Programs & Examples On #Attoparsec

A fast Haskell library for parsing ByteStrings

Postman: How to make multiple requests at the same time

Run all Collection in a folder in parallel:

'use strict';

global.Promise = require('bluebird');
const path = require('path');
const newman =  Promise.promisifyAll(require('newman'));
const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'));
const environment = 'postman_environment.json';
const FOLDER = path.join(__dirname, 'Collections_Folder');

let files = fs.readdirSync(FOLDER);
files => path.join(FOLDER, file))
console.log(files);, file => {

    return newman.runAsync({
    collection: file, // your collection
    environment: path.join(__dirname, environment), //your env
    reporters: ['cli']

}, {
   concurrency: 2

Compare 2 JSON objects

Simply parsing the JSON and comparing the two objects is not enough because it wouldn't be the exact same object references (but might be the same values).

You need to do a deep equals.

From - which seems the use jQuery.

Object.extend(Object, {
   deepEquals: function(o1, o2) {
     var k1 = Object.keys(o1).sort();
     var k2 = Object.keys(o2).sort();
     if (k1.length != k2.length) return false;
     return, function(keyPair) {
       if(typeof o1[keyPair[0]] == typeof o2[keyPair[1]] == "object"){
         return deepEquals(o1[keyPair[0]], o2[keyPair[1]])
       } else {
         return o1[keyPair[0]] == o2[keyPair[1]];


var anObj = JSON.parse(jsonString1);
var anotherObj= JSON.parse(jsonString2);

if (Object.deepEquals(anObj, anotherObj))

How to find a string inside a entire database?

Here are couple more free tools that can be used for this. Both work as SSMS addins.

ApexSQL Search – 100% free - searches both schema and data in tables. Has couple more useful options such as dependency tracking…

SSMS Tools pack – free for all versions except SQL 2012 – doesn’t look as advanced as previous one but has a lot of other cool features.

`—` or `—` is there any difference in HTML output?

From W3 web site Common HTML entities used for typography

For the sake of portability, Unicode entity references should be reserved for use in documents certain to be written in the UTF-8 or UTF-16 character sets. In all other cases, the alphanumeric references should be used.

Translation: If you are looking for widest support, go with —

Redis connection to failed - connect ECONNREFUSED

I also have the same problem, first I tried to restart redis-server by sudo service restart but the problem still remained. Then I removed redis-server by sudo apt-get purge redis-server and install it again by sudo apt-get install redis-server and then the redis was working again. It also worth to have a look at redis log which located in here /var/log/redis/redis-server.log

Java: using switch statement with enum under subclass


case AnotherClass.MyEnum.VALUE_A


case VALUE_A:

C++ callback using class member

Instead of having static methods and passing around a pointer to the class instance, you could use functionality in the new C++11 standard: std::function and std::bind:

#include <functional>
class EventHandler
        void addHandler(std::function<void(int)> callback)
            cout << "Handler added..." << endl;
            // Let's pretend an event just occured

The addHandler method now accepts a std::function argument, and this "function object" have no return value and takes an integer as argument.

To bind it to a specific function, you use std::bind:

class MyClass

        // Note: No longer marked `static`, and only takes the actual argument
        void Callback(int x);
        int private_x;

    using namespace std::placeholders; // for `_1`

    private_x = 5;
    handler->addHandler(std::bind(&MyClass::Callback, this, _1));

void MyClass::Callback(int x)
    // No longer needs an explicit `instance` argument,
    // as `this` is set up properly
    cout << x + private_x << endl;

You need to use std::bind when adding the handler, as you explicitly needs to specify the otherwise implicit this pointer as an argument. If you have a free-standing function, you don't have to use std::bind:

void freeStandingCallback(int x)
    // ...

int main()
    // ...

Having the event handler use std::function objects, also makes it possible to use the new C++11 lambda functions:

handler->addHandler([](int x) { std::cout << "x is " << x << '\n'; });

How to convert DateTime to VarChar

-- This gives you the time as 0 in format 'yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00.000'


What is the difference between HTML tags <div> and <span>?

I would say that if you know a bit of spanish to look at this page, where is properly explained.

However, a fast definition would be that div is for dividing sections and span is for applying some kind of style to an element within another block element like div.

Why doesn't JavaScript have a last method?

Array.prototype.last = Array.prototype.last || function() {
    var l = this.length;
    return this[l-1];

x = [1,2];
alert( x.last() )

SQL Server 2008 R2 can't connect to local database in Management Studio

I also received this error when the service stopped. Here's another path to start your service...

  1. Search for "Services" in you start menu like so and click on it:

enter image description here

  1. Find the service for the instance you need started and select it (shown below)
  2. Click start (shown below)

enter image description here

Note: As Kenan stated, if your services Startup Type is not set to Automatic, then you probably want to double click on the service and set it to Automatic.

How do MySQL indexes work?

In MySQL InnoDB, there are two types of index.

  1. Primary key which is called clustered index. Index key words are stored with real record data in the B+Tree leaf node.

  2. Secondary key which is non clustered index. These index only store primary key's key words along with their own index key words in the B+Tree leaf node. So when searching from secondary index, it will first find its primary key index key words and scan the primary key B+Tree to find the real data records. This will make secondary index slower compared to primary index search. However, if the select columns are all in the secondary index, then no need to look up primary index B+Tree again. This is called covering index.

How to find the first and second maximum number?

OK I found it.


=large(array, k)

Array Required. The array or range of data for which you want to determine the k-th largest value.

K Required. The position (from the largest) in the array or cell range of data to return.

HTTP Range header

It's a syntactically valid request, but not a satisfiable request. If you look further in that section you see:

If a syntactically valid byte-range-set includes at least one byte- range-spec whose first-byte-pos is less than the current length of the entity-body, or at least one suffix-byte-range-spec with a non- zero suffix-length, then the byte-range-set is satisfiable. Otherwise, the byte-range-set is unsatisfiable. If the byte-range-set is unsatisfiable, the server SHOULD return a response with a status of 416 (Requested range not satisfiable). Otherwise, the server SHOULD return a response with a status of 206 (Partial Content) containing the satisfiable ranges of the entity-body.

So I think in your example, the server should return a 416 since it's not a valid byte range for that file.

PreparedStatement with Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS

private void alarmEventInsert(DriveDetail driveDetail, String vehicleRegNo, int organizationId) {

    final String ALARM_EVENT_INS_SQL = "INSERT INTO alarm_event (event_code,param1,param2,org_id,created_time) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)";
    CachedConnection conn = JDatabaseManager.getConnection();
    PreparedStatement ps = null;
    ResultSet generatedKeys = null;
    try {
        ps = conn.prepareStatement(ALARM_EVENT_INS_SQL, ps.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
        ps.setInt(1, driveDetail.getEventCode());
        ps.setString(2, vehicleRegNo);
        ps.setString(3, null);
        ps.setInt(4, organizationId);
        ps.setString(5, driveDetail.getCreateTime());
        generatedKeys = ps.getGeneratedKeys();
        if ( {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        logger.error("Error inserting into alarm_event : {}", e
    } finally {
        if (ps != null) {
            try {

                if (ps != null)
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                logger.error("Error closing prepared statements : {}", e

ImportError: No module named 'bottle' - PyCharm

I am using Ubuntu 16.04. For me it was the incorrect interpretor, which was by default using the virtual interpretor from project.

So, make sure you select the correct one, as the pip install will install the package to system python interpretor.

enter image description here

Git add all subdirectories

Most likely .gitignore files are at play. Note that .gitignore files can appear not only at the root level of the repo, but also at any sub level. You might try this from the root level to find them:

find . -name ".gitignore"

and then examine the results to see which might be preventing your subdirs from being added.

There also might be submodules involved. Check the offending directories for ".gitmodules" files.

Update Item to Revision vs Revert to Revision

The files in your working copy might look exactly the same after, but they are still very different actions -- the repository is in a completely different state, and you will have different options available to you after reverting than "updating" to an old revision.

Briefly, "update to" only affects your working copy, but "reverse merge and commit" will affect the repository.

If you "update" to an old revision, then the repository has not changed: in your example, the HEAD revision is still 100. You don't have to commit anything, since you are just messing around with your working copy. If you make modifications to your working copy and try to commit, you will be told that your working copy is out-of-date, and you will need to update before you can commit. If someone else working on the same repository performs an "update", or if you check out a second working copy, it will be r100.

However, if you "reverse merge" to an old revision, then your working copy is still based on the HEAD (assuming you are up-to-date) -- but you are creating a new revision to supersede the unwanted changes. You have to commit these changes, since you are changing the repository. Once done, any updates or new working copies based on the HEAD will show r101, with the contents you just committed.

How to concatenate multiple column values into a single column in Panda dataframe

@derchambers I found one more solution:

import pandas as pd

# make data
df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(1_000_000))
df['1'] = 'CO'
df['2'] = 'BOB'
df['3'] = '01'
df['4'] = 'BILL'

def eval_join(df, columns):

    sum_elements = [f"df['{col}']" for col in list('1234')]
    to_eval = "+ '_' + ".join(sum_elements)

    return eval(to_eval)

%timeit df3 = eval_join(df, list('1234')) # 504 ms

How to create empty folder in java?

Looks file you use the .mkdirs() method on a File object:

// Create a directory; all non-existent ancestor directories are
// automatically created
success = (new File("../potentially/long/pathname/without/all/dirs")).mkdirs();
if (!success) {
    // Directory creation failed

java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date

LATE EDIT: Starting with Java 8 you should use neither java.util.Date nor java.sql.Date if you can at all avoid it, and instead prefer using the java.time package (based on Joda) rather than anything else. If you're not on Java 8, here's the original response:

java.sql.Date - when you call methods/constructors of libraries that use it (like JDBC). Not otherwise. You don't want to introduce dependencies to the database libraries for applications/modules that don't explicitly deal with JDBC.

java.util.Date - when using libraries that use it. Otherwise, as little as possible, for several reasons:

  • It's mutable, which means you have to make a defensive copy of it every time you pass it to or return it from a method.

  • It doesn't handle dates very well, which backwards people like yours truly, think date handling classes should.

  • Now, because j.u.D doesn't do it's job very well, the ghastly Calendar classes were introduced. They are also mutable, and awful to work with, and should be avoided if you don't have any choice.

  • There are better alternatives, like the Joda Time API (which might even make it into Java 7 and become the new official date handling API - a quick search says it won't).

If you feel it's overkill to introduce a new dependency like Joda, longs aren't all that bad to use for timestamp fields in objects, although I myself usually wrap them in j.u.D when passing them around, for type safety and as documentation.

Required maven dependencies for Apache POI to work

If you are not using maven, then you will need **

  • poi
  • poi-ooxml
  • xmlbeans
  • dom4j
  • poi-ooxml-schemas
  • stax-api
  • ooxml-schemas

GET parameters in the URL with CodeIgniter

A little bit out of topic, but I was looking for a get function in CodeIgniter just to pass some variables between controllers and come across Flashdata.
see :
Flashdata allows you to create a quick session data that will only be available for the next server request, and are then automatically cleared.

Which characters need to be escaped when using Bash?

Using the print '%q' technique, we can run a loop to find out which characters are special:

special=$'`!@#$%^&*()-_+={}|[]\\;\':",.<>?/ '
for ((i=0; i < ${#special}; i++)); do
    printf -v q_char '%q' "$char"
    if [[ "$char" != "$q_char" ]]; then
        printf 'Yes - character %s needs to be escaped\n' "$char"
        printf 'No - character %s does not need to be escaped\n' "$char"
done | sort

It gives this output:

No, character % does not need to be escaped
No, character + does not need to be escaped
No, character - does not need to be escaped
No, character . does not need to be escaped
No, character / does not need to be escaped
No, character : does not need to be escaped
No, character = does not need to be escaped
No, character @ does not need to be escaped
No, character _ does not need to be escaped
Yes, character   needs to be escaped
Yes, character ! needs to be escaped
Yes, character " needs to be escaped
Yes, character # needs to be escaped
Yes, character $ needs to be escaped
Yes, character & needs to be escaped
Yes, character ' needs to be escaped
Yes, character ( needs to be escaped
Yes, character ) needs to be escaped
Yes, character * needs to be escaped
Yes, character , needs to be escaped
Yes, character ; needs to be escaped
Yes, character < needs to be escaped
Yes, character > needs to be escaped
Yes, character ? needs to be escaped
Yes, character [ needs to be escaped
Yes, character \ needs to be escaped
Yes, character ] needs to be escaped
Yes, character ^ needs to be escaped
Yes, character ` needs to be escaped
Yes, character { needs to be escaped
Yes, character | needs to be escaped
Yes, character } needs to be escaped

Some of the results, like , look a little suspicious. Would be interesting to get @CharlesDuffy's inputs on this.

ESRI : Failed to parse source map

While the chosen answer is a good answer to hide the error, it doesn't make the error go away, it's just that you can't see it in the inspector. The other way would be to download the missing map file and put it in the assets/lib directory. So, for example, I was missing file and I went here (to the correct version of angular) and downloaded the missing file. The error didn't disappear right away, possibly because of caching, but once I went to the actual file in the browser it worked. http://sitename.localhost/assets/lib/ Now the inspector no longer displays the error even with source maps enabled.

How to uncommit my last commit in Git

git reset --soft HEAD^ Will keep the modified changes in your working tree.


Javascript Date: next month

I was looking for a simple one-line solution to get the next month via math so I wouldn't have to look up the javascript date functions (mental laziness on my part). Quite strangely, I didn't find one here.

I overcame my brief bout of laziness, wrote one, and decided to share!


(new Date().getMonth()+1)%12 + 1

Just to be clear why this works, let me break down the magic!

It gets the current month (which is in 0..11 format), increments by 1 for the next month, and wraps it to a boundary of 12 via modulus (11%12==11; 12%12==0). This returns the next month in the same 0..11 format, so converting to a format Date() will recognize (1..12) is easy: simply add 1 again.

Proof of concept:

> for(var m=0;m<=11;m++) { "next month for %i: %i", m+1, (m+1)%12 + 1 ) }
next month for 1: 2
next month for 2: 3
next month for 3: 4
next month for 4: 5
next month for 5: 6
next month for 6: 7
next month for 7: 8
next month for 8: 9
next month for 9: 10
next month for 10: 11
next month for 11: 12
next month for 12: 1

So there you have it.


Its best practice to have TOP 1 1 always.

What if I use SELECT 1 -> If condition matches more than one record then your query will fetch all the columns records and returns 1.

What if I use SELECT TOP 1 1 -> If condition matches more than one record also, it will just fetch the existence of any row (with a self 1-valued column) and returns 1.

IF EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM tblGLUserAccess WHERE GLUserName ='xxxxxxxx') 
   SELECT 1 
    SELECT 2

Sort & uniq in Linux shell

I have worked on some servers where sort don't support '-u' option. there we have to use

sort xyz | uniq

mysql_fetch_array()/mysql_fetch_assoc()/mysql_fetch_row()/mysql_num_rows etc... expects parameter 1 to be resource

Include a connection string variable before the MySQL query. For example, $connt in this code:

$results = mysql_query($connt, "SELECT * FROM users");

Retrieve a Fragment from a ViewPager

I handled it by first making a list of all the fragments (List<Fragment> fragments;) that I was going to use then added them to the pager making it easier to handle the currently viewed fragment.


    //initialise the list of fragments
    fragments = new Vector<Fragment>();

    //fill up the list with out fragments
    fragments.add(Fragment.instantiate(this, MainFragment.class.getName()));
    fragments.add(Fragment.instantiate(this, MenuFragment.class.getName()));
    fragments.add(Fragment.instantiate(this, StoresFragment.class.getName()));
    fragments.add(Fragment.instantiate(this, AboutFragment.class.getName()));
    fragments.add(Fragment.instantiate(this, ContactFragment.class.getName()));

    //Set up the pager
    pager = (ViewPager)findViewById(;
    pager.setAdapter(new MyFragmentPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager(), fragments));

so then this can be called:

public Fragment getFragment(ViewPager pager){   
    Fragment theFragment = fragments.get(pager.getCurrentItem());
    return theFragment;

so then i could chuck it in an if statement that would only run if it was on the correct fragment

Fragment tempFragment = getFragment();
if(tempFragment == MyFragmentNo2.class){
    MyFragmentNo2 theFrag = (MyFragmentNo2) tempFragment;
    //then you can do whatever with the fragment

but thats just my hack and slash approach but it worked for me, I use it do do relevent changes to my currently displayed fragment when the back button is pushed.

Recursively look for files with a specific extension

  1. There's a { missing after browsefolders ()
  2. All $in should be $suffix
  3. The line with cut gets you only the middle part of front.middle.extension. You should read up your shell manual on ${varname%%pattern} and friends.

I assume you do this as an exercise in shell scripting, otherwise the find solution already proposed is the way to go.

To check for proper shell syntax, without running a script, use sh -n scriptname.

Cause of No suitable driver found for

It looks like you're not specifying a database name to connect to, should go something like


Build the full path filename in Python

This works fine:

os.path.join(dir_name, base_filename + "." + filename_suffix)

Keep in mind that os.path.join() exists only because different operating systems use different path separator characters. It smooths over that difference so cross-platform code doesn't have to be cluttered with special cases for each OS. There is no need to do this for file name "extensions" (see footnote) because they are always connected to the rest of the name with a dot character, on every OS.

If using a function anyway makes you feel better (and you like needlessly complicating your code), you can do this:

os.path.join(dir_name, '.'.join((base_filename, filename_suffix)))

If you prefer to keep your code clean, simply include the dot in the suffix:

suffix = '.pdf'
os.path.join(dir_name, base_filename + suffix)

That approach also happens to be compatible with the suffix conventions in pathlib, which was introduced in python 3.4 after this question was asked. New code that doesn't require backward compatibility can do this:

suffix = '.pdf'
pathlib.PurePath(dir_name, base_filename + suffix)

You might prefer the shorter Path instead of PurePath if you're only handling paths for the local OS.

Warning: Do not use pathlib's with_suffix() for this purpose. That method will corrupt base_filename if it ever contains a dot.

Footnote: Outside of Micorsoft operating systems, there is no such thing as a file name "extension". Its presence on Windows comes from MS-DOS and FAT, which borrowed it from CP/M, which has been dead for decades. That dot-plus-three-letters that many of us are accustomed to seeing is just part of the file name on every other modern OS, where it has no built-in meaning.

How to edit/save a file through Ubuntu Terminal

Within Nano use Ctrl+O to save and Ctrl+X to exit if you were wondering

Regex for 1 or 2 digits, optional non-alphanumeric, 2 known alphas


\d defines a number and {1,2} means 1 or two of the expression before, \W defines a non word character.

How can I programmatically determine if my app is running in the iphone simulator?

For Swift 4.2 / xCode 10

I created an extension on UIDevice, so I can easily ask for if the simulator is running.

// UIDevice+CheckSimulator.swift

import UIKit

extension UIDevice {

    /// Checks if the current device that runs the app is xCode's simulator
    static func isSimulator() -> Bool {        
        #if targetEnvironment(simulator)
            return true
            return false

In my AppDelegate for example I use this method to decide wether registering for remote notification is necessary, which is not possible for the simulator.

if UIDevice.isSimulator() == false {


Automatically enter SSH password with script

If you are doing this on a Windows system, you can use Plink (part of PuTTY).

plink your_username@yourhost -pw your_password

React Native Border Radius with background color

Try moving the button styling to the TouchableHighlight itself:


    borderWidth: 1,
    borderColor: '#fff'

Button (same):

  onPress={() => this.submitSuggestion(this.props)}
    <Text style={[this.getFontSize(),styles.submitText]}>Submit</Text>

enter image description here

SMTP connect() failed PHPmailer - PHP

If you're using VPS and with httpd service, please check if your httpd_can_sendmail is on.

getsebool -a | grep mail

to set on

setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail on

How to check if AlarmManager already has an alarm set?

I made a simple (stupid or not) bash script, that extracts the longs from the adb shell, converts them to timestamps and shows it in red.

echo "Please set a search filter"
read search

adb shell dumpsys alarm | grep $search | (while read i; do echo $i; _DT=$(echo $i | grep -Eo 'when\s+([0-9]{10})' | tr -d '[[:alpha:][:space:]]'); if [ $_DT ]; then echo -e "\e[31m$(date -d @$_DT)\e[0m"; fi; done;)

try it ;)

Pass multiple optional parameters to a C# function

Use a parameter array with the params modifier:

public static int AddUp(params int[] values)
    int sum = 0;
    foreach (int value in values)
        sum += value;
    return sum;

If you want to make sure there's at least one value (rather than a possibly empty array) then specify that separately:

public static int AddUp(int firstValue, params int[] values)

(Set sum to firstValue to start with in the implementation.)

Note that you should also check the array reference for nullity in the normal way. Within the method, the parameter is a perfectly ordinary array. The parameter array modifier only makes a difference when you call the method. Basically the compiler turns:

int x = AddUp(4, 5, 6);

into something like:

int[] tmp = new int[] { 4, 5, 6 };
int x = AddUp(tmp);

You can call it with a perfectly normal array though - so the latter syntax is valid in source code as well.

How can I show data using a modal when clicking a table row (using bootstrap)?

The best practice is to ajax load the order information when click tr tag, and render the information html in $('#orderDetails') like this:

  $.get('the_get_order_info_url', { order_id: the_id_var }, function(data){
  }, 'script')

Alternatively, you can add class for each td that contains the order info, and use jQuery method $('.class').html(html_string) to insert specific order info into your #orderDetails BEFORE you show the modal, like:

  <% @restaurant.orders.each do |order| %>
  <!-- you should add more class and id attr to help control the DOM -->
  <tr id="order_<%= %>" onclick="orderModal(<%=  %>);">
    <td class="order_id"><%= %></td>
    <td class="customer_id"><%= order.customer_id %></td>
    <td class="status"><%= order.status %></td>
  <% end %>


function orderModal(order_id){
  var tr = $('#order_' + order_id);
  // get the current info in html table 
  var customer_id = tr.find('.customer_id');
  var status = tr.find('.status');

  // U should work on lines here:
  var info_to_insert = "order: " + order_id + ", customer: " + customer_id + " and status : " + status + ".";

    keyboard: true,
    backdrop: "static"

That's it. But I strongly recommend you to learn sth about ajax on Rails. It's pretty cool and efficient.

What is the difference between Select and Project Operations

Select extract rows from the relation with some condition and Project extract particular number of attribute/column from the relation with or without some condition.

base_url() function not working in codeigniter

If you want to use base_url(), so we need to load url helper.

  1. By using autoload $autoload['helper'] = array('url');
  2. Or by manually load in controller or in view $this->load->helper('url');

Then you can user base_url() anywhere in controller or view.

WHERE IS NULL, IS NOT NULL or NO WHERE clause depending on SQL Server parameter value

An other way of CASE:

FROM MyTable
WHERE 1 = CASE WHEN @myParm = value1 AND MyColumn IS NULL     THEN 1 
               WHEN @myParm = value2 AND MyColumn IS NOT NULL THEN 1 
               WHEN @myParm = value3                          THEN 1 

LINQ orderby on date field in descending order

I don't believe that Distinct() is guaranteed to maintain the order of the set.

Try pulling out an anonymous type first and distinct/sort on that before you convert to string:

var ud = env.Select(d => new 
                             FormattedDate = d.ReportDate.ToString("yyyy-MMM")
            .OrderByDescending(d => d.Year)
            .ThenByDescending(d => d.Month)
            .Select(d => d.FormattedDate);

org.json.simple.JSONArray cannot be cast to org.json.simple.JSONObject

JSONObject baseReq
LinkedHashMap insert = (LinkedHashMap) baseReq.get("insert");
LinkedHashMap delete = (LinkedHashMap) baseReq.get("delete");

Remove Array Value By index in jquery

Your example code is wrong and will throw a SyntaxError. You seem to have confused the syntax of creating an object Object with creating an Array.

The correct syntax would be: var arr = [ "abc", "def", "ghi" ];

To remove an item from the array, based on its value, use the splice method:

arr.splice(arr.indexOf("def"), 1);

To remove it by index, just refer directly to it:

arr.splice(1, 1);

How to list branches that contain a given commit?

The answer for git branch -r --contains <commit> works well for normal remote branches, but if the commit is only in the hidden head namespace that GitHub creates for PRs, you'll need a few more steps.

Say, if PR #42 was from deleted branch and that PR thread has the only reference to the commit on the repo, git branch -r doesn't know about PR #42 because refs like refs/pull/42/head aren't listed as a remote branch by default.

In .git/config for the [remote "origin"] section add a new line:

fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*

(This gist has more context.)

Then when you git fetch you'll get all the PR branches, and when you run git branch -r --contains <commit> you'll see origin/pr/42 contains the commit.

Get an OutputStream into a String

This worked nicely

OutputStream output = new OutputStream() {
    private StringBuilder string = new StringBuilder();

    public void write(int b) throws IOException {
        this.string.append((char) b );

    //Netbeans IDE automatically overrides this toString()
    public String toString() {
        return this.string.toString();

method call =>> marshaller.marshal( (Object) toWrite , (OutputStream) output);

then to print the string or get it just reference the "output" stream itself As an example, to print the string out to console =>> System.out.println(output);

FYI: my method call marshaller.marshal(Object,Outputstream) is for working with XML. It is irrelevant to this topic.

This is highly wasteful for productional use, there is a way too many conversion and it is a bit loose. This was just coded to prove to you that it is totally possible to create a custom OuputStream and output a string. But just go Horcrux7 way and all is good with merely two method calls.

And the world lives on another day....

Java: how to use UrlConnection to post request with authorization?

I don't see anywhere in the code where you specify that this is a POST request. Then again, you need a to do that.

In fact, I highly recommend using HttpURLConnection instead of URLConnection, with conn.setRequestMethod("POST"); and see if it still gives you problems.

Open fancybox from function

function myfunction(){

It works for me..

Benefits of EBS vs. instance-store (and vice-versa)

We like instance-store. It forces us to make our instances completely recyclable, and we can easily automate the process of building a server from scratch on a given AMI. This also means we can easily swap out AMIs. Also, EBS still has performance problems from time to time.

Hive cast string to date dd-MM-yyyy

If I have understood it correctly, you are trying to convert a String representing a given date, to another type.

Note: (As @Samson Scharfrichter has mentioned)

  • the default representation of a date is ISO8601
  • a date is stored in binary (not as a string)

There are a few ways to do it. And you are close to the solution. I would use the CAST (which converts to a DATE_TYPE):

SELECT cast('2018-06-05' as date); 

Result: 2018-06-05 DATE_TYPE

or (depending on your pattern)

select cast(to_date(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('05-06-2018', 'dd-MM-yyyy'))) as date)

Result: 2018-06-05 DATE_TYPE

And if you decide to convert ISO8601 to a date type:

select cast(to_date(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(regexp_replace('2018-06-05T08:02:59Z', 'T',' ')))) as date);

Result: 2018-06-05 DATE_TYPE

Hive has its own functions, I have written some examples for the sake of illustration of these date- and cast- functions:

Date and timestamp functions examples:

Convert String/Timestamp/Date to DATE

SELECT cast(date_format('2018-06-05 15:25:42.23','yyyy-MM-dd') as date); -- 2018-06-05 DATE_TYPE
SELECT cast(date_format(current_date(),'yyyy-MM-dd') as date); -- 2018-06-05 DATE_TYPE
SELECT cast(date_format(current_timestamp(),'yyyy-MM-dd') as date);  -- 2018-06-05 DATE_TYPE

Convert String/Timestamp/Date to BIGINT_TYPE

SELECT to_unix_timestamp('2018/06/05 15:25:42.23','yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss'); -- 1528205142 BIGINT_TYPE
SELECT to_unix_timestamp(current_date(),'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss'); -- 1528205000 BIGINT_TYPE
SELECT to_unix_timestamp(current_timestamp(),'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss'); -- 1528205142 BIGINT_TYPE

Convert String/Timestamp/Date to STRING

SELECT date_format('2018-06-05 15:25:42.23','yyyy-MM-dd'); -- 2018-06-05 STRING_TYPE
SELECT date_format(current_timestamp(),'yyyy-MM-dd'); -- 2018-06-05 STRING_TYPE
SELECT date_format(current_date(),'yyyy-MM-dd'); -- 2018-06-05 STRING_TYPE

Convert BIGINT unixtime to STRING

SELECT to_date(from_unixtime(unixtime,'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss')); -- 2018-06-05 STRING_TYPE

Convert String to BIGINT unixtime

SELECT unix_timestamp('2018-06-05 15:25:42.23','yyyy-MM-dd') as TIMESTAMP; -- 1528149600 BIGINT_TYPE

Convert String to TIMESTAMP

SELECT cast(unix_timestamp('2018-06-05 15:25:42.23','yyyy-MM-dd') as TIMESTAMP); -- 1528149600 TIMESTAMP_TYPE

Idempotent (String -> String)

SELECT from_unixtime(to_unix_timestamp('2018/06/05 15:25:42.23','yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss')); -- 2018-06-05 15:25:42 STRING_TYPE

Idempotent (Date -> Date)

SELECT cast(current_date() as date); -- 2018-06-26 DATE_TYPE

Current date / timestamp

SELECT current_date(); -- 2018-06-26 DATE_TYPE
SELECT current_timestamp(); -- 2018-06-26 14:03:38.285 TIMESTAMP_TYPE

Setting device orientation in Swift iOS

Above code might not be working due to possibility if your view controller belongs to a navigation controller. If yes then it has to obey the rules of the navigation controller even if it has different orientation rules itself. A better approach would be to let the view controller decide for itself and the navigation controller will use the decision of the top most view controller.

We can support both locking to current orientation and autorotating to lock on a specific orientation with this generic extension on UINavigationController: -:

extension UINavigationController {
            public override func shouldAutorotate() -> Bool {
                return visibleViewController.shouldAutorotate()

        public override func supportedInterfaceOrientations() -> UIInterfaceOrientationMask {
            return (visibleViewController?.supportedInterfaceOrientations())!

Now inside your view controller we can

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    // MARK: Autoroate configuration

    override func shouldAutorotate() -> Bool {
        if (UIDevice.currentDevice().orientation == UIDeviceOrientation.Portrait ||
            UIDevice.currentDevice().orientation == UIDeviceOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown ||
            UIDevice.currentDevice().orientation == UIDeviceOrientation.Unknown) {
                return true
        else {
            return false

    override func supportedInterfaceOrientations() -> Int {
        return Int(UIInterfaceOrientationMask.Portrait.rawValue) | Int(UIInterfaceOrientationMask.PortraitUpsideDown.rawValue)

Hope it helps. Thanks

batch/bat to copy folder and content at once

I've been interested in the original question here and related ones.

For an answer, this week I did some experiments with XCOPY.

To help answer the original question, here I post the results of my experiments.

I did the experiments on Windows 7 64 bit Professional SP1 with the copy of XCOPY that came with the operating system.

For the experiments, I wrote some code in the scripting language Open Object Rexx and the editor macro language Kexx with the text editor KEdit.

XCOPY was called from the Rexx code. The Kexx code edited the screen output of XCOPY to focus on the crucial results.

The experiments all had to do with using XCOPY to copy one directory with several files and subdirectories.

The experiments consisted of 10 cases. Each case adjusted the arguments to XCOPY and called XCOPY once. All 10 cases were attempting to do the same copying operation.

Here are the main results:

(1) Of the 10 cases, only three did copying. The other 7 cases right away, just from processing the arguments to XCOPY, gave error messages, e.g.,

Invalid path

Access denied

with no files copied.

Of the three cases that did copying, they all did the same copying, that is, gave the same results.

(2) If want to copy a directory X and all the files and directories in directory X, in the hierarchical file system tree rooted at directory X, then apparently XCOPY -- and this appears to be much of the original question -- just will NOT do that.

One consequence is that if using XCOPY to copy directory X and its contents, then CAN copy the contents but CANNOT copy the directory X itself; thus, lose the time-date stamp on directory X, its archive bit, data on ownership, attributes, etc.

Of course if directory X is a subdirectory of directory Y, an XCOPY of Y will copy all of the contents of directory Y WITH directory X. So in this way can get a copy of directory X. However, the copy of directory X will have its time-date stamp of the time of the run of XCOPY and NOT the time-date stamp of the original directory X.

This change in time-date stamps can be awkward for a copy of a directory with a lot of downloaded Web pages: The HTML file of the Web page will have its original time-date stamp, but the corresponding subdirectory for files used by the HTML file will have the time-date stamp of the run of XCOPY. So, when sorting the copy on time date stamps, all the subdirectories, the HTML files and the corresponding subdirectories, e.g.,



can appear far apart in the sort on time-date.

Hierarchical file systems go way back, IIRC to Multics at MIT in 1969, and since then lots of people have recognized the two cases, given a directory X, (i) copy directory X and all its contents and (ii) copy all the contents of X but not directory X itself. Well, if only from the experiments, XCOPY does only (ii).

So, the results of the 10 cases are below. For each case, in the results the first three lines have the first three arguments to XCOPY. So, the first line has the tree name of the directory to be copied, the 'source'; the second line has the tree name of the directory to get the copies, the 'destination', and the third line has the options for XCOPY. The remaining 1-2 lines have the results of the run of XCOPY.

One big point about the options is that options /X and /O result in result

Access denied

To see this, compare case 8 with the other cases that were the same, did not have /X and /O, but did copy.

These experiments have me better understand XCOPY and contribute an answer to the original question.

======= case 1 ==================
options = /E /F /G /H /K /O /R /V /X /Y
Result:  Invalid path
Result:  0 File(s) copied
======= case 2 ==================
options = /E /F /G /H /K /O /R /V /X /Y
Result:  Access denied
Result:  0 File(s) copied
======= case 3 ==================
options = /E /F /G /H /K /O /R /V /X /Y
Result:  Access denied
Result:  0 File(s) copied
======= case 4 ==================
options = /E /F /G /H /K /R /V /Y
Result:  Invalid path
Result:  0 File(s) copied
======= case 5 ==================
options = /E /F /G /H /K /O /R /S /X /Y
Result:  Invalid path
Result:  0 File(s) copied
======= case 6 ==================
options = /E /F /G /H /I /K /O /R /S /X /Y
Result:  Access denied
Result:  0 File(s) copied
======= case 7 ==================
options = /E /F /G /H /I /K /R /S /Y
Result:  20 File(s) copied
======= case 8 ==================
options = /E /F /G /H /I /K /O /R /S /X /Y
Result:  Access denied
Result:  0 File(s) copied
======= case 9 ==================
options = /I /S
Result:  20 File(s) copied
======= case 10 ==================
options = /E /I /S
Result:  20 File(s) copied

Rename multiple files based on pattern in Unix


#replace all files ended witn .f77 to .f90 in a directory

for filename in *.f77
    #echo $filename
    #b= echo $filename | cut -d. -f1
    #echo $b    
    mv "${filename}" "${filename%.f77}.f90"    

TypeScript sorting an array

Great answer Sohnee. Would like to add that if you have an array of objects and you wish to sort by key then its almost the same, this is an example of one that can sort by both date(number) or title(string):

    if (sortBy === 'date') {
        return -
    } else {
        if (n1.title > n2.title) {
           return 1;
        if (n1.title < n2.title) {
            return -1;
        return 0;

Could also make the values inside as variables n1[field] vs n2[field] if its more dynamic, just keep the diff between strings and numbers. Connection reset by peer: socket write error When serving a file

This problem is usually caused by writing to a connection that had already been closed by the peer. In this case it could indicate that the user cancelled the download for example.

Rails create or update magic?

In Rails 4 you can add to a specific model:

def self.update_or_create(attributes)

def self.assign_or_new(attributes)
  obj = first || new

and use it like

User.where(email: "[email protected]").update_or_create(name: "Mr A Bbb")

Or if you'd prefer to add these methods to all models put in an initializer:

module ActiveRecordExtras
  module Relation
    extend ActiveSupport::Concern

    module ClassMethods
      def update_or_create(attributes)

      def update_or_create!(attributes)

      def assign_or_new(attributes)
        obj = first || new

ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, ActiveRecordExtras::Relation

How to display PDF file in HTML?

If you want to use pdf.js, I suggest you to read THIS

You can also upload your pdf somewhere (like Google Drive) and use its URL in a iframe


<object data="data/test.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="300" height="200">
<a href="data/test.pdf">test.pdf</a>

How to determine if OpenSSL and mod_ssl are installed on Apache2

To find the ssl version

  1. Go to Apache bin folder in command prompt
  2. Enter these commands "openssl version"

Convert to/from DateTime and Time in Ruby

Improving on Gordon Wilson solution, here is my try:

def to_time
  #Convert a fraction of a day to a number of microseconds
  usec = (sec_fraction * 60 * 60 * 24 * (10**6)).to_i
  t =, month, day, hour, min, sec, usec)
  t - offset.abs.div(SECONDS_IN_DAY)

You'll get the same time in UTC, loosing the timezone (unfortunately)

Also, if you have ruby 1.9, just try the to_time method

Auto height div with overflow and scroll when needed

This is a horizontal solution with the use of FlexBox and without the pesky absolute positioning.

body {_x000D_
  height: 100vh;_x000D_
  margin: 0;_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-direction: row;_x000D_
#right {_x000D_
  flex-grow: 1;_x000D_
#left {_x000D_
  background-color: lightgrey;_x000D_
  flex-basis: 33%;_x000D_
  flex-shrink: 0;_x000D_
#right {_x000D_
  background-color: aliceblue;_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-direction: row;_x000D_
  flex-basis: 66%;_x000D_
  overflow: scroll;   /* other browsers */_x000D_
  overflow: overlay;  /* Chrome */_x000D_
.item {_x000D_
  width: 150px;_x000D_
  background-color: darkseagreen;_x000D_
  flex-shrink: 0;_x000D_
  margin-left: 10px;_x000D_
  <section id="left"></section>_x000D_
  <section id="right">_x000D_
    <div class="item"></div>_x000D_
    <div class="item"></div>_x000D_
    <div class="item"></div>_x000D_

Pass a PHP array to a JavaScript function

You can pass PHP arrays to JavaScript using json_encode PHP function.

    $phpArray = array(
        0 => "Mon", 
        1 => "Tue", 
        2 => "Wed", 
        3 => "Thu",
        4 => "Fri", 
        5 => "Sat",
        6 => "Sun",

<script type="text/javascript">

    var jArray = <?php echo json_encode($phpArray); ?>;

    for(var i=0; i<jArray.length; i++){


What are metaclasses in Python?

A metaclass is a class that tells how (some) other class should be created.

This is a case where I saw metaclass as a solution to my problem: I had a really complicated problem, that probably could have been solved differently, but I chose to solve it using a metaclass. Because of the complexity, it is one of the few modules I have written where the comments in the module surpass the amount of code that has been written. Here it is...

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Craig Phillips.  All rights reserved.

# This requires some explaining.  The point of this metaclass excercise is to
# create a static abstract class that is in one way or another, dormant until
# queried.  I experimented with creating a singlton on import, but that did
# not quite behave how I wanted it to.  See now here, we are creating a class
# called GsyncOptions, that on import, will do nothing except state that its
# class creator is GsyncOptionsType.  This means, docopt doesn't parse any
# of the help document, nor does it start processing command line options.
# So importing this module becomes really efficient.  The complicated bit
# comes from requiring the GsyncOptions class to be static.  By that, I mean
# any property on it, may or may not exist, since they are not statically
# defined; so I can't simply just define the class with a whole bunch of
# properties that are @property @staticmethods.
# So here's how it works:
# Executing 'from libgsync.options import GsyncOptions' does nothing more
# than load up this module, define the Type and the Class and import them
# into the callers namespace.  Simple.
# Invoking 'GsyncOptions.debug' for the first time, or any other property
# causes the __metaclass__ __getattr__ method to be called, since the class
# is not instantiated as a class instance yet.  The __getattr__ method on
# the type then initialises the class (GsyncOptions) via the __initialiseClass
# method.  This is the first and only time the class will actually have its
# dictionary statically populated.  The docopt module is invoked to parse the
# usage document and generate command line options from it.  These are then
# paired with their defaults and what's in sys.argv.  After all that, we
# setup some dynamic properties that could not be defined by their name in
# the usage, before everything is then transplanted onto the actual class
# object (or static class GsyncOptions).
# Another piece of magic, is to allow command line options to be set in
# in their native form and be translated into argparse style properties.
# Finally, the GsyncListOptions class is actually where the options are
# stored.  This only acts as a mechanism for storing options as lists, to
# allow aggregation of duplicate options or options that can be specified
# multiple times.  The __getattr__ call hides this by default, returning the
# last item in a property's list.  However, if the entire list is required,
# calling the 'list()' method on the GsyncOptions class, returns a reference
# to the GsyncListOptions class, which contains all of the same properties
# but as lists and without the duplication of having them as both lists and
# static singlton values.
# So this actually means that GsyncOptions is actually a static proxy class...
# ...And all this is neatly hidden within a closure for safe keeping.
def GetGsyncOptionsType():
    class GsyncListOptions(object):
        __initialised = False

    class GsyncOptionsType(type):
        def __initialiseClass(cls):
            if GsyncListOptions._GsyncListOptions__initialised: return

            from docopt import docopt
            from libgsync.options import doc
            from libgsync import __version__

            options = docopt(
                doc.__doc__ % __version__,
                version = __version__,
                options_first = True

            paths = options.pop('<path>', None)
            setattr(cls, "destination_path", paths.pop() if paths else None)
            setattr(cls, "source_paths", paths)
            setattr(cls, "options", options)

            for k, v in options.iteritems():
                setattr(cls, k, v)

            GsyncListOptions._GsyncListOptions__initialised = True

        def list(cls):
            return GsyncListOptions

        def __getattr__(cls, name):
            return getattr(GsyncListOptions, name)[-1]

        def __setattr__(cls, name, value):
            # Substitut option names: --an-option-name for an_option_name
            import re
            name = re.sub(r'^__', "", re.sub(r'-', "_", name))
            listvalue = []

            # Ensure value is converted to a list type for GsyncListOptions
            if isinstance(value, list):
                if value:
                    listvalue = [] + value
                    listvalue = [ None ]
                listvalue = [ value ]

            type.__setattr__(GsyncListOptions, name, listvalue)

    # Cleanup this module to prevent tinkering.
    import sys
    module = sys.modules[__name__]
    del module.__dict__['GetGsyncOptionsType']

    return GsyncOptionsType

# Our singlton abstract proxy class.
class GsyncOptions(object):
    __metaclass__ = GetGsyncOptionsType()

How to know/change current directory in Python shell?

You can use the os module.

>>> import os
>>> os.getcwd()
>>> os.chdir("/tmp/")
>>> os.getcwd()

But if it's about finding other modules: You can set an environment variable called PYTHONPATH, under Linux would be like

export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/my/library:$PYTHONPATH

Then, the interpreter searches also at this place for imported modules. I guess the name would be the same under Windows, but don't know how to change.


Under Windows:

set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;C:\My_python_lib

(taken from

edit 2

... and even better: use virtualenv and virtualenv_wrapper, this will allow you to create a development environment where you can add module paths as you like (add2virtualenv) without polluting your installation or "normal" working environment.

Waiting for background processes to finish before exiting script

You can use kill -0 for checking whether a particular pid is running or not.

Assuming, you have list of pid numbers in a file called pid in pwd

while true;
    if [ -s pid ] ; then
        for pid in `cat pid`
            echo "Checking the $pid"
            kill -0 "$pid" 2>/dev/null || sed -i "/^$pid$/d" pid
        echo "All your process completed" ## Do what you want here... here all your pids are in finished stated

Batch file to delete folders older than 10 days in Windows 7

Adapted from this answer to a very similar question:

FORFILES /S /D -10 /C "cmd /c IF @isdir == TRUE rd /S /Q @path"

You should run this command from within your d:\study folder. It will delete all subfolders which are older than 10 days.

The /S /Q after the rd makes it delete folders even if they are not empty, without prompting.

I suggest you put the above command into a .bat file, and save it as d:\study\cleanup.bat.

Connect over ssh using a .pem file

For AWS if the user is ubuntu use the following to connect to remote server.

chmod 400 mykey.pem

ssh -i mykey.pem ubuntu@your-ip

How to add the JDBC mysql driver to an Eclipse project?

you haven't loaded driver into memory. use this following in init()


Also, you missed a colon (:) in url, use this

String mySqlUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql";

Append lines to a file using a StreamWriter

Another option is using System.IO.File.AppendText

This is equivalent to the StreamWriter overloads others have given.

Also File.AppendAllText may give a slightly easier interface without having to worry about opening and closing the stream. Though you may need to then worry about putting in your own linebreaks. :)

is it possible to evenly distribute buttons across the width of an android linearlayout






In circle, Tom, Tim, and Todd get assumed to be 3 centimeters. If you want it to be touch down screen, put it as Tom and Tim getting assumed to be 1 centimeter, which means they combine virtual but its 2D plane is at the bottom. This is displayed on screen.

Not able to access adb in OS X through Terminal, "command not found"

If you are using zsh on an OS X, you have to edit the zshrc file.

Use vim or your favorite text editor to open zshrc file:

vim ~/.zshrc

Paste the path to adb in this file:

export PATH="/Users/{$USER}/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools":$PATH

How to check if a column exists in a datatable

It is much more accurate to use IndexOf:

If dt.Columns.IndexOf("ColumnName") = -1 Then
    'Column not exist
End If

If the Contains is used it would not differentiate between ColumName and ColumnName2.

Java 8 stream map to list of keys sorted by values

You can sort a map by value as below, more example here

//Sort a Map by their Value.
Map<Integer, String> random = new HashMap<Integer, String>();


Map<Integer, String> sortedMap =
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue,
                        (e1, e2) -> e2, LinkedHashMap::new));
System.out.println("Sorted Map: " + Arrays.toString(sortedMap.entrySet().toArray()));

In Jinja2, how do you test if a variable is undefined?

Consider using default filter if it is what you need. For example:

{% set host = | default( -%}

or use more fallback values with "hardcoded" one at the end like:

{% set connectTimeout = config.stackowerflow.connect.timeout | default(config.stackowerflow.timeout) | default(config.timeout) | default(42) -%}

Getting command-line password input in Python

15.7. getpass — Portable password input

from getpass import getpass
passwd = getpass("password: ")

You can read more here

Handling InterruptedException in Java

What are you trying to do?

The InterruptedException is thrown when a thread is waiting or sleeping and another thread interrupts it using the interrupt method in class Thread. So if you catch this exception, it means that the thread has been interrupted. Usually there is no point in calling Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); again, unless you want to check the "interrupted" status of the thread from somewhere else.

Regarding your other option of throwing a RuntimeException, it does not seem a very wise thing to do (who will catch this? how will it be handled?) but it is difficult to tell more without additional information.

Read all worksheets in an Excel workbook into an R list with data.frames

Updated answer using readxl (22nd June 2015)

Since posting this question the readxl package has been released. It supports both xls and xlsx format. Importantly, in contrast to other excel import packages, it works on Windows, Mac, and Linux without requiring installation of additional software.

So a function for importing all sheets in an Excel workbook would be:

read_excel_allsheets <- function(filename, tibble = FALSE) {
    # I prefer straight data.frames
    # but if you like tidyverse tibbles (the default with read_excel)
    # then just pass tibble = TRUE
    sheets <- readxl::excel_sheets(filename)
    x <- lapply(sheets, function(X) readxl::read_excel(filename, sheet = X))
    if(!tibble) x <- lapply(x,
    names(x) <- sheets

This could be called with:

mysheets <- read_excel_allsheets("foo.xls")

Old Answer

Building on the answer provided by @mnel, here is a simple function that takes an Excel file as an argument and returns each sheet as a data.frame in a named list.


importWorksheets <- function(filename) {
    # filename: name of Excel file
    workbook <- loadWorkbook(filename)
    sheet_names <- getSheets(workbook)
    names(sheet_names) <- sheet_names
    sheet_list <- lapply(sheet_names, function(.sheet){
        readWorksheet(object=workbook, .sheet)})

Thus, it could be called with:


Pass Method as Parameter using C#

class PersonDB
  string[] list = { "John", "Sam", "Dave" };
  public void Process(ProcessPersonDelegate f)
    foreach(string s in list) f(s);

The second class is Client, which will use the storage class. It has a Main method that creates an instance of PersonDB, and it calls that object’s Process method with a method that is defined in the Client class.

class Client
  static void Main()
    PersonDB p = new PersonDB();
  static void PrintName(string name)

How do you rename a MongoDB database?

From version 4.2, the copyDatabase is deprecated. From now on we should use: mongodump and mongorestore.

Let's say we have a database named: old_name and we want to rename it to new_name.

First we have to dump the database:

mongodump --archive="old_name_dump.db" --db=old_name

If you have to authenticate as a user then use:

mongodump -u username --authenticationDatabase admin \
          --archive="old_name_dump.db" --db=old_name

Now we have our db dumped as a file named: old_name_dump.db.

To restore with a new name:

mongorestore --archive="old_name_dump.db" --nsFrom="old_name.*" --nsTo="new_name.*"

Again, if you need to be authenticated add this parameters to the command:

-u username --authenticationDatabase admin 


How to join two tables by multiple columns in SQL?

SELECT E.CaseNum, E.FileNum, E.ActivityNum, E.Grade, V.Score
FROM Evaluation E
ON E.CaseNum = V.CaseNum AND E.FileNum = V.FileNum AND E.ActivityNum = V.ActivityNum

Reload activity in Android

This is what I do to reload the activity after changing returning from a preference change.

protected void onResume() {


This essentially causes the activity to redraw itself.

Updated: A better way to do this is to call the recreate() method. This will cause the activity to be recreated.

Qt 5.1.1: Application failed to start because platform plugin "windows" is missing

The application qtbase/bin/windeployqt.exe deploys automatically your application. If you start a prompt with envirenmentvariables set correctly, it deploys to the current directory. You find an example of script:

@echo off
set QTDIR=E:\QT\5110\vc2017

set INCLUDE=S:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.15.26726\ATLMFC\include;S:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.15.26726\include;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\NETFXSDK\4.6.1\include\um;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.14393.0\ucrt;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.14393.0\shared;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.14393.0\um;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.14393.0\winrt;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.14393.0\cppwinrt

set LIB=S:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.15.26726\ATLMFC\lib\x86;S:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.15.26726\lib\x86;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\NETFXSDK\4.6.1\lib\um\x86;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\lib\10.0.14393.0\ucrt\x86;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\lib\10.0.14393.0\um\x86;

set LIBPATH=S:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.15.26726\ATLMFC\lib\x86;S:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.15.26726\lib\x86;S:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.15.26726\lib\x86\store\references;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\UnionMetadata\10.0.17134.0;C:\ProgramFiles (x86)\Windows Kits\10\References\10.0.17134.0;C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319;

set VCIDEInstallDir=S:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\VC\
set VCINSTALLDIR=S:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\
set VCToolsInstallDir=S:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.11.25503\
set VisualStudioVersion=15.0
set VS100COMNTOOLS=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Tools\
set VS110COMNTOOLS=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\Tools\
set VS120COMNTOOLS=S:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\
set VS150COMNTOOLS=S:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\Tools\
set VS80COMNTOOLS=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Tools\
set VS90COMNTOOLS=c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Tools\
set VSINSTALLDIR=S:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\
set VSSDK110Install=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VSSDK\
set VSSDK150INSTALL=S:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VSSDK
set WindowsLibPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\UnionMetadata;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\References
set WindowsSdkBinPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\
set WindowsSdkDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\
set WindowsSDKLibVersion=10.0.14393.0\
set WindowsSdkVerBinPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.14393.0\
set WindowsSDKVersion=10.0.14393.0\
set WindowsSDK_ExecutablePath_x64=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.6.1 Tools\x64\
set WindowsSDK_ExecutablePath_x86=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.6.1 Tools\

mkdir C:\VCProjects\Application\Build\VS2017_QT5_11_32-Release\setup
cd C:\VCProjects\Application\Build\VS2017_QT5_11_32-Release\setup
copy /Y ..\Release\application.exe .
windeployqt application.exe

React Checkbox not sending onChange

If you have a handleChange function that looks like this:

handleChange = (e) => {

You can create a custom onChange function so that it acts like an text input would:

  onChange={(e) => {
      target: {

Configuring angularjs with eclipse IDE

Netbeans 8.0 (beta at the time of this post) has Angular support as well as HTML5 support.

Check out this Oracle article:

Does Eclipse have line-wrap

The Eclipse Word-Wrap plugin works for any type of file for me.

Clear MySQL query cache without restarting server

according the documentation, this should do it...


UNIX nonblocking I/O: O_NONBLOCK vs. FIONBIO

I believe fcntl() is a POSIX function. Where as ioctl() is a standard UNIX thing. Here is a list of POSIX io. ioctl() is a very kernel/driver/OS specific thing, but i am sure what you use works on most flavors of Unix. some other ioctl() stuff might only work on certain OS or even certain revs of it's kernel.

ES6 exporting/importing in index file

Install @babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from via:

yarn add -D @babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from

In your .babelrc.json or any of the Configuration File Types

module.exports = {
  plugins: [

Now you can export directly from a file-path:

export Foo from './components/Foo'
export Bar from './components/Bar'

Good Luck...

How to store Query Result in variable using mysql

Select count(*) from table_name into @var1; 
Select @var1;

How to get current date & time in MySQL?

In database design, iIhighly recommend using Unixtime for consistency and indexing / search / comparison performance.


One can always convert to human readable formats afterwards, internationalizing as is individually most convenient.

FROM_ UNIXTIME (unix_timestamp, [format ])

In Java, how do I parse XML as a String instead of a file?

You can use the Scilca XML Progession package available at GitHub.

XMLIterator xi = new VirtualXML.XMLIterator("<xml />");
XMLReader xr = new XMLReader(xi);
Document d = xr.parseDocument();

How do I create a multiline Python string with inline variables?

You can use Python 3.6's f-strings for variables inside multi-line or lengthy single-line strings. You can manually specify newline characters using \n.

Variables in a multi-line string

string1 = "go"
string2 = "now"
string3 = "great"

multiline_string = (f"I will {string1} there\n"
                    f"I will go {string2}.\n"


I will go there
I will go now

Variables in a lengthy single-line string

string1 = "go"
string2 = "now"
string3 = "great"

singleline_string = (f"I will {string1} there. "
                     f"I will go {string2}. "


I will go there. I will go now. great.

Alternatively, you can also create a multiline f-string with triple quotes.

multiline_string = f"""I will {string1} there.
I will go {string2}.

How to keep form values after post

you can save them into a $_SESSION variable and then when the user calls that page again populate all the inputs with their respective session variables.

Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path

From your question I guess you are using Ubuntu (or a derivate). If you use:

apt-file search opencv.pc

then you see that you have to install libopencv-dev.

After you do so, pkg-config --cflags opencv and pkg-config --libs opencv should work as expected.

Relationship between hashCode and equals method in Java

Yes, it should be overridden. If you think you need to override equals(), then you need to override hashCode() and vice versa. The general contract of hashCode() is:

  1. Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution of a Java application, the hashCode method must consistently return the same integer, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the object is modified. This integer need not remain consistent from one execution of an application to another execution of the same application.

  2. If two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result.

  3. It is not required that if two objects are unequal according to the equals(java.lang.Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce distinct integer results. However, the programmer should be aware that producing distinct integer results for unequal objects may improve the performance of hashtables.

Sorting A ListView By Column

Since this is still a top viewed thread, I thought I might note that I came up with a dynamic solution to sort the listview by column. Here's the code just in case someone else wants to use it as well. It pretty much just involves sending the listview items to a datatable, sorting the default view of the datatable by the column name (using the index of the clicked column), and then overwriting that table with the defaultview.totable() method. Then pretty much just add them back to the listview. And wa la, its a sorted listview by column.

public void SortListView(int Index)
        DataTable TempTable = new DataTable();
        //Add column names to datatable from listview
        foreach (ColumnHeader iCol in MyListView.Columns)
        //Create a datarow from each listviewitem and add it to the table
        foreach (ListViewItem Item in MyListView.Items)
             DataRow iRow = TempTable.NewRow();
             // the for loop dynamically copies the data one by one instead of doing irow[i] = MyListView.Subitems[1]... so on
            for (int i = 0; i < MyListView.Columns.Count; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    iRow[i] = Item.Text;
                    iRow[i] = Item.SubItems[i].Text;
        string SortType = string.Empty;
        //LastCol is a public int variable on the form, and LastSort is public string variable
        if (LastCol == Index)
            if (LastSort == "ASC" || LastSort == string.Empty || LastSort == null)
                SortType = "DESC";
                LastSort = "DESC";
                SortType = "ASC";
                LastSort = "ASC";
            SortType = "DESC";
            LastSort = "DESC";
        LastCol = Index;
        //Sort it based on the column text clicked and the sort type (asc or desc)
        TempTable.DefaultView.Sort = MyListView.Columns[Index].Text + " " + SortType;
        TempTable = TempTable.DefaultView.ToTable();
        //Create a listview item from the data in each row
        foreach (DataRow iRow in TempTable.Rows)
            ListViewItem Item = new ListViewItem();
            List<string> SubItems = new List<string>();
            for (int i = 0; i < TempTable.Columns.Count; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    Item.Text = iRow[i].ToString();

This method is dynamic as it uses the existing column name and doesn't require you to know the index or name of each column or even how many columns are in the listview/datatable. You can call it by doing creating an event for the listview.columnclick and then SortListView(e.column).

SQL Server Creating a temp table for this query

DECLARE #MyTempTable TABLE (SiteName varchar(50), BillingMonth varchar(10), Consumption float)

INSERT INTO #MyTempTable (SiteName, BillingMonth, Consumption)
SELECT  tblMEP_Sites.Name AS SiteName, convert(varchar(10),BillingMonth ,101) AS BillingMonth, SUM(Consumption) AS Consumption
FROM tblMEP_Projects.......  --your joining statements

Here, # - use this to create table inside tempdb
@ - use this to create table as variable.

How do I get the path of the current executed file in Python?

The short answer is that there is no guaranteed way to get the information you want, however there are heuristics that work almost always in practice. You might look at How do I find the location of the executable in C?. It discusses the problem from a C point of view, but the proposed solutions are easily transcribed into Python.

jQuery append() - return appended elements

// wrap it in jQuery, now it's a collection
var $elements = $(someHTML);

// append to the DOM

// do stuff, using the initial reference
$elements.effects("highlight", {}, 2000);

Sending a mail from a linux shell script

If you want a clean and simple approach in bash, and you don't want to use cat, echo, etc., the simplest way would be:

mail -s "subject here" [email protected] <<< "message"

<<< is used to redirect standard input. It's been a part of bash for a long time.

Java compiler level does not match the version of the installed Java project facet

I resolved it by Myproject--->java Resource---->libraries-->JRE System Libraries[java-1.6] click on this go to its "property" select "Classpath Container" change the Execution Environment to java-1.8(jdk1.8.0-35) (that is latest)

Change the jdk to latest

Getting 404 Not Found error while trying to use ErrorDocument

The ErrorDocument directive, when supplied a local URL path, expects the path to be fully qualified from the DocumentRoot. In your case, this means that the actual path to the ErrorDocument is

ErrorDocument 404 /hellothere/error/404page.html

Using number as "index" (JSON)

When a Javascript object property's name doesn't begin with either an underscore or a letter, you cant use the dot notation (like Game.status[0].0), and you must use the alternative notation, which is Game.status[0][0].

One different note, do you really need it to be an object inside the status array? If you're using the object like an array, why not use a real array instead?

How to select rows with NaN in particular column?

@qbzenker provided the most idiomatic method IMO

Here are a few alternatives:

In [28]: df.query('Col2 != Col2') # Using the fact that: np.nan != np.nan
   Col1  Col2  Col3
1     0   NaN   0.0

In [29]: df[np.isnan(df.Col2)]
   Col1  Col2  Col3
1     0   NaN   0.0

addClass - can add multiple classes on same div?

You can do

$('.page-address-edit').addClass('test1 test2');

More here:

More than one class may be added at a time, separated by a space, to the set of matched elements, like so:

$("p").addClass("myClass yourClass");

How to write a SQL DELETE statement with a SELECT statement in the WHERE clause?

Shouldn't you have:

DELETE FROM tableA WHERE entitynum IN (...your select...)

Now you just have a WHERE with no comparison:

DELETE FROM tableA WHERE (...your select...)

So your final query would look like this;

DELETE FROM tableA WHERE entitynum IN (
    SELECT tableA.entitynum FROM tableA q
      INNER JOIN tableB u on (u.qlabel = q.entityrole AND u.fieldnum = q.fieldnum) 
    WHERE (LENGTH(q.memotext) NOT IN (8,9,10) OR q.memotext NOT LIKE '%/%/%')
      AND (u.FldFormat = 'Date')

PostgreSQL: role is not permitted to log in

The role you have created is not allowed to log in. You have to give the role permission to log in.

One way to do this is to log in as the postgres user and update the role:

psql -U postgres

Once you are logged in, type:


Here's the documentation

Generic type conversion FROM string

You can do it in one line as below:

YourClass obj = (YourClass)Convert.ChangeType(YourValue, typeof(YourClass));

Happy coding ;)

Where does Git store files?

I also couldn't find my git repository. I am using Windows 8 and created my repository (by mistake) under C:\Program Files (x86)\Git. I could see the repository folder in bash but not in cmd or Windows Explorer.

Then I remembered about Windows's "Virtual Store" feature. My repository folder was actually created under C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Git\<myrepo> and in there was my .git folder!

Do I need to pass the full path of a file in another directory to open()?

Here's a snippet that will walk the file tree for you:

indir = '/home/des/test'
for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(indir):
    for f in filenames:
        log = open(indir + f, 'r')

Check if application is on its first run

SharedPreferences mPrefs;
final String welcomeScreenShownPref = "welcomeScreenShown";

/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    mPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);

    // second argument is the default to use if the preference can't be found
    Boolean welcomeScreenShown = mPrefs.getBoolean(welcomeScreenShownPref, false);

    if (!welcomeScreenShown) {
        // here you can launch another activity if you like

        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = mPrefs.edit();
        editor.putBoolean(welcomeScreenShownPref, true);
        editor.commit(); // Very important to save the preference


How to get the URL of the current page in C#

if you just want the part between http:// and the first slash

string url = Request.Url.Host;

would return if called from this page

Here's the complete breakdown

jQuery get the name of a select option

In your codethis refers to the select element not to the selected option

to refer the selected option you can do this -


How to open specific tab of bootstrap nav tabs on click of a particuler link using jQuery?

    function updateURL(url_params) {
        if (history.pushState) {
        var newurl = window.location.protocol + "//" + + window.location.pathname + '?' + url_params;

    function setActiveTab(tab) {
        $('.nav-tabs li').removeClass('active');
        $('.tab-content .tab-pane').removeClass('active');

        $('a[href="#tab-' + tab + '"]').closest('li').addClass('active');
        $('#tab-' + tab).addClass('active');

    // Set active tab
    $url_params = new URLSearchParams(;

    // Get active tab and remember it
        .on('click', function() {
        $href = $(this).attr('href')
        $active_tab = $href.replace('#tab-', '');

        $url_params.set('tab', $active_tab);

    if ($url_params.has('tab')) {
        $tab = $url_params.get('tab');
        $tab = '#tab-' + $tab;
        $myTab = JSON.stringify($tab);
        $thisTab = $('.nav-tabs a[href=' + $myTab  +']');
        $('.nav-tabs a[href=' + $myTab  +']').tab('show');

Populating Spring @Value during Unit Test

If you want, you can still run your tests within Spring Context and set the required properties inside Spring configuration class. If you use JUnit, use SpringJUnit4ClassRunner and define dedicated configuration class for your tests like that:

The class under test:

public SomeClass {

    private SomeDependency someDependency;

    private String someProperty;

The test class:

@ContextConfiguration(classes = SomeClassTestsConfig.class)
public class SomeClassTests {

    private SomeClass someClass;

    private SomeDependency someDependency;

    public void setup() {

    public void someTest() { ... }

And the configuration class for this test:

public class SomeClassTestsConfig {

    public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer properties() throws Exception {
        final PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer pspc = new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
        Properties properties = new Properties();

        properties.setProperty("someProperty", "testValue");

        return pspc;
    public SomeClass getSomeClass() {
        return new SomeClass();

    public SomeDependency getSomeDependency() {
        // Mockito used here for mocking dependency
        return Mockito.mock(SomeDependency.class);

Having that said, I wouldn't recommend this approach, I just added it here for reference. In my opinion much better way is to use Mockito runner. In that case you don't run tests inside Spring at all, which is much more clear and simpler.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in Python

You can find a PCA function in the matplotlib module:

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.mlab import PCA

data = np.array(np.random.randint(10,size=(10,3)))
results = PCA(data)

results will store the various parameters of the PCA. It is from the mlab part of matplotlib, which is the compatibility layer with the MATLAB syntax

EDIT: on the blog nextgenetics I found a wonderful demonstration of how to perform and display a PCA with the matplotlib mlab module, have fun and check that blog!

Convert RGB values to Integer

I think the code is something like:

int rgb = red;
rgb = (rgb << 8) + green;
rgb = (rgb << 8) + blue;

Also, I believe you can get the individual values using:

int red = (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
int green = (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
int blue = rgb & 0xFF;

Creating a new dictionary in Python

Knowing how to write a preset dictionary is useful to know as well:

cmap =  {'US':'USA','GB':'Great Britain'}

# Explicitly:
# -----------
def cxlate(country):
        ret = cmap[country]
    except KeyError:
        ret = '?'
    return ret

present = 'US' # this one is in the dict
missing = 'RU' # this one is not

print cxlate(present) # == USA
print cxlate(missing) # == ?

# or, much more simply as suggested below:

print cmap.get(present,'?') # == USA
print cmap.get(missing,'?') # == ?

# with country codes, you might prefer to return the original on failure:

print cmap.get(present,present) # == USA
print cmap.get(missing,missing) # == RU

What is the easiest way to disable/enable buttons and links (jQuery + Bootstrap)

Say you have that looks like this that is currently enable.

<button id="btnSave" class="btn btn-info">Save</button>

Just add this:

$("#btnSave").prop('disabled', true);

and you will get this which will disable button

<button id="btnSave" class="btn btn-primary" disabled>Save</button>

How can I use LTRIM/RTRIM to search and replace leading/trailing spaces?

To remove spaces from left/right, use LTRIM/RTRIM. What you had

UPDATE *tablename*
   SET *columnname* = LTRIM(RTRIM(*columnname*));

would have worked on ALL the rows. To minimize updates if you don't need to update, the update code is unchanged, but the LIKE expression in the WHERE clause would have been

UPDATE [tablename]
   SET [columnname] = LTRIM(RTRIM([columnname]))
 WHERE 32 in (ASCII([columname]), ASCII(REVERSE([columname])));

Note: 32 is the ascii code for the space character.

How do I get a class instance of generic type T?

I have an (ugly but effective) solution for this problem, which I used recently:

import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;

public static <T> Class<T> getGenericClass()
    __<T> ins = new __<T>();
    TypeVariable<?>[] cls = ins.getClass().getTypeParameters(); 

    return (Class<T>)cls[0].getClass();

private final class __<T> // generic helper class which does only provide type information
    private __()

How to get a list of all files that changed between two Git commits?

When I have added/modified/deleted many files (since the last commit), I like to look at those modifications in chronological order.

For that I use:

  • To list all non-staged files:

    git ls-files --other --modified --exclude-standard
  • To get the last modified date for each file:

    while read filename; do  echo -n "$(stat -c%y -- $filename 2> /dev/null) "; echo $filename;  done

Although ruvim suggests in the comments:

xargs -0 stat -c '%y %n' -- 
  • To sort them from oldest to more recent:


An alias makes it easier to use:

alias gstlast='git ls-files --other --modified --exclude-standard|while read filename; do  echo -n "$(stat -c%y -- $filename 2> /dev/null) "; echo $filename;  done|sort'

Or (shorter and more efficient, thanks to ruvim)

alias gstlast='git ls-files --other --modified --exclude-standard|xargs -0 stat -c '%y %n' --|sort'

For example:

username@hostname:~> gstlast
2015-01-20 11:40:05.000000000 +0000 .cpl/params/libelf
2015-01-21 09:02:58.435823000 +0000 .cpl/params/glib
2015-01-21 09:07:32.744336000 +0000 .cpl/params/libsecret
2015-01-21 09:10:01.294778000 +0000 .cpl/_deps
2015-01-21 09:17:42.846372000 +0000 .cpl/params/npth
2015-01-21 12:12:19.002718000 +0000 sbin/git-rcd

I now can review my modifications, from oldest to more recent.

.htaccess - how to force "www." in a generic way?

This is an older question, and there are many different ways to do this. The most complete answer, IMHO, is found here: . (Pasting and formatting the code here didn't work for me)

how to fix EXE4J_JAVA_HOME, No JVM could be found on your system error?

It worked for me, but the exe4j can leave a signature when you double click the .exe application

Checking if element exists with Python Selenium

You could also do it more concisely using

driver.find_element_by_id("some_id").size != 0

Video 100% width and height

video {
  width: 100%    !important;
  height: auto   !important;

Take a look here

How to read a single character at a time from a file in Python?

I learned a new idiom for this today while watching Raymond Hettinger's Transforming Code into Beautiful, Idiomatic Python:

import functools

with open(filename) as f:
    f_read_ch = functools.partial(, 1)
    for ch in iter(f_read_ch, ''):
        print 'Read a character:', repr(ch) 

how to change language for DataTable

    "language": {
        "sProcessing":    "Procesando...",
        "sLengthMenu":    "Mostrar _MENU_ registros",
        "sZeroRecords":   "No se encontraron resultados",
        "sEmptyTable":    "Ningún dato disponible en esta tabla",
        "sInfo":          "Mostrando registros del _START_ al _END_ de un total de _TOTAL_ registros",
        "sInfoEmpty":     "Mostrando registros del 0 al 0 de un total de 0 registros",
        "sInfoFiltered":  "(filtrado de un total de _MAX_ registros)",
        "sInfoPostFix":   "",
        "sSearch":        "Buscar:",
        "sUrl":           "",
        "sInfoThousands":  ",",
        "sLoadingRecords": "Cargando...",
        "oPaginate": {
            "sFirst":    "Primero",
            "sLast":    "Último",
            "sNext":    "Siguiente",
            "sPrevious": "Anterior"
        "oAria": {
            "sSortAscending":  ": Activar para ordenar la columna de manera ascendente",
            "sSortDescending": ": Activar para ordenar la columna de manera descendente"

Also using a cdn:


More options: [| Spanish | etc]

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xef' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

The problem is that you're trying to print an unicode character to a possibly non-unicode terminal. You need to encode it with the 'replace option before printing it, e.g. print ch.encode(sys.stdout.encoding, 'replace').

How to len(generator())

Generators have no length, they aren't collections after all.

Generators are functions with a internal state (and fancy syntax). You can repeatedly call them to get a sequence of values, so you can use them in loop. But they don't contain any elements, so asking for the length of a generator is like asking for the length of a function.

if functions in Python are objects, couldn't I assign the length to a variable of this object that would be accessible to the new generator?

Functions are objects, but you cannot assign new attributes to them. The reason is probably to keep such a basic object as efficient as possible.

You can however simply return (generator, length) pairs from your functions or wrap the generator in a simple object like this:

class GeneratorLen(object):
    def __init__(self, gen, length):
        self.gen = gen
        self.length = length

    def __len__(self): 
        return self.length

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.gen

g = some_generator()
h = GeneratorLen(g, 1)
print len(h), list(h)

How are POST and GET variables handled in Python?

I've found nosklo's answer very extensive and useful! For those, like myself, who might find accessing the raw request data directly also useful, I would like to add the way to do that:

import os, sys

# the query string, which contains the raw GET data
# (For example, for
# this is "a=b&c=d&e")

# the raw POST data

comparing two strings in ruby

Comparison of strings is very easy in Ruby:

v1 = "string1"
v2 = "string2"
puts v1 == v2 # prints false
puts "hello"=="there" # prints false
v1 = "string2"
puts v1 == v2 # prints true

Make sure your var2 is not an array (which seems to be like)

SQL search multiple values in same field

Yes, you can use SQL IN operator to search multiple absolute values:

SELECT name FROM products WHERE name IN ( 'Value1', 'Value2', ... );

If you want to use LIKE you will need to use OR instead:

SELECT name FROM products WHERE name LIKE '%Value1' OR name LIKE '%Value2';

Using AND (as you tried) requires ALL conditions to be true, using OR requires at least one to be true.

Warning: mysqli_real_escape_string() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given... what I do wrong?

Use this way instead of your way.


Angular 2 ngfor first, last, index loop

Here is how its done in Angular 6

<li *ngFor="let user of userObservable ; first as isFirst">
   <span *ngIf="isFirst">default</span>

Note the change from let first = first to first as isFirst

Save the plots into a PDF

import datetime
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Create the PdfPages object to which we will save the pages:
# The with statement makes sure that the PdfPages object is closed properly at
# the end of the block, even if an Exception occurs.
with PdfPages('multipage_pdf.pdf') as pdf:
    plt.figure(figsize=(3, 3))
    plt.plot(range(7), [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2], 'r-o')
    plt.title('Page One')
    pdf.savefig()  # saves the current figure into a pdf page

    plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
    plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
    x = np.arange(0, 5, 0.1)
    plt.plot(x, np.sin(x), 'b-')
    plt.title('Page Two')

    plt.rc('text', usetex=False)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 5))
    plt.plot(x, x*x, 'ko')
    plt.title('Page Three')
    pdf.savefig(fig)  # or you can pass a Figure object to pdf.savefig

    # We can also set the file's metadata via the PdfPages object:
    d = pdf.infodict()
    d['Title'] = 'Multipage PDF Example'
    d['Author'] = u'Jouni K. Sepp\xe4nen'
    d['Subject'] = 'How to create a multipage pdf file and set its metadata'
    d['Keywords'] = 'PdfPages multipage keywords author title subject'
    d['CreationDate'] = datetime.datetime(2009, 11, 13)
    d['ModDate'] =

How to use classes from .jar files?

You need to add the jar file in the classpath. To compile your java class:

javac -cp .;jwitter.jar

To run your code (provided that MyClass contains a main method):

java -cp .;jwitter.jar MyClass

You can have the jar file anywhere. The above work if the jar file is in the same directory as your java file.

Connecting to TCP Socket from browser using javascript

ws2s project is aimed at bring socket to browser-side js. It is a websocket server which transform websocket to socket.

ws2s schematic diagram

enter image description here

code sample:

var socket = new WS2S("wss://").newSocket()

socket.onReady = () => {
  socket.connect("", 80)
  socket.send("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n")

socket.onRecv = (data) => {
  console.log('onRecv', data)

What is the difference between bindParam and bindValue?

From Prepared statements and stored procedures

Use bindParam to insert multiple rows with one time binding:


$stmt = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO REGISTRY (name, value) VALUES (?, ?)");
$stmt->bindParam(1, $name);
$stmt->bindParam(2, $value);

// insert one row
$name = 'one';
$value = 1;

// insert another row with different values
$name = 'two';
$value = 2;

Is it possible to install another version of Python to Virtualenv?

Now a days, the easiest way I found to have a more updated version of Python is to install it via conda into a conda environment.

Install conda(you may need a virtualenv for this)

pip install conda

Installing a new Python version inside a conda environent

I'm adding this answer here because no manual download is needed. conda will do that for you.

Now create an environment for the Python version you want. In this example I will use 3.5.2, because it it the latest version at this time of writing (Aug 2016).

conda create -n py35 python=3.5.2

Will create a environment for conda to install packages

To activate this environment(I'm assuming linux otherwise check the conda docs):

source activate py35

Now install what you need either via pip or conda in the environemnt(conda has better binary package support).

conda install <package_name>

Django: Get list of model fields?

The get_all_related_fields() method mentioned herein has been deprecated in 1.8. From now on it's get_fields().

>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>> User._meta.get_fields()

How can I use a search engine to search for special characters?

Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be a magic bullet. Bottom line up front: "context".

Google indeed ignores most punctuation, with the following exceptions:

  1. Punctuation in popular terms that have particular meanings, like [ C++ ] or [ C# ] (both are names of programming languages), are not ignored.
  2. The dollar sign ($) is used to indicate prices. [ nikon 400 ] and [ nikon $400 ] will give different results.
  3. The hyphen - is sometimes used as a signal that the two words around it are very strongly connected. (Unless there is no space after the - and a space before it, in which case it is a negative sign.)
  4. The underscore symbol _ is not ignored when it connects two words, e.g. [ quick_sort ].

As such, it is not well suited for these types of searchs. Google Code however does have syntax for searching through their code projects, that includes a robust language/syntax for dealing with "special characters". If looking at someone else's code could help solve a problem, this may be an option.

Unfortunately, this is not a limitation unique to google. You may find that your best successes hinge on providing as much 'context' to the problem as possible. If you are searching to find what $- means, providing information about the problem's domain may yield good results.

For example, searching "special perl variables" quickly yields your answer in the first entry on the results page.

Append to string variable

var str1 = 'abc';
var str2 = str1+' def'; // str2 is now 'abc def'

Set focus on TextBox in WPF from view model

Just do this:

<Window x:class...
   FocusManager.FocusedElement="{Binding ElementName=myTextBox}"
<TextBox Name="myTextBox"/>

What is the purpose of the vshost.exe file?

I'm not sure, but I believe it is a debugging optimization. However, I usually turn it off (see Debug properties for the project) and I don't notice any slowdown and I see no limitations when it comes to debugging.

Is there an opposite of include? for Ruby Arrays?

Use unless:

unless @players.include?( do

Get commit list between tags in git

git log takes a range of commits as an argument:

git log --pretty=[your_choice] tag1..tag2

See the man page for git rev-parse for more info.

What is an OS kernel ? How does it differ from an operating system?

The kernel is part of the operating system, while not being the operating system itself. Rather than going into all of what a kernel does, I will defer to the wikipedia page: Great, thorough overview.

CertPathValidatorException : Trust anchor for certificate path not found - Retrofit Android

Implementation in Kotlin : Retrofit 2.3.0

private fun getUnsafeOkHttpClient(mContext: Context) : 
OkHttpClient.Builder? {

var mCertificateFactory : CertificateFactory = 
var mInputStream = mContext.resources.openRawResource(R.raw.cert)
            var mCertificate : Certificate = mCertificateFactory.generateCertificate(mInputStream)
val mKeyStoreType = KeyStore.getDefaultType()
val mKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(mKeyStoreType)
mKeyStore.load(null, null)
mKeyStore.setCertificateEntry("ca", mCertificate)

val mTmfAlgorithm = TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm()
val mTrustManagerFactory = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(mTmfAlgorithm)

val mTrustManagers = mTrustManagerFactory.trustManagers

val mSslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL")
mSslContext.init(null, mTrustManagers, null)
val mSslSocketFactory = mSslContext.socketFactory

val builder = OkHttpClient.Builder()
builder.sslSocketFactory(mSslSocketFactory, mTrustManagers[0] as X509TrustManager)
builder.hostnameVerifier { _, _ -> true }
return builder


How to get javax.comm API?


On Debian install librxtx-java by typing:

sudo apt-get install librxtx-java

On Fedora or Enterprise Linux install rxtx by typing:

sudo yum install rxtx

Adding an item to an associative array

before for loop :

$data = array();

then in your loop:

$data[] = array($catagory => $question);

Windows task scheduler error 101 launch failure code 2147943785

Had the same issue today. I added the user to:

Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment -> Log on as a batch job

But was still getting the error. I found this post, and it turns out there's also this setting that I had to remove the user from (not sure how it got in there):

Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment -> Deny log on as a batch job

So just be aware that you may need to check both policies for the user.

Backbone.js fetch with parameters


collection.fetch({ data: { page: 1} });


collection.fetch({ data: $.param({ page: 1}) });

So with out over doing it, this is called with your {data: {page:1}} object as options

Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) {
    var type = methodMap[method];

    // Default JSON-request options.
    var params = _.extend({
      type:         type,
      dataType:     'json',
      processData:  false
    }, options);

    // Ensure that we have a URL.
    if (!params.url) {
      params.url = getUrl(model) || urlError();

    // Ensure that we have the appropriate request data.
    if (! && model && (method == 'create' || method == 'update')) {
      params.contentType = 'application/json'; = JSON.stringify(model.toJSON());

    // For older servers, emulate JSON by encoding the request into an HTML-form.
    if (Backbone.emulateJSON) {
      params.contentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
      params.processData = true;        = ? {model :} : {};

    // For older servers, emulate HTTP by mimicking the HTTP method with `_method`
    // And an `X-HTTP-Method-Override` header.
    if (Backbone.emulateHTTP) {
      if (type === 'PUT' || type === 'DELETE') {
        if (Backbone.emulateJSON) = type;
        params.type = 'POST';
        params.beforeSend = function(xhr) {
          xhr.setRequestHeader('X-HTTP-Method-Override', type);

    // Make the request.
    return $.ajax(params);

So it sends the 'data' to jQuery.ajax which will do its best to append whatever is to the URL.

Add animated Gif image in Iphone UIImageView

Swift 3:

As suggested above I'm using FLAnimatedImage with an FLAnimatedImageView. And I'm loading the gif as a data set from xcassets. This allows me to provide different gifs for iphone and ipad for appearance and app slicing purposes. This is far more performant than anything else I've tried. It's also easy to pause using .stopAnimating().

if let asset = NSDataAsset(name: "animation") {
    let gifData =
    let gif = FLAnimatedImage(animatedGIFData: gifData)
    imageView.animatedImage = gif

How do I check that a Java String is not all whitespaces?

I would use the Apache Commons Lang library. It has a class called StringUtils that is useful for all sorts of String operations. For checking if a String is not all whitespaces, you can use the following:

StringUtils.isBlank(<your string>)

Here is the reference: StringUtils.isBlank

'IF' in 'SELECT' statement - choose output value based on column values

    when report_type = 'P' 
    then amount 
    when report_type = 'N' 
    then -amount 
    else null 
from table

Fastest way to serialize and deserialize .NET objects

Having an interest in this, I decided to test the suggested methods with the closest "apples to apples" test I could. I wrote a Console app, with the following code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace SerializationTests
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var count = 100000;
            var rnd = new Random(DateTime.UtcNow.GetHashCode());
            Console.WriteLine("Generating {0} arrays of data...", count);
            var arrays = new List<int[]>();
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var elements = rnd.Next(1, 100);
                var array = new int[elements];
                for (int j = 0; j < elements; j++)
                    array[j] = rnd.Next();
            Console.WriteLine("Test data generated.");
            var stopWatch = new Stopwatch();

            Console.WriteLine("Testing BinarySerializer...");
            var binarySerializer = new BinarySerializer();
            var binarySerialized = new List<byte[]>();
            var binaryDeserialized = new List<int[]>();

            foreach (var array in arrays)
            Console.WriteLine("BinaryFormatter: Serializing took {0}ms.", stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);

            foreach (var serialized in binarySerialized)
            Console.WriteLine("BinaryFormatter: Deserializing took {0}ms.", stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);

            Console.WriteLine("Testing ProtoBuf serializer...");
            var protobufSerializer = new ProtoBufSerializer();
            var protobufSerialized = new List<byte[]>();
            var protobufDeserialized = new List<int[]>();

            foreach (var array in arrays)
            Console.WriteLine("ProtoBuf: Serializing took {0}ms.", stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);

            foreach (var serialized in protobufSerialized)
            Console.WriteLine("ProtoBuf: Deserializing took {0}ms.", stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);

            Console.WriteLine("Testing NetSerializer serializer...");
            var netSerializerSerializer = new ProtoBufSerializer();
            var netSerializerSerialized = new List<byte[]>();
            var netSerializerDeserialized = new List<int[]>();

            foreach (var array in arrays)
            Console.WriteLine("NetSerializer: Serializing took {0}ms.", stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);

            foreach (var serialized in netSerializerSerialized)
            Console.WriteLine("NetSerializer: Deserializing took {0}ms.", stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to end.");

        public class BinarySerializer
            private static readonly BinaryFormatter Formatter = new BinaryFormatter();

            public byte[] Serialize(object toSerialize)
                using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                    Formatter.Serialize(stream, toSerialize);
                    return stream.ToArray();

            public T Deserialize<T>(byte[] serialized)
                using (var stream = new MemoryStream(serialized))
                    var result = (T)Formatter.Deserialize(stream);
                    return result;

        public class ProtoBufSerializer
            public byte[] Serialize(object toSerialize)
                using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                    ProtoBuf.Serializer.Serialize(stream, toSerialize);
                    return stream.ToArray();

            public T Deserialize<T>(byte[] serialized)
                using (var stream = new MemoryStream(serialized))
                    var result = ProtoBuf.Serializer.Deserialize<T>(stream);
                    return result;

        public class NetSerializer
            private static readonly NetSerializer Serializer = new NetSerializer();
            public byte[] Serialize(object toSerialize)
                return Serializer.Serialize(toSerialize);

            public T Deserialize<T>(byte[] serialized)
                return Serializer.Deserialize<T>(serialized);

The results surprised me; they were consistent when run multiple times:

Generating 100000 arrays of data...
Test data generated.
Testing BinarySerializer...
BinaryFormatter: Serializing took 336.8392ms.
BinaryFormatter: Deserializing took 208.7527ms.

Testing ProtoBuf serializer...
ProtoBuf: Serializing took 2284.3827ms.
ProtoBuf: Deserializing took 2201.8072ms.

Testing NetSerializer serializer...
NetSerializer: Serializing took 2139.5424ms.
NetSerializer: Deserializing took 2113.7296ms.
Press any key to end.

Collecting these results, I decided to see if ProtoBuf or NetSerializer performed better with larger objects. I changed the collection count to 10,000 objects, but increased the size of the arrays to 1-10,000 instead of 1-100. The results seemed even more definitive:

Generating 10000 arrays of data...
Test data generated.
Testing BinarySerializer...
BinaryFormatter: Serializing took 285.8356ms.
BinaryFormatter: Deserializing took 206.0906ms.

Testing ProtoBuf serializer...
ProtoBuf: Serializing took 10693.3848ms.
ProtoBuf: Deserializing took 5988.5993ms.

Testing NetSerializer serializer...
NetSerializer: Serializing took 9017.5785ms.
NetSerializer: Deserializing took 5978.7203ms.
Press any key to end.

My conclusion, therefore, is: there may be cases where ProtoBuf and NetSerializer are well-suited to, but in terms of raw performance for at least relatively simple objects... BinaryFormatter is significantly more performant, by at least an order of magnitude.


Command line to remove an environment variable from the OS level configuration

setx FOOBAR ""

just causes the value of FOOBAR to be a null string. (Although, it shows with the set command with the "" so maybe double-quotes is the string.)

I used:


and then FOOBAR was no longer listed in the set command. (Log-off was not required.)

Windows 7 32 bit, using the command prompt, non-administrator is what I used. (Not cmd or Windows + R, which might be different.)

BTW, I did not see the variable I created anywhere in the registry after I created it. I'm using RegEdit not as administrator.

ImportError: No module named 'google'

I faced the same issue, I was trying to import translate from but kept getting same error.

This is what I did

  1. pip install protobuf
  2. pip install google-cloud-translate

and to install storage service from google google-cloud-storageshould be installed separately

Ref -

What are the differences between WCF and ASMX web services?

Keith Elder nicely compares ASMX to WCF here. Check it out.

Another comparison of ASMX and WCF can be found here - I don't 100% agree with all the points there, but it might give you an idea.

WCF is basically "ASMX on stereoids" - it can be all that ASMX could - plus a lot more!.

ASMX is:

  • easy and simple to write and configure
  • only available in IIS
  • only callable from HTTP

WCF can be:

  • hosted in IIS, a Windows Service, a Winforms application, a console app - you have total freedom
  • used with HTTP (REST and SOAP), TCP/IP, MSMQ and many more protocols

In short: WCF is here to replace ASMX fully.

Check out the WCF Developer Center on MSDN.

Update: link seems to be dead - try this: What Is Windows Communication Foundation?

How to create virtual column using MySQL SELECT?

SELECT only retrieves data from the database, it does not change the table itself.

If you write


"b" is just an alias name in the query. It does not create an extra column. Your result in the example would only contain one column named "b". But the column in the table would stay "a". "b" is just another name.

I don't really understand what you mean with "so I can use it with each item later on". Do you mean later in the select statement or later in your application. Perhaps you could provide some example code.

Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time

As ping works, but telnetto port 80 does not, the HTTP port 80 is closed on your machine. I assume that your browser's HTTP connection goes through a proxy (as browsing works, how else would you read stackoverflow?). You need to add some code to your python program, that handles the proxy, like described here:

Using an HTTP PROXY - Python

Database, Table and Column Naming Conventions?

I recommend checking out Microsoft's SQL Server sample databases:

The AdventureWorks sample uses a very clear and consistent naming convention that uses schema names for the organization of database objects.

  1. Singular names for tables
  2. Singular names for columns
  3. Schema name for tables prefix (E.g.: SchemeName.TableName)
  4. Pascal casing (a.k.a. upper camel case)

OpenCV - Apply mask to a color image

The other methods described assume a binary mask. If you want to use a real-valued single-channel grayscale image as a mask (e.g. from an alpha channel), you can expand it to three channels and then use it for interpolation:

assert len(mask.shape) == 2 and issubclass(mask.dtype.type, np.floating)
assert len(foreground_rgb.shape) == 3
assert len(background_rgb.shape) == 3

alpha3 = np.stack([mask]*3, axis=2)
blended = alpha3 * foreground_rgb + (1. - alpha3) * background_rgb

Note that mask needs to be in range 0..1 for the operation to succeed. It is also assumed that 1.0 encodes keeping the foreground only, while 0.0 means keeping only the background.

If the mask may have the shape (h, w, 1), this helps:

alpha3 = np.squeeze(np.stack([np.atleast_3d(mask)]*3, axis=2))

Here np.atleast_3d(mask) makes the mask (h, w, 1) if it is (h, w) and np.squeeze(...) reshapes the result from (h, w, 3, 1) to (h, w, 3).

Width equal to content

Despite using display: inline-block. My div would fill the screen width when the children elements had their widths set to % of parent. If anyone else is looking for a solution to this and doesn't mind using screen proportion instead of parent proportion, replace the % with vw for width (Viewport Width), or vh for height (Viewport Height).

SyntaxError: missing ; before statement

Or you might have something like this (redeclaring a variable):

var data = [];
var data = 

Local package.json exists, but node_modules missing

Just had the same error message, but when I was running a package.json with:

"scripts": {
    "build": "tsc -p ./src",

tsc is the command to run the TypeScript compiler.

I never had any issues with this project because I had TypeScript installed as a global module. As this project didn't include TypeScript as a dev dependency (and expected it to be installed as global), I had the error when testing in another machine (without TypeScript) and running npm install didn't fix the problem. So I had to include TypeScript as a dev dependency (npm install typescript --save-dev) to solve the problem.

How to update an "array of objects" with Firestore?

Sorry Late to party but Firestore solved it way back in aug 2018 so If you still looking for that here it is all issues solved with regards to arrays. blog post

array-contains, arrayRemove, arrayUnion for checking, removing and updating arrays. Hope it helps.

Get loop counter/index using for…of syntax in JavaScript

How about this

let numbers = [1,2,3,4,5]
numbers.forEach((number, index) => console.log(`${index}:${number}`))

Where array.forEach this method has an index parameter which is the index of the current element being processed in the array.

Rails: How does the respond_to block work?

I'd like to understand how the respond_to block actually works. What type of variable is format? Are .html and .json methods of the format object?

In order to understand what format is, you could first look at the source for respond_to, but quickly you'll find that what really you need to look at is the code for retrieve_response_from_mimes.

From here, you'll see that the block that was passed to respond_to (in your code), is actually called and passed with an instance of Collector (which within the block is referenced as format). Collector basically generates methods (I believe at Rails start-up) based on what mime types rails knows about.

So, yes, the .html and .json are methods defined (at runtime) on the Collector (aka format) class.

Storing query results into a variable and modifying it inside a Stored Procedure

Yup, this is possible of course. Here are several examples.

-- one way to do this
DECLARE @Cnt int

SELECT @Cnt = COUNT(SomeColumn)
FROM TableName
GROUP BY SomeColumn

-- another way to do the same thing
DECLARE @StreetName nvarchar(100)
SET @StreetName = (SELECT Street_Name from Streets where Street_ID = 123)

-- Assign values to several variables at once
DECLARE @val1 nvarchar(20)
DECLARE @val2 int
DECLARE @val3 datetime
DECLARE @val4 uniqueidentifier
DECLARE @val5 double

SELECT @val1 = TextColumn,
@val2 = IntColumn,
@val3 = DateColumn,
@val4 = GuidColumn,
@val5 = DoubleColumn
FROM SomeTable

Relative imports - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named x

Set PYTHONPATH environment variable in root project directory.

Considering UNIX-like:


How to put img inline with text

This should display the image inline:

.content-dir-item img.mail {
    display: inline-block;
    *display: inline; /* for older IE */
    *zoom: 1; /* for older IE */

HTTP error 403 in Python 3 Web Scraping

Based on the previous answer,

from urllib.request import Request, urlopen       
#specify url
url = 'https://xyz/xyz'
req = Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'XYZ/3.0'})
response = urlopen(req, timeout=20).read()

This worked for me by extending the timeout.

How to echo out the values of this array?

Here is a simple routine for an array of primitive elements:

for ($i = 0; $i < count($mySimpleArray); $i++)
   echo $mySimpleArray[$i] . "\n";

Make a dictionary in Python from input values

This is what we ended up using:

n = 3
d = dict(raw_input().split() for _ in range(n))
print d


A1023 CRT
A1029 Regulator
A1030 Therm


{'A1023': 'CRT', 'A1029': 'Regulator', 'A1030': 'Therm'}

"The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure." using Gmail SMTP server

here is the solution that I decided to use.

        ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate (object s, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
            string name = certificate.Subject;

            DateTime expirationDate = DateTime.Parse(certificate.GetExpirationDateString());

            if (sslPolicyErrors == SslPolicyErrors.None || (sslPolicyErrors == SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNameMismatch && name.EndsWith("") && expirationDate > DateTime.Now))
                return true;
            return false;

on change event for file input element

Give unique class and different id for file input

                  var id=$(this).attr('id');
                      $("#"+id).trigger(your function); 
               //for name of file input  $("#"+id).attr("name");

How to read until EOF from cin in C++

One option is to a use a container, e.g.

std::vector<char> data;

and redirect all input into this collection until EOF is received, i.e.


However, the used container might need to reallocate memory too often, or you will end with a std::bad_alloc exception when your system gets out of memory. In order to solve these problems, you could reserve a fixed amount N of elements and process these amount of elements in isolation, i.e.

while (/*some condition is met*/)

    /* process data */


How does a Java HashMap handle different objects with the same hash code?

You're mistaken on point three. Two entries can have the same hash code but not be equal. Take a look at the implementation of HashMap.get from the OpenJdk. You can see that it checks that the hashes are equal and the keys are equal. Were point three true, then it would be unnecessary to check that the keys are equal. The hash code is compared before the key because the former is a more efficient comparison.

If you're interested in learning a little more about this, take a look at the Wikipedia article on Open Addressing collision resolution, which I believe is the mechanism that the OpenJdk implementation uses. That mechanism is subtly different than the "bucket" approach one of the other answers mentions.

convert a list of objects from one type to another using lambda expression

If you need to use a function to cast:

var list1 = new List<Type1>();
var list2 = new List<Type2>();

list2 = list1.ConvertAll(x => myConvertFuntion(x));

Where my custom function is:

private Type2 myConvertFunction(Type1 obj){
   //do something to cast Type1 into Type2
   return new Type2();

How can I use JSON data to populate the options of a select box?

I know this question is a bit old, but I'd use a jQuery template and a $.ajax call:

<select id="mySelect" name="mySelect>
    <option value="0">-select-</option>
<script id="mySelectTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
    <option value="${CityId}">${CityName}</option>

    url: location.pathname + '/GetCities', 
    type: 'POST', 
    contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 
    dataType: 'json', 
    success: function (response) { 

In addition to the above you'll need a web method (GetCities) that returns a list of objects that include the data elements you're using in your template. I often use Entity Framework and my web method will call a manager class that is getting values from the database using linq. By doing that you can have your input save to the database and refreshing your select list is as simple as calling the databind in JS in the success of your save.

ERROR 1115 (42000): Unknown character set: 'utf8mb4'

You can try:

Open sql file by text editor find and replace all

utf8mb4 to utf8

Import again.

Conversion of Char to Binary in C

Your code is very vague and not understandable, but I can provide you with an alternative.

First of all, if you want temp to go through the whole string, you can do something like this:

char *temp;
for (temp = your_string; *temp; ++temp)
    /* do something with *temp */

The term *temp as the for condition simply checks whether you have reached the end of the string or not. If you have, *temp will be '\0' (NUL) and the for ends.

Now, inside the for, you want to find the bits that compose *temp. Let's say we print the bits:

for (as above)
    int bit_index;
    for (bit_index = 7; bit_index >= 0; --bit_index)
        int bit = *temp >> bit_index & 1;
        printf("%d", bit);

To make it a bit more generic, that is to convert any type to bits, you can change the bit_index = 7 to bit_index = sizeof(*temp)*8-1

Java Set retain order?

As many of the members suggested use LinkedHashSet to retain the order of the collection. U can wrap your set using this implementation.

SortedSet implementation can be used for sorted order but for your purpose use LinkedHashSet.

Also from the docs,

"This implementation spares its clients from the unspecified, generally chaotic ordering provided by HashSet, without incurring the increased cost associated with TreeSet. It can be used to produce a copy of a set that has the same order as the original, regardless of the original set's implementation:"

Source :

The easiest way to replace white spaces with (underscores) _ in bash

This is borderline programming, but look into using tr:

$ echo "this is just a test" | tr -s ' ' | tr ' ' '_'

Should do it. The first invocation squeezes the spaces down, the second replaces with underscore. You probably need to add TABs and other whitespace characters, this is for spaces only.

How to properly and completely close/reset a TcpClient connection?

Have you tried calling TcpClient.Dispose() explicitly?

And are you sure that you have TcpClient.Close() and TcpClient.Dispose()-ed ALL connections?

How to check if an object is an array?

there is a difference between checkout it's prototype and Array.isArray:

function isArray(obj){
    return Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === Array.prototype

this function will directly check if an obj is an array

but for this Proxy object:

var arr = [1,2,3]

var proxy = new Proxy(arr,{})

console.log(Array.isArray(proxy)) // true

Array.isArray will take it as Array.

How to Add Incremental Numbers to a New Column Using Pandas

df = df.assign(New_ID=[880 + i for i in xrange(len(df))])[['New_ID'] + df.columns.tolist()]

>>> df
   New_ID  ID   Fruit
0     880  F1   Apple
1     881  F2  Orange
2     882  F3  Banana

Remove Project from Android Studio

  1. Go to your Android project directory



  2. Delete which one you need to delete

  3. Restart Android Studio

How do I make a transparent canvas in html5?

Paint your two canvases onto a third canvas.

I had this same problem and none of the solutions here solved my problem. I had one opaque canvas with another transparent canvas above it. The opaque canvas was completely invisible but the background of the page body was visible. The drawings from the transparent canvas on top were visible while the opaque canvas below it was not.