Programs & Examples On #Php beautifier

Background color not showing in print preview

If you are using bootstrap or any other 3rd party CSS, make sure you specify the media screen only on it, so you have the control of the print media type in your own CSS files:

<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="">

How to keep Docker container running after starting services?

I just had the same problem and I found out that if you are running your container with the -t and -d flag, it keeps running.

docker run -td <image>

Here is what the flags do (according to docker run --help):

-d, --detach=false         Run container in background and print container ID
-t, --tty=false            Allocate a pseudo-TTY

The most important one is the -t flag. -d just lets you run the container in the background.

Bootstrap 4 - Glyphicons migration?

It is not shipped with bootstrap 4 yet, but now Bootstrap team is developing their icon library.

How to navigate to a directory in C:\ with Cygwin?

The one I like is: cd C:

To have linux like feel then do:

ln -s /cygdrive/c/folder ~/folder

and use this like: ~/folder/..

How to show live preview in a small popup of linked page on mouse over on link?

You can display a live preview of a link using javascript using the code below.

<embed src="" width="60" height="40" />_x000D_
<p id="p1"><a href="">Cnet</a></p>_x000D_
<p id="p2"><a href="">Codegena</a></p>_x000D_
<p id="p3"><a href="">Apple</a></p>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet">     _x000D_
  <script type="text/javascript">_x000D_
    $(function() {_x000D_
                $('#p1 a').miniPreview({ prefetch: 'pageload' });_x000D_
                $('#p2 a').miniPreview({ prefetch: 'parenthover' });_x000D_
                $('#p3 a').miniPreview({ prefetch: 'none' });_x000D_
  </script> <script src=""></script>

Learn more about it at Codegena

id="p1" - Fetch image preview on page load.
id="p2" - Fetch preview on hover.
id="p3" - Fetch preview image each time you hover.

What is the purpose of the var keyword and when should I use it (or omit it)?

This is example code I have written for you to understand this concept:

var foo = 5; 
bar = 2;     
fooba = 3;

// Execute an anonymous function
(function() {    
    bar = 100;             //overwrites global scope bar
    var foo = 4;           //a new foo variable is created in this' function's scope
    var fooba = 900;       //same as above
    document.write(foo);   //prints 4
    document.write(bar);   //prints 100
    document.write(fooba); //prints 900

document.write(foo);       //prints 5
document.write(bar);       //prints 100
document.write(fooba);     //prints 3

beyond top level package error in relative import

This one didn't work for me as I'm using Django 2.1.3:

import sys
sys.path.append("..") # Adds higher directory to python modules path.

I opted for a custom solution where I added a command to the server startup script to copy my shared script into the django 'app' that needed the shared python script. It's not ideal but as I'm only developing a personal website, it fit the bill for me. I will post here again if I can find the django way of sharing code between Django Apps within a single website.

Get integer value of the current year in Java

As some people answered above:

If you want to use the variable later, better use:

int year;

year = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR);

If you need the year for just a condition you better use:


For example using it in a do while that checks introduced year is not less than the current year-200 or more than the current year (Could be birth year):

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Scanner;

public static void main (String[] args){

    Scanner scannernumber = new Scanner(;
    int year;

    /*Checks that the year is not higher than the current year, and not less than the current year - 200 years.*/

        System.out.print("Year (Between "+((Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR))-200)+" and "+Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR)+") : ");
        year = scannernumber.nextInt();
    }while(year < ((Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR))-200) || year > Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR));

Prevent users from submitting a form by hitting Enter

You can also use javascript:void(0) to prevent form submission.

<form action="javascript:void(0)" method="post">
    <label for="">Search</label>
    <input type="text">
    <button type="sybmit">Submit</button>

<form action="javascript:void(0)" method="post">_x000D_
    <label for="">Search</label>_x000D_
    <input type="text">_x000D_
    <button type="sybmit">Submit</button>_x000D_

Java String.split() Regex

You could also do something like:

String str = "a + b - c * d / e < f > g >= h <= i == j";
String[] arr = str.split("(?<=\\G(\\w+(?!\\w+)|==|<=|>=|\\+|/|\\*|-|(<|>)(?!=)))\\s*");

It handles white spaces and words of variable length and produces the array:

[a, +, b, -, c, *, d, /, e, <, f, >, g, >=, h, <=, i, ==, j]

What I can do to resolve "1 commit behind master"?

Suppose currently in your branch myBranch
Do the following :-

git status

If all changes are committed

git pull origin master

If changes are not committed than

git add .

git commit -m"commit changes"

git pull origin master

Check if there are any conflicts than resolve and commit changes

git add .

git commit -m"resolved conflicts message"

And than push

git push origin myBranch

JavaScript, getting value of a td with id name

If by 'td value' you mean text inside of td, then:


What's the difference between returning value or Promise.resolve from then()

The rule is, if the function that is in the then handler returns a value, the promise resolves/rejects with that value, and if the function returns a promise, what happens is, the next then clause will be the then clause of the promise the function returned, so, in this case, the first example falls through the normal sequence of the thens and prints out values as one might expect, in the second example, the promise object that gets returned when you do Promise.resolve("bbb")'s then is the then that gets invoked when chaining(for all intents and purposes). The way it actually works is described below in more detail.

Quoting from the Promises/A+ spec:

The promise resolution procedure is an abstract operation taking as input a promise and a value, which we denote as [[Resolve]](promise, x). If x is a thenable, it attempts to make promise adopt the state of x, under the assumption that x behaves at least somewhat like a promise. Otherwise, it fulfills promise with the value x.

This treatment of thenables allows promise implementations to interoperate, as long as they expose a Promises/A+-compliant then method. It also allows Promises/A+ implementations to “assimilate” nonconformant implementations with reasonable then methods.

The key thing to notice here is this line:

if x is a promise, adopt its state [3.4]


How can I upload fresh code at github?

It seems like Github has changed their layout since you posted this question. I just created a repository and it used to give you instructions on screen. It appears they have changed that approach.

Here is the information they used to give on repo creation:

Create A Repo · GitHub Help

Why can I not create a wheel in python?

Throwing in another answer: Try checking your PYTHONPATH.

First, try to install wheel again:

pip install wheel

This should tell you where wheel is installed, eg:

Requirement already satisfied: wheel in /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages

Then add the location of wheel to your PYTHONPATH:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/wheel

Now building a wheel should work fine.

python bdist_wheel

How do I convert Long to byte[] and back in java

I tested the ByteBuffer method against plain bitwise operations but the latter is significantly faster.

public static byte[] longToBytes(long l) {
    byte[] result = new byte[8];
    for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
        result[i] = (byte)(l & 0xFF);
        l >>= 8;
    return result;

public static long bytesToLong(final byte[] b) {
    long result = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        result <<= 8;
        result |= (b[i] & 0xFF);
    return result;

For Java 8+ we can use the static variables that were added:

public static byte[] longToBytes(long l) {
    byte[] result = new byte[Long.BYTES];
    for (int i = Long.BYTES - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        result[i] = (byte)(l & 0xFF);
        l >>= Byte.SIZE;
    return result;

public static long bytesToLong(final byte[] b) {
    long result = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < Long.BYTES; i++) {
        result <<= Byte.SIZE;
        result |= (b[i] & 0xFF);
    return result;

How can I disable a button in a jQuery dialog from a function?

If anybody is looking to replace a button with something like a loading animation when clicked (for example when a "Submit" button submits the form in the dialog) - you can replace the button with your image like this:

buttons: {
    "Submit": function(evt) {
        $('button').replaceWith('<img src="loading.gif">');

jQuery replaceWith docs

How to get back to most recent version in Git?

To return to the latest version:

git checkout <branch-name> 

For example, git checkout master or git checkout dev

Setting Spring Profile variable

as System environment Variable:

Windows: Start -> type "envi" select environment variables and add a new: Name: spring_profiles_active Value: dev (or whatever yours is)

Linux: add following line to /etc/environment under PATH:

spring_profiles_active=prod (or whatever profile is)

then also export spring_profiles_active=prod so you have it in the runtime now.

IDEA: javac: source release 1.7 requires target release 1.7

Make sure right depency is selected. File > Project Structure

Select your project and navigate to Dependencies tab. Select right dependancy from dropdown or create new.

Check if input is integer type in C

Just check is your number has any difference with float version of it, or not.

float num; 

if(num != (int)num) {
    printf("it's not an integer");

Date in to UTC format Java

What Time Zones?

No where in your question do you mention time zone. What time zone is implied that input string? What time zone do you want for your output? And, UTC is a time zone (or lack thereof depending on your mindset) not a string format.

ISO 8601

Your input string is in ISO 8601 format, except that it lacks an offset from UTC.


Here is some example code in Joda-Time 2.3 to show you how to handle time zones. Joda-Time has built-in default formatters for parsing and generating String representations of date-time values.

String input = "2013-10-22T01:37:56";
DateTime dateTimeUtc = new DateTime( input, DateTimeZone.UTC );
DateTime dateTimeMontréal = dateTimeUtc.withZone( DateTimeZone.forID( "America/Montreal" );
String output = dateTimeMontréal.toString();

As for generating string representations in other formats, search StackOverflow for "Joda format".

Jinja2 template variable if None Object set a default value

As addition to other answers, one can write something else if variable is None like this:

{{ variable or '' }}

How do I get column datatype in Oracle with PL-SQL with low privileges?

You can use the desc command.


This will give you the column names, whether null is valid, and the datatype (and length if applicable)

How can I loop over entries in JSON?

Try this :

import urllib, urllib2, json
url = ''
request = urllib2.Request(url)
request.add_header('User-Agent','Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)')
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
json_object = json.load(response)
#print json_object['results']
if json_object['team'] == []:
    print 'No Data!'
    for rows in json_object['team']:
        print 'Team ID:' + rows['team_id']
        print 'Team Name:' + rows['team_name']
        print 'Team URL:' + rows['team_icon_url']

What is TypeScript and why would I use it in place of JavaScript?

TypeScript's relation to JavaScript

TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript -

JavaScript is a programming language that is developed by EMCA's Technical Committee 39, which is a group of people composed of many different stakeholders. TC39 is a committee hosted by ECMA: an internal standards organization. JavaScript has many different implementations by many different vendors (e.g. Google, Microsoft, Oracle, etc.). The goal of JavaScript is to be the lingua franca of the web.

TypeScript is a superset of the JavaScript language that has a single open-source compiler and is developed mainly by a single vendor: Microsoft. The goal of TypeScript is to help catch mistakes early through a type system and to make JavaScript development more efficient.

Essentially TypeScript achieves its goals in three ways:

  1. Support for modern JavaScript features - The JavaScript language (not the runtime) is standardized through the ECMAScript standards. Not all browsers and JavaScript runtimes support all features of all ECMAScript standards (see this overview). TypeScript allows for the use of many of the latest ECMAScript features and translates them to older ECMAScript targets of your choosing (see the list of compile targets under the --target compiler option). This means that you can safely use new features, like modules, lambda functions, classes, the spread operator and destructuring, while remaining backwards compatible with older browsers and JavaScript runtimes.

  2. Advanced type system - The type support is not part of the ECMAScript standard and will likely never be due to the interpreted nature instead of compiled nature of JavaScript. The type system of TypeScript is incredibly rich and includes: interfaces, enums, hybrid types, generics, union/intersection types, access modifiers and much more. The official website of TypeScript gives an overview of these features. Typescript's type system is on-par with most other typed languages and in some cases arguably more powerful.

  3. Developer tooling support - TypeScript's compiler can run as a background process to support both incremental compilation and IDE integration such that you can more easily navigate, identify problems, inspect possibilities and refactor your codebase.

TypeScript's relation to other JavaScript targeting languages

TypeScript has a unique philosophy compared to other languages that compile to JavaScript. JavaScript code is valid TypeScript code; TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. You can almost rename your .js files to .ts files and start using TypeScript (see "JavaScript interoperability" below). TypeScript files are compiled to readable JavaScript, so that migration back is possible and understanding the compiled TypeScript is not hard at all. TypeScript builds on the successes of JavaScript while improving on its weaknesses.

On the one hand, you have future proof tools that take modern ECMAScript standards and compile it down to older JavaScript versions with Babel being the most popular one. On the other hand, you have languages that may totally differ from JavaScript which target JavaScript, like CoffeeScript, Clojure, Dart, Elm, Haxe, Scala.js, and a whole host more (see this list). These languages, though they might be better than where JavaScript's future might ever lead, run a greater risk of not finding enough adoption for their futures to be guaranteed. You might also have more trouble finding experienced developers for some of these languages, though the ones you will find can often be more enthusiastic. Interop with JavaScript can also be a bit more involved, since they are farther removed from what JavaScript actually is.

TypeScript sits in between these two extremes, thus balancing the risk. TypeScript is not a risky choice by any standard. It takes very little effort to get used to if you are familiar with JavaScript, since it is not a completely different language, has excellent JavaScript interoperability support and it has seen a lot of adoption recently.

Optionally static typing and type inference

JavaScript is dynamically typed. This means JavaScript does not know what type a variable is until it is actually instantiated at run-time. This also means that it may be too late. TypeScript adds type support to JavaScript and catches type errors during compilation to JavaScript. Bugs that are caused by false assumptions of some variable being of a certain type can be completely eradicated if you play your cards right (how strict you type your code or if you type your code at all is up to you).

TypeScript makes typing a bit easier and a lot less explicit by the usage of type inference. For example: var x = "hello" in TypeScript is the same as var x : string = "hello". The type is simply inferred from its use. Even it you don't explicitly type the types, they are still there to save you from doing something which otherwise would result in a run-time error.

TypeScript is optionally typed by default. For example function divideByTwo(x) { return x / 2 } is a valid function in TypeScript which can be called with any kind of parameter, even though calling it with a string will obviously result in a runtime error. Just like you are used to in JavaScript. This works, because when no type was explicitly assigned and the type could not be inferred, like in the divideByTwo example, TypeScript will implicitly assign the type any. This means the divideByTwo function's type signature automatically becomes function divideByTwo(x : any) : any. There is a compiler flag to disallow this behavior: --noImplicitAny. Enabling this flag gives you a greater degree of safety, but also means you will have to do more typing.

Types have a cost associated with them. First of all, there is a learning curve, and second of all, of course, it will cost you a bit more time to set up a codebase using proper strict typing too. In my experience, these costs are totally worth it on any serious codebase you are sharing with others. A Large Scale Study of Programming Languages and Code Quality in Github suggests that "statically typed languages, in general, are less defect prone than the dynamic types, and that strong typing is better than weak typing in the same regard".

It is interesting to note that this very same paper finds that TypeScript is less error-prone than JavaScript:

For those with positive coefficients we can expect that the language is associated with, ceteris paribus, a greater number of defect fixes. These languages include C, C++, JavaScript, Objective-C, Php, and Python. The languages Clojure, Haskell, Ruby, Scala, and TypeScript, all have negative coefficients implying that these languages are less likely than the average to result in defect fixing commits.

Enhanced IDE support

The development experience with TypeScript is a great improvement over JavaScript. The IDE is informed in real-time by the TypeScript compiler on its rich type information. This gives a couple of major advantages. For example, with TypeScript, you can safely do refactorings like renames across your entire codebase. Through code completion, you can get inline help on whatever functions a library might offer. No more need to remember them or look them up in online references. Compilation errors are reported directly in the IDE with a red squiggly line while you are busy coding. All in all, this allows for a significant gain in productivity compared to working with JavaScript. One can spend more time coding and less time debugging.

There is a wide range of IDEs that have excellent support for TypeScript, like Visual Studio Code, WebStorm, Atom and Sublime.

Strict null checks

Runtime errors of the form cannot read property 'x' of undefined or undefined is not a function are very commonly caused by bugs in JavaScript code. Out of the box TypeScript already reduces the probability of these kinds of errors occurring, since one cannot use a variable that is not known to the TypeScript compiler (with the exception of properties of any typed variables). It is still possible though to mistakenly utilize a variable that is set to undefined. However, with the 2.0 version of TypeScript you can eliminate these kinds of errors all together through the usage of non-nullable types. This works as follows:

With strict null checks enabled (--strictNullChecks compiler flag) the TypeScript compiler will not allow undefined to be assigned to a variable unless you explicitly declare it to be of nullable type. For example, let x : number = undefined will result in a compile error. This fits perfectly with type theory since undefined is not a number. One can define x to be a sum type of number and undefined to correct this: let x : number | undefined = undefined.

Once a type is known to be nullable, meaning it is of a type that can also be of the value null or undefined, the TypeScript compiler can determine through control flow based type analysis whether or not your code can safely use a variable or not. In other words when you check a variable is undefined through for example an if statement the TypeScript compiler will infer that the type in that branch of your code's control flow is not anymore nullable and therefore can safely be used. Here is a simple example:

let x: number | undefined;
if (x !== undefined) x += 1; // this line will compile, because x is checked.
x += 1; // this line will fail compilation, because x might be undefined.

During the build, 2016 conference co-designer of TypeScript Anders Hejlsberg gave a detailed explanation and demonstration of this feature: video (from 44:30 to 56:30).


To use TypeScript you need a build process to compile to JavaScript code. The build process generally takes only a couple of seconds depending of course on the size of your project. The TypeScript compiler supports incremental compilation (--watch compiler flag) so that all subsequent changes can be compiled at greater speed.

The TypeScript compiler can inline source map information in the generated .js files or create separate .map files. Source map information can be used by debugging utilities like the Chrome DevTools and other IDE's to relate the lines in the JavaScript to the ones that generated them in the TypeScript. This makes it possible for you to set breakpoints and inspect variables during runtime directly on your TypeScript code. Source map information works pretty well, it was around long before TypeScript, but debugging TypeScript is generally not as great as when using JavaScript directly. Take the this keyword for example. Due to the changed semantics of the this keyword around closures since ES2015, this may actually exists during runtime as a variable called _this (see this answer). This may confuse you during debugging but generally is not a problem if you know about it or inspect the JavaScript code. It should be noted that Babel suffers the exact same kind of issue.

There are a few other tricks the TypeScript compiler can do, like generating intercepting code based on decorators, generating module loading code for different module systems and parsing JSX. However, you will likely require a build tool besides the Typescript compiler. For example, if you want to compress your code you will have to add other tools to your build process to do so.

There are TypeScript compilation plugins available for Webpack, Gulp, Grunt and pretty much any other JavaScript build tool out there. The TypeScript documentation has a section on integrating with build tools covering them all. A linter is also available in case you would like even more build time checking. There are also a great number of seed projects out there that will get you started with TypeScript in combination with a bunch of other technologies like Angular 2, React, Ember, SystemJS, Webpack, Gulp, etc.

JavaScript interoperability

Since TypeScript is so closely related to JavaScript it has great interoperability capabilities, but some extra work is required to work with JavaScript libraries in TypeScript. TypeScript definitions are needed so that the TypeScript compiler understands that function calls like _.groupBy or angular.copy or $.fadeOut are not in fact illegal statements. The definitions for these functions are placed in .d.ts files.

The simplest form a definition can take is to allow an identifier to be used in any way. For example, when using Lodash, a single line definition file declare var _ : any will allow you to call any function you want on _, but then, of course, you are also still able to make mistakes: _.foobar() would be a legal TypeScript call, but is, of course, an illegal call at run-time. If you want proper type support and code completion your definition file needs to to be more exact (see lodash definitions for an example).

Npm modules that come pre-packaged with their own type definitions are automatically understood by the TypeScript compiler (see documentation). For pretty much any other semi-popular JavaScript library that does not include its own definitions somebody out there has already made type definitions available through another npm module. These modules are prefixed with "@types/" and come from a Github repository called DefinitelyTyped.

There is one caveat: the type definitions must match the version of the library you are using at run-time. If they do not, TypeScript might disallow you from calling a function or dereferencing a variable that exists or allow you to call a function or dereference a variable that does not exist, simply because the types do not match the run-time at compile-time. So make sure you load the right version of the type definitions for the right version of the library you are using.

To be honest, there is a slight hassle to this and it may be one of the reasons you do not choose TypeScript, but instead go for something like Babel that does not suffer from having to get type definitions at all. On the other hand, if you know what you are doing you can easily overcome any kind of issues caused by incorrect or missing definition files.

Converting from JavaScript to TypeScript

Any .js file can be renamed to a .ts file and ran through the TypeScript compiler to get syntactically the same JavaScript code as an output (if it was syntactically correct in the first place). Even when the TypeScript compiler gets compilation errors it will still produce a .js file. It can even accept .js files as input with the --allowJs flag. This allows you to start with TypeScript right away. Unfortunately, compilation errors are likely to occur in the beginning. One does need to remember that these are not show-stopping errors like you may be used to with other compilers.

The compilation errors one gets in the beginning when converting a JavaScript project to a TypeScript project are unavoidable by TypeScript's nature. TypeScript checks all code for validity and thus it needs to know about all functions and variables that are used. Thus type definitions need to be in place for all of them otherwise compilation errors are bound to occur. As mentioned in the chapter above, for pretty much any JavaScript framework there are .d.ts files that can easily be acquired with the installation of DefinitelyTyped packages. It might, however, be that you've used some obscure library for which no TypeScript definitions are available or that you've polyfilled some JavaScript primitives. In that case, you must supply type definitions for these bits for the compilation errors to disappear. Just create a .d.ts file and include it in the tsconfig.json's files array, so that it is always considered by the TypeScript compiler. In it declare those bits that TypeScript does not know about as type any. Once you've eliminated all errors you can gradually introduce typing to those parts according to your needs.

Some work on (re)configuring your build pipeline will also be needed to get TypeScript into the build pipeline. As mentioned in the chapter on compilation there are plenty of good resources out there and I encourage you to look for seed projects that use the combination of tools you want to be working with.

The biggest hurdle is the learning curve. I encourage you to play around with a small project at first. Look how it works, how it builds, which files it uses, how it is configured, how it functions in your IDE, how it is structured, which tools it uses, etc. Converting a large JavaScript codebase to TypeScript is doable when you know what you are doing. Read this blog for example on converting 600k lines to typescript in 72 hours). Just make sure you have a good grasp of the language before you make the jump.


TypeScript is open-source (Apache 2 licensed, see GitHub) and backed by Microsoft. Anders Hejlsberg, the lead architect of C# is spearheading the project. It's a very active project; the TypeScript team has been releasing a lot of new features in the last few years and a lot of great ones are still planned to come (see the roadmap).

Some facts about adoption and popularity:

  • In the 2017 StackOverflow developer survey TypeScript was the most popular JavaScript transpiler (9th place overall) and won third place in the most loved programming language category.
  • In the 2018 state of js survey TypeScript was declared as one of the two big winners in the JavaScript flavors category (with ES6 being the other).
  • In the 2019 StackOverlow deverloper survey TypeScript rose to the 9th place of most popular languages amongst professional developers, overtaking both C and C++. It again took third place amongst most the most loved languages.

How to modify existing XML file with XmlDocument and XmlNode in C#

You need to do something like this:

// instantiate XmlDocument and load XML from file
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

// get a list of nodes - in this case, I'm selecting all <AID> nodes under
// the <GroupAIDs> node - change to suit your needs
XmlNodeList aNodes = doc.SelectNodes("/Equipment/DataCollections/GroupAIDs/AID");

// loop through all AID nodes
foreach (XmlNode aNode in aNodes)
   // grab the "id" attribute
   XmlAttribute idAttribute = aNode.Attributes["id"];

   // check if that attribute even exists...
   if (idAttribute != null)
      // if yes - read its current value
      string currentValue = idAttribute.Value;

      // here, you can now decide what to do - for demo purposes,
      // I just set the ID value to a fixed value if it was empty before
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentValue))
         idAttribute.Value = "515";

// save the XmlDocument back to disk

How to add custom Http Header for C# Web Service Client consuming Axis 1.4 Web service

It seems the original author has found their solution, but for anyone else who gets here looking to add actual custom headers, if you have access to mod the generated Protocol code you can override GetWebRequest:

protected override System.Net.WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri uri)
  System.Net.WebRequest request = base.GetWebRequest(uri);
  request.Headers.Add("myheader", "myheader_value");
  return request;

Make sure you remove the DebuggerStepThroughAttribute attribute if you want to step into it.

How to remove a branch locally?

By your tags, I'm assuming your using Github. Why not create some branch protection rules for your master branch? That way even if you do try to push to master, it will reject it.

1) Go to the 'Settings' tab of your repo on Github.

2) Click on 'Branches' on the left side-menu.

3) Click 'Add rule'

4) Enter 'master' for a branch pattern.

5) Check off 'Require pull request reviews before merging'

I would also recommend doing the same for your dev branch.

How to select last one week data from today's date

Yes, the syntax is accurate and it should be fine.

Here is the SQL Fiddle Demo I created for your particular case

create table sample2
    id int primary key,
    created_date date,
    data varchar(10)

insert into sample2 values (1,'2012-01-01','testing');

And here is how to select the data

SELECT Created_Date
FROM sample2
WHERE Created_Date >= DATEADD(day,-11117, GETDATE())

How does one represent the empty char?

To represent the fact that the value is not present you have two choices:

1) If the whole char range is meaningful and you cannot reserve any value, then use char* instead of char:

char** c = new char*[N];
c[0] = NULL; // no character
*c[1] = ' '; // ordinary character
*c[2] = 'a'; // ordinary character
*c[3] = '\0' // zero-code character

Then you'll have c[i] == NULL for when character is not present and otherwise *c[i] for ordinary characters.

2) If you don't need some values representable in char then reserve one for indicating that value is not present, for example the '\0' character.

char* c = new char[N];
c[0] = '\0'; // no character
c[1] = ' '; // ordinary character
c[2] = 'a'; // ordinary character

Then you'll have c[i] == '\0' for when character is not present and ordinary characters otherwise.

JavaScript: client-side vs. server-side validation

I will suggest to implement both client and server validation it keeps project more secure......if i have to choose one i will go with server side validation.

You can find some relevant information here

Adding value to input field with jQuery

You can simply use

 $(this).prev().val("hello world");

JSFiddle Demo

add column to mysql table if it does not exist

Just tried the stored procedure script. Seems the problem is the ' marks around the delimiters. The MySQL Docs show that delimiter characters do not need the single quotes.

So you want:

delimiter //

Instead of:

delimiter '//'

Works for me :)

Changing the CommandTimeout in SQL Management studio

Right click in the query pane, select Query Options... and in the Execution->General section (the default when you first open it) there is an Execution time-out setting.

How to read/write from/to file using Go?

Try this:

package main

import (

func main() {
  contents,_ := io.ReadFile("filename");
  io.WriteFile("filename", contents, 0644);

Could not resolve '...' from state ''

I've just had this same issue with Ionic.

It turns out nothing was wrong with my code, I simply had to quit the ionic serve session and run ionic serve again.

After going back into the app, my states worked fine.

I would also suggest pressing save on your app.js file a few times if you are running gulp, to make sure everything gets re-compiled.

Using Google maps API v3 how do I get LatLng with a given address?

There is a pretty good example on

To shorten it up a little:

geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();

function codeAddress() {

    //In this case it gets the address from an element on the page, but obviously you  could just pass it to the method instead
    var address = document.getElementById( 'address' ).value;

    geocoder.geocode( { 'address' : address }, function( results, status ) {
        if( status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK ) {

            //In this case it creates a marker, but you can get the lat and lng from the location.LatLng
            map.setCenter( results[0].geometry.location );
            var marker = new google.maps.Marker( {
                map     : map,
                position: results[0].geometry.location
            } );
        } else {
            alert( 'Geocode was not successful for the following reason: ' + status );
    } );

How to use Monitor (DDMS) tool to debug application

As far as I know, currently (Android Studio 2.3) there is no way to do this.

As per Android Studio documentation:

"Note: Only one debugger can be connected to your device at a time."

When you attempt to connect Android Device Monitor it disconnects Android Studio's debug session and vice versa, when you attempt to connect Android Studio's debugger, it disconnects Android Device Monitor.

Fortunately the new version of Android Studio (3.0) will feature a Device File Explorer that will allow you to pull files from within Android Studio without the need to open the Android Device Monitor which should resolve the problem.

How to specify Memory & CPU limit in docker compose version 3

Docker Compose does not support the deploy key. It's only respected when you use your version 3 YAML file in a Docker Stack.

This message is printed when you add the deploy key to you docker-compose.yml file and then run docker-compose up -d

WARNING: Some services (database) use the 'deploy' key, which will be ignored. Compose does not support 'deploy' configuration - use docker stack deploy to deploy to a swarm.

The documentation ( says:

Specify configuration related to the deployment and running of services. This only takes effect when deploying to a swarm with docker stack deploy, and is ignored by docker-compose up and docker-compose run.

How can I get nth element from a list?

Look here, the operator used is !!.

I.e. [1,2,3]!!1 gives you 2, since lists are 0-indexed.

How to get error information when HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() fails

You can also use this library which wraps HttpWebRequest and Response into simple methods that return objects based on the results. It uses some of the techniques described in these answers and has plenty of code inspired by answers from this and similar threads. It automatically catches any exceptions, seeks to abstract as much boiler plate code needed to make these web requests as possible, and automatically deserializes the response object.

An example of what your code would look like using this wrapper is as simple as

    var response = httpClient.Get<SomeResponseObject>(request);
    if(response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
        //do something with the response
        console.Writeline(response.Body.Id); //where the body param matches the object you pass in as an anonymous type.  
    }else {
         //do something with the error
         console.Writelint(string.Format("{0}: {1}", response.StatusCode.ToString(), response.ErrorMessage);


Full disclosure This library is a free open source wrapper library, and I am the author of said library. I make no money off of this but have found it immensely useful over the years and am sure anyone who is still using the HttpWebRequest / HttpWebResponse classes will too.

It is not a silver bullet but supports get, post, delete with both async and non-async for get and post as well as JSON or XML requests and responses. It is being actively maintained as of 6/21/2020

Possible to view PHP code of a website?

Noone cand read the file except for those who have access to the file. You must make the code readable (but not writable) by the web server. If the php code handler is running properly you can't read it by requesting by name from the web server.

If someone compromises your server you are at risk. Ensure that the web server can only write to locations it absolutely needs to. There are a few locations under /var which should be properly configured by your distribution. They should not be accessible over the web. /var/www should not be writable, but may contain subdirectories written to by the web server for dynamic content. Code handlers should be disabled for these.

Ensure you don't do anything in your php code which can lead to code injection. The other risk is directory traversal using paths containing .. or begining with /. Apache should already be patched to prevent this when it is handling paths. However, when it runs code, including php, it does not control the paths. Avoid anything that allows the web client to pass a file path.

RegisterStartupScript from code behind not working when Update Panel is used

You need to use ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript for Ajax.

protected void ButtonPP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {     if (radioBtnACO.SelectedIndex < 0)     {         string csname1 = "PopupScript";          var cstext1 = new StringBuilder();         cstext1.Append("alert('Please Select Criteria!')");          ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), csname1,             cstext1.ToString(), true);     } } 

Node.js - Maximum call stack size exceeded

I found a dirty solution:

/bin/bash -c "ulimit -s 65500; exec /usr/local/bin/node --stack-size=65500 /path/to/app.js"

It just increase call stack limit. I think that this is not suitable for production code, but I needed it for script that run only once.

Why do I get "Pickle - EOFError: Ran out of input" reading an empty file?

Most of the answers here have dealt with how to mange EOFError exceptions, which is really handy if you're unsure about whether the pickled object is empty or not.

However, if you're surprised that the pickle file is empty, it could be because you opened the filename through 'wb' or some other mode that could have over-written the file.

for example:

filename = 'cd.pkl'
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
    classification_dict = pickle.load(f)

This will over-write the pickled file. You might have done this by mistake before using:

open(filename, 'rb') as f:

And then got the EOFError because the previous block of code over-wrote the cd.pkl file.

When working in Jupyter, or in the console (Spyder) I usually write a wrapper over the reading/writing code, and call the wrapper subsequently. This avoids common read-write mistakes, and saves a bit of time if you're going to be reading the same file multiple times through your travails

JavaScript file not updating no matter what I do

I was going insane trying to get my js files to refresh and I tried everything. Then I did a header check and remembered I was using Cloudflare!

In Cloudflare you can use dev mode to disable proxy.

How to create text file and insert data to that file on Android

Check the android documentation. It's in fact not much different than standard java io file handling so you could also check that documentation.

An example from the android documentation:

String FILENAME = "hello_file";
String string = "hello world!";

FileOutputStream fos = openFileOutput(FILENAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

The create-react-app imports restriction outside of src directory

This restriction makes sure all files or modules (exports) are inside src/ directory, the implementation is in ./node_modules/react-dev-utils/ModuleScopePlugin.js, in following lines of code.

// Resolve the issuer from our appSrc and make sure it's one of our files
// Maybe an indexOf === 0 would be better?
     const relative = path.relative(appSrc, request.context.issuer);
// If it's not in src/ or a subdirectory, not our request!
     if (relative.startsWith('../') || relative.startsWith('..\\')) {
        return callback();

You can remove this restriction by

  1. either changing this piece of code (not recommended)
  2. or do eject then remove ModuleScopePlugin.js from the directory.
  3. or comment/remove const ModuleScopePlugin = require('react-dev-utils/ModuleScopePlugin'); from ./node_modules/react-scripts/config/

PS: beware of the consequences of eject.

Split string into array of character strings

If the original string contains supplementary Unicode characters, then split() would not work, as it splits these characters into surrogate pairs. To correctly handle these special characters, a code like this works:

String[] chars = new String[stringToSplit.codePointCount(0, stringToSplit.length())];
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < stringToSplit.length(); j++) {
    int cp = stringToSplit.codePointAt(i);
    char c[] = Character.toChars(cp);
    chars[j] = new String(c);
    i += Character.charCount(cp);

How to print Unicode character in Python?

Just one more thing that hasn't been added yet

In Python 2, if you want to print a variable that has unicode and use .format(), then do this (make the base string that is being formatted a unicode string with u'':

>>> text = "Université de Montréal"
>>> print(u"This is unicode: {}".format(text))
>>> This is unicode: Université de Montréal

Entity Framework The underlying provider failed on Open

Try this- Open the command prompt as administrator and type this netsh Winsock reset

Restart your system and try again.

Remove a child with a specific attribute, in SimpleXML for PHP

I believe Stefan's answer is right on. If you want to remove only one node (rather than all matching nodes), here is another example:

//Load XML from file (or it could come from a POST, etc.)
$xml = simplexml_load_file('fileName.xml');

//Use XPath to find target node for removal
$target = $xml->xpath("//seg[@id=$uniqueIdToDelete]");

//If target does not exist (already deleted by someone/thing else), halt
return; //Returns null

//Import simpleXml reference into Dom & do removal (removal occurs in simpleXML object)
$domRef = dom_import_simplexml($target[0]); //Select position 0 in XPath array

//Format XML to save indented tree rather than one line and save
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->formatOutput = true;

Note that sections Load XML... (first) and Format XML... (last) could be replaced with different code depending on where your XML data comes from and what you want to do with the output; it is the sections in between that find a node and remove it.

In addition, the if statement is only there to ensure that the target node exists before trying to move it. You could choose different ways to handle or ignore this case.

Return in Scala

I don't program Scala, but I use another language with implicit returns (Ruby). You have code after your if (elem.isEmpty) block -- the last line of code is what's returned, which is why you're not getting what you're expecting.

EDIT: Here's a simpler way to write your function too. Just use the boolean value of isEmpty and count to return true or false automatically:

def balanceMain(elem: List[Char]): Boolean =
    elem.isEmpty && count == 0

How can I know which radio button is selected via jQuery?

Use this..

$("#myform input[type='radio']:checked").val();

SMTP error 554

Can be caused by a miss configured SPF record on the senders end.

JDBC connection to MSSQL server in windows authentication mode

Try following these steps:

  1. Add the integratedSecurity=true to JDBC URL like this:

    Url: jdbc:sqlserver://<<Server>>:<<Port>>;databasename=<<DatabaseName>>;integratedsecurity=true 
  2. Make sure to add the sqljdbc driver 4 or above version (sqljdbc.jar) in your project build path:

    java.sql.DatabaseMetaData metaData = connection.getMetaData();
    System.out.println("Driver version:" + metaData.getDriverVersion());
  3. Add the VM argument for your project:

    • Find the sqljdbc_auth.dll file from DB installed server (C:\Program Files\sqljdbc_4.0\enu\auth\x86), or download from this link.

    • Place the dll file in your project folder and specify the VM argument like this: VM Argument: -Djava.library.path="<<DLL File path till folder>>"

      NOTE: Check your java version 32/64 bit then add 32/64 bit version dll file accordingly.

Extract a substring using PowerShell

The Substring method provides us a way to extract a particular string from the original string based on a starting position and length. If only one argument is provided, it is taken to be the starting position, and the remainder of the string is outputted.

PS > "test_string".Substring(0,4)
PS > "test_string".Substring(4)
_stringPS >

link text

But this is easier...

 $s = 'Hello World is in here Hello World!'
 $p = 'Hello World'
 $s -match $p

And finally, to recurse through a directory selecting only the .txt files and searching for occurrence of "Hello World":

dir -rec -filter *.txt | Select-String 'Hello World'

How many concurrent requests does a single Flask process receive?

Flask will process one request per thread at the same time. If you have 2 processes with 4 threads each, that's 8 concurrent requests.

Flask doesn't spawn or manage threads or processes. That's the responsability of the WSGI gateway (eg. gunicorn).

What is the difference between Cloud, Grid and Cluster?

Cloud: the hardware running the application scales to meet the demand (potentially crossing multiple machines, networks, etc).

Grid: the application scales to take as much hardware as possible (for example in the hope of finding extra-terrestrial intelligence).

Cluster: this is an old term referring to one OS instance or one DB instance installed across multiple machines. It was done with special OS handling, proprietary drivers, low latency network cards with fat cables, and various hardware bedfellows.

(We love you SGI, but notice that "Cloud" and "Grid" are available to the little guy and your NUMAlink never has been...)

How to center a table of the screen (vertically and horizontally)

One way to center any element of unknown height and width both horizontally and vertically:

table {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

See Example

Alternatively, use a flex container:

.parent-element {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;

How to tag an older commit in Git?

Just the Code

# Set the HEAD to the old commit that we want to tag
git checkout 9fceb02

# temporarily set the date to the date of the HEAD commit, and add the tag
GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(git show --format=%aD | head -1)" \
git tag -a v1.2 -m"v1.2"

# set HEAD back to whatever you want it to be
git checkout master


The answer by @dkinzer creates tags whose date is the current date (when you ran the git tag command), not the date of the commit. The Git help for tag has a section "On Backdating Tags" which says:

If you have imported some changes from another VCS and would like to add tags for major releases of your work, it is useful to be able to specify the date to embed inside of the tag object; such data in the tag object affects, for example, the ordering of tags in the gitweb interface.

To set the date used in future tag objects, set the environment variable GIT_COMMITTER_DATE (see the later discussion of possible values; the most common form is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM").

For example:

$ GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="2006-10-02 10:31" git tag -s v1.0.1

The page "How to Tag in Git" shows us that we can extract the time of the HEAD commit via:

git show --format=%aD  | head -1
#=> Wed, 12 Feb 2014 12:36:47 -0700

We could extract the date of a specific commit via:

GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(git show 9fceb02 --format=%aD | head -1)" \
git tag -a v1.2 9fceb02 -m "v1.2"

However, instead of repeating the commit twice, it seems easier to just change the HEAD to that commit and use it implicitly in both commands:

git checkout 9fceb02 

GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(git show --format=%aD | head -1)" git tag -a v1.2 -m "v1.2"

React-router v4 this.props.history.push(...) not working

You need to export the Customers Component not the CustomerList.

    CustomersList = withRouter(Customers);
    export default CustomersList;

How to call getResources() from a class which has no context?

This always works for me:

import android.content.Context;

public class yourClass {

 Context ctx;

 public yourClass (Handler handler, Context context) {
    ctx = context;

 //Use context (ctx) in your code like this:
 block1 = new Droid(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(ctx.getResources(), R.drawable.birdpic), 100, 10);
 builder.setLargeIcon(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(ctx.getResources(), R.drawable.birdpic));
 final Intent intent = new Intent(ctx, MainActivity.class);
 NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);


Not related to this question but example using a Fragment to access system resources/activity like this:

public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) {
 Activity activity = getActivity();
 Context context = activity.getApplicationContext();
 return false;

View customerInfo = getActivity().getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.main_layout_items, itemsLayout, false);

Why am I getting tree conflicts in Subversion?

I don't know if this is happening to you, but sometimes I choose the wrong directory to merge and I get this error even though all the files appear completely fine.


Merge /svn/Project/branches/some-branch/Sources to /svn/Project/trunk ---> Tree conflict

Merge /svn/Project/branches/some-branch to /svn/Project/trunk ---> OK

This might be a stupid mistake, but it's not always obvious because you think it's something more complicated.

How can I concatenate a string within a loop in JSTL/JSP?

Is JSTL's join(), what you searched for?

<c:set var="myVar" value="${fn:join(myParams.items, ' ')}" />

SQL JOIN vs IN performance?

The optimizer should be smart enough to give you the same result either way for normal queries. Check the execution plan and they should give you the same thing. If they don't, I would normally consider the JOIN to be faster. All systems are different, though, so you should profile the code on your system to be sure.

Single Line Nested For Loops

You might be interested in itertools.product, which returns an iterable yielding tuples of values from all the iterables you pass it. That is, itertools.product(A, B) yields all values of the form (a, b), where the a values come from A and the b values come from B. For example:

import itertools

A = [50, 60, 70]
B = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]

print [a + b for a, b in itertools.product(A, B)]

This prints:

[50.1, 50.2, 50.3, 50.4, 60.1, 60.2, 60.3, 60.4, 70.1, 70.2, 70.3, 70.4]

Notice how the final argument passed to itertools.product is the "inner" one. Generally, itertools.product(a0, a1, ... an) is equal to [(i0, i1, ... in) for in in an for in-1 in an-1 ... for i0 in a0]

How do I commit case-sensitive only filename changes in Git?

Using SourceTree I was able to do this all from the UI

  1. Rename FILE.ext to whatever.ext
  2. Stage that file
  3. Now rename whatever.ext to file.ext
  4. Stage that file again

It's a bit tedious, but if you only need to do it to a few files it's pretty quick

SQL: How to to SUM two values from different tables

select region,sum(number) total
    select region,number
    from cash_table
    union all
    select region,number
    from cheque_table
) t
group by region

Python truncate a long string

Yet another solution. With True and False you get a little feedback about the test at the end.

data = {True: data[:75] + '..', False: data}[len(data) > 75]

The type or namespace name 'Objects' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Data'

if you want to use "System.Data.Objects.EntityFunctions"

use "System.Data.Entity.DbFunctions" in EF 6.1+

Unable to find velocity template resources

While using embedded jetty the property webapp.resource.loader.path should starts with slash:


otherwise templates will not be found in ../webapp/templates

Finding non-numeric rows in dataframe in pandas?

# Original code
df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3, 'bad', 5],
                   'b': [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5],
                   'item': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']})
df = df.set_index('item')

Convert to numeric using 'coerce' which fills bad values with 'nan'

a = pd.to_numeric(df.a, errors='coerce')

Use isna to return a boolean index:

idx = a.isna()

Apply that index to the data frame:



Returns the row with the bad data in it:

        a    b
d     bad  0.4

apache server reached MaxClients setting, consider raising the MaxClients setting

Did you consider using nginx (or other event based web server) instead of apache?

nginx shall allow higher number of connections and consume much less resources (as it is event based and does not create separate process per connection). Anyway, you will need some processes, doing real work (like WSGI servers or so) and if they stay on the same server as the front end web server, you only shift the performance problem to a bit different place.

Latest apache version shall allow similar solution (configure it in event based manner), but this is not my area of expertise.

What does "yield break;" do in C#?

The yield keyword is used together with the return keyword to provide a value to the enumerator object. yield return specifies the value, or values, returned. When the yield return statement is reached, the current location is stored. Execution is restarted from this location the next time the iterator is called.

To explain the meaning using an example:

    public IEnumerable<int> SampleNumbers()
        int counter = 0;
        yield return counter;

        counter = counter + 2;

        yield return counter;

        counter = counter + 3;

        yield return counter ;

Values returned when this is iterated are: 0, 2, 5.

It’s important to note that counter variable in this example is a local variable. After the second iteration which returns the value of 2, third iteration starts from where it left before, while preserving the previous value of local variable named counter which was 2.

creating a new list with subset of list using index in python

The following definition might be more efficient than the first solution proposed

def new_list_from_intervals(original_list, *intervals):
    n = sum(j - i for i, j in intervals)
    new_list = [None] * n
    index = 0
    for i, j in intervals :
        for k in range(i, j) :
            new_list[index] = original_list[k]
            index += 1

    return new_list

then you can use it like below

new_list = new_list_from_intervals(original_list, (0,2), (4,5), (6, len(original_list)))

SSRS Expression for IF, THEN ELSE

You should be able to use

IIF(Fields!ExitReason.Value = 7, 1, 0)

What causes javac to issue the "uses unchecked or unsafe operations" warning

I have ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> items = (ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>) value;. Because value is a complex structure (I want to clean JSON), there can happen any combinations on numbers, booleans, strings, arrays. So, I used the solution of @Dan Dyer:

ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> items = (ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>) value;

How to set value to variable using 'execute' in t-sql?

You can try like below

DECLARE @sqlCommand NVARCHAR(4000)
SET @ID = 4
SET @sqlCommand = 'SELECT @Name = [Name]
FROM [AdventureWorks2014].[HumanResources].[Department]
WHERE DepartmentID = @ID'
EXEC sp_executesql @sqlCommand, N'@ID INT, @Name NVARCHAR(100) OUTPUT',
@ID = @ID, @Name = @Name OUTPUT
SELECT @Name ReturnedName

Source :

How to run PyCharm in Ubuntu - "Run in Terminal" or "Run"?

To make it a bit more user-friendly: After you've unpacked it, go into the directory, and run bin/ Once it opens, it either offers you to create a desktop entry, or if it doesn't, you can ask it to do so by going to the Tools menu and selecting Create Desktop Entry...

Then close PyCharm, and in the future you can just click on the created menu entry. (or copy it onto your Desktop)

To answer the specifics between Run and Run in Terminal: It's essentially the same, but "Run in Terminal" actually opens a terminal window first and shows you console output of the program. Chances are you don't want that :)

(Unless you are trying to debug an application, you usually do not need to see the output of it.)

difference between css height : 100% vs height : auto

A height of 100% for is, presumably, the height of your browser's inner window, because that is the height of its parent, the page. An auto height will be the minimum height of necessary to contain .

Textarea to resize based on content length

Decide a width and check how many characters one line could hold, and then for each key pressed you call a function that looks something like:

function changeHeight()
var chars_per_row = 100;
var pixles_per_row = 16; = Math.round((this.value.length / chars_per_row) * pixles_per_row) + 'px';

Havn't tested the code.

SQL Query to concatenate column values from multiple rows in Oracle

  1. LISTAGG delivers the best performance if sorting is a must(00:00:05.85)

    SELECT pid, LISTAGG(Desc, ' ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY seq) AS description FROM B GROUP BY pid;

  2. COLLECT delivers the best performance if sorting is not needed(00:00:02.90):

    SELECT pid, TO_STRING(CAST(COLLECT(Desc) AS varchar2_ntt)) AS Vals FROM B GROUP BY pid;

  3. COLLECT with ordering is bit slower(00:00:07.08):

    SELECT pid, TO_STRING(CAST(COLLECT(Desc ORDER BY Desc) AS varchar2_ntt)) AS Vals FROM B GROUP BY pid;

All other techniques were slower.

Is it possible only to declare a variable without assigning any value in Python?

I usually initialize the variable to something that denotes the type like

var = ""


var = 0

If it is going to be an object then don't initialize it until you instantiate it:

var = Var()

How to merge two files line by line in Bash

You can use paste:

paste file1.txt file2.txt > fileresults.txt

How can I pass request headers with jQuery's getJSON() method?

I agree with sunetos that you'll have to use the $.ajax function in order to pass request headers. In order to do that, you'll have to write a function for the beforeSend event handler, which is one of the $.ajax() options. Here's a quick sample on how to do that:

    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      $(document).ready(function() {
          url: 'service.svc/Request',
          type: 'GET',
          dataType: 'json',
          success: function() { alert('hello!'); },
          error: function() { alert('boo!'); },
          beforeSend: setHeader

      function setHeader(xhr) {
        xhr.setRequestHeader('securityCode', 'Foo');
        xhr.setRequestHeader('passkey', 'Bar');
    <h1>Some Text</h1>

If you run the code above and watch the traffic in a tool like Fiddler, you'll see two requests headers passed in:

  • securityCode with a value of Foo
  • passkey with a value of Bar

The setHeader function could also be inline in the $.ajax options, but I wanted to call it out.

Hope this helps!

DISTINCT for only one column

You can over that by using GROUP BY like this:

SELECT ID, Email, ProductName, ProductModel
FROM Products

What happened to Lodash _.pluck?

Ah-ha! The Lodash Changelog says it all...

"Removed _.pluck in favor of with iteratee shorthand"

var objects = [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'a': 2 }];

// in 3.10.1
_.pluck(objects, 'a'); // ? [1, 2], 'a'); // ? [1, 2]

// in 4.0.0, 'a'); // ? [1, 2]

Labeling file upload button

much easier use it

<input type="button" id="loadFileXml" value="Custom Button Name"onclick="document.getElementById('file').click();" />
<input type="file" style="display:none;" id="file" name="file"/>

How does the getView() method work when creating your own custom adapter?

1: The LayoutInflater takes your layout XML-files and creates different View-objects from its contents.

2: The adapters are built to reuse Views, when a View is scrolled so that is no longer visible, it can be used for one of the new Views appearing. This reused View is the convertView. If this is null it means that there is no recycled View and we have to create a new one, otherwise we should use it to avoid creating a new.

3: The parent is provided so you can inflate your view into that for proper layout parameters.

All these together can be used to effectively create the view that will appear in your list (or other view that takes an adapter):

public View getView(int position, @Nullable View convertView, ViewGroup parent){
    if (convertView == null) {
        //We must create a View:
        convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.my_list_item, parent, false);
    //Here we can do changes to the convertView, such as set a text on a TextView 
    //or an image on an ImageView.
    return convertView;

Notice the use of the LayoutInflater, that parent can be used as an argument for it, and how convertView is reused.

Convert an ISO date to the date format yyyy-mm-dd in JavaScript

This will output the date in YYYY-MM-DD format:

let date = new Date();
date = date.toISOString().slice(0,10);

align textbox and text/labels in html?

you can do a multi div layout like this

<div class="fieldcontainer">
    <div class="label"></div>
    <div class="field"></div>

where .fieldcontainer { clear: both; } .label { float: left; width: ___ } .field { float: left; }

Or, I actually prefer tables for forms like this. This is very much tabular data and it comes out very clean. Both will work though.

How to pass an array into a function, and return the results with an array

You seem to be looking for pass-by-reference, to do that make your function look this way (note the ampersand):

function foo(&$array)

Alternately, you can assign the return value of the function to a variable:

function foo($array)
    return $array;

$waffles = foo($waffles)

how to return index of a sorted list?

How about

l1 = [2,3,1,4,5]
l2 = [l1.index(x) for x in sorted(l1)]

Do sessions really violate RESTfulness?

  1. Sessions are not RESTless
  2. Do you mean that REST service for http-use only or I got smth wrong? Cookie-based session must be used only for own(!) http-based services! (It could be a problem to work with cookie, e.g. from Mobile/Console/Desktop/etc.)
  3. if you provide RESTful service for 3d party developers, never use cookie-based session, use tokens instead to avoid the problems with security.

ASP.NET MVC Conditional validation

I'm using MVC 5 but you could try something like this:

public DateTime JobStart { get; set; }

[AssertThat("StartDate >= JobStart", ErrorMessage = "Time Manager may not begin before job start date")]
[DisplayName("Start Date")]
public DateTime? StartDate { get; set; }

In your case you would say something like "IsSenior == true". Then you just need to check the validation on your post action.

Changing minDate and maxDate on the fly using jQuery DatePicker

I have changed min date property of date time picker by using this


I hope this one help to someone !

Best timing method in C?

gettimeofday will return time accurate to microseconds within the resolution of the system clock. You might also want to check out the High Res Timers project on SourceForge.

Invalid Host Header when ngrok tries to connect to React dev server

I'm encountering a similar issue and found two solutions that work as far as viewing the application directly in a browser

ngrok http 8080 -host-header="localhost:8080"
ngrok http --host-header=rewrite 8080

obviously replace 8080 with whatever port you're running on

this solution still raises an error when I use this in an embedded page, that pulls the bundle.js from the react app. I think since it rewrites the header to localhost, when this is embedded, it's looking to localhost, which the app is no longer running on

'router-outlet' is not a known element

This issue was with me also. Simple trick for it.

  imports: [
 declarations: [

 providers: [...],
 bootstrap: [...]

use it as in above order.first imports then declarations.It worked for me.

Executing Batch File in C#

With previously proposed solutions, I have struggled to get multiple npm commands executed in a loop and get all outputs on the console window.

It finally started to work after I have combined everything from the previous comments, but rearranged the code execution flow.

What I have noticed is that event subscribing was done too late (after the process has already started) and therefore some outputs were not captured.

The code below now does the following:

  1. Subscribes to the events, before the process has started, therefore ensuring that no output is missed.
  2. Begins reading from outputs as soon as the process is started.

The code has been tested against the deadlocks, although it is synchronous (one process execution at the time) so I cannot guarantee what would happen if this was run in parallel.

    static void RunCommand(string command, string workingDirectory)
        Process process = new Process
            StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", $"/c {command}")
                WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory,
                CreateNoWindow = true,
                UseShellExecute = false,
                RedirectStandardError = true,
                RedirectStandardOutput = true

        process.OutputDataReceived += (object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e) => Console.WriteLine("output :: " + e.Data);

        process.ErrorDataReceived += (object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e) => Console.WriteLine("error :: " + e.Data);


        Console.WriteLine("ExitCode: {0}", process.ExitCode);

Where to find 64 bit version of chromedriver.exe for Selenium WebDriver?

There is no separate 64-bit version of Chromedriver. The version available at works on both 32 and 64-bit Windows, against either 32-or 64-bit Chrome.

This was confirmed in the Chromedriver issue tracker:

Yes, Chromedriver works on 64-bit Windows and against 64-bit Chrome successfully.

I came here while searching for the answer to if it works on 64-bit Chrome following the announcement that from version 58 Chrome will default to 64-bit on Windows provided certain conditions are met:

In order to improve stability, performance, and security, users who are currently on 32-bit version of Chrome, and 64-bit Windows with 4GB or more of memory and auto-update enabled will be automatically migrated to 64-bit Chrome during this update. 32-bit Chrome will still be available via the Chrome download page.

Does the target directory for a git clone have to match the repo name?

Yes, it is possible:

git clone Packages 

You can specify the local root directory when using git clone.


The name of a new directory to clone into.
The "humanish" part of the source repository is used if no directory is explicitly given (repo for /path/to/repo.git and foo for host.xz:foo/.git).
Cloning into an existing directory is only allowed if the directory is empty.

As Chris comments, you can then rename that top directory.
Git only cares about the .git within said top folder, which you can get with various commands:

git rev-parse --show-toplevel git rev-parse --git-dir 

Convert list to array in Java

I came across this code snippet that solves it.

//Creating a sample ArrayList 
List<Long> list = new ArrayList<Long>();

//Adding some long type values

//Converting the ArrayList to a Long
Long[] array = (Long[]) list.toArray(new Long[list.size()]);

//Printing the results
System.out.println(array[0] + " " + array[1] + " " + array[2]);

The conversion works as follows:

  1. It creates a new Long array, with the size of the original list
  2. It converts the original ArrayList to an array using the newly created one
  3. It casts that array into a Long array (Long[]), which I appropriately named 'array'

Changing ViewPager to enable infinite page scrolling

Based on I wrote up this which works nicely:

class InfiniteViewPager @JvmOverloads constructor(
  context: Context,
  attrs: AttributeSet? = null
) : ViewPager(context, attrs) {
  // Allow for 100 back cycles from the beginning.
  // This should be enough to create an illusion of infinity.
  // Warning: scrolling to very high values (1,000,000+) results in strange drawing behaviour.
  private val offsetAmount get() = if (adapter?.count == 0) 0 else (adapter as InfinitePagerAdapter).realCount * 100

  override fun setAdapter(adapter: PagerAdapter?) {
    super.setAdapter(if (adapter == null) null else InfinitePagerAdapter(adapter))
    currentItem = 0

  override fun setCurrentItem(item: Int) = setCurrentItem(item, false)

  override fun setCurrentItem(item: Int, smoothScroll: Boolean) {
    val adapterCount = adapter?.count

    if (adapterCount == null || adapterCount == 0) {
      super.setCurrentItem(item, smoothScroll)
    } else {
      super.setCurrentItem(offsetAmount + item % adapterCount, smoothScroll)

  override fun getCurrentItem(): Int {
    val adapterCount = adapter?.count

    return if (adapterCount == null || adapterCount == 0) {
    } else {
      val position = super.getCurrentItem()
      position % (adapter as InfinitePagerAdapter).realCount

  fun animateForward() {
    super.setCurrentItem(super.getCurrentItem() + 1, true)

  fun animateBackwards() {
    super.setCurrentItem(super.getCurrentItem() - 1, true)

  internal class InfinitePagerAdapter(private val adapter: PagerAdapter) : PagerAdapter() {
    internal val realCount: Int get() = adapter.count

    override fun getCount() = if (realCount == 0) 0 else Integer.MAX_VALUE

    override fun instantiateItem(container: ViewGroup, position: Int) = adapter.instantiateItem(container, position % realCount)

    override fun destroyItem(container: ViewGroup, position: Int, `object`: Any) = adapter.destroyItem(container, position % realCount, `object`)

    override fun finishUpdate(container: ViewGroup) = adapter.finishUpdate(container)

    override fun isViewFromObject(view: View, `object`: Any) = adapter.isViewFromObject(view, `object`)

    override fun restoreState(bundle: Parcelable?, classLoader: ClassLoader?) = adapter.restoreState(bundle, classLoader)

    override fun saveState(): Parcelable? = adapter.saveState()

    override fun startUpdate(container: ViewGroup) = adapter.startUpdate(container)

    override fun getPageTitle(position: Int) = adapter.getPageTitle(position % realCount)

    override fun getPageWidth(position: Int) = adapter.getPageWidth(position)

    override fun setPrimaryItem(container: ViewGroup, position: Int, `object`: Any) = adapter.setPrimaryItem(container, position, `object`)

    override fun unregisterDataSetObserver(observer: DataSetObserver) = adapter.unregisterDataSetObserver(observer)

    override fun registerDataSetObserver(observer: DataSetObserver) = adapter.registerDataSetObserver(observer)

    override fun notifyDataSetChanged() = adapter.notifyDataSetChanged()

    override fun getItemPosition(`object`: Any) = adapter.getItemPosition(`object`)

For consuming it simply change your ViewPager to InfiniteViewPager and that's all you need to change.

Why doesn't JUnit provide assertNotEquals methods?

I agree totally with the OP point of view. Assert.assertFalse(expected.equals(actual)) is not a natural way to express an inequality.
But I would argue that further than Assert.assertEquals(), Assert.assertNotEquals() works but is not user friendly to document what the test actually asserts and to understand/debug as the assertion fails.
So yes JUnit 4.11 and JUnit 5 provides Assert.assertNotEquals() (Assertions.assertNotEquals() in JUnit 5) but I really avoid using them.

As alternative, to assert the state of an object I general use a matcher API that digs into the object state easily, that document clearly the intention of the assertions and that is very user friendly to understand the cause of the assertion failure.

Here is an example.
Suppose I have an Animal class which I want to test the createWithNewNameAndAge() method, a method that creates a new Animal object by changing its name and its age but by keeping its favorite food.
Suppose I use Assert.assertNotEquals() to assert that the original and the new objects are different.
Here is the Animal class with a flawed implementation of createWithNewNameAndAge() :

public class Animal {

    private String name;
    private int age;
    private String favoriteFood;

    public Animal(String name, int age, String favoriteFood) { = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.favoriteFood = favoriteFood;

    // Flawed implementation : use and this.age to create the 
    // new Animal instead of using the name and age parameters
    public Animal createWithNewNameAndAge(String name, int age) {
        return new Animal(, this.age, this.favoriteFood);

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public int getAge() {
        return age;

    public String getFavoriteFood() {
        return favoriteFood;

    public String toString() {
        return "Animal [name=" + name + ", age=" + age + ", favoriteFood=" + favoriteFood + "]";

    public int hashCode() {
        final int prime = 31;
        int result = 1;
        result = prime * result + age;
        result = prime * result + ((favoriteFood == null) ? 0 : favoriteFood.hashCode());
        result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode());
        return result;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (!(obj instanceof Animal)) return false;

        Animal other = (Animal) obj;
        return age == other.age && favoriteFood.equals(other.favoriteFood) &&


JUnit 4.11+ (or JUnit 5) both as test runner and assertion tool

void assertListNotEquals_JUnit_way() {
    Animal scoubi = new Animal("scoubi", 10, "hay");
    Animal littleScoubi = scoubi.createWithNewNameAndAge("little scoubi", 1);
    Assert.assertNotEquals(scoubi, littleScoubi);

The test fails as expected but the cause provided to the developer is really not helpful. It just says that the values should be different and output the toString() result invoked on the actual Animal parameter :

java.lang.AssertionError: Values should be different. Actual: Animal

[name=scoubi, age=10, favoriteFood=hay]


Ok the objects are not equals. But where is the problem ?
Which field is not correctly valued in the tested method ? One ? Two ? All of them ?
To discover it you have to dig in the createWithNewNameAndAge() implementation/use a debugger while the testing API would be much more friendly if it would make for us the differential between which is expected and which is gotten.

JUnit 4.11 as test runner and a test Matcher API as assertion tool

Here the same scenario of test but that uses AssertJ (an excellent test matcher API) to make the assertion of the Animal state: :

import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;

void assertListNotEquals_AssertJ() {
    Animal scoubi = new Animal("scoubi", 10, "hay");
    Animal littleScoubi = scoubi.createWithNewNameAndAge("little scoubi", 1);
              .extracting(Animal::getName, Animal::getAge, Animal::getFavoriteFood)
              .containsExactly("little scoubi", 1, "hay");

Of course the test still fails but this time the reason is clearly stated :



<["scoubi", 10, "hay"]>

to contain exactly (and in same order):

<["little scoubi", 1, "hay"]>

but some elements were not found:

<["little scoubi", 1]>

and others were not expected:

<["scoubi", 10]>

at junit5.MyTest.assertListNotEquals_AssertJ(

We can read that for Animal::getName, Animal::getAge, Animal::getFavoriteFood values of the returned Animal, we expect to have these value :

"little scoubi", 1, "hay" 

but we have had these values :

"scoubi", 10, "hay"

So we know where investigate : name and age are not correctly valued. Additionally, the fact of specifying the hay value in the assertion of Animal::getFavoriteFood() allows also to more finely assert the returned Animal. We want that the objects be not the same for some properties but not necessarily for every properties.
So definitely, using a matcher API is much more clear and flexible.

How can I get name of element with jQuery?


maven command line how to point to a specific settings.xml for a single command?

You can simply use:

mvn --settings YourOwnSettings.xml clean install


mvn -s YourOwnSettings.xml clean install

How to get maximum value from the Collection (for example ArrayList)?

depending on the size of your array a multithreaded solution might also speed up things

How to check if a service is running on Android?

Again, another alternative that people might find cleaner if they use pending intents (for instance with the AlarmManager:

public static boolean isRunning(Class<? extends Service> serviceClass) {
    final Intent intent = new Intent(context, serviceClass);
    return (PendingIntent.getService(context, CODE, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_NO_CREATE) != null);

Where CODE is a constant that you define privately in your class to identify the pending intents associated to your service.

Handling click events on a drawable within an EditText

Simply copy paste the following code and it does the trick.

editMsg.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
            final int DRAWABLE_LEFT = 0;
            final int DRAWABLE_TOP = 1;
            final int DRAWABLE_RIGHT = 2;
            final int DRAWABLE_BOTTOM = 3;

            if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
                if(event.getRawX() >= (editMsg.getRight() - editMsg.getCompoundDrawables()[DRAWABLE_RIGHT].getBounds().width())) {
                    // your action here

                    Toast.makeText(ChatActivity.this, "Message Sent", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                    return true;
            return false;

What is the difference between <p> and <div>?

Think of DIV as a grouping element. You put elements in a DIV element so that you can set their alignments

Whereas "p" is simply to create a new paragraph.

How do I stop Notepad++ from showing autocomplete for all words in the file

The answer is to DISABLE "Enable auto-completion on each input". Tested and works perfectly.

What is for?

There are 2 main reasons for

  1. For convenience: the other users will not need to know your functions' exact location in your package hierarchy.

    # in
    from file1 import *
    from file2 import *
    from fileN import *
    # in
    def add():

    then others can call add() by

    from your_package import add

    without knowing file1, like

    from your_package.file1 import add
  2. If you want something to be initialized; for example, logging (which should be put in the top level):

    import logging.config

HTML/CSS font color vs span style

<span style="color:#ffffff; font-size:18px; line-height:35px; font-family: Calibri;">Our Activities </span>

This works for me well:) As it has been already mentioned above "The font tag has been deprecated, at least in XHTML. It always safe to use span tag. font may not give you desire results, at least in my case it didn't.

android adb turn on wifi via adb

If you are locked out and WiFi is turned off in your Androud device then one solution is to connect your phone to a PC (connected to internet) and try to login with your google account. - it worked for me.

how to loop through rows columns in excel VBA Macro

I'd recommend the Range object's AutoFill method for this:

rngSource.AutoFill Destination:=rngDest

Specify the Source range that contains the values or formulas you want to fill down, and the Destination range as the whole range that you want the cells filled to. The Destination range must include the Source range. You can fill across as well as down.

It works exactly the same way as it would if you manually "dragged" the cells at the corner with the mouse; absolute and relative formulas work as expected.

Here's an example:

'Set some example values'
Range("A1").Value = "1"
Range("B1").Formula = "=NOW()"
Range("C1").Formula = "=B1+A1"

'AutoFill the values / formulas to row 20'
Range("A1:C1").AutoFill Destination:=Range("A1:C20")

Hope this helps.

using sql count in a case statement

CREATE TABLE #CountMe (Col1 char(1));


    COUNT(CASE WHEN Col1 = 'A' THEN 1 END) AS CountWithoutElse,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN Col1 = 'A' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS CountWithElseNull,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN Col1 = 'A' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS CountWithElseZero
FROM #CountMe;

How to export a Hive table into a CSV file?

or use this

hive -e 'select * from your_Table' | sed 's/[\t]/,/g'  > /home/yourfile.csv

You can also specify property set hive.cli.print.header=true before the SELECT to ensure that header along with data is created and copied to file. For example:

hive -e 'set hive.cli.print.header=true; select * from your_Table' | sed 's/[\t]/,/g'  > /home/yourfile.csv

If you don't want to write to local file system, pipe the output of sed command back into HDFS using the hadoop fs -put command.

It may also be convenient to SFTP to your files using something like Cyberduck, or you can use scp to connect via terminal / command prompt.

error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_MSC_VER': value '1600' doesn't match value '1700' in CppFile1.obj

for each project in your solution make sure that

Properties > Config. Properties > General > Platform Toolset

is one for all of them, v100 for visual studio 2010, v110 for visual studio 2012

you also may be working on v100 from visual studio 2012

CASE .. WHEN expression in Oracle SQL

It will be easier to do using decode.

    decode ( status, 'a1','Active',

How to Detect cause of 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable error and handle it?

There is of course some apache log files. Search in your apache configuration files for 'Log' keyword, you'll certainly find plenty of them. Depending on your OS and installation places may vary (in a Typical Linux server it would be /var/log/apache2/[access|error].log).

Having a 503 error in Apache usually means the proxied page/service is not available. I assume you're using tomcat and that means tomcat is either not responding to apache (timeout?) or not even available (down? crashed?). So chances are that it's a configuration error in the way to connect apache and tomcat or an application inside tomcat that is not even sending a response for apache.

Sometimes, in production servers, it can as well be that you get too much traffic for the tomcat server, apache handle more request than the proxyied service (tomcat) can accept so the backend became unavailable.

how to save DOMPDF generated content to file?

I did test your code and the only problem I could see was the lack of permission given to the directory you try to write the file in to.

Give "write" permission to the directory you need to put the file. In your case it is the current directory.

Use "chmod" in linux.

Add "Everyone" with "write" enabled to the security tab of the directory if you are in Windows.

How to convert a Java String to an ASCII byte array?

Convert string to ascii values.

   String test = "ABCD";

   for ( int i = 0; i < test.length(); ++i ) {
   char c = test.charAt( i );
   int j = (int) c;

How to read a single character from the user?

If you want to register only one single key press even if the user pressed it for more than once or kept pressing the key longer. To avoid getting multiple pressed inputs use the while loop and pass it.

import keyboard


How do I schedule jobs in Jenkins?

Jenkins lets you set up multiple times, separated by line breaks.

If you need it to build daily at 7 am, along with every Sunday at 4 pm, the below works well.

H 7 * * *

H 16 * * 0

How to redirect user's browser URL to a different page in Nodejs?

If you are using Express, the cleanest complete answer is this

const express = require('express')
const app     = express()

app.get('*', (req, res) => {
  // REDIRECT goes here

app.set('port', (process.env.PORT || 3000))
const server = app.listen(app.get('port'), () => {})

Transparent color of Bootstrap-3 Navbar

.navbar {
   background-color: transparent;
   background: transparent;
   border-color: transparent;

.navbar li { color: #000 }

How to convert a Title to a URL slug in jQuery?

More powerful slug generation method on pure JavaScript. It's basically support transliteration for all Cyrillic characters and many Umlauts (German, Danish, France, Turkish, Ukrainian and etc.) but can be easily extended.

function makeSlug(str)_x000D_
  var from="? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? a a ä á à â å c c e e e é è ê æ g g ö ó ø ? ô o ? ? n ? r s ü ß r l d þ h ? i ï í î j k l n n n r š s t u ú û ? ù ü u u ý ÿ ž z z ç ? ?".split(' ');_x000D_
  var to=  "a b v g d e e zh z i y k l m n o p r s t u f h ts ch sh shch # y # e yu ya a a ae a a a a c c e e e e e e e g g oe o o o o o m n n p r s ue ss r l d th h h i i i i j k l n n n r s s t u u u u u u u u y y z z z c ye g".split(' ');_x000D_
  str = str.toLowerCase();_x000D_
  // remove simple HTML tags_x000D_
  str = str.replace(/(<[a-z0-9\-]{1,15}[\s]*>)/gi, '');_x000D_
  str = str.replace(/(<\/[a-z0-9\-]{1,15}[\s]*>)/gi, '');_x000D_
  str = str.replace(/(<[a-z0-9\-]{1,15}[\s]*\/>)/gi, '');_x000D_
  str = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm,''); // trim spaces_x000D_
  for(i=0; i<from.length; ++i)_x000D_
    str = str.split(from[i]).join(to[i]);_x000D_
  // Replace different kind of spaces with dashes_x000D_
  var spaces = [/(&nbsp;|&#160;|&#32;)/gi, /(&mdash;|&ndash;|&#8209;)/gi,_x000D_
     /[(_|=|\\|\,|\.|!)]+/gi, /\s/gi];_x000D_
  for(i=0; i<from.length; ++i)_x000D_
   str = str.replace(spaces[i], '-');_x000D_
  str = str.replace(/-{2,}/g, "-");_x000D_
  // remove special chars like &amp;_x000D_
  str = str.replace(/&[a-z]{2,7};/gi, '');_x000D_
  str = str.replace(/&#[0-9]{1,6};/gi, '');_x000D_
  str = str.replace(/&#x[0-9a-f]{1,6};/gi, '');_x000D_
  str = str.replace(/[^a-z0-9\-]+/gmi, ""); // remove all other stuff_x000D_
  str = str.replace(/^\-+|\-+$/gm,''); // trim edges_x000D_
  return str;_x000D_
document.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0].innerHTML = makeSlug(" <br/> &#x202A;???&amp;???<strong>??_????</strong>?…???????????\r???\n?&ndash;??????&nbsp;??????\t \n?\t??????&#180;?&nbsp;??\\?????&ndash;????????\t????.Danke schön!ich heiße=?áÞÿá-Skånske,København çagatay rí gé tor zöldülésetekrol - . ");
  <pre>Hello world!</pre>_x000D_

How to check if a network port is open on linux?

You can using the socket module to simply check if a port is open or not.

It would look something like this.

import socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
result = sock.connect_ex(('',80))
if result == 0:
   print "Port is open"
   print "Port is not open"

Calling jQuery method from onClick attribute in HTML

Don't do this!

Stay away from putting the events inline with the elements! If you don't, you're missing the point of JQuery (or one of the biggest ones at least).

The reason why it's easy to define click() handlers one way and not the other is that the other way is simply not desirable. Since you're just learning JQuery, stick to the convention. Now is not the time in your learning curve for JQuery to decide that everyone else is doing it wrong and you have a better way!

Clone private git repo with dockerfile

You often do not want to perform a git clone of a private repo from within the docker build. Doing the clone there involves placing the private ssh credentials inside the image where they can be later extracted by anyone with access to your image.

Instead, the common practice is to clone the git repo from outside of docker in your CI tool of choice, and simply COPY the files into the image. This has a second benefit: docker caching. Docker caching looks at the command being run, environment variables it includes, input files, etc, and if they are identical to a previous build from the same parent step, it reuses that previous cache. With a git clone command, the command itself is identical, so docker will reuse the cache even if the external git repo is changed. However, a COPY command will look at the files in the build context and can see if they are identical or have been updated, and use the cache only when it's appropriate.

If you are going to add credentials into your build, consider doing so with a multi-stage build, and only placing those credentials in an early stage that is never tagged and pushed outside of your build host. The result looks like:

FROM ubuntu as clone

# Update aptitude with new repo
RUN apt-get update \
 && apt-get install -y git
# Make ssh dir
# Create known_hosts
# Add bitbuckets key
RUN mkdir /root/.ssh/ \
 && touch /root/.ssh/known_hosts \
 && ssh-keyscan >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts

# Copy over private key, and set permissions
# Warning! Anyone who gets their hands on this image will be able
# to retrieve this private key file from the corresponding image layer
COPY id_rsa /root/.ssh/id_rsa

# Clone the conf files into the docker container
RUN git clone [email protected]:User/repo.git

FROM ubuntu as release
LABEL maintainer="Luke Crooks <[email protected]>"

COPY --from=clone /repo /repo

More recently, BuildKit has been testing some experimental features that allow you to pass an ssh key in as a mount that never gets written to the image:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:experimental
FROM ubuntu as clone
LABEL maintainer="Luke Crooks <[email protected]>"

# Update aptitude with new repo
RUN apt-get update \
 && apt-get install -y git

# Make ssh dir
# Create known_hosts
# Add bitbuckets key
RUN mkdir /root/.ssh/ \
 && touch /root/.ssh/known_hosts \
 && ssh-keyscan >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts

# Clone the conf files into the docker container
RUN --mount=type=secret,id=ssh_id,target=/root/.ssh/id_rsa \
    git clone [email protected]:User/repo.git

And you can build that with:

$ DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t your_image_name \
  --secret id=ssh_id,src=$(pwd)/id_rsa .

Note that this still requires your ssh key to not be password protected, but you can at least run the build in a single stage, removing a COPY command, and avoiding the ssh credential from ever being part of an image.

BuildKit also added a feature just for ssh which allows you to still have your password protected ssh keys, the result looks like:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:experimental
FROM ubuntu as clone
LABEL maintainer="Luke Crooks <[email protected]>"

# Update aptitude with new repo
RUN apt-get update \
 && apt-get install -y git

# Make ssh dir
# Create known_hosts
# Add bitbuckets key
RUN mkdir /root/.ssh/ \
 && touch /root/.ssh/known_hosts \
 && ssh-keyscan >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts

# Clone the conf files into the docker container
RUN --mount=type=ssh \
    git clone [email protected]:User/repo.git

And you can build that with:

$ eval $(ssh-agent)
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
(Input your passphrase here)
$ DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t your_image_name \
  --ssh default=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK .

Again, this is injected into the build without ever being written to an image layer, removing the risk that the credential could accidentally leak out.

To force docker to run the git clone even when the lines before have been cached, you can inject a build ARG that changes with each build to break the cache. That looks like:

# inject a datestamp arg which is treated as an environment variable and
# will break the cache for the next RUN command
# Clone the conf files into the docker container
RUN git clone [email protected]:User/repo.git

Then you inject that changing arg in the docker build command:

date_stamp=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)
docker build --build-arg DATE_STAMP=$date_stamp .

What does 'public static void' mean in Java?

Public - means that the class (program) is available for use by any other class.

Static - creates a class. Can also be applied to variables and methods,making them class methods/variables instead of just local to a particular instance of the class.

Void - this means that no product is returned when the class completes processing. Compare this with helper classes that provide a return value to the main class,these operate like functions; these do not have void in the declaration.

How to create friendly URL in php?

There are lots of different ways to do this. One way is to use the RewriteRule techniques mentioned earlier to mask query string values.

One of the ways I really like is if you use the front controller pattern, you can also use urls like and parse the value of $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].

You can easily extract the /path/to/your/page/here bit with the following bit of code:

$route = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strlen($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));

From there, you can parse it however you please, but for pete's sake make sure you sanitise it ;)

C# SQL Server - Passing a list to a stored procedure

Make a datatable with one column instead of List and add strings to the table. You can pass this datatable as structured type and perform another join with title field of your table.

Streaming a video file to an html5 video player with Node.js so that the video controls continue to work?

The accepted answer to this question is awesome and should remain the accepted answer. However I ran into an issue with the code where the read stream was not always being ended/closed. Part of the solution was to send autoClose: true along with start:start, end:end in the second createReadStream arg.

The other part of the solution was to limit the max chunksize being sent in the response. The other answer set end like so:

var end = positions[1] ? parseInt(positions[1], 10) : total - 1;

...which has the effect of sending the rest of the file from the requested start position through its last byte, no matter how many bytes that may be. However the client browser has the option to only read a portion of that stream, and will, if it doesn't need all of the bytes yet. This will cause the stream read to get blocked until the browser decides it's time to get more data (for example a user action like seek/scrub, or just by playing the stream).

I needed this stream to be closed because I was displaying the <video> element on a page that allowed the user to delete the video file. However the file was not being removed from the filesystem until the client (or server) closed the connection, because that is the only way the stream was getting ended/closed.

My solution was just to set a maxChunk configuration variable, set it to 1MB, and never pipe a read a stream of more than 1MB at a time to the response.

// same code as accepted answer
var end = positions[1] ? parseInt(positions[1], 10) : total - 1;
var chunksize = (end - start) + 1;

// poor hack to send smaller chunks to the browser
var maxChunk = 1024 * 1024; // 1MB at a time
if (chunksize > maxChunk) {
  end = start + maxChunk - 1;
  chunksize = (end - start) + 1;

This has the effect of making sure that the read stream is ended/closed after each request, and not kept alive by the browser.

I also wrote a separate StackOverflow question and answer covering this issue.

IIS: Display all sites and bindings in PowerShell

Try this:

Import-Module Webadministration
Get-ChildItem -Path IIS:\Sites

It should return something that looks like this:

Name             ID   State      Physical Path                  Bindings
----             --   -----      -------------                  --------
ChristophersWeb 22   Started    C:\temp             http *

From here you can refine results, but be careful. A pipe to the select statement will not give you what you need. Based on your requirements I would build a custom object or hashtable.

How to cut first n and last n columns?



-f doesn't work if you have "tabs" in the text file.

Performing a Stress Test on Web Application?

As this question is still open, I might as well weigh in.

The good news is that over the past 5 or so years the Open Source tools have really matured and taken off in the space, the bad news is there are so many of them out there.

Here are my thoughts:-

Jmeter vs Grinder

Jmeter is driven from an XML style specification, that is constructed via a GUI.

Grinder uses Jython scripting within a muti-threaded Java framework, so more oriented to programmers.

Both tools will handle HTTP and HTTPS and have a proxy recorder to get you started. Both tools use the Controller model to drive multiple test agents so scalability is not an issue (given access to the Cloud).

Which is better:-

A hard call as the learning curve is steep with both tools as you get into the more complicated scripting requirements for url rewriting, correlation, providing unique data per Virtual User and simulating first time or returning Users (by manipulating the HTTP Headers).

That said I would start with Jmeter as this tool has a huge following and there are many examples and tutorials on the web for using this tool. If and when you come to a 'road block', that is something you can't 'easily' do with Jmeter then have a look at the Grinder. The good news is both these tools have the same Java requirement and a 'mix and match' solution is not out of the question.

Something new to add – Headless browsers running multiple instances of Selenium WebDriver.

This is a relatively new approach because it relies on the availability of resources that can now be provisioned from the Cloud. With this approach a Selenium (WebDriver) script is taken and run within a headless browser (i.e. WebDriver = New HtmlUnitDriver()) driver in multiple threads.

From experience around 25 instances of 'headless browsers' can be executed from the Amazon M1 Small Instance.

What this means is that all of the correlation, url rewriting issues disappear as you repurpose your functional testing scripts to become performance testing scripts.

The scalability is compromised as more VMs will be needed to drive the load, as compared with a HTTP driver such as the Grinder or Jmeter. That said, if you are looking to drive 500 Virtual Users then with 20 Amazon Small Instances (6 cents an hour each) at a cost of just $1.20 per hour gives you load that is very close to the Real User Experience.

import android packages cannot be resolved

right click on project->properties->android->select target name as "Android 4.4.2" --click ok

since DocumentsContract is added in API level 19

How to get overall CPU usage (e.g. 57%) on Linux

Try mpstat from the sysstat package

> sudo apt-get install sysstat
Linux 3.0.0-13-generic (ws025)  02/10/2012  _x86_64_    (2 CPU)  

03:33:26 PM  CPU    %usr   %nice    %sys %iowait    %irq   %soft  %steal  %guest   %idle
03:33:26 PM  all    2.39    0.04    0.19    0.34    0.00    0.01    0.00    0.00   97.03

Then some cutor grepto parse the info you need:

mpstat | grep -A 5 "%idle" | tail -n 1 | awk -F " " '{print 100 -  $ 12}'a

How to convert all tables from MyISAM into InnoDB?

cd /var/lib/mysql/DBNAME

ls | grep ".frm" | cut -d"." -f1 | xargs -I{} -n1 mysql -D DBNAME -e "alter table {} ENGINE=INNODB;" -uroot -pXXXXX

How do I add a user when I'm using Alpine as a base image?

The commands are adduser and addgroup.

Here's a template for Docker you can use in busybox environments (alpine) as well as Debian-based environments (Ubuntu, etc.):

ENV USER=docker
ENV UID=12345
ENV GID=23456

RUN adduser \
    --disabled-password \
    --gecos "" \
    --home "$(pwd)" \
    --ingroup "$USER" \
    --no-create-home \
    --uid "$UID" \

Note the following:

  • --disabled-password prevents prompt for a password
  • --gecos "" circumvents the prompt for "Full Name" etc. on Debian-based systems
  • --home "$(pwd)" sets the user's home to the WORKDIR. You may not want this.
  • --no-create-home prevents cruft getting copied into the directory from /etc/skel

The usage description for these applications is missing the long flags present in the code for adduser and addgroup.

The following long-form flags should work both in alpine as well as debian-derivatives:


BusyBox v1.28.4 (2018-05-30 10:45:57 UTC) multi-call binary.

Usage: adduser [OPTIONS] USER [GROUP]

Create new user, or add USER to GROUP

        --home DIR           Home directory
        --gecos GECOS        GECOS field
        --shell SHELL        Login shell
        --ingroup GRP        Group (by name)
        --system             Create a system user
        --disabled-password  Don't assign a password
        --no-create-home     Don't create home directory
        --uid UID            User id

One thing to note is that if --ingroup isn't set then the GID is assigned to match the UID. If the GID corresponding to the provided UID already exists adduser will fail.


BusyBox v1.28.4 (2018-05-30 10:45:57 UTC) multi-call binary.

Usage: addgroup [-g GID] [-S] [USER] GROUP

Add a group or add a user to a group

        --gid GID  Group id
        --system   Create a system group

I discovered all of this while trying to write my own alternative to the fixuid project for running containers as the hosts UID/GID.

My entrypoint helper script can be found on GitHub.

The intent is to prepend that script as the first argument to ENTRYPOINT which should cause Docker to infer UID and GID from a relevant bind mount.

An environment variable "TEMPLATE" may be required to determine where the permissions should be inferred from.

(At the time of writing I don't have documentation for my script. It's still on the todo list!!)

"The following SDK components were not installed: sys-img-x86-addon-google_apis-google-22 and addon-google_apis-google-22"



-> Run Android Studio as Administrator (this is only required for first run or when any issues arise due to automatic updates on any run in future).

Though it shows API 23 is or any other updates are not installed (and wouldn't show any 'Retry' button), BUT still the download and installation of rest of the updates would proceed (you can see the download progress incrementing even after seeing the above errors). So, DO NOT ABORT the operation.

-> At the end of installation (after rest of successful updates are installed) it would this time display the "Retry" button to retry installation for API 23 or any other versions which had failed earlier. Then click the "Retry" button, it would work this time.

This would resolve your issue with successful installation.

-> Next time onward no need to run Android studio as Administrator, unless it does any automatic updates and shows similar issues.


-> Alternative approach is to install any updates (which ever failed in earlier attempt) from Android SDK Manager first and then later launch Android Studio (which would not need any check for updates and any additional installations).

To install any features or updates, run Android SDK manager as administrator (run as administrator is not mandatory for this but preferred to avoid any permissions related issues) and check the required options and proceed with the installation without any issues.


-> If still your issue is not resolved, then try the proxy solution as suggested by others or check your internet connectivity if it's working properly or not.

*Any of the above solutions should resolve your issues.

Can you install and run apps built on the .NET framework on a Mac?

Yes you can!

As of November 2016, Microsoft now has integrated .NET Core in it's official .NET Site

They even have a new Visual Studio app that runs on MacOS

ImportError: No module named PytQt5

this can be solved under MacOS X by installing pyqt with brew

brew install pyqt

How to call a function in shell Scripting?

The functions need to be defined before being used. There is no mechanism is sh to pre-declare functions, but a common technique is to do something like:

main() {
  case "$choice" in
    true)  process_install;;
    false) process_exit;;




Returning a value from callback function in Node.js

Example code for node.js - async function to sync function:

var deasync = require('deasync');

function syncFunc()
    var ret = null;
    asyncFunc(function(err, result){
        ret = {err : err, result : result}

    while((ret == null))

    return (ret.err || ret.result);

Create PostgreSQL ROLE (user) if it doesn't exist

Or if the role is not the owner of any db objects one can use:

CREATE ROLE my_user LOGIN PASSWORD 'my_password';

But only if dropping this user will not make any harm.

How to update Git clone

git pull origin master

this will sync your master to the central repo and if new branches are pushed to the central repo it will also update your clone copy.

How to create JSON object using jQuery

Just put your data into an Object like this:

var myObject = new Object(); = "John";
myObject.age = 12;
myObject.pets = ["cat", "dog"];

Afterwards stringify it via:

var myString = JSON.stringify(myObject);

You don't need jQuery for this. It's pure JS.

Most concise way to convert a Set<T> to a List<T>

If you are using Guava, you statically import newArrayList method from Lists class:

List<String> l = newArrayList(setOfAuthors);

Get size of folder or file

for windows, using this reccursive function is useful.

    public static long folderSize(File directory) {
    long length = 0;

    if (directory.isFile())
         length += directory.length();
        for (File file : directory.listFiles()) {
             if (file.isFile())
                 length += file.length();
                 length += folderSize(file);

    return length;

This is tested and working properly on my end.

How do you convert a byte array to a hexadecimal string in C?

For completude, you can also easily do it without calling any heavy library function (no snprintf, no strcat, not even memcpy). It can be useful, say if you are programming some microcontroller or OS kernel where libc is not available.

Nothing really fancy you can find similar code around if you google for it. Really it's not much more complicated than calling snprintf and much faster.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
    unsigned char buf[] = {0, 1, 10, 11};
    /* target buffer should be large enough */
    char str[12];

    unsigned char * pin = buf;
    const char * hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    char * pout = str;
    int i = 0;
    for(; i < sizeof(buf)-1; ++i){
        *pout++ = hex[(*pin>>4)&0xF];
        *pout++ = hex[(*pin++)&0xF];
        *pout++ = ':';
    *pout++ = hex[(*pin>>4)&0xF];
    *pout++ = hex[(*pin)&0xF];
    *pout = 0;

    printf("%s\n", str);

Here is another slightly shorter version. It merely avoid intermediate index variable i and duplicating laste case code (but the terminating character is written two times).

#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
    unsigned char buf[] = {0, 1, 10, 11};
    /* target buffer should be large enough */
    char str[12];

    unsigned char * pin = buf;
    const char * hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    char * pout = str;
    for(; pin < buf+sizeof(buf); pout+=3, pin++){
        pout[0] = hex[(*pin>>4) & 0xF];
        pout[1] = hex[ *pin     & 0xF];
        pout[2] = ':';
    pout[-1] = 0;

    printf("%s\n", str);

Below is yet another version to answer to a comment saying I used a "trick" to know the size of the input buffer. Actually it's not a trick but a necessary input knowledge (you need to know the size of the data that you are converting). I made this clearer by extracting the conversion code to a separate function. I also added boundary check code for target buffer, which is not really necessary if we know what we are doing.

#include <stdio.h>

void tohex(unsigned char * in, size_t insz, char * out, size_t outsz)
    unsigned char * pin = in;
    const char * hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    char * pout = out;
    for(; pin < in+insz; pout +=3, pin++){
        pout[0] = hex[(*pin>>4) & 0xF];
        pout[1] = hex[ *pin     & 0xF];
        pout[2] = ':';
        if (pout + 3 - out > outsz){
            /* Better to truncate output string than overflow buffer */
            /* it would be still better to either return a status */
            /* or ensure the target buffer is large enough and it never happen */
    pout[-1] = 0;

int main(){
    enum {insz = 4, outsz = 3*insz};
    unsigned char buf[] = {0, 1, 10, 11};
    char str[outsz];
    tohex(buf, insz, str, outsz);
    printf("%s\n", str);

how to make log4j to write to the console as well

Your root logger definition is a bit confused. See the log4j documentation.

This is a standard Java properties file, which means that lines are treated as key=value pairs. Your second log4j.rootLogger line is overwriting the first, which explains why you aren't seeing anything on the console appender.

You need to merge your two rootLogger definitions into one. It looks like you're trying to have DEBUG messages go to the console and INFO messages to the file. The root logger can only have one level, so you need to change your configuration so that the appenders have appropriate levels.

While I haven't verified that this is correct, I'd guess it'll look something like this:


Note that you also have an error in casing - you have console lowercase in one place and in CAPS in another.

QR Code encoding and decoding using zxing

this is my working example Java code to encode QR code using ZXing with UTF-8 encoding, please note: you will need to change the path and utf8 data to your path and language characters

package com.mypackage.qr;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
import java.util.Hashtable;


public class CreateQR {

public static void main(String[] args)
    Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
    CharsetEncoder encoder = charset.newEncoder();
    byte[] b = null;
    try {
        // Convert a string to UTF-8 bytes in a ByteBuffer
        ByteBuffer bbuf = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap("utf 8 characters - i used hebrew, but you should write some of your own language characters"));
        b = bbuf.array();
    } catch (CharacterCodingException e) {

    String data;
    try {
        data = new String(b, "UTF-8");
        // get a byte matrix for the data
        BitMatrix matrix = null;
        int h = 100;
        int w = 100; writer = new MultiFormatWriter();
        try {
            Hashtable<EncodeHintType, String> hints = new Hashtable<EncodeHintType, String>(2);
            hints.put(EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET, "UTF-8");
            matrix = writer.encode(data,
  , w, h, hints);
        } catch ( e) {

        // change this path to match yours (this is my mac home folder, you can use: c:\\qr_png.png if you are on windows)
                String filePath = "/Users/shaybc/Desktop/OutlookQR/qr_png.png";
        File file = new File(filePath);
        try {
            MatrixToImageWriter.writeToFile(matrix, "PNG", file);
            System.out.println("printing to " + file.getAbsolutePath());
        } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {


how to run or install a *.jar file in windows?

Open up a command prompt and type java -jar jbpm-installer-3.2.7.jar

How to center an element horizontally and vertically

The simplest and cleanest solution for me is using the CSS3 property "transform":

.container {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
.container a {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 50%;_x000D_
  transform: translate(0,-50%);_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <a href="#">Hello world!</a>_x000D_

Dart SDK is not configured

Just go to File > Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Dart

Click on check box Enable Dart Support for project 'projectName' Paste the Dart SDK path.

This is how you get Dart SDK path, follow the given steps copy the Dart SDK Path, which is in Flutter SDK, Go to location where your Flutter SDK Situated, then,

Flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk , till dart-sdk, copy the path and paste it.

Image inside div has extra space below the image

You can use several methods for this issue like

  1. Using line-height

    #wrapper {  line-height: 0px;  }
  2. Using display: flex

    #wrapper {  display: flex;         }
    #wrapper {  display: inline-flex;  }
  3. Using display: block, table, flex and inherit

    #wrapper img {  display: block;    }
    #wrapper img {  display: table;    }
    #wrapper img {  display: flex;     }
    #wrapper img {  display: inherit;  }

How to center canvas in html5

The above answers only work if your canvas is the same width as the container.

This works regardless:

#container {_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid red;_x000D_
  margin: 0px auto;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
#canvas {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid blue;_x000D_
  width: 50px;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
<div id="container">_x000D_
  <canvas id="canvas" width="100" height="100"></canvas>_x000D_

Copying formula to the next row when inserting a new row

If you have a worksheet with many rows that all contain the formula, by far the easiest method is to copy a row that is without data (but it does contain formulas), and then "insert copied cells" below/above the row where you want to add. The formulas remain. In a pinch, it is OK to use a row with data. Just clear it or overwrite it after pasting.

Base64 encoding and decoding in client-side Javascript

Some browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and IE10+ can handle Base64 natively. Take a look at this Stackoverflow question. It's using btoa() and atob() functions.

For server-side JavaScript (Node), you can use Buffers to decode.

If you are going for a cross-browser solution, there are existing libraries like CryptoJS or code like:

With the latter, you need to thoroughly test the function for cross browser compatibility. And error has already been reported.

Private Variables and Methods in Python

Double underscore. That mangles the name. The variable can still be accessed, but it's generally a bad idea to do so.

Use single underscores for semi-private (tells python developers "only change this if you absolutely must") and doubles for fully private.

Is there a function to copy an array in C/C++?

Firstly, because you are switching to C++, vector is recommended to be used instead of traditional array. Besides, to copy an array or vector, std::copy is the best choice for you.

Visit this page to get how to use copy function:


std::vector<int> source_vector;
std::vector<int> dest_vector(source_vector.size());
std::copy(source_vector.begin(), source_vector.end(), dest_vector.begin());

How to get pandas.DataFrame columns containing specific dtype

dtypes is a Pandas Series. That means it contains index & values attributes. If you only need the column names:

headers = df.dtypes.index

it will return a list containing the column names of "df" dataframe.

MySQL Like multiple values

Why not you try REGEXP. Try it like this:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE interests REGEXP 'sports|pub'

Spring Boot Rest Controller how to return different HTTP status codes?

Try this code:

@RequestMapping(value = "/validate", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json")
public ResponseEntity<ErrorBean> validateUser(@QueryParam("jsonInput") final String jsonInput) {
    int numberHTTPDesired = 400;
    ErrorBean responseBean = new ErrorBean();
    responseBean.setMensaje("Error in validation!");

    return new ResponseEntity<ErrorBean>(responseBean, HttpStatus.valueOf(numberHTTPDesired));

Call an angular function inside html

Yep, just add parenthesis (calling the function). Make sure the function is in scope and actually returns something.

<ul class="ui-listview ui-radiobutton" ng-repeat="meter in meters">
  <li class = "ui-divider">
    {{ meter.DESCRIPTION }}
    {{ htmlgeneration() }}

Lining up labels with radio buttons in bootstrap

Key insights for me were: - ensure that label content comes after the input-radio field - I tweaked my css to make everything a little closer {
    margin-left: 5px;

Why Does OAuth v2 Have Both Access and Refresh Tokens?

Assume you make the access_token last very long, and don't have refresh_token, so in one day, hacker get this access_token and he can access all protected resources!

But if you have refresh_token, the access_token's live time is short, so the hacker is hard to hack your access_token because it will be invalid after short period of time. Access_token can only be retrieved back by using not only refresh_token but also by client_id and client_secret, which hacker doesn't have.

How to search JSON data in MySQL?

  1. Storing JSON in database violates the first normal form.

    The best thing you can do is to normalize and store features in another table. Then you will be able to use a much better looking and performing query with joins. Your JSON even resembles the table.

  2. Mysql 5.7 has builtin JSON functionality:

  3. Correct pattern is:

    WHERE  `attribs_json` REGEXP '"1":{"value":[^}]*"3"[^}]*}'

    [^}] will match any character except }

PhoneGap Eclipse Issue - eglCodecCommon glUtilsParamSize: unknow param errors

I Get the same message, when using Intel XHAM emulator (instead of ARM) and have "Use Host GPU" option enabled. I belive when you disable it, it goes away.

Fastest way to iterate over all the chars in a String

FIRST UPDATE: Before you try this ever in a production environment (not advised), read this first: Starting from Java 9, the solution as described won't work anymore, because now Java will store strings as byte[] by default.

SECOND UPDATE: As of 2016-10-25, on my AMDx64 8core and source 1.8, there is no difference between using 'charAt' and field access. It appears that the jvm is sufficiently optimized to inline and streamline any 'string.charAt(n)' calls.

THIRD UPDATE: As of 2020-09-07, on my Ryzen 1950-X 16 core and source 1.14, 'charAt1' is 9 times slower than field access and 'charAt2' is 4 times slower than field access. Field access is back as the clear winner. Note than the program will need to use byte[] access for Java 9+ version jvms.

It all depends on the length of the String being inspected. If, as the question says, it is for long strings, the fastest way to inspect the string is to use reflection to access the backing char[] of the string.

A fully randomized benchmark with JDK 8 (win32 and win64) on an 64 AMD Phenom II 4 core 955 @ 3.2 GHZ (in both client mode and server mode) with 9 different techniques (see below!) shows that using String.charAt(n) is the fastest for small strings and that using reflection to access the String backing array is almost twice as fast for large strings.


  • 9 different optimization techniques are tried.

  • All string contents are randomized

  • The test are done for string sizes in multiples of two starting with 0,1,2,4,8,16 etc.

  • The tests are done 1,000 times per string size

  • The tests are shuffled into random order each time. In other words, the tests are done in random order every time they are done, over 1000 times over.

  • The entire test suite is done forwards, and backwards, to show the effect of JVM warmup on optimization and times.

  • The entire suite is done twice, once in -client mode and the other in -server mode.


-client mode (32 bit)

For strings 1 to 256 characters in length, calling string.charAt(i) wins with an average processing of 13.4 million to 588 million characters per second.

Also, it is overall 5.5% faster (client) and 13.9% (server) like this:

    for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) {
        if (data.charAt(i) <= ' ') {

than like this with a local final length variable:

    final int len = data.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (data.charAt(i) <= ' ') {

For long strings, 512 to 256K characters length, using reflection to access the String's backing array is fastest. This technique is almost twice as fast as String.charAt(i) (178% faster). The average speed over this range was 1.111 billion characters per second.

The Field must be obtained ahead of time and then it can be re-used in the library on different strings. Interestingly, unlike the code above, with Field access, it is 9% faster to have a local final length variable than to use 'chars.length' in the loop check. Here is how Field access can be setup as fastest:

   final Field field = String.class.getDeclaredField("value");

   try {
       final char[] chars = (char[]) field.get(data);
       final int len = chars.length;
       for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
           if (chars[i] <= ' ') {
       return len;
   } catch (Exception ex) {
       throw new RuntimeException(ex);

Special comments on -server mode

Field access starting winning after 32 character length strings in server mode on a 64 bit Java machine on my AMD 64 machine. That was not seen until 512 characters length in client mode.

Also worth noting I think, when I was running JDK 8 (32 bit build) in server mode, the overall performance was 7% slower for both large and small strings. This was with build 121 Dec 2013 of JDK 8 early release. So, for now, it seems that 32 bit server mode is slower than 32 bit client mode.

That being said ... it seems the only server mode that is worth invoking is on a 64 bit machine. Otherwise it actually hampers performance.

For 32 bit build running in -server mode on an AMD64, I can say this:

  1. String.charAt(i) is the clear winner overall. Although between sizes 8 to 512 characters there were winners among 'new' 'reuse' and 'field'.
  2. String.charAt(i) is 45% faster in client mode
  3. Field access is twice as fast for large Strings in client mode.

Also worth saying, String.chars() (Stream and the parallel version) are a bust. Way slower than any other way. The Streams API is a rather slow way to perform general string operations.

Wish List

Java String could have predicate accepting optimized methods such as contains(predicate), forEach(consumer), forEachWithIndex(consumer). Thus, without the need for the user to know the length or repeat calls to String methods, these could help parsing libraries beep-beep beep speedup.

Keep dreaming :)

Happy Strings!


The test used the following 9 methods of testing the string for the presence of whitespace:


int charAtMethod1(final String data) {
    final int len = data.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (data.charAt(i) <= ' ') {
    return len;


int charAtMethod2(final String data) {
    for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) {
        if (data.charAt(i) <= ' ') {
    return data.length();


int streamMethod(final String data, final IntPredicate predicate) {
    if (data.chars().anyMatch(predicate)) {
    return data.length();


// avoid this at all costs
int streamParallelMethod(final String data, IntPredicate predicate) {
    if (data.chars().parallel().anyMatch(predicate)) {
    return data.length();


int reuseBuffMethod(final char[] reusable, final String data) {
    final int len = data.length();
    data.getChars(0, len, reusable, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (reusable[i] <= ' ') {
    return len;


int newMethod1(final String data) {
    final int len = data.length();
    final char[] copy = data.toCharArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (copy[i] <= ' ') {
    return len;


int newMethod2(final String data) {
    for (final char c : data.toCharArray()) {
        if (c <= ' ') {
    return data.length();


int fieldMethod1(final Field field, final String data) {
    try {
        final char[] chars = (char[]) field.get(data);
        final int len = chars.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (chars[i] <= ' ') {
        return len;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);


int fieldMethod2(final Field field, final String data) {
    final char[] chars;
    try {
        chars = (char[]) field.get(data);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);
    for (final char c : chars) {
        if (c <= ' ') {
    return chars.length;

COMPOSITE RESULTS FOR CLIENT -client MODE (forwards and backwards tests combined)

Note: that the -client mode with Java 32 bit and -server mode with Java 64 bit are the same as below on my AMD64 machine.

Size     WINNER  charAt1 charAt2  stream streamPar   reuse    new1    new2  field1  field2
1        charAt    77.0     72.0   462.0     584.0   127.5    89.5    86.0   159.5   165.0
2        charAt    38.0     36.5   284.0   32712.5    57.5    48.3    50.3    89.0    91.5
4        charAt    19.5     18.5   458.6    3169.0    33.0    26.8    27.5    54.1    52.6
8        charAt     9.8      9.9   100.5    1370.9    17.3    14.4    15.0    26.9    26.4
16       charAt     6.1      6.5    73.4     857.0     8.4     8.2     8.3    13.6    13.5
32       charAt     3.9      3.7    54.8     428.9     5.0     4.9     4.7     7.0     7.2
64       charAt     2.7      2.6    48.2     232.9     3.0     3.2     3.3     3.9     4.0
128      charAt     2.1      1.9    43.7     138.8     2.1     2.6     2.6     2.4     2.6
256      charAt     1.9      1.6    42.4      90.6     1.7     2.1     2.1     1.7     1.8
512      field1     1.7      1.4    40.6      60.5     1.4     1.9     1.9     1.3     1.4
1,024    field1     1.6      1.4    40.0      45.6     1.2     1.9     2.1     1.0     1.2
2,048    field1     1.6      1.3    40.0      36.2     1.2     1.8     1.7     0.9     1.1
4,096    field1     1.6      1.3    39.7      32.6     1.2     1.8     1.7     0.9     1.0
8,192    field1     1.6      1.3    39.6      30.5     1.2     1.8     1.7     0.9     1.0
16,384   field1     1.6      1.3    39.8      28.4     1.2     1.8     1.7     0.8     1.0
32,768   field1     1.6      1.3    40.0      26.7     1.3     1.8     1.7     0.8     1.0
65,536   field1     1.6      1.3    39.8      26.3     1.3     1.8     1.7     0.8     1.0
131,072  field1     1.6      1.3    40.1      25.4     1.4     1.9     1.8     0.8     1.0
262,144  field1     1.6      1.3    39.6      25.2     1.5     1.9     1.9     0.8     1.0

COMPOSITE RESULTS FOR SERVER -server MODE (forwards and backwards tests combined)

Note: this is the test for Java 32 bit running in server mode on an AMD64. The server mode for Java 64 bit was the same as Java 32 bit in client mode except that Field access starting winning after 32 characters size.

Size     WINNER  charAt1 charAt2  stream streamPar   reuse    new1    new2  field1  field2
1        charAt     74.5    95.5   524.5     783.0    90.5   102.5    90.5   135.0   151.5
2        charAt     48.5    53.0   305.0   30851.3    59.3    57.5    52.0    88.5    91.8
4        charAt     28.8    32.1   132.8    2465.1    37.6    33.9    32.3    49.0    47.0
8          new2     18.0    18.6    63.4    1541.3    18.5    17.9    17.6    25.4    25.8
16         new2     14.0    14.7   129.4    1034.7    12.5    16.2    12.0    16.0    16.6
32         new2      7.8     9.1    19.3     431.5     8.1     7.0     6.7     7.9     8.7
64        reuse      6.1     7.5    11.7     204.7     3.5     3.9     4.3     4.2     4.1
128       reuse      6.8     6.8     9.0     101.0     2.6     3.0     3.0     2.6     2.7
256      field2      6.2     6.5     6.9      57.2     2.4     2.7     2.9     2.3     2.3
512       reuse      4.3     4.9     5.8      28.2     2.0     2.6     2.6     2.1     2.1
1,024    charAt      2.0     1.8     5.3      17.6     2.1     2.5     3.5     2.0     2.0
2,048    charAt      1.9     1.7     5.2      11.9     2.2     3.0     2.6     2.0     2.0
4,096    charAt      1.9     1.7     5.1       8.7     2.1     2.6     2.6     1.9     1.9
8,192    charAt      1.9     1.7     5.1       7.6     2.2     2.5     2.6     1.9     1.9
16,384   charAt      1.9     1.7     5.1       6.9     2.2     2.5     2.5     1.9     1.9
32,768   charAt      1.9     1.7     5.1       6.1     2.2     2.5     2.5     1.9     1.9
65,536   charAt      1.9     1.7     5.1       5.5     2.2     2.4     2.4     1.9     1.9
131,072  charAt      1.9     1.7     5.1       5.4     2.3     2.5     2.5     1.9     1.9
262,144  charAt      1.9     1.7     5.1       5.1     2.3     2.5     2.5     1.9     1.9


(to test on Java 7 and earlier, remove the two streams tests)

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.function.IntPredicate;

 * @author Saint Hill <>
public final class TestStrings {

    // we will not test strings longer than 512KM
    final int MAX_STRING_SIZE = 1024 * 256;

    // for each string size, we will do all the tests
    // this many times
    final int TRIES_PER_STRING_SIZE = 1000;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        new TestStrings().run();

    void run() throws Exception {

        // double the length of the data until it reaches MAX chars long
        // 0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256 ... 
        final List<Integer> sizes = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int n = 0; n <= MAX_STRING_SIZE; n = (n == 0 ? 1 : n * 2)) {

        final Random random = new Random();

        System.out.println("Rate in nanoseconds per character inspected.");
        System.out.printf("==== FORWARDS (tries per size: %s) ==== \n", TRIES_PER_STRING_SIZE);

        printHeadings(TRIES_PER_STRING_SIZE, random);

        for (int size : sizes) {
            reportResults(size, test(size, TRIES_PER_STRING_SIZE, random));

        // reverse order or string sizes

        System.out.println("Rate in nanoseconds per character inspected.");
        System.out.printf("==== BACKWARDS (tries per size: %s) ==== \n", TRIES_PER_STRING_SIZE);

        printHeadings(TRIES_PER_STRING_SIZE, random);

        for (int size : sizes) {
            reportResults(size, test(size, TRIES_PER_STRING_SIZE, random));


    ///  WHITESPACE (CHAR <=' ')
    int charAtMethod1(final String data) {
        final int len = data.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (data.charAt(i) <= ' ') {
        return len;

    // SAME AS ABOVE BUT USE String.length()
    // instead of making a new final local int 
    int charAtMethod2(final String data) {
        for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) {
            if (data.charAt(i) <= ' ') {
        return data.length();

    // USE new Java-8 String's IntStream
    // pass it a PREDICATE to do the checking
    int streamMethod(final String data, final IntPredicate predicate) {
        if (data.chars().anyMatch(predicate)) {
        return data.length();

    // OH LA LA - GO PARALLEL!!!
    int streamParallelMethod(final String data, IntPredicate predicate) {
        if (data.chars().parallel().anyMatch(predicate)) {
        return data.length();

    // Re-fill a resuable char[] with the contents
    // of the String's char[]
    int reuseBuffMethod(final char[] reusable, final String data) {
        final int len = data.length();
        data.getChars(0, len, reusable, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (reusable[i] <= ' ') {
        return len;

    // Obtain a new copy of char[] from String
    int newMethod1(final String data) {
        final int len = data.length();
        final char[] copy = data.toCharArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (copy[i] <= ' ') {
        return len;

    // Obtain a new copy of char[] from String
    // but use FOR-EACH
    int newMethod2(final String data) {
        for (final char c : data.toCharArray()) {
            if (c <= ' ') {
        return data.length();

    // FANCY!
    int fieldMethod1(final Field field, final String data) {
        try {
            final char[] chars = (char[]) field.get(data);
            final int len = chars.length;
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                if (chars[i] <= ' ') {
            return len;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

    // same as above but use FOR-EACH
    int fieldMethod2(final Field field, final String data) {
        final char[] chars;
        try {
            chars = (char[]) field.get(data);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);
        for (final char c : chars) {
            if (c <= ' ') {
        return chars.length;

     * Make a list of tests. We will shuffle a copy of this list repeatedly
     * while we repeat this test.
     * @param data
     * @return
    List<Jobber> makeTests(String data) throws Exception {
        // make a list of tests
        final List<Jobber> tests = new ArrayList<Jobber>();

        tests.add(new Jobber("charAt1") {
            int check() {
                return charAtMethod1(data);

        tests.add(new Jobber("charAt2") {
            int check() {
                return charAtMethod2(data);

        tests.add(new Jobber("stream") {
            final IntPredicate predicate = new IntPredicate() {
                public boolean test(int value) {
                    return value <= ' ';

            int check() {
                return streamMethod(data, predicate);

        tests.add(new Jobber("streamPar") {
            final IntPredicate predicate = new IntPredicate() {
                public boolean test(int value) {
                    return value <= ' ';

            int check() {
                return streamParallelMethod(data, predicate);

        // Reusable char[] method
        tests.add(new Jobber("reuse") {
            final char[] cbuff = new char[MAX_STRING_SIZE];

            int check() {
                return reuseBuffMethod(cbuff, data);

        // New char[] from String
        tests.add(new Jobber("new1") {
            int check() {
                return newMethod1(data);

        // New char[] from String
        tests.add(new Jobber("new2") {
            int check() {
                return newMethod2(data);

        // Use reflection for field access
        tests.add(new Jobber("field1") {
            final Field field;

                field = String.class.getDeclaredField("value");

            int check() {
                return fieldMethod1(field, data);

        // Use reflection for field access
        tests.add(new Jobber("field2") {
            final Field field;

                field = String.class.getDeclaredField("value");

            int check() {
                return fieldMethod2(field, data);

        return tests;

     * We use this class to keep track of test results
    abstract class Jobber {

        final String name;
        long nanos;
        long chars;
        long runs;

        Jobber(String name) {
   = name;

        abstract int check();

        final double nanosPerChar() {
            double charsPerRun = chars / runs;
            long nanosPerRun = nanos / runs;
            return charsPerRun == 0 ? nanosPerRun : nanosPerRun / charsPerRun;

        final void run() {
            long time = System.nanoTime();
            chars += check();
            nanos += System.nanoTime() - time;

    private String makeTestString(int testSize, char start, char end) {
        Random r = new Random();
        char[] data = new char[testSize];
        for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            data[i] = (char) (start + r.nextInt(end));
        return new String(data);

    public void doThrow() {
        throw new RuntimeException("Bzzzt -- Illegal Character!!");

     * 1. get random string of correct length 2. get tests (List<Jobber>) 3.
     * perform tests repeatedly, shuffling each time
    List<Jobber> test(int size, int tries, Random random) throws Exception {
        String data = makeTestString(size, 'A', 'Z');
        List<Jobber> tests = makeTests(data);
        List<Jobber> copy = new ArrayList<>(tests);
        while (tries-- > 0) {
            Collections.shuffle(copy, random);
            for (Jobber ti : copy) {
        // check to make sure all char counts the same
        long runs = tests.get(0).runs;
        long count = tests.get(0).chars;
        for (Jobber ti : tests) {
            if (ti.runs != runs && ti.chars != count) {
                throw new Exception("Char counts should match if all correct algorithms");
        return tests;

    private void printHeadings(final int TRIES_PER_STRING_SIZE, final Random random) throws Exception {
        System.out.print("  Size");
        for (Jobber ti : test(0, TRIES_PER_STRING_SIZE, random)) {

    private void reportResults(int size, List<Jobber> tests) {
        System.out.printf("%6d", size);
        for (Jobber ti : tests) {
            System.out.printf("%,9.2f", ti.nanosPerChar());

Deep cloning objects

Follow these steps:

  • Define an ISelf<T> with a read-only Self property that returns T, and ICloneable<out T>, which derives from ISelf<T> and includes a method T Clone().
  • Then define a CloneBase type which implements a protected virtual generic VirtualClone casting MemberwiseClone to the passed-in type.
  • Each derived type should implement VirtualClone by calling the base clone method and then doing whatever needs to be done to properly clone those aspects of the derived type which the parent VirtualClone method hasn't yet handled.

For maximum inheritance versatility, classes exposing public cloning functionality should be sealed, but derive from a base class which is otherwise identical except for the lack of cloning. Rather than passing variables of the explicit clonable type, take a parameter of type ICloneable<theNonCloneableType>. This will allow a routine that expects a cloneable derivative of Foo to work with a cloneable derivative of DerivedFoo, but also allow the creation of non-cloneable derivatives of Foo.

Operation must use an updatable query. (Error 3073) Microsoft Access

In essence, while your SQL looks perfectly reasonable, Jet has never supported the SQL standard syntax for UPDATE. Instead, it uses its own proprietary syntax (different again from SQL Server's proprietary UPDATE syntax) which is very limited. Often, the only workarounds "Operation must use an updatable query" are very painful. Seriously consider switching to a more capable SQL product.

For some more details about your specific problems and some possible workarounds, see Update Query Based on Totals Query Fails.

How to get package name from anywhere?

If you use the gradle-android-plugin to build your app, then you can use


to retrieve the package name from any scope, incl. a static one.

How to verify if nginx is running or not?

None of the above answers worked for me so let me share my experience. I am running nginx in a docker container that has a port mapping (hostPort:containerPort) - 80:80 The above answers are giving me strange console output. Only the good old 'nmap' is working flawlessly even catching the nginx version. The command working for me is:

 nmap -sV localhost -p 80

We are doing nmap using the -ServiceVersion switch on the localhost and port: 80. It works great for me.

Concept of void pointer in C programming

Here is a brief pointer on void pointers:

6.13 — Void pointers

Because the void pointer does not know what type of object it is pointing to, it cannot be dereferenced directly! Rather, the void pointer must first be explicitly cast to another pointer type before it is dereferenced.

If a void pointer doesn't know what it's pointing to, how do we know what to cast it to? Ultimately, that is up to you to keep track of.

Void pointer miscellany

It is not possible to do pointer arithmetic on a void pointer. This is because pointer arithmetic requires the pointer to know what size object it is pointing to, so it can increment or decrement the pointer appropriately.

Assuming the machine's memory is byte-addressable and does not require aligned accesses, the most generic and atomic (closest to the machine level representation) way of interpreting a void* is as a pointer-to-a-byte, uint8_t*. Casting a void* to a uint8_t* would allow you to, for example, print out the first 1/2/4/8/however-many-you-desire bytes starting at that address, but you can't do much else.

uint8_t* byte_p = (uint8_t*)p;
for (uint8_t* i = byte_p; i < byte_p + 8; i++) {
  printf("%x ",*i);

Counting the Number of keywords in a dictionary in python

The number of distinct words (i.e. count of entries in the dictionary) can be found using the len() function.

> a = {'foo':42, 'bar':69}
> len(a)

To get all the distinct words (i.e. the keys), use the .keys() method.

> list(a.keys())
['foo', 'bar']

Get Environment Variable from Docker Container

None of the above answers show you how to extract a variable from a non-running container (if you use the echo approach with run, you won't get any output).

Simply run with printenv, like so:

docker run --rm <container> printenv <MY_VAR>

(Note that docker-compose instead of docker works too)

Mapping object to dictionary and vice versa

Seems reflection only help here.. I've done small example of converting object to dictionary and vise versa:

public void DictionaryTest()
    var item = new SomeCLass { Id = "1", Name = "name1" };
    IDictionary<string, object> dict = ObjectToDictionary<SomeCLass>(item);
    var obj = ObjectFromDictionary<SomeCLass>(dict);

private T ObjectFromDictionary<T>(IDictionary<string, object> dict)
    where T : class 
    Type type = typeof(T);
    T result = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
    foreach (var item in dict)
        type.GetProperty(item.Key).SetValue(result, item.Value, null);
    return result;

private IDictionary<string, object> ObjectToDictionary<T>(T item)
    where T: class
    Type myObjectType = item.GetType();
    IDictionary<string, object> dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    var indexer = new object[0];
    PropertyInfo[] properties = myObjectType.GetProperties();
    foreach (var info in properties)
        var value = info.GetValue(item, indexer);
        dict.Add(info.Name, value);
    return dict;

Android java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError


Go to Order and export from project properties and make sure you're including the required jars in the export, this did it for me

How to fix a locale setting warning from Perl

You need to configure locale appropriately in /etc/default/locale, logout, login, and then run the regular commands

root@host:~# echo -e 'LANG=en_US.UTF-8\nLC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8' > /etc/default/locale
root@host:~# exit
local-user@local:~$ ssh root@host
root@host:~# locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
root@host:~# dpkg-reconfigure locales

Call apply-like function on each row of dataframe with multiple arguments from each row

Use mapply

> df <- data.frame(x=c(1,2), y=c(3,4), z=c(5,6))
> df
  x y z
1 1 3 5
2 2 4 6
> mapply(function(x,y) x+y, df$x, df$z)
[1] 6 8

> cbind(df,f = mapply(function(x,y) x+y, df$x, df$z) )
  x y z f
1 1 3 5 6
2 2 4 6 8

How does lock work exactly?

The lock statement is translated to calls to the Enter and Exit methods of Monitor.

The lock statement will wait indefinitely for the locking object to be released.

MySQL ORDER BY multiple column ASC and DESC

group by default order by pk id,so the result
username point avg_time
demo123 100 90 ---> id = 4
demo123456 100 100 ---> id = 7
demo 90 120 ---> id = 1

Using git commit -a with vim

The better question is: How do I interrupt the commit when I quit vim?

There are 2 ways:

  1. :cq or :cquit
  2. Delete all lines of the commit message, including comments, and then :wq

Either way will give git an error code, so it will not proceed with the commit. This is particularly useful with git commit --amend.

git clone from another directory

I am using git-bash in windows.The simplest way is to change the path address to have the forward slashes:

git clone C:/Dev/proposed 

P.S: Start the git-bash on the destination folder.

Path used in clone ---> c:/Dev/proposed

Original path in windows ---> c:\Dev\proposed

Why is document.write considered a "bad practice"?

It overwrites content on the page which is the most obvious reason but I wouldn't call it "bad".

It just doesn't have much use unless you're creating an entire document using JavaScript in which case you may start with document.write.

Even so, you aren't really leveraging the DOM when you use document.write--you are just dumping a blob of text into the document so I'd say it's bad form.

Secure Web Services: REST over HTTPS vs SOAP + WS-Security. Which is better?

REST Over HTTPS Should be a secure method as long as API provider implements authorization a server end. In a case of web application as well what we do is accessing a web application via HTTPS and some authentication/authorization, traditionally web applications did not have security issues then Restful API would also counter security issues without problem !

LINQ extension methods - Any() vs. Where() vs. Exists()

Any - boolean function that returns true when any of object in list satisfies condition set in function parameters. For example:

List<string> strings = LoadList();
boolean hasNonEmptyObject = strings.Any(s=>string.IsNullOrEmpty(s));

Where - function that returns list with all objects in list that satisfy condition set in function parameters. For example:

IEnumerable<string> nonEmptyStrings = strings.Where(s=> !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s));

Exists - basically the same as any but it's not generic - it's defined in List class, while Any is defined on IEnumerable interface.

Sql Server string to date conversion

Use this:

SELECT convert(datetime, '2018-10-25 20:44:11.500', 121) -- yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.mmm

And refer to the table in the official documentation for the conversion codes.

Why does .NET foreach loop throw NullRefException when collection is null?

It is the fault of Do.Something(). The best practice here would be to return an array of size 0 (that is possible) instead of a null.

Check if boolean is true?

Both are correct.

You probably have some coding standard in your company - just see to follow it through. If you don't have - you should :)

C read file line by line

Implement method to read, and get content from a file (input1.txt)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void testGetFile() {
    // open file
    FILE *fp = fopen("input1.txt", "r");
    size_t len = 255;
    // need malloc memory for line, if not, segmentation fault error will occurred.
    char *line = malloc(sizeof(char) * len);
    // check if file exist (and you can open it) or not
    if (fp == NULL) {
        printf("can open file input1.txt!");
    while(fgets(line, len, fp) != NULL) {
        printf("%s\n", line);

Hope this help. Happy coding!

How do I print the key-value pairs of a dictionary in python

The dictionary:


Another one line solution:

print(*d.items(), sep='\n')


('key1', 'value1')
('key2', 'value2')
('key3', 'value3')

(but, since no one has suggested something like this before, I suspect it is not good practice)

Ubuntu, how do you remove all Python 3 but not 2

neither try any above ways nor sudo apt autoremove python3 because it will remove all gnome based applications from your system including gnome-terminal. In case if you have done that mistake and left with kernal only than trysudo apt install gnome on kernal.

try to change your default python version instead removing it. you can do this through bashrc file or export path command.