[angularjs] How to check if a scope variable is undefined in AngularJS template?

How to check if a scope variable is undefined?

This does not work:

<p ng-show="foo == undefined">Show this if $scope.foo == undefined</p>

This question is related to angularjs angularjs-ng-show

The answer is

Posting new answer since Angular behavior has changed. Checking equality with undefined now works in angular expressions, at least as of 1.5, as the following code works:

ng-if="foo !== undefined"

When this ng-if evaluates to true, deleting the percentages property off the appropriate scope and calling $digest removes the element from the document, as you would expect.

If you're using Angular 1, I would recommend using Angular's built-in method:


reference : https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/function/angular.isDefined

Using undefined to make a decision is usually a sign of bad design in Javascript. You might consider doing something else.

However, to answer your question: I think the best way of doing so would be adding a helper function.

$scope.isUndefined = function (thing) {
    return (typeof thing === "undefined");

and in the template

<div ng-show="isUndefined(foo)"></div>



  <p ng-show="getFooUndef(foo)">Show this if $scope.foo === undefined</p>


$scope.foo = undefined;

$scope.getFooUndef = function(foo){
    return ( typeof foo === 'undefined' );

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/oakley349/vtcff0w5/1/

<p ng-show="angular.isUndefined(foo)">Show this if $scope.foo === undefined</p>

If foo is not a boolean variable then this would work (i.e. you want to show this when that variable has some data):

<p ng-show="!foo">Show this if $scope.foo is undefined</p>

And vise-versa:

<p ng-show="foo">Show this if $scope.foo is defined</p>

As @impulsgraw wrote. You need to check for undefined after the pipes:

<div ng-show="foo || undefined">
    Show this if foo is defined!
<div ng-show="boo || !undefined">
    Show this if boo is undefined!


You can use the double pipe operation to check if the value is undefined the after statement:

<div ng-show="foo || false">
    Show this if foo is defined!
<div ng-show="boo || true">
    Show this if boo is undefined!

Check JSFiddle for demo

For technical explanation for the double pipe, I prefer to take a look on this link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/34707750/6225126