[c#] Convert List into Comma-Separated String

My code is as below:

public void ReadListItem()
     List<uint> lst = new List<uint>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
     string str = string.Empty;
     foreach (var item in lst)
         str = str + item + ",";

     str = str.Remove(str.Length - 1);

Output: 1,2,3,4,5

What is the most simple way to convert the List<uint> into a comma-separated string?

This question is related to c# .net

The answer is

categories = ['sprots', 'news'];
categoriesList = ", ".join(categories)

This is the output: sprots, news

You can use String.Join for this if you are using .NET framework> 4.0.

var result= String.Join(",", yourList);

you can make use of google-collections.jar which has a utility class called Joiner

 String commaSepString=Joiner.on(",").join(lst);


you can use StringUtils class which has function called join.To make use of StringUtils class,you need to use common-lang3.jar

String commaSepString=StringUtils.join(lst, ',');

for reference, refer this link http://techno-terminal.blogspot.in/2015/08/convert-collection-into-comma-separated.html

Follow this:

       List<string> name = new List<string>();

        string nameOfString = (string.Join(",", name.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()));

static void Main(string[] args){          
List<string> listStrings = new List<string>() { "C#", "Asp.Net", "SQL Server", "PHP", "Angular" };  
string CommaSeparateString = GenerateCommaSeparateStringFromList(listStrings);  
private static string GenerateCommaSeparateStringFromList(List<string> listStrings){return String.Join(",", listStrings);}

Convert a list of string to comma separated string C#

          @{  var result = string.Join(",", @user.UserRoles.Select(x => x.Role.RoleName));


I used in MVC Razor View to evaluate and print all roles separated by commas.

If you have a collection of ints:

List<int> customerIds= new List<int>() { 1,2,3,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 };  

You can use string.Join to get a string:

var result = String.Join(",", customerIds);



Console.WriteLine((string.Join(",", lst.Select(x=>x.ToString()).ToArray())));


You can separate list entities by a comma like this:

//phones is a list of PhoneModel
var phoneNumbers = phones.Select(m => m.PhoneNumber)    
                    .Aggregate(new StringBuilder(),
                        (current, next) => current.Append(next).Append(" , ")).ToString();

// Remove the trailing comma and space
if (phoneNumbers.Length > 1)
    phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers.Remove(phoneNumbers.Length - 2, 2);

You can refer below example for getting a comma separated string array from list.


List<string> testList= new List<string>();
testList.Add("Apple"); // Add string 1
testList.Add("Banana"); // 2
testList.Add("Mango"); // 3
testList.Add("Blue Berry"); // 4
testList.Add("Water Melon"); // 5

string JoinDataString = string.Join(",", testList.ToArray());

you can also override ToString() if your list item have more than one string

public class ListItem

    public string string1 { get; set; }

    public string string2 { get; set; }

    public string string3 { get; set; }

    public override string ToString()
        return string.Join(
        , string1 
        , string2 
        , string3);



to get csv string:

ListItem item = new ListItem();
item.string1 = "string1";
item.string2 = "string2";
item.string3 = "string3";

List<ListItem> list = new List<ListItem>();

string strinCSV = (string.Join("\n", list.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()));

Using String.Join

string.Join<string>(",", lst );

Using Linq Aggregation

lst .Aggregate((a, x) => a + "," + x);

You can use String.Join method to combine items:

var str = String.Join(",", lst);

We can try like this to separate list enties by comma

string stations = 
haul.Routes != null && haul.Routes.Count > 0 ?String.Join(",",haul.Routes.Select(y => 
y.RouteCode).ToList()) : string.Empty;