[unix] How to get a unix script to run every 15 seconds?

I've seen a few solutions, including watch and simply running a looping (and sleeping) script in the background, but nothing has been ideal.

I have a script that needs to run every 15 seconds, and since cron won't support seconds, I'm left to figuring out something else.

What's the most robust and efficient way to run a script every 15 seconds on unix? The script needs to also run after a reboot.

This question is related to unix cron command sleep

The answer is

To avoid possible overlapping of execution, use a locking mechanism as described in that thread.

Use nanosleep(2). It uses structure timespec that is used to specify intervals of time with nanosecond precision.

struct timespec {
           time_t tv_sec;        /* seconds */
           long   tv_nsec;       /* nanoseconds */

Won't running this in the background do it?

while [ 1 ]; do
    echo "Hell yeah!" &
    sleep 15

This is about as efficient as it gets. The important part only gets executed every 15 seconds and the script sleeps the rest of the time (thus not wasting cycles).

If you insist of running your script from cron:

* * * * * /foo/bar/your_script
* * * * * sleep 15; /foo/bar/your_script
* * * * * sleep 30; /foo/bar/your_script
* * * * * sleep 45; /foo/bar/your_script

and replace your script name&path to /foo/bar/your_script

Modified version of the above:

mkdir /etc/cron.15sec
mkdir /etc/cron.minute
mkdir /etc/cron.5minute

add to /etc/crontab:

* * * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.15sec > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
* * * * * root sleep 15; run-parts /etc/cron.15sec > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
* * * * * root sleep 30; run-parts /etc/cron.15sec > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
* * * * * root sleep 45; run-parts /etc/cron.15sec > /dev/null 2> /dev/null

* * * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.minute > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
*/5 * * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.5minute > /dev/null 2> /dev/null

I wrote a scheduler faster than cron. I have also implemented an overlapping guard. You can configure the scheduler to not start new process if previous one is still running. Take a look at https://github.com/sioux1977/scheduler/wiki

#! /bin/sh

# Run all programs in a directory in parallel
# Usage: run-parallel directory delay
# Copyright 2013 by Marc Perkel
# docs at http://wiki.junkemailfilter.com/index.php/How_to_run_a_Linux_script_every_few_seconds_under_cron"
# Free to use with attribution

if [ $# -eq 0 ]
   echo "run-parallel by Marc Perkel"
   echo "This program is used to run all programs in a directory in parallel" 
   echo "or to rerun them every X seconds for one minute."
   echo "Think of this program as cron with seconds resolution."
   echo "Usage: run-parallel [directory] [delay]"
   echo "Examples:"
   echo "   run-parallel /etc/cron.20sec 20"
   echo "   run-parallel 20"
   echo "   # Runs all executable files in /etc/cron.20sec every 20 seconds or 3 times a minute."
   echo "If delay parameter is missing it runs everything once and exits."
   echo "If only delay is passed then the directory /etc/cron.[delay]sec is assumed."
   echo 'if "cronsec" is passed then it runs all of these delays 2 3 4 5 6 10 12 15 20 30'
   echo "resulting in 30 20 15 12 10 6 5 4 3 2 executions per minute." 

# If "cronsec" is passed as a parameter then run all the delays in parallel

if [ $1 = cronsec ]
   $0 2 &
   $0 3 &
   $0 4 &
   $0 5 &
   $0 6 &
   $0 10 &
   $0 12 &
   $0 15 &
   $0 20 &
   $0 30 &

# Set the directory to first prameter and delay to second parameter


# If only parameter is 2,3,4,5,6,10,12,15,20,30 then automatically calculate 
# the standard directory name /etc/cron.[delay]sec

if [[ "$1" =~ ^(2|3|4|5|6|10|12|15|20|30)$ ]]

# Exit if directory doesn't exist or has no files

if [ ! "$(ls -A $dir/)" ]

# Sleep if both $delay and $counter are set

if [ ! -z $delay ] && [ ! -z $counter ]
   sleep $delay

# Set counter to 0 if not set

if [ -z $counter ]

# Run all the programs in the directory in parallel
# Use of timeout ensures that the processes are killed if they run too long

for program in $dir/* ; do
   if [ -x $program ] 
      if [ "0$delay" -gt 1 ] 
         timeout $delay $program &> /dev/null &
         $program &> /dev/null &

# If delay not set then we're done

if [ -z $delay ]

# Add delay to counter

counter=$(( $counter + $delay ))

# If minute is not up - call self recursively

if [ $counter -lt 60 ]
   . $0 $dir $delay &

# Otherwise we're done

Since my previous answer I came up with another solution that is different and perhaps better. This code allows processes to be run more than 60 times a minute with microsecond precision. You need the usleep program to make this work. Should be good to up to 50 times a second.

#! /bin/sh

# Microsecond Cron
# Usage: cron-ms start
# Copyright 2014 by Marc Perkel
# docs at http://wiki.junkemailfilter.com/index.php/How_to_run_a_Linux_script_every_few_seconds_under_cron"
# Free to use with attribution


if [ $# -eq 0 ]
   echo "cron-ms by Marc Perkel"
   echo "This program is used to run all programs in a directory in parallel every X times per minute."
   echo "Think of this program as cron with microseconds resolution."
   echo "Usage: cron-ms start"
   echo "The scheduling is done by creating directories with the number of"
   echo "executions per minute as part of the directory name."
   echo "Examples:"
   echo "  /etc/cron-ms/7      # Executes everything in that directory  7 times a minute"
   echo "  /etc/cron-ms/30     # Executes everything in that directory 30 times a minute"
   echo "  /etc/cron-ms/600    # Executes everything in that directory 10 times a second"
   echo "  /etc/cron-ms/2400   # Executes everything in that directory 40 times a second"

# If "start" is passed as a parameter then run all the loops in parallel
# The number of the directory is the number of executions per minute
# Since cron isn't accurate we need to start at top of next minute

if [ $1 = start ]
   for dir in $basedir/* ; do
      $0 ${dir##*/} 60000000 &

# Loops per minute and the next interval are passed on the command line with each loop


# Sleeps until a specific part of a minute with microsecond resolution. 60000000 is full minute

usleep $(( $next_interval - 10#$(date +%S%N) / 1000 ))

# Run all the programs in the directory in parallel

for program in $basedir/$loops/* ; do
   if [ -x $program ] 
      $program &> /dev/null &

# Calculate next_interval

next_interval=$(($next_interval % 60000000 + (60000000 / $loops) ))

# If minute is not up - call self recursively

if [ $next_interval -lt $(( 60000000 / $loops * $loops)) ]
   . $0 $loops $next_interval &

# Otherwise we're done

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Examples related to sleep

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