save-dev uglify-js
  2. Use webpack as normal, e.g. building a ./dst/bundle.js file.
  3. Add a build command to your package.json:

    "scripts": {
        "build": "webpack && uglifyjs ./dst/bundle.js -c -m -o ./dst/bundle.min.js --source-map ./dst/"
  4. Whenever you want to build a your bundle as well as uglified code and sourcemaps, run the npm run build command.

No need to install uglify-js globally, just install it locally for the project.

Spring Boot and multiple external configuration files

I've just had a similar problem to this and finally figured out the cause: the file had the wrong ownership and rwx attributes. So when tomcat started up the file was in the right location, but owned by another user:

$ chmod 766

$ chown tomcat

How to access to a child method from the parent in vue.js

To communicate a child component with another child component I've made a method in parent which calls a method in a child with:


And from the another child I've called the root method:


It worked for me.

Adding Google Play services version to your app's manifest?

This error can also happen when you've downloaded a new version of Google Play Services and not installed the latest SDK. Thats what happened to me. So, as the others mentioned, if you try to import Google Play Services and then open the console, you'll see a compile error. Try installing all the recent Android SDKs and try again, if this is the case.

MySQL ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE for multiple rows insert in single query

I was looking for the same behavior using jdbi's BindBeanList and found the syntax is exactly the same as Peter Lang's answer above. In case anybody is running into this question, here's my code:

  @SqlUpdate("INSERT INTO table_one (col_one, col_two) VALUES <beans> ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE col_one=VALUES(col_one), col_two=VALUES(col_two)")
void insertBeans(@BindBeanList(value = "beans", propertyNames = {"colOne", "colTwo"}) List<Beans> beans);

One key detail to note is that the propertyName you specify within @BindBeanList annotation is not same as the column name you pass into the VALUES() call on update.

How to write a UTF-8 file with Java?

Below sample code can read file line by line and write new file in UTF-8 format. Also, i am explicitly specifying Cp1252 encoding.

    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {

    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
            new FileInputStream("c:\\filenonUTF.txt"),
    String line;

    Writer out = new BufferedWriter(
            new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(
                    "c:\\fileUTF.txt"), "UTF-8"));

    try {

        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {



    } finally {



Fork() function in C

System call fork() is used to create processes. It takes no arguments and returns a process ID. The purpose of fork() is to create a new process, which becomes the child process of the caller. After a new child process is created, both processes will execute the next instruction following the fork() system call. Therefore, we have to distinguish the parent from the child. This can be done by testing the returned value of fork()

Fork is a system call and you shouldnt think of it as a normal C function. When a fork() occurs you effectively create two new processes with their own address space.Variable that are initialized before the fork() call store the same values in both the address space. However values modified within the address space of either of the process remain unaffected in other process one of which is parent and the other is child. So if,


If in the subsequent blocks of code you check the value of pid.Both processes run for the entire length of your code. So how do we distinguish them. Again Fork is a system call and here is difference.Inside the newly created child process pid will store 0 while in the parent process it would store a positive value.A negative value inside pid indicates a fork error.

When we test the value of pid to find whether it is equal to zero or greater than it we are effectively finding out whether we are in the child process or the parent process.

Read more about Fork

Entity Framework and SQL Server View

To get a view I had to only show one primary key column I created a second view that pointed to the first and used NULLIF to make the types nullable. This worked for me to make the EF think there was just a single primary key in the view.

Not sure if this will help you though since I don't believe the EF will accept an entity with NO primary key.

LINQ Group By and select collection

I think you want:

items.GroupBy(item => item.Order.Customer)
     .Select(group => new { Customer = group.Key, Items = group.ToList() })

If you want to continue use the overload of GroupBy you are currently using, you can do:

items.GroupBy(item => item.Order.Customer, 
              (key, group) =>  new { Customer = key, Items = group.ToList() })

...but I personally find that less clear.

Place API key in Headers or URL

If you want an argument that might appeal to a boss: Think about what a URL is. URLs are public. People copy and paste them. They share them, they put them on advertisements. Nothing prevents someone (knowingly or not) from mailing that URL around for other people to use. If your API key is in that URL, everybody has it.

Python list / sublist selection -1 weirdness

when slicing an array;


takes the slice from element y upto and but not including x. when you use the negative indexing it is equivalent to using

ls[y:-1] == ls[y:len(ls)-1]

so it so the slice would be upto the last element, but it wouldn't include it (as per the slice)

What do column flags mean in MySQL Workbench?

This exact question is answered on mySql workbench-faq:

Hover over an acronym to view a description, and see the Section, “The Columns Tab” and MySQL CREATE TABLE documentation for additional details.

That means hover over an acronym in the mySql Workbench table editor.

Section, “The Columns Tab”

Failed to resolve:

Go to Android SDK Manager and install the latest version of below two libraries

  1. Google Play Services
  2. Google Repository

How to cancel an $http request in AngularJS?

Cancelling Angular $http Ajax with the timeout property doesn't work in Angular 1.3.15. For those that cannot wait for this to be fixed I'm sharing a jQuery Ajax solution wrapped in Angular.

The solution involves two services:

  • HttpService (a wrapper around the jQuery Ajax function);
  • PendingRequestsService (tracks the pending/open Ajax requests)

Here goes the PendingRequestsService service:

    (function (angular) {
    'use strict';
    var app = angular.module('app');
    app.service('PendingRequestsService', ["$log", function ($log) {            
        var $this = this;
        var pending = [];
        $this.add = function (request) {
        $this.remove = function (request) {
            pending = _.filter(pending, function (p) {
                return p.url !== request;
        $this.cancelAll = function () {
            angular.forEach(pending, function (p) {
            pending.length = 0;

The HttpService service:

     (function (angular) {
        'use strict';
        var app = angular.module('app');
        app.service('HttpService', ['$http', '$q', "$log", 'PendingRequestsService', function ($http, $q, $log, pendingRequests) {
   = function (url, params) {
                var deferred = $q.defer();
                var xhr = $.ASI.callMethod({
                    url: url,
                    data: params,
                    error: function() {
                        $log.log("ajax error");
                    url: url,
                    xhr: xhr,
                    deferred: deferred
                xhr.done(function (data, textStatus, jqXhr) {                                    
                    .fail(function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                    }).always(function (dataOrjqXhr, textStatus, jqXhrErrorThrown) {
                        //Once a request has failed or succeeded, remove it from the pending list
                return deferred.promise;

Later in your service when you are loading data you would use the HttpService instead of $http:

(function (angular) {

    angular.module('app').service('dataService', ["HttpService", function (httpService) {

        this.getResources = function (params) {

            return'/serverMethod', { param: params });



Later in your code you would like to load the data:

(function (angular) {

var app = angular.module('app');

app.controller('YourController', ["DataService", "PendingRequestsService", function (httpService, pendingRequestsService) {

    .then(function (data) {    
    // do stuff    


    // later that day cancel requests    


How to call getResources() from a class which has no context?

A Context is a handle to the system; it provides services like resolving resources, obtaining access to databases and preferences, and so on. It is an "interface" that allows access to application specific resources and class and information about application environment. Your activities and services also extend Context to they inherit all those methods to access the environment information in which the application is running.

This means you must have to pass context to the specific class if you want to get/modify some specific information about the resources. You can pass context in the constructor like

public classname(Context context, String s1) 

Numpy ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. This message may appear without the existing of a sequence?


def func(TempLake,Z):
    return A*B

This works too , instead of looping , just vectorize however read below notes from the scipy documentation :

The vectorize function is provided primarily for convenience, not for performance. The implementation is essentially a for loop.

If otypes is not specified, then a call to the function with the first argument will be used to determine the number of outputs. The results of this call will be cached if cache is True to prevent calling the function twice. However, to implement the cache, the original function must be wrapped which will slow down subsequent calls, so only do this if your function is expensive.

How to convert string values from a dictionary, into int/float datatypes?

If that's your exact format, you can go through the list and modify the dictionaries.

for item in list_of_dicts:
    for key, value in item.iteritems():
            item[key] = int(value)
        except ValueError:
            item[key] = float(value)

If you've got something more general, then you'll have to do some kind of recursive update on the dictionary. Check if the element is a dictionary, if it is, use the recursive update. If it's able to be converted into a float or int, convert it and modify the value in the dictionary. There's no built-in function for this and it can be quite ugly (and non-pythonic since it usually requires calling isinstance).

Go to first line in a file in vim?

If you are using gvim, you could just hit Ctrl + Home to go the first line. Similarly, Ctrl + End goes to the last line.

How do I change the default library path for R packages

After a couple of hours of trying to solve the issue in several ways, some of which are described here, for me (on Win 10) the option of creating a Renviron file worked, but a little different from what was written here above. The task is to change the value of the variable R_LIBS_USER. To do this two steps needed:

  1. Create the file named Renviron (without dot) in the folder \Program\etc\ (Programm is the directory where the R installed, for example for me it was c:\Program Files\R\R-4.0.0\etc)
  2. Insert a line in Renviron with new path: R_LIBS_USER=c:/R/Library

It's been working for a few days already.

Visual Studio 2017 - Git failed with a fatal error

I had the same issue. The following steps solved the problem for me:

  1. Backup and delete "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\Git"
  2. Install latest version of Git:

Invalid syntax when using "print"?

They changed print in Python 3. In 2 it was a statement, now it is a function and requires parenthesis.

Here's the docs from Python 3.0.

Add property to an array of objects

I came up against this problem too, and in trying to solve it I kept crashing the chrome tab that was running my app. It looks like the spread operator for objects was the culprit.

With a little help from adrianolsk’s comment and sidonaldson's answer above, I used Object.assign() the output of the spread operator from babel, like so: => {
  // New properties to be added
  const newPropsObj = {

  // Assign new properties and return
  return Object.assign(option, newPropsObj);

How to convert LINQ query result to List?

What you can do is select everything into a new instance of Course, and afterwards convert them to a List.

var qry = from a in obj.tbCourses
                     select new Course() {
                         Course.Property = a.Property


Edit a specific Line of a Text File in C#

the easiest way is :

static void lineChanger(string newText, string fileName, int line_to_edit)
     string[] arrLine = File.ReadAllLines(fileName);
     arrLine[line_to_edit - 1] = newText;
     File.WriteAllLines(fileName, arrLine);

usage :

lineChanger("new content for this line" , "sample.text" , 34);

Using a custom (ttf) font in CSS

This is not a system font. this font is not supported in other systems. you can use font-face, convert font from this Site or from this

enter image description here

My Application Could not open ServletContext resource

I encountered this exception in WebLogic, turns out it is a bug in WebLogic. Please see here for more details: Spring Boot exception: Could not open ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/dispatcherServlet-servlet.xml]

How do I get IntelliJ to recognize common Python modules?

Few steps that helped me (some of them are mentioned above):

Open project structure by:

command + ; (mac users) OR right click on the project -> Open Module Settings

  1. Facets -> + -> Python -> <your-project> -> OK
  2. Modules -> Python -> <select python interpreter>
  3. Project -> Project SDK -> <select relevant SDK>
  4. SDKs -> <make sure it's the right one>

Click OK.

Open Run/Debug Configurations by: Run -> Edit Configurations

  1. Python Interpreter -> <make sure it's the right one>

Click OK.

Linq Query Group By and Selecting First Items

var result = list.GroupBy(x => x.Category).Select(x => x.First()) Unable to resolve host "<url>": No address associated with hostname and End of input at character 0 of

I had the same exception in the simulator (Android Studio on OSX) but connecting to the same URL on the iOS simulator worked fine... Looks like it all stemmed from the fact I'd be running the simulator whilst connected to a personal hotspot for my internet connection and then came back later while connected to wifi and the simulator didn't like the new internet connection for some reason, seems like it thought the old hotspot was the current connection, which was no longer working..

Closing and relaunching the simulator worked!

read.csv warning 'EOF within quoted string' prevents complete reading of file

I had the similar problem: EOF -warning and only part of data was loading with read.csv(). I tried the quotes="", but it only removed the EOF -warning.

But looking at the first row that was not loading, I found that there was a special character, an arrow ? (hexadecimal value 0x1A) in one of the cells. After deleting the arrow I got the data to load normally.

How to fill a Javascript object literal with many static key/value pairs efficiently?

JavaScript's object literal syntax, which is typically used to instantiate objects (seriously, no one uses new Object or new Array), is as follows:

var obj = {
    'key': 'value',
    'another key': 'another value',
     anUnquotedKey: 'more value!'

For arrays it's:

var arr = [
    'another value',
    'even more values'

If you need objects within objects, that's fine too:

var obj = {
    'subObject': {
        'key': 'value'
    'another object': {
         'some key': 'some value',
         'another key': 'another value',
         'an array': [ 'this', 'is', 'ok', 'as', 'well' ]

This convenient method of being able to instantiate static data is what led to the JSON data format.

JSON is a little more picky, keys must be enclosed in double-quotes, as well as string values:

{"foo":"bar", "keyWithIntegerValue":123}

Filtering Pandas Dataframe using OR statement

You can do like below to achieve your result:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#use filter with plot
fg=sns.factorplot('Retailer country', data=df1[(df1['Retailer country']=='United States') | (df1['Retailer country']=='France')], kind='count')

fg.set_xlabels('Retailer country')

fg=sns.factorplot('Retailer country', data=df1[(df1['Retailer country']=='United States') & (df1['Year']=='2013')], kind='count')

fg.set_xlabels('Retailer country')

How to solve java.lang.NullPointerException error?

This error occures when you try to refer to a null object instance. I can`t tell you what causes this error by your given information, but you can debug it easily in your IDE. I strongly recommend you that use exception handling to avoid unexpected program behavior.

java calling a method from another class

You're very close. What you need to remember is when you're calling a method from another class you need to tell the compiler where to find that method.

So, instead of simply calling addWord("someWord"), you will need to initialise an instance of the WordList class (e.g. WordList list = new WordList();), and then call the method using that (i.e. list.addWord("someWord");.

However, your code at the moment will still throw an error there, because that would be trying to call a non-static method from a static one. So, you could either make addWord() static, or change the methods in the Words class so that they're not static.

My bad with the above paragraph - however you might want to reconsider ProcessInput() being a static method - does it really need to be?


If you are using WebView in Android developing the problem is that you didn't add uses permission

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

C++ convert from 1 char to string?

All of

std::string s(1, c); std::cout << s << std::endl;


std::cout << std::string(1, c) << std::endl;


std::string s; s.push_back(c); std::cout << s << std::endl;

worked for me.

How to get a index value from foreach loop in jstl

I face Similar problem now I understand we have some more option : varStatus="loop", Here will be loop will variable which will hold the index of lop.

It can use for use to read for Zeor base index or 1 one base index.

${loop.count}` it will give 1 starting base index.

${loop.index} it will give 0 base index as normal Index of array start from 0.

For Example :

<c:forEach var="currentImage" items="${cityBannerImages}" varStatus="loop">
   <source srcset="${currentImage}" media="(min-width: 1000px)"></source>
   <source srcset="${cityMobileImages[loop.count]}" media="(min-width:600px)"></source>
   <img srcset="${cityMobileImages[loop.count]}" alt=""></img>

For more Info please refer this link

How to obtain a QuerySet of all rows, with specific fields for each one of them?

Employees.objects.values_list('eng_name', flat=True)

That creates a flat list of all eng_names. If you want more than one field per row, you can't do a flat list: this will create a list of tuples:

Employees.objects.values_list('eng_name', 'rank')

What's the best practice to round a float to 2 decimals?

Here is a simple one-line solution

((int) ((value + 0.005f) * 100)) / 100f

How can I convert a .py to .exe for Python?

I can't tell you what's best, but a tool I have used with success in the past was cx_Freeze. They recently updated (on Jan. 7, '17) to version 5.0.1 and it supports Python 3.6.

Here's the pypi

The documentation shows that there is more than one way to do it, depending on your needs.

I have not tried it out yet, so I'm going to point to a post where the simple way of doing it was discussed. Some things may or may not have changed though.

How do I use cx_freeze?

Clear the value of bootstrap-datepicker

I was having similar trouble and the following worked for me:


Both method calls were needed, otherwise it didn't clear.

illegal use of break statement; javascript

break is to break out of a loop like for, while, switch etc which you don't have here, you need to use return to break the execution flow of the current function and return to the caller.

function loop() {
    if (isPlaying) {
        if (game == 1) {

Note: This does not cover the logic behind the if condition or when to return from the method, for that we need to have more context regarding the drawAllEnemies and requestAnimFrame method as well as how game value is updated

How can I store and retrieve images from a MySQL database using PHP?

First you create a MySQL table to store images, like for example:

create table testblob (
    image_id        tinyint(3)  not null default '0',
    image_type      varchar(25) not null default '',
    image           blob        not null,
    image_size      varchar(25) not null default '',
    image_ctgy      varchar(25) not null default '',
    image_name      varchar(50) not null default ''

Then you can write an image to the database like:

 * All of the below MySQL_ commands can be easily
 * translated to MySQLi_ with the additions as commented
$imgData = file_get_contents($filename);
$size = getimagesize($filename);
mysql_connect("localhost", "$username", "$password");
mysql_select_db ("$dbname");
// mysqli 
// $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", $username, $password,$dbname); 
$sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO testblob
    (image_type, image, image_size, image_name)
    ('%s', '%s', '%d', '%s')",
     * For all mysqli_ functions below, the syntax is:
     * mysqli_whartever($link, $functionContents); 

You can display an image from the database in a web page with:

$link = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password");
$sql = "SELECT image FROM testblob WHERE image_id=0";
$result = mysql_query("$sql");
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
echo mysql_result($result, 0);

java.util.Date format conversion yyyy-mm-dd to mm-dd-yyyy


instead of


because MM points Month, mm points minutes

SimpleDateFormat sm = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy");
String strDate = sm.format(myDate);

How to get HTML 5 input type="date" working in Firefox and/or IE 10

Here is a full example with the date formatted in YYYY-MM-DD

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 
<script src="//"></script>
webshims.setOptions('forms-ext', {types: 'date'});
webshims.polyfill('forms forms-ext');
$.webshims.formcfg = {
en: {
    dFormat: '-',
    dateSigns: '-',
    patterns: {
        d: "yy-mm-dd"
<input type="date" />

Converting unix timestamp string to readable date

In Python 3.6+:

import datetime

timestamp = 1579117901
value = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
print(f"{value:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}")

Output (in UTC)

2020-01-15 19:51:41



To save the date to a string then print it, use this:

my_date = f"{value:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}"

Accessing @attribute from SimpleXML

You can get the attributes of an XML element by calling the attributes() function on an XML node. You can then var_dump the return value of the function.

More info at

Example code from that page:

$xml = simplexml_load_string($string);
foreach($xml->foo[0]->attributes() as $a => $b) {
    echo $a,'="',$b,"\"\n";

Undefined symbols for architecture i386: _OBJC_CLASS_$_SKPSMTPMessage", referenced from: error

Is your framework compiled for armv(x)? It looks to me like it's compiled for i386, which code won't run on an iOS device. Or else it's compiled for armv(x) and you're trying to run it on the simulator, which is i386 code. Make sure, using the build settings Akshay displayed above, that your framework is correctly compiled for the chip you're going to run it on.

How can I set the value of a DropDownList using jQuery?

As suggested by @Nick Berardi, if your changed value is not reflected on the UI front end, try:


How can I find out a file's MIME type (Content-Type)?

Use file. Examples:

> file --mime-type image.png
image.png: image/png

> file -b --mime-type image.png

> file -i FILE_NAME
image.png: image/png; charset=binary

Where is the itoa function in Linux?

You can use this program instead of sprintf.

void itochar(int x, char *buffer, int radix);

int main()
    char buffer[10];
    itochar(725, buffer, 10);
    printf ("\n %s \n", buffer);
    return 0;

void itochar(int x, char *buffer, int radix)
    int i = 0 , n,s;
    n = s;
    while (n > 0)
        s = n%radix;
        n = n/radix;
        buffer[i++] = '0' + s;
    buffer[i] = '\0';

How to do a recursive find/replace of a string with awk or sed?

find /home/www \( -type d -name .git -prune \) -o -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/subdomainA\.example\.com/'

-print0 tells find to print each of the results separated by a null character, rather than a new line. In the unlikely event that your directory has files with newlines in the names, this still lets xargs work on the correct filenames.

\( -type d -name .git -prune \) is an expression which completely skips over all directories named .git. You could easily expand it, if you use SVN or have other folders you want to preserve -- just match against more names. It's roughly equivalent to -not -path .git, but more efficient, because rather than checking every file in the directory, it skips it entirely. The -o after it is required because of how -prune actually works.

For more information, see man find.

Docker Repository Does Not Have a Release File on Running apt-get update on Ubuntu

I saw an interesting post from Ikraider here that solved my issue :

Website instructions are wrong, here is what works in 16.04:

curl -s | sudo apt-key add
apt-key fingerprint 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D
sudo add-apt-repository "deb ubuntu-$(lsb_release -cs) main"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-engine=1.13.0-0~ubuntu-xenial

Get the date (a day before current time) in Bash

yesterday=`date -d "-1 day" %F`

Puts yesterday's date in YYYY-MM-DD format into variable $yesterday.

How are echo and print different in PHP?

They are:

  • print only takes one parameter, while echo can have multiple parameters.
  • print returns a value (1), so can be used as an expression.
  • echo is slightly faster.

How to use a ViewBag to create a dropdownlist?

hope it will work

 @Html.DropDownList("accountid", (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.Accounts, String.Empty, new { @class ="extra-class" })

Here String.Empty will be the empty as a default selector.

Ruby capitalize every word first letter

"hello world".titleize which should output "Hello World".

How to set Java environment path in Ubuntu

To Set JAVA_HOME / PATH for a single user, Login to your account and open .bash_profile file

$ vi ~/.bash_profile

Set JAVA_HOME as follows using syntax export JAVA_HOME=<path-to-java>. If your path is set to /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_07/bin/java, set it as follows:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_07/bin/java

Set PATH as follows:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_07/bin

Feel free to replace /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_07 as per your setup. Save and close the file. Just logout and login back to see new changes. Alternatively, type the following command to activate the new path settings immediately:

$ source ~/.bash_profile


$ . ~/.bash_profile

Verify new settings:

$ echo $JAVA_HOME
$ echo $PATH

Tip: Use the following command to find out exact path to which java executable under UNIX / Linux:

$ which java

Please note that the file ~/.bashrc is similar, with the exception that ~/.bash_profile runs only for Bash login shells and .bashrc runs for every new Bash shell.

To Set JAVA_HOME / PATH for all user, You need to setup global config in /etc/profile OR /etc/bash.bashrc file for all users:

# vi /etc/profile

Next setup PATH / JAVA_PATH variables as follows:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_07/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_07/bin

Save and close the file. Once again you need to type the following command to activate the path settings immediately:

# source /etc/profile


# . /etc/profile

What's the difference between all the Selection Segues?

Here is a quick summary of the segues and an example for each type.

Show - Pushes the destination view controller onto the navigation stack, sliding overtop from right to left, providing a back button to return to the source - or if not embedded in a navigation controller it will be presented modally
Example: Navigating inboxes/folders in Mail

Show Detail - For use in a split view controller, replaces the detail/secondary view controller when in an expanded 2 column interface, otherwise if collapsed to 1 column it will push in a navigation controller
Example: In Messages, tapping a conversation will show the conversation details - replacing the view controller on the right when in a two column layout, or push the conversation when in a single column layout

Present Modally - Presents a view controller in various animated fashions as defined by the Presentation option, covering the previous view controller - most commonly used to present a view controller that animates up from the bottom and covers the entire screen on iPhone, or on iPad it's common to present it as a centered box that darkens the presenting view controller
Example: Selecting Touch ID & Passcode in Settings

Popover Presentation - When run on iPad, the destination appears in a popover, and tapping anywhere outside of this popover will dismiss it, or on iPhone popovers are supported as well but by default it will present the destination modally over the full screen
Example: Tapping the + button in Calendar

Custom - You may implement your own custom segue and have control over its behavior

The deprecated segues are essentially the non-adaptive equivalents of those described above. These segue types were deprecated in iOS 8: Push, Modal, Popover, Replace.

For more info, you may read over the Using Segues documentation which also explains the types of segues and how to use them in a Storyboard. Also check out Session 216 Building Adaptive Apps with UIKit from WWDC 2014. They talked about how you can build adaptive apps using these new Adaptive Segues, and they built a demo project that utilizes these segues.

Is there a function to make a copy of a PHP array to another?

private function cloneObject($mixed)
    switch (true) {
        case is_object($mixed):
            return clone $mixed;
        case is_array($mixed):
            return array_map(array($this, __FUNCTION__), $mixed);
            return $mixed;

Why doesn't wireshark detect my interface?

By Restarting NPF, I can see the interfaces with wireshark 1.6.5

Open a Command Prompt with administrative privileges.

  1. Execute the command "sc stop npf".
  2. Then start npf by command "sc start npf".
  3. Open WireShark.

That's it.

How to get first and last element in an array in java?

I think there is only one intuitive solution and it is:

int[] someArray = {1,2,3,4,5};
int first = someArray[0];
int last = someArray[someArray.length - 1];
System.out.println("First: " + first + "\n" + "Last: " + last);


First: 1
Last: 5

ReactNative: how to center text?

Set these styles to image component: { textAlignVertical: "center", textAlign: "center" }

connecting to MySQL from the command line

Use the following command to get connected to your MySQL database

mysql -u USERNAME -h HOSTNAME -p

npm throws error without sudo

sudo chown -R `whoami` /usr/local/lib

What is the difference between Cygwin and MinGW?

Other answers already hit the target. I just want to add an illustration for a quick catch.

enter image description here

Best way to unselect a <select> in jQuery?

It's a been a while since asked, and I haven't tested this on older browsers but it seems to me a much simpler answer is


.val() works for select as well

Pause in Python

If you type


It will wait for them to press any button then it will continue. Also you can put text between the quotes.

How to get the Full file path from URI

package com.utils;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.ContentUris;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.provider.DocumentsContract;
import android.provider.MediaStore;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;



public class FileUtils {

    /* Get uri related content real local file path. */
    public static String getPath(Context ctx, Uri uri) {
        String ret;
        try {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) {
                // Android OS above sdk version 19.
                ret = getUriRealPathAboveKitkat(ctx, uri);
            } else {
                // Android OS below sdk version 19
                ret = getRealPath(ctx.getContentResolver(), uri, null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.d("DREG", "FilePath Catch: " + e);
            ret = getFilePathFromURI(ctx, uri);
        return ret;

    private static String getFilePathFromURI(Context context, Uri contentUri) {
        //copy file and send new file path
        String fileName = getFileName(contentUri);
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(fileName)) {
            String TEMP_DIR_PATH = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath();
            File copyFile = new File(TEMP_DIR_PATH + File.separator + fileName);
            Log.d("DREG", "FilePath copyFile: " + copyFile);
            copy(context, contentUri, copyFile);
            return copyFile.getAbsolutePath();
        return null;

    public static String getFileName(Uri uri) {
        if (uri == null) return null;
        String fileName = null;
        String path = uri.getPath();
        int cut = path.lastIndexOf('/');
        if (cut != -1) {
            fileName = path.substring(cut + 1);
        return fileName;

    public static void copy(Context context, Uri srcUri, File dstFile) {
        try {
            InputStream inputStream = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(srcUri);
            if (inputStream == null) return;
            OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(dstFile);
            IOUtils.copyStream(inputStream, outputStream); //
        } catch (Exception e) { // IOException

    @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT)
    private static String getUriRealPathAboveKitkat(Context ctx, Uri uri) {
        String ret = "";

        if (ctx != null && uri != null) {

            if (isContentUri(uri)) {
                if (isGooglePhotoDoc(uri.getAuthority())) {
                    ret = uri.getLastPathSegment();
                } else {
                    ret = getRealPath(ctx.getContentResolver(), uri, null);
            } else if (isFileUri(uri)) {
                ret = uri.getPath();
            } else if (isDocumentUri(ctx, uri)) {

                // Get uri related document id.
                String documentId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);

                // Get uri authority.
                String uriAuthority = uri.getAuthority();

                if (isMediaDoc(uriAuthority)) {
                    String idArr[] = documentId.split(":");
                    if (idArr.length == 2) {
                        // First item is document type.
                        String docType = idArr[0];

                        // Second item is document real id.
                        String realDocId = idArr[1];

                        // Get content uri by document type.
                        Uri mediaContentUri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
                        if ("image".equals(docType)) {
                            mediaContentUri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
                        } else if ("video".equals(docType)) {
                            mediaContentUri = MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
                        } else if ("audio".equals(docType)) {
                            mediaContentUri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;

                        // Get where clause with real document id.
                        String whereClause = MediaStore.Images.Media._ID + " = " + realDocId;

                        ret = getRealPath(ctx.getContentResolver(), mediaContentUri, whereClause);

                } else if (isDownloadDoc(uriAuthority)) {
                    // Build download uri.
                    Uri downloadUri = Uri.parse("content://downloads/public_downloads");

                    // Append download document id at uri end.
                    Uri downloadUriAppendId = ContentUris.withAppendedId(downloadUri, Long.valueOf(documentId));

                    ret = getRealPath(ctx.getContentResolver(), downloadUriAppendId, null);

                } else if (isExternalStoreDoc(uriAuthority)) {
                    String idArr[] = documentId.split(":");
                    if (idArr.length == 2) {
                        String type = idArr[0];
                        String realDocId = idArr[1];

                        if ("primary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
                            ret = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + realDocId;

        return ret;

    /* Check whether this uri represent a document or not. */
    @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT)
    private static boolean isDocumentUri(Context ctx, Uri uri) {
        boolean ret = false;
        if (ctx != null && uri != null) {
            ret = DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(ctx, uri);
        return ret;

    /* Check whether this uri is a content uri or not.
     *  content uri like content://media/external/images/media/1302716
     *  */
    private static boolean isContentUri(Uri uri) {
        boolean ret = false;
        if (uri != null) {
            String uriSchema = uri.getScheme();
            if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(uriSchema)) {
                ret = true;
        return ret;

    /* Check whether this uri is a file uri or not.
     *  file uri like file:///storage/41B7-12F1/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20180211_095139.jpg
     * */
    private static boolean isFileUri(Uri uri) {
        boolean ret = false;
        if (uri != null) {
            String uriSchema = uri.getScheme();
            if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uriSchema)) {
                ret = true;
        return ret;

    /* Check whether this document is provided by ExternalStorageProvider. */
    private static boolean isExternalStoreDoc(String uriAuthority) {
        boolean ret = false;

        if ("".equals(uriAuthority)) {
            ret = true;

        return ret;

    /* Check whether this document is provided by DownloadsProvider. */
    private static boolean isDownloadDoc(String uriAuthority) {
        boolean ret = false;

        if ("".equals(uriAuthority)) {
            ret = true;

        return ret;

    /* Check whether this document is provided by MediaProvider. */
    private static boolean isMediaDoc(String uriAuthority) {
        boolean ret = false;

        if ("".equals(uriAuthority)) {
            ret = true;

        return ret;

    /* Check whether this document is provided by google photos. */
    private static boolean isGooglePhotoDoc(String uriAuthority) {
        boolean ret = false;

        if ("".equals(uriAuthority)) {
            ret = true;

        return ret;

    /* Return uri represented document file real local path.*/
    private static String getRealPath(ContentResolver contentResolver, Uri uri, String whereClause) {
        String ret = "";

        // Query the uri with condition.
        Cursor cursor = contentResolver.query(uri, null, whereClause, null, null);

        if (cursor != null) {
            boolean moveToFirst = cursor.moveToFirst();
            if (moveToFirst) {

                // Get columns name by uri type.
                String columnName = MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA;

                if (uri == MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI) {
                    columnName = MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA;
                } else if (uri == MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI) {
                    columnName = MediaStore.Audio.Media.DATA;
                } else if (uri == MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI) {
                    columnName = MediaStore.Video.Media.DATA;

                // Get column index.
                int columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(columnName);

                // Get column value which is the uri related file local path.
                ret = cursor.getString(columnIndex);

        return ret;


in build.gradle file add this

implementation 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.4'

Now call FileUtils.getPath(context, uri); from your main class.

Saving a Numpy array as an image

With matplotlib:

import matplotlib

matplotlib.image.imsave('name.png', array)

Works with matplotlib 1.3.1, I don't know about lower version. From the docstring:

    A string containing a path to a filename, or a Python file-like object.
    If *format* is *None* and *fname* is a string, the output
    format is deduced from the extension of the filename.
    An MxN (luminance), MxNx3 (RGB) or MxNx4 (RGBA) array.

enter image description here

Is it possible to append Series to rows of DataFrame without making a list first?

Convert the series to a dataframe and transpose it, then append normally.

srs = srs.to_frame().T
df = df.append(srs)

Getting JavaScript object key list

For a comma-delineated string listing the keys of a JSON Object, try the following:

function listKeys(jObj){
    var keyString = '';
    for(var k in jObj){
    return keyString.slice(1);

/* listKeys({'a' : 'foo', 'b' : 'foo', 'c' : 'foo'}) -> 'a,b,c' */

What are the new features in C++17?

Language features:

Templates and Generic Code



Syntax cleanup

Cleaner multi-return and flow control

  • Structured bindings

    • Basically, first-class std::tie with auto
    • Example:
      • const auto [it, inserted] = map.insert( {"foo", bar} );
      • Creates variables it and inserted with deduced type from the pair that map::insert returns.
    • Works with tuple/pair-likes & std::arrays and relatively flat structs
    • Actually named structured bindings in standard
  • if (init; condition) and switch (init; condition)

    • if (const auto [it, inserted] = map.insert( {"foo", bar} ); inserted)
    • Extends the if(decl) to cases where decl isn't convertible-to-bool sensibly.
  • Generalizing range-based for loops

    • Appears to be mostly support for sentinels, or end iterators that are not the same type as begin iterators, which helps with null-terminated loops and the like.
  • if constexpr

    • Much requested feature to simplify almost-generic code.


Library additions:

Data types

Invoke stuff

File System TS v1

New algorithms

  • for_each_n

  • reduce

  • transform_reduce

  • exclusive_scan

  • inclusive_scan

  • transform_exclusive_scan

  • transform_inclusive_scan

  • Added for threading purposes, exposed even if you aren't using them threaded


(parts of) Library Fundamentals TS v1 not covered above or below

Container Improvements

Smart pointer changes

Other std datatype improvements:



Deprecated has has an independent list of changes since C++14; it has been partly pillaged.

Naturally TS work continues in parallel, so there are some TS that are not-quite-ripe that will have to wait for the next iteration. The target for the next iteration is C++20 as previously planned, not C++19 as some rumors implied. C++1O has been avoided.

Initial list taken from this reddit post and this reddit post, with links added via googling or from the above page.

Additional entries pillaged from SD-6 feature-test list.

clang's feature list and library feature list are next to be pillaged. This doesn't seem to be reliable, as it is C++1z, not C++17.

these slides had some features missing elsewhere.

While "what was removed" was not asked, here is a short list of a few things ((mostly?) previous deprecated) that are removed in C++17 from C++:


There were rewordings. I am unsure if these have any impact on code, or if they are just cleanups in the standard:

Papers not yet integrated into above:

  • P0505R0 (constexpr chrono)

  • P0418R2 (atomic tweaks)

  • P0512R0 (template argument deduction tweaks)

  • P0490R0 (structured binding tweaks)

  • P0513R0 (changes to std::hash)

  • P0502R0 (parallel exceptions)

  • P0509R1 (updating restrictions on exception handling)

  • P0012R1 (make exception specifications be part of the type system)

  • P0510R0 (restrictions on variants)

  • P0504R0 (tags for optional/variant/any)

  • P0497R0 (shared ptr tweaks)

  • P0508R0 (structured bindings node handles)

  • P0521R0 (shared pointer use count and unique changes?)

Spec changes:

Further reference:

URL for public Amazon S3 bucket

The URL structure you're referring to is called the REST endpoint, as opposed to the Web Site Endpoint.

Note: Since this answer was originally written, S3 has rolled out dualstack support on REST endpoints, using new hostnames, while leaving the existing hostnames in place. This is now integrated into the information provided, below.

If your bucket is really in the us-east-1 region of AWS -- which the S3 documentation formerly referred to as the "US Standard" region, but was subsequently officially renamed to the "U.S. East (N. Virginia) Region" -- then is not the correct form for that endpoint, even though it looks like it should be. The correct format for that region is either or

The format you're using is applicable to all the other S3 regions, but not US Standard US East (N. Virginia) [us-east-1].

S3 now also has dual-stack endpoint hostnames for the REST endpoints, and unlike the original endpoint hostnames, the names of these have a consistent format across regions, for example These endpoints support both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity and DNS resolution, but are otherwise functionally equivalent to the existing REST endpoints.

If your permissions and configuration are set up such that the web site endpoint works, then the REST endpoint should work, too.

However... the two endpoints do not offer the same functionality.

Roughly speaking, the REST endpoint is better-suited for machine access and the web site endpoint is better suited for human access, since the web site endpoint offers friendly error messages, index documents, and redirects, while the REST endpoint doesn't. On the other hand, the REST endpoint offers HTTPS and support for signed URLs, while the web site endpoint doesn't.

Choose the correct type of endpoint (REST or web site) for your application:

¹ has been referred to as the "Northern Virginia endpoint," in contrast to the "Global endpoint" It was unofficially possible to get read-after-write consistency on new objects in this region if the "s3-external-1" hostname was used, because this would send you to a subset of possible physical endpoints that could provide that functionality. This behavior is now officially supported on this endpoint, so this is probably the better choice in many applications. Previously, s3-external-2 had been referred to as the "Pacific Northwest endpoint" for US-Standard, though it is now a CNAME in DNS for s3-external-1 so s3-external-2 appears to have no purpose except backwards-compatibility.

How to find day of week in php in a specific timezone

echo date('l', strtotime('today'));

How to make ng-repeat filter out duplicate results

this code works for me.

app.filter('unique', function() {

  return function (arr, field) {
    var o = {}, i, l = arr.length, r = [];
    for(i=0; i<l;i+=1) {
      o[arr[i][field]] = arr[i];
    for(i in o) {
    return r;

and then

var colors=$filter('unique')(items,"color");

Python Binomial Coefficient

Here is a function that recursively calculates the binomial coefficients using conditional expressions

def binomial(n,k):
    return 1 if k==0 else (0 if n==0 else binomial(n-1, k) + binomial(n-1, k-1))

Finding the max value of an attribute in an array of objects

I'd like to explain the terse accepted answer step-by-step:

var objects = [{ x: 3 }, { x: 1 }, { x: 2 }];_x000D_
// lets you extract an array of attribute values_x000D_
var xValues = { return o.x; });_x000D_
// es6_x000D_
xValues = Array.from(objects, o => o.x);_x000D_
// function.apply lets you expand an array argument as individual arguments_x000D_
// So the following is equivalent to Math.max(3, 1, 2)_x000D_
// The first argument is "this" but since Math.max doesn't need it, null is fine_x000D_
var xMax = Math.max.apply(null, xValues);_x000D_
// es6_x000D_
xMax = Math.max(...xValues);_x000D_
// Finally, to find the object that has the maximum x value (note that result is array):_x000D_
var maxXObjects = objects.filter(function(o) { return o.x === xMax; });_x000D_
// Altogether_x000D_
xMax = Math.max.apply(null, { return o.x; }));_x000D_
var maxXObject = objects.filter(function(o) { return o.x === xMax; })[0];_x000D_
// es6_x000D_
xMax = Math.max(...Array.from(objects, o => o.x));_x000D_
maxXObject = objects.find(o => o.x === xMax);_x000D_
document.write('<p>objects: ' + JSON.stringify(objects) + '</p>');_x000D_
document.write('<p>xValues: ' + JSON.stringify(xValues) + '</p>');_x000D_
document.write('<p>xMax: ' + JSON.stringify(xMax) + '</p>');_x000D_
document.write('<p>maxXObjects: ' + JSON.stringify(maxXObjects) + '</p>');_x000D_
document.write('<p>maxXObject: ' + JSON.stringify(maxXObject) + '</p>');

Further information:

What is a segmentation fault?

Wikipedia's Segmentation_fault page has a very nice description about it, just pointing out the causes and reasons. Have a look into the wiki for a detailed description.

In computing, a segmentation fault (often shortened to segfault) or access violation is a fault raised by hardware with memory protection, notifying an operating system (OS) about a memory access violation.

The following are some typical causes of a segmentation fault:

  • Dereferencing NULL pointers – this is special-cased by memory management hardware
  • Attempting to access a nonexistent memory address (outside process's address space)
  • Attempting to access memory the program does not have rights to (such as kernel structures in process context)
  • Attempting to write read-only memory (such as code segment)

These in turn are often caused by programming errors that result in invalid memory access:

  • Dereferencing or assigning to an uninitialized pointer (wild pointer, which points to a random memory address)

  • Dereferencing or assigning to a freed pointer (dangling pointer, which points to memory that has been freed/deallocated/deleted)

  • A buffer overflow.

  • A stack overflow.

  • Attempting to execute a program that does not compile correctly. (Some compilers will output an executable file despite the presence of compile-time errors.)

How to write a test which expects an Error to be thrown in Jasmine?

As mentioned previously, a function needs to be passed to toThrow as it is the function you're describing in your test: "I expect this function to throw x"

expect(() => parser.parse(raw))
  .toThrow(new Error('Parsing is not possible'));

If using Jasmine-Matchers you can also use one of the following when they suit the situation;

// I just want to know that an error was
// thrown and nothing more about it
expect(() => parser.parse(raw))


// I just want to know that an error of 
// a given type was thrown and nothing more
expect(() => parser.parse(raw))

SQL Server - Return value after INSERT

You can append a select statement to your insert statement. Integer myInt = Insert into table1 (FName) values('Fred'); Select Scope_Identity(); This will return a value of the identity when executed scaler.

How to insert a file in MySQL database?

File size by MySQL type:

  • TINYBLOB 255 bytes = 0.000255 Mb
  • BLOB 65535 bytes = 0.0655 Mb
  • MEDIUMBLOB 16777215 bytes = 16.78 Mb
  • LONGBLOB 4294967295 bytes = 4294.97 Mb = 4.295 Gb

How can I pass request headers with jQuery's getJSON() method?

I agree with sunetos that you'll have to use the $.ajax function in order to pass request headers. In order to do that, you'll have to write a function for the beforeSend event handler, which is one of the $.ajax() options. Here's a quick sample on how to do that:

    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      $(document).ready(function() {
          url: 'service.svc/Request',
          type: 'GET',
          dataType: 'json',
          success: function() { alert('hello!'); },
          error: function() { alert('boo!'); },
          beforeSend: setHeader

      function setHeader(xhr) {
        xhr.setRequestHeader('securityCode', 'Foo');
        xhr.setRequestHeader('passkey', 'Bar');
    <h1>Some Text</h1>

If you run the code above and watch the traffic in a tool like Fiddler, you'll see two requests headers passed in:

  • securityCode with a value of Foo
  • passkey with a value of Bar

The setHeader function could also be inline in the $.ajax options, but I wanted to call it out.

Hope this helps!

Using File.listFiles with FileNameExtensionFilter

With java lambdas (available since java 8) you can simply convert javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter to in one line.

javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter swingFilter = new FileNameExtensionFilter("jpeg files", "jpeg"); ioFilter = file -> swingFilter.accept(file);
new File("myDirectory").listFiles(ioFilter);

Is it possible to install another version of Python to Virtualenv?

Here are the options for virtualenv

$ virtualenv
You must provide a DEST_DIR
Usage: virtualenv [OPTIONS] DEST_DIR

  --version             show program's version number and exit.
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit.
  -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity.
  -q, --quiet           Decrease verbosity.
  -p PYTHON_EXE, --python=PYTHON_EXE
                        The Python interpreter to use, e.g.,
                        --python=python2.5 will use the python2.5 interpreter
                        to create the new environment.  The default is the
                        interpreter that virtualenv was installed with
  --clear               Clear out the non-root install and start from scratch
  --no-site-packages    Don't give access to the global site-packages dir to
                        the virtual environment
  --unzip-setuptools    Unzip Setuptools or Distribute when installing it
  --relocatable         Make an EXISTING virtualenv environment relocatable.
                        This fixes up scripts and makes all .pth files
  --distribute          Use Distribute instead of Setuptools. Set environ
                        variable VIRTUALENV_USE_DISTRIBUTE to make it the
  --prompt==PROMPT      Provides an alternative prompt prefix for this

1) What you want to do is install python to a directory that you are able to write too.

You can follow the instructions here.

For Python 2.7.1
Python source

mkdir ~/src
mkdir ~/.localpython
cd ~/src
tar -zxvf Python-2.7.1.tgz
cd Python-2.7.1

make clean
./configure --prefix=/home/${USER}/.localpython
make install

2) Install virtualenv
virtualenv source

cd ~/src
tar -zxvf virtualenv-1.5.2.tar.gz
cd virtualenv-1.5.2/
~/.localpython/bin/python install

3) Create a virtualenv using your local python
virtualenv docs

mkdir /home/${USER}/virtualenvs
cd /home/${USER}/virtualenvs
~/.localpython/bin/virtualenv py2.7 --python=/home/${USER}/.localpython/bin/python2.7

4) Activate the environment

cd ~/virtualenvs/py2.7/bin
source ./activate

5) Check

(py2.7)$ python
Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Mar 31 2011, 15:31:37) 
[GCC 4.4.5] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> exit()

(py2.7)$ deactivate
$ python
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 15 2010, 15:52:39) 
[GCC 4.4.5] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

file_get_contents behind a proxy?

Use stream_context_set_default function. It is much easier to use as you can directly use file_get_contents or similar functions without passing any additional parameters

This blog post explains how to use it. Here is the code from that page.

// Edit the four values below
$PROXY_HOST = ""; // Proxy server address
$PROXY_PORT = "1234";    // Proxy server port
$PROXY_USER = "LOGIN";    // Username
$PROXY_PASS = "PASSWORD";   // Password
// Username and Password are required only if your proxy server needs basic authentication

$auth = base64_encode("$PROXY_USER:$PROXY_PASS");
  'http' => array(
   'proxy' => "tcp://$PROXY_HOST:$PROXY_PORT",
   'request_fulluri' => true,
   'header' => "Proxy-Authorization: Basic $auth"
   // Remove the 'header' option if proxy authentication is not required

$url = "";

print_r( get_headers($url) );

echo file_get_contents($url);

SOAP vs REST (differences)

Among many others already covered in the many answers, I would highlight that SOAP enables to define a contract, the WSDL, which define the operations supported, complex types, etc. SOAP is oriented to operations, but REST is oriented at resources. Personally I would select SOAP for complex interfaces between internal enterprise applications, and REST for public, simpler, stateless interfaces with the outside world.

enter image description here

How to uncompress a tar.gz in another directory

You can use the option -C (or --directory if you prefer long options) to give the target directory of your choice in case you are using the Gnu version of tar. The directory should exist:

mkdir foo
tar -xzf bar.tar.gz -C foo

If you are not using a tar capable of extracting to a specific directory, you can simply cd into your target directory prior to calling tar; then you will have to give a complete path to your archive, of course. You can do this in a scoping subshell to avoid influencing the surrounding script:

mkdir foo
(cd foo; tar -xzf ../bar.tar.gz)  # instead of ../ you can use an absolute path as well

Or, if neither an absolute path nor a relative path to the archive file is suitable, you also can use this to name the archive outside of the scoping subshell:

mkdir -p "$TARGET_PATH"
(cd "$TARGET_PATH"; tar -xzf -) < bar.tar.gz

How to create a temporary table in SSIS control flow task and then use it in data flow task?


Set the property RetainSameConnection on the Connection Manager to True so that temporary table created in one Control Flow task can be retained in another task.

Here is a sample SSIS package written in SSIS 2008 R2 that illustrates using temporary tables.


Create a stored procedure that will create a temporary table named ##tmpStateProvince and populate with few records. The sample SSIS package will first call the stored procedure and then will fetch the temporary table data to populate the records into another database table. The sample package will use the database named Sora Use the below create stored procedure script.

USE Sora;

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.PopulateTempTable

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..##tmpStateProvince') IS NOT NULL
        DROP TABLE ##tmpStateProvince;

    CREATE TABLE ##tmpStateProvince
            CountryCode     nvarchar(3)         NOT NULL
        ,   StateCode       nvarchar(3)         NOT NULL
        ,   Name            nvarchar(30)        NOT NULL

    INSERT INTO ##tmpStateProvince 
        (CountryCode, StateCode, Name)
        ('CA', 'AB', 'Alberta'),
        ('US', 'CA', 'California'),
        ('DE', 'HH', 'Hamburg'),
        ('FR', '86', 'Vienne'),
        ('AU', 'SA', 'South Australia'),
        ('VI', 'VI', 'Virgin Islands');

Create a table named dbo.StateProvince that will be used as the destination table to populate the records from temporary table. Use the below create table script to create the destination table.

USE Sora;

CREATE TABLE dbo.StateProvince
        StateProvinceID int IDENTITY(1,1)   NOT NULL
    ,   CountryCode     nvarchar(3)         NOT NULL
    ,   StateCode       nvarchar(3)         NOT NULL
    ,   Name            nvarchar(30)        NOT NULL
        ([StateProvinceID] ASC)

Create an SSIS package using Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS). Right-click on the Connection Managers tab at the bottom of the package and click New OLE DB Connection... to create a new connection to access SQL Server 2008 R2 database.

Connection Managers - New OLE DB Connection

Click New... on Configure OLE DB Connection Manager.

Configure OLE DB Connection Manager - New

Perform the following actions on the Connection Manager dialog.

  • Select Native OLE DB\SQL Server Native Client 10.0 from Provider since the package will connect to SQL Server 2008 R2 database
  • Enter the Server name, like MACHINENAME\INSTANCE
  • Select Use Windows Authentication from Log on to the server section or whichever you prefer.
  • Select the database from Select or enter a database name, the sample uses the database name Sora.
  • Click Test Connection
  • Click OK on the Test connection succeeded message.
  • Click OK on Connection Manager

Connection Manager

The newly created data connection will appear on Configure OLE DB Connection Manager. Click OK.

Configure OLE DB Connection Manager - Created

OLE DB connection manager KIWI\SQLSERVER2008R2.Sora will appear under the Connection Manager tab at the bottom of the package. Right-click the connection manager and click Properties

Connection Manager Properties

Set the property RetainSameConnection on the connection KIWI\SQLSERVER2008R2.Sora to the value True.

RetainSameConnection Property on Connection Manager

Right-click anywhere inside the package and then click Variables to view the variables pane. Create the following variables.

  • A new variable named PopulateTempTable of data type String in the package scope SO_5631010 and set the variable with the value EXEC dbo.PopulateTempTable.

  • A new variable named FetchTempData of data type String in the package scope SO_5631010 and set the variable with the value SELECT CountryCode, StateCode, Name FROM ##tmpStateProvince


Drag and drop an Execute SQL Task on to the Control Flow tab. Double-click the Execute SQL Task to view the Execute SQL Task Editor.

On the General page of the Execute SQL Task Editor, perform the following actions.

  • Set the Name to Create and populate temp table
  • Set the Connection Type to OLE DB
  • Set the Connection to KIWI\SQLSERVER2008R2.Sora
  • Select Variable from SQLSourceType
  • Select User::PopulateTempTable from SourceVariable
  • Click OK

Execute SQL Task Editor

Drag and drop a Data Flow Task onto the Control Flow tab. Rename the Data Flow Task as Transfer temp data to database table. Connect the green arrow from the Execute SQL Task to the Data Flow Task.

Control Flow Tab

Double-click the Data Flow Task to switch to Data Flow tab. Drag and drop an OLE DB Source onto the Data Flow tab. Double-click OLE DB Source to view the OLE DB Source Editor.

On the Connection Manager page of the OLE DB Source Editor, perform the following actions.

  • Select KIWI\SQLSERVER2008R2.Sora from OLE DB Connection Manager
  • Select SQL command from variable from Data access mode
  • Select User::FetchTempData from Variable name
  • Click Columns page

OLE DB Source Editor - Connection Manager

Clicking Columns page on OLE DB Source Editor will display the following error because the table ##tmpStateProvince specified in the source command variable does not exist and SSIS is unable to read the column definition.

Error message

To fix the error, execute the statement EXEC dbo.PopulateTempTable using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) on the database Sora so that the stored procedure will create the temporary table. After executing the stored procedure, click Columns page on OLE DB Source Editor, you will see the column information. Click OK.

OLE DB Source Editor - Columns

Drag and drop OLE DB Destination onto the Data Flow tab. Connect the green arrow from OLE DB Source to OLE DB Destination. Double-click OLE DB Destination to open OLE DB Destination Editor.

On the Connection Manager page of the OLE DB Destination Editor, perform the following actions.

  • Select KIWI\SQLSERVER2008R2.Sora from OLE DB Connection Manager
  • Select Table or view - fast load from Data access mode
  • Select [dbo].[StateProvince] from Name of the table or the view
  • Click Mappings page

OLE DB Destination Editor - Connection Manager

Click Mappings page on the OLE DB Destination Editor would automatically map the columns if the input and output column names are same. Click OK. Column StateProvinceID does not have a matching input column and it is defined as an IDENTITY column in database. Hence, no mapping is required.

OLE DB Destination Editor - Mappings

Data Flow tab should look something like this after configuring all the components.

Data Flow tab

Click the OLE DB Source on Data Flow tab and press F4 to view Properties. Set the property ValidateExternalMetadata to False so that SSIS would not try to check for the existence of the temporary table during validation phase of the package execution.

Set ValidateExternalMetadata

Execute the query select * from dbo.StateProvince in the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to find the number of rows in the table. It should be empty before executing the package.

Rows in table before package execution

Execute the package. Control Flow shows successful execution.

Package Execution  - Control Flow tab

In Data Flow tab, you will notice that the package successfully processed 6 rows. The stored procedure created early in this posted inserted 6 rows into the temporary table.

Package Execution  - Data Flow tab

Execute the query select * from dbo.StateProvince in the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to find the 6 rows successfully inserted into the table. The data should match with rows founds in the stored procedure.

Rows in table after package execution

The above example illustrated how to create and use temporary table within a package.

Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds

My need was to resize text in order to perfectly fit view bounds. Chase's solution only reduces text size, this one enlarges also the text if there is enough space.

To make all fast & precise i used a bisection method instead of an iterative while, as you can see in resizeText() method. That's why you have also a MAX_TEXT_SIZE option. I also included onoelle's tips.

Tested on Android 4.4

 *                    Version 2, December 2004
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <[email protected]>
 * Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
 * copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
 * as the name is changed.
 *  0. You just DO WHAT YOU WANT TO.

import android.content.Context;
import android.text.Layout.Alignment;
import android.text.StaticLayout;
import android.text.TextPaint;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.widget.TextView;

 * Text view that auto adjusts text size to fit within the view.
 * If the text size equals the minimum text size and still does not
 * fit, append with an ellipsis.
 * @author Chase Colburn
 * @since Apr 4, 2011
public class AutoResizeTextView extends TextView {

    // Minimum text size for this text view
    public static final float MIN_TEXT_SIZE = 26;

    // Maximum text size for this text view
    public static final float MAX_TEXT_SIZE = 128;

    private static final int BISECTION_LOOP_WATCH_DOG = 30;

    // Interface for resize notifications
    public interface OnTextResizeListener {
        public void onTextResize(TextView textView, float oldSize, float newSize);

    // Our ellipse string
    private static final String mEllipsis = "...";

    // Registered resize listener
    private OnTextResizeListener mTextResizeListener;

    // Flag for text and/or size changes to force a resize
    private boolean mNeedsResize = false;

    // Text size that is set from code. This acts as a starting point for resizing
    private float mTextSize;

    // Temporary upper bounds on the starting text size
    private float mMaxTextSize = MAX_TEXT_SIZE;

    // Lower bounds for text size
    private float mMinTextSize = MIN_TEXT_SIZE;

    // Text view line spacing multiplier
    private float mSpacingMult = 1.0f;

    // Text view additional line spacing
    private float mSpacingAdd = 0.0f;

    // Add ellipsis to text that overflows at the smallest text size
    private boolean mAddEllipsis = true;

    // Default constructor override
    public AutoResizeTextView(Context context) {
        this(context, null);

    // Default constructor when inflating from XML file
    public AutoResizeTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        this(context, attrs, 0);

    // Default constructor override
    public AutoResizeTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);
        mTextSize = getTextSize();

     * When text changes, set the force resize flag to true and reset the text size.
    protected void onTextChanged(final CharSequence text, final int start, final int before, final int after) {
        mNeedsResize = true;
        // Since this view may be reused, it is good to reset the text size

     * If the text view size changed, set the force resize flag to true
    protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
        if (w != oldw || h != oldh) {
            mNeedsResize = true;

     * Register listener to receive resize notifications
     * @param listener
    public void setOnResizeListener(OnTextResizeListener listener) {
        mTextResizeListener = listener;

     * Override the set text size to update our internal reference values
    public void setTextSize(float size) {
        mTextSize = getTextSize();

     * Override the set text size to update our internal reference values
    public void setTextSize(int unit, float size) {
        super.setTextSize(unit, size);
        mTextSize = getTextSize();

     * Override the set line spacing to update our internal reference values
    public void setLineSpacing(float add, float mult) {
        super.setLineSpacing(add, mult);
        mSpacingMult = mult;
        mSpacingAdd = add;

     * Set the upper text size limit and invalidate the view
     * @param maxTextSize
    public void setMaxTextSize(float maxTextSize) {
        mMaxTextSize = maxTextSize;

     * Return upper text size limit
     * @return
    public float getMaxTextSize() {
        return mMaxTextSize;

     * Set the lower text size limit and invalidate the view
     * @param minTextSize
    public void setMinTextSize(float minTextSize) {
        mMinTextSize = minTextSize;

     * Return lower text size limit
     * @return
    public float getMinTextSize() {
        return mMinTextSize;

     * Set flag to add ellipsis to text that overflows at the smallest text size
     * @param addEllipsis
    public void setAddEllipsis(boolean addEllipsis) {
        mAddEllipsis = addEllipsis;

     * Return flag to add ellipsis to text that overflows at the smallest text size
     * @return
    public boolean getAddEllipsis() {
        return mAddEllipsis;

     * Reset the text to the original size
    public void resetTextSize() {
        if(mTextSize > 0) {
            super.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, mTextSize);
            //mMaxTextSize = mTextSize;

     * Resize text after measuring
    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
        if(changed || mNeedsResize) {
            int widthLimit = (right - left) - getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight();
            int heightLimit = (bottom - top) - getCompoundPaddingBottom() - getCompoundPaddingTop();
            resizeText(widthLimit, heightLimit);
        super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom);

     * Resize the text size with default width and height
    public void resizeText() {
        int heightLimit = getHeight() - getPaddingBottom() - getPaddingTop();
        int widthLimit = getWidth() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight();
        resizeText(widthLimit, heightLimit);

     * Resize the text size with specified width and height
     * @param width
     * @param height
    public void resizeText(int width, int height) {
        CharSequence text = getText();
        // Do not resize if the view does not have dimensions or there is no text
        if(text == null || text.length() == 0 || height <= 0 || width <= 0 || mTextSize == 0) {

        // Get the text view's paint object
        TextPaint textPaint = getPaint();

        // Store the current text size
        float oldTextSize = textPaint.getTextSize();

        // Bisection method: fast & precise
        float lower = mMinTextSize;
        float upper = mMaxTextSize;
        int loop_counter=1;
        float targetTextSize = (lower+upper)/2;
        int textHeight = getTextHeight(text, textPaint, width, targetTextSize);
        while(loop_counter < BISECTION_LOOP_WATCH_DOG && upper - lower > 1) {
            targetTextSize = (lower+upper)/2;
            textHeight = getTextHeight(text, textPaint, width, targetTextSize);
            if(textHeight > height)
                upper = targetTextSize;
                lower = targetTextSize;

        targetTextSize = lower;
        textHeight = getTextHeight(text, textPaint, width, targetTextSize);

        // If we had reached our minimum text size and still don't fit, append an ellipsis
        if(mAddEllipsis && targetTextSize == mMinTextSize && textHeight > height) {
            // Draw using a static layout
            // modified: use a copy of TextPaint for measuring
            TextPaint paintCopy = new TextPaint(textPaint);
            StaticLayout layout = new StaticLayout(text, paintCopy, width, Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd, false);
            // Check that we have a least one line of rendered text
            if(layout.getLineCount() > 0) {
                // Since the line at the specific vertical position would be cut off,
                // we must trim up to the previous line
                int lastLine = layout.getLineForVertical(height) - 1;
                // If the text would not even fit on a single line, clear it
                if(lastLine < 0) {
                // Otherwise, trim to the previous line and add an ellipsis
                else {
                    int start = layout.getLineStart(lastLine);
                    int end = layout.getLineEnd(lastLine);
                    float lineWidth = layout.getLineWidth(lastLine);
                    float ellipseWidth = paintCopy.measureText(mEllipsis);

                    // Trim characters off until we have enough room to draw the ellipsis
                    while(width < lineWidth + ellipseWidth) {
                        lineWidth = paintCopy.measureText(text.subSequence(start, --end + 1).toString());
                    setText(text.subSequence(0, end) + mEllipsis);

        // Some devices try to auto adjust line spacing, so force default line spacing
        // and invalidate the layout as a side effect
        setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, targetTextSize);
        setLineSpacing(mSpacingAdd, mSpacingMult);

        // Notify the listener if registered
        if(mTextResizeListener != null) {
            mTextResizeListener.onTextResize(this, oldTextSize, targetTextSize);

        // Reset force resize flag
        mNeedsResize = false;

    // Set the text size of the text paint object and use a static layout to render text off screen before measuring
    private int getTextHeight(CharSequence source, TextPaint originalPaint, int width, float textSize) {
        // modified: make a copy of the original TextPaint object for measuring
        // (apparently the object gets modified while measuring, see also the
        // docs for TextView.getPaint() (which states to access it read-only)
        TextPaint paint = new TextPaint(originalPaint);
        // Update the text paint object
        // Measure using a static layout
        StaticLayout layout = new StaticLayout(source, paint, width, Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd, true);
        return layout.getHeight();


How to add an image to an svg container using D3.js

My team also wanted to add images inside d3-drawn circles, and came up with the following (fiddle):


<!doctype html>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="timeline.css">
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""
  <script src="./timeline.js"></script>
    <div class="timeline"></div>


.axis path,
.axis line,
.tick line,
.line {
  fill: none;
  stroke: #000000;
  stroke-width: 1px;


// container target
var elem = ".timeline";

var props = {
  width: 1000,
  height: 600,
  class: "timeline-point",

  // margins
  marginTop: 100,
  marginRight: 40,
  marginBottom: 100,
  marginLeft: 60,

  // data inputs
  data: [
      x: 10,
      y: 20,
      key: "a",
      image: "",
      id: "a"
      x: 20,
      y: 10,
      key: "a",
      image: "",
      id: "b"
      x: 60,
      y: 30,
      key: "a",
      image: "",
      id: "c"
      x: 40,
      y: 30,
      key: "a",
      image: "",
      id: "d"
      x: 50,
      y: 70,
      key: "a",
      image: "",
      id: "e"
      x: 30,
      y: 50,
      key: "a",
      image: "",
      id: "f"
      x: 50,
      y: 60,
      key: "a",
      image: "",
      id: "g"

  // y label
  yLabel: "Y label",
  yLabelLength: 50,

  // axis ticks
  xTicks: 10,
  yTicks: 10


// component start
var Timeline = {};

* Create the svg canvas on which the chart will be rendered

Timeline.create = function(elem, props) {

  // build the chart foundation
  var svg ='svg')
      .attr('width', props.width)
      .attr('height', props.height);

  var g = svg.append('g')
      .attr('class', 'point-container')
              "translate(" + props.marginLeft + "," + props.marginTop + ")");

  var g = svg.append('g')
      .attr('class', 'line-container')
              "translate(" + props.marginLeft + "," + props.marginTop + ")");

  var xAxis = g.append('g')
    .attr("class", "x axis")
    .attr("transform", "translate(0," + (props.height - props.marginTop - props.marginBottom) + ")");

  var yAxis = g.append('g')
    .attr("class", "y axis");

    .attr("class", "y label")
    .attr("text-anchor", "end")
    .attr("y", 1)
    .attr("x", 0 - ((props.height - props.yLabelLength)/2) )
    .attr("dy", ".75em")
    .attr("transform", "rotate(-90)")

  // add placeholders for the axes
  this.update(elem, props);

* Update the svg scales and lines given new data

Timeline.update = function(elem, props) {
  var self = this;
  var domain = self.getDomain(props);
  var scales = self.scales(elem, props, domain);

  self.drawPoints(elem, props, scales);

* Use the range of values in the x,y attributes
* of the incoming data to identify the plot domain

Timeline.getDomain = function(props) {
  var domain = {};
  domain.x = props.xDomain || d3.extent(, function(d) { return d.x; });
  domain.y = props.yDomain || d3.extent(, function(d) { return d.y; });
  return domain;

* Compute the chart scales

Timeline.scales = function(elem, props, domain) {

  if (!domain) {
    return null;

  var width = props.width - props.marginRight - props.marginLeft;
  var height = props.height - props.marginTop - props.marginBottom;

  var x = d3.scale.linear()
    .range([0, width])

  var y = d3.scale.linear()
    .range([height, 0])

  return {x: x, y: y};

* Create the chart axes

Timeline.axes = function(props, scales) {

  var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()

  var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()

  return {
    xAxis: xAxis,
    yAxis: yAxis

* Use the general update pattern to draw the points

Timeline.drawPoints = function(elem, props, scales, prevScales, dispatcher) {
  var g ='.point-container');
  var color = d3.scale.category10();

  // add images
  var image = g.selectAll('.image')

    .attr("id", function(d) {return})
    .attr("class", "svg-image")
    .attr("x", "0")
    .attr("y", "0")
    .attr("height", "70px")
    .attr("width", "70px")
      .attr("x", "0")
      .attr("y", "0")
      .attr("height", "70px")
      .attr("width", "70px")
      .attr("xlink:href", function(d) {return d.image})

  var point = g.selectAll('.point')

  // enter
      .attr("class", "point")
      .on('mouseover', function(d) {".point").classed("active", false);"active", true);
        if (props.onMouseover) {
      .on('mouseout', function(d) {
        if (props.onMouseout) {

  // enter and update
    .attr("cx", function(d) {
      return scales.x(d.x); 
    .attr("cy", function(d) { 
      return scales.y(d.y); 
    .attr("r", 30)
    .style("stroke", function(d) {
      if (props.pointStroke) {
        return d.color = props.pointStroke;
      } else {
        return d.color = color(d.key);
    .style("fill", function(d) {
      if (d.image) {
        return ("url(#" + + ")");

      if (props.pointFill) {
        return d.color = props.pointFill;
      } else {
        return d.color = color(d.key);

  // exit

  // update the axes
  var axes = this.axes(props, scales);'g.x.axis')

$(document).ready(function() {
  Timeline.create(elem, props);

How do I find which transaction is causing a "Waiting for table metadata lock" state?

If you cannot find the process locking the table (cause it is alreay dead), it may be a thread still cleaning up like this

section TRANSACTION of

show engine innodb status;

at the end

---TRANSACTION 1135701157, ACTIVE 6768 sec
MySQL thread id 5208136, OS thread handle 0x7f2982e91700, query id 882213399 xxxIPxxx my_user cleaning up

as mentionned in a comment in Clear transaction deadlock?

you can try killing the transaction thread directly, here with

 KILL 5208136;

worked for me.

How to import an Excel file into SQL Server?

You can also use OPENROWSET to import excel file in sql server.

                        'Excel 12.0;Database=C:\temp\MySpreadsheet.xlsx',
                        'SELECT * FROM [Data$]')

Rename multiple files in a folder, add a prefix (Windows)

The problem with the two Powershell answers here is that the prefix can end up being duplicated since the script will potentially run over the file both before and after it has been renamed, depending on the directory being resorted as the renaming process runs. To get around this, simply use the -Exclude option:

Get-ChildItem -Exclude "house chores-*" | rename-item -NewName { "house chores-" + $_.Name }

This will prevent the process from renaming any one file more than once.

Python: Ignore 'Incorrect padding' error when base64 decoding

In my case I faced this error, after deleting the venv for the perticular project and it showing error for each fields so I tried by changing the BROWSER(Chrome to Edge), And actually it worked..

check if array is empty (vba excel)

this worked for me:

Private Function arrIsEmpty(arr as variant)
    On Error Resume Next
    arrIsEmpty = False
    arrIsEmpty = IsNumeric(UBound(arr))
End Function

Django auto_now and auto_now_add

I think the easiest (and maybe most elegant) solution here is to leverage the fact that you can set default to a callable. So, to get around admin's special handling of auto_now, you can just declare the field like so:

from django.utils import timezone
date_field = models.DateField(

It's important that you don't use as the default value wouldn't update (i.e., default gets set only when the code is loaded). If you find yourself doing this a lot, you could create a custom field. However, this is pretty DRY already I think.

Where is the .NET Framework 4.5 directory?

EDIT: This answer was correct until mid-2013, but you may have a more recent version since the big msbuild change. See the answer from Jonny Leeds for more details.

The version under C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 actually is .NET 4.5. It's a little odd, but certainly mscorlib there contains AsyncTaskMethodBuilder etc which are used for async.

.NET 4.5 effectively overwrites .NET 4.

.htaccess, order allow, deny, deny from all: confused?

This is a quite confusing way of using Apache configuration directives.

Technically, the first bit is equivalent to

Allow From All

This is because Order Deny,Allow makes the Deny directive evaluated before the Allow Directives. In this case, Deny and Allow conflict with each other, but Allow, being the last evaluated will match any user, and access will be granted.

Now, just to make things clear, this kind of configuration is BAD and should be avoided at all cost, because it borders undefined behaviour.

The Limit sections define which HTTP methods have access to the directory containing the .htaccess file.

Here, GET and POST methods are allowed access, and PUT and DELETE methods are denied access. Here's a link explaining what the various HTTP methods are:

However, it's more than often useless to use these limitations as long as you don't have custom CGI scripts or Apache modules that directly handle the non-standard methods (PUT and DELETE), since by default, Apache does not handle them at all.

It must also be noted that a few other methods exist that can also be handled by Limit, namely CONNECT, OPTIONS, PATCH, PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, MKCOL, COPY, MOVE, LOCK, and UNLOCK.

The last bit is also most certainly useless, since any correctly configured Apache installation contains the following piece of configuration (for Apache 2.2 and earlier):

# The following lines prevent .htaccess and .htpasswd files from being 
# viewed by Web clients. 
<Files ~ "^\.ht">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
    Satisfy all

which forbids access to any file beginning by ".ht".

The equivalent Apache 2.4 configuration should look like:

<Files ~ "^\.ht">
    Require all denied

Gson: Directly convert String to JsonObject (no POJO)

JsonObject complaint = new JsonObject();
complaint.addProperty("key", "value");

Android 8: Cleartext HTTP traffic not permitted

If you are using ionic and getting this error during native http plugin, following fix needs to be done-

goto resources/android/xml/network_security_config.xml Change it to-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
        <domain includeSubdomains="true">localhost</domain>
        <domain includeSubdomains="true"> be adjusted)</domain>

That worked for me!

How can I use the MS JDBC driver with MS SQL Server 2008 Express?

  1. Download the latest JDBC Driver (i.e. sqljdbc4.0) from Microsoft's web site
  2. Write the program as follows:

    import java.sql.*;
    class testmssql
        public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
            Connection      con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;
                    databaseName=chapter16","sa","123");//repalce your databse name and user name
                Statement st=con.createStatement();
            ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("Select * from login");//replace your table name
                String s1=rs.getString(1);
                String s2=rs.getString(2);
  3. Compile the program and set the jar classpath viz: set classpath=C:\jdbc\sqljdbc4.jar;.; If you have saved your jar file in C:\jdbc after downloading and extracting.

  4. Run the program and make sure your TCP/IP service is enabled. If not enabled, then follow these steps:
    1. Go to Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server 2008 -> Configuration tools -> SQL Server Configuration Manager
    2. Expand Sql Server Network Configuration: choose your MS SQL Server Instance viz. MSQSLSERVER and enable TCP/IP.
    3. Restart your MS SQL Server Instance. This can be done also from the right click menu of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio at the root level of your MS SQL server instance

What is the iBeacon Bluetooth Profile

It seems to based on advertisement data, particularly the manufacturer data:

4C00 02 15 585CDE931B0142CC9A1325009BEDC65E 0000 0000 C5

<company identifier (2 bytes)> <type (1 byte)> <data length (1 byte)>
    <uuid (16 bytes)> <major (2 bytes)> <minor (2 bytes)> <RSSI @ 1m>
  • Apple Company Identifier (Little Endian), 0x004c
  • data type, 0x02 => iBeacon
  • data length, 0x15 = 21
  • uuid: 585CDE931B0142CC9A1325009BEDC65E
  • major: 0000
  • minor: 0000
  • meaured power at 1 meter: 0xc5 = -59

I have this node.js script working on Linux with the sample AirLocate app example.

How to autosize a textarea using Prototype?

Just revisiting this, I've made it a little bit tidier (though someone who is full bottle on Prototype/JavaScript could suggest improvements?).

var TextAreaResize = Class.create();
TextAreaResize.prototype = {
  initialize: function(element, options) {
    element = $(element);
    this.element = element;

    this.options = Object.extend(
      options || {});

    Event.observe(this.element, 'keyup',

  onKeyUp: function() {
    // We need this variable because "this" changes in the scope of the
    // function below.
    var cols = this.element.cols;

    var linecount = 0;
    $A(this.element.value.split("\n")).each(function(l) {
      // We take long lines into account via the cols divide.
      linecount += 1 + Math.floor(l.length / cols);

    this.element.rows = linecount;

Just it call with:

new TextAreaResize('textarea_id_name_here');

Create new project on Android, Error: Studio Unknown host ''

I tried above answers and they didn't help in my case.

I solved it with this link help:

step 1) file>Setttings>appearance and behaviour> system setttings>HTTP proxy> set No Proxy

step 2) build,execution and deployment> Build tools > gradle> now under project level settings > select local gradle distribution> gradle home = F:/Program Files/Android/Android Studio/gradle/gradle-2.4

After that, I did these changes(because it still wrote me some other errors)

Android Studio asked me:

  1. Android Studio asked me to update my Gradle version (which he didn't before)

  2. Enable - Tools> Android> Enable ADB integration.

Also, if your working in a team with repositories, it's important to check that the version of the Andorid Studio is the same.

How to sort 2 dimensional array by column value?

If you want to sort based on first column (which contains number value), then try this:

  return a[0]-b[0]

If you want to sort based on second column (which contains string value), then try this:

  return a[1].charCodeAt(0)-b[1].charCodeAt(0)

P.S. for the second case, you need to compare between their ASCII values.

Hope this helps.

How do I simulate a low bandwidth, high latency environment?

To simulate a low bandwidth connection for testing web sites use Google Chrome, you can go to the Network Tab in F12 Tools and select a bandwidth level to simulate or create custom bandwidth to simulate.

Oracle: SQL select date with timestamp

Answer provided by Nicholas Krasnov


Force SSL/https using .htaccess and mod_rewrite

I found a mod_rewrite solution that works well for both proxied and unproxied servers.

If you are using CloudFlare, AWS Elastic Load Balancing, Heroku, OpenShift or any other Cloud/PaaS solution and you are experiencing redirect loops with normal HTTPS redirects, try the following snippet instead.

RewriteEngine On

# If we receive a forwarded http request from a proxy...
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} =http [OR]

# ...or just a plain old http request directly from the client
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} =""
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on

# Redirect to https version
RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

How to Use Multiple Columns in Partition By And Ensure No Duplicate Row is Returned

I'd create a cte and do an inner join. It's not efficient but it's convenient

with table as (

select *

from table t
join select(
max(Row_Num) as Row_Num
from table 
group by date, status, title) t2  
on t2.Row_Num = t.Row_Num and t2
and =
and t2.title = t.title

Method to Add new or update existing item in Dictionary

There's no problem. I would even remove the CreateNewOrUpdateExisting from the source and use map[key] = value directly in your code, because this this is much more readable, because developers would usually know what map[key] = value means.

1064 error in CREATE TABLE ... TYPE=MYISAM

A complementary note about CREATE TABLE .. TYPE="" syntax in SQL dump files

TLDR: If you still get CREATE TABLE ... TYPE="..." statements in SQL dump files generated by third party tools, it most certainly indicates that your server is configured to use a default sqlmode of MYSQL40 or MYSQL323.

Long story

As it was said by others, the TYPE argument to CREATE TABLE has been deprecated for a long time in MySQL. mysqldump correctly uses the ENGINE argument, unless you specifically ask it to generate a backward compatible dump (for example using --compatible=mysql40 in versions of mysqldump up to 5.7).

However, many external SQL dump tools (for example, those integrated in MySQL clients such as phpmyadmin, Navicat and DBVisualizer, as well as those used by external automated backup services such as iControlWP) are not specifically aware of this change, and instead rely on the SHOW CREATE TABLE ... command to provide table creation statements for each tables (and just to it make it clear: this is actually a good thing). However, the SHOW CREATE TABLE will actually produce outdated syntax, including the TYPE argument, if the sqlmode variable is set to MYSQL40 or MYSQL323.

Therefore, if you still get CREATE TABLE ... TYPE="..." statements in SQL dump files generated by third party tools, it most certainly indicates that your server is configured to use a default sqlmode of MYSQL40 or MYSQL323.

These sqlmodes basically configure MySQL to retain some backward compatible behaviours, and using them by default was largely recommended a few years ago. It is however highly improbable that you still have any code that wouldn't work correctly without these modes. Anyway, MYSQL40, MYSQL323 and several other similar sqlmodes have themselves been deprecated and are not supported in MySQL 8.0 and higher.

If your server is still configured with these sqlmodes and you are worried that some legacy program might fail if you change these, then one possibility is to set the sqlmode locally for that program, by executing SET SESSION sql_mode = 'MYSQL40'; immediately after connection. Note that this should only be considered as a temporary patch, and will not work in MySQL 8.0 and higher.

A more future-proof solution that do not involve rewriting your SQL queries would be to determine exactly which compatibility features need to be enable, and to enable only those, on a per-program basis (as described previously). The default sqlmode (that is, in server's configuration) should ideally be left unset (which will use official MySQL defaults for your current version). The full list of sqlmode (as of MySQL 5.7) is described here:

Find first and last day for previous calendar month in SQL Server Reporting Services (VB.Net)

Dim thisMonth As New DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, 1)
Dim firstDayLastMonth As DateTime
Dim lastDayLastMonth As DateTime

firstDayLastMonth = thisMonth.AddMonths(-1)
lastDayLastMonth = thisMonth.AddDays(-1)

How can I use Google's Roboto font on a website?

With css:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Roboto';
  src: url('../font/Roboto-Regular.ttf') format('truetype');
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;

/* etc, etc. */

With sass:

    font-family: 'Roboto'
    src: local('Roboto'), local('Roboto-Regular'), url('../fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf') format('truetype')
    font-weight: normal
    font-style: normal

    font-family: 'Roboto'
    src: local('Roboto Bold'), local('Roboto-Bold'), url('../fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf') format('truetype')
    font-weight: bold
    font-style: normal

    font-family: 'Roboto'
    src: local('Roboto Italic'), local('Roboto-Italic'), url('../fonts/Roboto-Italic.ttf') format('truetype')
    font-weight: normal
    font-style: italic

    font-family: 'Roboto'
    src: local('Roboto BoldItalic'), local('Roboto-BoldItalic'), url('../fonts/Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf') format('truetype')
    font-weight: bold
    font-style: italic

    font-family: 'Roboto'
    src: local('Roboto Light'), local('Roboto-Light'), url('../fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf') format('truetype')
    font-weight: 300
    font-style: normal

    font-family: 'Roboto'
    src: local('Roboto LightItalic'), local('Roboto-LightItalic'), url('../fonts/Roboto-LightItalic.ttf') format('truetype')
    font-weight: 300
    font-style: italic

    font-family: 'Roboto'
    src: local('Roboto Medium'), local('Roboto-Medium'), url('../fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf') format('truetype')
    font-weight: 500
    font-style: normal

    font-family: 'Roboto'
    src: local('Roboto MediumItalic'), local('Roboto-MediumItalic'), url('../fonts/Roboto-MediumItalic.ttf') format('truetype')
    font-weight: 500
    font-style: italic

/* Roboto-Regular.ttf       400 */
/* Roboto-Bold.ttf          700 */
/* Roboto-Italic.ttf        400 */
/* Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf    700 */
/* Roboto-Medium.ttf        500 */
/* Roboto-MediumItalic.ttf  500 */
/* Roboto-Light.ttf         300 */
/* Roboto-LightItalic.ttf   300 */

/* */

REST API error return good practices

A great resource to pick the correct HTTP error code for your API:

An excerpt from the article:

Where to start:

enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here

Casting to string in JavaScript

if you are ok with null, undefined, NaN, 0, and false all casting to '' then (s ? s+'' : '') is faster.


note - there are significant differences across browsers at this time.

Generate .pem file used to set up Apple Push Notifications

According to Troubleshooting Push Certificate Problems

The SSL certificate available in your Apple Developer Program account contains a public key but not a private key. The private key exists only on the Mac that created the Certificate Signing Request uploaded to Apple. Both the public and private keys are necessary to export the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) file.

Chances are the reason you can't export a working PEM from the certificate provided by the client is that you do not have the private key. The certificate contains the public key, while the private key probably only exists on the Mac that created the original CSR.

You can either:

  1. Try to get the private key from the Mac that originally created the CSR. Exporting the PEM can be done from that Mac or you can copy the private key to another Mac.


  1. Create a new CSR, new SSL certificate, and this time back up the private key.

How to clear jQuery validation error messages?

If you want to do it without using a separate variable then


Terminating idle mysql connections

Manual cleanup:

You can KILL the processid.

mysql> show full processlist;
| Id      | User       | Host              | db   | Command | Time  | State | Info                  |
| 1193777 | TestUser12 | | www  | Sleep   | 25946 |       | NULL                  |

mysql> kill 1193777;


  • the php application might report errors (or the webserver, check the error logs)
  • don't fix what is not broken - if you're not short on connections, just leave them be.

Automatic cleaner service ;)

Or you configure your mysql-server by setting a shorter timeout on wait_timeout and interactive_timeout

mysql> show variables like "%timeout%";
| Variable_name            | Value |
| connect_timeout          | 5     |
| delayed_insert_timeout   | 300   |
| innodb_lock_wait_timeout | 50    |
| interactive_timeout      | 28800 |
| net_read_timeout         | 30    |
| net_write_timeout        | 60    |
| slave_net_timeout        | 3600  |
| table_lock_wait_timeout  | 50    |
| wait_timeout             | 28800 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Set with:

set global wait_timeout=3;
set global interactive_timeout=3;

(and also set in your configuration file, for when your server restarts)

But you're treating the symptoms instead of the underlying cause - why are the connections open? If the PHP script finished, shouldn't they close? Make sure your webserver is not using connection pooling...

Best way to style a TextBox in CSS

You Also wanna put some text (placeholder) in the empty input box for the

.myClass {_x000D_
   ::-webkit-input-placeholder {_x000D_
    color: #f00;_x000D_
   ::-moz-placeholder {_x000D_
    color: #f00;_x000D_
  /* firefox 19+ */_x000D_
   :-ms-input-placeholder {_x000D_
    color: #f00;_x000D_
  /* ie */_x000D_
  input:-moz-placeholder {_x000D_
    color: #f00;_x000D_
<input type="text" class="myClass" id="fname" placeholder="Enter First Name Here!">

user to understand what to type.

How to delete a record by id in Flask-SQLAlchemy

Another possible solution specially if you want batch delete

deleted_objects = User.__table__.delete().where([1, 2, 3]))

jQuery datepicker, onSelect won't work

It should be "datepicker", not "datePicker" if you are using the jQuery UI DatePicker plugin. Perhaps, you have a different but similar plugin that doesn't support the select handler.

Regex: matching up to the first occurrence of a character

"/^([^\/]*)\/$/" worked for me, to get only top "folders" from an array like:

a/   <- this
c/   <- this
f/   <- this

Summing elements in a list

You can use map function and pythons inbuilt sum() function. It simplifies the solution. And reduces the complexity.

Differences between action and actionListener


The ActionListeners (there can be multiple) execute in the order they were registered BEFORE the action

Long Answer:

A business action typically invokes an EJB service and if necessary also sets the final result and/or navigates to a different view if that is not what you are doing an actionListener is more appropriate i.e. for when the user interacts with the components, such as h:commandButton or h:link they can be handled by passing the name of the managed bean method in actionListener attribute of a UI Component or to implement an ActionListener interface and pass the implementation class name to actionListener attribute of a UI Component.

How do I make a PHP form that submits to self?

That will only work if register_globals is on, and it should never be on (unless of course you are defining that variable somewhere else).

Try setting the form's action attribute to ?...

<form method="post" action="?">

You can also set it to be blank (""), but older WebKit versions had a bug.

ASP.NET MVC get textbox input value

you can do it so simple:

First: For Example in Models you have User.cs with this implementation

public class User
   public string username { get; set; }
   public string age { get; set; }

We are passing the empty model to user – This model would be filled with user’s data when he submits the form like this

public ActionResult Add()
  var model = new User();
  return View(model);

When you return the View by empty User as model, it maps with the structure of the form that you implemented. We have this on HTML side:

@model MyApp.Models.Student
@using (Html.BeginForm()) 

    <div class="form-horizontal">
        <hr />
        @Html.ValidationSummary(true, "", new { @class = "text-danger" })
        <div class="form-group">
            @Html.LabelFor(model => model.username, htmlAttributes: new { 
                           @class = "control-label col-md-2" })
            <div class="col-md-10">
                 @Html.EditorFor(model => model.username, new { 
                                 htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-
                                 control" } })
                 @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.userame, "", 
                                            new { @class = "text-danger" })

        <div class="form-group">
            @Html.LabelFor(model => model.age, htmlAttributes: new { @class 
                           = "control-label col-md-2" })
            <div class="col-md-10">
                @Html.EditorFor(model => model.age, new { htmlAttributes = 
                                new { @class = "form-control" } })
                @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.age, "", new { 
                                           @class = "text-danger" })
        <div class="form-group">
            <div class="col-md-offset-2 col-md-10">
                <input type="submit" value="Create" class="btn btn-default" 

So on button submit you will use it like this

public ActionResult Add(User user)
   // now user.username has the value that user entered on form

Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) after new installation on Ubuntu

from superuser accepted answer:

sudo mysql -u root
use mysql;
update user set plugin='' where User='root';
flush privileges;

Call Activity method from adapter

For Kotlin:

In your adapter, simply call

(context as Your_Activity_Name).yourMethod()

get UTC timestamp in python with datetime

The accepted answer seems not work for me. My solution:

import time
utc_0 = int(time.mktime(datetime(1970, 01, 01).timetuple()))
def datetime2ts(dt):
    """Converts a datetime object to UTC timestamp"""
    return int(time.mktime(dt.utctimetuple())) - utc_0

How to validate a credit card number

These are my two cents.

Note #1: this is not a perfect validation method, but it is OK for my needs.
Note #2: IIN ranges can be changed (and will be), so it is a good idea to check this link to be sure that we are up to date.

function validateCCNum(ccnum)
    var ccCheckRegExp = /[^\d\s-]/;
    var isValid = !ccCheckRegExp.test(ccnum);
    var i;

    if (isValid) {
        var cardNumbersOnly = ccnum.replace(/[\s-]/g,"");
        var cardNumberLength = cardNumbersOnly.length;

        var arrCheckTypes = ['visa', 'mastercard', 'amex', 'discover', 'dinners', 'jcb'];
        for(i=0; i<arrCheckTypes.length; i++) {
            var lengthIsValid = false;
            var prefixIsValid = false;
            var prefixRegExp;

            switch (arrCheckTypes[i]) {
                case "mastercard":
                    lengthIsValid = (cardNumberLength === 16);
                    prefixRegExp = /5[1-5][0-9]|(2(?:2[2-9][^0]|2[3-9]|[3-6]|22[1-9]|7[0-1]|72[0]))\d*/;

                case "visa":
                    lengthIsValid = (cardNumberLength === 16 || cardNumberLength === 13);
                    prefixRegExp = /^4/;

                case "amex":
                    lengthIsValid = (cardNumberLength === 15);
                    prefixRegExp = /^3([47])/;

                case "discover":
                    lengthIsValid = (cardNumberLength === 15 || cardNumberLength === 16);
                    prefixRegExp = /^(6011|5)/;

                case "dinners":
                    lengthIsValid = (cardNumberLength === 14);
                    prefixRegExp = /^(300|301|302|303|304|305|36|38)/;

                case "jcb":
                    lengthIsValid = (cardNumberLength === 15 || cardNumberLength === 16);
                    prefixRegExp = /^(2131|1800|35)/;

                    prefixRegExp = /^$/;

            prefixIsValid = prefixRegExp.test(cardNumbersOnly);
            isValid = prefixIsValid && lengthIsValid;

            // Check if we found a correct one
            if(isValid) {

    if (!isValid) {
        return false;

    // Remove all dashes for the checksum checks to eliminate negative numbers
    ccnum = ccnum.replace(/[\s-]/g,"");
    // Checksum ("Mod 10")
    // Add even digits in even length strings or odd digits in odd length strings.
    var checksum = 0;
    for (i = (2 - (ccnum.length % 2)); i <= ccnum.length; i += 2) {
        checksum += parseInt(ccnum.charAt(i - 1));

    // Analyze odd digits in even length strings or even digits in odd length strings.
    for (i = (ccnum.length % 2) + 1; i < ccnum.length; i += 2) {
        var digit = parseInt(ccnum.charAt(i - 1)) * 2;
        if (digit < 10) {
            checksum += digit;
        } else {
            checksum += (digit - 9);

    return (checksum % 10) === 0;

Thanks to @Peter Mortensen for the comment :)

MySQL SELECT x FROM a WHERE NOT IN ( SELECT x FROM b ) - Unexpected result

From documentation:

To comply with the SQL standard, IN returns NULL not only if the expression on the left hand side is NULL, but also if no match is found in the list and one of the expressions in the list is NULL.

This is exactly your case.

Both IN and NOT IN return NULL which is not an acceptable condition for WHERE clause.

Rewrite your query as follows:

FROM    match m
        SELECT  1
        FROM    email e
        WHERE =

Show how many characters remaining in a HTML text box using JavaScript

Dynamic HTML element functionThe code in here with a little bit of modification and simplification:

<input disabled  maxlength="3" size="3" value="10" id="counter">
<textarea onkeyup="textCounter(this,'counter',10);" id="message">
function textCounter(field,field2,maxlimit)
 var countfield = document.getElementById(field2);
 if ( field.value.length > maxlimit ) {
  field.value = field.value.substring( 0, maxlimit );
  return false;
 } else {
  countfield.value = maxlimit - field.value.length;

Hope this helps!


When merging the codes with your page, make sure the HTML elements(textarea, input) are loaded first before the scripts (Javascript functions)

Parse JSON from HttpURLConnection object

The JSON string will just be the body of the response you get back from the URL you have called. So add this code

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
String inputLine;
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) 

That will allow you to see the JSON being returned to the console. The only missing piece you then have is using a JSON library to read that data and provide you with a Java representation.

Here's an example using JSON-LIB

Pad a number with leading zeros in JavaScript

Not a lot of "slick" going on so far:

function pad(n, width, z) {
  z = z || '0';
  n = n + '';
  return n.length >= width ? n : new Array(width - n.length + 1).join(z) + n;

When you initialize an array with a number, it creates an array with the length set to that value so that the array appears to contain that many undefined elements. Though some Array instance methods skip array elements without values, .join() doesn't, or at least not completely; it treats them as if their value is the empty string. Thus you get a copy of the zero character (or whatever "z" is) between each of the array elements; that's why there's a + 1 in there.

Example usage:

pad(10, 4);      // 0010
pad(9, 4);       // 0009
pad(123, 4);     // 0123

pad(10, 4, '-'); // --10

Vue component event after render

updated might be what you're looking for.

jQuery detect if textarea is empty

if (!$.trim($("element").val())) {


'JSON' is undefined error in JavaScript in Internet Explorer

I had this error 2 times. Each time it was solved by changing the ajax type. Either GET to POST or POST to GET.

        type:'GET', // or 'POST'
        url: "file.cfm?action=get_table&varb=" + varb

Remove Unnamed columns in pandas dataframe

The approved solution doesn't work in my case, so my solution is the following one:

    ''' The column name in the example case is "Unnamed: 7"
 but it works with any other name ("Unnamed: 0" for example). '''

        df.rename({"Unnamed: 7":"a"}, axis="columns", inplace=True)

        # Then, drop the column as usual.

        df.drop(["a"], axis=1, inplace=True)

Hope it helps others.

Get selected row item in DataGrid WPF

use your Model class to get row values selected from datagrid like,

        XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(filepath);

        if (tablet_DG.SelectedValue == null)
            MessageBox.Show("select any record from list..!", "select atleast one record", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                string tabletID = "";

                 /*here i have used my model class named as TabletMode*/

                var row_list = (TabletModel)tablet_DG.SelectedItem; 
                 tabletID= row_list.TabletID;

                var items = from item in xmlDoc.Descendants("Tablet")
                            where item.Element("TabletID").Value == tabletID
                            select item;

                foreach (var item in items)

                MessageBox.Show("Details Updated..!"
                + Environment.NewLine + "TabletId: " +row_list.TabletID + Environment.NewLine
                + "Instance:" + row_list.Instance + Environment.NewLine + "Database:" + row_list.Database, "", MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxImage.Information);

            catch (Exception ex)

How to detect shake event with android?

This is for Kotlin and use SensorEventListener

Create new class ShakeDetector

class ShakeDetector : SensorEventListener {
    private var mListener: OnShakeListener? = null
    private var mShakeTimestamp: Long = 0
    private var mShakeCount = 0
    fun setOnShakeListener(listener: OnShakeListener?) {
        mListener = listener

    interface OnShakeListener {
        fun onShake(count: Int)

    override fun onAccuracyChanged(
        sensor: Sensor,
        accuracy: Int
    ) { // ignore

    override fun onSensorChanged(event: SensorEvent) {
        if (mListener != null) {
            val x = event.values[0]
            val y = event.values[1]
            val z = event.values[2]
            val gX = x / SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH
            val gY = y / SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH
            val gZ = z / SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH
            // gForce will be close to 1 when there is no movement.
            val gForce: Float = sqrt(gX * gX + gY * gY + gZ * gZ)
            if (gForce > SHAKE_THRESHOLD_GRAVITY) {
                val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
                // ignore shake events too close to each other (500ms)
                if (mShakeTimestamp + SHAKE_SLOP_TIME_MS > now) {
                // reset the shake count after 3 seconds of no shakes
                if (mShakeTimestamp + SHAKE_COUNT_RESET_TIME_MS < now) {
                    mShakeCount = 0
                mShakeTimestamp = now

    companion object {
     * The gForce that is necessary to register as shake.
     * Must be greater than 1G (one earth gravity unit).
     * You can install "G-Force", by Blake La Pierre
     * from the Google Play Store and run it to see how
     *  many G's it takes to register a shake
        private const val SHAKE_THRESHOLD_GRAVITY = 2.7f
        private const val SHAKE_SLOP_TIME_MS = 500
        private const val SHAKE_COUNT_RESET_TIME_MS = 3000

Your main Activity

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    // The following are used for the shake detection
    private var mSensorManager: SensorManager? = null
    private var mAccelerometer: Sensor? = null
    private var mShakeDetector: ShakeDetector? = null

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    override fun onResume() {
        // Add the following line to register the Session Manager Listener onResume

    override fun onPause() { // Add the following line to unregister the Sensor Manager onPause

    private fun initSensor() {
        // ShakeDetector initialization
        // ShakeDetector initialization
        mSensorManager = getSystemService(SENSOR_SERVICE) as SensorManager
        mAccelerometer = mSensorManager!!.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)
        mShakeDetector = ShakeDetector()
        mShakeDetector!!.setOnShakeListener(object : OnShakeListener {
            override fun onShake(count: Int) { /*
                 * The following method, "handleShakeEvent(count):" is a stub //
                 * method you would use to setup whatever you want done once the
                 * device has been shook.
                Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, count.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Finally add this code to Manifests to make sure the phone has an accelerometer

<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.sensor.accelerometer" android:required="true" />

NodeJs : TypeError: require(...) is not a function

Remember to export your routes.js.

In routes.js, write your routes and all your code in this function module:

exports = function(app, passport) {

/* write here your code */ 


Correct way to find max in an Array in Swift

Updated for Swift 3/4:

Use below simple lines of code to find the max from array;

var num = [11, 2, 7, 5, 21]
var result = num.sorted(){
    $0 > $1
print("max from result: \(result[0])") // 21

How to show row number in Access query like ROW_NUMBER in SQL

by VB function:

Dim m_RowNr(3) as Variant
Function RowNr(ByVal strQName As String, ByVal vUniqValue) As Long
' m_RowNr(3)
' 0 - Nr
' 1 - Query Name
' 2 - last date_time
' 3 - UniqValue

If Not m_RowNr(1) = strQName Then
  m_RowNr(0) = 1
  m_RowNr(1) = strQName
ElseIf DateDiff("s", m_RowNr(2), Now) > 9 Then
  m_RowNr(0) = 1
ElseIf Not m_RowNr(3) = vUniqValue Then
  m_RowNr(0) = m_RowNr(0) + 1
End If

m_RowNr(2) = Now
m_RowNr(3) = vUniqValue
RowNr = m_RowNr(0)

End Function

Usage(without sorting option):

SELECT RowNr('title_of_query_or_any_unique_text', as Nr,A.*
From table A
Order By

if sorting required or multiple tables join then create intermediate table:

 SELECT RowNr('title_of_query_or_any_unique_text', as Nr,A.*
 INTO table_with_Nr
 From table A
 Order By


If you really want to insert this record, remove the `abuse_id` field and the corresponding value from the INSERTstatement :

INSERT INTO  `abuses` (  `user_id` ,  `abuser_username` ,  `comment` ,  `reg_date` , `auction_id` ) 
VALUES ( 100020,  'artictundra', 'I placed a bid for it more than an hour ago. It is still active. I thought I was supposed to get an email after 15 minutes.', 1338052850, 108625 ) ;

How do I find an element that contains specific text in Selenium WebDriver (Python)?

You could try an XPath expression like:

'//div[contains(text(), "{0}") and @class="inner"]'.format(text)

html table cell width for different rows

One solution would be to divide your table into 20 columns of 5% width each, then use colspan on each real column to get the desired width, like this:

<body bgcolor="#14B3D9">_x000D_
<table width="100%" border="1" bgcolor="#ffffff">_x000D_
        <col width="5%"><col width="5%">_x000D_
        <col width="5%"><col width="5%">_x000D_
        <col width="5%"><col width="5%">_x000D_
        <col width="5%"><col width="5%">_x000D_
        <col width="5%"><col width="5%">_x000D_
        <col width="5%"><col width="5%">_x000D_
        <col width="5%"><col width="5%">_x000D_
        <col width="5%"><col width="5%">_x000D_
        <col width="5%"><col width="5%">_x000D_
        <col width="5%"><col width="5%">_x000D_
        <td colspan=5>25</td>_x000D_
        <td colspan=10>50</td>_x000D_
        <td colspan=5>25</td>_x000D_
        <td colspan=10>50</td>_x000D_
        <td colspan=6>30</td>_x000D_
        <td colspan=4>20</td>_x000D_


MongoDB: How to find out if an array field contains an element?

[edit based on this now being possible in recent versions]

[Updated Answer] You can query the following way to get back the name of class and the student id only if they are already enrolled.

 {_id:0, name:1, students:{$elemMatch:{$eq:ObjectId("51780f796ec4051a536015cf")}}})

and you will get back what you expected:

{ "name" : "CS 101", "students" : [ ObjectId("51780f796ec4051a536015cf") ] }
{ "name" : "Literature" }
{ "name" : "Physics", "students" : [ ObjectId("51780f796ec4051a536015cf") ] }

[Original Answer] It's not possible to do what you want to do currently. This is unfortunate because you would be able to do this if the student was stored in the array as an object. In fact, I'm a little surprised you are using just ObjectId() as that will always require you to look up the students if you want to display a list of students enrolled in a particular course (look up list of Id's first then look up names in the students collection - two queries instead of one!)

If you were storing (as an example) an Id and name in the course array like this:

        "_id" : ObjectId("51780fb5c9c41825e3e21fc6"),
        "name" : "Physics",
        "students" : [
                {id: ObjectId("51780f796ec4051a536015cf"), name: "John"},
                {id: ObjectId("51780f796ec4051a536015d0"), name: "Sam"}

Your query then would simply be:

db.course.find( { }, 
                { students : 
                    { $elemMatch : 
                       { id : ObjectId("51780f796ec4051a536015d0"), 
                         name : "Sam" 

If that student was only enrolled in CS 101 you'd get back:

{ "name" : "Literature" }
{ "name" : "Physics" }
    "name" : "CS 101",
    "students" : [
            "id" : ObjectId("51780f796ec4051a536015cf"),
            "name" : "John"

Tensorflow: Using Adam optimizer

I was having a similar problem. (No problems training with GradientDescent optimizer, but error raised when using to Adam Optimizer, or any other optimizer with its own variables)

Changing to an interactive session solved this problem for me.

sess = tf.Session()


sess = tf.InteractiveSession()

How to import a .cer certificate into a java keystore?

An open source GUI tool is available at

KeyStore Explorer

KeyStore Explorer is an open source GUI replacement for the Java command-line utilities keytool and jarsigner. KeyStore Explorer presents their functionality, and more, via an intuitive graphical user interface.

Following screens will help (they are from the official site)

Default screen that you get by running the command:


enter image description here

And go to Examine and Examine a URL option and then give the web URL that you want to import.

The result window will be like below if you give google site link. enter image description here

This is one of Use case and rest is up-to the user(all credits go to the

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment not attached to Activity

I Found Very Simple Solution isAdded() method which is one of the fragment method to identify that this current fragment is attached to its Activity or not.

we can use this like everywhere in fragment class like:


// using this method, we can do whatever we want which will prevent   **java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment not attached to Activity** exception.


What does 'IISReset' do?

Application Pool recycling restarts the w3wp.exe process for that application pool, hence it will only affect web sites running in that application pool.

IISReset restarts ALL w3wp.exe processes and any other IIS related service, i.e. the NNTP or FTP Service.

I think changing web.config or /bin does not recycle the whole application pool, but I'm not sure on that.

How to uncheck a radio button?

Use this

$("input[name='nameOfYourRadioButton']").attr("checked", false);

How do I tokenize a string in C++?

You can simply use a regular expression library and solve that using regular expressions.

Use expression (\w+) and the variable in \1 (or $1 depending on the library implementation of regular expressions).

Get string character by index - Java

You could use the String.charAt(int index) method result as the parameter for String.valueOf(char c).

String.valueOf(myString.charAt(3)) // This will return a string of the character on the 3rd position.

Where is a log file with logs from a container?

To directly view the logfile in less, I use:

docker inspect $1 | grep 'LogPath' | sed -n "s/^.*\(\/var.*\)\",$/\1/p" | xargs sudo less


How to check for null/empty/whitespace values with a single test?

This phpMyAdmin query is returning those rows, that are NOT null or empty or just whitespaces:

SELECT * FROM `table_name` WHERE NOT ((`column_name` IS NULL) OR (TRIM(`column_name`) LIKE ''))

if you want to select rows that are null/empty/just whitespaces just remove NOT.

Using await outside of an async function

Top level await is not supported. There are a few discussions by the standards committee on why this is, such as this Github issue.

There's also a thinkpiece on Github about why top level await is a bad idea. Specifically he suggests that if you have code like this:

// data.js
const data = await fetch( '/data.json' );
export default data;

Now any file that imports data.js won't execute until the fetch completes, so all of your module loading is now blocked. This makes it very difficult to reason about app module order, since we're used to top level Javascript executing synchronously and predictably. If this were allowed, knowing when a function gets defined becomes tricky.

My perspective is that it's bad practice for your module to have side effects simply by loading it. That means any consumer of your module will get side effects simply by requiring your module. This badly limits where your module can be used. A top level await probably means you're reading from some API or calling to some service at load time. Instead you should just export async functions that consumers can use at their own pace.

Insert 2 million rows into SQL Server quickly

Re the solution for SqlBulkCopy:

I used the StreamReader to convert and process the text file. The result was a list of my object.

I created a class than takes Datatable or a List<T> and a Buffer size (CommitBatchSize). It will convert the list to a data table using an extension (in the second class).

It works very fast. On my PC, I am able to insert more than 10 million complicated records in less than 10 seconds.

Here is the class:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace DAL

public class BulkUploadToSql<T>
    public IList<T> InternalStore { get; set; }
    public string TableName { get; set; }
    public int CommitBatchSize { get; set; }=1000;
    public string ConnectionString { get; set; }

    public void Commit()
        if (InternalStore.Count>0)
            DataTable dt;
            int numberOfPages = (InternalStore.Count / CommitBatchSize)  + (InternalStore.Count % CommitBatchSize == 0 ? 0 : 1);
            for (int pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < numberOfPages; pageIndex++)
                    dt= InternalStore.Skip(pageIndex * CommitBatchSize).Take(CommitBatchSize).ToDataTable();

    public void BulkInsert(DataTable dt)
        using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
            // make sure to enable triggers
            // more on triggers in next post
            SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy =
                new SqlBulkCopy
                SqlBulkCopyOptions.TableLock |
                SqlBulkCopyOptions.FireTriggers |

            // set the destination table name
            bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = TableName;

            // write the data in the "dataTable"
        // reset


public static class BulkUploadToSqlHelper
    public static DataTable ToDataTable<T>(this IEnumerable<T> data)
        PropertyDescriptorCollection properties =
        DataTable table = new DataTable();
        foreach (PropertyDescriptor prop in properties)
            table.Columns.Add(prop.Name, Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(prop.PropertyType) ?? prop.PropertyType);
        foreach (T item in data)
            DataRow row = table.NewRow();
            foreach (PropertyDescriptor prop in properties)
                row[prop.Name] = prop.GetValue(item) ?? DBNull.Value;
        return table;


Here is an example when I want to insert a List of my custom object List<PuckDetection> (ListDetections):

var objBulk = new BulkUploadToSql<PuckDetection>()
        InternalStore = ListDetections,
        TableName= "PuckDetections",
        ConnectionString="ENTER YOU CONNECTION STRING"

The BulkInsert class can be modified to add column mapping if required. Example you have an Identity key as first column.(this assuming that the column names in the datatable are the same as the database)

foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
        bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(col.ColumnName, col.ColumnName);

Vue.js unknown custom element

Don't overuse Vue.component(), it registers components globally. You can create file, name it MyTask.vue, export there Vue object and then import in your main file, and don't forget to register it:

new Vue({
components: { myTask }

Stack, Static, and Heap in C++

It's been said elaborately, just as "the short answer":

  • static variable (class)
    lifetime = program runtime (1)
    visibility = determined by access modifiers (private/protected/public)

  • static variable (global scope)
    lifetime = program runtime (1)
    visibility = the compilation unit it is instantiated in (2)

  • heap variable
    lifetime = defined by you (new to delete)
    visibility = defined by you (whatever you assign the pointer to)

  • stack variable
    visibility = from declaration until scope is exited
    lifetime = from declaration until declaring scope is exited

(1) more exactly: from initialization until deinitialization of the compilation unit (i.e. C / C++ file). Order of initialization of compilation units is not defined by the standard.

(2) Beware: if you instantiate a static variable in a header, each compilation unit gets its own copy.

Javascript event handler with parameters

this inside of doThings is the window object. Try this instead:

var doThings = function (element) {
    var eventHandler = function(ev, func){
        if (element[ev] == undefined) {

        element[ev] = function(e){
            func(e, element);

    return {
        eventHandler: eventHandler

RESTful call in Java

I see many answers, here's what we are using in 2020 WebClient, and BTW RestTemplate is going to get deprecated. (can check this) RestTemplate going to be deprecated

Programmatically add custom event in the iPhone Calendar

Based on Apple Documentation, this has changed a bit as of iOS 6.0.

1) You should request access to the user's calendar via "requestAccessToEntityType:completion:" and execute the event handling inside of a block.

2) You need to commit your event now or pass the "commit" param to your save/remove call

Everything else stays the same...

Add the EventKit framework and #import <EventKit/EventKit.h> to your code.

In my example, I have a NSString *savedEventId instance property.

To add an event:

    EKEventStore *store = [EKEventStore new];
    [store requestAccessToEntityType:EKEntityTypeEvent completion:^(BOOL granted, NSError *error) {
        if (!granted) { return; }
        EKEvent *event = [EKEvent eventWithEventStore:store];
        event.title = @"Event Title";
        event.startDate = [NSDate date]; //today
        event.endDate = [event.startDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:60*60];  //set 1 hour meeting
        event.calendar = [store defaultCalendarForNewEvents];
        NSError *err = nil;
        [store saveEvent:event span:EKSpanThisEvent commit:YES error:&err];
        self.savedEventId = event.eventIdentifier;  //save the event id if you want to access this later

Remove the event:

    EKEventStore* store = [EKEventStore new];
    [store requestAccessToEntityType:EKEntityTypeEvent completion:^(BOOL granted, NSError *error) {
        if (!granted) { return; }
        EKEvent* eventToRemove = [store eventWithIdentifier:self.savedEventId];
        if (eventToRemove) {
            NSError* error = nil;
            [store removeEvent:eventToRemove span:EKSpanThisEvent commit:YES error:&error];

This adds events to your default calendar, if you have multiple calendars then you'll have find out which one that is

Swift version

You need to import the EventKit framework

import EventKit

Add event

let store = EKEventStore()
store.requestAccessToEntityType(.Event) {(granted, error) in
    if !granted { return }
    var event = EKEvent(eventStore: store)
    event.title = "Event Title"
    event.startDate = NSDate() //today
    event.endDate = event.startDate.dateByAddingTimeInterval(60*60) //1 hour long meeting
    event.calendar = store.defaultCalendarForNewEvents
    do {
        try store.saveEvent(event, span: .ThisEvent, commit: true)
        self.savedEventId = event.eventIdentifier //save event id to access this particular event later
    } catch {
        // Display error to user

Remove event

let store = EKEventStore()
store.requestAccessToEntityType(EKEntityTypeEvent) {(granted, error) in
    if !granted { return }
    let eventToRemove = store.eventWithIdentifier(self.savedEventId)
    if eventToRemove != nil {
        do {
            try store.removeEvent(eventToRemove, span: .ThisEvent, commit: true)
        } catch {
            // Display error to user

Verify ImageMagick installation

Remember that after installing Imagick (or indeed any PHP module) you need to restart your web server and/or php-fpm if you're using it, for the module to appear in phpinfo().

Modal width (increase)

Simply Use !important after giving width of that class that is override your class.

For Example

.modal .modal-dialog {
  width: 850px !important;

Hopefully this will works for you.

ORA-00984: column not allowed here

Replace double quotes with single ones:

       '2013-06-11 17:16:31',

In SQL, double quotes are used to mark identifiers, not string constants.

Using import fs from 'fs'

It's not supported just yet... If you want to use it you will have to install Babel.

To the power of in C?

just use pow(a,b),which is exactly 3**4 in python

jquery getting post action url

Clean and Simple:

$('#signup').submit(function(event) {
