- Programming Questions & Answers Hub For Beginners

Some Of The Best Answers From Latest Asked Questions

How do I Sort a Multidimensional Array in PHP

You can sort an array using usort function.

 $array = array(
  array('price'=>'1000.50','product'=>'product 1'),
  array('price'=>'8800.50','product'=>'product 2'),
  array('price'=>'200.0','product'=>'product 3')

function cmp($a, $b) {
  return $a['price'] > $b['price'];
usort($array, "cmp");

Output :

    [0] => Array
            [price] => 134.50
            [product] => product 1

    [1] => Array
            [price] => 2033.0
            [product] => product 3

    [2] => Array
            [price] => 8340.50
            [product] => product 2



How do I split a string, breaking at a particular character?

Try in Plain Javascript

 //basic url=http://localhost:58227/ExternalApproval.html?Status=1

 var ar= [url,statu] = window.location.href.split("=");

Get URL of ASP.Net Page in code-behind

Use this:


That will get you the full path (including http://...)

How do you list the primary key of a SQL Server table?

Is using MS SQL Server you can do the following:

--List all tables primary keys
select * from information_schema.table_constraints
where constraint_type = 'Primary Key'

You can also filter on the table_name column if you want a specific table.

Find a private field with Reflection?

One thing that you need to be aware of when reflecting on private members is that if your application is running in medium trust (as, for instance, when you are running on a shared hosting environment), it won't find them -- the BindingFlags.NonPublic option will simply be ignored.

How to check if one DateTime is greater than the other in C#

I had the same requirement, but when using the accepted answer, it did not fulfill all of my unit tests. The issue for me is when you have a new object, with Start and End dates and you have to set the Start date ( at this stage your End date has the minimum date value of 01/01/0001) - this solution did pass all my unit tests:

    public DateTime Start
        get { return _start; }
            if (_end.Equals(DateTime.MinValue))
                _start = value;
            else if (value.Date < _end.Date)
                _start = value;
                throw new ArgumentException("Start date must be before the End date.");

    public DateTime End
        get { return _end; }
            if (_start.Equals(DateTime.MinValue))
                _end = value;
            else if (value.Date > _start.Date)
                _end = value;
                throw new ArgumentException("End date must be after the Start date.");

It does miss the edge case where both Start and End dates can be 01/01/0001 but I'm not concerned about that.

In Perl, how do I create a hash whose keys come from a given array?

I always thought that

foreach my $item (@array) { $hash{$item} = 1 }

was at least nice and readable / maintainable.

How do I add FTP support to Eclipse?

As none of the other solutions mentioned satisfied me, I wrote a script that uses WinSCP to sync local directories in a project to a FTP(S)/SFTP/SCP Server when eclipse's autobuild feature is triggered. Obviously, this is a Windows-only solution.

Maybe someone finds this useful:

Why does an onclick property set with setAttribute fail to work in IE?

I did this to get around it and move on, in my case I'm not using an 'input' element, instead I use an image, when I tried setting the "onclick" attribute for this image I experienced the same problem, so I tried wrapping the image with an "a" element and making the reference point to the function like this.

var rowIndex = 1;
var linkDeleter = document.createElement('a');
linkDeleter.setAttribute('href', "javascript:function(" + rowIndex + ");");

var imgDeleter = document.createElement('img');
imgDeleter.setAttribute('alt', "Delete");
imgDeleter.setAttribute('src', "Imagenes/DeleteHS.png");
imgDeleter.setAttribute('border', "0");


What does a just-in-time (JIT) compiler do?

JIT stands for Just-in-Time which means that code gets compiled when it is needed, not before runtime.

This is beneficial because the compiler can generate code that is optimised for your particular machine. A static compiler, like your average C compiler, will compile all of the code on to executable code on the developer's machine. Hence the compiler will perform optimisations based on some assumptions. It can compile more slowly and do more optimisations because it is not slowing execution of the program for the user.

How to determine the Schemas inside an Oracle Data Pump Export file

Assuming that you do not have the log file from the expdp job that generated the file in the first place, the easiest option would probably be to use the SQLFILE parameter to have impdp generate a file of DDL (based on a full import). Then you can grab the schema names from that file. Not ideal, of course, since impdp has to read the entire dump file to extract the DDL and then again to get to the schema you're interested in, and you have to do a bit of text file searching for the various CREATE USER statements, but it should be doable.

"SetPropertiesRule" warning message when starting Tomcat from Eclipse

I am posting my answer because I suspect there might be someone out there for whom the above solutions might not have worked.

So, you are getting a warning,

WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'source' to 'org.eclipse.jst.jee.server: (project name)' did not find a matching property.

Rather than disabling this warning by checking that option in Server configuration (I did try that) I would suggest you do this:

  1. First close all the existing projects by right clicking in Project explorer.
  2. Remove all the projects already synchronized with the server.
  3. Remove the server and redeploy it.
  4. Create a new dynamic project, do nothing yet just try running this on the server.
  5. Check the console, do you get the warning now. (My case I didn't get any).
    This means that something is wrong with your project not with eclipse or the server.
  6. Now restart the server. Don't run any app yet.
    You probably know that the Tomcat container loads up context of all the synchronized apps at the start.
  7. It will load context of any already synchronized app.
  8. Here is the catch, if there is really something wrong in your project it will show the stack trace of the exceptions.Look carefully and you will find where is the bug in your app.

Now if you successfully found that there is a bug in your app, the probable place would be look for a web.xml file which the container uses for loading the app. In my case I had misspelled a name in servlet mapping which made me debug meaninglessly for 3 hours. Your problem might be someplace else.

And another thing, if you have many apps synchronized with the server,there is a possibility some other app's context might be the source of problem. Try debugging one by one.

Run MySQLDump without Locking Tables

Another late answer:

If you are trying to make a hot copy of server database (in a linux environment) and the database engine of all tables is MyISAM you should use mysqlhotcopy.

Acordingly to documentation:

It uses FLUSH TABLES, LOCK TABLES, and cp or scp to make a database backup. It is a fast way to make a backup of the database or single tables, but it can be run only on the same machine where the database directories are located. mysqlhotcopy works only for backing up MyISAM and ARCHIVE tables.

The LOCK TABLES time depends of the time the server can copy MySQL files (it doesn't make a dump).

Response.Redirect to new window

If you can re-structure your code so that you do not need to postback, then you can use this code in the PreRender event of the button:

protected void MyButton_OnPreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string URL = "~/MyPage.aspx";
    URL = Page.ResolveClientUrl(URL);
    MyButton.OnClientClick = "'" + URL + "'); return false;";

How to generate all permutations of a list?

Disclaimer: shapeless plug by package author. :)

The trotter package is different from most implementations in that it generates pseudo lists that don't actually contain permutations but rather describe mappings between permutations and respective positions in an ordering, making it possible to work with very large 'lists' of permutations, as shown in this demo which performs pretty instantaneous operations and look-ups in a pseudo-list 'containing' all the permutations of the letters in the alphabet, without using more memory or processing than a typical web page.

In any case, to generate a list of permutations, we can do the following.

import trotter

my_permutations = trotter.Permutations(3, [1, 2, 3])


for p in my_permutations:


A pseudo-list containing 6 3-permutations of [1, 2, 3].
[1, 2, 3]
[1, 3, 2]
[3, 1, 2]
[3, 2, 1]
[2, 3, 1]
[2, 1, 3]

How do you install Boost on MacOS?

You can get the latest version of Boost by using Homebrew.

brew install boost.

How to list the contents of a package using YUM?

$ yum install -y yum-utils

$ repoquery -l packagename

The performance impact of using instanceof in Java

The items which will determine the performance impact are:

  1. The number of possible classes for which the instanceof operator could return true
  2. The distribution of your data - are most of the instanceof operations resolved in the first or second attempt? You'll want to put your most likely to return true operations first.
  3. The deployment environment. Running on a Sun Solaris VM is significantly different than Sun's Windows JVM. Solaris will run in 'server' mode by default, while Windows will run in client mode. The JIT optimizations on Solaris, will make all method access able the same.

I created a microbenchmark for four different methods of dispatch. The results from Solaris are as follows, with the smaller number being faster:

InstanceOf 3156
class== 2925 
OO 3083 
Id 3067 

Why use static_cast<int>(x) instead of (int)x?

It's about how much type-safety you want to impose.

When you write (bar) foo (which is equivalent to reinterpret_cast<bar> foo if you haven't provided a type conversion operator) you are telling the compiler to ignore type safety, and just do as it's told.

When you write static_cast<bar> foo you are asking the compiler to at least check that the type conversion makes sense and, for integral types, to insert some conversion code.

EDIT 2014-02-26

I wrote this answer more than 5 years ago, and I got it wrong. (See comments.) But it still gets upvotes!

How can you have SharePoint Link Lists default to opening in a new window?

Under the Links Tab ==> Edit the URL Item ==> Under the URL (Type the Web address)- format the value as follows:

Example: if the URL = ==> then suffix the value with ==>

  • #openinnewwindow/,'" target="'

SO, the final value should read as ==>,'" target="'

DONE ==> this will open the URL in New Window

What is the correct XPath for choosing attributes that contain "foo"?

If you also need to match the content of the link itself, use text():

//a[contains(@href,"/some_link")][text()="Click here"]

what is the difference between OLE DB and ODBC data sources?

ODBC and OLE DB are two competing data access technologies. Specifically regarding SQL Server, Microsoft has promoted both of them as their Preferred Future Direction - though at different times.


ODBC is an industry-wide standard interface for accessing table-like data. It was primarily developed for databases and presents data in collections of records, each of which is grouped into a collection of fields. Each field has its own data type suitable to the type of data it contains. Each database vendor (Microsoft, Oracle, Postgres, …) supplies an ODBC driver for their database.

There are also ODBC drivers for objects which, though they are not database tables, are sufficiently similar that accessing data in the same way is useful. Examples are spreadsheets, CSV files and columnar reports.


OLE DB is a Microsoft technology for access to data. Unlike ODBC it encompasses both table-like and non-table-like data such as email messages, web pages, Word documents and file directories. However, it is procedure-oriented rather than object-oriented and is regarded as a rather difficult interface with which to develop access to data sources. To overcome this, ADO was designed to be an object-oriented layer on top of OLE DB and to provide a simpler and higher-level – though still very powerful – way of working with it. ADO’s great advantage it that you can use it to manipulate properties which are specific to a given type of data source, just as easily as you can use it to access those properties which apply to all data source types. You are not restricted to some unsatisfactory lowest common denominator.

While all databases have ODBC drivers, they don’t all have OLE DB drivers. There is however an interface available between OLE and ODBC which can be used if you want to access them in OLE DB-like fashion. This interface is called MSDASQL (Microsoft OLE DB provider for ODBC).

SQL Server Data Access Technologies

Since SQL Server is (1) made by Microsoft, and (2) the Microsoft database platform, both ODBC and OLE DB are a natural fit for it.


Since all other database platforms had ODBC interfaces, Microsoft obviously had to provide one for SQL Server. In addition to this, DAO, the original default technology in Microsoft Access, uses ODBC as the standard way of talking to all external data sources. This made an ODBC interface a sine qua non. The version 6 ODBC driver for SQL Server, released with SQL Server 2000, is still around. Updated versions have been released to handle the new data types, connection technologies, encryption, HA/DR etc. that have appeared with subsequent releases. As of 09/07/2018 the most recent release is v13.1 “ODBC Driver for SQL Server”, released on 23/03/2018.


This is Microsoft’s own technology, which they were promoting strongly from about 2002 – 2005, along with its accompanying ADO layer. They were evidently hoping that it would become the data access technology of choice. (They even made ADO the default method for accessing data in Access 2002/2003.) However, it eventually became apparent that this was not going to happen for a number of reasons, such as:

  1. The world was not going to convert to Microsoft technologies and away from ODBC;
  2. DAO/ODBC was faster than ADO/OLE DB and was also thoroughly integrated into MS Access, so wasn’t going to die a natural death;
  3. New technologies that were being developed by Microsoft, specifically ADO.NET, could also talk directly to ODBC. ADO.NET could talk directly to OLE DB as well (thus leaving ADO in a backwater), but it was not (unlike ADO) solely dependent on it.

For these reasons and others, Microsoft actually deprecated OLE DB as a data access technology for SQL Server releases after v11 (SQL Server 2012). For a couple of years before this point, they had been producing and updating the SQL Server Native Client, which supported both ODBC and OLE DB technologies. In late 2012 however, they announced that they would be aligning with ODBC for native relational data access in SQL Server, and encouraged everybody else to do the same. They further stated that SQL Server releases after v11/SQL Server 2012 would actively not support OLE DB!

This announcement provoked a storm of protest. People were at a loss to understand why MS was suddenly deprecating a technology that they had spent years getting them to commit to. In addition, SSAS/SSRS and SSIS, which were MS-written applications intimately linked to SQL Server, were wholly or partly dependent on OLE DB. Yet another complaint was that OLE DB had certain desirable features which it seemed impossible to port back to ODBC – after all, OLE DB had many good points.

In October 2017, Microsoft relented and officially un-deprecated OLE DB. They announced the imminent arrival of a new driver (MSOLEDBSQL) which would have the existing feature set of the Native Client 11 and would also introduce multi-subnet failover and TLS 1.2 support. The driver was released in March 2018.

Best Free Text Editor Supporting *More Than* 4GB Files?

Tweak is a hex editor which can handle edits to very large files, including inserts and deletes.

Can I perform a DNS lookup (hostname to IP address) using client-side Javascript?

Very late, but I guess many people will still land here through "Google Airlines". A moderm approach is to use WebRTC that doesn't require server support.

Next code is a copy&paste from

// NOTE: window.RTCPeerConnection is "not a constructor" in FF22/23
var RTCPeerConnection = /*window.RTCPeerConnection ||*/ window.webkitRTCPeerConnection || window.mozRTCPeerConnection;

if (RTCPeerConnection) (function () {
    var rtc = new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[]});
    if (window.mozRTCPeerConnection) {      // FF needs a channel/stream to proceed
        rtc.createDataChannel('', {reliable:false});

    rtc.onicecandidate = function (evt) {
        if (evt.candidate) grepSDP(evt.candidate.candidate);
    rtc.createOffer(function (offerDesc) {
    }, function (e) { console.warn("offer failed", e); }); 

    var addrs = Object.create(null);
    addrs[""] = false;
    function updateDisplay(newAddr) {
        if (newAddr in addrs) return;
        else addrs[newAddr] = true;
        var displayAddrs = Object.keys(addrs).filter(function (k) { return addrs[k]; }); 
        document.getElementById('list').textContent = displayAddrs.join(" or perhaps ") || "n/a";

    function grepSDP(sdp) {
        var hosts = []; 
        sdp.split('\r\n').forEach(function (line) { // c.f.
            if (~line.indexOf("a=candidate")) {     //
                var parts = line.split(' '),        //
                    addr = parts[4],
                    type = parts[7];
                if (type === 'host') updateDisplay(addr);
            } else if (~line.indexOf("c=")) {       //
                var parts = line.split(' '), 
                    addr = parts[2];
})(); else {
    document.getElementById('list').innerHTML = "<code>ifconfig | grep inet | grep -v inet6 | cut -d\" \" -f2 | tail -n1</code>";
    document.getElementById('list').nextSibling.textContent = "In Chrome and Firefox your IP should display automatically, by the power of WebRTCskull.";

How to shut down the computer from C#

Just to add to Pop Catalin's answer, here's a one liner which shuts down the computer without displaying any windows:

Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("shutdown", "/s /t 0") {
  CreateNoWindow = true, UseShellExecute = false

Biggest advantage to using ASP.Net MVC vs web forms

ASP.NET Web Forms and MVC are two web frameworks developed by Microsoft - they are both good choices. Neither of the web frameworks are to be replaced by the other nor are there plans to have them 'merged' into a single framework. Continued support and development are done in parallel by Microsoft and neither will be 'going away'.

Each of these web frameworks offers advantages/disadvantages - some of which need to be considered when developing a web application. A web application can be developed using either technology - it might make development for a particular application easier selecting one technology versus the other and vice versa.

ASP.NET Web Forms:

  • Development supports state • Gives the illusion that a web application is aware of what the user has been doing, similar to Windows applications. I.e. Makes 'wizard' functionality a little bit easier to implement. Web forms does a great job at hiding a lot of that complexity from the developer.
  • Rapid Application Development (RAD) • The ability to just 'jump in' and start delivering web forms. This is disputed by some of the MVC community, but pushed by Microsoft. In the end, it comes down to the level of expertise of the developer and what they are comfortable with. The web forms model probably has less of a learning curve to less experienced developers.
  • Larger control toolbox • ASP.NET Web Forms offers a much greater and more robust toolbox (web controls) whereas MVC offers a more primitive control set relying more on rich client-side controls via jQuery (Javascript).
  • Mature • It's been around since 2002 and there is an abundance of information with regards to questions, problems, etc. Offers more third-party control - need to consider your existing toolkits.


  • Separation of concerns (SoC) • From a technical standpoint, the organization of code within MVC is very clean, organized and granular, making it easier (hopefully) for a web application to scale in terms of functionality. Promotes great design from a development standpoint.
  • Easier integration with client side tools (rich user interface tools) • More than ever, web applications are increasingly becoming as rich as the applications you see on your desktops. With MVC, it gives you the ability to integrate with such toolkits (such as jQuery) with greater ease and more seamless than in Web Forms.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Friendly / Stateless • URL's are more friendly to search engines (i.e. 1 - retrieve user with an ID of 1 vs mywebapplication/users/getuser.aspx (id passed in session)). Similarly, since MVC is stateless, this removes the headache of users who spawn multiple web browsers from the same window (session collisions). Along those same lines, MVC adheres to the stateless web protocol rather than 'battling' against it.
  • Works well with developers who need high degree of control • Many controls in ASP.NET web forms automatically generate much of the raw HTML you see when an page is rendered. This can cause headaches for developers. With MVC, it lends itself better towards having complete control with what is rendered and there are no surprises. Even more important, is that the HTML forms typically are much smaller than the Web forms which can equate to a performance boost - something to seriously consider.
  • Test Driven Development (TDD) • With MVC, you can more easily create tests for the web side of things. An additional layer of testing will provide yet another layer of defense against unexpected behavior.

Authentication, authorization, configuration, compilation and deployment are all features that are shared between the two web frameworks.

Priority queue in .Net

I like using the OrderedBag and OrderedSet classes in PowerCollections as priority queues.

Using Vim's tabs like buffers

I ran into the same problem. I wanted tabs to work like buffers and I never quite manage to get them to. The solution that I finally settled on was to make buffers behave like tabs!

Check out the plugin called Mini Buffer Explorer, once installed and configured, you'll be able to work with buffers virtaully the same way as tabs without losing any functionality.

How do I escape the wildcard/asterisk character in bash?

If you don't want to bother with weird expansions from bash you can do this

me$ FOO="BAR \x2A BAR"   # 2A is hex code for *
me$ echo -e $FOO

Explanation here why using -e option of echo makes life easier:

Relevant quote from man here:

   echo [SHORT-OPTION]... [STRING]...

   Echo the STRING(s) to standard output.

   -n     do not output the trailing newline

   -e     enable interpretation of backslash escapes

   -E     disable interpretation of backslash escapes (default)

   --help display this help and exit

          output version information and exit

   If -e is in effect, the following sequences are recognized:

   \\     backslash


   \0NNN  byte with octal value NNN (1 to 3 digits)

   \xHH   byte with hexadecimal value HH (1 to 2 digits)

For the hex code you can check man ascii page (first line in octal, second decimal, third hex):

   051   41    29    )                           151   105   69    i
   052   42    2A    *                           152   106   6A    j
   053   43    2B    +                           153   107   6B    k

The action or event has been blocked by Disabled Mode

I solved this with Access options.

Go to the Office Button --> Access Options --> Trust Center --> Trust Center Settings Button --> Message Bar

In the right hand pane I selected the radio button "Show the message bar in all applications when content has been blocked."

Closed Access, reopened the database and got the warning for blocked content again.

Is there a way to run Python on Android?

Cross-Compilation & Ignifuga

My blog has instructions and a patch for cross compiling Python 2.7.2 for Android.

I've also open sourced Ignifuga, my 2D Game Engine. It's Python/SDL based, and it cross compiles for Android. Even if you don't use it for games, you might get useful ideas from the code or builder utility (named Schafer, after Tim... you know who).

I ran into a merge conflict. How can I abort the merge?

If your git version is >= 1.6.1, you can use git reset --merge.

Also, as @Michael Johnson mentions, if your git version is >= 1.7.4, you can also use git merge --abort.

As always, make sure you have no uncommitted changes before you start a merge.

From the git merge man page

git merge --abort is equivalent to git reset --merge when MERGE_HEAD is present.

MERGE_HEAD is present when a merge is in progress.

Also, regarding uncommitted changes when starting a merge:

If you have changes you don't want to commit before starting a merge, just git stash them before the merge and git stash pop after finishing the merge or aborting it.

CustomErrors mode="Off"

If you're using the MVC preview 4, you could be experiencing this because you're using the HandleErrorAttribute. The behavior changed in 5 so that it doesn't handle exceptions if you turn off custom errors.

How to schedule a task to run when shutting down windows

Execute gpedit.msc (local Policies)

Computer Configuration -> Windows settings -> Scripts -> Shutdown -> Properties -> Add

How to open an external file from HTML

A simple link to the file is the obvious solution here. You just have to make shure that the link is valid and that it really points to a file ...

The most efficient way to implement an integer based power function pow(int, int)

Exponentiation by squaring.

int ipow(int base, int exp)
    int result = 1;
    for (;;)
        if (exp & 1)
            result *= base;
        exp >>= 1;
        if (!exp)
        base *= base;

    return result;

This is the standard method for doing modular exponentiation for huge numbers in asymmetric cryptography.

Hidden features of Python

Dictionaries have a get() method

Dictionaries have a 'get()' method. If you do d['key'] and key isn't there, you get an exception. If you do d.get('key'), you get back None if 'key' isn't there. You can add a second argument to get that item back instead of None, eg: d.get('key', 0).

It's great for things like adding up numbers:

sum[value] = sum.get(value, 0) + 1

How can I confirm a database is Oracle & what version it is using SQL?

This will work starting from Oracle 10

select version
      , regexp_substr(banner, '[^[:space:]]+', 1, 4) as edition 
from    v$instance
     ,  v$version where regexp_like(banner, 'edition', 'i');

Check if XML Element exists

//Check xml element value if exists using XmlReader

          using (XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader("XMLSTRING")))

               if (xmlReader.ReadToFollowing("XMLNODE")) 

                    string nodeValue = xmlReader.ReadElementString("XMLNODE");                

How do I read text from the clipboard?

For my console program the answers with tkinter above did not quite work for me because the .destroy() always gave an error,:

can't invoke "event" command: application has been destroyed while executing...

or when using .withdraw() the console window did not get the focus back.

To solve this you also have to call .update() before the .destroy(). Example:

# Python 3
import tkinter

r = tkinter.Tk()
text = r.clipboard_get()

The r.withdraw() prevents the frame from showing for a milisecond, and then it will be destroyed giving the focus back to the console.

CSV API for Java

If you intend to read csv from excel, then there are some interesting corner cases. I can't remember them all, but the apache commons csv was not capable of handling it correctly (with, for example, urls).

Be sure to test excel output with quotes and commas and slashes all over the place.

SQL Server Management Studio – tips for improving the TSQL coding process

Take a look at Red Gate's SQL Prompt - it's a great product (as are most of Red Gate's contributions)

SQL Inform is also a great free (online) tool for formatting long procedures that can sometimes get out of hand.

Apart from that, I've learned from painful experience it's a good thing to precede any DELETE statement with a BEGIN TRANSACTION. Once you're sure your statement is deleting only what it should, you can then COMMIT.

Saved me on a number of occasions ;-)

When is a language considered a scripting language?

A scripting language is a language that configures or extends an existing program.
A Scripting Language is a Programming language.

How to return multiple rows from the stored procedure? (Oracle PL/SQL)

create procedure <procedure_name>(p_cur out sys_refcursor) as begin open p_cur for select * from <table_name> end;

Mac SQLite editor

I use Liya from the Mac App Store, it's free, does the job, and the project is maintained (a month or so between updates as of Jan 2013).

I also test a lot on the device. You can access the SQLITE database on the device by:

  1. Add Application supports iTunes file sharing to the info.plist and setting it to YES
  2. Running the app on a device
  3. Open iTunes
  4. Select the device
  5. Select the "Apps" tab
  6. Scroll down to the "File Sharing" section and select the app
  7. The .sqlite file should appear in the right hand pane - select it and "Save to..."
  8. Once it's saved open it up in your favourite SQLITE editor

You can also edit it and copy it back.

EDIT: You can also do this through the Organizer in XCode

  1. Open the Organizer in XCode (Window > Organiser)
  2. Select the "Devices" tab
  3. Expand the device on the left that you want to download/upload data to
  4. Select Applications
  5. Select an Application in the main panel
  6. The panel at the bottom (Data files in Sandbox) will update with all the files within that application
  7. Choose Download and save it somewhere
  8. Find the file in Finder
  9. Right click and select "Show Package Contents"

You can now view, edit, and re-upload the package to your debug device. This can be really handy for keeping snapshots of different states to try out on other devices.

How do you stop MySQL on a Mac OS install?

For those who used homebrew to install MySQL use the following commands below to start, stop, or restart MySQL

Brew start

/usr/local/bin/mysql.server start

Brew restart

/usr/local/bin/mysql.server restart

Brew stop

/usr/local/bin/mysql.server stop

Artificially create a connection timeout error

I had issues along the same lines you do. In order to test the software behavior, I just unplugged the network cable at the appropriate time. I had to set a break-point right before I wanted to unplug the cable.

If I were doing it again, I'd put a switch (a normally closed momentary push button one) in a network cable.

If the physical disconnect causes a different behavior, you could connect your computer to a cheap hub and put the switch I mentioned above between your hub and the main network.

-- EDIT -- In many cases you'll need the network connection working until you get to a certain point in your program, THEN you'll want to disconnect using one of the many suggestions offered.

Location of WSDL.exe

In case anyone using VS 2008 (.NET 3.5) is also looking for the wsdl.exe. I found it here:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\wsdl.exe

How do I set specific environment variables when debugging in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2005 at least, you can specify changes to environment variables in the project settings.

Open your project. Go to Project -> Properties... Under Configuration Properties -> Debugging, edit the 'Environment' value to set environment variables.

For example, if you want to add the directory "c:\foo\bin" to the path when debugging your application, set the 'Environment' value to "PATH=%PATH%;c:\foo\bin".

Here's a screenshot of the settings dialog

What is the SQL command to return the field names of a table?

MySQL is the same:


What is the standard way to add N seconds to datetime.time in Python?

As others here have stated, you can just use full datetime objects throughout:

from datetime import datetime, date, time, timedelta
sometime = time(8,00) # 8am
later = (datetime.combine(, sometime) + timedelta(seconds=3)).time()

However, I think it's worth explaining why full datetime objects are required. Consider what would happen if I added 2 hours to 11pm. What's the correct behavior? An exception, because you can't have a time larger than 11:59pm? Should it wrap back around?

Different programmers will expect different things, so whichever result they picked would surprise a lot of people. Worse yet, programmers would write code that worked just fine when they tested it initially, and then have it break later by doing something unexpected. This is very bad, which is why you're not allowed to add timedelta objects to time objects.

Causes of getting a java.lang.VerifyError

VerifyError means that the class file contains bytecode that is syntactically correct but violates some semantic restriction e.g. a jump target that crosses method boundaries.

Basically, a VerifyError can only occur when there is a compiler bug, or when the class file gets corrupted in some other way (e.g. through faulty RAM or a failing HD).

Try compiling with a different JDK version and on a different machine.

What are metaclasses in Python?

In addition to the published answers I can say that a metaclass defines the behaviour for a class. So, you can explicitly set your metaclass. Whenever Python gets a keyword class then it starts searching for the metaclass. If it's not found – the default metaclass type is used to create the class's object. Using the __metaclass__ attribute, you can set metaclass of your class:

class MyClass:
   __metaclass__ = type
   # write here other method
   # write here one more method


It'll produce the output like this:

class 'type'

And, of course, you can create your own metaclass to define the behaviour of any class that are created using your class.

For doing that, your default metaclass type class must be inherited as this is the main metaclass:

class MyMetaClass(type):
   __metaclass__ = type
   # you can write here any behaviour you want

class MyTestClass:
   __metaclass__ = MyMetaClass

Obj = MyTestClass()

The output will be:

class '__main__.MyMetaClass'
class 'type'

Generating a unique machine id

Why not use the MAC address of your network card?

How do you make Vim unhighlight what you searched for?

Then I prefer this:

map  <F12> :set hls!<CR>
imap <F12> <ESC>:set hls!<CR>a
vmap <F12> <ESC>:set hls!<CR>gv

And why? Because it toggles the switch: if highlight is on, then pressing F12 turns it off. And vica versa. HTH.

how to prevent "directory already exists error" in a makefile when using mkdir

    mkdir $@

Which also works for multiple directories, e.g..

OBJDIRS := $(sort $(dir $(OBJECTS)))

    mkdir $@

Adding $(OBJDIR) as the first target works well.

What is the strict aliasing rule?


This is excerpted from my "What is the Strict Aliasing Rule and Why do we care?" write-up.

What is strict aliasing?

In C and C++ aliasing has to do with what expression types we are allowed to access stored values through. In both C and C++ the standard specifies which expression types are allowed to alias which types. The compiler and optimizer are allowed to assume we follow the aliasing rules strictly, hence the term strict aliasing rule. If we attempt to access a value using a type not allowed it is classified as undefined behavior(UB). Once we have undefined behavior all bets are off, the results of our program are no longer reliable.

Unfortunately with strict aliasing violations, we will often obtain the results we expect, leaving the possibility the a future version of a compiler with a new optimization will break code we thought was valid. This is undesirable and it is a worthwhile goal to understand the strict aliasing rules and how to avoid violating them.

To understand more about why we care, we will discuss issues that come up when violating strict aliasing rules, type punning since common techniques used in type punning often violate strict aliasing rules and how to type pun correctly.

Preliminary examples

Let's look at some examples, then we can talk about exactly what the standard(s) say, examine some further examples and then see how to avoid strict aliasing and catch violations we missed. Here is an example that should not be surprising (live example):

int x = 10;
int *ip = &x;

std::cout << *ip << "\n";
*ip = 12;
std::cout << x << "\n";

We have a int* pointing to memory occupied by an int and this is a valid aliasing. The optimizer must assume that assignments through ip could update the value occupied by x.

The next example shows aliasing that leads to undefined behavior (live example):

int foo( float *f, int *i ) { 
    *i = 1;               
    *f = 0.f;            

   return *i;

int main() {
    int x = 0;

    std::cout << x << "\n";   // Expect 0
    x = foo(reinterpret_cast<float*>(&x), &x);
    std::cout << x << "\n";   // Expect 0?

In the function foo we take an int* and a float*, in this example we call foo and set both parameters to point to the same memory location which in this example contains an int. Note, the reinterpret_cast is telling the compiler to treat the the expression as if it had the type specificed by its template parameter. In this case we are telling it to treat the expression &x as if it had type float*. We may naively expect the result of the second cout to be 0 but with optimization enabled using -O2 both gcc and clang produce the following result:


Which may not be expected but is perfectly valid since we have invoked undefined behavior. A float can not validly alias an int object. Therefore the optimizer can assume the constant 1 stored when dereferencing i will be the return value since a store through f could not validly affect an int object. Plugging the code in Compiler Explorer shows this is exactly what is happening(live example):

foo(float*, int*): # @foo(float*, int*)
mov dword ptr [rsi], 1  
mov dword ptr [rdi], 0
mov eax, 1                       

The optimizer using Type-Based Alias Analysis (TBAA) assumes 1 will be returned and directly moves the constant value into register eax which carries the return value. TBAA uses the languages rules about what types are allowed to alias to optimize loads and stores. In this case TBAA knows that a float can not alias and int and optimizes away the load of i.

Now, to the Rule-Book

What exactly does the standard say we are allowed and not allowed to do? The standard language is not straightforward, so for each item I will try to provide code examples that demonstrates the meaning.

What does the C11 standard say?

The C11 standard says the following in section 6.5 Expressions paragraph 7:

An object shall have its stored value accessed only by an lvalue expression that has one of the following types:88) — a type compatible with the effective type of the object,

int x = 1;
int *p = &x;   
printf("%d\n", *p); // *p gives us an lvalue expression of type int which is compatible with int

— a qualified version of a type compatible with the effective type of the object,

int x = 1;
const int *p = &x;
printf("%d\n", *p); // *p gives us an lvalue expression of type const int which is compatible with int

— a type that is the signed or unsigned type corresponding to the effective type of the object,

int x = 1;
unsigned int *p = (unsigned int*)&x;
printf("%u\n", *p ); // *p gives us an lvalue expression of type unsigned int which corresponds to 
                     // the effective type of the object

gcc/clang has an extension and also that allows assigning unsigned int* to int* even though they are not compatible types.

— a type that is the signed or unsigned type corresponding to a qualified version of the effective type of the object,

int x = 1;
const unsigned int *p = (const unsigned int*)&x;
printf("%u\n", *p ); // *p gives us an lvalue expression of type const unsigned int which is a unsigned type 
                     // that corresponds with to a qualified verison of the effective type of the object

— an aggregate or union type that includes one of the aforementioned types among its members (including, recursively, a member of a subaggregate or contained union), or

struct foo {
  int x;

void foobar( struct foo *fp, int *ip );  // struct foo is an aggregate that includes int among its members so it can
                                         // can alias with *ip

foo f;
foobar( &f, &f.x );

— a character type.

int x = 65;
char *p = (char *)&x;
printf("%c\n", *p );  // *p gives us an lvalue expression of type char which is a character type.
                      // The results are not portable due to endianness issues.

What the C++17 Draft Standard say

The C++17 draft standard in section [basic.lval] paragraph 11 says:

If a program attempts to access the stored value of an object through a glvalue of other than one of the following types the behavior is undefined:63 (11.1) — the dynamic type of the object,

void *p = malloc( sizeof(int) ); // We have allocated storage but not started the lifetime of an object
int *ip = new (p) int{0};        // Placement new changes the dynamic type of the object to int
std::cout << *ip << "\n";        // *ip gives us a glvalue expression of type int which matches the dynamic type 
                                  // of the allocated object

(11.2) — a cv-qualified version of the dynamic type of the object,

int x = 1;
const int *cip = &x;
std::cout << *cip << "\n";  // *cip gives us a glvalue expression of type const int which is a cv-qualified 
                            // version of the dynamic type of x

(11.3) — a type similar (as defined in 7.5) to the dynamic type of the object,

(11.4) — a type that is the signed or unsigned type corresponding to the dynamic type of the object,

// Both si and ui are signed or unsigned types corresponding to each others dynamic types
// We can see from this godbolt( the optimizer assumes aliasing.
signed int foo( signed int &si, unsigned int &ui ) {
  si = 1;
  ui = 2;

  return si;

(11.5) — a type that is the signed or unsigned type corresponding to a cv-qualified version of the dynamic type of the object,

signed int foo( const signed int &si1, int &si2); // Hard to show this one assumes aliasing

(11.6) — an aggregate or union type that includes one of the aforementioned types among its elements or nonstatic data members (including, recursively, an element or non-static data member of a subaggregate or contained union),

struct foo {
 int x;

// Compiler Explorer example( shows aliasing assumption
int foobar( foo &fp, int &ip ) {
 fp.x = 1;
 ip = 2;

 return fp.x;

foo f; 
foobar( f, f.x ); 

(11.7) — a type that is a (possibly cv-qualified) base class type of the dynamic type of the object,

struct foo { int x ; };

struct bar : public foo {};

int foobar( foo &f, bar &b ) {
  f.x = 1;
  b.x = 2;

  return f.x;

(11.8) — a char, unsigned char, or std::byte type.

int foo( std::byte &b, uint32_t &ui ) {
  b = static_cast<std::byte>('a');
  ui = 0xFFFFFFFF;                   

  return std::to_integer<int>( b );  // b gives us a glvalue expression of type std::byte which can alias
                                     // an object of type uint32_t

Worth noting signed char is not included in the list above, this is a notable difference from C which says a character type.

What is Type Punning

We have gotten to this point and we may be wondering, why would we want to alias for? The answer typically is to type pun, often the methods used violate strict aliasing rules.

Sometimes we want to circumvent the type system and interpret an object as a different type. This is called type punning, to reinterpret a segment of memory as another type. Type punning is useful for tasks that want access to the underlying representation of an object to view, transport or manipulate. Typical areas we find type punning being used are compilers, serialization, networking code, etc…

Traditionally this has been accomplished by taking the address of the object, casting it to a pointer of the type we want to reinterpret it as and then accessing the value, or in other words by aliasing. For example:

int x =  1 ;

// In C
float *fp = (float*)&x ;  // Not a valid aliasing

// In C++
float *fp = reinterpret_cast<float*>(&x) ;  // Not a valid aliasing

printf( "%f\n", *fp ) ;

As we have seen earlier this is not a valid aliasing, so we are invoking undefined behavior. But traditionally compilers did not take advantage of strict aliasing rules and this type of code usually just worked, developers have unfortunately gotten used to doing things this way. A common alternate method for type punning is through unions, which is valid in C but undefined behavior in C++ (see live example):

union u1
  int n;
  float f;
} ;

union u1 u;
u.f = 1.0f;

printf( "%d\n”, u.n );  // UB in C++ n is not the active member

This is not valid in C++ and some consider the purpose of unions to be solely for implementing variant types and feel using unions for type punning is an abuse.

How do we Type Pun correctly?

The standard method for type punning in both C and C++ is memcpy. This may seem a little heavy handed but the optimizer should recognize the use of memcpy for type punning and optimize it away and generate a register to register move. For example if we know int64_t is the same size as double:

static_assert( sizeof( double ) == sizeof( int64_t ) );  // C++17 does not require a message

we can use memcpy:

void func1( double d ) {
  std::int64_t n;
  std::memcpy(&n, &d, sizeof d); 

At a sufficient optimization level any decent modern compiler generates identical code to the previously mentioned reinterpret_cast method or union method for type punning. Examining the generated code we see it uses just register mov (live Compiler Explorer Example).

C++20 and bit_cast

In C++20 we may gain bit_cast (implementation available in link from proposal) which gives a simple and safe way to type-pun as well as being usable in a constexpr context.

The following is an example of how to use bit_cast to type pun a unsigned int to float, (see it live):

std::cout << bit_cast<float>(0x447a0000) << "\n" ; //assuming sizeof(float) == sizeof(unsigned int)

In the case where To and From types don't have the same size, it requires us to use an intermediate struct15. We will use a struct containing a sizeof( unsigned int ) character array (assumes 4 byte unsigned int) to be the From type and unsigned int as the To type.:

struct uint_chars {
 unsigned char arr[sizeof( unsigned int )] = {} ;  // Assume sizeof( unsigned int ) == 4

// Assume len is a multiple of 4 
int bar( unsigned char *p, size_t len ) {
 int result = 0;

 for( size_t index = 0; index < len; index += sizeof(unsigned int) ) {
   uint_chars f;
   std::memcpy( f.arr, &p[index], sizeof(unsigned int));
   unsigned int result = bit_cast<unsigned int>(f);

   result += foo( result );

 return result ;

It is unfortunate that we need this intermediate type but that is the current constraint of bit_cast.

Catching Strict Aliasing Violations

We don't have a lot of good tools for catching strict aliasing in C++, the tools we have will catch some cases of strict aliasing violations and some cases of misaligned loads and stores.

gcc using the flag -fstrict-aliasing and -Wstrict-aliasing can catch some cases although not without false positives/negatives. For example the following cases will generate a warning in gcc (see it live):

int a = 1;
short j;
float f = 1.f; // Originally not initialized but tis-kernel caught 
               // it was being accessed w/ an indeterminate value below

printf("%i\n", j = *(reinterpret_cast<short*>(&a)));
printf("%i\n", j = *(reinterpret_cast<int*>(&f)));

although it will not catch this additional case (see it live):

int *p;

printf("%i\n", j = *(reinterpret_cast<short*>(p)));

Although clang allows these flags it apparently does not actually implement the warnings.

Another tool we have available to us is ASan which can catch misaligned loads and stores. Although these are not directly strict aliasing violations they are a common result of strict aliasing violations. For example the following cases will generate runtime errors when built with clang using -fsanitize=address

int *x = new int[2];               // 8 bytes: [0,7].
int *u = (int*)((char*)x + 6);     // regardless of alignment of x this will not be an aligned address
*u = 1;                            // Access to range [6-9]
printf( "%d\n", *u );              // Access to range [6-9]

The last tool I will recommend is C++ specific and not strictly a tool but a coding practice, don't allow C-style casts. Both gcc and clang will produce a diagnostic for C-style casts using -Wold-style-cast. This will force any undefined type puns to use reinterpret_cast, in general reinterpret_cast should be a flag for closer code review. It is also easier to search your code base for reinterpret_cast to perform an audit.

For C we have all the tools already covered and we also have tis-interpreter, a static analyzer that exhaustively analyzes a program for a large subset of the C language. Given a C verions of the earlier example where using -fstrict-aliasing misses one case (see it live)

int a = 1;
short j;
float f = 1.0 ;

printf("%i\n", j = *((short*)&a));
printf("%i\n", j = *((int*)&f));

int *p; 

printf("%i\n", j = *((short*)p));

tis-interpeter is able to catch all three, the following example invokes tis-kernal as tis-interpreter (output is edited for brevity):

./bin/tis-kernel -sa example1.c 
example1.c:9:[sa] warning: The pointer (short *)(& a) has type short *. It violates strict aliasing
              rules by accessing a cell with effective type int.

example1.c:10:[sa] warning: The pointer (int *)(& f) has type int *. It violates strict aliasing rules by
              accessing a cell with effective type float.
              Callstack: main

example1.c:15:[sa] warning: The pointer (short *)p has type short *. It violates strict aliasing rules by
              accessing a cell with effective type int.

Finally there is TySan which is currently in development. This sanitizer adds type checking information in a shadow memory segment and checks accesses to see if they violate aliasing rules. The tool potentially should be able to catch all aliasing violations but may have a large run-time overhead.

How can I get Eclipse to show .* files?

Cory is correct

@ If you're using Eclipse PDT, this is done by opening up the PHP explorer view

I just spent about half an hour looking for the little arrow, until I actually looked up what the 'PHP Explorer' view is. Here is a screenshot:

PHP perspective edit image

Favorite Visual Studio keyboard shortcuts

Showing hidden windows

  • ctrl+alt+L + Solution explorer

  • ctrl+alt+S + Server explorer

  • ctrl+alt+O + Output

  • ctrl+alt+X + Toolbox

  • ctrl+shift+W, 1 + Watch

  • ctrl+\, E + Error list

  • ctrl+shift+C + Class view

I like to use all my screen real estate for code and have everything else hidden away. These shortcuts keep these windows handy when I need them, so they can be out of the way the rest of the time.

Want to download a Git repository, what do I need (windows machine)?

Install mysysgit. (Same as Greg Hewgill's answer.)

Install Tortoisegit. (Tortoisegit requires mysysgit or something similiar like Cygwin.)

After TortoiseGit is installed, right-click on a folder, select Git Clone..., then enter the Url of the repository, then click Ok.

This answer is not any better than just installing mysysgit, but you can avoid the dreaded command line. :)

How to retrieve all keys (or values) from a std::map and put them into a vector?

I found the following three lines of code as the easiest way:

// save keys in vector

vector<string> keys;
for (auto & it : m) {

It is a shorten version of the first way of this answer.

How do the likely/unlikely macros in the Linux kernel work and what is their benefit?

They are hint to the compiler to emit instructions that will cause branch prediction to favour the "likely" side of a jump instruction. This can be a big win, if the prediction is correct it means that the jump instruction is basically free and will take zero cycles. On the other hand if the prediction is wrong, then it means the processor pipeline needs to be flushed and it can cost several cycles. So long as the prediction is correct most of the time, this will tend to be good for performance.

Like all such performance optimisations you should only do it after extensive profiling to ensure the code really is in a bottleneck, and probably given the micro nature, that it is being run in a tight loop. Generally the Linux developers are pretty experienced so I would imagine they would have done that. They don't really care too much about portability as they only target gcc, and they have a very close idea of the assembly they want it to generate.

Sort a Map<Key, Value> by values

There are a lot of answers for this question already, but none provided me what I was looking for, a map implementation that returns keys and entries sorted by the associated value, and maintains this property as keys and values are modified in the map. Two other questions ask for this specifically.

I cooked up a generic friendly example that solves this use case. This implementation does not honor all of the contracts of the Map interface, such as reflecting value changes and removals in the sets return from keySet() and entrySet() in the original object. I felt such a solution would be too large to include in a Stack Overflow answer. If I manage to create a more complete implementation, perhaps I will post it to Github and then to it link in an updated version of this answer.

import java.util.*;

 * A map where {@link #keySet()} and {@link #entrySet()} return sets ordered
 * by associated values based on the the comparator provided at construction
 * time. The order of two or more keys with identical values is not defined.
 * <p>
 * Several contracts of the Map interface are not satisfied by this minimal
 * implementation.
public class ValueSortedMap<K, V> extends HashMap<K, V> {
    protected Map<V, Collection<K>> valueToKeysMap;

    // uses natural order of value object, if any
    public ValueSortedMap() {
        this((Comparator<? super V>) null);

    public ValueSortedMap(Comparator<? super V> valueComparator) {
        this.valueToKeysMap = new TreeMap<V, Collection<K>>(valueComparator);

    public boolean containsValue(Object o) {
        return valueToKeysMap.containsKey(o);

    public V put(K k, V v) {
        V oldV = null;
        if (containsKey(k)) {
            oldV = get(k);
        super.put(k, v);
        if (!valueToKeysMap.containsKey(v)) {
            Collection<K> keys = new ArrayList<K>();
            valueToKeysMap.put(v, keys);
        } else {
        return oldV;

    public void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m) {
        for (Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> e : m.entrySet())
            put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());

    public V remove(Object k) {
        V oldV = null;
        if (containsKey(k)) {
            oldV = get(k);
        return oldV;

    public void clear() {

    public Set<K> keySet() {
        LinkedHashSet<K> ret = new LinkedHashSet<K>(size());
        for (V v : valueToKeysMap.keySet()) {
            Collection<K> keys = valueToKeysMap.get(v);
        return ret;

    public Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet() {
        LinkedHashSet<Map.Entry<K, V>> ret = new LinkedHashSet<Map.Entry<K, V>>(size());
        for (Collection<K> keys : valueToKeysMap.values()) {
            for (final K k : keys) {
                final V v = get(k);
                ret.add(new Map.Entry<K,V>() {
                    public K getKey() {
                        return k;

                    public V getValue() {
                        return v;

                    public V setValue(V v) {
                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        return ret;


If you want to obtain it from query instead of psql, you can query the catalog schema. Here's a complex query that does that:

    f.attnum AS number,  
    f.attname AS name,  
    f.attnotnull AS notnull,  
    pg_catalog.format_type(f.atttypid,f.atttypmod) AS type,  
        WHEN p.contype = 'p' THEN 't'  
        ELSE 'f'  
    END AS primarykey,  
        WHEN p.contype = 'u' THEN 't'  
        ELSE 'f'
    END AS uniquekey,
        WHEN p.contype = 'f' THEN g.relname
    END AS foreignkey,
        WHEN p.contype = 'f' THEN p.confkey
    END AS foreignkey_fieldnum,
        WHEN p.contype = 'f' THEN g.relname
    END AS foreignkey,
        WHEN p.contype = 'f' THEN p.conkey
    END AS foreignkey_connnum,
        WHEN f.atthasdef = 't' THEN d.adsrc
    END AS default
FROM pg_attribute f  
    JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = f.attrelid  
    JOIN pg_type t ON t.oid = f.atttypid  
    LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef d ON d.adrelid = c.oid AND d.adnum = f.attnum  
    LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace  
    LEFT JOIN pg_constraint p ON p.conrelid = c.oid AND f.attnum = ANY (p.conkey)  
    LEFT JOIN pg_class AS g ON p.confrelid = g.oid  
WHERE c.relkind = 'r'::char  
    AND n.nspname = '%s'  -- Replace with Schema name  
    AND c.relname = '%s'  -- Replace with table name  
    AND f.attnum > 0 ORDER BY number

It's pretty complex but it does show you the power and flexibility of the PostgreSQL system catalog and should get you on your way to pg_catalog mastery ;-). Be sure to change out the %s's in the query. The first is Schema and the second is the table name.

What is the best way to paginate results in SQL Server

These are my solutions for paging the result of query in SQL server side. these approaches are different between SQL Server 2008 and 2012. Also, I have added the concept of filtering and order by with one column. It is very efficient when you are paging and filtering and ordering in your Gridview.

Before testing, you have to create one sample table and insert some row in this table : (In real world you have to change Where clause considering your table fields and maybe you have some join and subquery in main part of select)

Create Table VLT
    ID int IDentity(1,1),
    Name nvarchar(50),
    Tel Varchar(20)

    ('NAME' + Convert(varchar(10),@@identity),'FAMIL' + Convert(varchar(10),@@identity))
GO 500000

In all of these sample, I want to query 200 rows per page and I am fetching the row for page number 1200.

In SQL server 2008, you can use the CTE concept. Because of that, I have written two type of query for SQL server 2008+

-- SQL Server 2008+

DECLARE @PageNumber Int = 1200
DECLARE @PageSize INT = 200
DECLARE @SortByField int = 1 --The field used for sort by
DECLARE @SortOrder nvarchar(255) = 'ASC' --ASC or DESC
DECLARE @FilterType nvarchar(255) = 'None' --The filter type, as defined on the client side (None/Contain/NotContain/Match/NotMatch/True/False/)
DECLARE @FilterValue nvarchar(255) = '' --The value the user gave for the filter
DECLARE @FilterColumn int = 1 --The column to wich the filter is applied, represents the column number like when we send the information.

        OVER( ORDER BY 
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 1 AND @SortOrder = 'ASC'
                      THEN VLT.ID END ASC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 1 AND @SortOrder = 'DESC'
                      THEN VLT.ID END DESC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 2 AND @SortOrder = 'ASC'
                      THEN VLT.Name END ASC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 2 AND @SortOrder = 'DESC'
                      THEN VLT.Name END ASC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 3 AND @SortOrder = 'ASC'
                      THEN VLT.Tel END ASC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 3 AND @SortOrder = 'DESC'
                      THEN VLT.Tel END ASC
         ) AS RowNum
      ( -- We apply the filter logic here
          WHEN @FilterType = 'None' THEN 1

          -- Name column filter
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Contain' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.ID LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotContain' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.ID NOT LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Match' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND VLT.ID = @FilterValue THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotMatch' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND VLT.ID <> @FilterValue THEN 1               

          -- Name column filter
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Contain' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Name LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotContain' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Name NOT LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Match' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND VLT.Name = @FilterValue THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotMatch' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND VLT.Name <> @FilterValue THEN 1         

         -- Tel column filter   
         WHEN @FilterType = 'Contain' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Tel LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotContain' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Tel NOT LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Match' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND VLT.Tel = @FilterValue THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotMatch' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND VLT.Tel <> @FilterValue THEN 1    

      ) = 1   
  ) AS Data
WHERE Data.RowNum > @PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1)
  AND Data.RowNum <= @PageSize * @PageNumber
ORDER BY Data.RowNum


And second solution with CTE in SQL server 2008+

DECLARE @PageNumber Int = 1200
DECLARE @PageSize INT = 200
DECLARE @SortByField int = 1 --The field used for sort by
DECLARE @SortOrder nvarchar(255) = 'ASC' --ASC or DESC
DECLARE @FilterType nvarchar(255) = 'None' --The filter type, as defined on the client side (None/Contain/NotContain/Match/NotMatch/True/False/)
DECLARE @FilterValue nvarchar(255) = '' --The value the user gave for the filter
DECLARE @FilterColumn int = 1 --The column to wich the filter is applied, represents the column number like when we send the information.

        OVER( ORDER BY 
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 1 AND @SortOrder = 'ASC'
                      THEN VLT.ID END ASC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 1 AND @SortOrder = 'DESC'
                      THEN VLT.ID END DESC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 2 AND @SortOrder = 'ASC'
                      THEN VLT.Name END ASC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 2 AND @SortOrder = 'DESC'
                      THEN VLT.Name END ASC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 3 AND @SortOrder = 'ASC'
                      THEN VLT.Tel END ASC,
                CASE WHEN @SortByField = 3 AND @SortOrder = 'DESC'
                      THEN VLT.Tel END ASC
         ) AS RowNum
      ( -- We apply the filter logic here
          WHEN @FilterType = 'None' THEN 1

          -- Name column filter
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Contain' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.ID LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotContain' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.ID NOT LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Match' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND VLT.ID = @FilterValue THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotMatch' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND VLT.ID <> @FilterValue THEN 1               

          -- Name column filter
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Contain' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Name LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotContain' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Name NOT LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Match' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND VLT.Name = @FilterValue THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotMatch' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND VLT.Name <> @FilterValue THEN 1         

         -- Tel column filter   
         WHEN @FilterType = 'Contain' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Tel LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotContain' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Tel NOT LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Match' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND VLT.Tel = @FilterValue THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotMatch' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND VLT.Tel <> @FilterValue THEN 1    

      ) = 1     

WHERE Data.RowNum > @PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1)
  AND Data.RowNum <= @PageSize * @PageNumber
ORDER BY Data.RowNum

-- SQL Server 2012+

DECLARE @PageNumber Int = 1200
DECLARE @PageSize INT = 200
DECLARE @SortByField int = 1 --The field used for sort by
DECLARE @SortOrder nvarchar(255) = 'ASC' --ASC or DESC
DECLARE @FilterType nvarchar(255) = 'None' --The filter type, as defined on the client side (None/Contain/NotContain/Match/NotMatch/True/False/)
DECLARE @FilterValue nvarchar(255) = '' --The value the user gave for the filter
DECLARE @FilterColumn int = 1 --The column to wich the filter is applied, represents the column number like when we send the information.

      ( -- We apply the filter logic here
          WHEN @FilterType = 'None' THEN 1

          -- Name column filter
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Contain' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.ID LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotContain' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.ID NOT LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Match' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND VLT.ID = @FilterValue THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotMatch' AND @FilterColumn = 1
            AND VLT.ID <> @FilterValue THEN 1               

          -- Name column filter
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Contain' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Name LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotContain' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Name NOT LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Match' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND VLT.Name = @FilterValue THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotMatch' AND @FilterColumn = 2
            AND VLT.Name <> @FilterValue THEN 1         

         -- Tel column filter   
         WHEN @FilterType = 'Contain' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Tel LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotContain' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything.
                VLT.Tel NOT LIKE '%' + @FilterValue + '%'
                @FilterValue = ''
               ) THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'Match' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND VLT.Tel = @FilterValue THEN 1
          WHEN @FilterType = 'NotMatch' AND @FilterColumn = 3
            AND VLT.Tel <> @FilterValue THEN 1    

      ) = 1         

    CASE WHEN @SortByField = 1 AND @SortOrder = 'ASC'
        THEN Data.ID END ASC,
    CASE WHEN @SortByField = 1 AND @SortOrder = 'DESC'
        THEN Data.ID END DESC,
    CASE WHEN @SortByField = 2 AND @SortOrder = 'ASC'
        THEN Data.Name END ASC,
    CASE WHEN @SortByField = 2 AND @SortOrder = 'DESC'
        THEN Data.Name END ASC,
    CASE WHEN @SortByField = 3 AND @SortOrder = 'ASC'
        THEN Data.Tel END ASC,
    CASE WHEN @SortByField = 3 AND @SortOrder = 'DESC'
        THEN Data.Tel END ASC
OFFSET @PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1) ROWS FETCH NEXT @PageSize ROWS ONLY;

Bypass invalid SSL certificate errors when calling web services in .Net

ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback +=
            (mender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;

will bypass invaild ssl . Write it to your web service constructor.

How to get instance variables in Python?

built on dmark's answer to get the following, which is useful if you want the equiv of sprintf and hopefully will help someone...

def sprint(object):
    result = ''
    for i in [v for v in dir(object) if not callable(getattr(object, v)) and v[0] != '_']:
        result += '\n%s:' % i + str(getattr(object, i, ''))
    return result

Stop setInterval call in JavaScript

The answers above have already explained how setInterval returns a handle, and how this handle is used to cancel the Interval timer.

Some architectural considerations:

Please do not use "scope-less" variables. The safest way is to use the attribute of a DOM object. The easiest place would be "document". If the refresher is started by a start/stop button, you can use the button itself:

<a onclick="start(this);">Start</a>

function start(d){
    if (d.interval){
    } else {
          //refresh here

Since the function is defined inside the button click handler, you don't have to define it again. The timer can be resumed if the button is clicked on again.

How to count the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer?

I'm particularly fond of this example from the fortune file:

#define BITCOUNT(x)    (((BX_(x)+(BX_(x)>>4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F) % 255)
#define BX_(x)         ((x) - (((x)>>1)&0x77777777)
                             - (((x)>>2)&0x33333333)
                             - (((x)>>3)&0x11111111))

I like it best because it's so pretty!

Best way to randomize an array with .NET

Generate an array of random floats or ints of the same length. Sort that array, and do corresponding swaps on your target array.

This yields a truly independent sort.

Good PHP ORM Library?

I am currently working on phpDataMapper, which is an ORM designed to have simple syntax like Ruby's Datamapper project. It's still in early development as well, but it works great.

How do I get the result of a command in a variable in windows?

@echo off

ver | find "6.1." > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
echo Win7
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('DIR "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\*Outlook.EXE" /B /P /S') do call set findoutlook=%%a

ver | find "5.1." > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
echo WinXP
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('DIR "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\*Outlook.EXE" /B /P /S') do call set findoutlook=%%a
echo Outlook dir:  %findoutlook%

Solutions for INSERT OR UPDATE on SQL Server

don't forget about transactions. Performance is good, but simple (IF EXISTS..) approach is very dangerous.
When multiple threads will try to perform Insert-or-update you can easily get primary key violation.

Solutions provided by @Beau Crawford & @Esteban show general idea but error-prone.

To avoid deadlocks and PK violations you can use something like this:

begin tran
if exists (select * from table with (updlock,serializable) where key = @key)
   update table set ...
   where key = @key
   insert into table (key, ...)
   values (@key, ...)
commit tran


begin tran
   update table with (serializable) set ...
   where key = @key

   if @@rowcount = 0
      insert into table (key, ...) values (@key,..)
commit tran

Apache and IIS side by side (both listening to port 80) on windows2003

Either two different IP addresses (like recommended) or one web server is reverse-proxying the other (which is listening on a port <>80).

For instance: Apache listens on port 80, IIS on port 8080. Every http request goes to Apache first (of course). You can then decide to forward every request to a particular (named virtual) domain or every request that contains a particular directory (e.g. to the IIS.

Advantage of this concept is that you have only one server listening to the public instead of two, you are more flexible as with two distinct servers.

Drawbacks: some webapps are crappily designed and a real pain in the ass to integrate into a reverse-proxy infrastructure. A working IIS webapp is dependent on a working Apache, so we have some inter-dependencies.

Add a column to existing table and uniquely number them on MS SQL Server

And the Postgres equivalent (second line is mandatory only if you want "id" to be a key):


How do I make an HTML text box show a hint when empty?

You can use a attribute called placeholder="" Here's a demo:

// try this out!
<input placeholder="This is my placeholder"/>

How to prevent SIGPIPEs (or handle them properly)

Handle SIGPIPE Locally

It's usually best to handle the error locally rather than in a global signal event handler since locally you will have more context as to what's going on and what recourse to take.

I have a communication layer in one of my apps that allows my app to communicate with an external accessory. When a write error occurs I throw and exception in the communication layer and let it bubble up to a try catch block to handle it there.


The code to ignore a SIGPIPE signal so that you can handle it locally is:

// We expect write failures to occur but we want to handle them where 
// the error occurs rather than in a SIGPIPE handler.

This code will prevent the SIGPIPE signal from being raised, but you will get a read / write error when trying to use the socket, so you will need to check for that.

How do you recursively unzip archives in a directory and its subdirectories from the Unix command-line?

Another interesting solution would be:

DESTINY=[Give the output that you intend]

# Don't forget to change from .ZIP to .zip.
# In my case the files were in .ZIP.
# The echo were for debug purpose.

find . -name "*.ZIP" | while read filename; do
#echo "Address: $ADDRESS"
BASENAME=`basename $filename .ZIP`
#echo "Basename: $BASENAME"

How to add some non-standard font to a website?

Typeface.js and Cufon are two other interesting options. They are JavaScript components that render special font data in JSON format (which you can convert from TrueType or OpenType formats on their web sites) via the new <canvas> element in all newer browsers except Internet Explorer and via VML in Internet Explorer.

The main problem with both (as of now) is that selecting text does not work or at least works only quite awkwardly.

Still, it is very nice for headlines. Body text... I don't know.

And it's surprisingly fast.

Disable output buffering

You can create an unbuffered file and assign this file to sys.stdout.

import sys 
myFile= open( "a.log", "w", 0 ) 
sys.stdout= myFile

You can't magically change the system-supplied stdout; since it's supplied to your python program by the OS.

How can I Remove .DS_Store files from a Git repository?

Remove ignored files:


$ find . -name .DS_Store -print0 | xargs -0 git rm --ignore-unmatch

Is JavaScript object-oriented?

I think when you can follow the same or similar design patterns as a true OO language like Java/C#, you can pretty much call it an OO language. Some aspects are obviously different but you can still use very well established OO design pattersn.

What's the difference between a POST and a PUT HTTP REQUEST?

Please see:

I’ve been getting pretty annoyed lately by a popular misconception by web developers that a POST is used to create a resource, and a PUT is used to update/change one.

If you take a look at page 55 of RFC 2616 (“Hypertext Transfer Protocol – HTTP/1.1”), Section 9.6 (“PUT”), you’ll see what PUT is actually for:

The PUT method requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the supplied Request-URI.

There’s also a handy paragraph to explain the difference between POST and PUT:

The fundamental difference between the POST and PUT requests is reflected in the different meaning of the Request-URI. The URI in a POST request identifies the resource that will handle the enclosed entity. That resource might be a data-accepting process, a gateway to some other protocol, or a separate entity that accepts annotations. In contrast, the URI in a PUT request identifies the entity enclosed with the request – the user agent knows what URI is intended and the server MUST NOT attempt to apply the request to some other resource.

It doesn’t mention anything about the difference between updating/creating, because that’s not what it’s about. It’s about the difference between this:

obj.set_attribute(value) # A POST request.

And this:

obj.attribute = value # A PUT request.

So please, stop the spread of this popular misconception. Read your RFCs.

Javascript - Get Image height

My preferred solution for this would be to do the resizing server-side, so you are transmitting less unnecessary data.

If you have to do it client-side though, and need to keep the image ratio, you could use the below:

var image_from_ajax = new Image();
image_from_ajax.src = fetch_image_from_ajax(); // Downloaded via ajax call?

image_from_ajax = rescaleImage(image_from_ajax);

// Rescale the given image to a max of max_height and max_width
function rescaleImage(image_name)
    var max_height = 100;
    var max_width = 100;

    var height = image_name.height;
    var width = image_name.width;
    var ratio = height/width;

    // If height or width are too large, they need to be scaled down
    // Multiply height and width by the same value to keep ratio constant
    if(height > max_height)
        ratio = max_height / height;
        height = height * ratio;
        width = width * ratio;

    if(width > max_width)
        ratio = max_width / width;
        height = height * ratio;
        width = width * ratio;

    image_name.width = width;
    image_name.height = height;
    return image_name;

What is Java EE?

I would say that J2EE experience = in-depth experience with a few J2EE technologies, general knowledge about most J2EE technologies, and general experience with enterprise software in general.

Standard concise way to copy a file in Java?

Now with Java 7, you can use the following try-with-resource syntax:

public static void copyFile( File from, File to ) throws IOException {

    if ( !to.exists() ) { to.createNewFile(); }

    try (
        FileChannel in = new FileInputStream( from ).getChannel();
        FileChannel out = new FileOutputStream( to ).getChannel() ) {

        out.transferFrom( in, 0, in.size() );

Or, better yet, this can also be accomplished using the new Files class introduced in Java 7:

public static void copyFile( File from, File to ) throws IOException {
    Files.copy( from.toPath(), to.toPath() );

Pretty snazzy, eh?

What is the volatile keyword useful for?

Volatile does following.

1> Read and write of volatile variables by different threads are always from memory, not from thread's own cache or cpu register. So each thread always deals with the latest value. 2> When 2 different threads work with same instance or static variables in heap, one may see other's actions as out of order. See jeremy manson's blog on this. But volatile helps here.

Following fully running code shows how a number of threads can execute in predefined order and print outputs without using synchronized keyword.

thread 0 prints 0
thread 1 prints 1
thread 2 prints 2
thread 3 prints 3
thread 0 prints 0
thread 1 prints 1
thread 2 prints 2
thread 3 prints 3
thread 0 prints 0
thread 1 prints 1
thread 2 prints 2
thread 3 prints 3

To achieve this we may use the following full fledged running code.

public class Solution {
    static volatile int counter = 0;
    static int print = 0;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        Thread[] ths = new Thread[4];
        for (int i = 0; i < ths.length; i++) {
            ths[i] = new Thread(new MyRunnable(i, ths.length));
    static class MyRunnable implements Runnable {
        final int thID;
        final int total;
        public MyRunnable(int id, int total) {
            thID = id;
   = total;
        public void run() {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            while (true) {
                if (thID == counter) {
                    System.out.println("thread " + thID + " prints " + print);
                    if (print == total)
                        print = 0;
                    if (counter == total)
                        counter = 0;
                } else {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        // log it

The following github link has a readme, which gives proper explanation.

What is a smart pointer and when should I use one?

A smart pointer is like a regular (typed) pointer, like "char*", except when the pointer itself goes out of scope then what it points to is deleted as well. You can use it like you would a regular pointer, by using "->", but not if you need an actual pointer to the data. For that, you can use "&*ptr".

It is useful for:

  • Objects that must be allocated with new, but that you'd like to have the same lifetime as something on that stack. If the object is assigned to a smart pointer, then they will be deleted when the program exits that function/block.

  • Data members of classes, so that when the object is deleted all the owned data is deleted as well, without any special code in the destructor (you will need to be sure the destructor is virtual, which is almost always a good thing to do).

You may not want to use a smart pointer when:

  • ... the pointer shouldn't actually own the data... i.e., when you are just using the data, but you want it to survive the function where you are referencing it.
  • ... the smart pointer isn't itself going to be destroyed at some point. You don't want it to sit in memory that never gets destroyed (such as in an object that is dynamically allocated but won't be explicitly deleted).
  • ... two smart pointers might point to the same data. (There are, however, even smarter pointers that will handle that... that is called reference counting.)

See also:

How do I find out what type each object is in a ArrayList<Object>?

Instanceof works if you don't depend on specific classes, but also keep in mind that you can have nulls in the list, so obj.getClass() will fail, but instanceof always returns false on null.

Fastest way to remove non-numeric characters from a VARCHAR in SQL Server

Thousands of records against thousands of records is not normally a problem. I've used SSIS to import millions of records with de-duping like this.

I would clean up the database to remove the non-numeric characters in the first place and keep them out.

Regular expression to match DNS hostname or IP Address?

AddressRegex = "^(ftp|http|https):\/\/([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}:[0-9]{1,5})$";

HostnameRegex =  /^(ftp|http|https):\/\/([a-z0-9]+\.)?[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*((\.[a-z]{2,6})|(\.[a-z]{2,6})(\.[a-z]{2,6}))$/i

this re are used only for for this type validation

work only if

not works for

Real-world examples of recursion

Real world requirement I got recently:

Requirement A: Implement this feature after thoroughly understanding Requirement A.

good postgresql client for windows?

EMS's SQL Manager is much easier to use and has many more features than either phpPgAdmin or PG Admin III. However, it's windows only and you have to pay for it.

How do I restore a dump file from mysqldump?

If the database you want to restore doesn't already exist, you need to create it first.

On the command-line, if you're in the same directory that contains the dumped file, use these commands (with appropriate substitutions):

C:\> mysql -u root -p

mysql> create database mydb;
mysql> use mydb;
mysql> source db_backup.dump;

.NET String.Format() to add commas in thousands place for a number

Note that the value that you're formatting should be numeric. It doesn't look like it will take a string representation of a number and format is with commas.

How do I move to end of line in Vim?

The main question - end of line

$ goes to the end of line, remains in command mode

A goes to the end of line, switches to insert mode

Conversely - start of line (technically the first non-whitespace character)

^ goes to the start of line, remains in command mode

I (uppercase i) goes to the start of line, switches to insert mode

Further - start of line (technically the first column irrespective of whitespace)

0 (zero) goes to the start of line, remains in command mode

0i (zero followed by lowercase i) goes the start of line, switches to insert mode

For those starting to learn vi, here is a good introduction to vi by listing side by side vi commands to typical Windows GUI Editor cursor movement and shortcut keys.

vi editor for Windows users

How can one grab a stack trace in C?

There's backtrace(), and backtrace_symbols():

From the man page:

#include <execinfo.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void* callstack[128];
int i, frames = backtrace(callstack, 128);
char** strs = backtrace_symbols(callstack, frames);
for (i = 0; i < frames; ++i) {
    printf("%s\n", strs[i]);

One way to use this in a more convenient/OOP way is to save the result of backtrace_symbols() in an exception class constructor. Thus, whenever you throw that type of exception you have the stack trace. Then, just provide a function for printing it out. For example:

class MyException : public std::exception {

    char ** strs;
    MyException( const std::string & message ) {
         int i, frames = backtrace(callstack, 128);
         strs = backtrace_symbols(callstack, frames);

    void printStackTrace() {
        for (i = 0; i < frames; ++i) {
            printf("%s\n", strs[i]);


try {
   throw MyException("Oops!");
} catch ( MyException e ) {

Ta da!

Note: enabling optimization flags may make the resulting stack trace inaccurate. Ideally, one would use this capability with debug flags on and optimization flags off.

What port is a given program using?

"netstat -natp" is what I always use.

How to enumerate an enum

LINQ Generic Way:

    public static Dictionary<int, string> ToList<T>() where T : struct =>
        ((IEnumerable<T>)Enum.GetValues(typeof(T))).ToDictionary(value => Convert.ToInt32(value), value => value.ToString());


        var enums = ToList<Enum>();