[language-agnostic] What's your favorite "programmer" cartoon?

Personally I like this one:

P.S. Do not hotlink the cartoon without the site's permission please.

This question is related to language-agnostic

The answer is

I knew it was true. XKCD #224

"We lost the documentation on quantum mechanics. You'll have to decode the regexes yourself."

Signs your coders don't have enough work to do

alt text

Of course, xkcd!


Can't help but love it...

alt text

Religious debates are always fun!

Fax me some electricity, please?

Dilbert Fax

Oh! There can be only one:

It's sooo funny, because it's true :)


Windows 7

Bit old but still one of my favs:


Hulk MMO Cartoon


Bit old but still one of my favs:



I can't believe 6 pages of answers and no one mentions the banana jr 6000. How quickly we forget.


The other one I love and couldn't find the image for has the punchline "Failure Mr. Jones, is hardly original. Now sit down."

Also from the Bloom County strip.


John Martz has a blog entry to go with this. IE6 denial message

I think the IT consultant's image is the best:

Reasons why people who work with computers have a lot of spare time

(linking because the picture's pretty big)

alt text

alt text

I can't believe 6 pages of answers and no one mentions the banana jr 6000. How quickly we forget.


The other one I love and couldn't find the image for has the punchline "Failure Mr. Jones, is hardly original. Now sit down."

Also from the Bloom County strip.

The doomed project

a nice collection

I can't believe 6 pages of answers and no one mentions the banana jr 6000. How quickly we forget.


The other one I love and couldn't find the image for has the punchline "Failure Mr. Jones, is hardly original. Now sit down."

Also from the Bloom County strip.


Babbage and Lovelace Vs The Client

Includes historical notes

(it's how people feel )

alt text

Religious debates are always fun!

Can't and shouldn't

If all bugs were so easy to close.

    UP VAR!!1

Taken from :http://lolcode.com/ KTHXBAI!!

I wrote a production website that has the path /dev/random/ return 4 because of this comic.

int get_rand_number(){ return 4;}

Another great Foxtrot comic. Possibly the most incomprehensible-to-non-geeks comic to sneak into the newspaper funnies.

Tragically, my favorite cartoon is too old to be on the interwebs.

It's from Datamation. (Remember Datamation?) A man is sitting at a desk. There are bits of electronics everywhere. Rubble is strewn into every corner of the room. His face and hair are singed.

He is thinking "It's never done that before."

alt text

Signs your coders don't have enough work to do

What?! No PhDComics? Check this out: alt text http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive/phd1112.gif

Remember this was 1997!!

Also read the following strips... Hilarious!

I knew it was true. XKCD #224

"We lost the documentation on quantum mechanics. You'll have to decode the regexes yourself."

This has made my year.

Some engineer out there has solved P=NP and it's locked up in an electric eggbeater calibration routine.  For every 0x5f375a86 we learn about, there are thousands we never see.

Some engineer out there has solved P=NP and it's locked up in an electric eggbeater calibration routine. For every 0x5f375a86 we learn about, there are thousands we never see.


I wrote a production website that has the path /dev/random/ return 4 because of this comic.

int get_rand_number(){ return 4;}

alt text

alt text

(I hear this is an option in the latest Ubuntu release.)

Fax me some electricity, please?

Dilbert Fax

alt text

XKCD Comic 303 - "Compiling"

('Are you stealing those LCDs?' 'Yeah, but I'm doing it while my code compiles')

I have this one pinned to the wall facing the entrance to our office :)


As a project wears on, standards for success slip lower and lower

("40% of OpenBSD installs lead to shark attacks. It's their only standing security issue.")

I love this one: https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/road_rage.png

Can't help but love it...

alt text

Bit old but still one of my favs:


Baseline Expectations

Taken from Dilbert.com, Sept 12 2008

Dilbert http://www.laputan.org/images/pictures/elbonia-900406.gif

This is something I found reading about anti-patterns.

I knew it was true. XKCD #224

"We lost the documentation on quantum mechanics. You'll have to decode the regexes yourself."

XKCD Comic 303 - "Compiling"

('Are you stealing those LCDs?' 'Yeah, but I'm doing it while my code compiles')

I have this one pinned to the wall facing the entrance to our office :)

alt text

I can't believe 6 pages of answers and no one mentions the banana jr 6000. How quickly we forget.


The other one I love and couldn't find the image for has the punchline "Failure Mr. Jones, is hardly original. Now sit down."

Also from the Bloom County strip.

Dilbert http://www.laputan.org/images/pictures/elbonia-900406.gif

This is something I found reading about anti-patterns.

What?! No PhDComics? Check this out: alt text http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive/phd1112.gif

Remember this was 1997!!

Also read the following strips... Hilarious!


Hulk MMO Cartoon

Can't help but love it...

alt text

The doomed project

a nice collection

Dilbert http://www.laputan.org/images/pictures/elbonia-900406.gif

This is something I found reading about anti-patterns.

My all time favorite is probably xkcd's "Sudo make me a sandwich" comic, but there are SO MANY good webcomics out there that I thought I'd throw some others out for fun:

A co-worker pointed me to Sticks and Stones, which just got started pretty recently. It's sort of an xkcd ripoff, but there's some good stuff in there. alt text http://www.arcanology.net/sticksandstones/comics/comic-10.gif

Hackles is frequently about programming. This one's probably my favorite: Hackles, by Drake Emko & Jen Brodzik http://hackles.org/strips/cartoon334.png It's not quite a programming comic, but I also really dug this strip from Full Frontal Nerdery:

Full Frontal Nerdity by Aaron Williams http://nodwick.humor.gamespy.com/ffn/strips/2008-03-12.jpg

I can't believe 6 pages of answers and no one mentions the banana jr 6000. How quickly we forget.


The other one I love and couldn't find the image for has the punchline "Failure Mr. Jones, is hardly original. Now sit down."

Also from the Bloom County strip.

alt text

This is my personal favorite... and the name of all my alpha releases! alt text http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive/phd071009s.gif

original link

I didn't see this one which is one of my favorite xkcd :

Donald Knuth

(His books were kinda intimidating; rappelling down through his skylight seemed like the best option.)

Religious debates are always fun!

Check this From Apple Desicion on APP.alt text

Without a doubt...

State machines

Religious debates are always fun!

Dilbert is the top favorite, but I've also really enjoyed the xkcd comics the last couple years. I've got a couple of those posted up in my cube... I try really hard to live by this one.

Compiler Complaint

alt text

The only valid measurement of code quality: WTFs/minute

This is my personal favorite... and the name of all my alpha releases! alt text http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive/phd071009s.gif

original link

Fax me some electricity, please?

Dilbert Fax

alt text


Windows 7

I'm An Idiot

Without a doubt...

State machines

On victory:​​​

I wrote a production website that has the path /dev/random/ return 4 because of this comic.

int get_rand_number(){ return 4;}

Tragically, my favorite cartoon is too old to be on the interwebs.

It's from Datamation. (Remember Datamation?) A man is sitting at a desk. There are bits of electronics everywhere. Rubble is strewn into every corner of the room. His face and hair are singed.

He is thinking "It's never done that before."

For those who have worked at Accenture www.bigtimeconsulting.com has some awesome ones...

Here are just a few:

Bold New Changes



Hit and Run

Tech Support



Terms and Conditions cartoon from brainstuck.com


I'm guessing that this would probably never happen, as agreeing to the terms and conditions is more important than actually reading them (from the software publisher perspective).

I can't believe 6 pages of answers and no one mentions the banana jr 6000. How quickly we forget.


The other one I love and couldn't find the image for has the punchline "Failure Mr. Jones, is hardly original. Now sit down."

Also from the Bloom County strip.

The doomed project

a nice collection

Fax me some electricity, please?

Dilbert Fax

One more which I liked: No offences.. :)

how it works

alt text

Can't help but love it...

alt text

For an Agile shop ... THIS is fantastic... As a dev, it just speaks volumes.

Great Fun: from Implementing Scrum by Clark & vizdos.

alt text


I've got a war to fight!.


Ten reasons you know you're living in 2009

  1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave.
  2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.
  3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3.
  4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you.
  5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses.
  6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home.
  7. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen.
  8. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it.
  9. You get up in the morning and go online before getting your coffee.
  10. You're reading this and nodding and laughing. :)


XKCD hits the button every time.

alt text

Programmer life

I'm surprised this one was missing:

A Bunch of Rocks

    UP VAR!!1

Taken from :http://lolcode.com/ KTHXBAI!!

My all time favorite is probably xkcd's "Sudo make me a sandwich" comic, but there are SO MANY good webcomics out there that I thought I'd throw some others out for fun:

A co-worker pointed me to Sticks and Stones, which just got started pretty recently. It's sort of an xkcd ripoff, but there's some good stuff in there. alt text http://www.arcanology.net/sticksandstones/comics/comic-10.gif

Hackles is frequently about programming. This one's probably my favorite: Hackles, by Drake Emko & Jen Brodzik http://hackles.org/strips/cartoon334.png It's not quite a programming comic, but I also really dug this strip from Full Frontal Nerdery:

Full Frontal Nerdity by Aaron Williams http://nodwick.humor.gamespy.com/ffn/strips/2008-03-12.jpg

The 1337 set of comics from xkcd, starting with: The main thing I love is the thought of Stallman engaging RIAA agents in sword fights towards the end :)

I didn't know...

Listen to Yourself

I wrote a production website that has the path /dev/random/ return 4 because of this comic.

int get_rand_number(){ return 4;}

Programmer life

The 1337 set of comics from xkcd, starting with: The main thing I love is the thought of Stallman engaging RIAA agents in sword fights towards the end :)

Check this From Apple Desicion on APP.alt text

Dilbert is the top favorite, but I've also really enjoyed the xkcd comics the last couple years. I've got a couple of those posted up in my cube... I try really hard to live by this one.

Compiler Complaint

I love this one: https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/road_rage.png

I like this one: http://xkcd.com/149/

alt text

(Proper User Policy apparently means Simon Says.)

Made for grad students, but applies equally to programmers

alt text http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive/phd012609s.gif

PHD Comics - Brain on a Stick

Oh! There can be only one:

It's sooo funny, because it's true :)

Bit old but still one of my favs:


Fax me some electricity, please?

Dilbert Fax

enter image description here

I've got a war to fight!.

There's a Russian version of Bash.org at Bash.org.ru. What they do now is they take favorite quotes and turn them into cartoons or comic strips. Here's one of my favorite ones: Tester http://s.bash.org.ru/img/67c5y2emi7vwmrnd263759.jpg

  1. We've got a clever tester now -What do you mean?

  2. He's found bunch of stuff... A funny symbol there, a weird key combination here. He's real good

  3. But sometimes... I really want to smash his face

Link to site: http://bash.org.ru/comics/20080111

Of course, xkcd!


Without a doubt...

State machines

enter image description here




Cutting Edge

On victory:​​​


XKCD hits the button every time.

alt text http://wondermark.com/comics/128.gif

(guess you have to work on sev zero bugs to get this one)

For an Agile shop ... THIS is fantastic... As a dev, it just speaks volumes.

Great Fun: from Implementing Scrum by Clark & vizdos.

alt text

This has made my year.

Some engineer out there has solved P=NP and it's locked up in an electric eggbeater calibration routine.  For every 0x5f375a86 we learn about, there are thousands we never see.

Some engineer out there has solved P=NP and it's locked up in an electric eggbeater calibration routine. For every 0x5f375a86 we learn about, there are thousands we never see.

One of my favourite :)

If androids someday DO dream of electric sheep, don't forget to declare sheepCount as a long int.

I knew it was true. XKCD #224

"We lost the documentation on quantum mechanics. You'll have to decode the regexes yourself."

alt text http://wondermark.com/comics/128.gif

(guess you have to work on sev zero bugs to get this one)

The doomed project

a nice collection

I like this one: http://xkcd.com/149/

alt text

(Proper User Policy apparently means Simon Says.)

Another great Foxtrot comic. Possibly the most incomprehensible-to-non-geeks comic to sneak into the newspaper funnies.

This is old, I'm totally not sure about the permissions and I'm ready to remove it.alt text http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/8456/easycfm4.jpg

On victory:​​​

I'm surprised this one was missing:

A Bunch of Rocks

Oh! There can be only one:

It's sooo funny, because it's true :)

My all time favorite is probably xkcd's "Sudo make me a sandwich" comic, but there are SO MANY good webcomics out there that I thought I'd throw some others out for fun:

A co-worker pointed me to Sticks and Stones, which just got started pretty recently. It's sort of an xkcd ripoff, but there's some good stuff in there. alt text http://www.arcanology.net/sticksandstones/comics/comic-10.gif

Hackles is frequently about programming. This one's probably my favorite: Hackles, by Drake Emko & Jen Brodzik http://hackles.org/strips/cartoon334.png It's not quite a programming comic, but I also really dug this strip from Full Frontal Nerdery:

Full Frontal Nerdity by Aaron Williams http://nodwick.humor.gamespy.com/ffn/strips/2008-03-12.jpg

I didn't know...

Listen to Yourself

I've got a war to fight!.

(I hear this is an option in the latest Ubuntu release.)

This has made my year.

Some engineer out there has solved P=NP and it's locked up in an electric eggbeater calibration routine.  For every 0x5f375a86 we learn about, there are thousands we never see.

Some engineer out there has solved P=NP and it's locked up in an electric eggbeater calibration routine. For every 0x5f375a86 we learn about, there are thousands we never see.

alt text

Oh! There can be only one:

It's sooo funny, because it's true :)

There's a Russian version of Bash.org at Bash.org.ru. What they do now is they take favorite quotes and turn them into cartoons or comic strips. Here's one of my favorite ones: Tester http://s.bash.org.ru/img/67c5y2emi7vwmrnd263759.jpg

  1. We've got a clever tester now -What do you mean?

  2. He's found bunch of stuff... A funny symbol there, a weird key combination here. He's real good

  3. But sometimes... I really want to smash his face

Link to site: http://bash.org.ru/comics/20080111

Dilbert is the top favorite, but I've also really enjoyed the xkcd comics the last couple years. I've got a couple of those posted up in my cube... I try really hard to live by this one.

Compiler Complaint

I knew it was true. XKCD #224

"We lost the documentation on quantum mechanics. You'll have to decode the regexes yourself."

alt text


Programmer life

The only valid measurement of code quality: WTFs/minute

Terms and Conditions cartoon from brainstuck.com


I'm guessing that this would probably never happen, as agreeing to the terms and conditions is more important than actually reading them (from the software publisher perspective).

Hulk MMO Cartoon

Programmer life

Made for grad students, but applies equally to programmers

alt text http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive/phd012609s.gif

PHD Comics - Brain on a Stick


XKCD hits the button every time.

Made for grad students, but applies equally to programmers

alt text http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive/phd012609s.gif

PHD Comics - Brain on a Stick

I'm going to show my age with the this 1993 classic: On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

alt text

Religious debates are always fun!

Programmer life

Signs your coders don't have enough work to do




Another great Foxtrot comic. Possibly the most incomprehensible-to-non-geeks comic to sneak into the newspaper funnies.

The only valid measurement of code quality: WTFs/minute

(it's how people feel )

alt text

Fax me some electricity, please?

Dilbert Fax

alt text


I like this one: http://xkcd.com/149/

alt text

(Proper User Policy apparently means Simon Says.)


alt text

I think the IT consultant's image is the best:

Reasons why people who work with computers have a lot of spare time

(linking because the picture's pretty big)


While not specifically about programming per se....wanting to program games is what got me interested in IT in the first place....

anyway this one made me laugh so hard when I saw it!

Baseline Expectations

Taken from Dilbert.com, Sept 12 2008

Dilbert is the top favorite, but I've also really enjoyed the xkcd comics the last couple years. I've got a couple of those posted up in my cube... I try really hard to live by this one.

Compiler Complaint

Fax me some electricity, please?

Dilbert Fax

(I hear this is an option in the latest Ubuntu release.)

I'm going to show my age with the this 1993 classic: On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

alt text

I like this one: http://xkcd.com/149/

alt text

(Proper User Policy apparently means Simon Says.)


I didn't know...

Listen to Yourself

Check this From Apple Desicion on APP.alt text


XKCD Comic 303 - "Compiling"

('Are you stealing those LCDs?' 'Yeah, but I'm doing it while my code compiles')

I have this one pinned to the wall facing the entrance to our office :)

not directly something about programming, but i guess every programmer knows flowcharts xD

alt text


makes me lol


The only valid measurement of code quality: WTFs/minute

Tragically, my favorite cartoon is too old to be on the interwebs.

It's from Datamation. (Remember Datamation?) A man is sitting at a desk. There are bits of electronics everywhere. Rubble is strewn into every corner of the room. His face and hair are singed.

He is thinking "It's never done that before."


Programmer life

Of course, xkcd!


Can't and shouldn't

If all bugs were so easy to close.

Tragically, my favorite cartoon is too old to be on the interwebs.

It's from Datamation. (Remember Datamation?) A man is sitting at a desk. There are bits of electronics everywhere. Rubble is strewn into every corner of the room. His face and hair are singed.

He is thinking "It's never done that before."

I like this one: http://xkcd.com/149/

alt text

(Proper User Policy apparently means Simon Says.)

alt text http://wondermark.com/comics/128.gif

(guess you have to work on sev zero bugs to get this one)

makes me lol



Cutting Edge

For those who have worked at Accenture www.bigtimeconsulting.com has some awesome ones...

Here are just a few:

Bold New Changes



Hit and Run

Tech Support


alt text

alt text

Check this From Apple Desicion on APP.alt text


Cutting Edge

alt text



While not specifically about programming per se....wanting to program games is what got me interested in IT in the first place....

anyway this one made me laugh so hard when I saw it!

Bit old but still one of my favs:


For those who have worked at Accenture www.bigtimeconsulting.com has some awesome ones...

Here are just a few:

Bold New Changes



Hit and Run

Tech Support


alt text

The 1337 set of comics from xkcd, starting with: The main thing I love is the thought of Stallman engaging RIAA agents in sword fights towards the end :)

Dilbert is the top favorite, but I've also really enjoyed the xkcd comics the last couple years. I've got a couple of those posted up in my cube... I try really hard to live by this one.

Compiler Complaint

I'm An Idiot


alt text

Babbage and Lovelace Vs The Client

Includes historical notes


I wrote a production website that has the path /dev/random/ return 4 because of this comic.

int get_rand_number(){ return 4;}

The 1337 set of comics from xkcd, starting with: The main thing I love is the thought of Stallman engaging RIAA agents in sword fights towards the end :)

Quite demonstrative of why metric based incentives and engineers don't go hand in hand.

alt text

John Martz has a blog entry to go with this. IE6 denial message

This has made my year.

Some engineer out there has solved P=NP and it's locked up in an electric eggbeater calibration routine.  For every 0x5f375a86 we learn about, there are thousands we never see.

Some engineer out there has solved P=NP and it's locked up in an electric eggbeater calibration routine. For every 0x5f375a86 we learn about, there are thousands we never see.

XKCD Comic 303 - "Compiling"

('Are you stealing those LCDs?' 'Yeah, but I'm doing it while my code compiles')

I have this one pinned to the wall facing the entrance to our office :)

Made for grad students, but applies equally to programmers

alt text http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive/phd012609s.gif

PHD Comics - Brain on a Stick

Check this From Apple Desicion on APP.alt text

Hulk MMO Cartoon

There's a Russian version of Bash.org at Bash.org.ru. What they do now is they take favorite quotes and turn them into cartoons or comic strips. Here's one of my favorite ones: Tester http://s.bash.org.ru/img/67c5y2emi7vwmrnd263759.jpg

  1. We've got a clever tester now -What do you mean?

  2. He's found bunch of stuff... A funny symbol there, a weird key combination here. He's real good

  3. But sometimes... I really want to smash his face

Link to site: http://bash.org.ru/comics/20080111

As a project wears on, standards for success slip lower and lower

("40% of OpenBSD installs lead to shark attacks. It's their only standing security issue.")

I like this one: http://xkcd.com/149/

alt text

(Proper User Policy apparently means Simon Says.)


XKCD hits the button every time.

What?! No PhDComics? Check this out: alt text http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive/phd1112.gif

Remember this was 1997!!

Also read the following strips... Hilarious!

Religious debates are always fun!

I love this one: https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/road_rage.png

Dilbert is the top favorite, but I've also really enjoyed the xkcd comics the last couple years. I've got a couple of those posted up in my cube... I try really hard to live by this one.

Compiler Complaint

alt text


While not specifically about programming per se....wanting to program games is what got me interested in IT in the first place....

anyway this one made me laugh so hard when I saw it!

Baseline Expectations

Taken from Dilbert.com, Sept 12 2008

As a project wears on, standards for success slip lower and lower

("40% of OpenBSD installs lead to shark attacks. It's their only standing security issue.")

not directly something about programming, but i guess every programmer knows flowcharts xD

alt text


Can't help but love it...

alt text

One more which I liked: No offences.. :)

how it works

alt text

Of course, xkcd!



While not specifically about programming per se....wanting to program games is what got me interested in IT in the first place....

anyway this one made me laugh so hard when I saw it!

Hulk MMO Cartoon

Made for grad students, but applies equally to programmers

alt text http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive/phd012609s.gif

PHD Comics - Brain on a Stick

The only valid measurement of code quality: WTFs/minute

Quite demonstrative of why metric based incentives and engineers don't go hand in hand.

alt text

alt text


enter image description here

alt text

For those who have worked at Accenture www.bigtimeconsulting.com has some awesome ones...

Here are just a few:

Bold New Changes



Hit and Run

Tech Support


There's a Russian version of Bash.org at Bash.org.ru. What they do now is they take favorite quotes and turn them into cartoons or comic strips. Here's one of my favorite ones: Tester http://s.bash.org.ru/img/67c5y2emi7vwmrnd263759.jpg

  1. We've got a clever tester now -What do you mean?

  2. He's found bunch of stuff... A funny symbol there, a weird key combination here. He's real good

  3. But sometimes... I really want to smash his face

Link to site: http://bash.org.ru/comics/20080111

On victory:​​​

alt text

As a project wears on, standards for success slip lower and lower

("40% of OpenBSD installs lead to shark attacks. It's their only standing security issue.")

alt text

Ten reasons you know you're living in 2009

  1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave.
  2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.
  3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3.
  4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you.
  5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses.
  6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home.
  7. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen.
  8. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it.
  9. You get up in the morning and go online before getting your coffee.
  10. You're reading this and nodding and laughing. :)


alt text

Check this From Apple Desicion on APP.alt text

For those who have worked at Accenture www.bigtimeconsulting.com has some awesome ones...

Here are just a few:

Bold New Changes



Hit and Run

Tech Support


On victory:​​​

alt text

I'm going to show my age with the this 1993 classic: On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

alt text

makes me lol


The doomed project

a nice collection


Terms and Conditions cartoon from brainstuck.com


I'm guessing that this would probably never happen, as agreeing to the terms and conditions is more important than actually reading them (from the software publisher perspective).

Hulk MMO Cartoon

Can't help but love it...

alt text

The doomed project

a nice collection

Of course, xkcd!


Dilbert http://www.laputan.org/images/pictures/elbonia-900406.gif

This is something I found reading about anti-patterns.

Without a doubt...

State machines

I think the IT consultant's image is the best:

Reasons why people who work with computers have a lot of spare time

(linking because the picture's pretty big)

XKCD Comic 303 - "Compiling"

('Are you stealing those LCDs?' 'Yeah, but I'm doing it while my code compiles')

I have this one pinned to the wall facing the entrance to our office :)

(I hear this is an option in the latest Ubuntu release.)

This is old, I'm totally not sure about the permissions and I'm ready to remove it.alt text http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/8456/easycfm4.jpg

enter image description here

For those who have worked at Accenture www.bigtimeconsulting.com has some awesome ones...

Here are just a few:

Bold New Changes



Hit and Run

Tech Support




Another great Foxtrot comic. Possibly the most incomprehensible-to-non-geeks comic to sneak into the newspaper funnies.

Baseline Expectations

Taken from Dilbert.com, Sept 12 2008

Fax me some electricity, please?

Dilbert Fax

Tragically, my favorite cartoon is too old to be on the interwebs.

It's from Datamation. (Remember Datamation?) A man is sitting at a desk. There are bits of electronics everywhere. Rubble is strewn into every corner of the room. His face and hair are singed.

He is thinking "It's never done that before."

(I hear this is an option in the latest Ubuntu release.)


Cutting Edge

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While not specifically about programming per se....wanting to program games is what got me interested in IT in the first place....

anyway this one made me laugh so hard when I saw it!

I'm going to show my age with the this 1993 classic: On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

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Tragically, my favorite cartoon is too old to be on the interwebs.

It's from Datamation. (Remember Datamation?) A man is sitting at a desk. There are bits of electronics everywhere. Rubble is strewn into every corner of the room. His face and hair are singed.

He is thinking "It's never done that before."


Signs your coders don't have enough work to do

What?! No PhDComics? Check this out: alt text http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive/phd1112.gif

Remember this was 1997!!

Also read the following strips... Hilarious!

I love this one: https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/road_rage.png

I didn't know...

Listen to Yourself

makes me lol


Without a doubt...

State machines

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I didn't see this one which is one of my favorite xkcd :

Donald Knuth

(His books were kinda intimidating; rappelling down through his skylight seemed like the best option.)

makes me lol


One more which I liked: No offences.. :)

how it works

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Of course, xkcd!


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As a project wears on, standards for success slip lower and lower

("40% of OpenBSD installs lead to shark attacks. It's their only standing security issue.")

I think the IT consultant's image is the best:

Reasons why people who work with computers have a lot of spare time

(linking because the picture's pretty big)

Programmer life

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Terms and Conditions cartoon from brainstuck.com


I'm guessing that this would probably never happen, as agreeing to the terms and conditions is more important than actually reading them (from the software publisher perspective).

I wrote a production website that has the path /dev/random/ return 4 because of this comic.

int get_rand_number(){ return 4;}

On victory:​​​

I knew it was true. XKCD #224

"We lost the documentation on quantum mechanics. You'll have to decode the regexes yourself."

My all time favorite is probably xkcd's "Sudo make me a sandwich" comic, but there are SO MANY good webcomics out there that I thought I'd throw some others out for fun:

A co-worker pointed me to Sticks and Stones, which just got started pretty recently. It's sort of an xkcd ripoff, but there's some good stuff in there. alt text http://www.arcanology.net/sticksandstones/comics/comic-10.gif

Hackles is frequently about programming. This one's probably my favorite: Hackles, by Drake Emko & Jen Brodzik http://hackles.org/strips/cartoon334.png It's not quite a programming comic, but I also really dug this strip from Full Frontal Nerdery:

Full Frontal Nerdity by Aaron Williams http://nodwick.humor.gamespy.com/ffn/strips/2008-03-12.jpg

(I hear this is an option in the latest Ubuntu release.)

As a project wears on, standards for success slip lower and lower

("40% of OpenBSD installs lead to shark attacks. It's their only standing security issue.")

The doomed project

a nice collection

The 1337 set of comics from xkcd, starting with: The main thing I love is the thought of Stallman engaging RIAA agents in sword fights towards the end :)

Baseline Expectations

Taken from Dilbert.com, Sept 12 2008

The only valid measurement of code quality: WTFs/minute

The 1337 set of comics from xkcd, starting with: The main thing I love is the thought of Stallman engaging RIAA agents in sword fights towards the end :)


While not specifically about programming per se....wanting to program games is what got me interested in IT in the first place....

anyway this one made me laugh so hard when I saw it!

Programmer life

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I've got a war to fight!.

The doomed project

a nice collection

Made for grad students, but applies equally to programmers

alt text http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive/phd012609s.gif

PHD Comics - Brain on a Stick

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One more which I liked: No offences.. :)

how it works

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alt text http://wondermark.com/comics/128.gif

(guess you have to work on sev zero bugs to get this one)

XKCD Comic 303 - "Compiling"

('Are you stealing those LCDs?' 'Yeah, but I'm doing it while my code compiles')

I have this one pinned to the wall facing the entrance to our office :)

Baseline Expectations

Taken from Dilbert.com, Sept 12 2008

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Bit old but still one of my favs:


Without a doubt...

State machines