Programs & Examples On #T4 toolbox

For issues relating to the T4 Toolbox Visual Studio extension to extend the code generation functionality of T4 text templates.

How to use a calculated column to calculate another column in the same view

If you want to refer to calculated column on the "same query level" then you could use CROSS APPLY(Oracle 12c):

--Sample data:
CREATE TABLE tab(ColumnA NUMBER(10,2),ColumnB NUMBER(10,2),ColumnC NUMBER(10,2));

INSERT INTO tab(ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC) VALUES (2, 10, 2);
INSERT INTO tab(ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC) VALUES (3, 15, 6);
INSERT INTO tab(ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC) VALUES (7, 14, 3);


  sub.calccolumn1 / ColumnC AS calccolumn2
FROM tab t
CROSS APPLY (SELECT t.ColumnA + t.ColumnB AS calccolumn1 FROM dual) sub;

DBFiddle Demo

Please note that expression from CROSS APPLY/OUTER APPLY is available in other clauses too:

  sub.calccolumn1 / ColumnC AS calccolumn2
FROM tab t
CROSS APPLY (SELECT t.ColumnA + t.ColumnB AS calccolumn1 FROM dual) sub
WHERE sub.calccolumn1 = 12;
-- GROUP BY ...
-- ORDER BY ...;

This approach allows to avoid wrapping entire query with outerquery or copy/paste same expression in multiple places(with complex one it could be hard to maintain).

Related article: The SQL Language’s Most Missing Feature

How to change Apache Tomcat web server port number

1) Locate server.xml in {Tomcat installation folder}\ conf \ 2) Find following similar statement

       <!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8180 -->
      <Connector port="8080" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
           maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
           enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"
           connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />

For example

<Connector port="8181" protocol="HTTP/1.1" 
           redirectPort="8443" />

Edit and save the server.xml file. Restart Tomcat. Done

Further reference:

Is there a “not in” operator in JavaScript for checking object properties?

It seems wrong to me to set up an if/else statement just to use the else portion...

Just negate your condition, and you'll get the else logic inside the if:

if (!(id in tutorTimes)) { ... }

Convert list to dictionary using linq and not worrying about duplicates

In case we want all the Person (instead of only one Person) in the returning dictionary, we could:

var _people = personList
.GroupBy(p => p.FirstandLastName)
.ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Select(x=>x));

Best practices for catching and re-throwing .NET exceptions

A few people actually missed a very important point - 'throw' and 'throw ex' may do the same thing but they don't give you a crucial piece of imformation which is the line where the exception happened.

Consider the following code:

static void Main(string[] args)
    catch (Exception ex)
        string ss = ex.ToString();

static void TestMe()
        //here's some code that will generate an exception - line #17
    catch (Exception ex)
        //throw new ApplicationException(ex.ToString());
        throw ex; // line# 22

When you do either a 'throw' or 'throw ex' you get the stack trace but the line# is going to be #22 so you can't figure out which line exactly was throwing the exception (unless you have only 1 or few lines of code in the try block). To get the expected line #17 in your exception you'll have to throw a new exception with the original exception stack trace.

How to create war files

A war file is simply a jar file with a war extension, but what makes it work is how the contents is actually structured.

The J2EE/Java EE tutorial can be a start:

And the Servlet specification contains the gory details:

If you create a new web project in Eclipse (I am referring to the Java EE version), the structure is created for you and you can also tell it where your Appserver is installed and it will deploy and start the application for you.

Using the "Export->WAR file" option will let you save the war file.

How can I iterate over the elements in Hashmap?

HashMap<Integer,Player> hash = new HashMap<Integer,Player>();
Set keys = hash.keySet();   
Iterator itr = keys.iterator();

    Integer key =;
    Player objPlayer = (Player) hash.get(key);
    System.out.println("The player "+objPlayer.getName()+" has "+objPlayer.getScore()+" points");

You can use this code to print all scores in your format.

Adding double quote delimiters into csv file

Double quotes can be achieved using VBA in one of two ways

First one is often the best

"...text..." & Chr(34) & "...text..."

Or the second one, which is more literal

"...text..." & """" & "...text..."

Iteration ng-repeat only X times in AngularJs

Answer given by @mpm is not working it gives the error

Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. Use 'track by' expression to specify unique keys. Repeater: {0}, Duplicate key: {1}

To avoid this along with

ng-repeat="t in getTimes(4)"


track by $index

like this

<div ng-repeat="t in getTimes(4) track by $index">TEXT</div>

What is stability in sorting algorithms and why is it important?

A stable sorting algorithm is the one that sorts the identical elements in their same order as they appear in the input, whilst unstable sorting may not satisfy the case. - I thank my algorithm lecturer Didem Gozupek to have provided insight into algorithms.

Stable Sorting Algorithms:

  • Insertion Sort
  • Merge Sort
  • Bubble Sort
  • Tim Sort
  • Counting Sort
  • Block Sort
  • Quadsort
  • Library Sort
  • Cocktail shaker Sort
  • Gnome Sort
  • Odd–even Sort

Unstable Sorting Algorithms:

  • Heap sort
  • Selection sort
  • Shell sort
  • Quick sort
  • Introsort (subject to Quicksort)
  • Tree sort
  • Cycle sort
  • Smoothsort
  • Tournament sort(subject to Hesapsort)

enter image description here

How can I toggle word wrap in Visual Studio?

As of Visual Studio 2013, the word wrap feature is finally usable—it respects indentation. There's still a couple of issues (line highlighting, selection), but it's worth using. Here's how

enter image description here

Get selected item value from Bootstrap DropDown with specific ID

You might want to modify your jQuery code a bit to '#demolist li a' so it specifically selects the text that is in the link rather than the text that is in the li element. That would allow you to have a sub-menu without causing issues. Also since your are specifically selecting the a tag you can access it with $(this).text();.

$('#datebox li a').on('click', function(){

How to read PDF files using Java?

PDFBox contains tools for text extraction.

iText has more low-level support for text manipulation, but you'd have to write a considerable amount of code to get text extraction.

iText in Action contains a good overview of the limitations of text extraction from PDF, regardless of the library used (Section 18.2: Extracting and editing text), and a convincing explanation why the library does not have text extraction support. In short, it's relatively easy to write a code that will handle simple cases, but it's basically impossible to extract text from PDF in general.

Access is denied when attaching a database

I moved a database mdf from the default Data folder to my app_data folder and ran into this problem trying to set the database back online.

I compared the security settings of the other file databases in the original location to the moved files and noticed that MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS was not assigned permissions to the files in their new location. I added Full control for "NT SERVICE\MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS" (must include that NT SERVICE) and it attached just fine.

It appears that the original Data folder has these permissions and the files inherit it. Move the files and the inheritance breaks of course.

I checked another project's mdf file which I created directly into its app_data folder. it does not have MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS permissions. Hmmm. I wonder why SQL Express likes one but not the other?

Frequency table for a single variable

The answer provided by @DSM is simple and straightforward, but I thought I'd add my own input to this question. If you look at the code for pandas.value_counts, you'll see that there is a lot going on.

If you need to calculate the frequency of many series, this could take a while. A faster implementation would be to use numpy.unique with return_counts = True

Here is an example:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

my_series = pd.Series([1,2,2,3,3,3])

3    3
2    2
1    1
dtype: int64

Notice here that the item returned is a pandas.Series

In comparison, numpy.unique returns a tuple with two items, the unique values and the counts.

vals, counts = np.unique(my_series, return_counts=True)
print(vals, counts)
[1 2 3] [1 2 3]

You can then combine these into a dictionary:

results = dict(zip(vals, counts))
{1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3}

And then into a pandas.Series

1    1
2    2
3    3
dtype: int64

How can I perform a short delay in C# without using sleep?

private void WaitNSeconds(int seconds)
    if (seconds < 1) return;
    DateTime _desired = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(seconds);
    while (DateTime.Now < _desired) {

Add data dynamically to an Array

$dynamicarray = array();


SQL Server CASE .. WHEN .. IN statement

Try this...

        WHEN DeviceID IN('7', '10', '62', '58', '60',
                 '46', '48', '50', '137', '139',
                 '142', '143', '164') THEN '01'
        WHEN DeviceID IN('8', '9', '63', '59', '61',
                 '47', '49', '51', '138', '140',
                 '141', '144', '165') THEN '02'
        ELSE 'NA' END AS clocking,

Just remove highlighted string

SELECT AlarmEventTransactionTableTable.TxnID, CASE AlarmEventTransactions.DeviceID WHEN DeviceID IN('7', '10', '62', '58', '60', ...)

What is and how to fix System.TypeInitializationException error?

I have the error of system.typeintialzationException, which is due to when I tried to move the file like:

 File.Move(DestinationFilePath, SourceFilePath)

That error was due to I had swapped the path actually, correct one is:

 File.Move(SourceFilePath, DestinationFilePath)

Unit tests vs Functional tests

Unit Test - testing an individual unit, such as a method (function) in a class, with all dependencies mocked up.

Functional Test - AKA Integration Test, testing a slice of functionality in a system. This will test many methods and may interact with dependencies like Databases or Web Services.

Python - Passing a function into another function

For passing both a function, and any arguments to the function:

from typing import Callable    

def looper(fn: Callable, n:int, *args, **kwargs):
    Call a function `n` times

    fn: Callable
        Function to be called.
    n: int
        Number of times to call `func`.
        Positional arguments to be passed to `func`.
        Keyword arguments to be passed to `func`.

    >>> def foo(a:Union[float, int], b:Union[float, int]):
    ...    '''The function to pass'''
    ...    print(a+b)
    >>> looper(foo, 3, 2, b=4)
    for i in range(n):
        fn(*args, **kwargs)

Depending on what you are doing, it could make sense to define a decorator, or perhaps use functools.partial.

How to print VARCHAR(MAX) using Print Statement?

This proc correctly prints out VARCHAR(MAX) parameter considering wrapping:

    @sql varchar(max)
        @n int,
        @i int = 0,
        @s int = 0, -- substring start posotion
        @l int;     -- substring length

    set @n = ceiling(len(@sql) / 8000.0);

    while @i < @n
        set @l = 8000 - charindex(char(13), reverse(substring(@sql, @s, 8000)));
        print substring(@sql, @s, @l);
        set @i = @i + 1;
        set @s = @s + @l + 2; -- accumulation + CR/LF

    return 0

retrieve data from db and display it in table in php .. see this code whats wrong with it?

Here is the solution total html with php and database connections

   <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <title>database connections</title>
      $username = "database-username";
      $password = "database-password";
      $host = "localhost";

      $connector = mysql_connect($host,$username,$password)
          or die("Unable to connect");
        echo "Connections are made successfully::";
      $selected = mysql_select_db("test_db", $connector)
        or die("Unable to connect");

      //execute the SQL query and return records
      $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_one ");
      <table border="2" style= "background-color: #84ed86; color: #761a9b; margin: 0 auto;" >
          while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) ){
     <?php mysql_close($connector); ?>

Convert String array to ArrayList

Using Collections#addAll()

String[] words = {"ace","boom","crew","dog","eon"};
List<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); 
Collections.addAll(arrayList, words); 

How can I get the application's path in a .NET console application?

I have used


when I want to find a path relative to an applications folder. This works for both ASP.Net and winform applications. It also does not require any reference to System.Web assemblies.

How can I write data in YAML format in a file?

Link to the PyYAML documentation showing the difference for the default_flow_style parameter. To write it to a file in block mode (often more readable):

d = {'A':'a', 'B':{'C':'c', 'D':'d', 'E':'e'}}
with open('result.yml', 'w') as yaml_file:
    yaml.dump(d, yaml_file, default_flow_style=False)


A: a
  C: c
  D: d
  E: e

Get ID from URL with jQuery

Using the jQuery URL Parser plugin, you should be able to do this:


Linux: Which process is causing "device busy" when doing umount?

Look at the lsof command (list open files) -- it can tell you which processes are holding what open. Sometimes it's tricky but often something as simple as sudo lsof | grep (your device name here) could do it for you.

jQuery Event : Detect changes to the html/text of a div

There is no inbuilt solution to this problem, this is a problem with your design and coding pattern.

You can use publisher/subscriber pattern. For this you can use jQuery custom events or your own event mechanism.


function changeHtml(selector, html) {
    var elem = $(selector);
    jQuery.event.trigger('htmlchanging', { elements: elem, content: { current: elem.html(), pending: html} });
    jQuery.event.trigger('htmlchanged', { elements: elem, content: html });

Now you can subscribe divhtmlchanging/divhtmlchanged events as follow,

$(document).bind('htmlchanging', function (e, data) {
    //your before changing html, logic goes here

$(document).bind('htmlchanged', function (e, data) {
    //your after changed html, logic goes here

Now, you have to change your div content changes through this changeHtml() function. So, you can monitor or can do necessary changes accordingly because bind callback data argument containing the information.

You have to change your div's html like this;

changeHtml('#mydiv', '<p>test content</p>');

And also, you can use this for any html element(s) except input element. Anyway you can modify this to use with any element(s).

React-Native: Application has not been registered error

you need to register it in / index.ios.js

like this:

'use strict';

import {
} from 'react-native';

import app from "./app";

AppRegistry.registerComponent('test', () => app);

jQuery - disable selected options

This seems to work:

    var value = $("#theSelect option:selected").val();
    var theDiv = $(".is" + value);

    //Add this...
    $("#theSelect option:selected").attr('disabled', 'disabled');

$("div a.remove").click(function () {     
    $(this).parent().slideUp(function() { $(this).addClass("hidden"); });
    //...and this.
    $("#theSelect option:disabled").removeAttr('disabled');

How to trigger an event in input text after I stop typing/writing?

You should assign setTimeout to a variable and use clearTimeout to clear it on keypress.

var timer = '';

$('input#username').keypress(function() {
  timer = setTimeout(function() {
    //Your code here
  }, 3000); //Waits for 3 seconds after last keypress to execute the above lines of code


Hope this helps.

Windows command to convert Unix line endings?

Based on Endoro's answer but to keep the blanks, try this:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
(for /f "tokens=* delims=:" %%i in ('findstr /n "^" file.unix') do (
        set line=%%i
        set line=!line:*:=!

How to split a file into equal parts, without breaking individual lines?

split was updated in coreutils release 8.8 (announced 22 Dec 2010) with the --number option to generate a specific number of files. The option --number=l/n generates n files without splitting lines.

How to fix 'sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified' error?

Although this question is old, it is still relevant for my more or less up-to-date system. After enabling debug mode of sudo (Debug sudo /var/log/sudo_debug all@info in /etc/sudo.conf) I was pointed to /dev: "/dev is world writable". So you might need to check the tty file permissions, especially those of the directory where the tty/pts node resides in.

Error: Can't set headers after they are sent to the client

The res object in Express is a subclass of Node.js's http.ServerResponse (read the http.js source). You are allowed to call res.setHeader(name, value) as often as you want until you call res.writeHead(statusCode). After writeHead, the headers are baked in and you can only call res.write(data), and finally res.end(data).

The error "Error: Can't set headers after they are sent." means that you're already in the Body or Finished state, but some function tried to set a header or statusCode. When you see this error, try to look for anything that tries to send a header after some of the body has already been written. For example, look for callbacks that are accidentally called twice, or any error that happens after the body is sent.

In your case, you called res.redirect(), which caused the response to become Finished. Then your code threw an error (res.req is null). and since the error happened within your actual function(req, res, next) (not within a callback), Connect was able to catch it and then tried to send a 500 error page. But since the headers were already sent, Node.js's setHeader threw the error that you saw.

Comprehensive list of Node.js/Express response methods and when they must be called:

Response must be in Head and remains in Head:

  1. res.writeContinue()
  2. res.statusCode = 404
  3. res.setHeader(name, value)
  4. res.getHeader(name)
  5. res.removeHeader(name)
  6. res.header(key[, val]) (Express only)
  7. res.charset = 'utf-8' (Express only; only affects Express-specific methods)
  8. res.contentType(type) (Express only)

Response must be in Head and becomes Body:

  1. res.writeHead(statusCode, [reasonPhrase], [headers])

Response can be in either Head/Body and remains in Body:

  1. res.write(chunk, encoding='utf8')

Response can be in either Head/Body and becomes Finished:

  1. res.end([data], [encoding])

Response can be in either Head/Body and remains in its current state:

  1. res.addTrailers(headers)

Response must be in Head and becomes Finished:

  1. return next([err]) (Connect/Express only)
  2. Any exceptions within middleware function(req, res, next) (Connect/Express only)
  3. res.send(body|status[, headers|status[, status]]) (Express only)
  4. res.attachment(filename) (Express only)
  5. res.sendfile(path[, options[, callback]]) (Express only)
  6. res.json(obj[, headers|status[, status]]) (Express only)
  7. res.redirect(url[, status]) (Express only)
  8. res.cookie(name, val[, options]) (Express only)
  9. res.clearCookie(name[, options]) (Express only)
  10. res.render(view[, options[, fn]]) (Express only)
  11. res.partial(view[, options]) (Express only)

JavaScript error (Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input)

Add a second });.

When properly indented, your code reads

$(function() {
    $("#mewlyDiagnosed").hover(function() {
        $("#mewlyDiagnosed").animate({'height': '237px', 'top': "-75px"});
    }, function() {
        $("#mewlyDiagnosed").animate({'height': '162px', 'top': "0px"});

You never closed the outer $(function() {.

What are POD types in C++?

A POD (plain old data) object has one of these data types--a fundamental type, pointer, union, struct, array, or class--with no constructor. Conversely, a non-POD object is one for which a constructor exists. A POD object begins its lifetime when it obtains storage with the proper size for its type and its lifetime ends when the storage for the object is either reused or deallocated.

PlainOldData types also must not have any of:

  • Virtual functions (either their own, or inherited)
  • Virtual base classes (direct or indirect).

A looser definition of PlainOldData includes objects with constructors; but excludes those with virtual anything. The important issue with PlainOldData types is that they are non-polymorphic. Inheritance can be done with POD types, however it should only be done for ImplementationInheritance (code reuse) and not polymorphism/subtyping.

A common (though not strictly correct) definition is that a PlainOldData type is anything that doesn't have a VeeTable.

How to find the installed pandas version


pip freeze

It works the same as above.

pip show pandas

Displays information about a specific package. For more information, check out pip help

How to Use Sockets in JavaScript\HTML?

I think it is important to mention, now that this question is over 1 year old, that Socket.IO has since come out and seems to be the primary way to work with sockets in the browser now; it is also compatible with Node.js as far as I know.

forEach() in React JSX does not output any HTML

You need to pass an array of element to jsx. The problem is that forEach does not return anything (i.e it returns undefined). So it's better to use map because map returns an array:

class QuestionSet extends Component {
    <div className="container">
       {, i) => {     
           // Return the element. Also pass key     
           return (<Answer key={answer} answer={answer} />) 

export default QuestionSet;

How do I remove newlines from a text file?

You can edit the file in vim:

$ vim inputfile

Deserialize JSON array(or list) in C#

Download Json.NET from here

name deserializedName = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<name>(jsonData);

Execute command without keeping it in history

You can start your session with

export HISTFILE=/dev/null ;history -d $(history 1)

then proceed with your sneaky doings. Setting the histfile to /dev/null will be logged to the history file, yet this entry will be readily deleted and no traces (at least in the history file) will be shown.

Also, this is non-permanent.

Setting the height of a DIV dynamically

If I understand what you're asking, this should do the trick:

// the more standards compliant browsers (mozilla/netscape/opera/IE7) use 
// window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight

var windowHeight;

if (typeof window.innerWidth != 'undefined')
    windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
// IE6 in standards compliant mode (i.e. with a valid doctype as the first 
// line in the document)
else if (typeof document.documentElement != 'undefined'
        && typeof document.documentElement.clientWidth != 'undefined' 
        && document.documentElement.clientWidth != 0)
    windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
// older versions of IE
    windowHeight = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientHeight;

document.getElementById("yourDiv").height = windowHeight - 300 + "px";

How large is a DWORD with 32- and 64-bit code?

No ... on all Windows platforms DWORD is 32 bits. LONGLONG or LONG64 is used for 64 bit types.

What does CultureInfo.InvariantCulture mean?

According to Microsoft:

The CultureInfo.InvariantCulture property is neither a neutral nor a specific culture. It is the third type of culture that is culture-insensitive. It is associated with the English language but not with a country or region.


So InvariantCulture is similair to culture "en-US" but not exactly the same. If you write:

var d = DateTime.Now;
var s1 = d.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);   // "05/21/2014 22:09:28"
var s2 = d.ToString(new CultureInfo("en-US"));       // "5/21/2014 10:09:28 PM"

then s1 and s2 will have a similar format but InvariantCulture adds leading zeroes and "en-US" uses AM or PM.

So InvariantCulture is better for internal usage when you e.g save a date to a text-file or parses data. And a specified CultureInfo is better when you present data (date, currency...) to the end-user.

Size of character ('a') in C/C++

In C language, character literal is not a char type. C considers character literal as integer. So, there is no difference between sizeof('a') and sizeof(1).

So, the sizeof character literal is equal to sizeof integer in C.

In C++ language, character literal is type of char. The cppreference say's:

1) narrow character literal or ordinary character literal, e.g. 'a' or '\n' or '\13'. Such literal has type char and the value equal to the representation of c-char in the execution character set. If c-char is not representable as a single byte in the execution character set, the literal has type int and implementation-defined value.

So, in C++ character literal is a type of char. so, size of character literal in C++ is one byte.

Alos, In your programs, you have used wrong format specifier for sizeof operator.

C11 § (P9) :

If a conversion specification is invalid, the behavior is undefined.275) If any argument is not the correct type for the corresponding conversion specification, the behavior is undefined.

So, you should use %zu format specifier instead of %d, otherwise it is undefined behaviour in C.

Powershell Log Off Remote Session

Adding plain DOS commands, if someone is so inclined. Yes, this still works for Win 8 and Server 2008 + Server 2012.

Query session /server:Server100

Will return:

SESSIONNAME       USERNAME                 ID  STATE   TYPE        DEVICE
rdp-tcp#0         Bob                       3  Active  rdpwd
rdp-tcp#5         Jim                       9  Active  rdpwd
rdp-tcp                                 65536  Listen

And to log off a session, use:

Reset session 3 /server:Server100

How can I group data with an Angular filter?

First do a loop using a filter that will return only unique teams, and then a nested loop that returns all players per current team:


<div ng-app ng-controller="Main">
    <div ng-repeat="playerPerTeam in playersToFilter() | filter:filterTeams">
        <li ng-repeat="player in players | filter:{team:}">{{}}</li>        


function Main($scope) {
    $scope.players = [{name: 'Gene', team: 'team alpha'},
                    {name: 'George', team: 'team beta'},
                    {name: 'Steve', team: 'team gamma'},
                    {name: 'Paula', team: 'team beta'},
                    {name: 'Scruath of the 5th sector', team: 'team gamma'}];

    var indexedTeams = [];

    // this will reset the list of indexed teams each time the list is rendered again
    $scope.playersToFilter = function() {
        indexedTeams = [];
        return $scope.players;

    $scope.filterTeams = function(player) {
        var teamIsNew = indexedTeams.indexOf( == -1;
        if (teamIsNew) {
        return teamIsNew;

Playing a MP3 file in a WinForm application

You can use the mciSendString API to play an MP3 or a WAV file:

public static extern uint mciSendString( 
    string lpstrCommand,
    StringBuilder lpstrReturnString,
    int uReturnLength,
    IntPtr hWndCallback

mciSendString(@"close temp_alias", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
mciSendString(@"open ""music.mp3"" alias temp_alias", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
mciSendString("play temp_alias repeat", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

ActiveXObject in Firefox or Chrome (not IE!)

ActiveX resolved in Chrome!
Hello all this is not the solution but the successful workaround and I have implemented as well.
This required some implementation on client machine as well that why is most suitable for intranet environment and not recommended for public sites. Even though one can implement it for public sites as well the only problem is end user has to download/implement solution.
Lets understand the key problem
Chrome cannot communicate with ActiceX
Solution: Since Chorme cannot communicate with ActiveX but still it can communicate with the API hosted on the client machine. So develop API using .Net MVC or any other technology so that through Ajax call it can communicate with the API and API communicate with the ActiveX object situated on the client machine. Since API also resides in Client machine that why there is no problem in communication. This API works as mediator between Chrome browser and ActiveX.
During API implementation you might encounter CORS issues, Use JSONP to deal with it.
Pictorial view of the solution Pictorial view of the solution

Other solution : Use URI Scheme like MailTo: or MS-Word to deal with outlook and word application. If your requirement is different then you can implement your customized URI Scheme.

Android ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class on path

In my case it was proguard minification process that removed some important classes from my production apk.

The solution was to edit the file and add the following:

-keep class com.someimportant3rdpartypackage.** { *; }

How to reload a page using JavaScript

JavaScript 1.0

window.location.href = window.location.pathname + + window.location.hash;
// creates a history entry

JavaScript 1.1

window.location.replace(window.location.pathname + + window.location.hash);
// does not create a history entry

JavaScript 1.2

// If we needed to pull the document from
//  the web-server again (such as where the document contents
//  change dynamically) we would pass the argument as 'true'.

Multiple arguments to function called by pthread_create()?

main() has it's own thread and stack variables. either allocate memory for 'args' in the heap or make it global:

struct arg_struct {
    int arg1;
    int arg2;

//declares args as global out of main()

Then of course change the references from args->arg1 to args.arg1 etc..

How to use multiple conditions (With AND) in IIF expressions in ssrs

You don't need an IIF() at all here. The comparisons return true or false anyway.

Also, since this row visibility is on a group row, make sure you use the same aggregate function on the fields as you use in the fields in the row. So if your group row shows sums, then you'd put this in the Hidden property.

=Sum(Fields!OpeningStock.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!GrossDispatched.Value) = 0 And 
Sum(Fields!TransferOutToMW.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!TransferOutToDW.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!TransferOutToOW.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!NetDispatched.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!QtySold.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!StockAdjustment.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!ClosingStock.Value) = 0

But with the above version, if one record has value 1 and one has value -1 and all others are zero then sum is also zero and the row could be hidden. If that's not what you want you could write a more complex expression:

        Fields!OpeningStock.Value=0 AND
        Fields!GrossDispatched.Value=0 AND
        Fields!TransferOutToMW.Value=0 AND
        Fields!TransferOutToDW.Value=0 AND 
        Fields!TransferOutToOW.Value=0 AND
        Fields!NetDispatched.Value=0 AND
        Fields!QtySold.Value=0 AND
        Fields!StockAdjustment.Value=0 AND
) = 0

This is essentially a fancy way of counting the number of rows in which any field is not zero. If every field is zero for every row in the group then the expression returns true and the row is hidden.

Getting list of items inside div using Selenium Webdriver

Follow the code below exactly matched with your case.

  1. Create an interface of the web element for the div under div with class as facetContainerDiv

ie for

<div class="facetContainerDiv">


2. Create an IList with all the elements inside the second div i.e for,

<label class="facetLabel">
   <input class="facetCheck" type="checkbox" />
<label class="facetLabel">
   <input class="facetCheck" type="checkbox" />
<label class="facetLabel">
   <input class="facetCheck" type="checkbox" />
<label class="facetLabel">
   <input class="facetCheck" type="checkbox" />
<label class="facetLabel">
   <input class="facetCheck" type="checkbox" />

3. Access each check boxes using the index

Please find the code below

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;

namespace SeleniumTests
  class ChechBoxClickWthIndex
        static void Main(string[] args)

            IWebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();


            // Create an interface WebElement of the div under div with **class as facetContainerDiv**
            IWebElement WebElement =    driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//div[@class='facetContainerDiv']/div"));
            // Create an IList and intialize it with all the elements of div under div with **class as facetContainerDiv**
            IList<IWebElement> AllCheckBoxes = WebElement.FindElements(By.XPath("//label/input"));
            int RowCount = AllCheckBoxes.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < RowCount; i++)
            // Check the check boxes based on index



Android Room - simple select query - Cannot access database on the main thread

For quick queries you can allow room to execute it on UI thread.

AppDatabase db = Room.databaseBuilder(context.getApplicationContext(),
        AppDatabase.class, DATABASE_NAME).allowMainThreadQueries().build();

In my case I had to figure out of the clicked user in list exists in database or not. If not then create the user and start another activity

        public void onClick(View view) {

            int position = getAdapterPosition();

            User user = new User();
            String name = getName(position);

            AppDatabase appDatabase = DatabaseCreator.getInstance(mContext).getDatabase();
            UserDao userDao = appDatabase.getUserDao();
            ArrayList<User> users = new ArrayList<User>();
            List<Long> ids = userDao.insertAll(users);

            Long id = ids.get(0);
            if(id == -1)
                user = userDao.getUser(name);

            Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, ChatActivity.class);
            intent.putExtra(ChatActivity.EXTRAS_USER, Parcels.wrap(user));

How do I efficiently iterate over each entry in a Java Map?

If you have a generic untyped Map you can use:

Map map = new HashMap();
for (Map.Entry entry : ((Set<Map.Entry>) map.entrySet())) {
    System.out.println(entry.getKey() + "/" + entry.getValue());

Pandas split DataFrame by column value

Using groupby you could split into two dataframes like

In [1047]: df1, df2 = [x for _, x in df.groupby(df['Sales'] < 30)]

In [1048]: df1
   A  Sales
2  7     30
3  6     40
4  1     50

In [1049]: df2
   A  Sales
0  3     10
1  4     20

Self-references in object literals / initializers

Here's a neat ES6 way:

var foo = (o => ({_x000D_
    c: o.a + o.b_x000D_
    a: 5,_x000D_
    b: 6_x000D_

I use it to do something like this:

const constants = Object.freeze(_x000D_
  (_ => ({_x000D_
    flag_data: {_x000D_
      [_.a_flag]: 'foo',_x000D_
      [_.b_flag]: 'bar',_x000D_
      [_.c_flag]: 'oof'_x000D_
    a_flag: 5,_x000D_
    b_flag: 6,_x000D_
    c_flag: 7,_x000D_

How can I remove an element from a list, with lodash?

As lyyons pointed out in the comments, more idiomatic and lodashy way to do this would be to use _.remove, like this

_.remove(obj.subTopics, {
    subTopicId: stToDelete

Apart from that, you can pass a predicate function whose result will be used to determine if the current element has to be removed or not.

_.remove(obj.subTopics, function(currentObject) {
    return currentObject.subTopicId === stToDelete;

Alternatively, you can create a new array by filtering the old one with _.filter and assign it to the same object, like this

obj.subTopics = _.filter(obj.subTopics, function(currentObject) {
    return currentObject.subTopicId !== stToDelete;


obj.subTopics = _.filter(obj.subTopics, {subTopicId: stToKeep});

SQL Server equivalent to Oracle's CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW

I typically use something like this:

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects
  where id = object_id(N'dbo.MyView') and
  OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsView') = 1)
drop view dbo.MyView
create view dbo.MyView [...]

How do I preserve line breaks when getting text from a textarea?

function get() {_x000D_
  var arrayOfRows = document.getElementById("ta").value.split("\n");_x000D_
  var docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment();_x000D_
  var p = document.getElementById("result");_x000D_
  while (p.firstChild) {_x000D_
  arrayOfRows.forEach(function(row, index, array) {_x000D_
    var span = document.createElement("span");_x000D_
    span.textContent = row;_x000D_
    if(index < array.length - 1) {_x000D_
<textarea id="ta" rows=3></textarea><br>_x000D_
<button onclick="get()">get</button>_x000D_
<p id="result"></p>

You can split textarea rows into array:

var arrayOfRows = postText.value.split("\n");

Then use it to generate, maybe, more p tags...

Multiple IF AND statements excel

With your ANDs you shouldn't have a FALSE value -2, until right at the end, e.g. with just 2 ANDs

=IF(AND(E2="In Play",F2="Closed"),3,IF(AND(E2="In Play",F2=" Suspended"),3,-2))

although it might be better with a combination of nested IFs and ANDs - try like this for the full formula:[Edited - thanks David]

=IF(E2="In Play",IF(F2="Closed",3,IF(F2="Suspended",2,IF(F2="Null",1))),IF(AND(E2="Pre-play",F2="Null"),-1,IF(AND(E2="Completed",F2="Closed"),2,IF(AND(E2="Pre-play",F2="Null"),3,-2))))

To avoid a long formula like the above you could create a table with all E2 possibilities in a column like K2:K5 and all F2 possibilities in a row like L1:N1 then fill in the required results in L2:N5 and use this formula


Android layout replacing a view with another view on run time

You could replace any view at any time.

int optionId = someExpression ? R.layout.option1 : R.layout.option2;

View C = findViewById(;
ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) C.getParent();
int index = parent.indexOfChild(C);
C = getLayoutInflater().inflate(optionId, parent, false);
parent.addView(C, index);

If you don't want to replace already existing View, but choose between option1/option2 at initialization time, then you could do this easier: set android:id for parent layout and then:

ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) findViewById(;
View C = getLayoutInflater().inflate(optionId, parent, false);
parent.addView(C, index);

You will have to set "index" to proper value depending on views structure. You could also use a ViewStub: add your C view as ViewStub and then:

ViewStub C = (ViewStub) findViewById(;

That way you won't have to worry about above "index" value if you will want to restructure your XML layout.

Check that a input to UITextField is numeric only

- (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string
    if(string.length > 0)
        NSCharacterSet *numbersOnly = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"0123456789"];
        NSCharacterSet *characterSetFromTextField = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:string];

        BOOL stringIsValid = [numbersOnly isSupersetOfSet:characterSetFromTextField];
        return stringIsValid;
    return YES;

How to remove leading and trailing white spaces from a given html string?

var trim = your_string.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

How do I pass parameters into a PHP script through a webpage?

$argv[0]; // the script name
$argv[1]; // the first parameter
$argv[2]; // the second parameter

If you want to all the script to run regardless of where you call it from (command line or from the browser) you'll want something like the following:

if ($_GET) {
    $argument1 = $_GET['argument1'];
    $argument2 = $_GET['argument2'];
} else {
    $argument1 = $argv[1];
    $argument2 = $argv[2];

To call from command line chmod 755 /var/www/webroot/index.php and use

/usr/bin/php /var/www/webroot/index.php arg1 arg2

To call from the browser, use

CSS Auto hide elements after 5 seconds


But you can't do it in the way you may immediately think, because you cant animate or create a transition around the properties you'd otherwise rely on (e.g. display, or changing dimensions and setting to overflow:hidden) in order to correctly hide the element and prevent it from taking up visible space.

Therefore, create an animation for the elements in question, and simply toggle visibility:hidden; after 5 seconds, whilst also setting height and width to zero to prevent the element from still occupying space in the DOM flow.



html, body {
#hideMe {
    -moz-animation: cssAnimation 0s ease-in 5s forwards;
    /* Firefox */
    -webkit-animation: cssAnimation 0s ease-in 5s forwards;
    /* Safari and Chrome */
    -o-animation: cssAnimation 0s ease-in 5s forwards;
    /* Opera */
    animation: cssAnimation 0s ease-in 5s forwards;
    -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
@keyframes cssAnimation {
    to {
@-webkit-keyframes cssAnimation {
    to {


<div id='hideMe'>Wait for it...</div>


PHPSESSID reveals you are using PHP. If you don't want this you can easily change the name using the in your php.ini file or using the session_name() function.

Import JSON file in React

With json-loader installed, you can use

import customData from '../customData.json';

or also, even more simply

import customData from '../customData';

To install json-loader

npm install --save-dev json-loader

Split array into chunks

Neat and clean easy to understand

 let nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
 let len = nums.length ;

    const chunkArr = (arr, chunkNo) => {
      let newArr = [];
      for(let i = 0; i < len; i++){
        if(nums[0] !== "" && nums[0] !== undefined ){
          let a = nums.splice(0,chunkNo) ; 
       return newArr ;
    console.log(chunkArr(nums, 5));

Keep only date part when using pandas.to_datetime

Simple Solution:

df['date_only'] = df['date_time_column']

windows batch file rename

I found this solution via PowerShell :

dir | rename-item -NewName {$ -replace "replaceME","MyNewTxt"}

This will rename parts of all the files in the current folder.

How to make spring inject value into a static field

You have two possibilities:

  1. non-static setter for static property/field;
  2. using org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean to invoke a static setter.

In the first option you have a bean with a regular setter but instead setting an instance property you set the static property/field.

public void setTheProperty(Object value) { = value;

but in order to do this you need to have an instance of a bean that will expose this setter (its more like an workaround).

In the second case it would be done as follows:

<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean">
    <property name="staticMethod" value=""/>
    <property name="arguments">
            <ref bean="theProperty"/>

On you case you will add a new setter on the Utils class:

public static setDataBaseAttr(Properties p)

and in your context you will configure it with the approach exemplified above, more or less like:

<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean">
    <property name="staticMethod" value=""/>
    <property name="arguments">
            <ref bean="dataBaseAttr"/>

Running a simple shell script as a cronjob

The easiest way would be to use a GUI:

For Gnome use gnome-schedule (universe)

sudo apt-get install gnome-schedule 

For KDE use kde-config-cron

It should be pre installed on Kubuntu

But if you use a headless linux or don´t want GUI´s you may use:

crontab -e

If you type it into Terminal you´ll get a table.
You have to insert your cronjobs now.
Format a job like this:

*     *     *     *     *  YOURCOMMAND
-     -     -     -     -
|     |     |     |     |
|     |     |     |     +----- Day in Week (0 to 7) (Sunday is 0 and 7)
|     |     |     +------- Month (1 to 12)
|     |     +--------- Day in Month (1 to 31)
|     +----------- Hour (0 to 23)
+------------- Minute (0 to 59)

There are some shorts, too (if you don´t want the *):

@reboot --> only once at startup
@daily ---> once a day
@midnight --> once a day at midnight
@hourly --> once a hour
@weekly --> once a week
@monthly --> once a month
@annually --> once a year
@yearly --> once a year

If you want to use the shorts as cron (because they don´t work or so):

@daily --> 0 0 * * *
@midnight --> 0 0 * * *
@hourly --> 0 * * * *
@weekly --> 0 0 * * 0
@monthly --> 0 0 1 * *
@annually --> 0 0 1 1 *
@yearly --> 0 0 1 1 *

urllib2 and json

Whatever urllib is using to figure out Content-Length seems to get confused by json, so you have to calculate that yourself.

import json
import urllib2
data = json.dumps([1, 2, 3])
clen = len(data)
req = urllib2.Request(url, data, {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': clen})
f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
response =

Took me for ever to figure this out, so I hope it helps someone else.

Python: importing a sub-package or sub-module

The reason #2 fails is because sys.modules['module'] does not exist (the import routine has its own scope, and cannot see the module local name), and there's no module module or package on-disk. Note that you can separate multiple imported names by commas.

from package.subpackage.module import attribute1, attribute2, attribute3


from package.subpackage import module
print module.attribute1

How to reshape data from long to wide format

Using base R aggregate function:

aggregate(value ~ name, dat1, I)

# name           value.1  value.2  value.3  value.4
#1 firstName      0.4145  -0.4747   0.0659   -0.5024
#2 secondName    -0.8259   0.1669  -0.8962    0.1681

How to enable Ad Hoc Distributed Queries

The following command may help you..

EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
EXEC sp_configure 'ad hoc distributed queries', 1

How to decide when to use Node.js?

Node best for concurrent request handling -

So, Let’s start with a story. From last 2 years I am working on JavaScript and developing web front end and I am enjoying it. Back end guys provide’s us some API’s written in Java,python (we don’t care) and we simply write a AJAX call, get our data and guess what ! we are done. But in real it is not that easy, If data we are getting is not correct or there is some server error then we stuck and we have to contact our back end guys over the mail or chat(sometimes on whatsApp too :).) This is not cool. What if we wrote our API’s in JavaScript and call those API’s from our front end ? Yes that’s pretty cool because if we face any problem in API we can look into it. Guess what ! you can do this now , How ? – Node is there for you.

Ok agreed that you can write your API in JavaScript but what if I am ok with above problem. Do you have any other reason to use node for rest API ?

so here is the magic begins. Yes I do have other reasons to use node for our API’s.

Let’s go back to our traditional rest API system which is based on either blocking operation or threading. Suppose two concurrent request occurs( r1 and r2) , each of them require database operation. So In traditional system what will happens :

1. Waiting Way : Our server starts serving r1 request and waits for query response. after completion of r1 , server starts to serve r2 and does it in same way. So waiting is not a good idea because we don’t have that much time.

2. Threading Way : Our server will creates two threads for both requests r1 and r2 and serve their purpose after querying database so cool its fast.But it is memory consuming because you can see we started two threads also problem increases when both request is querying same data then you have to deal with deadlock kind of issues . So its better than waiting way but still issues are there.

Now here is , how node will do it:

3. Nodeway : When same concurrent request comes in node then it will register an event with its callback and move ahead it will not wait for query response for a particular request.So when r1 request comes then node’s event loop (yes there is an event loop in node which serves this purpose.) register an event with its callback function and move ahead for serving r2 request and similarly register its event with its callback. Whenever any query finishes it triggers its corresponding event and execute its callback to completion without being interrupted.

So no waiting, no threading , no memory consumption – yes this is nodeway for serving rest API.

Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String`

I suppose you can do it like this:

string accountNumber = DBSqlHelperFactory.ExecuteScalar(...) as string;

If accountNumber is null it means it was DBNull not string :)

How to use bootstrap-theme.css with bootstrap 3?

Bootstrap-theme.css is the additional CSS file, which is optional for you to use. It gives 3D effects on the buttons and some other elements.

Possible to access MVC ViewBag object from Javascript file?

I noticed that Visual Studio's built-in error detector kind of gets goofy if you try to do this:

var intvar = @(ViewBag.someNumericValue);

Because @(ViewBag.someNumericValue) has the potential to evaluate to nothing, which would lead to the following erroneous JavaScript being generated:

var intvar = ;

If you're certain that someNemericValue will be set to a valid numeric data type, you can avoid having Visual Studio warnings by doing the following:

var intvar = Number(@(ViewBag.someNumericValue));

This might generate the following sample:

var intvar = Number(25.4);

And it works for negative numbers. In the event that the item isn't in your viewbag, Number() evaluates to 0.

No more Visual Studio warnings! But make sure the value is set and is numeric, otherwise you're opening doors to possible JavaScript injection attacks or run time errors.

How to use DbContext.Database.SqlQuery<TElement>(sql, params) with stored procedure? EF Code First CTP5

@Tom Halladay's answer is correct with the mention that you shopuld also check for null values and send DbNullable if params are null as you would get an exception like

The parameterized query '...' expects the parameter '@parameterName', which was not supplied.

Something like this helped me

public static object GetDBNullOrValue<T>(this T val)
    bool isDbNull = true;
    Type t = typeof(T);

    if (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(t) != null)
        isDbNull = EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(default(T), val);
    else if (t.IsValueType)
        isDbNull = false;
        isDbNull = val == null;

    return isDbNull ? DBNull.Value : (object) val;

(credit for the method goes to

Then use it like:

new SqlParameter("@parameterName", parameter.GetValueOrDbNull())

or another solution, more simple, but not generic would be:

new SqlParameter("@parameterName", parameter??(object)DBNull.Value)

Making HTML page zoom by default

Solved it as follows,

in CSS

zoom: 100%;

Now, it loads in 100% zoom by default. Tested it by giving 290% zoom and it loaded by that zoom percentage on default, it's upto the user if he wants to change zoom.

Though this is not the best way to do it, there is another effective solution

Check the page code of stack over flow, even they have buttons and they use un ordered lists to solve this problem.

Java count occurrence of each item in an array

I would use a hashtable with in key takes the element of the array (here string) and in value an Integer.

then go through the list doing something like this :

for(String s:array){
  Integer i = hash.get(s);
  hash.put(s, new Interger(1));

Why does typeof array with objects return "object" and not "array"?

Quoting the spec

15.4 Array Objects

Array objects give special treatment to a certain class of property names. A property name P (in the form of a String value) is an array index if and only if ToString(ToUint32(P)) is equal to P and ToUint32(P) is not equal to 2^32-1. A property whose property name is an array index is also called an element. Every Array object has a length property whose value is always a nonnegative integer less than 2^32. The value of the length property is numerically greater than the name of every property whose name is an array index; whenever a property of an Array object is created or changed, other properties are adjusted as necessary to maintain this invariant. Specifically, whenever a property is added whose name is an array index, the length property is changed, if necessary, to be one more than the numeric value of that array index; and whenever the length property is changed, every property whose name is an array index whose value is not smaller than the new length is automatically deleted. This constraint applies only to own properties of an Array object and is unaffected by length or array index properties that may be inherited from its prototypes.

And here's a table for typeof

enter image description here

To add some background, there are two data types in JavaScript:

  1. Primitive Data types - This includes null, undefined, string, boolean, number and object.
  2. Derived data types/Special Objects - These include functions, arrays and regular expressions. And yes, these are all derived from "Object" in JavaScript.

An object in JavaScript is similar in structure to the associative array/dictionary seen in most object oriented languages - i.e., it has a set of key-value pairs.

An array can be considered to be an object with the following properties/keys:

  1. Length - This can be 0 or above (non-negative).
  2. The array indices. By this, I mean "0", "1", "2", etc are all properties of array object.

Hope this helped shed more light on why typeof Array returns an object. Cheers!

Correct way to write loops for promise.

Bergi's suggested function is really nice:

var promiseWhile = Promise.method(function(condition, action) {
      if (!condition()) return;
    return action().then(promiseWhile.bind(null, condition, action));

Still I want to make a tiny addition, which makes sense, when using promises:

var promiseWhile = Promise.method(function(condition, action, lastValue) {
  if (!condition()) return lastValue;
  return action().then(promiseWhile.bind(null, condition, action));

This way the while loop can be embedded into a promise chain and resolves with lastValue (also if the action() is never run). See example:

var count = 10;
  function condition() {
    return count > 0;
  function action() {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      count = count - 1;

AngularJS toggle class using ng-class

I made this work in this way:

<button class="btn" ng-click='toggleClass($event)'>button one</button>
<button class="btn" ng-click='toggleClass($event)'>button two</button>

in your controller:

$scope.toggleClass = function (event) {

Calculating difference between two timestamps in Oracle in milliseconds

I) if you need to calculate the elapsed time in seconds between two timestamp columns try this:

    extract ( day from (end_timestamp - start_timestamp) )*86400 
    + extract ( hour from (end_timestamp - start_timestamp) )*3600 
    + extract ( minute from (end_timestamp - start_timestamp) )*60 
    + extract ( second from (end_timestamp - start_timestamp) ) 
FROM table_name

II) if you want to just show the time difference in character format try this:

SELECT to_char (end_timestamp - start_timestamp) FROM table_name

How to correctly use Html.ActionLink with ASP.NET MVC 4 Areas

Just to add up my bit:
Remember, you're gonna need to have at least 2 areas in your MVC application to get the routeValues: { area="" } working; otherwise the area value will be used as a query-string parameter and you link will look like this: /?area=

If you don't have at least 2 areas, you can fix this behavior by:
1. editing the default route in RouteConfig.cs like this:

    name: "Default",
    url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
    defaults: new { area = "", controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

2. Adding a dummy area to your MVC project.

How to unzip files programmatically in Android?

Password Protected Zip File

if you want to compress files with password you can take a look at this library that can zip files with password easily:


ZipArchive zipArchive = new ZipArchive();,destinationPath,password);


ZipArchive zipArchive = new ZipArchive();


RarArchive rarArchive = new RarArchive();
rarArchive.extractArchive(file archive, file destination);

The documentation of this library is good enough, I just added a few examples from there. It's totally free and wrote specially for android.

Android SQLite SELECT Query

Try trimming the string to make sure there is no extra white space:

Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE TRIM(name) = '"+name.trim()+"'", null);

Also use c.moveToFirst() like @thinksteep mentioned.

This is a complete code for select statements.

SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase();
Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT column1,column2,column3 FROM table ", null);
if (c.moveToFirst()){
    do {
        // Passing values 
        String column1 = c.getString(0);
        String column2 = c.getString(1);
        String column3 = c.getString(2); 
        // Do something Here with values
    } while(c.moveToNext());

How does `scp` differ from `rsync`?

One major feature of rsync over scp (beside the delta algorithm and encryption if used w/ ssh) is that it automatically verifies if the transferred file has been transferred correctly. Scp will not do that, which occasionally might result in corruption when transferring larger files. So in general rsync is a copy with guarantee.

Centos manpages mention this the end of the --checksum option description:

Note that rsync always verifies that each transferred file was correctly reconstructed on the receiving side by checking a whole-file checksum that is generated as the file is transferred, but that automatic after-the-transfer verification has nothing to do with this option’s before-the-transfer “Does this file need to be updated?” check.

Python Git Module experiences?

This is a pretty old question, and while looking for Git libraries, I found one that was made this year (2013) called Gittle.

It worked great for me (where the others I tried were flaky), and seems to cover most of the common actions.

Some examples from the README:

from gittle import Gittle

# Clone a repository
repo_path = '/tmp/gittle_bare'
repo_url = 'git://'
repo = Gittle.clone(repo_url, repo_path)

# Stage multiple files
repo.stage(['other1.txt', 'other2.txt'])

# Do the commit
repo.commit(name="Samy Pesse", email="[email protected]", message="This is a commit")

# Authentication with RSA private key
key_file = open('/Users/Me/keys/rsa/private_rsa')

# Do push

Where is the php.ini file on a Linux/CentOS PC?

#php -i | grep php.ini also will work too!

How to indent/format a selection of code in Visual Studio Code with Ctrl + Shift + F

  • you can also indent a whole section by selecting it and clicking TAB
  • and also indent backward using Shift+TAB

And of course for auto indentation and formatting, following the language you're using, you can see which good extensions do the good job, and which formatters to install or which parameters settings to enable or set for each language and its available tools. Just make sure to read well the documentation of the extension, to install and set all what it need.

Up to now the indentation problem bothers me with Python when copy pasting a block of code. If that's the case, here is how you solve that: Visual Studio Code indentation for Python

else & elif statements not working in Python

 if guess == number:
     print ("Good")
 elif guess == 2:
     print ("Bad")
     print ("Also bad")

Make sure you have your identation right. The syntax is ok.

json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

I had similar error: "Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)"

It helped for me to add "", move the pointer to the 0 character

with open(storage_path, 'r') as myfile:
if len(myfile.readlines()) != 0:
    Bank_0 = json.load(myfile)

Update select2 data without rebuilding the control

Try this one:

var data = [{id: 1, text: 'First'}, {id: 2, text: 'Second'}, {...}];
    data: data

Git push/clone to new server

  1. git remote add name url
  2. git push name branch


git remote add origin [email protected]:foo/bar.git
git push origin master

See the docs for git push -- you can set a remote as the default remote for a given branch; if you don't, the name origin is special. Just git push alone will do the same as git push origin thisbranch (for whatever branch you're on).

Java - Abstract class to contain variables?

I would have thought that something like this would be much better, since you're adding a variable, so why not restrict access and make it cleaner? Your getter/setters should do what they say on the tin.

public abstract class ExternalScript extends Script {

    private String source;

    public void setSource(String file) {
        source = file;

    public String getSource() {
        return source;

Bringing this back to the question, do you ever bother looking at where the getter/setter code is when reading it? If they all do getting and setting then you don't need to worry about what the function 'does' when reading the code. There are a few other reasons to think about too:

  • If source was protected (so accessible by subclasses) then code gets messy: who's changing the variables? When it's an object it then becomes hard when you need to refactor, whereas a method tends to make this step easier.
  • If your getter/setter methods aren't getting and setting, then describe them as something else.

Always think whether your class is really a different thing or not, and that should help decide whether you need anything more.

How to stop INFO messages displaying on spark console?


For Spark Context you may use:


where loglevel can be ALL, DEBUG, ERROR, FATAL, INFO, OFF, TRACE or WARN.


Internally, setLogLevel calls org.apache.log4j.Level.toLevel(logLevel) that it then uses to set using org.apache.log4j.LogManager.getRootLogger().setLevel(level).

You may directly set the logging levels to OFF using:


You can set up the default logging for Spark shell in conf/ Use conf/ as a starting point.

Setting Log Levels in Spark Applications

In standalone Spark applications or while in Spark Shell session, use the following:

import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}


Disabling logging(in log4j):

Use the following in conf/ to disable logging completely:

Reference: Mastering Spark by Jacek Laskowski.

How do DATETIME values work in SQLite?

One of the powerful features of SQLite is allowing you to choose the storage type. Advantages/disadvantages of each of the three different possibilites:

  • ISO8601 string

    • String comparison gives valid results
    • Stores fraction seconds, up to three decimal digits
    • Needs more storage space
    • You will directly see its value when using a database browser
    • Need for parsing for other uses
    • "default current_timestamp" column modifier will store using this format
  • Real number

    • High precision regarding fraction seconds
    • Longest time range
  • Integer number

    • Lowest storage space
    • Quick operations
    • Small time range
    • Possible year 2038 problem

If you need to compare different types or export to an external application, you're free to use SQLite's own datetime conversion functions as needed.

Using --add-host or extra_hosts with docker-compose

I have great news: this will be in Compose 1.3!

I'm using it in the current RC (RC1) like this:

  build: rng

Can I have an onclick effect in CSS?

you can use :target

or to filter by class name, use .classname:target

or filter by id name using #idname:target

#id01:target {      
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;

.msg {

.close {        
    width: 2rem;
    height: 2rem;
    background-color: black;
<a href="#id01">Open</a>

<div id="id01" class="msg">    
    <a href="" class="close">&times;</a>
    <p>Some text. Some text. Some text.</p>
    <p>Some text. Some text. Some text.</p>

Split large string in n-size chunks in JavaScript

My issue with the above solution is that it beark the string into formal size chunks regardless of the position in the sentences.

I think the following a better approach; although it needs some performance tweaking:

 static chunkString(str, length, size,delimiter='\n' ) {
        const result = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
            const lastIndex = _.lastIndexOf(str, delimiter,size + i);
            result.push(str.substr(i, lastIndex - i));
            i = lastIndex;
        return result;

Make selected block of text uppercase

I think you can use Step 1: Select text Step 2: Ctrl + Shift + P Step 3: Enter Uppercae

Floating point exception( core dump

Floating Point Exception happens because of an unexpected infinity or NaN. You can track that using gdb, which allows you to see what is going on inside your C program while it runs. For more details:

In a nutshell, these commands might be useful...

gcc -g myprog.c

gdb a.out

gdb core a.out

ddd a.out

How Should I Set Default Python Version In Windows?

This is if you have both the versions installed.

Go to This PC -> Right-click -> Click on Properties -> Advanced System Settings.

You will see the System Properties. From here navigate to the "Advanced" Tab -> Click on Environment Variables.

You will see a top half for the user variables and the bottom half for System variables.

Check the System Variables and double-click on the Path(to edit the Path).

Check for the path of Python(which you wish to run i.e. Python 2.x or 3.x) and move it to the top of the Path list.

Restart the Command Prompt, and now when you check the version of Python, it should correctly display the required version.

Sending JSON to PHP using ajax

I know it's been a while, but just in case someone still needs it:

The JSON object I need to pass:

0:{CommunityId: 509, ListingKey: "20281", Type: 10, Name: "", District: "", Description: "",…}
1:{CommunityId: 510, ListingKey: "20281", Type: 10, Name: "", District: "", Description: "",…}

The Ajax code:

data: JSON.stringify(The-data-shows-above),
type: 'POST',
datatype: 'JSON',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"

And the PHP side:


It works for me, hope it can help!

How to change background color in the Notepad++ text editor?

If anyone wants to enable dark mode, you may follow the below steps

  • Open your Notepad++, and select “Settings” on the menu bar, and choose “Style configurator”.
  • Select theme “Obsidian” (you can choose other dark themes)
  • Click on Save&Colse

enter image description here

'Source code does not match the bytecode' when debugging on a device

I tried all the solution given here and none of them worked for me. In version 2019.1.3 I just clean & rebuild artifact and it worked; first do Build -> Build Artifacts... -> <select your artifact> -> Clean then click Build or Rebuild from same place.

For loop in multidimensional javascript array

You can do something like this:

var cubes = [
 [1, 2, 3],
 [4, 5, 6],    
 [7, 8, 9],

for(var i = 0; i < cubes.length; i++) {
    var cube = cubes[i];
    for(var j = 0; j < cube.length; j++) {
        display("cube[" + i + "][" + j + "] = " + cube[j]);

Working jsFiddle:

The output of the above:

cube[0][0] = 1
cube[0][1] = 2
cube[0][2] = 3
cube[1][0] = 4
cube[1][1] = 5
cube[1][2] = 6
cube[2][0] = 7
cube[2][1] = 8
cube[2][2] = 9

WAMP Cannot access on local network 403 Forbidden

To expand on RiggsFolly’s answer—or for anyone who is facing the same issue but is using Apache 2.2 or below—this format should work well:

Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from ::1
Allow from localhost
Allow from 192.168
Allow from 10
Satisfy Any

For more details on the format changes for Apache 2.4, the official Upgrading to 2.2 from 2.4 page is pretty clear & concise. Key point being:

The old access control idioms should be replaced by the new authentication mechanisms, although for compatibility with old configurations, the new module mod_access_compat is provided.

Which means, system admins around the world don’t necessarily have to panic about changing Apache 2.2 configs to be 2.4 compliant just yet.

Declare variable MySQL trigger

Agree with neubert about the DECLARE statements, this will fix syntax error. But I would suggest you to avoid using openning cursors, they may be slow.

For your task: use INSERT...SELECT statement which will help you to copy data from one table to another using only one query.


I want to remove double quotes from a String

this code is very better for show number in textbox

$(this) = [your textbox]

            var number = $(this).val();
            number = number.replace(/[',]+/g, '');
            number = number.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',');
            $(this).val(number); // "1,234,567,890"

How to search a string in String array

Every method, mentioned earlier does looping either internally or externally, so it is not really important how to implement it. Here another example of finding all references of target string

       string [] arr = {"One","Two","Three"};
       var target = "One";
       var results = Array.FindAll(arr, s => s.Equals(target));

xcode library not found

For me, I open the projectname.xcworkspace file and it all works.

Difference between r+ and w+ in fopen()

r = read mode only
r+ = read/write mode
w = write mode only
w+ = read/write mode, if the file already exists override it (empty it)

So yes, if the file already exists w+ will erase the file and give you an empty file.

Is it possible to format an HTML tooltip (title attribute)?

No, it's not possible, browsers have their own ways to implement tooltip. All you can do is to create some div that behaves like an HTML tooltip (mostly it's just 'show on hover') with Javascript, and then style it the way you want.

With this, you wouldn't have to worry about browser's zooming in or out, since the text inside the tooltip div is an actual HTML, it would scale accordingly.

See Jonathan's post for some good resource.

Change the default editor for files opened in the terminal? (e.g. set it to TextEdit/Coda/Textmate)

make Sublime Text 3 your default text editor: (Restart required)

defaults write LSHandlers -array-add "{LSHandlerContentType=public.plain-text;LSHandlerRoleAll=com.sublimetext.3;}"

make sublime then your default git text editor git config --global core.editor "subl -W"

JTable How to refresh table model after insert delete or update the data.

If you want to notify your JTable about changes of your data, use

From the documentation:

Notifies all listeners that all cell values in the table's rows may have changed. The number of rows may also have changed and the JTable should redraw the table from scratch. The structure of the table (as in the order of the columns) is assumed to be the same.

How to store a list in a column of a database table

You can just forget SQL all together and go with a "NoSQL" approach. RavenDB, MongoDB and CouchDB jump to mind as possible solutions. With a NoSQL approach, you are not using the relational aren't even constrained to schemas.

Remove the title bar in Windows Forms

You can set the Property FormBorderStyle to none in the designer, or in code:

this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;

How to add MVC5 to Visual Studio 2013?

Go File -> New Project.

Select Web under Visual C#.

Select ASP.NET Web Application

select mvc

when solution is created, you will find resources getting added in solution in status bar of vs 2013.

Check property of Dll file --> system.web.mvc, it shows latest version (

but depending on your OS runtime version will be decided.

Android Layout Animations from bottom to top and top to bottom on ImageView click

Try this :

Create anim folder inside your res folder and copy this four files :

slide_in_bottom.xml :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<translate xmlns:android=""

slide_out_bottom.xml :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<translate xmlns:android=""
android:duration="@android:integer/config_longAnimTime" /> 

slide_in_top.xml :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<translate xmlns:android=""
android:duration="@android:integer/config_longAnimTime" />

slide_out_top.xml :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<translate xmlns:android=""
android:duration="@android:integer/config_longAnimTime" />

When you click on image view call:

overridePendingTransition(R.anim.slide_in_bottom, R.anim.slide_out_bottom);

When you click on original place call:

overridePendingTransition(R.anim.slide_in_top, R.anim.slide_out_top);

Main Activity :

package com.example.animationtest;

import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

Button btn1;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    btn1 = (Button) findViewById(;

    btn1.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {
            startActivity(new Intent(MainActivity.this, test.class));



activity_main.xml :

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
  tools:context=".MainActivity" >

    android:text="Button1" />

 </LinearLayout> :

package com.example.animationtest;

import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;

public class test extends Activity {

Button btn1;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    btn1 = (Button) findViewById(;

    overridePendingTransition(R.anim.slide_in_left, R.anim.slide_out_left);

    btn1.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {
            startActivity(new Intent(test.this, MainActivity.class));



test.xml :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
android:orientation="vertical" >

    android:text="Button1" />


Hope this helps.

Reading Email using Pop3 in C#

I wouldn't recommend OpenPOP. I just spent a few hours debugging an issue - OpenPOP's POPClient.GetMessage() was mysteriously returning null. I debugged this and found it was a string index bug - see the patch I submitted here: It was difficult to find the cause since there are empty catch{} blocks that swallow exceptions.

Also, the project is mostly dormant... the last release was in 2004.

For now we're still using OpenPOP, but I'll take a look at some of the other projects people have recommended here.

Using Gulp to Concatenate and Uglify files

we are using below configuration to do something similar

    var gulp = require('gulp'),
    async = require("async"),
    less = require('gulp-less'),
    minifyCSS = require('gulp-minify-css'),
    uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
    concat = require('gulp-concat'),
    gulpDS = require("./gulpDS"),
    del = require('del');

// CSS & Less
var jsarr = [, gulpDS.jsbundle.desktop, gulpDS.jsbundle.common];
var cssarr = [gulpDS.cssbundle];

var generateJS = function() {

    jsarr.forEach(function(gulpDSObject) {, function(key) {
            var val = gulpDSObject[key]
            execGulp(val, key);


var generateCSS = function() {
    cssarr.forEach(function(gulpDSObject) {, function(key) {
            var val = gulpDSObject[key];
            execCSSGulp(val, key);

var execGulp = function(arrayOfItems, dest) {
    var destSplit = dest.split("/");
    var file = destSplit.pop();

var execCSSGulp = function(arrayOfItems, dest) {
    var destSplit = dest.split("/");
    var file = destSplit.pop();

gulp.task('css', generateCSS);
gulp.task('js', generateJS);

gulp.task('default', ['css', 'js']);

sample GulpDS file is below:


    jsbundle: {
        "mobile": {
            "public/javascripts/sample.min.js": ["public/javascripts/a.js", "public/javascripts/mobile/b.js"]
        "desktop": {
            'public/javascripts/sample1.js': ["public/javascripts/c.js", "public/javascripts/d.js"]},
        "common": {
            'public/javascripts/responsive/sample2.js': ['public/javascripts/n.js']
    cssbundle: {
        "public/stylesheets/a.css": "public/stylesheets/less/a.less",

Android Studio drawable folders

Just to make complete all answers, 'drawable' is, literally, a drawable image, not a complete and ready set of pixels, as .png

In other word words, drawable is only for vectorial images, just try right-click on 'drawable' and go New > Vector Asset, it will accept it, while Image Asset won't be added.

The data for 'drawing', generating the image is recorded on a XML file like this:

<vector xmlns:android=""
    android:pathData="M6,18c0,0.55 0.45,1 1,1h1v3.5c0,0.83 0.67,1.5 1.5,1.5s1.5,
    -0.67 1.5,-1.5L11,19h2v3.5c0,0.83 0.67,1.5 1.5,1.5s1.5,-0.67 1.5,-1.5L16,
    19h1c0.55,0 1,-0.45 1,-1L18,8L6,8v10zM3.5,8C2.67,8 2,8.67 2,9.5v7c0,0.83 0.67,
    1.5 1.5,1.5S5,17.33 5,16.5v-7C5,8.67 4.33,8 3.5,8zM20.5,8c-0.83,0 -1.5,0.67 -1.5,
    1.5v7c0,0.83 0.67,1.5 1.5,1.5s1.5,-0.67 1.5,-1.5v-7c0,-0.83 -0.67,-1.5 -1.5,-1.5zM15.53,
    2.16l1.3,-1.3c0.2,-0.2 0.2,-0.51 0,-0.71 -0.2,-0.2 -0.51,-0.2 -0.71,0l-1.48,1.48C13.85,
    1.23 12.95,1 12,1c-0.96,0 -1.86,0.23 -2.66,0.63L7.85,0.15c-0.2,-0.2 -0.51,-0.2 -0.71,0 -0.2,
    0.2 -0.2,0.51 0,0.71l1.31,1.31C6.97,3.26 6,5.01 6,7h12c0,-1.99 -0.97,-3.75 -2.47,-4.84zM10,

That's the code for ic_android_black_24dp

MVC4 StyleBundle not resolving images

CssRewriteUrlTransform fixed my problem.
If your code still not loading images after using CssRewriteUrlTransform, then change your css filename's from:

.Include("~/Content/jquery/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.css", new CssRewriteUrlTransform())


.Include("~/Content/jquery/jquery-ui.css", new CssRewriteUrlTransform())

Someway .(dots) are not recognizing in url.

Refused to execute script, strict MIME type checking is enabled?

My problem was that I have been putting the CSS files in the scripts definition area just above the end of the Try to check the files spots within your pages

How to write Unicode characters to the console?

It's likely that your output encoding is set to ASCII. Try using this before sending output:

Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

(MSDN link to supporting documentation.)

And here's a little console test app you may find handy:


using System;
using System.Text;

public static class ConsoleOutputTest {
    public static void Main() {
        Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
        for (var i = 0; i <= 1000; i++) {
            if (i % 50 == 0) { // break every 50 chars


imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
imports System

public module ConsoleOutputTest 
    Sub Main()
        Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8
        dim i as integer
        for i = 0 to 1000
            if i mod 50 = 0 'break every 50 chars 
            end if
    End Sub
end module

It's also possible that your choice of Console font does not support that particular character. Click on the Windows Tool-bar Menu (icon like C:.) and select Properties -> Font. Try some other fonts to see if they display your character properly:

picture of console font edit

n-grams in python, four, five, six grams?

Nltk is great, but sometimes is a overhead for some projects:

import re
def tokenize(text, ngrams=1):
    text = re.sub(r'[\b\(\)\\\"\'\/\[\]\s+\,\.:\?;]', ' ', text)
    text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text)
    tokens = text.split()
    return [tuple(tokens[i:i+ngrams]) for i in xrange(len(tokens)-ngrams+1)]

Example use:

>> text = "This is an example text"
>> tokenize(text, 2)
[('This', 'is'), ('is', 'an'), ('an', 'example'), ('example', 'text')]
>> tokenize(text, 3)
[('This', 'is', 'an'), ('is', 'an', 'example'), ('an', 'example', 'text')]

What is the printf format specifier for bool?

If you like C++ better than C, you can try this:

#include <ios>
#include <iostream>

bool b = IsSomethingTrue();
std::cout << std::boolalpha << b;

How to disable clicking inside div

Try this:


Adding above on the specified HTML element will prevents all click, state and cursor options.

<div class="ads">
 <button id='noclick' onclick='clicked()'>Try</button>

How can I check whether a radio button is selected with JavaScript?

Let's pretend you have HTML like this

<input type="radio" name="gender" id="gender_Male" value="Male" />
<input type="radio" name="gender" id="gender_Female" value="Female" />

For client-side validation, here's some Javascript to check which one is selected:

if(document.getElementById('gender_Male').checked) {
  //Male radio button is checked
}else if(document.getElementById('gender_Female').checked) {
  //Female radio button is checked

The above could be made more efficient depending on the exact nature of your markup but that should be enough to get you started.

If you're just looking to see if any radio button is selected anywhere on the page, PrototypeJS makes it very easy.

Here's a function that will return true if at least one radio button is selected somewhere on the page. Again, this might need to be tweaked depending on your specific HTML.

function atLeastOneRadio() {
    return ($('input[type=radio]:checked').size() > 0);

For server-side validation (remember, you can't depend entirely on Javascript for validation!), it would depend on your language of choice, but you'd but checking the gender value of the request string.

How to finish Activity when starting other activity in Android?

Intent i = new Intent(this,Here is your first activity.Class);

Python UTC datetime object's ISO format doesn't include Z (Zulu or Zero offset)

There are a lot of good answers on the post, but I wanted the format to come out exactly as it does with JavaScript. This is what I'm using and it works well.

In [1]: import datetime

In [1]: now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

In [1]: now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') + now.strftime('.%f')[:4] + 'Z'
Out[3]: '2018-10-16T13:18:34.856Z'

How do I hide the PHP explode delimiter from submitted form results?

Instead of adding the line breaks with nl2br() and then removing the line breaks with explode(), try using the line break character '\r' or '\n' or '\r\n'.

<?php     $options= file_get_contents("employees.txt");     $options=explode("\n",$options);        // try \r as well.      foreach ($options as $singleOption){         echo "<option value='".$singleOption."'>".$singleOption."</option>";     }   ?> 

This could also fix the issue if the problem was due to Google Spreadsheets reading the line breaks.

How to concatenate properties from multiple JavaScript objects

ES6 ++

The question is adding various different objects into one.

let obj = {};
const obj1 = { foo: 'bar' };
const obj2 = { bar: 'foo' };
Object.assign(obj, obj1, obj2);
//output => {foo: 'bar', bar: 'foo'};

lets say you have one object with multiple keys that are objects:

let obj = {
  foo: { bar: 'foo' },
  bar: { foo: 'bar' }

this was the solution I found (still have to foreach :/)

let objAll = {};

Object.values(obj).forEach(o => {
  objAll = {...objAll, ...o};

By doing this we can dynamically add ALL object keys into one.

// Output => { bar: 'foo', foo: 'bar' }

PHP: Best way to check if input is a valid number?

I use

if(is_numeric($value) && $value > 0 && $value == round($value, 0)){

to validate if a value is numeric, positive and integral

I don't really like ctype_digit as its not as readable as "is_numeric" and actually has less flaws when you really want to validate that a value is numeric.

Making a PowerShell POST request if a body param starts with '@'

You should be able to do the following:

$params = @{"@type"="login";
 "username"="[email protected]";

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -Method POST -Body $params

This will send the post as the body. However - if you want to post this as a Json you might want to be explicit. To post this as a JSON you can specify the ContentType and convert the body to Json by using

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -Method POST -Body ($params|ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType "application/json"

Extra: You can also use the Invoke-RestMethod for dealing with JSON and REST apis (which will save you some extra lines for de-serializing)

How to check if a table exists in MS Access for vb macros

I know the question is already answered, but I find that the existing answers are not valid:
they will return True for linked tables with a non working back-end.
Using DCount can be much slower, but is more reliable.

Function IsTable(sTblName As String) As Boolean
    'does table exists and work ?
    'note: finding the name in the TableDefs collection is not enough,
    '      since the backend might be invalid or missing

    On Error GoTo hell
    Dim x
    x = DCount("*", sTblName)
    IsTable = True
    Exit Function
    Debug.Print Now, sTblName, Err.Number, Err.Description
    IsTable = False

End Function

Expected response code 220 but got code "", with message "" in Laravel

That error message means that there was not response OR the server could not be connected.

The following settings worked on my end:

'stream' => [
        'ssl' => [
            'allow_self_signed' => true,
            'verify_peer' => false,
            'verify_peer_name' => false,

Note that my SMTP settings are:

MAIL_USERNAME=[full gmail address]
MAIL_PASSWORD=[App Password obtained after two step verification]

Paste a multi-line Java String in Eclipse

You can use this Eclipse Plugin: This is a multi-line string editor popup. Place your caret in a string literal press ctrl-shift-alt-m and paste your text.

How to create a checkbox with a clickable label?

This should help you: W3Schools - Labels

  <label for="male">Male</label>
  <input type="radio" name="sex" id="male" />
  <br />
  <label for="female">Female</label>
  <input type="radio" name="sex" id="female" />

How to create a link to a directory

you should use :

ln -s /home/jake/doc/test/2000/something xxx

When is the finalize() method called in Java?

An Object becomes eligible for Garbage collection or GC if its not reachable from any live threads or any static refrences in other words you can say that an object becomes eligible for garbage collection if its all references are null. Cyclic dependencies are not counted as reference so if Object A has reference of object B and object B has reference of Object A and they don't have any other live reference then both Objects A and B will be eligible for Garbage collection. Generally an object becomes eligible for garbage collection in Java on following cases:

  1. All references of that object explicitly set to null e.g. object = null
  2. Object is created inside a block and reference goes out scope once control exit that block.
  3. Parent object set to null, if an object holds reference of another object and when you set container object's reference null, child or contained object automatically becomes eligible for garbage collection.
  4. If an object has only live references via WeakHashMap it will be eligible for garbage collection.

Mix Razor and Javascript code

Inside a code block (eg, @foreach), you need to mark the markup (or, in this case, Javascript) with @: or the <text> tag.

Inside the markup contexts, you need to surround code with code blocks (@{ ... } or @if, ...)

How to create the branch from specific commit in different branch

You have to do:

git branch <branch_name> <commit>

(you were interchanging the branch name and commit)

Or you can do:

git checkout -b <branch_name> <commit>

If in place of you use branch name, you get a branch out of tip of the branch.

C++ compile error: has initializer but incomplete type

You need this include:

#include <sstream>

Having links relative to root?

<a href="/fruits/index.html">Back to Fruits List</a>

How to enable DataGridView sorting when user clicks on the column header?

In my case, the problem was that I had set my DataSource as an object, which is why it didn't get sorted. After changing from object to a DataTable it workd well without any code complement.

Submit two forms with one button

You can submit the first form using AJAX, otherwise the submission of one will prevent the other from being submitted.

How to localise a string inside the iOS info.plist file?


  1. Remember that the iOS Simulator exploits by default your system language. Please change the language (and region) in the iOS Simulator Setting too in order to test your translations.

  2. The localisation string (see Apple docs here) should be

    NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription = "Description of this";

    and not (with quote "...")

    "NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription" = "Description of this";

Get a UTC timestamp

As wizzard pointed out, the correct method is,

new Date().getTime();

or under Javascript 1.5, just;

From the documentation,

The value returned by the getTime method is the number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.

If you wanted to make a time stamp without milliseconds you can use,

Math.floor( / 1000);

I wanted to make this an answer so the correct method is more visible.

You can compare ExpExc's and Narendra Yadala's results to the method above at, and verify with or by running date +%s on a Unix terminal.

How to change indentation in Visual Studio Code?

The Problem of auto deintending is caused due to a checkbox being active in the settings of VSCode. Follow these steps:

  1. goto preferences

  2. goto settings

  3. search 'editor:trim auto whitespace' EDITOR Picture

  4. Uncheck The box

Set Jackson Timezone for Date deserialization

Have you tried this in your

spring.jackson.time-zone= # Time zone used when formatting dates. For instance `America/Los_Angeles`

Cannot find module '@angular/compiler'

I just run npm install and then ok.

Serialize Class containing Dictionary member

You can't serialize a class that implements IDictionary. Check out this link.

Q: Why can't I serialize hashtables?

A: The XmlSerializer cannot process classes implementing the IDictionary interface. This was partly due to schedule constraints and partly due to the fact that a hashtable does not have a counterpart in the XSD type system. The only solution is to implement a custom hashtable that does not implement the IDictionary interface.

So I think you need to create your own version of the Dictionary for this. Check this other question.

How to getText on an input in protractor

You have to use Promise to print or store values of element.

 var ExpectedValue:string ="";
          element("xyz")).getAttribute("value").then(function (Text) {

                        expect(Text.trim()).toEqual("ExpectedValue", "Wrong page navigated");//Assertion
        console.log("Text");//Print here in Console


How to use onClick with divs in React.js

This works

var Box = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function() {
        return {
            color: 'white'

    changeColor: function() {
        var newColor = this.state.color == 'white' ? 'black' : 'white';
        this.setState({ color: newColor });

    render: function() {
        return (
                    In here already

ReactDOM.render(<Box />, document.getElementById('div1'));
ReactDOM.render(<Box />, document.getElementById('div2'));
ReactDOM.render(<Box />, document.getElementById('div3'));

and in your css, delete the styles you have and put this

.box {
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  border: 1px solid black;
  float: left;

You have to style the actual div you are calling onClick on. Give the div a className and then style it. Also remember to remove this block where you are rendering App into the dom, App is not defined

ReactDOM.render(<App />,document.getElementById('root'));

How to add/subtract dates with JavaScript?

You need to use getTime() and setTime() to add or substract the time in a javascript Date object. Using setDate() and getDate() will lead to errors when reaching the limits of the months 1, 30, 31, etc..

Using setTime allows you to set an offset in milliseconds, and let the Date object figure the rest:

var now=new Date();
var yesterdayMs = now.getTime() - 1000*60*60*24*1; // Offset by one day;
now.setTime( yesterdayMs );

How to modify values of JsonObject / JsonArray directly?

Since 2.3 version of Gson library the JsonArray class have a 'set' method.

Here's an simple example:

JsonArray array = new JsonArray();
array.add(new JsonPrimitive("Red"));
array.add(new JsonPrimitive("Green"));
array.add(new JsonPrimitive("Blue"));

array.set(0, new JsonPrimitive("Yelow"));

Datagrid binding in WPF

try to do this in the behind code

   public diagboxclass()
         List<object> list = new List<object>();
         list = GetObjectList();
         Imported.ItemsSource = null;
         Imported.ItemsSource = list;

Also be sure your list is effectively populated and as mentioned by Blindmeis, never use words that already are given a function in c#.

How do I run Python script using arguments in windows command line

import sys

def hello(a, b):
    print  'hello and that\'s your sum: {0}'.format(a + b)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    hello(int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2]))

Moreover see @thibauts answer about how to call python script.

right align an image using CSS HTML

My workaround for this issue was to set display: inline to the image element. With this, your image and text will be aligned to the right if you set text-align: right from a parent container.

Simple search MySQL database using php

Just with the above answer I hope it was the problem.

$_POST['search'] instead of $_post['search']

And again use LIKE '%$name%' instead of LIKE '%{$name}%'

How to remove unused imports in Intellij IDEA on commit?

In Mac IntelliJ IDEA, the command is Cmd + Option + O

For some older versions it is apparently Ctrl + Option + O.

(Letter O not Zero 0) on the latest version 2019.x

How to enable MySQL Query Log?

There is bug in MySQL 5.6 version. Even mysqld show as :

    Default options are read from the following files in the given order:
C:\Windows\my.ini C:\Windows\my.cnf C:\my.ini C:\my.cnf c:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\my.ini c:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\my.cnf 

Realy settings are reading in following order :

    Default options are read from the following files in the given order:
C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\my.ini C:\Windows\my.ini C:\Windows\my.cnf C:\my.ini C:\my.cnf c:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\my.ini c:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\my.cnf

Check file: "C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\my.ini"

Hope it help somebody.

How to open my files in data_folder with pandas using relative path?

You could use the __file__ attribute:

import os
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../data_folder/data.csv"))

How do you get the process ID of a program in Unix or Linux using Python?

With psutil:

(can be installed with [sudo] pip install psutil)

import psutil

# Get current process pid
current_process_pid = psutil.Process().pid
print(current_process_pid)  # e.g 12971

# Get pids by program name
program_name = 'chrome'
process_pids = [ for process in psutil.process_iter() if == program_name]
print(process_pids)  # e.g [1059, 2343, ..., ..., 9645]

Where do I find some good examples for DDD?

Check out Project Silk. Not only does it demonstrate DDD but other cutting edge patterns. This is an excellent resource for any Web Developer. A full overview of the project can be found on MSDN.

Push an associative item into an array in JavaScript

JavaScript has associative arrays.

Here is a working snippet.

<script type="text/javascript">
  var myArray = [];
  myArray['thank'] = 'you';
  myArray['no'] = 'problem';

They are simply called objects.

Android set bitmap to Imageview

this code works with me

 ImageView carView = (ImageView) v.findViewById(;

                            byte[] decodedString = Base64.decode(picture, Base64.NO_WRAP);
                            InputStream input=new ByteArrayInputStream(decodedString);
                            Bitmap ext_pic = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(input);

Position absolute and overflow hidden

What about position: relative for the outer div? In the example that hides the inner one. It also won't move it in its layout since you don't specify a top or left.

How to run java application by .bat file

@echo off
echo You Are going to creata Java Class
set /p Name=Enter your Class Name?:
echo Your class Name is %Name% & pause
echo To creat a Notepad
set path=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_14\bin
echo Your java Path succsussfully set.
echo Successfully Compiled
java %Name%

1)open a notpad 2)copy and past this code and save this file as ex: test.bat 3)Double Click tha batch file. 4)put your java codes into the notepad and save it as N.B.:- save this java file same folder that your batch file exists.

C++ -- expected primary-expression before ' '


int wordLength = wordLengthFunction(string word);


int wordLength = wordLengthFunction(word);

error: Libtool library used but 'LIBTOOL' is undefined

For folks who ended up here and are using CYGWIN, install following packages in cygwin and re-run:

  • cygwin32-libtool
  • libtool
  • libtool-debuginfo

When should I use "this" in a class?

this does not affect resulting code - it is compilation time operator and the code generated with or without it will be the same. When you have to use it, depends on context. For example you have to use it, as you said, when you have local variable that shadows class variable and you want refer to class variable and not local one.

edit: by "resulting code will be the same" I mean of course, when some variable in local scope doesn't hide the one belonging to class. Thus

class POJO {
   protected int i;

   public void modify() {
      i = 9;

   public void thisModify() {
      this.i = 9;

resulting code of both methods will be the same. The difference will be if some method declares local variable with the same name

  public void m() {
      int i;
      i = 9;  // i refers to variable in method's scope
      this.i = 9; // i refers to class variable

Event binding on dynamically created elements?

I prefer using the selector and I apply it on the document.

This binds itself on the document and will be applicable to the elements that will be rendered after page load.

For example:

$(document).on("click", 'selector', function() {
    // Your code here

Why is the minidlna database not being refreshed?

I have recently discovered that minidlna doesn't update the database if the media file is a hardlink. If you want these files to show up in the database, a full rescan is necessary.

ex: If you have a file /home/movies/foo.mkv and a hardlink in /home/minidlna/video/foo.mkv, where '/home/minidlna' is your minidlna share, you will have to do a rescan till that file appears in the db (and subsequently your dlna client).

I'm still trying to find a way around this. If anyone has any input, it's most welcome.

Can you force a React component to rerender without calling setState?

I Avoided forceUpdate by doing following

WRONG WAY : do not use index as key, index) =>
   <MyComponent cell={item} key={index} />

CORRECT WAY : Use data id as key, it can be some guid etc =>
   <MyComponent item={item} key={} />

so by doing such code improvement your component will be UNIQUE and render naturally

Check if a class is derived from a generic class

It seems to me that this implementation works in more cases (generic class and interface with or without initiated parameters, regardless of the number of child and parameters):

public static class ReflexionExtension
    public static bool IsSubClassOfGeneric(this Type child, Type parent)
        if (child == parent)
            return false;

        if (child.IsSubclassOf(parent))
            return true;

        var parameters = parent.GetGenericArguments();
        var isParameterLessGeneric = !(parameters != null && parameters.Length > 0 &&
            ((parameters[0].Attributes & TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit) == TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit));

        while (child != null && child != typeof(object))
            var cur = GetFullTypeDefinition(child);
            if (parent == cur || (isParameterLessGeneric && cur.GetInterfaces().Select(i => GetFullTypeDefinition(i)).Contains(GetFullTypeDefinition(parent))))
                return true;
            else if (!isParameterLessGeneric)
                if (GetFullTypeDefinition(parent) == cur && !cur.IsInterface)
                    if (VerifyGenericArguments(GetFullTypeDefinition(parent), cur))
                        if (VerifyGenericArguments(parent, child))
                            return true;
                    foreach (var item in child.GetInterfaces().Where(i => GetFullTypeDefinition(parent) == GetFullTypeDefinition(i)))
                        if (VerifyGenericArguments(parent, item))
                            return true;

            child = child.BaseType;

        return false;

    private static Type GetFullTypeDefinition(Type type)
        return type.IsGenericType ? type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() : type;

    private static bool VerifyGenericArguments(Type parent, Type child)
        Type[] childArguments = child.GetGenericArguments();
        Type[] parentArguments = parent.GetGenericArguments();
        if (childArguments.Length == parentArguments.Length)
            for (int i = 0; i < childArguments.Length; i++)
                if (childArguments[i].Assembly != parentArguments[i].Assembly || childArguments[i].Name != parentArguments[i].Name || childArguments[i].Namespace != parentArguments[i].Namespace)
                    if (!childArguments[i].IsSubclassOf(parentArguments[i]))
                        return false;

        return true;

Here are my 70 76 test cases:

public void IsSubClassOfGenericTest()
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ChildGeneric).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGeneric<>)), " 1");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(ChildGeneric).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(WrongBaseGeneric<>)), " 2");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ChildGeneric).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGeneric<>)), " 3");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(ChildGeneric).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IWrongBaseGeneric<>)), " 4");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IChildGeneric).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGeneric<>)), " 5");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(IWrongBaseGeneric<>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(ChildGeneric2<>)), " 6");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ChildGeneric2<>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGeneric<>)), " 7");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ChildGeneric2<Class1>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGeneric<>)), " 8");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ChildGeneric).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGeneric<Class1>)), " 9");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(ChildGeneric).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(WrongBaseGeneric<Class1>)), "10");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ChildGeneric).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGeneric<Class1>)), "11");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(ChildGeneric).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IWrongBaseGeneric<Class1>)), "12");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IChildGeneric).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGeneric<Class1>)), "13");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(BaseGeneric<Class1>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(ChildGeneric2<Class1>)), "14");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ChildGeneric2<Class1>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGeneric<Class1>)), "15");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(ChildGeneric).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(ChildGeneric)), "16");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(IChildGeneric).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IChildGeneric)), "17");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(IBaseGeneric<>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IChildGeneric2<>)), "18");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IChildGeneric2<>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGeneric<>)), "19");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IChildGeneric2<Class1>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGeneric<>)), "20");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(IBaseGeneric<Class1>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IChildGeneric2<Class1>)), "21");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IChildGeneric2<Class1>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGeneric<Class1>)), "22");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(IBaseGeneric<Class1>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGeneric<Class1>)), "23");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(BaseGeneric<Class1>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGeneric<Class1>)), "24");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(IBaseGeneric<>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGeneric<>)), "25");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(BaseGeneric<>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGeneric<>)), "26");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(BaseGeneric<Class1>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGeneric<>)), "27");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(IBaseGeneric<Class1>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGeneric<Class1>)), "28");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(BaseGeneric2<Class1>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGeneric<Class1>)), "29");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(IBaseGeneric<>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGeneric2<>)), "30");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(BaseGeneric2<>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGeneric<>)), "31");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(BaseGeneric2<Class1>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGeneric<>)), "32");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ChildGenericA).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGenericA<,>)), "33");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(ChildGenericA).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(WrongBaseGenericA<,>)), "34");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ChildGenericA).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericA<,>)), "35");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(ChildGenericA).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IWrongBaseGenericA<,>)), "36");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IChildGenericA).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericA<,>)), "37");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(IWrongBaseGenericA<,>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(ChildGenericA2<,>)), "38");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ChildGenericA2<,>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGenericA<,>)), "39");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ChildGenericA2<ClassA, ClassB>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGenericA<,>)), "40");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ChildGenericA).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>)), "41");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(ChildGenericA).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(WrongBaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>)), "42");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ChildGenericA).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>)), "43");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(ChildGenericA).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IWrongBaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>)), "44");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IChildGenericA).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>)), "45");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(BaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(ChildGenericA2<ClassA, ClassB>)), "46");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ChildGenericA2<ClassA, ClassB>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>)), "47");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(ChildGenericA).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(ChildGenericA)), "48");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(IChildGenericA).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IChildGenericA)), "49");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(IBaseGenericA<,>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IChildGenericA2<,>)), "50");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IChildGenericA2<,>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericA<,>)), "51");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IChildGenericA2<ClassA, ClassB>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericA<,>)), "52");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(IBaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IChildGenericA2<ClassA, ClassB>)), "53");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IChildGenericA2<ClassA, ClassB>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>)), "54");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(IBaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>)), "55");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(BaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>)), "56");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(IBaseGenericA<,>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGenericA<,>)), "57");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(BaseGenericA<,>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericA<,>)), "58");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(BaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericA<,>)), "59");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(IBaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>)), "60");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(BaseGenericA2<ClassA, ClassB>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>)), "61");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(IBaseGenericA<,>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGenericA2<,>)), "62");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(BaseGenericA2<,>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericA<,>)), "63");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(BaseGenericA2<ClassA, ClassB>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericA<,>)), "64");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(BaseGenericA2<ClassB, ClassA>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>)), "65");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(BaseGenericA<ClassB, ClassA>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(ChildGenericA2<ClassA, ClassB>)), "66");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(BaseGenericA2<ClassB, ClassA>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB>)), "67");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ChildGenericA3<ClassA, ClassB>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGenericB<ClassA, ClassB, ClassC>)), "68");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ChildGenericA4<ClassA, ClassB>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericB<ClassA, ClassB, ClassC>)), "69");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(ChildGenericA3<ClassB, ClassA>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGenericB<ClassA, ClassB, ClassC>)), "68-2");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ChildGenericA3<ClassA, ClassB2>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGenericB<ClassA, ClassB, ClassC>)), "68-3");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(ChildGenericA3<ClassB2, ClassA>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(BaseGenericB<ClassA, ClassB, ClassC>)), "68-4");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(ChildGenericA4<ClassB, ClassA>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericB<ClassA, ClassB, ClassC>)), "69-2");
    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ChildGenericA4<ClassA, ClassB2>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericB<ClassA, ClassB, ClassC>)), "69-3");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(ChildGenericA4<ClassB2, ClassA>).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericB<ClassA, ClassB, ClassC>)), "69-4");
    Assert.IsFalse(typeof(bool).IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(IBaseGenericB<ClassA, ClassB, ClassC>)), "70");

Classes and interfaces for testing :

public class Class1 { }
public class BaseGeneric<T> : IBaseGeneric<T> { }
public class BaseGeneric2<T> : IBaseGeneric<T>, IInterfaceBidon { }
public interface IBaseGeneric<T> { }
public class ChildGeneric : BaseGeneric<Class1> { }
public interface IChildGeneric : IBaseGeneric<Class1> { }
public class ChildGeneric2<Class1> : BaseGeneric<Class1> { }
public interface IChildGeneric2<Class1> : IBaseGeneric<Class1> { }

public class WrongBaseGeneric<T> { }
public interface IWrongBaseGeneric<T> { }

public interface IInterfaceBidon { }

public class ClassA { }
public class ClassB { }
public class ClassC { }
public class ClassB2 : ClassB { }
public class BaseGenericA<T, U> : IBaseGenericA<T, U> { }
public class BaseGenericB<T, U, V> { }
public interface IBaseGenericB<ClassA, ClassB, ClassC> { }
public class BaseGenericA2<T, U> : IBaseGenericA<T, U>, IInterfaceBidonA { }
public interface IBaseGenericA<T, U> { }
public class ChildGenericA : BaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB> { }
public interface IChildGenericA : IBaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB> { }
public class ChildGenericA2<ClassA, ClassB> : BaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB> { }
public class ChildGenericA3<ClassA, ClassB> : BaseGenericB<ClassA, ClassB, ClassC> { }
public class ChildGenericA4<ClassA, ClassB> : IBaseGenericB<ClassA, ClassB, ClassC> { }
public interface IChildGenericA2<ClassA, ClassB> : IBaseGenericA<ClassA, ClassB> { }

public class WrongBaseGenericA<T, U> { }
public interface IWrongBaseGenericA<T, U> { }

public interface IInterfaceBidonA { }

How to use export with Python on Linux

export is a command that you give directly to the shell (e.g. bash), to tell it to add or modify one of its environment variables. You can't change your shell's environment from a child process (such as Python), it's just not possible.

Here's what's happening when you try os.system('export MY_DATA="my_export"')...

/bin/bash process, command `python` forks python subprocess
   /usr/bin/python process, command `os.system()` forks /bin/sh subprocess
      /bin/sh process, command `export ...` changes its local environment

When the bottom-most /bin/sh subprocess finishes running your export ... command, then it's discarded, along with the environment that you have just changed.

Bulk Insert into Oracle database: Which is better: FOR Cursor loop or a simple Select?

The general rule-of-thumb is, if you can do it using a single SQL statement instead of using PL/SQL, you should. It will usually be more efficient.

However, if you need to add more procedural logic (for some reason), you might need to use PL/SQL, but you should use bulk operations instead of row-by-row processing. (Note: in Oracle 10g and later, your FOR loop will automatically use BULK COLLECT to fetch 100 rows at a time; however your insert statement will still be done row-by-row).


   rA tA;
   rB tB;
   rC tC;
   -- (do some procedural logic on the data?)

The above has the benefit of minimising context switches between SQL and PL/SQL. Oracle 11g also has better support for tables of records so that you don't have to have a separate PL/SQL table for each column.

Also, if the volume of data is very great, it is possible to change the code to process the data in batches.

PHP, display image with Header()

if you know the file name, but don't know the file extention you can use this function:

public function showImage($name)

         $types = [
             'gif'=> 'image/gif',
             'png'=> 'image/png',
             'jpeg'=> 'image/jpeg',
             'jpg'=> 'image/jpeg',
         $root_path  = '/var/www/my_app'; //use your framework to get this properly ..
         foreach($types as $type=>$meta){
             if(file_exists($root_path .'/uploads/'.$name  .'.'. $type)){
                 header('Content-type: ' . $meta);
                 readfile($root_path .'/uploads/'.$name .'.'. $type);

Note: the correct content-type for JPG files is image/jpeg.

How to change XML Attribute

Using LINQ to xml if you are using framework 3.5:

using System.Xml.Linq;

XDocument xmlFile = XDocument.Load("books.xml"); 

var query = from c in xmlFile.Elements("catalog").Elements("book")    
            select c; 

foreach (XElement book in query) 
   book.Attribute("attr1").Value = "MyNewValue";


Convert String to Double - VB

Dim text As String = "123.45"
Dim value As Double
If Double.TryParse(text, value) Then
    ' text is convertible to Double, and value contains the Double value now
    ' Cannot convert text to Double
End If

Using json_encode on objects in PHP (regardless of scope)

for an array of objects, I used something like this, while following the custom method for php < 5.4:


//transaction is an array of the class transaction
//which implements the method to_json

foreach($transactions as $tran)

echo json_encode($jsArray);

Where does VBA Debug.Print log to?

Debug.Print outputs to the "Immediate" window.

Debug.Print outputs to the Immediate window

Also, you can simply type ? and then a statement directly into the immediate window (and then press Enter) and have the output appear right below, like this:

simply type ? and then a statement directly into the immediate window

This can be very handy to quickly output the property of an object...

? set the property of an object... = "thingy"

...or to even execute a function or line of code, while in debugging mode:
