Programs & Examples On #Smack

Smack is an XMPP (Jabber) client library written in Java for Android and Java SE. It provides a simple API allowing developers to write clients for XMPP services.

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugKotlin'. > Compilation error. See log for more details

In my case error was caused by this line

@BindColor(R.color.colorAccent) var mColor: Int? = 0

Solved By

@JvmField @BindColor(android.R.color.white) @ColorInt internal var mColor: Int = 0

Error in GradleConsole

:app:kaptDebugKotlin e: \app\build\tmp\kapt3\stubs\debug\ error: @BindColor field type must be 'int' or 'ColorStateList'. (com.sample.MainFragment.mColor) e:

e: private java.lang.Integer mColor;

Gradle DSL method not found: 'runProguard'

If you are migrating to 1.0.0 you need to change the following properties.

In the Project's build.gradle file you need to replace minifyEnabled.

Hence your new build type should be

buildTypes {
    release {
        minifyEnabled true
        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'        

Also make sure that gradle version is 1.0.0 like

classpath ''

in the build.gradle file.

This should solve the problem.


Delayed function calls

It sounds like the control of the creation of both these objects and their interdependence needs to controlled externally, rather than between the classes themselves.

How to set the title text color of UIButton?

Swift UI solution

Button(action: {}) {
        }.foregroundColor(Color(red: 1.0, green: 0.0, blue: 0.0))

Swift 3, Swift 4, Swift 5

to improve comments. This should work:

button.setTitleColor(.red, for: .normal)

"Prevent saving changes that require the table to be re-created" negative effects

Yes, there are negative effects from this:

If you script out a change blocked by this flag you get something like the script below (all i am turning the ID column in Contact into an autonumbered IDENTITY column, but the table has dependencies). Note potential errors that can occur while the following is running:

  1. Even microsoft warns that this may cause data loss (that comment is auto-generated)!
  2. for a period of time, foreign keys are not enforced.
  3. if you manually run this in ssms and the ' EXEC('INSERT INTO ' fails, and you let the following statements run (which they do by default, as they are split by 'go') then you will insert 0 rows, then drop the old table.
  4. if this is a big table, the runtime of the insert can be large, and the transaction is holding a schema modification lock, so blocks many things.


/* To prevent any potential data loss issues, you should review this script in detail before running it outside the context of the database designer.*/

ALTER TABLE raw.Contact
    DROP CONSTRAINT fk_Contact_AddressType
ALTER TABLE raw.Contact
    DROP CONSTRAINT fk_contact_profile
CREATE TABLE raw.Tmp_Contact
    ContactID int NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1),
    ProfileID int NOT NULL,
    AddressType char(2) NOT NULL,
    ContactText varchar(250) NULL
    )  ON [PRIMARY]
     EXEC('INSERT INTO raw.Tmp_Contact (ContactID, ProfileID, AddressType, ContactText)
        SELECT ContactID, ProfileID, AddressType, ContactText FROM raw.Contact WITH (HOLDLOCK TABLOCKX)')
ALTER TABLE raw.PostalAddress
    DROP CONSTRAINT fk_AddressProfile
ALTER TABLE raw.MarketingFlag
    DROP CONSTRAINT fk_marketingflag_contact
ALTER TABLE raw.Phones
    DROP CONSTRAINT fk_phones_contact
DROP TABLE raw.Contact
EXECUTE sp_rename N'raw.Tmp_Contact', N'Contact', 'OBJECT' 


CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX idx_Contact_0 ON raw.Contact
    fk_contact_profile FOREIGN KEY
    ) REFERENCES raw.Profile

    fk_Contact_AddressType FOREIGN KEY
    ) REFERENCES ref.ContactpointType

    fk_phones_contact FOREIGN KEY
    ) REFERENCES raw.Contact

    fk_marketingflag_contact FOREIGN KEY
    ) REFERENCES raw.Contact

    fk_AddressProfile FOREIGN KEY
    ) REFERENCES raw.Contact


Centering the pagination in bootstrap

Bootstrap has added a new class from 3.0.

<div class="text-center">
    <ul class="pagination">
        <li><a href="?p=0" data-original-title="" title="">1</a></li> 
        <li><a href="?p=1" data-original-title="" title="">2</a></li> 

Bootstrap 4 has new class

<div class="text-xs-center">
    <ul class="pagination">
        <li><a href="?p=0" data-original-title="" title="">1</a></li> 
        <li><a href="?p=1" data-original-title="" title="">2</a></li> 

For 2.3.2

<div class="pagination text-center">
        <li><a href="?p=0" data-original-title="" title="">1</a></li> 
        <li><a href="?p=1" data-original-title="" title="">2</a></li> 

Give this way:

.pagination {text-align: center;}

It works because ul is using inline-block;


Or if you would like to use Bootstrap's class:

<div class="pagination pagination-centered">
        <li><a href="?p=0" data-original-title="" title="">1</a></li> 
        <li><a href="?p=1" data-original-title="" title="">2</a></li> 


matplotlib error - no module named tkinter

For Windows users, there's no need to download the installer again. Just do the following:

  1. Go to start menu, type Apps & features,
  2. Search for "python" in the search box,
  3. Select the Python version (e.g. Python 3.8.3rc1(32-bit)) and click Modify,
  4. On the Modify Setup page click Modify,
  5. Tick td/tk and IDLE checkbox (which installs tkinter) and click next.

Wait for installation and you're done.

Convert binary to ASCII and vice versa

This is my way to solve your task:

str = "0b110100001100101011011000110110001101111"
str = "0" + str[2:]
message = ""
while str != "":
    i = chr(int(str[:8], 2))
    message = message + i
    str = str[8:]
print message

How to change the default charset of a MySQL table?

If you want to change the table default character set and all character columns to a new character set, use a statement like this:


So query will be:


HTML Tags in Javascript Alert() method

You can use all Unicode characters and the escape characters \n and \t. An example:

document.getElementById("test").onclick = function() {_x000D_
    'This is an alert with basic formatting\n\n' _x000D_
    + "\t• list item 1\n" _x000D_
    + '\t• list item 2\n' _x000D_
    + '\t• list item 3\n\n' _x000D_
    + '???????????????????????\n\n' _x000D_
    + 'Simple table\n\n' _x000D_
    + 'Char\t| Result\n' _x000D_
    + '\\n\t| line break\n' _x000D_
    + '\\t\t| tab space'_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<title>Alert formatting</title>_x000D_
<meta charset=utf-8>_x000D_
<button id=test>Click</button>

Result in Firefox:

screenshot Firefox

You get the same look in almost all browsers.

J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations

J2ME Map Route Provider has a navigation service which can provide you route information in KML format.

To get kml file we need to form url with start and destination locations:

public static String getUrl(double fromLat, double fromLon,
                            double toLat, double toLon) {// connect to map web service
    StringBuffer urlString = new StringBuffer();
    urlString.append("&saddr=");// from
    urlString.append("&daddr=");// to
    return urlString.toString();

Next you will need to parse xml (implemented with SAXParser) and fill data structures:

public class Point {
    String mName;
    String mDescription;
    String mIconUrl;
    double mLatitude;
    double mLongitude;

public class Road {
    public String mName;
    public String mDescription;
    public int mColor;
    public int mWidth;
    public double[][] mRoute = new double[][] {};
    public Point[] mPoints = new Point[] {};

Network connection is implemented in different ways on Android and Blackberry, so you will have to first form url:

 public static String getUrl(double fromLat, double fromLon,
     double toLat, double toLon)

then create connection with this url and get InputStream.
Then pass this InputStream and get parsed data structure:

 public static Road getRoute(InputStream is) 

Full source code


class MapPathScreen extends MainScreen {
    MapControl map;
    Road mRoad = new Road();
    public MapPathScreen() {
        double fromLat = 49.85, fromLon = 24.016667;
        double toLat = 50.45, toLon = 30.523333;
        String url = RoadProvider.getUrl(fromLat, fromLon, toLat, toLon);
        InputStream is = getConnection(url);
        mRoad = RoadProvider.getRoute(is);
        map = new MapControl();
        add(new LabelField(mRoad.mName));
        add(new LabelField(mRoad.mDescription));
    protected void onUiEngineAttached(boolean attached) {
        if (attached) {
    private InputStream getConnection(String url) {
        HttpConnection urlConnection = null;
        InputStream is = null;
        try {
            urlConnection = (HttpConnection);
            is = urlConnection.openInputStream();
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return is;

See full code on J2MEMapRouteBlackBerryEx on Google Code


Android G1 screenshot

public class MapRouteActivity extends MapActivity {
    LinearLayout linearLayout;
    MapView mapView;
    private Road mRoad;
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mapView = (MapView) findViewById(;
        new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                double fromLat = 49.85, fromLon = 24.016667;
                double toLat = 50.45, toLon = 30.523333;
                String url = RoadProvider
                        .getUrl(fromLat, fromLon, toLat, toLon);
                InputStream is = getConnection(url);
                mRoad = RoadProvider.getRoute(is);

    Handler mHandler = new Handler() {
        public void handleMessage(android.os.Message msg) {
            TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(;
            textView.setText(mRoad.mName + " " + mRoad.mDescription);
            MapOverlay mapOverlay = new MapOverlay(mRoad, mapView);
            List<Overlay> listOfOverlays = mapView.getOverlays();

    private InputStream getConnection(String url) {
        InputStream is = null;
        try {
            URLConnection conn = new URL(url).openConnection();
            is = conn.getInputStream();
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return is;
    protected boolean isRouteDisplayed() {
        return false;

See full code on J2MEMapRouteAndroidEx on Google Code

LaTeX "\indent" creating paragraph indentation / tabbing package requirement?

This is kind of a hack but the best solution that I have found is to use a description tag with no \item. This will produce an error from the latex compiler; however, the error does not prevent the pdf from being generated.

  • This only worked on windows latex compiler

Programmatically register a broadcast receiver

package com.example.broadcastreceiver;

import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

   UserDefinedBroadcastReceiver broadCastReceiver = new UserDefinedBroadcastReceiver();

   public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

   public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
      getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
      return true;

    * This method enables the Broadcast receiver for
    * "android.intent.action.TIME_TICK" intent. This intent get
    * broadcasted every minute.
    * @param view
   public void registerBroadcastReceiver(View view) {

      this.registerReceiver(broadCastReceiver, new IntentFilter(
      Toast.makeText(this, "Registered broadcast receiver", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

    * This method disables the Broadcast receiver
    * @param view
   public void unregisterBroadcastReceiver(View view) {


      Toast.makeText(this, "unregistered broadcst receiver", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

MySQL - ignore insert error: duplicate entry

You can make sure that you do not insert duplicate information by using the EXISTS condition.

For example, if you had a table named clients with a primary key of client_id, you could use the following statement:

(client_id, client_name, client_type)
SELECT supplier_id, supplier_name, 'advertising'
FROM suppliers
WHERE not exists (select * from clients
where clients.client_id = suppliers.supplier_id);

This statement inserts multiple records with a subselect.

If you wanted to insert a single record, you could use the following statement:

(client_id, client_name, client_type)
SELECT 10345, 'IBM', 'advertising'
FROM dual
WHERE not exists (select * from clients
where clients.client_id = 10345);

The use of the dual table allows you to enter your values in a select statement, even though the values are not currently stored in a table.


How to select all elements with a particular ID in jQuery?

Though there are other correct answers here (such as using classes), from an academic point of view it is of course possible to have multiple divs with the same ID, and it is possible to select them with jQuery.

When you use


it selects only the first element with the given ID.

However, when you select by attribute (e.g. id in your case), it returns all matching elements, like so:


This of course works for selection on any attribute, and you could further refine your selection by specifying the tag in question (e.g. div in your case)


SaveFileDialog setting default path and file type?

Environment.GetSystemVariable("%SystemDrive%"); will provide the drive OS installed, and you can set filters to savedialog Obtain file path of C# save dialog box

Where am I? - Get country

String locale = context.getResources().getConfiguration().locale.getCountry(); 

Is deprecated. Use this instead:

Locale locale;
    locale = context.getResources().getConfiguration().getLocales().get(0);
} else {
    locale = context.getResources().getConfiguration().locale;

DateTime format to SQL format using C#

Using the standard datetime format "s" will also ensure internationalization compatibility (MM/dd versus dd/MM):


=> 2013-12-31T00:00:00

Complete Options: (code: sample result)

d: 6/15/2008 
D: Sunday, June 15, 2008 
f: Sunday, June 15, 2008 9:15 PM 
F: Sunday, June 15, 2008 9:15:07 PM 
g: 6/15/2008 9:15 PM 
G: 6/15/2008 9:15:07 PM 
m: June 15 
o: 2008-06-15T21:15:07.0000000 
R: Sun, 15 Jun 2008 21:15:07 GMT 
s: 2008-06-15T21:15:07 
t: 9:15 PM 
T: 9:15:07 PM 
u: 2008-06-15 21:15:07Z 
U: Monday, June 16, 2008 4:15:07 AM 
y: June, 2008 

'h:mm:ss.ff t': 9:15:07.00 P 
'd MMM yyyy': 15 Jun 2008 
'HH:mm:ss.f': 21:15:07.0 
'dd MMM HH:mm:ss': 15 Jun 21:15:07 
'\Mon\t\h\: M': Month: 6 
'HH:mm:ss.ffffzzz': 21:15:07.0000-07:00

Supported in .NET Framework: 4.6, 4.5, 4, 3.5, 3.0, 2.0, 1.1, 1.0
Reference: DateTime.ToString Method

js then print()

try this

<script type="text/javascript">
function openWin()
myWindow.document.write("<p>This is 'myWindow'</p>");

<input type="button" value="Open window" onclick="openWin()" />


How to uninstall with msiexec using product id guid without .msi file present

The good thing is, this one is really easily and deterministically to analyze: Either, the msi package is really not installed on the system or you're doing something wrong. Of course the correct call is:

msiexec /x {A4BFF20C-A21E-4720-88E5-79D5A5AEB2E8}

(Admin rights needed of course- With curly braces without any quotes here- quotes are only needed, if paths or values with blank are specified in the commandline.)
If the message is: "This action is only valid for products that are currently installed", then this is true. Either the package with this ProductCode is not installed or there is a typo.

To verify where the fault is:

  1. First try to right click on the (probably) installed .msi file itself. You will see (besides "Install" and "Repair") an Uninstall entry. Click on that.
    a) If that uninstall works, your msi has another ProductCode than you expect (maybe you have the wrong WiX source or your build has dynamic logging where the ProductCode changes).
    b) If that uninstall gives the same "...only valid for products already installed" the package is not installed (which is obviously a precondition to be able to uninstall it).

  2. If 1.a) was the case, you can look for the correct ProductCode of your package, if you open your msi file with Orca, Insted or another editor/tool. Just google for them. Look there in the table with the name "Property" and search for the string "ProductCode" in the first column. In the second column there is the correct value.

There are no other possibilities.

Just a suggestion for the used commandline: I would add at least the "/qb" for a simple progress bar or "/qn" parameter (the latter for complete silent uninstall, but makes only sense if you are sure it works).

Linux cmd to search for a class file among jars irrespective of jar path

Where are you jar files? Is there a pattern to find where they are?

1. Are they all in one directory?

For example, foo/a/a.jar and foo/b/b.jar are all under the folder foo/, in this case, you could use find with grep:

find foo/ -name "*.jar" | xargs grep Hello.class

Sure, at least you can search them under the root directory /, but it will be slow.

As @loganaayahee said, you could also use the command locate. locate search the files with an index, so it will be faster. But the command should be:

locate "*.jar" | xargs grep Hello.class

Since you want to search the content of the jar files.

2. Are the paths stored in an environment variable?

Typically, Java will store the paths to find jar files in an environment variable like CLASS_PATH, I don't know if this is what you want. But if your variable is just like this:CLASS_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/bin, which use a : to separate the paths, then you could use this commend to search the class:

for P in `echo $CLASS_PATH | sed 's/:/ /g'`; do grep Hello.calss $P/*.jar; done

Change a Django form field to a hidden field

an option that worked for me, define the field in the original form as:

forms.CharField(widget = forms.HiddenInput(), required = False)

then when you override it in the new Class it will keep it's place.

CSS - How to Style a Selected Radio Buttons Label?

You are using an adjacent sibling selector (+) when the elements are not siblings. The label is the parent of the input, not it's sibling.

CSS has no way to select an element based on it's descendents (nor anything that follows it).

You'll need to look to JavaScript to solve this.

Alternatively, rearrange your markup:

<input id="foo"><label for="foo">…</label>

How to call Makefile from another Makefile?

Instead of the -f of make you might want to use the -C <path> option. This first changes the to the path '<path>', and then calles make there.


  rm -f ./*~ ./gmon.out ./core $(SRC_DIR)/*~ $(OBJ_DIR)/*.o
  rm -f ../svn-commit.tmp~
  rm -f $(BIN_DIR)/$(PROJECT)
  $(MAKE) -C gtest-1.4.0/make clean

Why I'm getting 'Non-static method should not be called statically' when invoking a method in a Eloquent model?

You defined your method as non-static and you are trying to invoke it as static. That said...

1.if you want to invoke a static method, you should use the :: and define your method as static.

// Defining a static method in a Foo class.
public static function getAll() { /* code */ }

// Invoking that static method

2.otherwise, if you want to invoke an instance method you should instance your class, use ->.

// Defining a non-static method in a Foo class.
public function getAll() { /* code */ }

// Invoking that non-static method.
$foo = new Foo();

Note: In Laravel, almost all Eloquent methods return an instance of your model, allowing you to chain methods as shown below:

$foos = Foo::all()->take(10)->get();

In that code we are statically calling the all method via Facade. After that, all other methods are being called as instance methods.

Why use multiple columns as primary keys (composite primary key)

Multiple columns in a key are going to, in general, perform more poorly than a surrogate key. I prefer to have a surrogate key and then a unique index on a multicolumn key. That way you can have better performance and the uniqueness needed is maintained. And even better, when one of the values in that key changes, you don't also have to update a million child entries in 215 child tables.

How can I print to the same line?

package org.surthi.tutorial.concurrency;

public class IncrementalPrintingSystem {
    public static void main(String...args) {
        new Thread(()-> {
           int i = 0;
           while(i++ < 100) {
               int j=0;
                  System.out.print(" ");
               System.out.print("] : "+ i+"%");
               try {
               } catch (InterruptedException e) {

how to change attribute "hidden" in jquery

You can use jquery attr method


How to align footer (div) to the bottom of the page?

This will make the div fixed at the bottom of the page but in case the page is long it will only be visible when you scroll down.

<style type="text/css">
  #footer {
    position : absolute;
    bottom : 0;
    height : 40px;
    margin-top : 40px;
<div id="footer">I am footer</div>

The height and margin-top should be the same so that the footer doesnt show over the content.

.bashrc at ssh login

.bashrc is not sourced when you log in using SSH. You need to source it in your .bash_profile like this:

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
  . ~/.bashrc

PHP PDO with foreach and fetch

foreach over a statement is just a syntax sugar for the regular one-way fetch() loop. If you want to loop over your data more than once, select it as a regular array first

$sql = "SELECT * FROM users";
$stm = $dbh->query($sql);
// here you go:
$users = $stm->fetchAll();

foreach ($users as $row) {
    print $row["name"] . "-" . $row["sex"] ."<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
foreach ($users as $row) {
    print $row["name"] . "-" . $row["sex"] ."<br/>";

Also quit that try..catch thing. Don't use it, but set the proper error reporting for PHP and PDO

How do I view / replay a chrome network debugger har file saved with content?

Chrome now supports loading HAR files. Open Chrome, Press F12, Click on the Network Tab. Drag and drop the .har file DONE !

Datanode process not running in Hadoop

I was having the same problem running a single-node pseudo-distributed instance. Couldn't figure out how to solve it, but a quick workaround is to manually start a DataNode with
hadoop-x.x.x/bin/hadoop datanode

Replace all whitespace characters

I've used the "slugify" method from underscore.string and it worked like a charm:

The cool thing is that you can really just import this method, don't need to import the entire library.

How to set order of repositories in Maven settings.xml

None of these answers were correct in my case.. the order seems dependent on the alphabetical ordering of the <id> tag, which is an arbitrary string. Hence this forced repo search order:

                <releases>  <enabled>true</enabled>  </releases>
                <snapshots> <enabled>true</enabled> </snapshots>

                <releases>  <enabled>true</enabled>  </releases>
                <snapshots> <enabled>false</enabled> </snapshots>

How to update the value stored in Dictionary in C#?

  1. update - modify existent only. To avoid side effect of indexer use:

    int val;
    if (dic.TryGetValue(key, out val))
        // key exist
        dic[key] = val;
  2. update or (add new if value doesn't exist in dic)

    dic[key] = val;

    for instance:

    d["Two"] = 2; // adds to dictionary because "two" not already present
    d["Two"] = 22; // updates dictionary because "two" is now present

Decompile an APK, modify it and then recompile it

This is a way:

  1. Using apktool to decode:

     $ apktool d -f {apkfile} -o {output folder}
  2. Next, using JADX (at

     $ jadx -d {output folder} {apkfile}

2 tools extract and decompiler to same output folder.

Easy way: Using Online APK Decompiler

How to display loading image while actual image is downloading

Instead of just doing this quoted method from,

You can do something like this:

// show loading image

// main image loaded ?
$('#main_img').on('load', function(){
  // hide/remove the loading image

You assign load event to the image which fires when image has finished loading. Before that, you can show your loader image.

you can use a different jQuery function to make the loading image fade away, then be hidden:

// Show the loading image.

// When main image loads:
$('#main_img').on('load', function(){
  // Fade out and hide the loading image.
  $('#loader_img').fadeOut(100); // Time in milliseconds.

"Once the opacity reaches 0, the display style property is set to none."

Or you could not use the jQuery library because there are already simple cross-browser JavaScript methods.

How do I manually configure a DataSource in Java?

Basically in JDBC most of these properties are not configurable in the API like that, rather they depend on implementation. The way JDBC handles this is by allowing the connection URL to be different per vendor.

So what you do is register the driver so that the JDBC system can know what to do with the URL:

 DriverManager.registerDriver((Driver) Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance());

Then you form the URL:

 String url = "jdbc:mysql://[host][,failoverhost...][:port]/[database][?propertyName1][=propertyValue1][&propertyName2][=propertyValue2]"

And finally, use it to get a connection:

 Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection(url);

In more sophisticated JDBC, you get involved with connection pools and the like, and application servers often have their own way of registering drivers in JNDI and you look up a DataSource from there, and call getConnection on it.

In terms of what properties MySQL supports, see here.

EDIT: One more thought, technically just having a line of code which does Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") should be enough, as the class should have its own static initializer which registers a version, but sometimes a JDBC driver doesn't, so if you aren't sure, there is little harm in registering a second one, it just creates a duplicate object in memeory.

How to get the current branch name in Git?

Simply, add following lines to your ~/.bash_profile:

branch_show() {
     git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'
export PS1="\u@\h \[\033[32m\]\w\[\033[33m\]\$(branch_show)\[\033[00m\] $ "

In this way, you can have the current branch name in Terminal

Courtesy of

How do I debug Windows services in Visual Studio?

Try Visual Studio's very own post-build event command line.

Try to add this in post-build:

@echo off
sc query "ServiceName" > nul
if errorlevel 1060 goto install
goto stop

echo delete
sc delete "ServiceName" > nul
echo %errorlevel%
goto install

echo install
sc create "ServiceName" displayname= "Service Display Name" binpath= "$(TargetPath)" start= auto > nul
echo %errorlevel%
goto start

echo start
sc start "ServiceName" > nul
echo %errorlevel%
goto end

echo stop
sc stop "ServiceName" > nul
echo %errorlevel%
goto delete


If the build error with a message like Error 1 The command "@echo off sc query "ServiceName" > nul so on, Ctrl + C then Ctrl + V the error message into Notepad and look at the last sentence of the message.

It could be saying exited with code x. Look for the code in some common error here and see how to resolve it.

1072 -- Marked for deletion ? Close all applications that maybe using the service including services.msc and Windows event log.
1058 -- Can't be started because disabled or has no enabled associated devices ? just delete it.
1060 -- Doesn't exist ? just delete it.
1062 -- Has not been started ? just delete it.
1053 -- Didn't respond to start or control ? see event log (if logged to event log). It may be the service itself throwing an exception.
1056 -- Service is already running ? stop the service, and then delete.

More on error codes here.

And if the build error with message like this,

Error    11    Could not copy "obj\x86\Debug\ServiceName.exe" to "bin\Debug\ServiceName.exe". Exceeded retry count of 10. Failed.    ServiceName
Error    12    Unable to copy file "obj\x86\Debug\ServiceName.exe" to "bin\Debug\ServiceName.exe". The process cannot access the file 'bin\Debug\ServiceName.exe' because it is being used by another process.    ServiceName

open cmd, and then try to kill it first with taskkill /fi "services eq ServiceName" /f

If all is well, F5 should be sufficient to debug it.

str_replace with array

Alternatively to the answer marked as correct, if you have to replace words instead of chars you can do it with this piece of code :

$query = "INSERT INTO my_table VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);";
$values = Array("apple", "oranges", "mangos", "papayas");
foreach (array_fill(0, count($values), '?') as $key => $wildcard) {
    $query = substr_replace($query, '"'.$values[$key].'"', strpos($query, $wildcard), strlen($wildcard));
echo $query;

Demo here :

Another Repeated column in mapping for entity error

Take care to provide only 1 setter and getter for any attribute. The best way to approach is to write down the definition of all the attributes then use eclipse generate setter and getter utility rather than doing it manually. The option comes on right click-> source -> Generate Getter and Setter.

How to get file_get_contents() to work with HTTPS?

I was stuck with non functional https on IIS. Solved with:

file_get_contents('https.. ) wouldn't load.

  • download
  • install under ..phpN.N/extras/ssl
  • edit php.ini with:

    curl.cainfo = "C:\Program Files\PHP\v7.3\extras\ssl\cacert.pem" openssl.cafile="C:\Program Files\PHP\v7.3\extras\ssl\cacert.pem"


jQuery UI - Draggable is not a function?

The cause to this error is usually because you're probably using a bootstrap framework and have already included a jquery file somewhere else may at the head or right above the closing body tag, in that case all you need to do is to include the jquery ui file wherever you have the jquery file or on both both places and you'll be fine...

  <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

just include the above jquery ui script wherever you are importing the jquery file along with other bootstrap dependencies.

Syntax of for-loop in SQL Server

How about this:

   Do Something
GO 10

... of course you could put an incremental counter inside it if you need to count.

How to pass props to {this.props.children}

Is this what you required?

var Parent = React.createClass({
  doSomething: function(value) {
  render: function() {
    return  <div>
              <Child doSome={this.doSomething} />

var Child = React.createClass({
  onClick:function() {
    this.props.doSome(value); // doSomething is undefined
  render: function() {
    return  <div onClick={this.onClick}></div>

Is it possible only to declare a variable without assigning any value in Python?

Is it possible to declare a variable in Python (var=None):

def decl_var(var=None):
if var is None:
    var = []
return var

MySQL Stored procedure variables from SELECT statements

You simply need to enclose your SELECT statements in parentheses to indicate that they are subqueries:

SET cityLat = (SELECT FROM cities WHERE = cityID);

Alternatively, you can use MySQL's SELECT ... INTO syntax. One advantage of this approach is that both cityLat and cityLng can be assigned from a single table-access:

SELECT lat, lng INTO cityLat, cityLng FROM cities WHERE id = cityID;

However, the entire procedure can be replaced with a single self-joined SELECT statement:

SELECT   b.*, HAVERSINE(, a.lng,, b.lng) AS dist
FROM     cities AS a, cities AS b
WHERE = cityID
LIMIT    10;

nginx: connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream

I don't think that solution would work anyways because you will see some error message in your error log file.

The solution was a lot easier than what I thought.

simply, open the following path to your php5-fpm

sudo nano /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf

or if you're the admin 'root'

nano /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf

Then find this line and uncomment it:

listen.allowed_clients =

This solution will make you be able to use listen = in your vhost blocks

like this: fastcgi_pass;

after you make the modifications, all you need is to restart or reload both Nginx and Php5-fpm


sudo service php5-fpm restart


sudo service php5-fpm reload


sudo service nginx restart


sudo service nginx reload

From the comments:

Also comment

;listen = /var/run/php5-fpm.sock 

and add

listen = 9000

Can two or more people edit an Excel document at the same time?

Yes you can. I've used it with Word and PowerPoint. You will need Office 2010 client apps and SharePoint 2010 foundation at least. You must also allow editing without checking out on the document library.

It's quite cool, you can mark regions as 'locked' so no-one can change them and you can see what other people have changed every time you save your changes to the server. You also get to see who's working on the document from the Office app. The merging happens on SharePoint 2010.

Search and replace in bash using regular expressions

If you are making repeated calls and are concerned with performance, This test reveals the BASH method is ~15x faster than forking to sed and likely any other external process.


P1=$(date +%s)

for i in {1..10000}
   echo $hello | sed s/X//g > /dev/null

P2=$(date +%s)
echo $[$P2-$P1]

for i in {1..10000}
   echo ${hello//X/} > /dev/null

P3=$(date +%s)
echo $[$P3-$P2]

Closing Application with Exit button

try this for close app


Vertically centering Bootstrap modal window

To add vertical modal centering to bootstrap modal.js I added this at the end of the function:

var $modalDialog = $('.modal-dialog'),
        modalHeight = $modalDialog.height(),
        browserHeight = window.innerHeight;

    $modalDialog.css({'margin-top' : modalHeight >= browserHeight ? 0 : (browserHeight - modalHeight)/2});

Resizing an iframe based on content


window.postMessage is a method for safely enabling cross-origin communication. Normally, scripts on different pages are only allowed to access each other if and only if the pages which executed them are at locations with the same protocol (usually both http), port number (80 being the default for http), and host (modulo document.domain being set by both pages to the same value). window.postMessage provides a controlled mechanism to circumvent this restriction in a way which is secure when properly used.


window.postMessage, when called, causes a MessageEvent to be dispatched at the target window when any pending script that must be executed completes (e.g. remaining event handlers if window.postMessage is called from an event handler, previously-set pending timeouts, etc.). The MessageEvent has the type message, a data property which is set to the string value of the first argument provided to window.postMessage, an origin property corresponding to the origin of the main document in the window calling window.postMessage at the time window.postMessage was called, and a source property which is the window from which window.postMessage is called. (Other standard properties of events are present with their expected values.)

The iFrame-Resizer library uses postMessage to keep an iFrame sized to it's content, along with MutationObserver to detect changes to the content and doesn't depend on jQuery.

jQuery: Cross-domain scripting goodness

Has demo of resizing iframe window...

This article shows how to remove the dependency on jQuery... Plus has a lot of useful info and links to other solutions.

Barebones example...

HTML 5 working draft on window.postMessage

John Resig on Cross-Window Messaging

How exactly does binary code get converted into letters?

Do you mean the conversion 011001100110111101101111 ? foo, for example? You just take the binary stream, split it into separate bytes (01100110, 01101111, 01101111) and look up the ASCII character that corresponds to given number. For example, 01100110 is 102 in decimal and the ASCII character with code 102 is f:

$ perl -E 'say 0b01100110'
$ perl -E 'say chr(102)'

(See what the chr function does.) You can generalize this algorithm and have a different number of bits per character and different encodings, the point remains the same.

Best C++ Code Formatter/Beautifier

AStyle can be customized in great detail for C++ and Java (and others too)

This is a source code formatting tool.

clang-format is a powerful command line tool bundled with the clang compiler which handles even the most obscure language constructs in a coherent way.

It can be integrated with Visual Studio, Emacs, Vim (and others) and can format just the selected lines (or with git/svn to format some diff).

It can be configured with a variety of options listed here.

When using config files (named .clang-format) styles can be per directory - the closest such file in parent directories shall be used for a particular file.

Styles can be inherited from a preset (say LLVM or Google) and can later override different options

It is used by Google and others and is production ready.

Also look at the project UniversalIndentGUI. You can experiment with several indenters using it: AStyle, Uncrustify, GreatCode, ... and select the best for you. Any of them can be run later from a command line.

Uncrustify has a lot of configurable options. You'll probably need Universal Indent GUI (in Konstantin's reply) as well to configure it.

Stop executing further code in Java

There are two way to stop current method/process :

  1. Throwing Exception.
  2. returnning the value even if it is void method.

Option : you can also kill the current thread to stop it.

For example :

public void onClick(){

    if(condition == true){
        throw new YourException();
    string.setText("This string should not change if condition = true");

How to set iframe size dynamically

Not quite sure what the 300 is supposed to mean? Miss typo? However for iframes it would be best to use CSS :) - Ive found befor when importing youtube videos that it ignores inline things.

    #myFrame { width:100%; height:100%; }

<iframe src="html_intro.asp" id="myFrame">
<p>Hi SOF</p>

Why does Git say my master branch is "already up to date" even though it is not?

Just a friendly reminder if you have files locally that aren't in github and yet your git status says

Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working tree clean

It can happen if the files are in .gitignore

Try running

cat .gitignore 

and seeing if these files show up there. That would explain why git doesn't want to move them to the remote.

Android Studio Gradle project "Unable to start the daemon process /initialization of VM"

I had the same problem. Starting Android Studio as Administrator fixed it.

Determine if string is in list in JavaScript

Most of the answers suggest the Array.prototype.indexOf method, the only problem is that it will not work on any IE version before IE9.

As an alternative I leave you two more options that will work on all browsers:

if (/Foo|Bar|Baz/.test(str)) {
  // ...

if (str.match("Foo|Bar|Baz")) {
  // ...

Compare every item to every other item in ArrayList

In some cases this is the best way because your code may have change something and j=i+1 won't check that.

for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){  
    for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) {
                if(i == j) {
               //to do code here



SQL Server command line backup statement

I am using SQL Server 2005 Express, and I had to enable Named Pipes connection to be able to backup from the Windows Command. My final script is this:

@echo off
set DB_NAME=Your_DB_Name
set BK_FILE=D:\DB_Backups\%DB_NAME%.bak
set DB_HOSTNAME=Your_DB_Hostname
echo Backing up %DB_NAME% to %BK_FILE%...
echo Done!

It's working just fine here!!

Empty responseText from XMLHttpRequest

The browser is preventing you from cross-site scripting.

If the url is outside of your domain, then you need to do this on the server side or move it into your domain.

Setting up a git remote origin

For anyone who comes here, as I did, looking for the syntax to change origin to a different location you can find that documentation here: Using git remote add to do this will result in "fatal: remote origin already exists."

Nutshell: git remote set-url origin

(The marked answer is correct, I'm just hoping to help anyone as lost as I was... haha)

how to get date of yesterday using php?

try this

        $tz    = new DateTimeZone('Your Time Zone');
        $date  = new DateTime($today,$tz);
        $interval = new DateInterval('P1D');

        echo $date->format('d.m.y');


How to allow all Network connection types HTTP and HTTPS in Android (9) Pie?

Easy Way

Add usesCleartextTraffic to AndroidManifest.xml


Indicates whether the app intends to use cleartext network traffic, such as cleartext HTTP. The default value for apps that target API level 27 or lower is "true". Apps that target API level 28 or higher default to "false".

jQuery Ajax File Upload

You can use method ajaxSubmit as follow :) when you select a file that need upload to server, form be submit to server :)

$(document).ready(function () {
    var options = {
    target: '#output',   // target element(s) to be updated with server response
    timeout: 30000,
    error: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
            $('#output').html('have any error');
            return false;
    success: afterSuccess,  // post-submit callback
    resetForm: true
            // reset the form after successful submit

$('#idOfInputFile').on('change', function () {
    // always return false to prevent standard browser submit and page navigation
    return false;

Can Android Studio be used to run standard Java projects?

Tested on Android Studio 0.8.6 - 3.5

Using this method you can have Java modules and Android modules in the same project and also have the ability to compile and run Java modules as stand alone Java projects.

  1. Open your Android project in Android Studio. If you do not have one, create one.
  2. Click File > New Module. Select Java Library and click Next.
  3. Fill in the package name, etc and click Finish. You should now see a Java module inside your Android project.
  4. Add your code to the Java module you've just created.
  5. Click on the drop down to the left of the run button. Click Edit Configurations...
  6. In the new window, click on the plus sign at the top left of the window and select Application
  7. A new application configuration should appear, enter in the details such as your main class and classpath of your module.
  8. Click OK.

Now if you click run, this should compile and run your Java module.

If you get the error Error: Could not find or load main class..., just enter your main class (as you've done in step 7) again even if the field is already filled in. Click Apply and then click Ok.

My usage case: My Android app relies on some precomputed files to function. These precomputed files are generated by some Java code. Since these two things go hand in hand, it makes the most sense to have both of these modules in the same project.

NEW - How to enable Kotlin in your standalone project

If you want to enable Kotlin inside your standalone project, do the following.

  1. Continuing from the last step above, add the following code to your project level build.gradle (lines to add are denoted by >>>):

    buildscript {
        >>> ext.kotlin_version = '1.2.51'
        repositories {
        dependencies {
            classpath ''
            >>> classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
            // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
            // in the individual module build.gradle files
  2. Add the following code to your module level build.gradle (lines to add are denoted by >>>):

    apply plugin: 'java-library'
    >>> apply plugin: 'kotlin'
    dependencies {
        implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
        >>> implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version"
        >>> runtimeClasspath files(compileKotlin.destinationDir)
  3. Bonus step: Convert your main function to Kotlin! Simply change your main class to:

    object Main {
        fun main(args: Array<String>) {
            // do something

Can I get image from canvas element and use it in img src tag?

I´ve found two problems with your Fiddle, one of the problems is first in Zeta´s answer.

the method is not toDataUrl(); is toDataURL(); and you forgot to store the canvas in your variable.

So the Fiddle now works fine

I hope this helps!

VB.NET: how to prevent user input in a ComboBox

Set the ReadOnly attribute to true.

Or if you want the combobox to appear and display the list of "available" values, you could handle the ValueChanged event and force it back to your immutable value.

Opening Android Settings programmatically

Send User to Settings With located Package, example for WRITE_SETTINGS permission:

startActivityForResult(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_MANAGE_WRITE_SETTINGS).setData(Uri.parse("package:"+getPackageName()) ),0);

Basic Apache commands for a local Windows machine

For frequent uses of this command I found it easy to add the location of C:\xampp\apache\bin to the PATH. Use whatever directory you have this installed in.

Then you can run from any directory in command line:

httpd -k restart

The answer above that suggests httpd -k -restart is actually a typo. You can see the commands by running httpd /?

Getting the text that follows after the regex match

Your regex "sentence(.*)" is right. To retrieve the contents of the group in parenthesis, you would call:

Pattern p = Pattern.compile( "sentence(.*)" );
Matcher m = p.matcher( "some lame sentence that is awesome" );
if ( m.find() ) {
   String s =; // " that is awesome"

Note the use of m.find() in this case (attempts to find anywhere on the string) and not m.matches() (would fail because of the prefix "some lame"; in this case the regex would need to be ".*sentence(.*)")

get UTC timestamp in python with datetime

A simple solution without using external modules:

from datetime import datetime, timezone

dt = datetime(2008, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)

How to remove an iOS app from the App Store

To remove an app from the App Store, deselect all territories in your app's Rights and Pricing section on the App Summary page accessible from the Manage Your Applications module. Your app status will change to Developer Removed from Sale and will be removed from the App Store until you make it available again using the Rights and Pricing section.

Difference between array_push() and $array[] =

both are the same, but array_push makes a loop in it's parameter which is an array and perform $array[]=$element

Implementing a simple file download servlet

The easiest way to implement the download is that you direct users to the file location, browsers will do that for you automatically.

You can easily achieve it through:


How to check if all elements of a list matches a condition?

You could use itertools's takewhile like this, it will stop once a condition is met that fails your statement. The opposite method would be dropwhile

for x in itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x[2] == 0, list)
    print x

Get all rows from SQLite

Cursor cursor = myDb.viewData();

        if (cursor.moveToFirst()){
              do {
                 String itemname=cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(myDb.col_2));
                 String price=cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(myDb.col_3));
                 String quantity=cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(myDb.col_4));
                 String table_no=cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(myDb.col_5));

                 }while (cursor.moveToNext());



Multiple conditions in if statement shell script

if using /bin/sh you can use:

if [ <condition> ] && [ <condition> ]; then

if using /bin/bash you can use:

if [[ <condition> && <condition> ]]; then

Posting a File and Associated Data to a RESTful WebService preferably as JSON

I know this question is old, but in the last days I had searched whole web to solution this same question. I have grails REST webservices and iPhone Client that send pictures, title and description.

I don't know if my approach is the best, but is so easy and simple.

I take a picture using the UIImagePickerController and send to server the NSData using the header tags of request to send the picture's data.

NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"myServerAddress"]];
[request setHTTPMethod:@"POST"];
[request setHTTPBody:UIImageJPEGRepresentation(picture, 0.5)];
[request setValue:@"image/jpeg" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Type"];
[request setValue:@"myPhotoTitle" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Photo-Title"];
[request setValue:@"myPhotoDescription" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Photo-Description"];

NSURLResponse *response;

NSError *error;

[NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:&error];

At the server side, I receive the photo using the code:

InputStream is = request.inputStream

def receivedPhotoFile = (IOUtils.toByteArray(is))

def photo = new Photo()
photo.photoFile = receivedPhotoFile //photoFile is a transient attribute
photo.title = request.getHeader("Photo-Title")
photo.description = request.getHeader("Photo-Description")
photo.imageURL = "temp"    

if ( {    

    File saveLocation = grailsAttributes.getApplicationContext().getResource(File.separator + "images").getFile()

    File tempFile = File.createTempFile("photo", ".jpg", saveLocation)

    photo.imageURL = saveLocation.getName() + "/" + tempFile.getName()


} else {



I don't know if I have problems in future, but now is working fine in production environment.

How to delete rows from a pandas DataFrame based on a conditional expression

If you want to drop rows of data frame on the basis of some complicated condition on the column value then writing that in the way shown above can be complicated. I have the following simpler solution which always works. Let us assume that you want to drop the column with 'header' so get that column in a list first.

text_data = df['name'].tolist()

now apply some function on the every element of the list and put that in a panda series:

text_length = pd.Series([func(t) for t in text_data])

in my case I was just trying to get the number of tokens:

text_length = pd.Series([len(t.split()) for t in text_data])

now add one extra column with the above series in the data frame:

df = df.assign(text_length = text_length .values)

now we can apply condition on the new column such as:

df = df[df.text_length  >  10]
def pass_filter(df, label, length, pass_type):

    text_data = df[label].tolist()

    text_length = pd.Series([len(t.split()) for t in text_data])

    df = df.assign(text_length = text_length .values)

    if pass_type == 'high':
        df = df[df.text_length  >  length]

    if pass_type == 'low':
        df = df[df.text_length  <  length]

    df = df.drop(columns=['text_length'])

    return df

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception'


throw new Exception('test exception');

I got 500 (but didn't see anything in the browser), until I put

php_flag display_errors on

in my .htaccess (just for a subfolder). There are also more detailed settings, see Enabling error display in php via htaccess only

Upload video files via PHP and save them in appropriate folder and have a database entry

"Could you suggest a simpler code main thing is uploading the file Data base entry is secondary"

^--- As per OP's request. ---^

Image and video uploading code (tested with PHP Version 5.4.17)

HTML form

<!DOCTYPE html>



<form action="upload_file.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<label for="file"><span>Filename:</span></label>
<input type="file" name="file" id="file" /> 
<br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />


PHP handler (upload_file.php)

Change upload folder to preferred name. Presently saves to upload/


$allowedExts = array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "mp3", "mp4", "wma");
$extension = pathinfo($_FILES['file']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

if ((($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "video/mp4")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "audio/mp3")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "audio/wma")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/pjpeg")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/gif")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/jpeg"))

&& ($_FILES["file"]["size"] < 20000)
&& in_array($extension, $allowedExts))

  if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0)
    echo "Return Code: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"] . "<br />";
    echo "Upload: " . $_FILES["file"]["name"] . "<br />";
    echo "Type: " . $_FILES["file"]["type"] . "<br />";
    echo "Size: " . ($_FILES["file"]["size"] / 1024) . " Kb<br />";
    echo "Temp file: " . $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"] . "<br />";

    if (file_exists("upload/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]))
      echo $_FILES["file"]["name"] . " already exists. ";
      "upload/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]);
      echo "Stored in: " . "upload/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"];
  echo "Invalid file";

Random integer in VB.NET

Public Function RandomNumber(ByVal n As Integer) As Integer
    'initialize random number generator
    Dim r As New Random(System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond)
    Return r.Next(1, n)
End Function

Find an element in a list of tuples

[tup for tup in a if tup[0] == 1]

How to use JavaScript with Selenium WebDriver Java

JavaScript With Selenium WebDriver

Selenium is one of the most popular automated testing suites. Selenium is designed in a way to support and encourage automation testing of functional aspects of web based applications and a wide range of browsers and platforms.

    public static WebDriver driver;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        driver = new FirefoxDriver(); // This opens a window    
        String url = "----";


        JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;       
        if (jse instanceof WebDriver) {
            //Launching the browser application
            jse.executeScript("window.location = \'"+url+"\'");
jse.executeScript("document.getElementById('username').value = \"yash\";");
// Tag having name then

//Opend Site and click on some links. then you can apply go(-1)--> back  forword(-1)--> front.
//Refresheing the web-site. driver.navigate().refresh();            

            String title = (String)jse.executeScript("return document.title");
            System.out.println(" Title Of site : "+title);

            String domain = (String)jse.executeScript("return document.domain");
            System.out.println("Web Site Domain-Name : "+domain);

            // To get all NodeList[1052] document.querySelectorAll('*');  or document.all

            String error=(String) jse.executeScript("return window.jsErrors");
            System.out.println("Windowerrors  :   "+error);

            System.out.println("To Find the input tag position from top"); 
            ArrayList<?> al =  (ArrayList<?>) jse.executeScript(
                    "var source = [];"+
                    "var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');"+
                    "for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { " +
                       "   source[i] = inputs[i].offsetParent.offsetTop" +      //"    inputs[i].type = 'radio';"
                    "return source"                 
                    );//inputs[i].offsetParent.offsetTop     inputs[i].type

            System.out.println("array : "+al);

            // (CTRL + a) to access keyboard keys. org.openqa.selenium.Keys 
            Keys k = null;
            String selectAll = Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "a");
            WebElement body = driver.findElement(By.tagName("body"));

            // Search for text in Site. Gets all ViewSource content and checks their.
            if (driver.getPageSource().contains("login")) {
                System.out.println("Text present in Web Site");

        Long clent_height = (Long) jse.executeScript("return document.body.clientHeight");
        System.out.println("Client Body Height : "+clent_height);

        // using selenium we con only execute script but not JS-functions.

    driver.quit(); // to close browser

To Execute User-Functions, Writing JS in to a file and reading as String and executing it to easily use.

Scanner sc = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(new File("JsFile.txt")));
        String js_TxtFile = ""; 
            while (sc.hasNext()) {          
                String[] s ="\r\n");   
                for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
                    js_TxtFile += s[i];
                    js_TxtFile += " ";
        String title =  (String) jse.executeScript(js_TxtFile);
        System.out.println("Title  : "+title);

document.title & document.getElementById() is a property/method available in Browsers.


var title = getTitle();
return title;

function getTitle() {
    return document.title;

Django template how to look up a dictionary value with a variable

For me creating a python file named in my App with below content did the job

# coding=utf-8
from django.template.base import Library

register = Library()

def get_item(dictionary, key):
    return dictionary.get(key)

usage is like what culebrón said :

{{ mydict|get_item:item.NAME }}

Run chrome in fullscreen mode on Windows

Update 03-Oct-19

new script that displays 10second countdown then launches chrome/chromiumn in fullscreen kiosk mode.

more updates to chrome required script update to allow autoplaying video with audio. Note --overscroll-history-navigation=0 isn't working currently will need to disable this flag by going to chrome://flags/#overscroll-history-navigation in your browser and setting to disabled.

@echo off
echo Countdown to application launch...
timeout /t 10
"C:\Program Files (x86)\chrome-win32\chrome.exe" --chrome --kiosk http://localhost/xxxx --incognito --disable-pinch --no-user-gesture-required --overscroll-history-navigation=0

might need to set chrome://flags/#autoplay-policy if running an older version of chrome (60 below)

Update 11-May-16

There have been many updates to chrome since I posted this and have had to alter the script alot to keep it working as I needed.

Couple of issues with newer versions of chrome:

  • built in pinch to zoom
  • Chrome restore error always showing after forced shutdown
  • auto update popup

Because of the restore error switched out to incognito mode as this launches a clear version all the time and does not save what the user was viewing and so if it crashes there is nothing to restore. Also the auto up in newer versions of chrome being a pain to try and disable I switched out to use chromium as it does not auto update and still gives all the modern features of chrome. Note make sure you download the top version of chromium this comes with all audio and video codecs as the basic version of chromium does not support all codecs.

Chromium download link

@echo off

echo Step 1 of 2: Waiting a few seconds before starting the Kiosk...

"C:\windows\system32\ping" -n 5 -w 1000 >NUL

echo Step 2 of 5: Waiting a few more seconds before starting the browser...

"C:\windows\system32\ping" -n 5 -w 1000 >NUL

echo Final 'invisible' step: Starting the browser, Finally...

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chromium\chrome.exe" --chrome --kiosk --incognito --disable-pinch --overscroll-history-navigation=0



I use this for exhibitions to lock down screens. I think its what your looking for.

  • Start chrome and go to drag and drop the url out onto the desktop
  • rename it to something handy for this example google_homepage
  • drop this now into your c directory, click on my computer c: and drop this file in there
  • start chrome again go to settings and under on start up select open a specific page and set your home page here.

Next part is the script that I use to start close and restart chrome again in kiosk mode. The locations is where I have chrome installed so it might be abit different for you depending on your install.

Open your text editor of choice or just notepad and past the below code in, make sure its in the same format/order as below. Save it to your desktop as what ever you like so for this example chrome_startup_script.txt next right click it and rename, remove the txt from the end and put in bat instead. double click this to launch the script to see if its working correctly.

A command line box should appear and run through the script, chrome will start and then close down the reason to do this is to remove any error reports such as if the pc crashed, when chrome starts again without this it would show the yellow error bar at the top saying chrome did not shut down properly would you like to restore it. After a few seconds chrome should start again and in kiosk mode and will point to what ever homepage you have set.

@echo off
echo Step 1 of 5: Waiting a few seconds before starting the Kiosk...
"C:\windows\system32\ping" -n 31 -w 1000 >NUL
echo Step 2 of 5: Starting browser as a pre-start to delete error messages...
echo Step 3 of 5: Waiting a few seconds before killing the browser task...
"C:\windows\system32\ping" -n 11 -w 1000 >NUL
echo Step 4 of 5: Killing the browser task gracefully to avoid session restore...
Taskkill /IM chrome.exe
echo Step 5 of 5: Waiting a few seconds before restarting the browser...
"C:\windows\system32\ping" -n 11 -w 1000 >NUL
echo Final 'invisible' step: Starting the browser, Finally...
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --kiosk --overscroll-history-navigation=0"

Note: The number after the -n of the ping is the amount of seconds (minus one second) to wait before starting the link (or application in the next line)

Finally if this is all working then you can drag and drop the .bat file into the startup folder in windows and this script will launch each time windows starts.


With recent versions of chrome they have really got into enabling touch gestures, this means that swiping left or right on a touchscreen will cause the browser to go forward or backward in history. To prevent this we need to disable the history navigation on the back and forward buttons to do that add the following --overscroll-history-navigation=0 to the end of the script.

Twitter Bootstrap and ASP.NET GridView

You need to set useaccessibleheader attribute of the gridview to true and also then also specify a TableSection to be a header after calling the DataBind() method on you GridView object. So if your grid view is mygv

mygv.UseAccessibleHeader = True
mygv.HeaderRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader

This should result in a proper formatted grid with thead and tbody tags

How to combine class and ID in CSS selector?

You can combine ID and Class in CSS, but IDs are intended to be unique, so adding a class to a CSS selector would over-qualify it.

Python threading. How do I lock a thread?

You can see that your locks are pretty much working as you are using them, if you slow down the process and make them block a bit more. You had the right idea, where you surround critical pieces of code with the lock. Here is a small adjustment to your example to show you how each waits on the other to release the lock.

import threading
import time
import inspect

class Thread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, t, *args):
        threading.Thread.__init__(self, target=t, args=args)

count = 0
lock = threading.Lock()

def incre():
    global count
    caller = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1][3]
    print "Inside %s()" % caller
    print "Acquiring lock"
    with lock:
        print "Lock Acquired"
        count += 1  

def bye():
    while count < 5:

def hello_there():
    while count < 5:

def main():    
    hello = Thread(hello_there)
    goodbye = Thread(bye)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Sample output:

Inside hello_there()
Acquiring lock
Lock Acquired
Inside bye()
Acquiring lock
Lock Acquired

Capture keyboardinterrupt in Python without try-except

You can prevent printing a stack trace for KeyboardInterrupt, without try: ... except KeyboardInterrupt: pass (the most obvious and propably "best" solution, but you already know it and asked for something else) by replacing sys.excepthook. Something like

def custom_excepthook(type, value, traceback):
    if type is KeyboardInterrupt:
        return # do nothing
        sys.__excepthook__(type, value, traceback)

What does bundle exec rake mean?

You're running bundle exec on a program. The program's creators wrote it when certain versions of gems were available. The program Gemfile specifies the versions of the gems the creators decided to use. That is, the script was made to run correctly against these gem versions.

Your system-wide Gemfile may differ from this Gemfile. You may have newer or older gems with which this script doesn't play nice. This difference in versions can give you weird errors.

bundle exec helps you avoid these errors. It executes the script using the gems specified in the script's Gemfile rather than the systemwide Gemfile. It executes the certain gem versions with the magic of shell aliases.

See more on the man page.

Here's an example Gemfile:

source ''

gem 'rails', '2.8.3'

Here, bundle exec would execute the script using rails version 2.8.3 and not some other version you may have installed system-wide.

Microsoft Excel mangles Diacritics in .csv files?

Note that including the UTF-8 BOM is not necessarily a good idea - Mac versions of Excel ignore it and will actually display the BOM as ASCII… three nasty characters at the start of the first field in your spreadsheet…

How to resize a custom view programmatically?

This works for me:

ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = layout.getLayoutParams();
params.height = customHeight;

Should functions return null or an empty object?

You should throw an exception (only) if a specific contract is broken.
In your specific example, asking for a UserEntity based on a known Id, it would depend on the fact if missing (deleted) users are an expected case. If so, then return null but if it is not an expected case then throw an exception.
Note that if the function was called UserEntity GetUserByName(string name) it would probably not throw but return null. In both cases returning an empty UserEntity would be unhelpful.

For strings, arrays and collections the situation is usually different. I remember some guideline form MS that methods should accept null as an 'empty' list but return collections of zero-length rather than null. The same for strings. Note that you can declare empty arrays: int[] arr = new int[0];

How to implement a Boolean search with multiple columns in pandas

All the considerations made by @EdChum in 2014 are still valid, but the pandas.Dataframe.ix method is deprecated from the version 0.0.20 of pandas. Directly from the docs:

Warning: Starting in 0.20.0, the .ix indexer is deprecated, in favor of the more strict .iloc and .loc indexers.

In subsequent versions of pandas, this method has been replaced by new indexing methods pandas.Dataframe.loc and pandas.Dataframe.iloc.

If you want to learn more, in this post you can find comparisons between the methods mentioned above.

Ultimately, to date (and there does not seem to be any change in the upcoming versions of pandas from this point of view), the answer to this question is as follows:

foo = df.loc[(df['column1']==value) | (df['columns2'] == 'b') | (df['column3'] == 'c')]

Detect when an HTML5 video finishes

You can add listener all video events nicluding ended, loadedmetadata, timeupdate where ended function gets called when video ends

$("#myVideo").on("ended", function() {_x000D_
   //TO DO: Your code goes here..._x000D_
      alert("Video Finished");_x000D_
$("#myVideo").on("loadedmetadata", function() {_x000D_
      alert("Video loaded");_x000D_
  this.currentTime = 50;//50 seconds_x000D_
   //TO DO: Your code goes here..._x000D_
$("#myVideo").on("timeupdate", function() {_x000D_
  var cTime=this.currentTime;_x000D_
  if(cTime>0 && cTime % 2 == 0)//Alerts every 2 minutes once_x000D_
      alert("Video played "+cTime+" minutes");_x000D_
   //TO DO: Your code goes here..._x000D_
  var perc=cTime * 100 / this.duration;_x000D_
  if(perc % 10 == 0)//Alerts when every 10% watched_x000D_
      alert("Video played "+ perc +"%");_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
  <script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <video id="myVideo" controls="controls">_x000D_
    <source src="your_video_file.mp4" type="video/mp4">_x000D_
      <source src="your_video_file.mp4" type="video/ogg">_x000D_
        Your browser does not support HTML5 video._x000D_

Eclipse: Enable autocomplete / content assist

  1. window->preferences->java->Editor->Contest Assist
  2. Enter in Auto activation triggers for java:
  3. Apply and Close

other method:
type initial letter then ctrl+spacebar for auto-complete options.

In Spring MVC, how can I set the mime type header when using @ResponseBody

I would consider to refactor the service to return your domain object rather than JSON strings and let Spring handle the serialization (via the MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter as you write). As of Spring 3.1, the implementation looks quite neat:

@RequestMapping(produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, 
    method = RequestMethod.GET
    value = "/foo/bar")
public Bar fooBar(){
    return myService.getBar();


First, the <mvc:annotation-driven /> or the @EnableWebMvc must be added to your application config.

Next, the produces attribute of the @RequestMapping annotation is used to specify the content type of the response. Consequently, it should be set to MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE (or "application/json").

Lastly, Jackson must be added so that any serialization and de-serialization between Java and JSON will be handled automatically by Spring (the Jackson dependency is detected by Spring and the MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter will be under the hood).

move_uploaded_file gives "failed to open stream: Permission denied" error

Try this

find /var/www/html/mysite/images/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod -v 664

How to include a sub-view in Blade templates?

When you use laravel modules, you may add the name's module:


Google Maps v3 - limit viewable area and zoom level

As of middle 2016, there is no official way to restrict viewable area. Most of ad-hoc solutions to restrict the bounds have a flaw though, because they don't restrict the bounds exactly to fit the map view, they only restrict it if the center of the map is out of the specified bounds. If you want to restrict the bounds to overlaying image like me, this can result in a behavior like illustrated below, where the underlaying map is visible under our image overlay:

enter image description here

To tackle this issue, I have created a library, which successfully restrict the bounds so you cannot pan out of the overlay.

However, as other existing solutions, it has a "vibrating" issue. When the user pans the map aggressively enough, after they release the left mouse button, the map still continues panning by itself, gradually slowing. I always return the map back to the bounds, but that results in kind of vibrating. This panning effect cannot be stopped with any means provided by the Js API at the moment. It seems that until google adds support for something like map.stopPanningAnimation() we won't be able to create a smooth experience.

Example using the mentioned library, the smoothest strict bounds experience I was able to get:

function initialise(){_x000D_
  var myOptions = {_x000D_
     zoom: 5,_x000D_
     center: new google.maps.LatLng(0,0),_x000D_
     mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,_x000D_
  var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), myOptions);_x000D_
function addStrictBoundsImage(map){_x000D_
 var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(_x000D_
  new google.maps.LatLng(62.281819, -150.287132),_x000D_
  new google.maps.LatLng(62.400471, -150.005608));_x000D_
 var image_src = '' +_x000D_
 var strict_bounds_image = new StrictBoundsImage(bounds, image_src, map);_x000D_
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>_x000D_
      <script type="text/javascript">_x000D_
        google.load("maps", "3",{other_params:"sensor=false"});_x000D_
<body style="margin:0px; padding:0px;" onload="initialise()">_x000D_
  <div id="map" style="height:400px; width:500px;"></div>_x000D_
     <script  type="text/javascript"src=""></script>_x000D_

The library is also able to calculate the minimum zoom restriction automatically. It then restricts the zoom level using minZoom map's attribute.

Hopefully this helps someone who wants a solution which fully respect the given boundaries and doesn't want to allow panning out of them.

What is the difference between absolute and relative xpaths? Which is preferred in Selenium automation testing?

Absolute Xpath: It uses Complete path from the Root Element to the desire element.

Relative Xpath: You can simply start by referencing the element you want and go from there.

Relative Xpaths are always preferred as they are not the complete paths from the root element. (//html//body). Because in future, if any webelement is added/removed, then the absolute Xpath changes. So Always use Relative Xpaths in your Automation.

Below are Some Links which you can Refer for more Information on them.

Change connection string & reload app.config at run time

//here is how to do it in Windows App.Config

public static bool ChangeConnectionString(string Name, string value, string providerName, string AppName)
        bool retVal = false;

            string FILE_NAME = string.Concat(Application.StartupPath, "\\", AppName.Trim(), ".exe.Config"); //the application configuration file name
            XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(FILE_NAME);
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            string nodeRoute = string.Concat("connectionStrings/add");

            XmlNode cnnStr = null;
            XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement;
            XmlNodeList Settings = root.SelectNodes(nodeRoute);

            for (int i = 0; i < Settings.Count; i++)
                cnnStr = Settings[i];
                if (cnnStr.Attributes["name"].Value.Equals(Name))
                cnnStr = null;

            cnnStr.Attributes["connectionString"].Value = value;
            cnnStr.Attributes["providerName"].Value = providerName;
            retVal = true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            retVal = false;
            //Handle the Exception as you like
        return retVal;

Could not read JSON: Can not deserialize instance of hello.Country[] out of START_OBJECT token

If you want to avoid using an extra Class and List<Object> genomes you could simply use a Map.

The data structure translates into Map<String, List<Country>>

String resourceEndpoint = "";

Map<String, List<Country>> geonames = restTemplate.getForObject(resourceEndpoint, Map.class);

List<Country> countries = geonames.get("geonames");

How can I find out the total physical memory (RAM) of my linux box suitable to be parsed by a shell script?

Add the last 2 entries of /proc/meminfo, they give you the exact memory present on the host.


DirectMap4k:       10240 kB
DirectMap2M:     4184064 kB

10240 + 4184064 = 4194304 kB = 4096 MB.

Annotation-specified bean name conflicts with existing, non-compatible bean def

I had a similar problem, with two jar libraries (app1 and app2) in one project. The bean "BeanName" is defined in app1 and is extended in app2 and the bean redefined with the same name.

In app1:


public class Class1 { ... }

In app2:


public class Class2 extends Class1 { ... }

This causes the ConflictingBeanDefinitionException exception in the loading of the applicationContext due to the same component bean name.

To solve this problem, in the Spring configuration file applicationContext.xml:

    <context:component-scan base-package=""/>
    <context:component-scan base-package="">
        <context:exclude-filter type="assignable" expression=""/>

So the Class1 is excluded to be automatically component-scanned and assigned to a bean, avoiding the name conflict.

Xcode Simulator: how to remove older unneeded devices?

I tried all answers. None of them worked for me.

What worked for me on Sierra + Xcode 8.2 was going to:

/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices and deleting all devices.

(Maybe this won't work for you, maybe this is a solution as a standalone, or maybe you have to do this in addition to other answers, but I did all solutions here and so not sure what did the deed). Just be aware that some of the answers here are old and the location of simulator has changed. Snowcrash's answer seems to be most recent.

C program to check little vs. big endian

This is big endian test from a configure script:

#include <inttypes.h>
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
    volatile uint32_t i=0x01234567;
    // return 0 for big endian, 1 for little endian.
    return (*((uint8_t*)(&i))) == 0x67;

javax.websocket client simple example

I have Spring 4.2 in my project and many SockJS Stomp implementations usually work well with Spring Boot implementations. This implementation from Baeldung worked(for me without changing from Spring 4.2 to 5). After Using the dependencies mentioned in his blog, it still gave me ClassNotFoundError. I added the below dependency to fix it.


Get single listView SelectedItem

foreach (ListViewItem itemRow in taskShowListView.Items)
    if (itemRow.Items[0].Checked == true)
        int taskId = Convert.ToInt32(itemRow.SubItems[0].Text);

        string taskDate = itemRow.SubItems[1].ToString();
        string taskDescription = itemRow.SubItems[2].ToString();            

Assign result of dynamic sql to variable

You could use sp_executesql instead of exec. That allows you to specify an output parameter.

declare @out_var varchar(max);
execute sp_executesql 
    N'select @out_var = ''hello world''', 
    N'@out_var varchar(max) OUTPUT', 
    @out_var = @out_var output;
select @out_var;

This prints "hello world".

What's the difference between <mvc:annotation-driven /> and <context:annotation-config /> in servlet?

mvc:annotation-driven is a tag added in Spring 3.0 which does the following:

  1. Configures the Spring 3 Type ConversionService (alternative to PropertyEditors)
  2. Adds support for formatting Number fields with @NumberFormat
  3. Adds support for formatting Date, Calendar, and Joda Time fields with @DateTimeFormat, if Joda Time is on the classpath
  4. Adds support for validating @Controller inputs with @Valid, if a JSR-303 Provider is on the classpath
  5. Adds support for support for reading and writing XML, if JAXB is on the classpath (HTTP message conversion with @RequestBody/@ResponseBody)
  6. Adds support for reading and writing JSON, if Jackson is o n the classpath (along the same lines as #5)

context:annotation-config Looks for annotations on beans in the same application context it is defined and declares support for all the general annotations like @Autowired, @Resource, @Required, @PostConstruct etc etc.

Downloading MySQL dump from command line

For those who wants to type password within the command line. It is possible but recommend to pass it inside quotes so that the special character won't cause any issue.

mysqldump -h'' -u'my_username' -p'password' db_name > /path/backupname.sql

Should have subtitle controller already set Mediaplayer error Android

To remove message on logcat, i add a subtitle to track. On windows, right click on track -> Property -> Details -> insert a text on subtitle. Done :)

How to "crop" a rectangular image into a square with CSS?

If the image is in a container with a responsive width:


<div class="img-container">
  <img src="" alt="">


.img-container {
  position: relative;

  &::after {
    content: "";
    display: block;
    padding-bottom: 100%;

  img {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    object-fit: cover;

Fix height of a table row in HTML Table

This works, as long as you remove the height attribute from the table.

<table id="content" border="0px" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px">
  <tr><td height='9px' bgcolor="#990000">Upper</td></tr>
  <tr><td height='100px' bgcolor="#990099">Lower</td></tr>

Does WGET timeout?

According to the man page of wget, there are a couple of options related to timeouts -- and there is a default read timeout of 900s -- so I say that, yes, it could timeout.

Here are the options in question :

-T seconds

Set the network timeout to seconds seconds. This is equivalent to specifying --dns-timeout, --connect-timeout, and --read-timeout, all at the same time.

And for those three options :


Set the DNS lookup timeout to seconds seconds.
DNS lookups that don't complete within the specified time will fail.
By default, there is no timeout on DNS lookups, other than that implemented by system libraries.


Set the connect timeout to seconds seconds.
TCP connections that take longer to establish will be aborted.
By default, there is no connect timeout, other than that implemented by system libraries.


Set the read (and write) timeout to seconds seconds.
The "time" of this timeout refers to idle time: if, at any point in the download, no data is received for more than the specified number of seconds, reading fails and the download is restarted.
This option does not directly affect the duration of the entire download.

I suppose using something like

wget -O - -q -t 1 --timeout=600

should make sure there is no timeout before longer than the duration of your script.

(Yeah, that's probably the most brutal solution possible ^^ )

How can I stop redis-server?

Another way could be:

ps -ef | grep -i 'redis-server'
kill -9 PID owned by redis

Works on *NIX & OSX

How do I create a message box with "Yes", "No" choices and a DialogResult?

Try this:

if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure", "Title_here", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
    Do something here for 'Yes'...

How to load data to hive from HDFS without removing the source file?

An alternative to 'LOAD DATA' is available in which the data will not be moved from your existing source location to hive data warehouse location.

You can use ALTER TABLE command with 'LOCATION' option. Here is below required command

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD PARTITION (date_col='2017-02-07') LOCATION 'hdfs/path/to/location/'

The only condition here is, the location should be a directory instead of file.

Hope this will solve the problem.

Retrieving a Foreign Key value with django-rest-framework serializers

Simple solution source='' where category is foreign key and .name it's attribute.

from rest_framework.serializers import ModelSerializer, ReadOnlyField
from my_app.models import Item

class ItemSerializer(ModelSerializer):
    category_name = ReadOnlyField(source='')

    class Meta:
        model = Item
        fields = "__all__"

How to listen state changes in react.js?

The following lifecycle methods will be called when state changes. You can use the provided arguments and the current state to determine if something meaningful changed.

componentWillUpdate(object nextProps, object nextState)
componentDidUpdate(object prevProps, object prevState)

What is the behavior difference between return-path, reply-to and from?

Let's start with a simple example. Let's say you have an email list, that is going to send out the following RFC2822 content.

From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Super simple email
Reply-To: <[email protected]>

This is a very simple body.

Now, let's say you are going to send it from a mailing list, that implements VERP (or some other bounce tracking mechanism that uses a different return-path). Lets say it will have a return-path of [email protected]. The SMTP session might look like:

{S}220 workstation1 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service
{C}HELO workstation1
{S}250 workstation1 Hello []
{C}MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
{S}250 2.1.0 [email protected] OK
{C}RCPT TO:<[email protected]>
{S}250 2.1.5 [email protected] 
{S}354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
{C}From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Super simple email
Reply-To: <[email protected]>

This is a very simple body.

{S}250 Queued mail for delivery
{S}221 Service closing transmission channel

Where {C} and {S} represent Client and Server commands, respectively.

The recipient's mail would look like:

Return-Path: [email protected]
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Super simple email
Reply-To: <[email protected]>

This is a very simple body.

Now, let's describe the different "FROM"s.

  1. The return path (sometimes called the reverse path, envelope sender, or envelope from — all of these terms can be used interchangeably) is the value used in the SMTP session in the MAIL FROM command. As you can see, this does not need to be the same value that is found in the message headers. Only the recipient's mail server is supposed to add a Return-Path header to the top of the email. This records the actual Return-Path sender during the SMTP session. If a Return-Path header already exists in the message, then that header is removed and replaced by the recipient's mail server.

All bounces that occur during the SMTP session should go back to the Return-Path address. Some servers may accept all email, and then queue it locally, until it has a free thread to deliver it to the recipient's mailbox. If the recipient doesn't exist, it should bounce it back to the recorded Return-Path value.

Note, not all mail servers obey this rule; Some mail servers will bounce it back to the FROM address.

  1. The FROM address is the value found in the FROM header. This is supposed to be who the message is FROM. This is what you see as the "FROM" in most mail clients. If an email does not have a Reply-To header, then all human (mail client) replies should go back to the FROM address.

  2. The Reply-To header is added by the sender (or the sender's software). It is where all human replies should be addressed too. Basically, when the user clicks "reply", the Reply-To value should be the value used as the recipient of the newly composed email. The Reply-To value should not be used by any server. It is meant for client-side (MUA) use only.

However, as you can tell, not all mail servers obey the RFC standards or recommendations.

Hopefully this should help clear things up. However, if I missed anything, let me know, and I'll try to answer.

How can I check for "undefined" in JavaScript?

Since none of the other answers helped me, I suggest doing this. It worked for me in Internet Explorer 8:

if (typeof variable_name.value === 'undefined') {
    // variable_name is undefined

How to access your website through LAN in ASP.NET

You may also need to enable the World Wide Web Service inbound firewall rule.

On Windows 7: Start -> Control Panel -> Windows Firewall -> Advanced Settings -> Inbound Rules

Find World Wide Web Services (HTTP Traffic-In) in the list and select to enable the rule. Change is pretty much immediate.

Limiting the number of characters in a JTextField

private void jTextField1KeyPressed(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt)
        jTextField1.setText(jTextField1.getText().substring(0, 4));

I have taken a jtextfield whose name is jTextField1, the code is in its key pressed event. I Have tested it and it works. And I am using the NetBeans IDE.

ConcurrentModificationException for ArrayList

While iterating through the loop, you are trying to change the List value in the remove() operation. This will result in ConcurrentModificationException.

Follow the below code, which will achieve what you want and yet will not throw any exceptions

private String toString(List aDrugStrengthList) {
        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
    List removalList = new ArrayList();
    for (DrugStrength aDrugStrength : aDrugStrengthList) {
        if (!aDrugStrength.isValidDrugDescription()) {
    if (str.indexOf("]") != -1) {
        str.insert(str.lastIndexOf("]"), "\n          " );
    return str.toString();

How to downgrade php from 5.5 to 5.3

Short answer is no.

XAMPP is normally built around a specific PHP version to ensure plugins and modules are all compatible and working correctly.

If your project specifically needs PHP 5.3 - the cleanest method is simply reinstalling an older version of XAMPP with PHP 5.3 packaged into it.

XAMPP 1.7.7 was their last update before moving off PHP 5.3.

Passing references to pointers in C++

I know that it's posible to pass references of pointers, I did it last week, but I can't remember what the syntax was, as your code looks correct to my brain right now. However another option is to use pointers of pointers:

Myfunc(String** s)

How to change node.js's console font color?


You can use colors for text as others mentioned in their answers.

But you can use emojis instead! for example, you can use?? for warning messages and for error messages.

Or simply use these notebooks as a color:

: error message
: warning message
: ok status message
: action message
: canceled status message
: Or anything you like and want to recognize immediately by color


This method also helps you to quickly scan and find logs directly in the source code.

But Linux default emoji font is not colorful by default and you may want to make them colorful, first.

m2e error in MavenArchiver.getManifest()

I had also faced the same issue and it got resolved by commenting the version element in POM.xml as show.

org.apache.maven.archiver.[MavenArchiver](, org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiveConfiguration)

    <!-- <version>3.5.1</version> -->
    <!-- <version>3.1.0</version> -->

Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created

Here is my answer to a similar question:

I think (not yet entirely sure) that this is because InvokeRequired will always return false if the control has not yet been loaded/shown. I have done a workaround which seems to work for the moment, which is to simple reference the handle of the associated control in its creator, like so:

var x = this.Handle; 


How to compare 2 dataTables

The OP, MAW74656, originally posted this answer in the question body in response to the accepted answer, as explained in this comment:

I used this and wrote a public method to call the code and return the boolean.

The OP's answer:

Code Used:

public bool tablesAreTheSame(DataTable table1, DataTable table2)
    DataTable dt;
    dt = getDifferentRecords(table1, table2);

    if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
        return true;
        return false;

//Found at
private DataTable getDifferentRecords(DataTable FirstDataTable, DataTable SecondDataTable)
    //Create Empty Table     
    DataTable ResultDataTable = new DataTable("ResultDataTable");

    //use a Dataset to make use of a DataRelation object     
    using (DataSet ds = new DataSet())
        //Add tables     
        ds.Tables.AddRange(new DataTable[] { FirstDataTable.Copy(), SecondDataTable.Copy() });

        //Get Columns for DataRelation     
        DataColumn[] firstColumns = new DataColumn[ds.Tables[0].Columns.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < firstColumns.Length; i++)
            firstColumns[i] = ds.Tables[0].Columns[i];

        DataColumn[] secondColumns = new DataColumn[ds.Tables[1].Columns.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < secondColumns.Length; i++)
            secondColumns[i] = ds.Tables[1].Columns[i];

        //Create DataRelation     
        DataRelation r1 = new DataRelation(string.Empty, firstColumns, secondColumns, false);

        DataRelation r2 = new DataRelation(string.Empty, secondColumns, firstColumns, false);

        //Create columns for return table     
        for (int i = 0; i < FirstDataTable.Columns.Count; i++)
            ResultDataTable.Columns.Add(FirstDataTable.Columns[i].ColumnName, FirstDataTable.Columns[i].DataType);

        //If FirstDataTable Row not in SecondDataTable, Add to ResultDataTable.     
        foreach (DataRow parentrow in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
            DataRow[] childrows = parentrow.GetChildRows(r1);
            if (childrows == null || childrows.Length == 0)
                ResultDataTable.LoadDataRow(parentrow.ItemArray, true);

        //If SecondDataTable Row not in FirstDataTable, Add to ResultDataTable.     
        foreach (DataRow parentrow in ds.Tables[1].Rows)
            DataRow[] childrows = parentrow.GetChildRows(r2);
            if (childrows == null || childrows.Length == 0)
                ResultDataTable.LoadDataRow(parentrow.ItemArray, true);

    return ResultDataTable;

Setting table column width

Try this instead.

<table style="width: 100%">
        <th style="width: 20%">
           column 1
        <th style="width: 40%">
           column 2
        <th style="width: 40%">
           column 3
        <td style="width: 20%">
           value 1
        <td style="width: 40%">
           value 2
        <td style="width: 40%">
           value 3

Bash script to cd to directory with spaces in pathname

When working under Linux the syntax below is right:

cd ~/My\ Code

However when you're executing your file, use the syntax below:

$ . cdcode

(just '.' and not './')

Jquery each - Stop loop and return object

Try this ...

  someArray = new Array();
  someArray[0] = 't5';
  someArray[1] = 'z12';
  someArray[2] = 'b88';
  someArray[3] = 's55';
  someArray[4] = 'e51';
  someArray[5] = 'o322';
  someArray[6] = 'i22';
  someArray[7] = 'k954';  

  var test =  findXX('o322'); 

function findXX(word)
  for(var i in someArray){

    if(someArray[i] == word)
      return someArray[i]; //<---  stop the loop!

How to Check if value exists in a MySQL database

I tried to d this for a while and $sqlcommand = 'SELECT * FROM database WHERE search="'.$searchString.'";';
$sth = $db->prepare($sqlcommand); $sth->execute(); $record = $sth->fetch(); if ($sth->fetchColumn() > 0){}
just works if there are TWO identical entries, but, if you replace if ($sth->fetchColumn() > 0){} with if ($result){} it works with only one matching record, hope this helps.

What's the strangest corner case you've seen in C# or .NET?

Bankers' Rounding.

This one is not so much a compiler bug or malfunction, but certainly a strange corner case...

The .Net Framework employs a scheme or rounding known as Banker's Rounding.

In Bankers' Rounding the 0.5 numbers are rounded to the nearest even number, so

Math.Round(-0.5) == 0
Math.Round(0.5) == 0
Math.Round(1.5) == 2
Math.Round(2.5) == 2

This can lead to some unexpected bugs in financial calculations based on the more well known Round-Half-Up rounding.

This is also true of Visual Basic.

Android Layout Right Align

To support older version Space can be replaced with View as below. Add this view between after left most component and before right most component. This view with weight=1 will stretch and fill the space

        android:layout_weight="1" />

Complete sample code is given here. It has has 4 components. Two arrows will be on the right and left side. The Text and Spinner will be in the middle.

        android:src="@drawable/prev" />

        android:layout_weight="1" />

        android:textSize="25sp" />

        android:textSize="25sp" />

        android:layout_weight="1" />

        android:src="@drawable/next" />

How can I render repeating React elements?

To expand on Ross Allen's answer, here is a slightly cleaner variant using ES6 arrow syntax.

{ =>
  <th key={title}>{title}</th>

It has the advantage that the JSX part is isolated (no return or ;), making it easier to put a loop around it.

JavaScript Infinitely Looping slideshow with delays?

You can infinitely loop easily enough via recursion.

function it_keeps_going_and_going_and_going() {


How to limit the maximum files chosen when using multiple file input

In javascript you can do something like this

  style="display: none"

and the function can be something like this.

trySubmitFile(e) {
  if (this.disabled) return;
  const files = || e.dataTransfer.files;
  if (files.length > 5) {
    alert('You are only allowed to upload a maximum of 2 files at a time');
  if (!files.length) return;
  for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(files.length, 2); i++) {

I am also searching for a solution where this can be limited at the time of selecting files but until now I could not find anything like that.

SSL certificate rejected trying to access GitHub over HTTPS behind firewall

Improve RouMao's solution by temporarily disabling GIT/curl ssl verification in Windows cmd:

git config --global http.proxy http://<your-proxy>:443

The good thing about this solution is that it only takes effect in the current cmd window.

Requests -- how to tell if you're getting a 404

Look at the r.status_code attribute:

if r.status_code == 404:
    # A 404 was issued.


>>> import requests
>>> r = requests.get('')
>>> r.status_code

If you want requests to raise an exception for error codes (4xx or 5xx), call r.raise_for_status():

>>> r = requests.get('')
>>> r.raise_for_status()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "requests/", line 664, in raise_for_status
    raise http_error
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: NOT FOUND
>>> r = requests.get('')
>>> r.raise_for_status()
>>> # no exception raised.

You can also test the response object in a boolean context; if the status code is not an error code (4xx or 5xx), it is considered ‘true’:

if r:
    # successful response

If you want to be more explicit, use if r.ok:.

UILabel with text of two different colors

For Xamarin users I have a static C# method where I pass in an array of strings, an array of UIColours and array of UIFonts (they will need to match in length). The attributed string is then passed back.


public static NSMutableAttributedString GetFormattedText(string[] texts, UIColor[] colors, UIFont[] fonts) {

  NSMutableAttributedString attrString = new NSMutableAttributedString(string.Join("", texts));
  int position = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < texts.Length; i++) {
    attrString.AddAttribute(new NSString("NSForegroundColorAttributeName"), colors[i], new NSRange(position, texts[i].Length));

    var fontAttribute = new UIStringAttributes {
      Font = fonts[I]

    attrString.AddAttributes(fontAttribute, new NSRange(position, texts[i].Length));

    position += texts[i].Length;

  return attrString;


How to make the window full screen with Javascript (stretching all over the screen)

This will works to show your window in full screen

Note: For this to work, you need Query from

Or make have javascript link like this.

<script src=""></script>

   <div id="demo-element">
        <span>Full Screen Mode Disabled</span>
        <button id="go-button">Enable Full Screen</button>
    function GoInFullscreen(element) {
        else if(element.mozRequestFullScreen)
        else if(element.webkitRequestFullscreen)
        else if(element.msRequestFullscreen)

    function GoOutFullscreen() {
        else if(document.mozCancelFullScreen)
        else if(document.webkitExitFullscreen)
        else if(document.msExitFullscreen)

    function IsFullScreenCurrently() {
        var full_screen_element = document.fullscreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement || null;

        if(full_screen_element === null)
            return false;
            return true;

    $("#go-button").on('click', function() {

    $(document).on('fullscreenchange webkitfullscreenchange mozfullscreenchange MSFullscreenChange', function() {
        if(IsFullScreenCurrently()) {
            $("#demo-element span").text('Full Screen Mode Enabled');
            $("#go-button").text('Disable Full Screen');
        else {
            $("#demo-element span").text('Full Screen Mode Disabled');
            $("#go-button").text('Enable Full Screen');

How to validate phone number using PHP?

I depends heavily on which number formats you aim to support, and how strict you want to enforce number grouping, use of whitespace and other separators etc....

Take a look at this similar question to get some ideas.

Then there is E.164 which is a numbering standard recommendation from ITU-T

jQuery - how can I find the element with a certain id?

This is one more option to find the element for above question


-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'

The characters '<', and '>', are to indicate a place-holder, you should remove them to read:

php /usr/local/solusvm/scripts/pass.php --type=admin --comm=change --username=ADMINUSERNAME

How to save a list to a file and read it as a list type?

errorlist = ['aaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc', 'dddd']

f = open("filee.txt", "w")
f.writelines(nthstring + '\n' for nthstring in errorlist)

f = open("filee.txt", "r")
cont =
contentlist = cont.split()

How do I compare 2 rows from the same table (SQL Server)?

Some people find the following alternative syntax easier to see what is going on:

select t1.value,t2.value
from MyTable t1
    inner join MyTable t2 on =
where = @id

Parsing CSV files in C#, with header

I know its a bit late but just found a library Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO which has TextFieldParser class to process csv files.

Adding Counter in shell script

Try this:

while true; do
  if /home/hadoop/latest/bin/hadoop fs -ls /apps/hdtech/bds/quality-rt/dt=$DATE_YEST_FORMAT2 then
       echo "Files Present" | mailx -s "File Present"  -r [email protected] [email protected]
  elif [[ "$counter" -gt 20 ]]; then
       echo "Counter limit reached, exit script."
       exit 1
       let counter++
       echo "Sleeping for another half an hour" | mailx -s "Time to Sleep Now"  -r [email protected] [email protected]
       sleep 1800


  • break - if files are present, it will break and allow the script to process the files.
  • [[ "$counter" -gt 20 ]] - if the counter variable is greater than 20, the script will exit.
  • let counter++ - increments the counter by 1 at each pass.

c# razor url parameter from view

If you're doing the check inside the View, put the value in the ViewBag.

In your controller:

ViewBag["parameterName"] = Request["parameterName"];

It's worth noting that the Request and Response properties are exposed by the Controller class. They have the same semantics as HttpRequest and HttpResponse.

C#, Looping through dataset and show each record from a dataset column

foreach (DataTable table in ds.Tables)
    foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows)
        var ParentId=dr["ParentId"].ToString();

How to implement the Softmax function in Python

Goal was to achieve similar results using Numpy and Tensorflow. The only change from original answer is axis parameter for np.sum api.

Initial approach : axis=0 - This however does not provide intended results when dimensions are N.

Modified approach: axis=len(e_x.shape)-1 - Always sum on the last dimension. This provides similar results as tensorflow's softmax function.

def softmax_fn(input_array):
    | **@author**: Prathyush SP
    | Calculate Softmax for a given array
    :param input_array: Input Array
    :return: Softmax Score
    e_x = np.exp(input_array - np.max(input_array))
    return e_x / e_x.sum(axis=len(e_x.shape)-1)

Centering controls within a form in .NET (Winforms)?

Since you don't state if the form can resize or not there is an easy way if you don't care about resizing (if you do care, go with Mitch Wheats solution):

Select the control -> Format (menu option) -> Center in Window -> Horizontally or Vertically

Python class returning value

If what you want is a way to turn your class into kind of a list without subclassing list, then just make a method that returns a list:

def MyClass():
    def __init__(self):
        self.value1 = 1
        self.value2 = 2

    def get_list(self):
        return [self.value1, self.value2...]

>>>print MyClass().get_list()
[1, 2...]

If you meant that print MyClass() will print a list, just override __repr__:

class MyClass():        
    def __init__(self):
        self.value1 = 1
        self.value2 = 2

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr([self.value1, self.value2])

EDIT: I see you meant how to make objects compare. For that, you override the __cmp__ method.

class MyClass():
    def __cmp__(self, other):
        return cmp(self.get_list(), other.get_list())

fatal: The current branch master has no upstream branch

If you are trying to push your code direct to the master branch then use command

git push origin master

It helps me.

Switch php versions on commandline ubuntu 16.04

May be you might have an old PHP version like PHP 5.6 in your system and you installed PHP 7.2 too so thats multiple PHP in your machine. There are some applications which were developed when older PHP 5.6 was latest version, they are still live and you working on those applications, You might be working on Laravel simultaneously but Laravel requires PHP 7+ to get started. Getting the picture ?

In that case you can switch between the PHP versions to suit your requirements.

Switch From PHP 5.6 => PHP 7.2


sudo a2dismod php5.6
sudo a2enmod php7.2
sudo service apache2 restart

Command Line:-

sudo update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.2
sudo update-alternatives --set phar /usr/bin/phar7.2
sudo update-alternatives --set phar.phar /usr/bin/phar.phar7.2
sudo update-alternatives --set phpize /usr/bin/phpize7.2
sudo update-alternatives --set php-config /usr/bin/php-config7.2

And vice-versa, Switch From PHP 7.2 => PHP 5.6


sudo a2dismod php7.2
sudo a2enmod php5.6
sudo service apache2 restart

Command Line:-

sudo update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php5.6
sudo update-alternatives --set phar /usr/bin/phar5.6
sudo update-alternatives --set phar.phar /usr/bin/phar.phar5.6
sudo update-alternatives --set phpize /usr/bin/phpize5.6
sudo update-alternatives --set php-config /usr/bin/php-config5.6

Can I use Class.newInstance() with constructor arguments?

You can use the getDeclaredConstructor method of Class. It expects an array of classes. Here is a tested and working example:

public static JFrame createJFrame(Class c, String name, Component parentComponent)
        JFrame frame = (JFrame)c.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[] {String.class}).newInstance("name");
        if (parentComponent != null)
    catch (InstantiationException instantiationException)
        ExceptionHandler.handleException(instantiationException, parentComponent, Language.messages.get(Language.InstantiationExceptionKey), c.getName());
    catch(NoSuchMethodException noSuchMethodException)
        //ExceptionHandler.handleException(noSuchMethodException, parentComponent, Language.NoSuchMethodExceptionKey, "NamedConstructor");
        ExceptionHandler.handleException(noSuchMethodException, parentComponent, Language.messages.get(Language.NoSuchMethodExceptionKey), "(Constructor or a JFrame method)");
    catch (IllegalAccessException illegalAccessException)
        ExceptionHandler.handleException(illegalAccessException, parentComponent, Language.messages.get(Language.IllegalAccessExceptionKey));
    catch (InvocationTargetException invocationTargetException)
        ExceptionHandler.handleException(invocationTargetException, parentComponent, Language.messages.get(Language.InvocationTargetExceptionKey));
        return null;

Warning: Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assembly

If using NuGet all I had to do was:

  1. right click project and click Manage NuGet Packages..

  2. click the cog in top right

  3. click General tab in NuGet Package Manager above Package Sources

  4. check "Skip Applying binding redirects" in Binding Redirects

  5. Clean and rebuild and the warning's gone

Easy peasy

Rename a dictionary key

I have combined some answers from the above thread and come up with the solution below. Although it is simple it can be used as a building block for making more complex key updates from a dictionary.

test_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
# {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
prefix = 'up'
def dict_key_update(json_file):    
    new_keys = []
    old_keys = []
    for i,(key,value) in enumerate(json_file.items()):
        new_keys.append(str(prefix) + key) # i have updated by adding a prefix to the 
        # key
    for old_key, new_key in zip(old_keys,new_keys):
        print('old {}, new {}'.format(old_key, new_key))
        if new_key!=old_key:  
           json_file[new_key] = json_file.pop(old_key)
     return json_file

test_dict = dict_key_update(test_dict)
# {'upa': 1, 'upb': 2, 'upc': 3}

Conditional WHERE clause with CASE statement in Oracle

You can write the where clause as:

where (case when (:stateCode = '') then (1)
            when (:stateCode != '') and (vw.state_cd in (:stateCode)) then 1
            else 0)
       end) = 1;

Alternatively, remove the case entirely:

where (:stateCode = '') or
      ((:stateCode != '') and vw.state_cd in (:stateCode));

Or, even better:

where (:stateCode = '') or vw.state_cd in (:stateCode)

Error: Cannot find module html

Simple way is to use the EJS template engine for serving .html files. Put this line right next to your view engine setup:

app.engine('html', require('ejs').renderFile);

Parcelable encountered IOException writing serializable object getactivity()

Your OneThread Class also should implement Serializable. All the sub classes and inner sub classes must implements Serializable.

this is worked for me...

how to drop database in sqlite?

SQLite database FAQ: How do I drop a SQLite database?

People used to working with other databases are used to having a "drop database" command, but in SQLite there is no similar command. The reason? In SQLite there is no "database server" -- SQLite is an embedded database, and your database is entirely contained in one file. So there is no need for a SQLite drop database command.

To "drop" a SQLite database, all you have to do is delete the SQLite database file you were accessing.

copy from

get string from right hand side

I just found out that regexp_substr() is perfect for this purpose :)

My challenge is picking the right-hand 16 chars from a reference string which theoretically can be everything from 7ish to 250ish chars long. It annoys me that substr( OurReference , -16 ) returns null when length( OurReference ) < 16. (On the other hand, it's kind of logical, too, that Oracle consequently returns null whenever a call to substr() goes beyond a string's boundaries.) However, I can set a regular expression to recognise everything between 1 and 16 of any char right before the end of the string:

regexp_substr( OurReference , '.{1,16}$' )

When it comes to performance issues regarding regular expressions, I can't say which of the GREATER() solution and this one performs best. Anyone test this? Generally I've experienced that regular expressions are quite fast if they're written neat and well (as this one).

Good luck! :)

How to run function of parent window when child window closes?

Along with jerjer answer(top), sometimes in your parent window and child window are not both external or both internal you will see a problem of opener undefined, and you cannot access parent page properties, see window.opener is undefined on Internet Explorer

Android Studio Image Asset Launcher Icon Background Color

These are the steps I took to make an image transparent:

1- I used an online website which makes the image transparent, there are a lot of them. For me, I use this and sometimes this

2- In Android Studio (I'm using version 3.1.3), open Image Asset from app > res (right click) > New > Image Asset Image Asset

3- In the Path, choose the location of the transparent image which you downloaded from the online website, and make the other options as shown, then Next, then Finish. The five different sizes of image mdpi(48×48), hdpi(72×72), xhdpi(96×96), xxhdpi(144×144), and xxxhdpi(192×192) will be created in the res/mipmap-density folders. Image Asset Configuration

4- If you need sizes (dimensions) different from above, you can use this website to upload your PNG image of biggest size that will be used in xxxhdpi. After uploading, you can download a zip file containing the five different sizes of image in the res/drawable-density folders. enter image description here

Why do you have to link the math library in C?

I would guess that it is a way to make apps which don't use it at all perform slightly better. Here's my thinking on this.

x86 OSes (and I imagine others) need to store FPU state on context switch. However, most OSes only bother to save/restore this state after the app attempts to use the FPU for the first time.

In addition to this, there is probably some basic code in the math library which will set the FPU to a sane base state when the library is loaded.

So, if you don't link in any math code at all, none of this will happen, therefore the OS doesn't have to save/restore any FPU state at all, making context switches slightly more efficient.

Just a guess though.

EDIT: in response to some of the comments, the same base premise still applies to non-FPU cases (the premise being that it was to make apps which didn't make use libm perform slightly better).

For example, if there is a soft-FPU which was likley in the early days of C. Then having libm separate could prevent a lot of large (and slow if it was used) code from unnecessarily being linked in.

In addition, if there is only static linking available, then a similar argument applies that it would keep executable sizes and compile times down.

Avoid "current URL string parser is deprecated" warning by setting useNewUrlParser to true

The connection string format must be mongodb://user:password@host:port/db

For example:

MongoClient.connect('mongodb://user:[email protected]:27017/yourDB', { useNewUrlParser: true } )

How to find all serial devices (ttyS, ttyUSB, ..) on Linux without opening them?

I think I found the answer in my kernel source documentation: /usr/src/linux-2.6.37-rc3/Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt

1.7 TTY info in /proc/tty

Information about  the  available  and actually used tty's can be found in the
directory /proc/tty.You'll  find  entries  for drivers and line disciplines in
this directory, as shown in Table 1-11.

Table 1-11: Files in /proc/tty
 File          Content                                        
 drivers       list of drivers and their usage                
 ldiscs        registered line disciplines                    
 driver/serial usage statistic and status of single tty lines 

To see  which  tty's  are  currently in use, you can simply look into the file

  > cat /proc/tty/drivers 
  pty_slave            /dev/pts      136   0-255 pty:slave 
  pty_master           /dev/ptm      128   0-255 pty:master 
  pty_slave            /dev/ttyp       3   0-255 pty:slave 
  pty_master           /dev/pty        2   0-255 pty:master 
  serial               /dev/cua        5   64-67 serial:callout 
  serial               /dev/ttyS       4   64-67 serial 
  /dev/tty0            /dev/tty0       4       0 system:vtmaster 
  /dev/ptmx            /dev/ptmx       5       2 system 
  /dev/console         /dev/console    5       1 system:console 
  /dev/tty             /dev/tty        5       0 system:/dev/tty 
  unknown              /dev/tty        4    1-63 console 

Here is a link to this file:;a=blob_plain;f=Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt;hb=e8883f8057c0f7c9950fa9f20568f37bfa62f34a

Display fullscreen mode on Tkinter

This will create a completely fullscreen window on mac (with no visible menubar) without messing up keybindings

import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()



How to expire a cookie in 30 minutes using jQuery?

30 minutes is 30 * 60 * 1000 miliseconds. Add that to the current date to specify an expiration date 30 minutes in the future.

 var date = new Date();
 var minutes = 30;
 date.setTime(date.getTime() + (minutes * 60 * 1000));
 $.cookie("example", "foo", { expires: date });

What does it mean when Statement.executeUpdate() returns -1?

As the statement executed is not actually DML (eg UPDATE, INSERT or EXECUTE), but a piece of T-SQL which contains DML, I suspect it is not treated as an update-query.

Section of the JDBC 4.1 specification states something (rather hard to interpret btw):

When the method execute returns true, the method getResultSet is called to retrieve the ResultSet object. When execute returns false, the method getUpdateCount returns an int. If this number is greater than or equal to zero, it indicates the update count returned by the statement. If it is -1, it indicates that there are no more results.

Given this information, I guess that executeUpdate() internally does an execute(), and then - as execute() will return false - it will return the value of getUpdateCount(), which in this case - in accordance with the JDBC spec - will return -1.

This is further corroborated by the fact 1) that the Javadoc for Statement.executeUpdate() says:

Returns: either (1) the row count for SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements or (2) 0 for SQL statements that return nothing

And 2) that the Javadoc for Statement.getUpdateCount() specifies:

the current result as an update count; -1 if the current result is a ResultSet object or there are no more results

Just to clarify: given the Javadoc for executeUpdate() the behavior is probably wrong, but it can be explained.

Also as I commented elsewhere, the -1 might just indicate: maybe something was changed, but we simply don't know, or we can't give an accurate number of changes (eg because in this example it is a piece of T-SQL that is executed).

error: passing xxx as 'this' argument of xxx discards qualifiers

Let's me give a more detail example. As to the below struct:

struct Count{
    uint32_t c;

    Count(uint32_t i=0):c(i){}

    uint32_t getCount(){
        return c;

    uint32_t add(const Count& count){
        uint32_t total = c + count.getCount();
        return total;

enter image description here

As you see the above, the IDE(CLion), will give tips Non-const function 'getCount' is called on the const object. In the method add count is declared as const object, but the method getCount is not const method, so count.getCount() may change the members in count.

Compile error as below(core message in my compiler):

error: passing 'const xy_stl::Count' as 'this' argument discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]

To solve the above problem, you can:

  1. change the method uint32_t getCount(){...} to uint32_t getCount() const {...}. So count.getCount() won't change the members in count.


  1. change uint32_t add(const Count& count){...} to uint32_t add(Count& count){...}. So count don't care about changing members in it.

As to you problem, objects in the std::set are stored as const StudentT, but the method getId and getName are not const, so you give the above error.

You can also see this question Meaning of 'const' last in a function declaration of a class? for more detail.

How to 'bulk update' with Django?

Consider using django-bulk-update found here on GitHub.

Install: pip install django-bulk-update

Implement: (code taken directly from projects ReadMe file)

from bulk_update.helper import bulk_update

random_names = ['Walter', 'The Dude', 'Donny', 'Jesus']
people = Person.objects.all()

for person in people:
    r = random.randrange(4) = random_names[r]

bulk_update(people)  # updates all columns using the default db

Update: As Marc points out in the comments this is not suitable for updating thousands of rows at once. Though it is suitable for smaller batches 10's to 100's. The size of the batch that is right for you depends on your CPU and query complexity. This tool is more like a wheel barrow than a dump truck.

How to use conditional statement within child attribute of a Flutter Widget (Center Widget)

For the record, Dart 2.3 added the ability to use if/else statements in Collection literals. This is now done the following way:

return Column(children: <Widget>[
  if (condition)
     Text("should not render if false"),

Flutter Issue #28181 - Inline conditional rendering in list

Inline CSS styles in React: how to implement a:hover?

In regards to styled-components and react-router v4 you can do this:

import {NavLink} from 'react-router-dom'

const Link = styled(NavLink)`     
  background: blue;

  &:hover {
    color: white;

<Clickable><Link to="/somewhere">somewhere</Link></Clickable>

Bulk Record Update with SQL

The SQL you posted in your question is one way to do it. Most things in SQL have more than one way to do it.

  [Description]=(SELECT [Description] FROM [Table2] t2 WHERE t2.[ID]=Table1.DescriptionID)

If you are planning on running this on a PROD DB, it is best to create a snapshot or mirror of it first and test it out. Verify the data ends up as you expect for a couple records. And if you are satisfied, run it on the real DB.

What is the best way to implement nested dictionaries?

Just because I haven't seen one this small, here's a dict that gets as nested as you like, no sweat:

# yo dawg, i heard you liked dicts                                                                      
def yodict():
    return defaultdict(yodict)

Clear form fields with jQuery

For jQuery 1.6+:

  .not(':button, :submit, :reset, :hidden')
  .prop('checked', false)
  .prop('selected', false);

For jQuery < 1.6:

  .not(':button, :submit, :reset, :hidden')

Please see this post: Resetting a multi-stage form with jQuery



As jQuery suggests:

To retrieve and change DOM properties such as the checked, selected, or disabled state of form elements, use the .prop() method.

Remove Array Value By index in jquery

  1. Find the element in array and get its position
  2. Remove using the position

var array = new Array();_x000D_
var _searchedIndex = $.inArray('456',array);_x000D_
alert(_searchedIndex );_x000D_
if(_searchedIndex >= 0){_x000D_
  alert(array );_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

  • inArray() - helps you to find the position.
  • splice() - helps you to remove the element in that position.

How to delete from select in MySQL?

  FROM posts AS p1 
) AS p2
USING (id)

SSIS Text was truncated with status value 4

I suspect the or one or more characters had no match in the target code page part of the error.

If you remove the rows with values in that column, does it load? Can you identify, in other words, the rows which cause the package to fail? It could be the data is too long, or it could be that there's some funky character in there SQL Server doesn't like.

Why can't I use background image and color together?

Here's an example of using background-image and background-color together:

.box {_x000D_
  background-image: repeating-linear-gradient( -45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, .2), rgba(255, 255, 255, .2) 15px, transparent 15px, transparent 30px);_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  margin: 10px 0 0 10px;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
<div class="box" style="background-color:orange"></div>_x000D_
<div class="box" style="background-color:green"></div>_x000D_
<div class="box" style="background-color:blue"></div>

npm not working - "read ECONNRESET"

Restarting my PC made it worked.

How to print Two-Dimensional Array like table

For traversing through a 2D array, I think the following for loop can be used.

        for(int a[]: twoDm)
if you don't want the commas you can string replace
if you want this to be performant you should loop through a[] and then print it.

maxlength ignored for input type="number" in Chrome

Try this,

<input type="number" onkeypress="return this.value.length < 4;" oninput="if(this.value.length>=4) { this.value = this.value.slice(0,4); }" />

Java ArrayList how to add elements at the beginning

import java.util.*:
public class Logic {
  List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
  public static void main(String...args) {
  Scanner input = new Scanner(;
    Logic obj = new Logic();
      for (int i=0;i<=20;i++) {
        String string = input.nextLine();
 public void myLogic(String strObj) {
   if (this.list.size()>=10) {
   } else {
 public void printList() {

Right HTTP status code to wrong input

We had the same problem when making our API as well. We were looking for an HTTP status code equivalent to an InvalidArgumentException. After reading the source article below, we ended up using 422 Unprocessable Entity which states:

The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server understands the content type of the request entity (hence a 415 (Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request) status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically erroneous, XML instructions.


How to make rectangular image appear circular with CSS

Building on the answer from @fzzle - to achieve a circle from a rectangle without defining a fixed height or width, the following will work. The padding-top:100% keeps a 1:1 ratio for the circle-cropper div. Set an inline background image, center it, and use background-size:cover to hide any excess.


.circle-cropper {
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-size: cover;
  background-position: 50%;
  border-radius: 50%;
  width: 100%;
  padding-top: 100%;


<div class="circle-cropper" role="img" style="background-image:url(myrectangle.jpg);"></div>

What is the difference between 'java', 'javaw', and 'javaws'?

See Java tools documentation for:

  1. The java tool launches a Java application. It does this by starting a Java runtime environment, loading a specified class, and invoking that class's main method.
  2. The javaw command is identical to java, except that with javaw there is no associated console window. Use javaw when you don't want a command prompt window to appear.

The javaws command launches Java Web Start, which is the reference implementation of the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP). Java Web Start launches Java applications/applets hosted on a network.

If a JNLP file is specified, javaws will launch the Java application/applet specified in the JNLP file.

The javaws launcher has a set of options that are supported in the current release. However, the options may be removed in a future release.

See also JDK 9 Release Notes Deprecated APIs, Features, and Options:

Java Deployment Technologies are deprecated and will be removed in a future release
Java Applet and WebStart functionality, including the Applet API, the Java plug-in, the Java Applet Viewer, JNLP and Java Web Start, including the javaws tool, are all deprecated in JDK 9 and will be removed in a future release.

How can I get selector from jQuery object

Well, I wrote this simple jQuery plugin.

This checkes id or class name, and try to give as much exact selector as possible.

jQuery.fn.getSelector = function() {

    if ($(this).attr('id')) {
        return '#' + $(this).attr('id');

    if ($(this).prop("tagName").toLowerCase() == 'body')    return 'body';

    var myOwn = $(this).attr('class');
    if (!myOwn) {
        myOwn = '>' + $(this).prop("tagName");
    } else {
        myOwn = '.' + myOwn.split(' ').join('.');

    return $(this).parent().getSelector() + ' ' + myOwn;

Starting a node.js server

Run cmd and then run node server.js. In your example, you are trying to use the REPL to run your command, which is not going to work. The ellipsis is node.js expecting more tokens before closing the current scope (you can type code in and run it on the fly here)