In package specs you can do all you mentioned but not sure about INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
In package body:
initialize the table in declarations:
exch_rt exch_tbl := exch_tbl();
in order to add record to the local collection, in begin - end block you can do:
one_row.exch_rt_usd := 2;
one_row.exch_rt_eur := 1;
one_row.currency_cd := 'dollar';
exch_rt(1) := one_row; -- 1 - number of row in the table - you can put a variable which will be incremented inside a loop
in order to get data from this table , inside package body you can use:
select exch_rt_usd, exch_rt_eur, currency_cd from table(exch_rt)
P.S. sorry for a late answer :D