Programs & Examples On #Shared data

C# Error "The type initializer for ... threw an exception

If you have web services, check your URL pointing to the service. I had a simular issue which was fixed when I changed my web service URL.

What does axis in pandas mean?

The designer of pandas, Wes McKinney, used to work intensively on finance data. Think of columns as stock names and index as daily prices. You can then guess what the default behavior is (i.e., axis=0) with respect to this finance data. axis=1 can be simply thought as 'the other direction'.

For example, the statistics functions, such as mean(), sum(), describe(), count() all default to column-wise because it makes more sense to do them for each stock. sort_index(by=) also defaults to column. fillna(method='ffill') will fill along column because it is the same stock. dropna() defaults to row because you probably just want to discard the price on that day instead of throw away all prices of that stock.

Similarly, the square brackets indexing refers to the columns since it's more common to pick a stock instead of picking a day.

Convert a String In C++ To Upper Case

#include <string>
#include <locale>

std::string str = "Hello World!";
auto & f = std::use_facet<std::ctype<char>>(std::locale());
f.toupper(, + str.size());

This will perform better than all the answers that use the global toupper function, and is presumably what boost::to_upper is doing underneath.

This is because ::toupper has to look up the locale - because it might've been changed by a different thread - for every invocation, whereas here only the call to locale() has this penalty. And looking up the locale generally involves taking a lock.

This also works with C++98 after you replace the auto, use of the new non-const, and add a space to break the template closing (">>" to "> >") like this:

std::use_facet<std::ctype<char> > & f = 
    std::use_facet<std::ctype<char> >(std::locale());
f.toupper(const_cast<char *>(, + str.size());

Git 'fatal: Unable to write new index file'

I had ACL (somehow) attached to all files in the .git folder.

Check it with ls -le in the .git folder.

You can remove the ACL with chmod -N (for a folder/file) or chmod -RN (recursive)

get the value of DisplayName attribute

If instead

[DisplayName("Something To Name")]

you use

[Display(Name = "Something To Name")]

Just do this:

private string GetDisplayName(Class1 class1)
    string displayName = string.Empty;

    string propertyName = class1.Name.GetType().Name;

    CustomAttributeData displayAttribute = class1.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).CustomAttributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AttributeType.Name == "DisplayAttribute");

    if (displayAttribute != null)
        displayName = displayAttribute.NamedArguments.FirstOrDefault().TypedValue.Value;

    return displayName;

Using SQL LIKE and IN together

You'll need to use multiple LIKE terms, joined by OR.

Postman Chrome: What is the difference between form-data, x-www-form-urlencoded and raw


Note. Please consult RFC2388 for additional information about file uploads, including backwards compatibility issues, the relationship between "multipart/form-data" and other content types, performance issues, etc.

Please consult the appendix for information about security issues for forms.

The content type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" is inefficient for sending large quantities of binary data or text containing non-ASCII characters. The content type "multipart/form-data" should be used for submitting forms that contain files, non-ASCII data, and binary data.

The content type "multipart/form-data" follows the rules of all multipart MIME data streams as outlined in RFC2045. The definition of "multipart/form-data" is available at the [IANA] registry.

A "multipart/form-data" message contains a series of parts, each representing a successful control. The parts are sent to the processing agent in the same order the corresponding controls appear in the document stream. Part boundaries should not occur in any of the data; how this is done lies outside the scope of this specification.

As with all multipart MIME types, each part has an optional "Content-Type" header that defaults to "text/plain". User agents should supply the "Content-Type" header, accompanied by a "charset" parameter.


This is the default content type. Forms submitted with this content type must be encoded as follows:

Control names and values are escaped. Space characters are replaced by +', and then reserved characters are escaped as described in [RFC1738], section 2.2: Non-alphanumeric characters are replaced by%HH', a percent sign and two hexadecimal digits representing the ASCII code of the character. Line breaks are represented as "CR LF" pairs (i.e., %0D%0A'). The control names/values are listed in the order they appear in the document. The name is separated from the value by=' and name/value pairs are separated from each other by `&'.

application/x-www-form-urlencoded the body of the HTTP message sent to the server is essentially one giant query string -- name/value pairs are separated by the ampersand (&), and names are separated from values by the equals symbol (=). An example of this would be:


The content type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" is inefficient for sending large quantities of binary data or text containing non-ASCII characters. The content type "multipart/form-data" should be used for submitting forms that contain files, non-ASCII data, and binary data.

Cell Style Alignment on a range

  ExcelApp.Sheets[1].Range[ExcelApp.Sheets[1].Cells[1, 1], ExcelApp.Sheets[1].Cells[70, 15]].Cells.HorizontalAlignment =

This works fine for me.

read file in classpath


public class readFile {
     * feel free to make any modification I have have been here so I feel you
     * @param args
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        File dir = new File(".");// read file from same directory as source //
        if (dir.isDirectory()) {
            File[] files = dir.listFiles();
            for (File file : files) {
                // if you wanna read file name with txt files
                if (file.getName().contains("txt")) {

                // if you want to open text file and read each line then
                if (file.getName().contains("txt")) {
                    try {
                        // FileReader reads text files in the default encoding.
                        FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(
                        // Always wrap FileReader in BufferedReader.
                        BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(
                        String line;
                        // get file details and get info you need.
                        while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
                            // here you can say...
                            // System.out.println(line.substring(0, 10)); this
                            // prints from 0 to 10 indext
                    } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
                        System.out.println("Unable to open file '"
                                + file.getName() + "'");
                    } catch (IOException ex) {
                        System.out.println("Error reading file '"
                                + file.getName() + "'");
                        // Or we could just do this:

    }`enter code here`


How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?

async: false

I solved by setting async to false and restructure my ajax call :

I set global function called sendRequest(type, url, data) with three parameters to be called every time everywhere

function sendRequest(type, url, data) {
    let returnValue = null;
        url: url,
        type: type,
        async: false,
        data: data,
        dataType: 'json',
        success: function (resp) {
            returnValue = resp;
    return returnValue;

Now call function

let password = $("#password").val();
        let email = $("#email").val();
        let data = {
            email: email,
            password: password,
        let  resp =  sendRequest('POST', 'http://localhost/signin')}}", data);

Important Note in code is : async: false

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (running jar file, not web app)

There are many possible options for specifying your log4j configuration. One is for the file to be named exactly "" and be in your classpath. Another is to name it however you want and add a System property to the command line when you start Java, like this:


All of them are outlined here

Cannot import keras after installation


If you have pip installed (you should have it until you use Python 3.5), list the installed Python packages, like this:

$ pip list | grep -i keras
Keras (1.1.0)

If you don’t see Keras, it means that the previous installation failed or is incomplete (this lib has this dependancies: numpy (1.11.2), PyYAML (3.12), scipy (0.18.1), six (1.10.0), and Theano (0.8.2).)

Consult the pip.log to see what’s wrong.

You can also display your Python path like this:

$ python3 -c 'import sys, pprint; pprint.pprint(sys.path)'

Make sure the Keras library appears in the /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages path (the path is different on Ubuntu).

If not, try do uninstall it, and retry installation:

$ pip uninstall Keras

Use a virtualenv

It’s a bad idea to use and pollute your system-wide Python. I recommend using a virtualenv (see this guide).

The best usage is to create a virtualenv directory (in your home, for instance), and store your virtualenvs in:

cd virtualenv/
virtualenv -p python3.5 py-keras
source py-keras/bin/activate
pip install -q -U pip setuptools wheel

Then install Keras:

pip install keras

You get:

$ pip list
Keras (1.1.0)
numpy (1.11.2)
pip (8.1.2)
PyYAML (3.12)
scipy (0.18.1)
setuptools (28.3.0)
six (1.10.0)
Theano (0.8.2)
wheel (0.30.0a0)

But, you also need to install extra libraries, like Tensorflow:

$ python -c "import keras"
Using TensorFlow backend.
Traceback (most recent call last):
ImportError: No module named 'tensorflow'

The installation guide of TesnsorFlow is here:

How to add "on delete cascade" constraints?

I'm pretty sure you can't simply add on delete cascade to an existing foreign key constraint. You have to drop the constraint first, then add the correct version. In standard SQL, I believe the easiest way to do this is to

  • start a transaction,
  • drop the foreign key,
  • add a foreign key with on delete cascade, and finally
  • commit the transaction

Repeat for each foreign key you want to change.

But PostgreSQL has a non-standard extension that lets you use multiple constraint clauses in a single SQL statement. For example

alter table public.scores
drop constraint scores_gid_fkey,
add constraint scores_gid_fkey
   foreign key (gid)
   references games(gid)
   on delete cascade;

If you don't know the name of the foreign key constraint you want to drop, you can either look it up in pgAdminIII (just click the table name and look at the DDL, or expand the hierarchy until you see "Constraints"), or you can query the information schema.

select *
from information_schema.key_column_usage
where position_in_unique_constraint is not null

REST HTTP status codes for failed validation or invalid duplicate

406 - Not Acceptable

Which means this response is sent when the web server, after performing server-driven content negotiation, doesn't find any content that conforms to the criteria given by the user agent.

Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:/var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

First, try with sudo, as the current user may not have access permissions to communicate to docker daemon i.e. /var/run/docker.sock

If its still not working, then, after the installation, simply stop the docker daemon as,

$ sudo service docker stop

And, run the following command to start the daemon in background,

$ sudo nohup docker daemon -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock

To make working with Docker easier, you should add your username to the Docker users group. Adding a user to the group can be done with the command below

$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Also, this step is mention at official documentation of docker Post-installation steps for Linux (

The Ubuntu 16.04 users can follow these steps,

Inside file /lib/systemd/system/docker.service change: ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd fd:// with ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H tcp://

Inside file /etc/init.d/docker change:

DOCKER_OPTS= with DOCKER_OPTS="-H ****tcp:// "

and then restart your machine. And, start playing with docker.

How to disable anchor "jump" when loading a page?

I have not had any consistent success with these solutions.

Apparently due to the fact that the jump happens before Javascript => reference(

My solution is to position all anchors at the top by default with CSS.


Then use jquery to scroll to the parent of the target anchor, or a sibling(maybe an empty em tag)

<a class="scroll-target" name="section3"></a><em>&nbsp</em>

jquery example for scrolling for when URL is entered with hash
(page must not be already loaded in window/tab, this covers links from other/outside sources)

setTimeout(function() {
    if (window.location.hash) {               
        var hash = window.location.hash.substr(1);   
        var scrollPos = $('.scroll-target[name="'+hash+'"]').siblings('em').offset().top; 
        $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: scrollPos }, 1000);    
}, 1);

Also you'll want to prevent default for anchor clicks while on the page and then scroll to their targets

<a class="scroll-to" href="#section3">section three</a>

and jquery

    var target = $(this).attr('href').substr(1);
    var scrollPos = $('.scroll-target[name="'+target+'"]').siblings('em').offset().top; 
    $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: scrollPos }, 1000);
    return false;

The good thing about this method is the anchor tag targets, remain structurally beside the relevant content, although their CSS position is at the top.

This should mean that search engine crawlers won't have a problem.

Cheers, I hope this helps

Catching an exception while using a Python 'with' statement

from __future__ import with_statement

    with open( "a.txt" ) as f :
        print f.readlines()
except EnvironmentError: # parent of IOError, OSError *and* WindowsError where available
    print 'oops'

If you want different handling for errors from the open call vs the working code you could do:

    f = open('foo.txt')
except IOError:
    with f:
        print f.readlines()

Iterating through a list to render multiple widgets in Flutter?

It is now possible to achieve that in Flutter 1.5 and Dart 2.3 by using a for element in your collection.

var list = ["one", "two", "three", "four"]; 

child: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
             for(var item in list ) Text(item)

This will display four Text widgets containing the items in the list.
NB. No braces around the for loop and no return keyword.

How to SUM parts of a column which have same text value in different column in the same row

This can be done by using SUMPRODUCT as well. Update the ranges as you see fit


A2:A7 = First name range

B2:B7 = Last Name Range

C2:C7 = Numbers Range

This will find all the names with the same first and last name and sum the numbers in your numbers column

How to create a signed APK file using Cordova command line interface?

An update to @malcubierre for Cordova 4 (and later)-

Create a file called and put in APPFOLDER\platforms\android folder

Contents of the file: edit after = for all except 2nd line


Then this command should build a release version:

cordova build android --release

UPDATE - This was not working for me Cordova 10 with android 9 - The build was replacing the file. I had to make a build.json file and drop it in the appfolder, same as root. And this is the contents - replace as above:

"android": {
    "release": {
       "keystore": "C:/yourlocation/app.keystore",
        "storePassword": "password",
        "alias": "aliasname",
        "password" : "aliaspass",
        "keystoreType": ""

Run it and it will generate one of those in the android folder

Magento Product Attribute Get Value

You can get attribute value by following way

$model = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product');
$attribute_value = $model->getAttributeRawValue($productId, 'attribute_code', $storeId);

Making interface implementations async

An abstract class can be used instead of an interface (in C# 7.3).

// Like interface
abstract class IIO
    public virtual async Task<string> DoOperation(string Name)
        throw new NotImplementedException(); // throwing exception
        // return await Task.Run(() => { return ""; }); // or empty do

// Implementation
class IOImplementation : IIO
    public override async Task<string> DoOperation(string Name)
        return await await Task.Run(() =>
            if(Name == "Spiderman")
                return "ok";
            return "cancel";

Disabling of EditText in Android

Use TextView instead.

Get Windows version in a batch file

Here's my one liner to determine the windows version:

for /f "tokens=1-9" %%a in ('"systeminfo | find /i "OS Name""') do (set ver=%%e & echo %ver%)

This returns the windows version, i.e., XP, Vista, 7, and sets the value of "ver" to equal the same...

How to cherry pick from 1 branch to another

When you cherry-pick, it creates a new commit with a new SHA. If you do:

git cherry-pick -x <sha>

then at least you'll get the commit message from the original commit appended to your new commit, along with the original SHA, which is very useful for tracking cherry-picks.

Selecting only numeric columns from a data frame

This an alternate code to other answers:

x[, sapply(x, class) == "numeric"]

with a data.table

x[, lapply(x, is.numeric) == TRUE, with = FALSE]

How do I set bold and italic on UILabel of iPhone/iPad?

You can set any font style, family, size for the label, by clicking on letter "T" in Font field.

Label font settings

Array.Add vs +=

The most common idiom for creating an array without using the inefficient += is something like this, from the output of a loop:

$array = foreach($i in 1..10) { 

Run / Open VSCode from Mac Terminal

I just want to pull out Benjamin Pasero's answer from inside his comment as it seems the best solution. It is the tip given on the Setting up Visual Studio Code page where it says ...

If you want to run VS Code from the terminal, append the following to your ~/.bash_profile file (~/.zshrc in case you use zsh).

code () { VSCODE_CWD="$PWD" open -n -b "" --args $* ;}

Now, you can simply type code . in any folder to start editing files in that folder. [Or code test.txt to go to work on the test.txt file]

How can I make this try_files directive work?

a very common try_files line which can be applied on your condition is

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /test/index.html;

you probably understand the first part, location / matches all locations, unless it's matched by a more specific location, like location /test for example

The second part ( the try_files ) means when you receive a URI that's matched by this block try $uri first, for example nginx will try to check if there's a file inside /images called image.jpg if found it will serve it first.

Second condition is $uri/ which means if you didn't find the first condition $uri try the URI as a directory, for example, ngixn will first check if a file called images exists then it wont find it, then goes to second check $uri/ and see if there's a directory called images exists then it will try serving it.

Side note: if you don't have autoindex on you'll probably get a 403 forbidden error, because directory listing is forbidden by default.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that if you have index defined, nginx will try to check if the index exists inside this folder before trying directory listing.

Third condition /test/index.html is considered a fall back option, (you need to use at least 2 options, one and a fall back), you can use as much as you can (never read of a constriction before), nginx will look for the file index.html inside the folder test and serve it if it exists.

If the third condition fails too, then nginx will serve the 404 error page.

Also there's something called named locations, like this

location @error {

You can call it with try_files like this

try_files $uri $uri/ @error;

TIP: If you only have 1 condition you want to serve, like for example inside folder images you only want to either serve the image or go to 404 error, you can write a line like this

location /images {
    try_files $uri =404;

which means either serve the file or serve a 404 error, you can't use only $uri by it self without =404 because you need to have a fallback option.
You can also choose which ever error code you want, like for example:

location /images {
    try_files $uri =403;

This will show a forbidden error if the image doesn't exist, or if you use 500 it will show server error, etc ..

Angular CLI - Please add a @NgModule annotation when using latest

The problem is the import of ProjectsListComponent in your ProjectsModule. You should not import that, but add it to the export array, if you want to use it outside of your ProjectsModule.

Other issues are your project routes. You should add these to an exportable variable, otherwise it's not AOT compatible. And you should -never- import the BrowserModule anywhere else but in your AppModule. Use the CommonModule to get access to the *ngIf, *ngFor...etc directives:

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  exports: [

export class ProjectsModule {}


export const ProjectRoutes: Routes = [
      { path: 'projects', component: ProjectsListComponent }

What is the maximum size of a web browser's cookie's key?

You can also use web storage too if the app specs allows you that (it has support for IE8+).

It has 5M (most browsers) or 10M (IE) of memory at its disposal.

"Web Storage (Second Edition)" is the API and "HTML5 Local Storage" is a quick start.

Concatenating string and integer in python

Let's assume you want to concatenate string and integer in a situation like this:

for i in range(1,11):

and you are getting type or concatenation error

The best way to go about it is to do something like this:

for i in range(1,11):

This will give you concatenated results like string 1, string 2, string 3 ...etc

Windows batch: call more than one command in a FOR loop?

FOR /r %%X IN (*) DO (ECHO %%X & DEL %%X)

How do I set up a private Git repository on GitHub? Is it even possible?

If you are a student you can get a free private repository at


As noted in another answer, now there is an option for private repos also for simple users

How do I quickly rename a MySQL database (change schema name)?

Really, the simplest answer is to export your old database then import it into the new one that you've created to replace the old one. Of course, you should use phpMyAdmin or command line to do this.

Renaming and Jerry-rigging the database is a BAD-IDEA! DO NOT DO IT. (Unless you are the "hacker-type" sitting in your mother's basement in the dark and eating pizza sleeping during the day.)

You will end up with more problems and work than you want.


  1. Create a new_database and name it the correct way.
  2. Go to your phpMyAdmin and open the database you want to export.
  3. Export it (check the options, but you should be OK with the defaults.
  4. You will get a file like or similar to this.
  5. The extension on this file is .sql

    -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version 3.2.4


    -- Host: localhost -- Generation Time: Jun 30, 2010 at 12:17 PM -- Server version: 5.0.90 -- PHP Version: 5.2.6




    -- Database: mydatab_online


    -- Table structure for table user

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user ( timestamp int(15) NOT NULL default '0', ip varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', file varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (timestamp), KEY ip (ip), KEY file (file) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;


    -- Dumping data for table user

    INSERT INTO user (timestamp, ip, file) VALUES (1277911052, '999.236.177.116', ''), (1277911194, '999.236.177.116', '');

This will be your .sql file. The one that you've just exported.

Find it on your hard-drive; usually it is in /temp. Select the empty database that has the correct name (the reason why you are reading this). SAY: Import - GO

Connect your program to the correct database by entering it into what usually is a configuration.php file. Refresh the server (both. Why? Because I am a UNIX oldtimer, and I said so. Now, you should be in good shape. If you have any further questions visit me on the web.

How to add a named sheet at the end of all Excel sheets?

This is a quick and simple add of a named tab to the current worksheet:

Sheets.Add.Name = "Tempo"

How to print pandas DataFrame without index

To retain "pretty-print" use

from IPython.display import HTML

enter image description here

VBA - Select columns using numbers?

you can use range with cells to get the effect you want (but it would be better not to use select if you don't have to)

For n = 1 to 5
do sth
next n

Angular cookies

I ended creating my own functions:

    selector: 'cookie-consent',
    template: cookieconsent_html,
    styles: [cookieconsent_css]
export class CookieConsent {
    private isConsented: boolean = false;

    constructor() {
        this.isConsented = this.getCookie(COOKIE_CONSENT) === '1';

    private getCookie(name: string) {
        let ca: Array<string> = document.cookie.split(';');
        let caLen: number = ca.length;
        let cookieName = `${name}=`;
        let c: string;

        for (let i: number = 0; i < caLen; i += 1) {
            c = ca[i].replace(/^\s+/g, '');
            if (c.indexOf(cookieName) == 0) {
                return c.substring(cookieName.length, c.length);
        return '';

    private deleteCookie(name) {
        this.setCookie(name, '', -1);

    private setCookie(name: string, value: string, expireDays: number, path: string = '') {
        let d:Date = new Date();
        d.setTime(d.getTime() + expireDays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
        let expires:string = `expires=${d.toUTCString()}`;
        let cpath:string = path ? `; path=${path}` : '';
        document.cookie = `${name}=${value}; ${expires}${cpath}`;

    private consent(isConsent: boolean, e: any) {
        if (!isConsent) {
            return this.isConsented;
        } else if (isConsent) {
            this.setCookie(COOKIE_CONSENT, '1', COOKIE_CONSENT_EXPIRE_DAYS);
            this.isConsented = true;

How to label each equation in align environment?

Within the environment align from the package amsmath it is possible to combine the use of \label and \tag for each equation or line. For example, the code:


then cite \eqref{eq:eq1} and \eqref{eq:eq2} or \eqref{eq:eq3} separately.


screenshot of output

When a 'blur' event occurs, how can I find out which element focus went *to*?

This way:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function yourFunction(element) {
<input id="myinput" onblur="yourFunction(this)">

Or if you attach the listener via JavaScript (jQuery in this example):

var input = $('#myinput').blur(function() {

Edit: sorry. I misread the question.

Is it possible to change a UIButtons background color?

Subclass UIButton and override setHighlighted and setSelected methods

-(void) setHighlighted:(BOOL)highlighted {

  if(highlighted) {
    self.backgroundColor = [self.mainColor darkerShade];
  } else {
    self.backgroundColor = self.mainColor;
  [super setHighlighted:highlighted];

-(void) setSelected:(BOOL)selected {

  if(selected) {
    self.backgroundColor = [self.mainColor darkerShade];
  } else {
    self.backgroundColor = self.mainColor;
  [super setSelected:selected];

My darkerShade method is in a UIColor category like this

-(UIColor*) darkerShade {

  float red, green, blue, alpha;
  [self getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha];

  double multiplier = 0.8f;
  return [UIColor colorWithRed:red * multiplier green:green * multiplier blue:blue*multiplier alpha:alpha];

Dictionary text file

For an English dictionary .txt file, you can use Custom Dictionary.

You can also generate a list aspell or wordlist with own settings.

Also you can take a look at

Only english words:

Remove NA values from a vector

Use discard from purrr (works with lists and vectors).


The benefit is that it is easy to use pipes; alternatively use the built-in subsetting function [:

v %>% discard(
v %>% `[`(!

Note that na.omit does not work on lists:

> x <- list(a=1, b=2, c=NA)
> na.omit(x)
[1] 1

[1] 2

[1] NA

How do you round to 1 decimal place in Javascript?

This seems to work reliably across anything I throw at it:

function round(val, multiplesOf) {
  var s = 1 / multiplesOf;
  var res = Math.ceil(val*s)/s;
  res = res < val ? res + multiplesOf: res;
  var afterZero = multiplesOf.toString().split(".")[1];
  return parseFloat(res.toFixed(afterZero ? afterZero.length : 0));

It rounds up, so you may need to modify it according to use case. This should work:

console.log(round(10.01, 1)); //outputs 11
console.log(round(10.01, 0.1)); //outputs 10.1

How to print a list in Python "nicely"

from pprint import pprint

How to fix Hibernate LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of roles, could not initialize proxy - no Session

The best way to handle the LazyInitializationException is to use the JOIN FETCH directive for all the entities that you need to fetch along.

Anyway, DO NOT use the following Anti-Patterns as suggested by some of the answers:

Sometimes, a DTO projection is a better choice than fetching entities, and this way, you won't get any LazyInitializationException.

How to invoke a Linux shell command from Java

Use ProcessBuilder to separate commands and arguments instead of spaces. This should work regardless of shell used:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Test {

    public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        //Build command 
        List<String> commands = new ArrayList<String>();
        //Add arguments

        //Run macro on target
        ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(commands); File("/home/narek"));
        Process process = pb.start();

        //Read output
        StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
        String line = null, previous = null;
        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null)
            if (!line.equals(previous)) {
                previous = line;

        //Check result
        if (process.waitFor() == 0) {

        //Abnormal termination: Log command parameters and output and throw ExecutionException

Convert string to Time

This gives you the needed results:

string time = "16:23:01";
var result = Convert.ToDateTime(time);
string test = result.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
//This gives you "04:23:01 PM"  string

You could also use CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US") as not all cultures will display AM/PM.

Send file using POST from a Python script

You may also want to have a look at httplib2, with examples. I find using httplib2 is more concise than using the built-in HTTP modules.

Remove All Event Listeners of Specific Type

You cant remove a single event, but all? at once? just do

document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML

Best approach to real time http streaming to HTML5 video client

I wrote an HTML5 video player around broadway h264 codec (emscripten) that can play live (no delay) h264 video on all browsers (desktop, iOS, ...).

Video stream is sent through websocket to the client, decoded frame per frame and displayed in a canva (using webgl for acceleration)

Check out on github.

Batch File; List files in directory, only filenames?

You can also try this:

for %%a in (*) do echo %%a

Using a for loop, you can echo out all the file names of the current directory.

To print them directly from the console:

for %a in (*) do @echo %a

Standard way to embed version into python package?

I use a JSON file in the package dir. This fits Zooko's requirements.

Inside pkg_dir/pkg_info.json:

{"version": "0.1.0"}


from distutils.core import setup
import json

with open('pkg_dir/pkg_info.json') as fp:
    _info = json.load(fp)


Inside pkg_dir/

import json
from os.path import dirname

with open(dirname(__file__) + '/pkg_info.json') as fp:
    _info = json.load(fp)

__version__ = _info['version']

I also put other information in pkg_info.json, like author. I like to use JSON because I can automate management of metadata.

Converting Chart.js canvas chart to image using .toDataUrl() results in blank image

You can also use the toBase64Image() method setting animation: false

var options = {
    bezierCurve : false,
    animation: false

Updated Fiddle

Run MySQLDump without Locking Tables

Does the --lock-tables=false option work?

According to the man page, if you are dumping InnoDB tables you can use the --single-transaction option:

--lock-tables, -l

Lock all tables before dumping them. The tables are locked with READ
LOCAL to allow concurrent inserts in the case of MyISAM tables. For
transactional tables such as InnoDB and BDB, --single-transaction is
a much better option, because it does not need to lock the tables at

For innodb DB:

mysqldump --single-transaction=TRUE -u username -p DB

CSS Background Image Not Displaying

According to your CSS file path, I will suppose it is at the same directory with your HTML page, you have to change the url as follows:

body { background: url(img/debut_dark.png) repeat 0 0; }

How do DATETIME values work in SQLite?

SQLite does not have a storage class set aside for storing dates and/or times. Instead, the built-in Date And Time Functions of SQLite are capable of storing dates and times as TEXT, REAL, or INTEGER values:

TEXT as ISO8601 strings ("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS"). REAL as Julian day numbers, the number of days since noon in Greenwich on November 24, 4714 B.C. according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar. INTEGER as Unix Time, the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. Applications can chose to store dates and times in any of these formats and freely convert between formats using the built-in date and time functions.

Having said that, I would use INTEGER and store seconds since Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).

CodeIgniter 500 Internal Server Error

The problem with 500 errors (with CodeIgniter), with different apache settings, it displays 500 error when there's an error with PHP configuration.

Here's how it can trigger 500 error with CodeIgniter:

  1. Error in script (PHP misconfigurations, missing packages, etc...)
  2. PHP "Fatal Errors"

Please check your apache error logs, there should be some interesting information in there.

How can I convert a series of images to a PDF from the command line on linux?

Using imagemagick, you can try:

convert page.png page.pdf

Or for multiple images:

convert page*.png mydoc.pdf

How to directly move camera to current location in Google Maps Android API v2?

Just change moveCamera to animateCamera like below

Googlemap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(locate, 16F))

How to merge multiple dicts with same key or different key?

Here's a general solution that will handle an arbitrary amount of dictionaries, with cases when keys are in only some of the dictionaries:

from collections import defaultdict

d1 = {1: 2, 3: 4}
d2 = {1: 6, 3: 7}

dd = defaultdict(list)

for d in (d1, d2): # you can list as many input dicts as you want here
    for key, value in d.items():



defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {1: [2, 6], 3: [4, 7]})

Also, to get your .attrib, just change append(value) to append(value.attrib)

javac: file not found: Usage: javac <options> <source files>

I had the same issue and it was to do with my file name. If you set the file location using CD in CMD, and then type DIR it will list the files in that directory. Check that the file name appears and check that the spelling and filename ending is correct.

It should be .java but mine was .java.txt. The instructions on the Java tutorials website state that you should select "Save as Type Text Documents" but for me that always adds .txt onto the end of the file name. If I change it to "Save as Type All Documents" it correctly saved the file name.

CMD DIR Example

Cursor adapter and sqlite example

In Android, How to use a Cursor with a raw query in sqlite:

Cursor c = sampleDB.rawQuery("SELECT FirstName, Age FROM mytable " +
           "where Age > 10 LIMIT 5", null);

if (c != null ) {
    if  (c.moveToFirst()) {
        do {
            String firstName = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("FirstName"));
            int age = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex("Age"));
            results.add("" + firstName + ",Age: " + age);
        }while (c.moveToNext());

if (boolean condition) in Java

boolean turnedOn;
    //do stuff when the condition is true - i.e, turnedOn is true
    //do stuff when the condition is false - i.e, turnedOn is false

How to show data in a table by using psql command line interface?

On windows use the name of the table in quotes: TABLE "user"; or SELECT * FROM "user";

SQL Server format decimal places with commas

without considering this to be a good idea...

select dbo.F_AddThousandSeparators(convert(varchar, convert(decimal(18, 4), 1234.1234567), 1))


-- Author:      bummi
-- Create date: 20121106
CREATE FUNCTION F_AddThousandSeparators(@NumStr varchar(50)) 
RETURNS Varchar(50)
declare @OutStr varchar(50)
declare @i int
declare @run int

Select @i=CHARINDEX('.',@NumStr)
if @i=0 
    set @i=LEN(@NumStr)
    Set @Outstr=''
     Set @Outstr=SUBSTRING(@NUmStr,@i,50)
     Set @i=@i -1

Set @run=0

While @i>0
      if @Run=3
          Set @Outstr=','+@Outstr
          Set @run=0
      Set @Outstr=SUBSTRING(@NumStr,@i,1) +@Outstr  
      Set @i=@i-1
      Set @run=@run + 1     

    RETURN @OutStr


How do I view an older version of an SVN file?

Update to a specific revision:

svn up -r1234 file

How to escape indicator characters (i.e. : or - ) in YAML

If you're using @ConfigurationProperties with Spring Boot 2 to inject maps with keys that contain colons then you need an additional level of escaping using square brackets inside the quotes because spring only allows alphanumeric and '-' characters, stripping out the rest. Your new key would look like this:

"[]": GoogleMapsKeyforThisDomain

See this github issue for reference.

How to hide the border for specified rows of a table?

You can simply add these lines of codes here to hide a row,

Either you can write border:0 or border-style:hidden; border: none or it will happen the same thing

<style type="text/css">_x000D_
              table, th, td {_x000D_
               border: 1px solid;_x000D_
              tr.hide_all > td, td.hide_all{_x000D_
                 border: 0;_x000D_
      <tr class= hide_all>_x000D_

running these lines of codes can solve the problem easily

VSCode cannot find module '@angular/core' or any other modules

I had same problems with Sublime Text.

I came up with following solution: I just edited


in the root of Angular workspace to include my freshly created application.

  "files": [],
  "references": [
      "path": "./projects/client/"
      "path": "./projects/client/tsconfig.spec.json"
      "path": "./projects/vehicle-market/"
      "path": "./projects/vehicle-market/tsconfig.spec.json"
      "path": "./projects/mobile-de-lib/tsconfig.lib.json"
      "path": "./projects/mobile-de-lib/tsconfig.spec.json"

Anaconda export Environment file

I can't find anything in the conda specs which allow you to export an environment file without the prefix: ... line. However, as Alex pointed out in the comments, conda doesn't seem to care about the prefix line when creating an environment from file.

With that in mind, if you want the other user to have no knowledge of your default install path, you can remove the prefix line with grep before writing to environment.yml.

conda env export | grep -v "^prefix: " > environment.yml

Either way, the other user then runs:

conda env create -f environment.yml

and the environment will get installed in their default conda environment path.

If you want to specify a different install path than the default for your system (not related to 'prefix' in the environment.yml), just use the -p flag followed by the required path.

conda env create -f environment.yml -p /home/user/anaconda3/envs/env_name

Note that Conda recommends creating the environment.yml by hand, which is especially important if you are wanting to share your environment across platforms (Windows/Linux/Mac). In this case, you can just leave out the prefix line.

How to convert date in to yyyy-MM-dd Format?

Use this.

java.util.Date date = new Date("Sat Dec 01 00:00:00 GMT 2012");
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
String format = formatter.format(date);

you will get the output as


Excel VBA Run-time error '424': Object Required when trying to copy TextBox

The issue is with this line

 xlo.Worksheets(1).Cells(2, 2) = TextBox1.Text

You have the textbox defined at some other location which you are not using here. Excel is unable to find the textbox object in the current sheet while this textbox was defined in xlw.

Hence replace this with

 xlo.Worksheets(1).Cells(2, 2) = worksheets("xlw").TextBox1.Text 

Font awesome is not showing icon

In my case, the problem was caused by using some regular styles (far) that are not included in the free set. Changing to fas fixed it.

Getting the source of a specific image element with jQuery


This will display src attributes of all images of class 'conversation_img' with alt='example'

How do I restart a program based on user input?

Here's a fun way to do it with a decorator:

def restartable(func):
    def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
        answer = 'y'
        while answer == 'y':
            while True:
                answer = raw_input('Restart?  y/n:')
                if answer in ('y','n'):
                    print "invalid answer"
    return wrapper

def main():
    print "foo"


Ultimately, I think you need 2 while loops. You need one loop bracketing the portion which prompts for the answer so that you can prompt again if the user gives bad input. You need a second which will check that the current answer is 'y' and keep running the code until the answer isn't 'y'.

shorthand If Statements: C#

Use the ternary operator

direction == 1 ? dosomething () : dosomethingelse ();

How to use a table type in a SELECT FROM statement?

In SQL you may only use table type which is defined at schema level (not at package or procedure level), and index-by table (associative array) cannot be defined at schema level. So - you have to define nested table like this

create type exch_row as object (
    currency_cd VARCHAR2(9),
    exch_rt_eur NUMBER,
    exch_rt_usd NUMBER);

create type exch_tbl as table of exch_row;

And then you can use it in SQL with TABLE operator, for example:

   l_row     exch_row;
   exch_rt   exch_tbl;
   l_row := exch_row('PLN', 100, 100);
   exch_rt  := exch_tbl(l_row);

   for r in (select i.*
               from item i, TABLE(exch_rt) rt
              where i.currency = rt.currency_cd) loop
      -- your code here
   end loop;

How to sum the values of one column of a dataframe in spark/scala

Not sure this was around when this question was asked but:


gives mean, count, stdtev stats on a column. I think it returns on all columns if you just do .show()

In CSS what is the difference between "." and "#" when declaring a set of styles?

A couple of quick extensions on what has already been said...

An id must be unique, but you can use the same id to make different styles more specific.

For example, given this HTML extract:

<div id="sidebar">
    <ul class="menu">
<div id="content">
<div id="footer">
    <ul class="menu">

You could apply different styles with these:

#sidebar h2
{ ... }

#sidebar .menu
{ ... }

#content h2
{ ... }

#footer .menu
{ ... }

Another useful thing to know: you can have multiple classes on an element, by space-delimiting them...

<ul class="main menu">...</ul>
<ul class="other menu">...</ul>

Which allows you to have common styling in .menu with specific styles using and

{ ... }
{ ... }
{ ... }

Giving my function access to outside variable

The one and probably not so good way of achieving your goal would using global variables.

You could achieve that by adding global $myArr; to the beginning of your function. However note that using global variables is in most cases a bad idea and probably avoidable.

The much better way would be passing your array as an argument to your function:

function someFuntion($arr){
    $myVal = //some processing here to determine value of $myVal
    $arr[] = $myVal;
    return $arr;

$myArr = someFunction($myArr);

How can I find the version of php that is running on a distinct domain name?

There is a surprisingly effective way that consists of using the easter eggs.

They differ from version to version.

How to view query error in PDO PHP

I'm guessing that your complaint is that the exception is not firing. PDO is most likely configured to not throw exceptions. Enable them with this:


Difference between variable declaration syntaxes in Javascript (including global variables)?

    var varDeclaration = true;
    noVarDeclaration = true;
    window.hungOnWindow = true;
    document.hungOnDocument = true;
<script src="external.js"></script>

/* external.js */ == true); // could be .log, alert etc
// returns false in IE8 == true); // could be .log, alert etc
// returns false in IE8 == true); // could be .log, alert etc
// returns true in IE8 == true); // could be .log, alert etc
// returns ??? in IE8 (untested!)  *I personally find this more clugy than hanging off window obj

Is there a global object that all vars are hung off of by default? eg: 'globals.noVar declaration'

:touch CSS pseudo-class or something similar?

Since mobile doesn't give hover feedback, I want, as a user, to see instant feedback when a link is tapped. I noticed that -webkit-tap-highlight-color is the fastest to respond (subjective).

Add the following to your body and your links will have a tap effect.

body {
    -webkit-tap-highlight-color: #ccc;

commons httpclient - Adding query string parameters to GET/POST request

This approach is ok but will not work for when you get params dynamically , sometimes 1, 2, 3 or more, just like a SOLR search query (for example)

Here is a more flexible solution. Crude but can be refined.

public static void main(String[] args) {

    String host = "localhost";
    String port = "9093";

    String param = "/10-2014.01?description=cars&verbose=true&hl=true&hl.simple.pre=<b>&</b>";
    String[] wholeString = param.split("\\?");
    String theQueryString = wholeString.length > 1 ? wholeString[1] : "";

    String SolrUrl = "http://" + host + ":" + port + "/mypublish-services/carclassifications/" + "loc";

    GetMethod method = new GetMethod(SolrUrl );

    if (theQueryString.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
        method.setQueryString(new NameValuePair[]{
    } else {
        String[] paramKeyValuesArray = theQueryString.split("&");
        List<String> list = Arrays.asList(paramKeyValuesArray);
        List<NameValuePair> nvPairList = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
        for (String s : list) {
            String[] nvPair = s.split("=");
            String theKey = nvPair[0];
            String theValue = nvPair[1];
            NameValuePair nameValuePair = new NameValuePair(theKey, theValue);
        NameValuePair[] nvPairArray = new NameValuePair[nvPairList.size()];
        method.setQueryString(nvPairArray);       // Encoding is taken care of here by setQueryString


Oracle date function for the previous month

It is working with me in Oracle sql developer

    SELECT add_months(trunc(sysdate,'mm'), -1),
           last_day(add_months(trunc(sysdate,'mm'), -1)) 
    FROM dual

Loop through checkboxes and count each one checked or unchecked

$.extend($.expr[':'], {
        unchecked: function (obj) {
            return ((obj.type == 'checkbox' || obj.type == 'radio') && !$(obj).is(':checked'));



I came up with the following solution:

SELECT [Str], DecimalParsed = CASE 
WHEN ISNUMERIC([Str]) = 1 AND CHARINDEX('.', [Str])=0 AND LEN(REPLACE(REPLACE([Str], '-', ''), '+', '')) < 29 THEN CONVERT(decimal(38,10), [Str])
WHEN ISNUMERIC([Str]) = 1 AND (CHARINDEX('.', [Str])!=0 AND CHARINDEX('.', REPLACE(REPLACE([Str], '-', ''), '+', ''))<=29) THEN 
            CASE WHEN LEN([Str]) - LEN(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE([Str], '0', ''), '1', ''), '2', ''), '3', ''), '4', ''), '5', ''), '6', ''), '7', ''), '8', ''), '9', '')) <= 38 
                 THEN [Str] 
                 ELSE SUBSTRING([Str], 1, 38 + LEN(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE([Str], '0', ''), '1', ''), '2', ''), '3', ''), '4', ''), '5', ''), '6', ''), '7', ''), '8', ''), '9', ''))) END)
FROM TestStrToDecimal

I know it looks like an overkill and probably it is, but it works for me (checked both positive, negative, big and small numbers of different precision and scale - everything is converted to decimal(38,10) or NULL).

It is hard-coded to decimal(38,10) type, so if you need different precision, change the constants in the code (38, 10, 29).

How it works? The result is:

  • if conversion is simple without overflow or precision loss (e.g. 123 or 123.456), then it just convert it.
  • if number is not too big, but has too many digits after decimal point (e.g. 123.1234567890123456789012345678901234567890), then it trims the exceeding digits at the end keeping only 38 first digits.
  • if number is too big and can't be converted to decimal without an overflow (e.g. 9876543210987654321098765432109876543210), then NULL is returned

each case is separate WHEN statement inthe code above.

Here are few examples of conversion: enter image description here

.htaccess 301 redirect of single page

It will redirect your store page to your contact page

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On 
    RewriteBase /
    Redirect 301 /storepage /contactpage

MySQL Stored procedure variables from SELECT statements

Corrected a few things and added an alternative select - delete as appropriate.


IN p_cityID INT -- should this be int unsigned ?

DECLARE cityLat FLOAT; -- should these be decimals ?

    -- method 1
    SELECT lat,lng into cityLat, cityLng FROM cities WHERE cities.cityID = p_cityID;

     HAVERSINE(cityLat,cityLng,, b.lng) AS dist 
     cities b 
    LIMIT 10;

    -- method 2
      HAVERSINE(, a.lng,, b.lng) AS dist
      cities AS a
    JOIN cities AS b on a.cityID = p_cityID
    LIMIT 10;


delimiter ;

Eclipse "Server Locations" section disabled and need to change to use Tomcat installation

Make sure that there is no project Deploy in server. If so ,please right click on server ,select add and remove ,Then remove all project. After this you can double click on server and the option will be enabled for you.

The network adapter could not establish the connection - Oracle 11g

First check your listener is on or off. Go to net manager then Local -> service naming -> orcl. Then change your HOST NAME and put your PC name. Now go to LISTENER and change the HOST and put your PC name.

How to increase the execution timeout in php?

To really increase the time limit i prefer to first get the current value. set_time_limit is not always increasing the time limit. If the current value (e.g. from php.ini or formerly set) is higher than the value used in current call of set_time_limit, it will decrease the time limit!

So what's with a small helper like this?

 * @param int $seconds Time in seconds
 * @return bool
function increase_time_limit(int $seconds): bool
    return set_time_limit(max(
        ini_get('max_execution_time'), $seconds

// somewhere else in your code

See also: Get max_execution_time in PHP script

How do I get an apk file from an Android device?

I got a does not exist error

Here is how I make it works

adb shell pm list packages -f | findstr zalo

adb shell
mido:/ $ cp /data/app/com.zing.zalo-1/base.apk /sdcard/zalo.apk
mido:/ $ exit

adb pull /sdcard/zalo.apk Desktop

/sdcard/zalo.apk: 1 file pulled. 7.7 MB/s (41895394 bytes in 5.200s)

Spring + Web MVC: dispatcher-servlet.xml vs. applicationContext.xml (plus shared security)

<mvc:annotation-driven />
<mvc:default-servlet-handler />
<mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/resources/" />

<context:component-scan base-package="com.tridenthyundai.ains" />

<bean id="multipartResolver"
    class="org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartResolver" />

<bean id="messageSource" 
    <property name="basename" value="/WEB-INF/messages" />

<bean id="viewResolver"

    <property name="prefix">
    <property name="suffix">

Adding a column to a dataframe in R

Even if that's a 7 years old question, people new to R should consider using the data.table, package.

A data.table is a data.frame so all you can do for/to a data.frame you can also do. But many think are ORDERS of magnitude faster with data.table.

vec <- 1:10
DT <- data.table(start=c(1,3,5,7), end=c(2,6,7,9))
DT[,new:=apply(DT,1,function(row) mean(vec[ row[1] : row[2] ] ))]

MS-DOS Batch file pause with enter key

The only valid answer would be the pause command.

Though this does not wait specifically for the 'ENTER' key, it waits for any key that is pressed.

And just in case you want it convenient for the user, pause is the best option.

Html.Textbox VS Html.TextboxFor

Ultimately they both produce the same HTML but Html.TextBoxFor() is strongly typed where as Html.TextBox isn't.

1:  @Html.TextBox("Name")
2:  Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Name)

will both produce

<input id="Name" name="Name" type="text" />

So what does that mean in terms of use?

Generally two things:

  1. The typed TextBoxFor will generate your input names for you. This is usually just the property name but for properties of complex types can include an underscore such as 'customer_name'
  2. Using the typed TextBoxFor version will allow you to use compile time checking. So if you change your model then you can check whether there are any errors in your views.

It is generally regarded as better practice to use the strongly typed versions of the HtmlHelpers that were added in MVC2.

cURL POST command line on WINDOWS RESTful service

One more alternative cross-platform solution on powershell 6.2.3:

$headers = @{
    'Authorization' = 'Token 12d119ad48f9b70ed53846f9e3d051dc31afab27'

$body = @"

$params = @{
    Uri         = 'http://local.vcs:9999/api/v1/version/'
    Headers     = $headers
    Method      = 'POST'
    Body        = $body
    ContentType = 'application/json'


Invoke-RestMethod @params

Stopword removal with NLTK

@alvas's answer does the job but it can be done way faster. Assuming that you have documents: a list of strings.

from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import wordpunct_tokenize

stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
stop_words.update(['.', ',', '"', "'", '?', '!', ':', ';', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}']) # remove it if you need punctuation 

for doc in documents:
    list_of_words = [i.lower() for i in wordpunct_tokenize(doc) if i.lower() not in stop_words]

Notice that due to the fact that here you are searching in a set (not in a list) the speed would be theoretically len(stop_words)/2 times faster, which is significant if you need to operate through many documents.

For 5000 documents of approximately 300 words each the difference is between 1.8 seconds for my example and 20 seconds for @alvas's.

P.S. in most of the cases you need to divide the text into words to perform some other classification tasks for which tf-idf is used. So most probably it would be better to use stemmer as well:

from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer
porter = PorterStemmer()

and to use [porter.stem(i.lower()) for i in wordpunct_tokenize(doc) if i.lower() not in stop_words] inside of a loop.

How to run a single RSpec test?

Given you're on a rails 3 project with rspec 2, From the rails root directory:

  bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/groups_controller_spec.rb 

should definitely work. i got tired of typing that so i created an alias to shorten 'bundle exec rspec' to 'bersp'

'bundle exec' is so that it loads the exact gem environment specified in your gem file:

Rspec2 switched from the 'spec' command to the 'rspec' command.

React Native Responsive Font Size

We use a simple, straight-forward, scaling utils functions we wrote:

import { Dimensions } from 'react-native';
const { width, height } = Dimensions.get('window');

//Guideline sizes are based on standard ~5" screen mobile device
const guidelineBaseWidth = 350;
const guidelineBaseHeight = 680;

const scale = size => width / guidelineBaseWidth * size;
const verticalScale = size => height / guidelineBaseHeight * size;
const moderateScale = (size, factor = 0.5) => size + ( scale(size) - size ) * factor;

export {scale, verticalScale, moderateScale};

Saves you some time doing many ifs. You can read more about it on my blog post.

Edit: I thought it might be helpful to extract these functions to their own npm package, I also included ScaledSheet in the package, which is an automatically scaled version of StyleSheet. You can find it here: react-native-size-matters.

overlay opaque div over youtube iframe

Information from the Official Adobe site about this issue

The issue is when you embed a youtube link:

in an iFrame, the default wmode is windowed which essentially gives it a z-index greater then everything else and it will overlay over anything.

Try appending this GET parameter to your URL:


like so:

Make sure its the first parameter in the URL. Other parameters must go after

In the iframe tag:


<iframe class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="520" height="330" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Find all special characters in a column in SQL Server 2008

Select * from TableName Where ColumnName LIKE '%[^A-Za-z0-9, ]%'

This will give you all the row which contains any special character.

How to do a LIKE query with linq?

 where c.FullName.Contains("string")

What is the difference between MOV and LEA?

In NASM syntax:

mov eax, var       == lea eax, [var]   ; i.e. mov r32, imm32
lea eax, [var+16]  == mov eax, var+16
lea eax, [eax*4]   == shl eax, 2        ; but without setting flags

In MASM syntax, use OFFSET var to get a mov-immediate instead of a load.

Installing Android Studio, does not point to a valid JVM installation error

Using c:/Program Files/Java/jre1.8.0_73/ instead of C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_73 as JAVA_HOME variable solved the problem for me. Android studio now launches without problems.

How do I add 1 day to an NSDate?

Updated for Swift 5

let today = Date()
let nextDate = .day, value: 1, to: today)

Objective C

 NSCalendar *gregorian = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar];
 // now build a NSDate object for the next day
 NSDateComponents *offsetComponents = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
 [offsetComponents setDay:1];
 NSDate *nextDate = [gregorian dateByAddingComponents:offsetComponents toDate: [NSDate date] options:0];

Get bitcoin historical data

Bitstamp has live bitcoin data that are publicly available in JSON at this link. Do not try to access it more than 600 times in ten minutes or else they'll block your IP (plus, it's unnecessary anyway; read more here). The below is a C# approach to getting live data:

using (var WebClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
     var json = WebClient.DownloadString("");
     string value = Convert.ToString(json);
     // Parse/use from here

From here, you can parse the JSON and store it in a database (or with MongoDB insert it directly) and then access it.

For historic data (depending on the database - if that's how you approach it), do an insert from a flat file, which most databases allow you to use (for instance, with SQL Server you can do a BULK INSERT from a CSV file).

Log all queries in mysql

Start mysql with the --log option:

mysqld --log=log_file_name

or place the following in your my.cnf file:

log = log_file_name

Either one will log all queries to log_file_name.

You can also log only slow queries using the --log-slow-queries option instead of --log. By default, queries that take 10 seconds or longer are considered slow, you can change this by setting long_query_time to the number of seconds a query must take to execute before being logged.

Jquery href click - how can I fire up an event?

It doesn't because the href value is not sign_up.It is #sign_up. Try like below, You need to add "#" to indicate the id of the href value.

  alert('Sign new href executed.'); 


Head and tail in one line

Python 2, using lambda

>>> head, tail = (lambda lst: (lst[0], lst[1:]))([1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55])
>>> head
>>> tail
[1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

Automatically resize images with browser size using CSS

To make the images flexible, simply add max-width:100% and height:auto. Image max-width:100% and height:auto works in IE7, but not in IE8 (yes, another weird IE bug). To fix this, you need to add width:auto\9 for IE8.


for example :

img {
    max-width: 100%;
    height: auto;
    width: auto\9; /* ie8 */

and then any images you add simply using the img tag will be flexible

JSFiddle example here. No JavaScript required. Works in latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and IE (which is all I've tested).

How to change the locale in chrome browser

Based from this thread, you need to bookmark chrome://settings/languages and then Drag and Drop the language to make it default. You have to click on the Display Google Chrome in this Language button and completely restart Chrome.

iOS application: how to clear notifications?

Most likely because Notification Center is a relatively new feature, Apple didn't necessarily want to push a whole new paradigm for clearing notifications. So instead, they multi-purposed [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setApplicationIconBadgeNumber: 0]; to clear said notifications. It might seem a bit weird, and Apple might provide a more intuitive way to do this in the future, but for the time being it's the official way.

Myself, I use this snippet:

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setApplicationIconBadgeNumber: 0];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] cancelAllLocalNotifications];

which never fails to clear all of the app's notifications from Notification Center.

How to include a class in PHP

Include a class example with the use keyword from Command Line Interface:

PHP Namespaces don't work on the commandline unless you also include or require the php file. When the php file is sitting in the webspace where it is interpreted by the php daemon then you don't need the require line. All you need is the 'use' line.

  1. Create a new directory /home/el/bin

  2. Make a new file called namespace_example.php and put this code in there:

        require '/home/el/bin/mylib.php';
        use foobarwhatever\dingdong\penguinclass;
        $mypenguin = new penguinclass();
        echo $mypenguin->msg();
  3. Make another file called mylib.php and put this code in there:

    namespace foobarwhatever\dingdong;
    class penguinclass 
        public function msg() {
            return "It's a beautiful day chris, come out and play! " . 
                   "NO!  *SLAM!*  taka taka taka taka."; 
  4. Run it from commandline like this:

    el@apollo:~/bin$ php namespace_example.php 
  5. Which prints:

    It's a beautiful day chris, come out and play!
    NO!  *SLAM!*  taka taka taka taka

See notes on this in the comments here:

HTML input type=file, get the image before submitting the form

Image can not be shown until it serves from any server. so you need to upload the image to your server to show its preview.

How to scroll to top of page with JavaScript/jQuery?

I remember seeing this posted somewhere else (I couldn't find where), but this works really well:

setTimeout(() => {
    window.scrollTo(0, 0);
}, 0);

It's weird, but the way it works is based off of the way JavaScript's stack queue works. The full explanation is found here in the Zero Delays section.

The basic idea is that the time for setTimeout doesn't actually specify the set amount of time it will wait, but the minimum amount of time it will wait. So when you tell it to wait 0ms, the browser runs all the other queued processes (like scrolling the window to where you were last) and then executes the callback.

Nested objects in javascript, best practices

var defaultSettings = {
    ajaxsettings: {},
    uisettings: {}

Take a look at this site:

Also, you can try calling JSON.stringify() on one of your objects from the browser to see the json format. You'd have to do this in the console or a test page.

ORA-12505: TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor (DBD ERROR: OCIServerAttach)

You could try this.

In windows go to Administrative Tools->Services And see scroll down to where it says Oracle[instanceNameHere] and see if the listener and the service itself are running. You might have to start it. You can also set it to start automatically when you right-click on it and go to properties.

What is the curl error 52 "empty reply from server"?

I've had this problem before. Figured out I had another application using the same port (3000).

Easy way to find this out:

In the terminal, type netstat -a -p TCP -n | grep 3000 (substitute the port you're using for the '3000'). If there is more than one listening, something else is already occupying that port. You should stop that process or change the port for your new process.

Passing data to a jQuery UI Dialog

Ok the first issue with the div tag was easy enough: I just added a style="display:none;" to it and then before showing the dialog I added this in my dialog script:

$("#dialog").css("display", "inherit");

But for the post version I'm still out of luck.

Casting an int to a string in Python

Here answer for your code as whole:

key =10

files = ("ME%i.txt" % i for i in range(key))

files = [ open(filename, 'w') for filename in files]

# processing
for i, file in zip(range(key),files):
# closing
for openfile in files:

How do I make a textbox that only accepts numbers?

Working solution for WPF & a simple TextChangedEventArgs.

private void TextBox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
    var TextBox = (sender as TextBox);

    // if not a numeric value, remove news characters
    if (Regex.IsMatch(TextBox.Text, "[^0-9]"))
        foreach (TextChange Change in e.Changes)
            TextBox.Text = TextBox.Text.Remove(Change.Offset, Change.AddedLength);

            TextBox.CaretIndex = Change.Offset;

ln (Natural Log) in Python

Here is the correct implementation using numpy (np.log() is the natural logarithm)

import numpy as np
p = 100
r = 0.06 / 12
FV = 4000

n = np.log(1 + FV * r/ p) / np.log(1 + r)

print ("Number of periods = " + str(n))


Number of periods = 36.55539635919235

How to get first and last day of previous month (with timestamp) in SQL Server

SELECT DATEADD(m,DATEDIFF(m,0,GETDATE())-1,0) AS PreviousMonthStart

SELECT DATEADD(ms,-2,DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, GETDATE()), 0)) AS PreviousMonthEnd

Create listview in fragment android

you need to give:

public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState)    

inside fragment.

How to dismiss the dialog with click on outside of the dialog?

Following has worked for me:


Hibernate table not mapped error in HQL query

In addition to the accepted answer, one other check is to make sure that you have the right reference to your entity package in sessionFactory.setPackagesToScan(...) while setting up your session factory.

How to lookup JNDI resources on WebLogic?

java is the root JNDI namespace for resources. What the original snippet of code means is that the container the application was initially deployed in did not apply any additional namespaces to the JNDI context you retrieved (as an example, Tomcat automatically adds all resources to the namespace comp/env, so you would have to do dataSource = (javax.sql.DataSource) context.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/myDataSource"); if the resource reference name is jdbc/myDataSource).

To avoid having to change your legacy code I think if you register the datasource with the name myDataSource (remove the jdbc/) you should be fine. Let me know if that works.

Deploying Java webapp to Tomcat 8 running in Docker container

Tomcat will only extract the war which is copied to webapps directory. Change Dockerfile as below:

FROM tomcat:8.0.20-jre8
COPY /1.0-SNAPSHOT/my-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/myapp.war

You might need to access the url as below unless you have specified the webroot

How to duplicate a whole line in Vim?

I like: Shift+v (to select the whole line immediately and let you select other lines if you want), y, p

Intersection and union of ArrayLists in Java

First, I am copying all values of arrays into a single array then I am removing duplicates values into the array. Line 12, explaining if same number occur more than time then put some extra garbage value into "j" position. At the end, traverse from start-end and check if same garbage value occur then discard.

public class Union {
public static void main(String[] args){

    int arr1[]={1,3,3,2,4,2,3,3,5,2,1,99};
    int arr2[]={1,3,2,1,3,2,4,6,3,4};
    int arr3[]=new int[arr1.length+arr2.length];

    for(int i=0;i<arr1.length;i++)

    for(int i=0;i<arr2.length;i++)

    for(int i=0;i<arr3.length;i++)
        for(int j=i+1;j<arr3.length;j++)
                arr3[j]=99999999;          //line  12
    for(int i=0;i<arr3.length;i++)
            System.out.print(arr3[i]+" ");

How to read specific lines from a file (by line number)?

if you want line 7

line = open("file.txt", "r").readlines()[7]

Output of git branch in tree like fashion

It's not quite what you asked for, but

git log --graph --simplify-by-decoration --pretty=format:'%d' --all

does a pretty good job. It shows tags and remote branches as well. This may not be desirable for everyone, but I find it useful. --simplifiy-by-decoration is the big trick here for limiting the refs shown.

I use a similar command to view my log. I've been able to completely replace my gitk usage with it:

git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all

I use it by including these aliases in my ~/.gitconfig file:

    l = log --graph --oneline --decorate
    ll = log --graph --oneline --decorate --branches --tags
    lll = log --graph --oneline --decorate --all

Edit: Updated suggested log command/aliases to use simpler option flags.

Storing Form Data as a Session Variable

You can solve this problem using this code:

if(!empty($_GET['variable from which you get'])) 
$_SESSION['something']= $_GET['variable from which you get'];

So you get the variable from a GET form, you will store in the $_SESSION['whatever'] variable just once when $_GET['variable from which you get']is set and if it is empty $_SESSION['something'] will store the old parameter

Get a Div Value in JQuery

your div looks like this:

<div id="someId">Some Value</div>

With jquery:

   <script type="text/javascript">
         var text = $('#someId').html(); 
         var text = $('#someId').text();

Using a dictionary to count the items in a list

Simply use list property count\

i = ['apple','red','apple','red','red','pear']
d = {x:i.count(x) for x in i}
print d

output :

{'pear': 1, 'apple': 2, 'red': 3}

What does an exclamation mark mean in the Swift language?

John is an optional Person, meaning it can hold a value or be nil.

john.apartment = number73

is used if john is not an optional. Since john is never nil we can be sure it won't call apartment on a nil value. While

john!.apartment = number73

promises the compiler that john is not nil then unwraps the optional to get john's value and accesses john's apartment property. Use this if you know that john is not nil. If you call this on a nil optional, you'll get a runtime error.

The documentation includes a nice example for using this where convertedNumber is an optional.

if convertedNumber {
    println("\(possibleNumber) has an integer value of \(convertedNumber!)")
} else {
    println("\(possibleNumber) could not be converted to an integer")

Twitter Bootstrap: div in container with 100% height

It is very simple. You can use

.fill .map 
  min-height: 100vh;

You can change height according to your requirement.

How to check the first character in a string in Bash or UNIX shell?

cut -c1

This is POSIX, and unlike case actually extracts the first char if you need it for later:

first_char="$(printf '%s' "$myvar" | cut -c1)"
if [ "$first_char" = a ]; then
  echo 'starts with a'
  echo 'does not start with a'

awk substr is another POSIX but less efficient alternative:

printf '%s' "$myvar" | awk '{print substr ($0, 0, 1)}'

printf '%s' is to avoid problems with escape characters: e.g.:

printf '%s' "$myvar" | cut -c1

outputs \ as expected.

${::} does not seem to be POSIX.

See also: How to extract the first two characters of a string in shell scripting?

change image opacity using javascript

Supposing you're using plain JS (see other answers for jQuery), to change an element's opacity, write:

var element = document.getElementById('id'); = "0.9";  = 'alpha(opacity=90)'; // IE fallback

Get Month name from month number

This should return month text (January - December) from the month index (1-12)

int monthNumber = 1; //1-12  
string monthName = new DateTimeFormatInfo().GetMonthName(monthNumber);

Get the current fragment object

@Hammer response worked for me, im using to control a floating action button

final FloatingActionButton fab = (FloatingActionButton) findViewById(;
    fab.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(final View view) {
   currentFragment = getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
            if (currentFragment instanceof PerfilFragment) {
                PerfilEdit(view, fab);

Displaying unicode symbols in HTML

Unlike proposed by Nicolas, the meta tag isn’t actually ignored by the browsers. However, the Content-Type HTTP header always has precedence over the presence of a meta tag in the document.

So make sure that you either send the correct encoding via the HTTP header, or don’t send this HTTP header at all (not recommended). The meta tag is mainly a fallback option for local documents which aren’t sent via HTTP traffic.

Using HTML entities should also be considered a workaround – that’s tiptoeing around the real problem. Configuring the web server properly prevents a lot of nuisance.

Android: View.setID(int id) programmatically - how to avoid ID conflicts?

Also you can define ids.xml in res/values. You can see an exact example in android's sample code.


What's a quick way to comment/uncomment lines in Vim?


The above code will comment out all the lines that contain "spare" and a number after that plus it will comment two lines more from the line in which that was found. For more such uses visit :

Convert a Map<String, String> to a POJO

if you have generic types in your class you should use TypeReference with convertValue().

final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
final MyPojo<MyGenericType> pojo = mapper.convertValue(map, new TypeReference<MyPojo<MyGenericType>>() {});

Also you can use that to convert a pojo to java.util.Map back.

final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
final Map<String, Object> map = mapper.convertValue(pojo, new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>() {});

How can I confirm a database is Oracle & what version it is using SQL?

For Oracle use:

Select * from v$version;

For SQL server use:

Select @@VERSION as Version

and for MySQL use:

Show variables LIKE "%version%";

Check if two lists are equal

List<T> equality does not check them element-by-element. You can use LINQ's SequenceEqual method for that:

var a = ints1.SequenceEqual(ints2);

To ignore order, use SetEquals:

var a = new HashSet<int>(ints1).SetEquals(ints2);

This should work, because you are comparing sequences of IDs, which do not contain duplicates. If it does, and you need to take duplicates into account, the way to do it in linear time is to compose a hash-based dictionary of counts, add one for each element of the first sequence, subtract one for each element of the second sequence, and check if the resultant counts are all zeros:

var counts = ints1
    .GroupBy(v => v)
    .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Count());
var ok = true;
foreach (var n in ints2) {
    int c;
    if (counts.TryGetValue(n, out c)) {
        counts[n] = c-1;
    } else {
        ok = false;
var res = ok && counts.Values.All(c => c == 0);

Finally, if you are fine with an O(N*LogN) solution, you can sort the two sequences, and compare them for equality using SequenceEqual.

How to customize an end time for a YouTube video?

I tried the method of @mystic11 ( ) and got redirected around. Here is a working example URL:

If the version=3 parameter is omitted, the video starts at the correct place but runs all the way to the end. From the documentation for the end parameter I am guessing version=3 asks for the AS3 player to be used. See:

end (supported players: AS3, HTML5)

Additional Experiments


Autoplay of the clipped video portion works:


Adding looping as per the documentation unfortunately starts the second and subsequent iterations at the beginning of the video:

To do this properly, you probably need to set enablejsapi=1 and use the javascript API.

FYI, the above video looped:;19

Remove Branding and Related Videos

To get rid of the Youtube logo and the list of videos to click on to at the end of playing the video you want to watch, add these (&modestBranding=1&rel=0) parameters:

Remove the uploader info with showinfo=0:

This eliminates the thin strip with video title, up and down thumbs, and info icon at the top of the video. The final version produced is fairly clean and doesn't have the downside of giving your viewers an exit into unproductive clicking around Youtube at the end of watching the video portion that you wanted them to see.

Subtracting time.Duration from time in Go

There's time.ParseDuration which will happily accept negative durations, as per manual. Otherwise put, there's no need to negate a duration where you can get an exact duration in the first place.

E.g. when you need to substract an hour and a half, you can do that like so:

package main

import (

func main() {
    now := time.Now()

    fmt.Println("now:", now)

    duration, _ := time.ParseDuration("-1.5h")

    then := now.Add(duration)

    fmt.Println("then:", then)

What are the differences between ArrayList and Vector?

As the documentation says, a Vector and an ArrayList are almost equivalent. The difference is that access to a Vector is synchronized, whereas access to an ArrayList is not. What this means is that only one thread can call methods on a Vector at a time, and there's a slight overhead in acquiring the lock; if you use an ArrayList, this isn't the case. Generally, you'll want to use an ArrayList; in the single-threaded case it's a better choice, and in the multi-threaded case, you get better control over locking. Want to allow concurrent reads? Fine. Want to perform one synchronization for a batch of ten writes? Also fine. It does require a little more care on your end, but it's likely what you want. Also note that if you have an ArrayList, you can use the Collections.synchronizedList function to create a synchronized list, thus getting you the equivalent of a Vector.

Java - Change int to ascii

The most simple way is using type casting:

public char toChar(int c) {
    return (char)c;

How can I get the ID of an element using jQuery?

$('#test').attr('id') In your example:

<div id="test"></div>

$(document).ready(function() {

Replace Line Breaks in a String C#

To extend The.Anyi.9's answer, you should also be aware of the different types of line break in general use. Dependent on where your file originated, you may want to look at making sure you catch all the alternatives...

string replaceWith = "";
string removedBreaks = Line.Replace("\r\n", replaceWith).Replace("\n", replaceWith).Replace("\r", replaceWith);

should get you going...

SQL Server Management Studio alternatives to browse/edit tables and run queries

Seems that no one mentioned Query Express ( and a fork Query ExPlus (also link at the bottom of

BTW. First URL is the home page of Joseph Albahari who is the author of LINQPad (check out this killer tool)

SignalR - Sending a message to a specific user using (IUserIdProvider) *NEW 2.0.0*

Here's a start.. Open to suggestions/improvements.


public class ChatHub : Hub
    public void SendChatMessage(string who, string message)
        string name = Context.User.Identity.Name;
        Clients.Group(name).addChatMessage(name, message);
        Clients.Group("[email protected]").addChatMessage(name, message);

    public override Task OnConnected()
        string name = Context.User.Identity.Name;
        Groups.Add(Context.ConnectionId, name);

        return base.OnConnected();


(Notice how addChatMessage and sendChatMessage are also methods in the server code above)

    $(function () {
    // Declare a proxy to reference the hub.
    var chat = $.connection.chatHub;
    // Create a function that the hub can call to broadcast messages.
    chat.client.addChatMessage = function (who, message) {
        // Html encode display name and message.
        var encodedName = $('<div />').text(who).html();
        var encodedMsg = $('<div />').text(message).html();
        // Add the message to the page.
        $('#chat').append('<li><strong>' + encodedName
            + '</strong>:&nbsp;&nbsp;' + encodedMsg + '</li>');

    // Start the connection.
    $.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
        $('#sendmessage').click(function () {
            // Call the Send method on the hub.
            chat.server.sendChatMessage($('#displayname').val(), $('#message').val());
            // Clear text box and reset focus for next comment.

Testing enter image description here

Transparent background in JPEG image

JPG doesn't support transparency

How can I retrieve Id of inserted entity using Entity framework?

All answers are very well suited for their own scenarios, what i did different is that i assigned the int PK directly from object (TEntity) that Add() returned to an int variable like this;

using (Entities entities = new Entities())
      int employeeId = entities.Employee.Add(new Employee
                            EmployeeName = employeeComplexModel.EmployeeName,
                            EmployeeCreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                            EmployeeUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                            EmployeeStatus = true

      //...use id for other work

so instead of creating an entire new object, you just take what you want :)

EDIT For Mr. @GertArnold :

enter image description here

How do I use an image as a submit button?

Why not:

<button type="submit">
<img src="mybutton.jpg" />

Avoiding "resource is out of sync with the filesystem"

Just right click on the file or on the project and click Refresh. The error will vanish. I also faced the same issue and it worked for me.

How to loop through elements of forms with JavaScript?

You can iterate named fields somehow like this:

let jsonObject = {};
for(let field of form.elements) {
  if ( {
      jsonObject[] = field.value;

Or, if you need only submiting fields:

function formDataToJSON(form) {
  let jsonObject = {};
  let formData = new FormData(form);
  for(let field of formData) {
      jsonObject[field[0]] = field[1];
  return JSON.stringify(jsonObject);

Using FileSystemWatcher to monitor a directory

You did not supply the file handling code, but I assume you made the same mistake everyone does when first writing such a thing: the filewatcher event will be raised as soon as the file is created. However, it will take some time for the file to be finished. Take a file size of 1 GB for example. The file may be created by another program (Explorer.exe copying it from somewhere) but it will take minutes to finish that process. The event is raised at creation time and you need to wait for the file to be ready to be copied.

You can wait for a file to be ready by using this function in a loop.

"An access token is required to request this resource" while accessing an album / photo with Facebook php sdk

Well, you are having a valid access token to access your information and not others( this is because you got logged in and you have given permission to access your information). But the picture owner has not done the same (logged in + permission ) and so you are getting a violation error.

To obtain permission see this link and decide what kind of informations you want from any user and decide the permissions. Later on embed this in your code. (In the login function call)


Inserting a blank table row with a smaller height

I couldn't get anything to work until I tried this simple line:

<p style="margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0; line-height:.5"><br /></p>

which allows you to vary a filler line height to your hearts content (I was [probably MISusing Table to get three columns (boxes) of text which I then wanted to line up along the bottom)

I'm an amateur so would appreciate comments

CSS animation delay in repeating

Heres a little snippet that shows the same thing for 75% of the time, then it slides. This repeat schema emulates delay nicely:

@-webkit-keyframes slide    {
0%   {background-position: 0 0;}
25%  {background-position: 0 0;}
50%  {background-position: 0 0;}
75%  {background-position: 0 0;}
100% {background-position: 13em 0;}

@-moz-keyframes slide       {
0%   {background-position: 0 0;}
25%  {background-position: 0 0;}
50%  {background-position: 0 0;}
75%  {background-position: 0 0;}
100% {background-position: 13em 0;}

@keyframes slide            {
0%   {background-position: 0 0;}
25%  {background-position: 0 0;}
50%  {background-position: 0 0;}
75%  {background-position: 0 0;}
100% {background-position: 13em 0;}

How do you add a Dictionary of items into another Dictionary

How about

dict2.forEach { (k,v) in dict1[k] = v }

That adds all of dict2's keys and values into dict1.

Center align "span" text inside a div

You are giving the span a 100% width resulting in it expanding to the size of the parent. This means you can’t center-align it, as there is no room to move it.

You could give the span a set width, then add the margin:0 auto again. This would center-align it.

   background-color: #999999;
   height: 50px;
   width: 24.5%;
   height: 100%;
   margin: 0 auto;

How to round down to nearest integer in MySQL?

It can be done in the following two ways:

  • select floor(desired_field_value) from table
  • select round(desired_field_value-0.5) from table

The 2nd-way explanation: Assume 12345.7344 integer. So, 12345.7344 - 0.5 = 12345.2344 and rounding off the result will be 12345.

Pandas sort by group aggregate and column

One way to do this is to insert a dummy column with the sums in order to sort:

In [10]: sum_B_over_A = df.groupby('A').sum().B

In [11]: sum_B_over_A
bar    0.253652
baz   -2.829711
foo    0.551376
Name: B

in [12]: df['sum_B_over_A'] = df.A.apply(sum_B_over_A.get_value)

In [13]: df
     A         B      C  sum_B_over_A
0  foo  1.624345  False      0.551376
1  bar -0.611756   True      0.253652
2  baz -0.528172  False     -2.829711
3  foo -1.072969   True      0.551376
4  bar  0.865408  False      0.253652
5  baz -2.301539   True     -2.829711

In [14]: df.sort(['sum_B_over_A', 'A', 'B'])
     A         B      C   sum_B_over_A
5  baz -2.301539   True      -2.829711
2  baz -0.528172  False      -2.829711
1  bar -0.611756   True       0.253652
4  bar  0.865408  False       0.253652
3  foo -1.072969   True       0.551376
0  foo  1.624345  False       0.551376

and maybe you would drop the dummy row:

In [15]: df.sort(['sum_B_over_A', 'A', 'B']).drop('sum_B_over_A', axis=1)
     A         B      C
5  baz -2.301539   True
2  baz -0.528172  False
1  bar -0.611756   True
4  bar  0.865408  False
3  foo -1.072969   True
0  foo  1.624345  False

MySQL Workbench Dark Theme

FYI Dark theme is now in the Dev Version of MySQL Workbench

Update: From what I can tell it is Natively built into MySQL Workbench 8.0.15 for MAC OS X

The package I downloaded was mysql-workbench-community-8.0.15-macos-x86_64.dmg enter image description here

How to detect reliably Mac OS X, iOS, Linux, Windows in C preprocessor?

5 Jan 2021: link update thanks to @Sadap's comment.

Kind of a corollary answer: the people on this site have taken the time to make tables of macros defined for every OS/compiler pair.

For example, you can see that _WIN32 is NOT defined on Windows with Cygwin (POSIX), while it IS defined for compilation on Windows, Cygwin (non-POSIX), and MinGW with every available compiler (Clang, GNU, Intel, etc.).

Anyway, I found the tables quite informative and thought I'd share here.

How to send a header using a HTTP request through a curl call?


with JSON:

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://hostname/resource

with XML:

curl -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -X GET http://hostname/resource


For posting data:

curl --data "param1=value1&param2=value2" http://hostname/resource

For file upload:

curl --form "[email protected]" http://hostname/resource

RESTful HTTP Post:

curl -X POST -d @filename http://hostname/resource

For logging into a site (auth):

curl -d "username=admin&password=admin&submit=Login" --dump-header headers http://localhost/Login
curl -L -b headers http://localhost/

Zipping a file in bash fails

Run dos2unix or similar utility on it to remove the carriage returns (^M).

This message indicates that your file has dos-style lineendings:

-bash: /backup/ /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory 

Utilities like dos2unix will fix it:

 dos2unix <backup.bash > 

Or, if no such utility is installed, you can accomplish the same thing with translate:

tr -d "\015\032" <backup.bash > 

As for how those characters got there in the first place, @MadPhysicist had some good comments.

How to connect TFS in Visual Studio code

I know I'm a little late to the party, but I did want to throw some interjections. (I would have commented but not enough reputation points yet, so, here's a full answer).

This requires the latest version of VS Code, Azure Repo Extention, and Git to be installed.

Anyone looking to use the new VS Code (or using the preview like myself), when you go to the Settings (Still File -> Preferences -> Settings or CTRL+, ) you'll be looking under User Settings -> Extensions -> Azure Repos.


Then under Tfvc: Location you can paste the location of the executable.


For 2017 it'll be

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\TF.exe

Or for 2019 (Preview)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Preview\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\TF.exe

After adding the location, I closed my VS Code (not sure if this was needed) and went my git repo to copy the git URL.


After that, went back into VS Code went to the Command Palette (View -> Command Palette or CTRL+Shift+P) typed Git: Clone pasted my repo:


Selected the location for the repo to be stored. Next was an error that popped up. I proceeded to follow this video which walked me through clicking on the Team button with the exclamation mark on the bottom of your VS Code Screen


Then chose the new method of authentication


Copy by using CTRL+C and then press enter. Your browser will launch a page where you'll enter the code you copied (CTRL+V).


Click Continue


Log in with your Microsoft Credentials and you should see a change on the bottom bar of VS Code.



Python: How to check if keys exists and retrieve value from Dictionary in descending priority

You can use myDict.has_key(keyname) as well to validate if the key exists.

Edit based on the comments -

This would work only on versions lower than 3.1. has_key has been removed from Python 3.1. You should use the in operator if you are using Python 3.1

Specifying width and height as percentages without skewing photo proportions in HTML

Given the lack of information regarding the original image size, specifying percentages for the width and height would result in highly erratic results. If you are trying to ensure that an image will fit within a specific location on your page then you'll need to use some server side code to manage that rescaling.

Python Accessing Nested JSON Data

I did not realize that the first nested element is actually an array. The correct way access to the post code key is as follows:

r = requests.get('')
j = r.json()

print j['state']
print j['places'][1]['post code']

fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

The command has to be entered in the directory of the repository. The error is complaining that your current directory isn't a git repo

  1. Are you in the right directory? Does typing ls show the right files?
  2. Have you initialized the repository yet? Typed git init? (git-init documentation)

Either of those would cause your error.

add class with JavaScript

There is build in forEach loop for array in ECMAScript 5th Edition.

var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("navButton");,function(button) { 
    button.setAttribute("class", "active");
    button.setAttribute("src", "images/arrows/top_o.png"); 

Easy way to use variables of enum types as string in C?

// Define your enumeration like this (in say numbers.h);
ENUM_BEGIN( Numbers )
ENUM_END( Numbers )

// The macros are defined in a more fundamental .h file (say defs.h);
#define ENUM_BEGIN(typ) enum typ {
#define ENUM(nam) nam
#define ENUM_END(typ) };

// Now in one and only one .c file, redefine the ENUM macros and reinclude
//  the numbers.h file to build a string table
#undef ENUM
#undef ENUM_END
#define ENUM_BEGIN(typ) const char * typ ## _name_table [] = {
#define ENUM(nam) #nam
#define ENUM_END(typ) };
#undef NUMBERS_H_INCLUDED   // whatever you need to do to enable reinclusion
#include "numbers.h"

// Now you can do exactly what you want to do, with no retyping, and for any
//  number of enumerated types defined with the ENUM macro family
//  Your code follows;
char num_str[10];
int process_numbers_str(Numbers num) {
  switch(num) {
    case ONE:
    case TWO:
    case THREE:
      strcpy(num_str, Numbers_name_table[num]); // eg TWO -> "TWO"
    } break;
      return 0; //no match
  return 1;

// Sweet no ? After being frustrated by this for years, I finally came up
//  with this solution for my most recent project and plan to reuse the idea
//  forever

Move seaborn plot legend to a different position?

If you wish to customize your legend, just use the add_legend method. It takes the same parameters as matplotlib plt.legend.

import seaborn as sns

titanic = sns.load_dataset("titanic")

g = sns.factorplot("class", "survived", "sex",
                    data=titanic, kind="bar",
                    size=6, palette="muted",
g.set_ylabels("survival probability")
g.add_legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)

How to get text of an input text box during onKeyPress?


In your keyPress event handler, write

void ValidateKeyPressHandler(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
    var tb = sender as TextBox;
    var startPos = tb.SelectionStart;
    var selLen= tb.SelectionLength;

    var afterEditValue = tb.Text.Remove(startPos, selLen)
                .Insert(startPos, e.KeyChar.ToString()); 
    //  ... more here

How can I uninstall an application using PowerShell?

For Most of my programs the scripts in this Post did the job. But I had to face a legacy program that I couldn't remove using msiexec.exe or Win32_Product class. (from some reason I got exit 0 but the program was still there)

My solution was to use Win32_Process class:

with the help from nickdnk this command is to get the uninstall exe file path:


[array]$unInstallPathReg= gci "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" | foreach { gp $_.PSPath } | ? { $_ -match $programName } | select UninstallString


 [array]$unInstallPathReg= gci "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" | foreach { gp $_.PSPath } | ? { $_ -match $programName } | select UninstallString

you will have to clean the the result string:

$uninstallPath = $unInstallPathReg[0].UninstallString
$uninstallPath = $uninstallPath -Replace "msiexec.exe","" -Replace "/I","" -Replace "/X",""
$uninstallPath = $uninstallPath .Trim()

now when you have the relevant program uninstall exe file path you can use this command:

$uninstallResult = (Get-WMIObject -List -Verbose | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "Win32_Process"}).InvokeMethod("Create","$unInstallPath")

$uninstallResult - will have the exit code. 0 is success

the above commands can also run remotely - I did it using invoke command but I believe that adding the argument -computername can work

Is it possible to move/rename files in Git and maintain their history?

git log --follow [file]

will show you the history through renames.

HMAC-SHA256 Algorithm for signature calculation

This is working fine for me

I have add dependency

compile 'commons-codec:commons-codec:1.9'


my function

public String encode(String key, String data) {
    try {

        Mac sha256_HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
        SecretKeySpec secret_key = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes("UTF-8"), "HmacSHA256");

        return new String(Hex.encodeHex(sha256_HMAC.doFinal(data.getBytes("UTF-8"))));

    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
    } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

    return null;

CSS smooth bounce animation

The long rest in between is due to your keyframe settings. Your current keyframe rules mean that the actual bounce happens only between 40% - 60% of the animation duration (that is, between 1s - 1.5s mark of the animation). Remove those rules and maybe even reduce the animation-duration to suit your needs.

.animated {_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-duration: .5s;_x000D_
  animation-duration: .5s;_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;_x000D_
  animation-fill-mode: both;_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;_x000D_
  animation-timing-function: linear;_x000D_
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;_x000D_
@-webkit-keyframes bounce {_x000D_
  0%, 100% {_x000D_
    -webkit-transform: translateY(0);_x000D_
  50% {_x000D_
    -webkit-transform: translateY(-5px);_x000D_
@keyframes bounce {_x000D_
  0%, 100% {_x000D_
    transform: translateY(0);_x000D_
  50% {_x000D_
    transform: translateY(-5px);_x000D_
.bounce {_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-name: bounce;_x000D_
  animation-name: bounce;_x000D_
#animated-example {_x000D_
  width: 20px;_x000D_
  height: 20px;_x000D_
  background-color: red;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  top: 100px;_x000D_
  left: 100px;_x000D_
  border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
hr {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  top: 92px;_x000D_
  left: -300px;_x000D_
  width: 200px;_x000D_
<div id="animated-example" class="animated bounce"></div>_x000D_

Here is how your original keyframe settings would be interpreted by the browser:

  • At 0% (that is, at 0s or start of animation) - translate by 0px in Y axis.
  • At 20% (that is, at 0.5s of animation) - translate by 0px in Y axis.
  • At 40% (that is, at 1s of animation) - translate by 0px in Y axis.
  • At 50% (that is, at 1.25s of animation) - translate by 5px in Y axis. This results in a gradual upward movement.
  • At 60% (that is, at 1.5s of animation) - translate by 0px in Y axis. This results in a gradual downward movement.
  • At 80% (that is, at 2s of animation) - translate by 0px in Y axis.
  • At 100% (that is, at 2.5s or end of animation) - translate by 0px in Y axis.

Converting from IEnumerable to List

In case you're working with a regular old System.Collections.IEnumerable instead of IEnumerable<T> you can use enumerable.Cast<object>().ToList()

JSchException: Algorithm negotiation fail

FWIW, I had this same error message under JSch 0.1.50. Upgrading to 0.1.52 solved the problem.

How can I format decimal property to currency?

You can now use string interpolation and expression bodied properties in C# 6.

private decimal _amount;

public string FormattedAmount => $"{_amount:C}";

Getting the last n elements of a vector. Is there a better way than using the length() function?

I just add here something related. I was wanted to access a vector with backend indices, ie writting something like tail(x, i) but to return x[length(x) - i + 1] and not the whole tail.

Following commentaries I benchmarked two solutions:

accessRevTail <- function(x, n) {

accessRevLen <- function(x, n) {
  x[length(x) - n + 1]

microbenchmark::microbenchmark(accessRevLen(1:100, 87), accessRevTail(1:100, 87))
Unit: microseconds
                     expr    min      lq     mean median      uq     max neval
  accessRevLen(1:100, 87)  1.860  2.3775  2.84976  2.803  3.2740   6.755   100
 accessRevTail(1:100, 87) 22.214 23.5295 28.54027 25.112 28.4705 110.833   100

So it appears in this case that even for small vectors, tail is very slow comparing to direct access

How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android?

SurfaceView probably does not work like a regular View in this regard.

Instead, do the following:

  1. Put your SurfaceView inside of a FrameLayout or RelativeLayout in your layout XML file, since both of those allow stacking of widgets on the Z-axis
  2. Move your drawing logic into a separate custom View class
  3. Add an instance of the custom View class to the layout XML file as a child of the FrameLayout or RelativeLayout, but have it appear after the SurfaceView

This will cause your custom View class to appear to float above the SurfaceView.

See here for a sample project that layers popup panels above a SurfaceView used for video playback.