Programs & Examples On #Diamond problem

In object-oriented programming languages with multiple inheritance and knowledge organization, the diamond problem is an ambiguity that arises when two classes B and C inherit from A, and class D inherits from both B and C.

Java Multiple Inheritance

I have a stupid idea:

public class Pegasus {
    private Horse horseFeatures; 
    private Bird birdFeatures; 

   public Pegasus(Horse horse, Bird bird) {
     this.horseFeatures = horse;
     this.birdFeatures = bird;

  public void jump() {

  public void fly() {;

Creating a search form in PHP to search a database?

try this out let me know what happens.


<form action="form.php" method="post"> 
Search: <input type="text" name="term" /><br /> 
<input type="submit" value="Submit" /> 


$term = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['term']);    

$sql = "SELECT * FROM liam WHERE Description LIKE '%".$term."%'";
$r_query = mysql_query($sql);

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r_query)){ 
echo 'Primary key: ' .$row['PRIMARYKEY']; 
echo '<br /> Code: ' .$row['Code']; 
echo '<br /> Description: '.$row['Description']; 
echo '<br /> Category: '.$row['Category']; 
echo '<br /> Cut Size: '.$row['CutSize'];  

Edit: Cleaned it up a little more.

Final Cut (my test file):

$db_hostname = 'localhost';
$db_username = 'demo';
$db_password = 'demo';
$db_database = 'demo';

// Database Connection String
$con = mysql_connect($db_hostname,$db_username,$db_password);
if (!$con)
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db($db_database, $con);

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
<form action="" method="post">  
Search: <input type="text" name="term" /><br />  
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />  
if (!empty($_REQUEST['term'])) {

$term = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['term']);     

$sql = "SELECT * FROM liam WHERE Description LIKE '%".$term."%'"; 
$r_query = mysql_query($sql); 

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r_query)){  
echo 'Primary key: ' .$row['PRIMARYKEY'];  
echo '<br /> Code: ' .$row['Code'];  
echo '<br /> Description: '.$row['Description'];  
echo '<br /> Category: '.$row['Category'];  
echo '<br /> Cut Size: '.$row['CutSize'];   


EOFError: EOF when reading a line

convert your inputs to ints:

width = int(input())
height = int(input())

Spring Boot java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/Filter

Add the following dependency. The scope should be compile then it will work.


How to suppress Pandas Future warning ?

Found this on github...

import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)

import pandas

How to parse a String containing XML in Java and retrieve the value of the root node?

You could do this with JAXB (an implementation is included in Java SE 6).

import javax.xml.bind.*;

public class Demo {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String xmlString = "<message>HELLO!</message> ";
        JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(String.class);
        Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller();
        StreamSource xmlSource = new StreamSource(new StringReader(xmlString));
        JAXBElement<String> je = unmarshaller.unmarshal(xmlSource, String.class);




Importing packages in Java

You don't import methods in Java, only types:

import Dan.Vik;
class Kab
    public static void main(String args[])
        Vik Sam = new Vik();

The exception is so-called "static imports", which let you import class (static) methods from other types.

How to get arguments with flags in Bash

I propose a simple TLDR:; example for the un-initiated.

Create a bash script called


while getopts "n:" arg; do
  case $arg in
    n) Name=$OPTARG;;

echo "Hello $Name!"

You can then pass an optional parameter -n when executing the script.

Execute the script as such:

$ bash -n 'World'


$ Hello World!


If you'd like to use multiple parameters:

  1. extend while getops "n:" arg: do with more paramaters such as while getops "n:o:p:" arg: do
  2. extend the case switch with extra variable assignments. Such as o) Option=$OPTARG and p) Parameter=$OPTARG

Iterating through a golang map

For example,

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    type Map1 map[string]interface{}
    type Map2 map[string]int
    m := Map1{"foo": Map2{"first": 1}, "boo": Map2{"second": 2}}
    //m = map[foo:map[first: 1] boo: map[second: 2]]
    fmt.Println("m:", m)
    for k, v := range m {
        fmt.Println("k:", k, "v:", v)


m: map[boo:map[second:2] foo:map[first:1]]
k: boo v: map[second:2]
k: foo v: map[first:1]

Can I use tcpdump to get HTTP requests, response header and response body?

Here is another choice: Chaosreader

So I need to debug an application which posts xml to a 3rd party application. I found a brilliant little perl script which does all the hard work – you just chuck it a tcpdump output file, and it does all the manipulation and outputs everything you need...

The script is called chaosreader0.94. See

It worked like a treat, I did the following:

tcpdump host -s 9000 -w outputfile; perl chaosreader0.94 outputfile

Passing data to components in vue.js

The above-mentioned responses work well but if you want to pass data between 2 sibling components, then the event bus can also be used. Check out this blog which would help you understand better.

supppose for 2 components : CompA & CompB having same parent and main.js for setting up main vue app. For passing data from CompA to CompB without involving parent component you can do the following.

in main.js file, declare a separate global Vue instance, that will be event bus.

export const bus = new Vue();

In CompA, where the event is generated : you have to emit the event to bus.

methods: {
      somethingHappened (){
          bus.$emit('changedSomething', 'new data');

Now the task is to listen the emitted event, so, in CompB, you can listen like.

created (){
    bus.$on('changedSomething', (newData) => {


  • Less & Clean code.
  • Parent should not involve in passing down data from 1 child comp to another ( as the number of children grows, it will become hard to maintain )
  • Follows pub-sub approach.

Get original URL referer with PHP?

Using Cookie as a repository of reference page is much better in most cases, as cookies will keep referrer until the browser is closed (and will keep it even if browser tab is closed), so in case if user left the page open, let's say before weekends, and returned to it after a couple of days, your session will probably be expired, but cookies are still will be there.

Put that code at the begin of a page (before any html output, as cookies will be properly set only before any echo/print):

    setcookie('origin_ref', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

Then you can access it later:

$var = $_COOKIE['origin_ref'];

And to addition to what @pcp suggested about escaping $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], when using cookie, you may also want to escape $_COOKIE['origin_ref'] on each request.

How to dynamically remove items from ListView on a button click?

      private List<DataValue> datavalue=new ArrayList<Datavalue>;

    public View getView(int position, View view, ViewGroup viewGroup) {

            view.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {


Returning JSON response from Servlet to Javascript/JSP page

Got it working! I should have been building a JSONArray of JSONObjects and then add the array to a final "Addresses" JSONObject. Observe the following:

JSONObject json      = new JSONObject();
JSONArray  addresses = new JSONArray();
JSONObject address;
   int count = 15;

   for (int i=0 ; i<count ; i++)
       address = new JSONObject();
       address.put("CustomerName"     , "Decepticons" + i);
       address.put("AccountId"        , "1999" + i);
       address.put("SiteId"           , "1888" + i);
       address.put("Number"            , "7" + i);
       address.put("Building"          , "StarScream Skyscraper" + i);
       address.put("Street"            , "Devestator Avenue" + i);
       address.put("City"              , "Megatron City" + i);
       address.put("ZipCode"          , "ZZ00 XX1" + i);
       address.put("Country"           , "CyberTron" + i);
   json.put("Addresses", addresses);
catch (JSONException jse)


This worked and returned valid and parse-able JSON. Hopefully this helps someone else in the future. Thanks for your help Marcel

How to change the font color in the textbox in C#?

Assuming WinForms, the ForeColor property allows to change all the text in the TextBox (not just what you're about to add):

TextBox.ForeColor = Color.Red;

To only change the color of certain words, look at RichTextBox.

My prerelease app has been "processing" for over a week in iTunes Connect, what gives?

I'm using xcode, my app usually took 1 - 2 minutes to be processed but today I waited for 15 minutes. What I did was increase the build, keep the version same and archive it again. And it went thru within 2 minutes while the previous build still stuck after an hour.

My advise is don't wait for Apple, just increase build and upload again. Apple is too noble to admit their system has bug or mistake. Time is money.

How to set fake GPS location on IOS real device

it seems with XCode 9.2 the way to import .gpx has changed, I tried the ways described here and did not do. The only way worked for me was to drag and drop the file .gpx to the project navigator window on the left. Then I can choose the country in the simulator item.

Hope this helps to someone.

jQuery Ajax requests are getting cancelled without being sent

I have had the same problem, for me I was creating the iframe for temporary manner and I was removing the iframe before the ajax become completes, so the browser would cancel my ajax request.

How to set dropdown arrow in spinner?

From the API level 16 and above, you can use following code to change the drop down icon in spinner. just goto onItemSelected in setonItemSelectedListener and change the drawable of textview selected like this.

spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() {
        public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
  // give the color which ever you want to give to spinner item in this line of code               
//API Level 16 and above only. 
 //Basically itis changing the drawable of textview, we have change the textview left drawable.

        public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parent) {


hope it will help somebody.

Why do abstract classes in Java have constructors?

A constructor in Java doesn't actually "build" the object, it is used to initialize fields.

Imagine that your abstract class has fields x and y, and that you always want them to be initialized in a certain way, no matter what actual concrete subclass is eventually created. So you create a constructor and initialize these fields.

Now, if you have two different subclasses of your abstract class, when you instantiate them their constructors will be called, and then the parent constructor will be called and the fields will be initialized.

If you don't do anything, the default constructor of the parent will be called. However, you can use the super keyword to invoke specific constructor on the parent class.

Why doesn't GCC optimize a*a*a*a*a*a to (a*a*a)*(a*a*a)?

There are already a few good answers to this question, but for the sake of completeness I wanted to point out that the applicable section of the C standard is (which is the same as section 1.9/9 in the C++11 standard). This section states that operators can only be regrouped if they are really associative or commutative.

Deleting rows with MySQL LEFT JOIN

DELETE FROM deadline where ID IN (
    SELECT d.ID FROM `deadline` d LEFT JOIN `job` ON deadline.job_id = job.job_id WHERE `status` =  'szamlazva' OR `status` = 'szamlazhato' OR `status` = 'fizetve' OR `status` = 'szallitva' OR `status` = 'storno');

I am not sure if that kind of sub query works in MySQL, but try it. I am assuming you have an ID column in your deadline table.

Running command line silently with VbScript and getting output?

You can redirect output to a file and then read the file:

return = WshShell.Run("cmd /c C:\snmpset -c ... > c:\temp\output.txt", 0, true)

Set fso  = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\temp\output.txt", 1)
text = file.ReadAll

Change URL and redirect using jQuery

tell you the true, I still don't get what you need, but


should be

window.location = url;

a search on window.location reference will tell you that.

excel vba getting the row,cell value from selection.address

Is this what you are looking for ?

Sub getRowCol()

    Range("A1").Select ' example

    Dim col, row
    col = Split(Selection.Address, "$")(1)
    row = Split(Selection.Address, "$")(2)

    MsgBox "Column is : " & col
    MsgBox "Row is : " & row

End Sub

How to search for a part of a word with ElasticSearch

I'm using nGram, too. I use standard tokenizer and nGram just as a filter. Here is my setup:

  "index": {
    "index": "my_idx",
    "type": "my_type",
    "analysis": {
      "index_analyzer": {
        "my_index_analyzer": {
          "type": "custom",
          "tokenizer": "standard",
          "filter": [
      "search_analyzer": {
        "my_search_analyzer": {
          "type": "custom",
          "tokenizer": "standard",
          "filter": [
      "filter": {
        "mynGram": {
          "type": "nGram",
          "min_gram": 2,
          "max_gram": 50

Let's you find word parts up to 50 letters. Adjust the max_gram as you need. In german words can get really big, so I set it to a high value.

Is there a printf converter to print in binary format?

I liked the code by paniq, the static buffer is a good idea. However it fails if you want multiple binary formats in a single printf() because it always returns the same pointer and overwrites the array.

Here's a C style drop-in that rotates pointer on a split buffer.

char *
format_binary(unsigned int x)
    #define MAXLEN 8 // width of output format
    #define MAXCNT 4 // count per printf statement
    static char fmtbuf[(MAXLEN+1)*MAXCNT];
    static int count = 0;
    char *b;
    count = count % MAXCNT + 1;
    b = &fmtbuf[(MAXLEN+1)*count];
    b[MAXLEN] = '\0';
    for (int z = 0; z < MAXLEN; z++) { b[MAXLEN-1-z] = ((x>>z) & 0x1) ? '1' : '0'; }
    return b;

Instagram: Share photo from webpage

As of November 17, 2015. This rule has officially changed. Instagram has deprecated the rule against using their API to upload images.

Good luck.

How to take MySQL database backup using MySQL Workbench?

In workbench 6.0 Connect to any of the database. You will see two tabs.

1.Management 2. Schemas

By default Schemas tab is selected. Select Management tab then select Data Export . You will get list of all databases. select the desired database and and the file name and ther options you wish and start export. You are done with backup.

adding multiple entries to a HashMap at once in one statement

Based on solution, presented by @Dakusan (the class defining to extend the HashMap), I did it this way:

  public static HashMap<String,String> SetHash(String...pairs) {
     HashMap<String,String> rtn = new HashMap<String,String>(pairs.length/2);
     for ( int n=0; n < pairs.length; n+=2 ) rtn.put(pairs[n], pairs[n + 1]);
    return rtn; 

.. and using it this way:

HashMap<String,String> hm = SetHash( "one","aa", "two","bb", "tree","cc");

(Not sure if there is any disadvantages in that way (I am not a java developer, just has to do some task in java), but it works and seems to me comfortable.)

TypeError: 'float' object not iterable



int and float are not iterable

Detect IF hovering over element with jQuery

Setting a flag per kinakuta's answer seems reasonable, you can put a listener on the body so you can check if any element is being hovered over at a particular instant.

However, how do you want to deal with child nodes? You should perhaps check if the element is an ancestor of the currently hovered element.


var isOver = (function() {
  var overElement;
  return {

    // Set the "over" element
    set: function(e) {
      overElement = || e.srcElement;

    // Return the current "over" element
    get: function() {
      return overElement;    

    // Check if element is the current "over" element
    check: function(element) {
      return element == overElement;

    // Check if element is, or an ancestor of, the 
    // current "over" element
    checkAll: function(element) {
      while (overElement.parentNode) {
         if (element == overElement) return true;
         overElement = overElement.parentNode;
      return false;

// Check every second if p0 is being hovered over
window.setInterval( function() {
  var el = document.getElementById('p0');
  document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = isOver.checkAll(el);
}, 1000);


<body onmouseover="isOver.set(event);">
  <div>Here is a div
    <p id="p0">Here is a p in the div<span> here is a span in the p</span> foo bar </p>
  <div id="msg"></div>

Calling an executable program using awk

It really depends :) One of the handy linux core utils (info coreutils) is xargs. If you are using awk you probably have a more involved use-case in mind - your question is not very detailled.

printf "1 2\n3 4" | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs touch

Will execute touch 2 4. Here touch could be replaced by your program. More info at info xargs and man xargs (really, read these). I believe you would like to replace touch with your program.

Breakdown of beforementioned script:

printf "1 2\n3 4"
# Output:
1 2
3 4

# The pipe (|) makes the output of the left command the input of
# the right command (simplified)
printf "1 2\n3 4" | awk '{ print $2 }'
# Output (of the awk command):

# xargs will execute a command with arguments. The arguments
# are made up taking the input to xargs (in this case the output
# of the awk command, which is "2 4".
printf "1 2\n3 4" | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs touch
# No output, but executes: `touch 2 4` which will create (or update
# timestamp if the files already exist) files with the name "2" and "4"

Update In the original answer, I used echo instead of printf. However, printf is the better and more portable alternative as was pointed out by a comment (where great links with discussions can be found).

Check a radio button with javascript

Easiest way would probably be with jQuery, as follows:


This adds a new attribute "checked" (which in HTML does not need a value). Just remember to include the jQuery library:

<script src=""></script>

multiple figure in latex with captions

Below is an example of multiple figures that I used recently in Latex. You need to call these packages




    \subfloat[Row1]{{\includegraphics[scale=.36]{1.png} }}%

    \subfloat[Row2]{{\includegraphics[scale=.36]{2.png} }}%

    \subfloat[Row3]{{\includegraphics[scale=.36]{3.png} }}%
    \subfloat[Row4]{{\includegraphics[scale=0.37]{4.png} }}%

    \subfloat[Row5]{{\includegraphics[scale=0.37]{5.png} }}%

    \caption{Multiple figures in latex.}%



Allow only numbers and dot in script

Hope this could help someone

$(document).on("input", ".numeric", function() {
this.value = this.value.match(/^\d+\.?\d{0,2}/);});

How I can check whether a page is loaded completely or not in web driver?

I know this post is old. But after gathering all code from above I made a nice method (solution) to handle ajax running and regular pages. The code is made for C# only (since Selenium is definitely a best fit for C# Visual Studio after a year of messing around).

The method is used as an extension method, which means to put it simple; that you can add more functionality (methods) in this case, to the object IWebDriver. Important is that you have to define: 'this' in the parameters to make use of it.

The timeout variable is the amount of seconds for the webdriver to wait, if the page is not responding. Using 'Selenium' and 'Selenium.Support.UI' namespaces it is possible to execute a piece of javascript that returns a boolean, whether the document is ready (complete) and if jQuery is loaded. If the page does not have jQuery then the method will throw an exception. This exception is 'catched' by error handling. In the catch state the document will only be checked for it's ready state, without checking for jQuery.

public static void WaitUntilDocumentIsReady(this IWebDriver driver, int timeoutInSeconds) {
    var javaScriptExecutor = driver as IJavaScriptExecutor;
    var wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeoutInSeconds));

    try {
        Func<IWebDriver, bool> readyCondition = webDriver => (bool)javaScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("return (document.readyState == 'complete' && == 0)");
    } catch(InvalidOperationException) {
        wait.Until(wd => javaScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("return document.readyState").ToString() == "complete");

How to make Google Fonts work in IE?

Try this type of link , it will run in also IE . hope this helps .

<link href='//,400,600,700,300italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

two divs the same line, one dynamic width, one fixed

I think this is you want:

<style type="text/css">
border:1px solid red;
border:1px solid black;

border:1px solid black;
<div id="parent">
  <div class="left">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</div>
  <div class="right">This is the right side content</div>

Here is the demo:

Get HTML code from website in C#

You can use WebClient to download the html for any url. Once you have the html, you can use a third-party library like HtmlAgilityPack to lookup values in the html as in below code -

public static string GetInnerHtmlFromDiv(string url)
        string HTML;
        using (var wc = new WebClient())
            HTML = wc.DownloadString(url);
        var doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
        HtmlNode element = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='<div id here>']");
        if (element != null)
            return element.InnerHtml.ToString();
        return null;            

Quick Sort Vs Merge Sort

Quick sort is typically faster than merge sort when the data is stored in memory. However, when the data set is huge and is stored on external devices such as a hard drive, merge sort is the clear winner in terms of speed. It minimizes the expensive reads of the external drive and also lends itself well to parallel computing.

How do I use cascade delete with SQL Server?

You can do this with SQL Server Management Studio.

? Right click the table design and go to Relationships and choose the foreign key on the left-side pane and in the right-side pane, expand the menu "INSERT and UPDATE specification" and select "Cascade" as Delete Rule.

SQL Server Management Studio

Create HTTP post request and receive response using C# console application

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;

namespace WebserverInteractionClassLibrary
    public class RequestManager
        public string LastResponse { protected set; get; }

        CookieContainer cookies = new CookieContainer();

        internal string GetCookieValue(Uri SiteUri,string name)
            Cookie cookie = cookies.GetCookies(SiteUri)[name];
            return (cookie == null) ? null : cookie.Value;

        public string GetResponseContent(HttpWebResponse response)
            if (response == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("response");
            Stream dataStream = null;
            StreamReader reader = null;
            string responseFromServer = null;

                // Get the stream containing content returned by the server.
                dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
                reader = new StreamReader(dataStream);
                // Read the content.
                responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();
                // Cleanup the streams and the response.
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (reader != null)
                if (dataStream != null)
            LastResponse = responseFromServer;
            return responseFromServer;

        public HttpWebResponse SendPOSTRequest(string uri, string content, string login, string password, bool allowAutoRedirect)
            HttpWebRequest request = GeneratePOSTRequest(uri, content, login, password, allowAutoRedirect);
            return GetResponse(request);

        public HttpWebResponse SendGETRequest(string uri, string login, string password, bool allowAutoRedirect)
            HttpWebRequest request = GenerateGETRequest(uri, login, password, allowAutoRedirect);
            return GetResponse(request);

        public HttpWebResponse SendRequest(string uri, string content, string method, string login, string password, bool allowAutoRedirect)
            HttpWebRequest request = GenerateRequest(uri, content, method, login, password, allowAutoRedirect);
            return GetResponse(request);

        public HttpWebRequest GenerateGETRequest(string uri, string login, string password, bool allowAutoRedirect)
            return GenerateRequest(uri, null, "GET", null, null, allowAutoRedirect);

        public HttpWebRequest GeneratePOSTRequest(string uri, string content, string login, string password, bool allowAutoRedirect)
            return GenerateRequest(uri, content, "POST", null, null, allowAutoRedirect);

        internal HttpWebRequest GenerateRequest(string uri, string content, string method, string login, string password, bool allowAutoRedirect)
            if (uri == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("uri");
            // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post. 
            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(uri);
            // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
            request.Method = method;
            // Set cookie container to maintain cookies
            request.CookieContainer = cookies;
            request.AllowAutoRedirect = allowAutoRedirect;
            // If login is empty use defaul credentials
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(login))
                request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
                request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(login, password);
            if (method == "POST")
                // Convert POST data to a byte array.
                byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content);
                // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
                request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                // Set the ContentLength property of the WebRequest.
                request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
                // Get the request stream.
                Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream();
                // Write the data to the request stream.
                dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
                // Close the Stream object.
            return request;

        internal HttpWebResponse GetResponse(HttpWebRequest request)
            if (request == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("request");
            HttpWebResponse response = null;
                response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();                
                // Print the properties of each cookie.
                Console.WriteLine("\nCookies: ");
                foreach (Cookie cook in cookies.GetCookies(request.RequestUri))
                    Console.WriteLine("Domain: {0}, String: {1}", cook.Domain, cook.ToString());
            catch (WebException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Web exception occurred. Status code: {0}", ex.Status);
            catch (Exception ex)
            return response;


findViewByID returns null

FWIW, I don't see that anyone solved this in quite the same way as I needed to. No complaints at compile time, but I was getting a null view at runtime, and calling things in the proper order. That is, findViewById() after setContentView(). The problem turned out that my view is defined in content_main.xml, but in my activity_main.xml, I lacked this one statement:

<include layout="@layout/content_main" />

When I added that to activity_main.xml, no more NullPointer.

Preventing SQL injection in Node.js

Mysql-native has been outdated so it became MySQL2 that is a new module created with the help of the original MySQL module's team. This module has more features and I think it has what you want as it has prepared statements(by using.execute()) like in PHP for more security.

It's also very active(the last change was from 2-1 days) I didn't try it before but I think it's what you want and more.

Proper use of 'yield return'

Return the list directly. Benefits:

  • It's more clear
  • The list is reusable. (the iterator is not) not actually true, Thanks Jon

You should use the iterator (yield) from when you think you probably won't have to iterate all the way to the end of the list, or when it has no end. For example, the client calling is going to be searching for the first product that satisfies some predicate, you might consider using the iterator, although that's a contrived example, and there are probably better ways to accomplish it. Basically, if you know in advance that the whole list will need to be calculated, just do it up front. If you think that it won't, then consider using the iterator version.

how to add key value pair in the JSON object already declared

You can add more key value pair in the same object without replacing old ones in following way:

var obj = {};

obj = {
"1": "aa",
"2": "bb"

obj["3"] = "cc";

Below is the code and jsfiddle link to sample demo that will add more key value pairs to the already existed obj on clicking of button:

var obj = {
    "1": "aa",
    "2": "bb"

var noOfItems = Object.keys(obj).length;

$('#btnAddProperty').on('click', function() {
    obj[noOfItems] = $.trim($('#txtName').val());

error_reporting(E_ALL) does not produce error

In your php.ini file check for display_errors. I think it is off.

ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);

Credentials for the SQL Server Agent service are invalid

In my case password was expired. Change the password and try the step again.

Is there a jQuery unfocus method?

I like the following approach as it works for all situations:


Getting all types that implement an interface

You could use some LINQ to get the list:

var types = from type in this.GetType().Assembly.GetTypes()
            where type is ISomeInterface
            select type;

But really, is that more readable?

Java Replace Character At Specific Position Of String?

Petar Ivanov's answer to replace a character at a specific index in a string question

String are immutable in Java. You can't change them.

You need to create a new string with the character replaced.

String myName = "domanokz";
String newName = myName.substring(0,4)+'x'+myName.substring(5);

Or you can use a StringBuilder:

StringBuilder myName = new StringBuilder("domanokz");
myName.setCharAt(4, 'x');


Get only the date in timestamp in mysql

You can convert that time in Unix timestamp by using

select UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2013-11-26 01:24:34')

then convert it in the readable format in whatever format you need

select from_unixtime(UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2013-11-26 01:24:34'),"%Y-%m-%d");

For in detail you can visit link

SQL Error: ORA-01861: literal does not match format string 01861

You can also change the date format for the session. This is useful, for example, in Perl DBI, where the to_date() function is not available:


You can permanently set the default nls_date_format as well:


In Perl DBI you can run these commands with the do() method:


lvalue required as left operand of assignment error when using C++

It is just a typo(I guess)-


instead of p +1=p; is required .

As name suggest lvalue expression should be left-hand operand of the assignment operator.

Map.Entry: How to use it?

public HashMap<Integer,Obj> ListeObj= new HashMap<>();

public void addObj(String param1, String param2, String param3){
  Obj newObj = new Obj(param1, param2, param3);
  this.ListObj.put(newObj.getId(), newObj);

public ArrayList<Integer> searchdObj (int idObj){
  ArrayList<Integer> returnList = new ArrayList<>();
  for (java.util.Map.Entry<Integer, Obj> e : this.ListObj.entrySet()){
    if(e.getValue().getName().equals(idObj)) {
return returnList;

Closing Excel Application using VBA

To avoid the Save prompt message, you have to insert those lines

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

After saving your work, you need to use this line to quit the Excel application


Don't just simply put those line in Private Sub Workbook_Open() unless you got do a correct condition checking, else you may spoil your excel file.

For safety purpose, please create a module to run it. The following are the codes that i put:

Sub testSave()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

Hope it help you solve the problem.

How to run a specific Android app using Terminal?

Use the cmd activity start-activity (or the alternative am start) command, which is a command-line interface to the ActivityManager. Use am to start activities as shown in this help:

$ adb shell am
usage: am [start|instrument]
       am start [-a <ACTION>] [-d <DATA_URI>] [-t <MIME_TYPE>]
                [-c <CATEGORY> [-c <CATEGORY>] ...]
                [-e <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_VALUE> [-e <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_VALUE> ...]
                [-n <COMPONENT>] [-D] [<URI>]

For example, to start the Contacts application, and supposing you know only the package name but not the Activity, you can use

$ comp=$(adb shell cmd package resolve-activity --brief -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER $pkg | tail -1)
$ adb shell cmd activity start-activity $comp

or the alternative

$ adb shell am start -n $comp

See also (may be a copy of obsolete url : ) for other details.

To terminate the application you can use

$ adb shell am kill

or the more drastic

$ adb shell am force-stop

Argument Exception "Item with Same Key has already been added"

If you want "insert or replace" semantics, use this syntax:

A[key] = value;     // <-- insert or replace semantics

It's more efficient and readable than calls involving "ContainsKey()" or "Remove()" prior to "Add()".

So in your case:

rct3Features[items[0]] = items[1];

How to programmatically log out from Facebook SDK 3.0 without using Facebook login/logout button?

Facebook provides two ways to login and logout from an account. One is to use LoginButton and the other is to use LoginManager. LoginButton is just a button which on clicked, the logging in is accomplished. On the other side LoginManager does this on its own. In your case you have use LoginManager to logout automatically.

LoginManager.getInstance().logout() does this work for you.

How to delete a row from GridView?

You are deleting the row from the gridview but you are then going and calling databind again which is just refreshing the gridview to the same state that the original datasource is in.

Either remove it from the datasource and then databind, or databind and remove it from the gridview without redatabinding.

Facebook Graph API error code list

I have also found some more error subcodes, in case of OAuth exception. Copied from the facebook bugtracker, without any garantee (maybe contain deprecated, wrong and discontinued ones):

  * (Date: 30.01.2013)
  * case 1: - "An error occured while creating the share (publishing to wall)"
  *         - "An unknown error has occurred."
  * case 2:    "An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry your request later."
  * case 3:    App must be on whitelist        
  * case 4:    Application request limit reached
  * case 5:    Unauthorized source IP address        
  * case 200:  Requires extended permissions
  * case 240:  Requires a valid user is specified (either via the session or via the API parameter for specifying the user."
  * case 1500: The url you supplied is invalid
  * case 200:
  * case 210:  - Subject must be a page
  *            - User not visible

  * Error Code 100 several issus:
  * - "Specifying multiple ids with a post method is not supported" (http status 400)
  * - "Error finding the requested story" but it is available via GET
  * - "Invalid post_id"
  * - "Code was invalid or expired. Session is invalid."
  * Error Code 2: 
  * - Service temporarily unavailable

Jackson - Deserialize using generic class

public class Data<T> extends JsonDeserializer implements ContextualDeserializer {
    private Class<T> cls;
    public JsonDeserializer createContextual(DeserializationContext ctx, BeanProperty prop) throws JsonMappingException {
        cls = (Class<T>) ctx.getContextualType().getRawClass();
        return this;

SSRS Field Expression to change the background color of the Cell

Make use of using the Color and Backcolor Properties to write Expressions for your query. Add the following to the expression option for the color property that you want to cater for)


=iif(fields!column.value = "Approved", "Green","<other color>")

iif needs 3 values, first the relating Column, then the second is to handle the True and the third is to handle the False for the iif statement

How to convert strings into integers in Python?

I want to share an available option that doesn't seem to be mentioned here yet:


Will generate a random permutation of array x. Not exactly what you asked for, but it is a potential solution to similar questions.

Java constructor/method with optional parameters?

Why do you want to do that?

However, You can do this:

public void foo(int param1)
    int param2 = 2;
    // rest of code


public void foo(int param1, int param2)
    // rest of code

public void foo(int param1)
    foo(param1, 2);

How to add a form load event (currently not working)

Three ways you can do this - from the form designer, select the form, and where you normally see the list of properties, just above it there should be a little lightning symbol - this shows you all the events of the form. Find the form load event in the list, and you should be able to pick ProgramViwer_Load from the dropdown.

A second way to do it is programmatically - somewhere (constructor maybe) you'd need to add it, something like: ProgramViwer.Load += new EventHandler(ProgramViwer_Load);

A third way using the designer (probably the quickest) - when you create a new form, double click on the middle of it on it in design mode. It'll create a Form load event for you, hook it in, and take you to the event handler code. Then you can just add your two lines and you're good to go!

How to include() all PHP files from a directory?

If there are NO dependencies between files... here is a recursive function to include_once ALL php files in ALL subdirs:

$paths = array();

function include_recursive( $path, $debug=false){
  foreach( glob( "$path/*") as $filename){        
    if( strpos( $filename, '.php') !== FALSE){ 
       # php files:
       include_once $filename;
       if( $debug) echo "<!-- included: $filename -->\n";
    } else { # dirs
       $paths[] = $filename; 
  # Time to process the dirs:
  for( $i=count($paths)-1; $i>0; $i--){
    $path = $paths[$i];
    unset( $paths[$i]);
    include_recursive( $path);

include_recursive( "tree_to_include");
# or... to view debug in page source:
include_recursive( "tree_to_include", 'debug');

Which is fastest? SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS FROM `table`, or SELECT COUNT(*)

It depends. See the MySQL Performance Blog post on this subject: To SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS or not to SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS?

Just a quick summary: Peter says that it depends on your indexes and other factors. Many of the comments to the post seem to say that SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS is almost always slower - sometimes up to 10x slower - than running two queries.

How do I remove all non-ASCII characters with regex and Notepad++?

To keep new lines:

  1. First select a character for new line... I used #.
  2. Select replace option, extended.
  3. input \n replace with #
  4. Hit Replace All


  1. Select Replace option Regular Expression.
  2. Input this : [^\x20-\x7E]+
  3. Keep Replace With Empty
  4. Hit Replace All

Now, Select Replace option Extended and Replace # with \n

:) now, you have a clean ASCII file ;)

Can't compare naive and aware <= challenge.datetime_end is not timezone aware.

Django comes with a helper for this, which requires pytz

from django.utils import timezone
now =

You should be able to compare now to challenge.datetime_start

Internal Error 500 Apache, but nothing in the logs?

Why are the 500 Internal Server Errors not being logged into your apache error logs?

The errors that cause your 500 Internal Server Error are coming from a PHP module. By default, PHP does NOT log these errors. Reason being you want web requests go as fast as physically possible and it's a security hazard to log errors to screen where attackers can observe them.

These instructions to enable Internal Server Error Logging are for Ubuntu 12.10 with PHP 5.3.10 and Apache/2.2.22.

Make sure PHP logging is turned on:

  1. Locate your php.ini file:

    el@apollo:~$ locate php.ini
  2. Edit that file as root:

    sudo vi /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
  3. Find this line in php.ini:

    display_errors = Off
  4. Change the above line to this:

    display_errors = On
  5. Lower down in the file you'll see this:

    ;   Default Value: Off
    ;   Development Value: On
    ;   Production Value: Off
    ;   Default Value: E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
    ;   Development Value: E_ALL | E_STRICT
    ;   Production Value: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED
  6. The semicolons are comments, that means the lines don't take effect. Change those lines so they look like this:

    display_startup_errors = On
    ;   Default Value: Off
    ;   Development Value: On
    ;   Production Value: Off
    error_reporting = E_ALL
    ;   Default Value: E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
    ;   Development Value: E_ALL | E_STRICT
    ;   Production Value: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED

    What this communicates to PHP is that we want to log all these errors. Warning, there will be a large performance hit, so you don't want this enabled on production because logging takes work and work takes time, time costs money.

  7. Restarting PHP and Apache should apply the change.

  8. Do what you did to cause the 500 Internal Server error again, and check the log:

    tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log
  9. You should see the 500 error at the end, something like this:

    [Wed Dec 11 01:00:40 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  
    Call to undefined function Foobar\\byob\\penguin\\alert() in /yourproject/
    your_src/symfony/Controller/MessedUpController.php on line 249, referer:

Comment shortcut Android Studio

Mac With Numeric pad

Line Comment hold both: Cmd + /

Block Comment hold all three: Cmd + Alt + /


Line Comment hold both: Cmd + + =

Block Comment hold all three: Cmd + Alt + + =

Windows/linux :

Line Comment hold both: Ctrl + /

Block Comment hold all three: Ctrl + Shift + /

Same way to remove the comment block.

To Provide Method Documentation comment type /** and press Enter just above the method name (

It will create a block comment with parameter list and return type like this

 * @param userId 
 * @return
public int getSubPlayerCountForUser(String userId){}

What is the default font of Sublime Text?

The default font on windows 10 is Consolas

Where is the Java SDK folder in my computer? Ubuntu 12.04

Please use this command:

readlink -f $(which java)

It works for me with Ubuntu gnome.

On my computer the result is:



byte[] to hex string

Hex, Linq-fu:

string.Concat(ba.Select(b => b.ToString("X2")).ToArray())

UPDATE with the times

As noted by @RubenBartelink, the code that don't have a conversion of IEnumerable<string> to an array: ba.Select(b => b.ToString("X2")) does not work prior to 4.0, the same code is now working on 4.0.

This code...

byte[] ba = { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 };

string s = string.Concat(ba.Select(b => b.ToString("X2")));
string t = string.Concat(ba.Select(b => b.ToString("X2")).ToArray());

Console.WriteLine (s);
Console.WriteLine (t);

...prior to .NET 4.0, the output is:


On .NET 4.0 onwards, string.Concat has an overload that accepts IEnumerable. Hence on 4.0, the above code will have same output for both variables s and t


Prior to 4.0, ba.Select(b => b.ToString("X2")) goes to overload (object arg0), the way for the IEnumerable<string> to go to a proper overload, i.e. (params string[] values), is we need to convert the IEnumerable<string> to string array. Prior to 4.0, string.Concat has 10 overload functions, on 4.0 it is now 12


I think it's worth pointing out that there can be some unexpected behaviour here if you don't thoroughly understand how PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE interact.

As an example, if you want to insert a record only if the NAME field isn't currently taken, and if it is, you want a constraint exception to fire to tell you, then INSERT OR REPLACE will not throw and exception and instead will resolve the UNIQUE constraint itself by replacing the conflicting record (the existing record with the same NAME). Gaspard's demonstrates this really well in his answer above.

If you want a constraint exception to fire, you have to use an INSERT statement, and rely on a separate UPDATE command to update the record once you know the name isn't taken.

Iterating through directories with Python

The actual walk through the directories works as you have coded it. If you replace the contents of the inner loop with a simple print statement you can see that each file is found:

import os
rootdir = 'C:/Users/sid/Desktop/test'

for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir):
    for file in files:
        print os.path.join(subdir, file)

If you still get errors when running the above, please provide the error message.

Updated for Python3

import os
rootdir = 'C:/Users/sid/Desktop/test'

for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir):
    for file in files:
        print(os.path.join(subdir, file))

Cannot find Dumpbin.exe

You probably need to open a command prompt with the PATH set up properly. Look for an icon in the start menu that says something like "Visual C++ 2005 Command Prompt". You should be able to run dumpbin (and all the other command line tools) from there.

How to retrieve the current value of an oracle sequence without increment it?

I also tried to use CURRVAL, in my case to find out if some process inserted new rows to some table with that sequence as Primary Key. My assumption was that CURRVAL would be the fastest method. But a) CurrVal does not work, it will just get the old value because you are in another Oracle session, until you do a NEXTVAL in your own session. And b) a select max(PK) from TheTable is also very fast, probably because a PK is always indexed. Or select count(*) from TheTable. I am still experimenting, but both SELECTs seem fast.

I don't mind a gap in a sequence, but in my case I was thinking of polling a lot, and I would hate the idea of very large gaps. Especially if a simple SELECT would be just as fast.


  • CURRVAL is pretty useless, as it does not detect NEXTVAL from another session, it only returns what you already knew from your previous NEXTVAL
  • SELECT MAX(...) FROM ... is a good solution, simple and fast, assuming your sequence is linked to that table

What is the best way to create a string array in python?

In python, you wouldn't normally do what you are trying to do. But, the below code will do it:

strs = ["" for x in range(size)]

how to play video from url

It has something to do with your link and content. Try the following two links:

    String path="";
    String path1="";

    Uri uri=Uri.parse(path1);

    VideoView video=(VideoView)findViewById(;

Start with "path1", it is a small light weight video stream and then try the "path", it is a higher resolution than "path1", a perfect high resolution for the mobile phone.

How do I turn off PHP Notices?

by not causing the errors:

defined('DIR_FS_CATALOG') || define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', 'whatever');

If you really have to, then change error reporting using error_reporting() to E_ALL^E_NOTICE.

Beautiful Soup and extracting a div and its contents by ID

Beautiful Soup 4 supports most CSS selectors with the .select() method, therefore you can use an id selector such as:'#articlebody')

If you need to specify the element's type, you can add a type selector before the id selector:'div#articlebody')

The .select() method will return a collection of elements, which means that it would return the same results as the following .find_all() method example:

soup.find_all('div', id="articlebody")
# or

If you only want to select a single element, then you could just use the .find() method:

soup.find('div', id="articlebody")
# or

Loading state button in Bootstrap 3

You need to detect the click from js side, your HTML remaining same. Note: this method is deprecated since v3.5.5 and removed in v4.

$("button").click(function() {
    var $btn = $(this);
    // simulating a timeout
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 1000);

Also, don't forget to load jQuery and Bootstrap js (based on jQuery) file in your page.


Official Documentation

How do I specify the columns and rows of a multiline Editor-For in ASP.MVC?

Use TextAreaFor

@Html.TextAreaFor(model => model.Description, new { @class = "whatever-class", @cols = 80, @rows = 10 })

or use style for multi-line class.

You could also write EditorTemplate for this.

c# razor url parameter from view

I've found the solution in this thread


Launch custom android application from android browser

You need to add a pseudo-hostname to the CALLBACK_URL 'app://' doesn't make sense as a URL and cannot be parsed.

How to create a listbox in HTML without allowing multiple selection?

Remove the multiple="multiple" attribute and add SIZE=6 with the number of elements you want

you may want to check this site

Export table to file with column headers (column names) using the bcp utility and SQL Server 2008


  • Windows, 64 bit
  • SQL Server (tested with SQL Server 2017 and it should work for all versions):

Option 1: Command Prompt

sqlcmd -s, -W -Q "set nocount on; select * from [DATABASE].[dbo].[TABLENAME]" | findstr /v /c:"-" /b > "c:\dirname\file.csv"


  • [DATABASE].[dbo].[TABLENAME] is table to write.
  • c:\dirname\file.csv is file to write to (surrounded in quotes to handle a path with spaces).
  • Output .csv file includes headers.

Note: I tend to avoid bcp: it is legacy, it predates sqlcmd by a decade, and it never seems to work without causing a whole raft of headaches.

Option 2: Within SQL Script

-- Export table [DATABASE].[dbo].[TABLENAME] to .csv file c:\dirname\file.csv
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'sqlcmd -s, -W -Q "set nocount on; select * from [DATABASE].[dbo].[TABLENAME]" | findstr /v /c:"-" /b > "c:\dirname\file.csv"'

Troubleshoooting: must enable xp_cmdshell within MSSQL.

Sample Output

File: file.csv:



As fast as theoretically possible: same speed as bcp, and many times faster than manually exporting from SSMS.

Parameter Explanation (optional - can ignore)

In sqlcmd:

  • -s, puts a comma between each column.
  • -W eliminates padding either side of the values.
  • set nocount on eliminates a garbage line at the end of the query.

For findstr:

  • All this does is remove the second line underline underneath the header, e.g. --- ----- ---- ---- ----- --.
  • /v /c:"-" matches any line that starts with "-".
  • /b returns all other lines.

Importing into other programs

In Excel:

  • Can directly open the file in Excel.

In Python:

import pandas as pd
df_raw = pd.read_csv("c:\dirname\file.csv")

java- reset list iterator to first element of the list

This is an alternative solution, but one could argue it doesn't add enough value to make it worth it:

Iterator<String> iter = Iterables.cycle(list).iterator();
if(iter.hasNext()) {
    str =;

Calling hasNext() will reset the iterator cursor to the beginning if it's a the end.

how to change listen port from default 7001 to something different?

As my experience, you can add another domain which listens different port than 7001, and use this domain in to deploy app.

Here's an example:


Perform a Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test

What does shapiro.test do?

shapiro.test tests the Null hypothesis that "the samples come from a Normal distribution" against the alternative hypothesis "the samples do not come from a Normal distribution".

How to perform shapiro.test in R?

The R help page for ?shapiro.test gives,

x - a numeric vector of data values. Missing values are allowed, 
    but the number of non-missing values must be between 3 and 5000.

That is, shapiro.test expects a numeric vector as input, that corresponds to the sample you would like to test and it is the only input required. Since you've a data.frame, you'll have to pass the desired column as input to the function as follows:

> shapiro.test(heisenberg$HWWIchg)
#   Shapiro-Wilk normality test

# data:  heisenberg$HWWIchg 
# W = 0.9001, p-value = 0.2528

Interpreting results from shapiro.test:

First, I strongly suggest you read this excellent answer from Ian Fellows on testing for normality.

As shown above, the shapiro.test tests the NULL hypothesis that the samples came from a Normal distribution. This means that if your p-value <= 0.05, then you would reject the NULL hypothesis that the samples came from a Normal distribution. As Ian Fellows nicely put it, you are testing against the assumption of Normality". In other words (correct me if I am wrong), it would be much better if one tests the NULL hypothesis that the samples do not come from a Normal distribution. Why? Because, rejecting a NULL hypothesis is not the same as accepting the alternative hypothesis.

In case of the null hypothesis of shapiro.test, a p-value <= 0.05 would reject the null hypothesis that the samples come from normal distribution. To put it loosely, there is a rare chance that the samples came from a normal distribution. The side-effect of this hypothesis testing is that this rare chance happens very rarely. To illustrate, take for example:

x <- runif(50, min=2, max=4)
#   Shapiro-Wilk normality test
# data:  runif(50, min = 2, max = 4) 
# W = 0.9601, p-value = 0.08995

So, this (particular) sample runif(50, min=2, max=4) comes from a normal distribution according to this test. What I am trying to say is that, there are many many cases under which the "extreme" requirements (p < 0.05) are not satisfied which leads to acceptance of "NULL hypothesis" most of the times, which might be misleading.

Another issue I'd like to quote here from @PaulHiemstra from under comments about the effects on large sample size:

An additional issue with the Shapiro-Wilk's test is that when you feed it more data, the chances of the null hypothesis being rejected becomes larger. So what happens is that for large amounts of data even very small deviations from normality can be detected, leading to rejection of the null hypothesis event though for practical purposes the data is more than normal enough.

Although he also points out that R's data size limit protects this a bit:

Luckily shapiro.test protects the user from the above described effect by limiting the data size to 5000.

If the NULL hypothesis were the opposite, meaning, the samples do not come from a normal distribution, and you get a p-value < 0.05, then you conclude that it is very rare that these samples do not come from a normal distribution (reject the NULL hypothesis). That loosely translates to: It is highly likely that the samples are normally distributed (although some statisticians may not like this way of interpreting). I believe this is what Ian Fellows also tried to explain in his post. Please correct me if I've gotten something wrong!

@PaulHiemstra also comments about practical situations (example regression) when one comes across this problem of testing for normality:

In practice, if an analysis assumes normality, e.g. lm, I would not do this Shapiro-Wilk's test, but do the analysis and look at diagnostic plots of the outcome of the analysis to judge whether any assumptions of the analysis where violated too much. For linear regression using lm this is done by looking at some of the diagnostic plots you get using plot(lm()). Statistics is not a series of steps that cough up a few numbers (hey p < 0.05!) but requires a lot of experience and skill in judging how to analysis your data correctly.

Here, I find the reply from Ian Fellows to Ben Bolker's comment under the same question already linked above equally (if not more) informative:

For linear regression,

  1. Don't worry much about normality. The CLT takes over quickly and if you have all but the smallest sample sizes and an even remotely reasonable looking histogram you are fine.

  2. Worry about unequal variances (heteroskedasticity). I worry about this to the point of (almost) using HCCM tests by default. A scale location plot will give some idea of whether this is broken, but not always. Also, there is no a priori reason to assume equal variances in most cases.

  3. Outliers. A cooks distance of > 1 is reasonable cause for concern.

Those are my thoughts (FWIW).

Hope this clears things up a bit.

Change color and appearance of drop down arrow

Not easily done I am afraid. The problem is Css cannot replace the arrow in a select as this is rendered by the browser. But you can build a new control from div and input elements and Javascript to perform the same function as the select.

Try looking at some of the autocomplete plugins for Jquery for example.

Otherwise there is some info on the select element here:

How to disable auto-play for local video in iframe

You can set the source of the player as blank string on loading the page, in this way you don't have to switch to video tag.

var player = document.getElementById("video-player");
player.src = "";

When you want to play a video, just change its src attribute, for example:

function play(source){
   player.src = source;

Can ordered list produce result that looks like 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (instead of just 1, 2, 3, ...) with css?

Note: Use CSS counters to create nested numbering in a modern browser. See the accepted answer. The following is for historical interest only.

If the browser supports content and counter,

.foo {_x000D_
  counter-reset: foo;_x000D_
.foo li {_x000D_
  list-style-type: none;_x000D_
.foo li::before {_x000D_
  counter-increment: foo;_x000D_
  content: "1." counter(foo) " ";_x000D_
<ol class="foo">_x000D_

Replace given value in vector

Another simpler option is to do:

 > x = c(1, 1, 2, 4, 5, 2, 1, 3, 2)
 > x[x==1] <- 0
 > x
 [1] 0 0 2 4 5 2 0 3 2

How to get Node.JS Express to listen only on localhost?

You are having this problem because you are attempting to console log app.address() before the connection has been made. You just have to be sure to console log after the connection is made, i.e. in a callback or after an event signaling that the connection has been made.

Fortunately, the 'listening' event is emitted by the server after the connection is made so just do this:

var express = require('express');
var http = require('http');

var app = express();
var server = http.createServer(app);

app.get('/', function(req, res) {
    res.send("Hello World!");

server.listen(3000, 'localhost');
server.on('listening', function() {
    console.log('Express server started on port %s at %s', server.address().port, server.address().address);

This works just fine in nodejs v0.6+ and Express v3.0+.

Submit button doesn't work

Are you using HTML5? If so, check whether you have any <input type="hidden"> in your form with the property required. Remove that required property. Internet Explorer won't take this property, so it works but Chrome will.

How do I bind a WPF DataGrid to a variable number of columns?

There is a sample of the way I do programmatically:

public partial class UserControlWithComboBoxColumnDataGrid : UserControl
    private Dictionary<int, string> _Dictionary;
    private ObservableCollection<MyItem> _MyItems;
    public UserControlWithComboBoxColumnDataGrid() {
      _Dictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>();
      _MyItems = new ObservableCollection<MyItem>();
      dataGridMyItems.AutoGeneratingColumn += DataGridMyItems_AutoGeneratingColumn;
      dataGridMyItems.ItemsSource = _MyItems;

private void DataGridMyItems_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
            var desc = e.PropertyDescriptor as PropertyDescriptor;
            var att = desc.Attributes[typeof(ColumnNameAttribute)] as ColumnNameAttribute;
            if (att != null)
                if (att.Name == "My Combobox Item") {
                    var comboBoxColumn =  new DataGridComboBoxColumn {
                        DisplayMemberPath = "Value",
                        SelectedValuePath = "Key",
                        ItemsSource = _ApprovalTypes,
                        SelectedValueBinding =  new Binding( "Bazinga"),   
                    e.Column = comboBoxColumn;


public class MyItem {
    public string Name{get;set;}
    [ColumnName("My Combobox Item")]
    public int Bazinga {get;set;}

  public class ColumnNameAttribute : Attribute
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public ColumnNameAttribute(string name) { Name = name; }

How can I start and check my MySQL log?

Enable general query log by the following query in mysql command line

SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON';

Now open C:/xampp/mysql/data/mysql.log and check query log

If it fails, open your my.cnf file. For windows its my.ini file and enable it there. Just make sure its in the [mysqld] section

general_log             = 1

Note: In xampp my.ini file can be either found in xampp\mysql or in c:\windows directory

How to get a div to resize its height to fit container?

Simple Way

You can achieve this with setting both the top and bottom attributes of the nav to 0 and the position: absolute. Set the container to position: relative.

See how this is done

Modern Way (Flexbox)

IE11+ and all modern browsers support flexbox.

.container {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

.child {
  flex-grow: 1;

Getting "error": "unsupported_grant_type" when trying to get a JWT by calling an OWIN OAuth secured Web Api via Postman

I was getting this error too and the reason ended up being wrong call url. I am leaving this answer here, if someone else happens to mix the urls and getting this error. Took me hours to realize I had wrong URL.

Error I got (HTTP code 400):

    "error": "unsupported_grant_type",
    "error_description": "grant type not supported"

I was calling:

While the correct URL would have been:

Is it possible to use jQuery to read meta tags

jQuery now supports .data();, so if you have

<div id='author' data-content='stuff!'>


var author = $('#author').data("content"); // author = 'stuff!'

check if a file is open in Python


with open("path", "r") as file:#or just open

may cause some troubles when file is opened by some other processes (i.e. user opened it manually). You can solve your poblem using win32com library. Below code checks if any excel files are opened and if none of them matches the name of your particular one, openes a new one.

import win32com.client as win32
xl = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application')

my_workbook = "wb_name.xls"
xlPath="my_wb_path//" + my_workbook

if xl.Workbooks.Count > 0:
    # if none of opened workbooks matches the name, openes my_workbook 
    if not any(i.Name == my_workbook for i in xl.Workbooks): 
        xl.Visible = True
#no workbooks found, opening
    xl.Visible = True

'xl.Visible = True is not necessary, used just for convenience'

Hope this will help

Inherit CSS class

Something like this:

.base {

div.child {

.child {

<div class="base child">
    hello world

The background here will be red, as the css selector is more specific, as we've said it must belong to a div element too!

see it in action here: jsFiddle

How can I initialize a String array with length 0 in Java?

Ok I actually found the answer but thought I would 'import' the question into SO anyway

String[] files = new String[0];
int[] files = new int[0];

Using Tkinter in python to edit the title bar


changes the title of either Tk or Toplevel instance that the widget is a child of.

How do I access previous promise results in a .then() chain?


You can put intermediate values in scope in any later 'then' function explicitly, by using 'bind'. It is a nice solution that doesn't require changing how Promises work, and only requires a line or two of code to propagate the values just like errors are already propagated.

Here is a complete example:

// Get info asynchronously from a server
function pGetServerInfo()
    // then value: "server info"
    } // pGetServerInfo

// Write into a file asynchronously
function pWriteFile(path,string)
    // no then value
    } // pWriteFile

// The heart of the solution: Write formatted info into a log file asynchronously,
// using the pGetServerInfo and pWriteFile operations
function pLogInfo(localInfo)
    var scope={localInfo:localInfo}; // Create an explicit scope object
    var thenFunc=p2.bind(scope); // Create a temporary function with this scope
    return (pGetServerInfo().then(thenFunc)); // Do the next 'then' in the chain
    } // pLogInfo

// Scope of this 'then' function is {localInfo:localInfo}
function p2(serverInfo)
    // Do the final 'then' in the chain: Writes "local info, server info"
    return pWriteFile('log',this.localInfo+','+serverInfo);
    } // p2

This solution can be invoked as follows:

pLogInfo("local info").then().catch(err);

(Note: a more complex and complete version of this solution has been tested, but not this example version, so it could have a bug.)

Change Row background color based on cell value DataTable

I used createdRow Function and solved my problem

    $('#result1').DataTable( {
        data: data['firstQuery'],
        columns: [
                        { title: 'Shipping Agent Code' },
                        { title: 'City' },
                        { title: 'Delivery Zone' },
                        { title: 'Total Slots Open ' },
                        { title: 'Slots Utilized' },
                        { title: 'Utilization %' },

                    "columnDefs": [
                        {"className": "dt-center", "targets": "_all"}
                      "createdRow": function( row, data, dataIndex){
                            if( data[5] >= 90  ){
                                $(row).css('background-color', '#F39B9B');
                            else if( data[5] <= 70  ){
                                $(row).css('background-color', '#A497E5');
                                $(row).css('background-color', '#9EF395');

                } );

How to convert LINQ query result to List?

What you can do is select everything into a new instance of Course, and afterwards convert them to a List.

var qry = from a in obj.tbCourses
                     select new Course() {
                         Course.Property = a.Property


The static keyword and its various uses in C++

Static Object: We can define class members static using static keyword. When we declare a member of a class as static it means no matter how many objects of the class are created, there is only one copy of the static member.

A static member is shared by all objects of the class. All static data is initialized to zero when the first object is created, if no other initialization is present. We can't put it in the class definition but it can be initialized outside the class as done in the following example by redeclaring the static variable, using the scope resolution operator :: to identify which class it belongs to.

Let us try the following example to understand the concept of static data members:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Box
      static int objectCount;
      // Constructor definition
      Box(double l=2.0, double b=2.0, double h=2.0)
         cout <<"Constructor called." << endl;
         length = l;
         breadth = b;
         height = h;
         // Increase every time object is created
      double Volume()
         return length * breadth * height;
      double length;     // Length of a box
      double breadth;    // Breadth of a box
      double height;     // Height of a box

// Initialize static member of class Box
int Box::objectCount = 0;

int main(void)
   Box Box1(3.3, 1.2, 1.5);    // Declare box1
   Box Box2(8.5, 6.0, 2.0);    // Declare box2

   // Print total number of objects.
   cout << "Total objects: " << Box::objectCount << endl;

   return 0;

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

Constructor called.
Constructor called.
Total objects: 2

Static Function Members: By declaring a function member as static, you make it independent of any particular object of the class. A static member function can be called even if no objects of the class exist and the static functions are accessed using only the class name and the scope resolution operator ::.

A static member function can only access static data member, other static member functions and any other functions from outside the class.

Static member functions have a class scope and they do not have access to the this pointer of the class. You could use a static member function to determine whether some objects of the class have been created or not.

Let us try the following example to understand the concept of static function members:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Box
      static int objectCount;
      // Constructor definition
      Box(double l=2.0, double b=2.0, double h=2.0)
         cout <<"Constructor called." << endl;
         length = l;
         breadth = b;
         height = h;
         // Increase every time object is created
      double Volume()
         return length * breadth * height;
      static int getCount()
         return objectCount;
      double length;     // Length of a box
      double breadth;    // Breadth of a box
      double height;     // Height of a box

// Initialize static member of class Box
int Box::objectCount = 0;

int main(void)

   // Print total number of objects before creating object.
   cout << "Inital Stage Count: " << Box::getCount() << endl;

   Box Box1(3.3, 1.2, 1.5);    // Declare box1
   Box Box2(8.5, 6.0, 2.0);    // Declare box2

   // Print total number of objects after creating object.
   cout << "Final Stage Count: " << Box::getCount() << endl;

   return 0;

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

Inital Stage Count: 0
Constructor called.
Constructor called.
Final Stage Count: 2

R Plotting confidence bands with ggplot


mp <-data.frame(year=1990:2010)
N <- nrow(mp)

mp <- within(mp,
             wav <- rnorm(N)*cos(2*pi*year)+rnorm(N)*sin(2*pi*year)+5
             wow <- rnorm(N)*wav+rnorm(N)*wav^3

m01 <- gls(wow~poly(wav,3), data=mp, correlation = corARMA(p=1))

Get fitted values (the same as m01$fitted)

fit <- predict(m01)

Normally we could use something like predict(..., to get the confidence intervals on the prediction, but gls doesn't provide this capability. We use a recipe similar to the one shown at :

V <- vcov(m01)
X <- model.matrix(~poly(wav,3),data=mp) <- sqrt(diag(X %*% V %*% t(X)))

Put together a "prediction frame":

predframe <- with(mp,data.frame(year,wav,

Now plot with geom_ribbon

(p1 <- ggplot(mp, aes(year, wow))+

year vs wow

It's easier to see that we got the right answer if we plot against wav rather than year:

(p2 <- ggplot(mp, aes(wav, wow))+

wav vs wow

It would be nice to do the predictions with more resolution, but it's a little tricky to do this with the results of poly() fits -- see ?makepredictcall.

Linq to SQL how to do "where [column] in (list of values)"

 var filterTransNos = (from so in db.SalesOrderDetails
                    where  ItemDescription.Contains(ItemDescription)
                            select new { so.TransNo }).AsEnumerable();    

listreceipt = listreceipt.Where(p => filterTransNos.Any(p2 => p2.TransNo == p.TransNo)).ToList();

How to grab substring before a specified character jQuery or JavaScript

//split string into an array and grab the first item

var streetaddress = addy.split(',')[0];

Also, I'd recommend naming your variables with camel-case(streetAddress) for better readability.

How to save all console output to file in R?

If you are able to use the bash shell, you can consider simply running the R code from within a bash script and piping the stdout and stderr streams to a file. Here is an example using a heredoc:


# this is a bash script
echo "Hello World, this is bash"

test1=$(echo "This is a test")

echo "Here is some R code:"

Rscript --slave --no-save --no-restore - "$test1" <<EOF
  ## R code
  cat("\nHello World, this is R\n")
  args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
  cat("\nThis is a message from bash:\n")

# end of script 

Then when you run the script with both stderr and stdout piped to a log file:

$ chmod +x
$ ./
$ ./ &>test.log
$ cat test.log
Hello World, this is bash
Here is some R code:

Hello World, this is R

This is a message from bash:

 This is a test

Other things to look at for this would be to try simply pipping the stdout and stderr right from the R heredoc into a log file; I haven't tried this yet but it will probably work too.

Can I run HTML files directly from GitHub, instead of just viewing their source?

You might want to use It supports GitHub, Bitbucket, Gitlab and GitHub gists.



In your case .html extension


Development (throttled)[user]/[repository]/[branch]/[filename.ext]

Production (CDN)[user]/[repository]/[branch]/[filename.ext]

In your case .html extension also supports other services:




Development (throttled)[user]/[repository]/raw/[branch]/[filename.ext]

Production (CDN)[user]/[repository]/raw/[branch]/[filename.ext]




Development (throttled)[user]/[repository]/raw/[branch]/[filename.ext]

Production (CDN)[user]/[repository]/raw/[branch]/[filename.ext]

GitHub gists



Development (throttled)[user]/[gist]/raw/[revision]/[filename.ext]

Production (CDN)[user]/[gist]/raw/[revision]/[filename.ext]

Update: rawgit was discontinued

Image style height and width not taken in outlook mails

<img id="_x005Fi1026" src="images/img.jpg" width="120" height="150" />

This worked for me both in gmail and outlook.

rsync error: failed to set times on "/foo/bar": Operation not permitted

I've seen that problem when I'm writing to a filesystem which doesn't (properly) handle times -- I think SMB shares or FAT or something.

What is your target filesystem?

Java: How to convert a File object to a String object in java?

I use apache common IO to read a text file into a single string

String str = FileUtils.readFileToString(file);

simple and "clean". you can even set encoding of the text file with no hassle.

String str = FileUtils.readFileToString(file, "UTF-8");

Has Windows 7 Fixed the 255 Character File Path Limit?

@Cort3z: if the problem is still present, this hotfix: should solve it (from win7 sp1 to 8.1)

Selecting empty text input using jQuery

Building on @James Wiseman's answer, I am using this:

    blank: function(el){
        return $(el).val().match(/^\s*$/);

This will catch inputs which contain only whitespace in addition to those which are 'truly' empty.


Make an image responsive - the simplest way

Instead of adding CSS to make the image responsive, adding different resolution images w.r.t. different screen resolution would make the application more efficient.

Mobile browsers don't need to have the same high resolution image that the desktop browsers need.

Using SASS it's easy to use different versions of the image for different resolutions using a media query.

Installing J2EE into existing eclipse IDE

You could install Web Tool Platform on top of your current installation to help you learn about Java EE. Download the Web Tools Platform by using Eclipse Software Update (Instruction at It has features to get you going with learning Java EE. You could learn more about Web Tools Platform at

CSS: center element within a <div> element

I believe the modern way to go is place-items: center in the parent container

An example can be found here:

How to connect to Oracle 11g database remotely

You will need to run the lsnrctl utility on server A to start the listener. You would then connect from computer B using the following syntax:

sqlplus username/password@hostA:1521 /XE

The port information is optional if the default of 1521 is used.

Listener configuration documentation here. Remote connection documentation here.

Why does JSHint throw a warning if I am using const?

In your package.json you can tell Jshint to use es6 like this

    "esversion": 6 

How do I convert a String to an int in Java?

Some of the ways to convert String into Int are as follows:

  1. You can use Integer.parseInt():

    String test = "4568";
    int new = Integer.parseInt(test);
  2. Also you can use Integer.valueOf():

    String test = "4568";
    int new = Integer.valueOf(test);

How to get row index number in R?

See row in ?base::row. This gives the row indices for any matrix-like object.

What is the difference between canonical name, simple name and class name in Java Class?

    public void printReflectionClassNames(){
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    Class clazz= buffer.getClass();
    System.out.println("Reflection on String Buffer Class");
    System.out.println("Name: "+clazz.getName());
    System.out.println("Simple Name: "+clazz.getSimpleName());
    System.out.println("Canonical Name: "+clazz.getCanonicalName());
    System.out.println("Type Name: "+clazz.getTypeName());

Reflection on String Buffer Class
Name: java.lang.StringBuffer
Simple Name: StringBuffer
Canonical Name: java.lang.StringBuffer
Type Name: java.lang.StringBuffer

How to create a library project in Android Studio and an application project that uses the library project

Documentation Way

This is the recommended way as per the advice given in the Android Studio documentation.

Create a library module

Create a new project to make your library in. Click File > New > New Module > Android Library > Next > (choose name) > Finish. Then add whatever classes and resourced you want to your library.

When you build the module an AAR file will be created. You can find it in project-name/module-name/build/outputs/aar/.

Add your library as a dependency

You can add your library as a dependency to another project like this:

  1. Import your library AAR file with File > New Module > Import .JAR/.AAR Package > Next > (choose file location) > Finish. (Don't import the code, otherwise it will be editable in too many places.)
  2. In the settings.gradle file, make sure your library name is there.

    include ':app', ':my-library-module'
  3. In the app's build.gradle file, add the compile line to the dependencies section:

    dependencies {
        compile project(":my-library-module")
  4. You will be prompted to sync your project with gradle. Do it.

That's it. You should be able to use your library now.


If you want to make your library easily available to a larger audience, consider using JitPac or JCenter.

How to set alignment center in TextBox in ASP.NET?

Add the css styling text-align: center to the control.

Ideally you would do this through a css class assigned to the control, but if you must do it directly, here is an example:

<asp:TextBox ID="myTextBox" runat="server" style="text-align: center"></asp:TextBox>

Error: allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level

A recent web.config change may be in the wrong web.config file.

A <machineKey...> property had been added to Views/web.config. No matter how many Cleans and Rebuilds the error remained. The fix was to move the property into the root /web.config.

In git, what is the difference between merge --squash and rebase?

Merge squash merges a tree (a sequence of commits) into a single commit. That is, it squashes all changes made in n commits into a single commit.

Rebasing is re-basing, that is, choosing a new base (parent commit) for a tree. Maybe the mercurial term for this is more clear: they call it transplant because it's just that: picking a new ground (parent commit, root) for a tree.

When doing an interactive rebase, you're given the option to either squash, pick, edit or skip the commits you are going to rebase.

Hope that was clear!

Nexus 7 (2013) and Win 7 64 - cannot install USB driver despite checking many forums and online resources has some great toolkits. I ran into a similar problem with my Galaxy Nexus.... Ran the corresponding toolkit, which configured my system and downloaded the correct drivers. I then went into Windows Hardware manager after connecting the phone... Windows reported the exclamation that it couldn't find the device driver, so I ran update, and gave it the drivers directory the toolkit had created... and everything started working great. Hope this helps :)

Difference between jar and war in Java

A .war file is a Web Application Archive which runs inside an application server while a .jar is Java Application Archive that runs a desktop application on a user's machine.

Using SHA1 and RSA with vs. MessageDigest and Cipher

To produce the same results:

MessageDigest sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1", BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER);
byte[] digest = sha1.digest(content);
DERObjectIdentifier sha1oid_ = new DERObjectIdentifier("");

AlgorithmIdentifier sha1aid_ = new AlgorithmIdentifier(sha1oid_, null);
DigestInfo di = new DigestInfo(sha1aid_, digest);

byte[] plainSig = di.getDEREncoded();
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding", BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER);
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, privateKey);
byte[] signature = cipher.doFinal(plainSig);

Best way to make WPF ListView/GridView sort on column-header clicking?

Just wanted to add another simple way someone can sort the the WPF ListView

void SortListView(ListView listView)
    IEnumerable listView_items = listView.Items.SourceCollection;
    List<MY_ITEM_CLASS> listView_items_to_list = listView_items.Cast<MY_ITEM_CLASS>().ToList();

    Comparer<MY_ITEM_CLASS> scoreComparer = Comparer<MY_ITEM_CLASS>.Create((first, second) => first.COLUMN_NAME.CompareTo(second.COLUMN_NAME));

    listView.ItemsSource = null;
    listView.ItemsSource = listView_items_to_list;

How does Go update third-party packages?

The above answeres have the following problems:

  1. They update everything including your app (in case you have uncommitted changes).
  2. They updated packages you may have already removed from your project but are already on your disk.

To avoid these, do the following:

  1. Delete the 3rd party folders that you want to update.
  2. go to your app folder and run go get -d

Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 3 commits

If your git says you are commit ahead then just First,

git push origin

To make sure u have pushed all ur latest work in repo


git reset --hard origin/master

To reset and match up with the repo

SQL Server Insert if not exists

Different SQL, same principle. Only insert if the clause in where not exists fails

    SELECT '2014-12-26 22:00',
        (SELECT 1
         WHERE PriceDate = '2014-12-26 22:00'
           AND TimeFrame = 'W')

Target WSGI script cannot be loaded as Python module

I know this question is pretty old, but I wrestled with this for about eight hours just now. If you have a system with SELinux enabled and you've put your virtualenv in particular places, mod_wsgi won't be able to add your specified python-path to the site-packages. It also won't raise any errors; as it turns out the mechanism it uses to add the specified python-path to the site packages is with the Python site module, specifically site.adduserdir(). This method doesn't raise any errors if the directory is missing or can't be accessed, so mod_wsgi also doesn't raise any errors.

Anyway, try turning off SELinux with

sudo setenforce 0

or by making sure that the process you're running Apache as has the appropriate ACLs with SELinux to access the directory the virtualenv is in.

Disable all gcc warnings

-w is the GCC-wide option to disable warning messages.

How do I base64 encode (decode) in C?

GNU coreutils has it in lib/base64. It's a little bloated but deals with stuff like EBCDIC. You can also play around on your own, e.g.,

char base64_digit (n) unsigned n; {
  if (n < 10) return n - '0';
  else if (n < 10 + 26) return n - 'a';
  else if (n < 10 + 26 + 26) return n - 'A';
  else assert(0);
  return 0;

unsigned char base64_decode_digit(char c) {
  switch (c) {
    case '=' : return 62;
    case '.' : return 63;
    default  :
      if (isdigit(c)) return c - '0';
      else if (islower(c)) return c - 'a' + 10;
      else if (isupper(c)) return c - 'A' + 10 + 26;
      else assert(0);
  return 0xff;

unsigned base64_decode(char *s) {
  char *p;
  unsigned n = 0;

  for (p = s; *p; p++)
    n = 64 * n + base64_decode_digit(*p);

  return n;

Know ye all persons by these presents that you should not confuse "playing around on your own" with "implementing a standard." Yeesh.

How can I determine if a variable is 'undefined' or 'null'?

The foo == null check should do the trick and resolve the "undefined OR null" case in the shortest manner. (Not considering "foo is not declared" case.) But people who are used to have 3 equals (as the best practice) might not accept it. Just look at eqeqeq or triple-equals rules in eslint and tslint...

The explicit approach, when we are checking if a variable is undefined or null separately, should be applied in this case, and my contribution to the topic (27 non-negative answers for now!) is to use void 0 as both short and safe way to perform check for undefined.

Using foo === undefined is not safe because undefined is not a reserved word and can be shadowed (MDN). Using typeof === 'undefined' check is safe, but if we are not going to care about foo-is-undeclared case the following approach can be used:

if (foo === void 0 || foo === null) { ... }

How do I add a tool tip to a span element?

the "title" attribute will be used as the text for tooltip by the browser, if you want to apply style to it consider using some plugins

How to set the value for Radio Buttons When edit?

When you populate your fields, you can check for the value:

<input type="radio" name="sex" value="Male" <?php echo ($sex=='Male')?'checked':'' ?>size="17">Male
<input type="radio" name="sex" value="Female" <?php echo ($sex=='Female')?'checked':'' ?> size="17">Female

Assuming that the value you return from your database is in the variable $sex

The checked property will preselect the value that match

Merge two rows in SQL

I had a similar problem. The difference was that I needed far more control over what I was returning so I ended up with an simple clear but rather long query. Here is a simplified version of it based on your example.

select, Field1_Q.Field1, Field2_Q.Field2
    select distinct id
    from Table1
)as main
left outer join (
    select id, max(Field1)
    from Table1
    where Field1 is not null
    group by id
) as Field1_Q on =
left outer join (
    select id, max(Field2)
    from Table1
    where Field2 is not null
    group by id
) as Field2_Q on = 

The trick here is that the first select 'main' selects the rows to display. Then you have one select per field. What is being joined on should be all of the same values returned by the 'main' query.

Be warned, those other queries need to return only one row per id or you will be ignoring data

Access files stored on Amazon S3 through web browser

I had the same problem and I fixed it by using the

  1. new context menu "Make Public".
  2. Go to,
  3. select the bucket and then for each Folder or File (or multiple selects) right click and
  4. "make public"

open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/) is not within the allowed path(s):

I had this problem @ one of my wordpress sites after updating and/or moving :)

Check in database table 'wp_options' the 'upload_path' and edit it properly...

JUnit: how to avoid "no runnable methods" in test utils classes

I was also facing a similar issue ("no runnable methods..") on running the simplest of simple piece of code (Using @Test, @Before etc.) and found the solution nowhere. I was using Junit4 and Eclipse SDK version 4.1.2. Resolved my problem by using the latest Eclipse SDK 4.2.2. I hope this helps people who are struggling with a somewhat similar issue.

Returning data from Axios API

axiosTest() is firing asynchronously and not being waited for.

A then() function needs to be hooked up afterwards in order to capture the response variable (axiosTestData).

See Promise for more info.

See Async to level up.

// Dummy Url._x000D_
const url = ''_x000D_
// Axios Test._x000D_
const axiosTest = axios.get_x000D_
// Axios Test Data._x000D_
axiosTest(url).then(function(axiosTestResult) {_x000D_
  console.log('response.JSON:', {_x000D_
    message: 'Request received',_x000D_
    data: axiosTestResult.data_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

Angular2 If ngModel is used within a form tag, either the name attribute must be set or the form

For me, the solution was very simple. I changed the <form> tag into a <div> and the error goes away.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class XXX

I had the same problems:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class

static {
    //code for loading properties from file

it is the environment problem.That means the properties in application.yml is incorrect or empty!

Why does the program give "illegal start of type" error?

You have a misplaced closing brace before the return statement.

Error: could not find function "%>%"

On Windows: if you use %>% inside a %dopar% loop, you have to add a reference to load package dplyr (or magrittr, which dplyr loads).


plots <- foreach(myInput=iterators::iter(plotCount), .packages=c("RODBC", "dplyr")) %dopar%

If you omit the .packages command, and use %do% instead to make it all run in a single process, then works fine. The reason is that it all runs in one process, so it doesn't need to specifically load new packages.

How to get elements with multiple classes

Okay this code does exactly what you need:


<div class="class1">nothing happens hear.</div>

<div class="class1 class2">This element will receive yout code.</div>

<div class="class1">nothing happens hear.</div>


function getElementMultipleClasses() {
    var x = document.getElementsByClassName("class1 class2");
    x[0].innerHTML = "This is the element you want";

Hope it helps! ;)

Printing the value of a variable in SQL Developer

SQL Developer seems to only output the DBMS_OUTPUT text when you have explicitly turned on the DBMS_OUTPUT window pane.

Go to (Menu) VIEW -> Dbms_output to invoke the pane.

Click on the Green Plus sign to enable output for your connection and then run the code.

EDIT: Don't forget to set the buffer size according to the amount of output you are expecting.

How to map to multiple elements with Java 8 streams?

It's an interesting question, because it shows that there are a lot of different approaches to achieve the same result. Below I show three different implementations.

Default methods in Collection Framework: Java 8 added some methods to the collections classes, that are not directly related to the Stream API. Using these methods, you can significantly simplify the implementation of the non-stream implementation:

Collection<DataSet> convert(List<MultiDataPoint> multiDataPoints) {
    Map<String, DataSet> result = new HashMap<>();
    multiDataPoints.forEach(pt ->
        pt.keyToData.forEach((key, value) ->
                key, k -> new DataSet(k, new ArrayList<>()))
            .dataPoints.add(new DataPoint(pt.timestamp, value))));
    return result.values();

Stream API with flatten and intermediate data structure: The following implementation is almost identical to the solution provided by Stuart Marks. In contrast to his solution, the following implementation uses an anonymous inner class as intermediate data structure.

Collection<DataSet> convert(List<MultiDataPoint> multiDataPoints) {
        .flatMap(mdp -> mdp.keyToData.entrySet().stream().map(e ->
            new Object() {
                String key = e.getKey();
                DataPoint dataPoint = new DataPoint(mdp.timestamp, e.getValue());
                groupingBy(t -> t.key, mapping(t -> t.dataPoint, toList())),
                m -> m.entrySet().stream().map(e -> new DataSet(e.getKey(), e.getValue())).collect(toList())));

Stream API with map merging: Instead of flattening the original data structures, you can also create a Map for each MultiDataPoint, and then merge all maps into a single map with a reduce operation. The code is a bit simpler than the above solution:

Collection<DataSet> convert(List<MultiDataPoint> multiDataPoints) {
        .map(mdp -> mdp.keyToData.entrySet().stream()
            .collect(toMap(e -> e.getKey(), e -> asList(new DataPoint(mdp.timestamp, e.getValue())))))
        .reduce(new HashMap<>(), mapMerger())
        .map(e -> new DataSet(e.getKey(), e.getValue()))

You can find an implementation of the map merger within the Collectors class. Unfortunately, it is a bit tricky to access it from the outside. Following is an alternative implementation of the map merger:

<K, V> BinaryOperator<Map<K, List<V>>> mapMerger() {
    return (lhs, rhs) -> {
        Map<K, List<V>> result = new HashMap<>();
        lhs.forEach((key, value) -> result.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new ArrayList<>()).addAll(value));
        rhs.forEach((key, value) -> result.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new ArrayList<>()).addAll(value));
        return result;

PHP Session timeout

if($_SESSION['login'] != 'ok')
    header('location: /dashboard.php?login=0');

if(isset($_SESSION['last-activity']) && time() - $_SESSION['last-activity'] > 600) {
    // session inactive more than 10 min
    header('location: /logout.php?timeout=1');

$_SESSION['last-activity'] = time(); // update last activity time stamp

if(time() - $_SESSION['created'] > 600) {
    // session started more than 10 min ago
    session_regenerate_id(true); // change session id and invalidate old session
    $_SESSION['created'] = time(); // update creation time

How to change sender name (not email address) when using the linux mail command for autosending mail?

On Ubuntu 14.04 none of these suggestions worked. Postfix would override with the logged in system user as the sender. What worked was the following solution listed at this link --> Change outgoing mail address from root@servername - rackspace sendgrid postfix


1) Make sure this is set in /etc/postfix/

   smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic

2) echo 'www-data [email protected]' >> /etc/postfix/generic

3) sudo postmap /etc/postfix/generic

4) sudo service postfix restart

Checking if a variable is not nil and not zero in ruby

I believe the following is good enough for ruby code. I don't think I could write a unit test that shows any difference between this and the original.

if discount != 0

How to make a variable accessible outside a function?

$.getJSON is an asynchronous request, meaning the code will continue to run even though the request is not yet done. You should trigger the second request when the first one is done, one of the choices you seen already in ComFreek's answer.

Alternatively you could use jQuery's $.when/.then(), similar to this:

var input = "netuetamundis";  var sID;  $(document).ready(function () {     $.when($.getJSON("" + input + "?api_key=API_KEY_HERE", function () {         obj = name;         sID =;         console.log(sID);     })).then(function () {         $.getJSON("" + sID + "/summary?api_key=API_KEY_HERE", function (stats) {             console.log(stats);         });     }); }); 

This would be more open for future modification and separates out the responsibility for the first call to know about the second call.

The first call can simply complete and do it's own thing not having to be aware of any other logic you may want to add, leaving the coupling of the logic separated.

javascript password generator

This is my function for generating a 8-character crypto-random password:

function generatePassword() {
    var buf = new Uint8Array(6);
    return btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, buf));

What it does: Retrieves 6 crypto-random 8-bit integers and encodes them with Base64.

Since the result is in the Base64 character set the generated password may consist of A-Z, a-z, 0-9, + and /.

Why can't I set text to an Android TextView?

Try Like this :

TextView text=(TextView)findViewById(;

Instead of this:

text = (EditText) findViewById(;

Trouble Connecting to sql server Login failed. "The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication"

If you using windows authentication make sure that password of the user hasn't expired. An expired password can explain this error. This was the problem in my case.

Force youtube embed to start in 720p

You can do this by adding a parameter &hd=1 to the video URL. That forces the video to start in the highest resolution available for the video. However you cannot specifically set it to 720p, because not every video has that hd ish.

UPDATE: as of 2014, hd is deprecated

Handling the null value from a resultset in JAVA

The code should be like given below

String selectSQL = "SELECT IFNULL(tbl.column, \"\") AS column FROM MySQL_table AS tbl";
Statement st = ...;
Result set rs = st.executeQuery(selectSQL);

Facebook Android Generate Key Hash

If your password=android is wrong then Put your pc password on that it works for me.

And for generate keyHash try this link Here

How can I assign an ID to a view programmatically?

Android id overview

An Android id is an integer commonly used to identify views; this id can be assigned via XML (when possible) and via code (programmatically.) The id is most useful for getting references for XML-defined Views generated by an Inflater (such as by using setContentView.)

Assign id via XML

  • Add an attribute of android:id="@+id/somename" to your view.
  • When your application is built, the android:id will be assigned a unique int for use in code.
  • Reference your android:id's int value in code using "" (effectively a constant.)
  • this int can change from build to build so never copy an id from gen/, just use "".
  • (Also, an id assigned to a Preference in XML is not used when the Preference generates its View.)

Assign id via code (programmatically)

  • Manually set ids using someView.setId(int);
  • The int must be positive, but is otherwise arbitrary- it can be whatever you want (keep reading if this is frightful.)
  • For example, if creating and numbering several views representing items, you could use their item number.

Uniqueness of ids

  • XML-assigned ids will be unique.
  • Code-assigned ids do not have to be unique
  • Code-assigned ids can (theoretically) conflict with XML-assigned ids.
  • These conflicting ids won't matter if queried correctly (keep reading).

When (and why) conflicting ids don't matter

  • findViewById(int) will iterate depth-first recursively through the view hierarchy from the View you specify and return the first View it finds with a matching id.
  • As long as there are no code-assigned ids assigned before an XML-defined id in the hierarchy, findViewById( will always return the XML-defined View so id'd.

Dynamically Creating Views and Assigning IDs

  • In layout XML, define an empty ViewGroup with id.
  • Such as a LinearLayout with android:id="@+id/placeholder".
  • Use code to populate the placeholder ViewGroup with Views.
  • If you need or want, assign any ids that are convenient to each view.
  • Query these child views using placeholder.findViewById(convenientInt);

  • API 17 introduced View.generateViewId() which allows you to generate a unique ID.

If you choose to keep references to your views around, be sure to instantiate them with getApplicationContext() and be sure to set each reference to null in onDestroy. Apparently leaking the Activity (hanging onto it after is is destroyed) is wasteful.. :)

Reserve an XML android:id for use in code

API 17 introduced View.generateViewId() which generates a unique ID. (Thanks to take-chances-make-changes for pointing this out.)*

If your ViewGroup cannot be defined via XML (or you don't want it to be) you can reserve the id via XML to ensure it remains unique:

Here, values/ids.xml defines a custom id:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <item name="reservedNamedId" type="id"/>

Then once the ViewGroup or View has been created, you can attach the custom id


Conflicting id example

For clarity by way of obfuscating example, lets examine what happens when there is an id conflict behind the scenes.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    android:orientation="vertical" >
        android:orientation="horizontal" >

To simulate a conflict, lets say our latest build assigned an int value of 12..

Next, defines some adds views programmatically (via code):

int placeholderId =; // placeholderId==12
// returns *placeholder* which has id==12:
ViewGroup placeholder = (ViewGroup)this.findViewById(placeholderId);
for (int i=0; i<20; i++){
    TextView tv = new TextView(this.getApplicationContext());
    // One new TextView will also be assigned an id==12:

So placeholder and one of our new TextViews both have an id of 12! But this isn't really a problem if we query placeholder's child views:

// Will return a generated TextView:

// Whereas this will return the ViewGroup *placeholder*;
// as long as its remains 12: 

*Not so bad

Left Outer Join using + sign in Oracle 11g

TableA LEFT OUTER JOIN TableB is equivalent to TableB RIGHT OUTER JOIN Table A.

In Oracle, (+) denotes the "optional" table in the JOIN. So in your first query, it's a P LEFT OUTER JOIN S. In your second query, it's S RIGHT OUTER JOIN P. They're functionally equivalent.

In the terminology, RIGHT or LEFT specify which side of the join always has a record, and the other side might be null. So in a P LEFT OUTER JOIN S, P will always have a record because it's on the LEFT, but S could be null.

See this example from for additional explanation.

To clarify, I guess I'm saying that terminology doesn't matter, as it's only there to help visualize. What matters is that you understand the concept of how it works.


I've seen some confusion about what matters in determining RIGHT vs LEFT in implicit join syntax.


WHERE A.column = B.column(+)


WHERE B.column(+) = A.column

All I did is swap sides of the terms in the WHERE clause, but they're still functionally equivalent. (See higher up in my answer for more info about that.) The placement of the (+) determines RIGHT or LEFT. (Specifically, if the (+) is on the right, it's a LEFT JOIN. If (+) is on the left, it's a RIGHT JOIN.)

Types of JOIN

The two styles of JOIN are implicit JOINs and explicit JOINs. They are different styles of writing JOINs, but they are functionally equivalent.

See this SO question.

Implicit JOINs simply list all tables together. The join conditions are specified in a WHERE clause.

Implicit JOIN

WHERE A.column = B.column(+)

Explicit JOINs associate join conditions with a specific table's inclusion instead of in a WHERE clause.

Explicit JOIN

LEFT OUTER JOIN B ON A.column = B.column

These Implicit JOINs can be more difficult to read and comprehend, and they also have a few limitations since the join conditions are mixed in other WHERE conditions. As such, implicit JOINs are generally recommended against in favor of explicit syntax.

Android emulator not able to access the internet

I got a simple and permanent solution for this issue in windows.

Go to network and internet option-> enter image description here

click on Etherenet or wifi(for which you are connected) option -> enter image description here

Click on change adapter option -> enter image description here

Right click on the network for which you have connected. enter image description here

A dialog box will be opened and just click on Internet protocal version (TCP/IPv4) option. enter image description here

Another dialog box will be opened and there just neglect the first set about the IP address (Keep as it is set) and click radio button of Use the following DNS server addresses: and enter as in Preferred DNS server: and in Alternate DNS server: enter image description here

Now you can open your emulator whenever and you will get internet in the android emulators.

What is the ultimate postal code and zip regex?

There is none.

Postal/zip codes around the world don't follow a common pattern. In some countries they are made up by numbers, in others they can be combinations of numbers an letters, some can contain spaces, others dots, the number of characters can vary from two to at least six...

What you could do (theoretically) is create a seperate regex for every country in the world, not recommendable IMO. But you would still be missing on the validation part: Zip code 12345 may exist, but 12346 not, maybe 12344 doesn't exist either. How do you check for that with a regex?

You can't.

Find a file in python

os.walk is the answer, this will find the first match:

import os

def find(name, path):
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        if name in files:
            return os.path.join(root, name)

And this will find all matches:

def find_all(name, path):
    result = []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        if name in files:
            result.append(os.path.join(root, name))
    return result

And this will match a pattern:

import os, fnmatch
def find(pattern, path):
    result = []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        for name in files:
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern):
                result.append(os.path.join(root, name))
    return result

find('*.txt', '/path/to/dir')

use jQuery's find() on JSON object

You can use JSONPath

Doing something like this:

results = JSONPath(null, TestObj, "$..[?('A')]")

Note that JSONPath returns an array of results

(I have not tested the expression "$..[?('A')]" btw. Maybe it needs to be fine-tuned with the help of a browser console)

npm ERR! registry error parsing json - While trying to install Cordova for Ionic Framework in Windows 8

I had the same issue and the following fixed my issue:

  1. Set the registry: npm config set registry ""
  2. Removed the entry in hosts file (using Windows 7) => C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

MySQL error #1054 - Unknown column in 'Field List'

I had this error aswell.

I am working in mysql workbench. When giving the values they have to be inside "". That solved it for me.

How can I check if an ip is in a network in Python?

Relying on the "struct" module can cause problems with endian-ness and type sizes, and just isn't needed. Nor is socket.inet_aton(). Python works very well with dotted-quad IP addresses:

def ip_to_u32(ip):
  return int(''.join('%02x' % int(d) for d in ip.split('.')), 16)

I need to do IP matching on each socket accept() call, against a whole set of allowable source networks, so I precompute masks and networks, as integers:

  # US-EAST-1

def build_masks():
  masks = [ ]
  for cidr in SNS_SOURCES:
    if '/' in cidr:
      netstr, bits = cidr.split('/')
      mask = (0xffffffff << (32 - int(bits))) & 0xffffffff
      net = ip_to_u32(netstr) & mask
      mask = 0xffffffff
      net = ip_to_u32(cidr)
    masks.append((mask, net))
  return masks

Then I can quickly see if a given IP is within one of those networks:

ip = ip_to_u32(ipstr)
for mask, net in cached_masks:
  if ip & mask == net:
    # matched!
  raise BadClientIP(ipstr)

No module imports needed, and the code is very fast at matching.

ORA-01843 not a valid month- Comparing Dates

You are comparing a date column to a string literal. In such a case, Oracle attempts to convert your literal to a date, using the default date format. It's a bad practice to rely on such a behavior, as this default may change if the DBA changes some configuration, Oracle breaks something in a future revision, etc.

Instead, you should always explicitly convert your literal to a date and state the format you're using:


How to switch between hide and view password

I had the same issue and it is very easy to implement.

All you have to do is wrap your EditText field in a ( and in that add ( app:passwordToggleEnabled="true" ).

This will show the eye in the EditText field and when you click on it the password will appear and disappear when clicked again.


                    android:textSize="18sp" />

How to center a table of the screen (vertically and horizontally)

This fixes the box dead center on the screen:


<table class="box" border="1px">
            my content


.box {
    margin-left:-150px; /* half of width */
    margin-top:-150px;  /* half of height */

View Results

Global Git ignore

If you use Unix system, you can solve your problem in two commands. Where the first initialize configs and the second alters file with a file to ignore.

$ git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore
$ echo '.idea' >> ~/.gitignore

c++ array - expression must have a constant value

When you declare a variable as here

int a[10][10];

you are telling the C++ compiler that you want 100 consecutive integers allocated in the program's memory at runtime. The compiler will then provide for your program to have that much memory available and all is well with the world.

If however you tell the compiler

int x = 9001;
int y = 5;
int a[x][y];

the compiler has no way of knowing how much memory you are actually going to need at run time without doing a lot of very complex analysis to track down every last place where the values of x and y changed [if any]. Rather than support such variable size arrays, C++ and C strongly suggest if not outright demand that you use malloc() to manually allocate the space you want.


int x = 5;
int y = 5;
int **a = malloc(x*sizeof(int*));
for(int i = 0; i < y; i++) {
    a[i] = malloc(sizeof(int*)*y);

a is now a 2D array of size 5x5 and will behave the same as int a[5][5]. Because you have manually allocated memory, C++ and C demand that you delete it by hand too...

for(int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
    free(a[i]); // delete the 2nd dimension array
free(a); // delete a itself

How to create websockets server in PHP

I was in your shoes for a while and finally ended up using node.js, because it can do hybrid solutions like having web and socket server in one. So php backend can submit requests thru http to node web server and then broadcast it with websocket. Very efficiant way to go.

Subtracting two lists in Python

I attempted to find a more elegant solution, but the best I could do was basically the same thing that Dyno Fu said:

from copy import copy

def subtract_lists(a, b):
    >>> a = [0, 1, 2, 1, 0]
    >>> b = [0, 1, 1]
    >>> subtract_lists(a, b)
    [2, 0]

    >>> import random
    >>> size = 10000
    >>> a = [random.randrange(100) for _ in range(size)]
    >>> b = [random.randrange(100) for _ in range(size)]
    >>> c = subtract_lists(a, b)
    >>> assert all((x in a) for x in c)
    a = copy(a)
    for x in b:
        if x in a:
    return a

Find out where MySQL is installed on Mac OS X

for me it was installed in /usr/local/opt

The command I used for installation is brew install [email protected]

What is the difference between instanceof and Class.isAssignableFrom(...)?

some tests we did in our team show that A.class.isAssignableFrom(B.getClass()) works faster than B instanceof A. this can be very useful if you need to check this on large number of elements.

no pg_hba.conf entry for host

also check the PGHOST variable:


to see if it matches the local machine name

Filter array to have unique values

You could use a hash table for look up and filter all not included values.

var data = ["X_row7", "X_row4", "X_row6", "X_row10", "X_row8", "X_row9", "X_row11", "X_row7", "X_row4", "X_row6", "X_row10", "X_row8", "X_row9", "X_row11", "X_row7", "X_row4", "X_row6", "X_row10", "X_row8", "X_row9", "X_row11", "X_row7", "X_row4", "X_row6", "X_row10", "X_row8", "X_row9", "X_row11", "X_row7", "X_row4", "X_row6", "X_row10", "X_row8", "X_row9", "X_row11", "X_row7", "X_row4", "X_row6", "X_row10", "X_row8", "X_row9", "X_row11"],_x000D_
    unique = data.filter(function (a) {_x000D_
        return !this[a] && (this[a] = true);_x000D_
    }, Object.create(null));_x000D_

Interactive shell using Docker Compose

The canonical way to get an interactive shell with docker-compose is to use:

docker-compose run --rm myapp

You can set stdin_open: true, tty: true, however that won't actually give you a proper shell with up, because logs are being streamed from all the containers.

You can also use

docker exec -ti <container name> /bin/bash

to get a shell on a running container.

android - listview get item view by position

workignHoursListView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
    public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent,View view, int position, long id) {
        viewtype yourview=yourListViewId.getChildAt(position).findViewById(;

Create a global variable in TypeScript

Okay, so this is probably even uglier that what you did, but anyway...

but I do the same so...

What you can do to do it in pure TypeScript, is to use the eval function like so :

declare var something: string;
eval("something = 'testing';")

And later you'll be able to do

if (something === 'testing')

This is nothing more than a hack to force executing the instruction without TypeScript refusing to compile, and we declare var for TypeScript to compile the rest of the code.

How do I format a number to a dollar amount in PHP

Note that in PHP 7.4, money_format() function is deprecated. It can be replaced by the intl NumberFormatter functionality, just make sure you enable the php-intl extension. It's a small amount of effort and worth it as you get a lot of customizability.

$f = new NumberFormatter("en", NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
$f->formatCurrency(12345, "USD"); // Outputs "$12,345.00"

The fast way that will still work for 7.4 is as mentioned by Darryl Hein:

'$' . number_format($money, 2);

Store query result in a variable using in PL/pgSQL

The usual pattern is EXISTS(subselect):

              FROM test_table t
             WHERE = x
               AND = 'test')

This pattern is used in PL/SQL, PL/pgSQL, SQL/PSM, ...

Check if a radio button is checked jquery

Something like this:


Using the jQuery is() function should work.

git ahead/behind info between master and branch?

After doing a git fetch, you can run git status to show how many commits the local branch is ahead or behind of the remote version of the branch.

This won't show you how many commits it is ahead or behind of a different branch though. Your options are the full diff, looking at github, or using a solution like Vimhsa linked above: Git status over all repo's

jQuery: enabling/disabling datepicker

This is what worked for me

$("#from").attr("disabled", true);