One .Net build with x86/x64 Dependencies
While all other answers give you a solution to make different Builds according to the platform, I give you an option to only have the "AnyCPU" configuration and make a build that works with your x86 and x64 dlls.
You have to write some plumbing code for this.
Resolution of correct x86/x64-dlls at runtime
Add this postbuild script to your startup project, use and modify the paths of this script sp that it copies all your x86/x64 dlls in corresponding subfolders of your build bin\x86\ bin\x64\
xcopy /E /H /R /Y /I /D $(SolutionDir)\YourPathToX86Dlls $(TargetDir)\x86
xcopy /E /H /R /Y /I /D $(SolutionDir)\YourPathToX64Dlls $(TargetDir)\x64
--> When you would start application now, you get an exception that the assembly could not be found.
Register the AssemblyResolve event right at the beginning of your application entry point
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += TryResolveArchitectureDependency;
withthis method:
/// <summary>
/// Event Handler for AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">The app domain</param>
/// <param name="resolveEventArgs">The resolve event args</param>
/// <returns>The architecture dependent assembly</returns>
public static Assembly TryResolveArchitectureDependency(object sender, ResolveEventArgs resolveEventArgs)
var dllName = resolveEventArgs.Name.Substring(0, resolveEventArgs.Name.IndexOf(","));
var anyCpuAssemblyPath = $".\\{dllName}.dll";
var architectureName = System.Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "x64" : "x86";
var assemblyPath = $".\\{architectureName}\\{dllName}.dll";
if (File.Exists(assemblyPath))
return Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
return null;
Drawbacks: - No errors at compile time when x86/x64 dlls do not match. - You should still run test in both modes!
Optionally create a second executable that is exclusive for x64 architecture with Corflags.exe in postbuild script
Other Variants to try out: - You don't need the AssemblyResolve event handler if you assure that the right dlls are copied to your binary folder at start (Evaluate Process architecture -> move corresponding dlls from x64/x86 to bin folder and back.) - In Installer evaluate architecture and delete binaries for wrong architecture and move the right ones to the bin folder.