[escaping] How to escape indicator characters (i.e. : or - ) in YAML

In a config file, I have a key to which I wish to assign a URL. The problem is that YAML interprets : and - characters as either creating mappings or lists, so it has a problem with the line

url: http://www.example-site.com/

(both because of the colon following http and the hyphen in the middle)

Is there an explicit way to escape ':' and '-' ? Or would it work to just put the whole thing in single quotes and call it a day?

This question is related to escaping yaml delimiter

The answer is

What also works and is even nicer for long, multiline texts, is putting your text indented on the next line, after a pipe or greater-than sign:

text: >
    Op dit plein stond het hoofdkantoor van de NIROM: Nederlands Indische 
    Radio Omroep

A pipe preserves newlines, a gt-sign turns all the following lines into one long string.

Quotes, but I prefer them on the just the value:

url: "http://www.example.com/"

Putting them across the whole line looks like it might cause problems.

Another way that works with the YAML parser used in Jekyll:

title: My Life: A Memoir

Colons not followed by spaces don't seem to bother Jekyll's YAML parser, on the other hand. Neither do dashes.

According to the YAML spec, neither the : nor the - should be a problem. : is only a key separator with a space after it, and - is only an array indicator at the start of a line with a space after it.

But if your YAML implementation has a problem with it, you potentially have lots of options:

- url: 'http://www.example-site.com/'
- url: "http://www.example-site.com/"
- url:
- url: >-
- url: |-

There is explicitly no form of escaping possible in "plain style", however.

If you're using @ConfigurationProperties with Spring Boot 2 to inject maps with keys that contain colons then you need an additional level of escaping using square brackets inside the quotes because spring only allows alphanumeric and '-' characters, stripping out the rest. Your new key would look like this:

"[]": GoogleMapsKeyforThisDomain

See this github issue for reference.

I came here trying to get my Azure DevOps Command Line task working. The thing that worked for me was using the pipe (|) character. Using > did not work.


- task: CmdLine@2
    script: |
      echo "Selecting Mono version..."
      /bin/bash -c "sudo $AGENT_HOMEDIRECTORY/scripts/select-xamarin-sdk.sh 5_18_1"
      echo "Selecting Xcode version..."
      /bin/bash -c "echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=MD_APPLE_SDK_ROOT;]'/Applications/Xcode_10.2.1.app;sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode_10.2.1.app/Contents/Developer"

Examples related to escaping

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Examples related to yaml

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Examples related to delimiter

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