[iphone] Connect Device to Mac localhost Server?

How do I allow any device, e.g., iPhone, to connect over a WLAN to my Mac's localhost server?

On my Mac, I'm running a "Hello World" HTTP Node.js server that serves a page, which Safari opens successfully, at http://localhost:1337. And, running ipconfig getifaddr en1 in Terminal outputs

But, Safari, on both iPhone & Mac, displays "Safari can't connect to the server" when it tries to open

I don't think this should involve port forwarding because I only want the HTTP server to be available privately, not publicly.


This question is related to iphone localhost lan wifi localserver

The answer is

Tried everything on this page, but http://<name>.local:<PORT> only worked on my iPhone after I quit and restarted Safari...

make sure you phone and mac machine both connected to the same wifi and you good to go your http://<machine-name>.local

I suggest to use the name of the computer, e.g.http://mymac:1337/. Works for me perfect without any configuration required and I don't have to care about changing IP addresses due DHCP.

Try enabling Internet Sharing:
Open System Preferences -> Sharing. Check Internet Sharing to turn it on, it will prompt you to confirm your action, select ok. If your iPhone is connected using USB, the iPhone USB is checked at the "sharing your connection" list on the right side.
After this, try accessing your local server using your macs ip on wifi.

MacOS Sierra users can find their auto-generated vanity URL by going to System Preferences > Sharing and checking beneath the Computer Name text input. To access it, enter this URL, plus your port number (e.g. your-name.local:8000), on your iPhone over the same Wi-Fi connection as your computer.

As posted I followed moeamaya's answer but needed to modify it just a bit to see my work in the Sites directory.


[name] is as stated already (System Preferences/sharing/"Computer Name")

[username] is found at:


hope this helps!

My problem was the same, but the solution had to do with changing a firewall setting. It turned out that node was set to block incoming traffic. I knew something was up because I used to be able to get to my localhost server from my phone.

Go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Firewall -> Firewall Options, and then scroll down until you find node and make sure node's setting is set to Allow incoming connections.

After changing the setting, I could reach the localhost server (port 3000) running on my Mac by going to

Always use the IP that is shown in your Network settings. It changes when you change location and you use another wireless connection.

For example in my case now it is:

I was only able to access my iphone using http://name.local:1337. You have to add the ".local" You can find your computer name under System Preferences/sharing/"Computer Name".

  1. Connect your iPhone to your Mac via USB.

  2. Go to Network Utility (cmd+space and type "network utility")

  3. Go to the "Info" tab

  4. Click on the drop down menu that says "Wi-Fi" and select "iPhone USB" as shown here:

    Photo for Step 4

  5. You'll find an IP address like "xxx.xxx.xx.xx" or similar. Open Safari browser on your iPhone and enter IP_address:port_number


[NOTE: If the IP address field is blank, make sure your iPhone is connected via USB, quit Network Utility, open it again and check for the IP address.]

I had the same problem. I turned off my WI-FI on my Mac and then turned it on again, which solved the problem. Click Settings > Turn WI-FI Off.

I tested it by going to Safari on my iPhone and entering my host name or IP address. For example: http://<name>.local or

I solve a similar problem.

  • connected Mac and iPhone to the same Wi-Fi
  • change the iPhone Wi-Fi setting, set http proxy to manual and change the Server to you Mac ip address and setting the Port. My Port is 80.

image one

image two

  • you can input http://<Mac ip>:<your customer server port> in iPhone's safari

also, make sure the server is listening for ur mobile device! for example, by default jekyll only answers requests made by the host machine. this solved my problem:

Connect to a locally built Jekyll Server using mobile devices in the LAN

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Examples related to localserver

Connect Device to Mac localhost Server?