Programs & Examples On #Search engine bots

How to use Typescript with native ES6 Promises

Alternative #1

Use the target and lib compiler options to compile directly to es5 without needing to install the es6-shim. (Tested with TypeScript 2.1.4). In the lib section, use either es2016 or es2015.promise.

// tsconfig.json
    "compilerOptions": {
        "target": "es5",
        "lib": [
    "include": [
    "exclude": [

Alternative #2

Use NPM to install the es6-shim from the types organization.

npm install @types/es6-shim --save-dev

Alternative #3

Before TypeScript 2.0, use typings to install the es6-shim globally from DefinitelyTyped.

npm install typings --global --save-dev
typings install dt~es6-shim --global --save-dev

The typings option uses npm to install typings globally and then uses typings to install the shim. The dt~ prefix means to download the shim from DefinitelyTyped. The --global option means that the shim's types will be available throughout the project.

See also - Cannot find name 'Promise' & Cannot find name 'require'

Page redirect with successful Ajax request

I suppose you could attack this in two ways;

1) insert window.location = ' into the success function.

2) Use a further ajax call an inject this into an element on your page, further info on which you can find in the jQuery docs at

Why AVD Manager options are not showing in Android Studio

It happens when there is no runnable module for Android App in your project. Creating new project definitely solves this.

You can check this using Run > Edit Configurations > Adding Android App. If there is not runnable Android App module then you can't see "AVD Manager" in the menu.

How to set a radio button in Android

Just to clarify this: if we have a RadioGroup with several RadioButtons and need to activate one by index, implies that:




We can to do:


Android Studio Error: Error:CreateProcess error=216, This version of %1 is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running

I had the same issue, but I have resolved it the next:

1) Install jdk1.8...

2) In AndroidStudio File->Project Structure->SDK Location, select your directory where the JDK is located, by default Studio uses embedded JDK but for some reason it produces error=216.

3) Click Ok.

Python loop to run for certain amount of seconds

I was looking for an easier-to-read time-loop when I encountered this question here. Something like:

for sec in max_seconds(10):

So I created this helper:

# allow easy time-boxing: 'for sec in max_seconds(42): do_something()'
def max_seconds(max_seconds, *, interval=1):
    interval = int(interval)
    start_time = time.time()
    end_time = start_time + max_seconds
    yield 0
    while time.time() < end_time:
        if interval > 0:
            next_time = start_time
            while next_time < time.time():
                next_time += interval
            time.sleep(int(round(next_time - time.time())))
        yield int(round(time.time() - start_time))
        if int(round(time.time() + interval)) > int(round(end_time)): 

It only works with full seconds which was OK for my use-case.


for sec in max_seconds(10) # -> 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
for sec in max_seconds(10, interval=3) # -> 0, 3, 6, 9
for sec in max_seconds(7): sleep(1.5) # -> 0, 2, 4, 6
for sec in max_seconds(8): sleep(1.5) # -> 0, 2, 4, 6, 8

Be aware that interval isn't that accurate, as I only wait full seconds (sleep never was any good for me with times < 1 sec). So if your job takes 500 ms and you ask for an interval of 1 sec, you'll get called at: 0, 500ms, 2000ms, 2500ms, 4000ms and so on. One could fix this by measuring time in a loop rather than sleep() ...

"Correct" way to specifiy optional arguments in R functions

There are several options and none of them are the official correct way and none of them are really incorrect, though they can convey different information to the computer and to others reading your code.

For the given example I think the clearest option would be to supply an identity default value, in this case do something like:

fooBar <- function(x, y=0) {
  x + y

This is the shortest of the options shown so far and shortness can help readability (and sometimes even speed in execution). It is clear that what is being returned is the sum of x and y and you can see that y is not given a value that it will be 0 which when added to x will just result in x. Obviously if something more complicated than addition is used then a different identity value will be needed (if one exists).

One thing I really like about this approach is that it is clear what the default value is when using the args function, or even looking at the help file (you don't need to scroll down to the details, it is right there in the usage).

The drawback to this method is when the default value is complex (requiring multiple lines of code), then it would probably reduce readability to try to put all that into the default value and the missing or NULL approaches become much more reasonable.

Some of the other differences between the methods will appear when the parameter is being passed down to another function, or when using the or functions.

So I guess the "correct" method depends on what you plan to do with that particular argument and what information you want to convey to readers of your code.

Recommended way to embed PDF in HTML?

Scribd no longer require you to host your documents on their server. If you create an account with them so you get a publisher ID. It only takes a few lines of JavaScript code to load up PDF files stored on your own server.

For more details, see Developer Tools.

Full screen background image in an activity

It's been a while since this was posted, but this helped me.

You can use nested layouts. Start with a RelativeLayout, and place your ImageView in that.

Set height and width to match_parent to fill the screen.

Set scaleType="centreCrop" so the image fits the screen and doesn't stretch.

Then you can put in any other layouts as you normally would, like the LinearLayout below.

You can use android:alpha to set the transparency of the image.







HTML.HiddenFor value set

Necroing this question because I recently ran into the problem myself, when trying to add a related property to an existing entity. I just ended up making a nice extension method:

    public static MvcHtmlString HiddenFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper, Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression, TProperty value)
        string expressionText = ExpressionHelper.GetExpressionText(expression);
        string propertyName = htmlHelper.ViewContext.ViewData.TemplateInfo.GetFullHtmlFieldName(expressionText);

        return htmlHelper.Hidden(propertyName, value);

Use like so:

@Html.HiddenFor(m => m.RELATED_ID, Related.Id)

Note that this has a similar signature to the built-in HiddenFor, but uses generic typing, so if Value is of type System.Object, you'll actually be invoking the one built into the framework. Not sure why you'd be editing a property of type System.Object in your views though...

How to set "style=display:none;" using jQuery's attr method?

As an alternative to hide() mentioned in other answers, you can use css() to set the display value explicitly:


Could not load file or assembly "Oracle.DataAccess" or one of its dependencies

I found the solution with following steps:

  • remove the Oracle.DataAcces.dll reference,
    and add a fresh reference to:
  • Make local copy= false.

Hope it helps

How to make RatingBar to show five stars

You can add default rating of five stars in side the xml layout



        android:rating="5" />

Opening Android Settings programmatically

In case anyone finds this question and you want to open up settings for your specific application:

    val intent = Intent(Settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS) = Uri.parse("package:" + context.packageName)

How do I prevent mails sent through PHP mail() from going to spam?

$fromMail = 'set your from mail';
$boundary = str_replace(" ", "", date('l jS \of F Y h i s A'));
$subjectMail = "New design submitted by " . $userDisplayName;

$contentHtml = '<div>Dear Admin<br /><br />The following design is submitted by '. $userName .'.<br /><br /><a href="'.$sdLink.'"><b>Click here</b></a> to check the design.</div>';
$contentHtml .= '<div><a href="'.$imageUrl.'"><img src="'.$imageUrl.'" width="250" height="95" border="0" alt="my picture"></a></div>';
$contentHtml .= '<div>Name : '.$name.'<br />Description : '. $description .'</div>';

$headersMail = '';
$headersMail .= 'From: ' . $fromMail . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $fromMail . "\r\n";
$headersMail .= 'Return-Path: ' . $fromMail . "\r\n";
$headersMail .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headersMail .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary = \"" . $boundary . "\"\r\n\r\n";
$headersMail .= '--' . $boundary . "\r\n";
$headersMail .= 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1' . "\r\n";
$headersMail .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . "\r\n\r\n";
$headersMail .= rtrim(chunk_split(base64_encode($contentHtml)));

try {
    if (mail($toMail, $subjectMail, "", $headersMail)) {
        $status = 'success';
        $msg = 'Mail sent successfully.';
    } else {
        $status = 'failed';
        $msg = 'Unable to send mail.';
} catch(Exception $e) {
    $msg = $e->getMessage();

This works fine for me.It includes mail with image and a link and works for all sorts of mail ids. The clue is to use all the header perfectly.

If you are testing it from localhost, then set the below before checking:

How to set mail send from localhost xampp:

  1. comment everything in D:/xampp/sendmail/sendmail.ini and mention the below under

    [sendmail] smtp_port=587 error_logfile=error.log debug_logfile=debug.log [email protected] auth_password=your-mail-password [email protected]

  2. In D:/xampp/php/php.ini a. Under

    [mail function]

    SMTP = smtp_port = 587

b. set sendmail_from = [email protected] c. uncomment sendmail_path = "\"D:\xamp\sendmail\sendmail.exe\" -t" Hence it should be look like below

sendmail_path = "\"D:\xamp\sendmail\sendmail.exe\" -t"

d. comment sendmail_path="D:\xamp\mailtodisk\mailtodisk.exe" Hence it should be look like below


e. mail.add_x_header=Off

Show a message box from a class in c#?

Try this:

System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Here's a message!");

How to Calculate Jump Target Address and Branch Target Address?

For small functions like this you could just count by hand how many hops it is to the target, from the instruction under the branch instruction. If it branches backwards make that hop number negative. if that number doesn't require all 16 bits, then for every number to the left of the most significant of your hop number, make them 1's, if the hop number is positive make them all 0's Since most branches are close to they're targets, this saves you a lot of extra arithmetic for most cases.

  • chris

Get value (String) of ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>(); in Java

The right way to iterate on a list inside list is:

//iterate on the general list
for(int i = 0 ; i < collection.size() ; i++) {
    ArrayList<String> currentList = collection.get(i);
    //now iterate on the current list
    for (int j = 0; j < currentList.size(); j++) {
        String s = currentList.get(1);

SQL alias for SELECT statement

Not sure exactly what you try to denote with that syntax, but in almost all RDBMS-es you can use a subquery in the FROM clause (sometimes called an "inline-view"):

     SELECT ...
     FROM ...
     ) my_select

In advanced "enterprise" RDBMS-es (like oracle, SQL Server, postgresql) you can use common table expressions which allows you to refer to a query by name and reuse it even multiple times:

-- Define the CTE expression name and column list.
WITH Sales_CTE (SalesPersonID, SalesOrderID, SalesYear)
-- Define the CTE query.
    SELECT SalesPersonID, SalesOrderID, YEAR(OrderDate) AS SalesYear
    FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
-- Define the outer query referencing the CTE name.
SELECT SalesPersonID, COUNT(SalesOrderID) AS TotalSales, SalesYear
GROUP BY SalesYear, SalesPersonID
ORDER BY SalesPersonID, SalesYear;

(example from

Bootstrap 3 Carousel Not Working

Here is the changes you need to be done

just replace the carousel div with the below code

You have missed the '#' for data-target and add active class for the first item

<div id="carousel" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">
            <ol class="carousel-indicators">
                <li data-target="#carousel" data-slide-to="0"></li>
                <li data-target="#carousel" data-slide-to="1"></li>
                <li data-target="#carousel" data-slide-to="2"></li>
            <div class="carousel-inner">
                <div class="item active">
                    <img src="img/slide_1.png" alt="Slide 1">
                <div class="item">
                    <img src="img/slide_2.png" alt="Slide 2">
                <div class="item">
                    <img src="img/slide_3.png" alt="Slide 3">
            <a href="#carousel" class="left carousel-control" data-slide="prev">
                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span>
            <a href="#carousel" class="right carousel-control" data-slide="next">
                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span>

How do I uninstall a package installed using npm link?

"npm install" replaces all dependencies in your node_modules installed with "npm link" with versions from npmjs (specified in your package.json)

Go: panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference

The nil pointer dereference is in line 65 which is the defer in

res, err := client.Do(req)
defer res.Body.Close()

if err != nil {
    return nil, err

If err!= nil then res==nil and res.Body panics. Handle err before defering the res.Body.Close().

hadoop No FileSystem for scheme: file

For the record, this is still happening in hadoop 2.4.0. So frustrating...

I was able to follow the instructions in this link:

I added the following to my core-site.xml and it worked:

   <description>The FileSystem for file: uris.</description>

   <description>The FileSystem for hdfs: uris.</description>

Generate Java class from JSON?

As far as I know there is no such tool. Yet.

The main reason is, I suspect, that unlike with XML (which has XML Schema, and then tools like 'xjc' to do what you ask, between XML and POJO definitions), there is no fully features schema language. There is JSON Schema, but it has very little support for actual type definitions (focuses on JSON structures), so it would be tricky to generate Java classes. But probably still possible, esp. if some naming conventions were defined and used to support generation.

However: this is something that has been fairly frequently requested (on mailing lists of JSON tool projects I follow), so I think that someone will write such a tool in near future.

So I don't think it is a bad idea per se (also: it is not a good idea for all use cases, depends on what you want to do ).

SQL Case Sensitive String Compare

simplifying the general answer

SQL Case Sensitive String Compare

These examples may be helpful:

Declare @S1 varchar(20) = 'SQL'
Declare @S2 varchar(20) = 'sql'

if @S1 = @S2 print 'equal!' else print 'NOT equal!' -- equal (default non-case sensitivity for SQL

if cast(@S1 as binary) = cast(Upper(@S2) as binary) print 'equal!' else print 'NOT equal!' -- equal

if cast(@S1 as binary) = cast(@S2 as binary) print 'equal!' else print 'NOT equal!' -- not equal

if  @S1 COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS  = Upper(@S2) COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS  print 'equal!' else print 'NOT equal!' -- equal

if  @S1 COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS  = @S2 COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS  print 'equal!' else print 'NOT equal!' -- not equal


The convert is probably more efficient than something like runtime calculation of hashbytes, and I'd expect the collate may be even faster.

How do I get information about an index and table owner in Oracle?

The following may help give you want you need:

    index_owner, index_name, table_name, column_name, column_position

For my use case, I wanted the column_names and order that they are in the indices (so that I could recreate them in a different database engine after migrating to AWS). The following was what I used, in case it is of use to anyone else:

    index_name, table_name, column_name, column_position

Read and write a text file in typescript

import { readFileSync } from 'fs';

const file = readFileSync('./filename.txt', 'utf-8');

This worked for me. You may need to wrap the second command in any function or you may need to declare inside a class without keyword const.

mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource problem

Give this a try

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM student WHERE IDNO='$indo'");

I think this works..

Difference between DOMContentLoaded and load events

From the Mozilla Developer Center:

The DOMContentLoaded event is fired when the document has been completely loaded and parsed, without waiting for stylesheets, images, and subframes to finish loading (the load event can be used to detect a fully-loaded page).

What is mutex and semaphore in Java ? What is the main difference?

Semaphore can be counted, while mutex can only count to 1.

Suppose you have a thread running which accepts client connections. This thread can handle 10 clients simultaneously. Then each new client sets the semaphore until it reaches 10. When the Semaphore has 10 flags, then your thread won't accept new connections

Mutex are usually used for guarding stuff. Suppose your 10 clients can access multiple parts of the system. Then you can protect a part of the system with a mutex so when 1 client is connected to that sub-system, no one else should have access. You can use a Semaphore for this purpose too. A mutex is a "Mutual Exclusion Semaphore".

JavaScript null check

In JavaScript, null is a special singleton object which is helpful for signaling "no value". You can test for it by comparison and, as usual in JavaScript, it's a good practice to use the === operator to avoid confusing type coercion:

var a = null;
alert(a === null); // true

As @rynah mentions, "undefined" is a bit confusing in JavaScript. However, it's always safe to test if the typeof(x) is the string "undefined", even if "x" is not a declared variable:

alert(typeof(x) === 'undefined'); // true

Also, variables can have the "undefined value" if they are not initialized:

var y;
alert(typeof(y) === 'undefined'); // true

Putting it all together, your check should look like this:

if ((typeof(data) !== 'undefined') && (data !== null)) {
  // ...

However, since the variable "data" is always defined since it is a formal function parameter, using the "typeof" operator is unnecessary and you can safely compare directly with the "undefined value".

function(data) {
  if ((data !== undefined) && (data !== null)) {
    // ...

This snippet amounts to saying "if the function was called with an argument which is defined and is not null..."

jQuery find() method not working in AngularJS directive

I used


to get children of the current element

Update records in table from CTE

You don't need a CTE for this

UPDATE PEDI_InvoiceDetail
    DocTotal = v.DocTotal
inner join 
   SELECT InvoiceNumber, SUM(Sale + VAT) AS DocTotal
   FROM PEDI_InvoiceDetail
   GROUP BY InvoiceNumber
) v
   ON PEDI_InvoiceDetail.InvoiceNumber = v.InvoiceNumber

What's the difference between getPath(), getAbsolutePath(), and getCanonicalPath() in Java?

In short:

  • getPath() gets the path string that the File object was constructed with, and it may be relative current directory.
  • getAbsolutePath() gets the path string after resolving it against the current directory if it's relative, resulting in a fully qualified path.
  • getCanonicalPath() gets the path string after resolving any relative path against current directory, and removes any relative pathing (. and ..), and any file system links to return a path which the file system considers the canonical means to reference the file system object to which it points.

Also, each of these has a File equivalent which returns the corresponding File object.

Note that IMO, Java got the implementation of an "absolute" path wrong; it really should remove any relative path elements in an absolute path. The canonical form would then remove any FS links or junctions in the path.

Read and Write CSV files including unicode with Python 2.7

I couldn't respond to Mark above, but I just made one modification which fixed the error which was caused if data in the cells was not unicode, i.e. float or int data. I replaced this line into the UnicodeWriter function: "self.writer.writerow([s.encode("utf-8") if type(s)==types.UnicodeType else s for s in row])" so that it became:

class UnicodeWriter:
    def __init__(self, f, dialect=csv.excel, encoding="utf-8-sig", **kwds):
       self.queue = cStringIO.StringIO()
        self.writer = csv.writer(self.queue, dialect=dialect, **kwds) = f
        self.encoder = codecs.getincrementalencoder(encoding)()
    def writerow(self, row):
        '''writerow(unicode) -> None
        This function takes a Unicode string and encodes it to the output.
        self.writer.writerow([s.encode("utf-8") if type(s)==types.UnicodeType else s for s in row])
        data = self.queue.getvalue()
        data = data.decode("utf-8")
        data = self.encoder.encode(data)

    def writerows(self, rows):
        for row in rows:

You will also need to "import types".

Can Linux apps be run in Android?

You can get an ARM cross compiler that runs on Linux here. You can also download the Android NDK and compile some command line apps. I do not have any personal experience with using C++ with either solution, but I have compiled a few simple things with both. It is my understanding that the NDK is not a full C++ compiler as there have been complaints that it will not compile some common C++ code.

Note that since I am a new user, I cannot post the NDK link... :/

Store a closure as a variable in Swift

This works too:

var exeBlk = {
    () -> Void in
exeBlk = {
    //do something
//instead of nil:
exeBlk = {}

How to remove all non-alpha numeric characters from a string in MySQL?

From a performance point of view, (and on the assumption that you read more than you write)

I think the best way would be to pre calculate and store a stripped version of the column, This way you do the transform less.

You can then put an index on the new column and get the database to do the work for you.

Rails 4 - Strong Parameters - Nested Objects

If it is Rails 5, because of new hash notation: params.permit(:name, groundtruth: [:type, coordinates:[]]) will work fine.

How to use an array list in Java?

This should do the trick:

String elem = (String)S.get(0);

Will return the first item in array.


for(int i=0 ; i<S.size() ; i++){

How to decrease prod bundle size?

Check you have configuration named "production" for ng build --prod, since it is shorthand for ng build --configuration=production No answer solved my problem, because the problem was sitting right in front of the screen. I think this might be quite common... I've internationalized the app with i18n renaming all configurations to e.g. production-en. Then I built with ng build --prod assuming, that the default optimization is used and should be close to optimal, but in fact just ng build has been executed resulting in 7mb bundle instead of 250kb.

React setState not updating state

As well as noting the asynchronous nature of setState, be aware that you may have competing event handlers, one doing the state change you want and the other immediately undoing it again. For example onClick on a component whose parent also handles the onClick. Check by adding trace. Prevent this by using e.stopPropagation.

android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCantOpenDatabaseException: unknown error (code 14): Could not open database

Add this permission to your project's AndroidManifest.xml file, in the manifest tag (which should be the top level tag).

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

How to set URL query params in Vue with Vue-Router

Actually you can just push query like this: this.$router.push({query: {plan: 'private'}})

Based on:

When can I use a forward declaration?

I'm writing this as a separate answer rather than just a comment because I disagree with Luc Touraille's answer, not on the grounds of legality but for robust software and the danger of misinterpretation.

Specifically, I have an issue with the implied contract of what you expect users of your interface to have to know.

If you are returning or accepting reference types, then you are just saying they can pass through a pointer or reference which they may in turn have known only through a forward declaration.

When you are returning an incomplete type X f2(); then you are saying your caller must have the full type specification of X. They need it in order to create the LHS or temporary object at the call site.

Similarly, if you accept an incomplete type, the caller has to have constructed the object which is the parameter. Even if that object was returned as another incomplete type from a function, the call site needs the full declaration. i.e.:

class X;  // forward for two legal declarations 
X returnsX();
void XAcceptor(X);

XAcepptor( returnsX() );  // X declaration needs to be known here

I think there's an important principle that a header should supply enough information to use it without a dependency requiring other headers. That means header should be able to be included in a compilation unit without causing a compiler error when you use any functions it declares.


  1. If this external dependency is desired behaviour. Instead of using conditional compilation you could have a well-documented requirement for them to supply their own header declaring X. This is an alternative to using #ifdefs and can be a useful way to introduce mocks or other variants.

  2. The important distinction being some template techniques where you are explicitly NOT expected to instantiate them, mentioned just so someone doesn't get snarky with me.

Bash Shell Script - Check for a flag and grab its value

Here is a generalized simple command argument interface you can paste to the top of all your scripts.


declare -A flags
declare -A booleans

while [ "$1" ];
    if [ "${1:0:1}" == "-" ]
      rev=$(echo "$arg" | rev)
      if [ -z "$1" ] || [ "${1:0:1}" == "-" ] || [ "${rev:0:1}" == ":" ]
        bool=$(echo ${arg:1} | sed s/://g)
        echo \"$bool\" is boolean
        echo \"$arg\" is flag with value \"$value\"
      echo \"$arg\" is an arg

echo -e "\n"
echo booleans: ${booleans[@]}
echo flags: ${flags[@]}
echo args: ${args[@]}

echo -e "\nBoolean types:\n\tPrecedes Flag(pf): ${booleans[pf]}\n\tFinal Arg(f): ${booleans[f]}\n\tColon Terminated(Ct): ${booleans[Ct]}\n\tNot Mentioned(nm): ${boolean[nm]}"
echo -e "\nFlag: myFlag => ${flags["myFlag"]}"
echo -e "\nArgs: one: ${args[0]}, two: ${args[1]}, three: ${args[2]}"

By running the command: firstArg -pf -myFlag "my flag value" secondArg -Ct: thirdArg -f

The output will be this:

"firstArg" is an arg
"pf" is boolean
"-myFlag" is flag with value "my flag value"
"secondArg" is an arg
"Ct" is boolean
"thirdArg" is an arg
"f" is boolean

booleans: true true true
flags: my flag value
args: firstArg secondArg thirdArg

Boolean types:
    Precedes Flag(pf): true
    Final Arg(f): true
    Colon Terminated(Ct): true
    Not Mentioned(nm): 

Flag: myFlag => my flag value

Args: one => firstArg, two => secondArg, three => thirdArg

Basically, the arguments are divided up into flags booleans and generic arguments. By doing it this way a user can put the flags and booleans anywhere as long as he/she keeps the generic arguments (if there are any) in the specified order.

Allowing me and now you to never deal with bash argument parsing again!

You can view an updated script here

This has been enormously useful over the last year. It can now simulate scope by prefixing the variables with a scope parameter.

Just call the script like

replace() (
  source $FUTIL_REL_DIR/ -scope ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@"
  echo ${replaceFlags[f]}
  echo ${replaceBooleans[b]}

Doesn't look like I implemented argument scope, not sure why I guess I haven't needed it yet.

`export const` vs. `export default` in ES6

export default affects the syntax when importing the exported "thing", when allowing to import, whatever has been exported, by choosing the name in the import itself, no matter what was the name when it was exported, simply because it's marked as the "default".

A useful use case, which I like (and use), is allowing to export an anonymous function without explicitly having to name it, and only when that function is imported, it must be given a name:


Export 2 functions, one is default:

export function divide( x ){
    return x / 2;

// only one 'default' function may be exported and the rest (above) must be named
export default function( x ){  // <---- declared as a default function
    return x * x;

Import the above functions. Making up a name for the default one:

// The default function should be the first to import (and named whatever)
import square, {divide} from './module_1.js'; // I named the default "square" 

console.log( square(2), divide(2) ); // 4, 1

When the {} syntax is used to import a function (or variable) it means that whatever is imported was already named when exported, so one must import it by the exact same name, or else the import wouldn't work.

Erroneous Examples:

  1. The default function must be first to import

    import {divide}, square from './module_1.js
  2. divide_1 was not exported in module_1.js, thus nothing will be imported

    import {divide_1} from './module_1.js
  3. square was not exported in module_1.js, because {} tells the engine to explicitly search for named exports only.

    import {square} from './module_1.js

Recommended Fonts for Programming?

+1 for Monaco, although this blog post is making me think about switching to Inconsolata.

I'm curious as to what point size y'all use, I use the TextMate default size of 12pt.

Can I set max_retries for requests.request?

Be careful, Martijn Pieters's answer isn't suitable for version 1.2.1+. You can't set it globally without patching the library.

You can do this instead:

import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter

s = requests.Session()
s.mount('', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=5))
s.mount('', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=5))

Unable to run 'adb root' on a rooted Android phone

I finally found out how to do this! Basically you need to run adb shell first and then while you're in the shell run su, which will switch the shell to run as root!

$: adb shell
$: su

The one problem I still have is that sqlite3 is not installed so the command is not recognized.

git - pulling from specific branch

This worked perfectly for me, although fetching all branches could be a bit too much:

git init
git remote add origin
git fetch --all
git checkout develop

enter image description here

Android ADB commands to get the device properties

You should use adb shell getprop command and grep specific info about your current device, For additional information you can read documentation: Android Debug Bridge documentation

I added some examples below:

  1. language - adb shell getprop | grep language

    [persist.sys.language]: [en]

    [ro.product.locale.language]: [en]

  2. boot complete ( device ready after reset) - adb shell getprop | grep boot_completed

    [sys.boot_completed]: [1]

  3. device model - adb shell getprop | grep model

    [ro.product.model]: [Nexus 4]

  4. sdk version - adb shell getprop | grep sdk

    []: [22]

  5. time zone - adb shell getprop | grep timezone

    [persist.sys.timezone]: [Asia/China]

  6. serial number - adb shell getprop | grep serialno

    [ro.boot.serialno]: [1234567]

increment date by one month

Just updating the answer with simple method for find the date after no of months. As the best answer marked doesn't give the correct solution.


    $date = date('2020-05-31');
    $current = date("m",strtotime($date));
    $next = date("m",strtotime($date."+1 month"));
        $needed = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($date." +1 month"));
        $needed = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("last day of next month",strtotime($date)));
    echo "Date after 1 month from 2020-05-31 would be : $needed";


Haversine Formula in Python (Bearing and Distance between two GPS points)

Here are two functions to calculate distance and bearing, which are based on the code in previous messages and (added tuple type for geographical points in lat, lon format for both functions for clarity). I tested both functions and they seem to work right.

from math import radians, cos, sin, asin, sqrt, atan2, degrees

def haversine(pointA, pointB):

    if (type(pointA) != tuple) or (type(pointB) != tuple):
        raise TypeError("Only tuples are supported as arguments")

    lat1 = pointA[0]
    lon1 = pointA[1]

    lat2 = pointB[0]
    lon2 = pointB[1]

    # convert decimal degrees to radians 
    lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 = map(radians, [lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2]) 

    # haversine formula 
    dlon = lon2 - lon1 
    dlat = lat2 - lat1 
    a = sin(dlat/2)**2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(dlon/2)**2
    c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a)) 
    r = 6371 # Radius of earth in kilometers. Use 3956 for miles
    return c * r

def initial_bearing(pointA, pointB):

    if (type(pointA) != tuple) or (type(pointB) != tuple):
        raise TypeError("Only tuples are supported as arguments")

    lat1 = radians(pointA[0])
    lat2 = radians(pointB[0])

    diffLong = radians(pointB[1] - pointA[1])

    x = sin(diffLong) * cos(lat2)
    y = cos(lat1) * sin(lat2) - (sin(lat1)
            * cos(lat2) * cos(diffLong))

    initial_bearing = atan2(x, y)

    # Now we have the initial bearing but math.atan2 return values
    # from -180° to + 180° which is not what we want for a compass bearing
    # The solution is to normalize the initial bearing as shown below
    initial_bearing = degrees(initial_bearing)
    compass_bearing = (initial_bearing + 360) % 360

    return compass_bearing

pA = (46.2038,6.1530)
pB = (46.449, 30.690)

print haversine(pA, pB)

print initial_bearing(pA, pB)

VBA changing active workbook

Use ThisWorkbook which will refer to the original workbook which holds the code.

Alternatively at code start

Dim Wb As Workbook
Set Wb = ActiveWorkbook

sample code that activates all open books before returning to ThisWorkbook

Sub Test()
Dim Wb As Workbook
Dim Wb2 As Workbook
Set Wb = ThisWorkbook
For Each Wb2 In Application.Workbooks
End Sub

How to split a number into individual digits in c#?

Substring and Join methods are usable for this statement.

string no = "12345";
string [] numberArray = new string[no.Length];
int counter = 0;

   for (int i = 0; i < no.Length; i++)
     numberArray[i] = no.Substring(counter, 1); // 1 is split length

Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", numberArray)); //output >>> 0 1 2 3 4 5

spacing between form fields

In your CSS file:

input { margin-bottom: 10px; }

How to resize an Image C#

public static Image resizeImage(Image image, int new_height, int new_width)
    Bitmap new_image = new Bitmap(new_width, new_height);
    Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage((Image)new_image );
    g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.High;
    g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, new_width, new_height);
    return new_image;

crudrepository findBy method signature with multiple in operators?

The following signature will do:

List<Email> findByEmailIdInAndPincodeIn(List<String> emails, List<String> pinCodes);

Spring Data JPA supports a large number of keywords to build a query. IN and AND are among them.

How to find text in a column and saving the row number where it is first found - Excel VBA

Dim FindRow as Range

Set FindRow = Range("A:A").Find(What:="ProjTemp", _' This is what you are searching for
                   After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _ ' This is saying after the last cell in the_
                                                  ' column i.e. the first
                   LookIn:=xlValues, _ ' this says look in the values of the cell not the formula
                   LookAt:=xlWhole, _ ' This look s for EXACT ENTIRE MATCH
                   SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _ 'This look down the column row by row 
                                            'Larger Ranges with multiple columns can be set to 
                                            ' look column by column then down 
                   MatchCase:=False) ' this says that the search is not case sensitive

If Not FindRow  Is Nothing Then ' if findrow is something (Prevents Errors)
    FirstRow = FindRow.Row      ' set FirstRow to the first time a match is found
End If

If you would like to get addition ones you can use:

Do Until FindRow Is Nothing
    Set FindRow = Range("A:A").FindNext(after:=FindRow)
    If FindRow.row = FirstRow Then
        Exit Do
    Else ' Do what you'd like with the additional rows here.

    End If

NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean java.lang.String.equalsIgnoreCase(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference

This is the error line:

if (called_from.equalsIgnoreCase("add")) {  --->38th error line

This means that called_from is null. Simple check if it is null above:

String called_from = getIntent().getStringExtra("called");

if(called_from == null) {
    called_from = "empty string";
if (called_from.equalsIgnoreCase("add")) {
    // do whatever
} else {
    // do whatever

That way, if called_from is null, it'll execute the else part of your if statement.

Using an HTML button to call a JavaScript function

This looks correct. I guess you defined your function either with a different name or in a context which isn't visible to the button. Please add some code

How to make certain text not selectable with CSS

The CSS below stops users from being able to select text.

-webkit-user-select: none; /* Safari */        
-moz-user-select: none; /* Firefox */
-ms-user-select: none; /* IE10+/Edge */
user-select: none; /* Standard */

To target IE9 downwards the html attribute unselectable must be used instead:

<p unselectable="on">Test Text</p>

Oracle: How to find out if there is a transaction pending?

Matthew Watson can be modified to be used in RAC

select t.inst_id 
from gv$transaction t
inner join gv$session s on t.addr = s.taddr;

Always show vertical scrollbar in <select>


overflow-y: scroll

in your css bud.

Http post and get request in angular 6

For reading full response in Angular you should add the observe option:

{ observe: 'response' }
    return this.http.get(`${environment.serverUrl}/api/posts/${postId}/comments/?page=${page}&size=${size}`, { observe: 'response' });

How do I filter an array with TypeScript in Angular 2?

You can check an example in Plunker over here plunker example filters

filter() {

    let storeId = 1;
    this.bookFilteredList = this.bookList
                                .filter((book: Book) => book.storeId === storeId);
    this.bookList = this.bookFilteredList; 

docker mounting volumes on host

Basically VOLUME and -v option are almost equal. These mean 'mount specific directory on your container'. For example, VOLUME /data and -v /data is exactly same meaning. If you run the image that have VOLUME /data or with -v /data option, /data directory is mounted your container. This directory doesn't belong to your container.

Imagine that You add some files to /data on the container, then commit the container into new image. There isn't any files on data directory because mounted /data directory is belong to original container.

$ docker run -it -v /data --name volume ubuntu:14.04 bash
root@2b5e0f2d37cd:/# cd /data
root@2b5e0f2d37cd:/data# touch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
root@2b5e0f2d37cd:/data# cd /tmp
root@2b5e0f2d37cd:/tmp# touch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
root@2b5e0f2d37cd:/tmp# exit

$ docker commit volume nacyot/volume  
nacyot $ docker run -it nacyot/volume
root@dbe335c7e64d:/# cd /data
root@dbe335c7e64d:/data# ls
root@dbe335c7e64d:/data# cd /tmp
root@dbe335c7e64d:/tmp# ls
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

This mounted directory like /data is used to store data that is not belong to your application. And you can predefine the data directory that is not belong to the container by using VOLUME.

A difference between Volume and -v option is that you can use -v option dynamically on starting container. It mean you can mount some directory dynamically. And another difference is that you can mount your host directory on your container by using -v

How do you check "if not null" with Eloquent?

If someone like me want to do it with query builder in Laravel 5.2.23 it can be done like ->

 $searchResultQuery = Users::query(); 
 $searchResultQuery->where('status_message', '<>', '', 'and'); // is not null
 $searchResultQuery->where('is_deleted', 'IS NULL', null, 'and'); // is null 

Or with scope in model :

public function scopeNotNullOnly($query){

    return $query->where('status_message', '<>', '');

Return multiple values from a function, sub or type?

you could connect all the data you need from the file to a single string, and in the excel sheet seperate it with text to column. here is an example i did for same issue, enjoy:

Sub CP()
Dim ToolFile As String

Cells(3, 2).Select

For i = 0 To 5
    r = ActiveCell.Row
    ToolFile = Cells(r, 7).Value
    On Error Resume Next
    ActiveCell.Value = CP_getdatta(ToolFile)

    'seperate data by "-"
    Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range("C3"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
        TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, _
        Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=True, OtherChar _
        :="-", FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1)), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True

Cells(r + 1, 2).Select

End Sub

Function CP_getdatta(ToolFile As String) As String
    Workbooks.Open Filename:=ToolFile, UpdateLinks:=False, ReadOnly:=True

    x = CStr(ActiveCell.Value)
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 20).Select
    While IsNumeric(ActiveCell.Value) = False
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select
    ' combine data to 1 string
    CP_getdatta = CStr(x & "-" & ActiveCell.Value)
    ActiveWindow.Close False

End Function

How to change background and text colors in Sublime Text 3

For your own theme package find and edit it.

Path: Preferences -> Browse Packages -> Theme - default


Open files in 'rt' and 'wt' modes

t indicates for text mode

on linux, there's no difference between text mode and binary mode, however, in windows, they converts \n to \r\n when text mode.

convert ArrayList<MyCustomClass> to JSONArray

Add to your gradle:

implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.3.0'

Convert ArrayList to JsonArray

JsonArray jsonElements = (JsonArray) new Gson().toJsonTree(itemsArrayList);

How to select all records from one table that do not exist in another table?

FROM table1 t1
LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON =

Q: What is happening here?

A: Conceptually, we select all rows from table1 and for each row we attempt to find a row in table2 with the same value for the name column. If there is no such row, we just leave the table2 portion of our result empty for that row. Then we constrain our selection by picking only those rows in the result where the matching row does not exist. Finally, We ignore all fields from our result except for the name column (the one we are sure that exists, from table1).

While it may not be the most performant method possible in all cases, it should work in basically every database engine ever that attempts to implement ANSI 92 SQL

How to query all the GraphQL type fields without writing a long query?

Yes, you can do this using introspection. Make a GraphQL query like (for type UserType)

   __type(name:"UserType") {
      fields {

and you'll get a response like (actual field names will depend on your actual schema/type definition)

  "data": {
    "__type": {
      "fields": [
          "name": "id",
          "description": ""
          "name": "username",
          "description": "Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only."
          "name": "firstName",
          "description": ""
          "name": "lastName",
          "description": ""
         "name": "email",
          "description": ""
        ( etc. etc. ...)

You can then read this list of fields in your client and dynamically build a second GraphQL query to get all of these fields.

This relies on you knowing the name of the type that you want to get the fields for -- if you don't know the type, you could get all the types and fields together using introspection like

  __schema {
    types {
      fields {

NOTE: this is the over-the-wire GraphQL data -- you're on your own to figure out how to read and write with your actual client. Your graphQL javascript library may already employ introspection in some capacity, for example the apollo codegen command uses introspection to generate types.

How to escape apostrophe (') in MySql?

Possibly off-topic, but maybe you came here looking for a way to sanitise text input from an HTML form, so that when a user inputs the apostrophe character, it doesn't throw an error when you try to write the text to an SQL-based table in a DB. There are a couple of ways to do this, and you might want to read about SQL injection too. Here's an example of using prepared statements and bound parameters in PHP:

$input_str = "Here's a string with some apostrophes (')";
// sanitise it before writing to the DB (assumes PDO)
$sql = "INSERT INTO `table` (`note`) VALUES (:note)";
try {
    $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql);
    $stmt->bindParam(':note', $input_str, PDO::PARAM_STR);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    return $dbh->errorInfo();
return "success";

In the special case where you may want to store your apostrophes using their HTML entity references, PHP has the htmlspecialchars() function which will convert them to &#039;. As the comments indicate, this should not be used as a substitute for proper sanitisation, as per the example given.

Cannot install packages inside docker Ubuntu image

From the docs in May 2017 2018 2019 2020

Always combine RUN apt-get update with apt-get install in the same RUN statement, for example

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y package-bar


Using apt-get update alone in a RUN statement causes caching issues and subsequent apt-get install instructions fail.


Using RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ensures your Dockerfile installs the latest package versions with no further coding or manual intervention. This technique is known as “cache busting”.

How do you run a command for each line of a file?

If you want to run your command in parallel for each line you can use GNU Parallel

parallel -a <your file> <program>

Each line of your file will be passed to program as an argument. By default parallel runs as many threads as your CPUs count. But you can specify it with -j

How to display a "busy" indicator with jQuery?

Old thread, but i wanted to update since i worked on this problem today, i didnt have jquery in my project so i did it the plain old javascript way, i also needed to block the content on the screen so in my xhtml

    <img id="loading" src="#{request.contextPath}/images/spinner.gif" style="display: none;"/>

in my javascript

    document.getElementsByClassName('myclass').style.opacity = '0.7'
    document.getElementById('loading').style.display = "block";

Convert python datetime to epoch with strftime

In Python 3.7

Return a datetime corresponding to a date_string in one of the formats emitted by date.isoformat() and datetime.isoformat(). Specifically, this function supports strings in the format(s) YYYY-MM-DD[*HH[:MM[:SS[.fff[fff]]]][+HH:MM[:SS[.ffffff]]]], where * can match any single character.

codes for ADD,EDIT,DELETE,SEARCH in vb2010

Have you googled about it - insert update delete access, there are lots of reference about this.

Insert Update Delete Navigation & Searching In Access Database Using VB.NET

  • Create Visual Basic 2010 Project: VB-Access
  • Assume that, we have a database file named data.mdb
  • Place the data.mdb file into ..\bin\Debug\ folder (Where the project executable file (.exe) is placed)

what could be the easier way to connect and manipulate the DB?
Use OleDBConnection class to make connection with DB

is it by using MS ACCESS 2003 or MS ACCESS 2007?
you can use any you want to use or your client will use on their machine.

it seems that you want to find some example of opereations fo the database. Here is an example of Access 2010 for your reference:

Example code snippet:

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb

Public Class DBUtil

 Private connectionString As String

 Public Sub New()

  Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
  Dim dbProvider As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;"
  Dim dbSource = "Data Source=d:\DB\Database11.accdb"

  connectionString = dbProvider & dbSource

 End Sub

 Public Function GetCategories() As DataSet

  Dim query As String = "SELECT * FROM Categories"
  Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(query)
  Return FillDataSet(cmd, "Categories")

 End Function

 Public SubUpdateCategories(ByVal name As String)
  Dim query As String = "update Categories set name = 'new2' where name = ?"
  Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(query)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Name", name)
  Return FillDataSet(cmd, "Categories")

 End Sub

 Public Function GetItems() As DataSet

  Dim query As String = "SELECT * FROM Items"
  Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(query)
  Return FillDataSet(cmd, "Items")

 End Function

 Public Function GetItems(ByVal categoryID As Integer) As DataSet

  'Create the command.
  Dim query As String = "SELECT * FROM Items WHERE Category_ID=?"
  Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(query)
  cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("category_ID", categoryID)

  'Fill the dataset.
  Return FillDataSet(cmd, "Items")

 End Function

 Public Sub AddCategory(ByVal name As String)

  Dim con As New OleDbConnection(connectionString)

  'Create the command.
  Dim insertSQL As String = "INSERT INTO Categories "
  insertSQL &= "VALUES(?)"
  Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(insertSQL, con)
  cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Name", name)

  End Try

 End Sub

 Public Sub AddItem(ByVal title As String, ByVal description As String, _
    ByVal price As Decimal, ByVal categoryID As Integer)

  Dim con As New OleDbConnection(connectionString)

  'Create the command.
  Dim insertSQL As String = "INSERT INTO Items "
  insertSQL &= "(Title, Description, Price, Category_ID)"
  insertSQL &= "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"
  Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(insertSQL, con)
  cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Title", title)
  cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Description", description)
  cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Price", price)
  cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("CategoryID", categoryID)

  End Try

 End Sub

 Private Function FillDataSet(ByVal cmd As OleDbCommand, ByVal tableName As String) As DataSet

  Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
  Dim dbProvider As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;"
  Dim dbSource = "Data Source=D:\DB\Database11.accdb"

  connectionString = dbProvider & dbSource
  con.ConnectionString = connectionString
  cmd.Connection = con
  Dim adapter As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)
  Dim ds As New DataSet()

   adapter.Fill(ds, tableName)
  End Try
  Return ds

 End Function

End Class

Refer these links:
Insert, Update, Delete & Search Values in MS Access 2003 with VB.NET 2005
How Add new record ,Update record,Delete Records using Forms when Access as a back

Convert Select Columns in Pandas Dataframe to Numpy Array

The columns parameter accepts a collection of column names. You're passing a list containing a dataframe with two rows:

>>> [df[1:]]
[  viz  a1_count  a1_mean  a1_std
1   n         0      NaN     NaN
2   n         2       51      50]
>>> df.as_matrix(columns=[df[1:]])
array([[ nan,  nan],
       [ nan,  nan],
       [ nan,  nan]])

Instead, pass the column names you want:

>>> df.columns[1:]
Index(['a1_count', 'a1_mean', 'a1_std'], dtype='object')
>>> df.as_matrix(columns=df.columns[1:])
array([[  3.      ,   2.      ,   0.816497],
       [  0.      ,        nan,        nan],
       [  2.      ,  51.      ,  50.      ]])

Error Code: 2013. Lost connection to MySQL server during query

There are three likely causes for this error message

  1. Usually it indicates network connectivity trouble and you should check the condition of your network if this error occurs frequently
  2. Sometimes the “during query” form happens when millions of rows are being sent as part of one or more queries.
  3. More rarely, it can happen when the client is attempting the initial connection to the server

For more detail read >>

Cause 2 :

SET GLOBAL interactive_timeout=60;

from its default of 30 seconds to 60 seconds or longer

Cause 3 :

SET GLOBAL connect_timeout=60;

Prevent text selection after double click

For those looking for a solution for Angular 2+.

You can use the mousedown output of the table cell.

<td *ngFor="..."
    (dblclick) ="onDblClick($event)">

And prevent if the detail > 1.

public onMouseDown(mouseEvent: MouseEvent) {
  // prevent text selection for dbl clicks.
  if (mouseEvent.detail > 1) mouseEvent.preventDefault();

public onDblClick(mouseEvent: MouseEvent) {
 // todo: do what you really want to do ...

The dblclick output continues to work as expected.

Comparing two hashmaps for equal values and same key sets?

Compare every key in mapB against the counterpart in mapA. Then check if there is any key in mapA not existing in mapB

public boolean mapsAreEqual(Map<String, String> mapA, Map<String, String> mapB) {

        for (String k : mapB.keySet())
            if (!mapA.get(k).equals(mapB.get(k))) {
                return false;
        for (String y : mapA.keySet())
            if (!mapB.containsKey(y)) {
                return false;
    } catch (NullPointerException np) {
        return false;
    return true;

How to control the width and height of the default Alert Dialog in Android?

longButton.setOnClickListener {
    "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n0\n" +
      "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n0\n" +
      "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n0\n" +
      "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n0\n" +
      "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n0\n" +
      "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n0\n" +

shortButton.setOnClickListener {
    "1234567890\n" +

private fun show(msg: String) {
  val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(this).apply {
    setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, null)
    setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel, null)

  val dialog = builder.create().apply {

  dialog.window?.decorView?.addOnLayoutChangeListener { v, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ ->
    val displayRectangle = Rect()
    val window = dialog.window
    val maxHeight = displayRectangle.height() * 0.6f // 60%

    if (v.height > maxHeight) {
      window?.setLayout(window.attributes.width, maxHeight.toInt())

short message

long message

What is useState() in React?

Hooks are a new feature in React v16.7.0-alpha useState is the “Hook”. useState() set the default value of the any variable and manage in function component(PureComponent functions). ex : const [count, setCount] = useState(0); set the default value of count 0. and u can use setCount to increment or decrement the value. onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)} increment the count value.DOC

Render HTML in React Native

 <WebView ref={'webview'} automaticallyAdjustContentInsets={false} source={require('../Assets/aboutus.html')} />

This worked for me :) I have html text aboutus file.

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int android.view.View.getImportantForAccessibility()' on a null object reference

in your baseadapter class constructor try to initialize LayoutInflater, normally i preferred this way,

public ClassBaseAdapter(Context context,ArrayList<Integer> listLoanAmount) {
    this.context = context;
    this.listLoanAmount = listLoanAmount;
    this.layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);

at the top of the class create LayoutInflater variable, hope this will help you

How to submit http form using C#

Response.Write("<script> try {this.submit();} catch(e){} </script>");

Detect Route Change with react-router

This is an old question and I don't quite understand the business need of listening for route changes to push a route change; seems roundabout.

BUT if you ended up here because all you wanted was to update the 'page_path' on a react-router route change for google analytics / global site tag / something similar, here's a hook you can now use. I wrote it based on the accepted answer:


import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'

export const useTracking = (trackingId) => {
  const { listen } = useHistory()

  useEffect(() => {
    const unlisten = listen((location) => {
      // if you pasted the google snippet on your index.html
      // you've declared this function in the global
      if (!window.gtag) return

      window.gtag('config', trackingId, { page_path: location.pathname })

    // remember, hooks that add listeners
    // should have cleanup to remove them
    return unlisten
  }, [trackingId, listen])

You should use this hook once in your app, somewhere near the top but still inside a router. I have it on an App.js that looks like this:


import * as React from 'react'
import { BrowserRouter, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom'

import Home from './Home/Home'
import About from './About/About'
// this is the file above
import { useTracking } from './useTracking'

export const App = () => {

  return (
      <Route path="/about">
        <About />
      <Route path="/">
        <Home />

// I find it handy to have a named export of the App
// and then the default export which wraps it with
// all the providers I need.
// Mostly for testing purposes, but in this case,
// it allows us to use the hook above,
// since you may only use it when inside a Router
export default () => (
    <App />

Structs in Javascript

I always use object literals

{id: 1, speaker:"john", country: "au"}

What does Maven do, in theory and in practice? When is it worth to use it?

From the Sonatype doc:

The answer to this question depends on your own perspective. The great majority of Maven users are going to call Maven a “build tool”: a tool used to build deployable artifacts from source code. Build engineers and project managers might refer to Maven as something more comprehensive: a project management tool. What is the difference? A build tool such as Ant is focused solely on preprocessing, compilation, packaging, testing, and distribution. A project management tool such as Maven provides a superset of features found in a build tool. In addition to providing build capabilities, Maven can also run reports, generate a web site, and facilitate communication among members of a working team.

I'd strongly recommend looking at the Sonatype doc and spending some time looking at the available plugins to understand the power of Maven.

Very briefly, it operates at a higher conceptual level than (say) Ant. With Ant, you'd specify the set of files and resources that you want to build, then specify how you want them jarred together, and specify the order that should occur in (clean/compile/jar). With Maven this is all implicit. Maven expects to find your files in particular places, and will work automatically with that. Consequently setting up a project with Maven can be a lot simpler, but you have to play by Maven's rules!

Select a row from html table and send values onclick of a button

This below code will give selected row, you can parse the values from it and send to the AJAX call.

$(".selected").click(function () {
var row = $(this).parent().parent().parent().html();            

How to deploy ASP.NET webservice to IIS 7?

  1. rebuild project in VS
  2. copy project folder to iis folder, probably C:\inetpub\wwwroot\
  3. in iis manager (run>inetmgr) add website, point to folder, point application pool based on your .net
  4. add web service to created website, almost the same as 3.
  5. INSTALL ASP for windows 7 and .net 4.0: c:\windows\ framework\v4.(some numbers)\regiis.exe -i
  6. check access to web service on your browser

Is if(document.getElementById('something')!=null) identical to if(document.getElementById('something'))?

document.getElementById('something') can be 'undefined'. Usually (thought not always) it's sufficient to do tests like if (document.getElementById('something')).

Convert date to datetime in Python

You can use datetime.combine(date, time); for the time, you create a datetime.time object initialized to midnight.

from datetime import date
from datetime import datetime

dt = datetime.combine(, datetime.min.time())

How to use onBlur event on Angular2?

You can also use (focusout) event:

Use (eventName) for while binding event to DOM, basically () is used for event binding. Also you can use ngModel to get two way binding for your model. With the help of ngModel you can manipulate model variable value inside your component.

Do this in HTML file

<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="model" (focusout)="someMethodWithFocusOutEvent($event)">

And in your (component) .ts file

export class AppComponent { 
 model: any;
 constructor(){ }
   console.log('Your method called');
   // Do something here

How to recover stashed uncommitted changes

On mac this worked for me:

git stash list(see all your stashs)

git stash list

git stash apply (just the number that you want from your stash list)

like this:

git stash apply 1

UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block

I suggest removing the below code from getMails

 .catch(error => { throw error})

In your main function you should put await and related code in Try block and also add one catch block where you failure code.

you function gmaiLHelper.getEmails should return a promise which has reject and resolve in it.

Now while calling and using await put that in try catch block(remove the .catch) as below.

router.get("/emailfetch", authCheck, async (req, res) => {
  //listing messages in users mailbox 
  let emailFetch = await gmaiLHelper.getEmails(req.user._doc.profile_id , '/messages', req.user.accessToken)
catch (error) { 
 // your catch block code goes here

What does "control reaches end of non-void function" mean?

The compiler isn't smart enough to know that <, >, and == are a "complete set". You can let it know that by removing the condition "if(val == sorted[mid])" -- it's redundant. Jut say "else return mid;"

Concat all strings inside a List<string> using LINQ

You can use Aggregate, to concatenate the strings into a single, character separated string but will throw an Invalid Operation Exception if the collection is empty.

You can use Aggregate function with a seed string.

var seed = string.Empty;
var seperator = ",";

var cars = new List<string>() { "Ford", "McLaren Senna", "Aston Martin Vanquish"};

var carAggregate = cars.Aggregate(seed,
                (partialPhrase, word) => $"{partialPhrase}{seperator}{word}").TrimStart(',');

you can use string.Join doesn’t care if you pass it an empty collection.

var seperator = ",";

var cars = new List<string>() { "Ford", "McLaren Senna", "Aston Martin Vanquish"};

var carJoin = string.Join(seperator, cars);

What is base 64 encoding used for?

It's basically a way of encoding arbitrary binary data in ASCII text. It takes 4 characters per 3 bytes of data, plus potentially a bit of padding at the end.

Essentially each 6 bits of the input is encoded in a 64-character alphabet. The "standard" alphabet uses A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and + and /, with = as a padding character. There are URL-safe variants.

Wikipedia is a reasonably good source of more information.

Angular 2 - How to navigate to another route using this.router.parent.navigate('/about')?

Also can use without parent

say router definition like:

{path:'/about',    name: 'About',   component: AboutComponent}

then can navigate by name instead of path

goToAboutPage() {
    this.router.navigate(['About']); // here "About" is name not path

Updated for V2.3.0

In Routing from v2.0 name property no more exist. route define without name property. so you should use path instead of name. this.router.navigate(['/path']) and no leading slash for path so use path: 'about' instead of path: '/about'

router definition like:

{path:'about', component: AboutComponent}

then can navigate by path

goToAboutPage() {
    this.router.navigate(['/about']); // here "About" is path

"fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories)" from git status

If Existing Project Solution is planned to move on TSF in VS Code:

open Terminal and run following commands:

  1. Initialize git in that folder (root Directory)

    git init

  2. Add Git

    git add .

  3. Link your TSf/Git to that Project - {url} replace with your git address

    git remote add origin {url}

  4. Commit those Changes:

    git commit -m "initial commit"

  5. Push - I pushed code as version1 you can use any name for your branch

    git push origin HEAD:Version1

How using try catch for exception handling is best practice

With Exceptions, I try the following:

First, I catch special types of exceptions like division by zero, IO operations, and so on and write code according to that. For example, a division by zero, depending the provenience of the values I could alert the user (example a simple calculator in that in a middle calculation (not the arguments) arrives in a division by zero) or to silently treat that exception, logging it and continue processing.

Then I try to catch the remaining exceptions and log them. If possible allow the execution of code, otherwise alert the user that a error happened and ask them to mail a error report.

In code, something like this:

    //Some code here
catch(DivideByZeroException dz){
catch(Exception e){
    //if a IO operation here i close the hanging handlers for example

Get filename in batch for loop

The answer by @AKX works on the command line, but not within a batch file. Within a batch file, you need an extra %, like this:

@echo off
for /R TutorialSteps %%F in (*.py) do echo %%~nF

Remove "whitespace" between div element

Although probably not the best method you could add:

#div1 {

Serving favicon.ico in ASP.NET MVC

I agree with the answer from Chris, but seeing this is a specific ASP.NET MVC question it would be better to use either Razor syntax:

<link rel="icon" href="@Url.Content("~/content/favicon.ico")"/>

Or traditionally

<link rel="icon" href="<%= Url.Content("~/content/favicon.ico") %>"/>

rather than

<link rel="icon" href=""/>

How can I make this try_files directive work?

a very common try_files line which can be applied on your condition is

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /test/index.html;

you probably understand the first part, location / matches all locations, unless it's matched by a more specific location, like location /test for example

The second part ( the try_files ) means when you receive a URI that's matched by this block try $uri first, for example nginx will try to check if there's a file inside /images called image.jpg if found it will serve it first.

Second condition is $uri/ which means if you didn't find the first condition $uri try the URI as a directory, for example, ngixn will first check if a file called images exists then it wont find it, then goes to second check $uri/ and see if there's a directory called images exists then it will try serving it.

Side note: if you don't have autoindex on you'll probably get a 403 forbidden error, because directory listing is forbidden by default.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that if you have index defined, nginx will try to check if the index exists inside this folder before trying directory listing.

Third condition /test/index.html is considered a fall back option, (you need to use at least 2 options, one and a fall back), you can use as much as you can (never read of a constriction before), nginx will look for the file index.html inside the folder test and serve it if it exists.

If the third condition fails too, then nginx will serve the 404 error page.

Also there's something called named locations, like this

location @error {

You can call it with try_files like this

try_files $uri $uri/ @error;

TIP: If you only have 1 condition you want to serve, like for example inside folder images you only want to either serve the image or go to 404 error, you can write a line like this

location /images {
    try_files $uri =404;

which means either serve the file or serve a 404 error, you can't use only $uri by it self without =404 because you need to have a fallback option.
You can also choose which ever error code you want, like for example:

location /images {
    try_files $uri =403;

This will show a forbidden error if the image doesn't exist, or if you use 500 it will show server error, etc ..

How to get a variable value if variable name is stored as string?

You can use ${!a}:

var1="this is the real value"
echo "${!a}" # outputs 'this is the real value'

This is an example of indirect parameter expansion:

The basic form of parameter expansion is ${parameter}. The value of parameter is substituted.

If the first character of parameter is an exclamation point (!), it introduces a level of variable indirection. Bash uses the value of the variable formed from the rest of parameter as the name of the variable; this variable is then expanded and that value is used in the rest of the substitution, rather than the value of parameter itself.

How can I remove duplicate rows?

The following query is useful to delete duplicate rows. The table in this example has ID as an identity column and the columns which have duplicate data are Column1, Column2 and Column3.

                  FROM   TableName
                  GROUP  BY Column1,
                  /*Even if ID is not null-able SQL Server treats MAX(ID) as potentially
                    nullable. Because of semantics of NOT IN (NULL) including the clause
                    below can simplify the plan*/
                  HAVING MAX(ID) IS NOT NULL) 

The following script shows usage of GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY in one query, and returns the results with duplicate column and its count.

SELECT YourColumnName,
       COUNT(*) TotalCount
FROM   YourTableName
GROUP  BY YourColumnName

Generate a random letter in Python

>>> import random
>>> import string    
>>> random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase)

Python 2.7 getting user input and manipulating as string without quotations

Use raw_input() instead of input():

testVar = raw_input("Ask user for something.")

input() actually evaluates the input as Python code. I suggest to never use it. raw_input() returns the verbatim string entered by the user.

Strip first and last character from C string

To "remove" the 1st character point to the second character:

char mystr[] = "Nmy stringP";
char *p = mystr;
p++; /* 'N' is not in `p` */

To remove the last character replace it with a '\0'.

p[strlen(p)-1] = 0; /* 'P' is not in `p` (and it isn't in `mystr` either) */

What is the best way to find the users home directory in Java?

If you want something that works well on windows there is a package called WinFoldersJava which wraps the native call to get the 'special' directories on Windows. We use it frequently and it works well.

How to remove carriage return and newline from a variable in shell script

Because the file you source ends lines with carriage returns, the contents of $testVar are likely to look like this:

$ printf '%q\n' "$testVar"

(The first line's $ is the shell prompt; the second line's $ is from the %q formatting string, indicating $'' quoting.)

To get rid of the carriage return, you can use shell parameter expansion and ANSI-C quoting (requires Bash):


Which should result in

$ printf '%q\n' "$testVar"

How to show all of columns name on pandas dataframe?

A quick and dirty solution would be to convert it to a string


would cause all of them to be printed out separated by tabs Of course, do note that with 102 names, all of them rather long, this will be a bit hard to read through

Understanding SQL Server LOCKS on SELECT queries

I have to add an important comment. Everyone is mentioning that NOLOCKreads only dirty data. This is not precise. It is also possible that you'll get same row twice or whole row is skipped during your read. Reason is that you could ask for some data in same time when SQL Server is re-balancing b-tree.

Check another threads

With the NOLOCK hint (or setting the isolation level of the session to READ UNCOMMITTED) you tell SQL Server that you don't expect consistency, so there are no guarantees. Bear in mind though that "inconsistent data" does not only mean that you might see uncommitted changes that were later rolled back, or data changes in an intermediate state of the transaction. It also means that in a simple query that scans all table/index data SQL Server may lose the scan position, or you might end up getting the same row twice.

How to watch for a route change in AngularJS?

$rootScope.$on( "$routeChangeStart", function(event, next, current) {
  //if you want to interrupt going to another location.
  event.preventDefault();  });

XPath Query: get attribute href from a tag

The answer shared by @mockinterface is correct. Although I would like to add my 2 cents to it.

If someone is using frameworks like scrapy the you will have to use /html/body//a[contains(@href,'com')][2]/@href along with get() like this:


Entity Framework vs LINQ to SQL


  1. Homogeneous datasource: SQL Server
  2. Recommended for small projects only where data structure is well designed
  3. Mapping can be changed without recompilling with SqlMetal.exe
  4. .dbml (Database Markup Language)
  5. One-to-one mapping between tables and classes
  6. Supports TPH inheritance
  7. Doesn't support complex types
  8. Storage-first approach
  9. Database-centric view of a database
  10. Created by C# team
  11. Supported but not further improvements intended

Entity Framework

  1. Heterogeneus datasource: Support many data providers
  2. Recommended for all new projects except:
    • small ones (LINQ to SQL)
    • when data source is a flat file (ADO.NET)
  3. Mapping can be changed without recompilling when setting model and mapping files Metadata Artifact Process to Copy To Output Directory
  4. .edmx (Entity Data Model) which contains:
    • SSDL (Storage Schema Definition Language)
    • CSDL (Conceptual Schema Definition Language)
    • MSL (Mapping Specification Language)
  5. One-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one mappings between tables and classes
  6. Supports inheritence:
    • TPH (Table Per Hierarchy)
    • TPT (Table Per Type)
    • TPC (Table Per Concrete Class)
  7. Supports complex types
  8. Code-first, Model-first, Storage-first approaches
  9. Application-centric view of a database
  10. Created by SQL Server team
  11. Future of Microsoft Data APIs

See also:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null

If in your HTML you have an input element with a name or id with a _ like e.g. first_name or more than one _ like e.g. student_first_name and you also have the Javascript code at the bottom of your Web Page and you are sure you are doing everything else right, then those dashes could be what is messing you up.

Having id or name for your input elements resembling the below

<input type="text" id="first_name" name="first_name">


<input type="text" id="student_first_name" name="student_first_name">

Then you try make a call like this below in your JavaScript code

var first_name = document.getElementById("first_name").value;


var student_first_name = document.getElementById("student_first_name").value;

You are certainly going to have an error like Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null in Google Chrome and on Internet Explorer too. I did not get to test that with Firefox.

In my case I removed the dashes, in first_name and renamed it to firstname and from student_first_name to studentfirstname

At the end, I was able to resolve that error with my code now looking as follows for HTML and JavaScript.


<input type="text" id="firstname" name="firstname">


<input type="text" id="studentfirstname" name="studentfirstname">


var firstname = document.getElementById("firstname").value;


var studentfirstname = document.getElementById("studentfirstname").value;

So if it is within your means to rename the HTML and JavaScript code with those dashes, it may help if that is what is ailing your piece of code. In my case that was what was bugging me.

Hope this helps someone stop pulling their hair like I was.

How to make rounded percentages add up to 100%

Here's a simpler Python implementation of @varun-vohra answer:

def apportion_pcts(pcts, total):
    proportions = [total * (pct / 100) for pct in pcts]
    apportions = [math.floor(p) for p in proportions]
    remainder = total - sum(apportions)
    remainders = [(i, p - math.floor(p)) for (i, p) in enumerate(proportions)]
    remainders.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
    for (i, _) in itertools.cycle(remainders):
        if remainder == 0:
            apportions[i] += 1
            remainder -= 1
    return apportions

You need math, itertools, operator.

How do I restart nginx only after the configuration test was successful on Ubuntu?

You can use signals to control nginx.

According to documentation, you need to send HUP signal to nginx master process.

HUP - changing configuration, keeping up with a changed time zone (only for FreeBSD and Linux), starting new worker processes with a new configuration, graceful shutdown of old worker processes

Check the documentation here:

You can send the HUP signal to nginx master process PID like this:

kill -HUP $( cat /var/run/ )

The command above reads the nginx PID from /var/run/ By default nginx pid is written to /usr/local/nginx/logs/ but that can be overridden in config. Check your nginx.config to see where it saves the PID.

Variable that has the path to the current ansible-playbook that is executing?

I was using a playbook like this to test my roles locally:

- hosts: localhost
     - role: .

but this stopped working with Ansible v2.2.

I debugged the aforementioned solution of

- hosts: all
    - name: Find out playbooks path
      shell: pwd
      register: playbook_path_output
    - debug: var=playbook_path_output.stdout

and it produced my home directory and not the "current working directory"

I settled with

- hosts: all
    - role: '{{playbook_dir}}'

per the solution above.

std::thread calling method of class

Not so hard:

#include <thread>

void Test::runMultiThread()
    std::thread t1(&Test::calculate, this,  0, 10);
    std::thread t2(&Test::calculate, this, 11, 20);

If the result of the computation is still needed, use a future instead:

#include <future>

void Test::runMultiThread()
     auto f1 = std::async(&Test::calculate, this,  0, 10);
     auto f2 = std::async(&Test::calculate, this, 11, 20);

     auto res1 = f1.get();
     auto res2 = f2.get();

How to know whether refresh button or browser back button is clicked in Firefox

var keyCode = evt.keyCode;
if (keyCode==8)
alert('you pressed backspace');

alert('you pressed f5 to reload page')

What is Java EE?

There are 2 version of the Java Environments, J2EE and Se. SE is the standard edition, which includes all the basic classes that you would need to write single user applications. While the Enterprise Edition is set up for multi-tiered enterprise applications, or possible distributed applications. If you'd be using app servers, like tomcat or websphere, you'd want to use the J2EE, with the extra classes for n-tier support.

How to do a background for a label will be without color?

Do you want to make the label (except for the text) transparent? Windows Forms (I assume WinForms - is this true) doesn't really support transparency. The easiest way, sometimes, is Label's Backcolor to Transparent.

label1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;

You will run into problems though, as WinForms really doesn't properly support transparency. Otherwise, see here:

Setting the parent of a usercontrol prevents it from being transparent

Good luck!

Looping through a DataTable

Please try the following code below:

//Here I am using a reader object to fetch data from database, along with sqlcommand onject (cmd).
//Once the data is loaded to the Datatable object (datatable) you can loop through it using the datatable.rows.count prop.

using (reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
// Load the Data table object
  if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
    DataColumn col = dataTable.Columns["YourColumnName"];  
    foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows)
       strJsonData = row[col].ToString();

set pythonpath before import statements

As also noted in the docs here.
Go to Python X.X/Lib and add these lines to the there,

import sys

This changes your sys.path so that on every load, it will have that value in it..

As stated here about,

This module is automatically imported during initialization. Importing this module will append site-specific paths to the module search path and add a few builtins.

For other possible methods of adding some path to sys.path see these docs

Auto-increment primary key in SQL tables

Right-click on the table in SSMS, 'Design' it, and click on the id column. In the properties, set the identity to be seeded @ e.g. 1 and to have increment of 1 - save and you're done.

Open URL in Java to get the content

public class UrlContent{
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        URL url;

        try {
            // get URL content

            String a="http://localhost:8080/TestWeb/index.jsp";
            url = new URL(a);
            URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();

            // open the stream and put it into BufferedReader
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
                               new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));

            String inputLine;
            while ((inputLine = br.readLine()) != null) {


        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {


Alternative to file_get_contents?

If you're trying to read XML generated from a URL without file_get_contents() then you'll probably want to have a look at cURL

How to perform runtime type checking in Dart?

Just to clarify a bit the difference between is and runtimeType. As someone said already (and this was tested with Dart V2+) the following code:

class Foo { 
  Type get runtimeType => String;
main() {
  var foo = new Foo();
  if (foo is Foo) {
    print("it's a foo!");
  print("type is ${foo.runtimeType}");


will output:

it's a foo! 
type is String

Which is wrong. Now, I can't see the reason why one should do such a thing...

How to iterate over the file in python

This is probably because an empty line at the end of your input file.

Try this:

for x in f:
        print int(x.strip(),16)
    except ValueError:
        print "Invalid input:", x

Gem Command not found

Installing this package allows you to use gem command on Debian 8:

apt-get install rubygems-integration

To install a gem package you might also need:

apt-get install ruby ruby-dev

How to change XML Attribute

Using LINQ to xml if you are using framework 3.5:

using System.Xml.Linq;

XDocument xmlFile = XDocument.Load("books.xml"); 

var query = from c in xmlFile.Elements("catalog").Elements("book")    
            select c; 

foreach (XElement book in query) 
   book.Attribute("attr1").Value = "MyNewValue";


Force overwrite of local file with what's in origin repo?

If you want to overwrite only one file:

git fetch
git checkout origin/master <filepath>

If you want to overwrite all changed files:

git fetch
git reset --hard origin/master

(This assumes that you're working on master locally and you want the changes on the origin's master - if you're on a branch, substitute that in instead.)

Switching to a TabBar tab view programmatically?

Use in AppDelegate.m file:

(void)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController
 didSelectViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController

     NSLog(@"Selected index: %d", tabBarController.selectedIndex);

    if (viewController == tabBarController.moreNavigationController)
        tabBarController.moreNavigationController.delegate = self;

    NSUInteger selectedIndex = tabBarController.selectedIndex;

    switch (selectedIndex) {

        case 0:
            NSLog(@"click me %u",self.tabBarController.selectedIndex);
        case 1:
            NSLog(@"click me again!! %u",self.tabBarController.selectedIndex);




Entity Framework Query for inner join

from s in db.Services
join sa in db.ServiceAssignments on s.Id equals sa.ServiceId
where sa.LocationId == 1
select s

Where db is your DbContext. Generated query will look like (sample for EF6):

SELECT [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id]
       -- other fields from Services table
FROM [dbo].[Services] AS [Extent1]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[ServiceAssignments] AS [Extent2]
    ON [Extent1].[Id] = [Extent2].[ServiceId]
WHERE [Extent2].[LocationId] = 1

Convert Json Array to normal Java list

we starting from conversion [ JSONArray -> List < JSONObject > ]

public static List<JSONObject> getJSONObjectListFromJSONArray(JSONArray array) 
        throws JSONException {
  ArrayList<JSONObject> jsonObjects = new ArrayList<>();
  for (int i = 0; 
           i < (array != null ? array.length() : 0);           
  return jsonObjects;

next create generic version replacing array.getJSONObject(i++) with POJO

example :

public <T> static List<T> getJSONObjectListFromJSONArray(Class<T> forClass, JSONArray array) 
        throws JSONException {
  ArrayList<Tt> tObjects = new ArrayList<>();
  for (int i = 0; 
           i < (array != null ? array.length() : 0);           
           tObjects.add( (T) createT(forClass, array.getJSONObject(i++))) 
  return tObjects;

private static T createT(Class<T> forCLass, JSONObject jObject) {
   // instantiate via reflection / use constructor or whatsoever 
   T tObject = forClass.newInstance(); 
   // if not using constuctor args  fill up 
   // return new pojo filled object 
   return tObject;

Open popup and refresh parent page on close popup

on your child page, put these:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function refreshAndClose() {


<body onbeforeunload="refreshAndClose();">

but as a good UI design, you should use a Close button because it's more user friendly. see code below.

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $('#btn').click(function () {

<input type='button' id='btn' value='Close' />

Node.js - Maximum call stack size exceeded

I thought of another approach using function references that limits call stack size without using setTimeout() (Node.js, v10.16.0):


let counter = 0;
const max = 1000000000n  // 'n' signifies BigInteger
Error.stackTraceLimit = 100;

const A = () => {
  fp = B;

const B = () => {
  fp = A;

let fp = B;

const then = process.hrtime.bigint();

for(;;) {
  if (counter > max) {
    const now = process.hrtime.bigint();
    const nanos = now - then;

    console.log({ "runtime(sec)": Number(nanos) / (1000000000.0) })
    throw Error('exit')


$ node testLoop.js
{ 'runtime(sec)': 18.947094799 }
    throw Error('exit')

Error: exit
    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\jlowe\Documents\Projects\clearStack\testLoop.js:25:11)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:776:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:787:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:653:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:593:12)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:585:3)
    at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:829:12)
    at startup (internal/bootstrap/node.js:283:19)
    at bootstrapNodeJSCore (internal/bootstrap/node.js:622:3)

"Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation" in Chrome

You can also use:

var obj = {
    alert: alert.bind(window)
obj.alert('I´m an alert!!');

How do I retrieve my MySQL username and password?

IF you happen to have ODBC set up, you can get the password from the ODBC config file. This is in /etc/odbc.ini for Linux and in the Software/ODBC folder in the registry in Windows (there are several - it may take some hunting)

Twitter Bootstrap button click to toggle expand/collapse text section above button


<h4 data-toggle-selector="#me">toggle</h4>
<div id="me">content here</div>


$(function () {
    $('[data-toggle-selector]').on('click',function () {

How to unlock android phone through ADB

If you have to click OK after entering your passcode, this command will unlock your phone:

adb shell input text XXXX && adb shell input keyevent 66


  • XXXX is your passcode.
  • 66 is keycode of button OK.
  • adb shell input text XXXX will enter your passcode.
  • adb shell input keyevent 66 will simulate click the OK button

Using Python, find anagrams for a list of words

This one is gonna help you:

Assuming input is given as comma separated strings

console input: abc,bac,car,rac,pqr,acb,acr,abc

in_list = list()
in_list = map(str, raw_input("Enter strings seperated by comma").split(','))
list_anagram = list()

for i in range(0, len(in_list) - 1):
    if sorted(in_list[i]) not in list_anagram:
        for j in range(i + 1, len(in_list)):
            isanagram = (sorted(in_list[i]) == sorted(in_list[j]))
            if isanagram:
                print in_list[i], 'isanagram'

In Ruby, how do I skip a loop in a .each loop, similar to 'continue'

Use next:

(1..10).each do |a|
  next if a.even?
  puts a



For additional coolness check out also redo and retry.

Works also for friends like times, upto, downto, each_with_index, select, map and other iterators (and more generally blocks).

For more info see

Local Storage vs Cookies

It is also worth mentioning that localStorage cannot be used when users browse in "private" mode in some versions of mobile Safari.

Quoted from MDN (

Note: Starting with iOS 5.1, Safari Mobile stores localStorage data in the cache folder, which is subject to occasional clean up, at the behest of the OS, typically if space is short. Safari Mobile's Private Browsing mode also prevents writing to localStorage entirely.

How to clear mysql screen console in windows?

I had the same issue, and CTRL+L worked for me on Windows 10.

How to use a variable for the database name in T-SQL?

Put the entire script into a template string, with {SERVERNAME} placeholders. Then edit the string using:


and then run it with


It's hard to believe that, in the course of three years, nobody noticed that my code doesn't work!

You can't EXEC multiple batches. GO is a batch separator, not a T-SQL statement. It's necessary to build three separate strings, and then to EXEC each one after substitution.

I suppose one could do something "clever" by breaking the single template string into multiple rows by splitting on GO; I've done that in ADO.NET code.

And where did I get the word "SERVERNAME" from?

Here's some code that I just tested (and which works):








ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence

In my case , I got this Error in Tensorflow , Reason was i was trying to feed a array with different length or sequences :

example :

import tensorflow as tf

input_x = tf.placeholder(tf.int32,[None,None])

word_embedding = tf.get_variable('embeddin',shape=[len(vocab_),110],dtype=tf.float32,initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(-0.01,0.01))


with tf.Session() as tt:


And if my array is :

example_array = [[1,2,3],[1,2]]

Then i will get error :

ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.

but if i do padding then :

example_array = [[1,2,3],[1,2,0]]

Now it's working.

How can I merge the columns from two tables into one output?

SELECT col1,
  (SELECT rownum X,col_table1 FROM table1) T1
  (SELECT rownum Y, col_table2 FROM table2) T2
ON T1.X=T2.Y;

Remove quotes from a character vector in R

Easiest way is :

> a = "some string"
> write(a, stdout())  # Can specify stderr() also.
some string

Gives you the option to print to stderr if you're doing some error handling printing.

How to dynamic filter options of <select > with jQuery?

Update Lessan's answer to also keep the attributes of the options.

This is my first time answering on Stack Overflow so not sure if I should edit his answer or create my own.

jQuery.fn.allAttr = function() {
  var a, aLength, attributes, map;
  if (!this[0]) return null;
  if (arguments.length === 0) {
    map = {};
    attributes = this[0].attributes;
    aLength = attributes.length;
    for (a = 0; a < aLength; a++) {
      map[attributes[a].name.toLowerCase()] = attributes[a].value;
    return map;
  } else {
    for (var propin arguments[0]) {
      $(this[0]).attr(prop, arguments[0][prop]);
    return this[0];

jQuery.fn.filterByText = function(textbox) {
  return this.each(function() {
    var select = this;
    var options = [];
    $(select).find('option').each(function() {
      options.push({ value: $(this).val(), 
        text: $(this).text(), 
        allAttr: $(this).allAttr() });
    $(select).data('options', options);

    $(textbox).bind('change keyup', function() {
      var search = $.trim($(this).val());
      var regex = new RegExp(search, "gi");

      $.each($(select).empty().data('options'), function(i, option) {
        if (option.text.match(regex) !== null) {

Twitter Bootstrap alert message close and open again

If you're using an MVVM library such as knockout.js (which I highly recommend) you can do it more cleanly:

<div class="alert alert-info alert-dismissible" data-bind="visible:showAlert">
   <button type="button" class="close" data-bind="click:function(){showAlert(false);}>
        <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
        <span class="sr-only">Close</span>
   Warning! Better check yourself, you're not looking too good.

Command to list all files in a folder as well as sub-folders in windows

Following commands we can use for Linux or Mac. For Windows we can use below on git bash.

List all files, first level folders, and their contents

ls * -r

List all first-level subdirectories and files

file */*

Save file list to text

file */* *>> ../files.txt
file */* -r *>> ../files-recursive.txt

Get everything

find . -type f

Save everything to file

find . -type f > ../files-all.txt

How to convert local time string to UTC?

How about -

time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime(seconds))

if seconds is None then it converts the local time to UTC time else converts the passed in time to UTC.

C# List of objects, how do I get the sum of a property

using System.Linq;


double total = myList.Sum(item => item.Amount);

Global variables in

Just declare the variable at the starting of a class.

e.g. for string variable:

public partial class Login : System.Web.UI.Page
    public string sError;

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         //Page Load Code

org.hibernate.MappingException: Could not determine type for: java.util.List, at table: College, for columns: [org.hibernate.mapping.Column(students)]

Though I am new to hibernate but with little research (trial and error we can say) I found out that it is due to inconsistency in annotating the methods/fileds.

when you are annotating @ID on variable make sure all other annotations are also done on variable only and when you are annotating it on getter method same make sure you are annotating all other getter methods only and not their respective variables.

jQuery Cross Domain Ajax

You just have to parse the string using JSON.parse like this :

var json_result = {"AuthenticateUserResult":"{\"PKPersonId\":1234,\"Salutation\":null,\"FirstName\":\"Miqdad\",\"LastName\":\"Kumar\",\"Designation\":null,\"Profile\":\"\",\"PhotoPath\":\"\/UploadFiles\/\"}"};

var parsed = JSON.parse(json_result.AuthenticateUserResult);

Here you will have something like this :








And for the request, don't forget to set dataType:'jsonp' and to add a file in the root directory of your site called crossdomain.xml and containing :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "">
<!-- Read this: -->

<!-- Most restrictive policy: -->
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="none"/>

<!-- Least restrictive policy: -->
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all"/>
<allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="*" secure="false"/>
<allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*" headers="*" secure="false"/>

EDIT to take care of Sanjay Kumar POST

So you can set the callback function to be called in the JSONP using jsonpCallback!

    jsonpCallback : 'your_function_name',
    //OR with anonymous function
    jsonpCallback : function(data) {
        //do stuff

Key Presses in Python

Alternative way to set prefer window into foreground before send key press event.

hwnd = win32gui.FindWindowEx(0,0,0, "App title")

Capture Image from Camera and Display in Activity

I know it's a quite old thread, but all these solutions are not completed and don't work on some devices when user rotates camera because data in onActivityResult is null. So here is solution which I have tested on lots of devices and haven't faced any problem so far.

First declare your Uri variable in your activity:

private Uri uriFilePath;

Then create your temporary folder for storing captured image and make intent for capturing image by camera:

PackageManager packageManager = getActivity().getPackageManager();
if (packageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_CAMERA)) {
    File mainDirectory = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "MyFolder/tmp");
         if (!mainDirectory.exists())

          Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

          uriFilePath = Uri.fromFile(new File(mainDirectory, "IMG_" + calendar.getTimeInMillis()));
          intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
          intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, uriFilePath);
          startActivityForResult(intent, 1);

And now here comes one of the most important things, you have to save your uriFilePath in onSaveInstanceState, because if you didn't do that and user rotated his device while using camera, your uri would be null.

protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
     if (uriFilePath != null)
         outState.putString("uri_file_path", uriFilePath.toString());

After that you should always recover your uri in your onCreate method:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    if (savedInstanceState != null) {
         if (uriFilePath == null && savedInstanceState.getString("uri_file_path") != null) {
             uriFilePath = Uri.parse(savedInstanceState.getString("uri_file_path"));

And here comes last part to get your Uri in onActivityResult:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {    
    if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
         if (requestCode == 1) {
            String filePath = uriFilePath.getPath(); // Here is path of your captured image, so you can create bitmap from it, etc.

P.S. Don't forget to add permissions for Camera and Ext. storage writing to your Manifest.

How to convert Java String into byte[]?

The object your method decompressGZIP() needs is a byte[].

So the basic, technical answer to the question you have asked is:

byte[] b = string.getBytes();
byte[] b = string.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
byte[] b = string.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); // Java 7+ only

However the problem you appear to be wrestling with is that this doesn't display very well. Calling toString() will just give you the default Object.toString() which is the class name + memory address. In your result [B@38ee9f13, the [B means byte[] and 38ee9f13 is the memory address, separated by an @.

For display purposes you can use:


But this will just display as a sequence of comma-separated integers, which may or may not be what you want.

To get a readable String back from a byte[], use:

String string = new String(byte[] bytes, Charset charset);

The reason the Charset version is favoured, is that all String objects in Java are stored internally as UTF-16. When converting to a byte[] you will get a different breakdown of bytes for the given glyphs of that String, depending upon the chosen charset.

In excel how do I reference the current row but a specific column?

To static either a row or a column, put a $ sign in front of it. So if you were to use the formula =AVERAGE($A1,$C1) and drag it down the entire sheet, A and C would remain static while the 1 would change to the current row

If you're on Windows, you can achieve the same thing by repeatedly pressing F4 while in the formula editing bar. The first F4 press will static both (it will turn A1 into $A$1), then just the row (A$1) then just the column ($A1)

Although technically with the formulas that you have, dragging down for the entirety of the column shouldn't be a problem without putting a $ sign in front of the column. Setting the column as static would only come into play if you're dragging ACROSS columns and want to keep using the same column, and setting the row as static would be for dragging down rows but wanting to use the same row.

Find duplicate lines in a file and count how many time each line was duplicated?

Via :

awk '{dups[$1]++} END{for (num in dups) {print num,dups[num]}}' data

In awk 'dups[$1]++' command, the variable $1 holds the entire contents of column1 and square brackets are array access. So, for each 1st column of line in data file, the node of the array named dups is incremented.

And at the end, we are looping over dups array with num as variable and print the saved numbers first then their number of duplicated value by dups[num].

Note that your input file has spaces on end of some lines, if you clear up those, you can use $0 in place of $1 in command above :)

How do I replace multiple spaces with a single space in C#?

Mix of StringBuilder and Enumerable.Aggregate() as extension method for strings:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

public static class StringExtension
    public static string StripSpaces(this string s)
        return s.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (acc, c) =>
            if (c != ' ' || acc.Length > 0 && acc[acc.Length-1] != ' ')

            return acc;

    public static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("\"" + StringExtension.StripSpaces("1   Hello       World  2   ") + "\"");


"1   Hello       World  2   "


"1 Hello World 2 "

How do I change UIView Size?

You can do this in Interface Builder:

1) Control-drag from a frame view (e.g. questionFrame) to main View, in the pop-up select "Equal heights".

2)Then go to size inspector of the frame, click edit "Equal height to Superview" constraint, set the multiplier to 0.7 and hit return.

You'll see that constraint has changed from "Equal height to..." to "Proportional height to...".

Text in Border CSS HTML

Yes, but it's not a div, it's a fieldset

fieldset {
    border: 1px solid #000;

How to select a schema in postgres when using psql?

In PostgreSQL the system determines which table is meant by following a search path, which is a list of schemas to look in.

The first matching table in the search path is taken to be the one wanted, otherwise, if there is no match a error is raised, even if matching table names exist in other schemas in the database.

To show the current search path you can use the following command:

SHOW search_path;

And to put the new schema in the path, you could use:

SET search_path TO myschema;

Or if you want multiple schemas:

SET search_path TO myschema, public;


How much data / information can we save / store in a QR code?

QR codes have three parameters: Datatype, size (number of 'pixels') and error correction level. How much information can be stored there also depends on these parameters. For example the lower the error correction level, the more information that can be stored, but the harder the code is to recognize for readers.

The maximum size and the lowest error correction give the following values:
Numeric only Max. 7,089 characters
Alphanumeric Max. 4,296 characters
Binary/byte Max. 2,953 characters (8-bit bytes)

jQuery Set Select Index

Select the item based on the value in the select list (especially if the option values have a space or weird character in it) by simply doing this:

$("#SelectList option").each(function () {
    if ($(this).val() == "1:00 PM")
        $(this).attr('selected', 'selected');

Also, if you have a dropdown (as opposed to a multi-select) you may want to do a break; so you don't get the first-value-found to be overwritten.

Show and hide divs at a specific time interval using jQuery

here is a jQuery plugin I came up with:

$.fn.cycle = function(timeout){
    var $all_elem = $(this)

    show_cycle_elem = function(index){
        if(index == $all_elem.length) return; //you can make it start-over, if you want
        setTimeout(function(){show_cycle_elem(++index)}, timeout);

You need to have a common classname for all the divs you wan to cycle, use it like this:


PHP 5 disable strict standards error


If you work in the wordpress environment, Wordpress sets the error level in file wp-includes/load.php in function wp_debug_mode(). So you have to change the level AFTER this function has been called ( in a file not checked into git so that's development only ), or either modify directly the error_reporting() call

How to store a byte array in Javascript

You could store the data in an array of strings of some large fixed size. It should be efficient to access any particular character in that array of strings, and to treat that character as a byte.

It would be interesting to see the operations you want to support, perhaps expressed as an interface, to make the question more concrete.

Copying HTML code in Google Chrome's inspect element

Do the following:

  1. Select the top most element, you want to copy. (To copy all, select <html>)
  2. Right click.
  3. Select Edit as HTML
  4. New sub-window opens up with the HTML text.
  5. This is your chance. Press CTRL+A/CTRL+C and copy the entire text field to a different window.

This is a hacky way, but it's the easiest way to do this.

How to return data from PHP to a jQuery ajax call

based on accepted answer

$output = some_function();
  echo $output;

if it results array then use json_encode it will result json array which is supportable by javascript

$output = some_function();
  echo json_encode($output);

If someone wants to stop execution after you echo some result use exit method of php. It will work like return keyword

$output = some_function();
  echo $output;

Laravel Eloquent update just if changes have been made

I like to add this method, if you are using an edit form, you can use this code to save the changes in your update(Request $request, $id) function:

$post = Post::find($id);    

keep in mind that you have to name your inputs with the same column name. The fill() function will do all the work for you :)

Rename file with Git

Do a git status to find out if your file is actually in your index or the commit.

It is easy as a beginner to misunderstand the index/staging area.

I view it as a 'progress pinboard'. I therefore have to add the file to the pinboard before I can commit it (i.e. a copy of the complete pinboard), I have to update the pinboard when required, and I also have to deliberately remove files from it when I've finished with them - simply creating, editing or deleting a file doesn't affect the pinboard. It's like 'storyboarding'.

Edit: As others noted, You should do the edits locally and then push the updated repo, rather than attempt to edit directly on github.

How to upgrade Python version to 3.7?

On ubuntu you can add this PPA Repository and use it to install python 3.7:

Or a different PPA that provides several Python versions is Deadsnakes:

See also here: (I know it says 3.6 in the url, but the deadsnakes ppa also contains 3.7 so you can use it for 3.7 just the same)

If you want "official" you'd have to install it from the sources from the site, get the code (which you already downloaded) and do this:

tar -xf Python-3.7.0.tar.xz
cd Python-3.7.0
sudo make install        <-- sudo is required.

This might take a while

Delete all duplicate rows Excel vba

The duplicate values in any column can be deleted with a simple for loop.

Sub remove()
Dim a As Long
For a = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row To 1 Step -1
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("A1:A" & a), Cells(a, 1)) > 1 Then Rows(a).Delete
End Sub

How do I convert special UTF-8 chars to their iso-8859-1 equivalent using javascript?

The problem is that once the page is served up, the content is going to be in the encoding described in the content-type meta tag. The content in "wrong" encoding is already garbled.

You're best to do this on the server before serving up the page. Or as I have been know to say: UTF-8 end-to-end or die.

Set height 100% on absolute div

Instead of using the body, using html worked for me:

html {
   position: relative;

div {
   position: absolute;

   top: 0px;
   bottom: 0px;
   right: 0px;
   left: 0px;

Can't bind to 'formControl' since it isn't a known property of 'input' - Angular2 Material Autocomplete issue

Forget trying to decipher the example .ts - as others have said it is often incomplete.

Instead just click on the 'pop-out' icon circled here and you'll get a fully working StackBlitz example.

enter image description here

You can quickly confirm the required modules:

enter image description here

Comment out any instances of ReactiveFormsModule, and sure enough you'll get the error:

Template parse errors:
Can't bind to 'formControl' since it isn't a known property of 'input'. 

How to install an npm package from GitHub directly?

You can directly install an github repo by npm install command, like this: npm install --save

NOTE: In the repo which will be installed by npm command:

  1. maybe you have to have a dist folder in you repo, according to @Dan Dascalescu's comment.
  2. You definitely have to have a package.json in you repo! which I forget add.

How to convert a Django QuerySet to a list

Why not just call .values('reqColumn1','reqColumn2') or .values_list('reqColumn1','reqColumn2') on the queryset?

answers_list = models.objects.values('reqColumn1','reqColumn2')

result = [{'reqColumn1':value1,'reqColumn2':value2}]


answers_list = models.objects.values_list('reqColumn1','reqColumn2')

result = [(value1,value2)]

You can able to do all the operation on this QuerySet, which you do for list .

Is there a CSS parent selector?

Here's a hack using pointer-events with hover:

<!doctype html>
/* accessory */
.parent {
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    background: gray;
.selector {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
.selector {
    cursor: pointer;
    background: silver;
    width: 50%;
    height: 50%;
/* pertinent */
.parent {
    background: gray;
    pointer-events: none;
.parent:hover {
    background: fuchsia;
.selector {
    pointer-events: auto;
        <div class="parent">
            <div class="selector"></div>

How to retrieve SQL result column value using column name in Python?

You didn't provide many details, but you could try something like this:

# conn is an ODBC connection to the DB
dbCursor = conn.cursor()
sql = ('select field1, field2 from table') 
dbCursor = conn.cursor()
for row in dbCursor:
    # Now you should be able to access the fields as properties of "row"
    myVar1 = row.field1
    myVar2 = row.field2

How to extract the first two characters of a string in shell scripting?

If you're in bash, you can say:

bash-3.2$ var=abcd
bash-3.2$ echo ${var:0:2}

This may be just what you need…

MySQL connection not working: 2002 No such file or directory

If you use Linux: the path to the mysql.sock file is wrong. This is usually because you are using (LAMPP) XAMPP and it isn't in /tmp/mysql.sock

Open the php.ini file and find this line:


And make it

mysql.default_socket = /path/to/mysql.sock

How to list the files inside a JAR file?

I would like to expand on acheron55's answer, since it is a very non-safe solution, for several reasons:

  1. It doesn't close the FileSystem object.
  2. It doesn't check if the FileSystem object already exists.
  3. It isn't thread-safe.

This is somewhat a safer solution:

private static ConcurrentMap<String, Object> locks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

public void walk(String path) throws Exception {

    URI uri = getClass().getResource(path).toURI();
    if ("jar".equals(uri.getScheme()) {
        safeWalkJar(path, uri);
    } else {

private void safeWalkJar(String path, URI uri) throws Exception {

    synchronized (getLock(uri)) {    
        // this'll close the FileSystem object at the end
        try (FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(uri)) {

private Object getLock(URI uri) {

    String fileName = parseFileName(uri);  
    locks.computeIfAbsent(fileName, s -> new Object());
    return locks.get(fileName);

private String parseFileName(URI uri) {

    String schemeSpecificPart = uri.getSchemeSpecificPart();
    return schemeSpecificPart.substring(0, schemeSpecificPart.indexOf("!"));

private FileSystem getFileSystem(URI uri) throws IOException {

    try {
        return FileSystems.getFileSystem(uri);
    } catch (FileSystemNotFoundException e) {
        return FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap());

There's no real need to synchronize over the file name; one could simply synchronize on the same object every time (or make the method synchronized), it's purely an optimization.

I would say that this is still a problematic solution, since there might be other parts in the code that use the FileSystem interface over the same files, and it could interfere with them (even in a single threaded application).
Also, it doesn't check for nulls (for instance, on getClass().getResource().

This particular Java NIO interface is kind of horrible, since it introduces a global/singleton non thread-safe resource, and its documentation is extremely vague (a lot of unknowns due to provider specific implementations). Results may vary for other FileSystem providers (not JAR). Maybe there's a good reason for it being that way; I don't know, I haven't researched the implementations.