[mysql] connecting to MySQL from the command line

How can you connect to MySQL from the command line in a Mac? (i.e. show me the code)

I'm doing a PHP/SQL tutorial, but it starts by assuming you're already in MySQL.

This question is related to mysql

The answer is

One way to connect to MySQL directly using proper MySQL username and password is:

mysql --user=root --password=mypass


root is the MySQL username
mypass is the MySQL user password

This is useful if you have a blank password.

For example, if you have MySQL user called root with an empty password, just use

mysql --user=root --password=

After you run MySQL Shell and you have seen following:


Firstly, you should:



 mysql-sql>\connect username@servername (root@localhost)

And finally:

Enter password:*********

This worked for me ::-

mysql --host=hostNameorIp --user=username --password=password  


mysql --host=hostNameorIp --user=username --password=password database_name

Best practice would be to mysql -u root -p. Then MySQL will prompt for password after you hit enter.

Use the following command to get connected to your MySQL database

mysql -u USERNAME -h HOSTNAME -p