Programs & Examples On #Npruntime

MySQL select rows where left join is null


  SELECT FROM table1 
  LEFT JOIN table2 ON = table2.user_one
  WHERE table2.user_one IS NULL
) A
  SELECT FROM table1 
  LEFT JOIN table2 ON = table2.user_two
  WHERE table2.user_two IS NULL
) B
ON =

See Demo

Or you could use two LEFT JOINS with aliases like:

 LEFT JOIN table2 A ON = A.user_one
 LEFT JOIN table2 B ON = B.user_two
 WHERE A.user_one IS NULL
 AND B.user_two IS NULL

See 2nd Demo

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: View not attached to window manager

The activity is declared NOT be recreated by rotation or keyboard slide.

Just got the same problem. Fix for API level 13 or higer.
From Android docs:

Note: If your application targets API level 13 or higher (as declared by the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion attributes), then you should also declare the "screenSize" configuration, because it also changes when a device switches between portrait and landscape orientations.

So i've changed my manifest to this:

        android:label="MyActivityName" >

And now it works fine. Activity is not recreating when i rotate the phone, progress dialog and view stay the same. No error for me.

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Incorrect syntax near ' '

For the OP's command:

select compid,2, convert(datetime, '01/01/' + CONVERT(char(4),cal_yr) ,101) ,0,  Update_dt, th1, th2, th3_pc , Update_id, Update_dt,1
from  #tmp_CTF** 

I get this error:

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near '*'.

when debugging something like this split the long line up so you'll get a better row number:

select compid
, convert(datetime
, '01/01/' 
+ CONVERT(char(4)
,  Update_dt
, th1
, th2
, th3_pc 
, Update_id
, Update_dt
from  #tmp_CTF** 

this now results in:

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 16
Incorrect syntax near '*'.

which is probably just from the OP not putting the entire command in the question, or use [ ] braces to signify the table name:

from [#tmp_CTF**]

if that is the table name.

How to prevent http file caching in Apache httpd (MAMP)

I had the same issue, but I found a good solution here: Stop caching for PHP 5.5.3 in MAMP

Basically find the php.ini file and comment out the OPCache lines. I hope this alternative answer helps others else out as well.

Internet Access in Ubuntu on VirtualBox

it could be a problem with your specific network adapter. I have a Dell 15R and there are no working drivers for ubuntu or ubuntu server; I even tried compiling wireless drivers myself, but to no avail.

However, in virtualbox, I was able to get wireless working by using the default configuration. It automatically bridged my internal wireless adapter and hence used my native OS's wireless connection for wireless.

If you are trying to get a separate wireless connection from within ubuntu in virtualbox, then it would take more configuring. If so, let me know, if not, I will not bother typing up instructions to something you are not looking to do, as it is quite complicated in some instances.

p.s. you should be using Windows 7 if you have any technical inclination. Do you live under a rock? No offense intended.

Adding external library in Android studio

Turn any github project into a single line gradle implementation with this website

Example, I needed this project:

All I did was paste this into my gradle file:

implementation 'com.github.mik3y:usb-serial-for-android:master-SNAPSHOT'

What does "connection reset by peer" mean?

This means that a TCP RST was received and the connection is now closed. This occurs when a packet is sent from your end of the connection but the other end does not recognize the connection; it will send back a packet with the RST bit set in order to forcibly close the connection.

This can happen if the other side crashes and then comes back up or if it calls close() on the socket while there is data from you in transit, and is an indication to you that some of the data that you previously sent may not have been received.

It is up to you whether that is an error; if the information you were sending was only for the benefit of the remote client then it may not matter that any final data may have been lost. However you should close the socket and free up any other resources associated with the connection.

What are the differences between "git commit" and "git push"?

git commit is to commit the files that is staged in the local repo. git push is to fast-forward merge the master branch of local side with the remote master branch. But the merge won't always success. If rejection appears, you have to pull so that you can make a successful git push.

Youtube autoplay not working on mobile devices with embedded HTML5 player

The code below was tested on iPhone, iPad (iOS13), Safari (Catalina). It was able to autoplay the YouTube video on all devices. Make sure the video is muted and the playsinline parameter is on. Those are the magic parameters that make it work.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=2.0, minimum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes">
<!-- 1. The <iframe> (video player) will replace this <div> tag. -->
<div id="player"></div>

  // 2. This code loads the IFrame Player API code asynchronously.
  var tag = document.createElement('script');

  tag.src = "";
  var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
  firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);

  // 3. This function creates an <iframe> (and YouTube player)
  //    after the API code downloads.
  var player;
  function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
    player = new YT.Player('player', {
      width: '100%',
      videoId: 'osz5tVY97dQ',
      playerVars: { 'autoplay': 1, 'playsinline': 1 },
      events: {
        'onReady': onPlayerReady

  // 4. The API will call this function when the video player is ready.
  function onPlayerReady(event) {;;

How do I execute a string containing Python code in Python?

You accomplish executing code using exec, as with the following IDLE session:

>>> kw = {}
>>> exec( "ret = 4" ) in kw
>>> kw['ret']


Best way to iterate through a Perl array

  • In terms of speed: #1 and #4, but not by much in most instances.

    You could write a benchmark to confirm, but I suspect you'll find #1 and #4 to be slightly faster because the iteration work is done in C instead of Perl, and no needless copying of the array elements occurs. ($_ is aliased to the element in #1, but #2 and #3 actually copy the scalars from the array.)

    #5 might be similar.

  • In terms memory usage: They're all the same except for #5.

    for (@a) is special-cased to avoid flattening the array. The loop iterates over the indexes of the array.

  • In terms of readability: #1.

  • In terms of flexibility: #1/#4 and #5.

    #2 does not support elements that are false. #2 and #3 are destructive.

Imitating a blink tag with CSS3 animations

I'm going to hell for this :

  @-webkit-keyframes #{$name}
  @-moz-keyframes #{$name}
  @-ms-keyframes #{$name}
  @keyframes #{$name}

    zoom: 1
    opacity: 1

    opacity: 1 

    opacity: 0

    opacity: 0

  font-family: sans-serif
  font-size: 4em
  background: #222
  text-align: center

    color: rgba(#fff, 0.9)
    +animation(blink 1s 0s reverse infinite)

  display: table
  height: 5em
  width: 100%
  vertical-align: middle

    display: table-cell
    width: 100%
    height: 100%
    vertical-align: middle (sass with bourbon)

Bootstrap 3 modal vertical position center

yet another solution which will set a valid position for each visible modal on window.resize event and on

(function ($) {
    "use strict";
    function centerModal() {
        $(this).css('display', 'block');
        var $dialog  = $(this).find(".modal-dialog"),
            offset       = ($(window).height() - $dialog.height()) / 2,
            bottomMargin = parseInt($dialog.css('marginBottom'), 10);

        // Make sure you don't hide the top part of the modal w/ a negative margin if it's longer than the screen height, and keep the margin equal to the bottom margin of the modal
        if(offset < bottomMargin) offset = bottomMargin;
        $dialog.css("margin-top", offset);

    $(document).on('', '.modal', centerModal);
    $(window).on("resize", function () {


Best XML Parser for PHP

I would have to say SimpleXML takes the cake because it is firstly an extension, written in C, and is very fast. But second, the parsed document takes the form of a PHP object. So you can "query" like $root->myElement.

How to call stopservice() method of Service class from the calling activity class

In fact to stopping the service we must use the method stopService() and you are doing in right way:

Start service:

  Intent myService = new Intent(MainActivity.this, BackgroundSoundService.class);

Stop service:

  Intent myService = new Intent(MainActivity.this, BackgroundSoundService.class);

if you call stopService(), then the method onDestroy() in the service is called (NOT the stopService() method):

    public void onDestroy() {
        Log.i(TAG, "onCreate() , service stopped...");

you must implement the onDestroy() method!.

Here is a complete example including how to start/stop the service.

How do I put variables inside javascript strings?

If you are using node.js, console.log() takes format string as a first parameter:

 console.log('count: %d', count);

Make xargs execute the command once for each line of input

You can limit the number of lines, or arguments (if there are spaces between each argument) using the --max-lines or --max-args flags, respectively.

  -L max-lines
         Use at most max-lines nonblank input lines per command line.  Trailing blanks cause an input line to be logically continued on the next  input
         line.  Implies -x.

  --max-lines[=max-lines], -l[max-lines]
         Synonym  for  the -L option.  Unlike -L, the max-lines argument is optional.  If max-args is not specified, it defaults to one.  The -l option
         is deprecated since the POSIX standard specifies -L instead.

  --max-args=max-args, -n max-args
         Use at most max-args arguments per command line.  Fewer than max-args arguments will be used if the size (see  the  -s  option)  is  exceeded,
         unless the -x option is given, in which case xargs will exit.

How to kill a child process after a given timeout in Bash?

#Kill command after 10 seconds
timeout 10 command

#If you don't have timeout installed, this is almost the same:
sh -c '(sleep 10; kill "$$") & command'

#The same as above, with muted duplicate messages:
sh -c '(sleep 10; kill "$$" 2>/dev/null) & command'

How do I alias commands in git?

$ git update
git: 'update' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

Did you mean this?

$ git config --global alias.update 'pull -v'

$ git update
From git://
 = [up to date]      html       -> origin/html
 = [up to date]      maint      -> origin/maint
 = [up to date]      man        -> origin/man
 = [up to date]      master     -> origin/master
 = [up to date]      next       -> origin/next
 = [up to date]      pu         -> origin/pu
 = [up to date]      todo       -> origin/todo
Already up-to-date.

How to connect to a docker container from outside the host (same network) [Windows]

I found that along with setting the -p port values, Docker for Windows uses vpnkit and inbound traffic for it was disabled by default on my host machine's firewall. After enabling the inbound TCP rules for vpnkit I was able to access my containers from other machines on the local network.

Get checkbox values using checkbox name using jquery

You are selecting inputs with name attribute of "bla", but your inputs have "bla[]" name attribute.

$("input[name='bla[]']").each(function (index, obj) {
        // loop all checked items

Converting a sentence string to a string array of words in Java

You can just split your string like that using this regular expression

String l = "sofia, malgré tout aimait : la laitue et le choux !" <br/>
l.split("[[ ]*|[,]*|[\\.]*|[:]*|[/]*|[!]*|[?]*|[+]*]+");

Opening popup windows in HTML

Something like this?

<a href="#" onClick="'','MyWindow','width=600,height=300'); return false;">Click Here</a>

Set Matplotlib colorbar size to match graph

You can do this easily with a matplotlib AxisDivider.

The example from the linked page also works without using subplots:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
import numpy as np

ax = plt.gca()
im = ax.imshow(np.arange(100).reshape((10,10)))

# create an axes on the right side of ax. The width of cax will be 5%
# of ax and the padding between cax and ax will be fixed at 0.05 inch.
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)

plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax)

enter image description here

Using Math.round to round to one decimal place?

try this

for example

DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");



Twitter Bootstrap onclick event on buttons-radio

Don't use data-toggle attribute so that you can control the toggle behavior by yourself. So it will avoid 'race-condition'

my codes:

button group template (written in .erb, embedded ruby for ruby on rails):

<div class="btn-group" id="featuresFilter">
     <% _.each(features, function(feature) { %> <button class="btn btn-primary" data="<%= feature %>"><%= feature %></button> <% }); %>

and javascript:

onChangeFeatures = function(e){

        var features=el.parentElement;
        var activeFeatures=$(features).find(".active");

onChangeFeatures function will be triggered once the button is clicked.

Insert results of a stored procedure into a temporary table

  1. I'm creating a table with the following schema and data.

  2. Create a stored procedure.

  3. Now I know what the result of my procedure is, so I am performing the following query.

     CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblTestingTree](
         [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
         [ParentId] [int] NULL,
         [IsLeft] [bit] NULL,
         [IsRight] [bit] NULL,
         [Id] ASC
     ) ON [PRIMARY]
     SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[tblTestingTree] ON
     INSERT [dbo].[tblTestingTree] ([Id], [ParentId], [IsLeft], [IsRight]) VALUES (1, NULL, NULL, NULL)
     INSERT [dbo].[tblTestingTree] ([Id], [ParentId], [IsLeft], [IsRight]) VALUES (2, 1, 1, NULL)
     INSERT [dbo].[tblTestingTree] ([Id], [ParentId], [IsLeft], [IsRight]) VALUES (3, 1, NULL, 1)
     INSERT [dbo].[tblTestingTree] ([Id], [ParentId], [IsLeft], [IsRight]) VALUES (4, 2, 1, NULL)
     INSERT [dbo].[tblTestingTree] ([Id], [ParentId], [IsLeft], [IsRight]) VALUES (5, 2, NULL, 1)
     INSERT [dbo].[tblTestingTree] ([Id], [ParentId], [IsLeft], [IsRight]) VALUES (6, 3, 1, NULL)
     INSERT [dbo].[tblTestingTree] ([Id], [ParentId], [IsLeft], [IsRight]) VALUES (7, 3, NULL, 1)
     INSERT [dbo].[tblTestingTree] ([Id], [ParentId], [IsLeft], [IsRight]) VALUES (8, 4, 1, NULL)
     INSERT [dbo].[tblTestingTree] ([Id], [ParentId], [IsLeft], [IsRight]) VALUES (9, 4, NULL, 1)
     INSERT [dbo].[tblTestingTree] ([Id], [ParentId], [IsLeft], [IsRight]) VALUES (10, 5, 1, NULL)
     SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[tblTestingTree] OFF
     VALUES (10, 5, 1, NULL)
     SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[tblTestingTree] On
     create procedure GetDate
         select Id,ParentId from tblTestingTree
     create table tbltemp
         id int,
         ParentId int
     insert into tbltemp
     exec GetDate
     select * from tbltemp;

PHPMyAdmin Default login password

Default is:

Username: root

Password: [null]

The Password is set to 'password' in some versions.

Save multiple sheets to .pdf

I recommend adding the following line after the export to PDF:


(where eg. Sheet1 is the single sheet you want to be active afterwards)

Leaving multiple sheets in a selected state may cause problems executing some code. (eg. unprotect doesn't function properly when multiple sheets are actively selected.)

How to get response as String using retrofit without using GSON or any other library in android

** Update ** A scalars converter has been added to retrofit that allows for a String response with less ceremony than my original answer below.

Example interface --

public interface GitHubService {
    Call<String> listRepos(@Path("user") String user);

Add the ScalarsConverterFactory to your retrofit builder. Note: If using ScalarsConverterFactory and another factory, add the scalars factory first.

Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
    // add other factories here, if needed.

You will also need to include the scalars converter in your gradle file --

implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-scalars:2.1.0'

--- Original Answer (still works, just more code) ---

I agree with @CommonsWare that it seems a bit odd that you want to intercept the request to process the JSON yourself. Most of the time the POJO has all the data you need, so no need to mess around in JSONObject land. I suspect your specific problem might be better solved using a custom gson TypeAdapter or a retrofit Converter if you need to manipulate the JSON. However, retrofit provides more the just JSON parsing via Gson. It also manages a lot of the other tedious tasks involved in REST requests. Just because you don't want to use one of the features, doesn't mean you have to throw the whole thing out. There are times you just want to get the raw stream, so here is how to do it -

First, if you are using Retrofit 2, you should start using the Call API. Instead of sending an object to convert as the type parameter, use ResponseBody from okhttp --

public interface GitHubService {
    Call<ResponseBody> listRepos(@Path("user") String user);

then you can create and execute your call --

GitHubService service = retrofit.create(GitHubService.class);
Call<ResponseBody> result = service.listRepos(username);
result.enqueue(new Callback<ResponseBody>() {
    public void onResponse(Response<ResponseBody> response) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

    public void onFailure(Throwable t) {

Note The code above calls string() on the response object, which reads the entire response into a String. If you are passing the body off to something that can ingest streams, you can call charStream() instead. See the ResponseBody docs.

How do I add options to a DropDownList using jQuery?

With the plugin: jQuery Selection Box. You can do this:

var myOptions = {
        "Value 1" : "Text 1",
        "Value 2" : "Text 2",
        "Value 3" : "Text 3"
    $("#myselect2").addOption(myOptions, false); 

How to float 3 divs side by side using CSS?

you can float: left for all of them and set the width to 33.333%

Unioning two tables with different number of columns

Add extra columns as null for the table having less columns like

Select Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, Col5 from Table1
Select Col1, Col2, Col3, Null as Col4, Null as Col5 from Table2

Import mysql DB with XAMPP in command LINE

C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysql -u {DB_USER} -p {DB_NAME} < path/to/file/filename.sql

mysql -u root -p dbname< "C:\Users\sdkca\Desktop\mydb.sql"

Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value ... to data type int

I use the latest version of SSMS or sql server management studio. I have a SQL script (in query editor) which has about 100 lines of code. This is error I got in the query:

Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'abcd' to data type int.

Solution - I had seen this kind of error before when I forgot to enclose a number (in varchar column) in single quotes.

As an aside, the error message is misleading. The actual error on line number 70 in the query editor and not line 2 as the error says!

Fastest check if row exists in PostgreSQL

INSERT INTO target( userid, rightid, count )
  SELECT userid, rightid, count 
  FROM batch
    SELECT * FROM target t2, batch b2
    WHERE t2.userid = b2.userid
    -- ... other keyfields ...

BTW: if you want the whole batch to fail in case of a duplicate, then (given a primary key constraint)

INSERT INTO target( userid, rightid, count )
SELECT userid, rightid, count 
FROM batch

will do exactly what you want: either it succeeds, or it fails.

What is the difference between `new Object()` and object literal notation?

Memory usage is different if you create 10 thousand instances. new Object() will only keep only one copy while {} will keep 10 thousand copies.

Calling a function on bootstrap modal open

Bootstrap modal exposes events. Listen for the the shown event like this

$('#my-modal').on('shown', function(){
  // code here

Array.Add vs +=

If you want a dynamically sized array, then you should make a list. Not only will you get the .Add() functionality, but as @frode-f explains, dynamic arrays are more memory efficient and a better practice anyway.

And it's so easy to use.

Instead of your array declaration, try this:

$outItems = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]

Adding items is simple.


And if you really want an array when you're done, there's a function for that too.


How to change the height of a div dynamically based on another div using css?

Flex answer

.div1 {
   background-color: grey;  
   border:1px solid;
   display: flex;
.div2 {
   background-color: #F4A460;
.div3 {
    background-color: #FFFFE0;  

Check the fiddle at

How to vertically center <div> inside the parent element with CSS?

The best approach in modern browsers is to use flexbox:

#Login {
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;

Some browsers will need vendor prefixes. For older browsers without flexbox support (e.g. IE 9 and lower), you'll need to implement a fallback solution using one of the older methods.

Recommended Reading

How to implement swipe gestures for mobile devices?

I made this function for my needs.

Feel free to use it. Works great on mobile devices.

function detectswipe(el,func) {
  swipe_det = new Object();
  swipe_det.sX = 0; swipe_det.sY = 0; swipe_det.eX = 0; swipe_det.eY = 0;
  var min_x = 30;  //min x swipe for horizontal swipe
  var max_x = 30;  //max x difference for vertical swipe
  var min_y = 50;  //min y swipe for vertical swipe
  var max_y = 60;  //max y difference for horizontal swipe
  var direc = "";
  ele = document.getElementById(el);
    var t = e.touches[0];
    swipe_det.sX = t.screenX; 
    swipe_det.sY = t.screenY;
    var t = e.touches[0];
    swipe_det.eX = t.screenX; 
    swipe_det.eY = t.screenY;    
    //horizontal detection
    if ((((swipe_det.eX - min_x > swipe_det.sX) || (swipe_det.eX + min_x < swipe_det.sX)) && ((swipe_det.eY < swipe_det.sY + max_y) && (swipe_det.sY > swipe_det.eY - max_y) && (swipe_det.eX > 0)))) {
      if(swipe_det.eX > swipe_det.sX) direc = "r";
      else direc = "l";
    //vertical detection
    else if ((((swipe_det.eY - min_y > swipe_det.sY) || (swipe_det.eY + min_y < swipe_det.sY)) && ((swipe_det.eX < swipe_det.sX + max_x) && (swipe_det.sX > swipe_det.eX - max_x) && (swipe_det.eY > 0)))) {
      if(swipe_det.eY > swipe_det.sY) direc = "d";
      else direc = "u";

    if (direc != "") {
      if(typeof func == 'function') func(el,direc);
    direc = "";
    swipe_det.sX = 0; swipe_det.sY = 0; swipe_det.eX = 0; swipe_det.eY = 0;

function myfunction(el,d) {
  alert("you swiped on element with id '"+el+"' to "+d+" direction");

To use the function just use it like



If a swipe is detected the function "myfunction" is called with parameter element-id and "l,r,u,d" (left,right,up,down).


I (UlysseBN) made a new version of this script based on this one which use more modern JavaScript, it looks like it behaves better on some cases. If you think it should rather be an edit of this answer let me know, if you are the original author and you end up editing, I'll delete my answer.

print memory address of Python variable

id is the method you want to use: to convert it to hex:


For instance:

x = 4
print hex(id(x))

Gave me:


Which is what you want, right?

(Fun fact, binding two variables to the same int may result in the same memory address being used.)

x = 4
y = 4
w = 9999
v = 9999
a = 12345678
b = 12345678
print hex(id(x))
print hex(id(y))
print hex(id(w))
print hex(id(v))
print hex(id(a))
print hex(id(b))

This gave me identical pairs, even for the large integers.

jQuery exclude elements with certain class in selector

To add some info that helped me today, a jQuery object/this can also be passed in to the .not() selector.

    width: 100px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
    color: white;_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="navitem">Home</div>_x000D_
<div class="navitem">About</div>_x000D_
<div class="navitem">Pricing</div>

The above example can be simplified, but wanted to show the usage of this in the not() selector.

Format Date output in JSF

With EL 2 (Expression Language 2) you can use this type of construct for your question:


Or you can add an alternate getter in your bean resulting in


where getBirthdateString returns the proper text representation. Remember to annotate the get method as @Transient if it is an Entity.

Use table name in MySQL SELECT "AS"

SELECT field1, field2, 'Test' AS field3 FROM Test; // replace with simple quote '

How to receive POST data in django

res = request.GET['paymentid'] will raise a KeyError if paymentid is not in the GET data.

Your sample php code checks to see if paymentid is in the POST data, and sets $payID to '' otherwise:

$payID = isset($_POST['paymentid']) ? $_POST['paymentid'] : ''

The equivalent in python is to use the get() method with a default argument:

payment_id = request.POST.get('payment_id', '')

while debugging, this is what I see in the response.GET: <QueryDict: {}>, request.POST: <QueryDict: {}>

It looks as if the problem is not accessing the POST data, but that there is no POST data. How are you are debugging? Are you using your browser, or is it the payment gateway accessing your page? It would be helpful if you shared your view.

Once you are managing to submit some post data to your page, it shouldn't be too tricky to convert the sample php to python.

How to get all groups that a user is a member of?

No need for long scripts when it is a simple one liner..

QUEST Command

(Get-QADUser -Identity john -IncludedProperties MemberOf | Select-Object MemberOf).MemberOf

MS AD Command

(GET-ADUSER –Identity john –Properties MemberOf | Select-Object MemberOf).MemberOf

I find the MS AD cmd is faster but some people like the Quest ones better..


How to hide a column (GridView) but still access its value?

Define a style in css:

.hiddencol { display: none; }

Then add the ItemStyle-CssClass="hiddencol" and the HeaderStyle-CssClass="hiddencol" attribute to the grid field:

<asp:BoundField DataField="ID" HeaderText="ID" ItemStyle-CssClass="hiddencol"  HeaderStyle-CssClass="hiddencol" ClientIDMode="Static" />

How do I add a newline to command output in PowerShell?

Ultimately, what you're trying to do with the EXTRA blank lines between each one is a little confusing :)

I think what you really want to do is use Get-ItemProperty. You'll get errors when values are missing, but you can suppress them with -ErrorAction 0 or just leave them as reminders. Because the Registry provider returns extra properties, you'll want to stick in a Select-Object that uses the same properties as the Get-Properties.

Then if you want each property on a line with a blank line between, use Format-List (otherwise, use Format-Table to get one per line).

gci -path hklm:\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall |
gp -Name DisplayName, InstallDate | 
select DisplayName, InstallDate | 
fl | out-file addrem.txt

How to re-index all subarray elements of a multidimensional array?

$array[9] = 'Apple';
$array[12] = 'Orange';
$array[5] = 'Peach';

$array = array_values($array);

through this function you can reset your array

$array[0] = 'Apple';
$array[1] = 'Orange';
$array[2] = 'Peach';

How can I add a key/value pair to a JavaScript object?

Since its a question of the past but the problem of present. Would suggest one more solution: Just pass the key and values to the function and you will get a map object.

var map = {};
function addValueToMap(key, value) {
map[key] = map[key] || [];

Exporting results of a Mysql query to excel?

The quick and dirty way I use to export mysql output to a file is

$ mysql <database_name> --tee=<file_path>

and then use the exported output (which you can find in <file_path>) wherever I want.

Note that this is the only way you have in order to avoid databases running using the secure-file-priv option, which prevents the usage of INTO OUTFILE suggested in the previous answers:

ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement

The transaction log for the database is full

The following will truncate the log.

USE [yourdbname] 

DBCC SHRINKFILE(yourdbname_log, 1)
DBCC SHRINKFILE(yourdbname_log, 1)


Adding a stylesheet to (using Visual Studio 2010)

Several things here.

First off, you're defining your CSS in 3 places!

In line, in the head and externally. I suggest you only choose one. I'm going to suggest externally.

I suggest you update your code in your ASP form from

<td style="background-color: #A3A3A3; color: #FFFFFF; font-family: 'Arial Black'; font-size: large; font-weight: bold;" 

to this:

<td  class="style6">

And then update your css too

        height: 79px; background-color: #A3A3A3; color: #FFFFFF; font-family: 'Arial Black'; font-size: large; font-weight: bold;

This removes the inline.

Now, to move it from the head of the webForm.

<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="MasterPage.master.cs" Inherits="MasterPage" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<title>AR Toolbox</title>
    <link rel="Stylesheet" href="css/master.css" type="text/css" />
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<table class="style1">
        <td class="style6">
            <asp:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server">
                    <asp:MenuItem Text="Home" Value="Home"></asp:MenuItem>
                    <asp:MenuItem Text="About" Value="About"></asp:MenuItem>
                    <asp:MenuItem Text="Compliance" Value="Compliance">
                        <asp:MenuItem Text="Item 1" Value="Item 1"></asp:MenuItem>
                        <asp:MenuItem Text="Item 2" Value="Item 2"></asp:MenuItem>
                    <asp:MenuItem Text="Tools" Value="Tools"></asp:MenuItem>
                    <asp:MenuItem Text="Contact" Value="Contact"></asp:MenuItem>
        <td class="style6">
            <img alt="South University'" class="style7" 
                src="file:///C:/Users/jnewnam/Documents/Visual%20Studio%202010/WebSites/WebSite1/img/suo_n_seal_hor_pantone.png" /></td>
        <td class="style2">
            <table class="style3">
        <td style="color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #A3A3A3">
            This is the footer.</td>

Now, in a new file called master.css (in your css folder) add

ul {

li {
    width: 100%;
    height: 459px;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    height: 79px; background-color: #A3A3A3; color: #FFFFFF; font-family: 'Arial Black'; font-size: large; font-weight: bold;
    width: 345px;
    height: 73px;

Oracle DB : java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection

It means the connection was successfully established at some point, but when you tried to commit right there, the connection was no longer open. The parameters you mentioned sound like connection pool settings. If so, they're unrelated to this problem. The most likely cause is a firewall between you and the database that is killing connections after a certain amount of idle time. The most common fix is to make your connection pool run a validation query when a connection is checked out from it. This will immediately identify and evict dead connnections, ensuring that you only get good connections out of the pool.

Force flex item to span full row width

When you want a flex item to occupy an entire row, set it to width: 100% or flex-basis: 100%, and enable wrap on the container.

The item now consumes all available space. Siblings are forced on to other rows.

.parent {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;

#range, #text {
  flex: 1;

.error {
  flex: 0 0 100%; /* flex-grow, flex-shrink, flex-basis */
  border: 1px dashed black;
<div class="parent">
  <input type="range" id="range">
  <input type="text" id="text">
  <label class="error">Error message (takes full width)</label>

More info: The initial value of the flex-wrap property is nowrap, which means that all items will line up in a row. MDN

ASP.NET file download from server

Further to Karl Anderson solution, you could put your parameters into session information and then clear them after response.TransmitFile(Server.MapPath( Session(currentSessionItemName)));.

See MSDN page HttpSessionState.Add Method (String, Object) for more information on sessions.

How to calculate a mod b in Python?

There's the % sign. It's not just for the remainder, it is the modulo operation.

Can't bind to 'dataSource' since it isn't a known property of 'table'

In my case the trouble was I didn't put the components that contain the datasource in the declarations of main module.

  imports: [
  declarations: [
    CustomerAccountCreditRangeListComponent, //<--This component contains the dataSource


The component contains the dataSource:

export class CustomerAccountCreditRangeListComponent implements OnInit {

  @ViewChild(MatPaginator) set paginator(paginator: MatPaginator){
    this.dataSource.paginator = paginator;
  @ViewChild(MatSort) set sort(sort: MatSort){
    this.dataSource.sort = sort;

  dataSource = new MatTableDataSource(); //<--The dataSource used in HTML
  loading: any;
  resultsLength: any;
  displayedColumns: string[] = ["id", "desde", "hasta", "tipoClienteNombre", "eliminar"];
  data: any;

    private crud: CustomerAccountCreditRangeService,
    public snackBar: MatSnackBar,
    public dialog: MatDialog,
    private ui: UIComponentsService
  ) {

This is for Angular 9

How to change sa password in SQL Server 2008 express?

If you want to change your 'sa' password with SQL Server Management Studio, here are the steps:

  1. Login using Windows Authentication and ".\SQLExpress" as Server Name
  2. Change server authentication mode - Right click on root, choose Properties, from Security tab select "SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode", click OK Change server authentication mode

  3. Set sa password - Navigate to Security > Logins > sa, right click on it, choose Properties, from General tab set the Password (don't close the window) Set sa password

  4. Grant permission - Go to Status tab, make sure the Grant and Enabled radiobuttons are chosen, click OK Grant permission

  5. Restart SQLEXPRESS service from your local services (Window+R > services.msc)

Mysql - How to quit/exit from stored procedure

I think this solution is handy if you can test the value of the error field later. This is also applicable by creating a temporary table and returning a list of errors.

CREATE PROCEDURE $procName($params)
    FROM $tables
    WHERE $where
    ORDER BY $sorting LIMIT 1
    INTO $vars;
    IF error = 0 THEN
       SELECT $vars;
       SELECT 1 AS error;
       SET @error = 0;
    END IF;
CALL $procName($effp);

Math.random() explanation

Here's a method which receives boundaries and returns a random integer. It is slightly more advanced (completely universal): boundaries can be both positive and negative, and minimum/maximum boundaries can come in any order.

int myRand(int i_from, int i_to) {
  return (int)(Math.random() * (Math.abs(i_from - i_to) + 1)) + Math.min(i_from, i_to);

In general, it finds the absolute distance between the borders, gets relevant random value, and then shifts the answer based on the bottom border.

Python matplotlib multiple bars

I did this solution: if you want plot more than one plot in one figure, make sure before plotting next plots you have set right matplotlib.pyplot.hold(True) to able adding another plots.

Concerning the datetime values on the X axis, a solution using the alignment of bars works for me. When you create another bar plot with, just use align='edge|center' and set width='+|-distance'.

When you set all bars (plots) right, you will see the bars fine.

Display html text in uitextview

My first response was made before iOS 7 introduced explicit support for displaying attributed strings in common controls. You may now set attributedText of UITextView to an NSAttributedString created from HTML content using:

-(id)initWithData:(NSData *)data options:(NSDictionary *)options documentAttributes:(NSDictionary **)dict error:(NSError **)error 

- initWithData:options:documentAttributes:error: (Apple Doc)

Original answer, preserved for history:

Unless you use a UIWebView, your solution will rely directly on CoreText. As ElanthiraiyanS points out, some open source projects have emerged to simplify rich text rendering. I would recommend NSAttributedString-Additions-For-HTML (Edit: the project has been supplanted DTCoreText), which features classes to generate and display attributed strings from HTML.

How do I find the caller of a method using stacktrace or reflection?

I've done this before. You can just create a new exception and grab the stack trace on it without throwing it, then examine the stack trace. As the other answer says though, it's extremely costly--don't do it in a tight loop.

I've done it before for a logging utility on an app where performance didn't matter much (Performance rarely matters much at all, actually--as long as you display the result to an action such as a button click quickly).

It was before you could get the stack trace, exceptions just had .printStackTrace() so I had to redirect System.out to a stream of my own creation, then (new Exception()).printStackTrace(); Redirect System.out back and parse the stream. Fun stuff.

When do I use path params vs. query params in a RESTful API?

Example URL: /rest/{keyword}

This URL is an example for path parameters. We can get this URL data by using @PathParam.

Example URL: /rest?keyword=java&limit=10

This URL is an example for query parameters. We can get this URL data by using @Queryparam.

Python Matplotlib Y-Axis ticks on Right Side of Plot

joaquin's answer works, but has the side effect of removing ticks from the left side of the axes. To fix this, follow up tick_right() with a call to set_ticks_position('both'). A revised example:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

f = plt.figure()
ax = f.add_subplot(111)

The result is a plot with ticks on both sides, but tick labels on the right.

enter image description here

Php - Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress

Just install apt-get install php5-mysqlnd Restart Apache service apache2 restart

Download files in laravel using Response::download

I think that you can use

$file= public_path(). "/download/info.pdf";

$headers = array(
        'Content-Type: ' . mime_content_type( $file ),

With this you be sure that is a pdf.

Mockito verify order / sequence of method calls

InOrder helps you to do that.

ServiceClassA firstMock = mock(ServiceClassA.class);
ServiceClassB secondMock = mock(ServiceClassB.class);


//create inOrder object passing any mocks that need to be verified in order
InOrder inOrder = inOrder(firstMock, secondMock);

//following will make sure that firstMock was called before secondMock

Byte Array to Hex String

Consider the hex() method of the bytes type on Python 3.5 and up:

>>> array_alpha = [ 133, 53, 234, 241 ]
>>> print(bytes(array_alpha).hex())

EDIT: it's also much faster than hexlify (modified @falsetru's benchmarks above)

from timeit import timeit
N = 10000
print("bytearray + hexlify ->", timeit(
    setup='import binascii; data = bytearray(range(255))',
print("byte + hex          ->", timeit(
    setup='data = bytes(range(255))',


bytearray + hexlify -> 0.011218150997592602
byte + hex          -> 0.005952142993919551

Dump a mysql database to a plaintext (CSV) backup from the command line

If you really need a "Backup" then you also need database schema, like table definitions, view definitions, store procedures and so on. A backup of a database isn't just the data.

The value of the mysqldump format for backup is specifically that it is very EASY to use it to restore mysql databases. A backup that isn't easily restored is far less useful. If you are looking for a method to reliably backup mysql data to so you can restore to a mysql server then I think you should stick with the mysqldump tool.

Mysql is free and runs on many different platforms. Setting up a new mysql server that I can restore to is simple. I am not at all worried about not being able to setup mysql so I can do a restore.

I would be far more worried about a custom backup/restore based on a fragile format like csv/tsv failing. Are you sure that all your quotes, commas, or tabs that are in your data would get escaped correctly and then parsed correctly by your restore tool?

If you are looking for a method to extract the data then see several in the other answers.

Format Date/Time in XAML in Silverlight

You can use StringFormat in Silverlight 4 to provide a custom formatting of the value you bind to.


The date formatting has a huge range of options.

For the DateTime of “April 17, 2004, 1:52:45 PM”

You can either use a set of standard formats (standard formats)…

StringFormat=f : “Saturday, April 17, 2004 1:52 PM”
StringFormat=g : “4/17/2004 1:52 PM”
StringFormat=m : “April 17”
StringFormat=y : “April, 2004”
StringFormat=t : “1:52 PM”
StringFormat=u : “2004-04-17 13:52:45Z”
StringFormat=o : “2004-04-17T13:52:45.0000000”

… or you can create your own date formatting using letters (custom formats)

StringFormat=’MM/dd/yy’ : “04/17/04”
StringFormat=’MMMM dd, yyyy g’ : “April 17, 2004 A.D.”
StringFormat=’hh:mm:ss.fff tt’ : “01:52:45.000 PM”

Tesseract running error

I had this error too on the Windows machine.

My solution.

1) Download your language files from

For example, for eng, I downloaded all files with eng prefix.

2) Put them into tessdata directory inside of some folder. Add this folder into System Path variables as TESSDATA_PREFIX.

Result will be System env var: TESSDATA_PREFIX=D:/Java/OCR And OCR folder has tessdata with languages files.

This is a screenshot of the directory:

enter image description here

How to update attributes without validation

All the validation from model are skipped when we use validate: false

user = false)

How can I use UserDefaults in Swift?

In class A, set value for key:

let text = "hai"  
UserDefaults.standard.setValue(text, forKey: "textValue")

In class B, get the value for the text using the key which declared in class A and assign it to respective variable which you need:

var valueOfText  = UserDefaults.value(forKey: "textValue")

FtpWebRequest Download File

    private static DataTable ReadFTP_CSV()
        String ftpserver = "ftp://servername/ImportData/xxxx.csv";
        FtpWebRequest reqFTP = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(new Uri(ftpserver));

        reqFTP.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ftpUserID, ftpPassword);
        FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)reqFTP.GetResponse();

        Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();

        // use the stream to read file from FTP 
        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(responseStream);
        DataTable dt_csvFile = new DataTable();

        #region Code
        //Add Code Here To Loop txt or CSV file

        return dt_csvFile;


I hope it can help you.

val() doesn't trigger change() in jQuery

onchange only fires when the user types into the input and then the input loses focus.

You can manually call the onchange event using after setting the value:

$("#mytext").change(); // someObject.onchange(); in standard JS

Alternatively, you can trigger the event using:


assign value using linq

You can create a extension method:

public static IEnumerable<T> Do<T>(this IEnumerable<T> self, Action<T> action) {
    foreach(var item in self) {
        yield return item;

And then use it in code:

listofCompany.Do(d=>d.Id = 1);
listofCompany.Where(d=>d.Name.Contains("Inc")).Do(d=>d.Id = 1);

Detecting request type in PHP (GET, POST, PUT or DELETE)

In core php you can do like this :



switch ($method) {
  case 'GET':
    //Here Handle GET Request
    echo 'You are using '.$method.' Method';
  case 'POST':
    //Here Handle POST Request
    echo 'You are using '.$method.' Method';
  case 'PUT':
    //Here Handle PUT Request
    echo 'You are using '.$method.' Method';
  case 'PATCH':
    //Here Handle PATCH Request
    echo 'You are using '.$method.' Method';
  case 'DELETE':
    //Here Handle DELETE Request
    echo 'You are using '.$method.' Method';
  case 'COPY':
      //Here Handle COPY Request
      echo 'You are using '.$method.' Method';

  case 'OPTIONS':
      //Here Handle OPTIONS Request
      echo 'You are using '.$method.' Method';
  case 'LINK':
      //Here Handle LINK Request
      echo 'You are using '.$method.' Method';
  case 'UNLINK':
      //Here Handle UNLINK Request
      echo 'You are using '.$method.' Method';
  case 'PURGE':
      //Here Handle PURGE Request
      echo 'You are using '.$method.' Method';
  case 'LOCK':
      //Here Handle LOCK Request
      echo 'You are using '.$method.' Method';
  case 'UNLOCK':
      //Here Handle UNLOCK Request
      echo 'You are using '.$method.' Method';
  case 'PROPFIND':
      //Here Handle PROPFIND Request
      echo 'You are using '.$method.' Method';
  case 'VIEW':
      //Here Handle VIEW Request
      echo 'You are using '.$method.' Method';
    echo 'You are using '.$method.' Method';


What is the most efficient string concatenation method in python?

You may be interested in this: An optimization anecdote by Guido. Although it is worth remembering also that this is an old article and it predates the existence of things like ''.join (although I guess string.joinfields is more-or-less the same)

On the strength of that, the array module may be fastest if you can shoehorn your problem into it. But ''.join is probably fast enough and has the benefit of being idiomatic and thus easier for other python programmers to understand.

Finally, the golden rule of optimization: don't optimize unless you know you need to, and measure rather than guessing.

You can measure different methods using the timeit module. That can tell you which is fastest, instead of random strangers on the internet making guesses.

Combine two (or more) PDF's

Here is a example using iTextSharp

public static void MergePdf(Stream outputPdfStream, IEnumerable<string> pdfFilePaths)
    using (var document = new Document())
    using (var pdfCopy = new PdfCopy(document, outputPdfStream))
        pdfCopy.CloseStream = false;
            foreach (var pdfFilePath in pdfFilePaths)
                using (var pdfReader = new PdfReader(pdfFilePath))

The PdfReader constructor has many overloads. It's possible to replace the parameter type IEnumerable<string> with IEnumerable<Stream> and it should work as well. Please notice that the method does not close the OutputStream, it delegates that task to the Stream creator.

How to wait 5 seconds with jQuery?

The Underscore library also provides a "delay" function:

_.delay(function(msg) { console.log(msg); }, 5000, 'Hello');

Android Studio doesn't see device

If every configuration is sorted, what worked for me was to switch the device to be connected at PTP and then back to MTP.

Using Chrome, how to find to which events are bound to an element

2018 Update - Might be helpful for future readers:

I am not sure when this was originally introduced in Chrome. But another (easy) way this can be done now in Chrome is via console commands.

For example: (in chrome console type)


Whereas $0 is the selected element in the DOM.

enter image description here

When to choose mouseover() and hover() function?

As you can read at

The mouseenter JavaScript event is proprietary to Internet Explorer. Because of the event's general utility, jQuery simulates this event so that it can be used regardless of browser. This event is sent to an element when the mouse pointer enters the element. Any HTML element can receive this event.

Get access to parent control from user control - C#


Make sure to provide access level you want at Modifiers properties other than Private for MyListControl at frmMain

MySQL: ALTER TABLE if column not exists

SET @dbname = DATABASE();
SET @tablename = "table";
SET @columnname = "fieldname";
SET @preparedStatement = (SELECT IF(
      (table_name = @tablename)
      AND (table_schema = @dbname)
      AND (column_name = @columnname)
  ) > 0,
  "SELECT 1",
  CONCAT("ALTER TABLE ", @tablename, " ADD ", @columnname, " DECIMAL(18,4) NULL;")
PREPARE alterIfNotExists FROM @preparedStatement;
EXECUTE alterIfNotExists;

Pass Method as Parameter using C#

If you want the ability to change which method is called at run time I would recommend using a delegate:

It will allow you to create an object to store the method to call and you can pass that to your other methods when it's needed.

Replace multiple strings with multiple other strings

    var str = "I have a cat, a dog, and a goat.";

    str = str.replace(/goat/i, "cat");
    // now str = "I have a cat, a dog, and a cat."

    str = str.replace(/dog/i, "goat");
    // now str = "I have a cat, a goat, and a cat."

    str = str.replace(/cat/i, "dog");
    // now str = "I have a dog, a goat, and a cat."

How to check if a variable is empty in python?

See section 5.1:

Any object can be tested for truth value, for use in an if or while condition or as operand of the Boolean operations below. The following values are considered false:



zero of any numeric type, for example, 0, 0L, 0.0, 0j.

any empty sequence, for example, '', (), [].

any empty mapping, for example, {}.

instances of user-defined classes, if the class defines a __nonzero__() or __len__() method, when that method returns the integer zero or bool value False. [1]

All other values are considered true — so objects of many types are always true.

Operations and built-in functions that have a Boolean result always return 0 or False for false and 1 or True for true, unless otherwise stated. (Important exception: the Boolean operations or and and always return one of their operands.)

Where can I find the Tomcat 7 installation folder on Linux AMI in Elastic Beanstalk?

  • If you want to find the webapp folder, it may be over here:


  • But you also can type this to find it:

find / -name 'tomcat_version' -type d

What does $(function() {} ); do?

The following is a jQuery function call:


Which is the "jQuery function." $ is a function, and $(...) is you calling that function.

The first parameter you've supplied is the following:

function() {}

The parameter is a function that you specified, and the $ function will call the supplied method when the DOM finishes loading.

Repeat command automatically in Linux

If the command contains some special characters such as pipes and quotes, the command needs to be padded with quotes. For example, to repeat ls -l | grep "txt", the watch command should be:

watch -n 5 'ls -l | grep "txt"'

TypeScript function overloading

When you overload in TypeScript, you only have one implementation with multiple signatures.

class Foo {
    myMethod(a: string);
    myMethod(a: number);
    myMethod(a: number, b: string);
    myMethod(a: any, b?: string) {

Only the three overloads are recognized by TypeScript as possible signatures for a method call, not the actual implementation.

In your case, I would personally use two methods with different names as there isn't enough commonality in the parameters, which makes it likely the method body will need to have lots of "ifs" to decide what to do.

TypeScript 1.4

As of TypeScript 1.4, you can typically remove the need for an overload using a union type. The above example can be better expressed using:

myMethod(a: string | number, b?: string) {

The type of a is "either string or number".

Import one schema into another new schema - Oracle

After you correct the possible dmp file problem, this is a way to ensure that the schema is remapped and imported appropriately. This will also ensure that the tablespace will change also, if needed:

impdp system/<password> SCHEMAS=user1 remap_schema=user1:user2 \
            remap_tablespace=user1:user2 directory=EXPORTDIR \
            dumpfile=user1.dmp logfile=E:\Data\user1.log

EXPORTDIR must be defined in oracle as a directory as the system user

create or replace directory EXPORTDIR as 'E:\Data';
grant read, write on directory EXPORTDIR to user2;

Replace one character with another in Bash

In bash, you can do pattern replacement in a string with the ${VARIABLE//PATTERN/REPLACEMENT} construct. Use just / and not // to replace only the first occurrence. The pattern is a wildcard pattern, like file globs.

string='foo bar qux'
one="${string/ /.}"     # sets one to ' qux'
all="${string// /.}"    # sets all to ''

Disallow Twitter Bootstrap modal window from closing

You can disable the background's click-to-close behavior and make this the default for all your modals by adding this JavaScript to your page (make sure it is executed after jQuery and Bootstrap JS are loaded):

$(function() {
    $.fn.modal.Constructor.DEFAULTS.backdrop = 'static';

Removing leading zeroes from a field in a SQL statement

select ltrim('000045', '0') from dual;


This should do.

How to replace blank (null ) values with 0 for all records?

Using find and replace will work if you type "null" in the find and put a zero in the will be warned that this cannot be undone.

Downloading an entire S3 bucket?

As @layke said, it is the best practice to download the file from the S3 cli it is a safe and secure. But in some cases, people need to use wget to download the file and here is the solution

aws s3 presign s3://<your_bucket_name/>

This will presign will get you temporary public URL which you can use to download content from S3 using the presign_url, in your case using wget or any other download client.

How can I resolve the error "The security token included in the request is invalid" when running aws iam upload-server-certificate?

This happened to me when using java sdk. The problem was for me was i wasnt using the session token from assumed role.

Working code example ( in kotlin )

        val identityUserPoolProviderClient = AWSCognitoIdentityProviderClientBuilder
            .withCredentials(AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(BasicSessionCredentials("accessKeyId", ""secretAccessKey, "sessionToken")))

How do you close/hide the Android soft keyboard using Java?

sometimes all you want is the enter button to fold the keyboard give the EditText box you have the attribute


this will change the Enter button to a Done button that will close the keyboard.

Java: Rotating Images

This is how you can do it. This code assumes the existance of a buffered image called 'image' (like your comment says)

// The required drawing location
int drawLocationX = 300;
int drawLocationY = 300;

// Rotation information

double rotationRequired = Math.toRadians (45);
double locationX = image.getWidth() / 2;
double locationY = image.getHeight() / 2;
AffineTransform tx = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(rotationRequired, locationX, locationY);
AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp(tx, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR);

// Drawing the rotated image at the required drawing locations
g2d.drawImage(op.filter(image, null), drawLocationX, drawLocationY, null);

Get the value of a dropdown in jQuery

As has been pointed out ... in a select box, the .val() attribute will give you the value of the selected option. If the selected option does not have a value attribute it will default to the display value of the option (which is what the examples on the jQuery documentation of .val show.

you want to use .text() of the selected option:

$('#Crd option:selected').text()

How to set a header for a HTTP GET request, and trigger file download?

There are two ways to download a file where the HTTP request requires that a header be set.

The credit for the first goes to @guest271314, and credit for the second goes to @dandavis.

The first method is to use the HTML5 File API to create a temporary local file, and the second is to use base64 encoding in conjunction with a data URI.

The solution I used in my project uses the base64 encoding approach for small files, or when the File API is not available, otherwise using the the File API approach.


        var id = 123;

        var req = ic.ajax.raw({
            type: 'GET',
            url: '/api/dowloads/'+id,
            beforeSend: function (request) {
                request.setRequestHeader('token', 'token for '+id);
            processData: false

        var maxSizeForBase64 = 1048576; //1024 * 1024

            function resolve(result) {
                var str = result.response;

                var anchor = $('.vcard-hyperlink');
                var windowUrl = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
                if (str.length > maxSizeForBase64 && typeof windowUrl.createObjectURL === 'function') {
                    var blob = new Blob([result.response], { type: 'text/bin' });
                    var url = windowUrl.createObjectURL(blob);
                    anchor.prop('href', url);
                    anchor.prop('download', id+'.bin');
                else {
                    //use base64 encoding when less than set limit or file API is not available
                        href: 'data:text/plain;base64,'+FormatUtils.utf8toBase64(result.response),
                        download: id+'.bin',

            function reject(err) {

Note that I'm not using a raw XMLHttpRequest, and instead using ic-ajax, and should be quite similar to a jQuery.ajax solution.

Note also that you should substitute text/bin and .bin with whatever corresponds to the file type being downloaded.

The implementation of FormatUtils.utf8toBase64 can be found here

How to change button text in Swift Xcode 6?

It is now this For swift 3,

    let button = (sender as AnyObject)
    button.setTitle("Your text", for: .normal)

(The constant declaration of the variable is not necessary just make sure you use the sender from the button like this) :

    (sender as AnyObject).setTitle("Your text", for: .normal)

Remember this is used inside the IBAction of your button.

E: Unable to locate package mongodb-org

Try without '-org':

sudo apt-get install -y mongodb

Worked for me!

jQuery: Can I call delay() between addClass() and such?

jQuery's CSS manipulation isn't queued, but you can make it executed inside the 'fx' queue by doing:

$('#div').delay(1000).queue('fx', function() { $(this).removeClass('error'); });

Quite same thing as calling setTimeout but uses jQuery's queue mecanism instead.

GlobalConfiguration.Configure() not present after Web API 2 and .NET 4.5.1 migration

None of these solutions worked for me. I had a tangle of Nuget packages that couldn't update because of circular dependencies on each other.

I would up having to fix this the old-fashioned way. I created a new MVC/web api project and manually copied System.Web.Http and System.Web.Http.WebHost from the new project into the Nuget folders of the exisitng solution. From there I updated the references by, OMG, "browsing" and fixed the problem.

Override devise registrations controller

You can generate views and controllers for devise customization.


rails g devise:controllers users -c=registrations


rails g devise:views 

It will copy particular controllers and views from gem to your application.

Next, tell the router to use this controller:

devise_for :users, :controllers => {:registrations => "users/registrations"}

Can I get the name of the currently running function in JavaScript?

The answer is short: alert(;

Passing struct to function

The line function implementation should be:

void addStudent(struct student person) {


person is not a type but a variable, you cannot use it as the type of a function parameter.

Also, make sure your struct is defined before the prototype of the function addStudent as the prototype uses it.

Representing EOF in C code?

The answer is NO, but...

You may confused because of the behavior of fgets()

From :

Reads characters from stream and stores them as a C string into str until (num-1) characters have been read or either a newline or the end-of-file is reached, whichever happens first.

CSS force new line

How about with a :before pseudoelement:

a:before {
  content: '\a';
  white-space: pre;

How to "fadeOut" & "remove" a div in jQuery?

if you are anything like me coming from a google search and looking to remove an html element with cool animation, then this could help you:

$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
    var $deleteButton = $('.deleteItem');_x000D_
    $deleteButton.on('click', function(event) {_x000D_
        var $button = $(this);_x000D_
        if(confirm('Are you sure about this ?')) {_x000D_
            var $item = $button.closest('tr.item');_x000D_
                .one('webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend', function(e) {_x000D_
 * Credit to Sara Soueidan_x000D_
 * @link
.removed-item {_x000D_
    -webkit-animation: removed-item-animation .8s cubic-bezier(.65,-0.02,.72,.29);_x000D_
    -o-animation: removed-item-animation .8s cubic-bezier(.65,-0.02,.72,.29);_x000D_
    animation: removed-item-animation .8s cubic-bezier(.65,-0.02,.72,.29)_x000D_
@keyframes removed-item-animation {_x000D_
    0% {_x000D_
        opacity: 1;_x000D_
        -webkit-transform: translateX(0);_x000D_
        -ms-transform: translateX(0);_x000D_
        -o-transform: translateX(0);_x000D_
        transform: translateX(0)_x000D_
    30% {_x000D_
        opacity: 1;_x000D_
        -webkit-transform: translateX(50px);_x000D_
        -ms-transform: translateX(50px);_x000D_
        -o-transform: translateX(50px);_x000D_
        transform: translateX(50px)_x000D_
    80% {_x000D_
        opacity: 1;_x000D_
        -webkit-transform: translateX(-800px);_x000D_
        -ms-transform: translateX(-800px);_x000D_
        -o-transform: translateX(-800px);_x000D_
        transform: translateX(-800px)_x000D_
    100% {_x000D_
        opacity: 0;_x000D_
        -webkit-transform: translateX(-800px);_x000D_
        -ms-transform: translateX(-800px);_x000D_
        -o-transform: translateX(-800px);_x000D_
        transform: translateX(-800px)_x000D_
@-webkit-keyframes removed-item-animation {_x000D_
    0% {_x000D_
        opacity: 1;_x000D_
        -webkit-transform: translateX(0);_x000D_
        transform: translateX(0)_x000D_
    30% {_x000D_
        opacity: 1;_x000D_
        -webkit-transform: translateX(50px);_x000D_
        transform: translateX(50px)_x000D_
    80% {_x000D_
        opacity: 1;_x000D_
        -webkit-transform: translateX(-800px);_x000D_
        transform: translateX(-800px)_x000D_
    100% {_x000D_
        opacity: 0;_x000D_
        -webkit-transform: translateX(-800px);_x000D_
        transform: translateX(-800px)_x000D_
@-o-keyframes removed-item-animation {_x000D_
    0% {_x000D_
        opacity: 1;_x000D_
        -o-transform: translateX(0);_x000D_
        transform: translateX(0)_x000D_
    30% {_x000D_
        opacity: 1;_x000D_
        -o-transform: translateX(50px);_x000D_
        transform: translateX(50px)_x000D_
    80% {_x000D_
        opacity: 1;_x000D_
        -o-transform: translateX(-800px);_x000D_
        transform: translateX(-800px)_x000D_
    100% {_x000D_
        opacity: 0;_x000D_
        -o-transform: translateX(-800px);_x000D_
        transform: translateX(-800px)_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
  <meta charset="utf-8">_x000D_
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">_x000D_
  <title>JS Bin</title>_x000D_
  <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover">_x000D_
      <tr class="item">_x000D_
        <td><button class="btn btn-danger deleteItem">Delete</button></td>_x000D_
      <tr class="item">_x000D_
        <td><button class="btn btn-danger deleteItem">Delete</button></td>_x000D_
      <tr class="item">_x000D_
        <td><button class="btn btn-danger deleteItem">Delete</button></td>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />_x000D_

storing user input in array

You have at least these 3 issues:

  1. you are not getting the element's value properly
  2. The div that you are trying to use to display whether the values have been saved or not has id display yet in your javascript you attempt to get element myDiv which is not even defined in your markup.
  3. Never name variables with reserved keywords in javascript. using "string" as a variable name is NOT a good thing to do on most of the languages I can think of. I renamed your string variable to "content" instead. See below.

You can save all three values at once by doing:

var title=new Array();
var names=new Array();//renamed to names -added an S- 
                      //to avoid conflicts with the input named "name"
var tickets=new Array();

function insert(){
    var titleValue = document.getElementById('title').value;
    var actorValue = document.getElementById('name').value;
    var ticketsValue = document.getElementById('tickets').value;

And then change the show function to:

function show() {
  var content="<b>All Elements of the Arrays :</b><br>";
  for(var i = 0; i < title.length; i++) {
     content +=title[i]+"<br>";
  for(var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
     content +=names[i]+"<br>";
  for(var i = 0; i < tickets.length; i++) {
     content +=tickets[i]+"<br>";
  document.getElementById('display').innerHTML = content; //note that I changed 
                                                    //to 'display' because that's
                                              //what you have in your markup

Here's a jsfiddle for you to play around.

Get the first item from an iterable that matches a condition

In Python 2.6 or newer:

If you want StopIteration to be raised if no matching element is found:

next(x for x in the_iterable if x > 3)

If you want default_value (e.g. None) to be returned instead:

next((x for x in the_iterable if x > 3), default_value)

Note that you need an extra pair of parentheses around the generator expression in this case - they are needed whenever the generator expression isn't the only argument.

I see most answers resolutely ignore the next built-in and so I assume that for some mysterious reason they're 100% focused on versions 2.5 and older -- without mentioning the Python-version issue (but then I don't see that mention in the answers that do mention the next built-in, which is why I thought it necessary to provide an answer myself -- at least the "correct version" issue gets on record this way;-).

In 2.5, the .next() method of iterators immediately raises StopIteration if the iterator immediately finishes -- i.e., for your use case, if no item in the iterable satisfies the condition. If you don't care (i.e., you know there must be at least one satisfactory item) then just use .next() (best on a genexp, line for the next built-in in Python 2.6 and better).

If you do care, wrapping things in a function as you had first indicated in your Q seems best, and while the function implementation you proposed is just fine, you could alternatively use itertools, a for...: break loop, or a genexp, or a try/except StopIteration as the function's body, as various answers suggested. There's not much added value in any of these alternatives so I'd go for the starkly-simple version you first proposed.

Error: More than one module matches. Use skip-import option to skip importing the component into the closest module

There are two ways to solve this issue.

1) Skip (using --skip-import in command) default import and create component and once component is created import it manually wherever you want to use it.

ng generate component my-component --skip-import

2) Provide module name explicitly where you want it to be imported

ng generate  component  my-component --module=my-module.module

Add a "sort" to a =QUERY statement in Google Spreadsheets

You can use ORDER BY clause to sort data rows by values in columns. Something like

=QUERY(responses!A1:K; "Select C, D, E where B contains '2nd Web Design' Order By C, D")

If you’d like to order by some columns descending, others ascending, you can add desc/asc, ie:

=QUERY(responses!A1:K; "Select C, D, E where B contains '2nd Web Design' Order By C desc, D")

Keyboard shortcut for Jump to Previous View Location (Navigate back/forward) in IntelliJ IDEA

CMD + [ -> Go Previous

CMD + ] -> Go Next


For OSX, cmd + [ and ] are the best choices to go back & forth, Since they are found so near to fingers, avoiding you wrist twisting a bit, one keypress lesser, ideal for users in vim mode.

As the OP requested, this works well with cmd + B which facilitates jumping inside/to the method/variable definition and comes back immediately using cmd + [. Give a try.

Sorting Values of Set

You need to pass in a Comparator instance to the sort method otherwise the elements will be sorted in their natural order.

For more information check Collections.sort(List, Comparator)

Testing if a checkbox is checked with jQuery

I've came through a case recently where I've needed check value of checkbox when user clicked on button. The only proper way to do so is to use prop() attribute.

var ansValue = $("#ans").prop('checked') ? $("#ans").val() : 0;

this worked in my case maybe someone will need it.

When I've tried .attr(':checked') it returned checked but I wanted boolean value and .val() returned value of attribute value.

Python socket receive - incoming packets always have a different size

The answer by Larry Hastings has some great general advice about sockets, but there are a couple of mistakes as it pertains to how the recv(bufsize) method works in the Python socket module.

So, to clarify, since this may be confusing to others looking to this for help:

  1. The bufsize param for the recv(bufsize) method is not optional. You'll get an error if you call recv() (without the param).
  2. The bufferlen in recv(bufsize) is a maximum size. The recv will happily return fewer bytes if there are fewer available.

See the documentation for details.

Now, if you're receiving data from a client and want to know when you've received all of the data, you're probably going to have to add it to your protocol -- as Larry suggests. See this recipe for strategies for determining end of message.

As that recipe points out, for some protocols, the client will simply disconnect when it's done sending data. In those cases, your while True loop should work fine. If the client does not disconnect, you'll need to figure out some way to signal your content length, delimit your messages, or implement a timeout.

I'd be happy to try to help further if you could post your exact client code and a description of your test protocol.

Format telephone and credit card numbers in AngularJS

You also can check input mask formatter.

This is a directive and it's called ui-mask and also it's a part of angular-ui.utils library.

Here is working: Live example

For the time of writing this post there aren't any examples of using this directive, so I've made a very simple example to demonstrate how this thing works in practice.

Maven and adding JARs to system scope

Try this configuration. It worked for me:


Stop form from submitting , Using Jquery

This is a JQuery code for Preventing Submit

$('form').submit(function (e) {
            if (radioButtonValue !== "0") {

Regex to get string between curly braces

Try this

let path = "/{id}/{name}/{age}";
const paramsPattern = /[^{\}]+(?=})/g;
let extractParams = path.match(paramsPattern);
console.log("extractParams", extractParams) // prints all the names between {} = ["id", "name", "age"]

Couldn't process file resx due to its being in the Internet or Restricted zone or having the mark of the web on the file

If, like me, you have diligently followed all the above solutions and the error is still there, try closing and reopening Visual Studio.

Obvious, I know, but perhaps I'm not the only one who's become fuzzy-brained after staring at a computer screen all day.

Parameterize an SQL IN clause

Here is another alternative. Just pass a comma-delimited list as a string parameter to the stored procedure and:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_myproc]
    @UnitList varchar(MAX) = '1,2,3'
select column from table
where ph.UnitID in (select * from CsvToInt(@UnitList))

And the function:

CREATE Function [dbo].[CsvToInt] ( @Array varchar(MAX))
returns @IntTable table
(IntValue int)
    declare @separator char(1)
    set @separator = ','
    declare @separator_position int
    declare @array_value varchar(MAX)

    set @array = @array + ','

    while patindex('%,%' , @array) <> 0

        select @separator_position = patindex('%,%' , @array)
        select @array_value = left(@array, @separator_position - 1)

        Insert @IntTable
        Values (Cast(@array_value as int))
        select @array = stuff(@array, 1, @separator_position, '')

Find package name for Android apps to use Intent to launch Market app from web

Here are easy way to get app's full package. we can use astro file manager app. You can get it on android market. Astro app manager show us app's full package.

How to convert string to char array in C++?

Well I know this maybe rather dumb than and simple, but I think it should work:

string n;
cin>> n;
char b[200];
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(n); i++)
    b[i] = n[i];
    cout<< b[i]<< " ";

how to view the contents of a .pem certificate

An alternative to using keytool, you can use the command

openssl x509 -in certificate.pem -text

This should work for any x509 .pem file provided you have openssl installed.

Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging

Look at the LocalService example.

Your Service returns an instance of itself to consumers who call onBind. Then you can directly interact with the service, e.g. registering your own listener interface with the service, so that you can get callbacks.

Custom circle button

Use xml drawable like this:

Save the following contents as round_button.xml in drawable folder

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:state_pressed="false">
        <shape android:shape="oval">
            <solid android:color="#fa09ad"/>
    <item android:state_pressed="true">
        <shape android:shape="oval">
            <solid android:color="#c20586"/>

Android Material Effect: Although FloatingActionButton is a better option, If you want to do it using xml selector, create a folder drawable-v21 in res and save another round_button.xml there with following xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ripple xmlns:android=""
        <shape android:shape="oval">
            <solid android:color="#fa09ad"/>

And set it as background of Button in xml like this:

android:textColor="#fff" />


  1. If you want it to show all these states (enabled, disabled, highlighted etc), you will use selector as described here.
  2. You've to keep both files in order to make the drawable backward-compatible. Otherwise, you'll face weird exceptions in previous android version.

Node.js - How to send data from html to express

I'd like to expand on Obertklep's answer. In his example it is an NPM module called body-parser which is doing most of the work. Where he puts, I believe he/she is using body-parser to get the contents of the name attribute(s) received when the form is submitted.

If you do not want to use Express, use querystring which is a built-in Node module. See the answers in the link below for an example of how to use querystring.

It might help to look at this answer, which is very similar to your quest.

Plotting multiple time series on the same plot using ggplot()

This is old, just update new tidyverse workflow not mentioned above.


jobsAFAM1 <- tibble(
    date = seq.Date(from = as.Date('2017-01-01'),by = 'day', length.out = 5),
    Percent.Change = runif(5, 0,1)
    ) %>% 
jobsAFAM2 <- tibble(
    date = seq.Date(from = as.Date('2017-01-01'),by = 'day', length.out = 5),
    Percent.Change = runif(5, 0,1)
    ) %>% 
jobsAFAM <- bind_rows(jobsAFAM1, jobsAFAM2)

ggplot(jobsAFAM, aes(x=date, y=Percent.Change, col=serial)) + geom_line()

@Chris Njuguna

tidyr::gather() is the one in tidyverse workflow to turn wide dataframe to long tidy layout, then ggplot could plot multiple serials.


How do I check if an element is really visible with JavaScript?

 * Checks display and visibility of elements and it's parents
 * @param  DomElement  el
 * @param  boolean isDeep Watch parents? Default is true
 * @return {Boolean}
 * @author Oleksandr Knyga <[email protected]>
function isVisible(el, isDeep) {
    var elIsVisible = true;

    if("undefined" === typeof isDeep) {
        isDeep = true;

    elIsVisible = elIsVisible && el.offsetWidth > 0 && el.offsetHeight > 0;

    if(isDeep && elIsVisible) {

        while('BODY' != el.tagName && elIsVisible) {
            elIsVisible = elIsVisible && 'hidden' != window.getComputedStyle(el).visibility;
            el = el.parentElement;

    return elIsVisible;

Passing arrays as parameters in bash

You can pass multiple arrays as arguments using something like this:

    declare -a argAry1=("${!1}")
    echo "${argAry1[@]}"

    declare -a argAry2=("${!2}")
    echo "${argAry2[@]}"
    # array variables could have local scope
    local descTable=(
    local optsTable=(
        "--msix  --iread"
        "--msix  --iwrite"
        "--msi   --iread"
        "--msi   --iwrite"
    takes_ary_as_arg descTable[@] optsTable[@]

will echo:

sli4-iread sli4-iwrite sli3-iread sli3-iwrite  
--msix  --iread --msix  --iwrite --msi   --iread --msi   --iwrite

Edit/notes: (from comments below)

  • descTable and optsTable are passed as names and are expanded in the function. Thus no $ is needed when given as parameters.
  • Note that this still works even with descTable etc being defined with local, because locals are visible to the functions they call.
  • The ! in ${!1} expands the arg 1 variable.
  • declare -a just makes the indexed array explicit, it is not strictly necessary.

How to fix symbol lookup error: undefined symbol errors in a cluster environment

yum update

helped me out. After I had

wget: symbol lookup error: wget: undefined symbol: psl_latest

Py_Initialize fails - unable to load the file system codec

I had the same issue and found this question. However from the answers here I was not able to solve my problem. I started debugging the cpython code and thought that I might be discovered a bug. Therefore I opened a issue on the python issue tracker.

My mistake was that I did not understand that Py_SetPath clears all inferred paths. So one needs to set all paths when calling this function.

For completion I also copied the most important part of the conversation below.

My original issue text

I compiled the source of CPython 3.7.3 myself on Windows with Visual Studio 2017 together with some packages like e.g numpy. When I start the Python Interpreter I am able to import and use numpy. However when I am running the same script via the C-API I get an ModuleNotFoundError.

So the first thing I did, was to check if numpy is in my site-packages directory and indeed there is a folder named numpy-1.16.2-py3.7-win-amd64.egg. (Makes sense because the python interpreter can find numpy)

The next thing I did was to get some information about the sys.path variable created when running the script via the C-API.

#### sys.path content ####

Examining the content of sys.path I noticed two things.

  1. C:\Work\build\product\ has the correct path 'C:\Work\build\product\'. There was just no zip file. All my files and directory were unpacked. So I zipped the files to an archive named and this resolved the import error.

  2. C:\Users\rvq\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages is wrong it should be C:\Work\build\product\Lib\site-packages but I dont know how this wrong path is created.

The next thing I tried was to use Py_SetPath(L"C:/Work/build/product/Lib/site-packages") before calling Py_Initialize(). This led to

Fatal Python Error 'unable to load the file system encoding' ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'encodings'

I created a minimal c++ project with exact these two calls and started to debug Cpython.

int main()

I tracked the call of Py_Initialize() down to the call of

static int
zipimport_zipimporter___init___impl(ZipImporter *self, PyObject *path)

inside of zipimport.c

The comment above this function states the following:

Create a new zipimporter instance. 'archivepath' must be a path-like object to a zipfile, or to a specific path inside a zipfile. For example, it can be '/tmp/', or '/tmp/', if mydirectory is a valid directory inside the archive. 'ZipImportError' is raised if 'archivepath' doesn't point to a valid Zip archive. The 'archive' attribute of the zipimporter object contains the name of the zipfile targeted.

So for me it seems that the C-API expects the path set with Py_SetPath to be a path to a zipfile. Is this expected behaviour or is it a bug? If it is not a bug is there a way to changes this so that it can also detect directories?

PS: The ModuleNotFoundError did not occur for me when using Python 3.5.2+, which was the version I used in my project before. I also checked if I had set any PYTHONHOME or PYTHONPATH environment variables but I did not see one of them on my system.


This is probably a documentation failure more than anything else. We're in the middle of redesigning initialization though, so it's good timing to contribute this feedback.

The short answer is that you need to make sure Python can find the Lib/encodings directory, typically by putting the standard library in sys.path. Py_SetPath clears all inferred paths, so you need to specify all the places Python should look. (The rules for where Python looks automatically are complicated and vary by platform, which is something I'm keen to fix.)

Paths that don't exist are okay, and that's the zip file. You can choose to put the stdlib into a zip, and it will be found automatically if you name it the default path, but you can also leave it unzipped and reference the directory.

A full walk through on embedding is more than I'm prepared to type on my phone. Hopefully that's enough to get you going for now.

Force Internet Explorer to use a specific Java Runtime Environment install?

If you mean when you are not the person writing the web page, then you could disable the add ons you do not wish to use with the Manage Add-Ons IE Options screen added in Win XP SP2

Remove a git commit which has not been pushed

IF you have NOT pushed your changes to remote

git reset HEAD~1

Check if the working copy is clean by git status.

ELSE you have pushed your changes to remote

git revert HEAD

This command will revert/remove the local commits/change and then you can push

jQuery: find element by text

Best way in my opinion.

$.fn.findByContentText = function (text) {
    return $(this).contents().filter(function () {
        return $(this).text().trim() == text.trim();

How to delete columns in a CSV file?

You can directly delete the column with just

del variable_name['year']

HTML5 Canvas Rotate Image

Why not do it for the entire page. At page load detect all images and continuously rotate all of them.

 var RotationCollection = {
    rotators: [],
    start_action: function (showBorders, isoverlap) {
        try {
            var canvasTemplate = '<canvas id="_ID_" width="350" height="350"  ></canvas>';

            var ja = 5;
            $.each($("img"), function (index, val) {
                var newID = "can_" + index;
                var can = canvasTemplate.replace("_ID_", newID);

                if (showBorders == true) $(can).insertAfter($(val)).css({ "border": "solid thin black", "box-shadow": "5px 5px 10px 2px black", "border-raduis": "15px" });
                else $(can).insertAfter($(val));

                var curRot = new RotationClass(newID, $(val).attr('src'), ja  * ((0 == index % 2) ? -1 : 1), isoverlap);
                RotationCollection.rotators[index] = curRot;
                ja += 5;
                //return false;
            window.setInterval(function () {
                $.each(RotationCollection.rotators, function (index, value) {
            }, 500);
        catch (err) {
function RotationClass(canvasID, imgSrc, jumgAngle, overlap) {
    var self = this;
    self.overlap = overlap;
    self.angle = parseInt(45);
    self.image = {};
    self.src = imgSrc;
    self.canvasID = canvasID;
    self.jump = parseInt(jumgAngle);
    self.start_action = function () {
        var image = new Image();
        var canvas = document.getElementById(self.canvasID);
        image.onload = function () {
            self.image = image;
            canvas.height = canvas.width = Math.sqrt(image.width * image.width + image.height * image.height);
        image.src = self.src;
    this.drawRotatedImage = function () {
        var self = this;
        self.angle += self.jump;
        var canvas = document.getElementById(self.canvasID);
        var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");;
        if (self.overlap) ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
        ctx.translate(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2);
        ctx.rotate(self.angle * Math.PI / 180);
        ctx.drawImage(self.image, -self.image.width / 2, -self.image.height / 2);
var theApp = {
    start_Action: function () {
        RotationCollection.start_action(true, true);

Please check out for theApp.start_Action where all action begins The HTML can be as follows:

    Deepika Padukone.<br />
    <img alt="deepika" src="" />

    Priyanka Chopra.<br />
    <img alt="Priyanka" src="" />

Some options to overlap rotations, borders are also added

Tricks to manage the available memory in an R session

I quite like the improved objects function developed by Dirk. Much of the time though, a more basic output with the object name and size is sufficient for me. Here's a simpler function with a similar objective. Memory use can be ordered alphabetically or by size, can be limited to a certain number of objects, and can be ordered ascending or descending. Also, I often work with data that are 1GB+, so the function changes units accordingly.

showMemoryUse <- function(sort="size", decreasing=FALSE, limit) {

  objectList <- ls(parent.frame())

  oneKB <- 1024
  oneMB <- 1048576
  oneGB <- 1073741824

  memoryUse <- sapply(objectList, function(x) as.numeric(object.size(eval(parse(text=x)))))

  memListing <- sapply(memoryUse, function(size) {
        if (size >= oneGB) return(paste(round(size/oneGB,2), "GB"))
        else if (size >= oneMB) return(paste(round(size/oneMB,2), "MB"))
        else if (size >= oneKB) return(paste(round(size/oneKB,2), "kB"))
        else return(paste(size, "bytes"))

  memListing <- data.frame(objectName=names(memListing),memorySize=memListing,row.names=NULL)

  if (sort=="alphabetical") memListing <- memListing[order(memListing$objectName,decreasing=decreasing),] 
  else memListing <- memListing[order(memoryUse,decreasing=decreasing),] #will run if sort not specified or "size"

  if(!missing(limit)) memListing <- memListing[1:limit,]

  print(memListing, row.names=FALSE)

And here is some example output:

> showMemoryUse(decreasing=TRUE, limit=5)
      objectName memorySize
       coherData  713.75 MB
 spec.pgram_mine  149.63 kB
       stoch.reg  145.88 kB
      describeBy    82.5 kB
      lmBandpass   68.41 kB

How to increase memory limit for PHP over 2GB?

You should have 64-bit OS on hardware that supports 64-bit OS, 64-bit Apache version and the same for PHP. But this does not guarantee that functions that are work with PDF can use such big sizes of memory. You'd better not load the whole file into memory, split it into chunks or use file functions to seek on it without loading to RAM.

Set Date in a single line

You could use

new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyyMMdd" ).parse( "20100520" )

How to get the second column from command output?

Use -F [field separator] to split the lines on "s:

awk -F '"' '{print $2}' your_input_file

or for input from pipe

<some_command> | awk -F '"' '{print $2}'



How to make responsive table

To make a responsive table, you can make the width of each td 100% and insert a related heading in the td on mobile browsers (that are less 768px width.)

Here is a website that demonstrates this technique:

How to make program go back to the top of the code instead of closing

def start():

Offset = 5

def getMode():
    while True:
        print('Do you wish to encrypt or decrypt a message?')
        mode = input().lower()
        if mode in 'encrypt e decrypt d'.split():
            return mode
            print('Please be sensible try just the lower case')

def getMessage():
    print('Enter your message wanted to :')
    return input()

def getKey():
    key = 0
    while True:
        print('Enter the key number (1-%s)' % (Offset))
        key = int(input())
        if (key >= 1 and key <= Offset):
            return key

def getTranslatedMessage(mode, message, key):
    if mode[0] == 'd':
        key = -key
    translated = ''

    for symbol in message:
        if symbol.isalpha():
            num = ord(symbol)
            num += key

            if symbol.isupper():
                if num > ord('Z'):
                    num -= 26
                elif num < ord('A'):
                    num += 26
            elif symbol.islower():
                if num > ord('z'):
                    num -= 26
                elif num < ord('a'):
                    num += 26

            translated += chr(num)
            translated += symbol
    return translated

mode = getMode()
message = getMessage()
key = getKey()

print('Your translated text is:')
print(getTranslatedMessage(mode, message, key))
if op.lower() in {'q', 'quit', 'e', 'exit'}:

Adding a background image to a <div> element

Use this style to get a centered background image without repeat.

    background-image: url('imagePath');
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center; 
    position: relative;

In HTML, set this style for your div:

<div class="bgImgCenter"></div>

How to execute a raw update sql with dynamic binding in rails

ActiveRecord::Base.connection has a quote method that takes a string value (and optionally the column object). So you can say this:

  UPDATE  foo
  SET     bar = #{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote(baz)}

Note if you're in a Rails migration or an ActiveRecord object you can shorten that to:

  UPDATE  foo
  SET     bar = #{connection.quote(baz)}

UPDATE: As @kolen points out, you should use exec_update instead. This will handle the quoting for you and also avoid leaking memory. The signature works a bit differently though:

connection.exec_update(<<-EOQ, "SQL", [[nil, baz]])
  UPDATE  foo
  SET     bar = $1

Here the last param is a array of tuples representing bind parameters. In each tuple, the first entry is the column type and the second is the value. You can give nil for the column type and Rails will usually do the right thing though.

There are also exec_query, exec_insert, and exec_delete, depending on what you need.

How to access a value defined in the file in Spring Boot

Tried Class PropertiesLoaderUtils ?

This approach uses no annotation of Spring boot. A traditional Class way.


Resource resource = new ClassPathResource("/");
    Properties props = PropertiesLoaderUtils.loadProperties(resource);
    String url_server=props.getProperty("server_url");

Use getProperty() method to pass the key and access the value in the properties file.

Type safety: Unchecked cast

If you really want to get rid of the warnings, one thing you can do is create a class that extends from the generic class.

For example, if you're trying to use

private Map<String, String> someMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

You can create a new class like such

public class StringMap extends HashMap<String, String>()
    // Override constructors

Then when you use

someMap = (StringMap) getApplicationContext().getBean("someMap");

The compiler DOES know what the (no longer generic) types are, and there will be no warning. This may not always be the perfect solution, some might argue this kind of defeats the purpose of generic classes, but you're still re-using all of the same code from the generic class, you're just declaring at compile time what type you want to use.

Resolving IP Address from hostname with PowerShell

Working one liner if you want a single result from the collection:

$ipAddy = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses("")[0].IPAddressToString; 


How do I set a program to launch at startup

    /// <summary>
    /// Add application to Startup of windows
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="appName"></param>
    /// <param name="path"></param>
    public static void AddStartup(string appName, string path)
        using (RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey
            ("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true))
            key.SetValue(appName, "\"" + path + "\"");

    /// <summary>
    /// Remove application from Startup of windows
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="appName"></param>
    public static void RemoveStartup(string appName)
        using (RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey
            ("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true))
            key.DeleteValue(appName, false);

How to convert HH:mm:ss.SSS to milliseconds?

If you want to parse the format yourself you could do it easily with a regex such as

private static Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}).(\\d{3})");

public static long dateParseRegExp(String period) {
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(period);
    if (matcher.matches()) {
        return Long.parseLong( * 3600000L 
            + Long.parseLong( * 60000 
            + Long.parseLong( * 1000 
            + Long.parseLong(; 
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid format " + period);

However, this parsing is quite lenient and would accept 99:99:99.999 and just let the values overflow. This could be a drawback or a feature.

Could not establish trust relationship for SSL/TLS secure channel -- SOAP

Luke wrote a pretty good article about this .. pretty straight forward .. give this a try

Luke's Solution

Reason (quote from his article (minus cursing)) ".. The problem with the code above is that it doesn’t work if your certificate is not valid. Why would I be posting to a web page with and invalid SSL certificate? Because I’m cheap and I didn’t feel like paying Verisign or one of the other **-*s for a cert to my test box so I self signed it. When I sent the request I got a lovely exception thrown at me:

System.Net.WebException The underlying connection was closed. Could not establish trust relationship with remote server.

I don’t know about you, but to me that exception looked like something that would be caused by a silly mistake in my code that was causing the POST to fail. So I kept searching, and tweaking and doing all kinds of weird things. Only after I googled the ***n thing I found out that the default behavior after encountering an invalid SSL cert is to throw this very exception. .."

How to create a sub array from another array in Java?

Arrays.copyOfRange(..) was added in Java 1.6. So perhaps you don't have the latest version. If it's not possible to upgrade, look at System.arraycopy(..)

SELECTING with multiple WHERE conditions on same column

select purpose.pname,company.cname
from purpose
Inner Join company
where pname='Fever' and cname='ABC' in (
  select mname
  from medication
  where mname like 'A%'
  order by mname

setup android on eclipse but don't know SDK directory

The path to the SDK is:


This can be used in Eclipse after you replace USERNAME with your Windows user name.

Can two Java methods have same name with different return types?

Only if their parameter declarations are different from memory.


This happens when you update from Chrome 55 to Chrome 56 (56.0.2924.87).
This is an increase in security enforcement.
It doesn't go away by restarting the browser, and it's not a bug.

Mountain View says it's hoping you don't ever encounter the message, because Certificate Authorities are required to stop issuing SHA-1 certificates in 2016. Just in case, Google plans to continue issuing warnings until Chrome completely stops supporting SHA-1 on January 1st, 2017. When that day comes, a website that still uses the function will trigger a fatal network error. (Source:

If this happens, the most-likely cause is that your (or the website's) SSL-certificate uses SHA1.
SHA1 is broken, and SSL certificates using SHA1 are not secure anymore (it's now been a long time that Chrome showed this to you - now it blocks NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM).

Another likely cause is that your SSL-certificate expired
Also, you should disable backwards-compatiblity with SSL2 & SSL3 (Poodle Attack).
You should only be using TLS (SSL 3.1+).

To test your domain's SSL-certificate, you can use SSL labs SSL test.

To find out what exactly the issue is: Open the chrome developer console (CTRL + SHIFT + J OR F12) And change to the security tab




For more information:


SHA-1 has been growing weaker and more insecure everyday for a decade now, which is dangerous considering we tend to trust websites with "https://" in their URLs. Other browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge also plan to stop supporting it in an effort to encourage website owners to switch to more secure SHA-2 certificates as soon as possible.

If you urgently need to get around it (you need to close all running instances of Chrome first - otherwise it won't work):

chrome --args --ignore-certificate-errors

Please note: don't go online-banking or gmail'ing with those command-line settings active in your Chrome instance.

How to _really_ programmatically change primary and accent color in Android Lollipop?

I've created some solution to make any-color themes, maybe this can be useful for somebody. API 9+

1. first create "res/values-v9/" and put there this file: styles.xml and regular "res/values" folder will be used with your styles.

2. put this code in your res/values/styles.xml:

    <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">
        <item name="colorPrimary">#000</item>
        <item name="colorPrimaryDark">#000</item>
        <item name="colorAccent">#000</item>
        <item name="android:windowAnimationStyle">@style/WindowAnimationTransition</item>

    <style name="AppThemeDarkActionBar" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
        <item name="colorPrimary">#000</item>
        <item name="colorPrimaryDark">#000</item>
        <item name="colorAccent">#000</item>
        <item name="android:windowAnimationStyle">@style/WindowAnimationTransition</item>

    <style name="WindowAnimationTransition">
        <item name="android:windowEnterAnimation">@android:anim/fade_in</item>
        <item name="android:windowExitAnimation">@android:anim/fade_out</item>

3. in to AndroidManifest:

<application android:theme="@style/AppThemeDarkActionBar">

4. create a new class with name ""

public class ThemeColors {

    private static final String NAME = "ThemeColors", KEY = "color";

    public int color;

    public ThemeColors(Context context) {
        SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences(NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        String stringColor = sharedPreferences.getString(KEY, "004bff");
        color = Color.parseColor("#" + stringColor);

        if (isLightActionBar()) context.setTheme(;
        context.setTheme(context.getResources().getIdentifier("T_" + stringColor, "style", context.getPackageName()));

    public static void setNewThemeColor(Activity activity, int red, int green, int blue) {
        int colorStep = 15;
        red = Math.round(red / colorStep) * colorStep;
        green = Math.round(green / colorStep) * colorStep;
        blue = Math.round(blue / colorStep) * colorStep;

        String stringColor = Integer.toHexString(Color.rgb(red, green, blue)).substring(2);
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = activity.getSharedPreferences(NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit();
        editor.putString(KEY, stringColor);

        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) activity.recreate();
        else {
            Intent i = activity.getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(activity.getPackageName());

    private boolean isLightActionBar() {// Checking if title text color will be black
        int rgb = ( + + / 3;
        return rgb > 210;

5. MainActivity:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        new ThemeColors(this);

    public void buttonClick(View view){
        int red= new Random().nextInt(255);
        int green= new Random().nextInt(255);
        int blue= new Random().nextInt(255);
        ThemeColors.setNewThemeColor(MainActivity.this, red, green, blue);

To change color, just replace Random with your RGB, Hope this helps.

enter image description here

There is a complete example:

C# generic list <T> how to get the type of T?

Marc's answer is the approach I use for this, but for simplicity (and a friendlier API?) you can define a property in the collection base class if you have one such as:

public abstract class CollectionBase<T> : IList<T>

   public Type ElementType
         return typeof(T);

I have found this approach useful, and is easy to understand for any newcomers to generics.

Angular 6: saving data to local storage

you can use localStorage for storing the json data:

the example is given below:-

let JSONDatas = [
    {"id": "Open"},
    {"id": "OpenNew", "label": "Open New"},
    {"id": "ZoomIn", "label": "Zoom In"},
    {"id": "ZoomOut", "label": "Zoom Out"},
    {"id": "Find", "label": "Find..."},
    {"id": "FindAgain", "label": "Find Again"},
    {"id": "Copy"},
    {"id": "CopyAgain", "label": "Copy Again"},
    {"id": "CopySVG", "label": "Copy SVG"},
    {"id": "ViewSVG", "label": "View SVG"}

localStorage.setItem("datas", JSON.stringify(JSONDatas));

let data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("datas"));


Package name does not correspond to the file path - IntelliJ

I had this same issue, and fixed it by modifying my project's .iml file:


<content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
  <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/wrong/entry/here" isTestSource="false" />
  <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/test" isTestSource="true" />
  <excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/target" />


<content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
  <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src" isTestSource="false" />
  <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/test" isTestSource="true" />
  <excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/target" />

Somehow a package folder became specified as the root source directory when this project was imported.

Using moment.js to convert date to string "MM/dd/yyyy"


date.format("MM/DD/YYYY") or date.format("MM-DD-YYYY")}

Other Supported formats for reference:


M 1 2 ... 11 12

Mo 1st 2nd ... 11th 12th

MM 01 02 ... 11 12

MMM Jan Feb ... Nov Dec

MMMM January February ... November December


d 0 1 ... 5 6

do 0th 1st ... 5th 6th

dd Su Mo ... Fr Sa

ddd Sun Mon ... Fri Sat

dddd Sunday Monday ... Friday Saturday


YY 70 71 ... 29 30

YYYY 1970 1971 ... 2029 2030

Y 1970 1971 ... 9999 +10000 +10001

Passing arguments to an interactive program non-interactively

For more complex tasks there is expect ( ). It basically simulates a user, you can code a script how to react to specific program outputs and related stuff.

This also works in cases like ssh that prohibits piping passwords to it.

Failed to find Build Tools revision 23.0.1

As the error says Failed to find build Tools revision 23.0.1 This means that in your project you have used buildToolsVersion "23.0.3" So,You need to download the exact same version this makes the error disappear

**Step 1:**
GO to Tools and click SDK Manager
**Step 2:**
you can see SDK Platforms ,SDK Tools and SDK update Sites
Click SDK Tools and click show package details
**Step 4:**
Select the version that you have mentioned in your Project 

These Steps has solved my issue.

Search code inside a Github project


The bookmarklet hack below is broken due to XHR issues and API changes.

Thankfully Github now has "A Whole New Code Search" which does the job superbly.

Checkout this voodoo: Github code search userscript.

Follow the directions there, or if you hate bloating your browser with scripts and extensions, use my bookmarkified bundle of the userscript:

javascript:(function(){var s='',t='text/javascript',d=document,n=navigator,e;(e=d.createElement('script')).src=s;e.type=t;d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(e)})();doIt('');void('');

Save the source above as the URL of a new bookmark. Browse to any Github repo, click the bookmark, and bam: in-page, ajaxified code search.

CAVEAT Github must index a repo before you can search it.

Before the Bookmarklet


After - Look in the second menubar after the leftmost tabs: Files, Commits, Branches...

Here's a sample search from the annotated ECMAScript 5.1 specification repository:

Sample search in the annotated ECMAScript 5.1 specification repository

Python list iterator behavior and next(iterator)

For those who still do not understand.

>>> a = iter(list(range(10)))
>>> for i in a:
...    print(i)
...    next(a)
0 # print(i) printed this
1 # next(a) printed this
2 # print(i) printed this
3 # next(a) printed this
4 # print(i) printed this
5 # next(a) printed this
6 # print(i) printed this
7 # next(a) printed this
8 # print(i) printed this
9 # next(a) printed this

As others have already said, next increases the iterator by 1 as expected. Assigning its returned value to a variable doesn't magically changes its behaviour.

Undefined or null for AngularJS

My suggestion to you is to write your own utility service. You can include the service in each controller or create a parent controller, assign the utility service to your scope and then every child controller will inherit this without you having to include it.


var app = angular.module('plunker', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, Utils) {
    $scope.utils = Utils;

app.controller('ChildCtrl', function($scope, Utils) {
   $scope.undefined1 = Utils.isUndefinedOrNull(1);  // standard DI
   $scope.undefined2 = $scope.utils.isUndefinedOrNull(1);  // MainCtrl is parent


app.factory('Utils', function() {
  var service = {
     isUndefinedOrNull: function(obj) {
         return !angular.isDefined(obj) || obj===null;


  return service;

Or you could add it to the rootScope as well. Just a few options for extending angular with your own utility functions.

Working with SQL views in Entity Framework Core

Here is a new way to work with SQL views in EF Core: Query Types.

Check if decimal value is null

you can use this code

if (DecimalVariable.Equals(null))  
   //something statements

How can I set an SQL Server connection string?

sa is a system administrator account which comes with SQL Server by default. As you know might already know, you can use two ways to log in to SQL Server.

screen shot of SQL Server Management Studio

Therefore there are connection strings which suitable for each scenario (such as Windows authentication, localdb, etc.). Use SQL Server Connection Strings for ASP.NET Web Applications to build your connection string. These are XML tags. You just need a value of connectionString.

Drop default constraint on a column in TSQL

This is how you would drop the constraint

ALTER TABLE <schema_name, sysname, dbo>.<table_name, sysname, table_name>
   DROP CONSTRAINT <default_constraint_name, sysname, default_constraint_name>

With a script

-- t-sql scriptlet to drop all constraints on a table
DECLARE @database nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @table nvarchar(50)

set @database = 'dotnetnuke'
set @table = 'tabs'

DECLARE @sql nvarchar(255)
WHILE EXISTS(select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS where constraint_catalog = @database and table_name = @table)
    select    @sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @table + ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' + CONSTRAINT_NAME 
    where    constraint_catalog = @database and 
            table_name = @table
    exec    sp_executesql @sql

Credits go to Jon Galloway

Is it safe to expose Firebase apiKey to the public?

It is oky to include them, and special care is required only for Firebase ML or when using Firebase Authentication

API keys for Firebase are different from typical API keys: Unlike how API keys are typically used, API keys for Firebase services are not used to control access to backend resources; that can only be done with Firebase Security Rules. Usually, you need to fastidiously guard API keys (for example, by using a vault service or setting the keys as environment variables); however, API keys for Firebase services are ok to include in code or checked-in config files.

Although API keys for Firebase services are safe to include in code, there are a few specific cases when you should enforce limits for your API key; for example, if you're using Firebase ML or using Firebase Authentication with the email/password sign-in method. Learn more about these cases later on this page.

For more informations, check the offical docs

How to insert a character in a string at a certain position?

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    char ch='m';
    String str="Hello",k=String.valueOf(ch),b,c;


    int index=3;
    b=str.substring(0,index-1 );

Convert between UIImage and Base64 string

For iOS 7+, Objective-C, here's how to make the conversion starting with an image URL:

NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:self.groove.thumbnailURL];

UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url]];

NSString *base64String = [UIImagePNGRepresentation(image)

Split data frame string column into multiple columns

5 years later adding the obligatory data.table solution

library(data.table) ## v 1.9.6+ 
setDT(before)[, paste0("type", 1:2) := tstrsplit(type, "_and_")]
#    attr          type type1 type2
# 1:    1   foo_and_bar   foo   bar
# 2:   30 foo_and_bar_2   foo bar_2
# 3:    4   foo_and_bar   foo   bar
# 4:    6 foo_and_bar_2   foo bar_2

We could also both make sure that the resulting columns will have correct types and improve performance by adding type.convert and fixed arguments (since "_and_" isn't really a regex)

setDT(before)[, paste0("type", 1:2) := tstrsplit(type, "_and_", type.convert = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)]

Deserialize a JSON array in C#

This should work...

JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var records = new ser.Deserialize<List<Record>>(jsonData);

public class Person
    public string Name;
    public int Age;
    public string Location;
public class Record
    public Person record;

extract digits in a simple way from a python string

This regular expression handles floats as well

import re
re_float = re.compile(r'\d*\.?\d+')

You could also add a group to the expression that catches your weight units.

re_banana = re.compile(r'(?P<number>\d*\.?\d+)\s?(?P<uni>[a-zA-Z]+)')

You can access the named groups like this re_banana.match("200 kgm").group('number').

I think this should help you getting started.

What is the regex pattern for datetime (2008-09-01 12:35:45 )?

A simple version that will work for the format mentioned, but not all the others as per @Espos:

(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) 

How do I get the current time zone of MySQL?

To anyone come to find timezone of mysql db.

With this query you can get current timezone :

mysql> SELECT @@system_time_zone as tz;
|  tz   |
|  CET  |

Recyclerview and handling different type of row inflation

The trick is to create subclasses of ViewHolder and then cast them.

public class GroupViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
    TextView mTitle;
    TextView mContent;
    public GroupViewHolder(View itemView) {
        super (itemView);
        // init views...

public class ImageViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
    ImageView mImage;
    public ImageViewHolder(View itemView) {
        super (itemView);
        // init views...

private static final int TYPE_IMAGE = 1;
private static final int TYPE_GROUP = 2;  

And then, at runtime do something like this:

public int getItemViewType(int position) {
    // here your custom logic to choose the view type
    return position == 0 ? TYPE_IMAGE : TYPE_GROUP;

public void onBindViewHolder (ViewHolder viewHolder, int i) {

    switch (viewHolder.getItemViewType()) {

        case TYPE_IMAGE:
            ImageViewHolder imageViewHolder = (ImageViewHolder) viewHolder;

        case TYPE_GROUP:
            GroupViewHolder groupViewHolder = (GroupViewHolder) viewHolder;

Hope it helps.

Select option padding not working in chrome

That's not work on optionentry because it's a "system" generated drop-down menu but you can set the padding of a select.

Just reset the box-sizing property to content-box in your CSS.

The default value of select is border-box.

select {
 box-sizing: content-box;
 padding: 5px 0;

How to check if another instance of my shell script is running

Someone please shoot me down if I'm wrong here

I understand that the mkdir operation is atomic, so you could create a lock directory

mkdir $lockdir  || {
    echo "lock directory exists. exiting"
    exit 1
# take pains to remove lock directory when script terminates
trap "rmdir $lockdir" EXIT INT KILL TERM

# rest of script here

How to launch Windows Scheduler by command-line?

You might want to have look at simple command line scheduler "at":

C:\Documents and Settings\mahendra.patil>at/?

The AT command schedules commands and programs to run on a computer at a specified time and date. The Schedule service must be running to use the AT command.

AT [\\computername] [ [id] [/DELETE] | /DELETE [/YES]]
AT [\\computername] time [/INTERACTIVE]
    [ /EVERY:date[,...] | /NEXT:date[,...]] "command"

\computername Specifies a remote computer. Commands are scheduled on the local computer if this parameter is omitted.

id Is an identification number assigned to a scheduled command.

/delete Cancels a scheduled command. If id is omitted, all the scheduled commands on the computer are canceled.

/yes Used with cancel all jobs command when no further confirmation is desired.

time Specifies the time when command is to run.

/interactive Allows the job to interact with the desktop of the user who is logged on at the time the job runs.

/every:date[,...] Runs the command on each specified day(s) of the week or month. If date is omitted, the current day of the month is assumed.

/next:date[,...] Runs the specified command on the next occurrence of the day (for example, next Thursday). If date is omitted, the current day of the month is assumed.

"command" Is the Windows NT command, or batch program to be run.