Programs & Examples On #Onmousedown

How do you Hover in ReactJS? - onMouseLeave not registered during fast hover over

The previous answers are pretty confusing. You don't need a react-state to solve this, nor any special external lib. It can be achieved with pure css/sass:

The style:

.hover {
  position: relative;

  &:hover &__no-hover {
    opacity: 0;

  &:hover &__hover {
    opacity: 1;

  &__hover {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    opacity: 0;

  &__no-hover {
    opacity: 1;

The React-Component

A simple Hover Pure-Rendering-Function:

const Hover = ({ onHover, children }) => (
    <div className="hover">
        <div className="hover__no-hover">{children}</div>
        <div className="hover__hover">{onHover}</div>


Then use it like this:

    <Hover onHover={<div> Show this on hover </div>}>
        <div> Show on no hover </div>

call javascript function onchange event of dropdown list

using jQuery

 $("#ddl").change(function () {


javascript: Disable Text Select

Just use this css method:

    -webkit-touch-callout: none;
    -webkit-user-select: none;
    -khtml-user-select: none;
    -moz-user-select: none;
    -ms-user-select: none;
    user-select: none;

You can find the same answer here: How to disable text selection highlighting using CSS?

HTML Canvas Full Screen

Get the full width and height of the screen and create a new window set to the appropriate width and height, and with everything disabled. Create a canvas inside of that new window, setting the width and height of the canvas to the width - 10px and the height - 20px (to allow for the bar and the edges of the window). Then work your magic on that canvas.

What underlies this JavaScript idiom: var self = this?

Actually self is a reference to window (window.self) therefore when you say var self = 'something' you override a window reference to itself - because self exist in window object.

This is why most developers prefer var that = this over var self = this;

Anyway; var that = this; is not in line with the good practice ... presuming that your code will be revised / modified later by other developers you should use the most common programming standards in respect with developer community

Therefore you should use something like var oldThis / var oThis / etc - to be clear in your scope // not that much but will save few seconds and few brain cycles

How to disable right-click context-menu in JavaScript

Capture the onContextMenu event, and return false in the event handler.

You can also capture the click event and check which mouse button fired the event with event.button, in some browsers anyway.

How to darken an image on mouseover?

How about this...

<style type="text/css">
    div.frame { background-color: #000; }
    img.pic:hover {
      opacity: .6;

<div class="frame">
    <img class="pic" src="path/to/image" />

How do I do an OR filter in a Django query?

Similar to older answers, but a bit simpler, without the lambda:

filter_kwargs = {
    'field_a': 123,
    'field_b__in': (3, 4, 5, ),

To filter these two conditions using OR:

Item.objects.filter(Q(field_a=123) | Q(field_b__in=(3, 4, 5, ))

To get the same result programmatically:

list_of_Q = [Q(**{key: val}) for key, val in filter_kwargs.items()]
Item.objects.filter(reduce(operator.or_, list_of_Q))

(broken in two lines here, for clarity)

operator is in standard library: import operator
From docstring:

or_(a, b) -- Same as a | b.

For Python3, reduce is not a builtin any more but is still in the standard library: from functools import reduce


Don't forget to make sure list_of_Q is not empty - reduce() will choke on empty list, it needs at least one element.

What is the difference between Task.Run() and Task.Factory.StartNew()

The Task.Run got introduced in newer .NET framework version and it is recommended.

Starting with the .NET Framework 4.5, the Task.Run method is the recommended way to launch a compute-bound task. Use the StartNew method only when you require fine-grained control for a long-running, compute-bound task.

The Task.Factory.StartNew has more options, the Task.Run is a shorthand:

The Run method provides a set of overloads that make it easy to start a task by using default values. It is a lightweight alternative to the StartNew overloads.

And by shorthand I mean a technical shortcut:

public static Task Run(Action action)
    return Task.InternalStartNew(null, action, null, default(CancellationToken), TaskScheduler.Default,
        TaskCreationOptions.DenyChildAttach, InternalTaskOptions.None, ref stackMark);

Android Layout Weight

android:Layout_weight can be used when you don't attach a fix value to your width already like fill_parent etc.

Do something like this :



-----other parameters

Remove empty lines in a text file via grep

If you want to know what the total lines of code is in your Xcode project and you are not interested in listing the count for each swift file then this will give you the answer. It removes lines with no code at all and removes lines that are prefixed with the comment //

Run it at the root level of your Xcode project.

find . \( -iname \*.swift \) -exec grep -v '^[[:space:]]*$' \+ | grep -v -e '//' | wc -l

If you have comment blocks in your code beginning with /* and ending with */ such as:

 This is an comment block 

then these will get included in the count. (Too hard).

AngularJS is rendering <br> as text not as a newline

You can use \n to concatenate words and then apply this style to container div.

style="white-space: pre;"

More info can be found at

<p style="white-space: pre;">_x000D_
    This is normal text._x000D_
<p style="white-space: pre;">_x000D_
    This _x000D_
  text _x000D_
  contains _x000D_
  new lines._x000D_

Is it possible to use 'else' in a list comprehension?

Great answers, but just wanted to mention a gotcha that "pass" keyword will not work in the if/else part of the list-comprehension (as posted in the examples mentioned above).

list1 = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
newlist2 = [x if x > 30 else x**2 for x in list1 ]
print(newlist2, type(newlist2))

#but this WONT work
list1 = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
newlist2 = [x if x > 30 else pass for x in list1 ]
print(newlist2, type(newlist2))

This is tried and tested on python 3.4. Error is as below:

newlist2 = [x if x > 30 else pass for x in list1 ]                                    
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

So, try to avoid pass-es in list comprehensions

jQuery UI tabs. How to select a tab based on its id not based on index

Active 1st tab

$("#workflowTab").tabs({ active: 0 });

Active last tab

$("#workflowTab").tabs({ active: -1 });

Active 2nd tab

$("#workflowTab").tabs({ active: 1 });

Its work like an array

get string from right hand side

the pattern maybe looks like this :


in your case , it will like this :

substr('299123456789', (length('299123456789')-(9 - 1)),9)

substr('299123456789', (12-8),9)

substr('299123456789', 4,9)

the result ? of course '123456789'

the length is dynamic , voila :)

c# .net change label text

If I understand correctly you may be experiencing the problem because in order to be able to set the labels "text" property you actually have to use the "content" property.

so instead of:

  Label output = null;
        output = Label1;
        output.Text = "hello";


Label output = null;
            output = Label1;
            output.Content = "hello";

Facebook share link - can you customize the message body text?

You can't do this using sharer.php, but you can do something similar using the Dialog API.  

Facebook dialog example

The catch is you must create a dummy Facebook application just to have an app_id. Note that your Facebook application doesn't have to do ANYTHING at all. Just be sure that it is properly configured, and you should be all set.

Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server

Found my solution thanks to Error with .htaccess and mod_rewrite
For Apache 2.4 and in all *.conf files (e.g. httpd-vhosts.conf, http.conf, httpd-autoindex.conf ..etc) use

Require all granted

instead of

Order allow,deny
Allow from all

The Order and Allow directives are deprecated in Apache 2.4.

How to replace negative numbers in Pandas Data Frame by zero

Another clean option that I have found useful is pandas.DataFrame.mask which will "replace values where the condition is true."

Create the DataFrame:

In [2]: import pandas as pd

In [3]: df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [0, -1, 2], 'b': [-3, 2, 1]})

In [4]: df
   a  b
0  0 -3
1 -1  2
2  2  1

Replace negative numbers with 0:

In [5]: df.mask(df < 0, 0)
   a  b
0  0  0
1  0  2
2  2  1

Or, replace negative numbers with NaN, which I frequently need:

In [7]: df.mask(df < 0)
     a    b
0  0.0  NaN
1  NaN  2.0
2  2.0  1.0

How to draw a custom UIView that is just a circle - iPhone app

Swift 3 - Xcode 8.1

@IBOutlet weak var myView: UIView!

override func viewDidLoad() {

    let size:CGFloat = 35.0
    myView.bounds = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: size, height: size)
    myView.layer.cornerRadius = size / 2
    myView.layer.borderWidth = 1
    myView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.Gray.cgColor        

For-loop vs while loop in R

The variable in the for loop is an integer sequence, and so eventually you do this:

> y=as.integer(60000)*as.integer(60000)
Warning message:
In as.integer(60000) * as.integer(60000) : NAs produced by integer overflow

whereas in the while loop you are creating a floating point number.

Its also the reason these things are different:

> seq(0,2,1)
[1] 0 1 2
> seq(0,2)
[1] 0 1 2

Don't believe me?

> identical(seq(0,2),seq(0,2,1))


> is.integer(seq(0,2))
[1] TRUE
> is.integer(seq(0,2,1))

rename the columns name after cbind the data

It's easy just add the name which you want to use in quotes before adding vector

a_matrix <- cbind(b_matrix,'Name-Change'= c_vector)

fatal: The current branch master has no upstream branch

Well, I was having the same trouble while uploading and I resolved it by doing the same thing which it says to do: Earlier I was trying to push through terminal to my repository in linux by https like

git push

But was not getting any result and hence I went down deeper and tried:

git push --set-upstream master

And it worked. Thus then you will get prompted with username and password. I also generated a token and instead of Password I pasted the token and thus, being done successfully.

  1. To generate a token go to your Github account and in Developer Settings and then create another token.
  2. After getting that, copy that token and paste in the password prompt when it's been asked.

How can I write a byte array to a file in Java?

A commenter asked "why use a third-party library for this?" The answer is that it's way too much of a pain to do it yourself. Here's an example of how to properly do the inverse operation of reading a byte array from a file (sorry, this is just the code I had readily available, and it's not like I want the asker to actually paste and use this code anyway):

public static byte[] toByteArray(File file) throws IOException { 
   ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); 
   boolean threw = true; 
   InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); 
   try { 
     byte[] buf = new byte[BUF_SIZE]; 
     long total = 0; 
     while (true) { 
       int r =; 
       if (r == -1) {
       out.write(buf, 0, r); 
     threw = false; 
   } finally { 
     try { 
     } catch (IOException e) { 
       if (threw) { 
         log.warn("IOException thrown while closing", e); 
       } else {
         throw e;
   return out.toByteArray(); 

Everyone ought to be thoroughly appalled by what a pain that is.

Use Good Libraries. I, unsurprisingly, recommend Guava's Files.write(byte[], File).

How do you take a git diff file, and apply it to a local branch that is a copy of the same repository?

Copy the diff file to the root of your repository, and then do:

git apply yourcoworkers.diff

More information about the apply command is available on its man page.

By the way: A better way to exchange whole commits by file is the combination of the commands git format-patch on the sender and then git am on the receiver, because it also transfers the authorship info and the commit message.

If the patch application fails and if the commits the diff was generated from are actually in your repo, you can use the -3 option of apply that tries to merge in the changes.

It also works with Unix pipe as follows:

git diff d892531 815a3b5 | git apply

What is the most effective way to get the index of an iterator of an std::vector?

Beside int float string etc., you can put extra data to .second when using diff. types like:

std::map<unsigned long long int, glm::ivec2> voxels_corners;
std::map<unsigned long long int, glm::ivec2>::iterator it_corners;


struct voxel_map {
    int x,i;

std::map<unsigned long long int, voxel_map> voxels_corners;
std::map<unsigned long long int, voxel_map>::iterator it_corners;


long long unsigned int index_first=some_key; // llu in this case...
int i=0;


long long unsigned int index_first=some_key;
int index_counter=0;
voxel_map one;


with right type || structure you can put anything in the .second including a index number that is incremented when doing an insert.

instead of

it_corners - _corners.begin()


std::distance(it_corners.begin(), it_corners)


it_corners = voxels_corners.find(index_first+bdif_x+x_z);

the index is simply:

int vertice_index = it_corners->second.y;

when using the glm::ivec2 type


int vertice_index = it_corners->second.i;

in case of the structure data type

Is it possible to remove the focus from a text input when a page loads?

A jQuery solution would be something like:

$(function () {

How to solve WAMP and Skype conflict on Windows 7?

I know this posting is old, but I had the same problem, WAMP would not go online (green) while SKYPE was running. I simply closed SKYPE, ran WAMP and then reloaded SKYPE. I have not verified this, but I think SKYPE port corrected to allow for WAMP settings. At least I have not experienced any problems doing it this way

JavaScript Loading Screen while page loads

If in your site you have ajax calls loading some data, and this is the reason the page is loading slow, the best solution I found is with

    alert("All AJAX requests completed");
}); - here you can add some ajax calls and test it.

What does the star operator mean, in a function call?

I find this particularly useful for when you want to 'store' a function call.

For example, suppose I have some unit tests for a function 'add':

def add(a, b): return a + b
tests = { (1,4):5, (0, 0):0, (-1, 3):3 }
for test, result in tests.items():
    print 'test: adding', test, '==', result, '---', add(*test) == result

There is no other way to call add, other than manually doing something like add(test[0], test[1]), which is ugly. Also, if there are a variable number of variables, the code could get pretty ugly with all the if-statements you would need.

Another place this is useful is for defining Factory objects (objects that create objects for you). Suppose you have some class Factory, that makes Car objects and returns them. You could make it so that myFactory.make_car('red', 'bmw', '335ix') creates Car('red', 'bmw', '335ix'), then returns it.

def make_car(*args):
    return Car(*args)

This is also useful when you want to call a superclass' constructor.

Print to standard printer from Python?

You can try wx library. It's a cross platform UI library. Here you can find the printing tutorial:

Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files, git stash doesn't work. Don't want to commit

You can use git checkout <file> to check out the committed version of the file (thus discarding your changes), or git reset --hard HEAD to throw away any uncommitted changes for all files.

2 "style" inline css img tags?

You don't need 2 style attributes - just use one:

<img src="" 
                                     style="height:100px;width:100px;" alt="25"/>

Consider, however, using a CSS class instead:


  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;


<img src="" 
                                          class="100pxSquare" alt="25"/>

How to make a flat list out of list of lists?

def flatten(alist):
    if alist == []:
        return []
    elif type(alist) is not list:
        return [alist]
        return flatten(alist[0]) + flatten(alist[1:])

Entity framework linq query Include() multiple children entities

How do you construct a LINQ to Entities query to load child objects directly, instead of calling a Reference property or Load()

There is no other way - except implementing lazy loading.

Or manual loading....

myobj = context.MyObjects.First();

How to Load Ajax in Wordpress

Use wp_localize_script and pass url there:

wp_localize_script( some_handle, 'admin_url', array('ajax_url' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) ) );

then inside js, you can call it by


Speech input for visually impaired users without the need to tap the screen

The only way to get the iOS dictation is to sign up yourself through Nuance: - it's expensive, because it's the best. Presumably, Apple's contract prevents them from exposing an API.

The built in iOS accessibility features allow immobilized users to access dictation (and other keyboard buttons) through tools like VoiceOver and Assistive Touch. It may not be worth reinventing this if your users might be familiar with these tools.

How to paste text to end of every line? Sublime 2

  1. Select all the lines on which you want to add prefix or suffix. (But if you want to add prefix or suffix to only specific lines, you can use ctrl+Left mouse button to create multiple cursors.)
  2. Push Ctrl+Shift+L.
  3. Push Home key and add prefix.
  4. Push End key and add suffix.

Note, disable wordwrap, otherwise it will not work properly if your lines are longer than sublime's width.

Clear terminal in Python

A perhaps cheesy way to clear the screen, but one that will work on any platform I know of, is as follows:

for i in xrange(0,100):
    print ""

Package signatures do not match the previously installed version

This error happened to me when a previous build on my simulator / phone was being uploaded with different credentials. What I had to do was run:

adb uninstall com.exampleappname

Once I did that I was able to rerun the build and generate an APK.

How to install xgboost in Anaconda Python (Windows platform)?

There are a lot of dependencies of anaconda that have changed over the past years and won't work if you used them now. Some of the answers need serious updation.

I found this command did the job for me :

conda install -c conda-forge xgboost

You may also want to look at the official documentation of anaconda for xgboost:

VB6 IDE cannot load MSCOMCTL.OCX after update KB 2687323

The solution for me is to install this VB6 patch. I'm on Server2008 (32-bit).

It makes me sad that we're still talking about this in 2014... but here it is. :)

From puetzk's comment: These are outdated: you want to be using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Service Pack 6 Cumulative Update (kb957924).

What is the purpose of the vshost.exe file?

It seems to be a long-running framework process for debugging (to decrease load times?). I discovered that when you start your application twice from the debugger often the same vshost.exe process will be used. It just unloads all user-loaded DLLs first. This does odd things if you are fooling around with API hooks from managed processes.

Inserting values into tables Oracle SQL

INTO    Employee 
        (emp_id, emp_name, emp_address, emp_state, emp_position, emp_manager)
SELECT  '001', 'John Doe', '1 River Walk, Green Street', state_id, position_id, manager_id
FROM    dual
JOIN    state s
ON      s.state_name = 'New York'
JOIN    positions p
ON      p.position_name = 'Sales Executive'
JOIN    manager m
ON      m.manager_name = 'Barry Green'

Note that but a single spelling mistake (or an extra space) will result in a non-match and nothing will be inserted.

Get screen width and height in Android

I use the following code to get the screen dimensions


Map and filter an array at the same time

Direct use of .reduce can be hard to read, so I'd recommend creating a function that generates the reducer for you:

function mapfilter(mapper) {
  return (acc, val) => {
    const mapped = mapper(val);
    if (mapped !== false)
    return acc;

Use it like so:

const words = "Map and filter an array #javascript #arrays";
const tags = words.split(' ')
  .reduce(mapfilter(word => word.startsWith('#') && word.slice(1)), []);
console.log(tags);  // ['javascript', 'arrays'];

how to take user input in Array using java?

Here's a simple code that reads strings from stdin, adds them into List<String>, and then uses toArray to convert it to String[] (if you really need to work with arrays).

import java.util.*;

public class UserInput {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
        Scanner stdin = new Scanner(;

        do {
            System.out.println("Current list is " + list);
            System.out.println("Add more? (y/n)");
            if ("y")) {
                System.out.println("Enter : ");
            } else {
        } while (true);
        System.out.println("List is " + list);
        String[] arr = list.toArray(new String[0]);
        System.out.println("Array is " + Arrays.toString(arr));

See also:

json_encode sparse PHP array as JSON array, not JSON object

You are observing this behaviour because your array is not sequential - it has keys 0 and 2, but doesn't have 1 as a key.

Just having numeric indexes isn't enough. json_encode will only encode your PHP array as a JSON array if your PHP array is sequential - that is, if its keys are 0, 1, 2, 3, ...

You can reindex your array sequentially using the array_values function to get the behaviour you want. For example, the code below works successfully in your use case:

echo json_encode(array_values($input)).

Breaking out of a nested loop

Well, goto, but that is ugly, and not always possible. You can also place the loops into a method (or an anon-method) and use return to exit back to the main code.

    // goto
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
            goto Foo; // yeuck!


// anon-method
Action work = delegate
    for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++)
        for (int y = 0; y < 100; y++)
            return; // exits anon-method
work(); // execute anon-method

Note that in C# 7 we should get "local functions", which (syntax tbd etc) means it should work something like:

// local function (declared **inside** another method)
void Work()
    for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++)
        for (int y = 0; y < 100; y++)
            return; // exits local function
Work(); // execute local function

Order data frame rows according to vector with specific order

We can adjust the factor levels based on target and use it in arrange

df %>% arrange(factor(name, levels = target))

#  name value
#1    b  TRUE
#2    c FALSE
#3    a  TRUE
#4    d FALSE

Or order it and use it in slice

df %>% slice(order(factor(name, levels = target)))

Possible to make labels appear when hovering over a point in matplotlib?

The other answers did not address my need for properly showing tooltips in a recent version of Jupyter inline matplotlib figure. This one works though:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import mplcursors

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(*np.random.random((2, 26)))
ax.set_title("Mouse over a point")
crs = mplcursors.cursor(ax,hover=True)

crs.connect("add", lambda sel: sel.annotation.set_text(
    'Point {},{}'.format([0],[1])))

Leading to something like the following picture when going over a point with mouse: enter image description here

How to resolve /var/www copy/write permission denied?

First off, this has nothing to do with php. This is a unix permission issue. You need to login as a superuser ( sudo/su ) and type your password, then try that command.

$ su
(type password )
\# your command

$ sudo command
$ (type password)

It might also help if you actually specified the operating system you use.

How to get the jQuery $.ajax error response text?

As ultimately suggested by this other answer and it's comments on this page:

error: function(xhr, status, error) {
  var err = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);

Update row with data from another row in the same table

Here's my go:

UPDATE test as t1 
    INNER JOIN test as t2 ON 
        t1.NAME = t2.NAME AND 
        t2.value IS NOT NULL 

EDIT: Removed superfluous != condition.

How to print in C

The first argument to printf() is always a string value, known as a format control string. This string may be regular text, such as

printf("Hello, World\n"); // \n indicates a newline character


char greeting[] = "Hello, World\n";

This string may also contain one or more conversion specifiers; these conversion specifiers indicate that additional arguments have been passed to printf(), and they specify how to format those arguments for output. For example, I can change the above to

char greeting[] = "Hello, World";
printf("%s\n", greeting);

The "%s" conversion specifier expects a pointer to a 0-terminated string, and formats it as text.

For signed decimal integer output, use either the "%d" or "%i" conversion specifiers, such as

printf("%d\n", addNumber(a,b));

You can mix regular text with conversion specifiers, like so:

printf("The result of addNumber(%d, %d) is %d\n", a, b, addNumber(a,b));

Note that the conversion specifiers in the control string indicate the number and types of additional parameters. If the number or types of additional arguments passed to printf() don't match the conversion specifiers in the format string then the behavior is undefined. For example:

printf("The result of addNumber(%d, %d) is %d\n", addNumber(a,b));

will result in anything from garbled output to an outright crash.

There are a number of additional flags for conversion specifiers that control field width, precision, padding, justification, and types. Check your handy C reference manual for a complete listing.

Using LIMIT within GROUP BY to get N results per group?

The following post: sql: selcting top N record per group describes the complicated way of achieving this without subqueries.

It improves on other solutions offered here by:

  • Doing everything in a single query
  • Being able to properly utilize indexes
  • Avoiding subqueries, notoriously known to produce bad execution plans in MySQL

It is however not pretty. A good solution would be achievable were Window Functions (aka Analytic Functions) enabled in MySQL -- but they are not. The trick used in said post utilizes GROUP_CONCAT, which is sometimes described as "poor man's Window Functions for MySQL".

PDO mysql: How to know if insert was successful

You can test the rowcount

    $sqlStatement->execute( ...);
    if ($sqlStatement->rowCount() > 0)
        return true;

How to get first and last day of previous month (with timestamp) in SQL Server

SELECT DATEADD(m,DATEDIFF(m,0,GETDATE())-1,0) AS PreviousMonthStart

SELECT DATEADD(ms,-2,DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, GETDATE()), 0)) AS PreviousMonthEnd

Display calendar to pick a date in java

The LGoodDatePicker library includes a (swing) DatePicker component, which allows the user to choose dates from a calendar. (By default, the users can also type dates from the keyboard, but keyboard entry can be disabled if desired). The DatePicker has automatic data validation, which means (among other things) that any date that the user enters will always be converted to your desired date format.

Fair disclosure: I'm the primary developer.

Since the DatePicker is a swing component, you can add it to any other swing container including (in your scenario) the cells of a JTable.

The most commonly used date formats are automatically supported, and additional date formats can be added if desired.

To enforce your desired date format, you would most likely want to set your chosen format to be the default "display format" for the DatePicker. Formats can be specified by using the Java 8 DateTimeFormatter Patterns. No matter what the user types (or clicks), the date will always be converted to the specified format as soon as the user is done.

Besides the DatePicker, the library also has the TimePicker and DateTimePicker components. I pasted screenshots of all the components (and the demo program) below.

The library can be installed into your Java project from the project release page.

The project home page is on Github at: .

DateTimePicker screenshot

DateTimePicker examples

Demo screenshot

Calling a function in jQuery with click()


Let's say you want to call your function passing some args to it i.e., closeIt(1, false). Then, you should build an anonymous function and call closeIt from it.

$("#closeLink").click(function() {
    closeIt(1, false);

How do I install Java on Mac OSX allowing version switching?

If you have multiple versions installed on your machine, add the following in bash profile:

export JAVA_HOME_7=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v1.7)

export JAVA_HOME_8=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v1.8)

export JAVA_HOME_9=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v9)

And add the following aliases:

alias java7='export JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_HOME_7'

alias java8='export JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_HOME_8'

alias java9='export JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_HOME_9'

And can switch to required version by using the alias:

In terminal:

~ >> java7 export JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_7_HOME

Android Spinner: Get the selected item change event

By default, you will get the first item of the spinner array through

value = spinner.getSelectedItem().toString();

whenever you selected the value in the spinner this will give you the selected value

if you want the position of the selected item then do it like that

pos = spinner.getSelectedItemPosition();

the above two answers are for without applying listener

Using the rJava package on Win7 64 bit with R

Getting rJava to work depends heavily on your computers configuration:

  1. You have to use the same 32bit or 64bit version for both: R and JDK/JRE. A mixture of this will never work (at least for me).
  2. If you use 64bit version make sure, that you do not set JAVA_HOME as a enviorment variable. If this variable is set, rJava will not work for whatever reason (at least for me). You can check easily within R is JAVA_HOME is set with


If you need to have JAVA_HOME set (e.g. you need it for maven or something else), you could deactivate it within your R-session with the following code before loading rJava:

if (Sys.getenv("JAVA_HOME")!="")

This should do the trick in most cases. Furthermore this will fix issue Using the rJava package on Win7 64 bit with R, too. I borrowed the idea of unsetting the enviorment variable from R: rJava package install failing.

Compiled vs. Interpreted Languages

Start thinking in terms of a: blast from the past

Once upon a time, long long ago, there lived in the land of computing interpreters and compilers. All kinds of fuss ensued over the merits of one over the other. The general opinion at that time was something along the lines of:

  • Interpreter: Fast to develop (edit and run). Slow to execute because each statement had to be interpreted into machine code every time it was executed (think of what this meant for a loop executed thousands of times).
  • Compiler: Slow to develop (edit, compile, link and run. The compile/link steps could take serious time). Fast to execute. The whole program was already in native machine code.

A one or two order of magnitude difference in the runtime performance existed between an interpreted program and a compiled program. Other distinguishing points, run-time mutability of the code for example, were also of some interest but the major distinction revolved around the run-time performance issues.

Today the landscape has evolved to such an extent that the compiled/interpreted distinction is pretty much irrelevant. Many compiled languages call upon run-time services that are not completely machine code based. Also, most interpreted languages are "compiled" into byte-code before execution. Byte-code interpreters can be very efficient and rival some compiler generated code from an execution speed point of view.

The classic difference is that compilers generated native machine code, interpreters read source code and generated machine code on the fly using some sort of run-time system. Today there are very few classic interpreters left - almost all of them compile into byte-code (or some other semi-compiled state) which then runs on a virtual "machine".

Frame Buster Buster ... buster code needed

We have used the following approach in one of our websites from

 body { 
 display : none   
if(self == top) {
document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].style.display = 'block';
top.location = self.location;

How to install php-curl in Ubuntu 16.04

For Ubuntu 18.04 or PHP 7.2 users you can do:

apt-get install php7.2-curl

You can check your PHP version by running php -v to verify your PHP version and get the right curl version.

java.sql.SQLException: Exhausted Resultset

This occurs typically when the stmt is reused butexpecting a different ResultSet, try creting a new stmt and executeQuery. It fixed it for me!

printf not printing on console

Try setting this before you print:

setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

How to add data via $.ajax ( serialize() + extra data ) like this

Personally, I'd append the element to the form instead of hacking the serialized data, e.g.

moredata = 'your custom data here';

// do what you like with the input
$input = $('<input type="text" name="moredata"/>').val(morevalue);

// append to the form

// then..
data: $('#myForm').serialize()

That way, you don't have to worry about ? or &

Android RatingBar change star colors

Using the answers above, I created a quick static method that can easily be re-used. It only aims at tinting the progress color for the activated stars. The stars that are not activated remain grey.

    public static RatingBar tintRatingBar (RatingBar ratingBar, int progressColor)if (ratingBar.getProgressDrawable() instanceof LayerDrawable) {
        LayerDrawable progressDrawable = (LayerDrawable) ratingBar.getProgressDrawable();
        Drawable drawable = progressDrawable.getDrawable(2);
        Drawable compat = DrawableCompat.wrap(drawable);
        DrawableCompat.setTint(compat, progressColor);
        Drawable[] drawables = new Drawable[3];
        drawables[2] = compat;

        drawables[0] = progressDrawable.getDrawable(0);
        drawables[1] = progressDrawable.getDrawable(1);

        LayerDrawable layerDrawable = new LayerDrawable(drawables);


        return ratingBar;
    else {
        Drawable progressDrawable =  ratingBar.getProgressDrawable();
        Drawable compat = DrawableCompat.wrap(progressDrawable);
        DrawableCompat.setTint(compat, progressColor);
        return ratingBar;

Just pass your rating bar and a Color using getResources().getColor(R.color.my_rating_color)

As you can see, I use DrawableCompat so it's backward compatible.

EDIT : This method does not work on API21 (go figure why). You end up with a NullPointerException when calling setProgressBar. I ended up disabling the whole method on API >= 21.

For API >= 21, I use SupperPuccio solution.

How do I install cURL on cygwin?

I just copied the folder "curl-7.43.0" from zip file that I downloaded from curl website into cygwin64 folder on drive C:. And then I have used it with prefix curl in cygwin command terminal.

My actual download location from softpedia, I have used Softpedia Mirror (US)

How can I check which version of Angular I'm using?

On your project folder, open the command terminal and type

ng -v

it will give you a list of items, in that you will be able to see the angular version. See the screenshot.

version details

div hover background-color change?


@ variables in Ruby on Rails

Use @title in your controllers when you want your variable to be available in your views.

The explanation is that @title is an instance variable while title is a local variable. Rails makes instance variables from controllers available to views because the template code (erb, haml, etc) is executed within the scope of the current controller instance.

Better way to generate array of all letters in the alphabet

char[] alphabet = {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'};

How to manage local vs production settings in Django?

My solution to that problem is also somewhat of a mix of some solutions already stated here:

  • I keep a file called that has the content USING_LOCAL = True in dev and USING_LOCAL = False in prod
  • In I do an import on that file to get the USING_LOCAL setting

I then base all my environment-dependent settings on that one:

    # dev database settings
    # prod database settings

I prefer this to having two separate files that I need to maintain as I can keep my settings structured in a single file easier than having them spread across several files. Like this, when I update a setting I don't forget to do it for both environments.

Of course that every method has its disadvantages and this one is no exception. The problem here is that I can't overwrite the file whenever I push my changes into production, meaning I can't just copy all files blindly, but that's something I can live with.

The smallest difference between 2 Angles

I rise to the challenge of providing the signed answer:

def f(x,y):
  import math
  return min(y-x, y-x+2*math.pi, y-x-2*math.pi, key=abs)

Eclipse will not open due to environment variables

Here is the answer, sorry .. but your solutions weren't correct

set PATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin ;%PATH%

paxdiablo Did you rewrite the error or you got some kind of software reading text from image, if you got which one ?

Printing Batch file results to a text file

There's nothing wrong with your redirection of standard out to a file. Move and mkdir commands do not output anything. If you really need to have a log trail of those commands, then you'll need to explicitly echo to standard out indicating what you just executed.

The batch file, example:

cd bob
ECHO I just did this: cd bob

Run from command line:

myfile.bat >> out.txt


myfile.bat > out.txt

Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x8E\xB6\xF0\x9F...' MySQL

Change database charset and collation

    CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4
    COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

change specific table's charset and collation

    COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

change connection charset in mysql driver





From this article

How to choose the id generation strategy when using JPA and Hibernate

A while ago i wrote a detailed article about Hibernate key generators:

Choosing the correct generator is a complicated task but it is important to try and get it right as soon as possible - a late migration might be a nightmare.

A little off topic but a good chance to raise a point usually overlooked which is sharing keys between applications (via API). Personally I always prefer surrogate keys and if I need to communicate my objects with other systems I don't expose my key (even though it is a surrogate one) – I use an additional ‘external key’. As a consultant I have seen more than once 'great' system integrations using object keys (the 'it is there let's just use it' approach) just to find a year or two later that one side has issues with the key range or something of the kind requiring a deep migration on the system exposing its internal keys. Exposing your key means exposing a fundamental aspect of your code to external constrains shouldn’t really be exposed to.

printf, wprintf, %s, %S, %ls, char* and wchar*: Errors not announced by a compiler warning?

%S seems to conform to The Single Unix Specification v2 and is also part of the current (2008) POSIX specification.

Equivalent C99 conforming format specifiers would be %s and %ls.

How to loop through an array of objects in swift

The photos property is an optional array and must be unwrapped before accessing its elements (the same as you do to get the count property of the array):

for var i = 0; i < userPhotos!.count ; ++i {
    let url = userPhotos![i].url

WPF Check box: Check changed handling

A simple and proper way I've found to Handle Checked/Unchecked events using MVVM pattern is the Following, with Caliburn.Micro :

 <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding IsCheckedBooleanProperty}" Content="{DynamicResource DisplayContent}" cal:Message.Attach="[Event Checked] = [Action CheckBoxClicked()]; [Event Unchecked] = [Action CheckBoxClicked()]" />

And implement a Method CheckBoxClicked() in the ViewModel, to do stuff you want.

RegExp in TypeScript

You can do just:

var regex = /^[1-9]\d{0,2}$/g
regex.test('2') // outputs true

How to write a Unit Test?

This is a very generic question and there is a lot of ways it can be answered.

If you want to use JUnit to create the tests, you need to create your testcase class, then create individual test methods that test specific functionality of your class/module under tests (single testcase classes are usually associated with a single "production" class that is being tested) and inside these methods execute various operations and compare the results with what would be correct. It is especially important to try and cover as many corner cases as possible.

In your specific example, you could for example test the following:

  1. A simple addition between two positive numbers. Add them, then verify the result is what you would expect.
  2. An addition between a positive and a negative number (which returns a result with the sign of the first argument).
  3. An addition between a positive and a negative number (which returns a result with the sign of the second argument).
  4. An addition between two negative numbers.
  5. An addition that results in an overflow.

To verify the results, you can use various assertXXX methods from the org.junit.Assert class (for convenience, you can do 'import static org.junit.Assert.*'). These methods test a particular condition and fail the test if it does not validate (with a specific message, optionally).

Example testcase class in your case (without the methods contents defined):

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

public class AdditionTests {
    public void testSimpleAddition() { ... }

    public void testPositiveNegativeAddition() { ... }

    public void testNegativePositiveAddition() { ... }

    public void testNegativeAddition() { ... }

    public void testOverflow() { ... }

If you are not used to writing unit tests but instead test your code by writing ad-hoc tests that you then validate "visually" (for example, you write a simple main method that accepts arguments entered using the keyboard and then prints out the results - and then you keep entering values and validating yourself if the results are correct), then you can start by writing such tests in the format above and validating the results with the correct assertXXX method instead of doing it manually. This way, you can re-run the test much easier then if you had to do manual tests.

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

I encountered the same problem, probably when I uninstalled it and tried to install it again. This happens because of the database file containing login details is still stored in the pc, and the new password will not match the older one. So you can solve this by just uninstalling mysql, and then removing the left over folder from the C: drive (or wherever you must have installed).

How can I delete all of my Git stashes at once?

this command enables you to look all stashed changes.

git stash list

Here is the following command use it to clear all of your stashed Changes

git stash clear

Now if you want to delete one of the stashed changes from stash area

git stash drop stash@{index}   // here index will be shown after getting stash list.

Note : git stash list enables you to get index from stash area of git.

How to trigger a click on a link using jQuery

If you are trying to trigger an event on the anchor, then the code you have will work.

$(document).ready(function() {


$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#titleee li a[href="#inline"]').click();


$(document).ready(function() {
  $('ul#titleee li a[href="#inline"]').click();

'tuple' object does not support item assignment

You probably want the next transformation for you pixels:

pixels = map(list, image.getdata()) Connection refused

I changed my DNS network and it fixed the problem

how to read a text file using scanner in Java?

Well.. Apparently the file does not exist or cannot be found. Try using a full path. You're probably reading from the wrong directory when you don't specify the path, unless a.txt is in your current working directory.

jQuery: Change button text on click

This should work for you:

        var $this = $(this);
            $this.text('See More');         
        } else {
            $this.text('See Less');

Angular 2: import external js file into component

The following approach worked in Angular 5 CLI.

For sake of simplicity, I used similar d3gauge.js demo created and provided by oliverbinns - which you may easily find on Github.

So first, I simply created a new folder named externalJS on same level as the assets folder. I then copied the 2 following .js files.

  • d3.v3.min.js
  • d3gauge.js

I then made sure to declare both linked directives in main index.html

<script src="./externalJS/d3.v3.min.js"></script>
<script src="./externalJS/d3gauge.js"></script>

I then added a similar code in a gauge.component.ts component as followed:

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

declare var d3gauge:any; <----- !
declare var drawGauge: any; <-----!

  selector: 'app-gauge',
  templateUrl: './gauge.component.html'

export class GaugeComponent implements OnInit {
   constructor() { }

   ngOnInit() {

   createD3Gauge() { 
      let gauges = []
      document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {      
      let opt = {
         gaugeRadius: 160,
         minVal: 0,
         maxVal: 100,
         needleVal: Math.round(30),
         tickSpaceMinVal: 1,
         tickSpaceMajVal: 10,
         divID: "gaugeBox",
         gaugeUnits: "%"

    gauges[0] = new drawGauge(opt);


and finally, I simply added a div in corresponding gauge.component.html

<div id="gaugeBox"></div>

et voilà ! :)

enter image description here

Extracting substrings in Go

To get substring

  1. find position of "sp"

  2. cut string with array-logical

Bring a window to the front in WPF

I have found a solution that brings the window to the top, but it behaves as a normal window:

if (!Window.IsVisible)

if (Window.WindowState == WindowState.Minimized)
    Window.WindowState = WindowState.Normal;

Window.Topmost = true;  // important
Window.Topmost = false; // important
Window.Focus();         // important

Use HTML5 to resize an image before upload

If some of you, like me, encounter orientation problems I have combined the solutions here with a exif orientation fix

C# Switch-case string starting with

In addition to substring answer, you can do it as mystring.SubString(0,3) and check in case statement if its "abc".

But before the switch statement you need to ensure that your mystring is atleast 3 in length.

std::thread calling method of class

Not so hard:

#include <thread>

void Test::runMultiThread()
    std::thread t1(&Test::calculate, this,  0, 10);
    std::thread t2(&Test::calculate, this, 11, 20);

If the result of the computation is still needed, use a future instead:

#include <future>

void Test::runMultiThread()
     auto f1 = std::async(&Test::calculate, this,  0, 10);
     auto f2 = std::async(&Test::calculate, this, 11, 20);

     auto res1 = f1.get();
     auto res2 = f2.get();

Using TortoiseSVN via the command line

My fix for getting SVN commands was to copy .exe and .dll files from the TortoiseSVN directory and pasting them into system32 folder.

You could also perform the command from the TortoiseSVN directory and add the path of the working directory to each command. For example:

C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin> svn st -v C:\checkout

Adding the bin to the path should make it work without duplicating the files, but it didn't work for me.

Batch command to move files to a new directory

Something like this might help:

SET Today=%Date:~10,4%%Date:~4,2%%Date:~7,2%
mkdir C:\Test\Backup-%Today%
move C:\Test\Log\*.* C:\Test\Backup-%Today%\
SET Today=

The important part is the first line. It takes the output of the internal DATE value and parses it into an environmental variable named Today, in the format CCYYMMDD, as in '20110407`.

The %Date:~10,4% says to extract a *substring of the Date environmental variable 'Thu 04/07/2011' (built in - type echo %Date% at a command prompt) starting at position 10 for 4 characters (2011). It then concatenates another substring of Date: starting at position 4 for 2 chars (04), and then concats two additional characters starting at position 7 (07).

*The substring value starting points are 0-based.

You may need to adjust these values depending on the date format in your locale, but this should give you a starting point.

.htaccess redirect all pages to new domain

Just to clarify, after removing the hosting redirect which was in the way, my original solution also works:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [R=301]

How can I get the source code of a Python function?

While I'd generally agree that inspect is a good answer, I'd disagree that you can't get the source code of objects defined in the interpreter. If you use dill.source.getsource from dill, you can get the source of functions and lambdas, even if they are defined interactively. It also can get the code for from bound or unbound class methods and functions defined in curries... however, you might not be able to compile that code without the enclosing object's code.

>>> from dill.source import getsource
>>> def add(x,y):
...   return x+y
>>> squared = lambda x:x**2
>>> print getsource(add)
def add(x,y):
  return x+y

>>> print getsource(squared)
squared = lambda x:x**2

>>> class Foo(object):
...   def bar(self, x):
...     return x*x+x
>>> f = Foo()
>>> print getsource(
def bar(self, x):
    return x*x+x


Open Source Alternatives to Reflector?

Updated 13th December 2011

The following open source tools are available:

Why use the INCLUDE clause when creating an index?

The reasons why (including the data in the leaf level of the index) have been nicely explained. The reason that you give two shakes about this, is that when you run your query, if you don't have the additional columns included (new feature in SQL 2005) the SQL Server has to go to the clustered index to get the additional columns which takes more time, and adds more load to the SQL Server service, the disks, and the memory (buffer cache to be specific) as new data pages are loaded into memory, potentially pushing other more often needed data out of the buffer cache.

Operation must use an updatable query. (Error 3073) Microsoft Access

The problem defintely relates to the use of (in this case) the max() function. Any aggregation function used during a join (e.g. to retrieve the max or min or avg value from a joined table) will cause the error. And the same applies to using subqueries instead of joins (as in the original code).

This is incredibly annoying (and unjustified!) as it is a reasonably common thing to want to do. I've also had to use temp tables to get around it (pull the aggregated value into a temp table with an insert statement, then join to this table with your update, then drop the temp table).


How to create a oracle sql script spool file

With spool:

  set heading off
  set arraysize 1
  set newpage 0
  set pages 0
  set feedback off
  set echo off
  set verify off

variable cd varchar2(10);
variable d number;

 ab varchar2(10) := 'Raj';
 a number := 10;
 c number;
 c := a+10;
 select ab,c into :cd,:d from dual;

 select :cd,:d from dual;

linux shell script: split string, put them in an array then loop through them

If you don't wish to mess with IFS (perhaps for the code within the loop) this might help.

If know that your string will not have whitespace, you can substitute the ';' with a space and use the for/in construct:

#local str
for str in ${STR//;/ } ; do 
   echo "+ \"$str\""

But if you might have whitespace, then for this approach you will need to use a temp variable to hold the "rest" like this:

#local str rest
while [ -n "$rest" ] ; do
   str=${rest%%;*}  # Everything up to the first ';'
   # Trim up to the first ';' -- and handle final case, too.
   [ "$rest" = "${rest/;/}" ] && rest= || rest=${rest#*;}
   echo "+ \"$str\""

How to set locale in DatePipe in Angular 2?

As of Angular2 RC6, you can set default locale in your app module, by adding a provider:

  providers: [
    { provide: LOCALE_ID, useValue: "en-US" }, //replace "en-US" with your locale

The Currency/Date/Number pipes should pick up the locale. LOCALE_ID is an OpaqueToken, to be imported from angular/core.

import { LOCALE_ID } from '@angular/core';

For a more advanced use case, you may want to pick up locale from a service. Locale will be resolved (once) when component using date pipe is created:

  provide: LOCALE_ID,
  deps: [SettingsService],      //some service handling global settings
  useFactory: (settingsService) => settingsService.getLanguage()  //returns locale string

Hope it works for you.

Query to list number of records in each table in a database

Shnugo's answer is the ONLY one that works in Azure with Externa Tables. (1) Azure SQL doesn't support sp_MSforeachtable at all and (2) rows in sys.partitions for an External table is always 0.

HTML-parser on Node.js

Try - you give it some HTML and it gives you a DOM.

How to check a radio button with jQuery?

Pure JS is Simpler


checkBtn.onclick = e=> console.log( radio_1.checked );
<!-- Question html -->
    <div id='type'>
        <input type='radio' id='radio_1' name='type' value='1' />
        <input type='radio' id='radio_2' name='type' value='2' />
        <input type='radio' id='radio_3' name='type' value='3' /> 

<!-- Test html -->
<button id="checkBtn">Check</button>

With jQuery, how do I capitalize the first letter of a text field while the user is still editing that field?

I used the code of @Spajus and wrote a more extended jQuery plugin.

I wrote these four jQuery functions:

  • upperFirstAll() to capitalize ALL words in an inputfield
  • upperFirst() to capitalize only the FIRST word
  • upperCase() to convert the hole text to upper case
  • lowerCase() to convert the hole text to lower case

You can use and chain them like any other jQuery function:

My complete jQuery plugin:

(function ($) {

    // With every keystroke capitalize first letter of ALL words in the text
    upperFirstAll: function() {
        $(this).keyup(function(event) {
            var box =;
            var txt = $(this).val();
            var start = box.selectionStart;
            var end = box.selectionEnd;

            function(c) {
                return c.toUpperCase();
            box.setSelectionRange(start, end);
        return this;

    // With every keystroke capitalize first letter of the FIRST word in the text
    upperFirst: function() {
        $(this).keyup(function(event) {
            var box =;
            var txt = $(this).val();
            var start = box.selectionStart;
            var end = box.selectionEnd;

            function(c) {
                return c.toUpperCase();
            box.setSelectionRange(start, end);
        return this;

    // Converts with every keystroke the hole text to lowercase
    lowerCase: function() {
        $(this).keyup(function(event) {
            var box =;
            var txt = $(this).val();
            var start = box.selectionStart;
            var end = box.selectionEnd;

            box.setSelectionRange(start, end);
        return this;

    // Converts with every keystroke the hole text to uppercase
    upperCase: function() {
        $(this).keyup(function(event) {
            var box =;
            var txt = $(this).val();
            var start = box.selectionStart;
            var end = box.selectionEnd;

            box.setSelectionRange(start, end);
        return this;


Groetjes :)

Best implementation for Key Value Pair Data Structure?

Just one thing to add to this (although I do think you have already had your question answered by others). In the interests of extensibility (since we all know it will happen at some point) you may want to check out the Composite Pattern This is ideal for working with "Tree-Like Structures"..

Like I said, I know you are only expecting one sub-level, but this could really be useful for you if you later need to extend ^_^

Ubuntu: OpenJDK 8 - Unable to locate package

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get  install openjdk-8-jdk

this should work

nginx - read custom header from upstream server

I was facing the same issue. I tried both $http_my_custom_header and $sent_http_my_custom_header but it did not work for me.

Although solved this issue by using $upstream_http_my_custom_header.

How can I populate a select dropdown list from a JSON feed with AngularJS?

<select name="selectedFacilityId" ng-model="selectedFacilityId">
         <option ng-repeat="facility in facilities" value="{{}}">{{}}</option>

This is an example on how to use it.

Getting text from td cells with jQuery

You can use .map:

// array of text of each td

var texts = $("td").map(function() {
    return $(this).text();

How can I get the username of the logged-in user in Django?

For classed based views use

Converting from a string to boolean in Python?

If you know the string will be either "True" or "False", you could just use eval(s).

>>> eval("True")
>>> eval("False")

Only use this if you are sure of the contents of the string though, as it will throw an exception if the string does not contain valid Python, and will also execute code contained in the string.

How do I run a program from command prompt as a different user and as an admin

You can use psexec.exe from Microsoft Sysinternals Suite


c:\somedir\psexec.exe -u domain\user -p password cmd.exe

Set style for TextView programmatically

The accepted answer was great solution for me. The only thing to add is about inflate() method.

In accepted answer all android:layout_* parameters will not be applied.

The reason is no way to adjust it, cause null was passed as ViewGroup parent.

You can use it like this:

View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.view, parent, false);

and the parent is the ViewGroup, from where you like to adjust android:layout_*.

In this case, all relative properties will be set.

Hope it'll be useful for someone.

$date + 1 year?

// Declare a variable for this year 
$this_year = date("Y");
// Add 1 to the variable
$next_year = $this_year + 1;
$year_after = $this_year + 2;

// Check your code
    echo "This year is ";
    echo $this_year;
    echo "<br />";
    echo "Next year is ";
    echo $next_year;
    echo "<br />";
    echo "The year after that is ";
    echo $year_after;

How can I combine multiple nested Substitute functions in Excel?

I would use the following approach:


where X denotes the length of things you're not after. And, for X I'd use


The above ISERROR(FIND("X",.,.))*x will return 0 if X is not found and x (the length of X) if it is found. So technically you're trimming A2 from the right with possible matches.

The advantage of this approach above the other mentioned is that it's more apparent what substitution (or removal) is taking place, since the "substitution" is not nested.

Dynamically adding properties to an ExpandoObject

i think this add new property in desired type without having to set a primitive value, like when property defined in class definition

var x = new ExpandoObject();
x.NewProp = default(string)

Change route params without reloading in Angular 2

For anyone like me finding this question the following might be useful.

I had a similar problem and initially tried using location.go and location.replaceState as suggested in other answers here. However I ran into problems when I had to navigate to another page on the app because the navigation was relative to the current route and the current route wasn't being updated by location.go or location.replaceState (the router doesn't know anything about what these do to the URL)

In essence I needed a solution that DIDN'T reload the page/component when the route parameter changed but DID update the route state internally.

I ended up using query parameters. You can find more about it here:

So if you need to do something like save an order and get an order ID you can update your page URL like shown below. Updating a centre location and related data on a map would be similar

// let's say we're saving an order. Initally the URL is just blah/orders
save(orderId) {
    // [Here we would call back-end to save the order in the database]

    this.router.navigate(['orders'], { queryParams: { id: orderId } });
    // now the URL is blah/orders?id:1234. We don't reload the orders
    // page or component so get desired behaviour of not seeing any 
    // flickers or resetting the page.

and you keep track of it within the ngOnInit method like:

ngOnInit() {
    this.orderId = this.route
        .map(params => params.get('id') || null);
    // orderID is up-to-date with what is saved in database now, or if
    // nothing is saved and hence no id query paramter the orderId variable
    // is simply null.
    // [You can load the order here from its ID if this suits your design]

If you need to go direct to the order page with a new (unsaved) order you can do:


Or if you need to go direct to the order page for an existing (saved) order you can do:

this.router.navigate(['orders'], { queryParams: { id: '1234' } });

What characters do I need to escape in XML documents?

The accepted answer is not correct. Best is to use a library for escaping xml.

As mentioned in this other question

"Basically, the control characters and characters out of the Unicode ranges are not allowed. This means also that calling for example the character entity is forbidden."

If you only escape the five characters. You can have problems like An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0xc) was found

How to discover number of *logical* cores on Mac OS X?

system_profiler SPHardwareDataType shows I have 1 processor and 4 cores.

[~] system_profiler SPHardwareDataType

    Hardware Overview:

      Model Name: MacBook Pro
      Model Identifier: MacBookPro9,1
      Processor Name: Intel Core i7
      Processor Speed: 2.6 GHz
      Number of Processors: 1
      Total Number of Cores: 4



However, sysctl disagrees:

[~] sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu
[~] sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu

But sysctl appears correct, as when I run a program that should take up all CPU slots, I see this program taking close to 800% of CPU time (in top):

4306  top          5.6   
4304  java         745.7 
4296  locationd    0.0  

SQL Server - How to lock a table until a stored procedure finishes

Needed this answer myself and from the link provided by David Moye, decided on this and thought it might be of use to others with the same question:


  -- lock table "a" till end of transaction
  SELECT ...
  FROM a
  WHERE ...

  -- do some other stuff (including inserting/updating table "a")

  -- release lock

How to restart a windows service using Task Scheduler

Instead of using a bat file, you can simply create a Scheduled Task. Most of the time you define just one action. In this case, create two actions with the NET command. The first one to stop the service, the second one to start the service. Give them a STOP and START argument, followed by the service name.

In this example we restart the Printer Spooler service.

NET STOP "Print Spooler" 
NET START "Print Spooler"

enter image description here

enter image description here

Note: unfortunately NET RESTART <service name> does not exist.

Entity Framework rollback and remove bad migration

For those using EF Core with ASP.NET Core v1.0.0 I had a similar problem and used the following commands to correct it (@DavidSopko's post pointed me in the right direction, but the details are slightly different for EF Core):

Update-Database <Name of last good migration>

For example, in my current development the command became

PM> Update-Database CreateInitialDatabase
PM> Remove-Migration

The Remove-Migration will remove the last migration you applied. If you have a more complex scenario with multiple migrations to remove (I only had 2, the initial and the bad one), I suggest you test the steps in a dummy project.

There doesn't currently appear to be a Get-Migrations command in EF Core (v1.0.0) so you must look in your migrations folder and be familiar with what you have done. However, there is a nice help command:

PM> get-help entityframework

Refreshing dastabase in VS2015 SQL Server Object Explorer, all of my data was preserved and the migration that I wanted to revert was gone :)

Initially I tried Remove-Migration by itself and found the error command confusing:

System.InvalidOperationException: The migration '...' has already been applied to the database. Unapply it and try again. If the migration has been applied to other databases, consider reverting its changes using a new migration.

There are already suggestions on improving this wording, but I'd like the error to say something like this:

Run Update-Database (last good migration name) to revert the database schema back to to that state. This command will unapply all migrations that occurred after the migration specified to Update-Database. You may then run Remove-Migration (migration name to remove)

Output from the EF Core help command follows:

 PM> get-help entityframework
               ---==/    \\
         ___  ___   |.    \|\
        | __|| __|  |  )   \\\
        | _| | _|   \_/ |  //|\\
        |___||_|       /   \\\/\\


    Provides information about Entity Framework Core commands.

    This topic describes the Entity Framework Core commands. See for information on Entity Framework Core.

    The following Entity Framework cmdlets are included.

        Cmdlet                      Description
        --------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------
        Add-Migration               Adds a new migration.

        Remove-Migration            Removes the last migration.

        Scaffold-DbContext          Scaffolds a DbContext and entity type classes for a specified database.

        Script-Migration            Generates a SQL script from migrations.

        Update-Database             Updates the database to a specified migration.

        Use-DbContext               Sets the default DbContext to use.


How can I position my jQuery dialog to center?

open: function () {

    var win = $(window);

        position: 'absolute',
        left: (win.width() - $(this).parent().outerWidth()) / 2,
        top: (win.height() - $(this).parent().outerHeight()) / 2

How do I get this javascript to run every second?

Use setInterval() to run a piece of code every x milliseconds.

You can wrap the code you want to run every second in a function called runFunction.

So it would be:

var t=setInterval(runFunction,1000);

And to stop it, you can run:


How to convert HTML to PDF using iTextSharp

First, HTML and PDF are not related although they were created around the same time. HTML is intended to convey higher level information such as paragraphs and tables. Although there are methods to control it, it is ultimately up to the browser to draw these higher level concepts. PDF is intended to convey documents and the documents must "look" the same wherever they are rendered.

In an HTML document you might have a paragraph that's 100% wide and depending on the width of your monitor it might take 2 lines or 10 lines and when you print it it might be 7 lines and when you look at it on your phone it might take 20 lines. A PDF file, however, must be independent of the rendering device, so regardless of your screen size it must always render exactly the same.

Because of the musts above, PDF doesn't support abstract things like "tables" or "paragraphs". There are three basic things that PDF supports: text, lines/shapes and images. (There are other things like annotations and movies but I'm trying to keep it simple here.) In a PDF you don't say "here's a paragraph, browser do your thing!". Instead you say, "draw this text at this exact X,Y location using this exact font and don't worry, I've previously calculated the width of the text so I know it will all fit on this line". You also don't say "here's a table" but instead you say "draw this text at this exact location and then draw a rectangle at this other exact location that I've previously calculated so I know it will appear to be around the text".

Second, iText and iTextSharp parse HTML and CSS. That's it. ASP.Net, MVC, Razor, Struts, Spring, etc, are all HTML frameworks but iText/iTextSharp is 100% unaware of them. Same with DataGridViews, Repeaters, Templates, Views, etc. which are all framework-specific abstractions. It is your responsibility to get the HTML from your choice of framework, iText won't help you. If you get an exception saying The document has no pages or you think that "iText isn't parsing my HTML" it is almost definite that you don't actually have HTML, you only think you do.

Third, the built-in class that's been around for years is the HTMLWorker however this has been replaced with XMLWorker (Java / .Net). Zero work is being done on HTMLWorker which doesn't support CSS files and has only limited support for the most basic CSS properties and actually breaks on certain tags. If you do not see the HTML attribute or CSS property and value in this file then it probably isn't supported by HTMLWorker. XMLWorker can be more complicated sometimes but those complications also make it more extensible.

Below is C# code that shows how to parse HTML tags into iText abstractions that get automatically added to the document that you are working on. C# and Java are very similar so it should be relatively easy to convert this. Example #1 uses the built-in HTMLWorker to parse the HTML string. Since only inline styles are supported the class="headline" gets ignored but everything else should actually work. Example #2 is the same as the first except it uses XMLWorker instead. Example #3 also parses the simple CSS example.

//Create a byte array that will eventually hold our final PDF
Byte[] bytes;

//Boilerplate iTextSharp setup here
//Create a stream that we can write to, in this case a MemoryStream
using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) {

    //Create an iTextSharp Document which is an abstraction of a PDF but **NOT** a PDF
    using (var doc = new Document()) {

        //Create a writer that's bound to our PDF abstraction and our stream
        using (var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, ms)) {

            //Open the document for writing

            //Our sample HTML and CSS
            var example_html = @"<p>This <em>is </em><span class=""headline"" style=""text-decoration: underline;"">some</span> <strong>sample <em> text</em></strong><span style=""color: red;"">!!!</span></p>";
            var example_css = @".headline{font-size:200%}";

             * Example #1                                     *
             *                                                *
             * Use the built-in HTMLWorker to parse the HTML. *
             * Only inline CSS is supported.                  *
             * ************************************************/

            //Create a new HTMLWorker bound to our document
            using (var htmlWorker = new iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker(doc)) {

                //HTMLWorker doesn't read a string directly but instead needs a TextReader (which StringReader subclasses)
                using (var sr = new StringReader(example_html)) {

                    //Parse the HTML

             * Example #2                                     *
             *                                                *
             * Use the XMLWorker to parse the HTML.           *
             * Only inline CSS and absolutely linked          *
             * CSS is supported                               *
             * ************************************************/

            //XMLWorker also reads from a TextReader and not directly from a string
            using (var srHtml = new StringReader(example_html)) {

                //Parse the HTML
                iTextSharp.tool.xml.XMLWorkerHelper.GetInstance().ParseXHtml(writer, doc, srHtml);

             * Example #3                                     *
             *                                                *
             * Use the XMLWorker to parse HTML and CSS        *
             * ************************************************/

            //In order to read CSS as a string we need to switch to a different constructor
            //that takes Streams instead of TextReaders.
            //Below we convert the strings into UTF8 byte array and wrap those in MemoryStreams
            using (var msCss = new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(example_css))) {
                using (var msHtml = new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(example_html))) {

                    //Parse the HTML
                    iTextSharp.tool.xml.XMLWorkerHelper.GetInstance().ParseXHtml(writer, doc, msHtml, msCss);


    //After all of the PDF "stuff" above is done and closed but **before** we
    //close the MemoryStream, grab all of the active bytes from the stream
    bytes = ms.ToArray();

//Now we just need to do something with those bytes.
//Here I'm writing them to disk but if you were in ASP.Net you might Response.BinaryWrite() them.
//You could also write the bytes to a database in a varbinary() column (but please don't) or you
//could pass them to another function for further PDF processing.
var testFile = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "test.pdf");
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(testFile, bytes);

2017's update

There are good news for HTML-to-PDF demands. As this answer showed, the W3C standard css-break-3 will solve the problem... It is a Candidate Recommendation with plan to turn into definitive Recommendation this year, after tests.

As not-so-standard there are solutions, with plugins for C#, as showed by

curl posting with header application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Try something like:


$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'));   
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); 
$result = curl_exec($ch);

echo $result;

VMware Workstation and Device/Credential Guard are not compatible

I'm still not convinced that Hyper-V is The Thing for me, even with last year's Docker trials and tribulations and I guess you won't want to switch very frequently, so rather than creating a new boot and confirming the boot default or waiting out the timeout with every boot I switch on demand in the console in admin mode by

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

Another reason for this post -- to save you some headache: You thought you switch Hyper-V on with the "on" argument again? Nope. Too simple for MiRKoS..t. It's auto!

Have fun!

What is the difference between a hash join and a merge join (Oracle RDBMS )?

I just want to edit this for posterity that the tags for oracle weren't added when I answered this question. My response was more applicable to MS SQL.

Merge join is the best possible as it exploits the ordering, resulting in a single pass down the tables to do the join. IF you have two tables (or covering indexes) that have their ordering the same such as a primary key and an index of a table on that key then a merge join would result if you performed that action.

Hash join is the next best, as it's usually done when one table has a small number (relatively) of items, its effectively creating a temp table with hashes for each row which is then searched continuously to create the join.

Worst case is nested loop which is order (n * m) which means there is no ordering or size to exploit and the join is simply, for each row in table x, search table y for joins to do.

PostgreSQL IF statement

      DELETE FROM orders;
      INSERT INTO orders VALUES (1,2,3);
   END IF;

There are no procedural elements in standard SQL. The IF statement is part of the default procedural language PL/pgSQL. You need to create a function or execute an ad-hoc statement with the DO command.

You need a semicolon (;) at the end of each statement in plpgsql (except for the final END).

You need END IF; at the end of the IF statement.

A sub-select must be surrounded by parentheses:

    IF (SELECT count(*) FROM orders) > 0 ...


    IF (SELECT count(*) > 0 FROM orders) ...

This is equivalent and much faster, though:

    IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM orders) ...


The additional SELECT is not needed. This does the same, faster:

   DELETE FROM orders;
      INSERT INTO orders VALUES (1,2,3);
   END IF;

Though unlikely, concurrent transactions writing to the same table may interfere. To be absolutely sure, write-lock the table in the same transaction before proceeding as demonstrated.

Run php script as daemon process

Another option is to use Upstart. It was originally developed for Ubuntu (and comes packaged with it by default), but is intended to be suitable for all Linux distros.

This approach is similar to Supervisord and daemontools, in that it automatically starts the daemon on system boot and respawns on script completion.

How to set it up:

Create a new script file at /etc/init/myphpworker.conf. Here is an example:

# Info
description "My PHP Worker"
author      "Jonathan"

# Events
start on startup
stop on shutdown

# Automatically respawn
respawn limit 20 5

# Run the script!
# Note, in this example, if your PHP script returns
# the string "ERROR", the daemon will stop itself.
    [ $(exec /usr/bin/php -f /path/to/your/script.php) = 'ERROR' ] && ( stop; exit 1; )
end script

Starting & stopping your daemon:

sudo service myphpworker start
sudo service myphpworker stop

Check if your daemon is running:

sudo service myphpworker status


A big thanks to Kevin van Zonneveld, where I learned this technique from.

What is a 'workspace' in Visual Studio Code?

The main utility of a workspace (and maybe the only one) is to allow to add multiple independent folders that compounds a project. For example:

- WorkspaceProjectX  
-- ApiFolder   (maybe /usr/share/www/api)  
-- DocsFolder  (maybe /home/user/projx/html/docs)  
-- WebFolder   (maybe /usr/share/www/web)

So you can group those in a work space for a specific project instead of have to open multiple folders windows.

You can learn more here.

Dependency Injection vs Factory Pattern

Factory Design Pattern

The factory design pattern is characterized by

  • An Interface
  • Implementation classes
  • A factory

You can observe few things when you question yourself as below

  • When will the factory create object for the implementation classes - run time or compile time?
  • What if you want to switch the implementation at run time? - Not possible

These are handled by Dependency injection.

Dependency injection

You can have different ways in which you can inject dependency. For simplicity lets go with Interface Injection

In DI ,container creates the needed instances, and "injects" them into the object.

Thus eliminates the static instantiation.


public class MyClass{

  MyInterface find= null;

  //Constructor- During the object instantiation

  public MyClass(MyInterface myInterface ) {

       find = myInterface ;

  public void myMethod(){



Get HTML5 localStorage keys

If the browser supports HTML5 LocalStorage it should also implement, enabling this:

Array.apply(0, new Array(localStorage.length)).map(function (o, i) {
    return localStorage.key(i);

How do you show animated GIFs on a Windows Form (c#)

Public Class Form1

    Private animatedimage As New Bitmap("C:\MyData\Search.gif")
    Private currentlyanimating As Boolean = False

    Private Sub OnFrameChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


    End Sub

    Private Sub AnimateImage()

        If currentlyanimating = True Then
            ImageAnimator.Animate(animatedimage, AddressOf Me.OnFrameChanged)
            currentlyanimating = False
        End If

    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)

        e.Graphics.DrawImage(animatedimage, New Point((Me.Width / 4) + 40, (Me.Height / 4) + 40))

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        BtnStop.Enabled = False

    End Sub

    Private Sub BtnStop_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnStop.Click

        currentlyanimating = False
        ImageAnimator.StopAnimate(animatedimage, AddressOf Me.OnFrameChanged)
        BtnStart.Enabled = True
        BtnStop.Enabled = False

    End Sub

    Private Sub BtnStart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnStart.Click

        currentlyanimating = True
        BtnStart.Enabled = False
        BtnStop.Enabled = True

    End Sub

End Class

Detect Route Change with react-router

This is an old question and I don't quite understand the business need of listening for route changes to push a route change; seems roundabout.

BUT if you ended up here because all you wanted was to update the 'page_path' on a react-router route change for google analytics / global site tag / something similar, here's a hook you can now use. I wrote it based on the accepted answer:


import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'

export const useTracking = (trackingId) => {
  const { listen } = useHistory()

  useEffect(() => {
    const unlisten = listen((location) => {
      // if you pasted the google snippet on your index.html
      // you've declared this function in the global
      if (!window.gtag) return

      window.gtag('config', trackingId, { page_path: location.pathname })

    // remember, hooks that add listeners
    // should have cleanup to remove them
    return unlisten
  }, [trackingId, listen])

You should use this hook once in your app, somewhere near the top but still inside a router. I have it on an App.js that looks like this:


import * as React from 'react'
import { BrowserRouter, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom'

import Home from './Home/Home'
import About from './About/About'
// this is the file above
import { useTracking } from './useTracking'

export const App = () => {

  return (
      <Route path="/about">
        <About />
      <Route path="/">
        <Home />

// I find it handy to have a named export of the App
// and then the default export which wraps it with
// all the providers I need.
// Mostly for testing purposes, but in this case,
// it allows us to use the hook above,
// since you may only use it when inside a Router
export default () => (
    <App />

How to thoroughly purge and reinstall postgresql on ubuntu?

I was following the replies, When editing /etc/group I also deleted this line:


then, when trying to install postgresql, I got this error

Preconfiguring packages ...
dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:
 syntax error: unknown group 'ssl-cert' in statoverride file
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)

Putting the "ssl-cert:x:112:postgres" line back in /etc/group seems to fix it (so I was able to install postgresql)

How to make jQuery UI nav menu horizontal?

I admire all these efforts to convert a menu to a menubar because I detest trying to hack CSS. It just feels like I'm meddling with powers I can't possibly ever understand! I think it's much easier to add the menubar files available at the menubar branch of jquery ui.

I downloaded the full jquery ui css bundled file from the jquery ui download site

In the head of my document I put the jquery ui css file that contains everything (I'm on version 1.9.x at the moment) followed by the specific CSS file for the menubar widget downloaded from the menubar branch of jquery ui

<link type="text/css" href="css/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link type="text/css" href="css/jquery.ui.menubar.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Don't forget the images folder with all the little icons used by jQuery UI needs to be in the same folder as the jquery-ui.css file.

Then at the end the body I have:

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-1.9.0.custom.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/menubar/jquery.ui.menubar.js"></script>

That's a copy of an up-to-date version of jQuery, followed by a copy of the jQuery UI file, then the menubar module downloaded from the menubar branch of jquery ui

The menubar CSS file is refreshingly short:

.ui-menubar { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding-left: 0; }
.ui-menubar-item { float: left; }
.ui-menubar .ui-button { float: left; font-weight: normal; border-top-width: 0 !important; border-bottom-width: 0 !important; margin: 0; outline: none; }
.ui-menubar .ui-menubar-link { border-right: 1px dashed transparent; border-left: 1px dashed transparent; }
.ui-menubar .ui-menu { width: 200px; position: absolute; z-index: 9999; font-weight: normal; }

but the menubar JavaScript file is 328 lines - too long to quote here. With it, you can simply call menubar() like this example:

    autoExpand: true,
    menuIcon: true,
    buttons: true,
    select: select

As I said, I admire all the attempts to hack the menu object to turn it into a horizontal bar, but I found all of them lacked some standard feature of a horizontal menu bar. I'm not sure why this widget is not bundled with jQuery UI yet, but presumably there are still some bugs to iron out. For instance, I tried it in IE 7 Quirks Mode and the positioning was strange, but it looks great in Firefox, Safari and IE 8+.

How to track untracked content?

This question has been answered already, but thought I'd add to the mix what I found out when I got these messages.

I have a repo called playground that contains a number of sandbox apps. I added two new apps from a tutorial to the playground directory by cloning the tutorial's repo. The result was that the new apps' git stuff pointed to the tutorial's repo and not to my repo. The solution was to delete the .git directory from each of those apps' directories, mv the apps' directories outside the playground directory, and then mv them back and run git add .. After that it worked.

Easiest way to pass an AngularJS scope variable from directive to controller?

Edited on 2014/8/25: Here was where I forked it.

Thanks @anvarik.

Here is the JSFiddle. I forgot where I forked this. But this is a good example showing you the difference between = and @

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
    <h2>Parent Scope</h2>
    <input ng-model="foo"> <i>// Update to see how parent scope interacts with component scope</i>    
    <!-- attribute-foo binds to a DOM attribute which is always
    a string. That is why we are wrapping it in curly braces so
    that it can be interpolated. -->
    <my-component attribute-foo="{{foo}}" binding-foo="foo"
        isolated-expression-foo="updateFoo(newFoo)" >
            <strong>get:</strong> {{isolatedAttributeFoo}}
            <strong>set:</strong> <input ng-model="isolatedAttributeFoo">
            <i>// This does not update the parent scope.</i>
            <strong>get:</strong> {{isolatedBindingFoo}}
            <strong>set:</strong> <input ng-model="isolatedBindingFoo">
            <i>// This does update the parent scope.</i>
            <input ng-model="isolatedFoo">
            <button class="btn" ng-click="isolatedExpressionFoo({newFoo:isolatedFoo})">Submit</button>
            <i>// And this calls a function on the parent scope.</i>
var myModule = angular.module('myModule', [])
    .directive('myComponent', function () {
        return {
                /* NOTE: Normally I would set my attributes and bindings
                to be the same name but I wanted to delineate between
                parent and isolated scope. */                
    .controller('MyCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
        $ = 'Hello!';
        $scope.updateFoo = function (newFoo) {
            $ = newFoo;

How to use the curl command in PowerShell?

In Powershell 3.0 and above there is both a Invoke-WebRequest and Invoke-RestMethod. Curl is actually an alias of Invoke-WebRequest in PoSH. I think using native Powershell would be much more appropriate than curl, but it's up to you :).

Invoke-WebRequest MSDN docs are here:

Invoke-RestMethod MSDN docs are here:

'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' issue when API call made from React (Isomorphic app)

I had the same problem. the other answers are correct but there is another solution. you can set response header to allow cross-origin access. according to this post you have to add the following codes before any app.get call:

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
  res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
  res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "X-Requested-With");

this worked for me :)

open resource with relative path in Java

When you use 'getResource' on a Class, a relative path is resolved based on the package the Class is in. When you use 'getResource' on a ClassLoader, a relative path is resolved based on the root folder.

If you use an absolute path, both 'getResource' methods will start at the root folder.

How to read request body in an core webapi controller?

To those who simply want to get the content (request body) from the request:

Use the [FromBody] attribute in your controller method parameter.

public class MyTestController : Controller
    public async Task<string> ReceiveContent([FromBody] string content)
        // Do work with content

As doc says: this attribute specifies that a parameter or property should be bound using the request body.

Getting data from Yahoo Finance

Since Yahoo Finances API was disabled, I found Alpha Vantage API

This a stock query sample that I'm using with Excel's Power Query:

How can I set a dynamic model name in AngularJS?

Or you can use

<select [(ngModel)]="Answers[''+question.Name+'']" ng-options="option for option in question.Options">

Visual Studio keyboard shortcut to automatically add the needed 'using' statement

Ctrl + . shows the menu. I find this easier to type than the alternative, Alt + Shift + F10.

This can be re-bound to something more familiar by going to Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard > Visual C# > View.QuickActions

Java - Convert String to valid URI object

You can use the multi-argument constructors of the URI class. From the URI javadoc:

The multi-argument constructors quote illegal characters as required by the components in which they appear. The percent character ('%') is always quoted by these constructors. Any other characters are preserved.

So if you use

URI uri = new URI("http", " b");

Then you get which isn't quite right, but it's a little closer.

If you know that your string will not have URL fragments (e.g., then you can use the following code to get what you want:

String s = " b";
String[] parts = s.split(":",2);
URI uri = new URI(parts[0], parts[1], null);

To be safe, you should scan the string for # characters, but this should get you started.

How to serve up images in Angular2?

If you do not like assets folder you can edit .angular-cli.json and add other folders you need.

  "assets": [

Why is this jQuery click function not working?

You are supposed to add the javascript code in a $(document).ready(function() {}); block.


$(document).ready(function() {
  $("#clicker").click(function () {

As jQuery documentation states: "A page can't be manipulated safely until the document is "ready." jQuery detects this state of readiness for you. Code included inside $( document ).ready() will only run once the page Document Object Model (DOM) is ready for JavaScript code to execute"

Writing a string to a cell in excel

replace Range("A1") = "Asdf" with Range("A1").value = "Asdf"

Python UTC datetime object's ISO format doesn't include Z (Zulu or Zero offset)

Short answer"+00:00", "Z")

Long answer

The reason that the "Z" is not included is because and even datetime.utcnow() return timezone naive datetimes, that is to say datetimes with no timezone information associated. To get a timezone aware datetime, you need to pass a timezone as an argument to datetime now. For example:

from datetime import datetime, timezone

#> datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 3, 20, 58, 49, 22253)
# This is timezone naive
#> datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 3, 20, 58, 49, 22253, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
# This is timezone aware

Once you have a timezone aware timestamp, isoformat will include a timezone designation. Thus, you can then get an ISO 8601 timestamp via:
#> '2020-09-03T20:53:07.337670+00:00'

"+00:00" is a valid ISO 8601 timezone designation for UTC. If you want to have "Z" instead of "+00:00", you have to do the replacement yourself:"+00:00", "Z")
#> '2020-09-03T20:53:07.337670Z'

Calling an API from SQL Server stored procedure

Simple SQL triggered API call without building a code project

I know this is far from perfect or architectural purity, but I had a customer with a short term, critical need to integrate with a third party product via an immature API (no wsdl) I basically needed to call the API when a database event occurred. I was given basic call info - URL, method, data elements and Token, but no wsdl or other start to import into a code project. All recommendations and solutions seemed start with that import.

I used the ARC (Advanced Rest Client) Chrome extension and JaSON to test the interaction with the Service from a browser and refine the call. That gave me the tested, raw call structure and response and let me play with the API quickly. From there, I started trying to generate the wsdl or xsd from the json using online conversions but decided that was going to take too long to get working, so I found cURL (clouds part, music plays). cURL allowed me to send the API calls to a local manager from anywhere. I then broke a few more design rules and built a trigger that queued the DB events and a SQL stored procedure and scheduled task to pass the parameters to cURL and make the calls. I initially had the trigger calling XP_CMDShell (I know, booo) but didn't like the transactional implications or security issues, so switched to the Stored Procedure method.

In the end, DB insert matching the API call case triggers write to Queue table with parameters for API call Stored procedure run every 5 seconds runs Cursor to pull each Queue table entry, send the XP_CMDShell call to the bat file with parameters Bat file contains Curl call with parameters inserted sending output to logs. Works well.

Again, not perfect, but for a tight timeline, and a system used short term, and that can be closely monitored to react to connectivity and unforeseen issues, it worked.

Hope that helps someone struggling with limited API info get a solution going quickly.

How to select all and copy in vim?


will select from beginning to end

Calling Scalar-valued Functions in SQL

Make sure you have the correct database selected. You may have the master database selected if you are trying to run it in a new query window.

How do I see the commit differences between branches in git?

Not the perfect answer but works better for people using Github:

enter image description here

Go to your repo: Insights -> Network

How to change sender name (not email address) when using the linux mail command for autosending mail?

On Ubuntu 14.04 none of these suggestions worked. Postfix would override with the logged in system user as the sender. What worked was the following solution listed at this link --> Change outgoing mail address from root@servername - rackspace sendgrid postfix


1) Make sure this is set in /etc/postfix/

   smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic

2) echo 'www-data [email protected]' >> /etc/postfix/generic

3) sudo postmap /etc/postfix/generic

4) sudo service postfix restart

Android ADB commands to get the device properties

You should use adb shell getprop command and grep specific info about your current device, For additional information you can read documentation: Android Debug Bridge documentation

I added some examples below:

  1. language - adb shell getprop | grep language

    [persist.sys.language]: [en]

    [ro.product.locale.language]: [en]

  2. boot complete ( device ready after reset) - adb shell getprop | grep boot_completed

    [sys.boot_completed]: [1]

  3. device model - adb shell getprop | grep model

    [ro.product.model]: [Nexus 4]

  4. sdk version - adb shell getprop | grep sdk

    []: [22]

  5. time zone - adb shell getprop | grep timezone

    [persist.sys.timezone]: [Asia/China]

  6. serial number - adb shell getprop | grep serialno

    [ro.boot.serialno]: [1234567]

Show a leading zero if a number is less than 10

Try this

function pad (str, max) {
  return str.length < max ? pad("0" + str, max) : str;

alert(pad("5", 2));



var number = 5;
var i;
if (number < 10) {


How to call a vue.js function on page load

you can also do this using mounted

    getUnits: function() {...}
mounted: function(){

Shell equality operators (=, ==, -eq)

== is a bash-specific alias for = and it performs a string (lexical) comparison instead of a numeric comparison. eq being a numeric comparison of course.

Finally, I usually prefer to use the form if [ "$a" == "$b" ]

How can I remove time from date with Moment.js?

You can use this constructor

moment({h:0, m:0, s:0, ms:0})

console.log( moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') )_x000D_
console.log( moment({h:0, m:0, s:0, ms:0}).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') )
<script src=""></script>

Why is Chrome showing a "Please Fill Out this Field" tooltip on empty fields?

To stop that Html5 popup/balloon in Web-kit browser use following CSS

::-webkit-validation-bubble-message { display: none; }

How to sort a dataframe by multiple column(s)

Another alternative, using the rgr package:

> library(rgr)
> gx.sort.df(dd, ~ -z+b)
    b x y z
4 Low C 9 2
2 Med D 3 1
1  Hi A 8 1
3  Hi A 9 1

Parsing JSON objects for HTML table

another nice recursive way to generate HTML from a nested JSON object (currently not supporting arrays):

// generate HTML code for an object
var make_table = function(json, css_class='tbl_calss', tabs=1){
    // helper to tabulate the HTML tags. will return '\t\t\t' for num_of_tabs=3
    var tab = function(num_of_tabs){
        var s = '';
        for (var i=0; i<num_of_tabs; i++){
            s += '\t';
        //console.log('tabbing done. tabs=' + tabs)
        return s;
    // recursive function that returns a fixed block of <td>......</td>.
    var generate_td = function(json){ 
        if (!(typeof(json) == 'object')){
            // for primitive data - direct wrap in <td>...</td>
            return tab(tabs) + '<td>'+json+'</td>\n';
            // recursive call for objects to open a new sub-table inside the <td>...</td>
            // (object[key] may be also an object)
            var s = tab(++tabs)+'<td>\n';
            s +=        tab(++tabs)+'<table class="'+css_class+'">\n';
            for (var k in json){
                s +=        tab(++tabs)+'<tr>\n';
                s +=          tab(++tabs)+'<td>' + k + '</td>\n';
                s +=                      generate_td(json[k]);
                s +=        tab(--tabs)+'</tr>' + tab(--tabs) + '\n';

            // close the <td>...</td> external block
            s +=        tab(tabs--)+'</table>\n';
            s +=    tab(tabs--)+'</td>\n';
            return s;
    // construct the complete HTML code
    var html_code = '' ;
    html_code += tab(++tabs)+'<table class="'+css_class+'">\n';
    html_code +=   tab(++tabs)+'<tr>\n';
    html_code +=     generate_td(json);
    html_code +=   tab(tabs--)+'</tr>\n';
    html_code += tab(tabs--)+'</table>\n';
    return html_code;

How can I trigger an onchange event manually?

For those using jQuery there's a convenient method:

How do I select the parent form based on which submit button is clicked?

To get the form that the submit is inside why not just


Easiest & quickest path to the result.

how to bold words within a paragraph in HTML/CSS?

<p><strong>This is in bold.</strong> This is not.</p>

You might find Mozilla Developer Network to be a very handy and reliable reference.

CMake link to external library

Set libraries search path first:


And then just do


JPA: unidirectional many-to-one and cascading delete

Use this way to delete only one side

    @ManyToOne(cascade=CascadeType.PERSIST, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
//  @JoinColumn(name = "qid")
    @JoinColumn(name = "qid", referencedColumnName = "qid", foreignKey = @ForeignKey(name = "qid"), nullable = false)
    // @JsonIgnore
    private QueueGroup queueGroup;

Where does System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write output appear?

While debugging System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine will display in the output window (Ctrl+Alt+O), you can also add a TraceListener to the Debug.Listeners collection to specify Debug.WriteLine calls to output in other locations.

Note: Debug.WriteLine calls may not display in the output window if you have the Visual Studio option "Redirect all Output Window text to the Immediate Window" checked under the menu Tools ? Options ? Debugging ? General. To display "Tools ? Options ? Debugging", check the box next to "Tools ? Options ? Show All Settings".

Android difference between Two Dates

You can generalize this into a function that lets you choose the output format

private String substractDates(Date date1, Date date2, SimpleDateFormat format) {
    long restDatesinMillis = date1.getTime()-date2.getTime();
    Date restdate = new Date(restDatesinMillis);

    return format.format(restdate);

Now is a simple function call like this, difference in hours, minutes and seconds:

SimpleDateFormat formater = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

try {
    Date date1 = formater.parse(dateEnd);
    Date date2 = formater.parse(dateInit);

    String result = substractDates(date1, date2, new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"));

} catch (ParseException e) {

Can I set subject/content of email using mailto:?

I split it into separate lines to make it a little more readable.

<a href="

    mailto:[email protected]



    &[email protected]

    &[email protected]

">Click here to send email!</a>

Lua string to int

Use the tonumber function. As in a = tonumber("10").

PowerShell to remove text from a string

This should do what you want:

C:\PS> if ('=keep this,' -match '=([^,]*)') { $matches[1] }
keep this

Encrypting & Decrypting a String in C#

If you need to store a password in memory and would like to have it encrypted you should use SecureString:

For more general uses I would use a FIPS approved algorithm such as Advanced Encryption Standard, formerly known as Rijndael. See this page for an implementation example:

How to import Maven dependency in Android Studio/IntelliJ?

  1. Uncheck "Offline work" in File>Settings>Gradle>Global Gradle Settings
  2. Resync the project, for example by restarting the Android Studio
  3. Once synced, you can check the option again to work offline.

See last changes in svn

Open you working copy folder in console (terminal) and choose commands below. To see last changes: If you have commited last changes use:

svn diff -rPREV

If you left changes in working copy (that's bad practice) than use:

svn diff

To see log of commits: If you're working in branch:

svn log --stop-on-copy 

If you're working with trunk:

svn log | head

or just

svn log

cURL not working (Error #77) for SSL connections on CentOS for non-root users

Please check the permissions on the the ca certificates installed on server.

Can we have functions inside functions in C++?

All this tricks just look (more or less) as local functions, but they don't work like that. In a local function you can use local variables of it's super functions. It's kind of semi-globals. Non of these tricks can do that. The closest is the lambda trick from c++0x, but it's closure is bound in definition time, not the use time.

Integer ASCII value to character in BASH using printf

Here's yet another way to convert 65 into A (via octal):

help printf  # in Bash
man bash | less -Ip '^[[:blank:]]*printf'

printf "%d\n" '"A'
printf "%d\n" "'A"

printf '%b\n' "$(printf '\%03o' 65)"

To search in man bash for \' use (though futile in this case):

man bash | less -Ip "\\\'"  # press <n> to go through the matches

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file for *VALID* XML

Please make sure that you are not consuming your inputstream anywhere before parsing. Sample code is following: the respose below is httpresponse(i.e. response) and main content is contain inside StringEntity (i.e. getEntity())in form of inputStream(i.e. getContent()).

InputStream rescontent = response.getEntity().getContent();
tsResponse=(TsResponse) transformer.convertFromXMLToObject(rescontent );

PHP function to get the subdomain of a URL


reset(explode(".", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))

in python how do I convert a single digit number into a double digits string?

This is a dumb solution but I was getting type errors with the other solutions above. So if all else fails, yolo:

images3digit = []

for i in images:
        if len(i)==1:
            i = '00'+i
        elif len(i)==2:
            i = '0'+i
        elif len(i)==3:

basic authorization command for curl

One way, provide --user flag as part of curl, as follows:

curl --user username:password

Another way is to get Base64 encoded token of "username:password" from any online website like - and pass it as Authorization header of curl as follows:

curl -i -H 'Authorization:Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' http://localhost:8080/

Here, dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ= is Base64 encoded token of username:password.

How to rotate portrait/landscape Android emulator?

Yes. Thanks

Ctrl + F11 for Portrait


Ctrl + F12 for Landscape

How do I mock a REST template exchange?

I implemented a small library that is quite useful. It provides a ClientHttpRequestFactory that can receive some context. By doing so, it allows to go through all client layers such as checking that query parameters are valued, headers set, and check that deserialization works well.

Twitter Bootstrap - how to center elements horizontally or vertically

Updated 2018

In Bootstrap 4, the centering methods have changed..

Horizontal Center in BS4

  • text-center is still used for display:inline elements
  • mx-auto replaces center-block to center display:flex children
  • offset-* or mx-auto can be used to center grid columns

mx-auto (auto x-axis margins) will center display:block or display:flex elements that have a defined width, (%, vw, px, etc..). Flexbox is used by default on grid columns, so there are also various flexbox centering methods.

Demo Bootstrap 4 Horizontal Centering

For vertical centering in BS4 see

How to create and handle composite primary key in JPA

You can make an Embedded class, which contains your two keys, and then have a reference to that class as EmbeddedId in your Entity.

You would need the @EmbeddedId and @Embeddable annotations.

public class YourEntity {
    private MyKey myKey;

    @Column(name = "ColumnA")
    private String columnA;

    /** Your getters and setters **/
public class MyKey implements Serializable {

    @Column(name = "Id", nullable = false)
    private int id;

    @Column(name = "Version", nullable = false)
    private int version;

    /** getters and setters **/

Another way to achieve this task is to use @IdClass annotation, and place both your id in that IdClass. Now you can use normal @Id annotation on both the attributes

public class YourEntity {
   private int id;
   private int version;


public class MyKey implements Serializable {
   private int id;
   private int version;

How to change the URI (URL) for a remote Git repository?

You can

git remote set-url origin new.git.url/here

(see git help remote) or you can edit .git/config and change the URLs there. You're not in any danger of losing history unless you do something very silly (and if you're worried, just make a copy of your repo, since your repo is your history.)

Spring @Autowired and @Qualifier

The @Qualifier annotation is used to resolve the autowiring conflict, when there are multiple beans of same type.

The @Qualifier annotation can be used on any class annotated with @Component or on methods annotated with @Bean. This annotation can also be applied on constructor arguments or method parameters.


public interface Vehicle {
     public void start();
     public void stop();

There are two beans, Car and Bike implements Vehicle interface

public class Car implements Vehicle {

     public void start() {
           System.out.println("Car started");

     public void stop() {
           System.out.println("Car stopped");

public class Bike implements Vehicle {

     public void start() {
          System.out.println("Bike started");

     public void stop() {
          System.out.println("Bike stopped");

Injecting Bike bean in VehicleService using @Autowired with @Qualifier annotation. If you didn't use @Qualifier, it will throw NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException.

public class VehicleService {

    private Vehicle vehicle;

    public void service() {

Reference:- @Qualifier annotation example

enum to string in modern C++11 / C++14 / C++17 and future C++20

I had the same problem a couple of days ago. I couldn't find any C++ solution without some weird macro magic, so I decided to write a CMake code generator to generate simple switch case statements.


  PATH          <path to place the files in>
  CLASS_NAME    <name of the class (also prefix for the files)>
  FUNC_NAME     <name of the (static) member function>
  NAMESPACE     <the class will be inside this namespace>
  INCLUDES      <LIST of files where the enums are defined>
  ENUMS         <LIST of enums to process>
  BLACKLIST     <LIST of constants to ignore>
  USE_CONSTEXPR <whether to use constexpr or not (default: off)>
  USE_C_STRINGS <whether to use c strings instead of std::string or not (default: off)>

The function searches the include files in the filesystem (uses the include directories provided with the include_directories command), reads them and does some regex to generate the class and the function(s).

NOTE: constexpr implies inline in C++, so using the USE_CONSTEXPR option will generate a header only class!



enum AAA : char { A1, A2 };

typedef enum {
   VAL1          = 0,
   VAL2          = 1,
   VAL3          = 2,
   VAL_FIRST     = VAL1,    // Ignored
   VAL_LAST      = VAL3,    // Ignored
   VAL_DUPLICATE = 1,       // Ignored
   VAL_STRANGE   = VAL2 + 1 // Must be blacklisted
} BBB;


include_directories( ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/includes ...)

   CLASS_NAME "enum2Str"
   NAMESPACE  "abc"
   FUNC_NAME  "toStr"
   INCLUDES   "a.h" # WITHOUT directory
   ENUMS      "AAA" "BBB"



  * \file enum2Str.hpp
  * \warning This is an automatically generated file!

#ifndef ENUM2STR_HPP
#define ENUM2STR_HPP

#include <string>
#include <a.h>

namespace abc {

class enum2Str {
   static std::string toStr( AAA _var ) noexcept;
   static std::string toStr( BBB _var ) noexcept;


#endif // ENUM2STR_HPP


  * \file enum2Str.cpp
  * \warning This is an automatically generated file!

#include "enum2Str.hpp"

namespace abc {

 * \brief Converts the enum AAA to a std::string
 * \param _var The enum value to convert
 * \returns _var converted to a std::string
std::string enum2Str::toStr( AAA _var ) noexcept {
   switch ( _var ) {
      case A1: return "A1";
      case A2: return "A2";
      default: return "<UNKNOWN>";

 * \brief Converts the enum BBB to a std::string
 * \param _var The enum value to convert
 * \returns _var converted to a std::string
std::string enum2Str::toStr( BBB _var ) noexcept {
   switch ( _var ) {
      case VAL1: return "VAL1";
      case VAL2: return "VAL2";
      case VAL3: return "VAL3";
      default: return "<UNKNOWN>";


The script now also supports scoped enumerations (enum class|struct) and I moved it to a seperate repo with some other scripts I often use:

@Scope("prototype") bean scope not creating new bean

As mentioned by nicholas.hauschild injecting Spring context is not a good idea. In your case, @Scope("request") is enough to fix it. But let say you need several instances of LoginAction in controller method. In this case, I would recommend to create the bean of Supplier (Spring 4 solution):

    public Supplier<LoginAction> loginActionSupplier(LoginAction loginAction){
        return () -> loginAction;

Then inject it into controller:

public class HomeController {
    private  Supplier<LoginAction> loginActionSupplier;  

How to convert Nvarchar column to INT

If you want to convert from char to int, why not think about unicode number?


This way you can convert any char to int without any error. Cheers.

Get Hours and Minutes (HH:MM) from date

Following code shows current hour and minutes in 'Hour:Minutes' column for us.

    ELSE ' AM'
END) 'Hour:Minutes'


SELECT  Format(GETDATE(), 'hh:mm') + 
    ELSE ' AM'
END) 'Hour:Minutes'