Programs & Examples On #Libffi

libffi is a portable Foreign Function Interface library, used to call functions defined in a different programming language

How to pass data from Javascript to PHP and vice versa?

Passing data from PHP is easy, you can generate JavaScript with it. The other way is a bit harder - you have to invoke the PHP script by a Javascript request.

An example (using traditional event registration model for simplicity):

<!-- headers etc. omitted -->
function callPHP(params) {
    var httpc = new XMLHttpRequest(); // simplified for clarity
    var url = "get_data.php";"POST", url, true); // sending as POST

    httpc.onreadystatechange = function() { //Call a function when the state changes.
        if(httpc.readyState == 4 && httpc.status == 200) { // complete and no errors
            alert(httpc.responseText); // some processing here, or whatever you want to do with the response
<a href="#" onclick="callPHP('lorem=ipsum&foo=bar')">call PHP script</a>
<!-- rest of document omitted -->

Whatever get_data.php produces, that will appear in httpc.responseText. Error handling, event registration and cross-browser XMLHttpRequest compatibility are left as simple exercises to the reader ;)

See also Mozilla's documentation for further examples

How to make a variable accessible outside a function?

Your variable declarations and their scope are correct. The problem you are facing is that the first AJAX request may take a little bit time to finish. Therefore, the second URL will be filled with the value of sID before the its content has been set. You have to remember that AJAX request are normally asynchronous, i.e. the code execution goes on while the data is being fetched in the background.

You have to nest the requests:

$.getJSON(""+input+"?api_key=API_KEY_HERE"  , function(name){   obj = name;   // sID is only now available!   sID =;   console.log(sID); }); 

Clean up your code!

  • Put the second request into a function
  • and let it accept sID as a parameter, so you don't have to declare it globally anymore! (Global variables are almost always evil!)
  • Remove sID and obj variables - is sufficient unless you really need the other variables outside the function.

$.getJSON(""+input+"?api_key=API_KEY_HERE"  , function(name){   // We don't need sID or obj here - is sufficient   console.log(;    doSecondRequest(; });  /// TODO Choose a better name function doSecondRequest(sID) {   $.getJSON("" + sID + "/summary?api_key=API_KEY_HERE", function(stats){         console.log(stats);   }); } 

Hapy New Year :)

How do I make an HTML text box show a hint when empty?

I found the jQuery plugin jQuery Watermark to be better than the one listed in the top answer. Why better? Because it supports password input fields. Also, setting the color of the watermark (or other attributes) is as easy as creating a .watermark reference in your CSS file.

How to run Linux commands in Java?

You can also write a shell script file and invoke that file from the java code. as shown below

   Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("./");                        

Write the linux commands in the script file, once the execution is over you can read the diff file in Java.

The advantage with this approach is you can change the commands with out changing java code.

Passing vector by reference

You can pass the container by reference in order to modify it in the function. What other answers haven’t addressed is that std::vector does not have a push_front member function. You can use the insert() member function on vector for O(n) insertion:

void do_something(int el, std::vector<int> &arr){
    arr.insert(arr.begin(), el);

Or use std::deque instead for amortised O(1) insertion:

void do_something(int el, std::deque<int> &arr){

How to use Elasticsearch with MongoDB?

Here how to do this on mongodb 3.0. I used this nice blog

  1. Install mongodb.
  2. Create data directories:
$ mkdir RANDOM_PATH/node1
$ mkdir RANDOM_PATH/node2> 
$ mkdir RANDOM_PATH/node3
  1. Start Mongod instances
$ mongod --replSet test --port 27021 --dbpath node1
$ mongod --replSet test --port 27022 --dbpath node2
$ mongod --replSet test --port 27023 --dbpath node3
  1. Configure the Replica Set:
$ mongo
config = {_id: 'test', members: [ {_id: 0, host: 'localhost:27021'}, {_id: 1, host: 'localhost:27022'}]};    
  1. Installing Elasticsearch:
a. Download and unzip the [latest Elasticsearch][2] distribution

b. Run bin/elasticsearch to start the es server.

c. Run curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/ to confirm it is working.
  1. Installing and configuring the MongoDB River:

$ bin/plugin --install com.github.richardwilly98.elasticsearch/elasticsearch-river-mongodb

$ bin/plugin --install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-mapper-attachments

  1. Create the “River” and the Index:

curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:8080/_river/mongodb/_meta' -d '{ "type": "mongodb", "mongodb": { "db": "mydb", "collection": "foo" }, "index": { "name": "name", "type": "random" } }'

  1. Test on browser:


Run batch file as a Windows service

No need for extra software. Use the task scheduler -> create task -> hidden. The checkbox for hidden is in the bottom left corner. Set the task to trigger on login (or whatever condition you like) and choose the task in the actions tab. Running it hidden ensures that the task runs silently in the background like a service.

Note that you must also set the program to run "whether the user is logged in or not" or the program will still run in the foreground.

How to test an Oracle Stored Procedure with RefCursor return type?

I think this link will be enough for you. I found it when I was searching for the way to execute oracle procedures.

The link to the page

Short Description:

--cursor variable declaration 
variable Out_Ref_Cursor refcursor;
--execute procedure 
execute get_employees_name(IN_Variable,:Out_Ref_Cursor);
--display result referenced by ref cursor.
print Out_Ref_Cursor;

LocalDate to java.util.Date and vice versa simplest conversion?

Converting LocalDateTime to java.util.Date

    LocalDateTime localDateTime =;

    ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime = localDateTime.atZone(ZoneOffset.systemDefault());

    Instant instant = zonedDateTime.toInstant();

    Date date = Date.from(instant);

System.out.println("Result Date is : "+date);

anchor jumping by using javascript

I have a button for a prompt that on click it opens the display dialogue and then I can write what I want to search and it goes to that location on the page. It uses javascript to answer the header.

On the .html file I have:

<button onclick="myFunction()">Load Prompt</button>
<span id="test100"><h4>Hello</h4></span>

On the .js file I have

function myFunction() {
    var input = prompt("list or new or quit");

    while(input !== "quit") {
        if(input ==="test100") {
            window.location.hash = 'test100';
// else if(input.indexOf("test100") >= 0) {
//   window.location.hash = 'test100';
//   return;
// }

When I write test100 into the prompt, then it will go to where I have placed span id="test100" in the html file.

I use Google Chrome.

Note: This idea comes from linking on the same page using

<a href="#test100">Test link</a>

which on click will send to the anchor. For it to work multiple times, from experience need to reload the page.

Credit to the people at stackoverflow (and possibly stackexchange, too) can't remember how I gathered all the bits and pieces. ?

Change image source with JavaScript

function changeImage(a) so there is no such thing as a.src => just use a.

demo here

How can I share Jupyter notebooks with non-programmers?

A great way of doing this on WordPress consists of the following steps:

Step 1: Open your Jupyter notebook in a text editor and copy the content which may look like so: Your .ipynb file may look like this when opened in a text editor

Step 2: Ctrl + A and Ctrl + C this content. Then Ctrl + V this to a GitHub Gist that you should create.

Step 3: Create a public gist and embed the gist like you always embed gists on WordPress, viz., go to the HTML editor and add like so:

[gist gist_url]

I have actually implemented this on my blog. You can find the post here

Format certain floating dataframe columns into percentage in pandas

Often times we are interested in calculating the full significant digits, but for the visual aesthetics, we may want to see only few decimal point when we display the dataframe.

In jupyter-notebook, pandas can utilize the html formatting taking advantage of the method called style.

For the case of just seeing two significant digits of some columns, we can use this code snippet:

Given dataframe

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'var1': [1.458315, 1.576704, 1.629253, 1.6693310000000001, 1.705139, 1.740447, 1.77598, 1.812037, 1.85313, 1.9439849999999999],
          'var2': [1.500092, 1.6084450000000001, 1.652577, 1.685456, 1.7120959999999998, 1.741961, 1.7708009999999998, 1.7993270000000001, 1.8229819999999999, 1.8684009999999998],
          'var3': [-0.0057090000000000005, -0.005122, -0.0047539999999999995, -0.003525, -0.003134, -0.0012230000000000001, -0.0017230000000000001, -0.002013, -0.001396, 0.005732]})

       var1      var2      var3
0  1.458315  1.500092 -0.005709
1  1.576704  1.608445 -0.005122
2  1.629253  1.652577 -0.004754
3  1.669331  1.685456 -0.003525
4  1.705139  1.712096 -0.003134
5  1.740447  1.741961 -0.001223
6  1.775980  1.770801 -0.001723
7  1.812037  1.799327 -0.002013
8  1.853130  1.822982 -0.001396
9  1.943985  1.868401  0.005732

Style to get required format{'var1': "{:.2f}",'var2': "{:.2f}",'var3': "{:.2%}"})


var1    var2    var3
0   1.46    1.50    -0.57%
1   1.58    1.61    -0.51%
2   1.63    1.65    -0.48%
3   1.67    1.69    -0.35%
4   1.71    1.71    -0.31%
5   1.74    1.74    -0.12%
6   1.78    1.77    -0.17%
7   1.81    1.80    -0.20%
8   1.85    1.82    -0.14%
9   1.94    1.87    0.57%


If display command is not found try following:

from IPython.display import display

df_style ={'var1': "{:.2f}",'var2': "{:.2f}",'var3': "{:.2%}"})



  • To use display command, you need to have installed Ipython in your machine.
  • The display command does not work in online python interpreter which do not have IPyton installed such as
  • The display command works in jupyter-notebook, jupyter-lab, Google-colab, kaggle-kernels, IBM-watson,Mode-Analytics and many other platforms out of the box, you do not even have to import display from IPython.display

How to use PHP string in mySQL LIKE query?

You have the syntax wrong; there is no need to place a period inside a double-quoted string. Instead, it should be more like

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE the_number LIKE '$prefix%'");

You can confirm this by printing out the string to see that it turns out identical to the first case.

Of course it's not a good idea to simply inject variables into the query string like this because of the danger of SQL injection. At the very least you should manually escape the contents of the variable with mysql_real_escape_string, which would make it look perhaps like this:

$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM table WHERE the_number LIKE '%s%%'",
$query = mysql_query($sql);

Note that inside the first argument of sprintf the percent sign needs to be doubled to end up appearing once in the result.

PHP errors NOT being displayed in the browser [Ubuntu 10.10]

Try adding log_errors = Off and check the error_reporting setting whether it's set high enough.

How to read Excel cell having Date with Apache POI?

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFDateUtil;

Row row = sheet.getRow(0);
Cell cell = row.getCell(0);
if(cell.getCellTypeEnum() == CellType.NUMERIC||cell.getCellTypeEnum() == CellType.FORMULA)

 String cellValue=String.valueOf(cell.getNumericCellValue());
          DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
          Date date = cell.getDateCellValue();
          cellValue = df.format(date);

Generate a random number in a certain range in MATLAB is a great resource that has helped me a bunch. randi is the best option, but if your into number fun try using the floor function with rand to get what you want.

I drew a number line and came up with

floor(rand*8) + 13

Table overflowing outside of div

A crude work around is to set display: table on the containing div.

SQL Error with Order By in Subquery

Try moving the order by clause outside sub select and add the order by field in sub select


(SELECT COUNT(1) ,refKlinik_id FROM Seanslar WHERE MONTH(tarihi) = 4 GROUP BY refKlinik_id)
as dorduncuay 

ORDER BY refKlinik_id 

Limit file format when using <input type="file">?

Strictly speaking, the answer is no. A developer cannot prevent a user from uploading files of any type or extension.

But still, the accept attribute of <input type = "file"> can help to provide a filter in the file select dialog box of the OS. For example,

<!-- (IE 10+, Edge (EdgeHTML), Edge (Chromium), Chrome, Firefox 42+) -->
<input type="file" accept=".xls,.xlsx" />

should provide a way to filter out files other than .xls or .xlsx. Although the MDN page for input element always said that it supports this, to my surprise, this didn't work for me in Firefox until version 42. This works in IE 10+, Edge, and Chrome.

So, for supporting Firefox older than 42 along with IE 10+, Edge, Chrome, and Opera, I guess it's better to use comma-separated list of MIME-types:

<!-- (IE 10+, Edge (EdgeHTML), Edge (Chromium), Chrome, Firefox) -->
<input type="file"
 accept="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet,application/" /> 

[Edge (EdgeHTML) behavior: The file type filter dropdown shows the file types mentioned here, but is not the default in the dropdown. The default filter is All files (*).]

You can also use asterisks in MIME-types. For example:

<input type="file" accept="image/*" /> <!-- all image types --> 
<input type="file" accept="audio/*" /> <!-- all audio types --> 
<input type="file" accept="video/*" /> <!-- all video types --> 

W3C recommends authors to specify both MIME-types and corresponding extensions in the accept attribute. So, the best approach is:

<!-- Right approach: Use both file extensions and corresponding MIME-types. -->
<!-- (IE 10+, Edge (EdgeHTML), Edge (Chromium), Chrome, Firefox) -->
<input type="file"
 accept=".xls,.xlsx, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet,application/" /> 

JSFiddle of the same: here.

Reference: List of MIME-types

IMPORTANT: Using the accept attribute only provides a way of filtering in the files of types that are of interest. Browsers still allow users to choose files of any type. Additional (client-side) checks should be done (using JavaScript, one way would be this), and definitely file types MUST be verified on the server, using a combination of MIME-type using both the file extension and its binary signature (ASP.NET, PHP, Ruby, Java). You might also want to refer to these tables for file types and their magic numbers, to perform a more robust server-side verification.

Here are three good reads on file-uploads and security.

EDIT: Maybe file type verification using its binary signature can also be done on client side using JavaScript (rather than just by looking at the extension) using HTML5 File API, but still, the file must be verified on the server, because a malicious user will still be able to upload files by making a custom HTTP request.

Download a specific tag with Git

I do this is via the github API:

curl -H "Authorization: token %(access_token)s" -sL -o /tmp/repo.tar.gz "" ;\
tar xfz /tmp/repo.tar.gz -C /tmp/repo --strip-components=1 ; \

SQL string value spanning multiple lines in query

SQL Server allows the following (be careful to use single quotes instead of double)

SET UserId = 12345
   , Name = 'J Doe'
   , Location = 'USA'
   , Bio='my bio
WHERE UserId = 12345

Java naming convention for static final variables

A constant reference to an object is not a constant, it's just a constant reference to an object.

private static final is not what defines something to be a constant or not. It's just the Java way to define a constant, but it doesn't mean that every private static final declaration was put there to define a constant.

When I write private static final Logger I'm not trying to define a constant, I'm just trying to define a reference to an object that is private (that it is not accessible from other classes), static (that it is a class level variable, no instance needed) and final (that can only be assigned once). If it happens to coincide with the way Java expects you to declare a constant, well, bad luck, but it doesn't make it a constant. I don't care what the compiler, sonar, or any Java guru says. A constant value, like MILLISECONDS_IN_A_SECOND = 1000 is one thing, and a constant reference to an object is another.

Gold is known to shine, but not everything that shines is gold.

How can I remove the gloss on a select element in Safari on Mac?

i have used this and solved my


How to get cookie's expire time

Putting an encoded json inside the cookie is my favorite method, to get properly formated data out of a cookie. Try that:

$expiry = time() + 12345;
$data = (object) array( "value1" => "just for fun", "value2" => "i'll save whatever I want here" );
$cookieData = (object) array( "data" => $data, "expiry" => $expiry );
setcookie( "cookiename", json_encode( $cookieData ), $expiry );

then when you get your cookie next time:

$cookie = json_decode( $_COOKIE[ "cookiename" ] );

you can simply extract the expiry time, which was inserted as data inside the cookie itself..

$expiry = $cookie->expiry;

and additionally the data which will come out as a usable object :)

$data = $cookie->data;
$value1 = $cookie->data->value1;

etc. I find that to be a much neater way to use cookies, because you can nest as many small objects within other objects as you wish!

Where is Maven Installed on Ubuntu

I would like to add that .m2 folder a lot of people say it is in your home folder. It is right. But if use maven from ready to go IDE like Spring STS then your .m2 folder is placed in root folder

To access root folder you need to switch to super user account

sudo su

Go to root folder

cd root/

You will find it by

cd -all

How to run Python script on terminal?

You can execute your file by using this:

python /Users/luca/Documents/python/

You can also run the file by moving to the path of the file you want to run and typing:


Angular get object from array by Id

getDimensions(id) {
    var obj = questions.filter(function(node) {

    return obj;   

Different CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and SYSDATE in oracle

SYSDATE, SYSTIMESTAMP returns the Database's date and timestamp, whereas current_date, current_timestamp returns the date and timestamp of the location from where you work.

For eg. working from India, I access a database located in Paris. at 4:00PM IST:

select sysdate,systimestamp from dual;

This returns me the date and Time of Paris:


12-MAY-14   12-MAY-14 PM +02:00

select current_date,current_timestamp from dual;

This returns me the date and Time of India:



Please note the 3:30 time difference.

XMLHttpRequest status 0 (responseText is empty)

Edit: Please read Malvolio's comments below as this answer's knowledge is outdated.

You cannot do cross-domain XMLHttpRequests.

The call to works because your test page is located at, and the local test also works since, well... it's a local test.

The other two tests fail because JavaScript cannot communicate with a distant server through XMLHttpRequest.

You might instead consider either:

  • XMLHttp-request your own server to fetch your remote XML content for you (php script, for example)
  • Trying to use a service like GoogleAppEngine if you want to keep it full JavaScript.

Hope that helps

Is there a MySQL option/feature to track history of changes to records?

MariaDB supports System Versioning since 10.3 which is the standard SQL feature that does exactly what you want: it stores history of table records and provides access to it via SELECT queries. MariaDB is an open-development fork of MySQL. You can find more on its System Versioning via this link:

merge one local branch into another local branch

To merge one branch into another, such as merging "feature_x" branch into "master" branch:

git checkout master

git merge feature_x

This page is the first result for several search engines when looking for "git merge one branch into another". However, the original question is more specific and special case than the title would suggest.
It is also more complex than both the subject and the search expression. As such, this is a minimal but explanatory answer for the benefit of most visitors.

When should I use Lazy<T>?

You should look this example to understand Lazy Loading architecture

private readonly Lazy<List<int>> list = new Lazy<List<int>>(() =>
    List<int> configList = new List<int>(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
    return configList;
public void Execute()
    if (list.IsValueCreated)

        foreach (var item in list.Value)
        Console.WriteLine("Value not created");

--> output --> 0 1 2

but if this code dont write "list.Value.Add(0);"

output --> Value not created

Convert string to date in Swift

Just use SwifterSwift.

stringDate = "2020-04-26T08:56:17.987Z"
let date = Date(iso8601String: stringDate)

How to correctly get image from 'Resources' folder in NetBeans

For me it worked like I had images in icons folder under src and I wrote below code.

new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/rsz_measurment_01.png"));

How To Set Text In An EditText

If you check the docs for EditText, you'll find a setText() method. It takes in a String and a TextView.BufferType. For example:

EditText editText = (EditText)findViewById(;
editText.setText("This sets the text.", TextView.BufferType.EDITABLE);

It also inherits TextView's setText(CharSequence) and setText(int) methods, so you can set it just like a regular TextView:

editText.setText("Hello world!");

How do I download a package from apt-get without installing it?

There are a least these apt-get extension packages that can help:

apt-offline - offline apt package manager
apt-zip - Update a non-networked computer using apt and removable media

This is specifically for the case of wanting to download where you have network access but to install on another machine where you do not.

Otherwise, the --download-only option to apt-get is your friend:

 -d, --download-only
     Download only; package files are only retrieved, not unpacked or installed.
     Configuration Item: APT::Get::Download-Only.

How does the SQL injection from the "Bobby Tables" XKCD comic work?

In this case, ' is not a comment character. It's used to delimit string literals. The comic artist is banking on the idea that the school in question has dynamic sql somewhere that looks something like this:

$sql = "INSERT INTO `Students` (FirstName, LastName) VALUES ('" . $fname . "', '" . $lname . "')";

So now the ' character ends the string literal before the programmer was expecting it. Combined with the ; character to end the statement, an attacker can now add whatever sql they want. The -- comment at the end is to make sure any remaining sql in the original statement does not prevent the query from compiling on the server.

FWIW, I also think the comic in question has an important detail wrong: if you're thinking about sanitizing your database inputs, as the comic suggests, you're still doing it wrong. Instead, you should think in terms of quarantining your database inputs, and the correct way to do this is via parameterized queries.

Using jQuery, Restricting File Size Before Uploading

I tried it this way and I am getting the results in IE*, and Mozilla 3.6.16, didnt check in older versions.

<img id="myImage" src="" style="display:none;"><br>
<button onclick="findSize();">Image Size</button>
<input type="file" id="loadfile" />
<input type="button" value="find size" onclick="findSize()" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function findSize() {
    if ( $.browser.msie ) {
       var a = document.getElementById('loadfile').value;
           var imgbytes = document.getElementById('myImage').size;
           var imgkbytes = Math.round(parseInt(imgbytes)/1024);
           alert(imgkbytes+' KB');
    }else {
           var fileInput = $("#loadfile")[0];
           var imgbytes = fileInput.files[0].fileSize; // Size returned in bytes.
           var imgkbytes = Math.round(parseInt(imgbytes)/1024);
                   alert(imgkbytes+' KB');

Add Jquery library also.

copying all contents of folder to another folder using batch file?

I have written a .bat file to copy and paste file to a temporary folder and make it zip and transfer into a smb mount point, Hope this would help,

    @echo off
    if not exist "C:\Temp Backup\" mkdir "C:\Temp Backup_%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%"
    if not exist "C:\Temp Backup_%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%\ZIP" mkdir "C:\Temp Backup_%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%\ZIP"
    if not exist "C:\Temp Backup_%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%\Logs" mkdir "C:\Temp Backup_%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%\Logs"
    xcopy /s/e/q "C:\Source" "C:\Temp Backup_%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%"
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" a  "C:\Temp Backup_%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%\ZIP\ZIP_Backup_%date:~-4,4%_%date:~-10,2%_%date:~-7,2%.rar" "C:\Temp Backup_%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%\TELIUM"
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" a  "C:\Temp Backup_%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%\ZIP\ZIP_Backup_Log_%date:~-4,4%_%date:~-10,2%_%date:~-7,2%.rar" "C:\Temp Backup_%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%\Logs"
    NET USE \\IP\IPC$ /u:IP\username password
    ROBOCOPY "C:\Temp Backup_%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%\ZIP"  "\\IP\Backup Folder" /z /MIR /unilog+:"C:\backup_log_%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%.log"
    NET USE \\\IPC$ /D
    RMDIR /S /Q "C:\Temp Backup_%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%"

Creating a mock HttpServletRequest out of a url string?

You would generally test these sorts of things in an integration test, which actually connects to a service. To do a unit test, you should test the objects used by your servlet's doGet/doPost methods.

In general you don't want to have much code in your servlet methods, you would want to create a bean class to handle operations and pass your own objects to it and not servlet API objects.

Transpose a range in VBA

This gets you X and X' as variant arrays you can pass to another function.

Dim X() As Variant
Dim XT() As Variant
X = ActiveSheet.Range("InRng").Value2
XT = Application.Transpose(X)

To have the transposed values as a range, you have to pass it via a worksheet as in this answer. Without seeing how your covariance function works it's hard to see what you need.

How to import NumPy in the Python shell

The message is fairly self-explanatory; your working directory should not be the NumPy source directory when you invoke Python; NumPy should be installed and your working directory should be anything but the directory where it lives.

recursively use scp but excluding some folders

Although scp supports recursive directory copying with the -r option, it does not support filtering of the files. There are several ways to accomplish your task, but I would probably rely on find, xargs, tar, and ssh instead of scp.

find . -type d -wholename '*bench*/image' \
| xargs tar cf - \
| ssh user@remote tar xf - -C /my/dir

The rsync solution can be made to work, but you are missing some arguments. rsync also needs the r switch to recurse into subdirectories. Also, if you want the same security of scp, you need to do the transfer under ssh. Something like:

rsync -avr -e "ssh -l user" --exclude 'fl_*' ./bench* remote:/my/dir

How to search for rows containing a substring?

Well, you can always try WHERE textcolumn LIKE "%SUBSTRING%" - but this is guaranteed to be pretty slow, as your query can't do an index match because you are looking for characters on the left side.

It depends on the field type - a textarea usually won't be saved as VARCHAR, but rather as (a kind of) TEXT field, so you can use the MATCH AGAINST operator.

To get the columns that don't match, simply put a NOT in front of the like: WHERE textcolumn NOT LIKE "%SUBSTRING%".

Whether the search is case-sensitive or not depends on how you stock the data, especially what COLLATION you use. By default, the search will be case-insensitive.

Updated answer to reflect question update:

I say that doing a WHERE field LIKE "%value%" is slower than WHERE field LIKE "value%" if the column field has an index, but this is still considerably faster than getting all values and having your application filter. Both scenario's:

1/ If you do SELECT field FROM table WHERE field LIKE "%value%", MySQL will scan the entire table, and only send the fields containing "value".

2/ If you do SELECT field FROM table and then have your application (in your case PHP) filter only the rows with "value" in it, MySQL will also scan the entire table, but send all the fields to PHP, which then has to do additional work. This is much slower than case #1.

Solution: Please do use the WHERE clause, and use EXPLAIN to see the performance.

Rotating a Vector in 3D Space

If you want to rotate a vector you should construct what is known as a rotation matrix.

Rotation in 2D

Say you want to rotate a vector or a point by ?, then trigonometry states that the new coordinates are

    x' = x cos ? - y sin ?
    y' = x sin ? + y cos ?

To demo this, let's take the cardinal axes X and Y; when we rotate the X-axis 90° counter-clockwise, we should end up with the X-axis transformed into Y-axis. Consider

    Unit vector along X axis = <1, 0>
    x' = 1 cos 90 - 0 sin 90 = 0
    y' = 1 sin 90 + 0 cos 90 = 1
    New coordinates of the vector, <x', y'> = <0, 1>  ?  Y-axis

When you understand this, creating a matrix to do this becomes simple. A matrix is just a mathematical tool to perform this in a comfortable, generalized manner so that various transformations like rotation, scale and translation (moving) can be combined and performed in a single step, using one common method. From linear algebra, to rotate a point or vector in 2D, the matrix to be built is

    |cos ?   -sin ?| |x| = |x cos ? - y sin ?| = |x'|
    |sin ?    cos ?| |y|   |x sin ? + y cos ?|   |y'|

Rotation in 3D

That works in 2D, while in 3D we need to take in to account the third axis. Rotating a vector around the origin (a point) in 2D simply means rotating it around the Z-axis (a line) in 3D; since we're rotating around Z-axis, its coordinate should be kept constant i.e. 0° (rotation happens on the XY plane in 3D). In 3D rotating around the Z-axis would be

    |cos ?   -sin ?   0| |x|   |x cos ? - y sin ?|   |x'|
    |sin ?    cos ?   0| |y| = |x sin ? + y cos ?| = |y'|
    |  0       0      1| |z|   |        z        |   |z'|

around the Y-axis would be

    | cos ?    0   sin ?| |x|   | x cos ? + z sin ?|   |x'|
    |   0      1       0| |y| = |         y        | = |y'|
    |-sin ?    0   cos ?| |z|   |-x sin ? + z cos ?|   |z'|

around the X-axis would be

    |1     0           0| |x|   |        x        |   |x'|
    |0   cos ?    -sin ?| |y| = |y cos ? - z sin ?| = |y'|
    |0   sin ?     cos ?| |z|   |y sin ? + z cos ?|   |z'|

Note 1: axis around which rotation is done has no sine or cosine elements in the matrix.

Note 2: This method of performing rotations follows the Euler angle rotation system, which is simple to teach and easy to grasp. This works perfectly fine for 2D and for simple 3D cases; but when rotation needs to be performed around all three axes at the same time then Euler angles may not be sufficient due to an inherent deficiency in this system which manifests itself as Gimbal lock. People resort to Quaternions in such situations, which is more advanced than this but doesn't suffer from Gimbal locks when used correctly.

I hope this clarifies basic rotation.

Rotation not Revolution

The aforementioned matrices rotate an object at a distance r = v(x² + y²) from the origin along a circle of radius r; lookup polar coordinates to know why. This rotation will be with respect to the world space origin a.k.a revolution. Usually we need to rotate an object around its own frame/pivot and not around the world's i.e. local origin. This can also be seen as a special case where r = 0. Since not all objects are at the world origin, simply rotating using these matrices will not give the desired result of rotating around the object's own frame. You'd first translate (move) the object to world origin (so that the object's origin would align with the world's, thereby making r = 0), perform the rotation with one (or more) of these matrices and then translate it back again to its previous location. The order in which the transforms are applied matters. Combining multiple transforms together is called concatenation or composition.


I urge you to read about linear and affine transformations and their composition to perform multiple transformations in one shot, before playing with transformations in code. Without understanding the basic maths behind it, debugging transformations would be a nightmare. I found this lecture video to be a very good resource. Another resource is this tutorial on transformations that aims to be intuitive and illustrates the ideas with animation (caveat: authored by me!).

Rotation around Arbitrary Vector

A product of the aforementioned matrices should be enough if you only need rotations around cardinal axes (X, Y or Z) like in the question posted. However, in many situations you might want to rotate around an arbitrary axis/vector. The Rodrigues' formula (a.k.a. axis-angle formula) is a commonly prescribed solution to this problem. However, resort to it only if you’re stuck with just vectors and matrices. If you're using Quaternions, just build a quaternion with the required vector and angle. Quaternions are a superior alternative for storing and manipulating 3D rotations; it's compact and fast e.g. concatenating two rotations in axis-angle representation is fairly expensive, moderate with matrices but cheap in quaternions. Usually all rotation manipulations are done with quaternions and as the last step converted to matrices when uploading to the rendering pipeline. See Understanding Quaternions for a decent primer on quaternions.

String replace a Backslash

Try replaceAll("\\\\", "") or replaceAll("\\\\/", "/").

The problem here is that a backslash is (1) an escape chararacter in Java string literals, and (2) an escape character in regular expressions – each of this uses need doubling the character, in effect needing 4 \ in row.

Of course, as Bozho said, you need to do something with the result (assign it to some variable) and not throw it away. And in this case the non-regex variant is better.

Cannot find java. Please use the --jdkhome switch


First, please remember that in a Mac computer the netbeans.conf file is stored at


(if you had used the default installation package.)

Then, also remember that the directory you MUST use on either "netbeans_jdkhome" or "--jdkhome" it's NOT the /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_172.jdk/ but the following one:

/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_172.jdk/Contents/Home //<-- Please, notice the /Contents/Home at the end. That's the "trick"!

Note: of course, you must change the versions for both NetBeans and JDK you're using.

COPYing a file in a Dockerfile, no such file or directory?

Running docker build . -f docker/development/Dockerfile worked, which allows you to run your docker file from a specified directory other than the root of your application.

Use -f or --file to specify the name and location of the Dockerfile.

This happened to me when trying to run the docker file from a different directory.

I had the COPY failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder929708051/XXXX: no such file or directory and managed to resolve this by specifying the docker file.

It was docker build docker/development/Dockerfile that caused this issue for me.

I found it strange at first because when i had the Dockerfile in the apps root directory it worked fine. This will help if you want to manage your environment docker files a little better.

Exploring Docker container's file system

None of the existing answers address the case of a container that exited (and can't be restarted) and/or doesn't have any shell installed (e.g. distroless ones). This one works as long has you have root access to the Docker host.

For a real manual inspection, find out the layer IDs first:

docker inspect my-container | jq '.[0].GraphDriver.Data'

In the output, you should see something like

"MergedDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/03e8df748fab9526594cfdd0b6cf9f4b5160197e98fe580df0d36f19830308d9/merged"

Navigate into this folder (as root) to find the current visible state of the container filesystem.

What is JavaScript garbage collection?

garbage collection (GC) is a form of automatic memory management by removing the objects that no needed anymore.

any process deal with memory follow these steps:

1 - allocate your memory space you need

2 - do some processing

3 - free this memory space

there are two main algorithm used to detect which objects no needed anymore.

Reference-counting garbage collection: this algorithm reduces the definition of "an object is not needed anymore" to "an object has no other object referencing to it", the object will removed if no reference point to it

Mark-and-sweep algorithm: connect each objects to root source. any object doesn't connect to root or other object. this object will be removed.

currently most modern browsers using the second algorithm.

What does it mean when Statement.executeUpdate() returns -1?

So 4 years later, Microsoft has open sourced their JDBC driver on Github. I got a notification about this question today, and went and had a look, and I believe I have found the culprit here, mssql-jdbc/src/main/java/com/microsoft/sqlserver/jdbc/

Basically, the driver tries to understand what SQL Server sends back if it is not a definite result set. According to the comments, it goes like this:

  1. Check for errors first. (ln 1669)

  2. Not an error. Is it a result set? (ln 1680)

  3. Not an error or a result set. Maybe a result from a T-SQL statement? That is, one of the following:

    • a positive count of the number of rows affected (from INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE),
    • a zero indicating no rows affected, or the statement was DDL, or
    • a -1 indicating the statement succeeded, but there is no update count information available (translates to Statement.SUCCESS_NO_INFO in batch update count arrays). (ln 1706)
  4. None of the above. Last chance here... Going into the parser above, we know moreResults was initially true. If we come out with moreResults false, the we hit a DONE token (either DONE (FINAL) or DONE (RPC in batch)) that indicates that the batch succeeded overall, but that there is no information on individual statements' update counts. This is similar to the last case above, except that there is no update count. That is: we have a successful result (return true), but we have no other information about it (updateCount = -1). (ln 1693)

  5. Only way to get here (moreResults is still true, but no apparent results of any kind) is if the TDSParser didn't actually parse anything. That is, we are at EOF in the response. In that case, there truly are no more results. We're done. (ln 1717)

(Emphasis mine)

So you guys were right in the end. SQL simply can't tell how many rows are affected, and defaults to -1. :)

Custom thread pool in Java 8 parallel stream

Alternatively to the trick of triggering the parallel computation inside your own forkJoinPool you can also pass that pool to the CompletableFuture.supplyAsync method like in:

ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool = new ForkJoinPool(2);
CompletableFuture<List<Integer>> primes = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() ->
    //parallel task here, for example
    range(1, 1_000_000).parallel().filter(PrimesPrint::isPrime).collect(toList()), 

How to allocate aligned memory only using the standard library?

For the solution i used a concept of padding which aligns the memory and do not waste the memory of a single byte .

If there are constraints that, you cannot waste a single byte. All pointers allocated with malloc are 16 bytes aligned.

C11 is supported, so you can just call aligned_alloc (16, size).

void *mem = malloc(1024+16);
void *ptr = ((char *)mem+16) & ~ 0x0F;
memset_16aligned(ptr, 0, 1024);

How to output HTML from JSP <%! ... %> block?

You can do something like this:

String myMethod(String input) {
    return "test " + input;

<%= myMethod("1 2 3") %>

This will output test 1 2 3 to the page.

TypeError: 'float' object not iterable

for i in count: means for i in 7:, which won't work. The bit after the in should be of an iterable type, not a number. Try this:

for i in range(count):

Can't push to GitHub because of large file which I already deleted

this worked for me. documentation from github Squashing Git Commits git reset origin/master

git checkout master && git pull;
git merge feature_branch;
git add . --all;
git commit -m "your commit message"

find documentation here

Spring Boot application in eclipse, the Tomcat connector configured to listen on port XXXX failed to start

For those who are experiencing same problem after controlling there is no suspicious java process which allocate the port, there is no red square on eclipse to terminate any process and also there is no change even you try different port for your spring boot application.

might sound stupid but; restarting eclipse works. :)

Can not get a simple bootstrap modal to work

I had an issue with Modals as well. I should have declare jquery.min.js before bootstrap.min.js (in my layout page). From official site : "all plugins depend on jQuery (this means jQuery must be included before the plugin files)"

How to capitalize the first letter of text in a TextView in an Android Application

Please create a custom TextView and use it :

public class CustomTextView extends TextView {

    public CapitalizedTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public void setText(CharSequence text, BufferType type) {
        if (text.length() > 0) {
            text = String.valueOf(text.charAt(0)).toUpperCase() + text.subSequence(1, text.length());
        super.setText(text, type);

How do I get indices of N maximum values in a NumPy array?

If you happen to be working with a multidimensional array then you'll need to flatten and unravel the indices:

def largest_indices(ary, n):
    """Returns the n largest indices from a numpy array."""
    flat = ary.flatten()
    indices = np.argpartition(flat, -n)[-n:]
    indices = indices[np.argsort(-flat[indices])]
    return np.unravel_index(indices, ary.shape)

For example:

>>> xs = np.sin(np.arange(9)).reshape((3, 3))
>>> xs
array([[ 0.        ,  0.84147098,  0.90929743],
       [ 0.14112001, -0.7568025 , -0.95892427],
       [-0.2794155 ,  0.6569866 ,  0.98935825]])
>>> largest_indices(xs, 3)
(array([2, 0, 0]), array([2, 2, 1]))
>>> xs[largest_indices(xs, 3)]
array([ 0.98935825,  0.90929743,  0.84147098])

Deserialize JSON to Array or List with HTTPClient .ReadAsAsync using .NET 4.0 Task pattern

Instead of handcranking your models try using something like the website. Paste In an example JSON response, the fuller the better and then pull in the resultant generated classes. This, at least, takes away some moving parts, will get you the shape of the JSON in csharp giving the serialiser an easier time and you shouldnt have to add attributes.

Just get it working and then make amendments to your class names, to conform to your naming conventions, and add in attributes later.

EDIT: Ok after a little messing around I have successfully deserialised the result into a List of Job (I used to create the class for me)

public class Job
        public string id { get; set; }
        public string position_title { get; set; }
        public string organization_name { get; set; }
        public string rate_interval_code { get; set; }
        public int minimum { get; set; }
        public int maximum { get; set; }
        public string start_date { get; set; }
        public string end_date { get; set; }
        public List<string> locations { get; set; }
        public string url { get; set; }

And an edit to your code:

        List<Job> model = null;
        var client = new HttpClient();
        var task = client.GetAsync("")
          .ContinueWith((taskwithresponse) =>
              var response = taskwithresponse.Result;
              var jsonString = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
              model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Job>>(jsonString.Result);


This means you can get rid of your containing object. Its worth noting that this isn't a Task related issue but rather a deserialisation issue.


There is a way to take a JSON object and generate classes in Visual Studio. Simply copy the JSON of choice and then Edit> Paste Special > Paste JSON as Classes. A whole page is devoted to this here:

How do I programmatically force an onchange event on an input?

Taken from the bottom of QUnit

function triggerEvent( elem, type, event ) {
    if ( $.browser.mozilla || $.browser.opera ) {
        event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
        event.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, elem.ownerDocument.defaultView,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
        elem.dispatchEvent( event );
    } else if ( $.browser.msie ) {

You can, of course, replace the $.browser stuff to your own browser detection methods to make it jQuery independent.

To use this function:

var event;
triggerEvent(ele, "change", event);

This will basically fire the real DOM event as if something had actually changed.

Pretty-Print JSON Data to a File using Python

import json

with open("twitterdata.json", "w") as twitter_data_file:
    json.dump(output, twitter_data_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

You don't need json.dumps() if you don't want to parse the string later, just simply use json.dump(). It's faster too.

How can I disable notices and warnings in PHP within the .htaccess file?

I used ini_set('display_errors','off'); and it worked great.

Rotate camera in Three.js with mouse

Here's a project with a rotating camera. Looking through the source it seems to just move the camera position in a circle.

function onDocumentMouseMove( event ) {


    if ( isMouseDown ) {

        theta = - ( ( event.clientX - onMouseDownPosition.x ) * 0.5 )
                + onMouseDownTheta;
        phi = ( ( event.clientY - onMouseDownPosition.y ) * 0.5 )
              + onMouseDownPhi;

        phi = Math.min( 180, Math.max( 0, phi ) );

        camera.position.x = radious * Math.sin( theta * Math.PI / 360 )
                            * Math.cos( phi * Math.PI / 360 );
        camera.position.y = radious * Math.sin( phi * Math.PI / 360 );
        camera.position.z = radious * Math.cos( theta * Math.PI / 360 )
                            * Math.cos( phi * Math.PI / 360 );


    mouse3D = projector.unprojectVector(
        new THREE.Vector3(
            ( event.clientX / renderer.domElement.width ) * 2 - 1,
            - ( event.clientY / renderer.domElement.height ) * 2 + 1,
    ray.direction = mouse3D.subSelf( camera.position ).normalize();



Here's another demo and in this one I think it just creates a new THREE.TrackballControls object with the camera as a parameter, which is probably the better way to go.

controls = new THREE.TrackballControls( camera ); 0, 0, 0 )

Reading DataSet

DataSet resembles database. DataTable resembles database table, and DataRow resembles a record in a table. If you want to add filtering or sorting options, you then do so with a DataView object, and convert it back to a separate DataTable object.

If you're using database to store your data, then you first load a database table to a DataSet object in memory. You can load multiple database tables to one DataSet, and select specific table to read from the DataSet through DataTable object. Subsequently, you read a specific row of data from your DataTable through DataRow. Following codes demonstrate the steps:

SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
DataTable dt = new DataTable();

da.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(@"SELECT * FROM FooTable", connString);
da.Fill(ds, "FooTable");
dt = ds.Tables["FooTable"];

foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)

To read a specific cell in a row:

int rowNum // row number
string columnName = "DepartureTime";  // database table column name

How to sort an array of associative arrays by value of a given key in PHP?

You might try to define your own comparison function and then use usort.

Unable to copy ~/.ssh/

Try this and it will work like a charm. I was having the same error but this approach did the trick for me:

ssh USER@REMOTE "cat file"|xclip -i

How to remove all the occurrences of a char in c++ string

Using copy_if:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
int main() {
    std::string s1 = "a1a2b3c4a5";
    char s2[256];
    std::copy_if(s1.begin(), s1.end(), s2, [](char c){return c!='a';});
    std::cout << s2 << std::endl;
    return 0;

How to make git mark a deleted and a new file as a file move?

If you're talking about git status not showing the renames, try git commit --dry-run -a instead

Converting xml to string using C#

There's a much simpler way to convert your XmlDocument to a string; use the OuterXml property. The OuterXml property returns a string version of the xml.

public string GetXMLAsString(XmlDocument myxml)
    return myxml.OuterXml;

Read the current full URL with React?

As somebody else mentioned, first you need react-router package. But location object that it provides you with contains parsed url.

But if you want full url badly without accessing global variables, I believe the fastest way to do that would be


const getA = memoize(() => document.createElement('a'));
const getCleanA = () => Object.assign(getA(), { href: '' });

const MyComponent = ({ location }) => {
  const { href } = Object.assign(getCleanA(), location);


href is the one containing a full url.

For memoize I usually use lodash, it's implemented that way mostly to avoid creating new element without necessity.

P.S.: Of course is you're not restricted by ancient browsers you might want to try new URL() thing, but basically entire situation is more or less pointless, because you access global variable in one or another way. So why not to use window.location.href instead?

How do I rename both a Git local and remote branch name?

Attaching a Simple Snippet for renaming your current branch (local and on origin):

git branch -m <oldBranchName> <newBranchName>
git push origin :<oldBranchName>
git push --set-upstream origin <newBranchName>

Explanation from git docs:

git branch -m or -M option, will be renamed to . If had a corresponding reflog, it is renamed to match , and a reflog entry is created to remember the branch renaming. If exists, -M must be used to force the rename to happen.

The special refspec : (or +: to allow non-fast-forward updates) directs Git to push "matching" branches: for every branch that exists on the local side, the remote side is updated if a branch of the same name already exists on the remote side.

--set-upstream Set up 's tracking information so is considered 's upstream branch. If no is specified, then it defaults to the current branch.

PHP String to Float

you can follow this link to know more about How to convert a string/number into number/float/decimal in PHP. HERE IS WHAT THIS LINK SAYS...

Method 1: Using number_format() Function. The number_format() function is used to convert a string into a number. It returns the formatted number on success otherwise it gives E_WARNING on failure.

$num = "1000.314"; 

//Convert string in number using  
//number_format(), function 
echo number_format($num), "\n"; 

//Convert string in number using  
//number_format(), function 
echo number_format($num, 2); 

Method 2: Using type casting: Typecasting can directly convert a string into a float, double, or integer primitive type. This is the best way to convert a string into a number without any function.

// Number in string format 
$num = "1000.314"; 

// Type cast using int 
echo (int)$num, "\n"; 

// Type cast using float 
echo (float)$num, "\n"; 

// Type cast using double 
echo (double)$num; 

Method 3: Using intval() and floatval() Function. The intval() and floatval() functions can also be used to convert the string into its corresponding integer and float values respectively.

// Number in string format 
$num = "1000.314"; 

// intval() function to convert  
// string into integer 
echo intval($num), "\n"; 

// floatval() function to convert 
// string to float 
echo floatval($num); 

Method 4: By adding 0 or by performing mathematical operations. The string number can also be converted into an integer or float by adding 0 with the string. In PHP, performing mathematical operations, the string is converted to an integer or float implicitly.

// Number into string format 
$num = "1000.314"; 

// Performing mathematical operation  
// to implicitly type conversion 
echo $num + 0, "\n"; 

// Performing mathematical operation  
// to implicitly type conversion 
echo $num + 0.0, "\n"; 

// Performing mathematical operation  
// to implicitly type conversion 
echo $num + 0.1;

Angular2 get clicked element id

You could just pass a static value (or a variable from *ngFor or whatever)

<button (click)="toggle(1)" class="someclass">
<button (click)="toggle(2)" class="someclass">

Permissions error when connecting to EC2 via SSH on Mac OSx

None of the above helped me, but futzing with the user seemed like it had promise. For my config using 'ubuntu' was right.....

ssh -i [full path to keypair file] ubuntu@[EC2 instance hostname or IP address]

How to open some ports on Ubuntu?

Ubuntu these days comes with ufw - Uncomplicated Firewall. ufw is an easy-to-use method of handling iptables rules.

Try using this command to allow a port

sudo ufw allow 1701

To test connectivity, you could try shutting down the VPN software (freeing up the ports) and using netcat to listen, like this:

nc -l 1701

Then use telnet from your Windows host and see what shows up on your Ubuntu terminal. This can be repeated for each port you'd like to test.

What is the use of "object sender" and "EventArgs e" parameters?

Those two parameters (or variants of) are sent, by convention, with all events.

  • sender: The object which has raised the event
  • e an instance of EventArgs including, in many cases, an object which inherits from EventArgs. Contains additional information about the event, and sometimes provides ability for code handling the event to alter the event somehow.

In the case of the events you mentioned, neither parameter is particularly useful. The is only ever one page raising the events, and the EventArgs are Empty as there is no further information about the event.

Looking at the 2 parameters separately, here are some examples where they are useful.


Say you have multiple buttons on a form. These buttons could contain a Tag describing what clicking them should do. You could handle all the Click events with the same handler, and depending on the sender do something different

private void HandleButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Button btn = (Button)sender;
    if(btn.Tag == "Hello")
    else if(btn.Tag == "Goodbye")
    // etc.

Disclaimer : That's a contrived example; don't do that!


Some events are cancelable. They send CancelEventArgs instead of EventArgs. This object adds a simple boolean property Cancel on the event args. Code handling this event can cancel the event:

private void HandleCancellableEvent(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
    if(/* some condition*/)
       // Cancel this event
       e.Cancel = true;

python - if not in list

Your code should work, but you can also try:

    if not item in mylist :

ValueError: object too deep for desired array while using convolution

np.convolve() takes one dimension array. You need to check the input and convert it into 1D.

You can use the np.ravel(), to convert the array to one dimension.

Dynamically access object property using variable

I came across a case where I thought I wanted to pass the "address" of an object property as data to another function and populate the object (with AJAX), do lookup from address array, and display in that other function. I couldn't use dot notation without doing string acrobatics so I thought an array might be nice to pass instead. I ended-up doing something different anyway, but seemed related to this post.

Here's a sample of a language file object like the one I wanted data from:

const locs = {
  "audioPlayer": {
    "controls": {
      "start": "start",
      "stop": "stop"
    "heading": "Use controls to start and stop audio."

I wanted to be able to pass an array such as: ["audioPlayer", "controls", "stop"] to access the language text, "stop" in this case.

I created this little function that looks-up the "least specific" (first) address parameter, and reassigns the returned object to itself. Then it is ready to look-up the next-most-specific address parameter if one exists.

function getText(selectionArray, obj) {
  selectionArray.forEach(key => {
    obj = obj[key];
  return obj;


/* returns 'stop' */
console.log(getText(["audioPlayer", "controls", "stop"], locs)); 

/* returns 'use controls to start and stop audio.' */
console.log(getText(["audioPlayer", "heading"], locs)); 

how to fix groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method:

This may also be because you might have given classname with all letters in lowercase something which groovy (know of version 2.5.0) does not support.

class name - User is accepted but user is not.

How to diff one file to an arbitrary version in Git?

If neither commit is your HEAD then bash's brace expansion proves really useful, especially if your filenames are long, the example above:

git diff master~20:pom.xml master:pom.xml

Would become

git diff {master~20,master}:pom.xml

More on Brace expansion with bash.

How can I execute a PHP function in a form action?

In PHP functions will not be evaluated inside strings, because there are different rules for variables.

function name() {
  return 'Mark';

echo 'My name is: name()';   // Output: My name is name()
echo 'My name is: '. name(); // Output: My name is Mark

The action parameter to the tag in HTML should not reference the PHP function you want to run. Action should refer to a page on the web server that will process the form input and return new HTML to the user. This can be the same location as the PHP script that outputs the form, or some people prefer to make a separate PHP file to handle actions.

The basic process is the same either way:

  1. Generate HTML form to the user.
  2. User fills in the form, clicks submit.
  3. The form data is sent to the locations defined by action on the server.
  4. The script validates the data and does something with it.
  5. Usually a new HTML page is returned.

A simple example would be:

// $_POST is a magic PHP variable that will always contain
// any form data that was posted to this page.
// We check here to see if the textfield called 'name' had
// some data entered into it, if so we process it, if not we
// output the form.
if (isset($_POST['name'])) {
else {

// In this function we print the name the user provided.
function print_name($name) {
  // $name should be validated and checked here depending on use.
  // In this case we just HTML escape it so nothing nasty should
  // be able to get through:
  echo 'Your name is: '. htmlentities($name);

// This function is called when no name was sent to us over HTTP.
function print_form() {
  echo '
    <form name="form1" method="post" action="">
    <p><label><input type="text" name="name" id="textfield"></label></p>
    <p><label><input type="submit" name="button" id="button" value="Submit"></label></p>

For future information I recommend reading the PHP tutorials:

There is even a section about Dealing with forms.

Working copy locked error in tortoise svn while committing

I managed to lock myself out of a file in svn - don't know how - but when I tried (re)-getting the lock (Tortoise was showing the "Get Lock" option for the file), it complained that already had the lock. I tried deleting the file and committing the directory change - same result. I tried CleanUp (including refreshing the overlay), but that failed too.

The solution was to go into the Tortoise repo-browser, find the file and use the break lock function.

Python - IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:

Just Close the opened file where you are going to write.

Determining if an Object is of primitive type

This is the simplest way I could think of. The wrapper classes are present only in java.lang package. And apart from the wrapper classes, no other class in java.lang has field named TYPE. You could use that to check whether a class is Wrapper class or not.

public static boolean isBoxingClass(Class<?> clazz)
    String pack = clazz.getPackage().getName();
        return false;
    catch (NoSuchFieldException e) 
        return false;
    return true;        

How to call servlet through a JSP page

You can use RequestDispatcher as you usually use it in Servlet:

<%@ page contentType="text/html"%>
<%@ page import = "javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher" %>
     RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("/yourServletUrl");
     request.setAttribute("msg","HI Welcome");
     rd.forward(request, response);

Always be aware that don't commit any response before you use forward, as it will lead to IllegalStateException.

How can I scroll up more (increase the scroll buffer) in iTerm2?

There is an option “unlimited scrollback buffer” which you can find under Preferences > Profiles > Terminal or you can just pump up number of lines that you want to have in history in the same place.

IsNullOrEmpty with Object

You may be checking an object null by comparing it with a null value but when you try to check an empty object then you need to string typecast. Below the code, you get the idea.

if(obj == null || (string) obj == string.Empty)
   //Obj is null or empty

How to append in a json file in Python?

You need to update the output of json.load with a_dict and then dump the result. And you cannot append to the file but you need to overwrite it.

How to make the first option of <select> selected with jQuery


alert($( "#target option:first" ).text());

Is it possible to delete an object's property in PHP?

This code is working fine for me in a loop

$remove = array(

foreach($remove as $key){

Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter in Java

Check out the code below for decimal to hexadecimal conversion,

import java.util.Scanner;

public class DecimalToHexadecimal
   public static void main(String[] args)
      int temp, decimalNumber;
      String hexaDecimal = "";
      char hexa[] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'};

      Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
      System.out.print("Please enter decimal number : ");
      decimalNumber = sc.nextInt();

      while(decimalNumber > 0)
         temp = decimalNumber % 16;
         hexaDecimal = hexa[temp] + hexaDecimal;
         decimalNumber = decimalNumber / 16;

      System.out.print("The hexadecimal value of " + decimalNumber + " is : " + hexaDecimal);      

You can learn more on different ways to convert decimal to hexadecimal in the following link >> java convert decimal to hexadecimal.

Display PDF within web browser

instead of using iframe and depending on the third party`think about using flexpaper, or pdf.js.

I used PDF.js, it works fine for me. Here is the demo.

How to sort in-place using the merge sort algorithm?

An example of bufferless mergesort in C.

#define SWAP(type, a, b) \
    do { type t=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=t; } while (0)

static void reverse_(int* a, int* b)
    for ( --b; a < b; a++, b-- )
       SWAP(int, *a, *b);
static int* rotate_(int* a, int* b, int* c)
/* swap the sequence [a,b) with [b,c). */
    if (a != b && b != c)
       reverse_(a, b);
       reverse_(b, c);
       reverse_(a, c);
    return a + (c - b);

static int* lower_bound_(int* a, int* b, const int key)
/* find first element not less than @p key in sorted sequence or end of
 * sequence (@p b) if not found. */
    int i;
    for ( i = b-a; i != 0; i /= 2 )
       int* mid = a + i/2;
       if (*mid < key)
          a = mid + 1, i--;
    return a;
static int* upper_bound_(int* a, int* b, const int key)
/* find first element greater than @p key in sorted sequence or end of
 * sequence (@p b) if not found. */
    int i;
    for ( i = b-a; i != 0; i /= 2 )
       int* mid = a + i/2;
       if (*mid <= key)
          a = mid + 1, i--;
    return a;

static void ip_merge_(int* a, int* b, int* c)
/* inplace merge. */
    int n1 = b - a;
    int n2 = c - b;

    if (n1 == 0 || n2 == 0)
    if (n1 == 1 && n2 == 1)
       if (*b < *a)
          SWAP(int, *a, *b);
       int* p, * q;

       if (n1 <= n2)
          p = upper_bound_(a, b, *(q = b+n2/2));
          q = lower_bound_(b, c, *(p = a+n1/2));
       b = rotate_(p, b, q);

       ip_merge_(a, p, b);
       ip_merge_(b, q, c);

void mergesort(int* v, int n)
    if (n > 1)
       int h = n/2;
       mergesort(v, h); mergesort(v+h, n-h);
       ip_merge_(v, v+h, v+n);

An example of adaptive mergesort (optimized).

Adds support code and modifications to accelerate the merge when an auxiliary buffer of any size is available (still works without additional memory). Uses forward and backward merging, ring rotation, small sequence merging and sorting, and iterative mergesort.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

static int* copy_(const int* a, const int* b, int* out)
    int count = b - a;
    if (a != out)
       memcpy(out, a, count*sizeof(int));
    return out + count;
static int* copy_backward_(const int* a, const int* b, int* out)
    int count = b - a;
    if (b != out)
       memmove(out - count, a, count*sizeof(int));
    return out - count;

static int* merge_(const int* a1, const int* b1, const int* a2,
  const int* b2, int* out)
    while ( a1 != b1 && a2 != b2 )
       *out++ = (*a1 <= *a2) ? *a1++ : *a2++;
    return copy_(a2, b2, copy_(a1, b1, out));
static int* merge_backward_(const int* a1, const int* b1,
  const int* a2, const int* b2, int* out)
    while ( a1 != b1 && a2 != b2 )
       *--out = (*(b1-1) > *(b2-1)) ? *--b1 : *--b2;
    return copy_backward_(a1, b1, copy_backward_(a2, b2, out));

static unsigned int gcd_(unsigned int m, unsigned int n)
    while ( n != 0 )
       unsigned int t = m % n;
       m = n;
       n = t;
    return m;
static void rotate_inner_(const int length, const int stride,
  int* first, int* last)
    int* p, * next = first, x = *first;
    while ( 1 )
       p = next;
       if ((next += stride) >= last)
          next -= length;
       if (next == first)
       *p = *next;
    *p = x;
static int* rotate_(int* a, int* b, int* c)
/* swap the sequence [a,b) with [b,c). */
    if (a != b && b != c)
       int n1 = c - a;
       int n2 = b - a;

       int* i = a;
       int* j = a + gcd_(n1, n2);

       for ( ; i != j; i++ )
          rotate_inner_(n1, n2, i, c);
    return a + (c - b);

static void ip_merge_small_(int* a, int* b, int* c)
/* inplace merge.
 * @note faster for small sequences. */
    while ( a != b && b != c )
       if (*a <= *b)
          int* p = b+1;
          while ( p != c && *p < *a )
          rotate_(a, b, p);
          b = p;
static void ip_merge_(int* a, int* b, int* c, int* t, const int ts)
/* inplace merge.
 * @note works with or without additional memory. */
    int n1 = b - a;
    int n2 = c - b;

    if (n1 <= n2 && n1 <= ts)
       merge_(t, copy_(a, b, t), b, c, a);
    else if (n2 <= ts)
       merge_backward_(a, b, t, copy_(b, c, t), c);
    /* merge without buffer. */
    else if (n1 + n2 < 48)
       ip_merge_small_(a, b, c);
       int* p, * q;

       if (n1 <= n2)
          p = upper_bound_(a, b, *(q = b+n2/2));
          q = lower_bound_(b, c, *(p = a+n1/2));
       b = rotate_(p, b, q);

       ip_merge_(a, p, b, t, ts);
       ip_merge_(b, q, c, t, ts);
static void ip_merge_chunk_(const int cs, int* a, int* b, int* t,
  const int ts)
    int* p = a + cs*2;
    for ( ; p <= b; a = p, p += cs*2 )
       ip_merge_(a, a+cs, p, t, ts);
    if (a+cs < b)
       ip_merge_(a, a+cs, b, t, ts);

static void smallsort_(int* a, int* b)
/* insertion sort.
 * @note any stable sort with low setup cost will do. */
    int* p, * q;
    for ( p = a+1; p < b; p++ )
       int x = *p;
       for ( q = p; a < q && x < *(q-1); q-- )
          *q = *(q-1);
       *q = x;
static void smallsort_chunk_(const int cs, int* a, int* b)
    int* p = a + cs;
    for ( ; p <= b; a = p, p += cs )
       smallsort_(a, p);
    smallsort_(a, b);

static void mergesort_lower_(int* v, int n, int* t, const int ts)
    int cs = 16;
    smallsort_chunk_(cs, v, v+n);
    for ( ; cs < n; cs *= 2 )
       ip_merge_chunk_(cs, v, v+n, t, ts);

static void* get_buffer_(int size, int* final)
    void* p = NULL;
    while ( size != 0 && (p = malloc(size)) == NULL )
       size /= 2;
    *final = size;
    return p;
void mergesort(int* v, int n)
    /* @note buffer size may be in the range [0,(n+1)/2]. */
    int request = (n+1)/2 * sizeof(int);
    int actual;
    int* t = (int*) get_buffer_(request, &actual);

    /* @note allocation failure okay. */
    int tsize = actual / sizeof(int);
    mergesort_lower_(v, n, t, tsize);

Determine what user created objects in SQL Server

The answer is "no, you probably can't".

While there is stuff in there that might say who created a given object, there are a lot of "ifs" behind them. A quick (and not necessarily complete) review:

sys.objects (and thus sys.tables, sys.procedures, sys.views, etc.) has column principal_id. This value is a foreign key that relates to the list of database users, which in turn can be joined with the list of SQL (instance) logins. (All of this info can be found in further system views.)


A quick check on our setup here and a cursory review of BOL indicates that this value is only set (i.e. not null) if it is "different from the schema owner". In our development system, and we've got dbo + two other schemas, everything comes up as NULL. This is probably because everyone has dbo rights within these databases.

This is using NT authentication. SQL authentication probably works much the same. Also, does everyone have and use a unique login, or are they shared? If you have employee turnover and domain (or SQL) logins get dropped, once again the data may not be there or may be incomplete.

You can look this data over (select * from sys.objects), but if principal_id is null, you are probably out of luck.

Mod in Java produces negative numbers

The problem here is that in Python the % operator returns the modulus and in Java it returns the remainder. These functions give the same values for positive arguments, but the modulus always returns positive results for negative input, whereas the remainder may give negative results. There's some more information about it in this question.

You can find the positive value by doing this:

int i = (((-1 % 2) + 2) % 2)

or this:

int i = -1 % 2;
if (i<0) i += 2;

(obviously -1 or 2 can be whatever you want the numerator or denominator to be)

How to close a JavaFX application on window close?

You MUST override the "stop()" method in your Application instance to make it works. If you have overridden even empty "stop()" then the application shuts down gracefully after the last stage is closed (actually the last stage must be the primary stage to make it works completely as in supposed to be). No any additional Platform.exit or setOnCloseRequest calls are need in such case.

How do I query for all dates greater than a certain date in SQL Server?

DateTime start1 = DateTime.Parse(txtDate.Text);

FROM dbo.March2010 A
WHERE A.Date >= start1;

First convert TexBox into the Datetime then....use that variable into the Query

Changing MongoDB data store directory

Resolved it in 2 minutes downtime :)
Just move your folder, add symlink, then tune permissions.

sudo service mongod stop
sudo mv mongodb /new/disk/mongodb/
sudo ln -s /new/disk/mongodb/ /var/lib/mongodb
sudo chown mongodb:mongodb /new/disk/mongodb/
sudo service mongod start

# test if mongodb user can access new location:
sudo -u mongodb -s cd /new/disk/mongodb/
# resolve other permissions issues if necessary
sudo usermod -a -G <newdisk_grp> mongodb

How does += (plus equal) work?

a += b is shorthand for a = a +b which means:

1) 1 += 2 // won't compile

2) 15

How to select all records from one table that do not exist in another table?

Here's what worked best for me.

FROM @T1 a
JOIN @T2 b ON a.ID = b.ID

This was more than twice as fast as any other method I tried.

MySQL Workbench Edit Table Data is read only

if the table does not have primary key or unique non-nullable defined, then MySql workbench could not able to edit the data.

Why is my power operator (^) not working?

Well, first off, the ^ operator in C/C++ is the bit-wise XOR. It has nothing to do with powers.

Now, regarding your problem with using the pow() function, some googling shows that casting one of the arguments to double helps:

result = (int) pow((double) a,i);

Note that I also cast the result to int as all pow() overloads return double, not int. I don't have a MS compiler available so I couldn't check the code above, though.

Since C99, there are also float and long double functions called powf and powl respectively, if that is of any help.

Javascript change font color

Html code

<div id="coloredBy">
    Colored By Santa

javascript code

document.getElementById("coloredBy").style.color = colorCode; // red or #ffffff

I think this is very easy to use

Jquery - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '324' in

You have a JSON string, not an object. Tell jQuery that you expect a JSON response and it will parse it for you. Either use $.getJSON instead of $.get, or pass the dataType argument to $.get:

        $.each(data, function(key, value){
            console.log(key + ":" + value)

write() versus writelines() and concatenated strings

if you just want to save and load a list try Pickle

Pickle saving:

with open("yourFile","wb")as file:

and loading:

with open("yourFile","rb")as file:

How to insert Records in Database using C# language?

You should change your code to make use of SqlParameters and adapt your insert statement to the following

string connetionString = "Data Source=UMAIR;Initial Catalog=Air; Trusted_Connection=True;" ;
// [ ] required as your fields contain spaces!!
string insStmt = "insert into Main ([First Name], [Last Name]) values (@firstName,@lastName)";

using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(connetionString))
    SqlCommand insCmd = new SqlCommand(insStmt, cnn);
    // use sqlParameters to prevent sql injection!
    insCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@firstName", textbox2.Text);
    insCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lastName", textbox3.Text);
    int affectedRows = insCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
    MessageBox.Show (affectedRows + " rows inserted!");

How to turn off gcc compiler optimization to enable buffer overflow

I won't quote the entire page but the whole manual on optimisation is available here:

From the sounds of it you want at least -O0, the default, and:

-fmudflap -fmudflapth -fmudflapir

For front-ends that support it (C and C++), instrument all risky pointer/array dereferencing operations, some standard library string/heap functions, and some other associated constructs with range/validity tests. Modules so instrumented should be immune to buffer overflows, invalid heap use, and some other classes of C/C++ programming errors. The instrumentation relies on a separate runtime library (libmudflap), which will be linked into a program if -fmudflap is given at link time. Run-time behavior of the instrumented program is controlled by the MUDFLAP_OPTIONS environment variable. See env MUDFLAP_OPTIONS=-help a.out for its options.

How to change the text on the action bar


You can do it programmatically in Kotlin this way. You just ignore it if "supportActionBar" is null:

    supportActionBar?.title = "My text"

Or this way. It throws an exception if "supportActionBar" is null.

    supportActionBar!!.title = "My text"

Only get hash value using md5sum (without filename)

Another way:

md5=$(md5sum ${my_iso_file} | sed '/ .*//' )

Remove Array Value By index in jquery

Your example code is wrong and will throw a SyntaxError. You seem to have confused the syntax of creating an object Object with creating an Array.

The correct syntax would be: var arr = [ "abc", "def", "ghi" ];

To remove an item from the array, based on its value, use the splice method:

arr.splice(arr.indexOf("def"), 1);

To remove it by index, just refer directly to it:

arr.splice(1, 1);

How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity?

With a slight modification for "param_result"

/* Start Activity */
public void onClick(View v) {
    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
    intent.setClassName("com.thinoo.ActivityTest", "com.thinoo.ActivityTest.NewActivity");
/* Called when the second activity's finished */
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    switch(requestCode) {
    case 90:
        if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
            Bundle res = data.getExtras();
            String result = res.getString("param_result");
            Log.d("FIRST", "result:"+result);

private void finishWithResult()
    Bundle conData = new Bundle();
    conData.putString("param_result", "Thanks Thanks");
    Intent intent = new Intent();
    setResult(RESULT_OK, intent);

Revert a jQuery draggable object back to its original container on out event of droppable

$(function() {
        revert : function(event, ui) {
            // on older version of jQuery use "draggable"
            // $(this).data("draggable")
            // on 2.x versions of jQuery use "ui-draggable"
            // $(this).data("ui-draggable")
            $(this).data("uiDraggable").originalPosition = {
                top : 0,
                left : 0
            // return boolean
            return !event;
            // that evaluate like this:
            // return event !== false ? false : true;

Get a random item from a JavaScript array

const ArrayRandomModule = {
  // get random item from array
  random: function (array) {
    return array[Math.random() * array.length | 0];

  // [mutate]: extract from given array a random item
  pick: function (array, i) {
    return array.splice(i >= 0 ? i : Math.random() * array.length | 0, 1)[0];

  // [mutate]: shuffle the given array
  shuffle: function (array) {
    for (var i = array.length; i > 0; --i)
      array.push(array.splice(Math.random() * i | 0, 1)[0]);
    return array;

How to call function that takes an argument in a Django template?

if you have an object you can define it as @property so you can get results without a call, e.g.

class Item:
    def results(self):
        return something

then in the template:

<% for result in item.results %>
<% endfor %>

How do I read a file line by line in VB Script?

If anyone like me is searching to read only a specific line, example only line 18 here is the code:

filename = "C:\log.log"

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(filename)

For i = 1 to 17

strLine = f.ReadLine
Wscript.Echo strLine


LEFT JOIN only first row

@Matt Dodges answer put me on the right track. Thanks again for all the answers, which helped a lot of guys in the mean time. Got it working like this:

FROM feeds f
LEFT JOIN artists a ON a.artist_id = (
    SELECT artist_id
    FROM feeds_artists fa 
    WHERE fa.feed_id =
    LIMIT 1
WHERE = '13815'

Onclick javascript to make browser go back to previous page?

For Going to previous page

First Method

<a href="javascript: history.go(-1)">Go Back</a>

Second Method

<a href="##" onClick="history.go(-1); return false;">Go back</a> 

if we want to more than one step back then increase

For going 2 steps back history.go(-2)
For going 3 steps back history.go(-3)
For going 4 steps back history.go(-4)
and so on.......

PHP/MySQL Insert null values

This is one example where using prepared statements really saves you some trouble.

In MySQL, in order to insert a null value, you must specify it at INSERT time or leave the field out which requires additional branching:

INSERT INTO table2 (f1, f2)
  VALUES ('String Value', NULL);

However, if you want to insert a value in that field, you must now branch your code to add the single quotes:

INSERT INTO table2 (f1, f2)
  VALUES ('String Value', 'String Value');

Prepared statements automatically do that for you. They know the difference between string(0) "" and null and write your query appropriately:

$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO table2 (f1, f2) VALUES (?, ?)");
$stmt->bind_param('ss', $field1, $field2);

$field1 = "String Value";
$field2 = null;


It escapes your fields for you, makes sure that you don't forget to bind a parameter. There is no reason to stay with the mysql extension. Use mysqli and it's prepared statements instead. You'll save yourself a world of pain.

How to list AD group membership for AD users using input list?

Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership username | select name

Got it from another answer but the script works magic. :)

How do you debug MySQL stored procedures?

I had use two different tools to debug procedures and functions:

  1. dbForge - many functional mysql GUI.
  2. MyDebugger - specialized tool for debugging ... handy tool for

Match linebreaks - \n or \r\n?

In Python:

# as Peter van der Wal's answer
re.split(r'\r\n|\r|\n', text, flags=re.M) 

or more rigorous:


How to use execvp()

In cpp, you need to pay special attention to string types when using execvp:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace std;

const size_t MAX_ARGC = 15; // 1 command + # of arguments
char* argv[MAX_ARGC + 1]; // Needs +1 because of the null terminator at the end
// c_str() converts string to const char*, strdup converts const char* to char*
argv[0] = strdup(command.c_str());

// start filling up the arguments after the first command
size_t arg_i = 1;
while (cin && arg_i < MAX_ARGC) {
    string arg;
    cin >> arg;
    if (arg.empty()) {
        argv[arg_i] = nullptr;
    } else {
        argv[arg_i] = strdup(arg.c_str());

// Run the command with arguments
if (execvp(command.c_str(), argv) == -1) {
    // Print error if command not found
    cerr << "command '" << command << "' not found\n";

Reference: execlp?execvp?????

graphing an equation with matplotlib

Your guess is right: the code is trying to evaluate x**3+2*x-4 immediately. Unfortunately you can't really prevent it from doing so. The good news is that in Python, functions are first-class objects, by which I mean that you can treat them like any other variable. So to fix your function, we could do:

import numpy as np  
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  

def graph(formula, x_range):  
    x = np.array(x_range)  
    y = formula(x)  # <- note now we're calling the function 'formula' with x
    plt.plot(x, y)  

def my_formula(x):
    return x**3+2*x-4

graph(my_formula, range(-10, 11))

If you wanted to do it all in one line, you could use what's called a lambda function, which is just a short function without a name where you don't use def or return:

graph(lambda x: x**3+2*x-4, range(-10, 11))

And instead of range, you can look at np.arange (which allows for non-integer increments), and np.linspace, which allows you to specify the start, stop, and the number of points to use.

How to remove all namespaces from XML with C#?

my answer, string-manipulation-based,
lite-most code,

public static string hilangkanNamespace(string instrXML)
        char chrOpeningTag = '<';
        char chrClosingTag = '>';
        char chrSpasi = ' ';
        int intStartIndex = 0;
            int intIndexKu = instrXML.IndexOf(chrOpeningTag, intStartIndex);
            if (intIndexKu < 0)
                break; //kalau dah ga ketemu keluar
            int intStart = instrXML.IndexOfAny(new char[] { chrSpasi, chrClosingTag }, intIndexKu + 1); //mana yang ketemu duluan
            if (intStart < 0)
                break; //kalau dah ga ketemu keluar
            int intStop = instrXML.IndexOf(chrClosingTag, intStart);
            if (intStop < 0)
                break; //kalau dah ga ketemu keluar
                intStop--; //exclude si closingTag
            int intLengthToStrip = intStop - intStart + 1;
            instrXML = instrXML.Remove(intStart, intLengthToStrip);
            intStartIndex = intStart;
        } while (true);

        return instrXML;

input type=file show only button

You can give the input element a font opacity of 0. This will hide the text field without hiding the 'Choose Files' button.

No javascript required, clear cross browser as far back as IE 9


input {color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);}

Add and remove multiple classes in jQuery

Add multiple classes:

$("p").addClass("class1 class2 class3");

or in cascade:


Very similar also to remove more classes:

$("p").removeClass("class1 class2 class3");

or in cascade:


Pinging an IP address using PHP and echoing the result

NOTE: Solution below does not work on Windows. On linux exec a "which ping" command from the console, and set command path (of the suggested exec call) accordingly

I think you want to check the exit status of the command, whereas shell_exec gives you full output (might be dangerous shall command output change from command version to version. for some reason). Moreover your variable $ip is not interpreted within single quotes. You'd have to use double ones "". That might be the only thing you need to fix in order to make it work.

But I think following code can be more "portable". IMHO it is in fact better to catch the exit status, rather than trying to parse result string. IMHO it's also better to specify full path to ping command.

function pingAddress($ip) {
    $pingresult = exec("/bin/ping -n 3 $ip", $outcome, $status);
    if (0 == $status) {
        $status = "alive";
    } else {
        $status = "dead";
    echo "The IP address, $ip, is  ".$status;


Difference of keywords 'typename' and 'class' in templates?

While there is no technical difference, I have seen the two used to denote slightly different things.

For a template that should accept any type as T, including built-ins (such as an array )

template<typename T>
class Foo { ... }

For a template that will only work where T is a real class.

template<class T>
class Foo { ... }

But keep in mind that this is purely a style thing some people use. Not mandated by the standard or enforced by compilers

Add ArrayList to another ArrayList in java

The problem you have is caused that you use the same ArrayList NodeList over all iterations in main for loop. Each iterations NodeList is enlarged by new elements.

  1. After first loop, NodeList has 5 elements (PropertyStart,a,b,c,PropertyEnd) and list has 1 element (NodeList: (PropertyStart,a,b,c,PropertyEnd))

  2. After second loop NodeList has 10 elements (PropertyStart,a,b,c,PropertyEnd,PropertyStart,d,e,f,PropertyEnd) and list has 2 elements (NodeList (with 10 elements), NodeList (with 10 elements))

To get you expectations you must replace



List childrenList = new ArrayList(nodes);

PS. Your code is not readable, keep Java code conventions to have readble code. For example is hard to recognize if NodeList is a class or object

jQuery on window resize

Here's an example using jQuery, javascript and css to handle resize events.
(css if your best bet if you're just stylizing things on resize (media queries))


    /* default styles applied first */

@media screen and (min-height: 820px) /* height >= 820 px */
    .footer {
        position: absolute;
        bottom: 3px;
        left: 0px;
        /* more styles */


window.onresize = function() {
    if (window.innerHeight >= 820) { /* ... */ }
    if (window.innerWidth <= 1280) {  /* ... */ }


$(window).on('resize', function(){
    var win = $(this); //this = window
    if (win.height() >= 820) { /* ... */ }
    if (win.width() >= 1280) { /* ... */ }

How do I stop my resize code from executing so often!?

This is the first problem you'll notice when binding to resize. The resize code gets called a LOT when the user is resizing the browser manually, and can feel pretty janky.

To limit how often your resize code is called, you can use the debounce or throttle methods from the underscore & lowdash libraries.

  • debounce will only execute your resize code X number of milliseconds after the LAST resize event. This is ideal when you only want to call your resize code once, after the user is done resizing the browser. It's good for updating graphs, charts and layouts that may be expensive to update every single resize event.
  • throttle will only execute your resize code every X number of milliseconds. It "throttles" how often the code is called. This isn't used as often with resize events, but it's worth being aware of.

If you don't have underscore or lowdash, you can implement a similar solution yourself: JavaScript/JQuery: $(window).resize how to fire AFTER the resize is completed?

Python Binomial Coefficient

Here is a function that recursively calculates the binomial coefficients using conditional expressions

def binomial(n,k):
    return 1 if k==0 else (0 if n==0 else binomial(n-1, k) + binomial(n-1, k-1))

how to loop through each row of dataFrame in pyspark

You simply cannot. DataFrames, same as other distributed data structures, are not iterable and can be accessed using only dedicated higher order function and / or SQL methods.

You can of course collect

for row in df.rdd.collect():

or convert toLocalIterator

for row in df.rdd.toLocalIterator():

and iterate locally as shown above, but it beats all purpose of using Spark.

How to navigate through textfields (Next / Done Buttons)

Without usings tags and without adding a property for nextField/nextTextField, you can try this to emulate TAB, where "testInput" is your current active field:

if ([textInput isFirstResponder])
    [textInput.superview.subviews enumerateObjectsAtIndexes:
     [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:
      NSMakeRange([textInput.superview.subviews indexOfObject:textInput]+1,
                  [textInput.superview.subviews count]-[textInput.superview.subviews indexOfObject:textInput]-1)]
                                                    options:0 usingBlock:^(UIView *obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
                                                        *stop = !obj.hidden && [obj becomeFirstResponder];
if ([textInput isFirstResponder])
    [textInput.superview.subviews enumerateObjectsAtIndexes:
     [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:
                  [textInput.superview.subviews indexOfObject:textInput])]
                                                    options:0 usingBlock:^(UIView *obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
                                                        *stop = !obj.hidden && [obj becomeFirstResponder];

Skip download if files exist in wget?

When running Wget with -r or -p, but without -N, -nd, or -nc, re-downloading a file will result in the new copy simply overwriting the old.

So adding -nc will prevent this behavior, instead causing the original version to be preserved and any newer copies on the server to be ignored.

See more info at GNU.

form_for with nested resources

Be sure to have both objects created in controller: @post and @comment for the post, eg:

@post = Post.find params[:post_id]
@comment =>@post)

Then in view:

<%= form_for([@post, @comment]) do |f| %>

Be sure to explicitly define the array in the form_for, not just comma separated like you have above.

SQL Server Script to create a new user

Based on your question, I think that you may be a bit confused about the difference between a User and a Login. A Login is an account on the SQL Server as a whole - someone who is able to log in to the server and who has a password. A User is a Login with access to a specific database.

Creating a Login is easy and must (obviously) be done before creating a User account for the login in a specific database:


Here is how you create a User with db_owner privileges using the Login you just declared:

Use YourDatabase;

IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = N'NewAdminName')
    CREATE USER [NewAdminName] FOR LOGIN [NewAdminName]
    EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', N'NewAdminName'

Now, Logins are a bit more fluid than I make it seem above. For example, a Login account is automatically created (in most SQL Server installations) for the Windows Administrator account when the database is installed. In most situations, I just use that when I am administering a database (it has all privileges).

However, if you are going to be accessing the SQL Server from an application, then you will want to set the server up for "Mixed Mode" (both Windows and SQL logins) and create a Login as shown above. You'll then "GRANT" priviliges to that SQL Login based on what is needed for your app. See here for more information.

UPDATE: Aaron points out the use of the sp_addsrvrolemember to assign a prepared role to your login account. This is a good idea - faster and easier than manually granting privileges. If you google it you'll see plenty of links. However, you must still understand the distinction between a login and a user.

Import existing Gradle Git project into Eclipse

Open eclipse and right click in the package explorer ? import Select gradle Browse to the location where you checked out Click “Build Model” Select all the projects and hit finish

LINQ: combining join and group by

Once you've done this

group p by p.SomeId into pg  

you no longer have access to the range variables used in the initial from. That is, you can no longer talk about p or bp, you can only talk about pg.

Now, pg is a group and so contains more than one product. All the products in a given pg group have the same SomeId (since that's what you grouped by), but I don't know if that means they all have the same BaseProductId.

To get a base product name, you have to pick a particular product in the pg group (As you are doing with SomeId and CountryCode), and then join to BaseProducts.

var result = from p in Products                         
 group p by p.SomeId into pg                         
 // join *after* group
 join bp in BaseProducts on pg.FirstOrDefault().BaseProductId equals bp.Id         
 select new ProductPriceMinMax { 
       SomeId = pg.FirstOrDefault().SomeId, 
       CountryCode = pg.FirstOrDefault().CountryCode, 
       MinPrice = pg.Min(m => m.Price), 
       MaxPrice = pg.Max(m => m.Price),
       BaseProductName = bp.Name  // now there is a 'bp' in scope

That said, this looks pretty unusual and I think you should step back and consider what you are actually trying to retrieve.

Extract column values of Dataframe as List in Apache Spark

This is java answer."id").collectAsList();

Gradle error: could not execute build using gradle distribution

For me, when using IntelliJ IDEA, this error arose because I had the Java SDK, rather than an Android SDK, set at the Project level.

My fix:

  • IntelliJ > File > Project Structure ...
  • Project > Project SDK > [Select] 'Android API 19 Platform (java version "1.7.0_40")'

I'm on:

  • IntelliJ IDEA: 13.1.3
  • Gradle: 1.10
  • Android Plugin for Gradle: 0.9.+

Input and output numpy arrays to h5py

h5py provides a model of datasets and groups. The former is basically arrays and the latter you can think of as directories. Each is named. You should look at the documentation for the API and examples:

A simple example where you are creating all of the data upfront and just want to save it to an hdf5 file would look something like:

In [1]: import numpy as np
In [2]: import h5py
In [3]: a = np.random.random(size=(100,20))
In [4]: h5f = h5py.File('data.h5', 'w')
In [5]: h5f.create_dataset('dataset_1', data=a)
Out[5]: <HDF5 dataset "dataset_1": shape (100, 20), type "<f8">

In [6]: h5f.close()

You can then load that data back in using: '

In [10]: h5f = h5py.File('data.h5','r')
In [11]: b = h5f['dataset_1'][:]
In [12]: h5f.close()

In [13]: np.allclose(a,b)
Out[13]: True

Definitely check out the docs:

Writing to hdf5 file depends either on h5py or pytables (each has a different python API that sits on top of the hdf5 file specification). You should also take a look at other simple binary formats provided by numpy natively such as, np.savez etc:

UIScrollView not scrolling

if you are getting a message (IOS8 / swift) that viewDidLayoutSubviews does not exist, use the following instead

override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool)

This fixed it for me

Bash script prints "Command Not Found" on empty lines

Had the same problem. Unfortunately

bash: dos2unix: command not found

so I did this to convert.

 awk '{ sub("\r$", ""); print }' >

and then


vim - How to delete a large block of text without counting the lines?

Deleting a block of text

Assuming your cursor sits at the beginning of the block:

V/^$<CR>d (where <CR> is the enter/return key)


  • Enter "linewise-visual" mode: V
  • Highlight until the next empty line: /^$<CR>
  • Delete: d

Key binding

A more robust solution:

:set nowrapscan
:nnoremap D V/^\s*$\\|\%$<CR>d


  • Disable search wrap: :set nowrapscan
  • Remap the D key (to the following commands): :nnoremap D
  • Enter "linewise-visual" mode: V
  • Highlight until the next empty/whitespace line or EOF: /^\s*$\\|\%$<CR>
  • Delete: d

How to manage local vs production settings in Django?

I use a slightly modified version of the "if DEBUG" style of settings that Harper Shelby posted. Obviously depending on the environment (win/linux/etc.) the code might need to be tweaked a bit.

I was in the past using the "if DEBUG" but I found that occasionally I needed to do testing with DEUBG set to False. What I really wanted to distinguish if the environment was production or development, which gave me the freedom to choose the DEBUG level.

    PRODUCTION = False


# ...

    DATABASE_HOST = 'localhost'

I'd still consider this way of settings a work in progress. I haven't seen any one way to handling Django settings that covered all the bases and at the same time wasn't a total hassle to setup (I'm not down with the 5x settings files methods).

How can I update npm on Windows?

Like some people, I needed to combine multiple answers, and I also needed to set a proxy.

This should work for anyone. I have zero desire to run an EXE file or MSI file .. uninstall/ reinstall, or manually delete files and folders. That is so 1999 :P

  1. Run this to update NPM:

    Run PowerShell as administrator

    npm i -g npm    // This works

    I am not thinking this code actually upgrades your npm version below

    Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force
    npm install -g npm-windows-upgrade
    (courtesy of "Robert" answer)

Run this to update Node.js:

wget -OutFile 'C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node.exe'    (courtesy of BrunoLM answer)

If you get `wget : Could not find a part of the path .... "**, see below ...scroll down. Reading Web Response... It's at least punching through the firewall /proxy (if you have one or have already ran the code get through ...


You might need to set your proxy

npm config set proxy ""    (yes, use quotes)

2 possible errors

  1. It cannot find path of the path solution "where.exe node" (courtesy of Lonnie Best Answer)

    E.g. if Node.js is NOT living in "Program Files (x86)" perhaps with where.exe, it is living in 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe'.

    wget -OutFile 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe'
  2. Now perhaps it tries to upgrade but you get another error, "node.exe is being used by another process."

    • Close /shutdown other consoles .. command prompts and PowerShell windows, etc. Even if you're using npm in a command prompt, close it.

npm -v (3.10.8)

node -v ( v6.6.0)

DONE. I'm at the version that I want.

How to Call VBA Function from Excel Cells?

A Function will not work, nor is it necessary:

Sub OpenWorkbook()
    Dim r1 As Range, r2 As Range, o As Workbook
    Set r1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
    Set o = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="C:\TestFolder\ABC.xlsx")
    Set r2 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2")
    [r1] = [r2]
End Sub

JSON encode MySQL results

$sth = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT ...");
$rows = array();
while($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sth)) {
    $rows[] = $r;
print json_encode($rows);

The function json_encode needs PHP >= 5.2 and the php-json package - as mentioned here

NOTE: mysql is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0, use mysqli extension instead

Adding a view controller as a subview in another view controller

This code will work for Swift 4.2.

let controller:SecondViewController = 
self.storyboard!.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "secondViewController") as! 
controller.view.frame = self.view.bounds;
controller.didMove(toParent: self)

Autonumber value of last inserted row - MS Access / VBA

Private Function addInsert(Media As String, pagesOut As Integer) As Long

    Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("tblenccomponent")
    With rst
        !LeafletCode = LeafletCode
        !LeafletName = LeafletName
        !UNCPath = "somePath\" + LeafletCode + ".xml"
        !Media = Media
        !CustomerID = cboCustomerID.Column(0)
        !PagesIn = PagesIn
        !pagesOut = pagesOut
        addInsert = CLng(rst!enclosureID) 'ID is passed back to calling routine
    End With

End Function

How to turn off page breaks in Google Docs?

One option is to just double click the page break line and Google will automatically removed them.

For reference:

Does "git fetch --tags" include "git fetch"?

Note: this answer is only valid for git v1.8 and older.

Most of this has been said in the other answers and comments, but here's a concise explanation:

  • git fetch fetches all branch heads (or all specified by the remote.fetch config option), all commits necessary for them, and all tags which are reachable from these branches. In most cases, all tags are reachable in this way.
  • git fetch --tags fetches all tags, all commits necessary for them. It will not update branch heads, even if they are reachable from the tags which were fetched.

Summary: If you really want to be totally up to date, using only fetch, you must do both.

It's also not "twice as slow" unless you mean in terms of typing on the command-line, in which case aliases solve your problem. There is essentially no overhead in making the two requests, since they are asking for different information.

Multiple Java versions running concurrently under Windows

Of course you can use multiple versions of Java under Windows. And different applications can use different Java versions. How is your application started? Usually you will have a batch file where there is something like

java ...

This will search the Java executable using the PATH variable. So if Java 5 is first on the PATH, you will have problems running a Java 6 application. You should then modify the batch file to use a certain Java version e.g. by defining a environment variable JAVA6HOME with the value C:\java\java6 (if Java 6 is installed in this directory) and change the batch file calling

%JAVA6HOME%\bin\java ...

Make 2 functions run at the same time

Do this:

from threading import Thread

def func1():

def func2():

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Thread(target = func1).start()
    Thread(target = func2).start()

Cast received object to a List<object> or IEnumerable<object>

Do you actually need more information than plain IEnumerable gives you? Just cast it to that and use foreach with it. I face exactly the same situation in some bits of Protocol Buffers, and I've found that casting to IEnumerable (or IList to access it like a list) works very well.

Gaussian filter in MATLAB

@Jacob already showed you how to use the Gaussian filter in Matlab, so I won't repeat that.

I would choose filter size to be about 3*sigma in each direction (round to odd integer). Thus, the filter decays to nearly zero at the edges, and you won't get discontinuities in the filtered image.

The choice of sigma depends a lot on what you want to do. Gaussian smoothing is low-pass filtering, which means that it suppresses high-frequency detail (noise, but also edges), while preserving the low-frequency parts of the image (i.e. those that don't vary so much). In other words, the filter blurs everything that is smaller than the filter.

If you're looking to suppress noise in an image in order to enhance the detection of small features, for example, I suggest to choose a sigma that makes the Gaussian just slightly smaller than the feature.

Generate a random point within a circle (uniformly)

I think that in this case using polar coordinates is a way of complicate the problem, it would be much easier if you pick random points into a square with sides of length 2R and then select the points (x,y) such that x^2+y^2<=R^2.

oracle varchar to number

Since the column is of type VARCHAR, you should convert the input parameter to a string rather than converting the column value to a number:

select * from exception where exception_value = to_char(105);

Rails: Adding an index after adding column

For those who are using postgresql db and facing error

StandardError: An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:

=== Dangerous operation detected #strong_migrations ===

Adding an index non-concurrently blocks writes

please refer this article


class AddAncestryToWasteCodes < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]

  def change
    add_column :waste_codes, :ancestry, :string
    add_index :waste_codes, :ancestry, algorithm: :concurrently

Add centered text to the middle of a <hr/>-like line

With Bootstrap 4 this seems to be working for me:

<div class="row">
  <div class="col"><hr/></div>
  <div class="col-auto">Or</div>
  <div class="col"><hr/></div>

How can I remove space (margin) above HTML header?


h1 {
    margin-top: 0;

You're seeing the effects of margin collapsing.

How to convert a string to lower or upper case in Ruby

You can find out all the methods available on a String by opening irb and running:


And for a list of the methods available for strings in particular:


I use this to find out new and interesting things about objects which I might not otherwise have known existed.

Send push to Android by C# using FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging)

Try to send a json object. Replace this:

tRequest.ContentType = " application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8";    
string postData = "collapse_key=score_update&time_to_live=108&delay_while_idle=1&data.message=" + value + "&data.time=" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "&registration_id=" + deviceId + "";
        Byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData);

For this:

tRequest.ContentType = "application/json"; 
    var data = new
            to = deviceId,
            notification = new
                body = "This is the message",
                title = "This is the title",
                icon = "myicon"

        var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
        var json = serializer.Serialize(data);

        Byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);

Better way to sum a property value in an array

I'm not sure this has been mentioned yet. But there is a lodash function for that. Snippet below where value is your attribute to sum is 'value'.

_.sumBy(objects, 'value');
_.sumBy(objects, function(o) { return o.value; });

Both will work.

JavaScript: location.href to open in new window/tab?

You can open it in a new window with'');. If you want to open it in new tab open the current page in two tabs and then alllow the script to run so that both current page and the new page will be obtained.

Configure nginx with multiple locations with different root folders on subdomain

You need to use the alias directive for location /static:

server {

  index index.html;

  root /web/;

  location /static/ {
    alias /web/;


The nginx wiki explains the difference between root and alias better than I can:

Note that it may look similar to the root directive at first sight, but the document root doesn't change, just the file system path used for the request. The location part of the request is dropped in the request Nginx issues.

Note that root and alias handle trailing slashes differently.

How can I get the URL of the current tab from a Google Chrome extension?

Use chrome.tabs.query() like this:

chrome.tabs.query({active: true, lastFocusedWindow: true}, tabs => {
    let url = tabs[0].url;
    // use `url` here inside the callback because it's asynchronous!

This requires that you request access to the chrome.tabs API in your extension manifest:

"permissions": [ ...

It's important to note that the definition of your "current tab" may differ depending on your extension's needs.

Setting lastFocusedWindow: true in the query is appropriate when you want to access the current tab in the user's focused window (typically the topmost window).

Setting currentWindow: true allows you to get the current tab in the window where your extension's code is currently executing. For example, this might be useful if your extension creates a new window / popup (changing focus), but still wants to access tab information from the window where the extension was run.

I chose to use lastFocusedWindow: true in this example, because Google calls out cases in which currentWindow may not always be present.

You are free to further refine your tab query using any of the properties defined here: chrome.tabs.query

SQL Server convert select a column and convert it to a string

select  stuff(list,1,1,'')
from    (
        select  ',' + cast(col1 as varchar(16)) as [text()]
        from    YourTable
        for     xml path('')
        ) as Sub(list)

Example at SQL Fiddle.

How to get current class name including package name in Java?

The fully-qualified name is opbtained as follows:

String fqn = YourClass.class.getName();

But you need to read a classpath resource. So use

InputStream in = YourClass.getResourceAsStream("resource.txt");

Convert XML to JSON (and back) using Javascript

Xml-to-json library has methods jsonToXml(json) and xmlToJson(xml).

What does it mean to bind a multicast (UDP) socket?

To bind a UDP socket when receiving multicast means to specify an address and port from which to receive data (NOT a local interface, as is the case for TCP acceptor bind). The address specified in this case has a filtering role, i.e. the socket will only receive datagrams sent to that multicast address & port, no matter what groups are subsequently joined by the socket. This explains why when binding to INADDR_ANY ( I received datagrams sent to my multicast group, whereas when binding to any of the local interfaces I did not receive anything, even though the datagrams were being sent on the network to which that interface corresponded.

Quoting from UNIX® Network Programming Volume 1, Third Edition: The Sockets Networking API by W.R Stevens. 21.10. Sending and Receiving

[...] We want the receiving socket to bind the multicast group and port, say port 8888. (Recall that we could just bind the wildcard IP address and port 8888, but binding the multicast address prevents the socket from receiving any other datagrams that might arrive destined for port 8888.) We then want the receiving socket to join the multicast group. The sending socket will send datagrams to this same multicast address and port, say port 8888.

Retrieve last 100 lines logs

len=`cat filename | wc -l`
len=$(( $len + 1 ))
l=$(( $len - 99 ))
sed -n "${l},${len}p" filename

first line takes the length (Total lines) of file then +1 in the total lines after that we have to fatch 100 records so, -99 from total length then just put the variables in the sed command to fetch the last 100 lines from file

I hope this will help you.

Single line if statement with 2 actions

You can write that in single line, but it's not something that someone would be able to read. Keep it like you already wrote it, it's already beautiful by itself.

If you have too much if/else constructs, you may think about using of different datastructures, like Dictionaries (to look up keys) or Collection (to run conditional LINQ queries on it)

Installing Java 7 on Ubuntu

In addition to flup's answer you might also want to run the following to set JAVA_HOME and PATH:

sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-set-default

More information at:

Print in Landscape format

you cannot set this in javascript, you have to do this with html/css:

<style type="text/css" media="print">
  @page { size: landscape; }

EDIT: See this Question and the accepted answer for more information on browser support: Is @Page { size:landscape} obsolete?

SQL statement to select all rows from previous day

get today no time:

SELECT dateadd(day,datediff(day,0,GETDATE()),0)

get yestersday no time:

SELECT dateadd(day,datediff(day,1,GETDATE()),0)

query for all of rows from only yesterday:

    from yourTable
    WHERE YourDate >= dateadd(day,datediff(day,1,GETDATE()),0)
        AND YourDate < dateadd(day,datediff(day,0,GETDATE()),0)

Reset the Value of a Select Box

I found a little utility function a while back and I've been using it for resetting my form elements ever since (source:

function clearForm(form) {
  // iterate over all of the inputs for the given form element
  $(':input', form).each(function() {
    var type = this.type;
    var tag = this.tagName.toLowerCase(); // normalize case
    // it's ok to reset the value attr of text inputs, 
    // password inputs, and textareas
    if (type == 'text' || type == 'password' || tag == 'textarea')
      this.value = "";
    // checkboxes and radios need to have their checked state cleared 
    // but should *not* have their 'value' changed
    else if (type == 'checkbox' || type == 'radio')
      this.checked = false;
    // select elements need to have their 'selectedIndex' property set to -1
    // (this works for both single and multiple select elements)
    else if (tag == 'select')
      this.selectedIndex = -1;

... or as a jQuery plugin...

$.fn.clearForm = function() {
  return this.each(function() {
    var type = this.type, tag = this.tagName.toLowerCase();
    if (tag == 'form')
      return $(':input',this).clearForm();
    if (type == 'text' || type == 'password' || tag == 'textarea')
      this.value = '';
    else if (type == 'checkbox' || type == 'radio')
      this.checked = false;
    else if (tag == 'select')
      this.selectedIndex = -1;

How do I raise the same Exception with a custom message in Python?

Either raise the new exception with your error message using

raise Exception('your error message')


raise ValueError('your error message')

within the place where you want to raise it OR attach (replace) error message into current exception using 'from' (Python 3.x supported only):

except ValueError as e:
  raise ValueError('your message') from e

How to export html table to excel or pdf in php

Either you can use CSV functions or PHPExcel

or you can try like below

$test="<table  ><tr><td>Cell 1</td><td>Cell 2</td></tr></table>";
header("Content-type: application/");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$file");
echo $test;

The header for .xlsx files is Content-type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet

Jquery, Clear / Empty all contents of tbody element?

You probably have found this out already, but for someone stuck with this problem:

$("#tableId > tbody").html("");

Add views below toolbar in CoordinatorLayout

I managed to fix this by adding:


to the FrameLayout like so:


How to sort the files according to the time stamp in unix?

File modification:

ls -t

Inode change:

ls -tc

File access:

ls -tu

"Newest" one at the bottom:

ls -tr

None of this is a creation time. Most Unix filesystems don't support creation timestamps.

What's an appropriate HTTP status code to return by a REST API service for a validation failure?

A duplicate in the database should be a 409 CONFLICT.

I recommend using 422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY for validation errors.

I give a longer explanation of 4xx codes here:

Android open pdf file

Kotlin version below (Updated version of @paul-burke response:

fun openPDFDocument(context: Context, filename: String) {
    //Create PDF Intent
    val pdfFile = File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().absolutePath + "/" + filename)
    val pdfIntent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW)
    pdfIntent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(pdfFile), "application/pdf")

    //Create Viewer Intent
    val viewerIntent = Intent.createChooser(pdfIntent, "Open PDF")

angularjs directive call function specified in attribute and pass an argument to it

This should work.

<div my-method='theMethodToBeCalled'></div>

app.directive("myMethod",function($parse) {
  scope: {theMethodToBeCalled: "="}
  link:function(scope,element,attrs) {
     $(element).on('theEvent',function( e, rowid ) {
        id = // some function called to determine id based on rowid

app.controller("myController",function($scope) {
   $scope.theMethodToBeCalled = function(id) { alert(id); };

How to limit depth for recursive file list?

All I'm really interested in is the ownership and permissions information for the first level subdirectories.

I found a easy solution while playing my fish, which fits your need perfectly.

ll `ls`


ls -l $(ls)

CodeIgniter : Unable to load the requested file:

An Error Was Encountered Unable to load the requested file:

Sometimes we face this error because the requested file doesn't exist in that directory.

Suppose we have a folder home in views directory and trying to load home_view.php file as:

$this->load->view('home/home_view', $data);// $data is array

If home_view.php file doesn't exist in views/home directory then it will raise an error.

An Error Was Encountered Unable to load the requested file: home\home_view.php

So how to fix this error go to views/home and check the home_view.php file exist if not then create it.

function is not defined error in Python

Yes, but in what file is pyth_test's definition declared in? Is it also located before it's called?


To put it into perspective, create a file called with the following contents:

def pyth_test (x1, x2):
    print x1 + x2


Now run the following command:


You should see the output you desire. Now if you are in an interactive session, it should go like this:

>>> def pyth_test (x1, x2):
...     print x1 + x2
>>> pyth_test(1,2)

I hope this explains how the declaration works.

To give you an idea of how the layout works, we'll create a few files. Create a new empty folder to keep things clean with the following:

def pyth_test (x1, x2):
    print x1 + x2


# Our function is pulled in here
from myfunction import pyth_test


Now if you run:


It will print out 3. Now to explain what went wrong, let's modify our program this way:

# Python: Huh? where's pyth_test?
# You say it's down there, but I haven't gotten there yet!

# Our function is pulled in here
from myfunction import pyth_test

Now let's see what happens:

$ python 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 3, in <module>
NameError: name 'pyth_test' is not defined

As noted, python cannot find the module for the reasons outlined above. For that reason, you should keep your declarations at top.

Now then, if we run the interactive python session:

>>> from myfunction import pyth_test
>>> pyth_test(1,2)

The same process applies. Now, package importing isn't all that simple, so I recommend you look into how modules work with Python. I hope this helps and good luck with your learnings!

Javascript to display the current date and time

Get the data you need and combine it in the String;

getDate(): Returns the date
getMonth(): Returns the month
getFullYear(): Returns the year

Check out : Working With Dates

onclick="location.href='link.html'" does not load page in Safari

I had the same error. Make sure you don't have any <input>, <select>, etc. name="location".

How to get a responsive button in bootstrap 3

<a href="#"><button type="button" class="btn btn-info btn-block regular-link"> <span class="text">Create New Board</span></button></a>

We can use btn-block for automatic responsive.

How to convert text to binary code in JavaScript?

Provided you're working in node or a browser with BigInt support, this version cuts costs by saving the expensive string construction for the very end:

const zero = 0n
const shift = 8n

function asciiToBinary (str) {
  const len = str.length
  let n = zero
  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    n = (n << shift) + BigInt(str.charCodeAt(i))
  return n.toString(2).padStart(len * 8, 0)

It's about twice as fast as the other solutions mentioned here including this simple es6+ implementation:

const toBinary = s => [...s]
  .map(x => x

If you need to handle unicode characters, here's this guy:

const zero = 0n
const shift = 8n
const bigShift = 16n
const byte = 255n

function unicodeToBinary (str) {
  const len = str.length
  let n = zero
  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    const bits = BigInt(str.codePointAt(i))
    n = (n << (bits > byte ? bigShift : shift)) + bits
  const bin = n.toString(2)
  return bin.padStart(8 * Math.ceil(bin.length / 8), 0)

Get cursor position (in characters) within a text Input field

There is now a nice plugin for this: The Caret Plugin

Then you can get the position using $("#myTextBox").caret() or set it via $("#myTextBox").caret(position)

How to open a URL in a new Tab using JavaScript or jQuery?

 var url = "";, '_blank');

How to window.scrollTo() with a smooth effect

$('html, body').animate({scrollTop:1200},'50');

You can do this!