Programs & Examples On #Cancan

The CanCan gem offers a straight forward and flexible way to define what a user can and cannot do.

Unexpected token ILLEGAL in webkit

When in doubt... use JSLint to get it out!

I just ran into a similar problem whilst copying this from JFiddle;

$('input[name=MeetAll]').change(function (e) {
  $('#MeetMost').attr('checked', !$('#MeetAll').attr('checked'));
$('input[name=MeetMost]').change(function (e) {
  $('#MeetAll').attr('checked', !$('#MeetMost').attr('checked'));

Jslint told me i had a random "." Charachter...

Things that make you go "hmmmmmm"

What is PEP8's E128: continuation line under-indented for visual indent?

This goes also for statements like this (auto-formatted by PyCharm):

    return combine_sample_generators(sample_generators['train']), \
           combine_sample_generators(sample_generators['dev']), \

Which will give the same style-warning. In order to get rid of it I had to rewrite it to:

    return \
        combine_sample_generators(sample_generators['train']), \
        combine_sample_generators(sample_generators['dev']), \
        combine_sample_generators(sample_generators['test']) Remote host closed connection during handshake during web service communicaiton

In my case, I got this problem because I had given the server a non-existent certificate, due to a typo in the config file. Instead of throwing an exception, the server proceeded like normal and sent an empty certificate to the client. So it might be worth checking to make sure that the server is providing the correct response.

I experienced this error while using the Jersey Client to connect to a server. The way I resolved it was by debugging the library and seeing that it actually did receive an EOF the moment it tried to read. I also tried connecting using a web browser and got the same results.

Just writing this here in case it ends up helping anyone.

Cannot get a text value from a numeric cell “Poi”

Use that code it definitely works and I modified it.

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem;

public class TestApp {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        try {

            Class forName = Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
            Connection con = null;
            con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/tables", "root", "root");
            PreparedStatement pstm = null;
            FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream("C:\\Users\\Desktop\\a1.xls");
            POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(input);
            Workbook workbook;
            workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(fs);
            Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
            Row row;
            for (int i = 1; i <= sheet.getLastRowNum(); i++) {
                row = (Row) sheet.getRow(i);
                String name = row.getCell(0).getStringCellValue();
                String add = row.getCell(1).getStringCellValue();

                int  contact = (int) row.getCell(2).getNumericCellValue();

                String email = row.getCell(3).getStringCellValue();

                String sql = "INSERT INTO employee (name, address, contactNo, email) VALUES('" + name + "','" + add + "'," + contact + ",'" + email + "')";
                pstm = (PreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement(sql);
                System.out.println("Import rows " + i);
            System.out.println("Success import excel to mysql table");
        } catch (IOException e) {


What issues should be considered when overriding equals and hashCode in Java?

There are a couple of ways to do your check for class equality before checking member equality, and I think both are useful in the right circumstances.

  1. Use the instanceof operator.
  2. Use this.getClass().equals(that.getClass()).

I use #1 in a final equals implementation, or when implementing an interface that prescribes an algorithm for equals (like the java.util collection interfaces—the right way to check with with (obj instanceof Set) or whatever interface you're implementing). It's generally a bad choice when equals can be overridden because that breaks the symmetry property.

Option #2 allows the class to be safely extended without overriding equals or breaking symmetry.

If your class is also Comparable, the equals and compareTo methods should be consistent too. Here's a template for the equals method in a Comparable class:

final class MyClass implements Comparable<MyClass>


  public boolean equals(Object obj)
    /* If compareTo and equals aren't final, we should check with getClass instead. */
    if (!(obj instanceof MyClass)) 
      return false;
    return compareTo((MyClass) obj) == 0;


Android new Bottom Navigation bar or BottomNavigationView

There is a new official BottomNavigationView in version 25 of the Design Support Library add in gradle compile ''


    design:menu="@menu/my_navigation_items" />

Starting the week on Monday with isoWeekday()

thought I would add this for any future peeps. It will always make sure that its monday if needed, can also be used to always ensure sunday. For me I always need monday, but local is dependant on the machine being used, and this is an easy fix:

var begin = moment().isoWeekday(1).startOf('week');
var begin2 = moment().startOf('week');
// could check to see if day 1 = Sunday  then add 1 day
// my mac on bst still treats day 1 as sunday    

var firstDay = moment().startOf('week').format('dddd') === 'Sunday' ?     
moment().startOf('week').add('d',1).format('dddd DD-MM-YYYY') : 
moment().startOf('week').format('dddd DD-MM-YYYY');

document.body.innerHTML = '<b>could be monday or sunday depending on client: </b><br />' + 
begin.format('dddd DD-MM-YYYY') + 
'<br /><br /> <b>should be monday:</b> <br>' + firstDay + 
'<br><br> <b>could also be sunday or monday </b><br> ' + 
begin2.format('dddd DD-MM-YYYY');

Is there a typical state machine implementation pattern?

One of my favourite patterns is the state design pattern. Respond or behave differently to the same given set of inputs.
One of the problems with using switch/case statements for state machines is that as you create more states, the switch/cases becomes harder/unwieldy to read/maintain, promotes unorganized spaghetti code, and increasingly difficult to change without breaking something. I find using design patterns helps me to organize my data better, which is the whole point of abstraction. Instead of designing your state code around what state you came from, instead structure your code so that it records the state when you enter a new state. That way, you effectively get a record of your previous state. I like @JoshPetit's answer, and have taken his solution one step further, taken straight from the GoF book:


#define STATE (void *)
typedef enum fsmSignal
   eEnter =0,

typedef struct fsm 
   FsmSignalT signal;
   // StateT is an enum that you can define any which way you want
   StateT currentState;
extern int STATECTXT_Init(void);
/* optionally allow client context to set the target state */
extern STATECTXT_Set(StateT  stateID);
extern void STATECTXT_Handle(void *pvEvent);


#include "stateCtxt.h"
#include "statehandlers.h"

typedef STATE (*pfnStateT)(FsmSignalT signal, void *pvEvent);

static FsmT      fsm;
static pfnStateT UsbState ;

int STATECTXT_Init(void)
    UsbState = State1;
    fsm.signal = eEnter;
    // use an enum for better maintainability
    fsm.currentState = '1';
    (*UsbState)( &fsm, pvEvent);
    return 0;

static void ChangeState( FsmT *pFsm, pfnStateT targetState )
    // Check to see if the state has changed
    if (targetState  != NULL)
        // Call current state's exit event
        pFsm->signal = eExit;
        STATE dummyState = (*UsbState)( pFsm, pvEvent);

        // Update the State Machine structure
        UsbState = targetState ;

        // Call the new state's enter event
        pFsm->signal = eEnter;            
        dummyState = (*UsbState)( pFsm, pvEvent);

void STATECTXT_Handle(void *pvEvent)
    pfnStateT newState;

    if (UsbState != NULL)
         fsm.signal = eNormal;
         newState = (*UsbState)( &fsm, pvEvent );
         ChangeState( &fsm, newState );

void STATECTXT_Set(StateT  stateID)
     prevState = UsbState;
     switch (stateID) 
         case '1':               
            ChangeState( State1 );
          case '2':
            ChangeState( State2);
          case '3':
            ChangeState( State3);


/* define state handlers */
extern STATE State1(void);
extern STATE State2(void);
extern STATE State3(void);


#include "stateCtxt.h:"

/* Define behaviour to given set of inputs */
STATE State1(FsmT *fsm, void *pvEvent)
    STATE nextState;
    /* do some state specific behaviours 
     * here
    /* fsm->currentState currently contains the previous state
     * just before it gets updated, so you can implement behaviours 
     * which depend on previous state here
    fsm->currentState = '1';
    /* Now, specify the next state
     * to transition to, or return null if you're still waiting for 
     * more stuff to process.  
    switch (fsm->signal)
        case eEnter:
            nextState = State2;
        case eNormal:
            nextState = null;
        case eExit:
            nextState = State2;

    return nextState;

STATE  State3(FsmT *fsm, void *pvEvent)
    /* do some state specific behaviours 
     * here
    fsm->currentState = '2';
    /* Now, specify the next state
     * to transition to
     return State1;

STATE   State2(FsmT *fsm, void *pvEvent)
    /* do some state specific behaviours 
     * here
    fsm->currentState = '3';
    /* Now, specify the next state
     * to transition to
     return State3;

For most State Machines, esp. Finite state machines, each state will know what its next state should be, and the criteria for transitioning to its next state. For loose state designs, this may not be the case, hence the option to expose the API for transitioning states. If you desire more abstraction, each state handler can be separated out into its own file, which are equivalent to the concrete state handlers in the GoF book. If your design is simple with only a few states, then both stateCtxt.c and statehandlers.c can be combined into a single file for simplicity.

GROUP BY to combine/concat a column

     [User], Activity,
         (SELECT DISTINCT ',' + PageURL
          FROM TableName
          WHERE [User] = a.[User] AND Activity = a.Activity
          FOR XML PATH (''))
          , 1, 1, '')  AS URLList
FROM TableName AS a
GROUP BY [User], Activity

Reasons for a 409/Conflict HTTP error when uploading a file to sharepoint using a .NET WebRequest?

Since no answers were posted, I found the following here:

The Web server (running the Web site) thinks that the request submitted by the client (e.g. your Web browser or our CheckUpDown robot) can not be completed because it conflicts with some rule already established. For example, you may get a 409 error if you try to upload a file to the Web server which is older than the one already there - resulting in a version control conflict.

Someone on a similar question right here on stackoverflow, said the answer was:

I've had this issue when I was referencing the url of the document library and not the destination file itself.

i.e. try http://server name/document library name/new file name.doc

However I am 100% sure this was not my case, since I checked the WebRequest's URI property several times and the URI was complete with filename, and all the folders in the path existed on the sharepoint site.

Anyways, I hope this helps someone.

UNIX export command


The commands env, set, and printenv display all environment variables and their values. env and set are also used to set environment variables and are often incorporated directly into the shell. printenv can also be used to print a single variable by giving that variable name as the sole argument to the command.

In Unix, the following commands can also be used, but are often dependent on a certain shell.

export VARIABLE=value  # for Bourne, bash, and related shells
setenv VARIABLE value  # for csh and related shells

You can have a look at this at

eclipse stuck when building workspace

Deleting some of the JDT indexes (in .metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.jdt.core), particularly the big files, often fix or ease the problem for me.

How to restart a node.js server

Using "kill -9 [PID]" or "killall -9 node" worked for me where "kill -2 [PID]" did not work.

Difference between private, public, and protected inheritance

I have tried explaining inheritance using a picture below.

The main gist is that the private members of parent class are never directly accessible from derived/child class but you can use parent class's member function to access the private members of parent class. Private variables are always present in derived class but it cannot be accessed by derived class. Its like its their but you cannot see with your own eyes but if you ask someone form the parent class then he can describe it to you. Inheritance Mapping cpp

Creating an XmlNode/XmlElement in C# without an XmlDocument?

Create a new XmlDocument with the contents you want and then import it into your existing document, by accessing the OwnerDocument property of your existing nodes:

XmlNode existing_node; // of some document, where we don't know necessarily know the XmlDocument...
XmlDocument temp = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode new_node = existing_node.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(temp.DocumentElement, true);

Good luck.

How to read file from res/raw by name

With the help of the given links I was able to solve the problem myself. The correct way is to get the resource ID with

                             "raw", getPackageName());

To get it as a InputStream

InputStream ins = getResources().openRawResource(
            "raw", getPackageName()));

How to convert SSH keypairs generated using PuTTYgen (Windows) into key-pairs used by ssh-agent and Keychain (Linux)

It's probably easier to create your keys under linux and use PuTTYgen to convert the keys to PuTTY format.

PuTTY Faq: A.2.2

Random alpha-numeric string in JavaScript?

When I saw this question I thought of when I had to generate UUIDs. I can't take credit for the code, as I am sure I found it here on stackoverflow. If you dont want the dashes in your string then take out the dashes. Here is the function:

function generateUUID() {
    var d = new Date().getTime();
    var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g,function(c) {
        var r = (d + Math.random()*16)%16 | 0;
        d = Math.floor(d/16);
        return (c=='x' ? r : (r&0x7|0x8)).toString(16);
    return uuid.toUpperCase();


How to publish a website made by Node.js to Github Pages?

It's very simple steps to push your node js application from local to GitHub.


  1. First create a new repository on GitHub
  2. Open Git CMD installed to your system (Install GitHub Desktop)
  3. Clone the repository to your system with the command: git clone repo-url
  4. Now copy all your application files to this cloned library if it's not there
  5. Get everything ready to commit: git add -A
  6. Commit the tracked changes and prepares them to be pushed to a remote repository: git commit -a -m "First Commit"
  7. Push the changes in your local repository to GitHub: git push origin master

JSON to PHP Array using file_get_contents

You JSON is not a valid string as P. Galbraith has told you above.

and here is the solution for it.

$json_url = "";
$json = file_get_contents($json_url);


$data = json_decode($json);

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

Use this code it will work for you.

C# "internal" access modifier when doing unit testing

You can use private as well and you can call private methods with reflection. If you're using Visual Studio Team Suite it has some nice functionality that will generate a proxy to call your private methods for you. Here's a code project article that demonstrates how you can do the work yourself to unit test private and protected methods:

In terms of which access modifier you should use, my general rule of thumb is start with private and escalate as needed. That way you will expose as little of the internal details of your class as are truly needed and it helps keep the implementation details hidden, as they should be.

How to scroll page in flutter

Two way to add Scroll in page

1. Using SingleChildScrollView :

          child: Column(
            children: [

2. Using ListView : ListView is default provide Scroll no need to add extra widget for scrolling

          children: [

What is the difference between user and kernel modes in operating systems?

A processor in a computer running Windows has two different modes: user mode and kernel mode. The processor switches between the two modes depending on what type of code is running on the processor. Applications run in user mode, and core operating system components run in kernel mode. While many drivers run in kernel mode, some drivers may run in user mode.

When you start a user-mode application, Windows creates a process for the application. The process provides the application with a private virtual address space and a private handle table. Because an application's virtual address space is private, one application cannot alter data that belongs to another application. Each application runs in isolation, and if an application crashes, the crash is limited to that one application. Other applications and the operating system are not affected by the crash.

In addition to being private, the virtual address space of a user-mode application is limited. A processor running in user mode cannot access virtual addresses that are reserved for the operating system. Limiting the virtual address space of a user-mode application prevents the application from altering, and possibly damaging, critical operating system data.

All code that runs in kernel mode shares a single virtual address space. This means that a kernel-mode driver is not isolated from other drivers and the operating system itself. If a kernel-mode driver accidentally writes to the wrong virtual address, data that belongs to the operating system or another driver could be compromised. If a kernel-mode driver crashes, the entire operating system crashes.

If you are a Windows user once go through this link you will get more.

Communication between user mode and kernel mode

How to apply slide animation between two activities in Android?

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

         new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
             public void run() {

                     /* Create an intent that will start the main activity. */
                     Intent mainIntent = new Intent(SplashScreen.this,
                     mainIntent.putExtra("id", "1");

                     /* Finish splash activity so user cant go back to it. */

                     /* Apply our splash exit (fade out) and main
                        entry (fade in) animation transitions. */
    } cannot identify image file - Python?

In my case, it was because the images I used were stored on a Mac, which generates many hidden files like .image_file.png, so they turned out to not even be the actual images I needed and I could safely ignore the warning or delete the hidden files. It was just an oversight in my case.

jquery - How to determine if a div changes its height or any css attribute?

Please don't use techniques described in other answers here. They are either not working with css3 animations size changes, floating layout changes or changes that don't come from jQuery land. You can use a resize-detector, a event-based approach, that doesn't waste your CPU time.

It contains a ResizeSensor class you can use for that purpose.

new ResizeSensor(jQuery('#mainContent'), function(){ 
    console.log('main content dimension changed');

Disclaimer: I wrote this library

Program does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point

You can also run into this if you're working on a WPF project that was started in VS 2010 (Beta 1), then moved into VS 2008.

Under the project properties, the .NET framework version gets unset (since .NET 4.0 isn't valid in VS 2008), and for some reason that causes this error.

If you set the .NET framework (e.g. to .NET 3.5), the error goes away.

bash shell nested for loop

# loop*figures.bash

for i in 1 2 3 4 5  # First loop.
    for j in $(seq 1 $i)
        echo  -n "*" 
# outputs
# *
# **
# ***
# ****
# *****

for i in 5 4 3 2 1 # First loop.
    for j in $(seq -$i -1)
        echo  -n "*" 

# outputs
# *****
# ****
# ***
# **
# *

for i in 1 2 3 4 5  # First loop.
    for k in $(seq -5 -$i)
        echo -n ' '
    for j in $(seq 1 $i)
        echo  -n "* " 

# outputs
#     * 
#    * * 
#   * * * 
#  * * * * 
# * * * * * 

for i in 1 2 3 4 5  # First loop.
    for j in $(seq -5 -$i)
        echo  -n "* " 
    for k in $(seq 1 $i)
        echo -n ' '

# outputs
# * * * * * 
#  * * * * 
#   * * * 
#    * * 
#     *

exit 0

How to sparsely checkout only one single file from a git repository?

If you need a specific file from a specific branch from a remote Git repository the command is:

git archive --remote=git:// refs/heads/mybranch path/to/myfile |tar xf -

The rest can be derived from @VonC's answer:

If you need a specific file from the master branch it is:

git archive --remote=git:// HEAD path/to/myfile |tar xf -

If you need a specific file from a tag it is:

git archive --remote=git:// mytag path/to/myfile |tar xf -

Is it possible to move/rename files in Git and maintain their history?

It is possible to rename a file and keep the history intact, although it causes the file to be renamed throughout the entire history of the repository. This is probably only for the obsessive git-log-lovers, and has some serious implications, including these:

  • You could be rewriting a shared history, which is the most important DON'T while using Git. If someone else has cloned the repository, you'll break it doing this. They will have to re-clone to avoid headaches. This might be OK if the rename is important enough, but you'll need to consider this carefully -- you might end up upsetting an entire opensource community!
  • If you've referenced the file using it's old name earlier in the repository history, you're effectively breaking earlier versions. To remedy this, you'll have to do a bit more hoop jumping. It's not impossible, just tedious and possibly not worth it.

Now, since you're still with me, you're a probably solo developer renaming a completely isolated file. Let's move a file using filter-tree!

Assume you're going to move a file old into a folder dir and give it the name new

This could be done with git mv old dir/new && git add -u dir/new, but that breaks history.


git filter-branch --tree-filter 'if [ -f old ]; then mkdir dir && mv old dir/new; fi' HEAD

will redo every commit in the branch, executing the command in the ticks for each iteration. Plenty of stuff can go wrong when you do this. I normally test to see if the file is present (otherwise it's not there yet to move) and then perform the necessary steps to shoehorn the tree to my liking. Here you might sed through files to alter references to the file and so on. Knock yourself out! :)

When completed, the file is moved and the log is intact. You feel like a ninja pirate.

Also; The mkdir dir is only necessary if you move the file to a new folder, of course. The if will avoid the creation of this folder earlier in history than your file exists.

What is the size of column of int(11) in mysql in bytes?

As others have said, the minumum/maximum values the column can store and how much storage it takes in bytes is only defined by the type, not the length.

A lot of these answers are saying that the (11) part only affects the display width which isn't exactly true, but mostly.

A definition of int(2) with no zerofill specified will:

  • still accept a value of 100
  • still display a value of 100 when output (not 0 or 00)
  • the display width will be the width of the largest value being output from the select query.

The only thing the (2) will do is if zerofill is also specified:

  • a value of 1 will be shown 01.
  • When displaying values, the column will always have a width of the maximum possible value the column could take which is 10 digits for an integer, instead of the miniumum width required to display the largest value that column needs to show for in that specific select query, which could be much smaller.
  • The column can still take, and show a value exceeding the length, but these values will not be prefixed with 0s.

The best way to see all the nuances is to run:

CREATE TABLE `mytable` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `int1` int(10) NOT NULL,
    `int2` int(3) NOT NULL,
    `zf1` int(10) ZEROFILL NOT NULL,
    `zf2` int(3) ZEROFILL NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

INSERT INTO `mytable` 
(`int1`, `int2`, `zf1`, `zf2`) 
(10000, 10000, 10000, 10000),
(100, 100, 100, 100);

select * from mytable;

which will output:

| id | int1  | int2  | zf1        | zf2   |
|  1 | 10000 | 10000 | 0000010000 | 10000 |
|  2 |   100 |   100 | 0000000100 |   100 |

This answer is tested against MySQL 5.7.12 for Linux and may or may not vary for other implementations.

How can I display the users profile pic using the facebook graph api?

EDIT: So facebook has changed it again! No more searching by username - have amended the answer below...{{UID}}/picture?redirect=false&height=200&width=200
  • UID = the profile or page id
  • redirect either returns json (false) or redirects to the image (true)
  • height and width is the crop
  • does not require authentication


Facebook Graph picture doc

Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type

Because you didn't specify the Header.

I've added an extended example:

var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(strServer + strURL.Split('&')[1].ToString());

Header(ref request, p_Method);

And the method Header:

private void Header(ref HttpWebRequest p_request, string p_Method)
    p_request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    p_request.Method = p_Method;
    p_request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE)";
    p_request.Host = strServer.Split('/')[2].ToString();
    p_request.Accept = "*/*";
    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strURLReferer))
        p_request.Referer = strServer;
        p_request.Referer = strURLReferer;
    p_request.Headers.Add("Accept-Language", "en-us\r\n");
    p_request.Headers.Add("UA-CPU", "x86 \r\n");
    p_request.Headers.Add("Cache-Control", "no-cache\r\n");
    p_request.KeepAlive = true;

How to provide user name and password when connecting to a network share

If you can't create an locally valid security token, it seems like you've ruled all out every option bar Win32 API and WNetAddConnection*.

Tons of information on MSDN about WNet - PInvoke information and sample code that connects to a UNC path here:

MSDN Reference here:

How to check if MySQL returns null/empty?

You can use is_null() function. : in the comments :

mdufour at gmail dot com 20-Aug-2008 04:31 Testing for a NULL field/column returned by a mySQL query.

Say you want to check if field/column “foo” from a given row of the table “bar” when > returned by a mySQL query is null. You just use the “is_null()” function:

$qResult=mysql_query("Select foo from bar;");
while ($qValues=mysql_fetch_assoc($qResult))
     if (is_null($qValues["foo"]))
         echo "No foo data!";
         echo "Foo data=".$qValues["foo"];

Team Build Error: The Path ... is already mapped to workspace

I changed

Build Definition -> Workspace -> Build Agent Folder





and it fixed the issue.

How to get a enum value from string in C#?

Using Enum.TryParse you don't need the Exception handling:

baseKey e;

if ( Enum.TryParse(s, out e) )

Disable submit button ONLY after submit

My problem was solved when i add bind section to my script file.

Totally i did this 2 steps :

1 - Disable button and prevent double submitting :

$('form').submit(function () {
    $(this).find(':submit').attr('disabled', 'disabled');

2 - Enable submit button if validation error occurred :

$("form").bind("invalid-form.validate", function () {
    $(this).find(':submit').prop('disabled', false);

PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

This means that you are doing a foreach on something that is not an array.

Check out all your foreach statements, and look if the thing before the as, to make sure it is actually an array. Use var_dump to dump it.

Then fix the one where it isn't an array.

How to reproduce this error:

$skipper = "abcd";
foreach ($skipper as $item){       //the warning happens on this line.
    print "ok";

Make sure $skipper is an array.

C++ class forward declaration

The problem is that tick() needs to know the definition of tile_tree_apple, but all it has is a forward declaration of it. You should separate the declarations and definitions like so:


#ifndef TILE_TREE_H
#define TILE_TREE_H
#include "tile.h"

class tile_tree : public tile
    tile onDestroy();
    tile tick();
    void onCreate();



tile tile_tree::onDestroy() {
    return *new tile_grass;

tile tile_tree::tick() {
     if (rand() % 20 == 0)
         return *new tile_tree_apple;

void tile_tree::onCreate() {
    health = rand() % 5 + 4;
    type = TILET_TREE;

Except you have a major problem: you’re allocating memory (with new), then copying the allocated object and returning the copy. This is called a memory leak, because there’s no way for your program to free the memory it uses. Not only that, but you’re copying a tile_tree into a tile, which discards the information that makes a tile_tree different from a tile; this is called slicing.

What you want is to return a pointer to a new tile, and make sure you call delete at some point to free the memory:

tile* tile_tree::tick() {
     if (rand() % 20 == 0)
         return new tile_tree_apple;

Even better would be to return a smart pointer that will handle the memory management for you:

#include <memory>

std::shared_ptr<tile> tile_tree::tick() {
     if (rand() % 20 == 0)
         return std::make_shared<tile_tree_apple>();

How can I detect browser type using jQuery?

   function checkOperatingSystem(){_x000D_
       var  userAgent = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera;_x000D_
       if (/android/i.test(userAgent)) {_x000D_
       if (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(userAgent) && !window.MSStream) {_x000D_
       if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Win")!=-1)_x000D_
       if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac")!=-1)_x000D_
       }  _x000D_

How do I fix certificate errors when running wget on an HTTPS URL in Cygwin?

First, the SSL certificates need to be installed. Instructions (based on

pushd /usr/ssl/certs
curl | awk 'split_after==1{n++;split_after=0} /-----END CERTIFICATE-----/ {split_after=1} {print > "cert" n ".pem"}'

The above is enough to fix curl, but wget requires an extra symlink:

ln -sT /usr/ssl /etc/ssl

How do I fix the "You don't have write permissions into the /usr/bin directory" error when installing Rails?

You can use sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

This works for me.

Difference between HashMap, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap

All three represent mapping from unique keys to values, and therefore implement the Map interface.

  1. HashMap is a map based on hashing of the keys. It supports O(1) get/put operations. Keys must have consistent implementations of hashCode() and equals() for this to work.

  2. LinkedHashMap is very similar to HashMap, but it adds awareness to the order at which items are added (or accessed), so the iteration order is the same as insertion order (or access order, depending on construction parameters).

  3. TreeMap is a tree based mapping. Its put/get operations take O(log n) time. It requires items to have some comparison mechanism, either with Comparable or Comparator. The iteration order is determined by this mechanism.

How to create a date object from string in javascript

First extract the string like this

var dateString = str.match(/^(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{4})$/);


var d = new Date( dateString[3], dateString[2]-1, dateString[1] );

Running Git through Cygwin from Windows

call your (windows-)git with cygpath as parameter, in order to convert the "calling path". I m confused why that should be a problem.

How to Consolidate Data from Multiple Excel Columns All into One Column

Take a look at Blockspring - you do need to install the plugin, but then it's just another function you call like this:


The source code and other details are here. If this doesn't suit and/or you want to build off my solution, you can fork my function (Python) or use another supported scripting language (Ruby, R, JS, etc...).

LogCat message: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included

For me the only working solution was to add the android-support-v7-appcompat library as well. It seems that this library is also needed in order to get rid of that message. Since then my applications have been working fine!

I hope it helps!

Postgres "psql not recognized as an internal or external command"

Make sure that the path actually leads to the executables. I'm using version 11 and it did not work until this was set as the path:

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\bin\bin

Maybe this is how version 11 is structured or I somehow botched the installation but I haven't had a problem since.

How do you fadeIn and animate at the same time?

For people still looking a couple of years later, things have changed a bit. You can now use the queue for .fadeIn() as well so that it will work like this:

$('.tooltip').fadeIn({queue: false, duration: 'slow'});
$('.tooltip').animate({ top: "-10px" }, 'slow');

This has the benefit of working on display: none elements so you don't need the extra two lines of code.

SQL how to check that two tables has exactly the same data?

Enhancement to dietbuddha's answer...

select * from
    select * from tableA
    select * from tableB
union all
select * from
    select * from tableB
    select * from tableA

Change directory in Node.js command prompt

Type .exit in command prompt window, It terminates the node repl.

Android Spinner: Get the selected item change event

The docs for the spinner-widget says

A spinner does not support item click events.

You should use setOnItemSelectedListener to handle your problem.

Property 'map' does not exist on type 'Observable<Response>'

import { map } from "rxjs/operators";

.pipe(map(res => res));

.pipe(map(res => res));

In above function you can see i didn't use res.json() since im using HttpClient. It applies res.json() automatically and returns Observable (HttpResponse < string>). You no longer need to call this function yourself after angular 4 in HttpClient.

How do I convert from BLOB to TEXT in MySQL?

SELECCT TO_BASE64(blobfield)  
FROM the Table

worked for me.

The CAST(blobfield AS CHAR(10000) CHARACTER SET utf8) and CAST(blobfield AS CHAR(10000) CHARACTER SET utf16) did not show me the text value I wanted to get.

ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB

Take a substr of the CLOB and then convert it to a char:

  SET TEST_Category           = 'just testing' 
WHERE to_char(substr(TEST_SCRIPT, 1, 9))    = 'something'
  AND ID                      = '10000239';

How different is Objective-C from C++?

Off the top of my head:

  1. Styles - Obj-C is dynamic, C++ is typically static
  2. Although they are both OOP, I'm certain the solutions would be different.
  3. Different object model (C++ is restricted by its compile-time type system).

To me, the biggest difference is the model system. Obj-C lets you do messaging and introspection, but C++ has the ever-so-powerful templates.

Each have their strengths.

How to correctly get image from 'Resources' folder in NetBeans

I have a slightly different approach that might be useful/more beneficial to some.

Under your main project folder, create a resource folder. Your folder structure should look something like this.

  • Project Folder
    • build
    • dist
    • lib
    • nbproject
    • resources
    • src

Go to the properties of your project. You can do this by right clicking on your project in the Projects tab window and selecting Properties in the drop down menu.

Under categories on the left side, select Sources.

In Source Package Folders on the right side, add your resource folder using the Add Folder button. Once you click OK, you should see a Resources folder under your project.

enter image description here

You should now be able to pull resources using this line or similar approach:


If you were to create a package called Images under the resources folder, you can retrieve the resource like this:


Ruby on Rails form_for select field with class

This work for me

<%= :status, [["Single", "single"], ["Married", "married"], ["Engaged", "engaged"], ["In a Relationship", "relationship"]], {}, {class: "form-control"} %>

SQL Server equivalent of MySQL's NOW()?

getdate() or getutcdate().

Create a data.frame with m columns and 2 rows

For completeness:

Along the lines of Chase's answer, I usually use to coerce the matrix to a data.frame:

m <-, ncol = 30, nrow = 2))

EDIT: speed test data.frame vs.

system.time(replicate(10000, data.frame(matrix(0, ncol = 30, nrow = 2))))
   user  system elapsed 
  8.005   0.108   8.165 

system.time(replicate(10000,, ncol = 30, nrow = 2))))
   user  system elapsed 
  3.759   0.048   3.802 

Yes, it appears to be faster (by about 2 times).

Maven compile with multiple src directories

You can add a new source directory with build-helper:


Run Command Prompt Commands

Yes, there is (see link in Matt Hamilton's comment), but it would be easier and better to use .NET's IO classes. You can use File.ReadAllBytes to read the files and then File.WriteAllBytes to write the "embedded" version.

How to copy an object by value, not by reference

You may use clone() which works well if your object has immutable objects and/or primitives, but it may be a little problematic when you don't have these ( such as collections ) for which you may need to perform a deep clone.

User userCopy = (User) user.clone();//make a copy

for(...) {
    user.age = 1; = -1;

    user = userCopy; 

It seems like you just want to preserve the attributes: age and id which are of type int so, why don't you give it a try and see if it works.

For more complex scenarios you could create a "copy" method:

publc class User { 
    public static User copy( User other ) {
         User newUser = new User();
         newUser.age = other.age; =;
         //... etc. 
         return newUser;

It should take you about 10 minutes.

And then you can use that instead:

     User userCopy = User.copy( user ); //make a copy
     // etc. 

To read more about clone read this chapter in Joshua Bloch "Effective Java: Override clone judiciously"

How to pass the button value into my onclick event function?

Maybe you can take a look at closure in JavaScript. Here is a working solution:

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
        <meta charset="utf-8" />_x000D_
        <p class="button">Button 0</p>_x000D_
        <p class="button">Button 1</p>_x000D_
        <p class="button">Button 2</p>_x000D_
            var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('button');_x000D_
            for (var i=0 ; i < buttons.length ; i++){_x000D_
                buttons[index].onclick = function(){_x000D_
                  alert("I am button " + index);_x000D_

Install msi with msiexec in a Specific Directory

In my case all of them did not work and finally it was

msiexec /i "msinamebla.msi" INSTALLFOLDER="C:\test\" /qb

I checked the log.txt as described by ezzadeen and found "INSTALLFOLDER" in there.

PHP, display image with Header()

The best solution would be to read in the file, then decide which kind of image it is and send out the appropriate header

$filename = basename($file);
$file_extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($filename,"."),1));

switch( $file_extension ) {
    case "gif": $ctype="image/gif"; break;
    case "png": $ctype="image/png"; break;
    case "jpeg":
    case "jpg": $ctype="image/jpeg"; break;
    case "svg": $ctype="image/svg+xml"; break;

header('Content-type: ' . $ctype);

(Note: the correct content-type for JPG files is image/jpeg)

Disable text input history

<input type="text" autocomplete="off" />

Git: how to reverse-merge a commit?

To revert a merge commit, you need to use: git revert -m <parent number>. So for example, to revert the recent most merge commit using the parent with number 1 you would use:

git revert -m 1 HEAD

To revert a merge commit before the last commit, you would do:

git revert -m 1 HEAD^

Use git show <merge commit SHA1> to see the parents, the numbering is the order they appear e.g. Merge: e4c54b3 4725ad2

git merge documentation:

git merge discussion (confusing but very detailed):

What are all the different ways to create an object in Java?

There are four different ways to create objects in java:

A. Using new keyword
This is the most common way to create an object in java. Almost 99% of objects are created in this way.

 MyObject object = new MyObject();

B. Using Class.forName()
If we know the name of the class & if it has a public default constructor we can create an object in this way.

MyObject object = (MyObject) Class.forName("subin.rnd.MyObject").newInstance();

C. Using clone()
The clone() can be used to create a copy of an existing object.

MyObject anotherObject = new MyObject();
MyObject object = (MyObject) anotherObject.clone();

D. Using object deserialization
Object deserialization is nothing but creating an object from its serialized form.

ObjectInputStream inStream = new ObjectInputStream(anInputStream );
MyObject object = (MyObject) inStream.readObject();

You can read them from here.

C# Passing Function as Argument

There are a couple generic types in .Net (v2 and later) that make passing functions around as delegates very easy.

For functions with return types, there is Func<> and for functions without return types there is Action<>.

Both Func and Action can be declared to take from 0 to 4 parameters. For example, Func < double, int > takes one double as a parameter and returns an int. Action < double, double, double > takes three doubles as parameters and returns nothing (void).

So you can declare your Diff function to take a Func:

public double Diff(double x, Func<double, double> f) {
    double h = 0.0000001;

    return (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h;

And then you call it as so, simply giving it the name of the function that fits the signature of your Func or Action:

double result = Diff(myValue, Function);

You can even write the function in-line with lambda syntax:

double result = Diff(myValue, d => Math.Sqrt(d * 3.14));

What is the difference between Tomcat, JBoss and Glassfish?

jboss and glassfish include a servlet container(like tomcat), however the two application servers (jboss and glassfish) also provide a bean container (and a few other things aswell I imagine)

Convert HTML string to image

       <!--ForExport data in iamge -->
        <script type="text/javascript">
            function ConvertToImage(btnExport) {
                html2canvas($("#dvTable")[0]).then(function (canvas) {
                    var base64 = canvas.toDataURL();
                    __doPostBack(, "");
                return false;

        <!--ForExport data in iamge -->

        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <script src="../js/html2canvas.min.js"></script> 

                    <td valign="top">
                        <asp:Button ID="btnExport" Text="Download Back" runat="server" UseSubmitBehavior="false"
                            OnClick="ExportToImage" OnClientClick="return ConvertToImage(this)" />
                        <div id="dvTable" class="divsection2" style="width: 350px">
                            <asp:HiddenField ID="hfImageData" runat="server" />
                            <table width="100%">
                                        <br />

                                        <asp:Label ID="Labelgg" runat="server" CssClass="labans4" Text=""></asp:Label>


         protected void ExportToImage(object sender, EventArgs e)
                    string base64 = Request.Form[hfImageData.UniqueID].Split(',')[1];
                    byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64);
                    Response.ContentType = "image/png";
                    Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=name.png");
                    Response.Buffer = true;


Connection refused to MongoDB errno 111

Try the following:

sudo rm /var/lib/mongodb/mongod.lock
sudo service mongodb restart

How to delete stuff printed to console by System.out.println()?

To clear the Output screen, you can simulate a real person pressing CTRL + L (which clears the output). You can achieve this by using the Robot() class, here is how you can do this:

try {
        Robot robbie = new Robot();
        robbie.keyPress(17); // Holds CTRL key.
        robbie.keyPress(76); // Holds L key.
        robbie.keyRelease(17); // Releases CTRL key.
        robbie.keyRelease(76); // Releases L key.
    } catch (AWTException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(LoginPage.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints, will attempt to recover by breaking constraint

swift 4

I just add this line in viewDidLoad and work fine with me.


"The file "" couldn't be opened because you don't have permission to view it" when running app in Xcode 6 Beta 4

I recently meet the same problem for running an old project (initially created in Xcode 4.x) in Xcode 6.0.1.

I fixed the problem by changing the Architectures in Building Settings to the default value, which is "Standard architectures(armv7,arm64)".

Hope this could help anyone who got similar problems :)

What does the @ symbol before a variable name mean in C#?

The @ symbol serves 2 purposes in C#:

Firstly, it allows you to use a reserved keyword as a variable like this:

int @int = 15;

The second option lets you specify a string without having to escape any characters. For instance the '\' character is an escape character so typically you would need to do this:

var myString = "c:\\myfolder\\myfile.txt"

alternatively you can do this:

var myString = @"c:\myFolder\myfile.txt"

How to get cookie's expire time

Putting an encoded json inside the cookie is my favorite method, to get properly formated data out of a cookie. Try that:

$expiry = time() + 12345;
$data = (object) array( "value1" => "just for fun", "value2" => "i'll save whatever I want here" );
$cookieData = (object) array( "data" => $data, "expiry" => $expiry );
setcookie( "cookiename", json_encode( $cookieData ), $expiry );

then when you get your cookie next time:

$cookie = json_decode( $_COOKIE[ "cookiename" ] );

you can simply extract the expiry time, which was inserted as data inside the cookie itself..

$expiry = $cookie->expiry;

and additionally the data which will come out as a usable object :)

$data = $cookie->data;
$value1 = $cookie->data->value1;

etc. I find that to be a much neater way to use cookies, because you can nest as many small objects within other objects as you wish!

What does "export default" do in JSX?

Export like export default HelloWorld; and import, such as import React from 'react' are part of the ES6 modules system.

A module is a self contained unit that can expose assets to other modules using export, and acquire assets from other modules using import.

In your code:

import React from 'react'; // get the React object from the react module

class HelloWorld extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <p>Hello, world!</p>;

export default HelloWorld; // expose the HelloWorld component to other modules

In ES6 there are two kinds of exports:

Named exports - for example export function func() {} is a named export with the name of func. Named modules can be imported using import { exportName } from 'module';. In this case, the name of the import should be the same as the name of the export. To import the func in the example, you'll have to use import { func } from 'module';. There can be multiple named exports in one module.

Default export - is the value that will be imported from the module, if you use the simple import statement import X from 'module'. X is the name that will be given locally to the variable assigned to contain the value, and it doesn't have to be named like the origin export. There can be only one default export.

A module can contain both named exports and a default export, and they can be imported together using import defaultExport, { namedExport1, namedExport3, etc... } from 'module';.

Connect Device to Mac localhost Server?

I had the same problem. I turned off my WI-FI on my Mac and then turned it on again, which solved the problem. Click Settings > Turn WI-FI Off.

I tested it by going to Safari on my iPhone and entering my host name or IP address. For example: http://<name>.local or

Adding a y-axis label to secondary y-axis in matplotlib

The best way is to interact with the axes object directly

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.arange(0, 10, 0.1)
y1 = 0.05 * x**2
y2 = -1 *y1

fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()

ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax1.plot(x, y1, 'g-')
ax2.plot(x, y2, 'b-')

ax1.set_xlabel('X data')
ax1.set_ylabel('Y1 data', color='g')
ax2.set_ylabel('Y2 data', color='b')

example graph

Checking if a date is valid in javascript

Try this:

var date = new Date();
console.log(date instanceof Date && !isNaN(date.valueOf()));

This should return true.

UPDATED: Added isNaN check to handle the case commented by Julian H. Lam

How to use global variables in React Native?

Set up a flux container

simple example

import alt from './../../alt.js';

    class PostActions {


export default alt.createActions(PostActions);

store looks like this

class PostStore{


       this.messages = [];


        this.messages = messages;

export default alt.createStore(PostStore);

Then every component that listens to the store can share this variable In your constructor is where you should grab it


   //here is your data you get from the store, do what you want with it 
    var messageStore = MessageStore.getState();


    componentDidMount() {

    componentWillUnmount() {

        //if the data ever changes each component listining will be notified and can do the proper processing. 

This way, you can share you data across the app without every component having to communicate with each other.

how to fetch array keys with jQuery?

console.log( Object.keys( {'a':1,'b':2} ) );

Given an array of numbers, return array of products of all other numbers (no division)

    int[] arr1 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    int[] product = new int[arr1.Length];              

    for (int i = 0; i < arr1.Length; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < product.Length; j++)
            if (i != j)
                product[j] = product[j] == 0 ? arr1[i] : product[j] * arr1[i];

Eclipse Build Path Nesting Errors

This started taking me down a huge rabbit hole of fixing glitches with Eclipse, however I just deleted the project from Eclipse and reimported it to fix it.

Decompile .smali files on an APK

My recommendation is Virtuous Ten Studio. The tool is free but they suggest a donation. It combines all the necessary steps (unpacking APK, baksmaliing, decompiling, etc.) into one easy-to-use UI-based import process. Within five minutes you should have Java source code, less than it takes to figure out the command line options of one of the above mentioned tools.

Decompiling smali to Java is an inexact process, especially if the smali artifacts went through an obfuscator. You can find several decompilers on the web but only some of them are still maintained. Some will give you better decompiled code than others. Read "better" as in "more understandable" than others. Don't expect that the reverse-engineered Java code will compile out of the box. Virtuous Ten Studio comes with multiple free Java decompilers built-in so you can easily try out different decompilers (the "Generate Java source" step) to see which one gives you the best results, saving you the time to find those decompilers yourself and figure out how to use them. Amongst them is CFR, which is one of the few free and still maintained decompilers.

As output you receive, amongst other things, a folder structure that contains all the decompiled Java source code. You can then import this into IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse for further editing, analysis (e.g. Go to definition, Find usages), etc.

what is right way to do API call in react js?

You can also fetch data with hooks in your function components

full example with api call:

second example:

const Repos = ({user}) => {
  const [repos, setRepos] = React.useState([]);

  React.useEffect(() => {
    const fetchData = async () => {
        const response = await axios.get(`${user}/repos`);

  }, []);

  return (
    { =>
      <div key={}>{}</div>

ReactDOM.render(<Repos user="bradcypert" />, document.querySelector("#app"))

formatFloat : convert float number to string

Try this

package main

import "fmt"
import "strconv"

func FloatToString(input_num float64) string {
    // to convert a float number to a string
    return strconv.FormatFloat(input_num, 'f', 6, 64)

func main() {

If you just want as many digits precision as possible, then the special precision -1 uses the smallest number of digits necessary such that ParseFloat will return f exactly. Eg

strconv.FormatFloat(input_num, 'f', -1, 64)

Personally I find fmt easier to use. (Playground link)

fmt.Printf("x = %.6f\n", 21312421.213123)

Or if you just want to convert the string

fmt.Sprintf("%.6f", 21312421.213123)

git pull error :error: remote ref is at but expected

I faced same issue , I just deleted the remote branch and created new branch from the master and merged my changes from old feature branch to new feature branch . Now i tried pull and push requests its worked for me

Removing display of row names from data frame

My answer is intended for comment though but since i havent got enough reputation, i think it will still be relevant as an answer and help some one.

I find datatable in library DT robust to handle rownames, and columnames

Library DT
datatable(df, rownames = FALSE)  # no row names 

refer to for usage scenarios

How can I undo a mysql statement that I just executed?

You can only do so during a transaction.

INSERT INTO xxx ...;

Then you can either:

COMMIT; -- will confirm your changes


ROLLBACK -- will undo your previous changes

Android Studio: Can't start Git

For the one using mac who installed Xcode7, you have to start Xcode and accept the license agreement for the android studio error to go away.

CSS, Images, JS not loading in IIS

One possible cause of this is that your application expects to run on port 443 (standard SSL port) and port 443 is already in use. I have run into this several times with developers trying to run our application while Skype is running on their computers.

Incredibly, Skype runs on port 443. This is a horrible design flaw in my opinion. If you see your application trying to run on 444 instead of 443, shut down Skype and the problem will go away.

How to build jars from IntelliJ properly?

This is still an issue in 2017, I hope it will help somebody out there! I found 2 possibilities to create working jar-s under IntelliJ 2017.2

1. Creating artifact from IntelliJ:

  • Go to project structure:

File menu

  • Create a new artifact:

Create a new artifact

  • Select the main class, and be sure to change the manifest folder:

enter image description here

You have to change manifest directory:

<project folder>\src\main\java 

replace "java" with "resources"

<project folder>\src\main\resources

This is how it should look like:

correct way for new manifest

  • Then you choose the dependencies what you want to be packed IN your jar, or NEAR your jar file

  • To build your artifact go to build artifacts and choose "rebuild". It will create an "out" folder with your jar file and its dependencies.

enter image description here

2. Using maven-assembly-plugin

Add build section to the pom file

  • Create a new run/debug configuration:

Create a new run/debug configuration:

  • Choose application:

Choose application

  • Fill in the form
  • Add the "assembly:single" maven goal after build to be executed last

enter image description here

Final setup

  • Save it, then run

enter image description here

This procedure will create the jar file under the "target" folder

JAR file location

PopupWindow $BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token null is not valid

A popup's parent can't itself be a popup. Both of their parents must be the same. So, if you create a popup inside a popup, you must save the parent's popup and make it a parent.

here's an example

DateTime fields from SQL Server display incorrectly in Excel

Found a solution that doesnt requires to remember and retype the custom datetime format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000

  • On a new cell, write either =NOW() or any valid date+time like 5/30/2017 17:35: It will display correctly in your language, e.g. 5/30/2017 5:35:00 PM
  • Select the cell, click on the Format Painter icon (the paint brush)
  • Now click on the row header of the column that you want to apply the format.

This will copy a proper datetime format to the whole column, making it display correctly.

How do I convert two lists into a dictionary?

>>> keys = ('name', 'age', 'food')
>>> values = ('Monty', 42, 'spam')
>>> dict(zip(keys, values))
{'food': 'spam', 'age': 42, 'name': 'Monty'}

How to format DateTime to 24 hours time?

Use upper-case HH for 24h format:

String s = curr.ToString("HH:mm");

See DateTime.ToString Method.

"End of script output before headers" error in Apache

Since no answer is accepted, I would like to provide one possible solution. If your script is written on Windows and uploaded to a Linux server(through FTP), then the problem will raise usually. The reason is that Windows uses CRLF to end each line while Linux uses LF. So you should convert it from CRLF to LF with the help of an editor, such Atom, as following enter image description here

How do I find the authoritative name-server for a domain name?

We've built a dns lookup tool that gives you the domain's authoritative nameservers and its common dns records in one request.


Our tool finds the authoritative nameservers by performing a realtime (uncached) dns lookup at the root nameservers and then following the nameserver referrals until we reach the authoritative nameservers. This is the same logic that dns resolvers use to obtain authoritative answers. A random authoritative nameserver is selected (and identified) on each query allowing you to find conflicting dns records by performing multiple requests.

You can also view the nameserver delegation path by clicking on "Authoritative Nameservers" at the bottom of the dns lookup results from the example above.

Example:[email protected]

XPath - Selecting elements that equal a value


//*[text()='qwerty'] because . is your current element

Error 415 Unsupported Media Type: POST not reaching REST if JSON, but it does if XML

I get the same issue. In fact, the request didn't reach the jersey annoted method. I solved the problem with add the annotation: @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED) The annotation @Consumes("/") don't work!

    public void  get__EstNouvelleGH( @Context HttpServletResponse response) {

How do I convert NSMutableArray to NSArray?

you try this code---

NSMutableArray *myMutableArray = [myArray mutableCopy];


NSArray *myArray = [myMutableArray copy];

Jquery-How to grey out the background while showing the loading icon over it

I reworked the example you provided in the js fiddle :

Step 1 :

I renamed your container div to overlay, as semantically this div is not a container, but an overlay. I also placed the loader div as a child of this overlay div.

The resulting html is :

<div class="overlay">
    <div id="loading-img"></div>

<div class="content">
    <div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ea velit provident sint aliquid eos omnis aperiam officia architecto error incidunt nemo obcaecati adipisci doloremque dicta neque placeat natus beatae cupiditate minima ipsam quaerat explicabo non reiciendis qui sit. ...</div>
    <button id="button">Submit</button>

The css of the overlay is the following

.overlay {
    background: #e9e9e9;  <- I left your 'gray' background
    display: none;        <- Not displayed by default
    position: absolute;   <- This and the following properties will
    top: 0;                  make the overlay, the element will expand
    right: 0;                so as to cover the whole body of the page
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    opacity: 0.5;

Step 2 :

I added some dummy text so as to have something to overlay.

Step 3 :

Then, in the click handler we just need to show the overlay :

$("#button").click(function () {

DataGridView checkbox column - value and functionality

private void dataGridView1_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
    DataGridViewCheckBoxCell ch1 = new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell();
    ch1 = (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)dataGridView1.Rows[dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index].Cells[0];

    if (ch1.Value == null)
    switch (ch1.Value.ToString())
        case "True":
            ch1.Value = false;
        case "False":
            ch1.Value = true;

best solution to find if the checkbox in the datagridview is checked or not.

How to determine if one array contains all elements of another array

This can be achieved by doing

(a2 & a1) == a2

This creates the intersection of both arrays, returning all elements from a2 which are also in a1. If the result is the same as a2, you can be sure you have all elements included in a1.

This approach only works if all elements in a2 are different from each other in the first place. If there are doubles, this approach fails. The one from Tempos still works then, so I wholeheartedly recommend his approach (also it's probably faster).

Running Java gives "Error: could not open `C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\amd64\jvm.cfg'"

  • I had a similar problem (trying to start a Jenkins slave agent on Windows) on Windows 2008R2, Java 1.7.0_15

  • I had two situations that contributed to the problem and that changing both of them fixed it:

    1) Installing Java in a unix-compatible path (changing from c:\Program Files\... to c:\Software\...); I don't think this directly affected the problem described in this thread, but noting the change;

    2) Running Java not through a shortcut. It originally failed with a shortcut, but re-running from the direct executable (C:\Software\Java...\bin\java) worked.

ng-mouseover and leave to toggle item using mouse in angularjs

A little late here, but I've found this to be a common problem worth a custom directive to handle. Here's how that might look:

  .directive('toggleOnHover', function(){
    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      link: link

    function link(scope, elem, attrs){
      elem.on('mouseenter', applyToggleExp);
      elem.on('mouseleave', applyToggleExp);

      function applyToggleExp(){


You can use it like this:

<li toggle-on-hover="editableProp = !editableProp">edit</li> 

How to detect if CMD is running as Administrator/has elevated privileges?

A "not-a-one-liner" version of

@echo off
net.exe session 1>NUL 2>NUL || goto :not_admin
goto :eof

echo ERROR: Please run as a local administrator.
exit /b 1

Regular expression to search multiple strings (Textpad)

I suggest much better solution. Task in my case: add path before each record and import multiple fields.

CSV single field value (all images just have filenames, separate by |):

Tamper 1st plugin: find and replace by REGEXP: pattern: /([a-zA-Z0-9]*)./ replacement:$1

Tamper 2nd plugin: explode setting: explode by |

In this case you don't need any additinal fields mappings and can use 1 field in CSV

Unix command to find lines common in two files

rm file3.txt

cat file1.out | while read line1
        cat file2.out | while read line2
                if [[ $line1 == $line2 ]]; then
                        echo $line1 >>file3.out

This should do it.

Woocommerce, get current product id

Since WooCommerce 2.2 you are able to simply use the wc_get_product Method. As an argument you can pass the ID or simply leave it empty if you're already in the loop.


OR with 2 lines

$product = wc_get_product();
$id = $product->get_id();

Why does the html input with type "number" allow the letter 'e' to be entered in the field?

Angular; with IDE keyCode deprecated warning

Functionally the same as rinku's answer but with IDE warning prevention

numericOnly(event): boolean {
    // noinspection JSDeprecatedSymbols
    const charCode = (event.which) ? event.which : event.key || event.keyCode;  // keyCode is deprecated but needed for some browsers
    return !(charCode === 101 || charCode === 69 || charCode === 45 || charCode === 43);

How Can I Bypass the X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN HTTP Header?

As for second question - you can use Fiddler filters to set response X-Frame-Options header manually to something like ALLOW-FROM *. But, of course, this trick will work only for you - other users still won't be able to see iframe content(if they not do the same).

Checkout Jenkins Pipeline Git SCM with credentials?

You can use the following in a pipeline:

git branch: 'master',
    credentialsId: '12345-1234-4696-af25-123455',
    url: 'ssh://[email protected]:company/repo.git'

If you're using the ssh url then your credentials must be username + private key. If you're using the https clone url instead of the ssh one, then your credentials should be username + password.

Maximum packet size for a TCP connection

Generally, this will be dependent on the interface the connection is using. You can probably use an ioctl() to get the MTU, and if it is ethernet, you can usually get the maximum packet size by subtracting the size of the hardware header from that, which is 14 for ethernet with no VLAN.

This is only the case if the MTU is at least that large across the network. TCP may use path MTU discovery to reduce your effective MTU.

The question is, why do you care?

How to add an event after close the modal window?

$('.close').click(function() {
  //Code to be executed when close is clicked

Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?

I find the above answers really lengthy, so to summarize:

The mysqli extension has a number of benefits, the key enhancements over the mysql extension being:

  • Object-oriented interface
  • Support for Prepared Statements
  • Support for Multiple Statements
  • Support for Transactions
  • Enhanced debugging capabilities
  • Embedded server support

Source: MySQLi overview

As explained in the above answers, the alternatives to mysql are mysqli and PDO (PHP Data Objects).

  • API supports server-side Prepared Statements: Supported by MYSQLi and PDO
  • API supports client-side Prepared Statements: Supported only by PDO
  • API supports Stored Procedures: Both MySQLi and PDO
  • API supports Multiple Statements and all MySQL 4.1+ functionality - Supported by MySQLi and mostly also by PDO

Both MySQLi and PDO were introduced in PHP 5.0, whereas MySQL was introduced prior to PHP 3.0. A point to note is that MySQL is included in PHP5.x though deprecated in later versions.

Convert into a useable string using Arduino?

Here is a more robust implementation that handles abnormal input and race conditions.

  • It detects unusually long input values and safely discards them. For example, if the source had an error and generated input without the expected terminator; or was malicious.
  • It ensures the string value is always null terminated (even when buffer size is completely filled).
  • It waits until the complete value is captured. For example, transmission delays could cause Serial.available() to return zero before the rest of the value finishes arriving.
  • Does not skip values when multiple values arrive quicker than they can be processed (subject to the limitations of the serial input buffer).
  • Can handle values that are a prefix of another value (e.g. "abc" and "abcd" can both be read in).

It deliberately uses character arrays instead of the String type, to be more efficient and to avoid memory problems. It also avoids using the readStringUntil() function, to not timeout before the input arrives.

The original question did not say how the variable length strings are defined, but I'll assume they are terminated by a single newline character - which turns this into a line reading problem.

int read_line(char* buffer, int bufsize)
  for (int index = 0; index < bufsize; index++) {
    // Wait until characters are available
    while (Serial.available() == 0) {

    char ch =; // read next character
    Serial.print(ch); // echo it back: useful with the serial monitor (optional)

    if (ch == '\n') {
      buffer[index] = 0; // end of line reached: null terminate string
      return index; // success: return length of string (zero if string is empty)

    buffer[index] = ch; // Append character to buffer

  // Reached end of buffer, but have not seen the end-of-line yet.
  // Discard the rest of the line (safer than returning a partial line).

  char ch;
  do {
    // Wait until characters are available
    while (Serial.available() == 0) {
    ch =; // read next character (and discard it)
    Serial.print(ch); // echo it back
  } while (ch != '\n');

  buffer[0] = 0; // set buffer to empty string even though it should not be used
  return -1; // error: return negative one to indicate the input was too long

Here is an example of it being used to read commands from the serial monitor:

const int LED_PIN = 13;
const int LINE_BUFFER_SIZE = 80; // max line length is one less than this

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  Serial.print("> ");

  // Read command

  char line[LINE_BUFFER_SIZE];
  if (read_line(line, sizeof(line)) < 0) {
    Serial.println("Error: line too long");
    return; // skip command processing and try again on next iteration of loop

  // Process command

  if (strcmp(line, "off") == 0) {
      digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);
  } else if (strcmp(line, "on") == 0) {
      digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
  } else if (strcmp(line, "") == 0) {
    // Empty line: no command
  } else {
    Serial.print("Error: unknown command: \"");
    Serial.println("\" (available commands: \"off\", \"on\")");

Compiler error: "class, interface, or enum expected"

Look at your function s definition. If you forget using "()" after function declaration somewhere, you ll get plenty of errors with the same format:

 ... ??: class, interface, or enum expected ...

And also you have forgot closing bracket after your class or function definition ends. But note that these missing bracket, is not the only reason for this type of error.

Bootstrap Carousel : Remove auto slide

$(document).ready(function() {
    pause: true,
    interval: 40000,

By using the above script, you will be able to move the images automaticaly

$(document).ready(function() {
    pause: true,
    interval: false,

By using the above script, auto-rotation will be blocked because interval is false

How do I determine scrollHeight?

Correct ways in jQuery are -

  • $('#test').prop('scrollHeight') OR
  • $('#test')[0].scrollHeight OR
  • $('#test').get(0).scrollHeight

How to format number of decimal places in wpf using style/template?

You should use the StringFormat on the Binding. You can use either standard string formats, or custom string formats:

<TextBox Text="{Binding Value, StringFormat=N2}" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding Value, StringFormat={}{0:#,#.00}}" />

Note that the StringFormat only works when the target property is of type string. If you are trying to set something like a Content property (typeof(object)), you will need to use a custom StringFormatConverter (like here), and pass your format string as the ConverterParameter.

Edit for updated question

So, if your ViewModel defines the precision, I'd recommend doing this as a MultiBinding, and creating your own IMultiValueConverter. This is pretty annoying in practice, to go from a simple binding to one that needs to be expanded out to a MultiBinding, but if the precision isn't known at compile time, this is pretty much all you can do. Your IMultiValueConverter would need to take the value, and the precision, and output the formatted string. You'd be able to do this using String.Format.

However, for things like a ContentControl, you can much more easily do this with a Style:

<Style TargetType="{x:Type ContentControl}">
    <Setter Property="ContentStringFormat" 
            Value="{Binding Resolution, StringFormat=N{0}}" />

Any control that exposes a ContentStringFormat can be used like this. Unfortunately, TextBox doesn't have anything like that.

Combine two or more columns in a dataframe into a new column with a new name

For inserting a separator:

df$x <- paste(df$n, "-", df$s)

How to check if C string is empty

Typically speaking, you're going to have a hard time getting an empty string here, considering %s ignores white space (spaces, tabs, newlines)... but regardless, scanf() actually returns the number of successful matches...

From the man page:

the number of input items successfully matched and assigned, which can be fewer than provided for, or even zero in the event of an early matching failure.

so if somehow they managed to get by with an empty string (ctrl+z for example) you can just check the return result.

int count = 0;
do {
  count = scanf("%62s", url);  // You should check return values and limit the 
                               // input length
} while (count <= 0)

Note you have to check less than because in the example I gave, you'd get back -1, again detailed in the man page:

The value EOF is returned if the end of input is reached before either the first successful conversion or a matching failure occurs. EOF is also returned if a read error occurs, in which case the error indicator for the stream (see ferror(3)) is set, and errno is set indicate the error.

How do I style appcompat-v7 Toolbar like Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar?

The cleanest way I found to do this is create a child of 'ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Dark.ActionBar'. In the example, I set the Toolbar's background color to RED and text's color to BLUE.

<style name="MyToolbar" parent="ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Dark.ActionBar">
    <item name="android:background">#FF0000</item>
    <item name="android:textColorPrimary">#0000FF</item>

You can then apply your theme to the toolbar:


Hide/Show Column in an HTML Table

I would like to do this without attaching a class to every td

Personally, I would go with the the class-on-each-td/th/col approach. Then you can switch columns on and off using a single write to className on the container, assuming style rules like:

table.hide1 .col1 { display: none; }
table.hide2 .col2 { display: none; }

This is going to be faster than any JS loop approach; for really long tables it can make a significant difference to responsiveness.

If you can get away with not supporting IE6, you could use adjacency selectors to avoid having to add the class attributes to tds. Or alternatively, if your concern is making the markup cleaner, you could add them from JavaScript automatically in an initialisation step.

how to add a jpg image in Latex

if you add a jpg,png,pdf picture, you should use pdflatex to compile it.

Update Eclipse with Android development tools v. 23

I found these instructions in a comment.

Download the newest version of ADT and use your existing workspace. This is actually the least pain-full upgrade you'll ever do. It didn't mess with the .android folder so I still had my original debug key. Only things missing were a couple of add ons I hardly ever use and they are easily installed into the new version.

Note don't install into your existing adt folder create a new folder so you can still fall back if the new install doesn't work.

Failed to open/create the internal network Vagrant on Windows10

The two answers did not solve my issue but combining them, I was able to solve the problem. My situation was I was trying to install and run Docker on a Windows 7 pc and kept getting an error: "Looks like something went wrong... Press any key to continue..."

After much digging, I was able to relate the issue to the host network adapter that was created by Docker. I had the NDIS6 driver installed but it was enabled. I tried to uncheck, disable, recheck, enable etc but it did not help.

I then uninstalled VB and reinstalled as per the first answer to get the NDIS5 driver. This was unchecked, so checking it I was able to move past this issue.

HTML5 iFrame Seamless Attribute

I couldn't find anything that met my requirements, hece I came up with this script (depends on jQuery):

It will resize the iframe to the viewport size (taking into account wider content). It could use an improvement to use the viewport height instead of the content height, in the case that the former is bigger.

When is layoutSubviews called?

A rather obscure, yet potentially important case when layoutSubviews never gets called is:

import UIKit

class View: UIView {

    override class var layerClass: AnyClass { return Layer.self }

    class Layer: CALayer {
        override func layoutSublayers() {
            // if we don't call super.layoutSublayers()...
            print(type(of: self), #function)

    override func layoutSubviews() {
        // ... this method never gets called by the OS!
        print(type(of: self), #function)

let view = View(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100))

How to set adaptive learning rate for GradientDescentOptimizer?

First of all, tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer is designed to use a constant learning rate for all variables in all steps. TensorFlow also provides out-of-the-box adaptive optimizers including the tf.train.AdagradOptimizer and the tf.train.AdamOptimizer, and these can be used as drop-in replacements.

However, if you want to control the learning rate with otherwise-vanilla gradient descent, you can take advantage of the fact that the learning_rate argument to the tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer constructor can be a Tensor object. This allows you to compute a different value for the learning rate in each step, for example:

learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[])
# ...
train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(

sess = tf.Session()

# Feed different values for learning rate to each training step., feed_dict={learning_rate: 0.1}), feed_dict={learning_rate: 0.1}), feed_dict={learning_rate: 0.01}), feed_dict={learning_rate: 0.01})

Alternatively, you could create a scalar tf.Variable that holds the learning rate, and assign it each time you want to change the learning rate.

How do I find which rpm package supplies a file I'm looking for?

The most popular answer is incomplete:

Since this search will generally be performed only for files from installed packages, yum whatprovides is made blisteringly fast by disabling all external repos (the implicit "installed" repo can't be disabled).

yum --disablerepo=* whatprovides <file>

proper way to sudo over ssh

The best way is ssh -t user@server "sudo <scriptname>", for example ssh -t user@server "sudo reboot". It will prompt for password for user first and then root(since we are running the script or command with root privilege.

I hope it helped and cleared your doubt.

How to access the request body when POSTing using Node.js and Express?

Try this:


That will take the object which bodyParser has created for you and turn it back into a string and write it to the response. If you want the exact request body (with the same whitespace, etc), you will need data and end listeners attached to the request before and build up the string chunk by chunk as you can see in the json parsing source code from connect.

Add an element to an array in Swift

Use += and + operators :

extension Array {


func += <V> (inout left: [V], right: V) {

func + <V>(left: Array<V>, right: V) -> Array<V>
    var map = Array<V>()
    for (v) in left {


    return map

then use :

var list = [AnyObject]()
list += "hello" 
list += ["hello", "world!"]
var list2 = list + "anything"

WPF Databinding: How do I access the "parent" data context?

This will also work:

<Hyperlink Command="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=ItemsControl},
                             Path=DataContext.AllowItemCommand}" />

ListView will inherit its DataContext from Window, so it's available at this point, too.
And since ListView, just like similar controls (e. g. Gridview, ListBox, etc.), is a subclass of ItemsControl, the Binding for such controls will work perfectly.

How to check if a String is numeric in Java

I think the only way to reliably tell if a string is a number, is to parse it. So I would just parse it, and if it's a number, you get the number in an int for free!

Adding an onclick event to a div element

I think You are using //--style="display:none"--// for hiding the div.

Use this code:

    function klikaj(i) {
        document.getElementById(i).style.display = 'block';
<div id="thumb0" class="thumbs" onclick="klikaj('rad1')">Click Me..!</div>
<div id="rad1" class="thumbs" style="display:none">Helloooooo</div>


8-bit AnsiStrings

  • char: 8-bit character (underlying C/C++ data type)
  • CHAR: alias of char (Windows data type)
  • LPSTR: null-terminated string of CHAR (Long Pointer)
  • LPCSTR: constant null-terminated string of CHAR (Long Pointer Constant)

16-bit UnicodeStrings

  • wchar_t: 16-bit character (underlying C/C++ data type)
  • WCHAR: alias of wchar_t (Windows data type)
  • LPWSTR: null-terminated string of WCHAR (Long Pointer)
  • LPCWSTR: constant null-terminated string of WCHAR (Long Pointer Constant)

depending on UNICODE define

  • TCHAR: alias of WCHAR if UNICODE is defined; otherwise CHAR
  • LPTSTR: null-terminated string of TCHAR (Long Pointer)
  • LPCTSTR: constant null-terminated string of TCHAR (Long Pointer Constant)


Item 8-bit (Ansi) 16-bit (Wide) Varies

Bonus Reading

TCHAR ? Text Char (

Why is the default 8-bit codepage called "ANSI"?

From Unicode and Windows XP
by Cathy Wissink
Program Manager, Windows Globalization
Microsoft Corporation
May 2002

Despite the underlying Unicode support on Windows NT 3.1, code page support continued to be necessary for many of the higher-level applications and components included in the system, explaining the pervasive use of the “A” [ANSI] versions of the Win32 APIs rather than the “W” [“wide” or Unicode] versions. (The term “ANSI” as used to signify Windows code pages is a historical reference, but is nowadays a misnomer that continues to persist in the Windows community. The source of this comes from the fact that the Windows code page 1252 was originally based on an ANSI draft, which became ISO Standard 8859-1. However, in adding code points to the range reserved for control codes in the ISO standard, the Windows code page 1252 and subsequent Windows code pages originally based on the ISO 8859-x series deviated from ISO. To this day, it is not uncommon to have the development community, both within and outside of Microsoft, confuse the 8859-1 code page with Windows 1252, as well as see “ANSI” or “A” used to signify Windows code page support.)

WCF, Service attribute value in the ServiceHost directive could not be found

  1. Make sure markup (svc) file has service attribute with namespace.classname and codebehind will be classname.svc.cs

  2. Rebuild the solution

  3. Restart the app pools from local IIS once.

Hibernate problem - "Use of @OneToMany or @ManyToMany targeting an unmapped class"

In my case a has to add my classes, when building the SessionFactory, with addAnnotationClass

Configuration configuration.configure();
StandardServiceRegistryBuilder builder = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder().applySettings(configuration.getProperties());
SessionFactory sessionFactory = configuration

How do I make a newline after a twitter bootstrap element?

Like KingCronus mentioned in the comments you can use the row class to make the list or heading on its own line. You could use the row class on either or both elements:

<ul class="nav nav-tabs span2 row">
  <li><a href="./index.html"><i class="icon-black icon-music"></i></a></li>
  <li><a href="./about.html"><i class="icon-black icon-eye-open"></i></a></li>
  <li><a href="./team.html"><i class="icon-black icon-user"></i></a></li>
  <li><a href="./contact.html"><i class="icon-black icon-envelope"></i></a></li>

<div class="well span6 row">
  <h3>I wish this appeared on the next line without having to gratuitously use BR!</h3>

How can I generate a 6 digit unique number?

If you want it to start at 000001 and go to 999999:

$num_str = sprintf("%06d", mt_rand(1, 999999));

Mind you, it's stored as a string.

Javascript getElementsByName.value not working

Here is the example for having one or more checkboxes value. If you have two or more checkboxes and need values then this would really help.

function myFunction() {_x000D_
  var selchbox = [];_x000D_
  var inputfields = document.getElementsByName("myCheck");_x000D_
  var ar_inputflds = inputfields.length;_x000D_
  for (var i = 0; i < ar_inputflds; i++) {_x000D_
    if (inputfields[i].type == 'checkbox' && inputfields[i].checked == true)_x000D_
  return selchbox;_x000D_
document.getElementById('btntest').onclick = function() {_x000D_
  var selchb = myFunction();_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="myCheck" value="UK">United Kingdom_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="myCheck" value="USA">United States_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="myCheck" value="IL">Illinois_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="myCheck" value="MA">Massachusetts_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="myCheck" value="UT">Utah_x000D_
<input type="button" value="Click" id="btntest" />

JavaScript: Collision detection

//Off the cuff, Prototype style. 
//Note, this is not optimal; there should be some basic partitioning and caching going on. 
(function () { 
    var elements = []; 
    Element.register = function (element) { 
        for (var i=0; i<elements.length; i++) { 
            if (elements[i]==element) break; 
        if (arguments.length>1)  
            for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++)  
    Element.collide = function () { 
        for (var outer=0; outer < elements.length; outer++) { 
            var e1 = Object.extend( 
            for (var inner=outer; inner<elements.length; innter++) { 
                var e2 = Object.extend( 
                if (     
                    (e1.left+e1.width)>=e2.left && e1.left<=(e2.left+e2.width) && 
                    (> &&<=( 
                ) { 
                    $(elements[inner]).fire(':collision', {element: $(elements[outer])}); 
                    $(elements[outer]).fire(':collision', {element: $(elements[inner])}); 

$(myElementA).observe(':collision', function (ev) { 
    console.log('Damn, '+ev.memo.element+', that hurt!'); 
//detect collisions every 100ms 
setInterval(Element.collide, 100);

Android emulator doesn't take keyboard input - SDK tools rev 20


As of SDK rev 21 the Android Virtual Device Manager has an improved UI which resolves this issue. I have highlighted some of the more important configuration settings below:

enter image description here

If you notice that the soft (screen-based) main keys Back, Home, etc. are missing from your emulator you can set hw.mainKeys=no to enable them.

enter image description here

Original answer

Even though the developer documentation says keyboard support is enabled by default it doesn't seem to be that way in SDK rev 20. I explicitly enabled keyboard support in my emulator's config.ini file and that worked!

Add: hw.keyboard=yes

To: ~/.android/avd/<emulator-device-name>.avd/config.ini

Similarly, add hw.dPad=yes if you wish to use the arrow-keys to navigate the application list.


On Mac OS and Linux you can edit all of your emulator configurations with one Terminal command:

for f in ~/.android/avd/*.avd/config.ini; do echo 'hw.keyboard=yes' >> "$f"; done

On a related note, if your tablet emulator is missing the BACK/HOME buttons, try selecting WXGA800 as the Built-in skin in the AVD editor: enter image description here

Or by manually setting the skin in config.ini:

(example is for API 16)

Why do some functions have underscores "__" before and after the function name?

From the Python PEP 8 -- Style Guide for Python Code:

Descriptive: Naming Styles

The following special forms using leading or trailing underscores are recognized (these can generally be combined with any case convention):

  • _single_leading_underscore: weak "internal use" indicator. E.g. from M import * does not import objects whose name starts with an underscore.

  • single_trailing_underscore_: used by convention to avoid conflicts with Python keyword, e.g.

    Tkinter.Toplevel(master, class_='ClassName')

  • __double_leading_underscore: when naming a class attribute, invokes name mangling (inside class FooBar, __boo becomes _FooBar__boo; see below).

  • __double_leading_and_trailing_underscore__: "magic" objects or attributes that live in user-controlled namespaces. E.g. __init__, __import__ or __file__. Never invent such names; only use them as documented.

Note that names with double leading and trailing underscores are essentially reserved for Python itself: "Never invent such names; only use them as documented".

Database Structure for Tree Data Structure

If anyone using MS SQL Server 2008 and higher lands on this question: SQL Server 2008 and higher has a new "hierarchyId" feature designed specifically for this task.

More info at

console.log not working in Angular2 Component (Typescript)

It's not working because console.log() it's not in a "executable area" of the class "App".

A class is a structure composed by attributes and methods.

The only way to have your code executed is to place it inside a method that is going to be executed. For instance: constructor()

console.log('It works here')_x000D_
export class App {_x000D_
 s: string = "Hello2";_x000D_
  constructor() {_x000D_
    console.log(this.s)            _x000D_
  }            _x000D_

Think of class like a plain javascript object.

Would it make sense to expect this to work?

class:  {_x000D_
  s: string,_x000D_

If you still unsure, try the typescript playground where you can see your typescript code generated into plain javascript.

Mime type for WOFF fonts?


  1. Web Open Font Format
  2. It can be compiled with either TrueType or PostScript (CFF) outlines
  3. It is currently supported by FireFox 3.6+

Try to add that:

AddType application/ .eot
AddType application/octet-stream .otf .ttf

Where can I find the .apk file on my device, when I download any app and install?

You can do that I believe. It needs root permission. If you want to know where your apk files are stored, open a emulator and then go to

DDMS>File Explorer-> you can see a directory by name "data" -> Click on it and you will see a "app" folder.

Your apks are stored there. In fact just copying a apk directly to the folder works for me with emulators.

static and extern global variables in C and C++

Global variables are not extern nor static by default on C and C++. When you declare a variable as static, you are restricting it to the current source file. If you declare it as extern, you are saying that the variable exists, but are defined somewhere else, and if you don't have it defined elsewhere (without the extern keyword) you will get a link error (symbol not found).

Your code will break when you have more source files including that header, on link time you will have multiple references to varGlobal. If you declare it as static, then it will work with multiple sources (I mean, it will compile and link), but each source will have its own varGlobal.

What you can do in C++, that you can't in C, is to declare the variable as const on the header, like this:

const int varGlobal = 7;

And include in multiple sources, without breaking things at link time. The idea is to replace the old C style #define for constants.

If you need a global variable visible on multiple sources and not const, declare it as extern on the header, and then define it, this time without the extern keyword, on a source file:

Header included by multiple files:

extern int varGlobal;

In one of your source files:

int varGlobal = 7;

JavaScript equivalent of PHP's in_array()

function in_array(what, where) {
    var a=false;
    for (var i=0; i<where.length; i++) {
        if(what == where[i]) {
    return a;

Pipenv: Command Not Found

I tried this:

python -m pipenv # for python2

python3 -m pipenv # for python3

Hope this can help you.

How do I sort a dictionary by value?

You can create an "inverted index", also

from collections import defaultdict
inverse= defaultdict( list )
for k, v in originalDict.items():
    inverse[v].append( k )

Now your inverse has the values; each value has a list of applicable keys.

for k in sorted(inverse):
    print k, inverse[k]

String comparison in bash. [[: not found

I had this problem when installing Heroku Toolbelt

This is how I solved the problem

$ ls -l /bin/sh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 ago 15  2012 /bin/sh -> dash

As you can see, /bin/sh is a link to "dash" (not bash), and [[ is bash syntactic sugarness. So I just replaced the link to /bin/bash. Careful using rm like this in your system!

$ sudo rm /bin/sh
$ sudo ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh

AngularJS - Find Element with attribute

You haven't stated where you're looking for the element. If it's within the scope of a controller, it is possible, despite the chorus you'll hear about it not being the 'Angular Way'. The chorus is right, but sometimes, in the real world, it's unavoidable. (If you disagree, get in touch—I have a challenge for you.)

If you pass $element into a controller, like you would $scope, you can use its find() function. Note that, in the jQueryLite included in Angular, find() will only locate tags by name, not attribute. However, if you include the full-blown jQuery in your project, all the functionality of find() can be used, including finding by attribute.

So, for this HTML:

<div ng-controller='MyCtrl'>
        <div name='foo' class='myElementClass'>this one</div>

This AngularJS code should work:

angular.module('MyClient').controller('MyCtrl', [
    function ($scope, $element, $log) {

        // Find the element by its class attribute, within your controller's scope
        var myElements = $element.find('.myElementClass');

        // myElements is now an array of jQuery DOM elements

        if (myElements.length == 0) {
            // Not found. Are you sure you've included the full jQuery?
        } else {
            // There should only be one, and it will be element 0
            $log.debug(myElements[0].name); // "foo"


Running a cron every 30 seconds

You have */30 in the minutes specifier - that means every minute but with a step of 30 (in other words, every half hour). Since cron does not go down to sub-minute resolutions, you will need to find another way.

One possibility, though it's a bit of a kludge(a), is to have two jobs, one offset by 30 seconds:

# Need these to run on 30-sec boundaries, keep commands in sync.
* * * * *              /path/to/executable param1 param2
* * * * * ( sleep 30 ; /path/to/executable param1 param2 )

You'll see I've added comments and formatted to ensure it's easy to keep them synchronised.

Both cron jobs actually run every minute but the latter one will wait half a minute before executing the "meat" of the job, /path/to/executable.

For other (non-cron-based) options, see the other answers here, particularly the ones mentioning fcron and systemd. These are probably preferable assuming your system has the ability to use them (such as installing fcron or having a distro with systemd in it).

If you don't want to use the kludgy solution, you can use a loop-based solution with a small modification. You'll still have to manage keeping your process running in some form but, once that's sorted, the following script should work:

#!/bin/env bash

# Debug code to start on minute boundary and to
# gradually increase maximum payload duration to
# see what happens when the payload exceeds 30 seconds.

((maxtime = 20))
while [[ "$(date +%S)" != "00" ]]; do true; done

while true; do
    # Start a background timer BEFORE the payload runs.

    sleep 30 &

    # Execute the payload, some random duration up to the limit.
    # Extra blank line if excess payload.

    ((delay = RANDOM % maxtime + 1))
    ((maxtime += 1))
    echo "$(date) Sleeping for ${delay} seconds (max ${maxtime})."
    [[ ${delay} -gt 30 ]] && echo
    sleep ${delay}

    # Wait for timer to finish before next cycle.


The trick is to use a sleep 30 but to start it in the background before your payload runs. Then, after the payload is finished, just wait for the background sleep to finish.

If the payload takes n seconds (where n <= 30), the wait after the payload will then be 30 - n seconds. If it takes more than 30 seconds, then the next cycle will be delayed until the payload is finished, but no longer.

You'll see that I have debug code in there to start on a one-minute boundary to make the output initially easier to follow. I also gradually increase the maximum payload time so you'll eventually see the payload exceed the 30-second cycle time (an extra blank line is output so the effect is obvious).

A sample run follows (where cycles normally start 30 seconds after the previous cycle):

Tue May 26 20:56:00 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 9 seconds (max 21).
Tue May 26 20:56:30 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 19 seconds (max 22).
Tue May 26 20:57:00 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 9 seconds (max 23).
Tue May 26 20:57:30 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 7 seconds (max 24).
Tue May 26 20:58:00 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 2 seconds (max 25).
Tue May 26 20:58:30 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 8 seconds (max 26).
Tue May 26 20:59:00 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 20 seconds (max 27).
Tue May 26 20:59:30 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 25 seconds (max 28).
Tue May 26 21:00:00 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 5 seconds (max 29).
Tue May 26 21:00:30 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 6 seconds (max 30).
Tue May 26 21:01:00 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 27 seconds (max 31).
Tue May 26 21:01:30 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 25 seconds (max 32).
Tue May 26 21:02:00 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 15 seconds (max 33).
Tue May 26 21:02:30 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 10 seconds (max 34).
Tue May 26 21:03:00 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 5 seconds (max 35).
Tue May 26 21:03:30 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 35 seconds (max 36).

Tue May 26 21:04:05 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 2 seconds (max 37).
Tue May 26 21:04:35 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 20 seconds (max 38).
Tue May 26 21:05:05 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 22 seconds (max 39).
Tue May 26 21:05:35 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 18 seconds (max 40).
Tue May 26 21:06:05 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 33 seconds (max 41).

Tue May 26 21:06:38 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 31 seconds (max 42).

Tue May 26 21:07:09 AWST 2020 Sleeping for 6 seconds (max 43).

If you want to avoid the kludgy solution, this is probably better. You'll still need a cron job (or equivalent) to periodically detect if this script is running and, if not, start it. But the script itself then handles the timing.

(a) Some of my workmates would say that kludges are my specialty :-)

How can I detect keydown or keypress event in angular.js?


ngKeypress, ngKeydown and ngKeyup are now part of AngularJS.

<!-- you can, for example, specify an expression to evaluate -->
<input ng-keypress="count = count + 1" ng-init="count=0">

<!-- or call a controller/directive method and pass $event as parameter.
     With access to $event you can now do stuff like 
     finding which key was pressed -->
<input ng-keypress="changed($event)">

Read more here:

Earlier solutions:

Solution 1: Use ng-change with ng-model

<input type="text" placeholder="+639178983214" ng-model="mobileNumber" 
ng-controller="RegisterDataController" ng-change="keydown()">


function RegisterDataController($scope) {       
   $scope.keydown = function() {
        /* validate $scope.mobileNumber here*/

Solution 2. Use $watch

<input type="text" placeholder="+639178983214" ng-model="mobileNumber" 


$scope.$watch("mobileNumber", function(newValue, oldValue) {
    /* change noticed */

Java Hashmap: How to get key from value?

I think your choices are

  • Use a map implementation built for this, like the BiMap from google collections. Note that the google collections BiMap requires uniqueless of values, as well as keys, but it provides high performance in both directions performance
  • Manually maintain two maps - one for key -> value, and another map for value -> key
  • Iterate through the entrySet() and to find the keys which match the value. This is the slowest method, since it requires iterating through the entire collection, while the other two methods don't require that.

Python: List vs Dict for look up table


Lookups in lists are O(n), lookups in dictionaries are amortized O(1), with regard to the number of items in the data structure. If you don't need to associate values, use sets.


Both dictionaries and sets use hashing and they use much more memory than only for object storage. According to A.M. Kuchling in Beautiful Code, the implementation tries to keep the hash 2/3 full, so you might waste quite some memory.

If you do not add new entries on the fly (which you do, based on your updated question), it might be worthwhile to sort the list and use binary search. This is O(log n), and is likely to be slower for strings, impossible for objects which do not have a natural ordering.

JQuery: if div is visible

You can use .is(':visible')

Selects all elements that are visible.

For example:


Also, you can get the div which is visible by:


Live example:

#selectDiv {_x000D_
  display: none;  _x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="selectDiv"></div>_x000D_
<div id="visibleDiv"></div>

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock

I just changed the HOST from localhost to and it works fine:

# of Django project

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        'NAME': 'db_name',
        'USER': 'username',
        'PASSWORD': 'password',
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': '',

install beautiful soup using pip

The easy method that will work even in corrupted setup environment is :

To download and run it using command line



Extracting in c:\uu\uu\appdata\local\temp\tmpjxvil3 Now working in c:\u\u\appdata\local\temp\tmpjxvil3\setuptools-5.6 Installing Setuptools


pip install beautifulsoup4


Downloading/unpacking beautifulsoup4 Running ... egg_info for package Installing collected packages: beautifulsoup4 Running install for beautifulsoup4 Successfully installed beautifulsoup4 Cleaning up...

Bam ! |Done¬

Docker build gives "unable to prepare context: context must be a directory: /Users/tempUser/git/docker/Dockerfile"

You need to point to the directory instead. You must not specify the dockerfile.

docker build -t ubuntu-test:latest . does work.

docker build -t ubuntu-test:latest ./Dockerfile does not work.

How to set custom location for local installation of npm package?

After searching for this myself wanting several projects with shared dependencies to be DRYer, I’ve found:

  • Installing locally is the Node way for anything you want to use via require()
  • Installing globally is for binaries you want in your path, but is not intended for anything via require()
  • Using a prefix means you need to add appropriate bin and man paths to $PATH
  • npm link (info) lets you use a local install as a source for globals

? stick to the Node way and install locally


How to change the default GCC compiler in Ubuntu?

In case you want a quicker (but still very clean) way of achieving it for a personal purpose (for instance if you want to build a specific project having some strong requirements concerning the version of the compiler), just follow the following steps:

  • type echo $PATH and look for a personal directory having a very high priority (in my case, I have ~/.local/bin);
  • add the symbolic links in this directory:

For instance:

ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-WHATEVER ~/.local/bin/gcc
ln -s /usr/bin/g++-WHATEVER ~/.local/bin/g++

Of course, this will work for a single user (it isn't a system wide solution), but on the other hand I don't like to change too many things in my installation.

How do I get a file's directory using the File object?

You can use this

 File dir=new File(TestMain.class.getClassLoader().getResource("filename").getPath());

Manually type in a value in a "Select" / Drop-down HTML list?

I love the Shadow Wizard answer, which accually answers the question pretty nicelly. My jQuery twist on this which i use is here.

After typing new value, the form is ready to send, just need to handle new values on the back end.

jQuery is:

(function ($) 
 $.fn.otherize = function (option_text, texts_placeholder_text) {
    oSel = $(this);
    option_id = oSel.attr('id') + '_other';
    textbox_id = option_id + "_tb";

    this.append("<option value='' id='" + option_id + "' class='otherize' >" + option_text + "</option>");
    this.after("<input type='text' id='" + textbox_id + "' style='display: none; border-bottom: 1px solid black' placeholder='" + texts_placeholder_text + "'/>");

    function () {
        oTbox = oSel.parent().children('#' + textbox_id);
        oSel.children(':selected').hasClass('otherize') ? : oTbox.hide();

    $("#" + textbox_id).change(

    function () {
        $("#" + option_id).val($("#" + textbox_id).val());

So you apply this to the below html:

    <select id="otherize_me">
        <option value=1>option 1</option>
        <option value=2>option 2</option>
        <option value=3>option 3</option>

Just like this:

$(function () {

   $("#otherize_me").otherize("other..", "put new option vallue here");


How do I execute a program from Python? os.system fails due to spaces in path

I suspect it's the same problem as when you use shortcuts in Windows... Try this:

import os;
os.system("\"C:\\Temp\\a b c\\Notepad.exe\" C:\\test.txt");

Document Root PHP

Just / refers to the root of your website from the public html folder. DOCUMENT_ROOT refers to the local path to the folder on the server that contains your website.

For example, I have EasyPHP setup on a machine...

$_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] gives me file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/EasyPHP-5.3.9/www but any file I link to with just / will be relative to my www folder.

If you want to give the absolute path to a file on your server (from the server's root) you can use DOCUMENT_ROOT. if you want to give the absolute path to a file from your website's root, use just /.

Remove file from SVN repository without deleting local copy

In TortoiseSVN, you can also Shift + right-click to get a menu that includes "Delete (keep local)".

Finding common rows (intersection) in two Pandas dataframes

If I understand you correctly, you can use a combination of Series.isin() and DataFrame.append():

In [80]: df1
   rating  user_id
0       2  0x21abL
1       1  0x21abL
2       1   0xdafL
3       0  0x21abL
4       4  0x1d14L
5       2  0x21abL
6       1  0x21abL
7       0   0xdafL
8       4  0x1d14L
9       1  0x21abL

In [81]: df2
   rating      user_id
0       2      0x1d14L
1       1    0xdbdcad7
2       1      0x21abL
3       3      0x21abL
4       3      0x21abL
5       1  0x5734a81e2
6       2      0x1d14L
7       0       0xdafL
8       0      0x1d14L
9       4  0x5734a81e2

In [82]: ind = df2.user_id.isin(df1.user_id) & df1.user_id.isin(df2.user_id)

In [83]: ind
0     True
1    False
2     True
3     True
4     True
5    False
6     True
7     True
8     True
9    False
Name: user_id, dtype: bool

In [84]: df1[ind].append(df2[ind])
   rating  user_id
0       2  0x21abL
2       1   0xdafL
3       0  0x21abL
4       4  0x1d14L
6       1  0x21abL
7       0   0xdafL
8       4  0x1d14L
0       2  0x1d14L
2       1  0x21abL
3       3  0x21abL
4       3  0x21abL
6       2  0x1d14L
7       0   0xdafL
8       0  0x1d14L

This is essentially the algorithm you described as "clunky", using idiomatic pandas methods. Note the duplicate row indices. Also, note that this won't give you the expected output if df1 and df2 have no overlapping row indices, i.e., if

In [93]: df1.index & df2.index
Out[93]: Int64Index([], dtype='int64')

In fact, it won't give the expected output if their row indices are not equal.

IIS Express gives Access Denied error when debugging ASP.NET MVC

If you are using Visual Studio, you can also left-click on the project in Solution Explorer and change the Windows Authentication property to Enabled in the Properties window.

Using ORDER BY and GROUP BY together

You can try this

 SELECT tbl.* FROM (SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY timestamp DESC) as tbl
 GROUP BY tbl.m_id  

Add a background image to shape in XML Android

I used the following for a drawable image with a border.

First make a .xml file with this code in drawable folder:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="">
    <shape android:shape="oval">
        <solid android:color="@color/orange"/>
    <shape android:shape="oval">
        <solid android:color="@color/white"/>
    android:drawable="@drawable/messages" //here messages is my image name, please give here your image name.

Second make a view .xml file in layout folder and call the above .xml file with this way

   android:src="@drawable/merchant_circle" />  // here merchant_circle will be your first .xml file name

Given a filesystem path, is there a shorter way to extract the filename without its extension?

string filepath = "C:\\Program Files\\example.txt";
FileVersionInfo myFileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(filepath);
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filepath);

//input to the "fi" is a full path to the file from "filepath"
//This code will return the fileName from the given path


Visual Studio 2010 shortcut to find classes and methods?

Visual Studio 2010 has the "Navigate To" command, which might be what you are looking for. The default keyboard shortcut is CTRL + ,. Here is an overview of some of the options for navigating in Visual Studio 2010.

Javascript: set label text

you are doing several things wrong. The explanation follows the corrected code:

<label id="LblTextCount"></label>
<textarea name="text" onKeyPress="checkLength(this, 512, 'LblTextCount')">

Note the quotes around the id.

function checkLength(object, maxlength, label) {
    charsleft = (maxlength - object.value.length);

    // never allow to exceed the specified limit
    if( charsleft < 0 ) {
        object.value = object.value.substring(0, maxlength-1);

    // set the value of charsleft into the label
    document.getElementById(label).innerHTML = charsleft;

First, on your key press event you need to send the label id as a string for it to read correctly. Second, InnerHTML has a lowercase i. Lastly, because you sent the function the string id you can get the element by that id.

Let me know how that works out for you

EDIT Not that by not declaring charsleft as a var, you are implicitly creating a global variable. a better way would be to do the following when declaring it in the function:

var charsleft = ....

Twitter Bootstrap: Print content of modal window

Heres a solution with no Javascript or plugin - just some css and one extra class in the markup. This solutions uses the fact that BootStrap adds a class to the body when a dialog is open. We use this class to then hide the body, and print only the dialog.

To ensure we can determine the main body of the page we need to contain everything within the main page content in a div - I've used id="mainContent". Sample Page layout below - with a main page and two dialogs

 <div class="container body-content">

  <div id="mainContent">
       main page stuff     
  <!-- Dialog One -->
  <div class="modal fade in">
   <div class="modal-dialog">
    <div class="modal-content">

  <!-- Dialog Two -->
  <div class="modal fade in">
   <div class="modal-dialog">
    <div class="modal-content">


Then in our CSS print media queries, I use display: none to hide everything I don't want displayed - ie the mainContent when a dialog is open. I also use a specific class noPrint to be used on any parts of the page that should not be displayed - say action buttons. Here I am also hiding the headers and footers. You may need to tweak it to get exactly want you want.

@media print {
    header, .footer, footer {
        display: none;

    /* hide main content when dialog open */
    body.modal-open div.container.body-content div#mainContent {
        display: none;

    .noPrint {
        display: none;

What is the Python equivalent of static variables inside a function?

Here is a fully encapsulated version that doesn't require an external initialization call:

def fn():
    print (fn.counter)

In Python, functions are objects and we can simply add, or monkey patch, member variables to them via the special attribute __dict__. The built-in vars() returns the special attribute __dict__.

EDIT: Note, unlike the alternative try:except AttributeError answer, with this approach the variable will always be ready for the code logic following initialization. I think the try:except AttributeError alternative to the following will be less DRY and/or have awkward flow:

def Fibonacci(n):
   if n<2: return n
   Fibonacci.memo=vars(Fibonacci).setdefault('memo',{}) # use static variable to hold a results cache
   return Fibonacci.memo.setdefault(n,Fibonacci(n-1)+Fibonacci(n-2)) # lookup result in cache, if not available then calculate and store it

EDIT2: I only recommend the above approach when the function will be called from multiple locations. If instead the function is only called in one place, it's better to use nonlocal:

def TheOnlyPlaceStaticFunctionIsCalled():
    def Fibonacci(n):
       nonlocal memo  # required in Python3. Python2 can see memo
       if n<2: return n
       return memo.setdefault(n,Fibonacci(n-1)+Fibonacci(n-2))
    print (Fibonacci(200))

How to use Javascript to read local text file and read line by line?

Using ES6 the javascript becomes a little cleaner

handleFiles(input) {

    const file =[0];
    const reader = new FileReader();

    reader.onload = (event) => {
        const file =;
        const allLines = file.split(/\r\n|\n/);
        // Reading line by line
        allLines.forEach((line) => {

    reader.onerror = (event) => {


How to change font of UIButton with Swift

You should go through the titleLabel property.


The font property has been deprecated since iOS 3.0.

How can I pad an integer with zeros on the left?

Use java.lang.String.format(String,Object...) like this:

String.format("%05d", yournumber);

for zero-padding with a length of 5. For hexadecimal output replace the d with an x as in "%05x".

The full formatting options are documented as part of java.util.Formatter.

Create a new line in Java's FileWriter

If you mean use the same code but add a new line so that when you add something to the file it will be on a new line. You can simply use BufferedWriter's newLine().
Here I have Improved you code also: NumberFormatException was unnecessary as nothing was being cast to a number data type, saving variables to use once also was.

try {
    BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("file.txt"));
} catch (IOException ex) {
    System.out.println("File could not be created");

Position absolute and overflow hidden

An absolutely positioned element is actually positioned regarding a relative parent, or the nearest found relative parent. So the element with overflow: hidden should be between relative and absolute positioned elements:

<div class="relative-parent">
  <div class="hiding-parent">
    <div class="child"></div>

.relative-parent {
.hiding-parent {
.child {

You don't have write permissions for the /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0 directory. (mac user)

This worked for me on Mac

sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(brew --prefix)/*

'typeid' versus 'typeof' in C++

typeid provides the type of the data at runtime, when asked for. Typedef is a compile time construct that defines a new type as stated after that. There is no typeof in C++ Output appears as (shown as inscribed comments):

std::cout << typeid(t).name() << std::endl;  // i
std::cout << typeid(person).name() << std::endl;   // 6Person
std::cout << typeid(employee).name() << std::endl; // 8Employee
std::cout << typeid(ptr).name() << std::endl;      // P6Person
std::cout << typeid(*ptr).name() << std::endl;     //8Employee

Select data from "show tables" MySQL query

You may be closer than you think — SHOW TABLES already behaves a lot like SELECT:

$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname",$user,$pass);
foreach ($pdo->query("SHOW TABLES") as $row) {
    print "Table $row[Tables_in_$dbname]\n";

How to get names of enum entries?

Let ts-enum-util (github, npm) do the work for you and provide a lot of additional type-safe utilities. Works with both string and numeric enums, properly ignoring the numeric index reverse lookup entries for numeric enums:

String enum:

import {$enum} from "ts-enum-util";

enum Option {
    OPTION1 = 'this is option 1',
    OPTION2 = 'this is option 2'

// type: ("OPTION1" | "OPTION2")[]
// value: ["OPTION1", "OPTION2"]
const keys= $enum(Option).getKeys();

// type: Option[]
// value: ["this is option 1", "this is option 2"]
const values = $enum(Option).getValues();

Numeric enum:

enum Option {

// type: ("OPTION1" | "OPTION2")[]
// value: ["OPTION1", "OPTION2"]
const keys= $enum(Option).getKeys();

// type: Option[]
// value: [0, 1]
const values = $enum(Option).getValues();

Get the height and width of the browser viewport without scrollbars using jquery?

The script $(window).height() does work well (showing the viewport's height and not the document with scrolling height), BUT it needs that you put correctly the doctype tag in your document, for example these doctypes:

For html5: <!doctype html>

for transitional html4: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

Probably the default doctype assumed by some browsers is such, that $(window).height() takes the document's height and not the browser's height. With the doctype specification, it's satisfactorily solved, and I'm pretty sure you peps will avoid the "changing scroll-overflow to hidden and then back", which is, I'm sorry, a bit dirty trick, specially if you don't document it on the code for future programmer's usage.

Moreover, if you are doing a script, you can invent tests to help programmers in your libraries, let me invent a couple:

$(document).ready(function() {
    if(typeof $=='undefined') {
        alert("Error, you haven't called JQuery library");
    if(document.doctype==null || screen.height < parseInt($(window).height()) ) {
        alert("ERROR, check your doctype, the calculated heights are not what you might expect");

Get image dimensions

    list($width, $height) = getimagesize(""); 
    $arr = array('h' => $height, 'w' => $width );

How to append multiple values to a list in Python

letter = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
letter.extend(["e", "f", "g", "h"])
letter.extend(("e", "f", "g", "h"))
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']

How can I find my php.ini on wordpress?

Okay. Answer for self hosted wordpress installations - you'll have to find the file yourself. For my WordPres site I use nginx with php7.3-fpm.

Running php -i | grep ini from console gives me several lines including: Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php/7.3/cli/php.ini. This is ini configuration when running php command from command line, a.k.a. cli.

Then looking around I see there is also a file: /etc/php/7.3/fpm/php.ini I use FPM service so that is it! I edit it and THEN reload the service to apply my changes using: service php7.3-fpm reload.

That was it. Now I can upload bigger files to my WordPress. Good luck