Programs & Examples On #Layered

Problems using Maven and SSL behind proxy

This may not be the best solution. I changed my maven from 3.3.x to 3.2.x. And this issue gone.

How to use UIVisualEffectView to Blur Image?

You can also use the interface builder to create these effects easily for simple situations. Since the z-values of the views will depend on the order they are listed in the Document Outline, you can drag a UIVisualEffectView onto the document outline before the view you want to blur. This automatically creates a nested UIView, which is the contentView property of the given UIVisualEffectView. Nest things within this view that you want to appear on top of the blur.

XCode6 beta5

You can also easily take advantage of the vibrancy UIVisualEffect, which will automatically create another nested UIVisualEffectView in the document outline with vibrancy enabled by default. You can then add a label or text view to the nested UIView (again, the contentView property of the UIVisualEffectView), to achieve the same effect that the "> slide to unlock" UI element.

enter image description here

What's the best way to add a drop shadow to my UIView

You can create an extension for UIView to access these values in the design editor

Shadow options in design editor

extension UIView{

    @IBInspectable var shadowOffset: CGSize{
            return self.layer.shadowOffset
            self.layer.shadowOffset = newValue

    @IBInspectable var shadowColor: UIColor{
            return UIColor(cgColor: self.layer.shadowColor!)
            self.layer.shadowColor = newValue.cgColor

    @IBInspectable var shadowRadius: CGFloat{
            return self.layer.shadowRadius
            self.layer.shadowRadius = newValue

    @IBInspectable var shadowOpacity: Float{
            return self.layer.shadowOpacity
            self.layer.shadowOpacity = newValue

Make child visible outside an overflow:hidden parent

Neither of the posted answers worked for me. Setting position: absolute for the child element did work however.

How can I create numbered map markers in Google Maps V3?

Here are custom icons with the updated "visual refresh" style that you can generate quickly via a simple .vbs script. I also included a large pre-generated set that you can use immediately with multiple color options:

Use the following format when linking to the GitHub-hosted image files:[color][character].png

red, black, blue, green, grey, orange, purple, white, yellow

A-Z, 1-100, !, @, $, +, -, =, (%23 = #), (%25 = %), (%26 = &), (blank = •)





Java Swing - how to show a panel on top of another panel?

I just thought that I'd add that there is a notion of Z-order in Swing, see [java.awt.Component#setComponentZOrder][1]

which affects the positions of a component in its parents component array, which determines the painting order.

Note that you should override javax.swing.JComponent#isOptimizedDrawingEnabled to return false in the parent container to get your overlapping components to repaint correctly, otherwise their repaints will clobber each other. (JComponents assume no overlapping children unless isOptimizedDrawingEnabled returns false)

[1]:, int)

onclick open window and specific size'','mywin','width=500,height=500');

The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Ntlm'

OK, here are the things that come into mind:

  • Your WCF service presumably running on IIS must be running under the security context that has the privilege that calls the Web Service. You need to make sure in the app pool with a user that is a domain user - ideally a dedicated user.
  • You can not use impersonation to use user's security token to pass back to ASMX using impersonation since my WCF web service calls another ASMX web service, installed on a **different** web server
  • Try changing Ntlm to Windows and test again.

OK, a few words on impersonation. Basically it is a known issue that you cannot use the impersonation tokens that you got to one server, to pass to another server. The reason seems to be that the token is a kind of a hash using user's password and valid for the machine generated from so it cannot be used from the middle server.


Delegation is possible under WCF (i.e. forwarding impersonation from a server to another server). Look at this topic here.

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I was not able to install cv2 on Anaconda-Jupyter notebook running on Ubuntu on Google Cloud Platform. But I found a way to do it as follows:

Run the following command from the ssh terminal and follow the instruction:

 sudo apt-get install libsm6 libxrender1 libfontconfig1

Once its installed Open the Jupyter notebook and run following command:

!pip install opencv-contrib-python

Note: I tried to run this command: "sudo python3 -m pip install opencv-contrib-python"but it was showing an error. But above command worked for me.

Now refresh the notebook page and check whether it's installed or not by running import cv2 in the notebook.

How to reverse a singly linked list using only two pointers?

Yes. I'm sure you can do this the same way you can swap two numbers without using a third. Simply cast the pointers to a int/long and perform the XOR operation a couple of times. This is one of those C tricks that makes for a fun question, but doesn't have any practical value.

Can you reduce the O(n) complexity? No, not really. Just use a doubly linked list if you think you are going to need the reverse order.

C#: HttpClient with POST parameters

A cleaner alternative would be to use a Dictionary to handle parameters. They are key-value pairs after all.

private static readonly HttpClient httpclient;

static MyClassName()
    // HttpClient is intended to be instantiated once and re-used throughout the life of an application. 
    // Instantiating an HttpClient class for every request will exhaust the number of sockets available under heavy loads. 
    // This will result in SocketException errors.
    httpclient = new HttpClient();    

var url = "http://myserver/method";
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "param1", "1" }, { "param2", "2" } };
var encodedContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent (parameters);

var response = await httpclient.PostAsync (url, encodedContent).ConfigureAwait (false);
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) {
    // Do something with response. Example get content:
    // var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync ().ConfigureAwait (false);

Also dont forget to Dispose() httpclient, if you dont use the keyword using

As stated in the Remarks section of the HttpClient class in the Microsoft docs, HttpClient should be instantiated once and re-used.


You may want to look into response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); instead of if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK).

You may want to keep your httpclient and dont Dispose() it. See: Do HttpClient and HttpClientHandler have to be disposed?


Do not worry about using .ConfigureAwait(false) in .NET Core. For more details look at

gitx How do I get my 'Detached HEAD' commits back into master

If checkout master was the last thing you did, then the reflog entry HEAD@{1} will contain your commits (otherwise use git reflog or git log -p to find them). Use git merge HEAD@{1} to fast forward them into master.


As noted in the comments, Git Ready has a great article on this.

git reflog and git reflog --all will give you the commit hashes of the mis-placed commits.

Git Ready: Reflog, Your Safety Net


Converting string to number in javascript/jQuery

var string = 123 (is string),

parseInt(parameter is string);

var string = '123';

var int= parseInt(string );

console.log(int);  //Output will be 123.

Simple post to Web Api

It's been quite sometime since I asked this question. Now I understand it more clearly, I'm going to put a more complete answer to help others.

In Web API, it's very simple to remember how parameter binding is happening.

  • if you POST simple types, Web API tries to bind it from the URL
  • if you POST complex type, Web API tries to bind it from the body of the request (this uses a media-type formatter).

  • If you want to bind a complex type from the URL, you'll use [FromUri] in your action parameter. The limitation of this is down to how long your data going to be and if it exceeds the url character limit.

    public IHttpActionResult Put([FromUri] ViewModel data) { ... }

  • If you want to bind a simple type from the request body, you'll use [FromBody] in your action parameter.

    public IHttpActionResult Put([FromBody] string name) { ... }

as a side note, say you are making a PUT request (just a string) to update something. If you decide not to append it to the URL and pass as a complex type with just one property in the model, then the data parameter in jQuery ajax will look something like below. The object you pass to data parameter has only one property with empty property name.

var myName = 'ABC';
$.ajax({url:.., data: {'': myName}});

and your web api action will look something like below.

public IHttpActionResult Put([FromBody] string name){ ... }

This page explains it all.

Setting the MySQL root user password on OS X

If you don't remember the password you set for root and need to reset it, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the mysqld server, this varies per install
  2. Run the server in safe mode with privilege bypass

sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables;

  1. In a new window connect to the database, set a new password and flush the permissions & quit:

mysql -u root

For MySQL older than MySQL 5.7 use:

UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('your-password') WHERE User='root';

For MySQL 5.7+ use:

USE mysql;

UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string=PASSWORD("your-password") WHERE User='root';

Refresh and quit:



  1. Stop the safe mode server and start your regular server back. The new password should work now. Worked like a charm for me :)

Add new row to dataframe, at specific row-index, not appended?

for example you want to add rows of variable 2 to variable 1 of a data named "edges" just do it like this

allEdges <- data.frame(c(edges$V1,edges$V2))

How to calculate percentage when old value is ZERO

This is most definitely a programming problem. The problem is that it cannot be programmed, per se. When P is actually zero then the concept of percentage change has no meaning. Zero to anything cannot be expressed as a rate as it is outside the definition boundary of rate. Going from 'not being' into 'being' is not a change of being, it is instead creation of being.

Purpose of Activator.CreateInstance with example?

The Activator.CreateInstance method creates an instance of a specified type using the constructor that best matches the specified parameters.

For example, let's say that you have the type name as a string, and you want to use the string to create an instance of that type. You could use Activator.CreateInstance for this:

string objTypeName = "Foo";
Foo foo = (Foo)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(objTypeName));

Here's an MSDN article that explains it's application in more detail:

How to convert number of minutes to hh:mm format in TSQL?

For those who need convert minutes to time with more than 24h format:

DECLARE @minutes int = 7830
SELECT CAST(@minutes / 60 AS VARCHAR(8)) + ':' + FORMAT(@minutes % 60, 'D2') AS [Time]



Position an element relative to its container

You have to explicitly set the position of the parent container along with the position of the child container. The typical way to do that is something like this:

    position: relative;
    left: 0px;  /* stick it wherever it was positioned by default */
    top: 0px;

    position: absolute;
    left: 10px;
    top: 10px;

How to find lines containing a string in linux

Besides grep, you can also use other utilities such as awk or sed

Here is a few examples. Let say you want to search for a string is in the file named GPL.

Your sample file

user@linux:~$ cat -n GPL 
     1    The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
     2    The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
     3  the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
     4  GNU General Public License for most of our software;

1. grep

user@linux:~$ grep is GPL 
  The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to

2. awk

user@linux:~$ awk /is/ GPL 
  The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to

3. sed

user@linux:~$ sed -n '/is/p' GPL
  The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to

Hope this helps

HTML5 Canvas: Zooming

Just try this out:

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
            body {
                margin: 0px;
                padding: 0px;

            #wrapper {
                position: relative;
                border: 1px solid #9C9898;
                width: 578px;
                height: 200px;

            #buttonWrapper {
                position: absolute;
                width: 30px;
                top: 2px;
                right: 2px;

            input[type =
            "button"] {
                padding: 5px;
                width: 30px;
                margin: 0px 0px 2px 0px;
            function draw(scale, translatePos){
                var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
                var context = canvas.getContext("2d");

                // clear canvas
                context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

                context.translate(translatePos.x, translatePos.y);
                context.scale(scale, scale);
                context.beginPath(); // begin custom shape
                context.moveTo(-119, -20);
                context.bezierCurveTo(-159, 0, -159, 50, -59, 50);
                context.bezierCurveTo(-39, 80, 31, 80, 51, 50);
                context.bezierCurveTo(131, 50, 131, 20, 101, 0);
                context.bezierCurveTo(141, -60, 81, -70, 51, -50);
                context.bezierCurveTo(31, -95, -39, -80, -39, -50);
                context.bezierCurveTo(-89, -95, -139, -80, -119, -20);
                context.closePath(); // complete custom shape
                var grd = context.createLinearGradient(-59, -100, 81, 100);
                grd.addColorStop(0, "#8ED6FF"); // light blue
                grd.addColorStop(1, "#004CB3"); // dark blue
                context.fillStyle = grd;

                context.lineWidth = 5;
                context.strokeStyle = "#0000ff";

            window.onload = function(){
                var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");

                var translatePos = {
                    x: canvas.width / 2,
                    y: canvas.height / 2

                var scale = 1.0;
                var scaleMultiplier = 0.8;
                var startDragOffset = {};
                var mouseDown = false;

                // add button event listeners
                document.getElementById("plus").addEventListener("click", function(){
                    scale /= scaleMultiplier;
                    draw(scale, translatePos);
                }, false);

                document.getElementById("minus").addEventListener("click", function(){
                    scale *= scaleMultiplier;
                    draw(scale, translatePos);
                }, false);

                // add event listeners to handle screen drag
                canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", function(evt){
                    mouseDown = true;
                    startDragOffset.x = evt.clientX - translatePos.x;
                    startDragOffset.y = evt.clientY - translatePos.y;

                canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", function(evt){
                    mouseDown = false;

                canvas.addEventListener("mouseover", function(evt){
                    mouseDown = false;

                canvas.addEventListener("mouseout", function(evt){
                    mouseDown = false;

                canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", function(evt){
                    if (mouseDown) {
                        translatePos.x = evt.clientX - startDragOffset.x;
                        translatePos.y = evt.clientY - startDragOffset.y;
                        draw(scale, translatePos);

                draw(scale, translatePos);

                  $('#status').html(e.pageX +', '+ e.pageY);
    <body onmousedown="return false;">
        <div id="wrapper">
            <canvas id="myCanvas" width="578" height="200">
            <div id="buttonWrapper">
                <input type="button" id="plus" value="+"><input type="button" id="minus" value="-">
        <h2 id="status">
        0, 0

Works perfect for me with zooming and mouse movement.. you can customize it to mouse wheel up & down Njoy!!!

Here is fiddle for this Fiddle

Bootstrap modal: is not a function



High Quality Image Scaling Library

you could try this one if it's a lowres cgi 2D Image Filter

How to determine the version of the C++ standard used by the compiler?


In C++0x the macro __cplusplus will be set to a value that differs from (is greater than) the current 199711L.

C++0x FAQ by BS

What is the $$hashKey added to my JSON.stringify result

Angular adds this to keep track of your changes, so it knows when it needs to update the DOM.

If you use angular.toJson(obj) instead of JSON.stringify(obj) then Angular will strip out these internal-use values for you.

Also, if you change your repeat expression to use the track by {uniqueProperty} suffix, Angular won't have to add $$hashKey at all. For example

    <li ng-repeat="link in navLinks track by link.href">
        <a ng-href="link.href">{{link.title}}</a>

Just always remember you need the "link." part of the expression - I always tend to forget that. Just track by href will surely not work.

Is there a template engine for Node.js?

Did you try PURE ?
If you give it a try, feel free to post any trouble you may face at the forum

While it was primarly designed for the browser, it works well with Jaxer and Rhino.

I don't know node.js yet but if you can cache some JS and functions in memory, the speed should be even more impressive.

Laravel - htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given

Laravel - htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given.

thank me latter.........................

when you send or get array from contrller or function but try to print as single value or single variable in laravel blade file so it throws an error

->use any think who convert array into string it work.

solution: 1)run the foreach loop and get single single value and print. 2)The implode() function returns a string from the elements of an array. {{ implode($your_variable,',') }}

implode is best way to do it and its 100% work.

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HttpServletRequest

Thanks guys. All above failed except this that deleted all content from the file C:\Users\debasish\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core then creating server again.

But delete server first before deleting those file contents.

Powershell Log Off Remote Session

This is oldschool and predates PowerShell, but I have used the qwinsta / rwinsta combo for YEARS to remotely log off stale RDP sessions. It's built in on at least Windows XP and forward (possibly earlier)

Determine the session ID:

qwinsta /SERVER:<NAME>

Remove the session in question:


What is the fastest way to send 100,000 HTTP requests in Python?

Things have changed quite a bit since 2010 when this was posted and I haven't tried all the other answers but I have tried a few, and I found this to work the best for me using python3.6.

I was able to fetch about ~150 unique domains per second running on AWS.

import pandas as pd
import concurrent.futures
import requests
import time

out = []

tlds = open('../data/sample_1k.txt').read().splitlines()
urls = ['http://{}'.format(x) for x in tlds[1:]]

def load_url(url, timeout):
    ans = requests.head(url, timeout=timeout)
    return ans.status_code

with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=CONNECTIONS) as executor:
    future_to_url = (executor.submit(load_url, url, TIMEOUT) for url in urls)
    time1 = time.time()
    for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_url):
            data = future.result()
        except Exception as exc:
            data = str(type(exc))


    time2 = time.time()

print(f'Took {time2-time1:.2f} s')

Safely casting long to int in Java

A new method has been added with Java 8 to do just that.

import static java.lang.Math.toIntExact;

long foo = 10L;
int bar = toIntExact(foo);

Will throw an ArithmeticException in case of overflow.

See: Math.toIntExact(long)

Several other overflow safe methods have been added to Java 8. They end with exact.


  • Math.incrementExact(long)
  • Math.subtractExact(long, long)
  • Math.decrementExact(long)
  • Math.negateExact(long),
  • Math.subtractExact(int, int)

how to read a text file using scanner in Java?

Well.. Apparently the file does not exist or cannot be found. Try using a full path. You're probably reading from the wrong directory when you don't specify the path, unless a.txt is in your current working directory.

Pass a JavaScript function as parameter

You just need to remove the parenthesis:

addContact(entityId, refreshContactList);

This then passes the function without executing it first.

Here is an example:

function addContact(id, refreshCallback) {
    // You can also pass arguments if you need to
    // refreshCallback(id);

function refreshContactList() {
    alert('Hello World');

addContact(1, refreshContactList);

Asking the user for input until they give a valid response

Using Click:

Click is a library for command-line interfaces and it provides functionality for asking a valid response from a user.

Simple example:

import click

number = click.prompt('Please enter a number', type=float)
Please enter a number: 
Error: a is not a valid floating point value
Please enter a number: 

Note how it converted the string value to a float automatically.

Checking if a value is within a range:

There are different custom types provided. To get a number in a specific range we can use IntRange:

age = click.prompt("What's your age?", type=click.IntRange(1, 120))
What's your age?: 
Error: a is not a valid integer
What's your age?: 
Error: 0 is not in the valid range of 1 to 120.
What's your age?: 

We can also specify just one of the limits, min or max:

age = click.prompt("What's your age?", type=click.IntRange(min=14))
What's your age?: 
Error: 0 is smaller than the minimum valid value 14.
What's your age?: 

Membership testing:

Using click.Choice type. By default this check is case-sensitive.

choices = {'apple', 'orange', 'peach'}
choice = click.prompt('Provide a fruit', type=click.Choice(choices, case_sensitive=False))
Provide a fruit (apple, peach, orange): 
Error: invalid choice: banana. (choose from apple, peach, orange)
Provide a fruit (apple, peach, orange): 

Working with paths and files:

Using a click.Path type we can check for existing paths and also resolve them:

path = click.prompt('Provide path', type=click.Path(exists=True, resolve_path=True))
Provide path: 
Error: Path "nonexistent" does not exist.
Provide path: 

Reading and writing files can be done by click.File:

file = click.prompt('In which file to write data?', type=click.File('w'))
# More info about `lazy=True` at:
file = click.prompt('Which file you wanna read?', type=click.File(lazy=True))
In which file to write data?: 
         # <-- provided an empty string, which is an illegal name for a file
In which file to write data?: 
Which file you wanna read?: 
Error: Could not open file: nonexistent.txt: No such file or directory
Which file you wanna read?: 

Other examples:

Password confirmation:

password = click.prompt('Enter password', hide_input=True, confirmation_prompt=True)
Enter password: 
Repeat for confirmation: 
Error: the two entered values do not match
Enter password: 
Repeat for confirmation: 

Default values:

In this case, simply pressing Enter (or whatever key you use) without entering a value, will give you a default one:

number = click.prompt('Please enter a number', type=int, default=42)
Please enter a number [42]: 
Error: a is not a valid integer
Please enter a number [42]: 

LaTeX source code listing like in professional books

And please, whatever you do, configure the listings package to use fixed-width font (as in your example; you'll find the option in the documentation). Default setting uses proportional font typeset on a grid, which is, IMHO, incredibly ugly and unreadable, as can be seen from the other answers with pictures. I am personally very irritated when I must read some code typeset in a proportional font.

Try setting fixed-width font with this:


How can I get device ID for Admob

To get the device id, connect your phone to USB and open logcat in android studio Use the code below (make sure you have USB debugging enabled in your device). Then open any app (download any random app from play store) which has google Ad. In the Logcat type "set" as shown in the image. Your device id is shown highlighted in the image as


enter image description here

Use the Test Device in your code as shown

val adRequest = AdRequest

PHP How to fix Notice: Undefined variable:

It looks like you don't have any records that match your query, so you'd want to return an empty array (or null or something) if the number of rows == 0.

Uploading/Displaying Images in MVC 4

Have a look at the following

@using (Html.BeginForm("FileUpload", "Home", FormMethod.Post, 
                            new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
    <label for="file">Upload Image:</label> 
    <input type="file" name="file" id="file" style="width: 100%;" /> 
    <input type="submit" value="Upload" class="submit" /> 

your controller should have action method which would accept HttpPostedFileBase;

 public ActionResult FileUpload(HttpPostedFileBase file)
        if (file != null)
            string pic = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
            string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(
                                   Server.MapPath("~/images/profile"), pic); 
            // file is uploaded

            // save the image path path to the database or you can send image 
            // directly to database
            // in-case if you want to store byte[] ie. for DB
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) 
                 byte[] array = ms.GetBuffer();

        // after successfully uploading redirect the user
        return RedirectToAction("actionname", "controller name");

Update 1

In case you want to upload files using jQuery with asynchornously, then try this article.

the code to handle the server side (for multiple upload) is;

        HttpFileCollection hfc = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files;
        string path = "/content/files/contact/";

        for (int i = 0; i < hfc.Count; i++)
            HttpPostedFile hpf = hfc[i];
            if (hpf.ContentLength > 0)
                string fileName = "";
                if (Request.Browser.Browser == "IE")
                    fileName = Path.GetFileName(hpf.FileName);
                    fileName = hpf.FileName;
                string fullPathWithFileName = path + fileName;

    catch (Exception ex)
        throw ex;

this control also return image name (in a javascript call back) which then you can use it to display image in the DOM.


Alternatively, you can try Async File Uploads in MVC 4.

How do I explicitly specify a Model's table-name mapping in Rails?

class Countries < ActiveRecord::Base
    self.table_name = "cc"

In Rails 3.x this is the way to specify the table name.

How to download/checkout a project from Google Code in Windows?

Another simple solution without the TortoiseSVN overhead is RapidSVN. It is a lightweight open-source SVN client that is easy to install and easy to use.

The Download SVN tool did also work quite well, but it had problems with SVN repositories that don't provide a web interface. RapidSVN works fine with those.

How to add icon inside EditText view in Android ?

Use :

    android:drawableStart="@drawable/icon" />

How do I fix the error 'Named Pipes Provider, error 40 - Could not open a connection to' SQL Server'?

I tried using the local IP address to connect as well as a public one. I've tried:

Yes, the site can communicate with the server Named pipes/TCP is enabled. Remote connections are allowed. Windows Firewall is off Created an exception for port 1433 in Windows Firewall. Enabled everything in SQL Server Configuration Manager.

i ensured and did the above as well and I just want to share that the DOUBLE BACKSLASH


Using a SINGLE BACKSLASH resulted into a build error i.e.: Error 1 Unrecognized escape sequence

I hope this helps the next guy - I've sacrificed dinner, midnight snack and NBA highlights time solving this (shame)

Thanks to [Tamizh venthan] ^_^

How can I get the last day of the month in C#?

try this. It will solve your problem.

 var lastDayOfMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(int.Parse(ddlyear.SelectedValue), int.Parse(ddlmonth.SelectedValue));
DateTime tLastDayMonth = Convert.ToDateTime(lastDayOfMonth.ToString() + "/" + ddlmonth.SelectedValue + "/" + ddlyear.SelectedValue);

How do I update Node.js?

In windows download the node executable file from the website and install it. this worked for me.

Validating input using java.util.Scanner

If you are parsing string data from the console or similar, the best way is to use regular expressions. Read more on that here:

Otherwise, to parse an int from a string, try Integer.parseInt(string). If the string is not a number, you will get an exception. Otherise you can then perform your checks on that value to make sure it is not negative.

String input;
int number;
    number = Integer.parseInt(input);
    if(number > 0)
        System.out.println("You positive number is " + number);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex)
     System.out.println("That is not a positive number!");

To get a character-only string, you would probably be better of looping over each character checking for digits, using for instance Character.isLetter(char).

String input
for(int i = 0; i<input.length(); i++)
      System.out.println("This string does not contain only letters!");

Good luck!

Getting a directory name from a filename

Use boost::filesystem. It will be incorporated into the next standard anyway so you may as well get used to it.

GET parameters in the URL with CodeIgniter

allesklar: That is slightly misleading, as scripts and bots can POST data nearly as easily as sending a normal request. It's not a secret, it's part of HTTP.

IOS 7 Navigation Bar text and arrow color

Vin's answer worked great for me. Here is the same solution for C# developers using Xamarin.iOS/MonoTouch:

var navigationBar = NavigationController.NavigationBar; //or another reference
navigationBar.BarTintColor = UIColor.Blue;
navigationBar.TintColor = UIColor.White;
navigationBar.SetTitleTextAttributes(new UITextAttributes() { TextColor = UIColor.White });
navigationBar.Translucent = false;

How do I start Mongo DB from Windows?

Step 1

Download the mongodb

Step 2

  • Follow normal setup instructions

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Step 3

  • Create the following folder


Step 4

  • cd to C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin>
  • enter command mongod
  • by default, mongodb server will start at port 27017

enter image description here

Step 5

  • (optionally) download RoboMongo and follow normal setup instructions

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Step 6

  • Start RoboMongo and create a new connection on localhost:27017

enter image description here

Your MongoDB is started and connected with RoboMongo (now Robo 3T) - a third party GUI tool

Rails 4: List of available datatypes

You might also find it useful to know generally what these data types are used for:

There's also references used to create associations. But, I'm not sure this is an actual data type.

New Rails 4 datatypes available in PostgreSQL:

  • :hstore - storing key/value pairs within a single value (learn more about this new data type)
  • :array - an arrangement of numbers or strings in a particular row (learn more about it and see examples)
  • :cidr_address - used for IPv4 or IPv6 host addresses
  • :inet_address - used for IPv4 or IPv6 host addresses, same as cidr_address but it also accepts values with nonzero bits to the right of the netmask
  • :mac_address - used for MAC host addresses

Learn more about the address datatypes here and here.

Also, here's the official guide on migrations:

Hibernate - Batch update returned unexpected row count from update: 0 actual row count: 0 expected: 1

This problem mainly occurs when we are trying to save or update the object which are already fetched into memory by a running session. If you've fetched object from the session and you're trying to update in the database, then this exception may be thrown.

I used session.evict(); to remove the cache stored in hibernate first or if you don't wanna take risk of loosing data, better you make another object for storing the data temp.


    catch(HibernateException exc)

Writing a large resultset to an Excel file using POI

I updated BigGridDemo to support multiple sheets.

package com.gdais.common.apache.poi.bigexcelwriter;

import static*;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;


public class BigExcelWriterImpl implements BigExcelWriter {

private static final String XML_ENCODING = "UTF-8";

private final File outputFile;

private final File tempFileOutputDir;

private File templateFile = null;

private XSSFWorkbook workbook = null;

private LinkedHashMap<String, XSSFSheet> addedSheets = new LinkedHashMap<String, XSSFSheet>();

private Map<XSSFSheet, File> sheetTempFiles = new HashMap<XSSFSheet, File>();

BigExcelWriterImpl(@Nonnull File outputFile) {
    this.outputFile = outputFile;
    this.tempFileOutputDir = outputFile.getParentFile();

public BigExcelWriter createWorkbook() {
    workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();
    return this;

public BigExcelWriter addSheets(String... sheetNames) {
    checkState(workbook != null, "workbook must be created before adding sheets");

    for (String sheetName : sheetNames) {
        XSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet(sheetName);
        addedSheets.put(sheetName, sheet);

    return this;

public BigExcelWriter writeWorkbookTemplate() throws IOException {
    checkState(workbook != null, "workbook must be created before writing template");
    checkState(templateFile == null, "template file already written");

    templateFile = File.createTempFile(FilenameUtils.removeExtension(outputFile.getName())
            + "-template", ".xlsx", tempFileOutputDir);
    FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(templateFile);

    return this;

public SpreadsheetWriter createSpreadsheetWriter(String sheetName) throws IOException {
    if (!addedSheets.containsKey(sheetName)) {

    return createSpreadsheetWriter(addedSheets.get(sheetName));

public SpreadsheetWriter createSpreadsheetWriter(XSSFSheet sheet) throws IOException {
    checkState(!sheetTempFiles.containsKey(sheet), "writer already created for this sheet");

    File tempSheetFile = File.createTempFile(
                    + "-sheet" + sheet.getSheetName(), ".xml", tempFileOutputDir);

    Writer out = null;
    try {
        out = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(tempSheetFile), XML_ENCODING);
        SpreadsheetWriter sw = new SpreadsheetWriterImpl(out);

        sheetTempFiles.put(sheet, tempSheetFile);
        return sw;
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        if (out != null) {
        throw e;

private static Function<XSSFSheet, String> getSheetName = new Function<XSSFSheet, String>() {

    public String apply(XSSFSheet sheet) {
        return sheet.getPackagePart().getPartName().getName().substring(1);

public File completeWorkbook() throws IOException {
    FileOutputStream out = null;
    try {
        out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
        ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(out);

        Iterable<String> sheetEntries = Iterables.transform(sheetTempFiles.keySet(),
        System.out.println("Sheet Entries: " + sheetEntries);
        copyTemplateMinusEntries(templateFile, zos, sheetEntries);

        for (Map.Entry<XSSFSheet, File> entry : sheetTempFiles.entrySet()) {
            XSSFSheet sheet = entry.getKey();
            substituteSheet(entry.getValue(), getSheetName.apply(sheet), zos);

        return outputFile;
    } finally {
        if (out != null) {

private static void copyTemplateMinusEntries(File templateFile,
        ZipOutputStream zos, Iterable<String> entries) throws IOException {

    ZipFile templateZip = new ZipFile(templateFile);

    Enumeration<ZipEntry> en = (Enumeration<ZipEntry>) templateZip.entries();
    while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
        ZipEntry ze = en.nextElement();
        if (!Iterables.contains(entries, ze.getName())) {
            System.out.println("Adding template entry: " + ze.getName());
            zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(ze.getName()));
            InputStream is = templateZip.getInputStream(ze);
            copyStream(is, zos);

private static void substituteSheet(File tmpfile, String entry,
        ZipOutputStream zos)
        throws IOException {
    System.out.println("Adding sheet entry: " + entry);
    zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(entry));
    InputStream is = new FileInputStream(tmpfile);
    copyStream(is, zos);

private static void copyStream(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException {
    byte[] chunk = new byte[1024];
    int count;
    while ((count = >= 0) {
        out.write(chunk, 0, count);

public Workbook getWorkbook() {
    return workbook;

public ImmutableList<XSSFSheet> getSheets() {
    return ImmutableList.copyOf(addedSheets.values());


package com.gdais.common.apache.poi.bigexcelwriter;

import java.util.Calendar;


class SpreadsheetWriterImpl implements SpreadsheetWriter {

private static final String XML_ENCODING = "UTF-8";

private final Writer _out;
private int _rownum;

SpreadsheetWriterImpl(Writer out) {
    _out = out;

public SpreadsheetWriter closeFile() throws IOException {

    return this;

public SpreadsheetWriter beginSheet() throws IOException {
    _out.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\""
            + XML_ENCODING
            + "\"?>"
            "<worksheet xmlns=\"\">");

    return this;

public SpreadsheetWriter endSheet() throws IOException {

    return this;

 * Insert a new row
 * @param rownum
 *            0-based row number
public SpreadsheetWriter insertRow(int rownum) throws IOException {
    _out.write("<row r=\"" + (rownum + 1) + "\">\n");
    this._rownum = rownum;

    return this;

 * Insert row end marker
public SpreadsheetWriter endRow() throws IOException {

    return this;

public SpreadsheetWriter createCell(int columnIndex, String value, int styleIndex)
        throws IOException {
    String ref = new CellReference(_rownum, columnIndex).formatAsString();
    _out.write("<c r=\"" + ref + "\" t=\"inlineStr\"");
    if (styleIndex != -1) {
        _out.write(" s=\"" + styleIndex + "\"");
    _out.write("<is><t>" + value + "</t></is>");

    return this;

public SpreadsheetWriter createCell(int columnIndex, String value) throws IOException {
    createCell(columnIndex, value, -1);

    return this;

public SpreadsheetWriter createCell(int columnIndex, double value, int styleIndex)
        throws IOException {
    String ref = new CellReference(_rownum, columnIndex).formatAsString();
    _out.write("<c r=\"" + ref + "\" t=\"n\"");
    if (styleIndex != -1) {
        _out.write(" s=\"" + styleIndex + "\"");
    _out.write("<v>" + value + "</v>");

    return this;

public SpreadsheetWriter createCell(int columnIndex, double value) throws IOException {
    createCell(columnIndex, value, -1);

    return this;

public SpreadsheetWriter createCell(int columnIndex, Calendar value, int styleIndex)
        throws IOException {
    createCell(columnIndex, DateUtil.getExcelDate(value, false), styleIndex);

    return this;

public SpreadsheetWriter createCell(int columnIndex, Calendar value)
        throws IOException {
    createCell(columnIndex, value, -1);

    return this;

How do files get into the External Dependencies in Visual Studio C++?

To resolve external dependencies within project. below things are important..
1. The compiler should know that where are header '.h' files located in workspace.
2. The linker able to find all specified  all '.lib' files & there names for current project.

So, Developer has to specify external dependencies for Project as below..

1. Select Project in Solution explorer.

2 . Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General
specify all header files in "Additional Include Directories".

3.  Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> General
specify relative path for all lib files in "Additional Library Directories".

enter image description here enter image description here

The instance of entity type cannot be tracked because another instance of this type with the same key is already being tracked

public static void DetachEntity<T>(this DbContext dbContext, T entity, string propertyName) where T: class, new()
      var dbEntity = dbContext.Find<T>(entity.GetProperty(propertyName));
      if (dbEntity != null)
          dbContext.Entry(dbEntity).State = EntityState.Detached;
      dbContext.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified;
   catch (Exception)

 public static object GetProperty<T>(this T entity, string propertyName) where T : class, new()
        Type type = entity.GetType();
        PropertyInfo propertyInfo = type.GetProperty(propertyName);
        object value = propertyInfo.GetValue(entity);
        return value;
    catch (Exception)

I made this 2 extension methods, this is working really well.

How can I format a String number to have commas and round?

The first answer works very well, but for ZERO / 0 it will format as .00

Hence the format #,##0.00 is working well for me. Always test different numbers such as 0 / 100 / 2334.30 and negative numbers before deploying to production system.

How to compare datetime with only date in SQL Server

Please try this. This query can be used for date comparison

select * from [User] U where convert(varchar(10),U.DateCreated, 120) = '2014-02-07'

Add table row in jQuery

I recommend

$('#myTable > tbody:first').append('<tr>...</tr><tr>...</tr>'); 

as opposed to

$('#myTable > tbody:last').append('<tr>...</tr><tr>...</tr>'); 

The first and last keywords work on the first or last tag to be started, not closed. Therefore, this plays nicer with nested tables, if you don't want the nested table to be changed, but instead add to the overall table. At least, this is what I found.

<table id=myTable>
  <tbody id=first>
      <table id=myNestedTable>
        <tbody id=last>

How do I delete an entity from symfony2

Symfony is smart and knows how to make the find() by itself :

public function deleteGuestAction(Guest $guest)
    if (!$guest) {
        throw $this->createNotFoundException('No guest found');

    $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();

    return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('GuestBundle:Page:viewGuests.html.twig'));

To send the id in your controller, use {{ path('your_route', {'id':}) }}

how to force maven to update local repo

try using -U (aka --update-snapshots) when you run maven

And make sure the dependency definition is correct

How to get numeric value from a prompt box?

Working Demo Reading more Info

parseInt(x) it will cast it into integer

x = parseInt(x);
x = parseInt(x,10); //the radix is 10 (decimal)

parseFloat(x) it will cast it into float

Working Demo Reading more Info

x = parseFloat(x);

you can directly use prompt

var x = parseInt(prompt("Enter a Number", "1"), 10)

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered

Try this.

$sub_total = 0;

and within your loop now you can use this

$sub_total += ($item['quantity'] * $product['price']);

It should solve your problem.

What is /dev/null 2>&1?

Let's break >> /dev/null 2>&1 statement into parts:

Part 1: >> output redirection

This is used to redirect the program output and append the output at the end of the file. More...

Part 2: /dev/null special file

This is a Pseudo-devices special file.

Command ls -l /dev/null will give you details of this file:

crw-rw-rw-. 1 root root 1, 3 Mar 20 18:37 /dev/null

Did you observe crw? Which means it is a pseudo-device file which is of character-special-file type that provides serial access.

/dev/null accepts and discards all input; produces no output (always returns an end-of-file indication on a read). Reference: Wikipedia

Part 3: 2>&1 file descriptor

Whenever you execute a program, the operating system always opens three files, standard input, standard output, and standard error as we know whenever a file is opened, the operating system (from kernel) returns a non-negative integer called a file descriptor. The file descriptor for these files are 0, 1, and 2, respectively.

So 2>&1 simply says redirect standard error to standard output.

& means whatever follows is a file descriptor, not a filename.

In short, by using this command you are telling your program not to shout while executing.

What is the importance of using 2>&1?

If you don't want to produce any output, even in case of some error produced in the terminal. To explain more clearly, let's consider the following example:

$ ls -l > /dev/null

For the above command, no output was printed in the terminal, but what if this command produces an error:

$ ls -l file_doesnot_exists > /dev/null
ls: cannot access file_doesnot_exists: No such file or directory

Despite I'm redirecting output to /dev/null, it is printed in the terminal. It is because we are not redirecting error output to /dev/null, so in order to redirect error output as well, it is required to add 2>&1:

$ ls -l file_doesnot_exists > /dev/null 2>&1

How do I prevent the padding property from changing width or height in CSS?

If you would like to indent text within a div without changing the size of the div use the CSS text-indent instead of padding-left.

.indent {_x000D_
  text-indent: 1em;_x000D_
.border {_x000D_
  border-style: solid;_x000D_
<div class="border">_x000D_
  Non indented_x000D_
<div class="border indent">_x000D_

Redirect to new Page in AngularJS using $location

It might help you!

AngularJs Code-sample

var app = angular.module('urlApp', []);
app.controller('urlCtrl', function ($scope, $log, $window) {
    $scope.ClickMeToRedirect = function () {
        var url = "http://" + $ + "/Account/Login";
        $window.location.href = url;

HTML Code-sample

<div ng-app="urlApp">
    <div ng-controller="urlCtrl">
        Redirect to <a href="#" ng-click="ClickMeToRedirect()">Click Me!</a>

Replace substring with another substring C++

the impoved version by @Czarek Tomczak.
allow both std::string and std::wstring.

template <typename charType>
void ReplaceSubstring(std::basic_string<charType>& subject,
    const std::basic_string<charType>& search,
    const std::basic_string<charType>& replace)
    if (search.empty()) { return; }
    typename std::basic_string<charType>::size_type pos = 0;
    while((pos = subject.find(search, pos)) != std::basic_string<charType>::npos) {
         subject.replace(pos, search.length(), replace);
         pos += replace.length();

Using the RUN instruction in a Dockerfile with 'source' does not work

I've dealing with a similar scenario for an application developed with Django web web framework and these are the steps that worked perfectly for me:

  • content of my Dockerfile
[mlazo@srvjenkins project_textile]$ cat docker/Dockerfile.debug 
FROM malazo/project_textile_ubuntu:latest 

ENV PROJECT_DIR=/proyectos/project_textile PROJECT_NAME=project_textile WRAPPER_PATH=/usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/


RUN echo "source ${WRAPPER_PATH}" > ~/.bashrc
SHELL ["/bin/bash","-c","-l"]
RUN     mkvirtualenv -p $(which python3) ${PROJECT_NAME} && \
        workon ${PROJECT_NAME} && \
        pip3 install -r requirements.txt 


ENTRYPOINT ["tests/"]
CMD ["public/","runserver","0:8000"]

  • content of the ENTRYPOINT file "tests/":
[mlazo@srvjenkins project_textile]$ cat tests/
# *-* encoding : UTF-8 *-*
sh tests/
source ~/.virtualenvs/project_textile/bin/activate 
exec python "$@"

  • finally, the way I deploy the container was :
[mlazo@srvjenkins project_textile]$ cat ./tests/ 

[ $(docker ps -a |grep -i ${CONT_NAME} |wc -l) -gt 0 ] && docker rm -f ${CONT_NAME} 

I really hope this would be helpful for somebody else.


Remove Last Comma from a string

you can remove last comma:

var sentence = "I got,. commas, here,";
sentence = sentence.replace(/(.+),$/, '$1');

What are the retransmission rules for TCP?

There's no fixed time for retransmission. Simple implementations estimate the RTT (round-trip-time) and if no ACK to send data has been received in 2x that time then they re-send.

They then double the wait-time and re-send once more if again there is no reply. Rinse. Repeat.

More sophisticated systems make better estimates of how long it should take for the ACK as well as guesses about exactly which data has been lost.

The bottom-line is that there is no hard-and-fast rule about exactly when to retransmit. It's up to the implementation. All retransmissions are triggered solely by the sender based on lack of response from the receiver.

TCP never drops data so no, there is no way to indicate a server should forget about some segment.

Best way to remove the last character from a string built with stringbuilder

Just use

string.Join(",", yourCollection)

This way you don't need the StringBuilder and the loop.

Long addition about async case. As of 2019, it's not a rare setup when the data are coming asynchronously.

In case your data are in async collection, there is no string.Join overload taking IAsyncEnumerable<T>. But it's easy to create one manually, hacking the code from string.Join:

public static class StringEx
    public static async Task<string> JoinAsync<T>(string separator, IAsyncEnumerable<T> seq)
        if (seq == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(seq));

        await using (var en = seq.GetAsyncEnumerator())
            if (!await en.MoveNextAsync())
                return string.Empty;

            string firstString = en.Current?.ToString();

            if (!await en.MoveNextAsync())
                return firstString ?? string.Empty;

            // Null separator and values are handled by the StringBuilder
            var sb = new StringBuilder(256);

                var currentValue = en.Current;
                if (currentValue != null)
            while (await en.MoveNextAsync());
            return sb.ToString();

If the data are coming asynchronously but the interface IAsyncEnumerable<T> is not supported (like the mentioned in comments SqlDataReader), it's relatively easy to wrap the data into an IAsyncEnumerable<T>:

async IAsyncEnumerable<(object first, object second, object product)> ExtractData(
        SqlDataReader reader)
    while (await reader.ReadAsync())
        yield return (reader[0], reader[1], reader[2]);

and use it:

Task<string> Stringify(SqlDataReader reader) =>
        ", ",
        ExtractData(reader).Select(x => $"{x.first} * {x.second} = {x.product}"));

In order to use Select, you'll need to use nuget package System.Interactive.Async. Here you can find a compilable example.

How to enable C++17 compiling in Visual Studio?

If bringing existing Visual Studio 2015 solution into Visual Studio 2017 and you want to build it with c++17 native compiler, you should first Retarget the solution/projects to v141 , THEN the dropdown will appear as described above ( Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Language -> Language Standard)

MYSQL Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value

I was getting this exception not because of AND instead of comma, in fact I was having this exception just because I was not using apostrophes in where clause.

Like my query was

update table set coulmn1='something' where column2 in (00012121);

when I changed where clause to where column2 in ('00012121'); then the query worked fine for me. using a form to insert data into an sql server table

Simple, make a simple asp page with the designer (just for the beginning) Lets say the body is something like this:

    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
        <br />
        <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
        <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />

Great, now every asp object IS an object. So you can access it in the asp's CS code. The asp's CS code is triggered by events (mostly). The class will probably inherit from System.Web.UI.Page

If you go to the cs file of the asp page, you'll see a protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) ... That's the load event, you can use that to populate data into your objects when the page loads.

Now, go to the button in your designer (Button1) and look at its properties, you can design it, or add events from there. Just change to the events view, and create a method for the event.

The button is a web control Button Add a Click event to the button call it Button1Click:

void Button1Click(Object sender,EventArgs e) { }

Now when you click the button, this method will be called. Because ASP is object oriented, you can think of the page as the actual class, and the objects will hold the actual current data.

So if for example you want to access the text in TextBox1 you just need to call that object in the C# code:

String firstBox = TextBox1.Text;

In the same way you can populate the objects when event occur.

Now that you have the data the user posted in the textboxes , you can use regular C# SQL connections to add the data to your database.

How to link home brew python version and set it as default

I think you have to be precise with which version you want to link with the command brew link python like:

brew link python 3

It will give you an error like that:

Linking /usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.5.2... 
Error: Could not symlink bin/2to3-3.5
Target /usr/local/bin/2to3-3.5
already exists. 

You may want to remove it:

rm '/usr/local/bin/2to3-3.5'

To force the link and overwrite all conflicting files:

brew link --overwrite python3

To list all files that would be deleted:

brew link --overwrite --dry-run python3

but you have to copy/paste the command to force the link which is:

brew link --overwrite python3

I think that you must have the version (the newer) installed.

How long is the SHA256 hash?

A sha256 is 256 bits long -- as its name indicates.

Since sha256 returns a hexadecimal representation, 4 bits are enough to encode each character (instead of 8, like for ASCII), so 256 bits would represent 64 hex characters, therefore you need a varchar(64), or even a char(64), as the length is always the same, not varying at all.

And the demo :

$hash = hash('sha256', 'hello, world!');

Will give you :

$ php temp.php
string(64) "68e656b251e67e8358bef8483ab0d51c6619f3e7a1a9f0e75838d41ff368f728"

i.e. a string with 64 characters.

How to position a Bootstrap popover?

I had to make the following changes for the popover to position below with some overlap and to show the arrow correctly.


case 'bottom-right':  
    tp = {top: + pos.height + 10, left: pos.left + pos.width - 40}  


    .popover.bottom-right .arrow {  
      left: 20px; /* MODIFIED */  
      margin-left: -11px;  
      border-top-width: 0;  
      border-bottom-color: #999;  
      border-bottom-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);  
      top: -11px;  
    .popover.bottom-right .arrow:after {  
      top: 1px;  
      margin-left: -10px;  
      border-top-width: 0;  
      border-bottom-color: #ffffff;  

This can be extended for arrow locations elsewhere .. enjoy!

Overriding the java equals() method - not working?

Slightly off-topic to your question, but it's probably worth mentioning anyway:

Commons Lang has got some excellent methods you can use in overriding equals and hashcode. Check out EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(...) and HashCodeBuilder.reflectionHashCode(...). Saved me plenty of headache in the past - although of course if you just want to do "equals" on ID it may not fit your circumstances.

I also agree that you should use the @Override annotation whenever you're overriding equals (or any other method).

How to run .sql file in Oracle SQL developer tool to import database?

You can use Load function

Load TableName fullfilepath; 

What does bundle exec rake mean?

You're running bundle exec on a program. The program's creators wrote it when certain versions of gems were available. The program Gemfile specifies the versions of the gems the creators decided to use. That is, the script was made to run correctly against these gem versions.

Your system-wide Gemfile may differ from this Gemfile. You may have newer or older gems with which this script doesn't play nice. This difference in versions can give you weird errors.

bundle exec helps you avoid these errors. It executes the script using the gems specified in the script's Gemfile rather than the systemwide Gemfile. It executes the certain gem versions with the magic of shell aliases.

See more on the man page.

Here's an example Gemfile:

source ''

gem 'rails', '2.8.3'

Here, bundle exec would execute the script using rails version 2.8.3 and not some other version you may have installed system-wide.

The equivalent of wrap_content and match_parent in flutter?

Use FractionallySizedBox widget.

  widthFactor: 1.0, // width w.r.t to parent
  heightFactor: 1.0,  // height w.r.t to parent
  child: *Your Child Here*

This widget is also very useful when you want to size your child at a fractional of its parent's size.


If you want the child to occupy 50% width of its parent, provide widthFactor as 0.5

How do I get list of all tables in a database using TSQL?

Please use this. You will get table names along with schema names:


Deserialize a JSON array in C#

This should work...

JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var records = new ser.Deserialize<List<Record>>(jsonData);

public class Person
    public string Name;
    public int Age;
    public string Location;
public class Record
    public Person record;

Defining a HTML template to append using JQuery

Old question, but since the question asks "using jQuery", I thought I'd provide an option that lets you do this without introducing any vendor dependency.

While there are a lot of templating engines out there, many of their features have fallen in to disfavour recently, with iteration (<% for), conditionals (<% if) and transforms (<%= myString | uppercase %>) seen as microlanguage at best, and anti-patterns at worst. Modern templating practices encourage simply mapping an object to its DOM (or other) representation, e.g. what we see with properties mapped to components in ReactJS (especially stateless components).

Templates Inside HTML

One property you can rely on for keeping the HTML for your template next to the rest of your HTML, is by using a non-executing <script> type, e.g. <script type="text/template">. For your case:

<script type="text/template" data-template="listitem">
    <a href="${url}" class="list-group-item">
                <td><img src="${img}"></td>
                <td><p class="list-group-item-text">${title}</p></td>

On document load, read your template and tokenize it using a simple String#split

var itemTpl = $('script[data-template="listitem"]').text().split(/\$\{(.+?)\}/g);

Notice that with our token, you get it in the alternating [text, property, text, property] format. This lets us nicely map it using an Array#map, with a mapping function:

function render(props) {
  return function(tok, i) { return (i % 2) ? props[tok] : tok; };

Where props could look like { url: '', img: '/images/bar.png', title: 'Lorem Ipsum' }.

Putting it all together assuming you've parsed and loaded your itemTpl as above, and you have an items array in-scope:

$('.search').keyup(function () {
  $('.list-items').append( (item) {

This approach is also only just barely jQuery - you should be able to take the same approach using vanilla javascript with document.querySelector and .innerHTML.


Templates inside JS

A question to ask yourself is: do you really want/need to define templates as HTML files? You can always componentize + re-use a template the same way you'd re-use most things you want to repeat: with a function.

In es7-land, using destructuring, template strings, and arrow-functions, you can write downright pretty looking component functions that can be easily loaded using the $.fn.html method above.

const Item = ({ url, img, title }) => `
  <a href="${url}" class="list-group-item">
    <div class="image">
      <img src="${img}" />
    <p class="list-group-item-text">${title}</p>

Then you could easily render it, even mapped from an array, like so:

  { url: '/foo', img: 'foo.png', title: 'Foo item' },
  { url: '/bar', img: 'bar.png', title: 'Bar item' },

Oh and final note: don't forget to sanitize your properties passed to a template, if they're read from a DB, or someone could pass in HTML (and then run scripts, etc.) from your page.

How do I keep the screen on in my App?

Use PowerManager.WakeLock class inorder to perform this. See the following code:

import android.os.PowerManager;

public class MyActivity extends Activity {

    protected PowerManager.WakeLock mWakeLock;

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(final Bundle icicle) {

        /* This code together with the one in onDestroy() 
         * will make the screen be always on until this Activity gets destroyed. */
        final PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
        this.mWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK, "My Tag");

    public void onDestroy() {

Use the follwing permission in manifest file :

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />

Hope this will solve your problem...:)

View more than one project/solution in Visual Studio

This is the way Visual Studio is designed: One solution, one Visual Studio (VS) instance.

Besides switching between solutions in one VS instance, you can also open another VS instance and open your other solution with that one. Next to solutions there are as you said "projects". You can have multiple projects within one solution and therefore view many projects at the same time.

Binding ComboBox SelectedItem using MVVM

I had a similar problem where the SelectedItem-binding did not update when I selected something in the combobox. My problem was that I had to set UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged for the binding.

<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding SalesPeriods}" 
          SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />

How to remove all MySQL tables from the command-line without DROP database permissions?

You can drop the database and then recreate it with the below:-

mysql> drop database [database name];
mysql> create database [database name];

How do you split and unsplit a window/view in Eclipse IDE?

This is possible with the menu items Window>Editor>Toggle Split Editor.

Current shortcut for splitting is:

Azerty keyboard:

  • Ctrl + _ for split horizontally, and
  • Ctrl + { for split vertically.

Qwerty US keyboard:

  • Ctrl + Shift + - (accessing _) for split horizontally, and
  • Ctrl + Shift + [ (accessing {) for split vertically.

MacOS - Qwerty US keyboard:

  • + Shift + - (accessing _) for split horizontally, and
  • + Shift + [ (accessing {) for split vertically.

On any other keyboard if a required key is unavailable (like { on a german Qwertz keyboard), the following generic approach may work:

  • Alt + ASCII code + Ctrl then release Alt

Example: ASCII for '{' = 123, so press 'Alt', '1', '2', '3', 'Ctrl' and release 'Alt', effectively typing '{' while 'Ctrl' is pressed, to split vertically.

Example of vertical split:


  • The menu items Window>Editor>Toggle Split Editor were added with Eclipse Luna 4.4 M4, as mentioned by Lars Vogel in "Split editor implemented in Eclipse M4 Luna"
  • The split editor is one of the oldest and most upvoted Eclipse bug! Bug 8009
  • The split editor functionality has been developed in Bug 378298, and will be available as of Eclipse Luna M4. The Note & Newsworthy of Eclipse Luna M4 will contain the announcement.

How to access the local Django webserver from outside world

Pick one or more from:

  • Your application isn't successfully listening on the intended IP:PORT
    • Because you haven't configured it successfully
    • Because the user doesn't have permission to
  • Your application is listening successfully on the intended IP:PORT, but clients can't reach it because
    • The server local iptables prevents it.
    • A firewall prevents it.

So, you can check that your application is listening successfully by running lsof -i as root on the machine and look for a python entry with the corresponding port you've specified.

Non-root users generally cannot bind to ports < 1024.

You'll need to look at iptables -nvL to see if there's a rule that would prevent access to the ip:port that you are trying to bind your application to.

If there is an upstream firewall and you don't know much about it, you'll need to talk to your network administrators.

Map and filter an array at the same time

You should use Array.reduce for this.

var options = [_x000D_
  { name: 'One', assigned: true }, _x000D_
  { name: 'Two', assigned: false }, _x000D_
  { name: 'Three', assigned: true }, _x000D_
var reduced = options.reduce(function(filtered, option) {_x000D_
  if (option.assigned) {_x000D_
     var someNewValue = { name:, newProperty: 'Foo' }_x000D_
  return filtered;_x000D_
}, []);_x000D_
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(reduced);
<h1>Only assigned options</h1>_x000D_
<pre id="output"> </pre>

Alternatively, the reducer can be a pure function, like this

var reduced = options.reduce(function(result, option) {
  if (option.assigned) {
    return result.concat({
      newProperty: 'Foo'
  return result;
}, []);

How do I use an INSERT statement's OUTPUT clause to get the identity value?

You can either have the newly inserted ID being output to the SSMS console like this:

INSERT INTO MyTable(Name, Address, PhoneNo)
VALUES ('Yatrix', '1234 Address Stuff', '1112223333')

You can use this also from e.g. C#, when you need to get the ID back to your calling app - just execute the SQL query with .ExecuteScalar() (instead of .ExecuteNonQuery()) to read the resulting ID back.

Or if you need to capture the newly inserted ID inside T-SQL (e.g. for later further processing), you need to create a table variable:


INSERT INTO MyTable(Name, Address, PhoneNo)
VALUES ('Yatrix', '1234 Address Stuff', '1112223333')

This way, you can put multiple values into @OutputTbl and do further processing on those. You could also use a "regular" temporary table (#temp) or even a "real" persistent table as your "output target" here.

Causes of getting a java.lang.VerifyError

Though the reason mentioned by Kevin is correct, but I would definitely check below before moving to something else:

  1. Check the cglibs in my classpath.
  2. Check the hibernate versions in my classpath.

Chances are good that having multiple or conflicting version of any of the above could cause unexpected issues like the one in question.

How can I throw a general exception in Java?

It depends. You can throw a more general exception, or a more specific exception. For simpler methods, more general exceptions are enough. If the method is complex, then, throwing a more specific exception will be reliable.

Check file uploaded is in csv format

the mime type might not be text/csv some systems can read/save them different. (for example sometimes IE sends .csv files as application/ so you best bet would be to build an array of allowed values and test against that, then find all possible values to test against.

$mimes = array('application/','text/plain','text/csv','text/tsv');
  // do something
} else {
  die("Sorry, mime type not allowed");

if you wished you could add a further check if mime is returned as text/plain you could run a preg_match to make sure it has enough commas in it to be a csv.

How can I create tests in Android Studio?

One of the major changes it seems is that with Android Studio the test application is integrated into the application project.

I'm not sure if this helps your specific problem, but I found a guide on making tests with a Gradle project. Android Gradle user Guide

How to stop C# console applications from closing automatically?

Try Ctrl + F5 in Visual Studio to run your program, this will add a pause with "Press any key to continue..." automatically without any Console.Readline() or ReadKey() functions.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems

Your problem is in this line: Message messageObject = new Message ();
This error says that the Message class is not known at compile time.

So you need to import the Message class.

Something like this:

import package1.package2.Message;

Check this out.

Where do I find the current C or C++ standard documents?

The actual standards documents may not be the most useful. Most compilers do not fully implement the standards and may sometimes actually conflict. So the compiler documentation that you would already have will be more useful. Additionally, the documentation will contain platform-specific remarks and notes on any caveats.

What is the 'override' keyword in C++ used for?

override is a C++11 keyword which means that a method is an "override" from a method from a base class. Consider this example:

   class Foo
        virtual void func1();

   class Bar : public Foo
        void func1() override;

If B::func1() signature doesn't equal A::func1() signature a compilation error will be generated because B::func1() does not override A::func1(), it will define a new method called func1() instead.

VBA - Run Time Error 1004 'Application Defined or Object Defined Error'

Solution #1: Your statement

.Range(Cells(RangeStartRow, RangeStartColumn), Cells(RangeEndRow, RangeEndColumn)).PasteSpecial xlValues

does not refer to a proper Range to act upon. Instead,

.Range(.Cells(RangeStartRow, RangeStartColumn), .Cells(RangeEndRow, RangeEndColumn)).PasteSpecial xlValues

does (and similarly in some other cases).

Solution #2: Activate Worksheets("Cable Cards") prior to using its cells.

Explanation: Cells(RangeStartRow, RangeStartColumn) (e.g.) gives you a Range, that would be ok, and that is why you often see Cells used in this way. But since it is not applied to a specific object, it applies to the ActiveSheet. Thus, your code attempts using .Range(rng1, rng2), where .Range is a method of one Worksheet object and rng1 and rng2 are in a different Worksheet.

There are two checks that you can do to make this quite evident:

  1. Activate your Worksheets("Cable Cards") prior to executing your Sub and it will start working (now you have well-formed references to Ranges). For the code you posted, adding .Activate right after With... would indeed be a solution, although you might have a similar problem somewhere else in your code when referring to a Range in another Worksheet.

  2. With a sheet other than Worksheets("Cable Cards") active, set a breakpoint at the line throwing the error, start your Sub, and when execution breaks, write at the immediate window

    Debug.Print Cells(RangeStartRow, RangeStartColumn).Address(external:=True)

    Debug.Print .Cells(RangeStartRow, RangeStartColumn).Address(external:=True)

    and see the different outcomes.

Conclusion: Using Cells or Range without a specified object (e.g., Worksheet, or Range) might be dangerous, especially when working with more than one Sheet, unless one is quite sure about what Sheet is active.

Remove decimal values using SQL query

As I understand your question, You have one table with column as datatype decimal(18,9). And the column contains the data as follows:-


Now if you want to show record on UI without decimal value means like (12,15,18,20) then there are two options:-

  1. Either cast this column as int in Select Clause
  2. or may be you want to update this column value like (12,15,18,20).

To apply, First very simple just use the cast in select clause

select CAST(count AS INT) from tablename;

But if you want to update your column data with int value then you have to update you column datatype

and to do that

ALTER TABLE tablename ALTER COLUMN columnname decimal(9,0)

Then execute this

UPDATE tablename
   SET count = CAST(columnname AS INT)

How to view UTF-8 Characters in VIM or Gvim

this work for me and do not need change any config file

vim --cmd "set encoding=utf8" --cmd "set fileencoding=utf8" fileToOpen

How to get 2 digit year w/ Javascript?

The specific answer to this question is found in this one line below:

//pull the last two digits of the year_x000D_
//logs to console_x000D_
//creates a new date object (has the current date and time by default)_x000D_
//gets the full year from the date object (currently 2017)_x000D_
//converts the variable to a string_x000D_
//gets the substring backwards by 2 characters (last two characters)    _x000D_
console.log(new Date().getFullYear().toString().substr(-2));

Formatting Full Date Time Example (MMddyy): jsFiddle


//A function for formatting a date to MMddyy_x000D_
function formatDate(d)_x000D_
    //get the month_x000D_
    var month = d.getMonth();_x000D_
    //get the day_x000D_
    //convert day to string_x000D_
    var day = d.getDate().toString();_x000D_
    //get the year_x000D_
    var year = d.getFullYear();_x000D_
    //pull the last two digits of the year_x000D_
    year = year.toString().substr(-2);_x000D_
    //increment month by 1 since it is 0 indexed_x000D_
    //converts month to a string_x000D_
    month = (month + 1).toString();_x000D_
    //if month is 1-9 pad right with a 0 for two digits_x000D_
    if (month.length === 1)_x000D_
        month = "0" + month;_x000D_
    //if day is between 1-9 pad right with a 0 for two digits_x000D_
    if (day.length === 1)_x000D_
        day = "0" + day;_x000D_
    //return the string "MMddyy"_x000D_
    return month + day + year;_x000D_
var d = new Date();_x000D_

Mysql: Setup the format of DATETIME to 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS' when creating a table

No you can't; datetime will be stored in default format only while creating table and then you can change the display format in you select query the way you want using the Mysql Date Time Functions

Use string contains function in oracle SQL query

The answer of ADTC works fine, but I've find another solution, so I post it here if someone wants something different.

I think ADTC's solution is better, but mine's also works.

Here is the other solution I found

from   person p
where  instr(,chr(8211)) > 0; --contains the character chr(8211) 
                                    --at least 1 time

Thank you.

window.onunload is not working properly in Chrome browser. Can any one help me?

Armin's answer is so useful, thank you. #2 is what's most important to know when trying to set up unload events that work in most browsers: you cannot alert() or confirm(), but returning a string will generate a confirm modal.

But I found that even with just returning a string, I had some cross-browser issues specific to Mootools (using version 1.4.5 in this instance). This Mootools-specific implementation worked great in Firefox, but did not result in a confirm popup in Chrome or Safari:

window.addEvent("beforeunload", function() {
    return "Are you sure you want to leave this page?";

So in order to get my onbeforeonload event to work across browsers, I had to use the JavaScript native call:

window.onbeforeunload = function() {
    return "Are you sure you want to leave this page?";

Not sure why this is the case, or if it's been fixed in later versions of Mootools.

Full-screen responsive background image

You can also make full screen banner section without use of JavaScript, pure css based responsive full screen banner section , using height: 100vh; in banner main div, here have live example for this

#bannersection {
    position: relative;
    display: table;
    width: 100%;
    background: rgba(99,214,250,1);
    height: 100vh;

How to pass a function as a parameter in Java?

Java does not (yet) support closures. But there are other languages like Scala and Groovy which run in the JVM and do support closures.

How to run single test method with phpunit?

The reason your tests are all being run is that you have the --filter flag after the file name. PHPUnit is not reading the options at all and so is running all the test cases.

From the help screen:

 Usage: phpunit [options] UnitTest [UnitTest.php]
        phpunit [options] <directory>

So move the --filter argument before the test file that you want as mentioned in @Alex and @Ferid Mövsümov answers. And you should only have the test that you want run.

PHP Get name of current directory


Your Path = /home/serverID_name/www/your_route_Dir/


A Soultion that WORKS:

$url = dirname(\__FILE__);
$array = explode('\\\',$url);
$count = count($array);
echo $array[$count-1];

Create an array with same element repeated multiple times

Array.from({length:5}, i => 1) // [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

or create array with increasing value

Array.from({length:5}, (e, i)=>i) // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

How to get a certain element in a list, given the position?

Not very efficient, but if you must use a list, you can deference the iterator


The application may be doing too much work on its main thread

After doing much R&D on this issue I got the Solution,

In my case I am using Service that will run every 2 second and with the runonUIThread, I was wondering the problem was there but not at all. The next issue that I found is that I am using large Image in may App and thats the problem.

I removed the Images and set new Images.

Conclusion :- Look into your code is there any raw file that you are using is of big size.

Import .bak file to a database in SQL server

On SQL Server Management Studio

  1. Right click Databases on left pane (Object Explorer)
  2. Click Restore Database...
  3. Choose Device, click ..., and add your .bak file
  4. Click OK, then OK again


How to read a line from a text file in c/c++?

getline() is what you're looking for. You use strings in C++, and you don't need to know the size ahead of time.

Assuming std namespace:

 ifstream file1("myfile.txt");
 string stuff;

 while (getline(file1, stuff, '\n')) {
      cout << stuff << endl;


"And" and "Or" troubles within an IF statement

I like assylias' answer, however I would refactor it as follows:

Sub test()

Dim origNum As String
Dim creditOrDebit As String

origNum = "30062600006"
creditOrDebit = "D"

If creditOrDebit = "D" Then
  If origNum = "006260006" Then
    MsgBox "OK"
  ElseIf origNum = "30062600006" Then
    MsgBox "OK"
  End If
End If

End Sub

This might save you some CPU cycles since if creditOrDebit is <> "D" there is no point in checking the value of origNum.


I used the following procedure to test my theory that my procedure is faster:

Public Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long

Sub DoTests2()

  Dim startTime1 As Long
  Dim endTime1 As Long
  Dim startTime2 As Long
  Dim endTime2 As Long
  Dim i As Long
  Dim msg As String

  Const numberOfLoops As Long = 10000
  Const origNum As String = "006260006"
  Const creditOrDebit As String = "D"

  startTime1 = timeGetTime
  For i = 1 To numberOfLoops
    If creditOrDebit = "D" Then
      If origNum = "006260006" Then
        ' do something here
        Debug.Print "OK"
      ElseIf origNum = "30062600006" Then
        ' do something here
        Debug.Print "OK"
      End If
    End If
  Next i
  endTime1 = timeGetTime

  startTime2 = timeGetTime
  For i = 1 To numberOfLoops
    If (origNum = "006260006" Or origNum = "30062600006") And _
      creditOrDebit = "D" Then
      ' do something here
      Debug.Print "OK"
    End If
  Next i
  endTime2 = timeGetTime

  msg = "number of iterations: " & numberOfLoops & vbNewLine
  msg = msg & "JP proc: " & Format$((endTime1 - startTime1), "#,###") & _
       " ms" & vbNewLine
  msg = msg & "assylias proc: " & Format$((endTime2 - startTime2), "#,###") & _
       " ms"

  MsgBox msg

End Sub

I must have a slow computer because 1,000,000 iterations took nowhere near ~200 ms as with assylias' test. I had to limit the iterations to 10,000 -- hey, I have other things to do :)

After running the above procedure 10 times, my procedure is faster only 20% of the time. However, when it is slower it is only superficially slower. As assylias pointed out, however, when creditOrDebit is <>"D", my procedure is at least twice as fast. I was able to reasonably test it at 100 million iterations.

And that is why I refactored it - to short-circuit the logic so that origNum doesn't need to be evaluated when creditOrDebit <> "D".

At this point, the rest depends on the OP's spreadsheet. If creditOrDebit is likely to equal D, then use assylias' procedure, because it will usually run faster. But if creditOrDebit has a wide range of possible values, and D is not any more likely to be the target value, my procedure will leverage that to prevent needlessly evaluating the other variable.

How to load a UIView using a nib file created with Interface Builder

To programmatically load a view from a nib/xib in Swift 4:

// Load a view from a Nib given a placeholder view subclass
//      Placeholder is an instance of the view to load.  Placeholder is discarded.
//      If no name is provided, the Nib name is the same as the subclass type name
public func loadViewFromNib<T>(placeholder placeholderView: T, name givenNibName: String? = nil) -> T {

    let nib = loadNib(givenNibName, placeholder: placeholderView)
    return instantiateView(fromNib: nib, placeholder: placeholderView)

// Step 1: Returns a Nib
public func loadNib<T>(_ givenNibName: String? = nil, placeholder placeholderView: T) -> UINib {
    //1. Load and unarchive nib file
    let nibName = givenNibName ?? String(describing: type(of: placeholderView))

    let nib = UINib(nibName: nibName, bundle: Bundle.main)
    return nib

// Step 2: Instantiate a view given a nib
public func instantiateView<T>(fromNib nib: UINib, placeholder placeholderView: T) -> T {
    //1. Get top level objects
    let topLevelObjects = nib.instantiate(withOwner: placeholderView, options: nil)

    //2. Have at least one top level object
    guard let firstObject = topLevelObjects.first else {
        fatalError("\(#function): no top level objects in nib")

    //3. Return instantiated view, placeholderView is not used
    let instantiatedView = firstObject as! T
    return instantiatedView

MySQL equivalent of DECODE function in Oracle

If additional table doesn't fit, you can write your own function for translation.

The plus of sql function over case is, that you can use it in various places, and keep translation logic in one place.

How to load URL in UIWebView in Swift?

For swift 4.2, 5+

@IBOutlet weak var webView: UIWebView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {
           //Func Gose Here 
          let url = URL(string: link)
          let requestObj = URLRequest(url: url! as URL)


How to forward declare a template class in namespace std?

I solved that problem.

I was implementing an OSI Layer (slider window, Level 2) for a network simulation in C++ (Eclipse Juno). I had frames (template <class T>) and its states (state pattern, forward declaration).

The solution is as follows:

In the *.cpp file, you must include the Header file that you forward, i.e.

ifndef STATE_H_
#define STATE_H_
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Frame.h"

template <class T>
class LinkFrame;

using namespace std;

template <class T>
class State {

    LinkFrame<int> *myFrame;


Its cpp:

#include "State.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include  "LinkFrame.h"

template <class T>
bool State<T>::replace(Frame<T> *f){

And... another class.

Using a dispatch_once singleton model in Swift


class UtilSingleton: NSObject {

    var iVal: Int = 0

    class var shareInstance: UtilSingleton {
        get {
            struct Static {
                static var instance: UtilSingleton? = nil
                static var token: dispatch_once_t = 0
            dispatch_once(&Static.token, {
                Static.instance = UtilSingleton()
            return Static.instance!

How to use:

println("singleton new iVal = \(UtilSingleton.shareInstance.iVal)")

What is an opaque response, and what purpose does it serve?

Consider the case in which a service worker acts as an agnostic cache. Your only goal is serve the same resources that you would get from the network, but faster. Of course you can't ensure all the resources will be part of your origin (consider libraries served from CDNs, for instance). As the service worker has the potential of altering network responses, you need to guarantee you are not interested in the contents of the response, nor on its headers, nor even on the result. You're only interested on the response as a black box to possibly cache it and serve it faster.

This is what { mode: 'no-cors' } was made for.

How to copy a file to multiple directories using the gnu cp command

I would use cat and tee based on the answers I saw at instead of cp.

For example:

cat inputfile | tee outfile1 outfile2 > /dev/null

How do I use a third-party DLL file in Visual Studio C++?

These are two ways of using a DLL file in Windows:

  1. There is a stub library (.lib) with associated header files. When you link your executable with the lib-file it will automatically load the DLL file when starting the program.

  2. Loading the DLL manually. This is typically what you want to do if you are developing a plugin system where there are many DLL files implementing a common interface. Check out the documentation for LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress for more information on this.

For Qt I would suspect there are headers and a static library available that you can include and link in your project.

Adding event listeners to dynamically added elements using jQuery

$(document).on('click', 'selector', handler);

Where click is an event name, and handler is an event handler, like reference to a function or anonymous function function() {}

PS: if you know the particular node you're adding dynamic elements to - you could specify it instead of document.

Does JavaScript pass by reference?

Primitives are passed by value. But in case you only need to read the value of a primitve (and value is not known at the time when function is called) you can pass function which retrieves the value at the moment you need it.

function test(value) {
  console.log('retrieve value');

// call the function like this
var value = 1;
test(() => value);

Bootstrap 3 with remote Modal

another great and easy way is to have a blind modal in your layout and call it if neccessary.


  var remote_modal = function(url) {
    // reset modal body with a spinner or empty content
    spinner = "<div class='text-center'><i class='fa fa-spinner fa-spin fa-5x fa-fw'></i></div>"

    $("#remote-modal .modal-body").html(spinner)
    $("#remote-modal .modal-body").load(url);

and your HTML

 <div class='modal fade' id='remote-modal'>
    <div class='modal-dialog modal-lg'>
      <div class='modal-content'>
        <div class='modal-body'></div>
        <div class='modal-footer'>
          <button class='btn btn-default'>Close</button>

now you can simply call remote_modal('/my/url.html') and the content gets displayed inside of the modal

Get name of object or class

Get your object's constructor function and then inspect its name property.

Returns "myClass".

convert string to specific datetime format?

require 'date'

date = DateTime.parse("2011-05-19 10:30:14")
formatted_date = date.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y')

See strftime() for more information about formatting dates.

How to pass an ArrayList to a varargs method parameter?

Source article: Passing a list as an argument to a vararg method

Use the toArray(T[] arr) method.

.getMap(locations.toArray(new WorldLocation[locations.size()]))

(toArray(new WorldLocation[0]) also works, but you would allocate a zero-length array for no reason.)

Here's a complete example:

public static void method(String... strs) {
    for (String s : strs)

    List<String> strs = new ArrayList<String>();
    method(strs.toArray(new String[strs.size()]));
    //     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Horizontal line using HTML/CSS

This might be your problem:

height: .05em;

Chrome is a bit funky with decimals, so try a fixed-pixel height:

height: 2px;

Best way to check if object exists in Entity Framework?

I know this is a very old thread but just incase someone like myself needs this solution but in VB.NET here's what I used base on the answers above.

Private Function ValidateUniquePayroll(PropertyToCheck As String) As Boolean
    // Return true if Username is Unique
    Dim rtnValue = False
    Dim context = New CPMModel.CPMEntities
    If (context.Employees.Any()) Then ' Check if there are "any" records in the Employee table
        Dim employee = From c In context.Employees Select c.PayrollNumber ' Select just the PayrollNumber column to work with
        For Each item As Object In employee ' Loop through each employee in the Employees entity
            If (item = PropertyToCheck) Then ' Check if PayrollNumber in current row matches PropertyToCheck
                // Found a match, throw exception and return False
                rtnValue = False
                Exit For
                // No matches, return True (Unique)
                rtnValue = True
            End If
        // The is currently no employees in the person entity so return True (Unqiue)
        rtnValue = True
    End If
    Return rtnValue
End Function

Save a list to a .txt file

If you have more then 1 dimension array

with open("file.txt", 'w') as output:
    for row in values:
        output.write(str(row) + '\n')

Code to write without '[' and ']'

with open("file.txt", 'w') as file:
        for row in values:
            s = " ".join(map(str, row))

Hiding a button in Javascript

If the space on that page is not disabled then put your button inside a div.

<div id="a1">
<button>Click here</button>

Using Jquery:

<script language="javascript">

Using JS:

<script language="javascript">
document.getElementById("a1").style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById("a1").style.display = "none";

How to convert time milliseconds to hours, min, sec format in JavaScript?

This solution uses one function to split milliseconds into a parts object, and another function to format the parts object.

I created 2 format functions, one as you requested, and another that prints a friendly string and considering singular/plural, and includes an option to show milliseconds.

function parseDuration(duration) {_x000D_
  let remain = duration_x000D_
  let days = Math.floor(remain / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24))_x000D_
  remain = remain % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)_x000D_
  let hours = Math.floor(remain / (1000 * 60 * 60))_x000D_
  remain = remain % (1000 * 60 * 60)_x000D_
  let minutes = Math.floor(remain / (1000 * 60))_x000D_
  remain = remain % (1000 * 60)_x000D_
  let seconds = Math.floor(remain / (1000))_x000D_
  remain = remain % (1000)_x000D_
  let milliseconds = remain_x000D_
  return {_x000D_
function formatTime(o, useMilli = false) {_x000D_
  let parts = []_x000D_
  if (o.days) {_x000D_
    let ret = o.days + ' day'_x000D_
    if (o.days !== 1) {_x000D_
      ret += 's'_x000D_
  if (o.hours) {_x000D_
    let ret = o.hours + ' hour'_x000D_
    if (o.hours !== 1) {_x000D_
      ret += 's'_x000D_
  if (o.minutes) {_x000D_
    let ret = o.minutes + ' minute'_x000D_
    if (o.minutes !== 1) {_x000D_
      ret += 's'_x000D_
  if (o.seconds) {_x000D_
    let ret = o.seconds + ' second'_x000D_
    if (o.seconds !== 1) {_x000D_
      ret += 's'_x000D_
  if (useMilli && o.milliseconds) {_x000D_
    let ret = o.milliseconds + ' millisecond'_x000D_
    if (o.milliseconds !== 1) {_x000D_
      ret += 's'_x000D_
  if (parts.length === 0) {_x000D_
    return 'instantly'_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
    return parts.join(' ')_x000D_
function formatTimeHMS(o) {_x000D_
  let hours = o.hours.toString()_x000D_
  if (hours.length === 1) hours = '0' + hours_x000D_
  let minutes = o.minutes.toString()_x000D_
  if (minutes.length === 1) minutes = '0' + minutes_x000D_
  let seconds = o.seconds.toString()_x000D_
  if (seconds.length === 1) seconds = '0' + seconds_x000D_
  return hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds_x000D_
function formatDurationHMS(duration) {_x000D_
  let time = parseDuration(duration)_x000D_
  return formatTimeHMS(time)_x000D_
function formatDuration(duration, useMilli = false) {_x000D_
  let time = parseDuration(duration)_x000D_
  return formatTime(time, useMilli)_x000D_
console.log(formatDuration(500, true))_x000D_
console.log(formatDuration(1000 * 30))_x000D_
console.log(formatDuration(1000 * 60 * 30))_x000D_
console.log(formatDuration(1000 * 60 * 60 * 12))_x000D_
console.log(formatDuration(1000 * 60 * 60 * 1))

Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member

You need to add /// Comment for the member for which warning is displayed.

see below code

public EventLogger()
    LogFile = string.Format("{0}{1}", LogFilePath, FileName);

It displays warning Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member '.EventLogger()'

I added comment for the member and warning gone.

/// To write a log <Anycomment as per your code>
public EventLogger()
    LogFile = string.Format("{0}{1}", LogFilePath, FileName);

Set Icon Image in Java

I use this:

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

public class IconImageUtilities
    public static void setIconImage(Window window)
            InputStream imageInputStream = window.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/Icon.png");
            BufferedImage bufferedImage =;
        } catch (IOException exception)

Just place your image called Icon.png in the resources folder and call the above method with itself as parameter inside a class extending a class from the Window family such as JFrame or JDialog:


SSH Port forwarding in a ~/.ssh/config file?

You can use the LocalForward directive in your host yam section of ~/.ssh/config:

LocalForward 5901

How to declare a static const char* in your header file?

If you're using Visual C++, you can non-portably do this using hints to the linker...

// In foo.h...

class Foo
   static const char *Bar;

// Still in foo.h; doesn't need to be in a .cpp file...

const char *Foo::Bar = "Blah";

__declspec(selectany) means that even though Foo::Bar will get declared in multiple object files, the linker will only pick up one.

Keep in mind this will only work with the Microsoft toolchain. Don't expect this to be portable.

How do I do a bulk insert in mySQL using node.js

If you want to insert object, use this:

    currentLogs = [
 { socket_id: 'Server', message: 'Socketio online', data: 'Port  3333', logged: '2014-05-14 14:41:11' },
 { socket_id: 'Server', message: 'Waiting for Pi to connect...', data: 'Port: 8082', logged: '2014-05-14 14:41:11' }

console.warn(>[ logs.socket_id , logs.message , , logs.logged ]));

The output will be:

  [ 'Server', 'Socketio online', 'Port  3333', '2014-05-14 14:41:11' ],
    'Waiting for Pi to connect...',
    'Port: 8082',
    '2014-05-14 14:41:11'

Also, please check the documentation to know more about the map function.

Insert at first position of a list in Python

From the documentation:

list.insert(i, x)
Insert an item at a given position. The first argument is the index of the element before which to insert, so a.insert(0, x) inserts at the front of the list, and a.insert(len(a),x) is equivalent to a.append(x)

How do I center a window onscreen in C#?

Use this:

this.CenterToScreen();  // This will take care of the current form

Django: How can I call a view function from template?

For deleting all data:


  class="btn btn-primary" href="{% url 'delete_product'%}">Delete

Put the above code in an anchor tag. (the a tag!)

path('delete_product', views.delete_product, name='delete_product')]

def delete_product(request):
    if request.method == "GET":
        dest = Racket.objects.all()
        return render(request, "admin_page.html")

Get height of div with no height set in css

Also make sure the div is currently appended to the DOM and visible.

Location of ini/config files in linux/unix?

  1. Typically in a dotfile (like .myprogramrc) in the user's home directory.
  2. It is of course up to the programmer but normally command line arguments override everything else. If environment variables are used it is usually as an alternative to the command line arguments or to specify where the configuration is located.

LINQ orderby on date field in descending order

env.OrderByDescending(x => x.ReportDate)

Send email using java

The following code works very well with Google SMTP server. You need to supply your Google username and password.

import com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;

 * @author doraemon
public class GoogleMail {
    private GoogleMail() {

     * Send email using GMail SMTP server.
     * @param username GMail username
     * @param password GMail password
     * @param recipientEmail TO recipient
     * @param title title of the message
     * @param message message to be sent
     * @throws AddressException if the email address parse failed
     * @throws MessagingException if the connection is dead or not in the connected state or if the message is not a MimeMessage
    public static void Send(final String username, final String password, String recipientEmail, String title, String message) throws AddressException, MessagingException {
        GoogleMail.Send(username, password, recipientEmail, "", title, message);

     * Send email using GMail SMTP server.
     * @param username GMail username
     * @param password GMail password
     * @param recipientEmail TO recipient
     * @param ccEmail CC recipient. Can be empty if there is no CC recipient
     * @param title title of the message
     * @param message message to be sent
     * @throws AddressException if the email address parse failed
     * @throws MessagingException if the connection is dead or not in the connected state or if the message is not a MimeMessage
    public static void Send(final String username, final String password, String recipientEmail, String ccEmail, String title, String message) throws AddressException, MessagingException {
        final String SSL_FACTORY = "";

        // Get a Properties object
        Properties props = System.getProperties();
        props.setProperty("", "");
        props.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", SSL_FACTORY);
        props.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "false");
        props.setProperty("mail.smtp.port", "465");
        props.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", "465");
        props.setProperty("mail.smtps.auth", "true");

        If set to false, the QUIT command is sent and the connection is immediately closed. If set 
        to true (the default), causes the transport to wait for the response to the QUIT command.

        ref :
       - demo program from javamail
        props.put("mail.smtps.quitwait", "false");

        Session session = Session.getInstance(props, null);

        // -- Create a new message --
        final MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session);

        // -- Set the FROM and TO fields --
        msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(username + ""));
        msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, InternetAddress.parse(recipientEmail, false));

        if (ccEmail.length() > 0) {
            msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, InternetAddress.parse(ccEmail, false));

        msg.setText(message, "utf-8");
        msg.setSentDate(new Date());

        SMTPTransport t = (SMTPTransport)session.getTransport("smtps");

        t.connect("", username, password);
        t.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients());      

Update on 11 December 2015

Username + password is no longer a recommended solution. This is due to

I tried this and Gmail sent the email used as username in this code an email saying that We recently blocked a sign-in attempt to your Google Account, and directed me to this support page: so it looks for it to work, the email account being used to send needs to reduce their own security

Google had released Gmail API - We should use oAuth2 method, instead of username + password.

Here's the code snippet to work with Gmail API.

import java.util.Properties;

import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;

 * @author doraemon
public class GoogleMail {
    private GoogleMail() {

    private static MimeMessage createEmail(String to, String cc, String from, String subject, String bodyText) throws MessagingException {
        Properties props = new Properties();
        Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);

        MimeMessage email = new MimeMessage(session);
        InternetAddress tAddress = new InternetAddress(to);
        InternetAddress cAddress = cc.isEmpty() ? null : new InternetAddress(cc);
        InternetAddress fAddress = new InternetAddress(from);

        if (cAddress != null) {
            email.addRecipient(javax.mail.Message.RecipientType.CC, cAddress);
        email.addRecipient(javax.mail.Message.RecipientType.TO, tAddress);
        return email;

    private static Message createMessageWithEmail(MimeMessage email) throws MessagingException, IOException {
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        String encodedEmail = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(baos.toByteArray());
        Message message = new Message();
        return message;

    public static void Send(Gmail service, String recipientEmail, String ccEmail, String fromEmail, String title, String message) throws IOException, MessagingException {
        Message m = createMessageWithEmail(createEmail(recipientEmail, ccEmail, fromEmail, title, message));
        service.users().messages().send("me", m).execute();

To construct an authorized Gmail service through oAuth2, here's the code snippet.

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.yccheok.jstock.engine.Pair;

 * @author yccheok
public class Utils {
    /** Global instance of the JSON factory. */
    private static final GsonFactory JSON_FACTORY = GsonFactory.getDefaultInstance();

    /** Global instance of the HTTP transport. */
    private static HttpTransport httpTransport;

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Utils.class);

    static {
        try {
            // initialize the transport
            httpTransport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();

        } catch (IOException ex) {
            log.error(null, ex);
        } catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) {
            log.error(null, ex);

    private static File getGmailDataDirectory() {
        return new File(org.yccheok.jstock.gui.Utils.getUserDataDirectory() + "authentication" + File.separator + "gmail");

     * Send a request to the UserInfo API to retrieve the user's information.
     * @param credentials OAuth 2.0 credentials to authorize the request.
     * @return User's information.
     * @throws
    public static Userinfoplus getUserInfo(Credential credentials) throws IOException
        Oauth2 userInfoService =
            new Oauth2.Builder(httpTransport, JSON_FACTORY, credentials).setApplicationName("JStock").build();
        Userinfoplus userInfo  = userInfoService.userinfo().get().execute();
        return userInfo;

    public static String loadEmail(File dataStoreDirectory)  {
        File file = new File(dataStoreDirectory, "email");
        try {
            return new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(file.toURI())), "UTF-8");
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            log.error(null, ex);
            return null;

    public static boolean saveEmail(File dataStoreDirectory, String email) {
        File file = new File(dataStoreDirectory, "email");
        try {
            //If the constructor throws an exception, the finally block will NOT execute
            BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), "UTF-8"));
            try {
            } finally {
            return true;
        } catch (IOException ex){
            log.error(null, ex);
            return false;

    public static void logoutGmail() {
        File credential = new File(getGmailDataDirectory(), "StoredCredential");
        File email = new File(getGmailDataDirectory(), "email");

    public static Pair<Pair<Credential, String>, Boolean> authorizeGmail() throws Exception {
        // Ask for only the permissions you need. Asking for more permissions will
        // reduce the number of users who finish the process for giving you access
        // to their accounts. It will also increase the amount of effort you will
        // have to spend explaining to users what you are doing with their data.
        // Here we are listing all of the available scopes. You should remove scopes
        // that you are not actually using.
        Set<String> scopes = new HashSet<>();

        // We would like to display what email this credential associated to.


        // load client secrets
        GoogleClientSecrets clientSecrets = GoogleClientSecrets.load(Utils.JSON_FACTORY,
            new InputStreamReader(Utils.class.getResourceAsStream("/assets/authentication/gmail/client_secrets.json")));

        return authorize(clientSecrets, scopes, getGmailDataDirectory());

    /** Authorizes the installed application to access user's protected data.
     * @return 
     * @throws java.lang.Exception */
    private static Pair<Pair<Credential, String>, Boolean> authorize(GoogleClientSecrets clientSecrets, Set<String> scopes, File dataStoreDirectory) throws Exception {
        // Set up authorization code flow.

        GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder(
            httpTransport, JSON_FACTORY, clientSecrets, scopes)
            .setDataStoreFactory(new FileDataStoreFactory(dataStoreDirectory))
        // authorize
        return new MyAuthorizationCodeInstalledApp(flow, new LocalServerReceiver()).authorize("user");

    public static Gmail getGmail(Credential credential) {
        Gmail service = new Gmail.Builder(httpTransport, JSON_FACTORY, credential).setApplicationName("JStock").build();
        return service;        

To provide a user friendly way of oAuth2 authentication, I made use of JavaFX, to display the following input dialog

enter image description here

The key to display user friendly oAuth2 dialog can be found in and

Joining pairs of elements of a list

Without building temporary lists:

>>> import itertools
>>> s = 'abcdefgh'
>>> si = iter(s)
>>> [''.join(each) for each in itertools.izip(si, si)]
['ab', 'cd', 'ef', 'gh']


>>> import itertools
>>> s = 'abcdefgh'
>>> si = iter(s)
>>> map(''.join, itertools.izip(si, si))
['ab', 'cd', 'ef', 'gh']

How can I find the OWNER of an object in Oracle?

Oracle views like ALL_TABLES and ALL_CONSTRAINTS have an owner column, which you can use to restrict your query. There are also variants of these tables beginning with USER instead of ALL, which only list objects which can be accessed by the current user.

One of these views should help to solve your problem. They always worked fine for me for similar problems.

Python Array with String Indices

What you want is called an associative array. In python these are called dictionaries.

Dictionaries are sometimes found in other languages as “associative memories” or “associative arrays”. Unlike sequences, which are indexed by a range of numbers, dictionaries are indexed by keys, which can be any immutable type; strings and numbers can always be keys.

myDict = {}
myDict["john"] = "johns value"
myDict["jeff"] = "jeffs value"

Alternative way to create the above dict:

myDict = {"john": "johns value", "jeff": "jeffs value"}

Accessing values:

print(myDict["jeff"]) # => "jeffs value"

Getting the keys (in Python v2):

print(myDict.keys()) # => ["john", "jeff"]

In Python 3, you'll get a dict_keys, which is a view and a bit more efficient (see views docs and PEP 3106 for details).

print(myDict.keys()) # => dict_keys(['john', 'jeff']) 

If you want to learn about python dictionary internals, I recommend this ~25 min video presentation: It's called the "The Mighty Dictionary".

jQuery select option elements by value

options = $("#span_id>select>option[value='"+i+"']");
option = options.text();

here is the fiddle

How do I tell Python to convert integers into words

And here comes my solution :) It is various of earlier solutions, but developed on my own - maybe somebody enjoy it more then other propositions.

TENS = {30: 'thirty', 40: 'forty', 50: 'fifty', 60: 'sixty', 70: 'seventy', 80: 'eighty', 90: 'ninety'}
    'zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten',
    'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen', 'twenty'

def number_to_english(n):
    if any(not x.isdigit() for x in str(n)):
        return ''

    if n <= 20:
        return ZERO_TO_TWENTY[n]
    elif n < 100 and n % 10 == 0:
        return TENS[n]
    elif n < 100:
        return number_to_english(n - (n % 10)) + ' ' + number_to_english(n % 10)
    elif n < 1000 and n % 100 == 0:
        return number_to_english(n / 100) + ' hundred'
    elif n < 1000:
        return number_to_english(n / 100) + ' hundred ' + number_to_english(n % 100)
    elif n < 1000000:
        return number_to_english(n / 1000) + ' thousand ' + number_to_english(n % 1000)

    return ''

It is recoursive solution and can be easily expand for bigger numbers

Understanding the main method of python

Python does not have a defined entry point like Java, C, C++, etc. Rather it simply executes a source file line-by-line. The if statement allows you to create a main function which will be executed if your file is loaded as the "Main" module rather than as a library in another module.

To be clear, this means that the Python interpreter starts at the first line of a file and executes it. Executing lines like class Foobar: and def foobar() creates either a class or a function and stores them in memory for later use.

No plot window in matplotlib

If you encounter an issue in which freezes the IPython window (this may be Mac OS X specific; not sure), you can cmd-c in the IPython window, switch to the plot window, and it will break out.

Apparently, future calls to will not freeze the IPython window, only the first call. Unfortunately, I've found that the behavior of the plot window / interactions with show() changes every time I reinstall matplotlib, so this solution may not always hold.

How do I get the height and width of the Android Navigation Bar programmatically?

How to get the height of the navigation bar and status bar. This code works for me on some Huawei devices and Samsung devices. Egis's solution above is good, however, it is still incorrect on some devices. So, I improved it.

This is code to get the height of status bar

private fun getStatusBarHeight(resources: Resources): Int {
        var result = 0
        val resourceId = resources.getIdentifier("status_bar_height", "dimen", "android")
        if (resourceId > 0) {
            result = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(resourceId)
        return result

This method always returns the height of navigation bar even when the navigation bar is hidden.

private fun getNavigationBarHeight(resources: Resources): Int {
    val resourceId = resources.getIdentifier("navigation_bar_height", "dimen", "android")
    return if (resourceId > 0) {
    } else 0

NOTE: on Samsung A70, this method returns the height of the status bar + height of the navigation bar. On other devices (Huawei), it only returns the height of the Navigation bar and returns 0 when the navigation bar is hidden.

private fun getNavigationBarHeight(): Int {
        val display = activity?.windowManager?.defaultDisplay
        return if (display == null) {
        } else {
            val realMetrics = DisplayMetrics()
            val metrics = DisplayMetrics()
            realMetrics.heightPixels - metrics.heightPixels

This is code to get height of navigation bar and status bar

val metrics = DisplayMetrics()

        //resources is got from activity

        //NOTE: on SamSung A70, this height = height of status bar + height of Navigation bar
        //On other devices (Huawei), this height = height of Navigation bar
        val navigationBarHeightOrNavigationBarPlusStatusBarHeight = getNavigationBarHeight()

        val statusBarHeight = getStatusBarHeight(resources)
        //The method will always return the height of navigation bar even when the navigation bar was hidden.
        val realNavigationBarHeight = getNavigationBarHeight(resources)

        val realHeightOfStatusBarAndNavigationBar =
                if (navigationBarHeightOrNavigationBarPlusStatusBarHeight == 0 || navigationBarHeightOrNavigationBarPlusStatusBarHeight < statusBarHeight) {
                    //Huawei: navigation bar is hidden
                } else if (navigationBarHeightOrNavigationBarPlusStatusBarHeight == realNavigationBarHeight) {
                    //Huawei: navigation bar is visible
                    statusBarHeight + realNavigationBarHeight
                } else if (navigationBarHeightOrNavigationBarPlusStatusBarHeight < realNavigationBarHeight) {
                    //SamSung A70: navigation bar is still visible but it only displays as a under line
                    //navigationBarHeightOrNavigationBarPlusStatusBarHeight = navigationBarHeight'(under line) + statusBarHeight
                } else {
                    //SamSung A70: navigation bar is visible
                    //navigationBarHeightOrNavigationBarPlusStatusBarHeight == statusBarHeight + realNavigationBarHeight

Remove Style on Element

Just use like this

 $("#sample_id").css("width", "");
 $("#sample_id").css("height", "");

"insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment " message in eclipse

The message above means that you're running so many programs on your PC that there is no memory left to run one more. This isn't a Java problem and no Java option is going to change this.

Use the Task Manager of Windows to see how much of your 4GB RAM is actually free. My guess is that somewhere, you have a program that eats all the memory. Find it and kill it.

EDIT You need to understand that there are two types of "out of memory" errors.

The first one is the OutOfMemoryException which you get when Java code is running and the Java heap is not large enough. This means Java code asks the Java runtime for memory. You can fix those with -Xmx...

The other error is when the Java runtime runs out of memory. This isn't related to the Java heap at all. This is an error when Java asks the OS for more memory and the OS says: "Sorry, I don't have any."

To fix the latter, close applications or reboot (to clean up memory fragmentation).

Uncaught Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18 when I try to set a cookie

I wasn't completely happy by the --allow-file-access-from-files solution, because I'm using Chrome as my primary browser, and wasn't really happy with this breach I was opening.

Now I'm using Canary ( the chrome beta version ) for my development with the flag on. And the mere Chrome version for my real blogging : the two browser don't share the flag !

Check if the file exists using VBA

I'm not certain what's wrong with your code specifically, but I use this function I found online (URL in the comments) for checking if a file exists:

Private Function File_Exists(ByVal sPathName As String, Optional Directory As Boolean) As Boolean
    'Code from internet:
    'Returns True if the passed sPathName exist
    'Otherwise returns False
    On Error Resume Next
    If sPathName <> "" Then

        If IsMissing(Directory) Or Directory = False Then

            File_Exists = (Dir$(sPathName) <> "")

            File_Exists = (Dir$(sPathName, vbDirectory) <> "")
        End If

    End If
End Function

@AspectJ pointcut for all methods of a class with specific annotation

You can also define the pointcut as

public pointcut publicMethodInsideAClassMarkedWithAtMonitor() : execution(public * (@Monitor *).*(..));

How to define servlet filter order of execution using annotations in WAR

You can indeed not define the filter execution order using @WebFilter annotation. However, to minimize the web.xml usage, it's sufficient to annotate all filters with just a filterName so that you don't need the <filter> definition, but just a <filter-mapping> definition in the desired order.

For example,

public class Filter1 implements Filter {}

public class Filter2 implements Filter {}

with in web.xml just this:


If you'd like to keep the URL pattern in @WebFilter, then you can just do like so,

@WebFilter(filterName="filter1", urlPatterns="/url1/*")
public class Filter1 implements Filter {}

@WebFilter(filterName="filter2", urlPatterns="/url2/*")
public class Filter2 implements Filter {}

but you should still keep the <url-pattern> in web.xml, because it's required as per XSD, although it can be empty:

    <url-pattern />
    <url-pattern />

Regardless of the approach, this all will fail in Tomcat until version 7.0.28 because it chokes on presence of <filter-mapping> without <filter>. See also Using Tomcat, @WebFilter doesn't work with <filter-mapping> inside web.xml

how to make a whole row in a table clickable as a link?

You can't do that. It is invalid HTML. You can't put a <a> in between a <tbody> and a <tr>. Try this instead:

<tr onclick="window.location='#';">

add style for pointer view

[data-href] { cursor: pointer; }

When you work up to it, you'd want to use JavaScript to assign the click handler outside of the HTML.

How do I upgrade PHP in Mac OS X?

I use this:

The command is:

$ xcode-select --install

$ brew tap homebrew/dupes
$ brew tap homebrew/versions
$ brew tap homebrew/homebrew-php

$ brew options php56
$ brew install php56

Then config in your .bash_profile or .bashrc

# Homebrew PHP CLI
export PATH="$(brew --prefix homebrew/php/php56)/bin:$PATH"

Guid is all 0's (zeros)?

In the spirit of being complete, the answers that instruct you to use Guid.NewGuid() are correct.

In addressing your subsequent edit, you'll need to post the code for your RequestObject class. I'm suspecting that your guid property is not marked as a DataMember, and thus is not being serialized over the wire. Since default(Guid) is the same as new Guid() (i.e. all 0's), this would explain the behavior you're seeing.

How to make an executable JAR file?

Here it is in one line:

jar cvfe myjar.jar package.MainClass *.class

where MainClass is the class with your main method, and package is MainClass's package.

Note you have to compile your .java files to .class files before doing this.

c  create new archive
v  generate verbose output on standard output
f  specify archive file name
e  specify application entry point for stand-alone application bundled into an executable jar file

This answer inspired by Powerslave's comment on another answer.

How do I concatenate multiple C++ strings on one line?

As others said, the main problem with the OP code is that the operator + does not concatenate const char *; it works with std::string, though.

Here's another solution that uses C++11 lambdas and for_each and allows to provide a separator to separate the strings:

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>

string join(const string& separator,
            const vector<string>& strings)
    if (strings.empty())
        return "";

    if (strings.size() == 1)
        return strings[0];

    stringstream ss;
    ss << strings[0];

    auto aggregate = [&ss, &separator](const string& s) { ss << separator << s; };
    for_each(begin(strings) + 1, end(strings), aggregate);

    return ss.str();


std::vector<std::string> strings { "a", "b", "c" };
std::string joinedStrings = join(", ", strings);

It seems to scale well (linearly), at least after a quick test on my computer; here's a quick test I've written:

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
#include <chrono>

using namespace std;

string join(const string& separator,
            const vector<string>& strings)
    if (strings.empty())
        return "";

    if (strings.size() == 1)
        return strings[0];

    stringstream ss;
    ss << strings[0];

    auto aggregate = [&ss, &separator](const string& s) { ss << separator << s; };
    for_each(begin(strings) + 1, end(strings), aggregate);

    return ss.str();

int main()
    const int reps = 1000;
    const string sep = ", ";
    auto generator = [](){return "abcde";};

    vector<string> strings10(10);
    generate(begin(strings10), end(strings10), generator);

    vector<string> strings100(100);
    generate(begin(strings100), end(strings100), generator);

    vector<string> strings1000(1000);
    generate(begin(strings1000), end(strings1000), generator);

    vector<string> strings10000(10000);
    generate(begin(strings10000), end(strings10000), generator);

    auto t1 = chrono::system_clock::now();
    for(int i = 0; i<reps; ++i)
        join(sep, strings10);

    auto t2 = chrono::system_clock::now();
    for(int i = 0; i<reps; ++i)
        join(sep, strings100);

    auto t3 = chrono::system_clock::now();
    for(int i = 0; i<reps; ++i)
        join(sep, strings1000);

    auto t4 = chrono::system_clock::now();
    for(int i = 0; i<reps; ++i)
        join(sep, strings10000);

    auto t5 = chrono::system_clock::now();

    auto d1 = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(t2 - t1);
    auto d2 = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(t3 - t2);
    auto d3 = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(t4 - t3);
    auto d4 = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(t5 - t4);

    cout << "join(10)   : " << d1.count() << endl;
    cout << "join(100)  : " << d2.count() << endl;
    cout << "join(1000) : " << d3.count() << endl;
    cout << "join(10000): " << d4.count() << endl;

Results (milliseconds):

join(10)   : 2
join(100)  : 10
join(1000) : 91
join(10000): 898

How to split a python string on new line characters


this is line 1
this is line 2


Python 3.4.0 (default, Mar 20 2014, 22:43:40) 
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> file = open('a.txt').read()
>>> file
>>> file.split('\n')
['this is line 1', 'this is line 2', '']

I'm on Linux, but I guess you just use \r\n on Windows and it would also work

How to detect running app using ADB command

No need to use grep. ps in Android can filter by COMM value (last 15 characters of the package name in case of java app)

Let's say we want to check if is running:

adb shell ps
USER     PID   PPID  VSIZE  RSS     WCHAN    PC         NAME
radio     1389  277   515960 33964 ffffffff 4024c270 S

Filtering by COMM value option has been removed from ps in Android 7.0. To check for a running process by name in Android 7.0 you can use pidof command:

adb shell pidof

It returns the PID if such process was found or an empty string otherwise.

How can I see normal print output created during pytest run?

You can also enable live-logging by setting the following in pytest.ini or tox.ini in your project root.

log_cli = True

Or specify it directly on cli

pytest -o log_cli=True

Automatically set appsettings.json for dev and release environments in core?

I have added screenshots of a working environment, because it cost me several hours of R&D.

  1. First, add a key to your launch.json file.

    See the below screenshot, I have added Development as my environment.

    Declaration of the environment variable in launch.json

  2. Then, in your project, create a new appsettings.{environment}.json file that includes the name of the environment.

    In the following screenshot, look for two different files with the names:

    • appsettings.Development.Json
    • appSetting.json

    Project view of appsettings JSON files

  3. And finally, configure it to your StartUp class like this:

    public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env)
        var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
            .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true)
            .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{env.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true)
        Configuration = builder.Build();
  4. And at last, you can run it from the command line like this:

    dotnet run --environment "Development"

    where "Development" is the name of my environment.

Java web start - Unable to load resource

Include your IP address in your host file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\host) for the respective server:

Sample Entry: Vijay's Server

Difference between Role and GrantedAuthority in Spring Security

Think of a GrantedAuthority as being a "permission" or a "right". Those "permissions" are (normally) expressed as strings (with the getAuthority() method). Those strings let you identify the permissions and let your voters decide if they grant access to something.

You can grant different GrantedAuthoritys (permissions) to users by putting them into the security context. You normally do that by implementing your own UserDetailsService that returns a UserDetails implementation that returns the needed GrantedAuthorities.

Roles (as they are used in many examples) are just "permissions" with a naming convention that says that a role is a GrantedAuthority that starts with the prefix ROLE_. There's nothing more. A role is just a GrantedAuthority - a "permission" - a "right". You see a lot of places in spring security where the role with its ROLE_ prefix is handled specially as e.g. in the RoleVoter, where the ROLE_ prefix is used as a default. This allows you to provide the role names withtout the ROLE_ prefix. Prior to Spring security 4, this special handling of "roles" has not been followed very consistently and authorities and roles were often treated the same (as you e.g. can see in the implementation of the hasAuthority() method in SecurityExpressionRoot - which simply calls hasRole()). With Spring Security 4, the treatment of roles is more consistent and code that deals with "roles" (like the RoleVoter, the hasRole expression etc.) always adds the ROLE_ prefix for you. So hasAuthority('ROLE_ADMIN') means the the same as hasRole('ADMIN') because the ROLE_ prefix gets added automatically. See the spring security 3 to 4 migration guide for futher information.

But still: a role is just an authority with a special ROLE_ prefix. So in Spring security 3 @PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_XYZ')") is the same as @PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('ROLE_XYZ')") and in Spring security 4 @PreAuthorize("hasRole('XYZ')") is the same as @PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('ROLE_XYZ')").

Regarding your use case:

Users have roles and roles can perform certain operations.

You could end up in GrantedAuthorities for the roles a user belongs to and the operations a role can perform. The GrantedAuthorities for the roles have the prefix ROLE_ and the operations have the prefix OP_. An example for operation authorities could be OP_DELETE_ACCOUNT, OP_CREATE_USER, OP_RUN_BATCH_JOBetc. Roles can be ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_USER, ROLE_OWNER etc.

You could end up having your entities implement GrantedAuthority like in this (pseudo-code) example:

class Role implements GrantedAuthority {
    private String id;

    private final List<Operation> allowedOperations = new ArrayList<>();

    public String getAuthority() {
        return id;

    public Collection<GrantedAuthority> getAllowedOperations() {
        return allowedOperations;

class User {
    private String id;

    private final List<Role> roles = new ArrayList<>();

    public Collection<Role> getRoles() {
        return roles;

class Operation implements GrantedAuthority {
    private String id;

    public String getAuthority() {
        return id;

The ids of the roles and operations you create in your database would be the GrantedAuthority representation, e.g. ROLE_ADMIN, OP_DELETE_ACCOUNT etc. When a user is authenticated, make sure that all GrantedAuthorities of all its roles and the corresponding operations are returned from the UserDetails.getAuthorities() method.

Example: The admin role with id ROLE_ADMIN has the operations OP_DELETE_ACCOUNT, OP_READ_ACCOUNT, OP_RUN_BATCH_JOB assigned to it. The user role with id ROLE_USER has the operation OP_READ_ACCOUNT.

If an admin logs in the resulting security context will have the GrantedAuthorities: ROLE_ADMIN, OP_DELETE_ACCOUNT, OP_READ_ACCOUNT, OP_RUN_BATCH_JOB

If a user logs it, it will have: ROLE_USER, OP_READ_ACCOUNT

The UserDetailsService would take care to collect all roles and all operations of those roles and make them available by the method getAuthorities() in the returned UserDetails instance.

AttributeError: 'datetime' module has no attribute 'strptime'

I got the same problem and it is not the solution that you told. So I changed the "from datetime import datetime" to "import datetime". After that with the help of "datetime.datetime" I can get the whole modules correctly. I guess this is the correct answer to that question.

100% Min Height CSS layout

A pure CSS solution (#content { min-height: 100%; }) will work in a lot of cases, but not in all of them - especially IE6 and IE7.

Unfortunately, you will need to resort to a JavaScript solution in order to get the desired behavior. This can be done by calculating the desired height for your content <div> and setting it as a CSS property in a function:

function resizeContent() {
  var contentDiv = document.getElementById('content');
  var headerDiv = document.getElementById('header');
  // This may need to be done differently on IE than FF, but you get the idea.
  var viewPortHeight = window.innerHeight - headerDiv.clientHeight; = 
    Math.max(viewportHeight, contentDiv.clientHeight) + 'px';

You can then set this function as a handler for onLoad and onResize events:

<body onload="resizeContent()" onresize="resizeContent()">
  . . .

How to check radio button is checked using JQuery?

jQuery 3.3.1

if (typeof $("input[name='yourRadioName']:checked").val() === "undefined") {
    alert('is not selected');
    alert('is selected');

How to make audio autoplay on chrome

The video tag can play audio as well. Given the audio tag doesn't seem to be behaving as it should be, you can just use the video tag for audio:

<video autoplay muted id="audio1" src="your.mp3" type="audio/mp3">
    Your browser does not support the <code>video</code> element.
    unmuteButton.addEventListener('click', function() 
            if ( unmuteButton.innerHTML == "unmute" )
                unmuteButton.innerHTML = "mute";
                audio1.muted = false; 
            } else {
                unmuteButton.innerHTML = "unmute";
                audio1.muted = true; 

Use 'class' or 'typename' for template parameters?

There is a difference, and you should prefer class to typename.

But why?

typename is illegal for template template arguments, so to be consistent, you should use class:

template<template<class> typename MyTemplate, class Bar> class Foo { };    //  :(
template<template<class>    class MyTemplate, class Bar> class Foo { };    //  :)

How do you use a variable in a regular expression?


var txt=new RegExp(pattern,attributes);

is equivalent to this:

var txt=/pattern/attributes;


Check if a given key already exists in a dictionary and increment it

A bit late but this should work.

my_dict = {}
my_dict[key] = my_dict[key] + 1 if key in my_dict else 1

The performance impact of using instanceof in Java

I just made a simple test to see how instanceOf performance is comparing to a simple s.equals() call to a string object with only one letter.

in a 10.000.000 loop the instanceOf gave me 63-96ms, and the string equals gave me 106-230ms

I used java jvm 6.

So in my simple test is faster to do a instanceOf instead of a one character string comparison.

using Integer's .equals() instead of string's gave me the same result, only when I used the == i was faster than instanceOf by 20ms (in a 10.000.000 loop)

android.os.FileUriExposedException: file:///storage/emulated/0/test.txt exposed beyond app through Intent.getData()

For downloading pdf from server , add below code in your service class. Hope this is helpful for you.

File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS), fileName + ".pdf");
    intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
    //Log.e("pathOpen", file.getPath());

    Uri contentUri;
    contentUri = Uri.fromFile(file);
    intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);

    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 24) {

        Uri apkURI = FileProvider.getUriForFile(context, context.getApplicationContext().getPackageName() + ".provider", file);
        intent.setDataAndType(apkURI, "application/pdf");

    } else {

        intent.setDataAndType(contentUri, "application/pdf");

And yes , don't forget to add permissions and provider in your manifest.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />


            android:resource="@xml/provider_paths" />


How to get a unix script to run every 15 seconds?

Since my previous answer I came up with another solution that is different and perhaps better. This code allows processes to be run more than 60 times a minute with microsecond precision. You need the usleep program to make this work. Should be good to up to 50 times a second.

#! /bin/sh

# Microsecond Cron
# Usage: cron-ms start
# Copyright 2014 by Marc Perkel
# docs at"
# Free to use with attribution


if [ $# -eq 0 ]
   echo "cron-ms by Marc Perkel"
   echo "This program is used to run all programs in a directory in parallel every X times per minute."
   echo "Think of this program as cron with microseconds resolution."
   echo "Usage: cron-ms start"
   echo "The scheduling is done by creating directories with the number of"
   echo "executions per minute as part of the directory name."
   echo "Examples:"
   echo "  /etc/cron-ms/7      # Executes everything in that directory  7 times a minute"
   echo "  /etc/cron-ms/30     # Executes everything in that directory 30 times a minute"
   echo "  /etc/cron-ms/600    # Executes everything in that directory 10 times a second"
   echo "  /etc/cron-ms/2400   # Executes everything in that directory 40 times a second"

# If "start" is passed as a parameter then run all the loops in parallel
# The number of the directory is the number of executions per minute
# Since cron isn't accurate we need to start at top of next minute

if [ $1 = start ]
   for dir in $basedir/* ; do
      $0 ${dir##*/} 60000000 &

# Loops per minute and the next interval are passed on the command line with each loop


# Sleeps until a specific part of a minute with microsecond resolution. 60000000 is full minute

usleep $(( $next_interval - 10#$(date +%S%N) / 1000 ))

# Run all the programs in the directory in parallel

for program in $basedir/$loops/* ; do
   if [ -x $program ] 
      $program &> /dev/null &

# Calculate next_interval

next_interval=$(($next_interval % 60000000 + (60000000 / $loops) ))

# If minute is not up - call self recursively

if [ $next_interval -lt $(( 60000000 / $loops * $loops)) ]
   . $0 $loops $next_interval &

# Otherwise we're done

SQL, How to Concatenate results?

It depends on the database you are using. MySQL for example supports the (non-standard) group_concat function. So you could write:


Group-concat is not available at all database servers though.

Is it possible to wait until all javascript files are loaded before executing javascript code?

You can use

$(window).on('load', function() {
    // your code here

Which will wait until the page is loaded. $(document).ready() waits until the DOM is loaded.

In plain JS:

window.addEventListener('load', function() {
    // your code here

How do I specify the platform for MSBuild?

In MSBuild or Teamcity use command line

MSBuild yourproject.sln /property:Configuration=Release /property:Platform=x64

or use shorter form:

MSBuild yourproject.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64

However you need to set up platform in your project anyway, see the answer by Julien Hoarau.

What are .iml files in Android Studio?

They are project files, that hold the module information and meta data.

Just add *.iml to .gitignore.

In Android Studio: Press CTRL + F9 to rebuild your project. The missing *.iml files will be generated.

Use a loop to plot n charts Python

Here are two examples of how to generate graphs in separate windows (frames), and, an example of how to generate graphs and save them into separate graphics files.

Okay, first the on-screen example. Notice that we use a separate instance of plt.figure(), for each graph, with plt.plot(). At the end, we have to call to put it all on the screen.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

x = np.linspace( 0,10 )

for n in range(3):
    y = np.sin( x+n )
    plt.plot( x, y )

Another way to do this, is to use inside the loop:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

x = np.linspace( 0,10 )

for n in range(3):
    y = np.sin( x+n )
    plt.plot( x, y ) block=False )

Now, let's generate the graphs and instead, write them each to a file. Here we replace, with plt.savefig( filename ). The difference from the previous example is that we don't have to account for ''blocking'' at each graph. Note also, that we number the file names. Here we use %03d so that we can conveniently have them in number order afterwards.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

x = np.linspace( 0,10 )

for n in range(3):
    y = np.sin( x+n )
    plt.plot( x, y )

Unable to load script.Make sure you are either running a Metro server or that your bundle '' is packaged correctly for release

I was having the same trouble, the problem for me was that adb was not in the right environment path, the error is telling you metro port, while you're in the adb, ports are killed and restarted.

Add Enviroment Variable (ADB)

  1. Open environment variables
  2. Select from the second frame PATH variable and click edit option below
  3. Click on add option
  4. Submit the sdk platform tools path C:\Users\ My User \AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools

Note: Or depending where is located adb.exe in your machine

  1. Save changes

Run android build again

$ react-native run-android


$ react-native start

$ react-native run-android

Change width of select tag in Twitter Bootstrap

In bootstrap 3, it is recommended that you size inputs by wrapping them in col-**-# div tags. It seems that most things have 100% width, especially .form-control elements.

How to kill a child process after a given timeout in Bash?

One way is to run the program in a subshell, and communicate with the subshell through a named pipe with the read command. This way you can check the exit status of the process being run and communicate this back through the pipe.

Here's an example of timing out the yes command after 3 seconds. It gets the PID of the process using pgrep (possibly only works on Linux). There is also some problem with using a pipe in that a process opening a pipe for read will hang until it is also opened for write, and vice versa. So to prevent the read command hanging, I've "wedged" open the pipe for read with a background subshell. (Another way to prevent a freeze to open the pipe read-write, i.e. read -t 5 <>finished.pipe - however, that also may not work except with Linux.)

rm -f finished.pipe
mkfifo finished.pipe

{ yes >/dev/null; echo finished >finished.pipe ; } &

# Get command PID
while : ; do
    PID=$( pgrep -P $SUBSHELL yes )
    test "$PID" = "" || break
    sleep 1

# Open pipe for writing
{ exec 4>finished.pipe ; while : ; do sleep 1000; done } &  

read -t 3 FINISHED <finished.pipe

if [ "$FINISHED" = finished ] ; then
  echo 'Subprocess finished'
  echo 'Subprocess timed out'
  kill $PID

rm finished.pipe

How to use ImageBackground to set background image for screen in react-native

const { width, height } = Dimensions.get('window')

<View style={{marginBottom: 20}}>
        style={{ height: 200, width: width, position: 'absolute', resizeMode: 'cover' }}
        source={{ uri: ''+width+'/200/?random' }}
   <View style={styles.productBar}>
       <View style={styles.productElement}>
                  style={{ height: 160, width: width - 250, position: 'relative', resizeMode: 'cover' }}
                  source={{ uri: ''+ 250 +'/160/?random' }}
       <View style={styles.productElement}>
             <Text style={{ fontSize: 16, paddingLeft: 20 }}>Baslik</Text>
             <Text style={{ fontSize: 12, paddingLeft: 20, color: "blue"}}>Alt Baslik</Text>

 productBar: {
    margin: 20,
    marginBottom: 0,
    justifyContent: "flex-start" , 
    flexDirection: "row"
  productElement: {
    marginBottom: 0, 


Copy a file from one folder to another using vbscripting

Just posted my finished code for a similar project. It copies files of certain extensions in my code its pdf tif and tiff you can change them to whatever you want copied or delete the if statements if you only need 1 or 2 types. When a file is created or modified it gets the archive attribute this code also looks for that attribute and only copies it if it exists and then removes it after its copied so you dont copy unneeded files. It also has a log setup in it so that you will see a log of what time and day evetrything was transfered from the last time you ran the script. Hope it helps! the link is Error: Object Required; 'objDIR' Code: 800A01A8

Resetting a setTimeout

This timer will fire a "Hello" alertbox after 30 seconds. However, everytime you click the reset timer button it clears the timerHandle then re-sets it again. Once it's fired, the game ends.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var timerHandle = setTimeout("alert('Hello')",3000);
    function resetTimer() {
        timerHandle = setTimeout("alert('Hello')",3000);

    <button onclick="resetTimer()">Reset Timer</button>

Python: How to check a string for substrings from a list?

Try this test:

any(substring in string for substring in substring_list)

It will return True if any of the substrings in substring_list is contained in string.

Note that there is a Python analogue of Marc Gravell's answer in the linked question:

from itertools import imap
any(imap(string.__contains__, substring_list)) 

In Python 3, you can use map directly instead:

any(map(string.__contains__, substring_list))

Probably the above version using a generator expression is more clear though.

Change background color on mouseover and remove it after mouseout

This is my solution :

$(document).ready(function () {
  $( "td" ).on({
    "click": clicked,
    "mouseover": hovered,
    "mouseout": mouseout

var flag=0;

function hovered(){
  $(this).css("background", "#380606");

function mouseout(){
  if (flag == 0){
  $(this).css("background", "#ffffff");
} else {

function clicked(){

PHP: Best way to check if input is a valid number?

I use

if(is_numeric($value) && $value > 0 && $value == round($value, 0)){

to validate if a value is numeric, positive and integral

I don't really like ctype_digit as its not as readable as "is_numeric" and actually has less flaws when you really want to validate that a value is numeric.

How can I determine the type of an HTML element in JavaScript?

Sometimes you want

// HTMLDivElement

// HTMLAnchorElement

// HTMLUnknownElement

What does `m_` variable prefix mean?

Lockheed Martin uses a 3-prefix naming scheme which was wonderful to work with, especially when reading others' code.

   Scope          Reference Type(*Case-by-Case)   Type

   member   m     pointer p                       integer n
   argument a     reference r                     short   n
   local    l                                     float   f
                                                  double  f
                                                  boolean b


int A::methodCall(float af_Argument1, int* apn_Arg2)
    lpn_Temp = apn_Arg2;
    mpf_Oops = lpn_Temp;  // Here I can see I made a mistake, I should not assign an int* to a float*

Take it for what's it worth.

How to kill a running SELECT statement

To kill a session in Oracle, you use the ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command.

Details here:

powershell - extract file name and extension

As of PowerShell 6.0, Split-Path has an -Extenstion parameter. This means you can do:

$path | Split-Path -Extension


Split-Path -Path $path -Extension

For $path = "test.txt" both versions will return .txt, inluding the full stop.

wildcard * in CSS for classes

An alternative solution:

div[class|='tocolor'] will match for values of the "class" attribute that begin with "tocolor-", including "tocolor-1", "tocolor-2", etc.

Beware that this won't match

<div class="foo tocolor-">



Represents an element with the att attribute, its value either being exactly "val" or beginning with "val" immediately followed by "-" (U+002D)