Programs & Examples On #Ora 00936

ORA-00936: missing expression is an error message in Oracle.

'NOT LIKE' in an SQL query

You've missed the id out before the NOT; it needs to be specified.

SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE id NOT LIKE '1%' AND id NOT LIKE '2%'

How to resolve ORA 00936 Missing Expression Error?

This answer is not the answer for the above mentioned question but it is related to same topic and might be useful for people searching for same error.

I faced the same error when I executed below mentioned query.

select OR.* from ORDER_REL_STAT OR

problem with above query was OR is keyword so it was expecting other values when I replaced with some other alias it worked fine.

Should a retrieval method return 'null' or throw an exception when it can't produce the return value?

Return a null instead of throwing an exception and clearly document the possibility of a null return value in the API documentation. If the calling code doesn't honor the API and check for the null case, it will most probably result in some sort of "null pointer exception" anyway :)

In C++, I can think of 3 different flavors of setting up a method that finds an object.

Option A

Object *findObject(Key &key);

Return null when an object can't be found. Nice and simple. I'd go with this one. The alternative approaches below are for people who don't hate out-params.

Option B

void findObject(Key &key, Object &found);

Pass in a reference to variable that will be receiving the object. The method thrown an exception when an object can't be found. This convention is probably more suitable if it's not really expected for an object not to be found -- hence you throw an exception to signify that it's an unexpected case.

Option C

bool findObject(Key &key, Object &found);

The method returns false when an object can't be found. The advantage of this over option A is that you can check for the error case in one clear step:

if (!findObject(myKey, myObj)) { ...

How do I import a .dmp file into Oracle?

imp system/system-password@SID file=directory-you-selected\FILE.dmp log=log-dir\oracle_load.log fromuser=infodba touser=infodba commit=Y

How do I modify fields inside the new PostgreSQL JSON datatype?

You can also increment keys atomically within jsonb like this:

UPDATE users SET counters = counters || CONCAT('{"bar":', COALESCE(counters->>'bar','0')::int + 1, '}')::jsonb WHERE id = 1;

SELECT * FROM users;

 id |    counters
  1 | {"bar": 1}

Undefined key -> assumes starting value of 0.

For more detailed explanation, see my answer here:

OperationalError: database is locked

As others have told, there is another process that is using the SQLite file and has not closed the connection. In case you are using Linux, you can see which processes are using the file (for example db.sqlite3) using the fuser command as follows:

$ sudo fuser -v db.sqlite3
                     USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND
                     user        955 F....  apache2

If you want to stop the processes to release the lock, use fuser -k which sends the KILL signal to all processes accessing the file:

sudo fuser -k db.sqlite3

Note that this is dangerous as it might stop the web server process in a production server.

Thanks to @cz-game for pointing out fuser!

OpenSSL: PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:703:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE

  1. Since you are on Windows, make sure that your certificate in Windows "compatible", most importantly that it doesn't have ^M in the end of each line

    If you open it it will look like this:


    To solve "this" open it with Write or Notepad++ and have it convert it to Windows "style"

  2. Try to run openssl x509 -text -inform DER -in server_cert.pem and see what the output is, it is unlikely that a private/secret key would be untrusted, trust only is needed if you exported the key from a keystore, did you?

How to Verify if file exist with VB script

There is no built-in functionality in VBS for that, however, you can use the FileSystemObject FileExists function for that :

Option Explicit
DIM fso    
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If (fso.FileExists("C:\Program Files\conf")) Then
  WScript.Echo("File exists!")
  WScript.Echo("File does not exist!")
End If


How can I deploy an iPhone application from Xcode to a real iPhone device?

No, its easy to do this. In Xcode, set the Active Configuration to Release. Change the device from Simulator to Device - whatever SDK. If you want to directly export to your iPhone, connect it to your computer. Press Build and Go. If your iPhone is not connected to your computer, a message will come up saying that your iPhone is not connected.

If this applies to you: (iPhone was not connected)

Go to your projects folder and then to the build folder inside. Go to the Release-iphoneos folder and take the app inside, drag and drop on iTunes icon. When you sync your iTouch device, it will copy it to your device. It will also show up in iTunes as a application for the iPhone.

Hope this helps!

P.S.: If it says something about a certificate not being valid, just click on the project in Xcode, the little project icon in the file stack to the left, and press Apple+I, or do Get Info from the menu bar. Click on Build at the top. Under Code Signing, change Code Signing Identity - Any iPhone OS Device to be Don't Sign.

Excel 2007 - Compare 2 columns, find matching values

You could fill the C Column with variations on the following formula:


Then C would only contain values that were in A and C.

Close Form Button Event

private void mainForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
    if (MessageBox.Show("This will close down the whole application. Confirm?", "Close Application", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
        MessageBox.Show("The application has been closed successfully.", "Application Closed!", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

cancelling a handler.postdelayed process

Here is a class providing a cancel method for a delayed action

public class DelayedAction {

private Handler _handler;
private Runnable _runnable;

 * Constructor
 * @param runnable The runnable
 * @param delay The delay (in milli sec) to wait before running the runnable
public DelayedAction(Runnable runnable, long delay) {
    _handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
    _runnable = runnable;
    _handler.postDelayed(_runnable, delay);

 * Cancel a runnable
public void cancel() {
    if ( _handler == null || _runnable == null ) {

Call child method from parent

Here's a bug? to look out for: I concur with rossipedia's solution using forwardRef, useRef, useImperativeHandle

There's some misinformation online that says refs can only be created from React Class components, but you can indeed use Function Components if you use the aforementioned hooks above. A note, the hooks only worked for me after I changed the file to not use withRouter() when exporting the component. I.e. a change from

export default withRouter(TableConfig);

to instead be

export default TableConfig;

In hindsight the withRouter() is not needed for such a component anyway, but usually it doesn't hurt anything having it in. My use case is that I created a component to create a Table to handle the viewing and editing of config values, and I wanted to be able to tell this Child component to reset it's state values whenever the Parent form's Reset button was hit. UseRef() wouldn't properly get the ref or ref.current (kept on getting null) until I removed withRouter() from the file containing my child component TableConfig

How can I add an item to a ListBox in C# and WinForms?

If you are adding integers, as you say in your question, this will add 50 (from 1 to 50):

for (int x = 1; x <= 50; x++)

You do not need to set DisplayMember and ValueMember unless you are adding objects that have specific properties that you want to display to the user. In your example:

listbox1.Items.Add(new { clan = "Foo", sifOsoba = 1234 });

Installing PDO driver on MySQL Linux server

That's a good question, but I think you just misunderstand what you read.

Install PDO

The ./config --with-pdo-mysql is something you have to put on only if you compile your own PHP code. If you install it with package managers, you just have to use the command line given by Jany Hartikainen: sudo apt-get install php5-mysql and also sudo apt-get install pdo-mysql

Compatibility with mysql_

Apart from the fact mysql_ is really discouraged, they are both independent. If you use PDO mysql_ is not implicated, and if you use mysql_ PDO is not required.

If you turn off PDO without changing any line in your code, you won't have a problem. But since you started to connect and write queries with PDO, you have to keep it and give up mysql_.

Several years ago the MySQL team published a script to migrate to MySQLi. I don't know if it can be customised, but it's official.

JavaScript calculate the day of the year (1 - 366)

If you don't want to re-invent the wheel, you can use the excellent date-fns (node.js) library:

var getDayOfYear = require('date-fns/get_day_of_year')

var dayOfYear = getDayOfYear(new Date(2017, 1, 1)) // 1st february => 32

How to convert string to boolean in typescript Angular 4

Method 1 :

var stringValue = "true";
var boolValue = (/true/i).test(stringValue) //returns true

Method 2 :

var stringValue = "true";
var boolValue = (stringValue =="true");   //returns true

Method 3 :

var stringValue = "true";
var boolValue = JSON.parse(stringValue);   //returns true

Method 4 :

var stringValue = "true";
var boolValue = stringValue.toLowerCase() == 'true'; //returns true

Method 5 :

var stringValue = "true";
var boolValue = getBoolean(stringValue); //returns true
function getBoolean(value){
        case true:
        case "true":
        case 1:
        case "1":
        case "on":
        case "yes":
            return true;
            return false;


Add a background image to shape in XML Android

Here is another most easy way to get a custom shape for your image (Image View). It may be helpful for someone. It's just a single line code.

First you need to add a dependency:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.mafstech.libs:mafs-image-shape:1.0.4'   

And then just write a line of code like this:


Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name available as request attribute

In the controller, you need to add the login object as an attribute of the model:

model.addAttribute("login", new Login());

Like this:

@RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET) 
public String displayLogin(Model model) { 
    model.addAttribute("login", new Login()); 
    return "login"; 

Sort list in C# with LINQ

I assume that you want them sorted by something else also, to get a consistent ordering between all items where AVC is the same. For example by name:

var sortedList = list.OrderBy(x => c.AVC).ThenBy(x => x.Name).ToList();

Virtual member call in a constructor

Because until the constructor has completed executing, the object is not fully instantiated. Any members referenced by the virtual function may not be initialised. In C++, when you are in a constructor, this only refers to the static type of the constructor you are in, and not the actual dynamic type of the object that is being created. This means that the virtual function call might not even go where you expect it to.

How to get All input of POST in Laravel

For those who came here looking for "how to get All input of POST" only

class Illuminate\Http\Request extends from Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request which has two class variables that store request parameters.

public $query - for GET parameters

public $request - for POST parameters

Usage: To get a post data only

$request = Request::instance();
$request->request->all(); //Get all post requests
$request->request->get('my_param'); //Get a post parameter

Source here


For Laravel >= 5.5, you can simply call $request->post() or $request->post('my_param') which internally calls $request->request->all() or $request->request->get('my_param') respectively.

Difference between null and empty ("") Java String

What your statements are telling you is just that "" isn't the same as null - which is true. "" is an empty string; null means that no value has been assigned.

It might be more enlightening to try:

System.out.println(a.length()); // 0
System.out.println(b.length()); // error; b is not an object

"" is still a string, meaning you can call its methods and get meaningful information. null is an empty variable - there's literally nothing there.

Function to calculate R2 (R-squared) in R

Not sure why this isn't implemented directly in R, but this answer is essentially the same as Andrii's and Wordsforthewise, I just turned into a function for the sake of convenience if somebody uses it a lot like me.

r2_general <-function(preds,actual){ 
  return(1- sum((preds - actual) ^ 2)/sum((actual - mean(actual))^2))

Get File Path (ends with folder)

Have added ErrorHandler to this in case the user hits the cancel button instead of selecting a folder. So instead of getting a horrible error message you get a message that a folder must be selected and then the routine ends. Below code also stores the folder path in a range name (Which is just linked to cell A1 on a sheet).

Sub SelectFolder()

Dim diaFolder As FileDialog

'Open the file dialog
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set diaFolder = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
diaFolder.AllowMultiSelect = False
diaFolder.Title = "Select a folder then hit OK"
Range("IC_Files_Path").Value = diaFolder.SelectedItems(1)
Set diaFolder = Nothing
Exit Sub

Msg = "No folder selected, you must select a folder for program to run"
Style = vbError
Title = "Need to Select Folder"
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)

End Sub

Adding an onclick event to a table row

Here is how I do this. I create a table with a thead and tbody tags. And then add a click event to the tbody element by id.

    document.getElementById("mytbody").click = clickfunc;
    function clickfunc(e) {
        // to find what td element has the data you are looking for
        var tdele =[x].innerHTML;
        // to find the row
        var trele =;
            <th>Header 1</th>
            <th>Header 2</th>
    <tbody id="mytbody">
        <tr><td>Data Row</td><td>1</td></tr>
        <tr><td>Data Row</td><td>2</td></tr>
        <tr><td>Data Row</td><td>3</td></tr>

"No such file or directory" but it exists

Hit this error trying to run terraform/terragrunt (Single go binary).

Using which terragrunt to find where executable was, got strange error when running it in local dir or with full path

bash: ./terragrunt: No such file or directory

Problem was that there was two installations of terragrunt, used brew uninstall terragrunt to remove one fixed it.

After removing the one, which terragrunt showed the new path /usr/bin/terragrunt everything worked fine.

Polynomial time and exponential time

Polynomial time.

A polynomial is a sum of terms that look like Constant * x^k Exponential means something like Constant * k^x

(in both cases, k is a constant and x is a variable).

The execution time of exponential algorithms grows much faster than that of polynomial ones.

How to get current time and date in C++?

the C++ standard library does not provide a proper date type. C++ inherits the structs and functions for date and time manipulation from C, along with a couple of date/time input and output functions that take into account localization.

// Current date/time based on current system
time_t now = time(0);

// Convert now to tm struct for local timezone
tm* localtm = localtime(&now);
cout << "The local date and time is: " << asctime(localtm) << endl;

// Convert now to tm struct for UTC
tm* gmtm = gmtime(&now);
if (gmtm != NULL) {
cout << "The UTC date and time is: " << asctime(gmtm) << endl;
else {
cerr << "Failed to get the UTC date and time" << endl;

Adding a SVN repository in Eclipse

It is probably of little help to you, but I enter that URL into Subclipse and the repository adds fine and I can browse and Show History on it.

Do you perhaps need to configure a proxy? You have to configure that in the Subversion runtime configuration area as Subclipse uses the Subversion libraries to connect to the server.

Can Console.Clear be used to only clear a line instead of whole console?

We could simply write the following method

public static void ClearLine()
    Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop - 1);
    Console.Write(new string(' ', Console.WindowWidth));
    Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop - 1);

and then call it when needed like this


It works fine for me.

Why I get 411 Length required error?

var requestedURL = "" + code + "&client_id=" + client_id + "&client_secret=" + client_secret + "&redirect_uri=" + redirect_uri + "&grant_type=authorization_code";
HttpWebRequest authRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(requestedURL);
authRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
authRequest.Method = "POST";
//Set content length to 0
authRequest.ContentLength = 0;
WebResponse authResponseTwitter = authRequest.GetResponse();

The ContentLength property contains the value to send as the Content-length HTTP header with the request.

Any value other than -1 in the ContentLength property indicates that the request uploads data and that only methods that upload data are allowed to be set in the Method property.

After the ContentLength property is set to a value, that number of bytes must be written to the request stream that is returned by calling the GetRequestStream method or both the BeginGetRequestStream and the EndGetRequestStream methods.

for more details click here

How to check if that data already exist in the database during update (Mongoose And Express)

If you're searching by an unique index, then using UserModel.count may actually be better for you than UserModel.findOne due to it returning the whole document (ie doing a read) instead of returning just an int.

Static class initializer in PHP

There is a way to call the init() method once and forbid it's usage, you can turn the function into private initializer and ivoke it after class declaration like this:

class Example {
    private static function init() {
        // do whatever needed for class initialization
(static function () {
})->bindTo(null, Example::class)();

jquery getting post action url

$('#signup').on("submit", function(event) {
    $form = $(this); //wrap this in jQuery

    alert('the action is: ' + $form.attr('action'));

How to parse Excel (XLS) file in Javascript/HTML5

Thank you for the answer above, I think the scope (of answers) is completed but I would like to add a "react way" for whoever using react.

Create a file called importData.js:

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import XLSX from 'xlsx';
export default class ImportData extends Component{
        var fileData = reader.result;
        var wb =, {type : 'binary'});
        var data = {};
             var rowObj =XLSX.utils.sheet_to_row_object_array(wb.Sheets[sheetName]);
             var rowString = JSON.stringify(rowObj);
             data[sheetName] = rowString;
        this.setState({excelData: data});
        var input =;
        var reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = this.excelToJson.bind(this,reader);
        return (
            <input type="file" onChange={this.loadFileXLSX.bind(this)}/>

Then you can use the component in the render method like:

import ImportData from './importData.js';
import React, {Component} from 'react';
class ParentComponent extends Component{
        return (<ImportData/>);

<ImportData/> would set the data to its own state, you can access Excel data in the "parent component" by following this:

Is there a Visual Basic 6 decompiler?

Did you try the tool named VBReFormer ( ? We used it a lot the past year in order to get back the source code of our application (source code we had lost 6 years ago) and it worked fine. We were also able to make some user interface changes directly from vbreformer and save them into the exe file.

SQL Server SELECT into existing table

SELECT ... INTO ... only works if the table specified in the INTO clause does not exist - otherwise, you have to use:

SELECT col1, col2
 WHERE col3 LIKE @search_key

This assumes there's only two columns in dbo.TABLETWO - you need to specify the columns otherwise:

  (col1, col2)
SELECT col1, col2
 WHERE col3 LIKE @search_key

How to create timer in angular2

Found a npm package that makes this easy with RxJS as a service.

You can 'subscribe' to an existing timer so you don't create a bazillion timers if you're using it many times in the same component.

String to LocalDate

DateTimeFormatter has in-built formats that can directly be used to parse a character sequence. It is case Sensitive, Nov will work however nov and NOV wont work:

DateTimeFormatter pattern = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MMM-dd");

try {
    LocalDate datetime = LocalDate.parse(oldDate, pattern);
} catch (DateTimeParseException e) {
    // DateTimeParseException - Text '2019-nov-12' could not be parsed at index 5
    // Exception handling message/mechanism/logging as per company standard

DateTimeFormatterBuilder provides custom way to create a formatter. It is Case Insensitive, Nov , nov and NOV will be treated as same.

DateTimeFormatter f = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().parseCaseInsensitive()
try {
    LocalDate datetime = LocalDate.parse(oldDate, f);
    System.out.println(datetime); // 2019-11-12
} catch (DateTimeParseException e) {
     // Exception handling message/mechanism/logging as per company standard

How to get the full path of running process?

For others, if you want to find another process of the same executable, you can use:

public bool tryFindAnotherInstance(out Process process) {
    Process thisProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
    string thisFilename = thisProcess.MainModule.FileName;
    int thisPId = thisProcess.Id;
    foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcesses())
            if (p.MainModule.FileName == thisFilename && thisPId != p.Id)
                process = p;
                return true;
        catch (Exception)

    process = default;
    return false;

How to add 'ON DELETE CASCADE' in ALTER TABLE statement

You can not add ON DELETE CASCADE to an already existing constraint. You will have to drop and re-create the constraint. The documentation shows that the MODIFY CONSTRAINT clause can only modify the state of a constraint (i-e: ENABLED/DISABLED...).

How to close the current fragment by using Button like the back button?

For those who need to figure out simple way

Try getActivity().onBackPressed();

What's the better (cleaner) way to ignore output in PowerShell?

I would consider using something like:

function GetList
  . {
     $a = new-object Collections.ArrayList
     $a.Add('next 5')
  } | Out-Null
$x = GetList

Output from $a.Add is not returned -- that holds for all $a.Add method calls. Otherwise you would need to prepend [void] before each the call.

In simple cases I would go with [void]$a.Add because it is quite clear that output will not be used and is discarded.

Create autoincrement key in Java DB using NetBeans IDE

I couldn't get the accepted answer to work using the Netbeans IDE "Create Table" GUI, and I'm on Netbeans 8.2. To get it to working, create the id column with the following options e.g.

enter image description here

and then use 'New Entity Classes from Database' option to generate the entity for the table (I created a simple table called PERSON with an ID column created exactly as above and a NAME column which is simple varchar(255) column). These generated entities leave it to the user to add the auto generated id mechanism.

GENERATION.AUTO seems to try and use sequences which Derby doesn't seem to like (error stating failed to generate sequence/sequence does not exist), GENERATION.SEQUENCE therefore doesn't work either, GENERATION.IDENTITY doesn't work (get error stating ID is null), so that leaves GENERATION.TABLE.

Set your persistence unit's 'Table Generation Strategy' button to Create. This will create tables that don't exist in the DB when your jar is run (loaded?) i.e. the table your PU needs to create in order to store ID increments. In your entity replace the generated annotations above your id field with the following...

enter image description here

I also created a controller for my entity class using 'JPA Controller Classes from Entity Classes' option. I then create a simple main class to test the id was auto generated i.e.

enter image description here

The result is that the PERSON_ID_TABLE is generated correctly and my PERSON table has two PERSON entries in it with correct, auto generated ids.

What is a Maven artifact?

Usually, when you create a Java project you want to use functionalities made in another Java projects. For example, if your project wants to send one email you dont need to create all the necessary code for doing that. You can bring a java library that does the most part of the work. Maven is a building tool that will help you in several tasks. One of those tasks is to bring these external dependencies or artifacts to your project in an automatic way ( only with some configuration in a XML file ). Of course Maven has more details but, for your question this is enough. And, of course too, Maven can build your project as an artifact (usually a jar file ) that can be used or imported in other projects.

This website has several articles talking about Maven :

Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture

When we were using


It would generate that error unless we wrapped that call inside a try/catch statement.

Counting unique / distinct values by group in a data frame

This should do the trick:


This requires package plyr.

How can I change image source on click with jQuery?

 $('div#imageContainer').click(function () {
      $('div#imageContainerimg').attr('src', 'YOUR NEW IMAGE URL HERE'); 

Getting number of days in a month

To find the number of days in a month, DateTime class provides a method "DaysInMonth(int year, int month)". This method returns the total number of days in a specified month.

public int TotalNumberOfDaysInMonth(int year, int month)
        return DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month);


int days = DateTime.DaysInMonth(2018,05);

Output :- 31

Save modifications in place with awk

In case you want an awk-only solution without creating a temporary file and usable with version!=(gawk 4.1.0):

awk '{a[b++]=$0} END {for(c=0;c<=b;c++)print a[c]>ARGV[1]}' file

How do you change the width and height of Twitter Bootstrap's tooltips?

Another solution; create a new class (e.g. tooltip-wide) in CSS:

.tooltip-wide + .tooltip > .tooltip-inner {
     max-width: 100%;

Use this class on elements where you want wide tooltips:

<div class="tooltip-wide" data-toggle="tooltip" title="I am a long tooltip">Long tooltip</div>

Bootstrap tooltip generates markup below the element containing the tooltip, so the HTML actually looks something like this after the markup is generated:

<div class="tooltip-wide" data-toggle="tooltip" title="I am a long tooltip">Long tooltip</div>
<div class="tooltip" role="tooltip">
    <div class="tooltip-arrow"></div>
    <div class="tooltip-inner">I am a long tooltip</div>

The CSS uses this to access the adjacent element (+) to .tooltip-wide, and from there navigates to .tooltip-inner, before applying the max-width attribute. This will only affect elements using the .tooltip-wide class, all other tooltips will remain unaltered.

Set up DNS based URL forwarding in Amazon Route53

I was able to use nginx to handle the 301 redirect to the aws signin page.

Go to your nginx conf folder (in my case it's /etc/nginx/sites-available in which I create a symlink to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled for the enabled conf files).

Then add a redirect path

server {
  listen 80;
  return 301;

If you are using nginx, you will most likely have additional server blocks (virtualhosts in apache terminology) to handle your zone apex ( or however you have it setup. Make sure that you have one of them set to be your default server.

server {
  listen 80 default_server;
  # rest of config ...

In Route 53, add an A record for and set the value to the same IP used for your zone apex.

Batch command date and time in file name

I realise this is a moot question to the OP, but I just brewed this, and I'm a tad proud of myself for thinking outside the box.

Download gawk for Windows at .... Then it's a one liner, without all that clunky DOS batch syntax, where it takes six FOR loops to split the strings (WTF? That's really really BAD MAD AND SAD! ... IMHO of course)

If you already know C, C++, Perl, or Ruby then picking-up AWK (which inherits from the former two, and contributes significantly to the latter two) is a piece of the proverbial CAKE!!!

The DOS Batch command:

echo %DATE% %TIME% && echo %DATE% %TIME% | gawk -F"[ /:.]" "{printf(""""%s%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d\n"""", $4, $3, $2, $5, $6, $7);}"


Tue 04/09/2012 10:40:38.25

Now that's not quite the full story... I'm just going to be lazy and hard-code the rest of my log-file-name in the printf statement, because it's simple... But if anybody knows how to set a %NOW% variable to AWK's output (yeilding the guts of a "generic" now function) then I'm all ears.


A quick search on Stack Overflow filled in that last piece of the puzzle, Batch equivalent of Bash backticks.

So, these three lines of DOS batch:

echo %DATE% %TIME% | awk -F"[ /:.]" "{printf(""""%s%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d\n"""", $4, $3, $2, $5, $6, $7);}" >%temp%\now.txt
set /p now=<%temp%\now.txt
echo %now%



So now I can include a datetime in the name of the log-file produced by my SQL Server installation (2005+) script thus:

sqlcmd -S .\SQLEXPRESS -d MyDb -e -i MyTSqlCommands.sql >MyTSqlCommands.sql.%now%.log

And I'm a happy camper again (except life was still SOOOOO much easier on Unix).

How to convert minutes to hours/minutes and add various time values together using jQuery?


$(document).ready(function() {
    var totalMinutes = $('.totalMin').html();

    var hours = Math.floor(totalMinutes / 60);          
    var minutes = totalMinutes % 60;



$(document).ready(function() {

    var minutes = 0;

    $('.min').each(function() {
        minutes = parseInt($(this).html()) + minutes;

    var realmin = minutes % 60
    var hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60)

    $('.hour').each(function() {
        hours = parseInt($(this).html()) + hours;



Programmatically navigate to another view controller/scene

Try this one. Here "LoginViewController" is the storyboardID specified in storyboard.

See below

let secondViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("LoginViewController") as LoginViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(secondViewController, animated: true)

WampServer orange icon

I ran into this same problem this morning but none of the answers above provided me with the solution.

I realised eventually that my issue was because I had changed the DocumentRoot to a subfolder of the www directory, as I had previously been running a Symfony2 project inside www.

With the new project I am working on inside www, that old DocumentRoot dir did not exist any more so Apache failed to start.

wampserver -> Apache -> httpd.conf, then look for "DocumentRoot" and make sure the directory it points to exists or else change it to one that does.

Thank you to RiggsFolly, it was because of your hint about the Event Viewer above that I found the issue.

How to Generate a random number of fixed length using JavaScript?

parseInt(Math.random().toString().slice(2,Math.min(length+2, 18)), 10); // 18 -> due to max digits in Math.random

Update: This method has few flaws: - Sometimes the number of digits might be lesser if its left padded with zeroes.

Convert NSArray to NSString in Objective-C

One approach would be to iterate over the array, calling the description message on each item:

NSMutableString * result = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
for (NSObject * obj in array)
    [result appendString:[obj description]];
NSLog(@"The concatenated string is %@", result);

Another approach would be to do something based on each item's class:

NSMutableString * result = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
for (NSObject * obj in array)
    if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
        // append something
        [result appendString:[obj description]];
NSLog(@"The concatenated string is %@", result);

If you want commas and other extraneous information, you can just do:

NSString * result = [array description];

How do I create a shortcut via command-line in Windows?

I present a small hybrid script [BAT/VBS] to create a desktop shortcut. And you can of course modifie it to your purpose.

@echo off
mode con cols=87 lines=5 & color 9B
Title Shortcut Creator for your batch and applications files by Hackoo 2015
Set MyFile=%~f0
Set ShorcutName=HackooTest
echo Call Shortcut("%MyFile%","%ShorcutName%"^)
echo ^'**********************************************************************************************^)
echo Sub Shortcut(ApplicationPath,Nom^)
echo    Dim objShell,DesktopPath,objShortCut,MyTab
echo    Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell"^)
echo    MyTab = Split(ApplicationPath,"\"^)
echo    If Nom = "" Then
echo    Nom = MyTab(UBound(MyTab^)^)
echo    End if
echo    DesktopPath = objShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop"^)
echo    Set objShortCut = objShell.CreateShortcut(DesktopPath ^& "\" ^& Nom ^& ".lnk"^)
echo    objShortCut.TargetPath = Dblquote(ApplicationPath^)
echo    ObjShortCut.IconLocation = "Winver.exe,0"
echo    objShortCut.Save
echo End Sub
echo ^'**********************************************************************************************
echo ^'Fonction pour ajouter les doubles quotes dans une variable
echo Function DblQuote(Str^)
echo    DblQuote = Chr(34^) ^& Str ^& Chr(34^)
echo End Function
echo ^'**********************************************************************************************
) > Shortcutme.vbs
Start /Wait Shortcutme.vbs
Del Shortcutme.vbs
::***************************************Main Batch*******************************************
echo Done and your main batch goes here !
echo i am a test 
Pause > Nul

What's the -practical- difference between a Bare and non-Bare repository?

A bare repository is nothing but the .git folder itself i.e. the contents of a bare repository is same as the contents of .git folder inside your local working repository.

  • Use bare repository on a remote server to allow multiple contributors to push their work.
  • Non-bare - The one which has working tree makes sense on the local machine of each contributor of your project.

Why am I getting this error Premature end of file?

For those who reached this post for Answer:

This happens mainly because the InputStream the DOM parser is consuming is empty

So in what I ran across, there might be two situations:

  1. The InputStream you passed into the parser has been used and thus emptied.
  2. The File or whatever you created the InputStream from may be an empty file or string or whatever. The emptiness might be the reason caused the problem. So you need to check your source of the InputStream.

How to use a WSDL file to create a WCF service (not make a call)

Use svcutil.exe with the /sc switch to generate the WCF contracts. This will create a code file that you can add to your project. It will contain all interfaces and data types you need to create your service. Change the output location using the /o switch, or you can find the file in the folder where you ran svcutil.exe. The default language is C# but I think (I've never tried it) you should be able to change this using /l:vb.

svcutil /sc "WSDL file path"

If your WSDL has any supporting XSD files pass those in as arguments after the WSDL.

svcutil /sc "WSDL file path" "XSD 1 file path" "XSD 2 file path" ... "XSD n file path"

Then create a new class that is your service and implement the contract interface you just created.

How to make div background color transparent in CSS

It might be a little late to the discussion but inevitably someone will stumble onto this post like I did. I found the answer I was looking for and thought I'd post my own take on it. The following JSfiddle includes how to layer .PNG's with transparency. Jerska's mention of the transparency attribute for the div's CSS was the solution:


   <button id="toggle-box">toggle</button>
   <div id="box" style="display:none;" ><img src="x"></div>
   <button id="toggle-box2">toggle</button>
   <div id="box2" style="display:none;"><img src="xx"></div>
   <button id="toggle-box3">toggle</button>
   <div id="box3" style="display:none;" ><img src="xxx"></div>


#box {
background-color: #ffffff;
width: 1200px;
position: absolute;
#box2 {
background-color: #ffffff;
width: 1200px;
position: absolute;
background-color : transparent;
      #box3 {
background-color: #ffffff;
width: 1200px;
position: absolute;
background-color : transparent;
 body {background-color:#c0c0c0; }


$('#toggle-box').click().toggle(function() {
$('#box').animate({ width: 'show' });
}, function() {
$('#box').animate({ width: 'hide' });

$('#toggle-box2').click().toggle(function() {
$('#box2').animate({ width: 'show' });
}, function() {
$('#box2').animate({ width: 'hide' });
$('#toggle-box3').click().toggle(function() {
$('#box3').animate({ width: 'show' });
 }, function() {
$('#box3').animate({ width: 'hide' });

And my original inspiration: I also used for creating the transparent PNG's, or rather the PNG's with transparent BG's.

Pip install - Python 2.7 - Windows 7

This is one way of installing pip on a Windows system.

  1. Download the "get-pip" python script from here:

  2. Save the file as

  3. Run it from cmd: python install

VBA copy cells value and format

This page from Microsoft's Excel VBA documentation helped me:

It gives a bunch of options to customize how you paste. For instance, you could xlPasteAll (probably what you're looking for), or xlPasteAllUsingSourceTheme, or even xlPasteAllExceptBorders.

VBA code to set date format for a specific column as "yyyy-mm-dd"

Use the range's NumberFormat property to force the format of the range like this:

Sheet1.Range("A2", "A50000").NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd"

How do I change the figure size with subplots?

If you already have the figure object use:


But if you use the .subplots() command (as in the examples you're showing) to create a new figure you can also use:

f, axs = plt.subplots(2,2,figsize=(15,15))

Finding the path of the program that will execute from the command line in Windows

As the thread mentioned in the comment, get-command in powershell can also work it out. For example, you can type get-command npm and the output is as below:

enter image description here

Ruby: Calling class method from instance

Here's an approach on how you might implement a _class method that works as self.class for this situation. Note: Do not use this in production code, this is for interest-sake :)

From: Can you eval code in the context of a caller in Ruby? and also

# Rabid monkey-patch for Object
require 'continuation' if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.0'
class Object
  def __; eval 'self.class', caller_binding; end
  alias :_class :__
  def caller_binding
    cc = nil; count = 0
    set_trace_func lambda { |event, file, lineno, id, binding, klass|
      if count == 2
        set_trace_func nil binding
      elsif event == "return"
        count += 1
    return callcc { |cont| cc = cont }

# Now we have awesome
def Tiger
  def roar
    # self.class.roar
    # or, even
  def self.roar
    # TODO: tigerness

Maybe the right answer is to submit a patch for Ruby :)

How do I execute a command and get the output of the command within C++ using POSIX?

You can get the output after running a script using a pipe. We use pipes when we want the output of the child process.

int my_func() {
    char ch;
    FILE *fpipe;
    FILE *copy_fp;
    FILE *tmp;
    char *command = (char *)"/usr/bin/my_script my_arg";
    copy_fp = fopen("/tmp/output_file_path", "w");
    fpipe = (FILE *)popen(command, "r");
    if (fpipe) {
        while ((ch = fgetc(fpipe)) != EOF) {
            fputc(ch, copy_fp);
    else {
        if (copy_fp) {
            fprintf(copy_fp, "Sorry there was an error opening the file");
    return 0;

So here is the script, which you want to run. Put it in a command variable with the arguments your script takes (nothing if no arguments). And the file where you want to capture the output of the script, put it in copy_fp.

So the popen runs your script and puts the output in fpipe and then you can just copy everything from that to your output file.

In this way you can capture the outputs of child processes.

And another process is you can directly put the > operator in the command only. So if we will put everything in a file while we run the command, you won't have to copy anything.

In that case, there isn't any need to use pipes. You can use just system, and it will run the command and put the output in that file.

int my_func(){
    char *command = (char *)"/usr/bin/my_script my_arg > /tmp/my_putput_file";
    printf("everything saved in my_output_file");
    return 0;

You can read YoLinux Tutorial: Fork, Exec and Process control for more information.

How to merge rows in a column into one cell in excel?

Inside CONCATENATE you can use TRANSPOSE if you expand it (F9) then remove the surrounding {}brackets like this recommends



=CONCATENATE("Oh ","combining ", "a " ...)


You may need to add your own separator on the end, say create a column C and transpose that column.

=B1&" "
=B2&" "
=B3&" "

How to form a correct MySQL connection string?

Here is an example:

MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(

MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(
    " INSERT Into Test (lat, long) VALUES ('"+OSGconv.deciLat+"','"+
    OSGconv.deciLon+"')", con);


Laravel Controller Subfolder routing

In my case I had a prefix that had to be added for each route in the group, otherwise response would be that the UserController class was not found.

Route::prefix('/user')->group(function() {
    Route::post('/login', [UserController::class, 'login'])->prefix('/user');
    Route::post('/register', [UserController::class, 'register'])->prefix('/user');

How to send a POST request with BODY in swift

Here is how I created Http POST request with swift that needs parameters with Json encoding and with headers.

Created API Client BKCAPIClient as a shared instance which will include all types of requests such as POST, GET, PUT, DELETE etc.

func postRequest(url:String, params:Parameters?, headers:HTTPHeaders?, completion:@escaping (_ responseData:Result<Any>?, _ error:Error?)->Void){
    Alamofire.request(url, method: .post, parameters: params, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: headers).responseJSON {
        response in
        guard response.result.isSuccess,
            (response.result.value != nil) else {
                debugPrint("Error while fetching data: \(String(describing: response.result.error))")

Created Operation class that contains all data needed for particular request and also contains parsing logic inside completion block.

func requestAccountOperation(completion: @escaping ( (_ result:Any?, _ error:Error?) -> Void)){
    BKCApiClient.shared.postRequest(url: BKCConstants().bkcUrl, params: self.parametrs(), headers: self.headers()) { (result, error) in
        if(error != nil){
            //Parse and save to DB/Singletons.
        completion(result, error)
func parametrs()->Parameters{
    return ["userid”:”xnmtyrdx”,”bcode":"HDF"] as Parameters
func headers()->HTTPHeaders{
    return ["Authorization": "Basic bXl1c2VyOm15cGFzcw",
            "Content-Type": "application/json"] as HTTPHeaders

Call API In any View Controller where we need this data

func callToAPIOperation(){
let accOperation: AccountRequestOperation = AccountRequestOperation()
accOperation.requestAccountOperation{(result, error) in


C# Listbox Item Double Click Event

void listBox1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    int index = this.listBox1.IndexFromPoint(e.Location);
    if (index != System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.NoMatches)

This should work...check

Disabling Chrome Autofill

On Chromium 53.0.2785.92 (64-bit) the following worked

<div style="visibility:hidden">
    <input type="text" name="fake_username_remembered">
    <input type="password" name="fake_password_remembered">

display:none doesn't work

Python if not == vs if !=

In the first one Python has to execute one more operations than necessary(instead of just checking not equal to it has to check if it is not true that it is equal, thus one more operation). It would be impossible to tell the difference from one execution, but if run many times, the second would be more efficient. Overall I would use the second one, but mathematically they are the same

How to display raw html code in PRE or something like it but without escaping it

Essentially the original question can be broken down in 2 parts:

  • Main objective/challenge: embedding(/transporting) a raw formatted code-snippet (any kind of code) in a web-page's markup (for simple copy/paste/edit due to no encoding/escaping)
  • correctly displaying/rendering that code-snippet (possibly edit it) in the browser

The short (but) ambiguous answer is: you can't, ...but you can (get very close).
(I know, that are 3 contradicting answers, so read on...)

(polyglot)(x)(ht)ml Markup-languages rely on wrapping (almost) everything between begin/opening and end/closing tags/character(sequences).
So, to embed any kind of raw code/snippet inside your markup-language, one will always have to escape/encode every instance (inside that snippet) that resembles the character(-sequence) that would close the wrapping 'container' element in the markup. (During this post I'll refer to this as rule no 1.)
Think of "some "data" here" or <i>..close italics with '</i>'-tag</i>, where it is obvious one should escape/encode (something in) </i and " (or change container's quote-character from " to ').

So, because of rule no 1, you can't 'just' embed 'any' unknown raw code-snippet inside markup.
Because, if one has to escape/encode even one character inside the raw snippet, then that snippet would no longer be the same original 'pure raw code' that anyone can copy/paste/edit in the document's markup without further thought. It would lead to malformed/illegal markup and Mojibake (mainly) because of entities.
Also, should that snippet contain such characters, you'd still need some javascript to 'translate' that character(sequence) from (and to) it's escaped/encoded representation to display the snippet correctly in the 'webpage' (for copy/paste/edit).

That brings us to (some of) the datatypes that markup-languages specify. These datatypes essentially define what are considered 'valid characters' and their meaning (per tag, property, etc.):

  • PCDATA (Parsed Character DATA): will expand entities and one must escape <, & (and > depending on markup language/version).
    Most tags like body, div, pre, etc, but also textarea (until HTML5) fall under this type.
    So not only do you need to encode all the container's closing character-sequences inside the snippet, you also have to encode all <, & (,>) characters (at minimum).
    Needless to say, encoding/escaping this many characters falls outside this objective's scope of embedding a raw snippet in the markup.
    '..But a textarea seems to work...', yes, either because of the browsers error-engine trying to make something out of it, or because HTML5:

  • RCDATA (Replaceable Character DATA): will not not treat tags inside the text as markup (but are still governed by rule 1), so one doesn't need to encode < (>). BUT entities are still expanded, so they and 'ambiguous ampersands' (&) need special care.
    The current HTML5 spec says the textarea is now a RCDATA field and (quote):

    The text in raw text and RCDATA elements must not contain any occurrences of the string "</" (U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN, U+002F SOLIDUS) followed by characters that case-insensitively match the tag name of the element followed by one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION (tab), U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000C FORM FEED (FF), U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR), U+0020 SPACE, U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (>), or U+002F SOLIDUS (/).

    Thus no matter what, textarea needs a hefty entity translation handler or it will eventually Mojibake on entities!

  • CDATA (Character Data) will not treat tags inside the text as markup and will not expand entities.
    So as long as the raw snippet code does not violate rule 1 (that one can't have the containers closing character(sequence) inside the snippet), this requires no other escaping/encoding.

Clearly this boils down to: how can we minimize the number of characters/character-sequences that still need to be encoded in the snippet's raw source and the number of times that character(sequence) might appear in an average snippet; something that is also of importance for the javascript that handles the translation of these characters (if they occur).

So what 'containers' have this CDATA context?

Most value properties of tags are CDATA, so one could (ab)use a hidden input's value property (proof of concept jsfiddle here).
However (conform rule 1) this creates an encoding/escape problem with nested quotes (" and ') in the raw snippet and one needs some javascript to get/translate and set the snippet in another (visible) element (or simply setting it as a text-area's value). Somehow this gave me problems with entities in FF (just like in a textarea). But it doesn't really matter, since the 'price' of having to escape/encode nested quotes is higher then a (HTML5) textarea (quotes are quite common in source code..).

What about trying to (ab)use <![CDATA[<tag>bla & bla</tag>]]>?
As Jukka points out in his extended answer, this would only work in (rare) 'real xhtml'.
I thought of using a script-tag (with or without such a CDATA wrapper inside the script-tag) together with a multi-line comment /* */ that wraps the raw snippet (script-tags can have an id and you can access them by count). But since this obviously introduces a escaping problem with */, ]]> and </script in the raw snippet, this doesn't seem like a solution either.

Please post other viable 'containers' in the comments to this answer.

By the way, encoding or counting the number of - characters and balancing them out inside a comment tag <!-- --> is just insane for this purpose (apart from rule 1).

That leaves us with Jukka K. Korpela's excellent answer: the <xmp> tag seems the best option!

The 'forgotten' <xmp> holds CDATA, is intended for this purpose AND is indeed still in the current HTML 5 spec (and has been at least since HTML3.2); exactly what we need! It's also widely supported, even in IE6 (that is.. until it suffers from the same regression as the scrolling table-body).
Note: as Jukka pointed out, this will not work in true xhtml or polyglot (that will treat it as a pre) and the xmp tag must still adhere to rule no 1. But that's the 'only' rule.

Consider the following markup:

<!-- ATTENTION: replace any occurrence of &lt;/xmp with </xmp -->
<xmp id="snippet-container">
    <div>this is an example div &amp; holds an xmp tag:<br />
<html><head>  <!-- indentation col 0!! -->
    <title>My Title</title>
    <p>hello world !!</p>
        &lt;/xmp>  <!-- note this encoded/escaped tag -->
    This line is also part of the snippet

The above codeblok illustrates a raw piece of markup where <xmp id="snippet-container"> contains an (almost raw) code-snippet (containing div>div>xmp>html-document).
Notice the encoded closing tag in this markup? To comply with rule no 1, this was encoded/escaped).

So embedding/transporting the (sometimes almost) raw code is/seems solved.

What about displaying/rendering the snippet (and that encoded &lt;/xmp>)?

The browser will (or it should) render the snippet (the contents inside snippet-container) exactly the way you see it in the codeblock above (with some discrepancy amongst browsers whether or not the snippet starts with a blank line).
That includes the formatting/indentation, entities (like the string &amp;), full tags, comments AND the encoded closing tag &lt;/xmp> (just like it was encoded in the markup). And depending on browser(version) one could even try use the property contenteditable="true" to edit this snippet (all that without javascript enabled). Doing something like textarea.value=xmp.innerHTML is also a breeze.

So you can... if the snippet doesn't contain the containers closing character-sequence.

However, should a raw snippet contain the closing character-sequence </xmp (because it is an example of xmp itself or it contains some regex, etc), you must accept that you have to encode/escape that sequence in the raw snippet AND need a javascript handler to translate that encoding to display/render the encoded &lt;/xmp> like </xmp> inside a textarea (for editing/posting) or (for example) a pre just to correctly render the snippet's code (or so it seems).

A very rudimentary jsfiddle example of this here. Note that getting/embedding/displaying/retrieving-to-textarea worked perfect even in IE6. But setting the xmp's innerHTML revealed some interesting 'would-be-intelligent' behavior on IE's part. There is a more extensive note and workaround on that in the fiddle.

But now comes the important kicker (another reason why you only get very close): Just as an over-simplified example, imagine this rabbit-hole:

Intended raw code-snippet:

<!-- remember to translate between </xmp> and &lt;/xmp> -->
<p>a paragraph</p>

Well, to comply with rule 1, we 'only' need to encode those </xmp[> \n\r\t\f\/] sequences, right?

So that gives us the following markup (using just a possible encoding):

<xmp id="container">
<!-- remember to translate between &lt;/xmp> and &lt;/xmp> -->
<p>a paragraph</p>

Hmm.. shalt I get my crystal ball or flip a coin? No, let the computer look at its system-clock and state that a derived number is 'random'. Yes, that should do it..

Using a regex like: xmp.innerHTML.replace(/&lt;(?=\/xmp[> \n\r\t\f\/])/gi, '<');, would translate 'back' to this:

<!-- remember to translate between </xmp> and </xmp> -->
<p>a paragraph</p>

Hmm.. seems this random generator is broken... Houston..?
Should you have missed the joke/problem, read again starting at the 'intended raw code-snippet'.

Wait, I know, we (also) need to encode .... to ....
Ok, rewind to 'intended raw code-snippet' and read again.
Somehow this all begins to smell like the famous hilarious-but-true rexgex-answer on SO, a good read for people fluent in mojibake.

Maybe someone knows a clever algorithm or solution to fix this problem, but I assume that the embedded raw code will get more and more obscure to the point where you'd be better of properly escaping/encoding just your <, & (and >), just like the rest of the world.

Conclusion: (using the xmp tag)

  • it can be done with known snippets that do not contain the container's closing character-sequence,
  • we can get very close to the original objective with known snippets that only use 'basic first-level' escaping/encoding so we don't fall in the rabbithole,
  • but ultimately it seems that one can't do this reliably in a 'production-environment' where people can/should copy/paste/edit 'any unknown' raw snippets while not knowing/understanding the implications/rules/rabbithole (depending on your implementation of handling/translating for rule 1 and the rabbit-hole).

Hope this helps!

PS: Whilst I would appreciate an upvote if you find this explanation useful, I kind of think Jukka's answer should be the accepted answer (should no better option/answer come along), since he was the one who remembered the xmp tag (that I forgot about over the years and got 'distracted' by the commonly advocated PCDATA elements like pre, textarea, etc.).
This answer originated in explaining why you can't do it (with any unknown raw snippet) and explain some obvious pitfalls that some other (now deleted) answers overlooked when advising a textarea for embedding/transport. I've expanded my existing explanation to also support and further explain Jukka's answer (since all that entity and *CDATA stuff is almost harder than code-pages).

How to resolve Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source in linq?

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: value

This error message is not very helpful!

You can get this error in many different ways. The error may not always be with the parameter name: value. It could be whatever parameter name is being passed into a function.

As a generic way to solve this, look at the stack trace or call stack:

Test method GetApiModel threw exception: 
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: value
    at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(String value, Type type, JsonSerializerSettings settings)

You can see that the parameter name value is the first parameter for DeserializeObject. This lead me to check my AutoMapper mapping where we are deserializing a JSON string. That string is null in my database.

You can change the code to check for null.

What is size_t in C?

size_t is unsigned integer data type. On systems using the GNU C Library, this will be unsigned int or unsigned long int. size_t is commonly used for array indexing and loop counting.

Automating running command on Linux from Windows using PuTTY

In case you are using Key based authentication, using saved Putty session seems to work great, for example to run a shell script on a remote server(In my case an ec2).Saved configuration will take care of authentication.

C:\Users> plink saved_putty_session_name path_to_shell_file/

Please remember if you save your session with name like(user@hostname), this command would not work as it will be treated as part of the remote command.

NUnit Unit tests not showing in Test Explorer with Test Adapter installed

If your test project is set to target a 64bit platform, the tests won't show up in the NUnit Test Adapter.

adb uninstall failed

Open your application Manifest and check the application's package first.

After that, be sure that your device is set into debugger mode.

Check if ADB can interact with your device:

adb devices

If your device is listed, then run:


How to add a footer to the UITableView?

I had the same problem but I replaced the following line in my header:

@interface MyController : UIViewTableViewController <UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource>

with this line and it works as expected:

@interface RequestViewController : UIViewController <UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource>

Notice the UIViewController. Good luck :)

What is the difference between concurrent programming and parallel programming?

I found this content in some blog. Thought it is useful and relevant.

Concurrency and parallelism are NOT the same thing. Two tasks T1 and T2 are concurrent if the order in which the two tasks are executed in time is not predetermined,

T1 may be executed and finished before T2, T2 may be executed and finished before T1, T1 and T2 may be executed simultaneously at the same instance of time (parallelism), T1 and T2 may be executed alternatively, ... If two concurrent threads are scheduled by the OS to run on one single-core non-SMT non-CMP processor, you may get concurrency but not parallelism. Parallelism is possible on multi-core, multi-processor or distributed systems.

Concurrency is often referred to as a property of a program, and is a concept more general than parallelism.


What's the most efficient way to erase duplicates and sort a vector?

Efficiency is a complicated concept. There's time vs. space considerations, as well as general measurements (where you only get vague answers such as O(n)) vs. specific ones (e.g. bubble sort can be much faster than quicksort, depending on input characteristics).

If you have relatively few duplicates, then sort followed by unique and erase seems the way to go. If you had relatively many duplicates, creating a set from the vector and letting it do the heavy lifting could easily beat it.

Don't just concentrate on time efficiency either. Sort+unique+erase operates in O(1) space, while the set construction operates in O(n) space. And neither directly lends itself to a map-reduce parallelization (for really huge datasets).

How to simulate key presses or a click with JavaScript?

Or even shorter, with only standard modern Javascript:

var first_link = document.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
first_link.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));

The new MouseEvent constructor takes a required event type name, then an optional object (at least in Chrome). So you could, for example, set some properties of the event:

first_link.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: true, cancelable: true}));

How to enable explicit_defaults_for_timestamp?

In your mysql command line do the following:

mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE '%timestamp%';
| Variable_name                   | Value |
| explicit_defaults_for_timestamp | OFF   |
| log_timestamps                  | UTC   |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> SET GLOBAL explicit_defaults_for_timestamp = 1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE '%timestamp%';
| Variable_name                   | Value |
| explicit_defaults_for_timestamp | ON    |
| log_timestamps                  | UTC   |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Get Element value with minidom with Python

It should just be


Enable 'xp_cmdshell' SQL Server

For me, the only way on SQL 2008 R2 was this :

EXEC sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options', 1    
EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1    

How do you set the startup page for debugging in an ASP.NET MVC application?

Go to your project's properties and set the start page property.

  1. Go to the project's Properties
  2. Go to the Web tab
  3. Select the Specific Page radio button
  4. Type in the desired url in the Specific Page text box

Using FFmpeg in .net?

A solution that is viable for both Linux and Windows is to just get used to using console ffmpeg in your code. I stack up threads, write a simple thread controller class, then you can easily make use of what ever functionality of ffmpeg you want to use.

As an example, this contains sections use ffmpeg to create a thumbnail from a time that I specify.

In the thread controller you have something like

List<ThrdFfmpeg> threads = new List<ThrdFfmpeg>();

Which is the list of threads that you are running, I make use of a timer to Pole these threads, you can also set up an event if Pole'ing is not suitable for your application. In this case thw class Thrdffmpeg contains,

public class ThrdFfmpeg
    public FfmpegStuff ffm { get; set; }
    public Thread thrd { get; set; }

FFmpegStuff contains the various ffmpeg functionality, thrd is obviously the thread.

A property in FfmpegStuff is the class FilesToProcess, which is used to pass information to the called process, and receive information once the thread has stopped.

public class FileToProcess
    public int videoID { get; set; }
    public string fname { get; set; }
    public int durationSeconds { get; set; }
    public List<string> imgFiles { get; set; }

VideoID (I use a database) tells the threaded process which video to use taken from the database. fname is used in other parts of my functions that use FilesToProcess, but not used here. durationSeconds - is filled in by the threads that just collect video duration. imgFiles is used to return any thumbnails that were created.

I do not want to get bogged down in my code when the purpose of this is to encourage the use of ffmpeg in easily controlled threads.

Now we have our pieces we can add to our threads list, so in our controller we do something like,

        ThrdFfmpeg thrd;
        FileToProcess ftp;

        foreach(FileToProcess ff in  `dbhelper.GetFileNames(txtCategory.Text))`
            //make a thread for each
            ftp = new FileToProcess();
            ftp = ff;
            ftp.imgFiles = new List<string>();
            thrd = new ThrdFfmpeg();
            thrd.ffm = new FfmpegStuff();
            thrd.ffm.filetoprocess = ftp;
            thrd.thrd = new   `System.Threading.Thread(thrd.ffm.CollectVideoLength);`


Now Pole'ing our threads becomes a simple task,

private void timerThreads_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int runningCount = 0;
        int finishedThreads = 0;
        foreach(ThrdFfmpeg thrd in threads)
            switch (thrd.thrd.ThreadState)
                case System.Threading.ThreadState.Running:

 //Note that you can still view data progress here,
    //but remember that you must use your safety checks
    //here more than anywhere else in your code, make sure the data
    //is readable and of the right sort, before you read it.
                case System.Threading.ThreadState.StopRequested:
                case System.Threading.ThreadState.SuspendRequested:
                case System.Threading.ThreadState.Background:
                case System.Threading.ThreadState.Unstarted:

//Any threads that have been added but not yet started, start now
                case System.Threading.ThreadState.Stopped:

//You can now safely read the results, in this case the
   //data contained in FilesToProcess
   //Such as
                    ThumbnailsReadyEvent( thrd.ffm );
                case System.Threading.ThreadState.WaitSleepJoin:
                case System.Threading.ThreadState.Suspended:
                case System.Threading.ThreadState.AbortRequested:
                case System.Threading.ThreadState.Aborted:

        {//just a simple indicator so that I can see
         //that at least one thread is still running
            lbThreadStatus.BackColor = Color.White;
            flash = false;
            lbThreadStatus.BackColor = this.BackColor;
            flash = true;
        if(finishedThreads >= threads.Count())


Putting your own events onto into the controller class works well, but in video work, when my own code is not actually doing any of the video file processing, poling then invoking an event in the controlling class works just as well.

Using this method I have slowly built up just about every video and stills function I think I will ever use, all contained in the one class, and that class as a text file is useable on the Lunux and Windows version, with just a small number of pre-process directives.

SOAP vs REST (differences)

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) and REST (Representation State Transfer) both are beautiful in their way. So I am not comparing them. Instead, I am trying to depict the picture, when I preferred to use REST and when SOAP.

What is payload?

When data is sent over the Internet, each unit transmitted includes both header information and the actual data being sent. The header identifies the source and destination of the packet, while the actual data is referred to as the payload. In general, the payload is the data that is carried on behalf of an application and the data received by the destination system.

Now, for example, I have to send a Telegram and we all know that the cost of the telegram will depend on some words.

So tell me among below mentioned these two messages, which one is cheaper to send?



"name": "Arin"

I know your answer will be the second one although both representing the same message second one is cheaper regarding cost.

So I am trying to say that, sending data over the network in JSON format is cheaper than sending it in XML format regarding payload.

Here is the first benefit or advantages of REST over SOAP. SOAP only support XML, but REST supports different format like text, JSON, XML, etc. And we already know, if we use Json then definitely we will be in better place regarding payload.

Now, SOAP supports the only XML, but it also has its advantages.

Really! How?

SOAP relies on XML in three ways Envelope – that defines what is in the message and how to process it.

A set of encoding rules for data types, and finally the layout of the procedure calls and responses gathered.

This envelope is sent via a transport (HTTP/HTTPS), and an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) is executed, and the envelope is returned with information in an XML formatted document.

The important point is that one of the advantages of SOAP is the use of the “generic” transport but REST uses HTTP/HTTPS. SOAP can use almost any transport to send the request but REST cannot. So here we got an advantage of using SOAP.

As I already mentioned in above paragraph “REST uses HTTP/HTTPS”, so go a bit deeper on these words.

When we are talking about REST over HTTP, all security measures applied HTTP are inherited, and this is known as transport level security and it secures messages only while it is inside the wire but once you delivered it on the other side you don’t know how many stages it will have to go through before reaching the real point where the data will be processed. And of course, all those stages could use something different than HTTP.So Rest is not safer completely, right?

But SOAP supports SSL just like REST additionally it also supports WS-Security which adds some enterprise security features. WS-Security offers protection from the creation of the message to it’s consumption. So for transport level security whatever loophole we found that can be prevented using WS-Security.

Apart from that, as REST is limited by it's HTTP protocol so it’s transaction support is neither ACID compliant nor can provide two-phase commit across distributed transnational resources.

But SOAP has comprehensive support for both ACID based transaction management for short-lived transactions and compensation based transaction management for long-running transactions. It also supports two-phase commit across distributed resources.

I am not drawing any conclusion, but I will prefer SOAP-based web service while security, transaction, etc. are the main concerns.

Here is the "The Java EE 6 Tutorial" where they have said A RESTful design may be appropriate when the following conditions are met. Have a look.

Hope you enjoyed reading my answer.

List All Google Map Marker Images

var pinIcon = new google.maps.MarkerImage(
    null, /* size is determined at runtime */
    null, /* origin is 0,0 */
    null, /* anchor is bottom center of the scaled image */
    new google.maps.Size(12, 18)

Multiple file-extensions searchPattern for System.IO.Directory.GetFiles

GetFiles can only match a single pattern, but you can use Linq to invoke GetFiles with multiple patterns:

FileInfo[] fi = new string[]{"*.txt","*.doc"}
    .SelectMany(i => di.GetFiles(i, SearchOption.AllDirectories))

See comments section here:

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax;

Use varchar instead of VAR_CHAR and omit the comma in the last line INT NOT NULL );. The last line during creating table is kept "comma free". Ex:- CREATE TABLE COMPUTER ( Model varchar(50) ); Here, since we have only one column ,that's why there is no comma used during entire code.

Install a Nuget package in Visual Studio Code

  1. Install NuGet Package Manager
  2. Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows or Command+Shift+P on Mac
  3. Search for NuGet Package Manager: Add Package
  4. Enter package name i.e. AutoMapper
  5. Select package & version
  6. Restore if needed

Why not inherit from List<T>?

What is the correct C# way of representing a data structure...

Remeber, "All models are wrong, but some are useful." -George E. P. Box

There is no a "correct way", only a useful one.

Choose one that is useful to you and/your users. That's it. Develop economically, don't over-engineer. The less code you write, the less code you will need to debug. (read the following editions).

-- Edited

My best answer would be... it depends. Inheriting from a List would expose the clients of this class to methods that may be should not be exposed, primarily because FootballTeam looks like a business entity.

-- Edition 2

I sincerely don't remember to what I was referring on the “don't over-engineer” comment. While I believe the KISS mindset is a good guide, I want to emphasize that inheriting a business class from List would create more problems than it resolves, due abstraction leakage.

On the other hand, I believe there are a limited number of cases where simply to inherit from List is useful. As I wrote in the previous edition, it depends. The answer to each case is heavily influenced by both knowledge, experience and personal preferences.

Thanks to @kai for helping me to think more precisely about the answer.

How to remove all listeners in an element?

If you’re not opposed to jquery, this can be done in one line:

jQuery 1.7+


jQuery < 1.7


Here’s an example:

Cross Browser Flash Detection in Javascript

If you are interested in a pure Javascript solution, here is the one that I copy from Brett:

function detectflash(){
    if (navigator.plugins != null && navigator.plugins.length > 0){
        return navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"] && true;
        return true;
    if(~navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") && !~navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")){
            return new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash") && true;
        } catch(e){}
    return false;

How to save the output of a console.log(object) to a file?

You can use the Chrome DevTools Utilities API copy() command for copying the string representation of the specified object to the clipboard.

If you have lots of objects then you can actually JSON.stringify() all your objects and keep on appending them to a string. Now use copy() method to copy the complete string to clipboard.

Convert UTC dates to local time in PHP

Here is a straight way to convert the UTC time of the questioner to local time. This is for a stored time in a database etc., i.e. any time. You just have to find the time difference between UTC time and the local time you are interested in and then ajust the stored UTC time adding to it the difference.

$df = "G:i:s";  // Use a simple time format to find the difference
$ts1 = strtotime(date($df));   // Timestamp of current local time
$ts2 = strtotime(gmdate($df)); // Timestamp of current UTC time
$ts3 = $ts1-$ts2;              // Their difference

You can then add this difference to the stored UTC time. (In my place, Athens, the difference is exactly 5:00:00)


$time = time() // Or any other timestamp
$time += $ts3  // Add the difference
$dateInLocal = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $time);

OSError - Errno 13 Permission denied

Simply try:

sudo cp /source /destination

Laravel 5 – Remove Public from URL

Create .htaccess file in root directory and place code something like below.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    <IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
        Options -MultiViews

    RewriteEngine On

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
    RewriteRule ^ ^$1 [N]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (\.\w+$) [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ public/$1 

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^ server.php

HTML <sup /> tag affecting line height, how to make it consistent?

sup, sub {
  vertical-align: baseline;
  position: relative;
  top: -0.4em;
sub { 
  top: 0.4em; 

Syntax error: Illegal return statement in JavaScript

return only makes sense inside a function. There is no function in your code.

Also, your code is worthy if the Department of Redundancy Department. Assuming you move it to a proper function, this would be better:

return confirm(".json_encode($message).");

EDIT much much later: Changed code to use json_encode to ensure the message contents don't break just because of an apostrophe in the message.

How to add DOM element script to head section?

Here is a safe and reusable function for adding script to head section if its not already exist there.

see working example here: Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base href="/"/>
    <input type="button" id="" style='width:250px;height:50px;font-size:1.5em;' value="Add Script" onClick="addScript('myscript')"/>
      function addScript(filename)
        // house-keeping: if script is allready exist do nothing
        if(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].innerHTML.toString().includes(filename + ".js"))
          alert("script is allready exist in head tag!")
          // add the script
          loadScript('/',filename + ".js");
      function loadScript(baseurl,filename)
        var node = document.createElement('script');
        node.src = baseurl + filename;
        alert("script added");

Why do we use Base64?

Base64 instead of escaping special characters

I'll give you a very different but real example: I write javascript code to be run in a browser. HTML tags have ID values, but there are constraints on what characters are valid in an ID.

But I want my ID to losslessly refer to files in my file system. Files in reality can have all manner of weird and wonderful characters in them from exclamation marks, accented characters, tilde, even emoji! I cannot do this:

<div id="/path/to/my_strangely_named_file!@().jpg">
    <img src="!@().jpg">
    Here's a pic I took in Moscow.

Suppose I want to run some code like this:


I think this code will fail when executed.

With Base64 I can refer to something complicated without worrying about which language allows what special characters and which need escaping:


Unlike using an MD5 or some other hashing function, you can reverse the encoding to find out what exactly the data was that actually useful.

I wish I knew about Base64 years ago. I would have avoided tearing my hair out with ‘encodeURIComponent’ and str.replace(‘\n’,’\\n’)

SSH transfer of text:

If you're trying to pass complex data over ssh (e.g. a dotfile so you can get your shell personalizations), good luck doing it without Base 64. This is how you would do it with base 64 (I know you can use SCP, but that would take multiple commands - which complicates key bindings for sshing into a server):

Split string with JavaScript

Assuming you're using jQuery..

var input = '19 51 2.108997\n20 47 2.1089';
var lines = input.split('\n');
var output = '';
$.each(lines, function(key, line) {
    var parts = line.split(' ');
    output += '<span>' + parts[0] + ' ' + parts[1] + '</span><span>' + parts[2] + '</span>\n';

Binding Listbox to List<object> in WinForms

Binding a System.Windows.Forms.Listbox Control to a list of objects (here of type dynamic)

List<dynamic> dynList = new List<dynamic>() { 
            new {Id = 1, Name = "Elevator", Company="Vertical Pop" },
            new {Id = 2, Name = "Stairs", Company="Fitness" }

listBox.DataSource = dynList; 
listBox.DisplayMember = "Name";
listBox.ValueMember = "Id";  

Select a dummy column with a dummy value in SQL?

Try this:

select col1, col2, 'ABC' as col3 from Table1 where col1 = 0;

Gradient borders

try this code

.gradientBoxesWithOuterShadows { 
height: 200px;
width: 400px; 
padding: 20px;
background-color: white; 

/* outer shadows  (note the rgba is red, green, blue, alpha) */
-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); 
-moz-box-shadow: 0px 1px 6px rgba(23, 69, 88, .5);

/* rounded corners */
-webkit-border-radius: 12px;
-moz-border-radius: 7px; 
border-radius: 7px;

/* gradients */
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, 
color-stop(0%, white), color-stop(15%, white), color-stop(100%, #D7E9F5)); 
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, white 0%, white 55%, #D5E4F3 130%); 

or maybe refer to this fiddle:

concatenate two strings

The best way in my eyes is to use the concat() method provided by the String class itself.

The useage would, in your case, look like this:

String myConcatedString = cursor.getString(numcol).concat('-').

get the latest fragment in backstack

The highest (Deepak Goel) answer didn't work well for me. Somehow the tag wasn't added properly.

I ended up just sending the ID of the fragment through the flow (using intents) and retrieving it directly from fragment manager.

Can I use if (pointer) instead of if (pointer != NULL)?

"Is it safe..?" is a question about the language standard and the generated code.

"Is is a good practice?" is a question about how well the statement is understood by any arbitrary human reader of the statement. If you are asking this question, it suggests that the "safe" version is less clear to future readers and writers.

Find and replace strings in vim on multiple lines

The :&& command repeats the last substitution with the same flags. You can supply the additional range(s) to it (and concatenate as many as you like):

:6,10s/<search_string>/<replace_string>/g | 14,18&&

If you have many ranges though, I'd rather use a loop:

:for range in split('6,10 14,18')| exe range 's/<search_string>/<replace_string>/g' | endfor

.NET obfuscation tools/strategy

the free way would be to use dotfuscator from within visual studio, otherwise youd have to go out and buy an obfuscator like Postbuild (

How to solve ADB device unauthorized in Android ADB host device?

If anyone has similar issue of having a phone with a cracked screen and has a need to access adb:

  1. Root your phone (mine was already rooted, so I was blessed at least with that).

If you forgot to enable developers mode and your adb isn't running, then do the following:

  1. Reboot your phone into recovery.
  2. Connect the phone with a cable.
  3. Open terminal.
  4. If you type adb devices you should see the device in the list.
  5. If so, type:

    adb shell mount /system
    abd shell
    echo "persist.service.adb.enable=1" >> default.prop 
    echo "persist.service.debuggable=1" >> default.prop
    echo "persist.sys.usb.config=mtp,adb" >> default.prop
    echo "persist.service.adb.enable=1" >> /system/build.prop 
    echo "persist.service.debuggable=1" >> /system/build.prop
    echo "persist.sys.usb.config=mtp,adb" >> /system/build.prop

Now if you are going to reboot into your phone android will tell you "oh your adb is working but please tap on this OK button, so we can trust your PC". And obviously if we can't tap on the phone stay in the recovery mode and do the following (assuming you are not in the adb shell mode, if so first type exit):

cd ~/.android
adb push /data/misc/adb/adb_keys
  1. Hurray, it all should be hunky-dory now! Just reboot the phone and you should be able to access adb when the phone is running:

    adb shell reboot

P.S. Was using OS X and Moto X Style that's with the cracked screen.

Index all *except* one item in python

If you are using numpy, the closest, I can think of is using a mask

>>> import numpy as np
>>> arr = np.arange(1,10)
>>> mask = np.ones(arr.shape,dtype=bool)
>>> mask[5]=0
>>> arr[mask]
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9])

Something similar can be achieved using itertools without numpy

>>> from itertools import compress
>>> arr = range(1,10)
>>> mask = [1]*len(arr)
>>> mask[5]=0
>>> list(compress(arr,mask))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9]

Advantages of SQL Server 2008 over SQL Server 2005?

There are new features added. But, you will have to see if it is worth the upgrade. Some good improvements in Management Studio 2008 though, especially the intellisense for the Query Editor.

Prevent div from moving while resizing the page

1 - remove the margin from your BODY CSS.

2 - wrap all of your html in a wrapper <div id="wrapper"> ... all your body content </div>

3 - Define the CSS for the wrapper:

This will hold everything together, centered on the page.

#wrapper {

Java file path in Linux

Looks like you are missing a leading slash. Perhaps try:

Scanner s = new Scanner(new File("/home/me/java/ex.txt"));

(as to where it looks for files by default, it is where the JVM is run from for relative paths like the one you have in your question)

updating nodejs on ubuntu 16.04

Using Node Version Manager (NVM):

Install it:

wget -qO- | bash

Test your installation:

close your current terminal, open a new terminal, and run:

command -v nvm

Use it to install as many versions as u like:

nvm install 8              # Install nodejs 8
nvm install --lts          # Install latest LTS (Long Term Support) version

List installed versions:

nvm ls

Use a specific version:

nvm use 8                  # Use this version on this shell

Set defaults:

nvm alias default 8        # Default to nodejs 8 on this shell
nvm alias default node     # always use latest available as default nodejs for all shells

What does the "__block" keyword mean?

hope this will help you

let suppose we have a code like:

     int stackVariable = 1;

     blockName = ^()

it will give an error like "variable is not assignable" because the stack variable inside the block are by default immutable.

adding __block(storage modifier) ahead of it declaration make it mutable inside the block i.e __block int stackVariable=1;

Android Material Design Button Styles

I've just created an android library, that allows you to easily modify the button color and the ripple color

    android:text="Android button modified in layout"

You don't need to create an style for every button you want wit a different color, allowing you to customize the colors randomly

Activate a virtualenv with a Python script

The simplest solution to run your script under virtualenv's interpreter is to replace the default shebang line with path to your virtualenv's interpreter like so at the beginning of the script:


Make the script executable:

chmod u+x

Run the script:



How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP?

Current thinking: hashes should be the slowest available, not the fastest possible. This suppresses rainbow table attacks.

Also related, but precautionary: An attacker should never have unlimited access to your login screen. To prevent that: Set up an IP address tracking table that records every hit along with the URI. If more than 5 attempts to login come from the same IP address in any five minute period, block with explanation. A secondary approach is to have a two-tiered password scheme, like banks do. Putting a lock-out for failures on the second pass boosts security.

Summary: slow down the attacker by using time-consuming hash functions. Also, block on too many accesses to your login, and add a second password tier.

How to get file creation & modification date/times in Python?

os.stat does include the creation time. There's just no definition of st_anything for the element of os.stat() that contains the time.

So try this:


Compare that with your create date on the file in ls -lah

They should be the same.

Difference between setTimeout with and without quotes and parentheses

Using setInterval or setTimeout

You should pass a reference to a function as the first argument for setTimeout or setInterval. This reference may be in the form of:

  • An anonymous function

    setTimeout(function(){/* Look mah! No name! */},2000);
  • A name of an existing function

    function foo(){...}
    setTimeout(foo, 2000);
  • A variable that points to an existing function

    var foo = function(){...};
    setTimeout(foo, 2000);

    Do note that I set "variable in a function" separately from "function name". It's not apparent that variables and function names occupy the same namespace and can clobber each other.

Passing arguments

To call a function and pass parameters, you can call the function inside the callback assigned to the timer:

  foo(arg1, arg2, ...argN);
}, 1000);

There is another method to pass in arguments into the handler, however it's not cross-browser compatible.

setTimeout(foo, 2000, arg1, arg2, ...argN);

Callback context

By default, the context of the callback (the value of this inside the function called by the timer) when executed is the global object window. Should you want to change it, use bind.

  this === YOUR_CONTEXT; // true
}.bind(YOUR_CONTEXT), 2000);


Although it's possible, you should not pass a string to setTimeout or setInterval. Passing a string makes setTimeout() or setInterval() use a functionality similar to eval() that executes strings as scripts, making arbitrary and potentially harmful script execution possible.

Adobe Acrobat Pro make all pages the same dimension

The page sizes are looking different in your PDF because the images were originally set to different DPI (even if images are identical HxW in pixels). The good news is - it's only a display issue - and can be fixed easily.

An image with a higher DPI value would display smaller in a PDF (displays at the 'print-size' of the image). To avoid this, open each image in an image editor like GIMP or Photoshop. Open relevant image print control dialog box and set a suitable uniform DPI info for all the images. Remake the PDF with these new images. If in the new PDF images are too big - redo the DPI setting for each to a higher value. If in the new PDF pages are too small to read on-screen without zooming, again - redo DPI adjustment, this time put a lower DPI value. Ideally, 150 DPI should be good enough for images of 2500X2500 pixel - on a 17 inch monitor set to 1366x768 resolution.

BTW, the PDF file shall print each page at the specified DPI of that page. If all images are same DPI, you'll get a uniform printing.

Hope this helps :)

How do I use CSS with a ruby on rails application?

If you are using rails > 3 version, then there is a concept called asset pipeline. You could add your CSS to


then it will automatically be picked up by the app. (this is useful as rails will automatically compress the CSS files)

read more here about the asset pipeline

MySQL SELECT last few days?

You could use a combination of the UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function to do that.


Real time face detection OpenCV, Python

Your line:

img = cv2.rectangle(img,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(255,0,0),2) 

will draw a rectangle in the image, but the return value will be None, so img changes to None and cannot be drawn.



How make background image on newsletter in outlook?

I had exactly this problem a couple of months ago while working on a WYSIWYG email editor for my company. Outlook only supports background images if they're applied to the <body> tag - any other element and it'll fail.

In the end, the only workaround I found was to use <div> element for text input, then during the content submission process I fired an AJAX request with the <div>'s content to a PHP script which wrote the text onto a blank version of our header image, saved the file and returned its (uniquely generated) name. I then used Javascript to remove the <div> and add an <img> tag using the returned filename in the src attribute.

You can get all the info/methodology from the imagecreatefrompng() page on the PHP Docs site.

Compare two objects' properties to find differences?

Type.GetProperties will list each of the properties of a given type. Then use PropertyInfo.GetValue to check the values.

Multiline for WPF TextBox

Enable TextWrapping="Wrap" and AcceptsReturn="True" on your TextBox.

You might also wish to enable AcceptsTab and SpellCheck.IsEnabled too.

Python: Importing urllib.quote

Use six:

from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote

six will simplify compatibility problems between Python 2 and Python 3, such as different import paths.

How do I use PHP to get the current year?

With PHP heading in a more object-oriented direction, I'm surprised nobody here has referenced the built-in DateTime class:

$now = new DateTime();
$year = $now->format("Y");

or one-liner with class member access on instantiation (php>=5.4):

$year = (new DateTime)->format("Y");

How to run stored procedures in Entity Framework Core?

We should create a property with DbQuery not DbSet in the model for the db context like below...

public class MyContextContext : DbContext
    public virtual DbQuery<CheckoutInvoiceModel> CheckoutInvoice { get; set; } 

After than a method that can be used to return result

public async Task<IEnumerable<CheckoutInvoiceModel>> GetLabReceiptByReceiptNo(string labReceiptNo)
    var listing = new List<CheckoutInvoiceModel>();
        var sqlCommand = $@"[dbo].[Checkout_GetLabReceiptByReceiptNo] {labReceiptNo}";
        listing = await db.Set<CheckoutInvoiceModel>().FromSqlRaw(sqlCommand).ToListAsync();                       
    catch (Exception ex)
        return null;
    return listing;

From above example, we can use any one option you like.

Hope this helpful for you!

Check if input is integer type in C

This is a more user-friendly one I guess :


/* This program checks if the entered input is an integer
 * or provides an option for the user to re-enter.

int getint()
  int x;
  char c;
  printf("\nEnter an integer (say -1 or 26 or so ): ");
  while( scanf("%d",&x) != 1 )

    printf("You have entered ");
    printf(" in the input which is not an integer");

    while ( getchar() != '\n' )
     ; //wasting the buffer till the next new line

    printf("\nEnter an integer (say -1 or 26 or so ): ");


return x;

int main(void)
  int x;

  printf("Main Function =>\n");
  printf("Integer : %d\n",x);

 return 0;

How can I solve "Non-static method xxx:xxx() should not be called statically in PHP 5.4?

You can either remove E_STRICT from error_reporting(), or you can simply make your method static, if you need to call it statically. As far as I know, there is no (strict) way to have a method that can be invoked both as static and non-static method. Also, which is more annoying, you cannot have two methods with the same name, one being static and the other non-static.

How to specify HTTP error code?

I'd like to centralize the creation of the error response in this way:

app.get('/test', function(req, res){
  throw {status: 500, message: 'detailed message'};

app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
  res.status(err.status || 500).json({status: err.status, message: err.message})

So I have always the same error output format.

PS: of course you could create an object to extend the standard error like this:

const AppError = require('./lib/app-error');
app.get('/test', function(req, res){
  throw new AppError('Detail Message', 500)

'use strict';

module.exports = function AppError(message, httpStatus) {
  Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); =;
  this.message = message;
  this.status = httpStatus;

require('util').inherits(module.exports, Error);

How to keep console window open

To be able to give it input without it closing as well you could enclose the code in a while loop

while (true) 

It will continue to halt at Console.ReadLine();, then do another loop when you input something.

How to force div to appear below not next to another?

Float the #list and #similar the right and add clear: right; to #similar

Like so:

#map { float:left; width:700px; height:500px; }
#list { float:right; width:200px; background:#eee; list-style:none; padding:0; }
#similar { float:right; width:200px; background:#000; clear:right; } 

<div id="map"></div>        
<ul id="list"></ul>
<div id="similar">this text should be below, not next to ul.</div>

You might need a wrapper(div) around all of them though that's the same width of the left and right element.

How to loop through file names returned by find?

If you can assume the file names don't contain newlines, you can read the output of find into a Bash array using the following command:

readarray -t x < <(find . -name '*.txt')


  • -t causes readarray to strip newlines.
  • It won't work if readarray is in a pipe, hence the process substitution.
  • readarray is available since Bash 4.

Bash 4.4 and up also supports the -d parameter for specifying the delimiter. Using the null character, instead of newline, to delimit the file names works also in the rare case that the file names contain newlines:

readarray -d '' x < <(find . -name '*.txt' -print0)

readarray can also be invoked as mapfile with the same options.


Why is there no ForEach extension method on IEnumerable?

Is it me or is the List<T>.Foreach pretty much been made obsolete by Linq. Originally there was

foreach(X x in Y) 

where Y simply had to be IEnumerable (Pre 2.0), and implement a GetEnumerator(). If you look at the MSIL generated you can see that it is exactly the same as

IEnumerator<int> enumerator = list.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
    int i = enumerator.Current;


(See for the MSIL)

Then in DotNet2.0 Generics came along and the List. Foreach has always felt to me to be an implementation of the Vistor pattern, (see Design Patterns by Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides).

Now of course in 3.5 we can instead use a Lambda to the same effect, for an example try

How to make a div fill a remaining horizontal space?

Here is a little fix for accepted solution, which prevents right column from falling under the left column. Replaced width: 100%; with overflow: hidden; a tricky solution, if somebody didn't know it.


    <title>This is My Page's Title</title>
    <style type="text/css">
        #left {
            float: left;
            width: 180px;
            background-color: #ff0000;
        #right {
            overflow: hidden;
            background-color: #00FF00;

        <div id="left">
        <div id="right">


[edit] Also check an example for three column layout:

Finding smallest value in an array most efficiently

If you want to be really efficient and you have enough time to spent, use SIMD instruction.

You can compare several pairs in one instruction:

r0 := min(a0, b0)
r1 := min(a1, b1)
r2 := min(a2, b2)
r3 := min(a3, b3)
__m64 _mm_min_pu8(__m64 a , __m64 b );

Today every computer supports it. Other already have written min function for you:

or use already ready library.

JPA getSingleResult() or null

The undocumented method uniqueResultOptional in org.hibernate.query.Query should do the trick. Instead of having to catch a NoResultException you can just call query.uniqueResultOptional().orElse(null).

What's a standard way to do a no-op in python?

If you need a function that behaves as a nop, try

nop = lambda *a, **k: None

Sometimes I do stuff like this when I'm making dependencies optional:

    import foo

# Doesn't break when foo is missing:

Golang read request body

Inspecting and mocking request body

When you first read the body, you have to store it so once you're done with it, you can set a new io.ReadCloser as the request body constructed from the original data. So when you advance in the chain, the next handler can read the same body.

One option is to read the whole body using ioutil.ReadAll(), which gives you the body as a byte slice.

You may use bytes.NewBuffer() to obtain an io.Reader from a byte slice.

The last missing piece is to make the io.Reader an io.ReadCloser, because bytes.Buffer does not have a Close() method. For this you may use ioutil.NopCloser() which wraps an io.Reader, and returns an io.ReadCloser, whose added Close() method will be a no-op (does nothing).

Note that you may even modify the contents of the byte slice you use to create the "new" body. You have full control over it.

Care must be taken though, as there might be other HTTP fields like content-length and checksums which may become invalid if you modify only the data. If subsequent handlers check those, you would also need to modify those too!

Inspecting / modifying response body

If you also want to read the response body, then you have to wrap the http.ResponseWriter you get, and pass the wrapper on the chain. This wrapper may cache the data sent out, which you can inspect either after, on on-the-fly (as the subsequent handlers write to it).

Here's a simple ResponseWriter wrapper, which just caches the data, so it'll be available after the subsequent handler returns:

type MyResponseWriter struct {
    buf *bytes.Buffer

func (mrw *MyResponseWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
    return mrw.buf.Write(p)

Note that MyResponseWriter.Write() just writes the data to a buffer. You may also choose to inspect it on-the-fly (in the Write() method) and write the data immediately to the wrapped / embedded ResponseWriter. You may even modify the data. You have full control.

Care must be taken again though, as the subsequent handlers may also send HTTP response headers related to the response data –such as length or checksums– which may also become invalid if you alter the response data.

Full example

Putting the pieces together, here's a full working example:

func loginmw(handler http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
        if err != nil {
            log.Printf("Error reading body: %v", err)
            http.Error(w, "can't read body", http.StatusBadRequest)

        // Work / inspect body. You may even modify it!

        // And now set a new body, which will simulate the same data we read:
        r.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(body))

        // Create a response wrapper:
        mrw := &MyResponseWriter{
            ResponseWriter: w,
            buf:            &bytes.Buffer{},

        // Call next handler, passing the response wrapper:
        handler.ServeHTTP(mrw, r)

        // Now inspect response, and finally send it out:
        // (You can also modify it before sending it out!)
        if _, err := io.Copy(w, mrw.buf); err != nil {
            log.Printf("Failed to send out response: %v", err)

How to find first element of array matching a boolean condition in JavaScript?

foundElement = myArray[myArray.findIndex(element => //condition here)];

How is AngularJS different from jQuery

  1. While Angular 1 was a framework, Angular 2 is a platform. (ref)

To developers, Angular2 provides some features beyond showing data on screen. For example, using angular2 cli tool can help you "pre-compile" your code and generate necessary javascript code (tree-shaking) to shrink the download size down to 35Kish.

  1. Angular2 emulated Shadow DOM. (ref)

This opens a door for server rendering that can address SEO issue and work with Nativescript etc that don't work on browsers.

AngularJS is a framework. It has following features

  1. Two way data binding
  2. MVW pattern (MVC-ish)
  3. Template
  4. Custom-directive (reusable components, custom markup)
  5. REST-friendly
  6. Deep Linking (set up a link for any dynamic page)
  7. Form Validation
  8. Server Communication
  9. Localization
  10. Dependency injection
  11. Full testing environment (both unit, e2e)

check this presentation and this great introduction

Don't forget to read the official developer guide

Or learn it from these awesome video tutorials

If you want to watch more tutorial video, check out this post, Collection of best 60+ AngularJS tutorials.

You can use jQuery with AngularJS without any issue.

In fact, AngularJS uses jQuery lite in it, which is a great tool.

From FAQ

Does Angular use the jQuery library?

Yes, Angular can use jQuery if it's present in your app when the application is being bootstrapped. If jQuery is not present in your script path, Angular falls back to its own implementation of the subset of jQuery that we call jQLite.

However, don't try to use jQuery to modify the DOM in AngularJS controllers, do it in your directives.


Angular2 is released. Here is a great list of resource for starters

Split string on whitespace in Python

Using split() will be the most Pythonic way of splitting on a string.

It's also useful to remember that if you use split() on a string that does not have a whitespace then that string will be returned to you in a list.


>>> "ark".split()

Python - TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

This is very simple you are trying to convert an integer to a list object !!! of course it will fail and it should ...

To demonstrate/prove this to you by using the example you provided ...just use type function for each case as below and the results will speak for itself !

>>> type(cow)
<class 'range'>
>>> type(cow[0])
<class 'int'>
>>> type(0)
<class 'int'>
>>> >>> list(0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

How do I extend a class with c# extension methods?

Unfortunately, you can't do that. I believe it would be useful, though. It is more natural to type:




With a Util class, you have to check for the existence of a static method in two different classes, instead of one.

Disable Chrome strict MIME type checking

For Windows Users :

If this issue occurs on your self hosted server (eg: your custom CDN) and the browser (Chrome) says something like ... ('text/plain') is not executable ... when trying to load your javascript file ...

Here is what you need to do :

  1. Open the Registry Editor i.e Win + R > regedit
  2. Head over to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\.js
  3. Check to if the Content Type is application/javascript or not
  4. If not, then change it to application/javascript and try again

HttpURLConnection timeout settings

HttpURLConnection has a setConnectTimeout method.

Just set the timeout to 5000 milliseconds, and then catch

Your code should look something like this:

try {
   HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection();

   con.setConnectTimeout(5000); //set timeout to 5 seconds

   return (con.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK);
} catch ( e) {
   return false;
} catch ( e) {
   return false;

What does "Error: object '<myvariable>' not found" mean?

While executing multiple lines of code in R, you need to first select all the lines of code and then click on "Run". This error usually comes up when we don't select our statements and click on "Run".

How to set a transparent background of JPanel?

To set transparent you can set opaque of panel to false like

   JPanel panel = new JPanel();

But to make it transculent use alpha property of color attribute like

   JPanel panel = new JPanel();
   panel.setBackground(new Color(0,0,0,125));

where last parameter of Color is for alpha and alpha value ranges between 0 and 255 where 0 is full transparent and 255 is fully opaque

What does the "no version information available" error from linux dynamic linker mean?

The "no version information available" means that the library version number is lower on the shared object. For example, if your major.minor.patch number is 7.15.5 on the machine where you build the binary, and the major.minor.patch number is 7.12.1 on the installation machine, ld will print the warning.

You can fix this by compiling with a library (headers and shared objects) that matches the shared object version shipped with your target OS. E.g., if you are going to install to RedHat 3.4.6-9 you don't want to compile on Debian 4.1.1-21. This is one of the reasons that most distributions ship for specific linux distro numbers.

Otherwise, you can statically link. However, you don't want to do this with something like PAM, so you want to actually install a development environment that matches your client's production environment (or at least install and link against the correct library versions.)

Advice you get to rename the .so files (padding them with version numbers,) stems from a time when shared object libraries did not use versioned symbols. So don't expect that playing with the .so.n.n.n naming scheme is going to help (much - it might help if you system has been trashed.)

You last option will be compiling with a library with a different minor version number, using a custom linking script:

To do this, you'll need to write a custom script, and you'll need a custom installer that runs ld against your client's shared objects, using the custom script. This requires that your client have gcc or ld on their production system.

How do I turn off the mysql password validation?

You can configure this in mysql configuration file open /etc/my.cnf file In this file all the lines which is configuring the password policy make those commented like


Uncomment and change the value of the properties you want to change.

Use child_process.execSync but keep output in console


 try {
    const cmd = 'git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree';
 } catch (error) {
    console.log(`Status Code: ${error.status} with '${error.message}'`;


// nodejs
var execSync = require('child_process').execSync;

// typescript
const { execSync } = require("child_process");

 try {
    const cmd = 'git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree';
 } catch (error) {
    error.status;  // 0 : successful exit, but here in exception it has to be greater than 0
    error.message; // Holds the message you typically want.
    error.stderr;  // Holds the stderr output. Use `.toString()`.
    error.stdout;  // Holds the stdout output. Use `.toString()`.

enter image description here

enter image description here

When command runs successful: enter image description here

Print an integer in binary format in Java

Enter any decimal number as an input. After that we operations like modulo and division to convert the given input into binary number. Here is the source code of the Java Program to Convert Integer Values into Binary and the bits number of this binary for his decimal number. The Java program is successfully compiled and run on a Windows system. The program output is also shown below.

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        int integer ;
        String binary = "";    //   here we count "" or null 
                               //   just String binary = null;
        System.out.print("Enter the binary Number: ");
        integer = sc.nextInt();

            int x = integer % 2;
            binary = x + binary;
            integer = integer / 2;  
        System.out.println("Your binary number is : "+binary);
        System.out.println("your binary length : " + binary.length());
} validation to make sure textbox has integer values

simpally add this code:

<asp:FilteredTextBoxExtender ID="txtAltitudeMin_FilteredTextBoxExtender" runat="server" Enabled="True" TargetControlID="txtAltitudeMin" FilterType="Numbers"></asp:FilteredTextBoxExtender>

Configuring so that pip install can work from github

you can try this way in Colab

!git clone
!pip install -e /content/sentence-transformers
import sentence_transformers

Add numpy array as column to Pandas data frame

Here is other example:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

""" This just creates a list of touples, and each element of the touple is an array"""
a = [ (np.random.randint(1,10,10), np.array([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]))  for i in 
range(0,10) ]

""" Panda DataFrame will allocate each of the arrays , contained as a touple 
element , as column"""
df = pd.DataFrame(data =a,columns=['random_num','sequential_num'])

The secret in general is to allocate the data in the form a = [ (array_11, array_12,...,array_1n),...,(array_m1,array_m2,...,array_mn) ] and panda DataFrame will order the data in n columns of arrays. Of course , arrays of arrays could be used instead of touples, in that case the form would be : a = [ [array_11, array_12,...,array_1n],...,[array_m1,array_m2,...,array_mn] ]

This is the output if you print(df) from the code above:

                       random_num                  sequential_num
0  [7, 9, 2, 2, 5, 3, 5, 3, 1, 4]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
1  [8, 7, 9, 8, 1, 2, 2, 6, 6, 3]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
2  [3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 1, 4, 2, 6, 1]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
3  [3, 1, 1, 1, 6, 2, 8, 6, 7, 9]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
4  [4, 2, 8, 5, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
5  [3, 2, 7, 4, 1, 5, 1, 4, 6, 3]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
6  [5, 7, 3, 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 1]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
7  [7, 4, 7, 6, 2, 6, 3, 2, 5, 6]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
8  [3, 1, 6, 3, 2, 1, 5, 2, 2, 9]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
9  [7, 2, 3, 9, 5, 5, 8, 6, 9, 8]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Other variation of the example above:

b = [ (i,"text",[14, 5,], np.array([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]))  for i in 
range(0,10) ]
df = pd.DataFrame(data=b,columns=['Number','Text','2Elemnt_array','10Element_array'])

Output of df:

   Number  Text 2Elemnt_array                 10Element_array
0       0  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
1       1  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
2       2  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
3       3  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
4       4  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
5       5  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
6       6  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
7       7  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
8       8  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
9       9  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

If you want to add other columns of arrays, then:


The final output of df will be:

   Number  Text 2Elemnt_array                 10Element_array 3Element_array
0       0  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]      [1, 2, 3]
1       1  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]      [1, 2, 3]
2       2  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]      [1, 2, 3]
3       3  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]      [1, 2, 3]
4       4  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]      [1, 2, 3]
5       5  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]      [1, 2, 3]
6       6  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]      [1, 2, 3]
7       7  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]      [1, 2, 3]
8       8  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]      [1, 2, 3]
9       9  text       [14, 5]  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]      [1, 2, 3]

Consider defining a bean of type 'service' in your configuration [Spring boot]

Since TopicService is a Service class, you should annotate it with @Service, so that Spring autowires this bean for you. Like so:

public class TopicServiceImplementation implements TopicService {

This will solve your problem.

How do I get the value of a textbox using jQuery?

You can access the value of Texbox control either by its ID or by its Class name.

Here is the example code:

<input type="text" id="txtEmail" class="textbox" value="1">

   alert($(".textbox").val());//Not recommended 

Using class name for getting any text-box control value can return other or wrong value as same class name can also be defined for any other control. So getting value of a specific textbox can be fetch by its id.

Cannot deserialize instance of object out of START_ARRAY token in Spring Webservice

Your json contains an array, but you're trying to parse it as an object. This error occurs because objects must start with {.

You have 2 options:

  1. You can get rid of the ShopContainer class and use Shop[] instead

    ShopContainer response  = restTemplate.getForObject(
        url, ShopContainer.class);

    replace with

    Shop[] response  = restTemplate.getForObject(url, Shop[].class);

    and then make your desired object from it.

  2. You can change your server to return an object instead of a list

    return mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(list);

    replace with

    return mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(
        new ShopContainer(list));

Using if(isset($_POST['submit'])) to not display echo when script is open is not working

You need to give your submit <input> a name or it won't be available using $_POST['submit']:

<p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit" /></p>

Achieving white opacity effect in html/css

If you can't use rgba due to browser support, and you don't want to include a semi-transparent white PNG, you will have to create two positioned elements. One for the white box, with opacity, and one for the overlaid text, solid.

body { background: red; }_x000D_
.box { position: relative; z-index: 1; }_x000D_
.box .back {_x000D_
    position: absolute; z-index: 1;_x000D_
    top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;_x000D_
    background: white; opacity: 0.75;_x000D_
.box .text { position: relative; z-index: 2; }_x000D_
body.browser-ie8 .box .back { filter: alpha(opacity=75); }
<!--[if lt IE 9]><body class="browser-ie8"><![endif]-->_x000D_
<!--[if gte IE 9]><!--><body><!--<![endif]-->_x000D_
    <div class="box">_x000D_
        <div class="back"></div>_x000D_
        <div class="text">_x000D_
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet blah blah boogley woogley oo._x000D_

Can CSS detect the number of children an element has?

No. Well, not really. There are a couple of selectors that can get you somewhat close, but probably won't work in your example and don't have the best browser compatibility.


The :only-child is one of the few true counting selectors in the sense that it's only applied when there is one child of the element's parent. Using your idealized example, it acts like children(1) probably would.


The :nth-child selector might actually get you where you want to go depending on what you're really looking to do. If you want to style all elements if there are 8 children, you're out of luck. If, however, you want to apply styles to the 8th and later elements, try this:

p:nth-child( n + 8 ){
    /* add styles to make it pretty */

Unfortunately, these probably aren't the solutions you're looking for. In the end, you'll probably need to use some Javascript wizardry to apply the styles based on the count - even if you were to use one of these, you'd need to have a hard look at browser compatibility before going with a pure CSS solution.

W3 CSS3 Spec on pseudo-classes

EDIT I read your question a little differently - there are a couple other ways to style the parent, not the children. Let me throw a few other selectors your way:

:empty and :not

This styles elements that have no children. Not that useful on its own, but when paired with the :not selector, you can style only the elements that have children:

div:not(:empty) {
    /* We know it has stuff in it! */

You can't count how many children are available with pure CSS here, but it is another interesting selector that lets you do cool things.

What is the difference between Promises and Observables?

Promise - Provide a single future value. Not lazy . Not cancel-able. It will either reject or resolve.

Observable - Provide multiple future value. Lazy . Cancel-able . It provide other methods live map,filter,reduce.

How to convert Nvarchar column to INT

You can always use the ISNUMERIC helper function to convert only what's really numeric:

     CAST(A.my_NvarcharColumn AS BIGINT)
     ISNUMERIC(A.my_NvarcharColumn) = 1

How SID is different from Service name in Oracle tnsnames.ora

Quote by @DAC

In short: SID = the unique name of your DB, ServiceName = the alias used when connecting

Not strictly true. SID = unique name of the INSTANCE (eg the oracle process running on the machine). Oracle considers the "Database" to be the files.

Service Name = alias to an INSTANCE (or many instances). The main purpose of this is if you are running a cluster, the client can say "connect me to", the DBA can on the fly change the number of instances which are available to requests, or even move to a completely different database without the client needing to change any settings.

AngularJS - Building a dynamic table based on a json

First off all I would like to thanks @MaximShoustin.

Thanks of you I have really nice table.

I provide some small modification in $scope.range and $scope.setPage.

In this way I have now possibility to go to the last page or come back to the first page. Also when I'm going to next or prev page the navigation is changing when $ is crossing. And the current page is not always on first position. For me it's looking more nicer.

Here is the new fiddle example:

Can you set a border opacity in CSS?

No, there is no way to only set the opacity of a border with css.

For example, if you did not know the color, there is no way to only change the opacity of the border by simply using rgba().

The way to check a HDFS directory's size?

Prior to 0.20.203, and officially deprecated in 2.6.0:

hadoop fs -dus [directory]

Since 0.20.203 (dead link) 1.0.4 and still compatible through 2.6.0:

hdfs dfs -du [-s] [-h] URI [URI …]

You can also run hadoop fs -help for more info and specifics.

Why is "1000000000000000 in range(1000000000000001)" so fast in Python 3?

  1. Due to optimization, it is very easy to compare given integers just with min and max range.
  2. The reason that range() function is so fast in Python3 is that here we use mathematical reasoning for the bounds, rather than a direct iteration of the range object.
  3. So for explaining the logic here:
    • Check whether the number is between the start and stop.
    • Check whether the step precision value doesn't go over our number.
  4. Take an example, 997 is in range(4, 1000, 3) because:

    4 <= 997 < 1000, and (997 - 4) % 3 == 0.

Select multiple columns using Entity Framework

Here is a code sample:

var dataset = entities.processlists
    .Where(x => x.environmentID == environmentid && x.ProcessName == processname && x.RemoteIP == remoteip && x.CommandLine == commandlinepart)
    .Select(x => new PInfo 
                      ServerName = x.ServerName, 
                      ProcessID = x.ProcessID, 
                      UserName = x.Username 
                 }) AsEnumerable().
               Select(y => new PInfo
                   ServerName = y.ServerName,
                   ProcessID = y.ProcessID,
                   UserName = y.UserName 

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered

I encountered the issue in phpmyadmin with PHP 7.3. Thanks @coderama, I changed libraries/DisplayResults.class.php line 855 from

// Move to the next page or to the last one
$endpos = $_SESSION['tmpval']['pos']
    + $_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows'];


// Move to the next page or to the last one
$endpos = (int)$_SESSION['tmpval']['pos']
    + (int)$_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows'];


Inline labels in Matplotlib

Nice question, a while ago I've experimented a bit with this, but haven't used it a lot because it's still not bulletproof. I divided the plot area into a 32x32 grid and calculated a 'potential field' for the best position of a label for each line according the following rules:

  • white space is a good place for a label
  • Label should be near corresponding line
  • Label should be away from the other lines

The code was something like this:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage

def my_legend(axis = None):

    if axis == None:
        axis = plt.gca()

    N = 32
    Nlines = len(axis.lines)
    print Nlines

    xmin, xmax = axis.get_xlim()
    ymin, ymax = axis.get_ylim()

    # the 'point of presence' matrix
    pop = np.zeros((Nlines, N, N), dtype=np.float)    

    for l in range(Nlines):
        # get xy data and scale it to the NxN squares
        xy = axis.lines[l].get_xydata()
        xy = (xy - [xmin,ymin]) / ([xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin]) * N
        xy = xy.astype(np.int32)
        # mask stuff outside plot        
        mask = (xy[:,0] >= 0) & (xy[:,0] < N) & (xy[:,1] >= 0) & (xy[:,1] < N)
        xy = xy[mask]
        # add to pop
        for p in xy:
            pop[l][tuple(p)] = 1.0

    # find whitespace, nice place for labels
    ws = 1.0 - (np.sum(pop, axis=0) > 0) * 1.0 
    # don't use the borders
    ws[:,0]   = 0
    ws[:,N-1] = 0
    ws[0,:]   = 0  
    ws[N-1,:] = 0  

    # blur the pop's
    for l in range(Nlines):
        pop[l] = ndimage.gaussian_filter(pop[l], sigma=N/5)

    for l in range(Nlines):
        # positive weights for current line, negative weight for others....
        w = -0.3 * np.ones(Nlines, dtype=np.float)
        w[l] = 0.5

        # calculate a field         
        p = ws + np.sum(w[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * pop, axis=0)
        plt.imshow(p, interpolation='nearest')

        pos = np.argmax(p)  # note, argmax flattens the array first 
        best_x, best_y =  (pos / N, pos % N) 
        x = xmin + (xmax-xmin) * best_x / N       
        y = ymin + (ymax-ymin) * best_y / N       

        axis.text(x, y, axis.lines[l].get_label(), 


x = np.linspace(0, 1, 101)
y1 = np.sin(x * np.pi / 2)
y2 = np.cos(x * np.pi / 2)
y3 = x * x
plt.plot(x, y1, 'b', label='blue')
plt.plot(x, y2, 'r', label='red')
plt.plot(x, y3, 'g', label='green')

And the resulting plot: enter image description here

What are the best JVM settings for Eclipse?

Eclipse Galileo 3.5 and 3.5.1 settings

Currently (November 2009), I am testing with jdk6 update 17 the following configuration set of options (with Galileo -- eclipse 3.5.x, see below for 3.4 or above for Helios 3.6.x):
(of course, adapt the relative paths present in this eclipse.ini to the correct paths for your setup)

Note: for eclipse3.5, replace startup and launcher.library lines by:


eclipse.ini 3.5.1

../../../../program files/Java/jdk1.6.0_17/jre/bin/client/jvm.dll

See also my original answer above for more information.

Changes (from July 2009)

  • refers to the launcher and not the framework
  • shared plugins: option.
  • Galileo supports fully relative paths for workspace or VM (avoid having to modify those from one eclipse installation to another, if, of course, your JVM and workspace stay the same)
    Before, those relative paths kept being rewritten into absolute ones when eclipse launched itself...
  • You also can copy the JRE directory of a Java JDK installation inside your eclipse directory


There was a bug with ignored breakpoints actually related to the JDK.
Do use JDK6u16 or more recent for launching eclipse (You can then define as many JDKs you want to compile within eclipse: it is not because you launch an eclipse with JDK6 that you will have to compile with that same JDK).


Note the usage of:


As documented in the Eclipse Wiki,

Eclipse 3.3 supports a new argument to the launcher: --launcher.XXMaxPermSize.
If the VM being used is a Sun VM and there is not already a -XX:MaxPermSize= VM argument, then the launcher will automatically add -XX:MaxPermSize=256m to the list of VM arguments being used.
The 3.3 launcher is only capable of identifying Sun VMs on Windows.

As detailed in this entry:

Not all vms accept the -XX:MaxPermSize argument which is why it is passed in this manner. There may (or may not) exist problems with identifying sun vms.
Note: Eclipse 3.3.1 has a bug where the launcher cannot detect a Sun VM, and therefore does not use the correct PermGen size. It seems this may have been a known bug on Mac OS X for 3.3.0 as well.
If you are using either of these platform combination, add the -XX flag to the eclipse.ini as described above.


  • the "384m" line translates to the "=384m" part of the VM argument, if the VM is case sensitive on the "m", then the so is this argument.
  • the "--launcher." prefix, this specifies that the argument is consumed by the launcher itself and was added to launcher specific arguments to avoid name collisions with application arguments. (Other examples are --launcher.library, --launcher.suppressErrors)

The -vmargs -XX:MaxPermSize=384m part is the argument passed directly to the VM, bypassing the launcher entirely and no check on the VM vendor is used.

How to add text inside the doughnut chart using Chart.js?

First of all, kudos on choosing Chart.js! I'm using it on one of my current projects and I absolutely love it - it does the job perfectly.

Although labels/tooltips are not part of the library yet, you may want to take a look at these three pull requests:

And, as Cracker0dks mentioned, Chart.js uses canvas for rendering so you may as well just implement your own tooltips by interacting with it directly.

Hope this helps.

How do I declare a 2d array in C++ using new?

I used this not elegant but FAST,EASY and WORKING system. I do not see why can not work because the only way for the system to allow create a big size array and access parts is without cutting it in parts:

#define DIM 3
#define WORMS 50000 //gusanos

void halla_centros_V000(double CENW[][DIM])

int main()
    double *CENW_MEM=new double[WORMS*DIM];
    double (*CENW)[DIM];
    CENW=(double (*)[3]) &CENW_MEM[0];
    delete[] CENW_MEM;

How to add a string to a string[] array? There's no .Add function

This code works great for preparing the dynamic values Array for spinner in Android:

    List<String> yearStringList = new ArrayList<>();

    String[] yearStringArray = (String[]) yearStringList.toArray(new String[yearStringList.size()]);

"ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column" when inserting 3

You can't update with a number greater than 1 for datatype number(2,2) is because, the first parameter is the total number of digits in the number and the second one (.i.e 2 here) is the number of digits in decimal part. I guess you can insert or update data < 1. i.e. 0.12, 0.95 etc.

Please check NUMBER DATATYPE in NUMBER Datatype.

Could not find module FindOpenCV.cmake ( Error in configuration process)

I faced the same error. In my case this "OpenCVConfig.cmake" file is located in /usr/local/share/OpenCV. In CMakeLists.txt add the line

set(OpenCV_DIR /usr/local/share/OpenCV)

as suggested by the error message.

How to check if iframe is loaded or it has a content?

I got a trick working as follows: [have not tested cross-browser!]

Define iframe's onload event handler defined as

$('#myIframe').on('load', function() {_x000D_
    setTimeout(function() {_x000D_
        try {_x000D_
        } catch (e) {_x000D_
            if (e.message.indexOf('Blocked a frame with origin') > -1 || e.message.indexOf('from accessing a cross-origin frame.') > -1) {_x000D_
                alert('Same origin Iframe error found!!!');_x000D_
                //Do fallback handling if you want here_x000D_
    }, 1000);_x000D_

Disclaimer: It works only for SAME ORIGIN IFRAME documents.

Primefaces valueChangeListener or <p:ajax listener not firing for p:selectOneMenu

Another solution is to mix valueChangeListener, ajax and process:

<p:selectManyCheckbox id="employees" value="#{employees}" columns="1" layout="grid" valueChangeListener="#{mybean.fireSelection}"   >
    <f:selectItems var="employee" value="#{employeesSI}" />
    <p:ajax event="valueChange" immediate="true" process="@this"/>

Method in mybean is just :

public void fireSelection(ValueChangeEvent event) {
    log.debug("New: "+event.getNewValue()+", Old: "+event.getOldValue());

Like this, valueChangeEvent is very light !

PS: Works fine with PrimeFaces 5.0

Change icon-bar (?) color in bootstrap

Dude I know totally how you feel, but don't forget about inline styling. It is almost the super saiyan of the CSS specificity

So it should look something like this for you,

<span class="icon-bar" style="background-color: black !important;">
<span class="icon-bar" style="background-color: black !important;">
<span class="icon-bar" style="background-color: black !important;">

Why does git status show branch is up-to-date when changes exist upstream?

This is because your local repo hasn't checked in with the upstream remotes. To have this work as you're expecting it to, use git fetch then run a git status again.

Django DoesNotExist

I have found the solution to this issue using ObjectDoesNotExist on this way

from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist

  # try something
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
  # do something

After this, my code works as I need

Thanks any way, your post help me to solve my issue

How to disable or enable viewpager swiping in android

I found another solution that worked for me follow this link

It basically overrides the method canScrollHorizontally to disable swiping by finger. Howsoever setCurrentItem still works.

Forward slash in Java Regex

Double escaping is required when presented as a string.

Whenever I'm making a new regular expression I do a bunch of tests with online tools, for example:

That website allows you to enter the regular expression, which it'll escape into a string for you, and you can then test it against different inputs. main method


public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);  

        //do your ReconTool stuff

will work in all circumstances. Whether you want to launch the application from the IDE, or the build tool.

Using maven just use mvn spring-boot:run

while in gradle it would be gradle bootRun

An alternative to adding code under the run method, is to have a Spring Bean that implements CommandLineRunner. That would look like:

public class ReconTool implements CommandLineRunner {

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
       //implement your business logic here

Check out this guide from Spring's official guide repository.

The full Spring Boot documentation can be found here

In jQuery how can I set "top,left" properties of an element with position values relative to the parent and not the document?

Code offset dynamic for dynamic page

var pos=$('#send').offset().top;
$('#loading').offset({ top : pos-220});

How to print the values of slices

You can try the %v, %+v or %#v verbs of go fmt:

fmt.Printf("%v", projects)

If your array (or here slice) contains struct (like Project), you will see their details.
For more precision, you can use %#v to print the object using Go-syntax, as for a literal:

%v  the value in a default format.
    when printing structs, the plus flag (%+v) adds field names
%#v a Go-syntax representation of the value

For basic types, fmt.Println(projects) is enough.

Note: for a slice of pointers, that is []*Project (instead of []Project), you are better off defining a String() method in order to display exactly what you want to see (or you will see only pointer address).
See this play.golang example.