- Programming Questions & Answers Hub For Beginners

Some Of The Best Answers From Latest Asked Questions

How do I enumerate the properties of a JavaScript object?

If you are using the Underscore.js library, you can use function keys:

_.keys({one : 1, two : 2, three : 3});
=> ["one", "two", "three"]

How can I force users to access my page over HTTPS instead of HTTP?

The PHP way:

if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) $is_https=$_SERVER['HTTPS'];
if ($is_https !== "on")
    header("Location: https://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

The Apache mod_rewrite way:

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

How to tell if a JavaScript function is defined

if ('function' === typeof callback) ...

Dropping a connected user from an Oracle 10g database schema

Have you tried ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION? Get the SID and SERIAL# from V$SESSION for each session in the given schema, then do


How can I make a ComboBox non-editable in .NET?

To continue displaying data in the input after selecting, do so:

Private Sub ComboBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.KeyPress
    e.Handled = True
End Sub

Private void ComboBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
    e.Handled = true;

Adding a SVN repository in Eclipse

I have exactly the same issue with you. I have TortoiseSVN installed on my windows, I have also eclipse installed, in the eclipse, I have the subclipse 1.4 installed.

here is the issue I have proxy settings, I can open the repo through web browser, for some reason, I cannot open a repo through svn. I tried to change the proxy following the link below Eclipse Kepler not connecting to internet via proxy. It doesn't work.

Finally I found out a solution

You have to change the proxy setting in TortoiseSVN. After I enable the proxy setting the same with my browser. The issue is gone.

here is the link of how to enable proxy setting in TortoiseSVN Seach "Network Settings" on the page above

Python's time.clock() vs. time.time() accuracy?

I use this code to compare 2 methods .My OS is windows 8 , processor core i5 , RAM 4GB

import time

def t_time():
    return (time.time()-start)

def t_clock():
    return (time.clock()-start)


for i in range(1,100):
    counter_time += t_time()

    for i in range(1,100):
        counter_clock += t_clock()

print "time() =",counter_time/100
print "clock() =",counter_clock/100


time() = 0.0993799996376

clock() = 0.0993572257367

How does the Java 'for each' loop work?

I think this will work:

for (Iterator<String> i = someList.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
   String x =;

Display date/time in user's locale format and time offset

getTimeZoneOffset() and toLocaleString are good for basic date work, but if you need real timezone support, look at mde's TimeZone.js.

There's a few more options discussed in the answer to this question

How do I get the full path to a Perl script that is executing?

There are a few ways:

  • $0 is the currently executing script as provided by POSIX, relative to the current working directory if the script is at or below the CWD
  • Additionally, cwd(), getcwd() and abs_path() are provided by the Cwd module and tell you where the script is being run from
  • The module FindBin provides the $Bin & $RealBin variables that usually are the path to the executing script; this module also provides $Script & $RealScript that are the name of the script
  • __FILE__ is the actual file that the Perl interpreter deals with during compilation, including its full path.

I've seen the first three ($0, the Cwd module and the FindBin module) fail under mod_perl spectacularly, producing worthless output such as '.' or an empty string. In such environments, I use __FILE__ and get the path from that using the File::Basename module:

use File::Basename;
my $dirname = dirname(__FILE__);

sudo echo "something" >> /etc/privilegedFile doesn't work

Use tee --append or tee -a.

echo 'deb blah ... blah' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

Make sure to avoid quotes inside quotes.

To avoid printing data back to the console, redirect the output to /dev/null.

echo 'deb blah ... blah' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null

Remember about the (-a/--append) flag! Just tee works like > and will overwrite your file. tee -a works like >> and will write at the end of the file.

How do I create a self-signed certificate for code signing on Windows?

As of PowerShell 4.0 (Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2) it is possible to make a certificate in Windows without makecert.exe.

The commands you need are New-SelfSignedCertificate and Export-PfxCertificate.

Instructions are in Creating Self Signed Certificates with PowerShell.

Hibernate Query By Example and Projections

I'm facing a similar problem. I'm using Query by Example and I want to sort the results by a custom field. In SQL I would do something like:

select pageNo, abs(pageNo - 434) as diff
from relA
where year = 2009
order by diff

It works fine without the order-by-clause. What I got is

Criteria crit = getSession().createCriteria(Entity.class);
ProjectionList pl = Projections.projectionList();
pl.add("id") );
pl.add(Projections.sqlProjection("abs(`pageNo`-"+pageNo+") as diff", new String[] {"diff"}, types ));

But when I add


I get a org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: diff exception. Workaround with this does not work either.

PS: as I could not find any elaborate documentation on the use of QBE for Hibernate, all the stuff above is mainly trial-and-error approach

Dealing with "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" error

The solution was to add these flags to JVM command line when Tomcat is started:

-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled

You can do that by shutting down the tomcat service, then going into the Tomcat/bin directory and running tomcat6w.exe. Under the "Java" tab, add the arguments to the "Java Options" box. Click "OK" and then restart the service.

If you get an error the specified service does not exist as an installed service you should run:

tomcat6w //ES//servicename

where servicename is the name of the server as viewed in services.msc

Source: orx's comment on Eric's Agile Answers.

How do you overcome the svn 'out of date' error?

I just had the same problem in several folders and this is what I did to commit:

1) In "Team Synchronize" perspective, right click on the folder > Override and Update
2) Delete the folder again
3) Commit and be happy

SQL: IF clause within WHERE clause

In sql server I had same problem I wanted to use an and statement only if parameter is false and on true I had to show both values true and false so I used it this way

(T.IsPublic = @ShowPublic or  @ShowPublic = 1)

Resizing an Image without losing any quality

Unless you're doing vector graphics, there's no way to resize an image without potentially losing some image quality.

How do you determine what SQL Tables have an identity column programmatically

Another way (for 2000 / 2005/2012/2014):

IF ((SELECT OBJECTPROPERTY( OBJECT_ID(N'table_name_here'), 'TableHasIdentity')) = 1)
    PRINT 'Yes'
    PRINT 'No'

NOTE: table_name_here should be schema.table, unless the schema is dbo.

How do you transfer or export SQL Server 2005 data to Excel

you can right click on a grid of results in SQL server, and choose save as CSV. you can then you can import this into Excel.

Excel gives you a import wizard, ensure you select comma delimited. it works fine for me when i needed to import 50k+ records into excel.

Can I pass a JavaScript variable to another browser window?

For me the following doesn't work

var A = {foo:'bar'};
var w ="");
w.B = A;

// in new window
var B = window.opener.B;

But this works(note the variable name)

var B = {foo:'bar'};
var w ="");
w.B = B;

// in new window
var B = window.opener.B;

Also var B should be global.

What are good grep tools for Windows?

If you want a simple to use Windows Grep tool, I created one called P-Grep that I have made available for free download from my website: - home menu, downloads.

Windows Grep seemed to have problems with a large number of files, so I wrote my own - which seems more reliable. You can select a folder, right click and send it to P-Grep. The sendto folder gets unpdated during installation.

Calculating frames per second in a game

Set counter to zero. Each time you draw a frame increment the counter. After each second print the counter. lather, rinse, repeat. If yo want extra credit, keep a running counter and divide by the total number of seconds for a running average.

Why would a " Connection timed out" exception occur when URL is up?

If the URL works fine in the web browser on the same machine, it might be that the Java code isn't using the HTTP proxy the browser is using for connecting to the URL.

How to check if a String contains another String in a case insensitive manner in Java?

You can use

org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase("AbBaCca", "bac");

The Apache Commons library is very useful for this sort of thing. And this particular one may be better than regular expressions as regex is always expensive in terms of performance.

How to "pretty" format JSON output in Ruby on Rails

I have used the gem CodeRay and it works pretty well. The format includes colors and it recognises a lot of different formats.

I have used it on a gem that can be used for debugging rails APIs and it works pretty well.

By the way, the gem is named 'api_explorer' (

Singleton: How should it be used

I still don't get why a singleton has to be global.

I was going to produce a singleton where I hid a database inside the class as a private constant static variable and make class functions that utilize the database without ever exposing the database to the user.

I don't see why this functionality would be bad.

Good Linux (Ubuntu) SVN client

If you use eclipse, subclipse is the best I've ever used. In my opinion, this should exist as stand-alone as well... Easy to use, linked with the code and the project you have in eclipse... Just perfect for a developer who uses eclipse and wants a gui.

Personally, I prefer the command-line client, both for linux and windows.

Edit: if you use XFCE and its file manager (called Thunar), there's a plugin which works quite well. If I don't want to open the terminal, I just use that one, it has all the functionality, is fast and easy to use. There's also one for git included, though...

What is a reasonable code coverage % for unit tests (and why)?

My answer to this conundrum is to have 100% line coverage of the code you can test and 0% line coverage of the code you can't test.

My current practice in Python is to divide my .py modules into two folders: app1/ and app2/ and when running unit tests calculate the coverage of those two folders and visually check (I must automate this someday) that app1 has 100% coverage and app2 has 0% coverage.

When/if I find that these numbers differ from standard I investigage and alter the design of the code so that coverage conforms to the standard.

This does mean that I can recommend achieving 100% line coverage of library code.

I also occasionally review app2/ to see if I could possible test any code there, and If I can I move it into app1/

Now I'm not too worried about the aggregate coverage because that can vary wildly depending on the size of the project, but generally I've seen 70% to over 90%.

With python, I should be able to devise a smoke test which could automatically run my app while measuring coverage and hopefully gain an aggreagate of 100% when combining the smoke test with unittest figures.

How do I verify that a string only contains letters, numbers, underscores and dashes?

A regular expression will do the trick with very little code:

import re


if re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9_-]*$", my_little_string):
    # do something here

How do you connect to a MySQL database using Oracle SQL Developer?

You may find the following relevant as well:

Oracle SQL Developer connection to Microsoft SQL Server

In my case I had to place the ntlmauth.dll in the sql-developer application directory itself (i.e. sql-developer\jdk\jre\bin). Why this location over the system jre/bin I have no idea. But it worked.

How do you specify a different port number in SQL Management Studio?

Another way is to setup an alias in Config Manager. Then simply type that alias name when you want to connect. This makes it much easier and is more prefereable when you have to manage several servers/instances and/or servers on multiple ports and/or multiple protocols. Give them friendly names and it becomes much easier to remember them.

How to recover a dropped stash in Git?

I want to add to the accepted solution another good way to go through all the changes, when you either don't have gitk available or no X for output.

git fsck --no-reflog | awk '/dangling commit/ {print $3}' > tmp_commits

for h in `cat tmp_commits`; do git show $h | less; done

Then you get all the diffs for those hashes displayed one after another. Press 'q' to get to the next diff.

Best C++ IDE or Editor for Windows

Ultimate++ if you want to program for both Linux and C++ also you have the choice to choose your compiler.

How to execute a program or call a system command from Python

With the standard library

Use the subprocess module (Python 3):

import subprocess['ls', '-l'])

It is the recommended standard way. However, more complicated tasks (pipes, output, input, etc.) can be tedious to construct and write.

Note on Python version: If you are still using Python 2, works in a similar way.

ProTip: shlex.split can help you to parse the command for run, call, and other subprocess functions in case you don't want (or you can't!) provide them in form of lists:

import shlex
import subprocess'ls -l'))

With external dependencies

If you do not mind external dependencies, use plumbum:

from plumbum.cmd import ifconfig

It is the best subprocess wrapper. It's cross-platform, i.e. it works on both Windows and Unix-like systems. Install by pip install plumbum.

Another popular library is sh:

from sh import ifconfig

However, sh dropped Windows support, so it's not as awesome as it used to be. Install by pip install sh.

Apache gives me 403 Access Forbidden when DocumentRoot points to two different drives

Solved 403: Forbidden when visiting localhost. Using ports 80,443,3308 (the later to handle conflict with MySQL Server installation) Windows 10, XAMPP 7.4.1, Apache 2.4.x My web files are in a separate folder.

httpd.conf - look for these lines and set it up where you have your files, mine is web folder.

DocumentRoot "C:/web"
<Directory "C:/web">

Changed these 2 lines.

<VirtualHost *:80>
 ServerAdmin [email protected]
 DocumentRoot "C:/web/project1"
 ServerName project1.localhost
 <Directory "C:/web/project1">
  Order allow,deny
  allow from all

to this

<VirtualHost *:80>
 ServerAdmin [email protected]
 DocumentRoot "C:/web/project1"
 ServerName project1.localhost
 <Directory "C:/web/project1">
  Require all granted

Add your details in your hosts file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file localhost project1.localhost

Stop start XAMPP, and click Apache admin (or localhost) and the wonderful XAMPP dashboard now displays! And visit your project at project1.localhost

Why does PEP-8 specify a maximum line length of 79 characters?

I believe those who study typography would tell you that 66 characters per a line is supposed to be the most readable width for length. Even so, if you need to debug a machine remotely over an ssh session, most terminals default to 80 characters, 79 just fits, trying to work with anything wider becomes a real pain in such a case. You would also be suprised by the number of developers using vim + screen as a day to day environment.

How to convert Strings to and from UTF8 byte arrays in Java

Convert from String to byte[]:

String s = "some text here";
byte[] b = s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

Convert from byte[] to String:

byte[] b = {(byte) 99, (byte)97, (byte)116};
String s = new String(b, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);

You should, of course, use the correct encoding name. My examples used US-ASCII and UTF-8, the two most common encodings.

Structure of a PDF file?

When I first started working with PDF, I found the PDF reference very hard to navigate. It might help you to know that the overview of the file structure is found in syntax, and what Adobe call the document structure is the object structure and not the file structure. That is also found in Syntax. The description of operators is hidden away in Appendix A - very useful for understanding what is happening in content streams. If you ever have the pain of working with colour spaces you will find that hidden in Graphics! Hopefully these pointers will help you find things more quickly than I did.

If you are using windows, pdftron CosEdit allows you to browse the object structure to understand it. There is a free demo available that allows you to examine the file but not save it.

How to generate a random string in Ruby

I don't know ruby, so I can't give you the exact syntax, but I would set a constant string with the list of acceptable characters, then use the substring operator to pick a random character out of it.

The advantage here is that if the string is supposed to be user-enterable, then you can exclude easily confused characters like l and 1 and i, 0 and O, 5 and S, etc.

Add a column with a default value to an existing table in SQL Server

Well, I now have some modification to my previous answer. I have noticed that none of the answers mentioned IF NOT EXISTS. So I am going to provide a new solution of it as I have faced some problems altering the table.

IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns WHERE table_name = 'TaskSheet' AND column_name = 'IsBilledToClient')
 IsBilledToClient bit NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1))

Here TaskSheet is the particular table name and IsBilledToClient is the new column which you are going to insert and 1 the default value. That means in the new column what will be the value of the existing rows, therefore one will be set automatically there. However, you can change as you wish with the respect of the column type like I have used BIT, so I put in default value 1.

I suggest the above system, because I have faced a problem. So what is the problem? The problem is, if the IsBilledToClient column does exists in the table table then if you execute only the portion of the code given below you will see an error in the SQL server Query builder. But if it does not exist then for the first time there will be no error when executing.


How to remove all event handlers from an event

I found a solution on the MSDN forums. The sample code below will remove all Click events from button1.

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

        button1.Click += button1_Click;
        button1.Click += button1_Click2;
        button2.Click += button2_Click;

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  => MessageBox.Show("Hello");
    private void button1_Click2(object sender, EventArgs e) => MessageBox.Show("World");
    private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  => RemoveClickEvent(button1);

    private void RemoveClickEvent(Button b)
        FieldInfo f1 = typeof(Control).GetField("EventClick", 
            BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

        object obj = f1.GetValue(b);
        PropertyInfo pi = b.GetType().GetProperty("Events",  
            BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

        EventHandlerList list = (EventHandlerList)pi.GetValue(b, null);
        list.RemoveHandler(obj, list[obj]);

What are the differences between a clustered and a non-clustered index?

You might have gone through theory part from the above posts:

-The clustered Index as we can see points directly to record i.e. its direct so it takes less time for a search. Additionally it will not take any extra memory/space to store the index

-While, in non-clustered Index, it indirectly points to the clustered Index then it will access the actual record, due to its indirect nature it will take some what more time to access.Also it needs its own memory/space to store the index

enter image description here

Checking from shell script if a directory contains files

Could you compare the output of this?

 ls -A /some/dir | wc -l

How to escape braces (curly brackets) in a format string in .NET

My objective:

I needed to assign the value "{CR}{LF}" to a string variable delimiter.

Code c#:

string delimiter= "{{CR}}{{LF}}";

Note: To escape special characters normally you have to use . For opening curly bracket {, use one extra like {{. For closing curly bracket }, use one extra }}.

GnuPG: "decryption failed: secret key not available" error from gpg on Windows

when reimporting your keys from the old keyring, you need to specify the command:

gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import <keyring>

otherwise it will only import the public keys, not the private keys.

What process is listening on a certain port on Solaris?

If you have access to netstat, that can do precisely that.

How do I get my C# program to sleep for 50 msec?

Use this code

using System.Threading;
// ...

How can I detect the encoding/codepage of a text file

As addon to ITmeze post, I've used this function to convert the output of C# port for Mozilla Universal Charset Detector

    private Encoding GetEncodingFromString(string codePageName)
            return Encoding.GetEncoding(codePageName);
            return Encoding.ASCII;


How to create and use resources in .NET

The above method works good.

Another method (I am assuming web here) is to create your page. Add controls to the page. Then while in design mode go to: Tools > Generate Local Resource. A resource file will automatically appear in the solution with all the controls in the page mapped in the resource file.

To create resources for other languages, append the 4 character language to the end of the file name, before the extension (Account.aspx.en-US.resx,

To retrieve specific entries in the code-behind, simply call this method: GetLocalResourceObject([resource entry key/name]).

Exit Shell Script Based on Process Exit Code

For Bash:

# This will trap any errors or commands with non-zero exit status
# by calling function catch_errors()
trap catch_errors ERR;

# ... the rest of the script goes here

function catch_errors() {
   # Do whatever on errors
   echo "script aborted, because of errors";
   exit 0;

What's the syntax for mod in java

Also, mod can be used like this:

int a = 7;
b = a % 2;

b would equal 1. Because 7 % 2 = 1.

Make a div fill the height of the remaining screen space

2015 update: the flexbox approach

There are two other answers briefly mentioning flexbox; however, that was more than two years ago, and they don't provide any examples. The specification for flexbox has definitely settled now.

Note: Though CSS Flexible Boxes Layout specification is at the Candidate Recommendation stage, not all browsers have implemented it. WebKit implementation must be prefixed with -webkit-; Internet Explorer implements an old version of the spec, prefixed with -ms-; Opera 12.10 implements the latest version of the spec, unprefixed. See the compatibility table on each property for an up-to-date compatibility status.

(taken from

All major browsers and IE11+ support Flexbox. For IE 10 or older, you can use the FlexieJS shim.

To check current support you can also see here:

Working example

With flexbox you can easily switch between any of your rows or columns either having fixed dimensions, content-sized dimensions or remaining-space dimensions. In my example I have set the header to snap to its content (as per the OPs question), I've added a footer to show how to add a fixed-height region and then set the content area to fill up the remaining space.

body {_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  margin: 0;_x000D_
.box {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-flow: column;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
.box .row {_x000D_
  border: 1px dotted grey;_x000D_
.box .row.header {_x000D_
  flex: 0 1 auto;_x000D_
  /* The above is shorthand for:_x000D_
  flex-grow: 0,_x000D_
  flex-shrink: 1,_x000D_
  flex-basis: auto_x000D_
.box .row.content {_x000D_
  flex: 1 1 auto;_x000D_
.box .row.footer {_x000D_
  flex: 0 1 40px;_x000D_
<!-- Obviously, you could use HTML5 tags like `header`, `footer` and `section` -->_x000D_
<div class="box">_x000D_
  <div class="row header">_x000D_
      <br />_x000D_
      <br />(sized to content)</p>_x000D_
  <div class="row content">_x000D_
      (fills remaining space)_x000D_
  <div class="row footer">_x000D_
    <p><b>footer</b> (fixed height)</p>_x000D_

In the CSS above, the flex property shorthands the flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis properties to establish the flexibility of the flex items. Mozilla has a good introduction to the flexible boxes model.

What is the Linux equivalent to DOS pause?

read without any parameters will only continue if you press enter. The DOS pause command will continue if you press any key. Use read –n1 if you want this behaviour.

jQuery/JavaScript to replace broken images

In case someone like me, tries to attach the error event to a dynamic HTML img tag, I'd like to point out that, there is a catch:

Apparently img error events don't bubble in most browsers, contrary to what the standard says.

So, something like the following will not work:

$(document).on('error', 'img', function () { ... })

Hope this will be helpful to someone else. I wish I had seen this here in this thread. But, I didn't. So, I am adding it


Use the WebRequest class

This is to get an image:

    Dim _WebRequest As System.Net.WebRequest = Nothing
    _WebRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(
Catch ex As Exception
    Exit Sub
End Try

    _NormalImage = Image.FromStream(_WebRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())
Catch ex As Exception
    Exit Sub
End Try

Stripping non printable characters from a string in python

The best I've come up with now is (thanks to the python-izers above)

def filter_non_printable(str):
  return ''.join([c for c in str if ord(c) > 31 or ord(c) == 9])

This is the only way I've found out that works with Unicode characters/strings

Any better options?

Why can't variables be declared in a switch statement?

I just wanted to emphasize slim's point. A switch construct creates a whole, first-class-citizen scope. So it is posible to declare (and initialize) a variable in a switch statement before the first case label, without an additional bracket pair:

switch (val) {  
  /* This *will* work, even in C89 */
  int newVal = 42;  
case VAL:
  newVal = 1984; 
  newVal = 2001;

Removing leading zeroes from a field in a SQL statement

You can use this:

SELECT REPLACE(LTRIM(REPLACE('000010A', '0', ' ')),' ', '0')

How do I convert a date/time to epoch time (unix time/seconds since 1970) in Perl?

Possibly one of the better examples of 'There's More Than One Way To Do It", with or without the help of CPAN.

If you have control over what you get passed as a 'date/time', I'd suggest going the DateTime route, either by using a specific Date::Time::Format subclass, or using DateTime::Format::Strptime if there isn't one supporting your wacky date format (see the datetime FAQ for more details). In general, Date::Time is the way to go if you want to do anything serious with the result: few classes on CPAN are quite as anal-retentive and obsessively accurate.

If you're expecting weird freeform stuff, throw it at Date::Parse's str2time() method, which'll get you a seconds-since-epoch value you can then have your wicked way with, without the overhead of Date::Manip.

What are all the different ways to create an object in Java?

Also, you can de-serialize data into an object. This doesn't go through the class Constructor !

UPDATED : Thanks Tom for pointing that out in your comment ! And Michael also experimented.

It goes through the constructor of the most derived non-serializable superclass.
And when that class has no no-args constructor, a InvalidClassException is thrown upon de-serialization.

Please see Tom's answer for a complete treatment of all cases ;-)
is there any other way of creating an object without using "new" keyword in java

Can jQuery read/write cookies to a browser?

A new jQuery plugin for cookie retrieval and manipulation with binding for forms, etc:

What is the difference between range and xrange functions in Python 2.X?

On a requirement for scanning/printing of 0-N items , range and xrange works as follows.

range() - creates a new list in the memory and takes the whole 0 to N items(totally N+1) and prints them. xrange() - creates a iterator instance that scans through the items and keeps only the current encountered item into the memory , hence utilising same amount of memory all the time.

In case the required element is somewhat at the beginning of the list only then it saves a good amount of time and memory.

What is the maximum value for an int32?

With Groovy on the path:

groovy -e " println Integer.MAX_VALUE "

(Groovy is extremely useful for quick reference, within a Java context.)

Load a WPF BitmapImage from a System.Drawing.Bitmap

You can just share the pixeldata between a both namespaces ( Media and Drawing) by writing a custom bitmapsource. The conversion will happen immediately and no additional memory will be allocated. If you do not want to explicitly create a copy of your Bitmap this is the method you want.

class SharedBitmapSource : BitmapSource, IDisposable
    #region Public Properties

    /// <summary>
    /// I made it public so u can reuse it and get the best our of both namespaces
    /// </summary>
    public Bitmap Bitmap { get; private set; }

    public override double DpiX { get { return Bitmap.HorizontalResolution; } }

    public override double DpiY { get { return Bitmap.VerticalResolution; } }

    public override int PixelHeight { get { return Bitmap.Height; } }

    public override int PixelWidth { get { return Bitmap.Width; } }

    public override System.Windows.Media.PixelFormat Format { get { return ConvertPixelFormat(Bitmap.PixelFormat); } }

    public override BitmapPalette Palette { get { return null; } }


    #region Constructor/Destructor

    public SharedBitmapSource(int width, int height,System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat sourceFormat)
        :this(new Bitmap(width,height, sourceFormat) ) { }

    public SharedBitmapSource(Bitmap bitmap)
        Bitmap = bitmap;

    // Use C# destructor syntax for finalization code.
        // Simply call Dispose(false).


    #region Overrides

    public override void CopyPixels(Int32Rect sourceRect, Array pixels, int stride, int offset)
        BitmapData sourceData = Bitmap.LockBits(
        new Rectangle(sourceRect.X, sourceRect.Y, sourceRect.Width, sourceRect.Height),

        var length = sourceData.Stride * sourceData.Height;

        if (pixels is byte[])
            var bytes = pixels as byte[];
            Marshal.Copy(sourceData.Scan0, bytes, 0, length);


    protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore()
        return (Freezable)Activator.CreateInstance(GetType());


    #region Public Methods

    public BitmapSource Resize(int newWidth, int newHeight)
        Image newImage = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight);
        using (Graphics graphicsHandle = Graphics.FromImage(newImage))
            graphicsHandle.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
            graphicsHandle.DrawImage(Bitmap, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
        return new SharedBitmapSource(newImage as Bitmap);

    public new BitmapSource Clone()
        return new SharedBitmapSource(new Bitmap(Bitmap));

    //Implement IDisposable.
    public void Dispose()


    #region Protected/Private Methods

    private static System.Windows.Media.PixelFormat ConvertPixelFormat(System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat sourceFormat)
        switch (sourceFormat)
            case System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb:
                return PixelFormats.Bgr24;

            case System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb:
                return PixelFormats.Pbgra32;

            case System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb:
                return PixelFormats.Bgr32;

        return new System.Windows.Media.PixelFormat();

    private bool _disposed = false;

    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (!_disposed)
            if (disposing)
                // Free other state (managed objects).
            // Free your own state (unmanaged objects).
            // Set large fields to null.
            _disposed = true;


Using OpenSSL what does "unable to write 'random state'" mean?

I had the same thing on windows server. Then I figured out by changing the vars.bat which is:

set HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenVPN\easy-rsa

then redo from beginning and everything should be fine.

When do you use Java's @Override annotation and why?

Another thing it does is it makes it more obvious when reading the code that it is changing the behavior of the parent class. Than can help in debugging.

Also, in Joshua Block's book Effective Java (2nd edition), item 36 gives more details on the benefits of the annotation.

Convert character to ASCII code in JavaScript

For supporting all UTF-16 (also non-BMP/supplementary characters) from ES6 the string.codePointAt() method is available;

This method is an improved version of charCodeAt which could support only unicode codepoints < 65536 ( 216 - a single 16bit ) .

Prevent multiple instances of a given app in .NET?

Be sure to consider security when restricting an application to a single instance:

Full article:

We are using a named mutex with a fixed name in order to detect whether another copy of the program is running. But that also means an attacker can create the mutex first, thereby preventing our program from running at all! How can I prevent this type of denial of service attack?


If the attacker is running in the same security context as your program is (or would be) running in, then there is nothing you can do. Whatever "secret handshake" you come up with to determine whether another copy of your program is running, the attacker can mimic it. Since it is running in the correct security context, it can do anything that the "real" program can do.


Clearly you can't protect yourself from an attacker running at the same security privilege, but you can still protect yourself against unprivileged attackers running at other security privileges.

Try setting a DACL on your mutex, here's the .NET way:

HRESULT: 0x80131040: The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

I recently had this issue and I ran 'depends.exe' on the dll in question. It showed me that the dll was compiled in x86 while some of the dependencys were compiled in x64.

If you are still having troubles I would recommend using depends.exe.

Most common C# bitwise operations on enums


Note that except in the simplest of cases, the Enum.HasFlag carries a heavy performance penalty in comparison to writing out the code manually. Consider the following code:

public enum TestFlags
    One = 1,
    Two = 2,
    Three = 4,
    Four = 8,
    Five = 16,
    Six = 32,
    Seven = 64,
    Eight = 128,
    Nine = 256,
    Ten = 512

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        TestFlags f = TestFlags.Five; /* or any other enum */
        bool result = false;

        Stopwatch s = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
            result |= f.HasFlag(TestFlags.Three);
        Console.WriteLine(s.ElapsedMilliseconds); // *4793 ms*

        for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
            result |= (f & TestFlags.Three) != 0;
        Console.WriteLine(s.ElapsedMilliseconds); // *27 ms*        


Over 10 million iterations, the HasFlags extension method takes a whopping 4793 ms, compared to the 27 ms for the standard bitwise implementation.

Best cross-browser method to capture CTRL+S with JQuery?

$(window).keypress(function(event) {
    if (!(event.which == 115 && event.ctrlKey) && !(event.which == 19)) return true;
    alert("Ctrl-S pressed");
    return false;

Key codes can differ between browsers, so you may need to check for more than just 115.

Is there a .NET/C# wrapper for SQLite?


System.Data.SQLite is an ADO.NET adapter for SQLite.

System.Data.SQLite was started by Robert Simpson. Robert still has commit privileges on this repository but is no longer an active contributor. Development and maintenance work is now mostly performed by the SQLite Development Team. The SQLite team is committed to supporting System.Data.SQLite long-term.

"System.Data.SQLite is the original SQLite database engine and a complete ADO.NET 2.0 provider all rolled into a single mixed mode assembly. It is a complete drop-in replacement for the original sqlite3.dll (you can even rename it to sqlite3.dll). Unlike normal mixed assemblies, it has no linker dependency on the .NET runtime so it can be distributed independently of .NET."

It even supports Mono.

How to encode the filename parameter of Content-Disposition header in HTTP?

I normally URL-encode (with %xx) the filenames, and it seems to work in all browsers. You might want to do some tests anyway.

What is the difference between Views and Materialized Views in Oracle?

A view uses a query to pull data from the underlying tables.

A materialized view is a table on disk that contains the result set of a query.

Materialized views are primarily used to increase application performance when it isn't feasible or desirable to use a standard view with indexes applied to it. Materialized views can be updated on a regular basis either through triggers or by using the ON COMMIT REFRESH option. This does require a few extra permissions, but it's nothing complex. ON COMMIT REFRESH has been in place since at least Oracle 10.

What is a Y-combinator?

For programmers who haven't encountered functional programming in depth, and don't care to start now, but are mildly curious:

The Y combinator is a formula which lets you implement recursion in a situation where functions can't have names but can be passed around as arguments, used as return values, and defined within other functions.

It works by passing the function to itself as an argument, so it can call itself.

It's part of the lambda calculus, which is really maths but is effectively a programming language, and is pretty fundamental to computer science and especially to functional programming.

The day to day practical value of the Y combinator is limited, since programming languages tend to let you name functions.

In case you need to identify it in a police lineup, it looks like this:

Y = ?f.(?x.f (x x)) (?x.f (x x))

You can usually spot it because of the repeated (?x.f (x x)).

The ? symbols are the Greek letter lambda, which gives the lambda calculus its name, and there's a lot of (?x.t) style terms because that's what the lambda calculus looks like.

Counter inside xsl:for-each loop

    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
    <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
    <xsl:template match="/">
                <xsl:for-each select="books/book">
                                <countNo><xsl:value-of select="position()"/></countNo>
                                        <xsl:value-of select="title"/>

DateTimePicker: pick both date and time

It is best to use two DateTimePickers for the Job One will be the default for the date section and the second DateTimePicker is for the time portion. Format the second DateTimePicker as follows.

      timePortionDateTimePicker.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Time;
      timePortionDateTimePicker.ShowUpDown = true;

The Two should look like this after you capture them

Two Date Time Pickers

To get the DateTime from both these controls use the following code

DateTime myDate = datePortionDateTimePicker.Value.Date + 

To assign the DateTime to both these controls use the following code

datePortionDateTimePicker.Value  = myDate.Date;  
timePortionDateTimePicker.Value  = myDate.TimeOfDay; 

test attribute in JSTL <c:if> tag

All that the test attribute looks for to determine if something is true is the string "true" (case in-sensitive). For example, the following code will print "Hello world!"

<c:if test="true">Hello world!</c:if>

The code within the <%= %> returns a boolean, so it will either print the string "true" or "false", which is exactly what the <c:if> tag looks for.

How do I drop a foreign key in SQL Server?

I don't know MSSQL but would it not be:

alter table company drop **constraint** Company_CountryID_FK;

A free tool to check C/C++ source code against a set of coding standards?

I'm sure this could help to some degree cxx checker. Also this tool seems to be pretty good KWStyle It's from Kitware, the guys who develop Cmake.

MySQL Error 1153 - Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes

Set max_allowed_packet to the same (or more) than what it was when you dumped it with mysqldump. If you can't do that, make the dump again with a smaller value.

That is, assuming you dumped it with mysqldump. If you used some other tool, you're on your own.

Where are static variables stored in C and C++?

It depends on the platform and compiler that you're using. Some compilers store directly in the code segment. Static variables are always only accessible to the current translation unit and the names are not exported thus the reason name collisions never occur.

time.sleep -- sleeps thread or process?

The thread will block, but the process is still alive.

In a single threaded application, this means everything is blocked while you sleep. In a multithreaded application, only the thread you explicitly 'sleep' will block and the other threads still run within the process.

What are the differences between struct and class in C++?

It's just a convention. Structs can be created to hold simple data but later evolve time with the addition of member functions and constructors. On the other hand it's unusual to see anything other than public: access in a struct.

How to convert an address to a latitude/longitude?

You could also try the OpenStreetMap NameFinder (or the current Nominatim), which contains open source, wiki-like street data for (potentially) the entire world.

Advantage of switch over if-else statement

The switch is faster.

Just try if/else-ing 30 different values inside a loop, and compare it to the same code using switch to see how much faster the switch is.

Now, the switch has one real problem : The switch must know at compile time the values inside each case. This means that the following code:

extern const int MY_VALUE ;

void doSomething(const int p_iValue)
       case MY_VALUE : /* do something */ ; break ;
       default : /* do something else */ ; break ;

won't compile.

Most people will then use defines (Aargh!), and others will declare and define constant variables in the same compilation unit. For example:

const int MY_VALUE = 25 ;

void doSomething(const int p_iValue)
       case MY_VALUE : /* do something */ ; break ;
       default : /* do something else */ ; break ;

So, in the end, the developper must choose between "speed + clarity" vs. "code coupling".

(Not that a switch can't be written to be confusing as hell... Most the switch I currently see are of this "confusing" category"... But this is another story...)

Edit 2008-09-21:

bk1e added the following comment: "Defining constants as enums in a header file is another way to handle this".

Of course it is.

The point of an extern type was to decouple the value from the source. Defining this value as a macro, as a simple const int declaration, or even as an enum has the side-effect of inlining the value. Thus, should the define, the enum value, or the const int value change, a recompilation would be needed. The extern declaration means the there is no need to recompile in case of value change, but in the other hand, makes it impossible to use switch. The conclusion being Using switch will increase coupling between the switch code and the variables used as cases. When it is Ok, then use switch. When it isn't, then, no surprise.


Edit 2013-01-15:

Vlad Lazarenko commented on my answer, giving a link to his in-depth study of the assembly code generated by a switch. Very enlightning:

How to secure database passwords in PHP?

Put the database password in a file, make it read-only to the user serving the files.

Unless you have some means of only allowing the php server process to access the database, this is pretty much all you can do.

"rm -rf" equivalent for Windows?

RMDIR [/S] [/Q] [drive:]path

RD [/S] [/Q] [drive:]path

  • /S Removes all directories and files in the specified directory in addition to the directory itself. Used to remove a directory tree.

  • /Q Quiet mode, do not ask if ok to remove a directory tree with /S

Auto-indent spaces with C in vim?

A lot of vim's features (like autoindent and cindent) are turned off by default. To really see what vim can do for you, you need a decent ~/.vimrc.

A good starter one is in $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim. If you want to try it out, use

:source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim

when in vim.

I'd actually suggest just copying the contents to your ~/.vimrc as it's well commented, and a good place to start learning how to use vim. You can do this by

:e $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
:w! ~/.vimrc

This will overwrite your current ~/.vimrc, but if all you have in there is the indent settings Davr suggested, I wouldn't sweat it, as the example vimrc will take care of that for you as well. For a complete walkthrough of the example, and what it does for you, see :help vimrc-intro.

force Maven to copy dependencies into target/lib

All you need is the following snippet inside pom.xml's build/plugins:


The above will run in the package phase when you run

mvn clean package

And the dependencies will be copied to the outputDirectory specified in the snippet, i.e. lib in this case.

If you only want to do that occasionally, then no changes to pom.xml are required. Simply run the following:

mvn clean package dependency:copy-dependencies

To override the default location, which is ${}/dependencies, add a System property named outputDirectory, i.e.


How do I escape a string inside JavaScript code inside an onClick handler?

Depending on the server-side language, you could use one of these:

.NET 4.0

string result = System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode("jsString")


import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;

String result = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(jsString);


import json
result = json.dumps(jsString)


$result = strtr($jsString, array('\\' => '\\\\', "'" => "\\'", '"' => '\\"', 
                                 "\r" => '\\r', "\n" => '\\n' ));

Ruby on Rails

<%= escape_javascript(jsString) %>

Making a WinForms TextBox behave like your browser's address bar

It's a bit kludgey, but in your click event, use SendKeys.Send( "{HOME}+{END}" );.

How do I write a Windows batch script to copy the newest file from a directory?

Windows shell, one liner:

FOR /F %%I IN ('DIR *.* /B /O:-D') DO COPY %%I <<NewDir>> & EXIT

What is the "N+1 selects problem" in ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)?

Let's say you have a collection of Car objects (database rows), and each Car has a collection of Wheel objects (also rows). In other words, Car ? Wheel is a 1-to-many relationship.

Now, let's say you need to iterate through all the cars, and for each one, print out a list of the wheels. The naive O/R implementation would do the following:


And then for each Car:


In other words, you have one select for the Cars, and then N additional selects, where N is the total number of cars.

Alternatively, one could get all wheels and perform the lookups in memory:


This reduces the number of round-trips to the database from N+1 to 2. Most ORM tools give you several ways to prevent N+1 selects.

Reference: Java Persistence with Hibernate, chapter 13.

How do you run a script on login in *nix?

If you wish to run one script and only one script, you can make it that users default shell.

echo "/usr/bin/uptime" >> /etc/shells
vim /etc/passwd  
  * username:x:uid:grp:message:homedir:/usr/bin/uptime

can have interesting effects :) ( its not secure tho, so don't trust it too much. nothing like setting your default shell to be a script that wipes your drive. ... although, .. I can imagine a scenario where that could be amazingly useful )

What is the C# version of's InputDialog?

There isn't one. If you really wanted to use the VB InputBox in C# you can. Just add reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll and you'll find it there.

But I would suggest to not use it. It is ugly and outdated IMO.

How do you decompile a swf file

Usually 'lost' is a euphemism for "We stopped paying the developer and now he wont give us the source code."

That being said, I own a copy of Burak's ActionScript Viewer, and it works pretty well. A simple google search will find you many other SWF decompilers.

How do I create a nice-looking DMG for Mac OS X using command-line tools?

I found this great mac app to automate the process - you must have a look if you are creating dmg installer for your mac app