[mongodb] Changing MongoDB data store directory

Create a file called mongod.cfg in MongoDB folder if you dont have it. In my case: C:\Users\ivanbtrujillo\MongoDB

Then, edit mongod.cfg with notepad and add a line with the following (our custom dbpath):


In this file you should especify the logpath too. My mongod.cfg file is:


If you uses mongoDB as a windows service, you have to change this key and especify the mongod.cfg file.

To install mongodb as a windows service run this command:

**"C:\Users\ivanbtrujillo\MongoDB\bin\mongod.exe" --config "C:\Users\ivanbtrujillo\MongoDB\mongod.cfg" –install**

Open regedit.exe and go to the following route:


MongoDB service does not work, we have to edit the ImagePath key, delete its content and put the following:

**"C:\Users\ivanbtrujillo\MongoDB\bin\mongod.exe" --config "C:\Users\ivanbtrujillo\MongoDB\mongod.cfg" 
--logpath="C:\Users\ivanbtrujillo\MongoDB\log\mongo.log" –service**

We indicates to mongo it's config file and its logpath.

Then when you init the mongodb service, it works.

Here is a full tutorial to install mongoDB in windows: http://ivanbtrujillo.herokuapp.com/2014/07/24/installing-mongodb-as-a-service-windows/

Hope it helps,

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Changing MongoDB data store directory