Programs & Examples On #Nsarraycontroller

on Mac OS X, NSArrayController is a bindings compatible class that manages a collection of objects

Appending an id to a list if not already present in a string

There are a couple things going on with your example. You have a list containing a string of numbers and newline characters:

list = ['350882 348521 350166\r\n']

And you are trying to find a number ID within this list:

id = 348521
if id not in list:

Your first conditional is always going to pass, because it will be looking for integer 348521 in list which has one element at index list[0] with the string value of '350882 348521 350166\r\n', so integer 348521 will be added to that list, making it a list of two elements: a string and an integer, as your output shows.

To reiterate: list is searched for id, not the string in list's first element.

If you were trying to find if the string representation of '348521' was contained within the larger string contained within your list, you could do the following, noting that you would need to do this for each element in list:

if str(id) not in list[0]: # list[0]: '350882 348521 350166\r\n'
    ...                    #                  ^^^^^^

However be aware that you would need to wrap str(id) with whitespace for the search, otherwise it would also match:


It is unclear whether you want your "list" to be a "string of integers separated by whitespace" or if you really want a list of integers.

If all you are trying to accomplish is to have a list of IDs, and to add IDs to that list only if they are not already contained, (and if the order of the elements in the list is not important,) then a set would be the best data structure to use.

ids = set(
    [int(id) for id in '350882 348521 350166\r\n'.strip().split(' ')]

# Adding an ID already in the set has no effect

If the ordering of the IDs in the string is important then I would keep your IDs in a standard list and use your conditional check:

ids = [int(id) for id in '350882 348521 350166\r\n'.strip().split(' ')]

if 348521 not in ids:

If statement with String comparison fails

You shouldn't do string comparisons with ==. That operator will only check to see if it is the same instance, not the same value. Use the .equals method to check for the same value.

Counting how many times a certain char appears in a string before any other char appears

This is a similar Solution to find how many email addresses included in a string. This way is more efficient`

int count = 0;
foreach (char c in email.Trim())
    if (c == '@') count++;

In plain English, what does "git reset" do?

In general, git reset's function is to take the current branch and reset it to point somewhere else, and possibly bring the index and work tree along. More concretely, if your master branch (currently checked out) is like this:

- A - B - C (HEAD, master)

and you realize you want master to point to B, not C, you will use git reset B to move it there:

- A - B (HEAD, master)      # - C is still here, but there's no branch pointing to it anymore

Digression: This is different from a checkout. If you'd run git checkout B, you'd get this:

- A - B (HEAD) - C (master)

You've ended up in a detached HEAD state. HEAD, work tree, index all match B, but the master branch was left behind at C. If you make a new commit D at this point, you'll get this, which is probably not what you want:

- A - B - C (master)
        D (HEAD)

Remember, reset doesn't make commits, it just updates a branch (which is a pointer to a commit) to point to a different commit. The rest is just details of what happens to your index and work tree.

Use cases

I cover many of the main use cases for git reset within my descriptions of the various options in the next section. It can really be used for a wide variety of things; the common thread is that all of them involve resetting the branch, index, and/or work tree to point to/match a given commit.

Things to be careful of

  • --hard can cause you to really lose work. It modifies your work tree.

  • git reset [options] commit can cause you to (sort of) lose commits. In the toy example above, we lost commit C. It's still in the repo, and you can find it by looking at git reflog show HEAD or git reflog show master, but it's not actually accessible from any branch anymore.

  • Git permanently deletes such commits after 30 days, but until then you can recover C by pointing a branch at it again (git checkout C; git branch <new branch name>).


Paraphrasing the man page, most common usage is of the form git reset [<commit>] [paths...], which will reset the given paths to their state from the given commit. If the paths aren't provided, the entire tree is reset, and if the commit isn't provided, it's taken to be HEAD (the current commit). This is a common pattern across git commands (e.g. checkout, diff, log, though the exact semantics vary), so it shouldn't be too surprising.

For example, git reset other-branch path/to/foo resets everything in path/to/foo to its state in other-branch, git reset -- . resets the current directory to its state in HEAD, and a simple git reset resets everything to its state in HEAD.

The main work tree and index options

There are four main options to control what happens to your work tree and index during the reset.

Remember, the index is git's "staging area" - it's where things go when you say git add in preparation to commit.

  • --hard makes everything match the commit you've reset to. This is the easiest to understand, probably. All of your local changes get clobbered. One primary use is blowing away your work but not switching commits: git reset --hard means git reset --hard HEAD, i.e. don't change the branch but get rid of all local changes. The other is simply moving a branch from one place to another, and keeping index/work tree in sync. This is the one that can really make you lose work, because it modifies your work tree. Be very very sure you want to throw away local work before you run any reset --hard.

  • --mixed is the default, i.e. git reset means git reset --mixed. It resets the index, but not the work tree. This means all your files are intact, but any differences between the original commit and the one you reset to will show up as local modifications (or untracked files) with git status. Use this when you realize you made some bad commits, but you want to keep all the work you've done so you can fix it up and recommit. In order to commit, you'll have to add files to the index again (git add ...).

  • --soft doesn't touch the index or work tree. All your files are intact as with --mixed, but all the changes show up as changes to be committed with git status (i.e. checked in in preparation for committing). Use this when you realize you've made some bad commits, but the work's all good - all you need to do is recommit it differently. The index is untouched, so you can commit immediately if you want - the resulting commit will have all the same content as where you were before you reset.

  • --merge was added recently, and is intended to help you abort a failed merge. This is necessary because git merge will actually let you attempt a merge with a dirty work tree (one with local modifications) as long as those modifications are in files unaffected by the merge. git reset --merge resets the index (like --mixed - all changes show up as local modifications), and resets the files affected by the merge, but leaves the others alone. This will hopefully restore everything to how it was before the bad merge. You'll usually use it as git reset --merge (meaning git reset --merge HEAD) because you only want to reset away the merge, not actually move the branch. (HEAD hasn't been updated yet, since the merge failed)

    To be more concrete, suppose you've modified files A and B, and you attempt to merge in a branch which modified files C and D. The merge fails for some reason, and you decide to abort it. You use git reset --merge. It brings C and D back to how they were in HEAD, but leaves your modifications to A and B alone, since they weren't part of the attempted merge.

Want to know more?

I do think man git reset is really quite good for this - perhaps you do need a bit of a sense of the way git works for them to really sink in though. In particular, if you take the time to carefully read them, those tables detailing states of files in index and work tree for all the various options and cases are very very helpful. (But yes, they're very dense - they're conveying an awful lot of the above information in a very concise form.)

Strange notation

The "strange notation" (HEAD^ and HEAD~1) you mention is simply a shorthand for specifying commits, without having to use a hash name like 3ebe3f6. It's fully documented in the "specifying revisions" section of the man page for git-rev-parse, with lots of examples and related syntax. The caret and the tilde actually mean different things:

  • HEAD~ is short for HEAD~1 and means the commit's first parent. HEAD~2 means the commit's first parent's first parent. Think of HEAD~n as "n commits before HEAD" or "the nth generation ancestor of HEAD".
  • HEAD^ (or HEAD^1) also means the commit's first parent. HEAD^2 means the commit's second parent. Remember, a normal merge commit has two parents - the first parent is the merged-into commit, and the second parent is the commit that was merged. In general, merges can actually have arbitrarily many parents (octopus merges).
  • The ^ and ~ operators can be strung together, as in HEAD~3^2, the second parent of the third-generation ancestor of HEAD, HEAD^^2, the second parent of the first parent of HEAD, or even HEAD^^^, which is equivalent to HEAD~3.

caret and tilde

How to terminate a process in vbscript

The Win32_Process class provides access to both 32-bit and 64-bit processes when the script is run from a 64-bit command shell.

If this is not an option for you, you can try using the taskkill command:

Dim oShell : Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

' Launch notepad '
oShell.Run "notepad"
WScript.Sleep 3000

' Kill notepad '
oShell.Run "taskkill /im notepad.exe", , True

Really killing a process in Windows

When ntsd access is denied, try:

ZeroWave was designed to be a simple tool that will provide a multilevel termination of any kind of process.

ZeroWave is also a easy-to-use program due to its simple installation and its very friendly graphical interface.

ZeroWave has three termination modes and with the "INSANE" mode can terminate any kind of process that can run on Windows.

It seems that ZeroWave can't kill avp.exe

Using LINQ to remove elements from a List<T>

If you really need to remove items then what about Except()?
You can remove based on a new list, or remove on-the-fly by nesting the Linq.

var authorsList = new List<Author>()
    new Author{ Firstname = "Bob", Lastname = "Smith" },
    new Author{ Firstname = "Fred", Lastname = "Jones" },
    new Author{ Firstname = "Brian", Lastname = "Brains" },
    new Author{ Firstname = "Billy", Lastname = "TheKid" }

var authors = authorsList.Where(a => a.Firstname == "Bob");
authorsList = authorsList.Except(authors).ToList();
authorsList = authorsList.Except(authorsList.Where(a=>a.Firstname=="Billy")).ToList();

What is the proper way to check and uncheck a checkbox in HTML5?

<form name="myForm" method="post">
  skiing:  <input type="checkbox" name="activity" value="skiing"  checked="yes" /><br /> 
  skating: <input type="checkbox" name="activity" value="skating" /><br /> 
  running: <input type="checkbox" name="activity" value="running" /><br /> 
  hiking:  <input type="checkbox" name="activity" value="hiking"  checked="yes" />

Using CSS to insert text

Also check out the attr() function of the CSS content attribute. It outputs a given attribute of the element as a text node. Use it like so:

<div class="Owner Joe" />

div:before {
  content: attr(class);

Or even with the new HTML5 custom data attributes:

<div data-employeename="Owner Joe" />

div:before {
  content: attr(data-employeename);

Format XML string to print friendly XML string

The simple solution that is working for me:

        XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        String formattedXml = sw.ToString();

jQuery autocomplete tagging plug-in like StackOverflow's input tags?

This originally answered a supplemental question about the wisdom of downloading jQuery versus accessing it via a CDN, which is no longer present...

To answer the thing about Google. I have moved over to accessing JQuery and most other of these sorts of libraries via the corresponding CDN in my sites.

As more people do this means that it's more likely to be cached on user's machines, so my vote goes for good idea.

In the five years since I first offered this, it has become common wisdom.

Can I make a phone call from HTML on Android?

Yes you can; it works on Android too:

tel: phone_number
Calls the entered phone number. Valid telephone numbers as defined in the IETF RFC 3966 are accepted. Valid examples include the following:

* tel:2125551212
* tel: (212) 555 1212

The Android browser uses the Phone app to handle the “tel” scheme, as defined by RFC 3966.
Clicking a link like:

<a href="tel:2125551212">2125551212</a>

on Android will bring up the Phone app and pre-enter the digits for 2125551212 without autodialing.

Have a look to RFC3966

What does "request for member '*******' in something not a structure or union" mean?

You are trying to access a member of a structure, but in something that is not a structure. For example:

struct {
    int a;
    int b;
} foo;
int fum;
fum.d = 5;

Failed to load resource under Chrome

I updated my Chrome browser to the latest version and the issue was fixed.

Getting activity from context in android

Never ever use getApplicationContext() with views.

It should always be activity's context, as the view is attached to activity. Also, you may have a custom theme set, and when using application's context, all theming will be lost. Read more about different versions of contexts here.

Convert character to Date in R

The easiest way is to use lubridate:

prods.all$Date2 <- mdy(prods.all$Date2)

This function automatically returns objects of class POSIXct and will work with either factors or characters.

Downloading all maven dependencies to a directory NOT in repository?

I found the next command

mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -Dclassifier=sources


SVN - Checksum mismatch while updating

The easiest way to fix it (if you don't have many changes) is to copy your changes to another directory, delete the directory where your project is checked out, and checkout the project again.

Then copy your changes back in (don't copy any .svn folders) and commit, and continue.

How can I access each element of a pair in a pair list?

A 2-tuple is a pair. You can access the first and second elements like this:

x = ('a', 1) # make a pair
x[0] # access 'a'
x[1] # access 1

How to change UIPickerView height

I wasn't able to follow any of the above advice.

I watched multiple tutorials and found this one the most beneficial:

I added the following code to set the new height inside the "viewDidLoad" method, which worked in my app.

UIPickerView *picker = [[UIPickerView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 320.0, 120.0)]; 
[self.view addSubview:picker];
picker.delegate = self;
picker.dataSource = self;

Hope this was helpful!

How to do this using jQuery - document.getElementById("selectlist").value

In some cases of which I can't remember why but $('#selectlist').val() won't always return the correct item value, so I use $('#selectlist option:selected').val() instead.

:first-child not working as expected

you can also use

.detail_container h1:nth-of-type(1)

By changing the number 1 by any other number you can select any other h1 item.

Match all elements having class name starting with a specific string

It's not a direct answer to the question, however I would suggest in most cases to simply set multiple classes to each element:

<div class="myclass one"></div>
<div class="myclass two></div>
<div class="myclass three"></div>

In this way you can set rules for all myclass elements and then more specific rules for one, two and three.

.myclass { color: #f00; }

.two { font-weight: bold; }


Python != operation vs "is not"

None is a singleton, therefore identity comparison will always work, whereas an object can fake the equality comparison via .__eq__().

How to determine programmatically the current active profile using Spring boot

It doesn't matter is your app Boot or just raw Spring. There is just enough to inject org.springframework.core.env.Environment to your bean.

private Environment environment;


How to run a JAR file

I have this folder structure:

D:\JavaProjects\OlivePressApp\com\lynda\olivepress\Main.class D:\JavaProjects\OlivePressApp\com\lynda\olivepress\press\OlivePress.class D:\JavaProjects\OlivePressApp\com\lynda\olivepress\olives\Kalamata.class D:\JavaProjects\OlivePressApp\com\lynda\olivepress\olives\Ligurian.class D:\JavaProjects\OlivePressApp\com\lynda\olivepress\olives\Olive.class

Main.class is in package com.lynda.olivepress

There are two other packages:


1) Create a file named "Manifest.txt" with Two Lines, First with Main-Class and a Second Empty Line.

Main-Class: com.lynda.olivepress.Main

D:\JavaProjects\OlivePressApp\ Manifest.txt

2) Create JAR with Manifest and Main-Class Entry Point

D:\JavaProjects\OlivePressApp>jar cfm OlivePressApp.jar Manifest.txt com/lynda/olivepress/Main.class com/lynda/olivepress/*

3) Run JAR

java -jar OlivePressApp.jar

Note: com/lynda/olivepress/* means including the other two packages mentioned above, before point 1)

Heroku + node.js error (Web process failed to bind to $PORT within 60 seconds of launch)

I Use ReactJs, If you want upload to heroku add this in your webpack.config.js

Because if not add you will have error

Error R10 (Boot timeout) -> Web process failed to bind to $PORT within 60 seconds of launch

//webpack.config.js add code like that

const HtmlWebPackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin");
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require("mini-css-extract-plugin");
var server_port = process.env.YOUR_PORT || process.env.PORT || 5000;
var server_host = process.env.YOUR_HOST || "";

module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        exclude: /node_modules/,
        use: {
          loader: "babel-loader"
        test: /\.css$/,
        use: [MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, "css-loader"]
  devServer: {
    disableHostCheck: true,
    contentBase: "./ dist",
    compress: true,
    inline: true,
    port: server_port,
    host: server_host

  plugins: [
    new HtmlWebPackPlugin({
      template: "./src/index.html",
      filename: "index.html"
    new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
      filename: "[name].css",
      chunkFilename: "[id].css"

How Long Does it Take to Learn Java for a Complete Newbie?

The best advice for learning to program is basically: write a lot of programs.

Project Euler contains lots of problems well suited for this purpose, as the resulting programs are manageable in size while actually allowing you to solve an explicit problem.

How to fix homebrew permissions?

In my case the /usr/local/Frameworks didn't even exist, so I did:

sudo mkdir /usr/local/Frameworks
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/Frameworks

And then everything worked as expected.

Switch case: can I use a range instead of a one number

In C# switch cases are basically dictionaries on what to do next. Since you can't look up a range in a dictionary, the best you can do is the case ... when statement Steve Gomez mentioned.

Attempt to write a readonly database - Django w/ SELinux error

I faced the same problem but on Ubuntu Server. So all I did is changed to superuser before I activate virtual environment for django and then I ran the django server. It worked fine for me.

First copy paste

sudo su

Then activate the virtual environment if you have one.

source myvenv/bin/activate

At last run your django server.

python3 runserver

Hope, this will help you.

How can I get the nth character of a string?

char* str = "HELLO";
char c = str[1];

Keep in mind that arrays and strings in C begin indexing at 0 rather than 1, so "H" is str[0], "E" is str[1], the first "L" is str[2] and so on.

Leaflet - How to find existing markers, and delete markers?

You can also push markers into an array. See code example, this works for me:

/*create array:*/
var marker = new Array();

/*Some Coordinates (here simulating somehow json string)*/
var items = [{"lat":"51.000","lon":"13.000"},{"lat":"52.000","lon":"13.010"},{"lat":"52.000","lon":"13.020"}];

/*pushing items into array each by each and then add markers*/
function itemWrap() {
    var LamMarker = new L.marker([items[i].lat, items[i].lon]);

/*Going through these marker-items again removing them*/
function markerDelAgain() {
for(i=0;i<marker.length;i++) {

Alternating Row Colors in Bootstrap 3 - No Table

You can use this code :

.row :nth-child(odd){
.row :nth-child(even){

Demo :

gdb: how to print the current line or find the current line number?

Keep in mind that gdb is a powerful command -capable of low level instructions- so is tied to assembly concepts.

What you are looking for is called de instruction pointer, i.e:

The instruction pointer register points to the memory address which the processor will next attempt to execute. The instruction pointer is called ip in 16-bit mode, eip in 32-bit mode,and rip in 64-bit mode.

more detail here

all registers available on gdb execution can be shown with:

(gdb) info registers

with it you can find which mode your program is running (looking which of these registers exist)

then (here using most common register rip nowadays, replace with eip or very rarely ip if needed):

(gdb)info line *$rip

will show you line number and file source

(gdb) list *$rip

will show you that line with a few before and after

but probably

(gdb) frame

should be enough in many cases.

Difference between Build Solution, Rebuild Solution, and Clean Solution in Visual Studio?

Build Solution - Build solution will build your application with building the number of projects which are having any file change. And it does not clear any existing binary files and just replacing updated assemblies in bin or obj folder.

Rebuild Solution - Rebuild solution will build your entire application with building all the projects are available in your solution with cleaning them. Before building it clears all the binary files from bin and obj folder.

Clean Solution - Clean solution is just clears all the binary files from bin and obj folder.

How to generate XML file dynamically using PHP?

Hope this code may help you out. Easy and simple solution

$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->encoding = 'utf-8';
$dom->xmlVersion = '1.0';
$dom->formatOutput = true;
$xml_file_name = './movies_list.xml'; //You can give your path to save file.
$root = $dom->createElement('Movies');
    $movie_node = $dom->createElement('movie');
    $attr_movie_id = new DOMAttr('movie_id', '5467');
        $child_node_title = $dom->createElement('Title', 'The Campaign');
        $child_node_year = $dom->createElement('Year', 2012);
        $child_node_genre = $dom->createElement('Genre', 'The Campaign');
        $child_node_ratings = $dom->createElement('Ratings', 6.2);

For more information visit this to get information in details:

How to display images from a folder using php - PHP

Here is a possible solution the solution #3 on my comments to blubill's answer:

    $dir = '/home/user/Pictures';
    $file_display = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif');

    if (file_exists($dir) == false) 
        echo 'Directory "', $dir, '" not found!';
        $dir_contents = scandir($dir);

        foreach ($dir_contents as $file) 
            $file_type = strtolower(end(explode('.', $file)));
            if ($file !== '.' && $file !== '..' && in_array($file_type, $file_display) == true)     
                $name = basename($file);
                echo "<img src='img.php?name={$name}' />";

    $name = $_GET['name'];
    $mimes = array
        'jpg' => 'image/jpg',
        'jpeg' => 'image/jpg',
        'gif' => 'image/gif',
        'png' => 'image/png'

    $ext = strtolower(end(explode('.', $name)));

    $file = '/home/users/Pictures/'.$name;
    header('content-type: '. $mimes[$ext]);
    header('content-disposition: inline; filename="'.$name.'";');

ng-mouseover and leave to toggle item using mouse in angularjs

I would simply make the assignment happen in the ng-mouseover and ng-mouseleave; no need to bother js file :)

<ul ng-repeat="task in tasks">
    <li ng-mouseover="hoverEdit = true" ng-mouseleave="hoverEdit = false">{{}}</li>
    <span ng-show="hoverEdit"><a>Edit</a></span>

Using HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError parameter for heap dump for JBoss

I found it hard to decipher what is meant by "working directory of the VM". In my example, I was using the Java Service Wrapper program to execute a jar - the dump files were created in the directory where I had placed the wrapper program, e.g. c:\myapp\bin. The reason I discovered this is because the files can be quite large and they filled up the hard drive before I discovered their location.

Copy all values from fields in one class to another through reflection

The first argument to tooF.set() should be the target object (too), not the field, and the second argument should be the value, not the field the value comes from. (To get the value, you need to call fromF.get() -- again passing in a target object, in this case from.)

Most of the reflection API works this way. You get Field objects, Method objects, and so on from the class, not from an instance, so to use them (except for statics) you generally need to pass them an instance.

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server

This is not mentioned in you post but I suspect you are initiating an SSL connection from the browser to Apache, where VirtualHosts are configured, and Apache does a revese proxy to your Tomcat.

There is a serious bug in (some versions ?) of IE that sends the 'wrong' host information in an SSL connection (see EDIT below) and confuses the Apache VirtualHosts. In short the server name presented is the one of the reverse DNS resolution of the IP, not the one in the URL.

The workaround is to have one IP address per SSL virtual hosts/server name. Is short, you must end up with something like

1 server name == 1 IP address == 1 certificate == 1 Apache Virtual Host


Though the conclusion is correct, the identification of the problem is better described here

setting global sql_mode in mysql

Check the documentation of sql_mode

Method 1:

Check default value of sql_mode:

SELECT @@sql_mode //check current value for sql_mode


Method 2:

Access phpmyadmin for editing your sql_mode

  • Login on phpmyadmin and open localhost
  • Top on Variables present on the top in menu items and search out for sql mode
  • Click on edit button to modify sql_mode based on your requirements
  • Save the changes

sql mode settings in phpmyadmin

Restart server after executing above things

How can I send large messages with Kafka (over 15MB)?

The idea is to have equal size of message being sent from Kafka Producer to Kafka Broker and then received by Kafka Consumer i.e.

Kafka producer --> Kafka Broker --> Kafka Consumer

Suppose if the requirement is to send 15MB of message, then the Producer, the Broker and the Consumer, all three, needs to be in sync.

Kafka Producer sends 15 MB --> Kafka Broker Allows/Stores 15 MB --> Kafka Consumer receives 15 MB

The setting therefore should be:

a) on Broker:


b) on Consumer:


Delete directories recursively in Java

rm -rf was much more performant than FileUtils.deleteDirectory.

After extensive benchmarking, we found that using rm -rf was multiple times faster than using FileUtils.deleteDirectory.

Of course, if you have a small or simple directory, it won't matter but in our case we had multiple gigabytes and deeply nested sub directories where it would take over 10 minutes with FileUtils.deleteDirectory and only 1 minute with rm -rf.

Here's our rough Java implementation to do that:

// Delete directory given and all subdirectories and files (i.e. recursively).
static public boolean deleteDirectory( File file ) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    if ( file.exists() ) {

        String deleteCommand = "rm -rf " + file.getAbsolutePath();
        Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();

        Process process = runtime.exec( deleteCommand );

        return true;

    return false;


Worth trying if you're dealing with large or complex directories.

git status shows fatal: bad object HEAD

I managed to fix a similar problem to this when some of git's files were corrupted:

In my answer on that question, look for the part where I had the same error message as here:

fatal: bad object HEAD.

You could try following what I did from that point on. Make sure to back up the whole folder first.

Of course, your repository might be corrupted in a completely different way, and what I did won't solve your problem. But it might give you some ideas! Git internals seem like magic, but it's really just a bunch of files which can be edited, moved, deleted the same as any others. Once you have a good idea of what they do and how they fit together you have a good chance of success.

How to disable/enable select field using jQuery?

Good question - I think the only way to achieve this is to filter the items in the select.
You can do this through a jquery plugin. Check the following link, it describes how to achieve something similar to what you need. Thanks
jQuery disable SELECT options based on Radio selected (Need support for all browsers)

What is the difference between compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion?

compiledSdkVersion==> which version of SDK should compile your code to bytecode(it uses in development environment) point: it's better use last version of SDK.

minSdkVersion==> these item uses for installation of APK(it uses in production environment). For example:

if(client-sdk-version   <   min-sdk-versoin )

How to block calls in android

You could just re-direct specific numbers in your contacts to your voice-mail. That's already supported.

Otherwise I guess the documentation for 'Contacts' would be a good place to start looking.

Setting up an MS-Access DB for multi-user access

The first thing to do (if not already done) is to split your database into a front end (with all the forms/reports etc) and a back end(with all the data). The second thing is to setup version control on the front end.

The way I have done that in a lot of my databases is to have the users run a small “jumper” database to open the main database. This jumper does the following things

• Checks to see if the user has the database on their C drive

• If they do not then install and run

• If they do then check what version they have

• If the version numbers do not match then copy down the latest version

• Open the database

This whole checking process normally takes under half a second. Using this model you can do all your development on a separate database then when you are ready to “release” you just put the new mde up onto the network share and the next time the user opens the jumper the latest version is copied down.

There are also other things to think about in multiuser database and it might be worth checking for the common mistakes such as binding a form to a whole table etc

MySQL limit from descending order

Let's say we have a table with a column time and you want the last 5 entries, but you want them returned to you in asc order, not desc, this is how you do it:

select * from ( select * from `table` order by `time` desc limit 5 ) t order by `time` asc

how to call a variable in code behind to aspx page

You can access a public/protected property using the data binding expression <%# myproperty %> as given below:

    <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="<%#CodeBehindVarPublic %>"></asp:Label>

you should call DataBind method, otherwise it can't be evaluated.

    public partial class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page
     public string CodeBehindVarPublic { get; set; }
      protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
          CodeBehindVarPublic ="xyz";
       //you should call the next line  in case of using <%#CodeBehindVarPublic %>



How to resolve git error: "Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind"

I had this issue and I realized that .gitignore file is changed. So, I changed .gitignore and I could pull the changes.

Need to remove href values when printing in Chrome

For normal users. Open the inspect window of current page. And type in:

l = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var i =0; i<l.length; i++) {
    l[i].href = "";

Then you shall not see the url links in print preview.

Apache won't run in xampp

logout your account in skype.. then in xampp control panel click start from the line of Apache..

Upgrade python in a virtualenv

For everyone with the problem

Error: Command '['/Users/me/Sites/site/venv3/bin/python3', '-Im', 'ensurepip', '--upgrade', '--default-pip']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

You have to install python3.6-venv

 sudo apt-get install python3.6-venv

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/mail/Authenticator, whats wrong?

Even I was facing a similar error. Try below 2 steps (the first of which has been recommended here already) - 1. Add the dependencies to your pom.xml


  1. If that doesn't work, manually place the jar files in your .m2\repository\javax\<folder>\<version>\ directory.

PL/SQL block problem: No data found error

This data not found causes because of some datatype we are using .

like select empid into v_test

above empid and v_test has to be number type , then only the data will be stored .

So keep track of the data type , when getting this error , may be this will help

Angular 2 execute script after template render

ngAfterViewInit() of AppComponent is a lifecycle callback Angular calls after the root component and it's children have been rendered and it should fit for your purpose.

See also

How to get a string between two characters?

Test String test string (67) from which you need to get the String which is nested in-between two Strings.

String str = "test string (67) and (77)", open = "(", close = ")";

Listed some possible ways: Simple Generic Solution:

String subStr = str.substring(str.indexOf( open ) + 1, str.indexOf( close ));
System.out.format("String[%s] Parsed IntValue[%d]\n", subStr, Integer.parseInt( subStr ));

Apache Software Foundation commons.lang3.

StringUtils class substringBetween() function gets the String that is nested in between two Strings. Only the first match is returned.

String substringBetween = StringUtils.substringBetween(subStr, open, close);
System.out.println("Commons Lang3 : "+ substringBetween);

Replaces the given String, with the String which is nested in between two Strings. #395

Pattern with Regular-Expressions: (\()(.*?)(\)).*

The Dot Matches (Almost) Any Character .? = .{0,1}, .* = .{0,}, .+ = .{1,}

String patternMatch = patternMatch(generateRegex(open, close), str);
System.out.println("Regular expression Value : "+ patternMatch);

Regular-Expression with the utility class RegexUtils and some functions.
      Pattern.DOTALL: Matches any character, including a line terminator.
      Pattern.MULTILINE: Matches entire String from the start^ till end$ of the input sequence.

public static String generateRegex(String open, String close) {
    return "(" + RegexUtils.escapeQuotes(open) + ")(.*?)(" + RegexUtils.escapeQuotes(close) + ").*";

public static String patternMatch(String regex, CharSequence string) {
    final Pattern pattern  = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.DOTALL);
    final Matcher matcher = pattern .matcher(string);

    String returnGroupValue = null;
    if (matcher.find()) { // while() { Pattern.MULTILINE }
        System.out.println("Full match: " +;
        System.out.format("Character Index [Start:End]«[%d:%d]\n",matcher.start(),matcher.end());
        for (int i = 1; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) {
            System.out.println("Group " + i + ": " +;
            if( i == 2 ) returnGroupValue = 2 );
    return returnGroupValue;

JavaScript console.log causes error: "Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated..."

This happened to me when I was being lazy and included a script tag as part of the content that was being returned. As such:

Partial HTML Content:

<script src="/scripts/script.js"></script> 

It appears, at least in my case, that if you return HTML content like that via xhr, you will cause jQuery to make a call to get that script. That call happens with an async flag false since it assumes you need the script to continue loading.

In situations like this one you'd be better served by looking into a binding framework of some kind and just returning a JSON object, or depending on your backend and templating you could change how you load your scripts.

You could also use jQuery's getScript() to grab relevant scripts. Here is a fiddle, It's just a straight copy of the jQuery example, but I'm not seeing any warnings thrown when scripts are loaded that way.


var url = "/scripts/script.js";

Programmatic equivalent of default(Type)

The Expressions can help here:

    private static Dictionary<Type, Delegate> lambdasMap = new Dictionary<Type, Delegate>();

    private object GetTypedNull(Type type)
        Delegate func;
        if (!lambdasMap.TryGetValue(type, out func))
            var body = Expression.Default(type);
            var lambda = Expression.Lambda(body);
            func = lambda.Compile();
            lambdasMap[type] = func;
        return func.DynamicInvoke();

I did not test this snippet, but i think it should produce "typed" nulls for reference types..

"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" in Maven build

I have found a solution of git bash command when you try to build war using git mvn clean install for “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space” in Maven build error come

use below command first 

$ export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m -Xss32m"

then use your mvn command to clean install /build war file

$ mvn clean install

NOTE: you don't need -XX:MaxPermSize argument in MAVEN_OPTS when your are using jdk1.8
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=XXXm; support was removed in 8.0

How to get the first day of the current week and month?

To get the first day of the month, simply get a Date and set the current day to day 1 of the month. Clear hour, minute, second and milliseconds if you need it.

private static Date firstDayOfMonth(Date date) {
   Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
   calendar.set(Calendar.DATE, 1);
   return calendar.getTime();

First day of the week is the same thing, but using Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK instead

private static Date firstDayOfWeek(Date date) {
   Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
   calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, 1);
   return calendar.getTime();

Thread pooling in C++11

You can use thread_pool from boost library:

void my_task(){...}

int main(){
    int threadNumbers = thread::hardware_concurrency();
    boost::asio::thread_pool pool(threadNumbers);

    // Submit a function to the pool.
    boost::asio::post(pool, my_task);

    // Submit a lambda object to the pool.
    boost::asio::post(pool, []() {

You also can use threadpool from open source community:

void first_task() {...}    
void second_task() {...}

int main(){
    int threadNumbers = thread::hardware_concurrency();
    pool tp(threadNumbers);

    // Add some tasks to the pool.

PostgreSQL IF statement

      DELETE FROM orders;
      INSERT INTO orders VALUES (1,2,3);
   END IF;

There are no procedural elements in standard SQL. The IF statement is part of the default procedural language PL/pgSQL. You need to create a function or execute an ad-hoc statement with the DO command.

You need a semicolon (;) at the end of each statement in plpgsql (except for the final END).

You need END IF; at the end of the IF statement.

A sub-select must be surrounded by parentheses:

    IF (SELECT count(*) FROM orders) > 0 ...


    IF (SELECT count(*) > 0 FROM orders) ...

This is equivalent and much faster, though:

    IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM orders) ...


The additional SELECT is not needed. This does the same, faster:

   DELETE FROM orders;
      INSERT INTO orders VALUES (1,2,3);
   END IF;

Though unlikely, concurrent transactions writing to the same table may interfere. To be absolutely sure, write-lock the table in the same transaction before proceeding as demonstrated.

convert htaccess to nginx

Have not tested it yet, but the looks are better than the one Alex mentions.

The description at says:

About the htaccess to nginx converter

The service is to convert an Apache's .htaccess to nginx configuration instructions.

First of all, the service was thought as a mod_rewrite to nginx converter. However, it allows you to convert some other instructions that have reason to be ported from Apache to nginx.

Note server instructions (e.g. php_value, etc.) are ignored.

The converter does not check syntax, including regular expressions and logic errors.

Please, check the result manually before use.

How to run a python script from IDLE interactive shell?

execFile('') does the job for me. A thing to note is to enter the complete directory name of the .py file if it isnt in the Python folder itself (atleast this is the case on Windows)

For example, execFile('C:/')

Remove columns from DataTable in C#

To remove all columns after the one you want, below code should work. It will remove at index 10 (remember Columns are 0 based), until the Column count is 10 or less.

DataTable dt;
int desiredSize = 10;

while (dt.Columns.Count > desiredSize)

JQuery .each() backwards

If you don't want to save method into jQuery.fn you can use


How to get the current time in milliseconds in C Programming

If you're on a Unix-like system, use gettimeofday and convert the result from microseconds to milliseconds.

Length of array in function argument

As stated by @Will, the decay happens during the parameter passing. One way to get around it is to pass the number of elements. To add onto this, you may find the _countof() macro useful - it does the equivalent of what you've done ;)

How do I get out of 'screen' without typing 'exit'?

  • Ctrl + A and then Ctrl+D. Doing this will detach you from the screen session which you can later resume by doing screen -r.

  • You can also do: Ctrl+A then type :. This will put you in screen command mode. Type the command detach to be detached from the running screen session.

How to style a disabled checkbox?

Use the attribute selector in the css

  outline:1px solid red; // or whatever

for checkbox exclusively use

  outline:1px solid red; // or whatever

$('button').click(function() {_x000D_
  const i = $('input');_x000D_
  if ('[disabled]'))_x000D_
    i.attr('disabled', false)_x000D_
    i.attr('disabled', true);_x000D_
input[type=checkbox][disabled] {_x000D_
  outline: 2px solid red;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" value="tasd" disabled />_x000D_
<input type="text" value="text" disabled />_x000D_

How to generate unique id in MySQL?

I use UUID() to create a unique value.


insert into Companies (CompanyID, CompanyName) Values(UUID(), "TestUUID");

What's the best way to set a single pixel in an HTML5 canvas?

putImageData is probably faster than fillRect natively. I think this because the fifth parameter can have different ways to be assigned (the rectangle color), using a string that must be interpreted.

Suppose you're doing that:

context.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1, "#fff")
context.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)")`
context.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1, "rgb(255,255,255)")`
context.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1, "blue")`

So, the line

context.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)")`

is the most heavy between all. The fifth argument in the fillRect call is a bit longer string.

Select mySQL based only on month and year

Here, FIND record by MONTH and DATE in mySQL

Here is your POST value $_POST['period']="2012-02";

Just, explode value by dash $Period = explode('-',$_POST['period']);

Get array from explode value :

Array ( [0] => 2012 [1] => 02 )

Put value in SQL Query:

SELECT * FROM projects WHERE YEAR(Date) = '".$Period[0]."' AND Month(Date) = '".$Period[0]."';

Get Result by MONTH and YEAR.

How do you open a file in C++?

**#include<fstream> //to use file
#include<string>  //to use getline
using namespace std;
int main(){
ifstream file;
string str;"path the file" , ios::binary | ios::in);
   getline(file , str);

VBA Check if variable is empty

How you test depends on the Property's DataType:

| Type                                 | Test                            | Test2
| Numeric (Long, Integer, Double etc.) | If obj.Property = 0 Then        | 
| Boolen (True/False)                  | If Not obj.Property Then        | If obj.Property = False Then
| Object                               | If obj.Property Is Nothing Then |
| String                               | If obj.Property = "" Then       | If LenB(obj.Property) = 0 Then
| Variant                              | If obj.Property = Empty Then    |

You can tell the DataType by pressing F2 to launch the Object Browser and looking up the Object. Another way would be to just use the TypeName function:MsgBox TypeName(obj.Property)

How do I concatenate a boolean to a string in Python?

answer = True

myvar = 'the answer is ' + str(answer) #since answer variable is in boolean format, therefore, we have to convert boolean into string format which can be easily done using this


How do I enable Java in Microsoft Edge web browser?

Edge has dropped all support for plugins. This means that Java, ActiveX, Silverlight, and other plugins are no longer supported. For this reason Microsoft has included Internet Explorer 11, which does support these plugins, with non-mobile versions of Windows 10. If you are running Windows 10 and need plugin support Edge is not an option, but IE 11 is.

Are (non-void) self-closing tags valid in HTML5?

I would be very careful with self closing tags as this example demonstrates:

var a = '<span/><span/>';
var d = document.createElement('div');
d.innerHTML = a
console.log(d.innerHTML) // "<span><span></span></span>"

My gut feeling would have been <span></span><span></span> instead

Angular 4 default radio button checked by default

if you're using reactive forms then you can use the following way. consider the following example.

in component.html

 `<p class="mr-3"> Require Shipping: 

          <input type="radio" class="ml-2" value="true" name="requiresShipping" 
           id="requiresShipping" formControlName="requiresShipping">

                   &nbsp;  Yes  &nbsp;

          <input type="radio" class="ml-2" value="false" name="requiresShipping" 
          id="requiresShipping" formControlName="requiresShipping">

                   &nbsp;  No   &nbsp;

in component.ts

 export class ClassName implements OnInit {
      public yourForm: FormGroup
            private fromBuilder: FormBuilder
      ) {
                  requiresShipping: this.fromBuilder.control('true'),


now you will get the default selected radio button.

enter image description here

Angular - Can't make ng-repeat orderBy work

The orderBy only works with Arrays -- See

Also a great filter to use for Objects instead of Arrays @ Angularjs OrderBy on ng-repeat doesn't work

Get JSONArray without array name?

Here is a solution under 19API lvl:

  • First of all. Make a Gson obj. --> Gson gson = new Gson();

  • Second step is get your jsonObj as String with StringRequest(instead of JsonObjectRequest)

  • The last step to get JsonArray...

YoursObjArray[] yoursObjArray = gson.fromJson(response, YoursObjArray[].class);

Count the Number of Tables in a SQL Server Database

Try this:

SELECT Count(*)

How can I brew link a specific version?

brew switch libfoo mycopy

You can use brew switch to switch between versions of the same package, if it's installed as versioned subdirectories under Cellar/<packagename>/

This will list versions installed ( for example I had Cellar/sdl2/2.0.3, I've compiled into Cellar/sdl2/2.0.4)

brew info sdl2

Then to switch between them

brew switch sdl2 2.0.4
brew info 

Info now shows * next to the 2.0.4

To install under Cellar/<packagename>/<version> from source you can do for example

cd ~/somewhere/src/foo-2.0.4
./configure --prefix $(brew --Cellar)/foo/2.0.4

check where it gets installed with

make install -n

if all looks correct

make install

Then from cd $(brew --Cellar) do the switch between version.

I'm using brew version 0.9.5

How to write file in UTF-8 format?

//add BOM to fix UTF-8 in Excel
fputs($fp, $bom =( chr(0xEF) . chr(0xBB) . chr(0xBF) ));

I got this line from Cool

How to solve SQL Server Error 1222 i.e Unlock a SQL Server table

To prevent this, make sure every BEGIN TRANSACTION has COMMIT

The following will say successful but will leave uncommitted transactions:


Closing query windows with uncommitted transactions will prompt you to commit your transactions. This will generally resolve the Error 1222 message.

CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA added to NgModule.schemas still showing Error

Make sure to import component in declarations array

  declarations: [ExampleComponent],
  imports: [

How to decode Unicode escape sequences like "\u00ed" to proper UTF-8 encoded characters?

Try this:

$str = preg_replace_callback('/\\\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/', function ($match) {
    return mb_convert_encoding(pack('H*', $match[1]), 'UTF-8', 'UCS-2BE');
}, $str);

In case it's UTF-16 based C/C++/Java/Json-style:

$str = preg_replace_callback('/\\\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/', function ($match) {
    return mb_convert_encoding(pack('H*', $match[1]), 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE');
}, $str);

how do I set height of container DIV to 100% of window height?

Did you set the CSS:

html, body
    height: 100%;

You need this to be able to make the div take up all the space. :)

Foreach loop in java for a custom object list

Actually the enhanced for loop should look like this

for (final Room room : rooms) {
          // Here your room is available

Closing Excel Application Process in C# after Data Access


Worked for me.

Is there a way to detect if an image is blurry?

Matlab code of two methods that have been published in highly regarded journals (IEEE Transactions on Image Processing) are available here:

check the CPBDM and JNBM algorithms. If you check the code it's not very hard to be ported and incidentally it is based on the Marzialiano's method as basic feature.

Using prepared statements with JDBCTemplate

Try the following:

PreparedStatementCreator creator = new PreparedStatementCreator() {
    public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(Connection con) throws SQLException {
        PreparedStatement updateSales = con.prepareStatement(
        updateSales.setInt(1, 75); 
        updateSales.setString(2, "Colombian"); 
        return updateSales;

Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 0

Limited disk space can cause to this error.

Check your disk space

$ df -h

Try to increase the space if there are 100% used disks.

In my case: I have Vagrant (8.0.1) box (Ubuntu 16.04) My mysql disk capacity was 10GB, I increased it to 20GB

$ sudo lvextend -L20G -r /dev/mapper/homestead--vg-mysql--master

Then restart mysql

$ sudo service mysql restart

Node.js setting up environment specific configs to be used with everyauth

An elegant way is to use .env file to locally override production settings. No need for command line switches. No need for all those commas and brackets in a config.json file. See my answer here

Example: on my machine the .env file is this:


My local .env overrides any environment variables. But on the staging or production servers (maybe they're on the environment variables are pre-set to stage NODE_ENV=stage or production NODE_ENV=prod.

git command to move a folder inside another

 git mv common include

should work.

From the git mv man page:

git mv [-f] [-n] [-k] <source> ... <destination directory>

In the second form, the last argument has to be an existing directory; the given sources will be moved into this directory.
The index is updated after successful completion, but the change must still be committed.

No "git add" should be done before the move.

Note: "git mv A B/", when B does not exist as a directory, should error out, but it didn't.

See commit c57f628 by Matthieu Moy (moy) for Git 1.9/2.0 (Q1 2014):

Git used to trim the trailing slash, and make the command equivalent to 'git mv file no-such-dir', which created the file no-such-dir (while the trailing slash explicitly stated that it could only be a directory).

This patch skips the trailing slash removal for the destination path.
The path with its trailing slash is passed to rename(2), which errors out with the appropriate message:

$ git mv file no-such-dir/
fatal: renaming 'file' failed: Not a directory

How to pass parameters in GET requests with jQuery

Use data option of ajax. You can send data object to server by data option in ajax and the type which defines how you are sending it (either POST or GET). The default type is GET method

Try this

  url: "ajax.aspx",
  type: "get", //send it through get method
  data: { 
    ajaxid: 4, 
    UserID: UserID, 
    EmailAddress: EmailAddress
  success: function(response) {
    //Do Something
  error: function(xhr) {
    //Do Something to handle error

And you can get the data by (if you are using PHP)

 $_GET['ajaxid'] //gives 4
 $_GET['UserID'] //gives you the sent userid

In aspx, I believe it is (might be wrong)


Find all zero-byte files in directory and subdirectories

To print the names of all files in and below $dir of size 0:

find "$dir" -size 0

Note that not all implementations of find will produce output by default, so you may need to do:

find "$dir" -size 0 -print

Two comments on the final loop in the question:

Rather than iterating over every other word in a string and seeing if the alternate values are zero, you can partially eliminate the issue you're having with whitespace by iterating over lines. eg:

printf '1 f1\n0 f 2\n10 f3\n' | while read size path; do
    test "$size" -eq 0 && echo "$path"; done

Note that this will fail in your case if any of the paths output by ls contain newlines, and this reinforces 2 points: don't parse ls, and have a sane naming policy that doesn't allow whitespace in paths.

Secondly, to output the data from the loop, there is no need to store the output in a variable just to echo it. If you simply let the loop write its output to stdout, you accomplish the same thing but avoid storing it.

Bash if statement with multiple conditions throws an error

You can use either [[ or (( keyword. When you use [[ keyword, you have to use string operators such as -eq, -lt. I think, (( is most preferred for arithmetic, because you can directly use operators such as ==, < and >.

Using [[ operator

if [[ a -eq 1 || b -eq 2 ]] || [[ a -eq 3 && b -eq 4 ]]
     echo "Error"
     echo "No Error"

Using (( operator

if (( a == 1 || b == 2 )) || (( a == 3 && b == 4 ))
     echo "Error"
     echo "No Error"

Do not use -a or -o operators Since it is not Portable.

Javascript loop through object array?

It appears you may just have missed the "messages" property in the data, so the loop is likely iterating the root Object rather than the Array:

for (var key in data.messages) {
    var obj = data.messages[key];
    // ...

Unless data was set to messages before the given snippet.

Though, you should consider changing that to a normal for loop for the Array:

for (var i = 0, l = data.messages.length; i < l; i++) {
    var obj = data.messages[i];
    // ...

How to install iPhone application in iPhone Simulator

If you're looking to do this XCode 5+, I found this is the easiest method:

Install ios-sim:

npm install -g ios-sim

Then simply execute:

ios-sim launch ./ --devicetypeid

In which you can switch up your device type. Simple, fast, and it actually works.

How to enable support of CPU virtualization on Macbook Pro?

CPU Virtualization is enabled by default on all MacBooks with compatible CPUs (i7 is compatible). You can try to reset PRAM if you think it was disabled somehow, but I doubt it.

I think the issue might be in the old version of OS. If your MacBook is i7, then you better upgrade OS to something newer.

What's the difference between a single precision and double precision floating point operation?

Basically single precision floating point arithmetic deals with 32 bit floating point numbers whereas double precision deals with 64 bit.

The number of bits in double precision increases the maximum value that can be stored as well as increasing the precision (ie the number of significant digits).

Initialize a string in C to empty string

In addition to Will Dean's version, the following are common for whole buffer initialization:

char s[10] = {'\0'};


char s[10];
memset(s, '\0', sizeof(s));


char s[10];
strncpy(s, "", sizeof(s));

Imply bit with constant 1 or 0 in SQL Server

Unfortunately, no. You will have to cast each value individually.

Python JSON dump / append to .txt with each variable on new line

To avoid confusion, paraphrasing both question and answer. I am assuming that user who posted this question wanted to save dictionary type object in JSON file format but when the user used json.dump, this method dumped all its content in one line. Instead, he wanted to record each dictionary entry on a new line. To achieve this use:

with g as outfile:
  json.dump(hostDict, outfile,indent=2)

Using indent = 2 helped me to dump each dictionary entry on a new line. Thank you @agf. Rewriting this answer to avoid confusion.

Construct pandas DataFrame from items in nested dictionary

pd.concat accepts a dictionary. With this in mind, it is possible to improve upon the currently accepted answer in terms of simplicity and performance by use a dictionary comprehension to build a dictionary mapping keys to sub-frames.

pd.concat({k: pd.DataFrame(v).T for k, v in user_dict.items()}, axis=0)


        k: pd.DataFrame.from_dict(v, 'index') for k, v in user_dict.items()

              att_1     att_2
12 Category 1     1  whatever
   Category 2    23   another
15 Category 1    10       foo
   Category 2    30       bar

How to split a string by spaces in a Windows batch file?

Here is a solution based on a "function" which processes each character until it finds the delimiter character.

It is relatively slow, but it is at least not a brain teaser (except for the function part).

:: Example #1:
set data=aa bb cc
echo Splitting off from "%data%":
call :split_once "%data%" " " "left" "right"
echo Split off: %left%
echo Remaining: %right%

:: Example #2:
echo List of paths in PATH env var:
set paths=%PATH%
    call :split_once "%paths%" ";" "left" "paths"
    if "%left%" equ "" goto loop_end
    echo %left%
goto loop

goto :eof

::   call :split_once "string to split once" "delimiter_char" "left_var" "right_var"
    set right=%~1
    set delimiter_char=%~2
    set left=

    if "%right%" equ "" goto split_once_done

        if "%right:~0,1%" equ "%delimiter_char%" set right=%right:~1%&& goto split_once_done
        if "%right:~0,1%" neq "%delimiter_char%" set left=%left%%right:~0,1%
        if "%right:~0,1%" neq "%delimiter_char%" set right=%right:~1%
        if "%right%" equ "" goto split_once_done
    goto split_once_loop

    endlocal & set %~3=%left%& set %~4=%right%

Find an element in a list of tuples

>>> [i for i in a if 1 in i]

[(1, 2), (1, 4)]

CSS Select box arrow style

Try to replace the

padding: 2px 30px 2px 2px;


padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;

It should work.

How to make PopUp window in java

public class JSONPage {
    Logger log = Logger.getLogger("");

    public static final JFrame JSONFrame = new JFrame();
    public final JPanel jPanel = new JPanel();

    JLabel IdLabel = new JLabel("JSON ID*");
    JLabel DataLabel = new JLabel("JSON Data*");
    JFormattedTextField JId = new JFormattedTextField("Auto Generated");
    JTextArea JData = new JTextArea();
    JButton Cancel = new JButton("Cancel");
    JButton Add = new JButton("Add");

    public void JsonPage() {

        JSONFrame.setSize(400, 250);
        JSONFrame.setTitle("Add JSON Data");


        IdLabel.setBounds(20, 30, 120, 25);
        JId.setBounds(100, 30, 120, 25);
        DataLabel.setBounds(20, 60, 120, 25);
        JData.setBounds(100, 60, 250, 75);
        Cancel.setBounds(80, 170, 80, 30);
        Add.setBounds(280, 170, 50, 30);



        Cancel.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

        Add.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                try {
                    PreparedStatement pStatement = DAOHelper.getInstance()
                    pStatement.setString(1, null);
                    if (JData.getText().toString().isEmpty()) {
                                "Must Enter JSON Path");
                    } else {
                        // System.out.println(eleSelectBy);
                        pStatement.setString(2, JData.getText());
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JSONFrame, "!! Added !!");
              "JSON Path Added"+JData);

                } catch (SQLException e1) {
          "Error in Adding JSON Path");


Windows CMD command for accessing usb?

Try this batch :

@echo off
Title List of connected external devices by Hackoo
Mode con cols=100 lines=20 & Color 9E
wmic LOGICALDISK where driveType=2 get deviceID > wmic.txt
for /f "skip=1" %%b IN ('type wmic.txt') DO (echo %%b & pause & Dir %%b)
Del wmic.txt

Get distance between two points in canvas

The distance between two coordinates x and y! x1 and y1 is the first point/position, x2 and y2 is the second point/position!

function diff (num1, num2) {_x000D_
  if (num1 > num2) {_x000D_
    return (num1 - num2);_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
    return (num2 - num1);_x000D_
function dist (x1, y1, x2, y2) {_x000D_
  var deltaX = diff(x1, x2);_x000D_
  var deltaY = diff(y1, y2);_x000D_
  var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaX, 2) + Math.pow(deltaY, 2));_x000D_
  return (dist);_x000D_

What is http multipart request?

I have found an excellent and relatively short explanation here.

A multipart request is a REST request containing several packed REST requests inside its entity.

How to write ternary operator condition in jQuery?

Here is a working example in side a function:

function setCurrency(){_x000D_
   var returnCurrent;_x000D_
   $("#RequestCurrencyType").is(":checked") === true ? returnCurrent = 'Dollar': returnCurrent = 'Euro';_x000D_
   return returnCurrent;_x000D_

In your case. Change the selector and the return values

$("#blackbox").css('background-color') === 'pink' ? return "black" : return "pink";

lastly, to know what is the value used by the browser run the following in the console:


and use the "rgb(" value instead of the Hex for the color selection.

mysql server port number

if you want to have your port as a variable, you can write php like this:

$username = user;
$password = pw;
$host =;
$database = dbname;
$port = 3308; 

$conn = mysql_connect($host.':'.$port, $username, $password);

Save image from url with curl PHP

This is easiest implement.

function downloadFile($url, $path)
    $newfname = $path;
    $file = fopen($url, 'rb');
    if ($file) {
        $newf = fopen($newfname, 'wb');
        if ($newf) {
            while (!feof($file)) {
                fwrite($newf, fread($file, 1024 * 8), 1024 * 8);
    if ($file) {
    if ($newf) {

How do I use itertools.groupby()?

How do I use Python's itertools.groupby()?

You can use groupby to group things to iterate over. You give groupby an iterable, and a optional key function/callable by which to check the items as they come out of the iterable, and it returns an iterator that gives a two-tuple of the result of the key callable and the actual items in another iterable. From the help:

groupby(iterable[, keyfunc]) -> create an iterator which returns
(key, sub-iterator) grouped by each value of key(value).

Here's an example of groupby using a coroutine to group by a count, it uses a key callable (in this case, coroutine.send) to just spit out the count for however many iterations and a grouped sub-iterator of elements:

import itertools

def grouper(iterable, n):
    def coroutine(n):
        yield # queue up coroutine
        for i in itertools.count():
            for j in range(n):
                yield i
    groups = coroutine(n)
    next(groups) # queue up coroutine

    for c, objs in itertools.groupby(iterable, groups.send):
        yield c, list(objs)
    # or instead of materializing a list of objs, just:
    # return itertools.groupby(iterable, groups.send)

list(grouper(range(10), 3))


[(0, [0, 1, 2]), (1, [3, 4, 5]), (2, [6, 7, 8]), (3, [9])]

PHP - define constant inside a class

This is a pretty old question, but perhaps this answer can still help someone else.

You can emulate a public constant that is restricted within a class scope by applying the final keyword to a method that returns a pre-defined value, like this:

class Foo {

    // This is a private constant
    final public MYCONSTANT()
        return 'MYCONSTANT_VALUE';

The final keyword on a method prevents an extending class from re-defining the method. You can also place the final keyword in front of the class declaration, in which case the keyword prevents class Inheritance.

To get nearly exactly what Alex was looking for the following code can be used:

final class Constants {

    public MYCONSTANT()
        return 'MYCONSTANT_VALUE';

class Foo {

    static public app()
        return new Constants();

The emulated constant value would be accessible like this:


ImageView rounded corners


Create an xml file rounded_fg.xml under res/drawable/ folder of your app. The content of rounded_fg.xml is as follows,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android=""

You can match endColor with ImageView container layout background & gradientRadius may be any value as per your requirements (<=36dp).

Now use this drawable as foreground for your imageview as follows,

     android:foreground="@drawable/rounded_fg" />

Works perfect with square images and/or imageview.

Square Image/ImageView:

Square Image/ImageView

Rectangular Image/ImageView:

Rectangular Image/ImageView

Foreground applied over a button:

Foreground applied over a button

Android EditText Hint

et.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {
        public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {

            et.setHint(temp +" Characters");

How to run functions in parallel?

Seems like you have a single function that you need to call on two different parameters. This can be elegantly done using a combination of concurrent.futures and map with Python 3.2+

import time
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor

def sleep_secs(seconds):
  print(f'{seconds} has been processed')

secs_list = [2,4, 6, 8, 10, 12]

Now, if your operation is IO bound, then you can use the ThreadPoolExecutor as such:

with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
  results =, secs_list)

Note how map is used here to map your function to the list of arguments.

Now, If your function is CPU bound, then you can use ProcessPoolExecutor

with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
  results =, secs_list)

If you are not sure, you can simply try both and see which one gives you better results.

Finally, if you are looking to print out your results, you can simply do this:

with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
  results =, secs_list)
  for result in results:

Overlay with spinner

And for a spinner like iOs I use this:

enter image description here


  <div class='spinner'>


.spinner {
  font-size: 30px;
  position: relative;
  display: inline-block;
  width: 1em;
  height: 1em;

.spinner div {
  position: absolute;
  left: 0.4629em;
  bottom: 0;
  width: 0.074em;
  height: 0.2777em;
  border-radius: 0.5em;
  background-color: transparent;
  -webkit-transform-origin: center -0.2222em;
      -ms-transform-origin: center -0.2222em;
          transform-origin: center -0.2222em;
  -webkit-animation: spinner-fade 1s infinite linear;
          animation: spinner-fade 1s infinite linear;
.spinner div:nth-child(1) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0s;
          animation-delay: 0s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(0deg);
          transform: rotate(0deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(2) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.083s;
          animation-delay: 0.083s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(30deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(30deg);
          transform: rotate(30deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(3) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.166s;
          animation-delay: 0.166s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(60deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(60deg);
          transform: rotate(60deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(4) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.249s;
          animation-delay: 0.249s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(90deg);
          transform: rotate(90deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(5) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.332s;
          animation-delay: 0.332s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(120deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(120deg);
          transform: rotate(120deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(6) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.415s;
          animation-delay: 0.415s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(150deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(150deg);
          transform: rotate(150deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(7) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.498s;
          animation-delay: 0.498s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(180deg);
          transform: rotate(180deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(8) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.581s;
          animation-delay: 0.581s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(210deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(210deg);
          transform: rotate(210deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(9) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.664s;
          animation-delay: 0.664s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(240deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(240deg);
          transform: rotate(240deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(10) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.747s;
          animation-delay: 0.747s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(270deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(270deg);
          transform: rotate(270deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(11) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.83s;
          animation-delay: 0.83s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(300deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(300deg);
          transform: rotate(300deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(12) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.913s;
          animation-delay: 0.913s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(330deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(330deg);
          transform: rotate(330deg);

@-webkit-keyframes spinner-fade {
  0% {
    background-color: #69717d;
  100% {
    background-color: transparent;

@keyframes spinner-fade {
  0% {
    background-color: #69717d;
  100% {
    background-color: transparent;

get from this website :

Difference between and e.currentTarget

Ben is completely correct in his answer - so keep what he says in mind. What I'm about to tell you isn't a full explanation, but it's a very easy way to remember how, e.currentTarget work in relation to mouse events and the display list: = The thing under the mouse (as ben says... the thing that triggers the event). e.currentTarget = The thing before the dot... (see below)

So if you have 10 buttons inside a clip with an instance name of "btns" and you do:

btns.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onOver);
// btns = the thing before the dot of an addEventListener call
function onOver(e:MouseEvent):void{
} will be one of the 10 buttons and e.currentTarget will always be the "btns" clip.

It's worth noting that if you changed the MouseEvent to a ROLL_OVER or set the property btns.mouseChildren to false, and e.currentTarget will both always be "btns".

Google reCAPTCHA: How to get user response and validate in the server side?

Here is complete demo code to understand client side and server side process. you can copy paste it and just replace google site key and google secret key.

      //  echo '<pre>'; print_r($_REQUEST); die('END');
        $post = [
            'secret' => 'Your Secret key',
            'response' => $_REQUEST['g-recaptcha-response'],
        $ch = curl_init();

        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"");
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($post));
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

        $server_output = curl_exec($ch);

        curl_close ($ch);
        echo '<pre>'; print_r($server_output); die('ss');
    <title>reCAPTCHA demo: Explicit render for multiple widgets</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      var site_key = 'Your Site key';
      var verifyCallback = function(response) {
      var widgetId1;
      var widgetId2;
      var onloadCallback = function() {
        // Renders the HTML element with id 'example1' as a reCAPTCHA widget.
        // The id of the reCAPTCHA widget is assigned to 'widgetId1'.
        widgetId1 = grecaptcha.render('example1', {
          'sitekey' : site_key,
          'theme' : 'light'
        widgetId2 = grecaptcha.render(document.getElementById('example2'), {
          'sitekey' : site_key
        grecaptcha.render('example3', {
          'sitekey' : site_key,
          'callback' : verifyCallback,
          'theme' : 'dark'
    <!-- The g-recaptcha-response string displays in an alert message upon submit. -->
    <form action="javascript:alert(grecaptcha.getResponse(widgetId1));">
      <div id="example1"></div>
      <input type="submit" value="getResponse">
    <!-- Resets reCAPTCHA widgetId2 upon submit. -->
    <form action="javascript:grecaptcha.reset(widgetId2);">
      <div id="example2"></div>
      <input type="submit" value="reset">
    <!-- POSTs back to the page's URL upon submit with a g-recaptcha-response POST parameter. -->
    <form action="?" method="POST">
      <div id="example3"></div>
      <input type="submit" value="Submit">
    <script src=""
        async defer>

Get screen width and height in Android

As an android official document said for the default display use Context#getDisplay() because this method was deprecated in API level 30.


This bowl of code help to determine width and height.

public static int getWidth(Context context) {
    DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
    Display display = context.getDisplay();
    if (display != null) {
        return displayMetrics.widthPixels;
    return -1;

For the Height:

public static int getHeight(Context context) {
    DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
    Display display = context.getDisplay();
    if (display != null) {
        return displayMetrics.heightPixels;
    return -1;

How to increase Neo4j's maximum file open limit (ulimit) in Ubuntu?

What you are doing will not work for root user. Maybe you are running your services as root and hence you don't get to see the change.

To increase the ulimit for root user you should replace the * by root. * does not apply for root user. Rest is the same as you did. I will re-quote it here.

Add the following lines to the file: /etc/security/limits.conf

root soft  nofile 40000

root hard  nofile 40000

And then add following line in the file: /etc/pam.d/common-session

session required

This will update the ulimit for root user. As mentioned in comments, you may don't even have to reboot to see the change.

orderBy multiple fields in Angular

<select ng-model="divs" ng-options="(' - '+d.sub) for d in divisions | orderBy:['group','sub']" />

User array instead of multiple orderBY

How to add border around linear layout except at the bottom?

Kenny is right, just want to clear some things out.

  1. Create the file border.xml and put it in the folder res/drawable/
  2. add the code

    <shape xmlns:android=""> 
       <stroke android:width="4dp" android:color="#FF00FF00" /> 
       <solid android:color="#ffffff" /> 
       <padding android:left="7dp" android:top="7dp" 
            android:right="7dp" android:bottom="0dp" /> 
       <corners android:radius="4dp" /> 
  3. set back ground like android:background="@drawable/border" wherever you want the border

Mine first didn't work cause i put the border.xml in the wrong folder!

Should have subtitle controller already set Mediaplayer error Android

Also you can only set mediaPlayer.reset() and in onDestroy set it to release.

How do I set up access control in SVN?

In your svn\repos\YourRepo\conf folder you will find two files, authz and passwd. These are the two you need to adjust.

In the passwd file you need to add some usernames and passwords. I assume you have already done this since you have people using it:


Then you want to assign permissions accordingly with the authz file:

Create the conceptual groups you want, and add people to it:

allaccess = user1
someaccess = user2

Then choose what access they have from both the permissions and project level.

So let's give our "all access" guys all access from the root:

@allaccess = rw

But only give our "some access" guys read-only access to some lower level project:

@someaccess = r

You will also find some simple documentation in the authz and passwd files.

Javascript array sort and unique

No redundant "return" array, no ECMA5 built-ins (I'm pretty sure!) and simple to read.

function removeDuplicates(target_array) {
    var i = 0;

    while(i < target_array.length) {
        if(target_array[i] === target_array[i+1]) {
        else {
            i += 1;
    return target_array;

Bootstrap 3.0 Sliding Menu from left

I believe that although javascript is an option here, you have a smoother animation through forcing hardware accelerate with CSS3. You can achieve this by setting the following CSS3 properties on the moving div:

div.hardware-accelarate {
     -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
        -moz-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
         -ms-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
          -o-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
             transform: translate3d(0,0,0);

I've made a plunkr setup for ya'll to test and tweak...

The smallest difference between 2 Angles

x is the target angle. y is the source or starting angle:

atan2(sin(x-y), cos(x-y))

It returns the signed delta angle. Note that depending on your API the order of the parameters for the atan2() function might be different.

Why can't decimal numbers be represented exactly in binary?

There's a threshold because the meaning of the digit has gone from integer to non-integer. To represent 61, you have 6*10^1 + 1*10^0; 10^1 and 10^0 are both integers. 6.1 is 6*10^0 + 1*10^-1, but 10^-1 is 1/10, which is definitely not an integer. That's how you end up in Inexactville.

plot is not defined

Change that import to

from matplotlib.pyplot import *

Note that this style of imports (from X import *) is generally discouraged. I would recommend using the following instead:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

How can you find out which process is listening on a TCP or UDP port on Windows?

There's a native GUI for Windows:

  • Start menu → All ProgramsAccessoriesSystem ToolsResource Monitor

Or Run resmon.exe, or from Task Manager's performance tab.

Enter image description here

Why do I have to run "composer dump-autoload" command to make migrations work in laravel?

You should run:

composer dump-autoload

and if does not work you should:

re-install composer

Is there a way to cast float as a decimal without rounding and preserving its precision?

Try SELECT CAST(field1 AS DECIMAL(10,2)) field1 and replace 10,2 with whatever precision you need.

"Insert if not exists" statement in SQLite

insert into bookmarks (users_id, lessoninfo_id)

select 1, 167
select user_id, lessoninfo_id
from bookmarks
where user_id=1
and lessoninfo_id=167;

This is the fastest way.

For some other SQL engines, you can use a Dummy table containing 1 record. e.g:

select 1, 167 from ONE_RECORD_DUMMY_TABLE

How to filter a RecyclerView with a SearchView

I don't know why everyone is using 2 copies of the same list to solve this. This uses too much RAM...

Why not just hide the elements that are not found, and simply store their index in a Set to be able to restore them later? That's much less RAM especially if your objects are quite large.

public class MyRecyclerViewAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<MyRecyclerViewAdapter.SampleViewHolders>{
    private List<MyObject> myObjectsList; //holds the items of type MyObject
    private Set<Integer> foundObjects; //holds the indices of the found items

    public MyRecyclerViewAdapter(Context context, List<MyObject> myObjectsList)
        this.myObjectsList = myObjectsList;
        this.foundObjects = new HashSet<>();
        //first, add all indices to the indices set
        for(int i = 0; i < this.myObjectsList.size(); i++)

    public SampleViewHolders onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
        View layoutView = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(
                R.layout.my_layout_for_staggered_grid, null);
        MyRecyclerViewAdapter.SampleViewHolders rcv = new MyRecyclerViewAdapter.SampleViewHolders(layoutView);
        return rcv;

    public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull SampleViewHolders holder, int position)
        //look for object in O(1) in the indices set
            //object not found => hide it.
            //object found => show it.


    public int getItemCount() {
        return myObjectsList.size();

    public void findObject(String text)
        //look for "text" in the objects list
        for(int i = 0; i < myObjectsList.size(); i++)
            //if it's empty text, we want all objects, so just add it to the set.
            if(text.length() == 0)
                //otherwise check if it meets your search criteria and add it or remove it accordingly
                if (myObjectsList.get(i).getName().toLowerCase().contains(text.toLowerCase()))

    public class SampleViewHolders extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder implements View.OnClickListener
        public ImageView imgImageView;
        public TextView nameTextView;

        private final CardView layout;
        private final CardView.LayoutParams hiddenLayoutParams;
        private final CardView.LayoutParams shownLayoutParams;

        public SampleViewHolders(View itemView)
            imgImageView = (ImageView) itemView.findViewById(;
            nameTextView = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(;

            layout = itemView.findViewById(; //card_view is the id of my androidx.cardview.widget.CardView in my xml layout
            //prepare hidden layout params with height = 0, and visible layout params for later - see hideLayout() and showLayout()
            hiddenLayoutParams = new CardView.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
            hiddenLayoutParams.height = 0;
            shownLayoutParams = new CardView.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,

        public void onClick(View view)

        private void hideLayout() {
            //hide the layout

        private void showLayout() {
            //show the layout

And I simply have an EditText as my search box:

cardsSearchTextView.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
            public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence, int i, int i1, int i2) {


            public void onTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence, int i, int i1, int i2) {


            public void afterTextChanged(Editable editable) {


Search example gif

How to generate serial version UID in Intellij

Without any plugins:

You just need to enable highlight: (Idea v.2016, 2017 and 2018, previous versions may have same or similar settings)

File -> Settings -> Editor -> Inspections -> Java -> Serialization issues -> Serializable class without 'serialVersionUID' - set flag and click 'OK'. (For Macs, Settings is under IntelliJ IDEA -> Preferences...)

Now, if your class implements Serializable, you will see highlight and alt+Enter on class name will ask you to generate private static final long serialVersionUID.

UPD: a faster way to find this setting - you might use hotkey Ctrl+Shift+A (find action), type Serializable class without 'serialVersionUID' - the first is the one.

Remove first 4 characters of a string with PHP

function String2Stars($string='',$first=0,$last=0,$rep='*'){
  $begin  = substr($string,0,$first);
  $middle = str_repeat($rep,strlen(substr($string,$first,$last)));
  $end    = substr($string,$last);
  $stars  = $begin.$middle.$end;
  return $stars;


$string = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
echo String2Stars($string,5,-5);   // abcde****************vwxyz

Capturing URL parameters in request.GET

If you only have access to the view object, then you can get the parameters defined in the URL path this way:


If you only have access to the request object, use the following:


Tested on Django 3.

What is the difference between an expression and a statement in Python?

Expressions only contain identifiers, literals and operators, where operators include arithmetic and boolean operators, the function call operator () the subscription operator [] and similar, and can be reduced to some kind of "value", which can be any Python object. Examples:

3 + 5
map(lambda x: x*x, range(10))
[a.x for a in some_iterable]
yield 7

Statements (see 1, 2), on the other hand, are everything that can make up a line (or several lines) of Python code. Note that expressions are statements as well. Examples:

# all the above expressions
print 42
if x: do_y()
a = 7

How do I programmatically "restart" an Android app?

You can simply call:

public static void triggerRebirth(Context context, Intent nextIntent) {
    Intent intent = new Intent(context, YourClass.class);
    intent.putExtra(KEY_RESTART_INTENT, nextIntent);
    if (context instanceof Activity) {
      ((Activity) context).finish();


Which is used in the ProcessPhoenix library

As an alternative:

Here's a bit improved version of @Oleg Koshkin answer.

If you really want to restart your activity including a kill of the current process, try following code. Place it in a HelperClass or where you need it.

public static void doRestart(Context c) {
        try {
            //check if the context is given
            if (c != null) {
                //fetch the packagemanager so we can get the default launch activity 
                // (you can replace this intent with any other activity if you want
                PackageManager pm = c.getPackageManager();
                //check if we got the PackageManager
                if (pm != null) {
                    //create the intent with the default start activity for your application
                    Intent mStartActivity = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage(
                    if (mStartActivity != null) {
                        //create a pending intent so the application is restarted after System.exit(0) was called. 
                        // We use an AlarmManager to call this intent in 100ms
                        int mPendingIntentId = 223344;
                        PendingIntent mPendingIntent = PendingIntent
                                .getActivity(c, mPendingIntentId, mStartActivity,
                        AlarmManager mgr = (AlarmManager) c.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
                        mgr.set(AlarmManager.RTC, System.currentTimeMillis() + 100, mPendingIntent);
                        //kill the application
                    } else {
                        Log.e(TAG, "Was not able to restart application, mStartActivity null");
                } else {
                    Log.e(TAG, "Was not able to restart application, PM null");
            } else {
                Log.e(TAG, "Was not able to restart application, Context null");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Was not able to restart application");

This will also reinitialize jni classes and all static instances.

How to scroll to an element in jQuery?

I think you might be looking for an "anchor" given the example you have.

<a href="#jump">This link will jump to the anchor named jump</a>
<a name="jump">This is where the link will jump to</a>

The focus jQuery method does something different from what you're trying to achieve.

What in the world are Spring beans?

In Spring, those objects that form the backbone of your application and that are managed by the Spring IoC container are referred to as beans. A bean is simply an object that is instantiated, assembled and otherwise managed by a Spring IoC container;

Requested bean is currently in creation: Is there an unresolvable circular reference?

In my case, I was defining a bean and autowiring it in the constructor of the same class file.

public class MyApplication {
    private MyBean myBean;

    public MyApplication(MyBean myBean) {
        this.myBean = myBean;

    public MyBean myBean() {
        return new MyBean();

My solution was to move the bean definition to another class file.

public CustomConfig {
    public MyBean myBean() {
        return new MyBean();

\n or \n in php echo not print

PHP only interprets escaped characters (with the exception of the escaped backslash \\ and the escaped single quote \') when in double quotes (")

This works (results in a newline):


This does not result in a newline:


Reading/writing an INI file


Firstly, read this MSDN blog post on the limitations of INI files. If it suits your needs, read on.

This is a concise implementation I wrote, utilising the original Windows P/Invoke, so it is supported by all versions of Windows with .NET installed, (i.e. Windows 98 - Windows 10). I hereby release it into the public domain - you're free to use it commercially without attribution.

The tiny class

Add a new class called IniFile.cs to your project:

using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;

// Change this to match your program's normal namespace
namespace MyProg
    class IniFile   // revision 11
        string Path;
        string EXE = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name;

        [DllImport("kernel32", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        static extern long WritePrivateProfileString(string Section, string Key, string Value, string FilePath);

        [DllImport("kernel32", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        static extern int GetPrivateProfileString(string Section, string Key, string Default, StringBuilder RetVal, int Size, string FilePath);

        public IniFile(string IniPath = null)
            Path = new FileInfo(IniPath ?? EXE + ".ini").FullName;

        public string Read(string Key, string Section = null)
            var RetVal = new StringBuilder(255);
            GetPrivateProfileString(Section ?? EXE, Key, "", RetVal, 255, Path);
            return RetVal.ToString();

        public void Write(string Key, string Value, string Section = null)
            WritePrivateProfileString(Section ?? EXE, Key, Value, Path);

        public void DeleteKey(string Key, string Section = null)
            Write(Key, null, Section ?? EXE);

        public void DeleteSection(string Section = null)
            Write(null, null, Section ?? EXE);

        public bool KeyExists(string Key, string Section = null)
            return Read(Key, Section).Length > 0;

How to use it

Open the INI file in one of the 3 following ways:

// Creates or loads an INI file in the same directory as your executable
// named EXE.ini (where EXE is the name of your executable)
var MyIni = new IniFile();

// Or specify a specific name in the current dir
var MyIni = new IniFile("Settings.ini");

// Or specify a specific name in a specific dir
var MyIni = new IniFile(@"C:\Settings.ini");

You can write some values like so:

MyIni.Write("DefaultVolume", "100");
MyIni.Write("HomePage", "");

To create a file like this:


To read the values out of the INI file:

var DefaultVolume = MyIni.Read("DefaultVolume");
var HomePage = MyIni.Read("HomePage");

Optionally, you can set [Section]'s:

MyIni.Write("DefaultVolume", "100", "Audio");
MyIni.Write("HomePage", "", "Web");

To create a file like this:



You can also check for the existence of a key like so:

if(!MyIni.KeyExists("DefaultVolume", "Audio"))
    MyIni.Write("DefaultVolume", "100", "Audio");

You can delete a key like so:

MyIni.DeleteKey("DefaultVolume", "Audio");

You can also delete a whole section (including all keys) like so:


Please feel free to comment with any improvements!

Where is the file in a Spring Boot project?

Spring Boot will automatically find and load and application.yaml files from the following locations when your application starts:

  1. The classpath root
  2. The classpath /config package
  3. The current directory
  4. The /config subdirectory in the current directory
  5. Immediate child directories of the /config subdirectory

The list is ordered by precedence (with values from lower items overriding earlier ones).

More info you can find here

Convert long/lat to pixel x/y on a given picture

So you want to take latitude/longitude coordinates and find out the pixel coordinates on your image of that location?

The main GMap2 class provides transformation to/from a pixel on the displayed map and a lat/long coordinate:


For example:

var gmap2 = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));
var geocoder = new GClientGeocoder();

geocoder.getLatLng( "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20500",
    function( latlng ) {
        var pixel_coords = gmap2.fromLatLngToContainerPixel(latlng);

        window.alert( "The White House is at pixel coordinates (" + 
            pixel_coodrs.x + ", " + pixel_coords.y + ") on the " +
            "map image shown on this page." );

So assuming that your map image is a screen grab of the Google Map display, then this will give you the correct pixel coordinate on that image of a lat/long coordinate.

Things are trickier if you're grabbing tile images and stitching them together yourself since the area of the complete tile set will lie outside the area of the displayed map.

In this case, you'll need to use the left and top values of the top-left image tile as an offset from the coordinates that fromLatLngToContainerPixel(latlng:GLatLng) gives you, subtracting the left coordinate from the x coordinate and top from the y coordinate. So if the top-left image is positioned at (-50, -122) (left, top), and fromLatLngToContainerPixel() tells you a lat/long is at pixel coordinate (150, 320), then on the image stitched together from tiles, the true position of the coordinate is at (150 - (-50), 320 - (-122)) which is (200, 442).

It's also possible that a similar GMap2 coordinate translation function:


will give you the correct lat/long to pixel translation for the stitched-tiles case - I've not tested this, nor is it 100% clear from the API docs.

See here for more:

Prevent scroll-bar from adding-up to the Width of page on Chrome

You can get the scrollbar size and then apply a margin to the container.

Something like this:

var checkScrollBars = function(){
    var b = $('body');
    var normalw = 0;
    var scrollw = 0;
        normalw = window.innerWidth;
        scrollw = normalw - b.width();

CSS for remove the h-scrollbar:


Try to take a look at this:

Batch file include external file for variables

The best option according to me is to have key/value pairs file as it could be read from other scripting languages.

Other thing is I would prefer to have an option for comments in the values file - which can be easy achieved with eol option in for /f command.

Here's the example

values file:

;;;;;; file with example values ;;;;;;;;

;; Will be processed by a .bat file
;; ';' can be used for commenting a line


;;Do not let spaces arround the equal sign
;; As this makes the processing much easier
;; and reliable


;;as call set will be used in reading script
;; refering another variables will be possible.


;;; end

Reading script:

@echo off

set "VALUES_FILE=E:\scripts\example.values"

FOR /F "usebackq eol=; tokens=* delims=" %%# in (
) do (
    call set "%%#"

echo %First_Value% -- %Second_Value% -- %Third_Value%

IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF - How to turn it ON?

The Reference:

My table is named Genre with the 3 columns of Id, Name and SortOrder

The code that I used is as:


INSERT INTO Genre(Id, Name, SortOrder)VALUES (12,'Moody Blues', 20) 

Unpacking a list / tuple of pairs into two lists / tuples

list1 = (x[0] for x in source_list)
list2 = (x[1] for x in source_list)

How to add a single item to a Pandas Series

How to add single item. This is not very effective but follows what you are asking for:

x = p.Series()
N = 4
for i in xrange(N):
   x = x.set_value(i, i**2)

produces x:

0    0
1    1
2    4
3    9

Obviously there are better ways to generate this series in only one shot.

For your second question check answer and references of SO question add one row in a pandas.DataFrame.

ESRI : Failed to parse source map

This may sometimes be caused by Chrome extensions you've installed. For example, AdBlock.

Unfortunately the best solution I could find was to disable the offending extension.

Memcached vs. Redis?

Memcached is good at being a simple key/value store and is good at doing key => STRING. This makes it really good for session storage.

Redis is good at doing key => SOME_OBJECT.

It really depends on what you are going to be putting in there. My understanding is that in terms of performance they are pretty even.

Also good luck finding any objective benchmarks, if you do find some kindly send them my way.

Learning Regular Expressions

The most important part is the concepts. Once you understand how the building blocks work, differences in syntax amount to little more than mild dialects. A layer on top of your regular expression engine's syntax is the syntax of the programming language you're using. Languages such as Perl remove most of this complication, but you'll have to keep in mind other considerations if you're using regular expressions in a C program.

If you think of regular expressions as building blocks that you can mix and match as you please, it helps you learn how to write and debug your own patterns but also how to understand patterns written by others.

Start simple

Conceptually, the simplest regular expressions are literal characters. The pattern N matches the character 'N'.

Regular expressions next to each other match sequences. For example, the pattern Nick matches the sequence 'N' followed by 'i' followed by 'c' followed by 'k'.

If you've ever used grep on Unix—even if only to search for ordinary looking strings—you've already been using regular expressions! (The re in grep refers to regular expressions.)

Order from the menu

Adding just a little complexity, you can match either 'Nick' or 'nick' with the pattern [Nn]ick. The part in square brackets is a character class, which means it matches exactly one of the enclosed characters. You can also use ranges in character classes, so [a-c] matches either 'a' or 'b' or 'c'.

The pattern . is special: rather than matching a literal dot only, it matches any character. It's the same conceptually as the really big character class [-.?+%$A-Za-z0-9...].

Think of character classes as menus: pick just one.

Helpful shortcuts

Using . can save you lots of typing, and there are other shortcuts for common patterns. Say you want to match a digit: one way to write that is [0-9]. Digits are a frequent match target, so you could instead use the shortcut \d. Others are \s (whitespace) and \w (word characters: alphanumerics or underscore).

The uppercased variants are their complements, so \S matches any non-whitespace character, for example.

Once is not enough

From there, you can repeat parts of your pattern with quantifiers. For example, the pattern ab?c matches 'abc' or 'ac' because the ? quantifier makes the subpattern it modifies optional. Other quantifiers are

  • * (zero or more times)
  • + (one or more times)
  • {n} (exactly n times)
  • {n,} (at least n times)
  • {n,m} (at least n times but no more than m times)

Putting some of these blocks together, the pattern [Nn]*ick matches all of

  • ick
  • Nick
  • nick
  • Nnick
  • nNick
  • nnick
  • (and so on)

The first match demonstrates an important lesson: * always succeeds! Any pattern can match zero times.

A few other useful examples:

  • [0-9]+ (and its equivalent \d+) matches any non-negative integer
  • \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} matches dates formatted like 2019-01-01


A quantifier modifies the pattern to its immediate left. You might expect 0abc+0 to match '0abc0', '0abcabc0', and so forth, but the pattern immediately to the left of the plus quantifier is c. This means 0abc+0 matches '0abc0', '0abcc0', '0abccc0', and so on.

To match one or more sequences of 'abc' with zeros on the ends, use 0(abc)+0. The parentheses denote a subpattern that can be quantified as a unit. It's also common for regular expression engines to save or "capture" the portion of the input text that matches a parenthesized group. Extracting bits this way is much more flexible and less error-prone than counting indices and substr.


Earlier, we saw one way to match either 'Nick' or 'nick'. Another is with alternation as in Nick|nick. Remember that alternation includes everything to its left and everything to its right. Use grouping parentheses to limit the scope of |, e.g., (Nick|nick).

For another example, you could equivalently write [a-c] as a|b|c, but this is likely to be suboptimal because many implementations assume alternatives will have lengths greater than 1.


Although some characters match themselves, others have special meanings. The pattern \d+ doesn't match backslash followed by lowercase D followed by a plus sign: to get that, we'd use \\d\+. A backslash removes the special meaning from the following character.


Regular expression quantifiers are greedy. This means they match as much text as they possibly can while allowing the entire pattern to match successfully.

For example, say the input is

"Hello," she said, "How are you?"

You might expect ".+" to match only 'Hello,' and will then be surprised when you see that it matched from 'Hello' all the way through 'you?'.

To switch from greedy to what you might think of as cautious, add an extra ? to the quantifier. Now you understand how \((.+?)\), the example from your question works. It matches the sequence of a literal left-parenthesis, followed by one or more characters, and terminated by a right-parenthesis.

If your input is '(123) (456)', then the first capture will be '123'. Non-greedy quantifiers want to allow the rest of the pattern to start matching as soon as possible.

(As to your confusion, I don't know of any regular-expression dialect where ((.+?)) would do the same thing. I suspect something got lost in transmission somewhere along the way.)


Use the special pattern ^ to match only at the beginning of your input and $ to match only at the end. Making "bookends" with your patterns where you say, "I know what's at the front and back, but give me everything between" is a useful technique.

Say you want to match comments of the form

-- This is a comment --

you'd write ^--\s+(.+)\s+--$.

Build your own

Regular expressions are recursive, so now that you understand these basic rules, you can combine them however you like.

Tools for writing and debugging regexes:


Free resources


†: The statement above that . matches any character is a simplification for pedagogical purposes that is not strictly true. Dot matches any character except newline, "\n", but in practice you rarely expect a pattern such as .+ to cross a newline boundary. Perl regexes have a /s switch and Java Pattern.DOTALL, for example, to make . match any character at all. For languages that don't have such a feature, you can use something like [\s\S] to match "any whitespace or any non-whitespace", in other words anything.

How do I assign a null value to a variable in PowerShell?

Use $dec = $null

From the documentation:

$null is an automatic variable that contains a NULL or empty value. You can use this variable to represent an absent or undefined value in commands and scripts.

PowerShell treats $null as an object with a value, that is, as an explicit placeholder, so you can use $null to represent an empty value in a series of values.

REST API - Use the "Accept: application/json" HTTP Header

Basically I use Fiddler or Postman for testing API's.

In fiddler, in request header you need to specify instead of xml, html you need to change it to json. Eg: Accept: application/json. That should do the job.

Simple PowerShell LastWriteTime compare


ls | % {(get-date) - $_.LastWriteTime }

It can work to retrieve the diff. You can replace ls with a single file.

Error inflating class

I also had same error. In my case some of the resources were in drawable-v21 only. Copy those resources to drawable folder also. This solved the issue for me.

Caused by: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x0 

This is the main problem.

HTTP 404 when accessing .svc file in IIS

I've had the same problem today.

For me, the solution was to go into IIS, right-click on the new Web Site name, select Properties, ASP.Net, and change the ASP.Net version from "1.1.4322" (which it had set as the default) to 2.0.50727.

Once I'd done that, I could right-click on the .svc file, click on "Browse" and see the friendly Service webpage.

Missing Push Notification Entitlement

This happened to me suddenly because my app's distribution profile had expired. Xcode began using the wildcard profile instead, which did not have the push notification entitlement enabled. I didn't receive any warning. The fix was easy; I just had to generate another distribution profile for my app in the Apple Developer Member Center, download it, and double-click to install in Xcode.

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied

In my case the problem was that I hid the file (The file had hidden atribute):
How to deal with the problem in python:

import os

# This is how to hide the file
os.system(f"attrib +h {filePath}")
file_ = open(filePath, "wb")
>>> PermissionError <<<

# and this is how to show it again making the file writable again:
os.system(f"attrib -h {filePath}")
file_ = open(filePath, "wb")
# This works

# and just to let you know there is also this way
# so you don't need to import os
import subprocess
subprocess.check_call(["attrib", "-H", _path])

StringUtils.isBlank() vs String.isEmpty()

StringUtils.isBlank(foo) will perform a null check for you. If you perform foo.isEmpty() and foo is null, you will raise a NullPointerException.

how to call a function from another function in Jquery

I assume you don't want to rebind the event, but call the handler.

You can use trigger() to trigger events:


If your handler doesn't rely on the event context and you don't want to trigger other handlers for the event, you could also name the function:

function someFunction() {
    //do stuff

    //Load City by State
    $('#billing_state_id').live('change', someFunction);   
    $('#click_me').live('click', function() {
       //do something

Also note that live() is deprecated, on() is the new hotness.

Java: Simplest way to get last word in a string

Here is a way to do it using String's built-in regex capabilities:

String lastWord = sentence.replaceAll("^.*?(\\w+)\\W*$", "$1");

The idea is to match the whole string from ^ to $, capture the last sequence of \w+ in a capturing group 1, and replace the whole sentence with it using $1.


When should an Excel VBA variable be killed or set to Nothing?

VB6/VBA uses deterministic approach to destoying objects. Each object stores number of references to itself. When the number reaches zero, the object is destroyed.

Object variables are guaranteed to be cleaned (set to Nothing) when they go out of scope, this decrements the reference counters in their respective objects. No manual action required.

There are only two cases when you want an explicit cleanup:

  1. When you want an object to be destroyed before its variable goes out of scope (e.g., your procedure is going to take long time to execute, and the object holds a resource, so you want to destroy the object as soon as possible to release the resource).

  2. When you have a circular reference between two or more objects.

    If objectA stores a references to objectB, and objectB stores a reference to objectA, the two objects will never get destroyed unless you brake the chain by explicitly setting objectA.ReferenceToB = Nothing or objectB.ReferenceToA = Nothing.

The code snippet you show is wrong. No manual cleanup is required. It is even harmful to do a manual cleanup, as it gives you a false sense of more correct code.

If you have a variable at a class level, it will be cleaned/destroyed when the class instance is destructed. You can destroy it earlier if you want (see item 1.).

If you have a variable at a module level, it will be cleaned/destroyed when your program exits (or, in case of VBA, when the VBA project is reset). You can destroy it earlier if you want (see item 1.).

Access level of a variable (public vs. private) does not affect its life time.

BackgroundWorker vs background Thread

I knew how to use threads before I knew .NET, so it took some getting used to when I began using BackgroundWorkers. Matt Davis has summarized the difference with great excellence, but I would add that it's more difficult to comprehend exactly what the code is doing, and this can make debugging harder. It's easier to think about creating and shutting down threads, IMO, than it is to think about giving work to a pool of threads.

I still can't comment other people's posts, so forgive my momentary lameness in using an answer to address piers7

Don't use Thread.Abort(); instead, signal an event and design your thread to end gracefully when signaled. Thread.Abort() raises a ThreadAbortException at an arbitrary point in the thread's execution, which can do all kinds of unhappy things like orphan Monitors, corrupt shared state, and so on.

Markdown open a new window link

As suggested by this answer:


Works for jekyll or more specifically kramdown, which is a superset of markdown, as part of Jekyll's (default) configuration. But not for plain markdown. ^_^

Ping site and return result in PHP

Here's one:


function ping($host, $port, $timeout) { 
  $tB = microtime(true); 
  $fP = fSockOpen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout); 
  if (!$fP) { return "down"; } 
  $tA = microtime(true); 
  return round((($tA - $tB) * 1000), 0)." ms"; 

//Echoing it will display the ping if the host is up, if not it'll say "down".
echo ping("", 80, 10);  

Get real path from URI, Android KitKat new storage access framework

This answer is based on your somewhat vague description. I assume that you fired an intent with action: Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT

And now you get content:// back instead of the previously media provider URI, correct?

On Android 4.4 (KitKat) the new DocumentsActivity gets opened when an Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT is fired thus leading to grid view (or list view) where you can pick an image, this will return the following URIs to calling context (example): content:// (these are the URIs to the new document provider, it abstracts away the underlying data by providing generic document provider URIs to clients).

You can however access both gallery and other activities responding to Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT by using the drawer in the DocumentsActivity (drag from left to right and you'll see a drawer UI with Gallery to choose from). Just as pre KitKat.

If you still which to pick in DocumentsActivity class and need the file URI, you should be able to do the following (warning this is hacky!) query (with contentresolver):content:// URI and read the _display_name value from the cursor. This is somewhat unique name (just the filename on local files) and use that in a selection (when querying) to mediaprovider to get the correct row corresponding to this selection from here you can fetch the file URI as well.

The recommended ways of accessing document provider can be found here (get an inputstream or file descriptor to read file/bitmap):

Examples of using documentprovider

Creating hard and soft links using PowerShell

You can call the mklink provided by cmd, from PowerShell to make symbolic links:

cmd /c mklink c:\path\to\symlink c:\target\file

You must pass /d to mklink if the target is a directory.

cmd /c mklink /d c:\path\to\symlink c:\target\directory

For hard links, I suggest something like Sysinternals Junction.

Radio buttons and label to display in same line

you might have a width specified for your input tags somewhere in your css.

add a class="radio" to your radio boxes and an {width: auto;} to your css.

How to find largest objects in a SQL Server database?

@marc_s's answer is very great and I've been using it for few years. However, I noticed that the script misses data in some columnstore indexes and doesn't show complete picture. E.g. when you do SUM(TotalSpace) against the script and compare it with total space database property in Management Studio the numbers don't match in my case (Management Studio shows larger numbers). I modified the script to overcome this issue and extended it a little bit:

    tables.[name] as table_name,
    schemas.[name] as schema_name,
    isnull(db_name(dm_db_index_usage_stats.database_id), 'Unknown') as database_name,
    sum(allocation_units.total_pages) * 8 as total_space_kb,
    cast(round(((sum(allocation_units.total_pages) * 8) / 1024.00), 2) as numeric(36, 2)) as total_space_mb,
    sum(allocation_units.used_pages) * 8 as used_space_kb,
    cast(round(((sum(allocation_units.used_pages) * 8) / 1024.00), 2) as numeric(36, 2)) as used_space_mb,
    (sum(allocation_units.total_pages) - sum(allocation_units.used_pages)) * 8 as unused_space_kb,
    cast(round(((sum(allocation_units.total_pages) - sum(allocation_units.used_pages)) * 8) / 1024.00, 2) as numeric(36, 2)) as unused_space_mb,
    count(distinct indexes.index_id) as indexes_count,
    max(dm_db_partition_stats.row_count) as row_count,
    iif(max(isnull(user_seeks, 0)) = 0 and max(isnull(user_scans, 0)) = 0 and max(isnull(user_lookups, 0)) = 0, 1, 0) as no_reads,
    iif(max(isnull(user_updates, 0)) = 0, 1, 0) as no_writes,
    max(isnull(user_seeks, 0)) as user_seeks,
    max(isnull(user_scans, 0)) as user_scans,
    max(isnull(user_lookups, 0)) as user_lookups,
    max(isnull(user_updates, 0)) as user_updates,
    max(last_user_seek) as last_user_seek,
    max(last_user_scan) as last_user_scan,
    max(last_user_lookup) as last_user_lookup,
    max(last_user_update) as last_user_update,
    max(tables.create_date) as create_date,
    max(tables.modify_date) as modify_date
    left join sys.schemas on schemas.schema_id = tables.schema_id
    left join sys.indexes on tables.object_id = indexes.object_id
    left join sys.partitions on indexes.object_id = partitions.object_id and indexes.index_id = partitions.index_id
    left join sys.allocation_units on partitions.partition_id = allocation_units.container_id
    left join sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats on tables.object_id = dm_db_index_usage_stats.object_id and indexes.index_id = dm_db_index_usage_stats.index_id
    left join sys.dm_db_partition_stats on tables.object_id = dm_db_partition_stats.object_id and indexes.index_id = dm_db_partition_stats.index_id
group by schemas.[name], tables.[name], isnull(db_name(dm_db_index_usage_stats.database_id), 'Unknown')
order by 5 desc

Hope it will be helpful for someone. This script was tested against large TB-wide databases with hundreds of different tables, indexes and schemas.

css background image in a different folder from css

You are using a relative path. You should use the absolute path, url(/assets/css/style.css).

How to pass Multiple Parameters from ajax call to MVC Controller

In addition to posts by @xdumain, I prefer creating data object before ajax call so you can debug it.

var dataObject = JSON.stringify({
                    'input': $('#myInput').val(),
                    'name': $('#myName').val(),

Now use it in ajax call

          url: "/Home/SaveChart",
          type: 'POST',
          async: false,
          dataType: 'json',
          contentType: 'application/json',
          data: dataObject,
          success: function (data) { },
          error: function (xhr) { }            )};

JPA Query.getResultList() - use in a generic way

I had the same problem and a simple solution that I found was:

List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();
for (Object[] result: results) {
    SomeClass something = (SomeClass)result[1];

I know this is defenitly not the most elegant solution nor is it best practice but it works, at least for me.

Android: Pass data(extras) to a fragment

There is a simple why that I prefered to the bundle due to the no duplicate data in memory. It consists of a init public method for the fragment

private ArrayList<Music> listMusics = new ArrayList<Music>();
private ListView listMusic;

public static ListMusicFragment createInstance(List<Music> music) {
    ListMusicFragment fragment = new ListMusicFragment();
    return fragment;

public void init(List<Music> music){
    this.listMusic = music;

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, 
    Bundle savedInstanceState)

    View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.musiclistview, container, false);
    listMusic = (ListView) view.findViewById(;
    listMusic.setAdapter(new MusicBaseAdapter(getActivity(), listMusics));

    return view;

In two words, you create an instance of the fragment an by the init method (u can call it as u want) you pass the reference of your list without create a copy by serialization to the instance of the fragment. This is very usefull because if you change something in the list u will get it in the other parts of the app and ofcourse, you use less memory.

How to add a button to UINavigationBar?

The answers above are good, but I'd like to flesh them out with a few more tips:

If you want to modify the title of the back button (the arrow-y looking one at the left of the navigation bar) you MUST do it in the PREVIOUS view controller, not the one for which it will display. It's like saying "hey, if you ever push another view controller on top of this one, call the back button "Back" (or whatever) instead of the default."

If you want to hide the back button during a special state, such as while a UIPickerView is displayed, use self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = YES; and remember to set it back when you leave the special state.

If you want to display one of the special symbolic buttons, use the form initWithBarButtonSystemItem:target:action with a value like UIBarButtonSystemItemAdd

Remember, the meaning of that symbol is up to you, but be careful of the Human Interface Guidelines. Using UIBarButtonSystemItemAdd to mean deleting an item will probably get your application rejected.

How can I set the focus (and display the keyboard) on my EditText programmatically

I couldn't get any of these answers to work on their own. The solution for me was to combine them:

InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
imm.toggleSoftInput(InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED, InputMethodManager.HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY);
imm.showSoftInput(editText, InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED);

I'm not sure why that was required for me -- according to the docs it seems that either method should have worked on their own.

Javascript AES encryption

Recently I had the need to perform some encryption/decryption interoperability between javascript and python.


1) Using AES to encrypt in javascript and decrypt in python (Google App Engine) 2) Using RSA to encrypt in javascript and decrypt in python (Google App Engine) 3) Using pycrypto

I found lots and lots of different versions of RSA and AES floating around the web and they were all different in their approach but I did not find a good example of end to end javascript and python interoperability.

Eventually I managed to cobble together something that suited my needs after a lot of trial and error.

Anyhow I knocked up an example of a js/webapp talking to a google app engine hosted python server that uses AES and public key and private key RSA stuff.

I though I'd include it here by link in case it will be of some use to others who need to accomplish the same thing.

and see demo at rsa-aes-demo DOT appspot DOT com

edit: look at the browser console output and also view source to get some hints and useful messages as to what's going on in the demo

edit: updated very old and defunct link to source to now point to

trying to align html button at the center of the my page

For me it worked using flexbox.

Add a css class around the parent div / element with :

.parent {
    display: flex;

and for the button use:

.button {
    justify-content: center;

You should use a parent div, otherwise the button doesn't 'know' what the middle of the page / element is.

Serializing PHP object to JSON

json_encode() will only encode public member variables. so if you want to include the private once you have to do it by yourself (as the others suggested)

How to install JSTL? The absolute uri: cannot be resolved

I had the same issue , I am using eclipse, just in case others experience the same issue:
In eclipse double click the tomcat server,
stop the server
untick the "server modules without publishing"
start the server.

enter image description here

Gradle does not find tools.jar

If you use terminal to build and you have this error you can point to jdk bundled with android studio in your file:

Connecting an input stream to an outputstream

In case you are into functional this is a function written in Scala showing how you could copy an input stream to an output stream using only vals (and not vars).

def copyInputToOutputFunctional(inputStream: InputStream, outputStream: OutputStream,bufferSize: Int) {
  val buffer = new Array[Byte](bufferSize);
  def recurse() {
    val len =;
    if (len > 0) {

Note that this is not recommended to use in a java application with little memory available because with a recursive function you could easily get a stack overflow exception error

How to set column widths to a jQuery datatable?

Try setting the width on the table itself:

<table id="ratesandcharges1" class="grid" style="width: 650px;">

You'll have to adjust the 650 by a couple pixels to account for whatever padding, margins, and borders you have.

You'll probably still have some issues though. I don't see enough horizontal space for all those columns without mangling the headers, reducing the font sizes, or some other bit of ugliness.