1) How do I make it so that the whole column is "checked" by default?
var doWork = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();
doWork.Name = "IncludeDog" //Added so you can find the column in a row
doWork.HeaderText = "Include Dog";
doWork.FalseValue = "0";
doWork.TrueValue = "1";
//Make the default checked
doWork.CellTemplate.Value = true;
doWork.CellTemplate.Style.NullValue = true;
dataGridView1.Columns.Insert(0, doWork);
2) How can I make sure I'm only getting values from the "checked" rows?
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows)
if (row.IsNewRow) continue;//If editing is enabled, skip the new row
//The Cell's Value gets it wrong with the true default, it will return
//false until the cell changes so use FormattedValue instead.
if (Convert.ToBoolean(row.Cells["IncludeDog"].FormattedValue))
//Do stuff with row