Programs & Examples On #Application shutdown

A graceful termination of the application, either in response to some input or by internal logic. Usually applied for applications that need to run certain code in order to terminate in consistent way.

HTTP POST and GET using cURL in Linux

*nix provides a nice little command which makes our lives a lot easier.


with JSON:

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://hostname/resource

with XML:

curl -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -X GET http://hostname/resource


For posting data:

curl --data "param1=value1&param2=value2" http://hostname/resource

For file upload:

curl --form "[email protected]" http://hostname/resource

RESTful HTTP Post:

curl -X POST -d @filename http://hostname/resource

For logging into a site (auth):

curl -d "username=admin&password=admin&submit=Login" --dump-header headers http://localhost/Login
curl -L -b headers http://localhost/

Pretty-printing the curl results:


If you use npm and nodejs, you can install json package by running this command:

npm install -g json


curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://hostname/resource | json

If you use pip and python, you can install pjson package by running this command:

pip install pjson


curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://hostname/resource | pjson

If you use Python 2.6+, json tool is bundled within.


curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://hostname/resource | python -m json.tool

If you use gem and ruby, you can install colorful_json package by running this command:

gem install colorful_json


curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://hostname/resource | cjson

If you use apt-get (aptitude package manager of your Linux distro), you can install yajl-tools package by running this command:

sudo apt-get install yajl-tools


curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://hostname/resource |  json_reformat

For XML:

If you use *nix with Debian/Gnome envrionment, install libxml2-utils:

sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils


curl -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -X GET http://hostname/resource | xmllint --format -

or install tidy:

sudo apt-get install tidy


curl -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -X GET http://hostname/resource | tidy -xml -i -

Saving the curl response to a file

curl http://hostname/resource >> /path/to/your/file


curl http://hostname/resource -o /path/to/your/file

For detailed description of the curl command, hit:

man curl

For details about options/switches of the curl command, hit:

curl -h

String MinLength and MaxLength validation don't work ( mvc)

Try using this attribute, for example for password min length:

[StringLength(100, ErrorMessage = "???????????? ????? ?????? 20 ????????", MinimumLength = User.PasswordMinLength)]

Making a <button> that's a link in HTML

A little bit easier and it looks exactly like the button in the form. Just use the input and wrap the anchor tag around it.

<a href="#"><input type="button" value="Button Text"></a>

Converting user input string to regular expression

Thanks to earlier answers, this blocks serves well as a general purpose solution for applying a configurable string into a RegEx .. for filtering text:

var permittedChars = '^a-z0-9 _,.?!@+<>';
permittedChars = '[' + permittedChars + ']';

var flags = 'gi';
var strFilterRegEx = new RegExp(permittedChars, flags);

log.debug ('strFilterRegEx: ' + strFilterRegEx);

strVal = strVal.replace(strFilterRegEx, '');
// this replaces hard code solt:
// strVal = strVal.replace(/[^a-z0-9 _,.?!@+]/ig, '');

How to open maximized window with Javascript?

The best solution I could find at present time to open a window maximized is (Internet Explorer 11, Chrome 49, Firefox 45):

  var popup ="your_url", "popup", "fullscreen");
  if (popup.outerWidth < screen.availWidth || popup.outerHeight < screen.availHeight)
    popup.resizeTo(screen.availWidth, screen.availHeight);


Note 1: It does not work on Edge (13.1058686). Not sure whether it's a bug or if it's as designed (I've filled a bug report, we'll see what they have to say about it). Here is a workaround:

if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge\/\d+/g))
    return"your_url", "popup", "width=" + screen.width + ",height=" + screen.height);

Note 2: moveTo or resizeTo will not work (Access denied) if the window you are opening is on another domain.

How to remove items from a list while iterating?

For those that like functional programming:

somelist[:] = filter(lambda tup: not determine(tup), somelist)


from itertools import ifilterfalse
somelist[:] = list(ifilterfalse(determine, somelist))

How to use BeginInvoke C#

I guess your code relates to Windows Forms.
You call BeginInvoke if you need something to be executed asynchronously in the UI thread: change control's properties in most of the cases.
Roughly speaking this is accomplished be passing the delegate to some procedure which is being periodically executed. (message loop processing and the stuff like that)

If BeginInvoke is called for Delegate type the delegate is just invoked asynchronously.
(Invoke for the sync version.)

If you want more universal code which works perfectly for WPF and WinForms you can consider Task Parallel Library and running the Task with the according context. (TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext())

And to add a little to already said by others: Lambdas can be treated either as anonymous methods or expressions.
And that is why you cannot just use var with lambdas: compiler needs a hint.


this requires .Net v4.0 and higher

// This line must be called in UI thread to get correct scheduler
var scheduler = System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();

// this can be called anywhere
var task = new System.Threading.Tasks.Task( () => someformobj.listBox1.SelectedIndex = 0);

// also can be called anywhere. Task  will be scheduled for execution.
// And *IF I'm not mistaken* can be (or even will be executed synchronously)
// if this call is made from GUI thread. (to be checked) 

If you started the task from other thread and need to wait for its completition task.Wait() will block calling thread till the end of the task.

Read more about tasks here.

Getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory exception

If you're using maven for managing dependencies, add the following line in your pom.xml:


MVC controller : get JSON object from HTTP body?

I've been trying to get my ASP.NET MVC controller to parse some model that i submitted to it using Postman.

I needed the following to get it to work:

  • controller action

    public JsonResult InsertOrUpdateModels(Model entities)
        // ...
        return Json(response, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
  • a Models class

    public class Model
        public string Test { get; set; }
        // ...
  • headers for Postman's request, specifically, Content-Type

    postman headers

  • json in the request body

    enter image description here

Simple If/Else Razor Syntax

To get rid of the if/else awkwardness you could use a using block:

    var count = 0;
    foreach (var item in Model)
        using(Html.TableRow(new { @class = (count++ % 2 == 0) ? "alt-row" : "" }))
                @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Title)
                @Html.Truncate(item.Details, 75)
                <img src="@Url.Content("~/Content/Images/Projects/")@item.Images.Where(i => i.IsMain == true).Select(i => i.Name).Single()" 
                    alt="@item.Images.Where(i => i.IsMain == true).Select(i => i.AltText).Single()" class="thumb" />
                @Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id=item.ProjectId }) |
                @Html.ActionLink("Details", "Details", new { id = item.ProjectId }) |
                @Html.ActionLink("Delete", "Delete", new { id=item.ProjectId })

Reusable element that make it easier to add attributes:

//Block is take from
public class TableRow : Block
    private object _htmlAttributes;
    private TagBuilder _tr;

    public TableRow(HtmlHelper htmlHelper, object htmlAttributes) : base(htmlHelper)
        _htmlAttributes = htmlAttributes;

    public override void BeginBlock()
        _tr = new TagBuilder("tr");

    protected override void EndBlock()

Helper method to make razor syntax clearer:

public static TableRow TableRow(this HtmlHelper self, object htmlAttributes)
    var tableRow = new TableRow(self, htmlAttributes);
    return tableRow;

Why does Git tell me "No such remote 'origin'" when I try to push to origin?

Two problems:

1 - You never told Git to start tracking any file

You write that you ran

git init
git commit -m "first commit"

and that, at that stage, you got

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track).

Git is telling you that you never told it to start tracking any files in the first place, and it has nothing to take a snapshot of. Therefore, Git creates no commit. Before attempting to commit, you should tell Git (for instance):

Hey Git, you see that file idly sitting in my working directory, there? Could you put it under version control for me? I'd like it to go in my first commit/snapshot/revision...

For that you need to stage the files of interest, using

git add

before running

git commit -m "some descriptive message"

2 - You haven't set up the remote repository

You then ran

git remote add origin

After that, your local repository should be able to communicate with the remote repository that resides at the specified URL ( provided that remote repo actually exists! However, it seems that you never created that remote repo on GitHub in the first place: at the time of writing this answer, if I try to visit the correponding URL, I get

enter image description here

Before attempting to push to that remote repository, you need to make sure that the latter actually exists. So go to GitHub and create the remote repo in question. Then and only then will you be able to successfully push with

git push -u origin master

How to create unit tests easily in eclipse

To create a test case template:

"New" -> "JUnit Test Case" -> Select "Class under test" -> Select "Available methods". I think the wizard is quite easy for you.

Getting View's coordinates relative to the root layout

Incase someone is still trying to figure this out. This is how you get the center X and Y of the view.

    int pos[] = new int[2];
    int centerX = pos[0] + view.getMeasuredWidth() / 2;
    int centerY = pos[1] + view.getMeasuredHeight() / 2;

Check if element is visible on screen

Could you use jQuery, since it's cross-browser compatible?

function isOnScreen(element)
    var curPos = element.offset();
    var curTop =;
    var screenHeight = $(window).height();
    return (curTop > screenHeight) ? false : true;

And then call the function using something like:

if(isOnScreen($('#myDivId'))) { /* Code here... */ };

Python non-greedy regexes

Using an ungreedy match is a good start, but I'd also suggest that you reconsider any use of .* -- what about this?

groups ="\([^)]*\)", x)

How to identify a strong vs weak relationship on ERD?

We draw a solid line if and only if we have an ID-dependent relationship; otherwise it would be a dashed line.

Consider a weak but not ID-dependent relationship; We draw a dashed line because it is a weak relationship.

What is PEP8's E128: continuation line under-indented for visual indent?

This goes also for statements like this (auto-formatted by PyCharm):

    return combine_sample_generators(sample_generators['train']), \
           combine_sample_generators(sample_generators['dev']), \

Which will give the same style-warning. In order to get rid of it I had to rewrite it to:

    return \
        combine_sample_generators(sample_generators['train']), \
        combine_sample_generators(sample_generators['dev']), \

Find first element in a sequence that matches a predicate

J.F. Sebastian's answer is most elegant but requires python 2.6 as fortran pointed out.

For Python version < 2.6, here's the best I can come up with:

from itertools import repeat,ifilter,chain

Alternatively if you needed a list later (list handles the StopIteration), or you needed more than just the first but still not all, you can do it with islice:

from itertools import islice,ifilter

UPDATE: Although I am personally using a predefined function called first() that catches a StopIteration and returns None, Here's a possible improvement over the above example: avoid using filter / ifilter:

from itertools import islice,chain
chain((x for x in seq if predicate(x)),repeat(None)).next()

Pandas timeseries plot setting x-axis major and minor ticks and labels

Both pandas and matplotlib.dates use matplotlib.units for locating the ticks.

But while matplotlib.dates has convenient ways to set the ticks manually, pandas seems to have the focus on auto formatting so far (you can have a look at the code for date conversion and formatting in pandas).

So for the moment it seems more reasonable to use matplotlib.dates (as mentioned by @BrenBarn in his comment).

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import matplotlib.dates as dates

idx = pd.date_range('2011-05-01', '2011-07-01')
s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(len(idx)), index=idx)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot_date(idx.to_pydatetime(), s, 'v-')
ax.xaxis.grid(True, which="minor")


(my locale is German, so that Tuesday [Tue] becomes Dienstag [Di])

Rebuild all indexes in a Database

DECLARE @Database NVARCHAR(255)   

SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases   
WHERE name NOT IN ('master','msdb','tempdb','model','distribution')  -- databases to exclude
--WHERE name IN ('DB1', 'DB2') -- use this to select specific databases and comment out line above
AND state = 0 -- database is online
AND is_in_standby = 0 -- database is not read only for log shipping

OPEN DatabaseCursor  

FETCH NEXT FROM DatabaseCursor INTO @Database  

   SET @cmd = 'DECLARE TableCursor CURSOR READ_ONLY FOR SELECT ''['' + table_catalog + ''].['' + table_schema + ''].['' +  
   table_name + '']'' as tableName FROM [' + @Database + '].INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE table_type = ''BASE TABLE'''   

   -- create table cursor  
   EXEC (@cmd)  
   OPEN TableCursor   

   FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @Table   
      BEGIN TRY   
         SET @cmd = 'ALTER INDEX ALL ON ' + @Table + ' REBUILD' 
         --PRINT @cmd -- uncomment if you want to see commands
         EXEC (@cmd) 
      END TRY
         PRINT '---'
         PRINT @cmd
         PRINT '---'

      FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @Table   

   CLOSE TableCursor   
   DEALLOCATE TableCursor  

   FETCH NEXT FROM DatabaseCursor INTO @Database  
CLOSE DatabaseCursor   
DEALLOCATE DatabaseCursor

Input from the keyboard in command line application

Swift 5 : If you continuously want input from keyboard , without ending the program, like a stream of input, Use below steps:

  1. Create new project of type comnnad line tool Command line project

    1. Add below code in main.swift file:

      var inputArray = [String]()
      while let input = readLine() {
      guard input != "quit" else {
      print("You entered: \(input)")
      print("Enter a word:")
    2. RunThe project and click the executable under Products folder in Xcode and open in finder
    3. Double click the executable to open it.
    4. Now enter your Inputs. Terminal will look something like this: enter image description here

Comparing two maps

As long as you override equals() on each key and value contained in the map, then m1.equals(m2) should be reliable to check for maps equality.

The same result can be obtained also by comparing toString() of each map as you suggested, but using equals() is a more intuitive approach.

May not be your specific situation, but if you store arrays in the map, may be a little tricky, because they must be compared value by value, or using Arrays.equals(). More details about this see here.

Laravel 5.2 redirect back with success message

One way to do that is sending the message in the session like this:


return redirect()->back()->with('success', 'IT WORKS!');


@if (session()->has('success'))
    <h1>{{ session('success') }}</h1>

And other way to do that is just creating the session and put the text in the view directly:


return redirect()->back()->with('success', true);


@if (session()->has('success'))
    <h1>IT WORKS!</h1>

You can check the full documentation here: Redirecting With Flashed Session Data

I hope it is very helpful, regards.

Python display text with font & color?

I have some code in my game that displays live score. It is in a function for quick access.

def texts(score):
   scoretext=font.render("Score:"+str(score), 1,(255,255,255))
   screen.blit(scoretext, (500, 457))

and I call it using this in my while loop:


How to redirect to another page using AngularJS?

I used the below code to redirect to new page

$window.location.href = '/foldername/page.html';

and injected $window object in my controller function.

Use of document.getElementById in JavaScript

the line


says 'the variable I called 'age' has the value of the element with id 'age'. In this case the input field.

The line

voteable=(age<18)?"Too young":"Old enough";

says in a variable I called 'voteable' I store the value following the rule :

"If age is under 18 then show 'Too young' else show 'Old enough'"

The last line tell to put the value of 'voteable' in the element with id 'demo' (in this case the 'p' element)

Authorize attribute in ASP.NET MVC

It exists because it is more convenient to use, also it is a whole different ideology using attributes to mark the authorization parameters rather than xml configuration. It wasn't meant to beat general purpose config or any other authorization frameworks, just MVC's way of doing it. I'm saying this, because it seems you are looking for a technical feature advantages which are probably non... just superb convenience.

BobRock already listed the advantages. Just to add to his answer, another scenarios are that you can apply this attribute to whole controller, not just actions, also you can add different role authorization parameters to different actions in same controller to mix and match.

Spring Boot default H2 jdbc connection (and H2 console)

Check spring


here testdb is database defined Make sure h2 console have same value while connecting other wise it will connect to default db

enter image description here

Tablix: Repeat header rows on each page not working - Report Builder 3.0

I have 2.0 and found the above to help; however, the selecting of a static did not highlight the cell for some reason. I followed these steps:

  1. Under column groups select the advanced and the statics will show up
  2. Click on the static which shows up in the row groups
  3. Set KeepWithGroup to After and RepeatOnNewPage to true

Now your column headers should repeat on each page.

Why are you not able to declare a class as static in Java?

Everything we code in java goes into a class. Whenever we run a class JVM instantiates an object. JVM can create a number of objects, by definition Static means you have the same set of copy to all objects.

So, if Java would have allowed the top class to be static whenever you run a program it creates an Object and keeps overriding on to the same Memory Location.

If You are just replacing the object every time you run it whats the point of creating it?

So that is the reason Java got rid of the static for top-Level Class.

There might be more concrete reasons but this made much logical sense to me.

How to access PHP variables in JavaScript or jQuery rather than <?php echo $variable ?>

I ran into a similar issue when building a custom pagination for a site I am working on.

The global variable I created in functions.php was defined and set to 0. I could output this value in my javascript no problem using the method @Karsten outlined above. The issue was with updating the global variable that I initially set to 0 inside the PHP file.

Here is my workaround (hacky? I know!) but after struggling for an hour on a tight deadline the following works:

Inside archive-episodes.php:

    // We define the variable and update it in a php
    // function defined in functions.php
    var totalPageCount; 

Inside functions.php

    $totalPageCount = WP_Query->max_num_pages; // In my testing scenario this number is 8.
    echo '<script>totalPageCount = $totalPageCount;</script>';

To keep it simple, I was outputting the totalPageCount variable in an $ajax.success callback via alert.

        url: ajaxurl,
        type: 'POST',
        data: {"action": "infinite_scroll", "page_no": pageNumber, "posts_per_page": numResults},
        beforeSend: function() {
        success: function(data) {
                            //alert("DONE LOADING EPISODES");

            var $container = $("#episode-container");

            if(firstRun) {
            } else {
                var $newItems = $(data);
                $container.append( $newItems ).isotope( 'appended', $newItems );
            firstRun = false;


            alert(totalEpiPageCount); // THIS OUTPUTS THE CORRECT PAGE TOTAL

Be it as it may, I hope this helps others! If anyone has a "less-hacky" version or best-practise example I'm all ears.

PostgreSQL - SQL state: 42601 syntax error

Your function would work like this:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION prc_tst_bulk(sql text)
RETURNS TABLE (name text, rowcount integer) AS 

WITH v_tb_person AS (' || sql || $x$)
SELECT name, count(*)::int FROM v_tb_person WHERE nome LIKE '%a%' GROUP BY name
SELECT name, count(*)::int FROM v_tb_person WHERE gender = 1 GROUP BY name$x$;

$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


SELECT * FROM prc_tst_bulk($$SELECT a AS name, b AS nome, c AS gender FROM tbl$$)
  • You cannot mix plain and dynamic SQL the way you tried to do it. The whole statement is either all dynamic or all plain SQL. So I am building one dynamic statement to make this work. You may be interested in the chapter about executing dynamic commands in the manual.

  • The aggregate function count() returns bigint, but you had rowcount defined as integer, so you need an explicit cast ::int to make this work

  • I use dollar quoting to avoid quoting hell.

However, is this supposed to be a honeypot for SQL injection attacks or are you seriously going to use it? For your very private and secure use, it might be ok-ish - though I wouldn't even trust myself with a function like that. If there is any possible access for untrusted users, such a function is a loaded footgun. It's impossible to make this secure.

Craig (a sworn enemy of SQL injection!) might get a light stroke, when he sees what you forged from his piece of code in the answer to your preceding question. :)

The query itself seems rather odd, btw. But that's beside the point here.

Excel Calculate the date difference from today from a cell of "7/6/2012 10:26:42"


For example:


How to fix Error: listen EADDRINUSE while using nodejs?

Windows is always tricky with open source..

change the port simply it works

node-inspector --web-port=8099

Get the Year/Month/Day from a datetime in php?

Use DateTime with DateTime::format()

$datetime = new DateTime($dateTimeString);
echo $datetime->format('w');

node.js - request - How to "emitter.setMaxListeners()"?

Try to use:

require('events').EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = Infinity; 

Sort a list of numerical strings in ascending order

The recommended approach in this case is to sort the data in the database, adding an ORDER BY at the end of the query that fetches the results, something like this:

SELECT temperature FROM temperatures ORDER BY temperature ASC;  -- ascending order
SELECT temperature FROM temperatures ORDER BY temperature DESC; -- descending order

If for some reason that is not an option, you can change the sorting order like this in Python:

templist = [25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 33]
sorted(templist, key=int)               # ascending order
> [25, 33, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300]
sorted(templist, key=int, reverse=True) # descending order
> [300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 50, 33, 25]

As has been pointed in the comments, the int key (or float if values with decimals are being stored) is required for correctly sorting the data if the data received is of type string, but it'd be very strange to store temperature values as strings, if that is the case, go back and fix the problem at the root, and make sure that the temperatures being stored are numbers.

Why does "pip install" inside Python raise a SyntaxError?

As @sinoroc suggested correct way of installing a package via pip is using separate process since pip may cause closing a thread or may require a restart of interpreter to load new installed package so this is the right way of using the API: subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'SomeProject']) but since Python allows to access internal API and you know what you're using the API for you may want to use internal API anyway eg. if you're building own GUI package manager with alternative resourcess like

Following soulution is OUT OF DATE, instead of downvoting suggest updates. see for reference.

UPDATE: Since pip version 10.x there is no more get_installed_distributions() or main method under import pip instead use import pip._internal as pip.

UPDATE ca. v.18 get_installed_distributions() has been removed. Instead you may use generator freeze like this:

from pip._internal.operations.freeze import freeze

print([package for package in freeze()])

# eg output ['pip==19.0.3']

If you want to use pip inside the Python interpreter, try this:

import pip

package_names=['selenium', 'requests'] #packages to install
pip.main(['install'] + package_names + ['--upgrade']) 
# --upgrade to install or update existing packages

If you need to update every installed package, use following:

import pip

for i in pip.get_installed_distributions():
    pip.main(['install', i.key, '--upgrade'])

If you want to stop installing other packages if any installation fails, use it in one single pip.main([]) call:

import pip

package_names = [i.key for i in pip.get_installed_distributions()]
pip.main(['install'] + package_names + ['--upgrade'])

Note: When you install from list in file with -r / --requirement parameter you do NOT need open() function.

pip.main(['install', '-r', 'filename'])

Warning: Some parameters as simple --help may cause python interpreter to stop.

Curiosity: By using pip.exe you actually use python interpreter and pip module anyway. If you unpack pip.exe or pip3.exe regardless it's python 2.x or 3.x, inside is the SAME single file

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys

from pip import main

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw?|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])

Bootstrap datepicker disabling past dates without current date


startDate: '-0d'


    startDate: '-0d',
    changeMonth: true

Embed Google Map code in HTML with marker

The element that you posted looks like it's just copy-pasted from the Google Maps embed feature.

If you'd like to drop markers for the locations that you have, you'll need to write some JavaScript to do so. I'm learning how to do this as well.

Check out the following:

It has several examples and code samples that can be easily re-used and adapted to fit your current problem.

CSS3 Box Shadow on Top, Left, and Right Only

It's better if you just cover the bottom part with another div and you will get consistent drop shadow across the board.

#servicesContainer {
  /*your css*/
  position: relative;

and it's fixed! like magic!

use mysql SUM() in a WHERE clause

You can only use aggregates for comparison in the HAVING clause:

  HAVING SUM(cash) > 500

The HAVING clause requires you to define a GROUP BY clause.

To get the first row where the sum of all the previous cash is greater than a certain value, use:

               (SELECT SUM(
                  FROM TABLE x
                 WHERE <= AS running_total
         FROM TABLE t
     ORDER BY y
 WHERE y.running_total > 500
   LIMIT 1

Because the aggregate function occurs in a subquery, the column alias for it can be referenced in the WHERE clause.

Is it safe to delete the "InetPub" folder?

If you reconfigure IIS7 to use your new location, then there's no problem. Just test that the new location is working, before deleting the old location.

Change IIS7 Inetpub path

  • Open %windir%\system32\inetsrv\config\applicationhost.config and search for


  • Change the path.

Difference between abstract class and interface in Python

Python >= 2.6 has Abstract Base Classes.

Abstract Base Classes (abbreviated ABCs) complement duck-typing by providing a way to define interfaces when other techniques like hasattr() would be clumsy. Python comes with many builtin ABCs for data structures (in the collections module), numbers (in the numbers module), and streams (in the io module). You can create your own ABC with the abc module.

There is also the Zope Interface module, which is used by projects outside of zope, like twisted. I'm not really familiar with it, but there's a wiki page here that might help.

In general, you don't need the concept of abstract classes, or interfaces in python (edited - see S.Lott's answer for details).

Using the star sign in grep

The asterisk is just a repetition operator, but you need to tell it what you repeat. /*abc*/ matches a string containing ab and zero or more c's (because the second * is on the c; the first is meaningless because there's nothing for it to repeat). If you want to match anything, you need to say .* -- the dot means any character (within certain guidelines). If you want to just match abc, you could just say grep 'abc' myFile. For your more complex match, you need to use .* -- grep 'abc.*def' myFile will match a string that contains abc followed by def with something optionally in between.

Update based on a comment:

* in a regular expression is not exactly the same as * in the console. In the console, * is part of a glob construct, and just acts as a wildcard (for instance ls *.log will list all files that end in .log). However, in regular expressions, * is a modifier, meaning that it only applies to the character or group preceding it. If you want * in regular expressions to act as a wildcard, you need to use .* as previously mentioned -- the dot is a wildcard character, and the star, when modifying the dot, means find one or more dot; ie. find one or more of any character.

Counting unique / distinct values by group in a data frame

Few years old .. although had similar requirement and ended up writing my own solution. Applying here:



  Amy  Dave  Jack Larry   Tom
    2     1     3     1     2

try/catch blocks with async/await

I'd like to do this way :)

const sthError = () => Promise.reject('sth error');

const test = opts => {
  return (async () => {

    // do sth
    await sthError();
    return 'ok';

  })().catch(err => {
    console.error(err); // error will be catched there 

test().then(ret => {

It's similar to handling error with co

const test = opts => {
  return co(function*() {

    // do sth
    yield sthError();
    return 'ok';

  }).catch(err => {

Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference, But it is NOT a null reference

Found solution: I had typo in my view, ViewBag.Typo <-- this caused the error, but the debugger placed the exception at a irrelevant place.

What does mvn install in maven exactly do

mvn install primary jobs are to 1)Download The Dependencies and 2)Build The Project

while job 1 is nowadays taken care by IDs like intellij (they download for any dependency at POM)

mvn install is majorly now used for job 2.

Using classes with the Arduino states:

By default, the Arduino IDE and libraries does not use the operator new and operator delete. It does support malloc() and free(). So the solution is to implement new and delete operators for yourself, to use these functions.


#include <stdlib.h> // for malloc and free
void* operator new(size_t size) { return malloc(size); } 
void operator delete(void* ptr) { free(ptr); }

This let's you create objects, e.g.

C* c; // declare variable
c = new C(); // create instance of class C
c->M(); // call method M
delete(c); // free memory

Regards, tamberg

Swap x and y axis without manually swapping values

In Numbers, click on the chart. Then in the BOTTOM LEFT corner there is the the option to either 'Plot Rows as Series'or 'Plot Columns as series'

Change UITextField and UITextView Cursor / Caret Color

Setting tintColor for UITextField and UITextView works differently. While for UITextField you don't need to call additional code after updating tintColor to change cursor color, but for UITextView you need.

So after setting tintColor for UITextView (it doesn't matter in IB or in code) you need to call textView.tintColorDidChange() in order to apply it (actually it will pass text view's config down to its subviews hierarchy).

ASP.NET document.getElementById('<%=Control.ClientID%>'); returns null


You have to use RegisterStartupScript instead of RegisterClientScriptBlock

Here My Example.


<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="MasterPage.master.cs"
    Inherits="prueba.MasterPage" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">

    <script type="text/javascript">

        function confirmCallBack() {
            var a = document.getElementById('<%= Page.Master.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1").FindControl("Button1").ClientID %>');




    <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="head" runat="server">
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server">


<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.Master" AutoEventWireup="true"
    CodeBehind="WebForm1.aspx.cs" Inherits="prueba.WebForm1" %>

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" runat="server">


<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server">
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

namespace prueba
    public partial class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "js", "confirmCallBack();", true);


How do I set proxy for chrome in python webdriver?

Its working for me...

from selenium import webdriver


chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
chrome_options.add_argument('--proxy-server=http://%s' % PROXY)

chrome = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options)

Pythonic way to print list items

To print each element of a given list using a single line code

 for i in result: print(i)

C# ASP.NET MVC Return to Previous Page

For ASP.NET Core You can use asp-route-* attribute:

<form asp-action="Login" asp-route-previous="@Model.ReturnUrl">

An example: Imagine that you have a Vehicle Controller with actions




and you can edit any vehicle from Index or from Details, so if you clicked edit from index you must return to index after edit and if you clicked edit from details you must return to details after edit.

//In your viewmodel add the ReturnUrl Property
public class VehicleViewModel
     public string ReturnUrl {get;set;}

<a asp-action="Edit" asp-route-previous="Details" asp-route-id="@Model.CarId">Edit</a>

<a asp-action="Edit" asp-route-previous="Index" asp-route-id="@item.CarId">Edit</a>

<form asp-action="Edit" asp-route-previous="@Model.ReturnUrl" class="form-horizontal">
        <div class="box-footer">
            <a asp-action="@Model.ReturnUrl" class="btn btn-default">Back to List</a>
            <button type="submit" value="Save" class="btn btn-warning pull-right">Save</button>

In your controller:

// GET: Vehicle/Edit/5
    public ActionResult Edit(int id,string previous)
            var model = this.UnitOfWork.CarsRepository.GetAllByCarId(id).FirstOrDefault();
            var viewModel = this.Mapper.Map<VehicleViewModel>(model);//if you using automapper
    //or by this code if you are not use automapper
    var viewModel = new VehicleViewModel();

    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(previous)
                viewModel.ReturnUrl = previous;
                viewModel.ReturnUrl = "Index";
            return View(viewModel);

    public IActionResult Edit(VehicleViewModel model, string previous)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(previous))
                model.ReturnUrl = previous;
                model.ReturnUrl = "Index";
            return RedirectToAction(model.ReturnUrl);

PHP mPDF save file as PDF

This can be done like this. It worked fine for me. And also set the directory permissions to 777 or 775 if not set.

$mpdf->Output('directory_name/pdf_file_name.pdf', 'F');

Interfaces — What's the point?

I share your sense that Interfaces are not necessary. Here is a quote from Cwalina pg 80 Framework Design Guidelines "I often here people saying that interfaces specify contracts. I believe this a dangerous myth. Interfaces by themselves do not specify much. ..." He and co-author Abrams managed 3 releases of .Net for Microsoft. He goes on to say that the 'contract' is "expressed" in an implementation of the class. IMHO watching this for decades, there were many people warning Microsoft that taking the engineering paradigm to the max in OLE/COM might seem good but its usefulness is more directly to hardware. Especially in a big way in the 80s and 90s getting interoperating standards codified. In our TCP/IP Internet world there is little appreciation of the hardware and software gymnastics we would jump through to get solutions 'wired up' between and among mainframes, minicomputers, and microprocessors of which PCs were just a small minority. So coding to interfaces and their protocols made computing work. And interfaces ruled. But what does solving making X.25 work with your application have in common with posting recipes for the holidays? I have been coding C++ and C# for many years and I never created one once.

how to download file in react js

This is not related to React. However, you can use the download attribute on the anchor <a> element to tell the browser to download the file.

<a href='/somefile.txt' download>Click to download</a>

This is not supported on all browsers:

Regex pattern for checking if a string starts with a certain substring?

For the extension method fans:

public static bool RegexStartsWith(this string str, params string[] patterns)
    return patterns.Any(pattern => 
       Regex.Match(str, "^("+pattern+")").Success);


var answer = str.RegexStartsWith("mailto","ftp","joe");
var answer2 = str.RegexStartsWith("mailto|ftp|joe");
bool startsWithWhiteSpace = "  does this start with space or tab?".RegexStartsWith(@"\s");

How to view the roles and permissions granted to any database user in Azure SQL server instance?

Per the MSDN documentation for sys.database_permissions, this query lists all permissions explicitly granted or denied to principals in the database you're connected to:

SELECT DISTINCT pr.principal_id,, pr.type_desc, 
    pr.authentication_type_desc, pe.state_desc, pe.permission_name
FROM sys.database_principals AS pr
JOIN sys.database_permissions AS pe
    ON pe.grantee_principal_id = pr.principal_id;

Per Managing Databases and Logins in Azure SQL Database, the loginmanager and dbmanager roles are the two server-level security roles available in Azure SQL Database. The loginmanager role has permission to create logins, and the dbmanager role has permission to create databases. You can view which users belong to these roles by using the query you have above against the master database. You can also determine the role memberships of users on each of your user databases by using the same query (minus the filter predicate) while connected to them.

Convert an integer to a byte array

Sorry, this might be a bit late. But I think I found a better implementation on the go docs.

buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
var num uint16 = 1234
err := binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, num)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("binary.Write failed:", err)
fmt.Printf("% x", buf.Bytes())

Get image dimensions

    list($width, $height) = getimagesize(""); 
    $arr = array('h' => $height, 'w' => $width );

Getting a better understanding of callback functions in JavaScript

Here is a basic example that explains the callback() function in JavaScript:

var x = 0;_x000D_
function testCallBack(param1, param2, callback) {_x000D_
  alert('param1= ' + param1 + ', param2= ' + param2 + ' X=' + x);_x000D_
  if (callback && typeof(callback) === "function") {_x000D_
    x += 1;_x000D_
    alert("Calla Back x= " + x);_x000D_
    x += 1;_x000D_
testCallBack('ham', 'cheese', function() {_x000D_
  alert("Function X= " + x);_x000D_


HTML img align="middle" doesn't align an image

Change 'middle' to 'center'. Like so:

<img align="center" ....>

Cannot resolve method 'getSupportFragmentManager ( )' inside Fragment

you should use

getActivity.getSupportFragmentManager() like
//in my fragment 
SupportMapFragment fm = (SupportMapFragment)    

I have also this issues but resolved after adding getActivity() before getSupportFragmentManager.

A non well formed numeric value encountered

I ran into this same situation (in my case with a date value in a custom PHP field in a Drupal view), and what worked for me was using intval instead of strtotime to turn the value into an integer - because it basically was a timestamp, but in the form of a string rather than an integer. Obviously that won't be the case for everyone, but it might be worth a try.

how to change default python version?

Old question, but alternatively:

virtualenv --python=python3.5 .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Insert Unicode character into JavaScript

The answer is correct, but you don't need to declare a variable. A string can contain your character:

"This string contains omega, that looks like this: \u03A9"

Unfortunately still those codes in ASCII are needed for displaying UTF-8, but I am still waiting (since too many years...) the day when UTF-8 will be same as ASCII was, and ASCII will be just a remembrance of the past.

Convert file path to a file URI?

UrlCreateFromPath to the rescue! Well, not entirely, as it doesn't support extended and UNC path formats, but that's not so hard to overcome:

public static Uri FileUrlFromPath(string path)
    const string prefix = @"\\";
    const string extended = @"\\?\";
    const string extendedUnc = @"\\?\UNC\";
    const string device = @"\\.\";
    const StringComparison comp = StringComparison.Ordinal;

    if(path.StartsWith(extendedUnc, comp))
        path = prefix+path.Substring(extendedUnc.Length);
    }else if(path.StartsWith(extended, comp))
        path = prefix+path.Substring(extended.Length);
    }else if(path.StartsWith(device, comp))
        path = prefix+path.Substring(device.Length);

    int len = 1;
    var buffer = new StringBuilder(len);
    int result = UrlCreateFromPath(path, buffer, ref len, 0);
    if(len == 1) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(result);

    result = UrlCreateFromPath(path, buffer, ref len, 0);
    if(result == 1) throw new ArgumentException("Argument is not a valid path.", "path");
    return new Uri(buffer.ToString());

[DllImport("shlwapi.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto, SetLastError=true)]
static extern int UrlCreateFromPath(string path, StringBuilder url, ref int urlLength, int reserved);

In case the path starts with with a special prefix, it gets removed. Although the documentation doesn't mention it, the function outputs the length of the URL even if the buffer is smaller, so I first obtain the length and then allocate the buffer.

Some very interesting observation I had is that while "\\device\path" is correctly transformed to "file://device/path", specifically "\\localhost\path" is transformed to just "file:///path".

The WinApi function managed to encode special characters, but leaves Unicode-specific characters unencoded, unlike the Uri construtor. In that case, AbsoluteUri contains the properly encoded URL, while OriginalString can be used to retain the Unicode characters.

How to NodeJS require inside TypeScript file?

The best solution is to get a copy of Node's type definitions. This will solve all kinds of dependency issues, not only require(). This was previously done using packages like typings, but as Mike Chamberlain mentioned, Typings are deprecated. The modern way is doing it like this:

npm install --save-dev @types/node

Not only will it fix the compiler error, it will also add the definitions of the Node API to your IDE.

<button> vs. <input type="button" />. Which to use?

  • Here's a page describing the differences (basically you can put html into a <button></button>)
  • And another page describing why people avoid <button></button> (Hint: IE6)

Another IE problem when using <button />:

And while we're talking about IE, it's got a couple of bugs related to the width of buttons. It'll mysteriously add extra padding when you're trying to add styles, meaning you have to add a tiny hack to get things under control.

How do I redirect in expressjs while passing some context?

 app.get('/category', function(req, res) {
  var string = query
  res.redirect('/?valid=' + string);

in the ejs you can directly use valid:

<% var k = valid %>

How do I tell Python to convert integers into words

And here comes my solution :) It is various of earlier solutions, but developed on my own - maybe somebody enjoy it more then other propositions.

TENS = {30: 'thirty', 40: 'forty', 50: 'fifty', 60: 'sixty', 70: 'seventy', 80: 'eighty', 90: 'ninety'}
    'zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten',
    'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen', 'twenty'

def number_to_english(n):
    if any(not x.isdigit() for x in str(n)):
        return ''

    if n <= 20:
        return ZERO_TO_TWENTY[n]
    elif n < 100 and n % 10 == 0:
        return TENS[n]
    elif n < 100:
        return number_to_english(n - (n % 10)) + ' ' + number_to_english(n % 10)
    elif n < 1000 and n % 100 == 0:
        return number_to_english(n / 100) + ' hundred'
    elif n < 1000:
        return number_to_english(n / 100) + ' hundred ' + number_to_english(n % 100)
    elif n < 1000000:
        return number_to_english(n / 1000) + ' thousand ' + number_to_english(n % 1000)

    return ''

It is recoursive solution and can be easily expand for bigger numbers

How to draw polygons on an HTML5 canvas?

In addition to @canvastag, use a while loop with shift I think is more concise:

var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

var poly = [5, 5, 100, 50, 50, 100, 10, 90];

// copy array
var shape = poly.slice(0);

ctx.fillStyle = '#f00'
ctx.moveTo(shape.shift(), shape.shift());
while(shape.length) {
  ctx.lineTo(shape.shift(), shape.shift());

How can I determine the character encoding of an excel file?

For Excel 2010 it should be UTF-8. Instruction by MS :

"The basic document structure of a SpreadsheetML document consists of the Sheets and Sheet elements, which reference the worksheets in the Workbook. A separate XML file is created for each Worksheet. For example, the SpreadsheetML for a workbook that has two worksheets name MySheet1 and MySheet2 is located in the Workbook.xml file and is shown in the following code example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> 
<workbook xmlns= xmlns:r="">
        <sheet name="MySheet1" sheetId="1" r:id="rId1" /> 
        <sheet name="MySheet2" sheetId="2" r:id="rId2" /> 

The worksheet XML files contain one or more block level elements such as SheetData. sheetData represents the cell table and contains one or more Row elements. A row contains one or more Cell elements. Each cell contains a CellValue element that represents the value of the cell. For example, the SpreadsheetML for the first worksheet in a workbook, that only has the value 100 in cell A1, is located in the Sheet1.xml file and is shown in the following code example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
<worksheet xmlns="">
        <row r="1">
            <c r="A1">


Detection of cell encodings:

How do I extract the contents of an rpm?

For those who do not have rpm2cpio, here is the ancient script that extracts the payload from a *.rpm package.

Reposted for posterity … and the next generation.

Invoke like this: ./ .rpm | cpio -dimv


if [ "$pkg" = "" -o ! -e "$pkg" ]; then
    echo "no package supplied" 1>&2
    exit 1

o=`expr $leadsize + 8`
set `od -j $o -N 8 -t u1 $pkg`
il=`expr 256 \* \( 256 \* \( 256 \* $2 + $3 \) + $4 \) + $5`
dl=`expr 256 \* \( 256 \* \( 256 \* $6 + $7 \) + $8 \) + $9`
# echo "sig il: $il dl: $dl"

sigsize=`expr 8 + 16 \* $il + $dl`
o=`expr $o + $sigsize + \( 8 - \( $sigsize \% 8 \) \) \% 8 + 8`
set `od -j $o -N 8 -t u1 $pkg`
il=`expr 256 \* \( 256 \* \( 256 \* $2 + $3 \) + $4 \) + $5`
dl=`expr 256 \* \( 256 \* \( 256 \* $6 + $7 \) + $8 \) + $9`
# echo "hdr il: $il dl: $dl"

hdrsize=`expr 8 + 16 \* $il + $dl`
o=`expr $o + $hdrsize`
EXTRACTOR="dd if=$pkg ibs=$o skip=1"

COMPRESSION=`($EXTRACTOR |file -) 2>/dev/null`
if echo $COMPRESSION |grep -q gzip; then
elif echo $COMPRESSION |grep -q bzip2; then
elif echo $COMPRESSION |grep -iq xz; then # xz and XZ safe
elif echo $COMPRESSION |grep -q cpio; then
        # Most versions of file don't support LZMA, therefore we assume
        # anything not detected is LZMA
        DECOMPRESSOR=`which unlzma 2>/dev/null`
        case "$DECOMPRESSOR" in
            /* ) ;;
            *  ) DECOMPRESSOR=`which lzmash 2>/dev/null`
             case "$DECOMPRESSOR" in
                     /* ) DECOMPRESSOR="lzmash -d -c" ;;
                     *  ) DECOMPRESSOR=cat ;;


What is the size of an enum in C?

While the previous answers are correct, some compilers have options to break the standard and use the smallest type that will contain all values.

Example with GCC (documentation in the GCC Manual):

enum ord {
    FIRST = 1,
} __attribute__ ((__packed__));
STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof(enum ord) == 1 )

How to format string to money

Once you have your string in a double/decimal to get it into the correct formatting for a specific locale use

double amount = 1234.95;

amount.ToString("C") // whatever the executing computer thinks is the right fomat

amount.ToString("C", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-ie"))    //  €1,234.95
amount.ToString("C", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("es-es"))    //  1.234,95 € 
amount.ToString("C", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-GB"))    //  £1,234.95 

amount.ToString("C", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-au"))    //  $1,234.95
amount.ToString("C", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us"))    //  $1,234.95
amount.ToString("C", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-ca"))    //  $1,234.95

Java: JSON -> Protobuf & back conversion

As mentioned in an answer to a similar question, since v3.1.0 this is a supported feature of ProtocolBuffers. For Java, include the extension module and use JsonFormat like so:

JsonFormat.parser().ignoringUnknownFields().merge(json, yourObjectBuilder);
YourObject value =;

Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel, despite setting ServerCertificateValidationCallback

You are doing it right with ServerCertificateValidationCallback. This is not the problem you are facing. The problem you are facing is most likely the version of SSL/TLS protocol.

For example, if your server offers only SSLv3 and TLSv10 and your client needs TLSv12 then you will receive this error message. What you need to do is to make sure that both client and server have a common protocol version supported.

When I need a client that is able to connect to as many servers as possible (rather than to be as secure as possible) I use this (together with setting the validation callback):

  ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

How to add Drop-Down list (<select>) programmatically?

I have quickly made a function that can achieve this, it may not be the best way to do this but it simply works and should be cross browser, please also know that i am NOT a expert in JavaScript so any tips are great :)

Pure Javascript Create Element Solution

function createElement(){
    var element  = document.createElement(arguments[0]),
        text     = arguments[1],
        attr     = arguments[2],
        append   = arguments[3],
        appendTo = arguments[4];

    for(var key = 0; key < Object.keys(attr).length ; key++){
        var name = Object.keys(attr)[key],
             value = attr[name],
             tempAttr = document.createAttribute(name);
             tempAttr.value = value;
        for(var _key = 0; _key < append.length; _key++) {

    if(text) element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));

        var target = appendTo === 'body' ? document.body : document.getElementById(appendTo);

    return element;

lets see how we make this

<select name="drop1" id="Select1">
  <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
  <option value="saab">Saab</option>
  <option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option>
  <option value="audi">Audi</option>

here's how it works

    var options = [
        createElement('option', 'Volvo', {value: 'volvo'}),
        createElement('option', 'Saab', {value: 'saab'}),
        createElement('option', 'Mercedes', {value: 'mercedes'}),
        createElement('option', 'Audi', {value: 'audi'})

    createElement('select', null, // 'select' = name of element to create, null = no text to insert
        {id: 'Select1', name: 'drop1'}, // Attributes to attach
        [options[0], options[1], options[2], options[3]], // append all 4 elements
        'body' // append final element to body - this also takes a element by id without the #

this is the params

createElement('tagName', 'Text to Insert', {any: 'attribute', here: 'like', id: 'mainContainer'}, [elements, to, append, to, this, element], 'body || container = where to append this element');

This function would suit if you have to append many element, if there is any way to improve this answer please let me know.


Here is a working demo

JSFiddle Demo

This can be highly customized to suit your project!

angular 2 ngIf and CSS transition/animation

Am using angular 5 and for an ngif to work for me that is in a ngfor, I had to use animateChild and in the user-detail component I used the *ngIf="user.expanded" to show hide user and it worked for entering a leaving

 <div *ngFor="let user of users" @flyInParent>
  <ly-user-detail [user]= "user" @flyIn></user-detail>

//the animation file

export const FLIP_TRANSITION = [ 
trigger('flyInParent', [
    transition(':enter, :leave', [
      query('@*', animateChild())
  trigger('flyIn', [
    state('void', style({width: '100%', height: '100%'})),
    state('*', style({width: '100%', height: '100%'})),
    transition(':enter', [
        transform: 'translateY(100%)',
        position: 'fixed'
      animate('0.5s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1)', style({transform: 'translateY(0%)'}))
    transition(':leave', [
        transform: 'translateY(0%)',
        position: 'fixed'
      animate('0.5s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1)', style({transform: 'translateY(100%)'}))

Show div on scrollDown after 800px

You've got a few things going on there. One, why a class? Do you actually have multiple of these on the page? The CSS suggests you can't. If not you should use an ID - it's faster to select both in CSS and jQuery:

<div id=bottomMenu>You read it all.</div>

Second you've got a few crazy things going on in that CSS - in particular the z-index is supposed to just be a number, not measured in pixels. It specifies what layer this tag is on, where each higher number is closer to the user (or put another way, on top of/occluding tags with lower z-indexes).

The animation you're trying to do is basically .fadeIn(), so just set the div to display: none; initially and use .fadeIn() to animate it:


.fadeIn() works by first doing display: (whatever the proper display property is for the tag), opacity: 0, then gradually ratcheting up the opacity.

Full working example:


#bottomMenu {
    display: none;
    position: fixed;
    left: 0; bottom: 0;
    width: 100%; height: 60px;
    border-top: 1px solid #000;
    background: #fff;
    z-index: 1;


var $win = $(window);

function checkScroll() {
    if ($win.scrollTop() > 100) {
        $'scroll', checkScroll);


R Error in x$ed : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors

Atomic collections are accessible by $

Recursive collections are not. Rather the [[ ]] is used

 Browse[1]> is.atomic(list())
 [1] FALSE

 Browse[1]> is.atomic(data.frame())
 [1] FALSE

 Browse[1]> is.atomic(class(list(foo="bar")))
 [1] TRUE

 Browse[1]> is.atomic(c(" lang "))
 [1] TRUE

R can be funny sometimes

 a = list(1,2,3)
 b = data.frame(a)
 d = rbind("?",c(b))
 e = exp(1)
 f = list(d)

   X1 X2 X3 X2.71828182845905
 1  ?  ?  ?          2.718282
 2  1  2  3          2.718282

Prevent Caching in ASP.NET MVC for specific actions using an attribute

Output Caching in MVC

[OutputCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0, Location="None", VaryByParam = "*")]

[OutputCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0, VaryByParam = "None")]

<button> background image

Try changing your CSS to this

button #rock {
    background: url('img/rock.png') no-repeat;

...provided that the image is in that place

How do we download a blob url video

The process can differ depending on where and how the video is being hosted. Knowing that can help to answer the question in more detail.

As an example; this is how you can download videos with blob links on Vimeo.

  1. View the source code of the video player iframe
  2. Search for mp4
  3. Copy link with token query
  4. Download before token expires

Source & step-by-step instructions here.

enter image description here

A column-vector y was passed when a 1d array was expected

With neuraxle, you can easily solve this :

p = Pipeline([
   # expected outputs shape: (n, 1)
   # expected outputs shape: (n, )

p, outputs = p.fit_transform(data_inputs, expected_outputs)

Neuraxle is a sklearn-like framework for hyperparameter tuning and AutoML in deep learning projects !

Maven compile: package does not exist

You have to add the following dependency to your build:


Furthermore i would suggest to take a deep look into the documentation about how to use the lib.

Adding <script> to WordPress in <head> element

For anyone else who comes here looking, I'm afraid I'm with @usama sulaiman here.

Using the enqueue function provides a safe way to load style sheets and scripts according to the script dependencies and is WordPress' recommended method of achieving what the original poster was trying to achieve. Just think of all the plugins trying to load their own copy of jQuery for instance; you better hope they're using enqueue :D.

Also, wherever possible create a plugin; as adding custom code to your functions file can be pita if you don't have a back-up and you upgrade your theme and overwrite your functions file in the process.

Having a plugin handle this and other custom functions also means you can switch them off if you think their code is clashing with some other plugin or functionality.

Something along the following in a plugin file is what you are looking for:

Plugin Name: Your plugin name
Description: Your description
Version: 1.0
Author: Your name
Author URI: 
Plugin URI: 

function $yourJS() {
        plugins_url( '/js/your-script.js', __FILE__ ),
        array( 'jquery' )
 add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts',  '$yourJS' );
 add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'prefix_add_my_stylesheet' );

 function prefix_add_my_stylesheet() {
    wp_register_style( 'prefix-style', plugins_url( '/css/your-stylesheet.css', __FILE__ ) );
    wp_enqueue_style( 'prefix-style' );


Structure your folders as follows:

Plugin Folder
  |_ css folder
  |_ js folder
  |_ plugin.php ...contains the above code - modified of course ;D

Then zip it up and upload it to your WordPress installation using your add plugins interface, activate it and Bob's your uncle.

Create URL from a String

URL url = new URL(yourUrl, "/api/v1/status.xml");

According to the javadocs this constructor just appends whatever resource to the end of your domain, so you would want to create 2 urls:

URL domain = new URL("");
URL url = new URL(domain + "/files/resource.xml");


Java :Add scroll into text area

My naive assumption was that the size of scroll pane will be determined automatically...

The only solution that actually worked for me was explicitly seeting bounds of JScrollPane:

import javax.swing.*;

public class MyFrame extends JFrame {

    public MyFrame()
        setBounds(100, 100, 491, 310);

        JTextArea textField = new JTextArea();

        String str = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
            str += "Some text\n";

        JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(textField);
        scroll.setBounds(10, 11, 455, 249);                     // <-- THIS

        setLocationRelativeTo ( null );

Maybe it will help some future visitors :)

How to repeat a char using printf?

printf("%.*s\n",n,(char *) memset(buffer,c,n));

n <= sizeof(buffer) [ maybe also n < 2^16]

However the optimizer may change it to puts(buffer) and then the lack of EoS will .....

And the assumption is that memset is an assembler instruction (but still a loop be it on chip).

Strictly seen there is no solution given you precondition 'No loop'.

How do I partially update an object in MongoDB so the new object will overlay / merge with the existing one

You should think about updating the object interchangeably and then simply store the object with the updated fields. Something like done below

function update(_id) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

        ObjModel.findOne({_id}).exec((err, obj) => {

            if(err) return reject(err)

            obj = updateObject(obj, { 
                some_key: {
                    param2 : "val2_new",
                    param3 : "val3_new"

  , obj) => {
                if(err) return reject(err)

function updateObject(obj, data) {

    let keys = Object.keys(data)

    keys.forEach(key => {

        if(!obj[key]) obj[key] = data[key]

        if(typeof data[key] == 'object') 
            obj[key] = updateObject(obj[key], data[key])
            obj[key] = data[key]

    return obj

How to use the priority queue STL for objects?

You need to provide a valid strict weak ordering comparison for the type stored in the queue, Person in this case. The default is to use std::less<T>, which resolves to something equivalent to operator<. This relies on it's own stored type having one. So if you were to implement

bool operator<(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs); 

it should work without any further changes. The implementation could be

bool operator<(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs)
  return lhs.age < rhs.age;

If the the type does not have a natural "less than" comparison, it would make more sense to provide your own predicate, instead of the default std::less<Person>. For example,

struct LessThanByAge
  bool operator()(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs) const
    return lhs.age < rhs.age;

then instantiate the queue like this:

std::priority_queue<Person, std::vector<Person>, LessThanByAge> pq;

Concerning the use of std::greater<Person> as comparator, this would use the equivalent of operator> and have the effect of creating a queue with the priority inverted WRT the default case. It would require the presence of an operator> that can operate on two Person instances.

Why do I have ORA-00904 even when the column is present?

Check the username credential used to login to the database. (persistence.xml ??). The problem mostly is, the username\password used to login to the database, does not have visiblity to the object (table_name in this case). ( try logging in to sql developer, using the same username\password available in your data source)

How to change the style of the title attribute inside an anchor tag?

a[title="My site"] {
    color: red;

This also works with any attribute you want to add for instance:


<div class="my_class" anything="whatever">My Stuff</div>


.my_class[anything="whatever"] {
    color: red;

See it work at:

Convert a list of objects to an array of one of the object's properties

For everyone who is stuck with .NET 2.0, like me, try the following way (applicable to the example in the OP):

ConfigItemList.ConvertAll<string>(delegate (ConfigItemType ci) 
   return ci.Name; 

where ConfigItemList is your list variable.

Enable IIS7 gzip

If you are also trying to gzip dynamic pages (like aspx) and it isnt working, its probably because the option is not enabled (you need to install the Dynamic Content Compression module using Windows Features):

Reset select2 value and show placeholder

Using select2 version 3.2 this worked for me:

$('#select2').select2("data", "");

Didn't need to implement initSelection

mysql select from n last rows

Last 5 rows retrieve in mysql

This query working perfectly



select sno from(select sno from recharge order by sno desc limit 5) as t where t.sno order by t.sno asc

How to remove the querystring and get only the url?

To remove the query string from the request URI, replace the query string with an empty string:

function request_uri_without_query() {
    $result = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    $query = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    if(!empty($query)) {
        $result = str_replace('?' . $query, '', $result);
    return $result;

Hibernate Delete query

instead of using




In both place for select query and also for delete use getHibernateTemplate()

In select query you have to use DetachedCriteria or Criteria

Example for select query

List<foo> fooList = new ArrayList<foo>();
DetachedCriteria queryCriteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(foo.class);
fooList = getHibernateTemplate().findByCriteria(queryCriteria);

In hibernate avoid use of session,here I am not sure but problem occurs just because of session use

How to convert Blob to File in JavaScript

Use saveAs on FileSaver.js github project.

FileSaver.js implements the saveAs() FileSaver interface in browsers that do not natively support it.

jquery fill dropdown with json data

If your data is already in array form, it's really simple using jQuery:


     //this refers to the current item being iterated over

     var option = $('<option />');
     option.attr('value', this.value).text(this.label);


.ajax() is more flexible than .getJSON() - for one, getJson is targeted specifically as a GET request to retrieve json; ajax() can request on any verb to get back any content type (although sometimes that's not useful). getJSON internally calls .ajax().

Turn a simple socket into an SSL socket

OpenSSL is quite difficult. It's easy to accidentally throw away all your security by not doing negotiation exactly right. (Heck, I've been personally bitten by a bug where curl wasn't reading the OpenSSL alerts exactly right, and couldn't talk to some sites.)

If you really want quick and simple, put stud in front of your program an call it a day. Having SSL in a different process won't slow you down:

PHP display image BLOB from MySQL

This is what I use to display images from blob:

echo '<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,'.base64_encode($image->load()) .'" />';

What is the difference between origin and upstream on GitHub?

This should be understood in the context of GitHub forks (where you fork a GitHub repo on GitHub before cloning that fork locally).

From the GitHub page:

When a repo is cloned, it has a default remote called origin that points to your fork on GitHub, not the original repo it was forked from.
To keep track of the original repo, you need to add another remote named upstream

git remote add upstream git://<aUser>/<aRepo.git>

(with aUser/aRepo the reference for the original creator and repository, that you have forked)

You will use upstream to fetch from the original repo (in order to keep your local copy in sync with the project you want to contribute to).

git fetch upstream

(git fetch alone would fetch from origin by default, which is not what is needed here)

You will use origin to pull and push since you can contribute to your own repository.

git pull
git push

(again, without parameters, 'origin' is used by default)

You will contribute back to the upstream repo by making a pull request.

fork and upstream

Simple way to unzip a .zip file using zlib

Minizip does have an example programs to demonstrate its usage - the files are called minizip.c and miniunz.c.

Update: I had a few minutes so I whipped up this quick, bare bones example for you. It's very smelly C, and I wouldn't use it without major improvements. Hopefully it's enough to get you going for now.

// uzip.c - Simple example of using the minizip API.
// Do not use this code as is! It is educational only, and probably
// riddled with errors and leaks!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "unzip.h"

#define dir_delimter '/'
#define MAX_FILENAME 512
#define READ_SIZE 8192

int main( int argc, char **argv )
    if ( argc < 2 )
        printf( "usage:\n%s {file to unzip}\n", argv[ 0 ] );
        return -1;

    // Open the zip file
    unzFile *zipfile = unzOpen( argv[ 1 ] );
    if ( zipfile == NULL )
        printf( "%s: not found\n" );
        return -1;

    // Get info about the zip file
    unz_global_info global_info;
    if ( unzGetGlobalInfo( zipfile, &global_info ) != UNZ_OK )
        printf( "could not read file global info\n" );
        unzClose( zipfile );
        return -1;

    // Buffer to hold data read from the zip file.
    char read_buffer[ READ_SIZE ];

    // Loop to extract all files
    uLong i;
    for ( i = 0; i < global_info.number_entry; ++i )
        // Get info about current file.
        unz_file_info file_info;
        char filename[ MAX_FILENAME ];
        if ( unzGetCurrentFileInfo(
            NULL, 0, NULL, 0 ) != UNZ_OK )
            printf( "could not read file info\n" );
            unzClose( zipfile );
            return -1;

        // Check if this entry is a directory or file.
        const size_t filename_length = strlen( filename );
        if ( filename[ filename_length-1 ] == dir_delimter )
            // Entry is a directory, so create it.
            printf( "dir:%s\n", filename );
            mkdir( filename );
            // Entry is a file, so extract it.
            printf( "file:%s\n", filename );
            if ( unzOpenCurrentFile( zipfile ) != UNZ_OK )
                printf( "could not open file\n" );
                unzClose( zipfile );
                return -1;

            // Open a file to write out the data.
            FILE *out = fopen( filename, "wb" );
            if ( out == NULL )
                printf( "could not open destination file\n" );
                unzCloseCurrentFile( zipfile );
                unzClose( zipfile );
                return -1;

            int error = UNZ_OK;
                error = unzReadCurrentFile( zipfile, read_buffer, READ_SIZE );
                if ( error < 0 )
                    printf( "error %d\n", error );
                    unzCloseCurrentFile( zipfile );
                    unzClose( zipfile );
                    return -1;

                // Write data to file.
                if ( error > 0 )
                    fwrite( read_buffer, error, 1, out ); // You should check return of fwrite...
            } while ( error > 0 );

            fclose( out );

        unzCloseCurrentFile( zipfile );

        // Go the the next entry listed in the zip file.
        if ( ( i+1 ) < global_info.number_entry )
            if ( unzGoToNextFile( zipfile ) != UNZ_OK )
                printf( "cound not read next file\n" );
                unzClose( zipfile );
                return -1;

    unzClose( zipfile );

    return 0;

I built and tested it with MinGW/MSYS on Windows like this:

contrib/minizip/$ gcc -I../.. -o unzip uzip.c unzip.c ioapi.c ../../libz.a
contrib/minizip/$ ./unzip.exe /j/

Which is the fastest algorithm to find prime numbers?

i wrote it today in C,compiled with tcc, figured out during preparation of compititive exams several years back. don't know if anyone already have wrote it alredy. it really fast(but you should decide whether it is fast or not). took one or two minuts to findout about 1,00,004 prime numbers between 10 and 1,00,00,000 on i7 processor with average 32% CPU use. as you know, only those can be prime which have last digit either 1,3,7 or 9 and to check if that number is prime or not, you have to divide that number by previously found prime numbers only. so first take group of four number = {1,3,7,9}, test it by dividing by known prime numbers, if reminder is non zero then number is prime, add it to prime number array. then add 10 to group so it becomes {11,13,17,19} and repeat the process.

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {    
    int nums[4]={1,3,7,9};
    int primes[100000];
    int found = 4;
    int got = 1;
    int m=0;
    int upto = 1000000;
    for(int i=0;i<upto;i++){
        //printf("iteration number: %d\n",i);
        for(int j=0;j<4;j++){
            m = nums[j]+10;
            //printf("m = %d\n",m);
            nums[j] = m;
            got = 1;
            for(int k=0;k<found;k++){
                //printf("testing with %d\n",primes[k]);
                    got = 0;
                    //printf("%d failed for %d\n",m,primes[k]);
                //printf("got new prime: %d\n",m);
                primes[found]= m;
    printf("found total %d prime numbers between 1 and %d",found,upto*10);
    return 0;

Bootstrap dropdown menu not working (not dropping down when clicked)

Just add both these files after opening of body tag. Keep in mind 'Only after Body tag' any where after body tag. If you add below mentioned files inside body tag then your problems would still be unresolved.

So paste them after or before close of body tag... This works 100%. I've tested and got it working!

<script src=""></script>
 <!-- Include all compiled plugins (below), or include individual files as needed -->
<script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

Using group by on multiple columns

Group By X means put all those with the same value for X in the one group.

Group By X, Y means put all those with the same values for both X and Y in the one group.

To illustrate using an example, let's say we have the following table, to do with who is attending what subject at a university:

Table: Subject_Selection

| Subject | Semester | Attendee |
| ITB001  |        1 | John     |
| ITB001  |        1 | Bob      |
| ITB001  |        1 | Mickey   |
| ITB001  |        2 | Jenny    |
| ITB001  |        2 | James    |
| MKB114  |        1 | John     |
| MKB114  |        1 | Erica    |

When you use a group by on the subject column only; say:

select Subject, Count(*)
from Subject_Selection
group by Subject

You will get something like:

| Subject | Count |
| ITB001  |     5 |
| MKB114  |     2 |

...because there are 5 entries for ITB001, and 2 for MKB114

If we were to group by two columns:

select Subject, Semester, Count(*)
from Subject_Selection
group by Subject, Semester

we would get this:

| Subject | Semester | Count |
| ITB001  |        1 |     3 |
| ITB001  |        2 |     2 |
| MKB114  |        1 |     2 |

This is because, when we group by two columns, it is saying "Group them so that all of those with the same Subject and Semester are in the same group, and then calculate all the aggregate functions (Count, Sum, Average, etc.) for each of those groups". In this example, this is demonstrated by the fact that, when we count them, there are three people doing ITB001 in semester 1, and two doing it in semester 2. Both of the people doing MKB114 are in semester 1, so there is no row for semester 2 (no data fits into the group "MKB114, Semester 2")

Hopefully that makes sense.

Get length of array?

Compilating answers here and there, here's a complete set of arr tools to get the work done:

Function getArraySize(arr As Variant)
' returns array size for a n dimention array
' usage result(k) = size of the k-th dimension

Dim ndims As Long
Dim arrsize() As Variant
ndims = getDimensions(arr)
ReDim arrsize(ndims - 1)
For i = 1 To ndims
    arrsize(i - 1) = getDimSize(arr, i)
Next i
getArraySize = arrsize
End Function

Function getDimSize(arr As Variant, dimension As Integer)
' returns size for the given dimension number
    getDimSize = UBound(arr, dimension) - LBound(arr, dimension) + 1
End Function

Function getDimensions(arr As Variant) As Long
' returns number of dimension in an array (ex. sheet range = 2 dimensions)
    On Error GoTo Err
    Dim i As Long
    Dim tmp As Long
    i = 0
    Do While True
        i = i + 1
        tmp = UBound(arr, i)
    getDimensions = i - 1
End Function

How to comment in Vim's config files: ".vimrc"?

You can add comments in Vim's configuration file by either:

" brief descriptiion of command


"" commended command

Taken from here

Making an iframe responsive

Check out this full code. you can use the containers in percentages like below code:

<title>How to make Iframe Responsive</title>
html,body        {height:100%;}
.wrapper         {width:80%;height:100%;margin:0 auto;background:#CCC}
.h_iframe        {position:relative;}
.h_iframe .ratio {display:block;width:100%;height:auto;}
.h_iframe iframe {position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%; height:100%;}
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="h_iframe">
<img class="ratio" src=""/>
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<p>Please scale the "result" window to notice the effect.</p>

Check out this demo Page.

how to convert integer to string?

NSString* myNewString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", myInt];

How can I output a UTF-8 CSV in PHP that Excel will read properly?

Here is how I did it (that's to prompt browser to download the csv file):

header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=file.csv');
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Pragma: public');
echo "\xEF\xBB\xBF"; // UTF-8 BOM
echo $csv_file_content;

The only thing it fixed UTF8 encoding problem in CSV preview when you hit space bar on Mac.. but not in Excel Mac 2008... don't know why

How do I detect "shift+enter" and generate a new line in Textarea?

In case someone is still wondering how to do this without jQuery.


<textarea id="description"></textarea>


const textarea = document.getElementById('description');

textarea.addEventListener('keypress', (e) => {
    e.keyCode === 13 && !e.shiftKey && e.preventDefault(); 

Vanilla JS

var textarea = document.getElementById('description');

textarea.addEventListener('keypress', function(e) {
    if(e.keyCode === 13 && !e.shiftKey) {

INNER JOIN same table

I think the problem is in your JOIN condition.

SELECT user.user_fname,
FROM users AS user
JOIN users AS parent 
  ON parent.user_id = user.user_parent_id
WHERE user.user_id = $_GET[id]

Edit: You should probably use LEFT JOIN if there are users with no parents.

How do I raise the same Exception with a custom message in Python?

The current answer did not work good for me, if the exception is not re-caught the appended message is not shown.

But doing like below both keeps the trace and shows the appended message regardless if the exception is re-caught or not.

  raise ValueError("Original message")
except ValueError as err:
  t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
  raise t, ValueError(err.message + " Appended Info"), tb

( I used Python 2.7, have not tried it in Python 3 )

how to change language for DataTable

There are language files uploaded in a CDN on the dataTables website So you only have to replace "Spanish" with whatever language you are using in the following example.

$('table.dataTable').DataTable( {
    language: {
        url: '//'

Deleting all files in a directory with Python

Via os.listdir and os.remove:

import os

filelist = [ f for f in os.listdir(mydir) if f.endswith(".bak") ]
for f in filelist:
    os.remove(os.path.join(mydir, f))

Using only a single loop:

for f in os.listdir(mydir):
    if not f.endswith(".bak"):
    os.remove(os.path.join(mydir, f))

Or via glob.glob:

import glob, os, os.path

filelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(mydir, "*.bak"))
for f in filelist:

Be sure to be in the correct directory, eventually using os.chdir.

How to check if object property exists with a variable holding the property name?

For own property :

var loan = { amount: 150 };
if(, "amount")) 
   //will execute

Note: using Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty is better than loan.hasOwnProperty(..), in case a custom hasOwnProperty is defined in the prototype chain (which is not the case here), like

var foo = {
      hasOwnProperty: function() {
        return false;
      bar: 'Here be dragons'


To include inherited properties in the finding use the in operator: (but you must place an object at the right side of 'in', primitive values will throw error, e.g. 'length' in 'home' will throw error, but 'length' in new String('home') won't)

const yoshi = { skulk: true };
const hattori = { sneak: true };
const kuma = { creep: true };
if ("skulk" in yoshi) 
    console.log("Yoshi can skulk");

if (!("sneak" in yoshi)) 
    console.log("Yoshi cannot sneak");

if (!("creep" in yoshi)) 
    console.log("Yoshi cannot creep");

Object.setPrototypeOf(yoshi, hattori);

if ("sneak" in yoshi)
    console.log("Yoshi can now sneak");
if (!("creep" in hattori))
    console.log("Hattori cannot creep");

Object.setPrototypeOf(hattori, kuma);

if ("creep" in hattori)
    console.log("Hattori can now creep");
if ("creep" in yoshi)
    console.log("Yoshi can also creep");


Note: One may be tempted to use typeof and [ ] property accessor as the following code which doesn't work always ...

var loan = { amount: 150 };

loan.installment = undefined;

if("installment" in loan) // correct
    // will execute

if(typeof loan["installment"] !== "undefined") // incorrect
    // will not execute

LINQ to read XML

Try this.

using System.Xml.Linq;

void Main()
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

    //Load xml
    XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load("data.xml");

    //Run query
    var lv1s = from lv1 in xdoc.Descendants("level1")
               select new { 
                   Header = lv1.Attribute("name").Value,
                   Children = lv1.Descendants("level2")

    //Loop through results
    foreach (var lv1 in lv1s){
            foreach(var lv2 in lv1.Children)
                 result.AppendLine("     " + lv2.Attribute("name").Value);


Kotlin's List missing "add", "remove", Map missing "put", etc?

You can do with create new one like this.

var list1 = ArrayList<Int>()
var list2  = list1.toMutableList()

Now you can use list2, Thank you.

Does HTML5 <video> playback support the .avi format?

The HTML specification never specifies any content formats. That's not its job. There's plenty of standards organizations that are more qualified than the W3C to specify video formats.

That's what content negotiation is for.

  • The HTML specification doesn't specify any image formats for the <img> element.
  • The HTML specification doesn't specify any style sheet languages for the <style> element.
  • The HTML specification doesn't specify any scripting languages for the <script> element.
  • The HTML specification doesn't specify any object formats for the <object> and embed elements.
  • The HTML specification doesn't specify any audio formats for the <audio> element.

Why should it specify one for the <video> element?


You were close:

   SELECT TableID FROM Table WHERE FieldValue=''

SQL UPDATE SET one column to be equal to a value in a related table referenced by a different column?

I don't know if you've run into the same problem than me on MySQL Workbench but running the query with the INNER JOIN after the FROM statement didn't work for me. I was unable to run the query because the program complained about the FROM statement.

So in order to make the query work I changed it to

UPDATE table1 INNER JOIN table2 on table1.column1 = table2.column1
SET table1.column2 = table2.column4
WHERE table1.column3 = 'randomCondition';

instead of

FROM table1 a INNER JOIN table2 b on a.column1 = b.column1
SET a.column2 = b.column4
WHERE a.column3 = 'randomCondition';

I guess my solution is the right syntax for MySQL.

How to convert a std::string to const char* or char*?

Try this

std::string s(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(Data), Size);

How to set the current working directory?

people using pandas package

import os
import pandas as pd

tar = os.chdir('<dir path only>') # do not mention file name here
print os.getcwd()# to print the path name in CLI

the following syntax to be used to import the file in python CLI

dataset(*just a variable) = pd.read_csv('new.csv')

Automatically get loop index in foreach loop in Perl

perldoc perlvar does not seem to suggest any such variable.

javascript multiple OR conditions in IF statement

Each of the three conditions is evaluated independently[1]:

id != 1 // false
id != 2 // true
id != 3 // true

Then it evaluates false || true || true, which is true (a || b is true if either a or b is true). I think you want

id != 1 && id != 2 && id != 3

which is only true if the ID is not 1 AND it's not 2 AND it's not 3.

[1]: This is not strictly true, look up short-circuit evaluation. In reality, only the first two clauses are evaluated because that is all that is necessary to determine the truth value of the expression.

What is the best way to search the Long datatype within an Oracle database?


create table longtable(id number,text long);

insert into longtable values(1,'hello world');
insert into longtable values(2,'say hello!');


create or replace function search_long(r rowid) return varchar2 is
temporary_varchar varchar2(4000);
select text into temporary_varchar from longtable where rowid=r;
return temporary_varchar;

SQL> select text from longtable where search_long(rowid) like '%hello%';                                                                              

hello world
say hello!

But be careful. A PL/SQL function will only search the first 32K of LONG.

PHP pass variable to include

Considering that an include statment in php at the most basic level takes the code from a file and pastes it into where you called it and the fact that the manual on include states the following:

When a file is included, the code it contains inherits the variable scope of the line on which the include occurs. Any variables available at that line in the calling file will be available within the called file, from that point forward.

These things make me think that there is a diffrent problem alltogether. Also Option number 3 will never work because you're not redirecting to second.php you're just including it and option number 2 is just a weird work around. The most basic example of the include statment in php is:


$color = 'green';
$fruit = 'apple';



echo "A $color $fruit"; // A

include 'vars.php';

echo "A $color $fruit"; // A green apple


Considering that option number one is the closest to this example (even though more complicated then it should be) and it's not working, its making me think that you made a mistake in the include statement (the wrong path relative to the root or a similar issue).

Delete all records in a table of MYSQL in phpMyAdmin

Use this query:

DELETE FROM tableName;

Note: To delete some specific record you can give the condition in where clause in the query also.

OR you can use this query also:

truncate tableName;

Also remember that you should not have any relationship with other table. If there will be any foreign key constraint in the table then those record will not be deleted and will give the error.

Set Google Maps Container DIV width and height 100%

If you can't affect your parents elements (like in a nested components situation) you can use height: 100vh which will make it a full window (=view) height;

How to center div vertically inside of absolutely positioned parent div

An additional simple solution


<div id="d1">
    <div id="d2">



    border:1px solid black;
    height:50px; width:50px;

UITextField border color

this question shows up pretty high on a Google search and worked for the most part! I did find that Salman Zaidi's answer was partially correct for iOS 7.

You need to make a modification to the "reverting" code. I found that the following for reverting worked perfectly:

textField.layer.cornerRadius = 0.0f;
textField.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
textField.layer.borderColor = [[UIColor blackColor] CGColor];
textField.layer.borderWidth = 0.0f;

I understand that this is most likely due to changes in iOS 7.

Django Rest Framework -- no module named rest_framework

I know there is an accepted answer for this question and many other answers also but I just wanted to add an another case which happened with me was Updating the django and django rest framework to the latest versions to make them work properly without any error.

So all you have to do is just uninstall both django and django rest framework using:

pip uninstall django pip uninstall djangorestframework

and then install it again using:

pip install django pip install djangorestframework

What is the memory consumption of an object in Java?

The question will be a very broad one.

It depends on the class variable or you may call as states memory usage in java.

It also has some additional memory requirement for headers and referencing.

The heap memory used by a Java object includes

  • memory for primitive fields, according to their size (see below for Sizes of primitive types);

  • memory for reference fields (4 bytes each);

  • an object header, consisting of a few bytes of "housekeeping" information;

Objects in java also requires some "housekeeping" information, such as recording an object's class, ID and status flags such as whether the object is currently reachable, currently synchronization-locked etc.

Java object header size varies on 32 and 64 bit jvm.

Although these are the main memory consumers jvm also requires additional fields sometimes like for alignment of the code e.t.c.

Sizes of primitive types

boolean & byte -- 1

char & short -- 2

int & float -- 4

long & double -- 8

How to get a pixel's x,y coordinate color from an image?

Canvas would be a great way to do this, as @pst said above. Check out this answer for a good example:

getPixel from HTML Canvas?

Some code that would serve you specifically as well:

var imgd = context.getImageData(x, y, width, height);
var pix =;

for (var i = 0, n = pix.length; i < n; i += 4) {
  console.log pix[i+3]

This will go row by row, so you'd need to convert that into an x,y and either convert the for loop to a direct check or run a conditional inside.

Reading your question again, it looks like you want to be able to get the point that the person clicks on. This can be done pretty easily with jquery's click event. Just run the above code inside a click handler as such:

   console.log(e.clientX, e.clientY)

Those should grab your x and y values.

download file using an ajax request

It is possible. You can have the download started from inside an ajax function, for example, just after the .csv file is created.

I have an ajax function that exports a database of contacts to a .csv file, and just after it finishes, it automatically starts the .csv file download. So, after I get the responseText and everything is Ok, I redirect browser like this:


My download.php file looks like this:


    $file = $_GET['filename'];

    header("Cache-Control: public");
    header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$file."");
    header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
    header("Content-Type: binary/octet-stream");


There is no page refresh whatsoever and the file automatically starts downloading.

NOTE - Tested in the following browsers:

Chrome v37.0.2062.120 
Firefox v32.0.1
Opera v12.17
Internet Explorer v11

Convert image from PIL to openCV format

use this:

pil_image ='Image.jpg').convert('RGB') 
open_cv_image = numpy.array(pil_image) 
# Convert RGB to BGR 
open_cv_image = open_cv_image[:, :, ::-1].copy() 

Check if a variable is of function type

I think you can just define a flag on the Function prototype and check if the instance you want to test inherited that

define a flag:

Function.prototype.isFunction = true; 

and then check if it exist

var foo = function(){};
foo.isFunction; // will return true

The downside is that another prototype can define the same flag and then it's worthless, but if you have full control over the included modules it is the easiest way

How to change default JRE for all Eclipse workspaces?

Open the Java > Installed JREs preference page. Check the box on the line for the JRE that you want to assign as the default JRE in your workbench. If the JRE you want to assign as the default does not appear in the list, you must add it. Click OK.


JavaScript Loading Screen while page loads

I would suggest adding class no-js to your html to nest your CSS selectors under it like:

.loading {
    display: none;

.no-js .loading {
 display: block;

and when you finish loading your credit code remove it:


This will hide your loading spinner as there's no no-js class in html it means you already loaded your credit code

Simple PHP form: Attachment to email (code golf)

This article "How to create PHP based email form with file attachment" presents step-by-step instructions how to achieve your requirement.


This article shows you how to create a PHP based email form that supports file attachment. The article will also show you how to validate the type and size of the uploaded file.

It consists of the following steps:

  • The HTML form with file upload box
  • Getting the uploaded file in the PHP script
  • Validating the size and extension of the uploaded file
  • Copy the uploaded file
  • Sending the Email

The entire example code can be downloaded here

Better way to sum a property value in an array

You can do the following:


Check if a record exists in the database

MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("select * from table where user = '" + user.Text + "'", con);
MySqlDataAdapter da = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd);
DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
int i = ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
if (i > 0) {
    // Exist
else {
    // Add 

Can we cast a generic object to a custom object type in javascript?

This is just a wrap up of Sayan Pal answer in a shorter form, ES5 style :

var Foo = function(){ = undefined; = undefined;

var foo = Object.assign(new Foo(),{
    bar: "whatever",
    buzz: "something else"

I like it because it is the closest to the very neat object initialisation in .Net:

var foo = new Foo()
    bar: "whatever",

Remove all classes that begin with a certain string

    return this.each(function()
        var classes = $(this).attr('class');

        if(!classes || !regex) return false;

        var classArray = [];

        classes = classes.split(' ');

        for(var i=0, len=classes.length; i<len; i++) if(!classes[i].match(regex)) classArray.push(classes[i]);

        $(this).attr('class', classArray.join(' '));

How to open my files in data_folder with pandas using relative path?

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('C:/data_folder/data.csv')

What Does 'zoom' do in CSS?

Only IE and WebKit support zoom, and yes, in theory it does exactly what you're saying.

Try it out on an image to see it's full effect :)

See what's in a stash without applying it

From the man git-stash page:

The modifications stashed away by this command can be listed with git stash list, inspected with git stash show

show [<stash>]
       Show the changes recorded in the stash as a diff between the stashed state and
       its original parent. When no <stash> is given, shows the latest one. By default,
       the command shows the diffstat, but it will accept any format known to git diff
       (e.g., git stash show -p stash@{1} to view the second most recent stash in patch

To list the stashed modifications

git stash list

To show files changed in the last stash

git stash show

So, to view the content of the most recent stash, run

git stash show -p

To view the content of an arbitrary stash, run something like

git stash show -p stash@{1}

Sort a list alphabetically

You should be able to use OrderBy in LINQ...

var sortedItems = myList.OrderBy(s => s);

How to find keys of a hash?

There is function in modern JavaScript (ECMAScript 5) called Object.keys performing this operation:

var obj = { "a" : 1, "b" : 2, "c" : 3};
alert(Object.keys(obj)); // will output ["a", "b", "c"]

Compatibility details can be found here.

On the Mozilla site there is also a snippet for backward compatibility:

if(!Object.keys) Object.keys = function(o){
   if (o !== Object(o))
      throw new TypeError('Object.keys called on non-object');
   var ret=[],p;
   for(p in o) if(,p)) ret.push(p);
   return ret;

Accessing @attribute from SimpleXML

You can get the attributes of an XML element by calling the attributes() function on an XML node. You can then var_dump the return value of the function.

More info at

Example code from that page:

$xml = simplexml_load_string($string);
foreach($xml->foo[0]->attributes() as $a => $b) {
    echo $a,'="',$b,"\"\n";

How do you programmatically update query params in react-router?

John's answer is correct. When I'm dealing with params I also need URLSearchParams interface:

    pathname: '/client',
    search: "?" + new URLSearchParams({clientId: clientId}).toString()

You might also need to wrap your component with a withRouter HOC eg. export default withRouter(YourComponent);.

What's the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE in SQL

DELETE statement can have a WHERE clause to delete specific records whereas TRUNCATE statement does not require any and wipes the entire table. Importantly, the DELETE statement logs the deleted date whereas the TRUNCATE statement does not.

How to compare two object variables in EL expression language?

Not sure if I get you right, but the simplest way would be something like:

<c:if test="${languageBean.locale == 'en'">
  <f:selectItems value="#{customerBean.selectableCommands_limited_en}" />

Just a quick copy and paste from an app of mine...


How to create a 100% screen width div inside a container in bootstrap?

2019's answer as this is still actively seen today

You should likely change the .container to .container-fluid, which will cause your container to stretch the entire screen. This will allow any div's inside of it to naturally stretch as wide as they need.

original hack from 2015 that still works in some situations

You should pull that div outside of the container. You're asking a div to stretch wider than its parent, which is generally not recommended practice.

If you cannot pull it out of the div for some reason, you should change the position style with this css:

.full-width-div {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    left: 0;

Instead of absolute, you could also use fixed, but then it will not move as you scroll.

How to fix Hibernate LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of roles, could not initialize proxy - no Session

Your Custom AuthenticationProvider class should be annotated with the following:


This will make sure the presence of the hibernate session there as well.

how does Request.QueryString work?

The Request object is the entire request sent out to some server. This object comes with a QueryString dictionary that is everything after '?' in the URL.

Not sure exactly what you were looking for in an answer, but check out

COUNT / GROUP BY with active record?

I think you should count the results with FOUND_ROWS() and SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS. You'll need two queries: select, group_by, etc. You'll add a plus select: SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS user_id. After this query run a query: SELECT FOUND_ROWS(). This will return the desired number.

What's the best way to validate an XML file against an XSD file?

Using Woodstox, configure the StAX parser to validate against your schema and parse the XML.

If exceptions are caught the XML is not valid, otherwise it is valid:

// create the XSD schema from your schema file
XMLValidationSchemaFactory schemaFactory = XMLValidationSchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLValidationSchema.SCHEMA_ID_W3C_SCHEMA);
XMLValidationSchema validationSchema = schemaFactory.createSchema(schemaInputStream);

// create the XML reader for your XML file
WstxInputFactory inputFactory = new WstxInputFactory();
XMLStreamReader2 xmlReader = (XMLStreamReader2) inputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(xmlInputStream);

try {
    // configure the reader to validate against the schema

    // parse the XML
    while (xmlReader.hasNext()) {;

    // no exceptions, the XML is valid

} catch (XMLStreamException e) {

    // exceptions, the XML is not valid

} finally {

Note: If you need to validate multiple files, you should try to reuse your XMLInputFactory and XMLValidationSchema in order to maximize the performance.

HTML favicon won't show on google chrome

1) Clear your chache. And test another browser, lets say safari. How did you import the favicon?

2) How you should add it:

Normal favicon:

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />

PNG/GIF favicon:

<link rel="icon" type="image/gif" href="favicon.gif" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.png" />

3) Another thing could be the problem that chrome can't display favicons, if it's local (not uploaded to a webserver).

4) Try to rename it from favicon.{whatever} to {yourfaviconname}.{whatever} but I would suggest you to still have the normal favicon. This has solved my issue on IE.

5) Found another solution for this which works great! I simply added my favicon as Base64 Encoded Image directly inside the tag like this:

<link href="" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" />

Used this page here for this:

Android SDK installation doesn't find JDK

I have the jdk installed on my D: drive. None of the other answers worked for me. I got it to install by creating a symbolic link from the C: drive to the installed location:

    cd "Program Files"
    mklink /d Java "d:\Program Files\Java"  

Note that the jdk (and jre) install directories are subdirectories of "Java" so upgrading is not a problem even though the name changes with the release.

How to get the first item from an associative PHP array?

Use reset() function to get the first item out of that array without knowing the key for it like this.

$value = array('foo' => 400, 'bar' => 'xyz');_x000D_
echo reset($value);

output // 400

javascript setTimeout() not working

Two things.

  1. Remove the parenthesis in setTimeout(startTimer(),startInterval);. Keeping the parentheses invokes the function immediately.

  2. Your startTimer function will overwrite the page content with your use of document.write (without the above fix), and wipes out the script and HTML in the process.

loop through json array jquery

you could also change from the .get() method to the .getJSON() method, jQuery will then parse the string returned as data to a javascript object and/or array that you can then reference like any other javascript object/array.

using your code above, if you changed .get to .getJSON, you should get an alert of [object Object] for each element in the array. If you changed the alert to alert( you will get the names.

How to make bootstrap column height to 100% row height?

@Alan's answer will do what you're looking for, but this solution fails when you use the responsive capabilities of Bootstrap. In your case, you're using the xs sizes so you won't notice, but if you used anything else (e.g. col-sm, col-md, etc), you'd understand.

Another approach is to play with margins and padding. See the updated fiddle:

.left-side {
  background-color: blue;
  padding-bottom: 1000px;
  margin-bottom: -1000px;
  height: 100%;
.something {
  height: 100%;
  background-color: red;
  padding-bottom: 1000px;
  margin-bottom: -1000px;
  height: 100%;
.row {
  background-color: green;
  overflow: hidden;

Is it possible to break a long line to multiple lines in Python?

From PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code:

The preferred way of wrapping long lines is by using Python's implied line continuation inside parentheses, brackets and braces. If necessary, you can add an extra pair of parentheses around an expression, but sometimes using a backslash looks better. Make sure to indent the continued line appropriately.

Example of implicit line continuation:

a = some_function(
    '1' + '2' + '3' - '4')

On the topic of line-breaks around a binary operator, it goes on to say:-

For decades the recommended style was to break after binary operators. But this can hurt readability in two ways: the operators tend to get scattered across different columns on the screen, and each operator is moved away from its operand and onto the previous line.

In Python code, it is permissible to break before or after a binary operator, as long as the convention is consistent locally. For new code Knuth's style (line breaks before the operator) is suggested.

Example of explicit line continuation:

a = '1'   \
    + '2' \
    + '3' \
    - '4'

jQuery Determine if a matched class has a given id

I would probably use $('.mydiv').is('#foo'); That said if you know the Id why wouldnt you just apply it to the selector in the first place?

How can I make the cursor turn to the wait cursor?

Okey,Other people's view are very clear, but I would like to do some added, as follow:

Cursor tempCursor = Cursor.Current;

Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

//do Time-consuming Operations         

Cursor.Current = tempCursor;

Return multiple fields as a record in PostgreSQL with PL/pgSQL

you can do this using OUT parameter and CROSS JOIN

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_object_fields(my_name text, OUT f1 text, OUT f2 text)
AS $$
FROM  table1 t1 
CROSS JOIN table2 t2 
WHERE = my_name AND = my_name;

then use it as a table:

select get_object_fields( 'Pending') ;
(1 row)


select * from get_object_fields( 'Pending');
f1    |   f
Pending | code
(1 row)


select (get_object_fields( 'Pending')).f1;
(1 row)

List of macOS text editors and code editors

Definitely BBEdit. I code, and BBEdit is what I use to code.

How to get a jqGrid selected row cells value

Just to add, you can also retrieve a jqGrid cell value, based on the rowID plus column index (rather than the Column name):

So, to fetch the value in the forth column (column index # 3) for the row with primary key ID 1234, we could use this:

var rowID = 1234;
var columnIndex = 3;
var cellValue = $("#" + rowID).find('td').eq(columnIndex).text();

Btw, on a completely unrelated topic (but please don't vote me down):

I didn't realise that you can, fairly easily, link text boxes to your jqGrid, so your users can do instant searching, without having to open the Search dialog.

enter image description here

To do this, you need a bit of HTML like this:

<input type="text" name="employeeName" id="employeeName" style="width:250px" />

<!--  This will be my jqGrid control and pager -->
<table id="tblEmployees"></table>
<div id="pager"></div>

And a bit of JavaScript like this:

$("#employeeName").on('change keyup paste', function () {

function SearchByEmployeeName()
    //  Fetch the text from our <input> control
    var searchString = $("#employeeName").val();

    //  Prepare to pass a new search filter to our jqGrid
    var f = { groupOp: "AND", rules: [] };

    //  Remember to change the following line to reflect the jqGrid column you want to search for your string in
    //  In this example, I'm searching through the UserName column.

    f.rules.push({ field: "UserName", op: "cn", data: searchString });

    var grid = $('#tblEmployees');
    grid[0] = f.rules.length > 0;
    $.extend(grid[0].p.postData, { filters: JSON.stringify(f) });
    grid.trigger("reloadGrid", [{ page: 1 }]);

This is a real game-changer for me... it really makes jqGrid much more user friendly.

Users can immediately start typing in their search string, rather than needing to open the Search dialog, remember to change the operator to "contains", then start typing, and close the search dialog again.

MySQL Insert with While Loop

drop procedure if exists doWhile;
DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 2376921001; 
WHILE (i <= 237692200) DO
    INSERT INTO `mytable` (code, active, total) values (i, 1, 1);
    SET i = i+1;

CALL doWhile(); 

Reload content in modal (twitter bootstrap)

Here is a coffeescript version that worked for me.

$(document).on '', (e) ->
  target = $(

datetime.parse and making it work with a specific format

DateTime.ParseExact(input,"yyyyMMdd HH:mm",null);

assuming you meant to say that minutes followed the hours, not seconds - your example is a little confusing.

The ParseExact documentation details other overloads, in case you want to have the parse automatically convert to Universal Time or something like that.

As @Joel Coehoorn mentions, there's also the option of using TryParseExact, which will return a Boolean value indicating success or failure of the operation - I'm still on .Net 1.1, so I often forget this one.

If you need to parse other formats, you can check out the Standard DateTime Format Strings.

how to write procedure to insert data in to the table in phpmyadmin?

Try this-

CREATE PROCEDURE simpleproc (IN name varchar(50),IN user_name varchar(50),IN branch varchar(50))
    insert into student (name,user_name,branch) values (name ,user_name,branch);

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" /> Meaning

Modules Preconditions:

The IIS core engine uses preconditions to determine when to enable a particular module. Performance reasons, for example, might determine that you only want to execute managed modules for requests that also go to a managed handler. The precondition in the following example (precondition="managedHandler") only enables the forms authentication module for requests that are also handled by a managed handler, such as requests to .aspx or .asmx files:

<add name="FormsAuthentication" type="System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationModule" preCondition="managedHandler" />

If you remove the attribute precondition="managedHandler", Forms Authentication also applies to content that is not served by managed handlers, such as .html, .jpg, .doc, but also for classic ASP (.asp) or PHP (.php) extensions. See "How to Take Advantage of IIS Integrated Pipeline" for an example of enabling ASP.NET modules to run for all content.

You can also use a shortcut to enable all managed (ASP.NET) modules to run for all requests in your application, regardless of the "managedHandler" precondition.

To enable all managed modules to run for all requests without configuring each module entry to remove the "managedHandler" precondition, use the runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests property in the <modules> section:

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />    

When you use this property, the "managedHandler" precondition has no effect and all managed modules run for all requests.

Copied from IIS Modules Overview: Preconditions

set initial viewcontroller in appdelegate - swift

Try this. For example: You should use UINavigationController as the initial view controller. Then, you can set any view controller as root from the storyboard.

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
    // Override point for customization after application launch.
    let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
    let navigationController = storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController() as UINavigationController
    let rootViewController = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("VC") as UIViewController
    navigationController.viewControllers = [rootViewController]
    self.window?.rootViewController = navigationController
    return true

See my storyboard screen.

How can I adjust DIV width to contents

Try width: max-content to adjust the width of the div by it's content.

<!DOCTYPE html>
div.ex1 {
  margin: auto;
  border: 3px solid #73AD21;

div.ex2 {
  width: max-content;
  margin: auto;
  border: 3px solid #73AD21;

<div class="ex1">This div element has width 500px;</div>
<div class="ex2">Width by content size</div>


How can I get the current time in C#?

try this:

 string.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss tt}", DateTime.Now);

for further details you can check it out : How do you get the current time of day?

Using a dictionary to select function to execute

class CallByName():
    def method1(self):

    def method2(self):

    def method3(self):

    def get_method(self, method_name):
        method = getattr(self, method_name)
        return method()

callbyname = CallByName()
method1 = callbyname.get_method(method_name)


Open-Source Examples of well-designed Android Applications?

This is the repo for the Google I/O App.

(Current version is 2015, also has tags for 2011 through 2014).

Sources for these books: (a shameless plug)

Checking if a key exists in a JS object

the simplest way is

const obj = {_x000D_
  a: 'value of a',_x000D_
  b: 'value of b',_x000D_
  c: 'value of c'_x000D_
  console.log('obj.a does not exist');_x000D_

jQuery: load txt file and insert into div

You need to add a dataType -

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#lesen").click(function() {
            url : "helloworld.txt",
            dataType: "text",
            success : function (data) {

Objective-C Static Class Level variables

As pgb said, there are no "class variables," only "instance variables." The objective-c way of doing class variables is a static global variable inside the .m file of the class. The "static" ensures that the variable can not be used outside of that file (i.e. it can't be extern).

Model Binding to a List MVC 4


namespace ListBindingTest.Controllers
    public class HomeController : Controller
        // GET: /Home/

        public ActionResult Index()
            List<String> tmp = new List<String>();
            return View(tmp);

        public ActionResult Send(IList<String> input)
            return View(input);

~ Strongly Typed Index View

@model IList<String>

    Layout = null;

<!DOCTYPE html>

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
    @using(Html.BeginForm("Send", "Home", "POST"))
        @Html.EditorFor(x => x)
        <br />
        <input type="submit" value="Send" />

~ Strongly Typed Send View

@model IList<String>

    Layout = null;

<!DOCTYPE html>

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
    @foreach(var element in @Model)
        <br />

This is all that you had to do man, change his MyViewModel model to IList.