Programs & Examples On #Video conversion

Video conversion deals mostly with converting videos from one codec to a second one or to resize the image size. It is also possible to change the container format as well.

How to POST request using RestSharp

As of 2017 I post to a rest service and getting the results from it like that:

        var loginModel = new LoginModel();
        loginModel.DatabaseName = "TestDB";
        loginModel.UserGroupCode = "G1";
        loginModel.UserName = "test1";
        loginModel.Password = "123";

        var client = new RestClient(BaseUrl);

        var request = new RestRequest("/Connect?", Method.POST);
        request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;

        var response = client.Execute(request);

        var obj = JObject.Parse(response.Content);

        LoginResult result = new LoginResult
            Status = obj["Status"].ToString(),
            Authority = response.ResponseUri.Authority,
            SessionID = obj["SessionID"].ToString()

How can I declare dynamic String array in Java

You want to use a Set or List implementation (e.g. HashSet, TreeSet, etc, or ArrayList, LinkedList, etc..), since Java does not have dynamically sized arrays.

List<String> zoom = new ArrayList<>();
zoom.add("String 1");
zoom.add("String 2");

for (String z : zoom) {

Edit: Here is a more succinct way to initialize your List with an arbitrary number of values using varargs:

List<String> zoom = Arrays.asList("String 1", "String 2", "String n");

How to deploy a war file in Tomcat 7

Manual steps - Windows

  1. Copy the .war file (E.g.: prj.war) to %CATALINA_HOME%\webapps ( E.g.: C:\tomcat\webapps )

  2. Run %CATALINA_HOME%\bin\startup.bat

  3. Your .war file will be extracted automatically to a folder that has the same name (without extension) (E.g.: prj)

  4. Go to %CATALINA_HOME%\conf\server.xml and take the port for the HTTP protocol. <Connector port="8080" ... />. The default value is 8080.

  5. Access the following URL:


    (E.g.: localhost:8080/folder/resourceName)

Don't try to access the URL without the resourceName because it won't work if there is no file like index.html, or if there is no url pattern like "/" or "/*" in web.xml.

The available main paths are here: [<protocol>://]localhost:<port>/manager/html (E.g.: http://localhost:8080/manager/html) and they have true on the "Running" column.

Using the UI manager:

  1. Go to [<protocol>://]localhost:<port>/manager/html/ (usually localhost:8080/manager/html/)

    This is also achievable from [<protocol>://]localhost:<port> > Manager App)

    If you get:

    403 Access Denied

    go to %CATALINA_HOME%\conf\tomcat-users.xml and check that you have enabled a line like this:

    <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1,manager-gui"/>
  2. In the Deploy section, WAR file to deploy subsection, click on Browse....

    Deploy browse

  3. Select the .war file (E.g.: prj.war) > click on Deploy.

  4. In the Applications section, you can see the name of your project (E.g.: prj).

How read Doc or Docx file in java?

Here is the code of ReadDoc/ This will read a dox/docx file and print its content to the console. you can customize it your way.

import org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.WordExtractor;

public class ReadDocFile
    public static void main(String[] args)
        File file = null;
        WordExtractor extractor = null;

            file = new File("c:\\New.doc");
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file.getAbsolutePath());
            HWPFDocument document = new HWPFDocument(fis);
            extractor = new WordExtractor(document);
            String[] fileData = extractor.getParagraphText();
            for (int i = 0; i < fileData.length; i++)
                if (fileData[i] != null)
        catch (Exception exep)

Stacked bar chart

You will need to melt your dataframe to get it into the so-called long format:

require(reshape2) <- melt(

Now your field values are represented by their own rows and identified through the variable column. This can now be leveraged within the ggplot aesthetics:

c <- ggplot(, aes(x = Rank, y = value, fill = variable))
c + geom_bar(stat = "identity")

Instead of stacking you may also be interested in showing multiple plots using facets:

c <- ggplot(, aes(x = Rank, y = value))
c + facet_wrap(~ variable) + geom_bar(stat = "identity")

How to set the image from drawable dynamically in android?


"No Content-Security-Policy meta tag found." error in my phonegap application

You have to add a CSP meta tag in the head section of your app's index.html

As per

Content Security Policy

Controls which network requests (images, XHRs, etc) are allowed to be made (via webview directly).

On Android and iOS, the network request whitelist (see above) is not able to filter all types of requests (e.g. <video> & WebSockets are not blocked). So, in addition to the whitelist, you should use a Content Security Policy <meta> tag on all of your pages.

On Android, support for CSP within the system webview starts with KitKat (but is available on all versions using Crosswalk WebView).

Here are some example CSP declarations for your .html pages:

<!-- Good default declaration:
    * gap: is required only on iOS (when using UIWebView) and is needed for JS->native communication
    * is required only on Android and is needed for TalkBack to function properly
    * Disables use of eval() and inline scripts in order to mitigate risk of XSS vulnerabilities. To change this:
        * Enable inline JS: add 'unsafe-inline' to default-src
        * Enable eval(): add 'unsafe-eval' to default-src
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' data: gap:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *">

<!-- Allow requests to -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self'">

<!-- Enable all requests, inline styles, and eval() -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src *; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'">

<!-- Allow XHRs via https only -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' https:">

<!-- Allow iframe to -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self'; frame-src 'self'">

Left padding a String with Zeros

    int number = -1;
    int holdingDigits = 7;
    System.out.println(String.format("%0"+ holdingDigits +"d", number));

Just asked this in an interview........

My answer below but this (mentioned above) is much nicer->

String.format("%05d", num);

My answer is:

static String leadingZeros(int num, int digitSize) {
    //test for capacity being too small.

    if (digitSize < String.valueOf(num).length()) {
        return "Error : you number  " + num + " is higher than the decimal system specified capacity of " + digitSize + " zeros.";

        //test for capacity will exactly hold the number.
    } else if (digitSize == String.valueOf(num).length()) {
        return String.valueOf(num);

        //else do something here to calculate if the digitSize will over flow the StringBuilder buffer java.lang.OutOfMemoryError 

        //else calculate and return string
    } else {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < digitSize; i++) {
        return sb.substring(sb.length() - digitSize, sb.length());

format a Date column in a Data Frame

The data.table package has its IDate class and functionalities similar to lubridate or the zoo package. You could do:

dt = data.table(
  Name = c('Joe', 'Amy', 'John'),
  JoiningDate = c('12/31/09', '10/28/09', '05/06/10'),
  AmtPaid = c(1000, 100, 200)

dt[ , JoiningDate := as.IDate(JoiningDate, '%m/%d/%y') ]

How to get item's position in a list?

Use enumerate:

testlist = [1,2,3,5,3,1,2,1,6]
for position, item in enumerate(testlist):
    if item == 1:
        print position

How to save a Seaborn plot into a file

Its also possible to just create a matplotlib figure object and then use plt.savefig(...):

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd

df = sns.load_dataset('iris')
plt.figure() # Push new figure on stack
sns_plot = sns.pairplot(df, hue='species', size=2.5)
plt.savefig('output.png') # Save that figure

What is the most efficient way to concatenate N arrays?

For array of multiple arrays and ES6, use


For example:

const arr = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8 ,9]];
const newArr = Array.prototype.concat(...arr);
// output: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]

Get a random boolean in python?

u could try this it produces randomly generated array of true and false :

a=[bool(i) for i in np.array(np.random.randint(0,2,10))]

out: [True, True, True, True, True, False, True, False, True, False]

How to set the component size with GridLayout? Is there a better way?

Don't use GridLayout for something it wasn't meant to do. It sounds to me like GridBagLayout would be a better fit for you, either that or MigLayout (though you'll have to download that first since it's not part of standard Java). Either that or combine layout managers such as BoxLayout for the lines and GridLayout to hold all the rows.

For example, using GridBagLayout:

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class LayoutEg1 extends JPanel{
    private static final int ROWS = 10;

    public LayoutEg1() {
        setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
        for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++) {
            GridBagConstraints gbc = makeGbc(0, i);
            JLabel label = new JLabel("Row Label " + (i + 1));
            add(label, gbc);

            JPanel panel = new JPanel();
            panel.add(new JCheckBox("check box"));
            panel.add(new JTextField(10));
            panel.add(new JButton("Button"));
            gbc = makeGbc(1, i);
            add(panel, gbc);

    private GridBagConstraints makeGbc(int x, int y) {
        GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
        gbc.gridwidth = 1;
        gbc.gridheight = 1;
        gbc.gridx = x;
        gbc.gridy = y;
        gbc.weightx = x;
        gbc.weighty = 1.0;
        gbc.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);
        gbc.anchor = (x == 0) ? GridBagConstraints.LINE_START : GridBagConstraints.LINE_END;
        gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
        return gbc;

    private static void createAndShowUI() {
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("Layout Eg1");
        frame.getContentPane().add(new LayoutEg1());

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

Numpy: Get random set of rows from 2D array

I see permutation has been suggested. In fact it can be made into one line:

>>> A = np.random.randint(5, size=(10,3))
>>> np.random.permutation(A)[:2]

array([[0, 3, 0],
       [3, 1, 2]])

Git says local branch is behind remote branch, but it's not

This happened to me when I was trying to push the develop branch (I am using git flow). Someone had push updates to master. to fix it I did:

git co master
git pull

Which fetched those changes. Then,

git co develop
git pull

Which didn't do anything. I think the develop branch already pushed despite the error message. Everything is up to date now and no errors.

How to change the font and font size of an HTML input tag?

In your 'head' section, add this code:

input[type='text'] { font-size: 24px; }

Or you can only add the:

input[type='text'] { font-size: 24px; }

to a CSS file which can later be included.

You can also change the font face by using the CSS property: font-family

font-family: monospace;

So you can have a CSS code like this:

input[type='text'] { font-size: 24px; font-family: monospace; }

You can find further help at the W3Schools website.

I suggest you to have a look at the CSS3 specification. With CSS3 you can also load a font from the web instead of having the limitation to use only the most common fonts or tell the user to download the font you're using.

Html5 Full screen video

No, there is no way to do this yet. I wish they add a future like this in browsers.


Now there is a Full Screen API for the web You can requestFullscreen on an Video or Canvas element to ask user to give you permisions and make it full screen.

Let's consider this element:

<video controls id="myvideo">
  <source src="somevideo.webm"></source>
  <source src="somevideo.mp4"></source>

We can put that video into fullscreen mode with script like this:

var elem = document.getElementById("myvideo");
if (elem.requestFullscreen) {
} else if (elem.mozRequestFullScreen) {
} else if (elem.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
} else if (elem.msRequestFullscreen) { 

Full documentation

Find files in created between a date range

Script oldfiles

I've tried to answer this question in a more complete way, and I ended up creating a complete script with options to help you understand the find command.

The script oldfiles is in this repository

To "create" a new find command you run it with the option -n (dry-run), and it will print to you the correct find command you need to use.

Of course, if you omit the -n it will just run, no need to retype the find command.


$ oldfiles [-v...] ([-h|-V|-n] | {[(-a|-u) | (-m|-t) | -c] (-i | -d | -o| -y | -g) N (-\> | -\< | -\=) [-p "pat"]})

  • Where the options are classified in the following groups:
    • Help & Info:

      -h, --help : Show this help.
      -V, --version : Show version.
      -v, --verbose : Turn verbose mode on (cumulative).
      -n, --dry-run : Do not run, just explain how to create a "find" command

    • Time type (access/use, modification time or changed status):

      -a or -u : access (use) time
      -m or -t : modification time (default)
      -c : inode status change

    • Time range (where N is a positive integer):

      -i N : minutes (default, with N equal 1 min)
      -d N : days
      -o N : months
      -y N : years
      -g N : N is a DATE (example: "2017-07-06 22:17:15")

    • Tests:

      -p "pat" : optional pattern to match (example: -p "*.c" to find c files) (default -p "*")
      -\> : file is newer than given range, ie, time modified after it.
      -\< : file is older than given range, ie, time is from before it. (default)
      -\= : file that is exactly N (min, day, month, year) old.


  • Find C source files newer than 10 minutes (access time) (with verbosity 3):

$ oldfiles -a -i 10 -p"*.c" -\> -nvvv Starting oldfiles script, by beco, version 20170706.202054... $ oldfiles -vvv -a -i 10 -p "*.c" -\> -n Looking for "*.c" files with (a)ccess time newer than 10 minute(s) find . -name "*.c" -type f -amin -10 -exec ls -ltu --time-style=long-iso {} + Dry-run

  • Find H header files older than a month (modification time) (verbosity 2):

$ oldfiles -m -o 1 -p"*.h" -\< -nvv Starting oldfiles script, by beco, version 20170706.202054... $ oldfiles -vv -m -o 1 -p "*.h" -\< -n find . -name "*.h" -type f -mtime +30 -exec ls -lt --time-style=long-iso {} + Dry-run

  • Find all (*) files within a single day (Dec, 1, 2016; no verbosity, dry-run):

$ oldfiles -mng "2016-12-01" -\= find . -name "*" -type f -newermt "2016-11-30 23:59:59" ! -newermt "2016-12-01 23:59:59" -exec ls -lt --time-style=long-iso {} +

Of course, removing the -n the program will run the find command itself and save you the trouble.

I hope this helps everyone finally learn this {a,c,t}{time,min} options.

the LS output:

You will also notice that the "ls" option ls OPT changes to match the type of time you choose.

Link for clone/download of the oldfiles script:

How to dynamically change a web page's title?

I just want to add something here: changing the title via JavaScript is actually useful if you're updating a database via AJAX, so then the title changes without you having to refresh the page. The title actually changes via your server side scripting language, but having it change via JavaScript is just a usability and UI thing that makes the user experience more enjoyable and fluid.

Now, if you're changing the title via JavaScript just for the hell of it, then you should not be doing that.

How to pass params with history.push/Link/Redirect in react-router v4?

First of all, you need not do var r = this; as this in if statement refers to the context of the callback itself which since you are using arrow function refers to the React component context.

According to the docs:

history objects typically have the following properties and methods:

  • length - (number) The number of entries in the history stack
  • action - (string) The current action (PUSH, REPLACE, or POP)
  • location - (object) The current location. May have the following properties:

    • pathname - (string) The path of the URL
    • search - (string) The URL query string
    • hash - (string) The URL hash fragment
    • state - (string) location-specific state that was provided to e.g. push(path, state) when this location was pushed onto the stack. Only available in browser and memory history.
  • push(path, [state]) - (function) Pushes a new entry onto the history stack
  • replace(path, [state]) - (function) Replaces the current entry on the history stack
  • go(n) - (function) Moves the pointer in the history stack by n entries
  • goBack() - (function) Equivalent to go(-1)
  • goForward() - (function) Equivalent to go(1)
  • block(prompt) - (function) Prevents navigation

So while navigating you can pass props to the history object like

  pathname: '/template',
  search: '?query=abc',
  state: { detail: }

or similarly for the Link component or the Redirect component

<Link to={{
      pathname: '/template',
      search: '?query=abc',
      state: { detail: }
    }}> My Link </Link>

and then in the component which is rendered with /template route, you can access the props passed like


Also keep in mind that, when using history or location objects from props you need to connect the component with withRouter.

As per the Docs:


You can get access to the history object’s properties and the closest <Route>'s match via the withRouter higher-order component. withRouter will re-render its component every time the route changes with the same props as <Route> render props: { match, location, history }.

Why is printing "B" dramatically slower than printing "#"?

I performed tests on Eclipse vs Netbeans 8.0.2, both with Java version 1.8; I used System.nanoTime() for measurements.


I got the same time on both cases - around 1.564 seconds.


  • Using "#": 1.536 seconds
  • Using "B": 44.164 seconds

So, it looks like Netbeans has bad performance on print to console.

After more research I realized that the problem is line-wrapping of the max buffer of Netbeans (it's not restricted to System.out.println command), demonstrated by this code:

for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
    long t1 = System.nanoTime();
    System.out.print("BBB......BBB"); \\<-contain 1000 "B"
    long t2 = System.nanoTime();

The time results are less then 1 millisecond every iteration except every fifth iteration, when the time result is around 225 millisecond. Something like (in nanoseconds):


And so on..


  1. Eclipse works perfectly with "B"
  2. Netbeans has a line-wrapping problem that can be solved (because the problem does not occur in eclipse)(without adding space after B ("B ")).

Codeigniter - multiple database connections

You should provide the second database information in `application/config/database.php´

Normally, you would set the default database group, like so:

$db['default']['hostname'] = "localhost";
$db['default']['username'] = "root";
$db['default']['password'] = "";
$db['default']['database'] = "database_name";
$db['default']['dbdriver'] = "mysql";
$db['default']['dbprefix'] = "";
$db['default']['pconnect'] = TRUE;
$db['default']['db_debug'] = FALSE;
$db['default']['cache_on'] = FALSE;
$db['default']['cachedir'] = "";
$db['default']['char_set'] = "utf8";
$db['default']['dbcollat'] = "utf8_general_ci";
$db['default']['swap_pre'] = "";
$db['default']['autoinit'] = TRUE;
$db['default']['stricton'] = FALSE;

Notice that the login information and settings are provided in the array named $db['default'].

You can then add another database in a new array - let's call it 'otherdb'.

$db['otherdb']['hostname'] = "localhost";
$db['otherdb']['username'] = "root";
$db['otherdb']['password'] = "";
$db['otherdb']['database'] = "other_database_name";
$db['otherdb']['dbdriver'] = "mysql";
$db['otherdb']['dbprefix'] = "";
$db['otherdb']['pconnect'] = TRUE;
$db['otherdb']['db_debug'] = FALSE;
$db['otherdb']['cache_on'] = FALSE;
$db['otherdb']['cachedir'] = "";
$db['otherdb']['char_set'] = "utf8";
$db['otherdb']['dbcollat'] = "utf8_general_ci";
$db['otherdb']['swap_pre'] = "";
$db['otherdb']['autoinit'] = TRUE;
$db['otherdb']['stricton'] = FALSE;

Now, to actually use the second database, you have to send the connection to another variabel that you can use in your model:

function my_model_method()
  $otherdb = $this->load->database('otherdb', TRUE); // the TRUE paramater tells CI that you'd like to return the database object.

  $query = $otherdb->select('first_name, last_name')->get('person');

That should do it. The documentation for connecting to multiple databases can be found here:

How do I convert a Swift Array to a String?

In Swift 4

let array:[String] = ["Apple", "Pear ","Orange"]

array.joined(separator: " ")

Git fast forward VS no fast forward merge

The --no-ff option is useful when you want to have a clear notion of your feature branch. So even if in the meantime no commits were made, FF is possible - you still want sometimes to have each commit in the mainline correspond to one feature. So you treat a feature branch with a bunch of commits as a single unit, and merge them as a single unit. It is clear from your history when you do feature branch merging with --no-ff.

If you do not care about such thing - you could probably get away with FF whenever it is possible. Thus you will have more svn-like feeling of workflow.

For example, the author of this article thinks that --no-ff option should be default and his reasoning is close to that I outlined above:

Consider the situation where a series of minor commits on the "feature" branch collectively make up one new feature: If you just do "git merge feature_branch" without --no-ff, "it is impossible to see from the Git history which of the commit objects together have implemented a feature—you would have to manually read all the log messages. Reverting a whole feature (i.e. a group of commits), is a true headache [if --no-ff is not used], whereas it is easily done if the --no-ff flag was used [because it's just one commit]."

Graphic showing how --no-ff groups together all commits from feature branch into one commit on master branch

MySQL - How to select rows where value is in array?

Use the FIND_IN_SET function:

 WHERE FIND_IN_SET(3, t.ids) > 0

Convert string to Boolean in javascript

trick string to boolean conversion in javascript. e.g.

var bool= "true";
console.log(bool==true) //false

var bool_con = JSON.parse(bool);

console.log(bool_con==true) //true

What is the correct way of reading from a TCP socket in C/C++?

If you actually create the buffer as per dirks suggestion, then:

  int readResult = read(socketFileDescriptor, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);

may completely fill the buffer, possibly overwriting the terminating zero character which you depend on when extracting to a stringstream. You need:

  int readResult = read(socketFileDescriptor, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE - 1 );

Hibernate Criteria Join with 3 Tables

The fetch mode only says that the association must be fetched. If you want to add restrictions on an associated entity, you must create an alias, or a subcriteria. I generally prefer using aliases, but YMMV:

Criteria c = session.createCriteria(Dokument.class, "dokument");
c.createAlias("dokument.role", "role"); // inner join by default
c.createAlias("", "contact");
c.add(Restrictions.eq("contact.lastName", "Test"));
return c.list();

This is of course well explained in the Hibernate reference manual, and the javadoc for Criteria even has examples. Read the documentation: it has plenty of useful information.

Converting a Pandas GroupBy output from Series to DataFrame

The key is to use the reset_index() method.


import pandas

df1 = pandas.DataFrame( { 
    "Name" : ["Alice", "Bob", "Mallory", "Mallory", "Bob" , "Mallory"] , 
    "City" : ["Seattle", "Seattle", "Portland", "Seattle", "Seattle", "Portland"] } )

g1 = df1.groupby( [ "Name", "City"] ).count().reset_index()

Now you have your new dataframe in g1:

result dataframe

How does one output bold text in Bash?

This is an old post but regardless, you can also get boldface and italic characters by leveraging utf-32. There are even greek and math symbols that can be used as well as the roman alphabet.

ImportError: No module named sklearn.cross_validation

sklearn.cross_validation is now changed to sklearn.model_selection

Just change




How to set initial size of std::vector?

You need to use the reserve function to set an initial allocated size or do it in the initial constructor.

vector<CustomClass *> content(20000);


vector<CustomClass *> content;

When you reserve() elements, the vector will allocate enough space for (at least?) that many elements. The elements do not exist in the vector, but the memory is ready to be used. This will then possibly speed up push_back() because the memory is already allocated.

Vertically aligning CSS :before and :after content

This is what worked for me:

.pdf::before {
    content: url('path/to/image.png');
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;
    height: inherit;

PLS-00201 - identifier must be declared

you should give permission on your db

grant execute on (packageName or tableName) to user;

How do you clear the SQL Server transaction log?

If you do not use the transaction logs for restores (i.e. You only ever do full backups), you can set Recovery Mode to "Simple", and the transaction log will very shortly shrink and never fill up again.

If you are using SQL 7 or 2000, you can enable "truncate log on checkpoint" in the database options tab. This has the same effect.

This is not recomended in production environments obviously, since you will not be able to restore to a point in time.

Conditional WHERE clause in SQL Server

The problem with your query is that in CASE expressions, the THEN and ELSE parts have to have an expression that evaluates to a number or a varchar or any other datatype but not to a boolean value.

You just need to use boolean logic (or rather the ternary logic that SQL uses) and rewrite it:

    DateDropped = 0
AND ( @JobsOnHold = 1 AND DateAppr >= 0 
   OR (@JobsOnHold <> 1 OR @JobsOnHold IS NULL) AND DateAppr <> 0

How to check if running in Cygwin, Mac or Linux?

All the info you'll ever need. Google is your friend.

Use uname -s to query the system name.

  • Mac: Darwin
  • Cygwin: CYGWIN_...
  • Linux: various, LINUX for most

What rules does software version numbering follow?

The usual method I have seen is X.Y.Z, which generally corresponds to major.minor.patch:

  • Major version numbers change whenever there is some significant change being introduced. For example, a large or potentially backward-incompatible change to a software package.
  • Minor version numbers change when a new, minor feature is introduced or when a set of smaller features is rolled out.
  • Patch numbers change when a new build of the software is released to customers. This is normally for small bug-fixes or the like.

Other variations use build numbers as an additional identifier. So you may have a large number for if you have many revisions that are tested between releases. I use a couple of packages that are identified by year/month or year/release. Thus, a release in the month of September of 2010 might be 2010.9 or 2010.3 for the 3rd release of this year.

There are many variants to versioning. It all boils down to personal preference.

For the "1.3v1.1", that may be two different internal products, something that would be a shared library / codebase that is rev'd differently from the main product; that may indicate version 1.3 for the main product, and version 1.1 of the internal library / package.

Why does my 'git branch' have no master?

If you create a new repository from the Github web GUI, you sometimes get the name 'main' instead of 'master'. By using the command git status from your terminal you'd see which location you are. In some cases, you'd see origin/main.

If you are trying to push your app to a cloud service via CLI then use 'main', not 'master'.

example: git push heroku main

Define an alias in fish shell

If you add an abbr instead of an alias you'll get better auto-complete. In fish abbr more closely matches the behavior of a bash alias.

abbr -a gco git checkout

Will -add a new abbreviation gco that expands to git checkout.

Here's a video demo of the resulting auto-complete features

C - casting int to char and append char to char

Casting int to char is done simply by assigning with the type in parenthesis:

int i = 65535;
char c = (char)i;

Note: I thought that you might be losing data (as in the example), because the type sizes are different.

Appending characters to characters cannot be done (unless you mean arithmetics, then it's simple operators). You need to use strings, AKA arrays of characters, and <string.h> functions like strcat or sprintf.

Using Docker-Compose, how to execute multiple commands

I run pre-startup stuff like migrations in a separate ephemeral container, like so (note, compose file has to be of version '2' type):

  image: postgres
  image: app
  command: python runserver
    - .:/code
    - "8000:8000"
    - db
    - migration
  build: .
  image: app
  command: python migrate
    - .:/code
    - db
    - db

This helps things keeping clean and separate. Two things to consider:

  1. You have to ensure the correct startup sequence (using depends_on).

  2. You want to avoid multiple builds which is achieved by tagging it the first time round using build and image; you can refer to image in other containers then.

browser.msie error after update to jQuery 1.9.1

You can use :

var MSIE =; // This property is not supported by ie 6-8


if (MSIE){
    if (navigator.vendor == 'Apple Computer, Inc.'){
        // some code for this navigator
    } else {
       // some code for others browsers

} else {
    // default code


What static analysis tools are available for C#?

Axivion Bauhaus Suite is a static analysis tool that works with C# (as well as C, C++ and Java).

It provides the following capabilities:

  • Software Architecture Visualization (inlcuding dependencies)
  • Enforcement of architectural rules e.g. layering, subsystems, calling rules
  • Clone Detection - highlighting copy and pasted (and modified code)
  • Dead Code Detection
  • Cycle Detection
  • Software Metrics
  • Code Style Checks

These features can be run on a one-off basis or as part of a Continuous Integration process. Issues can be highlighted on a per project basis or per developer basis when the system is integrated with a source code control system.

How to find the files that are created in the last hour in unix

sudo find / -Bmin 60

From the man page:

-Bmin n

True if the difference between the time of a file's inode creation and the time find was started, rounded up to the next full minute, is n minutes.

Obviously, you may want to set up a bit differently, but this primary seems the best solution for searching for any file created in the last N minutes.

Convert Linq Query Result to Dictionary

Looking at your example, I think this is what you want:

var dict = TableObj.ToDictionary(t => t.Key, t=> t.TimeStamp);

How to loop through all elements of a form jQuery

   //your code here

how to compare two string dates in javascript?

You can use "Date.parse()" to properly compare the dates, but since in most of the comments people are trying to split the string and then trying to add up the digits and compare with obviously wrong logic -not completely.

Here's the trick. If you are breaking the string then compare the parts in nested format.

Compare year with year, month with month and day with day.


var parts1 = "26/07/2020".split('/');
var parts2 = "26/07/2020".split('/');

var latest = false;

if (parseInt(parts1[2]) > parseInt(parts2[2])) {
    latest = true;
} else if (parseInt(parts1[2]) == parseInt(parts2[2])) {
    if (parseInt(parts1[1]) > parseInt(parts2[1])) {
        latest = true;
    } else if (parseInt(parts1[1]) == parseInt(parts2[1])) {
        if (parseInt(parts1[0]) >= parseInt(parts2[0])) {
            latest = true;

return latest;


How do I upgrade the Python installation in Windows 10?

Every minor version of Python, that is any 3.x and 2.x version, will install side-by-side with other versions on your computer. Only patch versions will upgrade existing installations.

So if you want to keep your installed Python 2.7 around, then just let it and install a new version using the installer. If you want to get rid of Python 2.7, you can uninstall it before or after installing a newer version—there is no difference to this.

Current Python 3 installations come with the py.exe launcher, which by default is installed into the system directory. This makes it available from the PATH, so you can automatically run it from any shell just by using py instead of python as the command. This avoids you having to put the current Python installation into PATH yourself. That way, you can easily have multiple Python installations side-by-side without them interfering with each other. When running, just use py instead of python to use the launcher. You can also specify a version using for example py -3 or py -3.6 to launch a specific version, otherwise the launcher will use the current default (which will usually be the latest 3.x).

Using the launcher, you can also run Python 2 scripts (which are often syntax incompatible to Python 3), if you decide to keep your Python 2.7 installation. Just use py -2 to launch a script.

As for PyPI packages, every Python installation comes with its own folder where modules are installed into. So if you install a new version and you want to use modules you installed for a previous version, you will have to install them first for the new version. Current versions of the installer also offer you to install pip; it’s enabled by default, so you already have pip for every installation. Unless you explicitly add a Python installation to the PATH, you cannot just use pip though. Luckily, you can also simply use the py.exe launcher for this: py -m pip runs pip. So for example to install Beautiful Soup for Python 3.6, you could run py -3.6 -m pip install beautifulsoup4.

How to put a Scanner input into an array... for example a couple of numbers

import  java.util.Scanner;

class Array {
public static void main(String a[]){

    Scanner input = new Scanner(;

    System.out.println("Enter the size of an Array");

    int num = input.nextInt();

    System.out.println("Enter the Element "+num+" of an Array");

    double[] numbers = new double[num];

    for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++)

        System.out.println("Please enter number");

        numbers[i] = input.nextDouble();


    for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++)

        if ( (i%3) !=0){



        } else {




Comparing arrays for equality in C++

If you are willing to use std::array instead of built-in arrays, you may use:

std::array<int, 5> iar1 = {1,2,3,4,5};
std::array<int, 5> iar2 = {1,2,3,4,5};

if (iar1 == iar2)

How to retrieve inserted id after inserting row in SQLite using Python?

You could use cursor.lastrowid (see "Optional DB API Extensions"):

cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE foo (id integer primary key autoincrement ,
                                    username varchar(50),
                                    password varchar(50))''')
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO foo (username,password) VALUES (?,?)',
# 1

If two people are inserting at the same time, as long as they are using different cursors, cursor.lastrowid will return the id for the last row that cursor inserted:

cursor.execute('INSERT INTO foo (username,password) VALUES (?,?)',

cursor2.execute('INSERT INTO foo (username,password) VALUES (?,?)',

# 3
# 2

cursor.execute('INSERT INTO foo (id,username,password) VALUES (?,?,?)',
# 100

Note that lastrowid returns None when you insert more than one row at a time with executemany:

cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO foo (username,password) VALUES (?,?)',
# None

How to square all the values in a vector in R?

Try this (faster and simpler):

newData <- data^2

Strange Jackson exception being thrown when serializing Hibernate object

I had the same error message from spring's @RestController. My rest controller class was using spring's JpaRepository class and by replacing repository.getOne(id) method call with repository.findOne(id) problem was gone.

Format a Go string without printing?

fmt.SprintF function returns a string and you can format the string the very same way you would have with fmt.PrintF

event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead

If you using Bootstrap:

The current version of Bootstrap (3.0.2) (with jQuery 1.10.2 & Chrome) seems to generate this warning as well.

(It does so on Twitter too, BTW.)


The current version of Bootstrap (3.1.0) no longer seems to generate this warning.

Android - shadow on text?

You can do both in code and XML. Only 4 basic things to be set.

  1. shadow color
  2. Shadow Dx - it specifies the X-axis offset of shadow. You can give -/+ values, where -Dx draws a shadow on the left of text and +Dx on the right
  3. shadow Dy - it specifies the Y-axis offset of shadow. -Dy specifies a shadow above the text and +Dy specifies below the text.
  4. shadow radius - specifies how much the shadow should be blurred at the edges. Provide a small value if shadow needs to be prominent. Else otherwise.



This draws a prominent shadow on left-lower side of text. In code, you can add something like this;

    TextView item = new TextView(getApplicationContext());
    item.setShadowLayer(0.01f, -2, 2,   getResources().getColor(R.color.text_shadow_color));

How do I lock the orientation to portrait mode in a iPhone Web Application?

I like the idea of telling the user to put his phone back into portrait mode. Like it's mentioned here: ...but utilising CSS instead of JavaScript.

CodeIgniter Disallowed Key Characters

Open libraries/Input.php (system/core/Input.php in CI version 2.0+) and locate function _clean_input_keys($str){,

Modify if ( ! preg_match("/^[a-z0-9:_\/-]+$/i", $str)) to if ( ! preg_match("/^[a-z0-9:_\-|]+$/i", $str))

Oracle SQL escape character (for a '&')

Set the define character to something other than &

create table blah (x varchar(20));
insert into blah (x) values ('blah&amp');
select * from blah;


Binding an enum to a WinForms combo box, and then setting it

You could use the "FindString.." functions:

Public Class Form1
    Public Enum Test
    End Enum
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        ComboBox1.DataSource = [Enum].GetValues(GetType(Test))
        ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = ComboBox1.FindStringExact("jack")
        ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = ComboBox1.FindStringExact(Test.jack.ToString())
        ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = ComboBox1.FindStringExact([Enum].GetName(GetType(Test), Test.jack))
        ComboBox1.SelectedItem = Test.bill
    End Sub
End Class

ASP.NET GridView RowIndex As CommandArgument

Here is a very simple way:

<asp:ButtonField ButtonType="Button" CommandName="Edit" Text="Edit" Visible="True" 
                 CommandArgument='<%# Container.DataItemIndex %>' />

OpenJDK8 for windows

Go to this link

Download version tar.gz for windows and just extract files to the folder by your needs. On the left pane, you can select which version of openjdk to download

Tutorial: unzip as expected. You need to set system variable PATH to include your directory with openjdk so you can type java -version in console.

JDK vs OpenJDK

How to call Android contacts list?

-> Add a permission to read contacts data to your application manifest.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS"/>

-> Use Intent.Action_Pick in your Activity like below

Intent contactPickerIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,
        startActivityForResult(contactPickerIntent, RESULT_PICK_CONTACT);

-> Then Override the onActivityResult()

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        // check whether the result is ok
        if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
            // Check for the request code, we might be usign multiple startActivityForReslut
            switch (requestCode) {
            case RESULT_PICK_CONTACT:
               Cursor cursor = null;
        try {
            String phoneNo = null ;
            String name = null;           
            Uri uri = data.getData();            
            cursor = getContentResolver().query(uri, null, null, null, null);
            int  phoneIndex =cursor.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER);
            phoneNo = cursor.getString(phoneIndex); 

        } catch (Exception e) {
        } else {
            Log.e("MainActivity", "Failed to pick contact");

This will work check it out

How to write an ArrayList of Strings into a text file?

You can do that with a single line of code nowadays. Create the arrayList and the Path object representing the file where you want to write into:

Path out = Paths.get("output.txt");
List<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<> ( Arrays.asList ( "a" , "b" , "c" ) );

Create the actual file, and fill it with the text in the ArrayList:


Data was not saved: object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing

It should be CascadeType.Merge, in that case it will update if the record already exists.

Color different parts of a RichTextBox string

private void Log(string s , Color? c = null)
            richTextBox.SelectionStart = richTextBox.TextLength;
            richTextBox.SelectionLength = 0;
            richTextBox.SelectionColor = c ?? Color.Black;
            richTextBox.AppendText((richTextBox.Lines.Count() == 0 ? "" : Environment.NewLine) + DateTime.Now + "\t" + s);
            richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Black;


How does Python manage int and long?

Just to continue to all the answers that were given here, especially @James Lanes

the size of the integer type can be expressed by this formula:

total range = (2 ^ bit system)

lower limit = -(2 ^ bit system)*0.5 upper limit = ((2 ^ bit system)*0.5) - 1

Angularjs: input[text] ngChange fires while the value is changing

This is about recent additions to AngularJS, to serve as future answer (also for another question).

Angular newer versions (now in 1.3 beta), AngularJS natively supports this option, using ngModelOptions, like

ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default blur', debounce: { default: 500, blur: 0 } }"

NgModelOptions docs


<input type="text" name="username"
       ng-model-options="{updateOn: 'default blur', debounce: {default: 500, blur: 0} }" />

jQuery - Follow the cursor with a DIV

This works for me. Has a nice delayed action going on.

var $mouseX = 0, $mouseY = 0;
var $xp = 0, $yp =0;

    $mouseX = e.pageX;
    $mouseY = e.pageY;    

var $loop = setInterval(function(){
// change 12 to alter damping higher is slower
$xp += (($mouseX - $xp)/12);
$yp += (($mouseY - $yp)/12);
$("#moving_div").css({left:$xp +'px', top:$yp +'px'});  
}, 30);

Nice and simples

Horizontal list items

This fiddle shows how

ul, li {

Great references on lists and css here:

How to append one DataTable to another DataTable

Add two datasets containing datatables, now it will merge as required

DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
DataSet ds2 = new DataSet();

DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
dt1.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Column1", typeof(System.String)));

DataRow newSelRow1 = dt1.NewRow();
newSelRow1["Column1"] = "Select";

DataTable dt2 = new DataTable();
dt2.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Column1", typeof(System.String)));

DataRow newSelRow2 = dt1.NewRow();
newSelRow2["Column1"] = "DataRow1Data";  // Data



Now ds1 will have the merged data

Adding a Method to an Existing Object Instance

You can use lambda to bind a method to an instance:

def run(self):
    print self._instanceString

class A(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._instanceString = "This is instance string"

a = A() = lambda: run(a)


This is instance string

Is it possible to decrypt SHA1

Since SHA-1 maps several byte sequences to one, you can't "decrypt" a hash, but in theory you can find collisions: strings that have the same hash.

It seems that breaking a single hash would cost about 2.7 million dollars worth of computer time currently, so your efforts are probably better spent somewhere else.

Java how to sort a Linked List?

Elegant solution since JAVA 8:

LinkedList<String>list = new LinkedList<String>();


Another option would be using lambda expressions:

list.sort((o1, o2) -> o1.compareToIgnoreCase(o2));

How do I inject a controller into another controller in AngularJS

use typescript for your coding, because it's object oriented, strictly typed and easy to maintain the code ...

for more info about typescipt click here

Here one simple example I have created to share data between two controller using Typescript...

module Demo {
//create only one module for single Applicaiton
angular.module('app', []);
//Create a searvie to share the data
export class CommonService {
    sharedData: any;
    constructor() {
        this.sharedData = "send this data to Controller";
//add Service to module app
angular.module('app').service('CommonService', CommonService);

//Create One controller for one purpose
export class FirstController {
    dataInCtrl1: any;
    //Don't forget to inject service to access data from service
    static $inject = ['CommonService']
    constructor(private commonService: CommonService) { }
    public getDataFromService() {
        this.dataInCtrl1 = this.commonService.sharedData;
//add controller to module app
angular.module('app').controller('FirstController', FirstController);
export class SecondController {
    dataInCtrl2: any;
    static $inject = ['CommonService']
    constructor(private commonService: CommonService) { }
    public getDataFromService() {
        this.dataInCtrl2 = this.commonService.sharedData;
angular.module('app').controller('SecondController', SecondController);


how to inherit Constructor from super class to sub class

Default constructors -- public constructors with out arguments (either declared or implied) -- are inherited by default. You can try the following code for an example of this:

public class CtorTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final Sub sub = new Sub();

    private static class Base {
        public Base() {
            System.err.println("In Base ctor");

    private static class Sub extends Base {
        public Sub() {
            System.err.println("In Sub ctor");

If you want to explicitly call a constructor from a super class, you need to do something like this:

public class Ctor2Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final Sub sub = new Sub();

    private static class Base {
        public Base() {
            System.err.println("In Base ctor");

        public Base(final String toPrint) {
            System.err.println("In Base ctor.  To Print: " + toPrint);

    private static class Sub extends Base {
        public Sub() {
            super("Hello World!");
            System.err.println("In Sub ctor");

The only caveat is that the super() call must come as the first line of your constructor, else the compiler will get mad at you.

How to format an inline code in Confluence?

The easiest way I've found to do this is to write in markdown right from the start of the line. Press Ctrl+D (shortcut for opening the markup input dialog) and type markdown. The normal wiki editor doesn't seem to be very good for precise formatting. It doesn't seem to know much about character styles and only knows paragraph styles.

How to remove the last character from a string?

How to make the char in the recursion at the end:

public static String  removeChar(String word, char charToRemove)
        String char_toremove=Character.toString(charToRemove);
        for(int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++)
            if(word.charAt(i) == charToRemove)
                String newWord = word.substring(0, i) + word.substring(i + 1);
                return removeChar(newWord,charToRemove);
        return word;

for exemple:

removeChar ("hello world, let's go!",'l') ? "heo word, et's go!llll"
removeChar("you should not go",'o') ? "yu shuld nt goooo"

Merging two arrayLists into a new arrayList, with no duplicates and in order, in Java

I'm not sure why your current code is failing (what is the Exception you get?), but I would like to point out this approach performs O(N-squared). Consider pre-sorting your input arrays (if they are not defined to be pre-sorted) and merging the sorted arrays:

Sorting is generally O(N logN) and the merge is O(m+n).

How to create global variables accessible in all views using Express / Node.JS?

One way to do this by updating the app.locals variable for that app in app.js

Set via following

var app = express();
app.locals.appName = "DRC on FHIR";

Get / Access

app.listen(3000, function () {
    console.log('[' + app.locals.appName + '] => app listening on port 3001!');

Elaborating with a screenshot from @RamRovi example with slight enhancement.

enter image description here

"Expected an indented block" error?

You have to indent the docstring after the function definition there (line 3, 4):

def print_lol(the_list):
"""this doesn't works"""
    print 'Ain't happening'


def print_lol(the_list):
    """this works!"""
    print 'Aaaand it's happening'

Or you can use # to comment instead:

def print_lol(the_list):
#this works, too!
    print 'Hohoho'

Also, you can see PEP 257 about docstrings.

Hope this helps!

How to run a script file remotely using SSH

Backticks will run the command on the local shell and put the results on the command line. What you're saying is 'execute ./test/ and then pass the output as if I'd typed it on the commandline here'.

Try the following command, and make sure that thats the path from your home directory on the remote computer to your script.

ssh kev@server1 './test/'

Also, the script has to be on the remote computer. What this does is essentially log you into the remote computer with the listed command as your shell. You can't run a local script on a remote computer like this (unless theres some fun trick I don't know).

How can I increase the JVM memory?

When calling java use the -Xmx Flag for example -Xmx512m for 512 megs for the heap size. You may also want to consider the -xms flag to start the heap larger if you are going to have it grow right from the start. The default size is 128megs.

Create a simple 10 second countdown

This does it in text.

<p> The download will begin in <span id="countdowntimer">10 </span> Seconds</p>_x000D_
<script type="text/javascript">_x000D_
    var timeleft = 10;_x000D_
    var downloadTimer = setInterval(function(){_x000D_
    document.getElementById("countdowntimer").textContent = timeleft;_x000D_
    if(timeleft <= 0)_x000D_

How to set size for local image using knitr for markdown?

The knitr::include_graphics solution worked well for resizing the figures, but I was unable to figure out how to use it to produce side-by-side resized figures. I found this post useful for doing so.

ERROR: Sonar server 'http://localhost:9000' can not be reached

If you use SonarScanner CLI with Docker, you may have this error because the SonarScanner container can not access to the Sonar UI container.

Note that you will have the same error with a simple curl from another container:

docker run --rm byrnedo/alpine-curl
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 8080: Connection refused

The solution is to connect the SonarScanner container to the same docker network of your sonar instance, for instance with --network=host:

docker run --network=host -e SONAR_HOST_URL='' --user="$(id -u):$(id -g)" -v "$PWD:/usr/src" sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli

(other parameters of this command comes from the SonarScanner CLI documentation)

how to send an array in url request

Separate with commas:






Either way, your method signature needs to be:

@RequestMapping(value = "/GetJson", method = RequestMethod.GET) 
public void getJson(@RequestParam("name") String[] ticker, @RequestParam("startDate") String startDate, @RequestParam("endDate") String endDate) {
   //code to get results from db for those params.

Unity 2d jumping script

The answer above is now obsolete with Unity 5 or newer. Use this instead!

GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(new Vector2(0,10), ForceMode2D.Impulse);

I also want to add that this leaves the jump height super private and only editable in the script, so this is what I did...

    public float playerSpeed;  //allows us to be able to change speed in Unity
public Vector2 jumpHeight;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {

// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
    transform.Translate(playerSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0f, 0f);  //makes player run

    if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))  //makes player jump
        GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(jumpHeight, ForceMode2D.Impulse);

This makes it to where you can edit the jump height in Unity itself without having to go back to the script.

Side note - I wanted to comment on the answer above, but I can't because I'm new here. :)

How to call a function after a div is ready?

To do something after certain div load from function .load(). I think this exactly what you need:

  $('#divIDer').load(document.URL +  ' #divIDer',function() {

       // call here what you want .....


In Oracle SQL: How do you insert the current date + time into a table?

You may try with below query :

INSERT INTO errortable (dateupdated,table1id)
VALUES (to_date(to_char(sysdate,'dd/mon/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss' ),1083 );

To view the result of it:

SELECT to_char(hire_dateupdated, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') 
FROM errortable 
    WHERE table1id = 1083;

Forbidden :You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin on this server

With the latest version of phpmyadmin 5.0.2+ at least

Check that the actual installation was completed correctly,

Mine had been copied over into a sub folder on a linux machine rather that being at the


Selecting option by text content with jQuery

Replace this:

var cat = $.jqURL.get('category');
var $dd = $('#cbCategory');
var $options = $('option', $dd);
$options.each(function() {
if ($(this).text() == cat)
    $(this).select(); // This is where my problem is

With this:


Calling val() on a select list will automatically select the option with that value, if any.

Break out of a While...Wend loop

A While/Wend loop can only be exited prematurely with a GOTO or by exiting from an outer block (Exit sub/function or another exitable loop)

Change to a Do loop instead:

Do While True
    count = count + 1

    If count = 10 Then
        Exit Do
    End If

Or for looping a set number of times:

for count = 1 to 10
   msgbox count

(Exit For can be used above to exit prematurely)

Angularjs simple file download causes router to redirect

We also had to develop a solution which would even work with APIs requiring authentication (see this article)

Using AngularJS in a nutshell here is how we did it:

Step 1: Create a dedicated directive

// jQuery needed, uses Bootstrap classes, adjust the path of templateUrl
app.directive('pdfDownload', function() {
return {
    restrict: 'E',
    templateUrl: '/path/to/pdfDownload.tpl.html',
    scope: true,
    link: function(scope, element, attr) {
        var anchor = element.children()[0];

        // When the download starts, disable the link
        scope.$on('download-start', function() {
            $(anchor).attr('disabled', 'disabled');

        // When the download finishes, attach the data to the link. Enable the link and change its appearance.
        scope.$on('downloaded', function(event, data) {
                href: 'data:application/pdf;base64,' + data,
                download: attr.filename

            // Also overwrite the download pdf function to do nothing.
            scope.downloadPdf = function() {
    controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', '$http', function($scope, $attrs, $http) {
        $scope.downloadPdf = function() {
            $http.get($attrs.url).then(function(response) {

Step 2: Create a template

<a href="" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="downloadPdf()">Download</a>

Step 3: Use it

<pdf-download url="/some/path/to/a.pdf" filename="my-awesome-pdf"></pdf-download>

This will render a blue button. When clicked, a PDF will be downloaded (Caution: the backend has to deliver the PDF in Base64 encoding!) and put into the href. The button turns green and switches the text to Save. The user can click again and will be presented with a standard download file dialog for the file my-awesome.pdf.

Our example uses PDF files, but apparently you could provide any binary format given it's properly encoded.

Send XML data to webservice using php curl

Previous anwser works fine. I would just add that you dont need to specify CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS as "xmlRequest=" . $input_xml to read your $_POST. You can use file_get_contents('php://input') to get the raw post data as plain XML.

Calculate correlation for more than two variables?

You might want to look at Quick-R, which has a lot of nice little tutorials on how you can do basic statistics in R. For example on correlations:

What is the proper REST response code for a valid request but an empty data?

It is sad that something so simple and well defined became "opinion based" in this thread.

A HTTP server only knows of "entities", which is an abstraction for any content, be it a static web page, a list of search results, a list of other entities, a json description of something, a media file, etc etc.

Each such entity is expected to be identifiable by a unique URL, e.g.

  • /user/9 -- a single entity: a USER ID=9
  • /users -- a single entity: a LIST of all users
  • /media/x.mp3 -- a single entity: a media FILE called x.mp3
  • /search -- a single entity: a dynamic CONTENT based on query params

If a server finds a resource by the given URL, it does not matter what its contents are -- 2G of data, null, {}, [] -- as long as it exists, it will be 200. But if such entity is not known to the server, it is EXPECTED to return 404 "Not Found".

One confusion seems to be from developers who think if the application has a handler for a certain path shape, it should not be an error. In the eyes of the HTTP protocol it does not matter what happened in the internals of the server (ie. whether the default router responded or a handler for a specific path shape), as long as there is no matching entity on the server to the requested URL (that requested MP3 file, webpage, user object etc), which would return valid contents (empty or otherwise), it must be 404 (or 410 etc).

Another point of confusion seems to be around "no data" and "no entity". The former is about content of an entity, and the latter about its existence.

Example 1:

  • No data: /users returns 200 OK, body: [] because nobody registered yet
  • No entity: /users returns 404 because there is no path /users

Example 2:

  • No data: /user/9 returns return 200 OK, body: {}, because user ID=9 never entered his/her personal data
  • No entity: /user/9 returns 404 because there is no user ID=9

Example 3:

  • No data: /search?name=Joe returns 200 OK [], because there are no Joe's in the DB
  • No entity: /search?name=Joe returns 404 because there is no path /search

Convert a numpy.ndarray to string(or bytes) and convert it back to numpy.ndarray

This is a slightly improvised answer to ajsp answer using XML-RPC.

On the server-side when you convert the data, convert the numpy data to a string using the '.tostring()' method. This encodes the numpy ndarray as bytes string. On the client-side when you receive the data decode it using '.fromstring()' method. I wrote two simple functions for this. Hope this is helpful.

  1. ndarray2str -- Converts numpy ndarray to bytes string.
  2. str2ndarray -- Converts binary str back to numpy ndarray.
    def ndarray2str(a):
        # Convert the numpy array to string 
        a = a.tostring()

        return a

On the receiver side, the data is received as a 'xmlrpc.client.Binary' object. You need to access the data using '.data'.

    def str2ndarray(a):
        # Specify your data type, mine is numpy float64 type, so I am specifying it as np.float64
        a = np.fromstring(, dtype=np.float64)
        a = np.reshape(a, new_shape)

        return a

Note: Only problem with this approach is that XML-RPC is very slow while sending large numpy arrays. It took me around 4 secs to send and receive a (10, 500, 500, 3) size numpy array for me.

I am using python 3.7.4.

Transparent CSS background color

To achieve it, you have to modify the background-color of the element.

Ways to create a (semi-) transparent color:

  • The CSS color name transparent creates a completely transparent color.


        background-color: transparent;
  • Using rgba or hsla color functions, that allow you to add the alpha channel (opacity) to the rgb and hsl functions. Their alpha values range from 0 - 1.


        background-color: rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5);
        background-color:  hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0);
  • Besides the already mentioned solutions, you can also use the HEX format with alpha value (#RRGGBBAA or #RGBA notation).

    That's pretty new (contained by CSS Color Module Level 4), but already implemented in larger browsers (sorry, no IE).

    This differs from the other solutions, as this treats the alpha channel (opacity) as a hexadecimal value as well, making it range from 0 - 255 (FF).


        background-color: #FFFF0080;
        background-color: #0000;

You can try them out as well:

  • transparent:

div {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50px;
  left: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  width: 200px;
  text-align: center;
  line-height: 100px;
  border: 1px dashed grey;
  background-color: transparent;
<img src="">
  Using `transparent`

  • rgba():

div {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50px;
  left: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  width: 200px;
  text-align: center;
  line-height: 100px;
  border: 1px dashed grey;
  background-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.3);
<img src="">
  Using `rgba()`


div {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50px;
  left: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  width: 200px;
  text-align: center;
  line-height: 100px;
  border: 1px dashed grey;
  background-color: #FF000060
<img src="">
  Using `#RRGGBBAA`

How do I clear the content of a div using JavaScript?

You can do it the DOM way as well:

var div = document.getElementById('cart_item');

How to write oracle insert script with one field as CLOB?

Keep in mind that SQL strings can not be larger than 4000 bytes, while Pl/SQL can have strings as large as 32767 bytes. see below for an example of inserting a large string via an anonymous block which I believe will do everything you need it to do.

note I changed the varchar2(32000) to CLOB

set serveroutput ON 
CREATE TABLE testclob 
     id NUMBER, 
     c  CLOB, 
     d  VARCHAR2(4000) 

    reallybigtextstring CLOB := '123'; 
    i                   INT; 
    WHILE Length(reallybigtextstring) <= 60000 LOOP 
        reallybigtextstring := reallybigtextstring 
                               || '000000000000000000000000000000000'; 
    END LOOP; 

    INSERT INTO testclob 
    VALUES     (0, 

    dbms_output.Put_line('I have finished inputting your clob: ' 
                         || Length(reallybigtextstring)); 

FROM   testclob; 

 "I have finished inputting your clob: 60030"

How can I send a Firebase Cloud Messaging notification without use the Firebase Console?

this solution from this link helped me a lot. you can check it out.

The curl.php file with those line of instruction can work.

// Server key from Firebase Console define( 'API_ACCESS_KEY', 'AAAA----FE6F' );
$data = array("to" => "cNf2---6Vs9", "notification" => array( "title" => "", "body" => "A Code Sharing Blog!","icon" => "icon.png", "click_action" => ""));
$data_string = json_encode($data);
echo "The Json Data : ".$data_string;
$headers = array ( 'Authorization: key=' . API_ACCESS_KEY, 'Content-Type: application/json' );
$ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_URL, '' );
curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_POST, true );
curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers );
curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
curl_close ($ch);
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>";
echo "The Result : ".$result;

Remember you need to execute curl.php file using another browser ie not from the browser that is used to get the user token. You can see notification only if you are browsing another website.

How to remove all ListBox items?

I think it would be better to actually bind your listBoxes to a datasource, since it looks like you are adding the same elements to each listbox. A simple example would be something like this:

    private List<String> _weight = new List<string>() { "kilogram", "pound" };
    private List<String> _height = new List<string>() { "foot", "inch", "meter" };

    public Window1()

    private void Weight_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        listBox1.ItemsSource = _weight;
        listBox2.ItemsSource = _weight;

    private void Height_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        listBox1.ItemsSource = _height;
        listBox2.ItemsSource = _height;

Xcode 'CodeSign error: code signing is required'

In my case, locking and unlocking login-keychain from Keychain Access did the trick enter image description here

Incomplete type is not allowed: stringstream

#include <sstream> and use the fully qualified name i.e. std::stringstream ss;

Check if a number has a decimal place/is a whole number

convert number string to array, split by decimal point. Then, if the array has only one value, that means no decimal in string.

    //do stuff

This way you can also know what the integer and decimal actually are. a more advanced example would be.

number_to_array = string.split(".");
inte = number_to_array[0];
dece = number_to_array[1]; 

    //do stuff

How to set selected index JComboBox by value

Why not take a collection, likely a Map such as a HashMap, and use it as the nucleus of your own combo box model class that implements the ComboBoxModel interface? Then you could access your combo box's items easily via their key Strings rather than ints.

For instance...

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.swing.ComboBoxModel;
import javax.swing.event.ListDataListener;

public class MyComboModel<K, V>   implements ComboBoxModel {
   private Map<K, V> nucleus = new HashMap<K, V>();

   // ... any constructors that you want would go here

   public void put(K key, V value) {
      nucleus.put(key, value);

   public V get(K key) {
      return nucleus.get(key);

   public void addListDataListener(ListDataListener arg0) {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub


   // ... plus all the other methods required by the interface

Determine path of the executing script

Amazing there is no '$0' type structure in R! You can do it with a system() call to a bash script written in R:

write.table(c("readlink -e $0"), file="",col=F, row=F, quote=F)
thisscript <- system("sh", intern = TRUE)

Then just split out the name for other.R

splitstr <- rev(strsplit(thisscript, "\\/")[[1]])
otherscript <- paste0(paste(rev(splitstr[2:length(splitstr)]),collapse="/"),"/other.R")

Can I access a form in the controller?

You can attach the form to some object which is defined in a parent controller. Then you can reach your form even from a child scope.

Parent controller

$scope.forms = {};

Some template in a child scope

<form name="forms.form1">

Problem is that the form doesn't have to be defined in the moment when to code in the controller is executed. So you have to do something like this

$scope.$watch('forms.form1', function(form) {
  if(form) {
    // your code...

Is there an operator to calculate percentage in Python?

There is no such operator in Python, but it is trivial to implement on your own. In practice in computing, percentages are not nearly as useful as a modulo, so no language that I can think of implements one.

Stripping everything but alphanumeric chars from a string in Python

I just timed some functions out of curiosity. In these tests I'm removing non-alphanumeric characters from the string string.printable (part of the built-in string module). The use of compiled '[\W_]+' and pattern.sub('', str) was found to be fastest.

$ python -m timeit -s \
     "import string" \
     "''.join(ch for ch in string.printable if ch.isalnum())" 
10000 loops, best of 3: 57.6 usec per loop

$ python -m timeit -s \
    "import string" \
    "filter(str.isalnum, string.printable)"                 
10000 loops, best of 3: 37.9 usec per loop

$ python -m timeit -s \
    "import re, string" \
    "re.sub('[\W_]', '', string.printable)"
10000 loops, best of 3: 27.5 usec per loop

$ python -m timeit -s \
    "import re, string" \
    "re.sub('[\W_]+', '', string.printable)"                
100000 loops, best of 3: 15 usec per loop

$ python -m timeit -s \
    "import re, string; pattern = re.compile('[\W_]+')" \
    "pattern.sub('', string.printable)" 
100000 loops, best of 3: 11.2 usec per loop

Map isn't showing on Google Maps JavaScript API v3 when nested in a div tag

The problem is with percentage sizing. You are not defining the size of the parent div (the new one), so the browser can not report the size to the Google Maps API. Giving the wrapper div a specific size, or a percentage size if the size of its parent can be determined, will work.

See this explanation from Mike Williams' Google Maps API v2 tutorial:

If you try to use style="width:100%;height:100%" on your map div, you get a map div that has zero height. That's because the div tries to be a percentage of the size of the <body>, but by default the <body> has an indeterminate height.

There are ways to determine the height of the screen and use that number of pixels as the height of the map div, but a simple alternative is to change the <body> so that its height is 100% of the page. We can do this by applying style="height:100%" to both the <body> and the <html>. (We have to do it to both, otherwise the <body> tries to be 100% of the height of the document, and the default for that is an indeterminate height.)

Add the 100% size to html and body in your css

    html, body, #map-canvas {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        height: 100%;
        width: 100%;

Add it inline to any divs that don't have an id:

  <div style="height:100%; width: 100%;"> 
    <div id="map-canvas"></div>

Android difference between Two Dates

DateTime start = new DateTime(2013, 10, 20, 5, 0, 0, Locale);
DateTime end = new DateTime(2013, 10, 21, 13, 0, 0, Locale);
Days.daysBetween(start.toLocalDate(), end.toLocalDate()).getDays()

it returns how many days between given two dates, where DateTime is from joda library

This view is not constrained vertically. At runtime it will jump to the left unless you add a vertical constraint

Follow these steps:
Right click on designing part > Constraint Layout > Infer Constraints

URL Encode a string in jQuery for an AJAX request

encodeURIComponent works fine for me. we can give the url like this in ajax call.The code shown below:

    cache: false,
    type: "POST",
    url: "",
    data: "strChannelName=" + $('#txtupdstorename').val() + "&ServiceUrl=" + encodeURIComponent($('#txtupdserviceurl').val()),
    dataType: "HTML",
    success: function (data) {
    error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {

Android Emulator: Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE

Just uninstall the previous Apk and install the updated APK

Keyboard shortcut to "untab" (move a block of code to the left) in eclipse / aptana?

Don't know if anyone is still looking here, but you can do this by going to Window menu > Preferences, then open the General list, choose keys. Scroll down the list of keys until you see "Shift Left". Click that. Below that you'll see some boxes, one of which lets you bind a key. It won't accept Shift-Tab, so I bound it to Shift-`. Apply-and-close and you're all set.

How to return PDF to browser in MVC?

You must specify :

Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "inline; filename=file.pdf");
return new FileStreamResult(stream, "application/pdf")

For the file to be opened directly in the browser instead of being downloaded

Func vs. Action vs. Predicate

Action is a delegate (pointer) to a method, that takes zero, one or more input parameters, but does not return anything.

Func is a delegate (pointer) to a method, that takes zero, one or more input parameters, and returns a value (or reference).

Predicate is a special kind of Func often used for comparisons.

Though widely used with Linq, Action and Func are concepts logically independent of Linq. C++ already contained the basic concept in form of typed function pointers.

Here is a small example for Action and Func without using Linq:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Action<int> myAction = new Action<int>(DoSomething);
        myAction(123);           // Prints out "123"
                                 // can be also called as myAction.Invoke(123);

        Func<int, double> myFunc = new Func<int, double>(CalculateSomething);
        Console.WriteLine(myFunc(5));   // Prints out "2.5"

    static void DoSomething(int i)

    static double CalculateSomething(int i)
        return (double)i/2;

Sort list in C# with LINQ

Like this?


var sortedList = originalList.OrderBy(foo => !foo.AVC)

Or in-place:

originalList.Sort((foo1, foo2) => foo2.AVC.CompareTo(foo1.AVC));

As Jon Skeet says, the trick here is knowing that false is considered to be 'smaller' than true.

If you find that you are doing these ordering operations in lots of different places in your code, you might want to get your type Foo to implement the IComparable<Foo> and IComparable interfaces.

Angular 2 filter/search list

Slight modification to @Mosche answer, for handling if there exist no filter element.


import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

    name: 'filterFromList'
export class FilterPipe implements PipeTransform {
    public transform(value, keys: string, term: string) {

        if (!term) {
            return value
        let res = (value || []).filter((item) => keys.split(',').some(key => item.hasOwnProperty(key) && new RegExp(term, 'gi').test(item[key])));
        return res.length ? res : [-1];


Now, in your HTML you can check via '-1' value, for no results.


<div *ngFor="let item of list | filterFromList: 'attribute': inputVariableModel">
            <mat-list-item *ngIf="item !== -1">
                <h4 mat-line class="inline-block">
            <mat-list-item *ngIf="item === -1">
                No Matches

Adding additional data to select options using jQuery

HTML/JSP Markup:

data-raison="${compte.libelleSociale}"   data-rib="${compte.numeroCompte}"                              <c:out value="${compte.libelleCompte} *MAD*"/>

JQUERY CODE: Event: change

var $this = $(this);
var $selectedOption = $this.find('option:selected');
var libelle = $'libelle');

To have a element libelle.val() or libelle.text()

Ajax using https on an http page

Here's what I do:

Generate a hidden iFrame with the data you would like to post. Since you still control that iFrame, same origin does not apply. Then submit the form in that iFrame to the ssl page. The ssl page then redirects to a non-ssl page with status messages. You have access to the iFrame.

Setting max-height for table cell contents

Possibly not cross browser but I managed get this:

basically it requires a fixed height header and footer. and it absolute positions the table.

    table {
        width: 50%;
        height: 50%;
        border-spacing: 0;
    td {
        border: 1px solid black;
    #content {
        overflow: hidden;

Oracle: is there a tool to trace queries, like Profiler for sql server?

You can use The Oracle Enterprise Manager to monitor the active sessions, with the query that is being executed, its execution plan, locks, some statistics and even a progress bar for the longer tasks.


Go to Instance -> sessions and watch the SQL Tab of each session.

There are other ways. Enterprise manager just puts with pretty colors what is already available in specials views like those documented here:

And, of course you can also use Explain PLAN FOR, TRACE tool and tons of other ways of instrumentalization. There are some reports in the enterprise manager for the top most expensive SQL Queries. You can also search recent queries kept on the cache.

How can I write output from a unit test?

Trace.WriteLine should work provided you select the correct output (the dropdown labeled with "Show output from" found in the Output window).

List comprehension on a nested list?

Here is how to convert nested for loop to nested list comprehension:

enter image description here

Here is how nested list comprehension works:

            l a b c d e f
            ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
In [1]: l = [ [ [ [ [ [ 1 ] ] ] ] ] ]
In [2]: for a in l:
   ...:     for b in a:
   ...:         for c in b:
   ...:             for d in c:
   ...:                 for e in d:
   ...:                     for f in e:
   ...:                         print(float(f))

In [3]: [float(f)
         for a in l
   ...:     for b in a
   ...:         for c in b
   ...:             for d in c
   ...:                 for e in d
   ...:                     for f in e]
Out[3]: [1.0]

For your case, it will be something like this.

In [4]: new_list = [float(y) for x in l for y in x]

Visual Studio Code: Auto-refresh file changes

VSCode will never refresh the file if you have changes in that file that are not saved to disk. However, if the file is open and does not have changes, it will replace with the changes on disk, that is true.

There is currently no way to disable this behaviour.

ImportError: No module named 'encodings'

For Python-3 try removing virtual environment files. And resetting it up.

rm -rf venv
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv/
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt edit fo

.setAttribute("disabled", false); changes editable attribute to false

just replace 'myselect' with your id

to disable->

document.getElementById("mySelect").disabled = true;  

to enable->

document.getElementById("mySelect").disabled = false; 

Getting DOM elements by classname

I prefer using Symfony for this. Their libraries are pretty nice.

Use the The DomCrawler Component


$browser = new HttpBrowser(HttpClient::create());
$crawler = $browser->request('GET', '');
$class = $crawler->filter('.class')->first();

Setting active profile and config location from command line in spring boot

you can use the following command line:

java -jar[yourProfileName] target/[yourJar].jar

jQuery replace one class with another

To do this efficiently using jQuery, you can chain it like so:


For simplicities sake, you can also do it step by step like so (note assigning the jquery object to a var isnt necessary, but it feels safer in case you accidentally remove the class you're targeting before adding the new class and are directly accessing the dom node via its jquery selector like $('.theClassThatsThereNow')):

var el = $('.theClassThatsThereNow');

Also (since there is a js tag), if you wanted to do it in vanilla js:

For modern browsers (See this to see which browsers I'm calling modern)

(assuming one element with class theClassThatsThereNow)

var el = document.querySelector('.theClassThatsThereNow');

Or older browsers:

var el = document.getElementsByClassName('theClassThatsThereNow');
el.className = el.className.replace(/\s*theClassThatsThereNow\s*/, ' newClassWithYourStyleRules ');

How do I calculate r-squared using Python and Numpy?

R-squared is a statistic that only applies to linear regression.

Essentially, it measures how much variation in your data can be explained by the linear regression.

So, you calculate the "Total Sum of Squares", which is the total squared deviation of each of your outcome variables from their mean. . .


where y_bar is the mean of the y's.

Then, you calculate the "regression sum of squares", which is how much your FITTED values differ from the mean


and find the ratio of those two.

Now, all you would have to do for a polynomial fit is plug in the y_hat's from that model, but it's not accurate to call that r-squared.

Here is a link I found that speaks to it a little.

Python - Passing a function into another function

For passing both a function, and any arguments to the function:

from typing import Callable    

def looper(fn: Callable, n:int, *args, **kwargs):
    Call a function `n` times

    fn: Callable
        Function to be called.
    n: int
        Number of times to call `func`.
        Positional arguments to be passed to `func`.
        Keyword arguments to be passed to `func`.

    >>> def foo(a:Union[float, int], b:Union[float, int]):
    ...    '''The function to pass'''
    ...    print(a+b)
    >>> looper(foo, 3, 2, b=4)
    for i in range(n):
        fn(*args, **kwargs)

Depending on what you are doing, it could make sense to define a decorator, or perhaps use functools.partial.

getMinutes() 0-9 - How to display two digit numbers?

For two digit minutes use: new Date().toLocaleFormat("%M")

UITableView, Separator color where to set?

Swift version:

override func viewDidLoad() {

    // Assign your color to this property, for example here we assign the red color.
    tableView.separatorColor = UIColor.redColor()

Getting rid of bullet points from <ul>

I had the same problem, and the way I ended up fixing it was like this:

ul, li{

Maybe it's a little extreme, but when I did that, it worked for me.

Hope this helped

Collapsing Sidebar with Bootstrap

EDIT: I've added one more option for bootstrap sidebars.

There are actually three manners in which you can make a bootstrap 3 sidebar. I tried to keep the code as simple as possible.

Fixed sidebar

Here you can see a demo of a simple fixed sidebar I've developed with the same height as the page

Sidebar in a column

I've also developed a rather simple column sidebar that works in a two or three column page inside a container. It takes the length of the longest column. Here you can see a demo


If you google bootstrap dashboard, you can find multiple suitable dashboard, such as this one. However, most of them require a lot of coding. I've developed a dashboard that works without additional javascript (next to the bootstrap javascript). Here is a demo

For all three examples you off course have to include the jquery, bootstrap css, js and theme.css files.


If you want the sidebar to hide on pressing a button this is also possible with only a little javascript.Here is a demo

Make ABC Ordered List Items Have Bold Style

a bit of a cheat, but it works:


<ol type="A" style="font-weight: bold;">
  <li><span>More text</span></li>


li span { font-weight: normal; }

Why is the console window closing immediately once displayed my output?

I always add the following statement to a console application.(Create a code snippet for this if you wish)

Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit!");

Doing this helps when you want to experiment different concepts through console application.

Ctr + F5 will make the Console stay but you cant debug! All the console applications that I have written in realworld is always non-interactive and triggered by a Scheduler such as TWS or CA Work station and did not require something like this.

How to remove leading zeros from alphanumeric text?

Without using Regex or substring() function on String which will be inefficient -

public static String removeZero(String str){
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(str);
        while (sb.length()>1 && sb.charAt(0) == '0')
        return sb.toString();  // return in String

PHP replacing special characters like à->a, è->e

CodeIgniter way:


$string = convert_accented_characters($string);

This function uses a companion config file application/config/foreign_chars.php to define the to and from array for transliteration.

Detect URLs in text with JavaScript

try this:

function isUrl(s) {
    if (!isUrl.rx_url) {
        // taken from
        // valid prefixes
        isUrl.prefixes=['http:\/\/', 'https:\/\/', 'ftp:\/\/', 'www.'];
        // taken from['com','ru','net','org','de','jp','uk','br','pl','in','it','fr','au','info','nl','ir','cn','es','cz','kr','ua','ca','eu','biz','za','gr','co','ro','se','tw','mx','vn','tr','ch','hu','at','be','dk','tv','me','ar','no','us','sk','xyz','fi','id','cl','by','nz','il','ie','pt','kz','io','my','lt','hk','cc','sg','edu','pk','su','bg','th','top','lv','hr','pe','club','rs','ae','az','si','ph','pro','ng','tk','ee','asia','mobi'];

    if (!isUrl.rx_url.test(s)) return false;
    for (let i=0; i<isUrl.prefixes.length; i++) if (s.startsWith(isUrl.prefixes[i])) return true;
    for (let i=0; i<; i++) if (s.endsWith('.'[i]) || s.includes('.'[i]+'\/') ||s.includes('.'[i]+'?')) return true;
    return false;

function isEmail(s) {
    if (!isEmail.rx_email) {
        // taken from
        var sQtext = '[^\\x0d\\x22\\x5c\\x80-\\xff]';
        var sDtext = '[^\\x0d\\x5b-\\x5d\\x80-\\xff]';
        var sAtom = '[^\\x00-\\x20\\x22\\x28\\x29\\x2c\\x2e\\x3a-\\x3c\\x3e\\x40\\x5b-\\x5d\\x7f-\\xff]+';
        var sQuotedPair = '\\x5c[\\x00-\\x7f]';
        var sDomainLiteral = '\\x5b(' + sDtext + '|' + sQuotedPair + ')*\\x5d';
        var sQuotedString = '\\x22(' + sQtext + '|' + sQuotedPair + ')*\\x22';
        var sDomain_ref = sAtom;
        var sSubDomain = '(' + sDomain_ref + '|' + sDomainLiteral + ')';
        var sWord = '(' + sAtom + '|' + sQuotedString + ')';
        var sDomain = sSubDomain + '(\\x2e' + sSubDomain + ')*';
        var sLocalPart = sWord + '(\\x2e' + sWord + ')*';
        var sAddrSpec = sLocalPart + '\\x40' + sDomain; // complete RFC822 email address spec
        var sValidEmail = '^' + sAddrSpec + '$'; // as whole string

        isEmail.rx_email = new RegExp(sValidEmail);

    return isEmail.rx_email.test(s);

will also recognize urls such as , , http://google.bla , but not google.bla

Copying a HashMap in Java

If you want a copy of the HashMap you need to construct a new one with.

myobjectListB = new HashMap<Integer,myObject>(myobjectListA);

This will create a (shallow) copy of the map.

Search and replace part of string in database

You can do it with an UPDATE statement setting the value with a REPLACE

    Column = Replace(Column, 'find value', 'replacement value')

You will want to be extremely careful when doing this! I highly recommend doing a backup first.

How can I tell if an algorithm is efficient?

Yes you can start with the Wikipedia article explaining the Big O notation, which in a nutshell is a way of describing the "efficiency" (upper bound of complexity) of different type of algorithms. Or you can look at an earlier answer where this is explained in simple english

How do I get into a non-password protected Java keystore or change the password?

which means that cacerts keystore isn't password protected

That's a false assumption. If you read more carefully, you'll find that the listing was provided without verifying the integrity of the keystore because you didn't provide the password. The listing doesn't require a password, but your keystore definitely has a password, as indicated by:

In order to verify its integrity, you must provide your keystore password.

Java's default cacerts password is "changeit", unless you're on a Mac, where it's "changeme" up to a certain point. Apparently as of Mountain Lion (based on comments and another answer here), the password for Mac is now also "changeit", probably because Oracle is now handling distribution for the Mac JVM as well.

Why is the gets function so dangerous that it should not be used?

Why is gets() dangerous

The first internet worm (the Morris Internet Worm) escaped about 30 years ago (1988-11-02), and it used gets() and a buffer overflow as one of its methods of propagating from system to system. The basic problem is that the function doesn't know how big the buffer is, so it continues reading until it finds a newline or encounters EOF, and may overflow the bounds of the buffer it was given.

You should forget you ever heard that gets() existed.

The C11 standard ISO/IEC 9899:2011 eliminated gets() as a standard function, which is A Good Thing™ (it was formally marked as 'obsolescent' and 'deprecated' in ISO/IEC 9899:1999/Cor.3:2007 — Technical Corrigendum 3 for C99, and then removed in C11). Sadly, it will remain in libraries for many years (meaning 'decades') for reasons of backwards compatibility. If it were up to me, the implementation of gets() would become:

char *gets(char *buffer)
    assert(buffer != 0);
    return 0;

Given that your code will crash anyway, sooner or later, it is better to head the trouble off sooner rather than later. I'd be prepared to add an error message:

fputs("obsolete and dangerous function gets() called\n", stderr);

Modern versions of the Linux compilation system generates warnings if you link gets() — and also for some other functions that also have security problems (mktemp(), …).

Alternatives to gets()


As everyone else said, the canonical alternative to gets() is fgets() specifying stdin as the file stream.

char buffer[BUFSIZ];

while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin) != 0)
    ...process line of data...

What no-one else yet mentioned is that gets() does not include the newline but fgets() does. So, you might need to use a wrapper around fgets() that deletes the newline:

char *fgets_wrapper(char *buffer, size_t buflen, FILE *fp)
    if (fgets(buffer, buflen, fp) != 0)
        size_t len = strlen(buffer);
        if (len > 0 && buffer[len-1] == '\n')
            buffer[len-1] = '\0';
        return buffer;
    return 0;

Or, better:

char *fgets_wrapper(char *buffer, size_t buflen, FILE *fp)
    if (fgets(buffer, buflen, fp) != 0)
        buffer[strcspn(buffer, "\n")] = '\0';
        return buffer;
    return 0;

Also, as caf points out in a comment and paxdiablo shows in his answer, with fgets() you might have data left over on a line. My wrapper code leaves that data to be read next time; you can readily modify it to gobble the rest of the line of data if you prefer:

        if (len > 0 && buffer[len-1] == '\n')
            buffer[len-1] = '\0';
             int ch;
             while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF && ch != '\n')

The residual problem is how to report the three different result states — EOF or error, line read and not truncated, and partial line read but data was truncated.

This problem doesn't arise with gets() because it doesn't know where your buffer ends and merrily tramples beyond the end, wreaking havoc on your beautifully tended memory layout, often messing up the return stack (a Stack Overflow) if the buffer is allocated on the stack, or trampling over the control information if the buffer is dynamically allocated, or copying data over other precious global (or module) variables if the buffer is statically allocated. None of these is a good idea — they epitomize the phrase 'undefined behaviour`.

There is also the TR 24731-1 (Technical Report from the C Standard Committee) which provides safer alternatives to a variety of functions, including gets():

§ The gets_s function


#define __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ 1
#include <stdio.h>
char *gets_s(char *s, rsize_t n);


s shall not be a null pointer. n shall neither be equal to zero nor be greater than RSIZE_MAX. A new-line character, end-of-file, or read error shall occur within reading n-1 characters from stdin.25)

3 If there is a runtime-constraint violation, s[0] is set to the null character, and characters are read and discarded from stdin until a new-line character is read, or end-of-file or a read error occurs.


4 The gets_s function reads at most one less than the number of characters specified by n from the stream pointed to by stdin, into the array pointed to by s. No additional characters are read after a new-line character (which is discarded) or after end-of-file. The discarded new-line character does not count towards number of characters read. A null character is written immediately after the last character read into the array.

5 If end-of-file is encountered and no characters have been read into the array, or if a read error occurs during the operation, then s[0] is set to the null character, and the other elements of s take unspecified values.

Recommended practice

6 The fgets function allows properly-written programs to safely process input lines too long to store in the result array. In general this requires that callers of fgets pay attention to the presence or absence of a new-line character in the result array. Consider using fgets (along with any needed processing based on new-line characters) instead of gets_s.

25) The gets_s function, unlike gets, makes it a runtime-constraint violation for a line of input to overflow the buffer to store it. Unlike fgets, gets_s maintains a one-to-one relationship between input lines and successful calls to gets_s. Programs that use gets expect such a relationship.

The Microsoft Visual Studio compilers implement an approximation to the TR 24731-1 standard, but there are differences between the signatures implemented by Microsoft and those in the TR.

The C11 standard, ISO/IEC 9899-2011, includes TR24731 in Annex K as an optional part of the library. Unfortunately, it is seldom implemented on Unix-like systems.

getline() — POSIX

POSIX 2008 also provides a safe alternative to gets() called getline(). It allocates space for the line dynamically, so you end up needing to free it. It removes the limitation on line length, therefore. It also returns the length of the data that was read, or -1 (and not EOF!), which means that null bytes in the input can be handled reliably. There is also a 'choose your own single-character delimiter' variation called getdelim(); this can be useful if you are dealing with the output from find -print0 where the ends of the file names are marked with an ASCII NUL '\0' character, for example.

Copy-item Files in Folders and subfolders in the same directory structure of source server using PowerShell

one time i found this script, this copy folder and files and keep the same structure of the source in the destination, you can make some tries with this.

# Find the source files

# Set the target file
Get-ChildItem $sourceDir -Include *.* -Recurse |  foreach {

    # Remove the original  root folder
    $split = $_.Fullname  -split '\\'
    $DestFile =  $split[1..($split.Length - 1)] -join '\' 

    # Build the new  destination file path
    $DestFile = $targetDir+$DestFile

    # Move-Item won't  create the folder structure so we have to 
    # create a blank file  and then overwrite it
    $null = New-Item -Path  $DestFile -Type File -Force
    Move-Item -Path  $_.FullName -Destination $DestFile -Force

ERROR Source option 1.5 is no longer supported. Use 1.6 or later

Make sure you have following configuration in your pom.xml file.


A component is changing an uncontrolled input of type text to be controlled error in ReactJS

Set Current State first ...this.state

Its because when you are going to assign a new state it may be undefined. so it will be fixed by setting state extracting current state also

this.setState({...this.state, field})

If there is an object in your state, you should set state as follows, suppose you have to set username inside the user object.

this.setState({user:{...this.state.user, ['username']: username}})

What does .pack() do?

The pack() method is defined in Window class in Java and it sizes the frame so that all its contents are at or above their preferred sizes.

Button Width Match Parent

This is working for me.

             width: double.maxFinite,
             child: RaisedButton(
                 materialTapTargetSize: MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap,
                 child: new Text("Button 2"),
                 color: Colors.lightBlueAccent,
                 onPressed: () => debugPrint("Button 2"),

How to set Status Bar Style in Swift 3

In iOS 13 you can use .darkContent UIStatusBarStyle property to display dark status bar

Java: Insert multiple rows into MySQL with PreparedStatement

You can create a batch by PreparedStatement#addBatch() and execute it by PreparedStatement#executeBatch().

Here's a kickoff example:

public void save(List<Entity> entities) throws SQLException {
    try (
        Connection connection = database.getConnection();
        PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT);
    ) {
        int i = 0;

        for (Entity entity : entities) {
            statement.setString(1, entity.getSomeProperty());
            // ...


            if (i % 1000 == 0 || i == entities.size()) {
                statement.executeBatch(); // Execute every 1000 items.

It's executed every 1000 items because some JDBC drivers and/or DBs may have a limitation on batch length.

See also:

Server cannot set status after HTTP headers have been sent IIS7.5

If someone still having this problem.Try to use instead of ovverriding

 public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)

            if (!HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                if (!HttpContext.Current.Response.IsRequestBeingRedirected)

                    context.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(
                new RouteValueDictionary {  { "controller", "Login" }, { "action", "Index" } });

        catch (Exception ex)
               new RouteValueDictionary { { "controller", "Login" }, { "action", "Index" } });


Could not connect to SMTP host: localhost, port: 25; nested exception is: Connection refused: connect

First you have to ensure that there is a SMTP server listening on port 25.

To look whether you have the service, you can try using TELNET client, such as:

C:\> telnet localhost 25

(telnet client by default is disabled on most recent versions of Windows, you have to add/enable the Windows component from Control Panel. In Linux/UNIX usually telnet client is there by default.

$ telnet localhost 25

If it waits for long then time out, that means you don't have the required SMTP service. If successfully connected you enter something and able to type something, the service is there.

If you don't have the service, you can use these:

  • A mock SMTP server that will mimic the behavior of actual SMTP server, as you are using Java, it is natural to suggest Dumbster fake SMTP server. This even can be made to work within JUnit tests (with setup/tear down/validation), or independently run as separate process for integration test.
  • If your host is Windows, you can try installing Mercury email server (also comes with WAMPP package from Apache Friends) on your local before running above code.
  • If your host is Linux or UNIX, try to enable the mail service such as Postfix,
  • Another full blown SMTP server in Java, such as Apache James mail server.

If you are sure that you already have the service, may be the SMTP requires additional security credentials. If you can tell me what SMTP server listening on port 25 I may be able to tell you more.

MySQL IF ELSEIF in select query

For your question :

   IF(qty_1 <= '23', price,
   IF(('23' > qty_1 && qty_2 <= '23'), price_2,
   IF(('23' > qty_2 && qty_3 <= '23'), price_3,
   IF(('23' > qty_2 && qty_3<='23'), price_3,
   IF('23' > qty_3, price_4, 1))))) as total 
FROM product;

You can use the if - else control structure or the IF function in MySQL.


iterrows pandas get next rows value

a combination of answers gave me a very fast running time. using the shift method to create new column of next row values, then using the row_iterator function as @alisdt did, but here i changed it from iterrows to itertuples which is 100 times faster.

my script is for iterating dataframe of duplications in different length and add one second for each duplication so they all be unique.

# create new column with shifted values from the departure time column
df['next_column_value'] = df['column_value'].shift(1)
# create row iterator that can 'save' the next row without running for loop
row_iterator = df.itertuples()
# jump to the next row using the row iterator
last = next(row_iterator)
# because pandas does not support items alteration i need to save it as an object
t = last[your_column_num]
# run and update the time duplications with one more second each
for row in row_iterator:
    if row.column_value == row.next_column_value:
         t = t + add_sec[row.Index, 'column_name'] = t
         # here i resetting the 'last' and 't' values
         last = row
         t = last[your_column_num]

Hope it will help.

How to start anonymous thread class

The entire new expression is an object reference, so methods can be invoked on it:

public class A {
    public static void main(String[] arg)
        new Thread()
            public void run() {

Make a link in the Android browser start up my app?

Try my simple trick:

        public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
            if(url.startsWith("classRegister:")) {                  
                Intent MnRegister = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), register.class); startActivity(MnRegister);
            return true;

and my html link:

<a href="classRegister:true">Go to</a>

or you can make < a href="classRegister:true" > <- "true" value for class filename

however this script work for mailto link :)

        if (url.startsWith("mailto:")) {
            String[] blah_email = url.split(":");
            Intent emailIntent = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND);
            emailIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[]{blah_email[1]});
            emailIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, what_ever_you_want_the_subject_to_be)");
            Log.v("NOTICE", "Sending Email to: " + blah_email[1] + " with subject: " + what_ever_you_want_the_subject_to_be);

Sum values in foreach loop php

In your case IF you want to go with foreach loop than

$sum = 0;
foreach($group as $key => $value) {
   $sum += $value; 
echo $sum;

But if you want to go with direct sum of array than look on below for your solution :

$total = array_sum($group);

for only sum of array looping is time wasting.

array_sum — Calculate the sum of values in an array

$a = array(2, 4, 6, 8);
echo "sum(a) = " . array_sum($a) . "\n";

$b = array("a" => 1.2, "b" => 2.3, "c" => 3.4);
echo "sum(b) = " . array_sum($b) . "\n";

The above example will output:

sum(a) = 20
sum(b) = 6.9

How can I check the extension of a file?

import os
source = ['test_sound.flac','ts.mp3']

for files in source:
   fileName,fileExtension = os.path.splitext(files)
   print fileExtension   # Print File Extensions
   print fileName   # It print file name

PHP - auto refreshing page

This works with Firefox Quantum 60+ and Chrome v72 (2019)

//set a header to instruct the browser to call the page every 30 sec
header("Refresh: 30;");

It does not seem to be NECESSARY to pass the page url as well as the refresh period in order to (re)call the same page. I haven't tried this with Safari/Opera or IE/Edge.

Get ALL User Friends Using Facebook Graph API - Android

In v2.0 of the Graph API, calling /me/friends returns the person's friends who also use the app.

In addition, in v2.0, you must request the user_friends permission from each user. user_friends is no longer included by default in every login. Each user must grant the user_friends permission in order to appear in the response to /me/friends. See the Facebook upgrade guide for more detailed information, or review the summary below.

The /me/friendlists endpoint and user_friendlists permission are not what you're after. This endpoint does not return the users friends - its lets you access the lists a person has made to organize their friends. It does not return the friends in each of these lists. This API and permission is useful to allow you to render a custom privacy selector when giving people the opportunity to publish back to Facebook.

If you want to access a list of non-app-using friends, there are two options:

  1. If you want to let your people tag their friends in stories that they publish to Facebook using your App, you can use the /me/taggable_friends API. Use of this endpoint requires review by Facebook and should only be used for the case where you're rendering a list of friends in order to let the user tag them in a post.

  2. If your App is a Game AND your Game supports Facebook Canvas, you can use the /me/invitable_friends endpoint in order to render a custom invite dialog, then pass the tokens returned by this API to the standard Requests Dialog.

In other cases, apps are no longer able to retrieve the full list of a user's friends (only those friends who have specifically authorized your app using the user_friends permission).

For apps wanting allow people to invite friends to use an app, you can still use the Send Dialog on Web or the new Message Dialog on iOS and Android.

What is WebKit and how is it related to CSS?

This has been answered and accepted, but if someone is still wondering why are things a bit messed up today, you'll have to read this:

It gives a good idea of how gecko, webkit and other major rendering engines evolved and what led to the current state of messed up user-agent strings.

Quoting the last paragraph for TL;DR purposes:

And then Google built Chrome, and Chrome used Webkit, and it was like Safari, and wanted pages built for Safari, and so pretended to be Safari. And thus Chrome used WebKit, and pretended to be Safari, and WebKit pretended to be KHTML, and KHTML pretended to be Gecko, and all browsers pretended to be Mozilla, and Chrome called itself Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.13, and the user agent string was a complete mess, and near useless, and everyone pretended to be everyone else, and confusion abounded.

How do I call ::CreateProcess in c++ to launch a Windows executable?

Bear in mind that using WaitForSingleObject can get you into trouble in this scenario. The following is snipped from a tip on my website:

The problem arises because your application has a window but isn't pumping messages. If the spawned application invokes SendMessage with one of the broadcast targets (HWND_BROADCAST or HWND_TOPMOST), then the SendMessage won't return to the new application until all applications have handled the message - but your app can't handle the message because it isn't pumping messages.... so the new app locks up, so your wait never succeeds.... DEADLOCK.

If you have absolute control over the spawned application, then there are measures you can take, such as using SendMessageTimeout rather than SendMessage (e.g. for DDE initiations, if anybody is still using that). But there are situations which cause implicit SendMessage broadcasts over which you have no control, such as using the SetSysColors API for instance.

The only safe ways round this are:

  1. split off the Wait into a separate thread, or
  2. use a timeout on the Wait and use PeekMessage in your Wait loop to ensure that you pump messages, or
  3. use the MsgWaitForMultipleObjects API.

Line break in SSRS expression

In Order to implement Line Break in SSRS, there are 2 ways

  1. Setting HTML Markup Type
    Update the Markup Type of the placeholder to HTML and then make use of <br/> tag to introduce line break within the expression

="first line of text. Param1 value: " & Parameters!Param1.Value & "<br/>" & Parameters!Param1.Value

  1. Using Newline function
    Make use of Environment.NewLine() function to add line break within the expression.

="first line of text. Param1 value: " & Parameters!Param1.Value & Environment.NewLine() & Parameters!Param1.Value

Note:- Always remember to leave a space after every "&" (ampersand) in order to evaluate the expression properly

Angular 5 Reactive Forms - Radio Button Group

IF you want to derive usg Boolean true False need to add "[]" around value

<form [formGroup]="form">
  <input type="radio" [value]=true formControlName="gender" >Male
  <input type="radio" [value]=false formControlName="gender">Female

What is the difference between typeof and instanceof and when should one be used vs. the other?

instanceof will not work for primitives eg "foo" instanceof String will return false whereas typeof "foo" == "string" will return true.

On the other hand typeof will probably not do what you want when it comes to custom objects (or classes, whatever you want to call them). For example:

function Dog() {}
var obj = new Dog;
typeof obj == 'Dog' // false, typeof obj is actually "object"
obj instanceof Dog  // true, what we want in this case

It just so happens that functions are both 'function' primitives and instances of 'Function', which is a bit of an oddity given that it doesn't work like that for other primitive types eg.

(typeof function(){} == 'function') == (function(){} instanceof Function)


(typeof 'foo' == 'string') != ('foo' instanceof String)

AngularJS sorting rows by table header

I think this working CodePen example that I created will show you exactly how to do what you want.

The template:

<section ng-app="app" ng-controller="MainCtrl">
  <span class="label">Ordered By: {{orderByField}}, Reverse Sort: {{reverseSort}}</span><br><br>
  <table class="table table-bordered">
          <a href="#" ng-click="orderByField='firstName'; reverseSort = !reverseSort">
          First Name <span ng-show="orderByField == 'firstName'"><span ng-show="!reverseSort">^</span><span ng-show="reverseSort">v</span></span>
          <a href="#" ng-click="orderByField='lastName'; reverseSort = !reverseSort">
            Last Name <span ng-show="orderByField == 'lastName'"><span ng-show="!reverseSort">^</span><span ng-show="reverseSort">v</span></span>
          <a href="#" ng-click="orderByField='age'; reverseSort = !reverseSort">
          Age <span ng-show="orderByField == 'age'"><span ng-show="!reverseSort">^</span><span ng-show="reverseSort">v</span></span>
      <tr ng-repeat="emp in data.employees|orderBy:orderByField:reverseSort">

The JavaScript code:

var app = angular.module('app', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
  $scope.orderByField = 'firstName';
  $scope.reverseSort = false;

  $ = {
    employees: [{
      firstName: 'John',
      lastName: 'Doe',
      age: 30
      firstName: 'Frank',
      lastName: 'Burns',
      age: 54
      firstName: 'Sue',
      lastName: 'Banter',
      age: 21

ImageView rounded corners

I use Universal Image loader library to download and round the corners of image, and it worked for me.

ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(thisContext)
            // You can pass your own memory cache implementation
           .discCacheFileNameGenerator(new HashCodeFileNameGenerator())

DisplayImageOptions options = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()
            .displayer(new RoundedBitmapDisplayer(10)) //rounded corner bitmap

ImageLoader imageLoader = ImageLoader.getInstance();
imageLoader.displayImage(image_url,image_view, options );

How can I get browser to prompt to save password?

The browser might not be able to detect that your form is a login form. According to some of the discussion in this previous question, a browser looks for form fields that look like <input type="password">. Is your password form field implemented similar to that?

Edit: To answer your questions below, I think Firefox detects passwords by form.elements[n].type == "password" (iterating through all form elements) and then detects the username field by searching backwards through form elements for the text field immediately before the password field (more info here). From what I can tell, your login form needs to be part of a <form> or Firefox won't detect it.

"Failed to load platform plugin "xcb" " while launching qt5 app on linux without qt installed

Since version 5, Qt uses a platform abstraction system (QPA) to abstract from the underlying platform.

The implementation for each platform is provided by plugins. For X11 it is the XCB plugin. See Qt for X11 requirements for more information about the dependencies.

Pure CSS multi-level drop-down menu

    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 0;_x000D_
    right: -150px;_x000D_
    width: 150px;_x000D_
    list-style: none;_x000D_
    padding: 0;_x000D_
    margin: 0;_x000D_
    display: none;_x000D_
.third-level-menu > li_x000D_
    height: 30px;_x000D_
    background: #999999;_x000D_
.third-level-menu > li:hover { background: #CCCCCC; }_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 30px;_x000D_
    left: 0;_x000D_
    width: 150px;_x000D_
    list-style: none;_x000D_
    padding: 0;_x000D_
    margin: 0;_x000D_
    display: none;_x000D_
.second-level-menu > li_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    height: 30px;_x000D_
    background: #999999;_x000D_
.second-level-menu > li:hover { background: #CCCCCC; }_x000D_
    list-style: none;_x000D_
    padding: 0;_x000D_
    margin: 0;_x000D_
.top-level-menu > li_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    float: left;_x000D_
    height: 30px;_x000D_
    width: 150px;_x000D_
    background: #999999;_x000D_
.top-level-menu > li:hover { background: #CCCCCC; }_x000D_
.top-level-menu li:hover > ul_x000D_
    /* On hover, display the next level's menu */_x000D_
    display: inline;_x000D_
/* Menu Link Styles */_x000D_
.top-level-menu a /* Apply to all links inside the multi-level menu */_x000D_
    font: bold 14px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;_x000D_
    color: #FFFFFF;_x000D_
    text-decoration: none;_x000D_
    padding: 0 0 0 10px;_x000D_
    /* Make the link cover the entire list item-container */_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    line-height: 30px;_x000D_
.top-level-menu a:hover { color: #000000; }
<ul class="top-level-menu">_x000D_
    <li><a href="#">About</a></li>_x000D_
    <li><a href="#">Services</a></li>_x000D_
        <a href="#">Offices</a>_x000D_
        <ul class="second-level-menu">_x000D_
            <li><a href="#">Chicago</a></li>_x000D_
            <li><a href="#">Los Angeles</a></li>_x000D_
                <a href="#">New York</a>_x000D_
                <ul class="third-level-menu">_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#">Information</a></li>_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#">Book a Meeting</a></li>_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#">Testimonials</a></li>_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#">Jobs</a></li>_x000D_
            <li><a href="#">Seattle</a></li>_x000D_
    <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>_x000D_

I have also put together a live demo that's available to play with HERE

Split string with multiple delimiters in Python

Luckily, Python has this built-in :)

import re
re.split('; |, ',str)

Following your comment:

>>> a='Beautiful, is; better*than\nugly'
>>> import re
>>> re.split('; |, |\*|\n',a)
['Beautiful', 'is', 'better', 'than', 'ugly']

How do I solve this error, "error while trying to deserialize parameter"

I have a solution for this but not sure on the reason why this would be different from one environment to the other - although one big difference between the two environments is WSS svc pack 1 was installed on the environment where the error was occurring.

To fix this issue I got a good clue from this link - ie to "please check the Xml Schema of your service" and "the sequence in the schema is sorted alphabetically"

Looking at the wsdl generated I noticed that for the serialized class that was causing the error, the properties of this class were not visible in the wsdl.

The Definition of the class had private setters for most of the properties, but not for CustomFields property ie..

public class FileMetaDataDto
    . a constructor...   etc and several other properties edited for brevity

    public int Id { get; private set; }
    public string Version { get; private set; }
    public List<MetaDataValueDto> CustomFields { get; set; }


On removing private from the setter and redeploying the service then looking at the wsdl again, these properties were now visible, and the original error was fixed.

So the wsdl before update was

- <s:complexType name="ArrayOfFileMetaDataDto">
- <s:sequence>
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="FileMetaDataDto" nillable="true" type="tns:FileMetaDataDto" /> 
- <s:complexType name="FileMetaDataDto">
- <s:sequence>
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="CustomFields" type="tns:ArrayOfMetaDataValueDto" /> 

The wsdl after update was

- <s:complexType name="ArrayOfFileMetaDataDto">
- <s:sequence>
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="FileMetaDataDto" nillable="true" type="tns:FileMetaDataDto" /> 
- <s:complexType name="FileMetaDataDto">
- <s:sequence>
  <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Id" type="s:int" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Name" type="s:string" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Title" type="s:string" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ContentType" type="s:string" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Icon" type="s:string" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ModifiedBy" type="s:string" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="ModifiedDateTime" type="s:dateTime" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="FileSizeBytes" type="s:int" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Url" type="s:string" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="RelativeFolderPath" type="s:string" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="DisplayVersion" type="s:string" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Version" type="s:string" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="CustomFields" type="tns:ArrayOfMetaDataValueDto" /> 
  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="CheckoutBy" type="s:string" /> 

Delete a row in Excel VBA

Something like this will do it:


So in your code it would look like something like this:

Rows(CStr(rand) & ":" & CStr(rand)).Select

Border Height on CSS

Building on top of @ReBa's answer above, this custom-border class is what worked for me.


  • working with border instead of backaground-color since background-color is not consistent.
  • Setting height & top of the properties of :after in such a way that the total comes up to 100% where bottom's value is implicit.

ul {_x000D_
  list-style-type: none;_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-direction: row;_x000D_
li {_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
.custom-border {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
.custom-border:after {_x000D_
  content: " ";_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  border-left: 1px #6c757d solid;_x000D_
  top: 35%;_x000D_
  right: 0;_x000D_
  height: 30%;_x000D_
  margin-top: auto;_x000D_
  margin-bottom: auto;_x000D_
  <li class="custom-border">_x000D_
  <li class="custom-border">_x000D_
  <li class="custom-border">_x000D_
  <li class="custom-border">Bar</li>_x000D_
  <li class="custom-border">Baz</li>_x000D_

Good Luck...

How to properly exit a C# application?

This will work from anywhere, inside Form(), Form_Load(), or any event handler. I posted before, but I don't see it now?!?

public void exit(int exitCode)
    if (System.Windows.Forms.Application.MessageLoop)
       // Use this since we are in a running Form
       // Form ended or never .Run
} //* end exit()

Bootstrap - dropdown menu not working?

Double importing jquery can cause Error

<script src="static/public/js/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>


<script src="" integrity="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

NVIDIA NVML Driver/library version mismatch

If you've recently updated, a reboot might solve this problem.

Excel - Shading entire row based on change of value

Use Conditional Formatting.

In it's simplest form, you are saying "for this cell, if it's value is X, then apply format foo". However, if you use the "formula" method, you can select the whole row, enter the formula and associated format, then use copy and paste (formats only) for the rest of the table.

You're limited to only 3 rules in Excel 2003 or older so you might want to define a pattern for the colours rather than using raw values. Something like this should work though:

alt text

Rotation of 3D vector?

Here is an elegant method using quaternions that are blazingly fast; I can calculate 10 million rotations per second with appropriately vectorised numpy arrays. It relies on the quaternion extension to numpy found here.

Quaternion Theory: A quaternion is a number with one real and 3 imaginary dimensions usually written as q = w + xi + yj + zk where 'i', 'j', 'k' are imaginary dimensions. Just as a unit complex number 'c' can represent all 2d rotations by c=exp(i * theta), a unit quaternion 'q' can represent all 3d rotations by q=exp(p), where 'p' is a pure imaginary quaternion set by your axis and angle.

We start by converting your axis and angle to a quaternion whose imaginary dimensions are given by your axis of rotation, and whose magnitude is given by half the angle of rotation in radians. The 4 element vectors (w, x, y, z) are constructed as follows:

import numpy as np
import quaternion as quat

v = [3,5,0]
axis = [4,4,1]
theta = 1.2 #radian

vector = np.array([0.] + v)
rot_axis = np.array([0.] + axis)
axis_angle = (theta*0.5) * rot_axis/np.linalg.norm(rot_axis)

First, a numpy array of 4 elements is constructed with the real component w=0 for both the vector to be rotated vector and the rotation axis rot_axis. The axis angle representation is then constructed by normalizing then multiplying by half the desired angle theta. See here for why half the angle is required.

Now create the quaternions v and qlog using the library, and get the unit rotation quaternion q by taking the exponential.

vec = quat.quaternion(*v)
qlog = quat.quaternion(*axis_angle)
q = np.exp(qlog)

Finally, the rotation of the vector is calculated by the following operation.

v_prime = q * vec * np.conjugate(q)

print(v_prime) # quaternion(0.0, 2.7491163, 4.7718093, 1.9162971)

Now just discard the real element and you have your rotated vector!

v_prime_vec = v_prime.imag # [2.74911638 4.77180932 1.91629719] as a numpy array

Note that this method is particularly efficient if you have to rotate a vector through many sequential rotations, as the quaternion product can just be calculated as q = q1 * q2 * q3 * q4 * ... * qn and then the vector is only rotated by 'q' at the very end using v' = q * v * conj(q).

This method gives you a seamless transformation between axis angle <---> 3d rotation operator simply by exp and log functions (yes log(q) just returns the axis-angle representation!). For further clarification of how quaternion multiplication etc. work, see here

How to find if an array contains a string

Another simple way using JOIN and INSTR

Sub Sample()
    Dim Mainfram(4) As String, strg As String
    Dim cel As Range
    Dim Delim As String

    Delim = "#"

    Mainfram(0) = "apple"
    Mainfram(1) = "pear"
    Mainfram(2) = "orange"
    Mainfram(3) = "fruit"

    strg = Join(Mainfram, Delim)
    strg = Delim & strg

    For Each cel In Selection
        If InStr(1, strg, Delim & cel.Value & Delim, vbTextCompare) Then _
        Rows(cel.Row).Style = "Accent1"
    Next cel
End Sub

How to check if a line has one of the strings in a list?

One approach is to combine the search strings into a regex pattern as in this answer.

Xcode 10: A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found

Make sure you:

1) Have a registered provisioning profile for your device.

2) Device must be added to the Development profile and updated.

If you still run into issues check your target's build settings.

Make sure you:

1) CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED in User-Defined is set to YES.

enter image description here

2) Check Signing options are correct. If the problem persists switch to Manual settings instead of automatically.

Call ASP.NET function from JavaScript?

I'm trying to implement this but it's not working right. The page is posting back, but my code isn't getting executed. When i debug the page, the RaisePostBackEvent never gets fired. One thing i did differently is I'm doing this in a user control instead of an aspx page.

If anyone else is like Merk, and having trouble over coming this, I have a solution:

When you have a user control, it seems you must also create the PostBackEventHandler in the parent page. And then you can invoke the user control's PostBackEventHandler by calling it directly. See below:

public void RaisePostBackEvent(string _arg)

Where UserControlID is the ID you gave the user control on the parent page when you nested it in the mark up.

Note: You can also simply just call methods belonging to that user control directly (in which case, you would only need the RaisePostBackEvent handler in the parent page):

public void RaisePostBackEvent(string _arg)

iOS Swift - Get the Current Local Time and Date Timestamp

If you just want the unix timestamp, create an extension:

extension Date {
    func currentTimeMillis() -> Int64 {
        return Int64(self.timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)

Then you can use it just like in other programming languages:

let timestamp = Date().currentTimeMillis()

How to round float numbers in javascript?

Number((6.688689).toFixed(1)); // 6.7

var number = 6.688689;
var roundedNumber = Math.round(number * 10) / 10;

Use toFixed() function.

(6.688689).toFixed(); // equal to "7"
(6.688689).toFixed(1); // equal to "6.7"
(6.688689).toFixed(2); // equal to "6.69"

Convert dd-mm-yyyy string to date

Using moment.js example:

var from = '11-04-2017' // OR $("#datepicker").val();
var milliseconds = moment(from, "DD-MM-YYYY").format('x');
var f = new Date(milliseconds)

Integer to IP Address - C

You actually can use an inet function. Observe.


#include <arpa/inet.h>

main() {
    uint32_t ip = 2110443574;
    struct in_addr ip_addr;
    ip_addr.s_addr = ip;
    printf("The IP address is %s\n", inet_ntoa(ip_addr));

The results of gcc main.c -ansi; ./a.out is

The IP address is

Note that a commenter said this does not work on Windows.

setting system property

System.setProperty("gate.home", "/some/directory"); 

After that you can retrieve its value later by calling

String value =  System.getProperty("gate.home");

How to swap String characters in Java?

The following line of code will swap the first two characters in str:

return str.charAt(1) + str.charAt(0) + str.substring(2);

Is there a need for range(len(a))?

If you have to iterate over the first len(a) items of an object b (that is larger than a), you should probably use range(len(a)):

for i in range(len(a)):

Why am I seeing "TypeError: string indices must be integers"?

I had a similar issue with Pandas, you need to use the iterrows() function to iterate through a Pandas dataset Pandas documentation for iterrows

data = pd.read_csv('foo.csv')
for index,item in data.iterrows():
    print('{} {}'.format(item["gravatar_id"], item["position"]))

note that you need to handle the index in the dataset that is also returned by the function.