Programs & Examples On #Custom errors

Implementing a Custom Error page on an ASP.Net website

There are 2 ways to configure custom error pages for ASP.NET sites:

  1. Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager (the GUI)
  2. web.config file

This article explains how to do each:

The reason your error.aspx page is not displaying might be because you have an error in your web.config. Try this instead:

      <customErrors defaultRedirect="error.aspx" mode="RemoteOnly">
         <error statusCode="404" redirect="error.aspx"/>

You might need to make sure that Error Pages in IIS Manager - Feature Delegation is set to Read/Write:

IIS Manager: Feature Delegation panel

Also, this answer may help you configure the web.config file:

How to display an error message in an ASP.NET Web Application

All you need is a control that you can set the text of, and an UpdatePanel if the exception occurs during a postback.

If occurs during a postback: markup:

<ajax:UpdatePanel id="ErrorUpdatePanel" runat="server" UpdateMode="Coditional">
<asp:TextBox id="ErrorTextBox" runat="server" />


do something

catch(YourException ex)
this.ErrorTextBox.Text = ex.Message;
} - <customErrors mode="Off"/> error when trying to access working webpage

You should only have one <system.web> in your Web.Config Configuration File.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <customErrors mode="Off"/>
    <compilation debug="true"/>
    <authentication mode="None"/>

jQuery override default validation error message display (Css) Popup/Tooltip like

That answer really helped me, in my case i had to filter some elements out and have special aligment on their error div,

errorPlacement:function(error,element) {
    if (element.attr("id") == "special_element") {
        // special align
    } else { // default error scheme

What is the simplest way to get indented XML with line breaks from XmlDocument?

XmlTextWriter xw = new XmlTextWriter(writer);
xw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

redirect while passing arguments

You could pass the messages as explicit URL parameter (appropriately encoded), or store the messages into session (cookie) variable before redirecting and then get the variable before rendering the template. For example:

from flask import session, url_for

def do_baz():
    messages = json.dumps({"main":"Condition failed on page baz"})
    session['messages'] = messages
    return redirect(url_for('.do_foo', messages=messages))

def do_foo():
    messages = request.args['messages']  # counterpart for url_for()
    messages = session['messages']       # counterpart for session
    return render_template("foo.html", messages=json.loads(messages))

(encoding the session variable might not be necessary, flask may be handling it for you, but can't recall the details)

Or you could probably just use Flask Message Flashing if you just need to show simple messages.

Twitter Bootstrap: div in container with 100% height

Update 2019

In Bootstrap 4, flexbox can be used to get a full height layout that fills the remaining space.

First of all, the container (parent) needs to be full height:

Option 1_ Add a class for min-height: 100%;. Remember that min-height will only work if the parent has a defined height:

html, body {
  height: 100%;

.min-100 {
    min-height: 100%;

Option 2_ Use vh units:

.vh-100 {
    min-height: 100vh;

Also of Bootstrap 4.1, the vh-100 and min-vh-100 classes are included in Bootstrap so there is no need to for the extra CSS

Then, use flexbox direction column d-flex flex-column on the container, and flex-grow-1 on any child divs (ie: row) that you want to fill the remaining height.

Also see:
Bootstrap 4 Navbar and content fill height flexbox
Bootstrap - Fill fluid container between header and footer
How to make the row stretch remaining height

Git Push Error: insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database

use the following command, works like magic

sudo chown -R "${USER:-$(id -un)}" .

type the command exactly as it is (with extra spaces and one dot at the end)

Apache giving 403 forbidden errors

In my case it was failing as the IP of my source server was not whitelisted in the target server.

For e.g. I was trying to access from application running on my source server. On source server find IP by ifconfig

This IP should be whitelisted in the target Server's apache config file. If its not then get it whitelist.

Steps to add a IP for whitelisting (if you control the target server as well) ssh to the apache server sudo su - cd /usr/local/apache/conf/extra (actual directories can be different based on your config)

Find the config file for the target application for e.g. prodcat-443.conf

RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} <YOUR Server's IP> 
for e.g.
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^192\.68\.2\.98

Hope this helps someone

How do you completely remove Ionic and Cordova installation from mac?

command to remove cordova and ionic

sudo npm uninstall -g ionic

How can I export tables to Excel from a webpage

It is possible to use the old Excel 2003 XML format (before OpenXML) to create a string that contains your desired XML, then on the client side you could use a data URI to open the file using the XSL mime type, or send the file to the client using the Excel mimetype "Content-Type: application/" from the server side.

  1. Open Excel and create a worksheet with your desired formatting and colors.
  2. Save the Excel workbook as "XML Spreadsheet 2003 (*.xml)"
  3. Open the resulting file in a text editor like notepad and copy the value into a string in your application
  4. Assuming you use the client side approach with a data uri the code would look like this:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var worksheet_template = '<?xml version="1.0"?><ss:Workbook xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet">'+
                 '<ss:Styles><ss:Style ss:ID="1"><ss:Font ss:Bold="1"/></ss:Style></ss:Styles><ss:Worksheet ss:Name="Sheet1">'+
    var row_template = '<ss:Row ss:StyleID="1"><ss:Cell><ss:Data ss:Type="String">{{name}}</ss:Data></ss:Cell></ss:Row>';
  5. Then you can use string replace to create a collection of rows to be inserted into your worksheet template
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var rows = document.getElementById("my-table").getElementsByTagName('tr'),
      row_data = '';
    for (var i = 0, length = rows.length; i < length; ++i) {
    row_data += row_template.replace('{{name}}', rows[i].getElementsByTagName('td')[0].innerHTML);
  6. Once you have the information collected, create the final string and open a new window using the data URI

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var worksheet = worksheet_template.replace('{{ROWS}}', row_data);'data:application/,'+worksheet); </script>

It is worth noting that older browsers do not support the data URI scheme, so you may need to produce the file server side for those browser that do not support it.

You may also need to perform base64 encoding on the data URI content, which may require a js library, as well as adding the string ';base64' after the mime type in the data URI.

How to select some rows with specific rownames from a dataframe?

You can also use this:

DF[paste0("stu",c(2,3,5,9)), ]

How to dynamically build a JSON object with Python?

All previous answers are correct, here is one more and easy way to do it. For example, create a Dict data structure to serialize and deserialize an object

(Notice None is Null in python and I'm intentionally using this to demonstrate how you can store null and convert it to json null)

import json
myDictObj = { "name":"John", "age":30, "car":None }
##convert object to json
serialized= json.dumps(myDictObj, sort_keys=True, indent=3)
## now we are gonna convert json to object

enter image description here

Returning a value from thread?

With the latest .NET Framework, it is possible to return a value from a separate thread using a Task, where the Result property blocks the calling thread until the task finishes:

  Task<MyClass> task = Task<MyClass>.Factory.StartNew(() =>
      string s = "my message";
      double d = 3.14159;
      return new MyClass { Name = s, Number = d };
  MyClass test = task.Result;

For details, please see

I need to know how to get my program to output the word i typed in and also the new rearranged word using a 2D array

  1. What exactly doesn't work?
  2. Why are you using a 2d array?
  3. If you must use a 2d array:

    int numOfPairs = 10;  String[][] array = new String[numOfPairs][2]; for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){     for(int j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++){         array[i] = new String[2];         array[i][0] = "original word";         array[i][1] = "rearranged word";     }    } 

Does this give you a hint?

Selenium 2.53 not working on Firefox 47

I can confirm that selenium 2.53.6 works with firefox 44 for me on ubuntu 15.

How to check for an empty struct?

Just a quick addition, because I tackled the same issue today:

With Go 1.13 it is possible to use the new isZero() method:

if reflect.ValueOf(session).IsZero() {
     // do stuff...

I didn't test this regarding performance, but I guess that this should be faster, than comparing via reflect.DeepEqual().

Swift: Testing optionals for nil

To add to the other answers, instead of assigning to a differently named variable inside of an if condition:

var a: Int? = 5

if let b = a {
   // do something

you can reuse the same variable name like this:

var a: Int? = 5

if let a = a {
    // do something

This might help you avoid running out of creative variable names...

This takes advantage of variable shadowing that is supported in Swift.

New line in Sql Query

Pinal Dave explains this well in his blog.

DECLARE @NewLineChar AS CHAR(2) = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
PRINT ('SELECT FirstLine AS FL ' + @NewLineChar + 'SELECT SecondLine AS SL')

Connect to SQL Server database from Node.js

msnodesql is working out great for me. Here is a sample:

var mssql = require('msnodesql'), 
    express = require('express'),
    app = express(),
    nconf = require('nconf')

     .file({ file: 'config.json' });

var conn = nconf.get("SQL_CONN");   
var conn_str = "Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};;Database=Product;Trusted_Connection={Yes}";

app.get('/api/brands', function(req, res){
    var data = [];
    var jsonObject = {};, function (err, conn) {
        if (err) {
            console.log("Error opening the connection!");
        conn.queryRaw("dbo.storedproc", function (err, results) {
        if(err) {
                   res.send(500, "Cannot retrieve records.");
       else {

             for (var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) {
                 var jsonObject = new Object()
                 for (var j = 0; j < results.meta.length; j++) { 

                    paramName = results.meta[j].name;
                    paramValue = results.rows[i][j]; 
                    jsonObject[paramName] = paramValue;

                    data.push(jsonObject);  //This is a js object we are jsonizing not real json until res.send             



The Android emulator is not starting, showing "invalid command-line parameter"

I had the same problem. I made it work with:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\tools\emulator-arm.exe"  @foo

foo is the name of your virtual device.

Class 'App\Http\Controllers\DB' not found and I also cannot use a new Model

Use the backslash before db on the header and you can use it then typically as you wrote it before.

Here is the example:

Use \DB;

Then inside your controller class you can use as you did before, like that ie :

$item = DB::table('items')->get();

SonarQube Exclude a directory

Easiest way is to go to the server URL after starting the server(localhost:8080) then login as admin,Go to settings>Exclusions> Source File Exclusions- Add your packages here. Restart the server.

SQL join on multiple columns in same tables

Join like this:

ON a.userid = b.sourceid AND a.listid = b.destinationid;

What's the difference between JavaScript and JScript?

Jscript is a .NET language similar to C#, with the same capabilities and access to all the .NET functions.

JavaScript is run on the ASP Classic server. Use Classic ASP to run the same JavaScript that you have on the Client (excluding HTML5 capabilities). I only have one set of code this way for most of my code.

I run .ASPX JScript when I require Image and Binary File functions, (among many others) that are not in Classic ASP. This code is unique for the server, but extremely powerful.

Convert timestamp to date in MySQL query

If the registration field is indeed of type TIMESTAMP you should be able to just do:

$sql = "SELECT, 
      FROM user, 
     WHERE = ";

and the registration should be showing as yyyy-mm-dd

When should I use curly braces for ES6 import?

Usually when you export a function you need to use the {}.

If you have

export const x

you use

import {x} from ''

If you use

export default const x

you need to use

import x from ''

Here you can change X to whatever variable you want.

How to wait for the 'end' of 'resize' event and only then perform an action?

i wrote a litte wrapper function on my own...

onResize  =   function(fn) {
    if(!fn || typeof fn != 'function')
        return 0;

    var args    =, 1);

    onResize.fnArr    = onResize.fnArr || [];
    onResize.fnArr.push([fn, args]);

    onResize.loop   = function() {
        $.each(onResize.fnArr, function(index, fnWithArgs) {
            fnWithArgs[0].apply(undefined, fnWithArgs[1]);

    $(window).on('resize', function(e) {
        onResize.timeout    = window.setTimeout("onResize.loop();", 300);

Here is the usage:

var testFn  = function(arg1, arg2) {
    console.log('[testFn] arg1: '+arg1);
    console.log('[testFn] arg2: '+arg2);

// document ready
$(function() {
    onResize(testFn, 'argument1', 'argument2');

Convert DateTime in C# to yyyy-MM-dd format and Store it to MySql DateTime Field

Try setting a custom CultureInfo for CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture.

Globalization.CultureInfo customCulture = new Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", true);

customCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt";

System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = customCulture;
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = customCulture;

DateTime newDate = System.Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt"));

LabelEncoder: TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'float' and 'str'

This is due to the series df[cat] containing elements that have varying data types e.g.(strings and/or floats). This could be due to the way the data is read, i.e. numbers are read as float and text as strings or the datatype was float and changed after the fillna operation.

In other words

pandas data type 'Object' indicates mixed types rather than str type

so using the following line:

df[cat] = le.fit_transform(df[cat].astype(str))

should help

How to force view controller orientation in iOS 8?

This is a feedback to comments in Sid Shah's answer, regarding how to disable animations using:

[UIView setAnimationsEnabled:enabled];


- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewWillAppear:NO];
    [UIView setAnimationsEnabled:NO];

    // Stackoverflow #26357162 to force orientation
    NSNumber *value = [NSNumber numberWithInt:UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight];
    [[UIDevice currentDevice] setValue:value forKey:@"orientation"];

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewDidAppear:NO];
    [UIView setAnimationsEnabled:YES];

What's the difference between & and && in MATLAB?

Both are logical AND operations. The && though, is a "short-circuit" operator. From the MATLAB docs:

They are short-circuit operators in that they evaluate their second operand only when the result is not fully determined by the first operand.

See more here.

Remove a specific string from an array of string

Define "remove".

Arrays are fixed length and can not be resized once created. You can set an element to null to remove an object reference;

for (int i = 0; i < myStringArray.length(); i++)
    if (myStringArray[i].equals(stringToRemove))
        myStringArray[i] = null;


myStringArray[indexOfStringToRemove] = null;

If you want a dynamically sized array where the object is actually removed and the list (array) size is adjusted accordingly, use an ArrayList<String>




Edit in response to OP's edit to his question and comment below

String r = myArrayList.get(rgenerator.nextInt(myArrayList.size()));

Export to csv in jQuery

This is my implementation (based in:

Usage: HTML:

<table class="download">...</table>
<a href="" download="name.csv">DOWNLOAD CSV</a>




jQuery.fn.toCSV = function(link) {
  var $link = $(link);
  var data = $(this).first(); //Only one table
  var csvData = [];
  var tmpArr = [];
  var tmpStr = '';
  data.find("tr").each(function() {
      if($(this).find("th").length) {
          $(this).find("th").each(function() {
            tmpStr = $(this).text().replace(/"/g, '""');
            tmpArr.push('"' + tmpStr + '"');
      } else {
          tmpArr = [];
             $(this).find("td").each(function() {
                  if($(this).text().match(/^-{0,1}\d*\.{0,1}\d+$/)) {
                  } else {
                      tmpStr = $(this).text().replace(/"/g, '""');
                      tmpArr.push('"' + tmpStr + '"');
  var output = csvData.join('\n');
  var uri = 'data:application/csv;charset=UTF-8,' + encodeURIComponent(output);
  $link.attr("href", uri);


  • It uses "th" tags for headings. If they are not present, they are not added.
  • This code detects numbers in the format: -####.## (You will need modify the code in order to accept other formats, e.g. using commas).


My previous implementation worked fine but it didn't set the csv filename. The code was modified to use a filename but it requires an < a > element. It seems that you can't dynamically generate the < a > element and fire the "click" event (perhaps security reasons?).


(Unfortunately jsfiddle fails to generate the file and instead it throws an error: 'please use POST request', don't let that error stop you from testing this code in your application).

What's a quick way to comment/uncomment lines in Vim?

You can use vim-commentary by tpope ( you can use it as following:

Enter visual mode by pressing


Then press

'j' repeatedly or e.g 4j to select 4 row

Now all you have to do with the selection is enter keys:


This will comment out all the selection, to uncomment repead keys:


How to check if a row exists in MySQL? (i.e. check if an email exists in MySQL)

There are multiple ways to check if a value exists in the database. Let me demonstrate how this can be done properly with PDO and mysqli.


PDO is the simpler option. To find out whether a value exists in the database you can use prepared statement and fetchColumn(). There is no need to fetch any data so we will only fetch 1 if the value exists.


// Connection code. 
$options = [
$pdo = new \PDO('mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=test;charset=utf8mb4', 'testuser', 'password', $options);

// Prepared statement
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT 1 FROM tblUser WHERE email=?');
$exists = $stmt->fetchColumn(); // either 1 or null

if ($exists) {
    echo 'Email exists in the database.';
} else {
    // email doesn't exist yet

For more examples see: How to check if email exists in the database?


As always mysqli is a little more cumbersome and more restricted, but we can follow a similar approach with prepared statement.


// Connection code
$mysqli = new \mysqli('localhost', 'testuser', 'password', 'test');

// Prepared statement
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare('SELECT 1 FROM tblUser WHERE email=?');
$stmt->bind_param('s', $_POST['email']);
$exists = (bool) $stmt->get_result()->fetch_row(); // Get the first row from result and cast to boolean

if ($exists) {
    echo 'Email exists in the database.';
} else {
    // email doesn't exist yet

Instead of casting the result row(which might not even exist) to boolean, you can also fetch COUNT(1) and read the first item from the first row using fetch_row()[0]

For more examples see: How to check whether a value exists in a database using mysqli prepared statements

Minor remarks

  • If someone suggests you to use mysqli_num_rows(), don't listen to them. This is a very bad approach and could lead to performance issues if misused.
  • Don't use real_escape_string(). This is not meant to be used as a protection against SQL injection. If you use prepared statements correctly you don't need to worry about any escaping.
  • If you want to check if a row exists in the database before you try to insert a new one, then it is better not to use this approach. It is better to create a unique key in the database and let it throw an exception if a duplicate value exists.

Angular 2 - Checking for server errors from subscribe

As stated in the relevant RxJS documentation, the .subscribe() method can take a third argument that is called on completion if there are no errors.

For reference:

  1. [onNext] (Function): Function to invoke for each element in the observable sequence.
  2. [onError] (Function): Function to invoke upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence.
  3. [onCompleted] (Function): Function to invoke upon graceful termination of the observable sequence.

Therefore you can handle your routing logic in the onCompleted callback since it will be called upon graceful termination (which implies that there won't be any errors when it is called).

      result => {
        // Handle result
      error => {
        this.errors = error;
      () => {
        // 'onCompleted' callback.
        // No errors, route to new page here

As a side note, there is also a .finally() method which is called on completion regardless of the success/failure of the call. This may be helpful in scenarios where you always want to execute certain logic after an HTTP request regardless of the result (i.e., for logging purposes or for some UI interaction such as showing a modal).


Invokes a specified action after the source observable sequence terminates gracefully or exceptionally.

For instance, here is a basic example:

import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Rx';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/finally';

// ...

    .finally(() => {
      // Execute after graceful or exceptionally termination
      console.log('Handle logging logic...');
    .subscribe (
      result => {
        // Handle result
      error => {
        this.errors = error;
      () => {
        // No errors, route to new page

How to define unidirectional OneToMany relationship in JPA

My bible for JPA work is the Java Persistence wikibook. It has a section on unidirectional OneToMany which explains how to do this with a @JoinColumn annotation. In your case, i think you would want:

private Set<Text> text;

I've used a Set rather than a List, because the data itself is not ordered.

The above is using a defaulted referencedColumnName, unlike the example in the wikibook. If that doesn't work, try an explicit one:

@JoinColumn(name="TXTHEAD_CODE", referencedColumnName="DATREG_META_CODE")
private Set<Text> text;

PadLeft function in T-SQL

I created a function:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnPadLeft](@int int, @Length tinyint)
RETURNS varchar(255) 
    DECLARE @strInt varchar(255)

    SET @strInt = CAST(@int as varchar(255))
    RETURN (REPLICATE('0', (@Length - LEN(@strInt))) + @strInt);

Use: select dbo.fnPadLeft(123, 10)

Returns: 0000000123

Anaconda site-packages

At least with Miniconda (I assume it's the same for Anaconda), within the environment folder, the packages are installed in a folder called \conda-meta.



If you install on the base environment, the location is:


splitting a string into an array in C++ without using vector

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main() {

    string s1="split on     whitespace";
    istringstream iss(s1);
    vector<string> result;
    for(string s;iss>>s;)
    int n=result.size();
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
    return 0;



not None test in Python

if val is not None:
    # ...

is the Pythonic idiom for testing that a variable is not set to None. This idiom has particular uses in the case of declaring keyword functions with default parameters. is tests identity in Python. Because there is one and only one instance of None present in a running Python script/program, is is the optimal test for this. As Johnsyweb points out, this is discussed in PEP 8 under "Programming Recommendations".

As for why this is preferred to

if not (val is None):
    # ...

this is simply part of the Zen of Python: "Readability counts." Good Python is often close to good pseudocode.

How to return a string value from a Bash function

As previously mentioned, the "correct" way to return a string from a function is with command substitution. In the event that the function also needs to output to console (as @Mani mentions above), create a temporary fd in the beginning of the function and redirect to console. Close the temporary fd before returning your string.

# file:
returnString() {
    exec 3>&1 >/dev/tty
    local s=$1
    s=${s:="some default string"}
    echo "writing directly to console"
    exec 3>&-     
    echo "$s"

my_string=$(returnString "$*")
echo "my_string:  [$my_string]"

executing script with no params produces...

# ./
writing directly to console
my_string:  [some default string]

hope this helps people


Inserting an image with PHP and FPDF

I figured it out, and it's actually pretty straight forward.

Set your variable:

$image1 = "img/products/image1.jpg";

Then ceate a cell, position it, then rather than setting where the image is, use the variable you created above with the following:

$this->Cell( 40, 40, $pdf->Image($image1, $pdf->GetX(), $pdf->GetY(), 33.78), 0, 0, 'L', false );

Now the cell will move up and down with content if other cells around it move.

Hope this helps others in the same boat.

SQL Server check case-sensitivity?

SQL Server is not case sensitive. SELECT * FROM SomeTable is the same as SeLeCT * frOM soMetaBLe.

How to insert a new line in Linux shell script?

echo $'Create the snapshots\nSnapshot created\n'

Printing tuple with string formatting in Python

>>> tup = (1, 2, 3)
>>> print "Here it is: %s" % (tup,)
Here it is: (1, 2, 3)

Note that (tup,) is a tuple containing a tuple. The outer tuple is the argument to the % operator. The inner tuple is its content, which is actually printed.

(tup) is an expression in brackets, which when evaluated results in tup.

(tup,) with the trailing comma is a tuple, which contains tup as is only member.

How can I do a line break (line continuation) in Python?

One can also break the call of methods (obj.method()) in multiple lines.

Enclose the command in parenthesis "()" and span multiple lines:

> res = (some_object

For instance, I find it useful on chain calling Pandas/Holoviews objects methods.

How to check if any value is NaN in a Pandas DataFrame


This will give you count of all NaN values present in the respective coloums of the DataFrame.

Efficiently sorting a numpy array in descending order?

Here is a quick trick

In[3]: import numpy as np
In[4]: temp = np.random.randint(1,10, 10)
In[5]: temp
Out[5]: array([5, 4, 2, 9, 2, 3, 4, 7, 5, 8])

In[6]: sorted = np.sort(temp)
In[7]: rsorted = list(reversed(sorted))
In[8]: sorted
Out[8]: array([2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8, 9])

In[9]: rsorted
Out[9]: [9, 8, 7, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 2]

How to Convert an int to a String?

may be you should try like this

int sdRate=5;
//text_Rate is a TextView
text_Rate.setText(sdRate+""); //gives error

What's the most efficient way to check if a record exists in Oracle?

select NVL ((select 'Y' from  dual where exists
   (select  1 from sales where sales_type = 'Accessories')),'N') as rec_exists
from dual

1.Dual table will return 'Y' if record exists in sales_type table 2.Dual table will return null if no record exists in sales_type table and NVL will convert that to 'N'

Calculate Age in MySQL (InnoDb)

select floor(datediff (now(), birthday)/365) as age

Why am I getting "Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store" in my Excel Addin?

A quick solution to get me going was to uncheck the "Sign the ClickOnce manifests" in: Project -> (project name)Properties -> Signing Tab

How to set Python's default version to 3.x on OS X?

If you are using a virtualenvwrapper, you can just locate it using which, then open it using vim or any other editor then change the following

# Locate the global Python where virtualenvwrapper is installed.
    VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON="$(command \which python)"

Change the line VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON="$(command \which python)" to VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON="$(command \which python3)".

Initializing ArrayList with some predefined values

I would suggest to use Arrays.asList() for single line initialization. For different ways of declaring and initializing a List you can also refer Initialization of ArrayList in Java

How to add icon inside EditText view in Android ?

Use a relative layout and set the button the be align left of the edit text view, and set the left padding of your text view to the size of your button. I can't think of a good way to do it without hard coding the padding :/

You can also use apk tool to sorta unzip the facebook apk and take a look at its layout files.

Should image size be defined in the img tag height/width attributes or in CSS?

Definitely not both. Other than that I'd have to say it's a personal preference. I'd use css if I had many images the same size to reduce code.

.my_images img {width: 20px; height:20px}

In the long term CSS may win out due to HTML attribute deprecation and more likely due to the growth of vector image formats like SVG where it can actually make sense to scale images using non-pixel based units like % or em.

Get day of week using NSDate

You can use this table date_formats for converting your date to different formats. My shortest code:

func getDayOfWeek(today: String) -> Int{
    let formatter:NSDateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
    formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
    let todayDate = formatter.dateFromString(today)
    formatter.dateFormat = "e" // "eeee" -> Friday
    let weekDay = formatter.stringFromDate(todayDate!)
    return Int(weekDay)!
getDayOfWeek("2015-12-18") // 6

Mongoose and multiple database in single node.js project

Mongoose and multiple database in single node.js project

use useDb to solve this issue


//product databse

const myDB = mongoose.connection.useDb('product');

module.exports = myDB.model("Snack", snackSchema);

//user databse

const myDB = mongoose.connection.useDb('user');

module.exports = myDB.model("User", userSchema);

How to Detect Browser Back Button event - Cross Browser

This will definitely work (For detecting back button click)

$(window).on('popstate', function(event) {

What is syntax for selector in CSS for next element?

This is called the adjacent sibling selector, and it is represented by a plus sign...

h1.hc-reform + p {

Note: this is not supported in IE6 or older.

Oracle SQL Where clause to find date records older than 30 days


 WHERE creation_date <= TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 30

SYSDATE returns the date & time; TRUNC resets the date to being as of midnight so you can omit it if you want the creation_date that is 30 days previous including the current time.

Depending on your needs, you could also look at using ADD_MONTHS:

 WHERE creation_date <= ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE), -1)

Using Google maps API v3 how do I get LatLng with a given address?

There is a pretty good example on

To shorten it up a little:

geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();

function codeAddress() {

    //In this case it gets the address from an element on the page, but obviously you  could just pass it to the method instead
    var address = document.getElementById( 'address' ).value;

    geocoder.geocode( { 'address' : address }, function( results, status ) {
        if( status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK ) {

            //In this case it creates a marker, but you can get the lat and lng from the location.LatLng
            map.setCenter( results[0].geometry.location );
            var marker = new google.maps.Marker( {
                map     : map,
                position: results[0].geometry.location
            } );
        } else {
            alert( 'Geocode was not successful for the following reason: ' + status );
    } );

Differences between cookies and sessions?

Session in

1.Maintains the data accross all over the application.

2.Persists the data if current session is alive. If we need some data to accessible from multiple controllers acitons and views the session is the way to store and retreive data.

3.Sessions are server side files that contains user information. [Sessions are unique identifier that maps them to specific users]

Translating that to Web Servers: The server will store the pertinent information in the session object, and create a session ID which it will send back to the client in a cookie. When the client sends back the cookie, the server can simply look up the session object using the ID. So, if you delete the cookie, the session will be lost.

Newline character in StringBuilder

Use StringBuilder's append line built-in functions:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("First line");
sb.AppendLine("Second line");
sb.AppendLine("Third line");


First line
Second line
Third line

In Python How can I declare a Dynamic Array

In python, A dynamic array is an 'array' from the array module. E.g.

from array import array
x = array('d')          #'d' denotes an array of type double
x.pop()                 # returns 2.2

This datatype is essentially a cross between the built-in 'list' type and the numpy 'ndarray' type. Like an ndarray, elements in arrays are C types, specified at initialization. They are not pointers to python objects; this may help avoid some misuse and semantic errors, and modestly improves performance.

However, this datatype has essentially the same methods as a python list, barring a few string & file conversion methods. It lacks all the extra numerical functionality of an ndarray.

See for details.

Python 'list indices must be integers, not tuple"

The problem is that [...] in python has two distinct meanings

  1. expr [ index ] means accessing an element of a list
  2. [ expr1, expr2, expr3 ] means building a list of three elements from three expressions

In your code you forgot the comma between the expressions for the items in the outer list:

[ [a, b, c] [d, e, f] [g, h, i] ]

therefore Python interpreted the start of second element as an index to be applied to the first and this is what the error message is saying.

The correct syntax for what you're looking for is

[ [a, b, c], [d, e, f], [g, h, i] ]

C# Test if user has write access to a folder

IMHO the only 100% reliable way to test if you can write to a directory is to actually write to it and eventually catch exceptions.

Looping over arrays, printing both index and value

You would find the array keys with "${!foo[@]}" (reference), so:

for i in "${!foo[@]}"; do 
  printf "%s\t%s\n" "$i" "${foo[$i]}"

Which means that indices will be in $i while the elements themselves have to be accessed via ${foo[$i]}

Difference between no-cache and must-revalidate

With Jeffrey Fox's interpretation about no-cache, i've tested under chrome 52.0.2743.116 m, the result shows that no-cache has the same behavior as must-revalidate, they all will NOT use local cache when server is unreachable, and, they all will use cache while tap browser's Back/Forward button when server is unreachable. As above, i think max-age=0, must-revalidate is identical to no-cache, at least in implementation.

Can anyone confirm that phpMyAdmin AllowNoPassword works with MySQL databases?

According to this:

This $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = TRUE; should be added twice in /etc/phpmyadmin/

if (!empty($dbname)) {
    // other configuration options
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = TRUE;
    // it should be placed before the following line

// other configuration options
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = TRUE;

How to list all Git tags?

Try to make git tag it should be enough if not try to make git fetch then git tag.

using batch echo with special characters

The way to output > character is to prepend it with ^ escape character:

echo ^>

will print simply


Does a favicon have to be 32x32 or 16x16?

According to the Wikipedia Article on Favicon, Internet Explorer supports only the ICO format for favicons.

I would stick with two different icons.

A top-like utility for monitoring CUDA activity on a GPU

I find gpustat very useful. In can be installed with pip install gpustat, and prints breakdown of usage by processes or users.

enter image description here

Java: How to access methods from another class

You either need to create an object of type Beta in the Alpha class or its method

Like you do here in the Main Beta cBeta = new Beta();

If you want to use the variable you create in your Main then you have to parse it to cAlpha as a parameter by making the Alpha constructor look like

public class Alpha 

    Beta localInstance;

    public Alpha(Beta _beta)
        localInstance = _beta;

     public void DoSomethingAlpha() 

How to change color of Toolbar back button in Android?

For white Toolbar Title and White Up arrow, use following theme:


How to use Scanner to accept only valid int as input

This should work:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Test {
    public static void main(String... args) throws Throwable {
        Scanner kb = new Scanner(;

        int num1;
        System.out.print("Enter number 1: ");
        while (true)
            try {
                num1 = Integer.parseInt(kb.nextLine());
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                System.out.print("Try again: ");

        int num2;
        do {
            System.out.print("Enter number 2: ");
            while (true)
                try {
                    num2 = Integer.parseInt(kb.nextLine());
                } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                    System.out.print("Try again: ");
        } while (num2 < num1);


Convert command line argument to string

#include <iostream>

std::string commandLineStr= "";
for (int i=1;i<argc;i++) commandLineStr.append(std::string(argv[i]).append(" "));

Maximum concurrent Socket.IO connections

After making configurations, you can check by writing this command on terminal

sysctl -a | grep file

datetimepicker is not a function jquery

I had the same problem with bootstrap datetimepicker extension. Including moment.js before datetimepicker.js was the solution.

Create MSI or setup project with Visual Studio 2012

I think that Deploying an Office Solution by Using ClickOnce (MSDN) can be useful.

After creating an Outlook plugin for Office 2010 the problem was to install it on the customer's computer, without using ISLE or other complex tools (or expensive).

The solution was to use the publish instrument of the Visual Studio project, as described in the link. Just two things to be done before the setup will work:

Service Temporarily Unavailable Magento?

go to your website via FTP/Cpanel, find maintenance.flag and remove

max(length(field)) in mysql

SELECT  name, LENGTH(name) AS mlen
FROM    mytable
        mlen DESC

How to change background color in the Notepad++ text editor?

There seems to have been an update some time in the past 3 years which changes the location of where to place themes in order to get them working.

Previosuly, themes were located in the Notepad++ installation folder. Now they are located in AppData:


My answer is an update to @Amit-IO's answer about manually copying the themes.

  1. In Explorer, browse to: %AppData%\Notepad++.
  2. If a folder called themes does not exist, create it.
  3. Download your favourite theme from wherever (see Amit-IO's answer for a good list) and save it to %AppData%\Notepad++\themes.
  4. Restart Notepad++ and then use Settings -> Style Configurator. The new theme(s) will appear in the list.

Simulation of CONNECT BY PRIOR of Oracle in SQL Server

@Alex Martelli's answer is great! But it work only for one element at time (WHERE name = 'Joan') If you take out the WHERE clause, the query will return all the root rows together...

I changed a little bit for my situation, so it can show the entire tree for a table.

table definition:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[mar_categories] ( 
    [category]  int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [name]      varchar(50) NOT NULL,
    [level]     int NOT NULL,
    [action]    int NOT NULL,
    [parent]    int NULL,
    CONSTRAINT [XPK_mar_categories] PRIMARY KEY([category])

(level is literally the level of a category 0: root, 1: first level after root, ...)

and the query:

WITH n(category, name, level, parent, concatenador) AS 
    SELECT category, name, level, parent, '('+CONVERT(VARCHAR (MAX), category)+' - '+CONVERT(VARCHAR (MAX), level)+')' as concatenador
    FROM mar_categories
    WHERE parent is null
        UNION ALL
    SELECT m.category,, m.level, m.parent, n.concatenador+' * ('+CONVERT (VARCHAR (MAX), case when ISNULL(m.parent, 0) = 0 then 0 else m.category END)+' - '+CONVERT(VARCHAR (MAX), m.level)+')' as concatenador
    FROM mar_categories as m, n
    WHERE n.category = m.parent
SELECT distinct * FROM n ORDER BY concatenador asc

(You don't need to concatenate the level field, I did just to make more readable)

the answer for this query should be something like:

sql return

I hope it helps someone!

now, I'm wondering how to do this on MySQL... ^^

Close all infowindows in Google Maps API v3

I have something like the following

function initMap()
    //...create new map here
    var infowindow;
        //...get lat/lng
        var position = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
        var content = "contents go here";
        var title = "titleText";
        var openWindowFn;
        var closure = function(content, position){.
            openWindowFn = function()
                if (infowindow)
                infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
      , marker);
        }(content, position);
        var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', openWindowFn);

In my understanding, using a closure like that allows the capturing of variables and their values at the time of function declaration, rather than relying on global variables. So when openWindowFn is called later, on the first marker for example, the content and position variable have the values they did during the first iteration in the each() function.

I'm not really sure how openWindowFn has infowindow in its scope. I'm also not sure I'm doing things right, but it works, even with multiple maps on one page (each map gets one open infowindow).

If anyone has any insights, please comment.

JavaScript, getting value of a td with id name

Again with getElementById, but instead .value, use .innerText

<td id="test">Chicken</td>
document.getElementById('test').innerText; //the value of this will be 'Chicken'

Mocking a method to throw an exception (moq), but otherwise act like the mocked object?

Here's how you can mock your FileConnection

Mock<IFileConnection> fileConnection = new Mock<IFileConnection>(
fileConnection.Setup(item => item.Get(It.IsAny<string>,It.IsAny<string>))
              .Throws(new IOException());

Then instantiate your Transfer class and use the mock in your method call

Transfer transfer = new Transfer();
transfer.GetFile(fileConnection.Object, someRemoteFilename, someLocalFileName);


First of all you have to mock your dependencies only, not the class you are testing(Transfer class in this case). Stating those dependencies in your constructor make it easy to see what services your class needs to work. It also makes it possible to replace them with fakes when you are writing your unit tests. At the moment it's impossible to replace those properties with fakes.

Since you are setting those properties using another dependency, I would write it like this:

public class Transfer
    public Transfer(IInternalConfig internalConfig)
        source = internalConfig.GetFileConnection("source");
        destination = internalConfig.GetFileConnection("destination");

    //you should consider making these private or protected fields
    public virtual IFileConnection source { get; set; }
    public virtual IFileConnection destination { get; set; }

    public virtual void GetFile(IFileConnection connection, 
        string remoteFilename, string localFilename)
        connection.Get(remoteFilename, localFilename);

    public virtual void PutFile(IFileConnection connection, 
        string localFilename, string remoteFilename)
        connection.Get(remoteFilename, localFilename);

    public virtual void TransferFiles(string sourceName, string destName)
        var tempName = Path.GetTempFileName();
        GetFile(source, sourceName, tempName);
        PutFile(destination, tempName, destName);

This way you can mock internalConfig and make it return IFileConnection mocks that does what you want.

Using the grep and cut delimiter command (in bash shell scripting UNIX) - and kind of "reversing" it?

You don't need to change the delimiter to display the right part of the string with cut.

The -f switch of the cut command is the n-TH element separated by your delimiter : :, so you can just type :

 grep puddle2_1557936 | cut -d ":" -f2

Another solutions (adapt it a bit) if you want fun :

Using :

grep -oP 'puddle2_1557936:\K.*' <<< 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'                                                                        

or still with look around

grep -oP '(?<=puddle2_1557936:).*' <<< 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'                                                                    

or with :

perl -lne '/puddle2_1557936:(.*)/ and print $1' <<< 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'                                                      

or using (thanks to glenn jackman)

ruby -F: -ane '/puddle2_1557936/ and puts $F[1]' <<< 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'

or with :

awk -F'puddle2_1557936:' '{print $2}'  <<< 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'

or with :

python -c 'import sys; print(sys.argv[1].split("puddle2_1557936:")[1])' 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'

or using only :

IFS=: read _ a <<< "puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2"
echo "$a"

or using in a :

var x = 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'

or using in a :

php -r 'preg_match("/puddle2_1557936:(.*)/", $argv[1], $m); echo "$m[1]\n";' 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2' 

How to pull remote branch from somebody else's repo

The following is a nice expedient solution that works with GitHub for checking out the PR branch from another user's fork. You need to know the pull request ID (which GitHub displays along with the PR title).


Fixing your insecure code #8
alice wants to merge 1 commit into your_repo:master from her_repo:branch

git checkout -b <branch>
git pull origin pull/8/head

Substitute your remote if different from origin.
Substitute 8 with the correct pull request ID.

Compile/run assembler in Linux?

My suggestion would be to get the book Programming From Ground Up:

That is a very good starting point for getting into assembler programming under linux and it explains a lot of the basics you need to understand to get started.

What jar should I include to use javax.persistence package in a hibernate based application?

You can use the ejb3-persistence.jar that's bundled with hibernate. This jar only includes the javax.persistence package.

Fill SVG path element with a background-image

You can do it by making the background into a pattern:

  <pattern id="img1" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" width="100" height="100">
    <image href="wall.jpg" x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" />

Adjust the width and height according to your image, then reference it from the path like this:

<path d="M5,50
         l0,100 l100,0 l0,-100 l-100,0
         a50,50 0 1 1 -100,0 50,50 0 1 1 100,0
         l50,100 l-100,0 l50,-100
  fill="url(#img1)" />

Working example

IIS sc-win32-status codes

Here's the list of all Win32 error codes. You can use this page to lookup the error code mentioned in IIS logs:

You can also use command line utility net to find information about a Win32 error code. The syntax would be:
net helpmsg Win32_Status_Code

Set Background cell color in PHPExcel

Seems like there's a bug with applyFromArray right now that won't accept color, but this worked for me:


How to fix the Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library for windows 7?

It worked only after removing the eclipse folder and all related folders like .p2, .eclipse (in my case they are at different location where I have saved eclipse installer) etc. and after re-downloading the eclipse, it worked.

What can be the reasons of connection refused errors?

If you try to open a TCP connection to another host and see the error "Connection refused," it means that

  1. You sent a TCP SYN packet to the other host.
  2. Then you received a TCP RST packet in reply.

RST is a bit on the TCP packet which indicates that the connection should be reset. Usually it means that the other host has received your connection attempt and is actively refusing your TCP connection, but sometimes an intervening firewall may block your TCP SYN packet and send a TCP RST back to you.

See page 69:


If the RST bit is set

If this connection was initiated with a passive OPEN (i.e., came from the LISTEN state), then return this connection to LISTEN state and return. The user need not be informed. If this connection was initiated with an active OPEN (i.e., came from SYN-SENT state) then the connection was refused, signal the user "connection refused". In either case, all segments on the retransmission queue should be removed. And in the active OPEN case, enter the CLOSED state and delete the TCB, and return.

Best way to remove an event handler in jQuery?

Thanks for the information. very helpful i used it for locking page interaction while in edit mode by another user. I used it in conjunction with ajaxComplete. Not necesarily the same behavior but somewhat similar.

function userPageLock(){
    $("body").bind("ajaxComplete.lockpage", function(){

function executePageLock(){
    //do something

Loop through a Map with JSTL

You can loop through a hash map like this

ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
TreeMap itemList=new TreeMap();
itemList.put("test", "test");
pageContext.setAttribute("itemList", list);                            

  <c:forEach items="${itemList}" var="itemrow">
   <input  type="text"  value="<c:out value='${itemrow.test}'/>"/>

For more JSTL functionality look here

Entity Framework and SQL Server View

To get a view I had to only show one primary key column I created a second view that pointed to the first and used NULLIF to make the types nullable. This worked for me to make the EF think there was just a single primary key in the view.

Not sure if this will help you though since I don't believe the EF will accept an entity with NO primary key.

How to initialize an array in Kotlin with values?

I think one thing that is worth mentioning and isn't intuitive enough from the documentation is that, when you use a factory function to create an array and you specify it's size, the array is initialized with values that are equal to their index values. For example, in an array such as this: val array = Array(5, { i -> i }), the initial values assigned are [0,1,2,3,4] and not say, [0,0,0,0,0]. That is why from the documentation, val asc = Array(5, { i -> (i * i).toString() }) produces an answer of ["0", "1", "4", "9", "16"]

How to make <input type="file"/> accept only these types?


Due to use of only application/msword, application/, application/ allows only till 2003 MS products, and not newest. I've found this:

application/msword, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, application/, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation

And that includes the new ones. For other files, you can retrieve the MIME TYPE in your file by this way (pardon the lang)(in MIME list types, there aren't this ones):

enter image description here

You can select & copy the type of content

Format number as percent in MS SQL Server

Using FORMAT function in new versions of SQL Server is much simpler and allows much more control:

FORMAT(yournumber, '#,##0.0%')

Benefit of this is you can control additional things like thousand separators and you don't get that space between the number and '%'.

MySQL Removing Some Foreign keys

The foreign keys are there to ensure data integrity, so you can't drop a column as long as it's part of a foreign key. You need to drop the key first.

I would think the following query would do it:

ALTER TABLE assignmentStuff DROP FOREIGN KEY assignmentIDX;

Creating temporary files in bash

Is there any advantage in creating a temporary file in a more careful way

The temporary files are usually created in the temporary directory (such as /tmp) where all other users and processes has read and write access (any other script can create the new files there). Therefore the script should be careful about creating the files such as using with the right permissions (e.g. read only for the owner, see: help umask) and filename should be be not easily guessed (ideally random). Otherwise if the filenames aren't unique, it can create conflict with the same script ran multiple times (e.g. race condition) or some attacker could either hijack some sensitive information (e.g. when permissions are too open and filename is easy to guess) or create/replacing the file with their own version of the code (like replacing the commands or SQL queries depending on what is being stored).

You could use the following approach to create the temporary directory:

TMPDIR=".${0##*/}-$$" && mkdir -v "$TMPDIR"

or temporary file:

TMPFILE=".${0##*/}-$$" && touch "$TMPFILE"

However it is still predictable and not considered safe.

As per man mktemp, we can read:

Traditionally, many shell scripts take the name of the program with the pid as a suffix and use that as a temporary file name. This kind of naming scheme is predictable and the race condition it creates is easy for an attacker to win.

So to be safe, it is recommended to use mktemp command to create unique temporary file or directory (-d).

HTTPS and SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed, CA is OK

Warning: this can introduce security issues that SSL is designed to protect against, rendering your entire codebase insecure. It goes against every recommended practice.

But a really simple fix that worked for me was to call:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

before calling:


in the php file.

I believe that this disables all verification of SSL certificates.

Reference member variables as class members

C++ provides a good mechanism to manage the life time of an object though class/struct constructs. This is one of the best features of C++ over other languages.

When you have member variables exposed through ref or pointer it violates the encapsulation in principle. This idiom enables the consumer of the class to change the state of an object of A without it(A) having any knowledge or control of it. It also enables the consumer to hold on to a ref/pointer to A's internal state, beyond the life time of the object of A. This is bad design. Instead the class could be refactored to hold a ref/pointer to the shared object (not own it) and these could be set using the constructor (Mandate the life time rules). The shared object's class may be designed to support multithreading/concurrency as the case may apply.

@RequestBody and @ResponseBody annotations in Spring

package com.programmingfree.springshop.controller;

import java.util.List;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

import com.programmingfree.springshop.dao.UserShop;
import com.programmingfree.springshop.domain.User;

public class SpringShopController {

 UserShop userShop=new UserShop();

 @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET,headers="Accept=application/json")
 public User getUser(@PathVariable int id) {
  User user=userShop.getUserById(id);
  return user;

 @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET,headers="Accept=application/json")
 public List<User> getAllUsers() {
  List<User> users=userShop.getAllUsers();
  return users;


In the above example they going to display all user and particular id details now I want to use both id and name,

1) localhost:8093/plejson/shop/user <---this link will display all user details
2) localhost:8093/plejson/shop/user/11 <----if i use 11 in link means, it will display particular user 11 details

now I want to use both id and name

localhost:8093/plejson/shop/user/11/raju <-----------------like this it means we can use any one in this please help me out.....

The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook.sdk error 2.) ios6

check your Bundle identifier for your project and you give Bundle identifier for your app which create on that they are same or not.

Twig ternary operator, Shorthand if-then-else

{{ ( in company_abilities) ? 'selected' : '' }}

The ternary operator is documented under 'other operators'

Error in MySQL when setting default value for DATE or DATETIME

Config syntax issue

On some versions of MYSQL (tested 5.7.*) under *nix systems you should use this syntax:



These won't work:

dash no quotes


underscore no quotes


underscore and quotes


A more complete review of config values and sql-mode:

How to setup permanent Sql Mode flags

How to sort by dates excel?

For example 8/12/1976. Copy your date column. Highlight the copied column and click Data> Text to Columns> Delimited> Next. In the delimiters column check "Other" and input / and then click Next and Finish. You'll have 3 columns and the first column will be 1/8. Highlight it and click the comma in the Number section and it will give you the month as 8.00, so then reduce it by clicking the comma in Home/Numbers and you'll now have 8 in the first column, 18 in the second column and 1976 in the third column. In the first empty cell to the right use the concatenate function and leave out the year column. If your month is column A, day is column B and year is column C, it will look like this: =concatenate(A2,"/",B2) and hit enter. It will look like 8/18, however, when you click on the cell you'll see the concatenate formula. Highlight the cell(s), then copy and paste special values. Now you can sort by date. It's really quick when you get the hang of it.

Merge (with squash) all changes from another branch as a single commit

Found it! Merge command has a --squash option

git checkout master
git merge --squash WIP

at this point everything is merged, possibly conflicted, but not committed. So I can now:

git add .
git commit -m "Merged WIP"

Delegates in swift?

The solutions above seemed a little coupled and at the same time avoid reuse the same protocol in other controllers, that's why I've come with the solution that is more strong typed using generic type-erasure.

@noreturn public func notImplemented(){
    fatalError("not implemented yet")

public protocol DataChangedProtocol: class{
    typealias DataType

    func onChange(t:DataType)

class AbstractDataChangedWrapper<DataType> : DataChangedProtocol{

    func onChange(t: DataType) {

class AnyDataChangedWrapper<T: DataChangedProtocol> : AbstractDataChangedWrapper<T.DataType>{

    var base: T

    init(_ base: T ){
        self.base = base

    override func onChange(t: T.DataType) {

class AnyDataChangedProtocol<DataType> : DataChangedProtocol{

    var base: AbstractDataChangedWrapper<DataType>

    init<S: DataChangedProtocol where S.DataType == DataType>(_ s: S){
        self.base = AnyDataChangedWrapper(s)

    func onChange(t: DataType) {

class Source : DataChangedProtocol {
    func onChange(data: String) {
        print( "got new value \(data)" )

class Target {
    var delegate: AnyDataChangedProtocol<String>?

    func reportChange(data:String ){

var source = Source()
var target = Target()

target.delegate = AnyDataChangedProtocol(source)

output: got new value newValue

How to remove elements from a generic list while iterating over it?

As any remove is taken on a condition you can use

list.RemoveAll(item => item.Value == someValue);

make image( not background img) in div repeat?

You have use to repeat-y as style="background-repeat:repeat-y;width: 200px;" instead of style="repeat-y".

Try this inside the image tag or you can use the below css for the div

    background-repeat: repeat-y;
    background-image: url("/image/layout/lotus-dreapta.png");

Access elements of parent window from iframe

I think the problem may be that you are not finding your element because of the "#" in your call to get it:


You only need the # if you are using jquery. Here it should be:


How to resolve Unneccessary Stubbing exception

In case of a large project, it's difficult to fix each of these exceptions. At the same time, using Silent is not advised. I have written a script to remove all the unnecessary stubbings given a list of them.

We just need to copy-paste the mvn output and write the list of these exceptions using regex and let the script take care of the rest.

'AND' vs '&&' as operator

Precedence differs between && and and (&& has higher precedence than and), something that causes confusion when combined with a ternary operator. For instance,

$predA && $predB ? "foo" : "bar"

will return a string whereas

$predA and $predB ? "foo" : "bar"

will return a boolean.

MySQL: Error Code: 1118 Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB

If you're getting this error on Google Cloud SQL (mysql 5.7 for example) then it's probably not at this time going to be a simple fix as not all InnoDB flags are supported. If you're coming across from Mysql 5.5 as I was (for an old Wordpress setup) this could mean you need to wrangle some column types in the source database before you export.

Some more information can be found here.

What's the difference between an Angular component and module

Well, it's too late to post an answer, but I feel my explanation will be easy to understand for beginners with Angular. The following is one of the examples that I give during my presentation.

Consider your angular Application as a building. A building can have N number of apartments in it. An apartment is considered as a module. An Apartment can then have N number of rooms which correspond to the building blocks of an Angular application named components.

Now each apartment (Module)` will have rooms (Components), lifts (Services) to enable larger movement in and out the apartments, wires (Pipes) to transform around and make it useful in the apartments.

You will also have places like swimming pool, tennis court which are being shared by all building residents. So these can be considered as components inside SharedModule.

Basically, the difference is as follows,

Table showing key differences between Module and Component

Follow my slides to understand the building blocks of an Angular application

Here is my session on Building Blocks of Angular for beginners

null check in jsf expression language

Use empty (it checks both nullness and emptiness) and group the nested ternary expression by parentheses (EL is in certain implementations/versions namely somewhat problematic with nested ternary expressions). Thus, so:

styleClass="#{empty obj.validationErrorMap ? ' ' :  
 (obj.validationErrorMap.contains('key') ? 'highlight_field' : 'highlight_row')}"

If still in vain (I would then check JBoss EL configs), use the "normal" EL approach:

styleClass="#{empty obj.validationErrorMap ? ' ' :  
 (obj.validationErrorMap['key'] ne null ? 'highlight_field' : 'highlight_row')}"

Update: as per the comments, the Map turns out to actually be a List (please work on your naming conventions). To check if a List contains an item the "normal" EL way, use JSTL fn:contains (although not explicitly documented, it works for List as well).

styleClass="#{empty obj.validationErrorMap ? ' ' :  
 (fn:contains(obj.validationErrorMap, 'key') ? 'highlight_field' : 'highlight_row')}"

Automatically capture output of last command into a variable using Bash?

Capture the output with backticks:

output=`program arguments`
echo $output
emacs $output

Collapse all methods in Visual Studio Code

To collapse methods in the Visual Studio Code editor:

  1. Right-click anywhere in document and select "format document" option.
  2. Then hover next to number lines and you will see the (-) sign for collapsing method.

NB.: As per the Visual Studio Code documentation, a folding region starts when a line has a smaller indent than one or more following lines, and ends when there is a line with the same or smaller indent.

Object Required Error in excel VBA

The Set statement is only used for object variables (like Range, Cell or Worksheet in Excel), while the simple equal sign '=' is used for elementary datatypes like Integer. You can find a good explanation for when to use set here.

The other problem is, that your variable g1val isn't actually declared as Integer, but has the type Variant. This is because the Dim statement doesn't work the way you would expect it, here (see example below). The variable has to be followed by its type right away, otherwise its type will default to Variant. You can only shorten your Dim statement this way:

Dim intColumn As Integer, intRow As Integer  'This creates two integers

For this reason, you will see the "Empty" instead of the expected "0" in the Watches window.

Try this example to understand the difference:

Sub Dimming()

  Dim thisBecomesVariant, thisIsAnInteger As Integer
  Dim integerOne As Integer, integerTwo As Integer

  MsgBox TypeName(thisBecomesVariant)  'Will display "Empty"
  MsgBox TypeName(thisIsAnInteger )  'Will display "Integer"
  MsgBox TypeName(integerOne )  'Will display "Integer"
  MsgBox TypeName(integerTwo )  'Will display "Integer"

  'By assigning an Integer value to a Variant it becomes Integer, too
  thisBecomesVariant = 0
  MsgBox TypeName(thisBecomesVariant)  'Will display "Integer"

End Sub

Two further notices on your code:

First remark: Instead of writing

'If g1val is bigger than the value in the current cell
If g1val > Cells(33, i).Value Then
  g1val = g1val   'Don't change g1val
  g1val = Cells(33, i).Value  'Otherwise set g1val to the cell's value
End If

you could simply write

'If g1val is smaller or equal than the value in the current cell
If g1val <= Cells(33, i).Value Then
  g1val = Cells(33, i).Value  'Set g1val to the cell's value 
End If

Since you don't want to change g1val in the other case.

Second remark: I encourage you to use Option Explicit when programming, to prevent typos in your program. You will then have to declare all variables and the compiler will give you a warning if a variable is unknown.

How to add buttons at top of map fragment API v2 layout

You can use the below code to change the button to Left side.

<fragment xmlns:android=""
    tools:context="com.zakasoft.mymap.MapsActivity" >



Convert InputStream to JSONObject

You can use this api
It's simple and very useful,

Here's how to use the Api to resolve your problem

public class Test {
  public static void main(String... strings) throws FileNotFoundException  {
    Reader reader = new FileReader(new File("<fullPath>/json.js"));
    JsonElement elem = new JsonParser().parse(reader);
    Gson gson  = new GsonBuilder().create();
   TestObject o = gson.fromJson(elem, TestObject.class);


class TestObject{
  public String fName;
  public String lName;
  public String toString() {
    return fName +" "+lName;

json.js file content :


JavaScript OR (||) variable assignment explanation

It means that if x is set, the value for z will be x, otherwise if y is set then its value will be set as the z's value.

it's the same as

  z = x;
  z = y;

It's possible because logical operators in JavaScript doesn't return boolean values but the value of the last element needed to complete the operation (in an OR sentence it would be the first non-false value, in an AND sentence it would be the last one). If the operation fails, then false is returned.

Bower: ENOGIT Git is not installed or not in the PATH

When you ran the git install, you probably didn't choose:

"Use Git from the Windows Command Prompts"

during the installation.

Re-run git install, and choose that option.

Clicking the back button twice to exit an activity

This is the same of the accepted and most voted response but this snipped used Snackbar instead of Toast.

boolean doubleBackToExitPressedOnce = false;

    public void onBackPressed() {
        if (doubleBackToExitPressedOnce) {

        this.doubleBackToExitPressedOnce = true;
        Snackbar.make(content, "Please click BACK again to exit", Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT)
                .setAction("Action", null).show();

        new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
        }, 2000);

$on and $broadcast in angular

First, a short description of $on(), $broadcast() and $emit():

  • .$on(name, listener) - Listens for a specific event by a given name
  • .$broadcast(name, args) - Broadcast an event down through the $scope of all children
  • .$emit(name, args) - Emit an event up the $scope hierarchy to all parents, including the $rootScope

Based on the following HTML (see full example here):

<div ng-controller="Controller1">
    <button ng-click="broadcast()">Broadcast 1</button>
    <button ng-click="emit()">Emit 1</button>

<div ng-controller="Controller2">
    <button ng-click="broadcast()">Broadcast 2</button>
    <button ng-click="emit()">Emit 2</button>
    <div ng-controller="Controller3">
        <button ng-click="broadcast()">Broadcast 3</button>
        <button ng-click="emit()">Emit 3</button>
        <button ng-click="broadcastRoot()">Broadcast Root</button>
        <button ng-click="emitRoot()">Emit Root</button>

The fired events will traverse the $scopes as follows:

  • Broadcast 1 - Will only be seen by Controller 1 $scope
  • Emit 1 - Will be seen by Controller 1 $scope then $rootScope
  • Broadcast 2 - Will be seen by Controller 2 $scope then Controller 3 $scope
  • Emit 2 - Will be seen by Controller 2 $scope then $rootScope
  • Broadcast 3 - Will only be seen by Controller 3 $scope
  • Emit 3 - Will be seen by Controller 3 $scope, Controller 2 $scope then $rootScope
  • Broadcast Root - Will be seen by $rootScope and $scope of all the Controllers (1, 2 then 3)
  • Emit Root - Will only be seen by $rootScope

JavaScript to trigger events (again, you can see a working example here):

app.controller('Controller1', ['$scope', '$rootScope', function($scope, $rootScope){
    $scope.broadcastAndEmit = function(){
        // This will be seen by Controller 1 $scope and all children $scopes 
        $scope.$broadcast('eventX', {data: '$scope.broadcast'});

        // Because this event is fired as an emit (goes up) on the $rootScope,
        // only the $rootScope will see it
        $rootScope.$emit('eventX', {data: '$rootScope.emit'});
    $scope.emit = function(){
        // Controller 1 $scope, and all parent $scopes (including $rootScope) 
        // will see this event
        $scope.$emit('eventX', {data: '$scope.emit'});

    $scope.$on('eventX', function(ev, args){
        console.log('eventX found on Controller1 $scope');
    $rootScope.$on('eventX', function(ev, args){
        console.log('eventX found on $rootScope');


Mecki's answer is absolutly perfect, but it's worth adding that FreeBSD also supports SO_REUSEPORT_LB, which mimics Linux' SO_REUSEPORT behaviour - it balances the load; see setsockopt(2)

Chart creating dynamically. in .net, c#


// FakeChart.cs
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// A Winforms app that produces a contrived chart using
// DataVisualization (MSChart).  Requires .net 4.0.
// Author: Dino
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// compile: \net4.0\csc.exe /t:winexe /debug+ /R:\net4.0\System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.dll FakeChart.cs

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting;

namespace Dino.Tools.WebMonitor
    public class FakeChartForm1 : Form
        private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;
        System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart chart1;

        public FakeChartForm1 ()

        private double f(int i)
            var f1 = 59894 - (8128 * i) + (262 * i * i) - (1.6 * i * i * i);
            return f1;

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var series1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series
                Name = "Series1",
                Color = System.Drawing.Color.Green,
                IsVisibleInLegend = false,
                IsXValueIndexed = true,
                ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line


            for (int i=0; i < 100; i++)
                series1.Points.AddXY(i, f(i));

        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing && (components != null))

        private void InitializeComponent()
            this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
            System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartArea chartArea1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartArea();
            System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Legend legend1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Legend();
            this.chart1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart();
            // chart1
            chartArea1.Name = "ChartArea1";
            this.chart1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
            legend1.Name = "Legend1";
            this.chart1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 50);
            this.chart1.Name = "chart1";
            // this.chart1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(284, 212);
            this.chart1.TabIndex = 0;
            this.chart1.Text = "chart1";
            // Form1
            this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F);
            this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
            this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(284, 262);
            this.Name = "Form1";
            this.Text = "FakeChart";
            this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Form1_Load);

        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main()
            Application.Run(new FakeChartForm1());


enter image description here

When should I create a destructor?

You don't need one unless your class maintains unmanaged resources like Windows file handles.

IntelliJ - Convert a Java project/module into a Maven project/module

A visual for those that benefit from it.

enter image description here

After right-clicking the project name ("test" in this example), select "Add framework support" and check the "Maven" option.

Closing JFrame with button click

You can use super.dispose() method which is more similar to close operation.

HashMap get/put complexity

I agree with:

  • the general amortized complexity of O(1)
  • a bad hashCode() implementation could result to multiple collisions, which means that in the worst case every object goes to the same bucket, thus O(N) if each bucket is backed by a List.
  • since Java 8, HashMap dynamically replaces the Nodes (linked list) used in each bucket with TreeNodes (red-black tree when a list gets bigger than 8 elements) resulting to a worst performance of O(logN).

But, this is not the full truth if we want to be 100% precise. The implementation of hashCode() and the type of key Object (immutable/cached or being a Collection) might also affect real time complexity in strict terms.

Let's assume the following three cases:

  1. HashMap<Integer, V>
  2. HashMap<String, V>
  3. HashMap<List<E>, V>

Do they have the same complexity? Well, the amortised complexity of the 1st one is, as expected, O(1). But, for the rest, we also need to compute hashCode() of the lookup element, which means we might have to traverse arrays and lists in our algorithm.

Lets assume that the size of all of the above arrays/lists is k. Then, HashMap<String, V> and HashMap<List<E>, V> will have O(k) amortised complexity and similarly, O(k + logN) worst case in Java8.

*Note that using a String key is a more complex case, because it is immutable and Java caches the result of hashCode() in a private variable hash, so it's only computed once.

/** Cache the hash code for the string */
    private int hash; // Default to 0

But, the above is also having its own worst case, because Java's String.hashCode() implementation is checking if hash == 0 before computing hashCode. But hey, there are non-empty Strings that output a hashcode of zero, such as "f5a5a608", see here, in which case memoization might not be helpful.

How to add an ORDER BY clause using CodeIgniter's Active Record methods?

Using this code to multiple order by in single query.

$this->db->order_by("column1 asc,column2 desc");
$query = $this->db->get(); 
return $query->result();

Difference between map, applymap and apply methods in Pandas

My understanding:

From the function point of view:

If the function has variables that need to compare within a column/ row, use apply.

e.g.: lambda x: x.max()-x.mean().

If the function is to be applied to each element:

1> If a column/row is located, use apply

2> If apply to entire dataframe, use applymap

majority = lambda x : x > 17
df2['legal_drinker'] = df2['age'].apply(majority)

def times10(x):
  if type(x) is int:
    x *= 10 
  return x

Create a text file for download on-the-fly

Check out this SO question's accepted solution. Substitute your own filename for basename($File) and change filesize($File) to strlen($your_string). (You may want to use mb_strlen just in case the string contains multibyte characters.)

How to delete all data from solr and hbase

I came here looking to delete all documents from solr instance through .Net framework using SolrNet. Here is how I was able to do it:

ISolrOperations<MyEntity> solr =
SolrQuery sq = new SolrQuery("*:*");

This has cleared all the documents. (I am not sure if this could be recovered, I am in learning and testing phase of Solr, so please consider backup before using this code)

Express.js Response Timeout

There is already a Connect Middleware for Timeout support:

var timeout = express.timeout // express v3 and below
var timeout = require('connect-timeout'); //express v4


function haltOnTimedout(req, res, next){
  if (!req.timedout) next();

If you plan on using the Timeout middleware as a top-level middleware like above, the haltOnTimedOut middleware needs to be the last middleware defined in the stack and is used for catching the timeout event. Thanks @Aichholzer for the update.

Side Note:

Keep in mind that if you roll your own timeout middleware, 4xx status codes are for client errors and 5xx are for server errors. 408s are reserved for when:

The client did not produce a request within the time that the server was prepared to wait. The client MAY repeat the request without modifications at any later time.

Regex to match only letters

// true

// false

// false

How can I set the max-width of a table cell using percentages?

According to the definition of max-width in the CSS 2.1 spec, “the effect of 'min-width' and 'max-width' on tables, inline tables, table cells, table columns, and column groups is undefined.” So you cannot directly set max-width on a td element.

If you just want the second column to take up at most 67%, then you can set the width (which is in effect minimum width, for table cells) to 33%, e.g. in the example case

td:first-child { width: 33% ;}

Setting that for both columns won’t work that well, since it tends to make browsers give the columns equal width.

visual c++: #include files from other projects in the same solution

Since both projects are under the same solution, there's a simpler way for the include files and linker as described in :

  1. The include can be written in a relative path (E.g. #include "../libProject/libHeader.h").
  2. For the linker, right click on "References", Click on Add Reference, and choose the other project.

Command line .cmd/.bat script, how to get directory of running script

Raymond Chen has a few ideas:

Quoted here in full because MSDN archives tend to be somewhat unreliable:

The easy way is to use the %CD% pseudo-variable. It expands to the current working directory.

.. do stuff ..
chdir /d %OLDDIR% &rem restore current directory

(Of course, directory save/restore could more easily have been done with pushd/popd, but that's not the point here.)

The %CD% trick is handy even from the command line. For example, I often find myself in a directory where there's a file that I want to operate on but... oh, I need to chdir to some other directory in order to perform that operation.

set _=%CD%\curfile.txt
cd ... some other directory ...
somecommand args %_% args

(I like to use %_% as my scratch environment variable.)

Type SET /? to see the other pseudo-variables provided by the command processor.

Also the comments in the article are well worth scanning for example this one (via the WayBack Machine, since comments are gone from older articles):

This covers the use of %~dp0:

If you want to know where the batch file lives: %~dp0

%0 is the name of the batch file. ~dp gives you the drive and path of the specified argument.

how to get current datetime in SQL?

Complete answer:

1. Is there a function available in SQL?
Yes, the SQL 92 spec, Oct 97, pg. 171, section 6.16 specifies this functions:

CURRENT_TIME       Time of day at moment of evaluation
CURRENT_DATE       Date at moment of evaluation
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP  Date & Time at moment of evaluation

2. It is implementation depended so each database has its own function for this?
Each database has its own implementations, but they have to implement the three function above if they comply with the SQL 92 specification (but depends on the version of the spec)

3. What is the function available in MySQL?

NOW() returns 2009-08-05 15:13:00  
CURDATE() returns 2009-08-05  
CURTIME() returns 15:13:00  

What is exactly the base pointer and stack pointer? To what do they point?

esp is as you say it is, the top of the stack.

ebp is usually set to esp at the start of the function. Function parameters and local variables are accessed by adding and subtracting, respectively, a constant offset from ebp. All x86 calling conventions define ebp as being preserved across function calls. ebp itself actually points to the previous frame's base pointer, which enables stack walking in a debugger and viewing other frames local variables to work.

Most function prologs look something like:

push ebp      ; Preserve current frame pointer
mov ebp, esp  ; Create new frame pointer pointing to current stack top
sub esp, 20   ; allocate 20 bytes worth of locals on stack.

Then later in the function you may have code like (presuming both local variables are 4 bytes)

mov [ebp-4], eax    ; Store eax in first local
mov ebx, [ebp - 8]  ; Load ebx from second local

FPO or frame pointer omission optimization which you can enable will actually eliminate this and use ebp as another register and access locals directly off of esp, but this makes debugging a bit more difficult since the debugger can no longer directly access the stack frames of earlier function calls.


For your updated question, the missing two entries in the stack are:

var_C = dword ptr -0Ch
var_8 = dword ptr -8
var_4 = dword ptr -4
*savedFramePointer = dword ptr 0*
*return address = dword ptr 4*
hInstance = dword ptr  8h
PrevInstance = dword ptr  0C
hlpCmdLine = dword ptr  10h
nShowCmd = dword ptr  14h

This is because the flow of the function call is:

  • Push parameters (hInstance, etc.)
  • Call function, which pushes return address
  • Push ebp
  • Allocate space for locals

Specify sudo password for Ansible

Above solution by @toast38coza worked for me; just that sudo: yes is deprecated in Ansible now. Use become and become_user instead.

 - name: Restart apache service
   service: name=apache2 state=restarted
   become: yes
   become_user: root

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function on loading jquery-min.js

Yes, i also I fixed it changing in the js libraries to the unminified.

For example, in the tag, change:

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.ui.core.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.ui.widget.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.ui.rcarousel.min.js"></script>


<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.ui.core.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.ui.widget.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.ui.rcarousel.js"></script>

Quiting the 'min' as unminified.

Thanks for the idea.

Add JsonArray to JsonObject

I'm starting to learn about this myself, being very new to android development and I found this video very helpful.

It specifically covers to to get JSONArray to JSONObject at 19:30 in the video.

Code from the video for JSONArray to JSONObject:

JSONArray queryArray = quoteJSONObject.names();

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

for(int i = 0; i < queryArray.length(); i++){

for(String item : list){
    Log.v("JSON ARRAY ITEMS ", item);

Why does an image captured using camera intent gets rotated on some devices on Android?

Jason Robinson's answer and Sami Eltamawy answer are excelent.

Just an improvement to complete the aproach, you should use compat ExifInterface.${lastLibVersion}

You will be able to instantiate the ExifInterface(pior API <24) with InputStream (from ContentResolver) instead of uri paths avoiding "File not found exceptions"

WCF service maxReceivedMessageSize basicHttpBinding issue

When using HTTPS instead of ON the binding, put it IN the binding with the httpsTransport tag:

    <binding name="MyServiceBinding">
      <security defaultAlgorithmSuite="Basic256Rsa15" 
                authenticationMode="MutualCertificate" requireDerivedKeys="true" 
                securityHeaderLayout="Lax" includeTimestamp="true" 
        <localClientSettings detectReplays="true" />
        <localServiceSettings detectReplays="true" />
        <secureConversationBootstrap keyEntropyMode="CombinedEntropy" />
      <textMessageEncoding messageVersion="Soap11WSAddressing10">
        <readerQuotas maxDepth="2147483647" maxStringContentLength="2147483647" 
                      maxArrayLength="2147483647" maxBytesPerRead="4096" 
      <httpsTransport maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647" 
                      maxBufferSize="2147483647" maxBufferPoolSize="2147483647" 
                      requireClientCertificate="false" />

How can I use JSON data to populate the options of a select box?

Take a look at JQuery view engine and just load the array into a dropdown:

    data: 'q=' + str,
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function( json ) {
          // Assumption is that API returned something like:["North","West","South","East"];

See details here:

How to resolve 'npm should be run outside of the node repl, in your normal shell'

you just open command prompt, then enter in c:/>('cd../../') then npm install -g cordova enter image description here

Pandas rename column by position?

try this

df.rename(columns={ df.columns[1]: "your value" }, inplace = True)

C# equivalent of C++ vector, with contiguous memory?

use List<T>. Internally it uses arrays and arrays do use contiguous memory.

How can I get the current page name in WordPress?

I've now found this function on WordPress Codec,

get queried

which is a wrapper for $wp_query->get_queried_object.

This post put me in the right direction, but it seems that it needs this update.

Split Strings into words with multiple word boundary delimiters

I'm re-acquainting myself with Python and needed the same thing. The findall solution may be better, but I came up with this:

tokens = [x.strip() for x in data.split(',')]

How to add Web API to an existing ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application project?

The above solution works perfectly. I prefer to choose Web API option while selecting the project template as shown in the picture below

Note: The solution works with Visual Studio 2013 or higher. The original question was asked in 2012 and it is 2016, therefore adding a solution Visual Studio 2013 or higher.

Project template showing web API option

Creating a folder if it does not exists - "Item already exists"

With New-Item you can add the Force parameter

New-Item -Force -ItemType directory -Path foo

Or the ErrorAction parameter

New-Item -ErrorAction Ignore -ItemType directory -Path foo

Fetch: reject promise and catch the error if status is not OK?

Thanks for the help everyone, rejecting the promise in .catch() solved my issue:

export function fetchVehicle(id) {
    return dispatch => {
        return dispatch({
            type: 'FETCH_VEHICLE',
            payload: fetch(`${id}/`)
                .then(res => res.json())    
                .catch(error => {
                    return Promise.reject()

function status(res) {
    if (!res.ok) {
        throw new Error(res.statusText);
    return res;

facet label font size

This should get you started:

R> qplot(hwy, cty, data = mpg) + 
       facet_grid(. ~ manufacturer) + 
       theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 8, colour = "orange", angle = 90))

See also this question: How can I manipulate the strip text of facet plots in ggplot2?

Send data from activity to fragment in Android

From Activity you send data with intent as:

Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString("edttext", "From Activity");
// set Fragmentclass Arguments
Fragmentclass fragobj = new Fragmentclass();

and in Fragment onCreateView method:

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
        Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    String strtext = getArguments().getString("edttext");    
    return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment, container, false);

Print in Landscape format

you cannot set this in javascript, you have to do this with html/css:

<style type="text/css" media="print">
  @page { size: landscape; }

EDIT: See this Question and the accepted answer for more information on browser support: Is @Page { size:landscape} obsolete?

How to copy a folder via cmd?

xcopy "%userprofile%\Desktop\?????????" "D:\Backup\" /s/h/e/k/f/c

should work, assuming that your language setting allows Cyrillic (or you use Unicode fonts in the console).

For reference about the arguments:

Round float to x decimals?

I feel compelled to provide a counterpoint to Ashwini Chaudhary's answer. Despite appearances, the two-argument form of the round function does not round a Python float to a given number of decimal places, and it's often not the solution you want, even when you think it is. Let me explain...

The ability to round a (Python) float to some number of decimal places is something that's frequently requested, but turns out to be rarely what's actually needed. The beguilingly simple answer round(x, number_of_places) is something of an attractive nuisance: it looks as though it does what you want, but thanks to the fact that Python floats are stored internally in binary, it's doing something rather subtler. Consider the following example:

>>> round(52.15, 1)

With a naive understanding of what round does, this looks wrong: surely it should be rounding up to 52.2 rather than down to 52.1? To understand why such behaviours can't be relied upon, you need to appreciate that while this looks like a simple decimal-to-decimal operation, it's far from simple.

So here's what's really happening in the example above. (deep breath) We're displaying a decimal representation of the nearest binary floating-point number to the nearest n-digits-after-the-point decimal number to a binary floating-point approximation of a numeric literal written in decimal. So to get from the original numeric literal to the displayed output, the underlying machinery has made four separate conversions between binary and decimal formats, two in each direction. Breaking it down (and with the usual disclaimers about assuming IEEE 754 binary64 format, round-ties-to-even rounding, and IEEE 754 rules):

  1. First the numeric literal 52.15 gets parsed and converted to a Python float. The actual number stored is 7339460017730355 * 2**-47, or 52.14999999999999857891452847979962825775146484375.

  2. Internally as the first step of the round operation, Python computes the closest 1-digit-after-the-point decimal string to the stored number. Since that stored number is a touch under the original value of 52.15, we end up rounding down and getting a string 52.1. This explains why we're getting 52.1 as the final output instead of 52.2.

  3. Then in the second step of the round operation, Python turns that string back into a float, getting the closest binary floating-point number to 52.1, which is now 7332423143312589 * 2**-47, or 52.10000000000000142108547152020037174224853515625.

  4. Finally, as part of Python's read-eval-print loop (REPL), the floating-point value is displayed (in decimal). That involves converting the binary value back to a decimal string, getting 52.1 as the final output.

In Python 2.7 and later, we have the pleasant situation that the two conversions in step 3 and 4 cancel each other out. That's due to Python's choice of repr implementation, which produces the shortest decimal value guaranteed to round correctly to the actual float. One consequence of that choice is that if you start with any (not too large, not too small) decimal literal with 15 or fewer significant digits then the corresponding float will be displayed showing those exact same digits:

>>> x = 15.34509809234
>>> x

Unfortunately, this furthers the illusion that Python is storing values in decimal. Not so in Python 2.6, though! Here's the original example executed in Python 2.6:

>>> round(52.15, 1)

Not only do we round in the opposite direction, getting 52.2 instead of 52.1, but the displayed value doesn't even print as 52.2! This behaviour has caused numerous reports to the Python bug tracker along the lines of "round is broken!". But it's not round that's broken, it's user expectations. (Okay, okay, round is a little bit broken in Python 2.6, in that it doesn't use correct rounding.)

Short version: if you're using two-argument round, and you're expecting predictable behaviour from a binary approximation to a decimal round of a binary approximation to a decimal halfway case, you're asking for trouble.

So enough with the "two-argument round is bad" argument. What should you be using instead? There are a few possibilities, depending on what you're trying to do.

  • If you're rounding for display purposes, then you don't want a float result at all; you want a string. In that case the answer is to use string formatting:

    >>> format(66.66666666666, '.4f')
    >>> format(1.29578293, '.6f')

    Even then, one has to be aware of the internal binary representation in order not to be surprised by the behaviour of apparent decimal halfway cases.

    >>> format(52.15, '.1f')
  • If you're operating in a context where it matters which direction decimal halfway cases are rounded (for example, in some financial contexts), you might want to represent your numbers using the Decimal type. Doing a decimal round on the Decimal type makes a lot more sense than on a binary type (equally, rounding to a fixed number of binary places makes perfect sense on a binary type). Moreover, the decimal module gives you better control of the rounding mode. In Python 3, round does the job directly. In Python 2, you need the quantize method.

    >>> Decimal('66.66666666666').quantize(Decimal('1e-4'))
    >>> Decimal('1.29578293').quantize(Decimal('1e-6'))
  • In rare cases, the two-argument version of round really is what you want: perhaps you're binning floats into bins of size 0.01, and you don't particularly care which way border cases go. However, these cases are rare, and it's difficult to justify the existence of the two-argument version of the round builtin based on those cases alone.

How to set tbody height with overflow scroll

In my case I wanted to have responsive table height instead of fixed height in pixels as the other answers are showing. To do that I used percentage of visible height property and overflow on div containing the table:

&__table-container {
  height: 70vh;
  overflow: scroll;

This way the table will expand along with the window being resized.

How to ignore PKIX path building failed:

If you're using CloudFoundry then you'd have to explicitly push the jar along with the keystore having the certificate.

How to produce a range with step n in bash? (generate a sequence of numbers with increments)

I'd do

for i in `seq 0 2 10`; do echo $i; done

(though of course seq 0 2 10 will produce the same output on its own).

Note that seq allows floating-point numbers (e.g., seq .5 .25 3.5) but bash's brace expansion only allows integers.

Absolute and Flexbox in React Native

This solution worked for me:

tabBarOptions: {
      showIcon: true,
      showLabel: false,
      style: {
        backgroundColor: '#000',
        borderTopLeftRadius: 40,
        borderTopRightRadius: 40,
        position: 'relative',
        zIndex: 2,
        marginTop: -48

How to detect if multiple keys are pressed at once using JavaScript?

I like to use this snippet, its very useful for writing game input scripts

var keyMap = [];

window.addEventListener('keydown', (e)=>{

window.addEventListener('keyup', (e)=>{
        keyMap.splice(keyMap.indexOf(e.keyCode), 1);

function key(x){
    return (keyMap.includes(x));

function checkGameKeys(){
        // Space Key
        // Left Arrow Key
        // Right Arrow Key
        // Up Arrow Key
        // Down Arrow Key
        // A Key
        // D Key
        // W Key
        // S Key

Can't connect to docker from docker-compose

Try restarting your docker environment using:

systemctl restart docker

How to convert float to varchar in SQL Server

SELECT LTRIM(STR(float_field, 25, 0))

is the best way so you do not add .0000 and any digit at the end of the value.

json_encode() escaping forward slashes

is there a way to disable it?

Yes, you only need to use the JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES flag.

!important read before: (know what you're dealing with - know your enemy)

json_encode($str, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);

If you don't have PHP 5.4 at hand, pick one of the many existing functions and modify them to your needs, e.g. (archived copy).

Example Demo

 * Escaping the reverse-solidus character ("/", slash) is optional in JSON.
 * This can be controlled with the JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES flag constant in PHP.
 * @link

$url = '';

echo json_encode($url), "\n";

echo json_encode($url, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES), "\n";

Example Output:


List all employee's names and their managers by manager name using an inner join

select e.ename as Employee, m.ename as Manager
from emp e, emp m
where e.mgr = m.empno

If you want to get the result for all the records (irrespective of whether they report to anyone or not), append (+) on the second table's name

select e.ename as Employee, m.ename as Manager
from emp e, emp m
where e.mgr = m.empno(+)

Import Android volley to Android Studio

step 1:- Download volley.jar file.

step 2:- Go to your project and set the display menu from Android to Project then go to

app -> libs-> paste your volley.jar file here

step 3:- Right click on the volley.jar file and click on "add as library". and its all done.

How to check if array element is null to avoid NullPointerException in Java

You can do it on one line of code (without array declaration):

object[] someArray = new object[] 
bool containsSomeNull = someArray.Any(x => x == null);

C# if/then directives for debug vs release

Remove the definitions and check if the conditional is on debug mode. You do not need to check if the directive is on release mode.

Something like this:


jQuery datepicker years shown

If you look down the demo page a bit, you'll see a "Restricting Datepicker" section. Use the dropdown to specify the "Year dropdown shows last 20 years" demo , and hit view source:

    yearRange: "-20:+0", // this is the option you're looking for
    showOn: "both", 
    buttonImage: "templates/images/calendar.gif", 
    buttonImageOnly: true 

You'll want to do the same (obviously changing -20 to -100 or something).

`col-xs-*` not working in Bootstrap 4

col-xs-* have been dropped in Bootstrap 4 in favor of col-*.

Replace col-xs-12 with col-12 and it will work as expected.

Also note col-xs-offset-{n} were replaced by offset-{n} in v4.

How to open PDF file in a new tab or window instead of downloading it (using

you can return a FileResult from your MVC action.

*********************MVC action************

    public FileResult OpenPDF(parameters)
       //code to fetch your pdf byte array
       return File(pdfBytes, "application/pdf");


Use formpost to post your data to action

    var inputTag = '<input name="paramName" type="text" value="' + payloadString + '">';
    var form = document.createElement("form");
    jQuery(form).attr("id", "pdf-form").attr("name", "pdf-form").attr("class", "pdf-form").attr("target", "_blank");
    jQuery(form).attr("action", "/Controller/OpenPDF").attr("method", "post").attr("enctype", "multipart/form-data");
    return false;

You need to create a form to post your data, append it your dom, post your data and remove the form your document body.

However, form post wouldn't post data to new tab only on EDGE browser. But a get request works as it's just opening new tab with a url containing query string for your action parameters.

How can I convert a datetime object to milliseconds since epoch (unix time) in Python?

>>> import datetime
>>> # replace with your datetime object
>>> int("%s")) * 1000 

Or the help of the time module (and without date formatting):

>>> import datetime, time
>>> # replace with your datetime object
>>> time.mktime( * 1000

Answered with help from:


SQL Server Regular expressions in T-SQL

If anybody is interested in using regex with CLR here is a solution. The function below (C# .net 4.5) returns a 1 if the pattern is matched and a 0 if the pattern is not matched. I use it to tag lines in sub queries. The SQLfunction attribute tells sql server that this method is the actual UDF that SQL server will use. Save the file as a dll in a place where you can access it from management studio.

// default using statements above
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace CLR_Functions
    public class myFunctions
        public static SqlInt16 RegexContain(SqlString text, SqlString pattern)
            SqlInt16 returnVal = 0;
                string myText = text.ToString();
                string myPattern = pattern.ToString();
                MatchCollection mc = Regex.Matches(myText, myPattern);
                if (mc.Count > 0)
                    returnVal = 1;
                returnVal = 0;

            return returnVal;

In management studio import the dll file via programability -- assemblies -- new assembly

Then run this query:

CREATE FUNCTION RegexContain(@text NVARCHAR(50), @pattern NVARCHAR(50))
RETURNS smallint 
EXTERNAL NAME CLR_Functions.[CLR_Functions.myFunctions].RegexContain

Then you should have complete access to the function via the database you stored the assembly in.

Then use in queries like so:

        dbo.RegexContain(Researcher, '[\p{L}\s]+') as 'is null values'
    FROM [DailyOps].[dbo].[DailyLog]
) AS a
WHERE a.[is null values] = 0

What is the difference between C++ and Visual C++?

Key differences:

C++ is a general-purpose programming language, but is developed from the originally C programming language. It was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs starting in 1979. C++ was originally named C with Classes. It was renamed C++ in 1983.

Visual C++, on the other hand, is not a programming language at all. It is in fact a development environment. It is an “integrated development environment (IDE) product from Microsoft for the C, C++, and C++/CLI programming languages.” Microsoft Visual C++, also known as MSVC or VC++, is sold as part of the Microsoft Visual Studio app.

How to configure the web.config to allow requests of any length

If your website is using authentication, but you don't have the correct authentication method set up in IIS (e.g. Basic, Forms etc..) then the browser will be getting stuck in a redirect loop. This causes the redirect url to get longer and longer until it explodes.

Test whether string is a valid integer

I like the solution using the -eq test, because it's basically a one-liner.

My own solution was to use parameter expansion to throw away all the numerals and see if there was anything left. (I'm still using 3.0, haven't used [[ or expr before, but glad to meet them.)

if [ "${INPUT_STRING//[0-9]}" = "" ]; then
  # yes, natural number
  # no, has non-numeral chars

Angular 2 : No NgModule metadata found

If you are having this issue in Angular 8 or Angular 9 (like I was), after:

  • Clearing your npm cache
  • reinstalling all node_modules
  • checking your "include" and "files" tsconfig setting etc

and you're still having issues, and you are Lazy Loading Modules check your angularCompilerOptions in your tsconfig.json or, and make sure that "strictMetadataEmit" is set to false or is removed.

"angularCompilerOptions": {
    "preserveWhitespaces": false,
    "strictInjectionParameters": true,
    "fullTemplateTypeCheck": true,
    "strictTemplates": true,
    // "strictMetadataEmit": true <-- remove this setting or set to false

The setting is to help library creators which should never have lazy loaded modules built in. I had previously (using Angular 7) set all "strict" options to true...

Bold words in a string of strings.xml in Android

I was having a text something like:

Forgot Password? Reset here.

To implement this the easy way I used the existing android:textStyle="bold"



            android:text="Forgot password? "



            android:text="Reset here"
            android:textStyle="bold" />

Maybe it helps someone

How do you make div elements display inline?

I just tend to make them fixed widths so that they add up to the total width of the page - probably only works if you are using a fixed width page. Also "float".

Load a bitmap image into Windows Forms using open file dialog

You have to create an instance of the Bitmap class, using the constructor overload that loads an image from a file on disk. As your code is written now, you're trying to use the PictureBox.Image property as if it were a method.

Change your code to look like this (also taking advantage of the using statement to ensure proper disposal, rather than manually calling the Dispose method):

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Wrap the creation of the OpenFileDialog instance in a using statement,
    // rather than manually calling the Dispose method to ensure proper disposal
    using (OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog())
        dlg.Title = "Open Image";
        dlg.Filter = "bmp files (*.bmp)|*.bmp";

        if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            PictureBox PictureBox1 = new PictureBox();

            // Create a new Bitmap object from the picture file on disk,
            // and assign that to the PictureBox.Image property
            PictureBox1.Image = new Bitmap(dlg.FileName);

Of course, that's not going to display the image anywhere on your form because the picture box control that you've created hasn't been added to the form. You need to add the new picture box control that you've just created to the form's Controls collection using the Add method. Note the line added to the above code here:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    using (OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog())
        dlg.Title = "Open Image";
        dlg.Filter = "bmp files (*.bmp)|*.bmp";

        if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            PictureBox PictureBox1 = new PictureBox();
            PictureBox1.Image = new Bitmap(dlg.FileName);

            // Add the new control to its parent's controls collection

How to display databases in Oracle 11g using SQL*Plus

I am not clearly about it but typically one server has one database (with many users), if you create many databases mean that you create many instances, listeners, ... as well. So you can check your LISTENER to identify it.

In my testing I created 2 databases (dbtest and dbtest_1) so when I check my LISTENER status it appeared like this:

lsnrctl status





Services Summary...

Service "dbtest" has 1 instance(s).

Instance "dbtest", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...

Service "dbtest1XDB" has 1 instance(s).

Instance "dbtest1", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...

Service "dbtest_1" has 1 instance(s).

Instance "dbtest1", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service... The command completed successfully

How to solve java.lang.OutOfMemoryError trouble in Android

Few hints to handle such error/exception for Android Apps:

  1. Activities & Application have methods like:

    • onLowMemory
    • onTrimMemory Handle these methods to watch on memory usage.
  2. tag in Manifest can have attribute 'largeHeap' set to TRUE, which requests more heap for App sandbox.

  3. Managing in-memory caching & disk caching:

    • Images and other data could have been cached in-memory while app running, (locally in activities/fragment and globally); should be managed or removed.
  4. Use of WeakReference, SoftReference of Java instance creation , specifically to files.

  5. If so many images, use proper library/data structure which can manage memory, use samling of images loaded, handle disk-caching.

  6. Handle OutOfMemory exception

  7. Follow best practices for coding

    • Leaking of memory (Don't hold everything with strong reference)
  8. Minimize activity stack e.g. number of activities in stack (Don't hold everything on context/activty)

    • Context makes sense, those data/instances not required out of scope (activity and fragments), hold them into appropriate context instead global reference-holding.
  9. Minimize the use of statics, many more singletons.

  10. Take care of OS basic memory fundametals

    • Memory fragmentation issues
  11. Involk GC.Collect() manually sometimes when you are sure that in-memory caching no more needed.

How do I display a MySQL error in PHP for a long query that depends on the user input?

One useful line of code for you would be:

$sql = "Your SQL statement here";
$result = mysqli_query($this->db_link, $sql) or trigger_error("Query Failed! SQL: $sql - Error: ".mysqli_error($this->db_link), E_USER_ERROR);

This method is better than die, because you can use it for development AND production. It's the permanent solution.

How to drop rows from pandas data frame that contains a particular string in a particular column?

pandas has vectorized string operations, so you can just filter out the rows that contain the string you don't want:

In [91]: df = pd.DataFrame(dict(A=[5,3,5,6], C=["foo","bar","fooXYZbar", "bat"]))

In [92]: df
   A          C
0  5        foo
1  3        bar
2  5  fooXYZbar
3  6        bat

In [93]: df[~df.C.str.contains("XYZ")]
   A    C
0  5  foo
1  3  bar
3  6  bat

In Node.js, how do I turn a string to a json?

use the JSON function >


How to convert a string to utf-8 in Python

city = 'Ribeir\xc3\xa3o Preto'
print city.decode('cp1252').encode('utf-8')