Programs & Examples On #Qtip

qTip is an advanced tooltip plugin for the jQuery JavaScript framework.

How to remove all files from directory without removing directory in Node.js

How about run a command line:

require('child_process').execSync('rm -rf /path/to/directory/*')

Get screen width and height in Android

Try below code :-


Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
Point size = new Point();
int width = size.x;
int height = size.y;


Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); 
int width = display.getWidth();  // deprecated
int height = display.getHeight();  // deprecated


int width = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getWidth(); 
int height = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getHeight();


DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();


Font.createFont(..) set color and size (java.awt.Font)

Font's don't have a color; only when using the font you can set the color of the component. For example, when using a JTextArea:

JTextArea txt = new JTextArea();
Font font = new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD, 12);

According to this link, the createFont() method creates a new Font object with a point size of 1 and style PLAIN. So, if you want to increase the size of the Font, you need to do this:

 Font font = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, new File("A.ttf"));
 return font.deriveFont(12f);

How to improve a case statement that uses two columns

You could do it this way:

-- Notice how STATE got moved inside the condition:
CASE WHEN STATE = 2 AND RetailerProcessType IN (1, 2) THEN '"AUTHORISED"'
     WHEN STATE = 1 AND RetailerProcessType = 2 THEN '"PENDING"'

The reason you can do an AND here is that you are not checking the CASE of STATE, but instead you are CASING Conditions.

The key part here is that the STATE condition is a part of the WHEN.

Whats the CSS to make something go to the next line in the page?

Have the element display as a block:

display: block;

What's the difference between text/xml vs application/xml for webservice response

According to this article application/xml is preferred.


I did a little follow-up on the article.

The author claims that the encoding declared in XML processing instructions, like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

can be ignored when text/xml media type is used.

They support the thesis with the definition of text/* MIME type family specification in RFC 2046, specifically the following fragment:

4.1.2.  Charset Parameter

   A critical parameter that may be specified in the Content-Type field
   for "text/plain" data is the character set.  This is specified with a
   "charset" parameter, as in:

     Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

   Unlike some other parameter values, the values of the charset
   parameter are NOT case sensitive.  The default character set, which
   must be assumed in the absence of a charset parameter, is US-ASCII.

   The specification for any future subtypes of "text" must specify
   whether or not they will also utilize a "charset" parameter, and may
   possibly restrict its values as well.  For other subtypes of "text"
   than "text/plain", the semantics of the "charset" parameter should be
   defined to be identical to those specified here for "text/plain",
   i.e., the body consists entirely of characters in the given charset.
   In particular, definers of future "text" subtypes should pay close
   attention to the implications of multioctet character sets for their
   subtype definitions.

According to them, such difficulties can be avoided when using application/xml MIME type. Whether it's true or not, I wouldn't go as far as to avoid text/xml. IMHO, it's best just to follow the semantics of human-readability(non-readability) and always remember to specify the charset.

Java Replacing multiple different substring in a string at once (or in the most efficient way)

The below is based on Todd Owen's answer. That solution has the problem that if the replacements contain characters that have special meaning in regular expressions, you can get unexpected results. I also wanted to be able to optionally do a case-insensitive search. Here is what I came up with:

 * Performs simultaneous search/replace of multiple strings. Case Sensitive!
public String replaceMultiple(String target, Map<String, String> replacements) {
  return replaceMultiple(target, replacements, true);

 * Performs simultaneous search/replace of multiple strings.
 * @param target        string to perform replacements on.
 * @param replacements  map where key represents value to search for, and value represents replacem
 * @param caseSensitive whether or not the search is case-sensitive.
 * @return replaced string
public String replaceMultiple(String target, Map<String, String> replacements, boolean caseSensitive) {
  if(target == null || "".equals(target) || replacements == null || replacements.size() == 0)
    return target;

  //if we are doing case-insensitive replacements, we need to make the map case-insensitive--make a new map with all-lower-case keys
  if(!caseSensitive) {
    Map<String, String> altReplacements = new HashMap<String, String>(replacements.size());
    for(String key : replacements.keySet())
      altReplacements.put(key.toLowerCase(), replacements.get(key));

    replacements = altReplacements;

  StringBuilder patternString = new StringBuilder();

  boolean first = true;
  for(String key : replacements.keySet()) {
      first = false;


  Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternString.toString());
  Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(target);

  StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();
  while(matcher.find()) {
    String match =;
      match = match.toLowerCase();
    matcher.appendReplacement(res, replacements.get(match));

  return res.toString();

Here are my unit test cases:

public void replaceMultipleTest() {
  assertNull(ExtStringUtils.replaceMultiple(null, null));
  assertNull(ExtStringUtils.replaceMultiple(null, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()));
  assertEquals("", ExtStringUtils.replaceMultiple("", null));
  assertEquals("", ExtStringUtils.replaceMultiple("", Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()));

  assertEquals("folks, we are not sane anymore. with me, i promise you, we will burn in flames", ExtStringUtils.replaceMultiple("folks, we are not winning anymore. with me, i promise you, we will win big league", makeMap("win big league", "burn in flames", "winning", "sane")));

  assertEquals("bcaacbbcaacb", ExtStringUtils.replaceMultiple("abccbaabccba", makeMap("a", "b", "b", "c", "c", "a")));
  assertEquals("bcaCBAbcCCBb", ExtStringUtils.replaceMultiple("abcCBAabCCBa", makeMap("a", "b", "b", "c", "c", "a")));
  assertEquals("bcaacbbcaacb", ExtStringUtils.replaceMultiple("abcCBAabCCBa", makeMap("a", "b", "b", "c", "c", "a"), false));

  assertEquals("c colon  backslash temp backslash  star  dot  star ", ExtStringUtils.replaceMultiple("c:\\temp\\*.*", makeMap(".", " dot ", ":", " colon ", "\\", " backslash ", "*", " star "), false));

private Map<String, String> makeMap(String ... vals) {
  Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(vals.length / 2);
  for(int i = 1; i < vals.length; i+= 2)
    map.put(vals[i-1], vals[i]);
  return map;

I want to declare an empty array in java and then I want do update it but the code is not working

You can't set a number in an arbitrary place in the array without telling the array how big it needs to be. For your example: int[] array = new int[4];

shell script to remove a file if it already exist

Something like this would work


if [ -fe FILE ]
    rm FILE

-f checks if it's a regular file

-e checks if the file exist

Introduction to if for more information

EDIT : -e used with -f is redundant, fo using -f alone should work too

Change GridView row color based on condition

 protected void gridview1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
        if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
            Label lbl_Code = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblCode");
            if (lbl_Code.Text == "1")
                e.Row.BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#f2d9d9");

How to disable clicking inside div

If you want it in pure CSS:


SQL Server returns error "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'." in Windows application

I think there must have been some change in AD group used to authenticate against the database. Add the web server name, in the format domain\webservername$, to the AD group that had access to the database. In addition, also try to set the web.config attribute to "false". Hope it helps.

EDIT: Going by what you have edited.. it most probably indicate that the authentication protocol of your SQL Server has fallen back from Kerberos(Default, if you were using Windows integrated authentication) to NTLM. For using Kerberos service principal name (SPN) must be registered in the Active Directory directory service. Service Principal Name(SPNs) are unique identifiers for services running on servers. Each service that will use Kerberos authentication needs to have an SPN set for it so that clients can identify the service on the network. It is registered in Active Directory under either a computer account or a user account. Although the Kerberos protocol is the default, if the default fails, authentication process will be tried using NTLM.

In your scenario, client must be making tcp connection, and it is most likely running under LocalSystem account, and there is no SPN registered for SQL instance, hence, NTLM is used, however, LocalSystem account inherits from System Context instead of a true user-based context, thus, failed as 'ANONYMOUS LOGON'.

To resolve this ask your domain administrator to manually register SPN if your SQL Server running under a domain user account. Following links might help you more:

How to automatically insert a blank row after a group of data

Just an idea, if you know the categories, as small, medium, and large mentioned above...

At the bottom of the sheet, make 3 rows that only say small, medium, and large, change the font to white, and then sort so that it alphabetizes, placing a blank row between each section.

How to clear https proxy setting of NPM?

If you go through the npm config documentation, it says:


Default: HTTP_PROXY or http_proxy environment variable, or null

Type: url

As per this, to disable usage of proxy, proxy setting must be set to null. To set proxy value to null, one has to make sure that HTTP_PROXY or http_proxy environment variable is not set. So unset these environment variables and make sure that npm config ls -l shows proxy = null.

Also, it is important to note that:

  • Deleting http_proxy and https_proxy config settings alone will not help if you still have HTTP_PROXY or http_proxy environment variable is set to something and
  • Setting registry to use http:// and setting strict-ssl to false will not help you if you are not behind a proxy anyway and have HTTP_PROXY set to something.

It would have been better if npm had made the type of proxy setting to boolean to switch on/off the proxy usage. Or, they can introduce a new setting of sort use_proxy of type boolean.

Best way to run scheduled tasks

Use Windows Scheduler to run a web page.

To prevent malicous user or search engine spiders to run it, when you setup the scheduled task, simply call the web page with a querystring, ie : mypage.aspx?from=scheduledtask

Then in the page load, simply use a condition : if (Request.Querystring["from"] == "scheduledtask") { //executetask }

This way no search engine spider or malicious user will be able to execute your scheduled task.

Can you split a stream into two streams?

I stumbled across this question to my self and I feel that a forked stream has some use cases that could prove valid. I wrote the code below as a consumer so that it does not do anything but you could apply it to functions and anything else you might come across.

class PredicateSplitterConsumer<T> implements Consumer<T>
  private Predicate<T> predicate;
  private Consumer<T>  positiveConsumer;
  private Consumer<T>  negativeConsumer;

  public PredicateSplitterConsumer(Predicate<T> predicate, Consumer<T> positive, Consumer<T> negative)
    this.predicate = predicate;
    this.positiveConsumer = positive;
    this.negativeConsumer = negative;

  public void accept(T t)
    if (predicate.test(t))

Now your code implementation could be something like this:

        new PredicateSplitterConsumer<>(
            person -> person.getDateOfBirth().isPresent(),
            person -> System.out.println(person.getName()),
            person -> System.out.println(person.getName() + " does not have Date of birth")));

AngularJS - Any way for $ to send request parameters instead of JSON?

Use jQuery's $.param function to serialize the JSON data in requestData.

In short, using similar code as yours:

        'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
    function(responseData) {
        //do stuff with response

For using this, you have to include jQuery in your page along with AngularJS.

Getting rid of bullet points from <ul>

for inline style sheet try this code

<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
    <li>Try This</li>

How to use setInterval and clearInterval?

I used angular with electron,

In my case, setInterval returns a Nodejs Timer object. which when I called clearInterval(timerobject) it did not work.

I had to get the id first and call to clearInterval


I have struggled many hours with this. hope this helps.

Sleep function in C++

You'll need at least C++11.

#include <thread>
#include <chrono>



Logarithmic returns in pandas dataframe

Log returns are simply the natural log of 1 plus the arithmetic return. So how about this?

df['pct_change'] = df.price.pct_change()
df['log_return'] = np.log(1 + df.pct_change)

Even more concise, utilizing Ximix's suggestion:

df['log_return'] = np.log1p(df.price.pct_change())

How to read file with space separated values in pandas

you can use regex as the delimiter:

pd.read_csv("whitespace.csv", header=None, delimiter=r"\s+")

Counter exit code 139 when running, but gdb make it through

this error is also caused by null pointer reference. if you are using a pointer who is not initialized then it causes this error.

to check either a pointer is initialized or not you can try something like

Class *pointer = new Class();

How do I get the value of a textbox using jQuery?

Per Jquery docs

The .val() method is primarily used to get the values of form elements such as input, select and textarea. When called on an empty collection, it returns undefined.

In order to retrieve the value store in the text box with id txtEmail, you can use


How to get the file path from URI?

File myFile = new File(uri.toString());

should return u the correct path


As @Tron suggested the working code is

File myFile = new File(uri.getPath());

How can I trim leading and trailing white space?

To manipulate the white space, use str_trim() in the stringr package. The package has manual dated Feb 15, 2013 and is in CRAN. The function can also handle string vectors.

install.packages("stringr", dependencies=TRUE)

(Credit goes to commenter: R. Cotton)

How to zoom in/out an UIImage object when user pinches screen?

As others described, the easiest solution is to put your UIImageView into a UIScrollView. I did this in the Interface Builder .xib file.

In viewDidLoad, set the following variables. Set your controller to be a UIScrollViewDelegate.

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    self.scrollView.minimumZoomScale = 0.5;
    self.scrollView.maximumZoomScale = 6.0;
    self.scrollView.contentSize = self.imageView.frame.size;
    self.scrollView.delegate = self;

You are required to implement the following method to return the imageView you want to zoom.

- (UIView *)viewForZoomingInScrollView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
    return self.imageView;

In versions prior to iOS9, you may also need to add this empty delegate method:

- (void)scrollViewDidEndZooming:(UIScrollView *)scrollView withView:(UIView *)view atScale:(CGFloat)scale

The Apple Documentation does a good job of describing how to do this:

Center icon in a div - horizontally and vertically

Since they are already inline-block child elements, you can set text-align:center on the parent without having to set a width or margin:0px auto on the child. Meaning it will work for dynamically generated content with varying widths.

.img_container, .img_container2 {
    text-align: center;

This will center the child within both div containers.


For vertical centering, you can use the calc() function assuming the height of the icon is known.

.img_container > i, .img_container2 > i {
    top: calc(50% - 10px); /* 50% - 3/4 of icon height */

jsFiddle demo - it works.

For what it's worth - you can also use vertical-align:middle assuming display:table-cell is set on the parent.

Checking during array iteration, if the current element is the last element

I know this is old, and using SPL iterator maybe just an overkill, but anyway, another solution here:

$ary = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 'last');
$ary = new ArrayIterator($ary);
$ary = new CachingIterator($ary);
foreach ($ary as $each) {
    if (!$ary->hasNext()) { // we chain ArrayIterator and CachingIterator
                            // just to use this `hasNext()` method to see
                            // if this is the last element
       echo $each;

A server is already running. Check …/tmp/pids/ Exiting - rails

first copy the cumber inside the file then remove it: rm /your_project_path/tmp/pids/ then create it again. touch /YOUR_PROJECT_PATH/tmp/pids/ It worked for me.

Edit seaborn legend

If legend_out is set to True then legend is available thought g._legend property and it is a part of a figure. Seaborn legend is standard matplotlib legend object. Therefore you may change legend texts like:

import seaborn as sns

tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")
g = sns.lmplot(x="total_bill", y="tip", hue="smoker",
 data=tips, markers=["o", "x"], legend_out = True)

# title
new_title = 'My title'
# replace labels
new_labels = ['label 1', 'label 2']
for t, l in zip(g._legend.texts, new_labels): t.set_text(l)

enter image description here

Another situation if legend_out is set to False. You have to define which axes has a legend (in below example this is axis number 0):

import seaborn as sns

tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")
g = sns.lmplot(x="total_bill", y="tip", hue="smoker",
 data=tips, markers=["o", "x"], legend_out = False)

# check axes and find which is have legend
leg = g.axes.flat[0].get_legend()
new_title = 'My title'
new_labels = ['label 1', 'label 2']
for t, l in zip(leg.texts, new_labels): t.set_text(l)

enter image description here

Moreover you may combine both situations and use this code:

import seaborn as sns

tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")
g = sns.lmplot(x="total_bill", y="tip", hue="smoker",
 data=tips, markers=["o", "x"], legend_out = True)

# check axes and find which is have legend
for ax in g.axes.flat:
    leg = g.axes.flat[0].get_legend()
    if not leg is None: break
# or legend may be on a figure
if leg is None: leg = g._legend

# change legend texts
new_title = 'My title'
new_labels = ['label 1', 'label 2']
for t, l in zip(leg.texts, new_labels): t.set_text(l)

This code works for any seaborn plot which is based on Grid class.

Insert entire DataTable into database at once instead of row by row?

Since you have a DataTable already, and since I am assuming you are using SQL Server 2008 or better, this is probably the most straightforward way. First, in your database, create the following two objects:

CREATE TYPE dbo.MyDataTable -- you can be more speciifc here
  col1 INT,
  -- etc etc. The columns you have in your data table.

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.InsertMyDataTable
  @dt AS dbo.MyDataTable READONLY

  INSERT dbo.RealTable(column list) SELECT column list FROM @dt;

Now in your C# code:

DataTable tvp = new DataTable();
// define / populate DataTable

using (connectionObject)
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.InsertMyDataTable", connectionObject);
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    SqlParameter tvparam = cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dt", tvp);
    tvparam.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;

If you had given more specific details in your question, I would have given a more specific answer.

System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out

I remember I had the same problem a while back using WCF due the quantity of the data I was passing. I remember I changed timeouts everywhere but the problem persisted. What I finally did was open the connection as stream request, I needed to change the client and the server side, but it work that way. Since it was a stream connection, the server kept reading until the stream ended.

Can I update a JSF component from a JSF backing bean method?

Everything is possible only if there is enough time to research :)

What I got to do is like having people that I iterate into a ui:repeat and display names and other fields in inputs. But one of fields was singleSelect - A and depending on it value update another input - B. even ui:repeat do not have id I put and it appeared in the DOM tree

<ui:repeat id="peopleRepeat"
var="person" varStatus="status">

Than the ids in the html were something like:


Than in the view I got one method like:

<p:ajax event="change"
listener="#{myBean.onPersonTypeChange(person, status.index)}"/>

And its implementation was in the bean like:

String componentId = "myForm:peopleRepeat" + idx + "personType";

So this way I updated the element from the bean with no issues. PF version 6.2

Good luck and happy coding :)

Adding a directory to PATH in Ubuntu

The file .bashrc is read when you start an interactive shell. This is the file that you should update. E.g:

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/ActiveTcl-8.5/bin

Restart the shell for the changes to take effect or source it, i.e.:

source .bashrc

In Android EditText, how to force writing uppercase?

edittext.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {

    public void onTextChanged(CharSequence arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) {            

    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence arg0, int arg1, int arg2,
                    int arg3) {             
    public void afterTextChanged(Editable et) {
          String s=et.toString();

Creating a ZIP archive in memory using System.IO.Compression

Working solution for MVC

    public ActionResult Index()
        string fileName = "test.pdf";
        string fileName1 = "test.vsix";
        string fileNameZip = "Export_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + ".zip";

        byte[] fileBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\test\test.pdf");
        byte[] fileBytes1 = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\test\test.vsix");
        byte[] compressedBytes;
        using (var outStream = new MemoryStream())
            using (var archive = new ZipArchive(outStream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true))
                var fileInArchive = archive.CreateEntry(fileName, CompressionLevel.Optimal);
                using (var entryStream = fileInArchive.Open())
                using (var fileToCompressStream = new MemoryStream(fileBytes))

                var fileInArchive1 = archive.CreateEntry(fileName1, CompressionLevel.Optimal);
                using (var entryStream = fileInArchive1.Open())
                using (var fileToCompressStream = new MemoryStream(fileBytes1))

            compressedBytes = outStream.ToArray();
        return File(compressedBytes, "application/zip", fileNameZip);

Ruby: What is the easiest way to remove the first element from an array?

You can use:

 a.delete_at 0

Both can work

Where to find the complete definition of off_t type?

If you are having trouble tracing the definitions, you can use the preprocessed output of the compiler which will tell you all you need to know. E.g.

$ cat test.c
#include <stdio.h>
$ cc -E test.c | grep off_t
typedef long int __off_t;
typedef __off64_t __loff_t;
  __off_t __pos;
  __off_t _old_offset;
typedef __off_t off_t;
extern int fseeko (FILE *__stream, __off_t __off, int __whence);
extern __off_t ftello (FILE *__stream) ;

If you look at the complete output you can even see the exact header file location and line number where it was defined:

# 132 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 2 3 4

typedef unsigned long int __dev_t;
typedef unsigned int __uid_t;
typedef unsigned int __gid_t;
typedef unsigned long int __ino_t;
typedef unsigned long int __ino64_t;
typedef unsigned int __mode_t;
typedef unsigned long int __nlink_t;
typedef long int __off_t;
typedef long int __off64_t;


# 91 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
typedef __off_t off_t;

add allow_url_fopen to my php.ini using .htaccess

If your host is using suPHP, you can try creating a php.ini file in the same folder as the script and adding:

allow_url_fopen = On

(you can determine this by creating a file and checking which user it was created under: if you, it's suPHP, if "apache/nobody" or not you, then it's a normal PHP mode. You can also make a script

echo `id`;

To give the same information, assuming shell_exec is not a disabled function)

Passing a string array as a parameter to a function java

All the answers above are correct. But just note that you'll be passing the reference to the string array when you pass like this. If you make any modifications to the array in your called function, it will be reflected in the calling function also.

There is another concept called variable arguments in Java which you can look into. It basically works like this. Eg:-

 String concat (String ... strings)
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
      for (int i = 0; i &lt; strings.length; i++)
           sb.append (strings [i]);
      return sb.toString ();

Here we can call the function like concat(a,b,c,d) or any number of params you want.

More Info:

Using Eloquent ORM in Laravel to perform search of database using LIKE

Use double quotes instead of single quote eg :

where('', 'LIKE', "%$findcustomer%")

Below is my code:

public function searchCustomer($findcustomer)
    $customer = DB::table('customer')
                  ->where('', 'LIKE', "%$findcustomer%")
                  ->orWhere('', 'LIKE', "%$findcustomer%")

    return View::make("your view here");

How to redirect to a 404 in Rails?

I wanted to throw a 'normal' 404 for any logged in user that isn't an admin, so I ended up writing something like this in Rails 5:

class AdminController < ApplicationController
  before_action :blackhole_admin


  def blackhole_admin
    return if current_user.admin?

    raise ActionController::RoutingError, 'Not Found'
  rescue ActionController::RoutingError
    render file: "#{Rails.root}/public/404", layout: false, status: :not_found

Case insensitive searching in Oracle

Since 10gR2, Oracle allows to fine-tune the behaviour of string comparisons by setting the NLS_COMP and NLS_SORT session parameters:







Session altered.


Session altered.






You can also create case insensitive indexes:

create index

This information was taken from Oracle case insensitive searches. The article mentions REGEXP_LIKE but it seems to work with good old = as well.

In versions older than 10gR2 it can't really be done and the usual approach, if you don't need accent-insensitive search, is to just UPPER() both the column and the search expression.

Write a mode method in Java to find the most frequently occurring element in an array

You should use a hashmap for such problems. it will take O(n) time to enter each element into the hashmap and o(1) to retrieve the element. In the given code, I am basically taking a global max and comparing it with the value received on 'get' from the hashmap, each time I am entering an element into it, have a look:

hashmap has two parts, one is the key, the second is the value when you do a get operation on the key, its value is returned.

public static int mode(int []array)
    HashMap<Integer,Integer> hm = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>();
    int max  = 1;
    int temp = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {

        if (hm.get(array[i]) != null) {

            int count = hm.get(array[i]);
            hm.put(array[i], count);

            if(count > max) {
                max  = count;
                temp = array[i];

    return temp;

Setting width as a percentage using jQuery

Using the width function:


will turn:

<div id="somediv" />


<div id="somediv" style="width: 70%;"/>

How to check if file already exists in the folder

Dim SourcePath As String = "c:\SomeFolder\SomeFileYouWantToCopy.txt" 'This is just an example string and could be anything, it maps to fileToCopy in your code.
Dim SaveDirectory As string = "c:\DestinationFolder"

Dim Filename As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(SourcePath) 'get the filename of the original file without the directory on it
Dim SavePath As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(SaveDirectory, Filename) 'combines the saveDirectory and the filename to get a fully qualified path.

If System.IO.File.Exists(SavePath) Then
   'The file exists
    'the file doesn't exist
End If

Job for httpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status httpd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details

In my case I got the error simply because I had changed the Listen 80 to listen 443 in the file


Since I had installed mod_ssl using the yum commands

yum -y install mod_ssl  

there was a duplicate listen 443 directive in the file ssl.conf created during mod_ssl installation.

You can verify this if you have duplicate listen 80 or 443 by running the below command in linux centos (My linux)

grep  '443' /etc/httpd/conf.d/*

below is sample output

/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:Listen 443 https
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:<VirtualHost _default_:443>

Simply reverting the listen 443 in httd.conf to listen 80 fixed my issue.

Including .cpp files

Because your program now contains two copies of the foo function, once inside foo.cpp and once inside main.cpp

Think of #include as an instruction to the compiler to copy/paste the contents of that file into your code, so you'll end up with a processed main.cpp that looks like this

#include <iostream> // actually you'll get the contents of the iostream header here, but I'm not going to include it!
int foo(int a){
    return ++a;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int x=42;
std::cout << x <<std::endl;
std::cout << foo(x) << std::endl;
return 0;

and foo.cpp

int foo(int a){
    return ++a;

hence the multiple definition error

Dependency injection with Jersey 2.0

Late but I hope this helps someone.

I have my JAX RS defined like this:

@RequestScoped //this make the diference
public class ExampleResource {

Then, in my code finally I can inject:

SomeManagedBean bean;

In my case, the SomeManagedBean is an ApplicationScoped bean.

Hope this helps to anyone.

What is the maximum length of a String in PHP? says:

Note: As of PHP 7.0.0, there are no particular restrictions regarding the length of a string on 64-bit builds. On 32-bit builds and in earlier versions, a string can be as large as up to 2GB (2147483647 bytes maximum)

In PHP 5.x, strings were limited to 231-1 bytes, because internal code recorded the length in a signed 32-bit integer.

You can slurp in the contents of an entire file, for instance using file_get_contents()

However, a PHP script has a limit on the total memory it can allocate for all variables in a given script execution, so this effectively places a limit on the length of a single string variable too.

This limit is the memory_limit directive in the php.ini configuration file. The memory limit defaults to 128MB in PHP 5.2, and 8MB in earlier releases.

If you don't specify a memory limit in your php.ini file, it uses the default, which is compiled into the PHP binary. In theory you can modify the source and rebuild PHP to change this default value.

If you specify -1 as the memory limit in your php.ini file, it stop checking and permits your script to use as much memory as the operating system will allocate. This is still a practical limit, but depends on system resources and architecture.

Re comment from @c2:

Here's a test:


// limit memory usage to 1MB 
ini_set('memory_limit', 1024*1024);

// initially, PHP seems to allocate 768KB for basic operation
printf("memory: %d\n",  memory_get_usage(true));

$str = str_repeat('a',  255*1024);
echo "Allocated string of 255KB\n";

// now we have allocated all of the 1MB of memory allowed
printf("memory: %d\n",  memory_get_usage(true));

// going over the limit causes a fatal error, so no output follows
$str = str_repeat('a',  256*1024);
echo "Allocated string of 256KB\n";
printf("memory: %d\n",  memory_get_usage(true));

Function vs. Stored Procedure in SQL Server

              STORE PROCEDURE                 FUNCTION (USER DEFINED FUNCTION)    
 * Procedure can return 0, single or   | * Function can return only single value   
   multiple values.                    |
 * Procedure can have input, output    | * Function  can have only input 
   parameters.                         |   parameters.         
 * Procedure cannot be called from     | * Functions can be called from 
   function.                           |   procedure.
 * Procedure allows select as well as  | * Function allows only select statement 
   DML statement in it.                |   in it.
 * Exception can be handled by         | * Try-catch block cannot be used in a 
   try-catch block in a procedure.     |   function.
 * We can go for transaction management| * We can not go for transaction 
   in procedure.                       |   management in function.
 * Procedure cannot be utilized in a   | * Function can be embedded in a select 
   select statement                    |   statement.
 * Procedure can affect the state      | * Function can not affect the state 
   of database means it can perform    |   of database means it can not    
   CRUD operation on database.         |   perform CRUD operation on 
                                       |   database. 
 * Procedure can use temporary tables. | * Function can not use 
                                       |   temporary tables. 
 * Procedure can alter the server      | * Function can not alter the  
   environment parameters.             |   environment parameters.
 * Procedure can use when we want      | * Function can use when we want
   instead is to group a possibly-     |   to compute and return a value
   complex set of SQL statements.      |   for use in other SQL 
                                       |   statements.

How to edit HTML input value colour?

You can add color in the style rule of your input: color:#ccc;

Excel Date to String conversion

If you are not using programming then do the following (1) select the column (2) right click and select Format Cells (3) Select "Custom" (4) Just Under "Type:" type dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss

Remove file extension from a file name string

There's a method in the framework for this purpose, which will keep the full path except for the extension.

System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(path, null);

If only file name is needed, use


C++ error: "Array must be initialized with a brace enclosed initializer"

The syntax to statically initialize an array uses curly braces, like this:

int array[10] = { 0 };

This will zero-initialize the array.

For multi-dimensional arrays, you need nested curly braces, like this:

int cipher[Array_size][Array_size]= { { 0 } };

Note that Array_size must be a compile-time constant for this to work. If Array_size is not known at compile-time, you must use dynamic initialization. (Preferably, an std::vector).

Entity Framework Refresh context?

Use the Refresh method:

context.Refresh(RefreshMode.StoreWins, yourEntity);

or in alternative dispose your current context and create a new one.

PHP date time greater than today

You are not comparing dates. You are comparing strings. In the world of string comparisons, 09/17/2015 > 01/02/2016 because 09 > 01. You need to either put your date in a comparable string format or compare DateTime objects which are comparable.

 $date_now = date("Y-m-d"); // this format is string comparable

if ($date_now > '2016-01-02') {
    echo 'greater than';
    echo 'Less than';



 $date_now = new DateTime();
 $date2    = new DateTime("01/02/2016");

if ($date_now > $date2) {
    echo 'greater than';
    echo 'Less than';


Connect to Active Directory via LDAP

DC is your domain. If you want to connect to the domain than your dc's are: DC=example,DC=com

You actually don't need any hostname or ip address of your domain controller (There could be plenty of them).

Just imagine that you're connecting to the domain itself. So for connecting to the domain you can simply write

DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://");

And you're done.

You can also specify a user and a password used to connect:

DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://", "username", "password");

Also be sure to always write LDAP in upper case. I had some trouble and strange exceptions until I read somewhere that I should try to write it in upper case and that solved my problems.

The directoryEntry.Path Property allows you to dive deeper into your domain. So if you want to search a user in a specific OU (Organizational Unit) you can set it there.

DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://");
directoryEntry.Path = "LDAP://OU=Specific Users,OU=All Users,OU=Users,DC=example,DC=com";

This would match the following AD hierarchy:

  • com
    • example
      • Users
        • All Users
          • Specific Users

Simply write the hierarchy from deepest to highest.

Now you can do plenty of things

For example search a user by account name and get the user's surname:

DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://");
DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(directoryEntry) {
    PageSize = int.MaxValue,
    Filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=AnAccountName))"


var result = searcher.FindOne();

if (result == null) {
    return; // Or whatever you need to do in this case

string surname;

if (result.Properties.Contains("sn")) {
    surname = result.Properties["sn"][0].ToString();

The Android emulator is not starting, showing "invalid command-line parameter"

There is currently a problem with R12 where the SDK location cannot contain any spaces.

The default installation location is: C:\Programme Files(x86)\Android\android-sdk. They are currently fixing the problem but you can currently work around it by changing the SDK location path in eclipse to C:\PROGRA~2\Android\android-sdk.

If you are running 32-bit Windows, change the path to C:\PROGRA~1\Android\android-sdk.

How to check View Source in Mobile Browsers (Both Android && Feature Phone)

The view-source url prefix trick didn't work for me using chrome on an iphone. There are apps I could have installed to do this I guess but for whatever reason I just preferred to do it myself rather than install 'yet another app'.

I found this nice quick tutorial for how to setup a bookmark on mobile safari that will automatically open the view source of a page:

It worked flawlessly for me and now I have it set as a permanent bookmark any time I want, with no app installed.

Edit: There are basically 6 steps which should work for either Chrome or Safari. Instructions for Safari are:

  1. Open Safari and browse to an arbitrary page.
  2. Select the "Share" (or action") button in Safari (looks like a square with an arrow coming out of the top).
  3. Select "Add Bookmark"
  4. Delete the page title and replace it with something useful like "Show Page Source". Click Save.
  5. Next browse to this exact Stack Overflow answer on your phone and copy the javascript code below to your phone clipboard (code credit: Rob Flaherty):
javascript:(function(){var'about:blank').document;a.write('<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Source of '+location.href+'</title><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /></head><body></body></html>');a.close();var b=a.body.appendChild(a.createElement('pre'));'auto';'pre-wrap';b.appendChild(a.createTextNode(document.documentElement.innerHTML))})();
  1. Open the "Bookmarks" in Safari and opt to Edit the newly created Show Page Source bookmark. Delete whatever was previously saved in the Address field and instead paste in the Javascript code. Save it.
  2. (Optional) Profit!

Rounded table corners CSS only

The best solution I've found for rounded corners and other CSS3 behavior for IE<9 can be found here:

Download the plug-in, copy to a directory in your solution structure. Then in your stylesheet make sure to have the behavior tag so that it pulls in the plug-in.

Simple example from my project which gives me rounded corners, color gradient, and box shadow for my table:

    -webkit-border-radius: 8px;
    -moz-border-radius: 8px;
    border-radius: 10px;
    -pie-background: linear-gradient(#ece9d8, #E5ECD8);   
    box-shadow: #666 0px 2px 3px;
    behavior: url(Include/;
    overflow: hidden;

Don't worry if your Visual Studio CSS intellisense gives you the green underline for unknown properites, it still works when you run it. Some of the elements are not very clearly documented, but the examples are pretty good, especially on the front page.

Should Gemfile.lock be included in .gitignore?

My workmates and I have different Gemfile.lock, because we use different platforms, windows and mac, and our server is linux.

We decide to remove Gemfile.lock in repo and create Gemfile.lock.server in git repo, just like database.yml. Then before deploy it on server, we copy Gemfile.lock.server to Gemfile.lock on server using cap deploy hook

jQuery Call to WebService returns "No Transport" error

I too got this problem and all solutions given above either failed or were not applicable due to client webservice restrictions.

For this, I added an iframe in my page which resided in the client;s server. So when we post our data to the iframe and the iframe then posts it to the webservice. Hence the cross-domain referencing is eliminated.

We added a 2-way origin check to confirm only authorized page posts data to and from the iframe.

Hope it helps

<iframe style="display:none;" id='receiver' name="receiver" src="https://iframe-address-at-client-server">

//send data to iframe
var hiddenFrame = document.getElementById('receiver').contentWindow;
hiddenFrame.postMessage(JSON.stringify(message), 'https://client-server-url');

//The iframe receives the data using the code:
window.onload = function () {
    var eventMethod = window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent";
    var eventer = window[eventMethod];
    var messageEvent = eventMethod == "attachEvent" ? "onmessage" : "message";
    eventer(messageEvent, function (e) {
        var origin = e.origin;
        //if origin not in pre-defined list, break and return
        var messageFromParent = JSON.parse(;
        var json =;

        //send json to web service using AJAX   
        //return the response back to source
        e.source.postMessage(JSON.stringify(aJAXResponse), e.origin);
    }, false);

How to convert UTF-8 byte[] to string?

A general solution to convert from byte array to string when you don't know the encoding:

static string BytesToStringConverted(byte[] bytes)
    using (var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes))
        using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(stream))
            return streamReader.ReadToEnd();

How to map a composite key with JPA and Hibernate?

To map a composite key, you can use the EmbeddedId or the IdClass annotations. I know this question is not strictly about JPA but the rules defined by the specification also applies. So here they are:

2.1.4 Primary Keys and Entity Identity


A composite primary key must correspond to either a single persistent field or property or to a set of such fields or properties as described below. A primary key class must be defined to represent a composite primary key. Composite primary keys typically arise when mapping from legacy databases when the database key is comprised of several columns. The EmbeddedId and IdClass annotations are used to denote composite primary keys. See sections 9.1.14 and 9.1.15.


The following rules apply for composite primary keys:

  • The primary key class must be public and must have a public no-arg constructor.
  • If property-based access is used, the properties of the primary key class must be public or protected.
  • The primary key class must be serializable.
  • The primary key class must define equals and hashCode methods. The semantics of value equality for these methods must be consistent with the database equality for the database types to which the key is mapped.
  • A composite primary key must either be represented and mapped as an embeddable class (see Section 9.1.14, “EmbeddedId Annotation”) or must be represented and mapped to multiple fields or properties of the entity class (see Section 9.1.15, “IdClass Annotation”).
  • If the composite primary key class is mapped to multiple fields or properties of the entity class, the names of primary key fields or properties in the primary key class and those of the entity class must correspond and their types must be the same.

With an IdClass

The class for the composite primary key could look like (could be a static inner class):

public class TimePK implements Serializable {
    protected Integer levelStation;
    protected Integer confPathID;

    public TimePK() {}

    public TimePK(Integer levelStation, Integer confPathID) {
        this.levelStation = levelStation;
        this.confPathID = confPathID;
    // equals, hashCode

And the entity:

class Time implements Serializable {
    private Integer levelStation;
    private Integer confPathID;

    private String src;
    private String dst;
    private Integer distance;
    private Integer price;

    // getters, setters

The IdClass annotation maps multiple fields to the table PK.

With EmbeddedId

The class for the composite primary key could look like (could be a static inner class):

public class TimePK implements Serializable {
    protected Integer levelStation;
    protected Integer confPathID;

    public TimePK() {}

    public TimePK(Integer levelStation, Integer confPathID) {
        this.levelStation = levelStation;
        this.confPathID = confPathID;
    // equals, hashCode

And the entity:

class Time implements Serializable {
    private TimePK timePK;

    private String src;
    private String dst;
    private Integer distance;
    private Integer price;


The @EmbeddedId annotation maps a PK class to table PK.


  • From the physical model point of view, there are no differences
  • @EmbeddedId somehow communicates more clearly that the key is a composite key and IMO makes sense when the combined pk is either a meaningful entity itself or it reused in your code.
  • @IdClass is useful to specify that some combination of fields is unique but these do not have a special meaning.

They also affect the way you write queries (making them more or less verbose):

  • with IdClass

    select t.levelStation from Time t
  • with EmbeddedId

    select t.timePK.levelStation from Time t


  • JPA 1.0 specification
    • Section 2.1.4 "Primary Keys and Entity Identity"
    • Section 9.1.14 "EmbeddedId Annotation"
    • Section 9.1.15 "IdClass Annotation"

Create auto-numbering on images/figures in MS Word

Office 2007

Right click the figure, select Insert Caption, Select Numbering, check box next to 'Include chapter number', select OK, Select OK again, then you figure identifier should be updated.

What happens if you mount to a non-empty mount point with fuse?

You need to make sure that the files on the device mounted by fuse will not have the same paths and file names as files which already existing in the nonempty mountpoint. Otherwise this would lead to confusion. If you are sure, pass -o nonempty to the mount command.

You can try what is happening using the following commands.. (Linux rocks!) .. without destroying anything..

// create 10 MB file 
dd if=/dev/zero of=partition bs=1024 count=10240

// create loopdevice from that file
sudo losetup /dev/loop0 ./partition

// create  filesystem on it
sudo e2mkfs.ext3 /dev/loop0

// mount the partition to temporary folder and create a file
mkdir test
sudo mount -o loop /dev/loop0 test
echo "bar" | sudo tee test/foo

# unmount the device
sudo umount /dev/loop0

# create the file again
echo "bar2" > test/foo

# now mount the device (having file with same name on it) 
# and see what happens
sudo mount -o loop /dev/loop0 test

How do I restrict a float value to only two places after the decimal point in C?

In C++ (or in C with C-style casts), you could create the function:

/* Function to control # of decimal places to be output for x */
double showDecimals(const double& x, const int& numDecimals) {
    int y=x;
    double z=x-y;
    double m=pow(10,numDecimals);
    double q=z*m;
    double r=round(q);

    return static_cast<double>(y)+(1.0/m)*r;

Then std::cout << showDecimals(37.777779,2); would produce: 37.78.

Obviously you don't really need to create all 5 variables in that function, but I leave them there so you can see the logic. There are probably simpler solutions, but this works well for me--especially since it allows me to adjust the number of digits after the decimal place as I need.

Ways to iterate over a list in Java

You can use forEach starting from Java 8:

 List<String> nameList   = new ArrayList<>(
            Arrays.asList("USA", "USSR", "UK"));

 nameList.forEach((v) -> System.out.println(v));

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' - Node / Apache Port Issue

This worked for me.

app.get('/', function (req, res) {

    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    res.send('hello world')

You can change * to fit your needs. Hope this can help.

CSS-Only Scrollable Table with fixed headers

This answer will be used as a placeholder for the not fully supported position: sticky and will be updated over time. It is currently advised to not use the native implementation of this in a production environment.

See this for the current support:

Use of position: sticky

An alternative answer would be using position: sticky. As described by W3C:

A stickily positioned box is positioned similarly to a relatively positioned box, but the offset is computed with reference to the nearest ancestor with a scrolling box, or the viewport if no ancestor has a scrolling box.

This described exactly the behavior of a relative static header. It would be easy to assign this to the <thead> or the first <tr> HTML-tag, as this should be supported according to W3C. However, both Chrome, IE and Edge have problems assigning a sticky position property to these tags. There also seems to be no priority in solving this at the moment.

What does seem to work for a table element is assigning the sticky property to a table-cell. In this case the <th> cells.

Because a table is not a block-element that respects the static size you assign to it, it is best to use a wrapper element to define the scroll-overflow.

The code

div {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  height: 150px;_x000D_
  overflow: auto_x000D_
table th {_x000D_
  position: -webkit-sticky;_x000D_
  position: sticky;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
/* == Just general styling, not relevant :) == */_x000D_
table {_x000D_
  border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
th {_x000D_
  background-color: #1976D2;_x000D_
  color: #fff;_x000D_
td {_x000D_
  padding: 1em .5em;_x000D_
table tr {_x000D_
  color: #212121;_x000D_
table tr:nth-child(odd) {_x000D_
  background-color: #BBDEFB;_x000D_
  <table border="0">_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 1</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 2, cell 1</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 2, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 2, cell 1</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 2, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 2, cell 1</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 2, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 2, cell 1</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 2, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_

In this example I use a simple <div> wrapper to define the scroll-overflow done with a static height of 150px. This can of course be any size. Now that the scrolling box has been defined, the sticky <th> elements will corespondent "to the nearest ancestor with a scrolling box", which is the div-wrapper.

Use of a position: sticky polyfill

Non-supported devices can make use of a polyfill, which implements the behavior through code. An example is stickybits, which resembles the same behavior as the browser's implemented position: sticky.

Example with polyfill:

Make column fixed position in bootstrap

Following the solution here,

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-lg-3 fixed">
        Fixed content
    <div class="col-lg-9 scrollit">
        Normal scrollable content


I modified some css to work just perfect:

.fixed {
        position: fixed;
        width: 25%;
.scrollit {
        float: left;
        width: 71%

Thanks @Lowkase for sharing the solution.

Use jQuery to change value of a label

.text is correct, the following code works for me:

$('#lb'+(n+1)).text(a[i].attributes[n].name+": "+ a[i].attributes[n].value);

Best font for coding

I like Consolas a lot. This top-10 list is a good resource for others. It includes examples and descriptions.

Convert array of indices to 1-hot encoded numpy array

You can use sklearn.preprocessing.LabelBinarizer:


import sklearn.preprocessing
a = [1,0,3]
label_binarizer = sklearn.preprocessing.LabelBinarizer()
b = label_binarizer.transform(a)


[[0 1 0 0]
 [1 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 1]]

Amongst other things, you may initialize sklearn.preprocessing.LabelBinarizer() so that the output of transform is sparse.

How to change the JDK for a Jenkins job?

Using latest Jenkins version 2.7.4 which is also having a bug for existing jobs.

  1. Add new JDKs through Manage Jenkins -> Global Tool Configuration -> JDK ** If you edit current job then JDK dropdown is not showing (bug)

  2. Hit http://your_jenkin_server:8080/restart and restart the server

  3. Re-configure job

Now, you should see JDK dropdown in "job name" -> Configure in Jenkins web ui. It will list all JDKs available in Jenkins configuration.

Are string.Equals() and == operator really same?

C# has two "equals" concepts: Equals and ReferenceEquals. For most classes you will encounter, the == operator uses one or the other (or both), and generally only tests for ReferenceEquals when handling reference types (but the string Class is an instance where C# already knows how to test for value equality).

  • Equals compares values. (Even though two separate int variables don't exist in the same spot in memory, they can still contain the same value.)
  • ReferenceEquals compares the reference and returns whether the operands point to the same object in memory.

Example Code:

var s1 = new StringBuilder("str");
var s2 = new StringBuilder("str");
StringBuilder sNull = null;

s1.Equals(s2); // True
object.ReferenceEquals(s1, s2); // False
s1 == s2 // True - it calls Equals within operator overload
s1 == sNull // False
object.ReferenceEquals(s1, sNull); // False
s1.Equals(sNull); // Nono!  Explode (Exception)

Insert new item in array on any position in PHP

Normally, with scalar values:

$elements = array('foo', ...);
array_splice($array, $position, $length, $elements);

To insert a single array element into your array don't forget to wrap the array in an array (as it was a scalar value!):

$element = array('key1'=>'value1');
$elements = array($element);
array_splice($array, $position, $length, $elements);

otherwise all the keys of the array will be added piece by piece.

ConcurrentHashMap vs Synchronized HashMap

We can achieve thread safety by using both ConcurrentHashMap and synchronisedHashmap. But there is a lot of difference if you look at their architecture.

  1. synchronisedHashmap

It will maintain the lock at the object level. So if you want to perform any operation like put/get then you have to acquire the lock first. At the same time, other threads are not allowed to perform any operation. So at a time, only one thread can operate on this. So the waiting time will increase here. We can say that performance is relatively low when you are comparing with ConcurrentHashMap.

  1. ConcurrentHashMap

It will maintain the lock at the segment level. It has 16 segments and maintains the concurrency level as 16 by default. So at a time, 16 threads can be able to operate on ConcurrentHashMap. Moreover, read operation doesn't require a lock. So any number of threads can perform a get operation on it.

If thread1 wants to perform put operation in segment 2 and thread2 wants to perform put operation on segment 4 then it is allowed here. Means, 16 threads can perform update(put/delete) operation on ConcurrentHashMap at a time.

So that the waiting time will be less here. Hence the performance is relatively better than synchronisedHashmap.

Select from where field not equal to Mysql Php

You can use like

NOT columnA = 'x'


columnA != 'x'


columnA <> 'x'

And like Jeffly Bake's query, for including null values, you don't have to write like

(NOT columnA = 'x' OR columnA IS NULL)

You can make it simple by

Not columnA <=> 'x'

<=> is the Null Safe equal to Operator, which includes results from even null values.

Converting URL to String and back again

Swift 3 version code:

let urlString = "file:///Users/Documents/Book/Note.txt"
let pathURL = URL(string: urlString)!
print("the url = " + pathURL.path)

React JS - Uncaught TypeError: is not a function

I had the same problem. The solution was to change the useState initial state value from string to array. In App.js, previous useState was

const [favoriteFilms, setFavoriteFilms] = useState('');

I changed it to

const [favoriteFilms, setFavoriteFilms] = useState([]);

and the component that uses those values stopped throwing error with .map function.

Windows Scheduled task succeeds but returns result 0x1

Windows Task scheduler (Windows server 2008r2)

Same error for me (last run result: 0x1)


  1. Action: remove quotes/double-quotes in



start in

even if there is spaces in the path name...

  1. General:

Run with highest privileges


configure for your OS...

Now it work!

last run result: The operation completed successfully

Programmatically retrieve SQL Server stored procedure source that is identical to the source returned by the SQL Server Management Studio gui?

You will have to hand code it, SQL Profiler reveals the following.

SMSE executes quite a long string of queries when it generates the statement.

The following query (or something along its lines) is used to extract the text:

NULL AS [Text],
ISNULL(smsp.definition, ssmsp.definition) AS [Definition]
sys.all_objects AS sp
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.sql_modules AS smsp ON smsp.object_id = sp.object_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.system_sql_modules AS ssmsp ON ssmsp.object_id = sp.object_id
(sp.type = N'P' OR sp.type = N'RF' OR sp.type='PC')and('#test___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________00003EE1' and SCHEMA_NAME(sp.schema_id)=N'dbo')

It returns the pure CREATE which is then substituted with ALTER in code somewhere.

The SET ANSI NULL stuff and the GO statements and dates are all prepended to this.

Go with sp_helptext, its simpler ...

What is the difference between List and ArrayList?

There's no difference between list implementations in both of your examples. There's however a difference in a way you can further use variable myList in your code.

When you define your list as:

List myList = new ArrayList();

you can only call methods and reference members that are defined in the List interface. If you define it as:

ArrayList myList = new ArrayList();

you'll be able to invoke ArrayList-specific methods and use ArrayList-specific members in addition to those whose definitions are inherited from List.

Nevertheless, when you call a method of a List interface in the first example, which was implemented in ArrayList, the method from ArrayList will be called (because the List interface doesn't implement any methods).

That's called polymorphism. You can read up on it.

How do I create batch file to rename large number of files in a folder?

@echo off
SET old=Vacation2010
SET new=December
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in ('dir /b *.jpg') do (
  SET newname=%%f
  SET newname=!newname:%old%=%new%!
  move "%%f" "!newname!"

What this does is it loops over all .jpg files in the folder where the batch file is located and replaces the Vacation2010 with December inside the filenames.

Python Git Module experiences?

Maybe it helps, but Bazaar and Mercurial are both using dulwich for their Git interoperability.

Dulwich is probably different than the other in the sense that's it's a reimplementation of git in python. The other might just be a wrapper around Git's commands (so it could be simpler to use from a high level point of view: commit/add/delete), it probably means their API is very close to git's command line so you'll need to gain experience with Git.

How do I force "git pull" to overwrite local files?

As I often need a fast way to reset current branch on windows through command prompt, here's a fast way:

for /f "tokens=1* delims= " %a in ('git branch^|findstr /b "*"') do @git reset --hard origin/%b

A regular expression to exclude a word/string

This should do it:


You can add as much ignored words as you like, here is a simple PHP implementation:

$ignoredWords = array('ignoreme', 'ignoreme2', 'ignoreme...');

preg_match('~^/\b([a-z0-9]+)\b(?<!' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $ignoredWords)) . ')~i', $string);

Simple way to repeat a string

If you're like me and want to use Google Guava and not Apache Commons. You can use the repeat method in the Guava Strings class.

Strings.repeat("-", 60);

SecurityError: The operation is insecure - window.history.pushState()

I had this problem on ReactJS history push, turned out i was trying to open //link (with double slashes)

Using PUT method in HTML form

I wrote an npm package called 'html-form-enhancer'. By dropping it into your HTML source, it takes over submission of forms with methods aside from GET and POST, and also adds application/json serialization.

<script type=module" src="html-form-enhancer.js"></script>

<form method="PUT">

If conditions in a Makefile, inside a target

There are several problems here, so I'll start with my usual high-level advice: Start small and simple, add complexity a little at a time, test at every step, and never add to code that doesn't work. (I really ought to have that hotkeyed.)

You're mixing Make syntax and shell syntax in a way that is just dizzying. You should never have let it get this big without testing. Let's start from the outside and work inward.

UNAME := $(shell uname -m)

    $(info Checking if custom header is needed)
    ifeq ($(UNAME), x86_64)
    ... do some things to build unistd_32.h

    @make -C $(KDIR) M=$(PWD) modules

So you want unistd_32.h built (maybe) before you invoke the second make, you can make it a prerequisite. And since you want that only in a certain case, you can put it in a conditional:

ifeq ($(UNAME), x86_64)
all: unistd_32.h

    @make -C $(KDIR) M=$(PWD) modules

    ... do some things to build unistd_32.h

Now for building unistd_32.h:

F1_EXISTS=$(shell [ -e /usr/include/asm/unistd_32.h ] && echo 1 || echo 0 )
ifeq ($(F1_EXISTS), 1)
    $(info Copying custom header)
    $(shell sed -e 's/__NR_/__NR32_/g' /usr/include/asm/unistd_32.h > unistd_32.h)
    F2_EXISTS=$(shell [[ -e /usr/include/asm-i386/unistd.h ]] && echo 1 || echo 0 )
    ifeq ($(F2_EXISTS), 1)
        $(info Copying custom header)
        $(shell sed -e 's/__NR_/__NR32_/g' /usr/include/asm-i386/unistd.h > unistd_32.h)
        $(error asm/unistd_32.h and asm-386/unistd.h does not exist)

You are trying to build unistd.h from unistd_32.h; the only trick is that unistd_32.h could be in either of two places. The simplest way to clean this up is to use a vpath directive:

vpath unistd.h /usr/include/asm /usr/include/asm-i386

unistd_32.h: unistd.h
    sed -e 's/__NR_/__NR32_/g' $< > $@

Date format Mapping to JSON Jackson

Of course there is an automated way called serialization and deserialization and you can define it with specific annotations (@JsonSerialize,@JsonDeserialize) as mentioned by pb2q as well.

You can use both java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar ... and probably JodaTime as well.

The @JsonFormat annotations not worked for me as I wanted (it has adjusted the timezone to different value) during deserialization (the serialization worked perfect):

@JsonFormat(locale = "hu", shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", timezone = "CET")

@JsonFormat(locale = "hu", shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", timezone = "Europe/Budapest")

You need to use custom serializer and custom deserializer instead of the @JsonFormat annotation if you want predicted result. I have found real good tutorial and solution here

There are examples for Date fields but I needed for Calendar fields so here is my implementation:

The serializer class:

public class CustomCalendarSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Calendar> {

    public static final SimpleDateFormat FORMATTER = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
    public static final Locale LOCALE_HUNGARIAN = new Locale("hu", "HU");
    public static final TimeZone LOCAL_TIME_ZONE = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Budapest");

    public void serialize(Calendar value, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider arg2)
            throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
        if (value == null) {
        } else {

The deserializer class:

public class CustomCalendarDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<Calendar> {

    public Calendar deserialize(JsonParser jsonparser, DeserializationContext context)
            throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
        String dateAsString = jsonparser.getText();
        try {
            Date date = CustomCalendarSerializer.FORMATTER.parse(dateAsString);
            Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(
            return calendar;
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

and the usage of the above classes:

public class CalendarEntry {

    @JsonSerialize(using = CustomCalendarSerializer.class)
    @JsonDeserialize(using = CustomCalendarDeserializer.class)
    private Calendar calendar;

    // ... additional things ...

Using this implementation the execution of the serialization and deserialization process consecutively results the origin value.

Only using the @JsonFormat annotation the deserialization gives different result I think because of the library internal timezone default setup what you can not change with annotation parameters (that was my experience with Jackson library 2.5.3 and 2.6.3 version as well).

C++ template typedef

C++11 added alias declarations, which are generalization of typedef, allowing templates:

template <size_t N>
using Vector = Matrix<N, 1>;

The type Vector<3> is equivalent to Matrix<3, 1>.

In C++03, the closest approximation was:

template <size_t N>
struct Vector
    typedef Matrix<N, 1> type;

Here, the type Vector<3>::type is equivalent to Matrix<3, 1>.

How to check the version of GitLab?

I have Version: 12.2.0-ee and I tried the URL via (https://yourgitlab/help ) but I have not got this information. In the other hand I got this with gitlab-rake with success into the command line:

sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:env:info

... GitLab information Version: 12.2.0-ee ...

Angular 2 - NgFor using numbers instead collections

No there is no method yet for NgFor using numbers instead collections, At the moment, *ngFor only accepts a collection as a parameter, but you could do this by following methods:

Using pipe


import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from 'angular2/core';

@Pipe({name: 'demoNumber'})
export class DemoNumber implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value, args:string[]) : any {
    let res = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < value; i++) {
      return res;

For newer versions you'll have to change your imports and remove args[] parameter:

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

@Pipe({name: 'demoNumber'})
export class DemoNumber implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value) : any {
    let res = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < value; i++) {
      return res;


  <li>Method First Using PIPE</li>
  <li *ngFor='let key of 5 | demoNumber'>

Using number array directly in HTML(View)

  <li>Method Second</li>
  <li *ngFor='let key of  [1,2]'>

Using Split method

  <li>Method Third</li>
  <li *ngFor='let loop2 of "0123".split("")'>{{loop2}}</li>

Using creating New array in component

  <li>Method Fourth</li>
  <li *ngFor='let loop3 of counter(5) ;let i= index'>{{i}}</li>

export class AppComponent {
  demoNumber = 5 ;
  counter = Array;
    return new Array(length);

#Working demo

Conditionally formatting cells if their value equals any value of another column

Another simpler solution is to use this formula in the conditional formatting (apply to column A):



What's the difference between <b> and <strong>, <i> and <em>?

They have the same effect on normal web browser rendering engines, but there is a fundamental difference between them.

As the author writes in a discussion list post:

Think of three different situations:

  • web browsers
  • blind people
  • mobile phones

"Bold" is a style - when you say "bold a word", people basically know that it means to add more, let's say "ink", around the letters until they stand out more amongst the rest of the letters.

That, unfortunately, means nothing to a blind person. On mobile phones and other PDAs, text is already bold because screen resolution is very small. You can't bold a bold without screwing something up.

<b> is a style - we know what "bold" is supposed to look like.

<strong> however is an indication of how something should be understood. "Strong" could (and often does) mean "bold" in a browser, but it could also mean a lower tone for a speaking program like Jaws (for blind people) or be represented by an underline (since you can't bold a bold) on a Palm Pilot.

HTML was never meant to be about styles. Do some searches for "Tim Berners-Lee" and "the semantic web." <strong> is semantic—it describes the text it surrounds (e.g., "this text should be stronger than the rest of the text you've displayed") as opposed to describing how the text it surrounds should be displayed (e.g., "this text should be bold").

Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric

If you want to reduce the size to decimal(7,2) from decimal(9,2) you will have to account for the existing data with values greater to fit into decimal(7,2). Either you will have to delete those numbers are truncate it down to fit into your new size. If there was no data for the field you are trying to update it will do it automatically without issues

How to write file in UTF-8 format?

On Unix/Linux a simple shell command could be used alternatively to convert all files from a given directory:

 recode L1..UTF8 dir/*

Could be started via PHPs exec() as well.

Chrome extension id - how to find it

As Alex Gray points out in a comment above, "all of the corresponding IDs are actually on the extensions page within the browser".

However, you must click the Developer Mode checkbox at top of Extensions page to see them.

Is there a better alternative than this to 'switch on type'?

I would create an interface with whatever name and method name that would make sense for your switch, let's call them respectively: IDoable that tells to implement void Do().

public interface IDoable
    void Do();

public class A : IDoable
    public void Hop() 
        // ...

    public void Do()

public class B : IDoable
    public void Skip() 
        // ...

    public void Do()

and change the method as follows:

void Foo<T>(T obj)
    where T : IDoable
    // ...
    // ...

At least with that you are safe at the compilation-time and I suspect that performance-wise it's better than checking type at runtime.

Rails 4 - Strong Parameters - Nested Objects

Permitting a nested object :

params.permit( {:school => [:id , :name]}, 
               {:student => [:id, 
                {:records => [:marks, :subject]})

How to generate the whole database script in MySQL Workbench?

Q#1: I would guess that it's somewhere on your MySQL server? Q#2: Yes, this is possible. You have to establish a connection via Server Administration. There you can clone any table or the entire database.

This tutorial might be useful.


Since the provided link is no longer active, here's a SO answer outlining the process of creating a DB backup in Workbench.

Add image in pdf using jspdf

For result in base64, before convert to canvas:

var getBase64ImageUrl = function(url, callback, mine) {

                    var img = new Image();

                    url = url.replace("http://","//");

                    img.setAttribute('crossOrigin', 'anonymous');

                    img.onload = function () {
                        var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
                        canvas.width =this.width;
                        canvas.height =this.height;

                        var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
                        ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0);

                        var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL(mine || "image/jpeg");

                    img.src = url;

                    img.onerror = function(){

                        console.log('on error')



   getBase64ImageUrl('Koala.jpeg', function(img){
         //img is a base64encode result
         //return img;

          var doc = new jsPDF();
              doc.text(30, 20, 'Hello world!');
              doc.addImage(img, 'JPEG', 15, 40, 180, 160);

401 Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials

I had a similar issue today. For some reason, my GET request was fine, but PUT request was failing for my WCF WebHttp Service

Adding the following to the Web.config solved the issue

  <authentication mode="Forms" />

How to set 'X-Frame-Options' on iframe?

The solution is to install a browser plugin.

A web site which issues HTTP Header X-Frame-Options with a value of DENY (or SAMEORIGIN with a different server origin) cannot be integrated into an IFRAME... unless you change this behavior by installing a Browser plugin which ignores the X-Frame-Options Header (e.g. Chrome's Ignore X-Frame Headers).

Note that this not recommended at all for security reasons.

Angular JS break ForEach

Just add $index and do the following:

angular.forEach([0,1,2], function(count, $index) {
     if($index !== 1) {
          // do stuff

How to pass argument to Makefile from command line?

You probably shouldn't do this; you're breaking the basic pattern of how Make works. But here it is:

        @echo action $(filter-out $@,$(MAKECMDGOALS))

%:      # thanks to chakrit
    @:    # thanks to William Pursell

To explain the first command,

$(MAKECMDGOALS) is the list of "targets" spelled out on the command line, e.g. "action value1 value2".

$@ is an automatic variable for the name of the target of the rule, in this case "action".

filter-out is a function that removes some elements from a list. So $(filter-out bar, foo bar baz) returns foo baz (it can be more subtle, but we don't need subtlety here).

Put these together and $(filter-out $@,$(MAKECMDGOALS)) returns the list of targets specified on the command line other than "action", which might be "value1 value2".

ScrollTo function in AngularJS

What about angular-scroll, it's actively maintained and there is no dependency to jQuery..

mysql: see all open connections to a given database?

As well you can use:

mysql> show status like '%onn%';
| Variable_name            | Value |
| Aborted_connects         | 0     |
| Connections              | 303   |
| Max_used_connections     | 127   |
| Ssl_client_connects      | 0     |
| Ssl_connect_renegotiates | 0     |
| Ssl_finished_connects    | 0     |
| Threads_connected        | 127   |
7 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Feel free to use Mysql-server-status-variables or Too-many-connections-problem

How to get row number in dataframe in Pandas?

To get all indices that matches 'Smith'

>>> df[df['LastName'] == 'Smith'].index
Int64Index([1], dtype='int64')

or as a numpy array

>>> df[df['LastName'] == 'Smith'].index.to_numpy()  # .values on older versions

or if there is only one and you want the integer, you can subset

>>> df[df['LastName'] == 'Smith'].index[0]

You could use the same boolean expressions with .loc, but it is not needed unless you also want to select a certain column, which is redundant when you only want the row number/index.

How to disable spring security for particular url

<http pattern="/resources/**" security="none"/>

Or with Java configuration:


Instead of the old:

 <intercept-url pattern="/resources/**" filters="none"/>

for exp . disable security for a login page :

  <intercept-url pattern="/login*" filters="none" />

CSS3 Transparency + Gradient

I just came across this more recent example . To simplify and use the most recent examples, giving the css a selector class of 'grad',(I've included backwards compatibility)

.grad {
    background-color: #F07575; /* fallback color if gradients are not supported */
    background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top left, red, rgba(255,0,0,0));/* For Chrome 25 and Safari 6, iOS 6.1, Android 4.3 */
    background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top left, red, rgba(255,0,0,0));/* For Firefox (3.6 to 15) */
    background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top left, red, rgba(255,0,0,0));/* For old Opera (11.1 to 12.0) */
    background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom right, red, rgba(255,0,0,0)); /* Standard syntax; must be last */


C# MessageBox dialog result

You can also do it in one row:

if (MessageBox.Show("Text", "Title", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)

And if you want to show a messagebox on top:

if (MessageBox.Show(new Form() { TopMost = true }, "Text", "Text", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)

What CSS selector can be used to select the first div within another div

The closest thing to what you're looking for is the :first-child pseudoclass; unfortunately this will not work in your case because you have an <h1> before the <div>s. What I would suggest is that you either add a class to the <div>, like <div class="first"> and then style it that way, or use jQuery if you really can't add a class:

$('#content > div:first')

Disable clipboard prompt in Excel VBA on workbook close

Just clear the clipboard before closing.


Changing git commit message after push (given that no one pulled from remote)

Just say :

git commit --amend -m "New commit message"

and then

git push --force

Error Installing Homebrew - Brew Command Not Found

Check XCode is installed or not.

gcc --version
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew doctor
brew update "click here for exact instruction updates"

variable or field declared void

Did you put void while calling your function?

For example:

void something(int x){

int main() {

    **void** something();

    return 0;


If so, you should delete the last void.

How to leave a message for a user

Although GitHub removed the private messaging feature, there's still an alternative.

GitHub host git repositories. If the user you're willing to communicate with has ever committed some code, there are good chances you may reach your goal. Indeed, within each commit is stored some information about the author of the change or the one who accepted it.

Provided you're really dying to exchange with user user_test

  • Display the public activity page of the user:
  • Search for an event stating "user_test pushed to [branch] at [repository]". There are usually good chances, they may have pushed one of his own commits. Ensure this is the case by clicking on the "View comparison..." link and make sure the user is listed as one of the committers.
  • Clone on your local machine the repository they pushed to: git clone
  • Checkout the branch they pushed to: git checkout [branch]
  • Display the latest commits: git log -50

As a committer/author, an email should be displayed along with the commit data.

Note: Every warning related to unsolicited email should apply there. Do not spam.

What is the meaning of Bus: error 10 in C

this is because str is pointing to a string literal means a constant string ...but you are trying to modify it by copying . Note : if it would have been an error due to memory allocation it would have been given segmentation fault at the run time .But this error is coming due to constant string modification or you can go through the below for more details abt bus error :

Bus errors are rare nowadays on x86 and occur when your processor cannot even attempt the memory access requested, typically:

  • using a processor instruction with an address that does not satisfy its alignment requirements.

Segmentation faults occur when accessing memory which does not belong to your process, they are very common and are typically the result of:

  • using a pointer to something that was deallocated.
  • using an uninitialized hence bogus pointer.
  • using a null pointer.
  • overflowing a buffer.

To be more precise this is not manipulating the pointer itself that will cause issues, it's accessing the memory it points to (dereferencing).

Simulate a specific CURL in PostMan

1) Put in the url input box and choose POST from the dropdown

2) In Headers tab, enter:

Content-Type: image/jpeg

Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

3) In Body tab, select the raw radio button and write:

{"description":"","phone":"","lastname":"","app_version":"2.6.2","firstname":"","password":"my_pass","city":"","apikey":"213","lang":"fr","platform":"1","email":"[email protected]","pseudo":"example"}

select form-data radio button and write:

key = name Value = userfile Select Text key = filename Select File and upload your profil.jpg

Push Notifications in Android Platform

You can use Xtify ( - they have a push notifications webservice that works with their SDK. it's free and so far, it's worked really well for me.

Looping through a Scripting.Dictionary using index/item number

According to the documentation of the Item property:

Sets or returns an item for a specified key in a Dictionary object.

In your case, you don't have an item whose key is 1 so doing:

s = d.Item(i)

actually creates a new key / value pair in your dictionary, and the value is empty because you have not used the optional newItem argument.

The Dictionary also has the Items method which allows looping over the indices:

a = d.Items
For i = 0 To d.Count - 1
    s = a(i)
Next i

How to link to specific line number on github

a permalink to a code snippet is pasted into a pull request comment field

You can you use permalinks to include code snippets in issues, PRs, etc.


Change bootstrap navbar background color and font color

Most likely these classes are already defined by Bootstrap, make sure that your CSS file that you want to override the classes with is called AFTER the Bootstrap CSS.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.css" /> <!-- Call Bootstrap first -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap-override.css" /> <!-- Call override CSS second -->

Otherwise, you can put !important at the end of your CSS like this: color:#ffffff!important; but I would advise against using !important at all costs.

Chrome / Safari not filling 100% height of flex parent

I had a similar bug, but while using a fixed number for height and not a percentage. It was also a flex container within the body (which has no specified height). It appeared that on Safari, my flex container had a height of 9px for some reason, but in all other browsers it displayed the correct 100px height specified in the stylesheet.

I managed to get it to work by adding both the height and min-height properties to the CSS class.

The following worked for me on both Safari 13.0.4 and Chrome 79.0.3945.130:

.flex-container {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  min-height: 100px;
  height: 100px;

Hope this helps!

How to increase apache timeout directive in .htaccess?

This solution is for Litespeed Server (Apache as well)

Add the following code in .htaccess

RewriteRule .* - [E=noabort:1]
RewriteRule .* - [E=noconntimeout:1]

Litespeed reference

Printing hexadecimal characters in C

Try something like this:

int main()
    printf("%x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x\n",
        0xC0, 0xC0, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33);

Which produces this:

$ ./foo 
c0 c0 61 62 63 31 32 33

Force unmount of NFS-mounted directory

I had the same problem, and neither umount /path -f, neither umount.nfs /path -f, neither fuser -km /path, works

finally I found a simple solution >.<

sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-common restart, then lets do the simple umount ;-)

EditText underline below text property

To change bottom line color, you can use this in your app theme:

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>

    <item name="colorControlNormal">#c5c5c5</item>
    <item name="colorControlActivated">#ffe100</item>
    <item name="colorControlHighlight">#ffe100</item>

To change floating label color write following theme:

<style name="TextAppearence.App.TextInputLayout" parent="@android:style/TextAppearance">
<item name="android:textColor">#4ffd04[![enter image description here][1]][1]</item>

and use this theme in your layout:


        android:hint="User Name"
        android:textColor="@android:color/white" />


enter image description here

How to get the element clicked (for the whole document)?

You can find the target element in

$(document).click(function(event) {


Laravel Request getting current path with query string

Get the flag parameter from the URL string

public function create(Request $request)
$flag = $request->input('flag');
return view('hf.create', compact('page_title', 'page_description', 'flag'));

NodeJS accessing file with relative path

Simple! The folder named .. is the parent folder, so you can make the path to the file you need as such

var foobar = require('../config/dev/foobar.json');

If you needed to go up two levels, you would write ../../ etc

Some more details about this in this SO answer and it's comments

Controlling fps with requestAnimationFrame?

var time = 0;
var time_framerate = 1000; //in milliseconds

function animate(timestamp) {
  if(timestamp > time + time_framerate) {
    time = timestamp;    

    //your code


Convert string to ASCII value python

your description is rather confusing; directly concatenating the decimal values doesn't seem useful in most contexts. the following code will cast each letter to an 8-bit character, and THEN concatenate. this is how standard ASCII encoding works

def ASCII(s):
    x = 0
    for i in xrange(len(s)):
        x += ord(s[i])*2**(8 * (len(s) - i - 1))
    return x

How to set cache: false in jQuery.get call

Note that callback syntax is deprecated:

Deprecation Notice

The jqXHR.success(), jqXHR.error(), and jqXHR.complete() callback methods introduced in jQuery 1.5 are deprecated as of jQuery 1.8. To prepare your code for their eventual removal, use jqXHR.done(),, and jqXHR.always() instead.

Here a modernized solution using the promise interface

$.ajax({url: "...", cache: false}).done(function( data ) {
    // data contains result
    // error

How to draw a line with matplotlib?

This will draw a line that passes through the points (-1, 1) and (12, 4), and another one that passes through the points (1, 3) et (10, 2)

x1 are the x coordinates of the points for the first line, y1 are the y coordinates for the same -- the elements in x1 and y1 must be in sequence.

x2 and y2 are the same for the other line.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x1, y1 = [-1, 12], [1, 4]
x2, y2 = [1, 10], [3, 2]
plt.plot(x1, y1, x2, y2, marker = 'o')

enter image description here

I suggest you spend some time reading / studying the basic tutorials found on the very rich matplotlib website to familiarize yourself with the library.

What if I don't want line segments?

There are no direct ways to have lines extend to infinity... matplotlib will either resize/rescale the plot so that the furthest point will be on the boundary and the other inside, drawing line segments in effect; or you must choose points outside of the boundary of the surface you want to set visible, and set limits for the x and y axis.

As follows:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x1, y1 = [-1, 12], [1, 10]
x2, y2 = [-1, 10], [3, -1]
plt.xlim(0, 8), plt.ylim(-2, 8)
plt.plot(x1, y1, x2, y2, marker = 'o')

enter image description here

How to name Dockerfiles

Do I give them a name and extension; if so what?

You may name your Dockerfiles however you like. The default filename is Dockerfile (without an extension), and using the default can make various tasks easier while working with containers.

Depending on your specific requirements you may wish to change the filename. If you're building for multiple architectures, for example, you may wish to add an extension indicating the architecture as the team has done for the HAProxy container their multi-container ARM example:


In the example provided, each Dockerfile builds from a different, architecture-specific, upstream image. The specific Dockerfile to use for the build may be specified using the --file, -f option when building your container using the command line.

How do you divide each element in a list by an int?

The abstract version can be:

import numpy as np
myList = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]
myInt = 10
newList  = np.divide(myList, myInt)

hadoop No FileSystem for scheme: file

Took me ages to figure it out with Spark 2.0.2, but here's my bit:

val sparkBuilder = SparkSession.builder
// Various Params

val hadoopConfig: Configuration = sparkBuilder.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration

hadoopConfig.set("fs.hdfs.impl", classOf[org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem].getName)

hadoopConfig.set("fs.file.impl", classOf[org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem].getName)

And the relevant parts of my build.sbt:

scalaVersion := "2.11.8"
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % "2.0.2"

I hope this can help!

PHP: convert spaces in string into %20?

The plus sign is the historic encoding for a space character in URL parameters, as documented in the help for the urlencode() function.

That same page contains the answer you need - use rawurlencode() instead to get RFC 3986 compatible encoding.

SyntaxError: Use of const in strict mode?

n stable wouldn't do the trick for me. On the other hand,

nvm install stable

That actually got me to last nodejs version. Apparently n stable won't get pass v0.12.14 for me. I really don't know why.

Note: nvm is Node Version Manager, you can install it from its github page. Thanks @isaiah for noting that nvm is not a known command.

Count work days between two dates

In Calculating Work Days you can find a good article about this subject, but as you can see it is not that advanced.

--Changing current database to the Master database allows function to be shared by everyone.
--If the function already exists, drop it.
    SELECT *
    WHERE ID = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[fn_WorkDays]')
    AND XType IN (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')
DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_WorkDays]
 CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_WorkDays
--Define the input parameters (OK if reversed by mistake).
    @StartDate DATETIME,
    @EndDate   DATETIME = NULL --@EndDate replaced by @StartDate when DEFAULTed

--Define the output data type.

--Calculate the RETURN of the function.
    --Declare local variables
    --Temporarily holds @EndDate during date reversal.

    --If the Start Date is null, return a NULL and exit.
    IF @StartDate IS NULL

    --If the End Date is null, populate with Start Date value so will have two dates (required by DATEDIFF below).
     IF @EndDate IS NULL
        SELECT @EndDate = @StartDate

    --Strip the time element from both dates (just to be safe) by converting to whole days and back to a date.
    --Usually faster than CONVERT.
    --0 is a date (01/01/1900 00:00:00.000)
     SELECT @StartDate = DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,@StartDate), 0),
            @EndDate   = DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,@EndDate)  , 0)

    --If the inputs are in the wrong order, reverse them.
     IF @StartDate > @EndDate
        SELECT @Swap      = @EndDate,
               @EndDate   = @StartDate,
               @StartDate = @Swap

    --Calculate and return the number of workdays using the input parameters.
    --This is the meat of the function.
    --This is really just one formula with a couple of parts that are listed on separate lines for documentation purposes.
     RETURN (
        --Start with total number of days including weekends
        (DATEDIFF(dd,@StartDate, @EndDate)+1)
        --Subtact 2 days for each full weekend
        -(DATEDIFF(wk,@StartDate, @EndDate)*2)
        --If StartDate is a Sunday, Subtract 1
        -(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, @StartDate) = 'Sunday'
            THEN 1
            ELSE 0
        --If EndDate is a Saturday, Subtract 1
        -(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, @EndDate) = 'Saturday'
            THEN 1
            ELSE 0

If you need to use a custom calendar, you might need to add some checks and some parameters. Hopefully it will provide a good starting point.

How to return a value from pthread threads in C?

You are returning the address of a local variable, which no longer exists when the thread function exits. In any case, why call pthread_exit? why not simply return a value from the thread function?

void *myThread()
   return (void *) 42;

and then in main:


If you need to return a complicated value such a structure, it's probably easiest to allocate it dynamically via malloc() and return a pointer. Of course, the code that initiated the thread will then be responsible for freeing the memory.

PHP namespaces and "use"

If you need to order your code into namespaces, just use the keyword namespace:


namespace foo\bar;

In file2.php

$obj = new \foo\bar\myObj();

You can also use use. If in file2 you put

use foo\bar as mypath;

you need to use mypath instead of bar anywhere in the file:

$obj  = new mypath\myObj();

Using use foo\bar; is equal to use foo\bar as bar;.

The cause of "bad magic number" error when loading a workspace and how to avoid it?

I got that error when I accidentally used load() instead of source() or readRDS().

String comparison technique used by Python

Take a look also at How do I sort unicode strings alphabetically in Python? where the discussion is about sorting rules given by the Unicode Collation Algorithm (

To reply to the comment

What? How else can ordering be defined other than left-to-right?

by S.Lott, there is a famous counter-example when sorting French language. It involves accents: indeed, one could say that, in French, letters are sorted left-to-right and accents right-to-left. Here is the counter-example: we have e < é and o < ô, so you would expect the words cote, coté, côte, côté to be sorted as cote < coté < côte < côté. Well, this is not what happens, in fact you have: cote < côte < coté < côté, i.e., if we remove "c" and "t", we get oe < ôe < oé < ôé, which is exactly right-to-left ordering.

And a last remark: you shouldn't be talking about left-to-right and right-to-left sorting but rather about forward and backward sorting.

Indeed there are languages written from right to left and if you think Arabic and Hebrew are sorted right-to-left you may be right from a graphical point of view, but you are wrong on the logical level!

Indeed, Unicode considers character strings encoded in logical order, and writing direction is a phenomenon occurring on the glyph level. In other words, even if in the word ???? the letter shin appears on the right of the lamed, logically it occurs before it. To sort this word one will first consider the shin, then the lamed, then the vav, then the mem, and this is forward ordering (although Hebrew is written right-to-left), while French accents are sorted backwards (although French is written left-to-right).

Deserialize JSON array(or list) in C#

Download Json.NET from here

name deserializedName = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<name>(jsonData);

Display SQL query results in php

You need to do a while loop to get the result from the SQL query, like this:

$sql="SELECT * FROM  modul1open WHERE idM1O>=(SELECT FLOOR( MAX( idM1O ) * RAND( ) )    
FROM modul1open) ORDER BY idM1O LIMIT 1";

$result = mysql_query($sql);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

    // If you want to display all results from the query at once:

    // If you want to display the results one by one
    echo $row['column1'];
    echo $row['column2']; // etc..


Also I would strongly recommend not using mysql_* since it's deprecated. Instead use the mysqli or PDO extension. You can read more about that here.

what is the differences between sql server authentication and windows authentication..?

SQL Server Authentication Modes

SQL Server 2008 offers two authentication mode options:

Windows authentication mode requires users to provide a valid Windows username and password to access the database server. In enterprise environments, these credentials are normally Active Directory domain credentials.

Mixed authentication mode allows the use of Windows credentials but supplements them with local SQL Server user accounts that the administrator may create and maintain within SQL Server.

Flexbox not giving equal width to elements

There is an important bit that is not mentioned in the article to which you linked and that is flex-basis. By default flex-basis is auto.

From the spec:

If the specified flex-basis is auto, the used flex basis is the value of the flex item’s main size property. (This can itself be the keyword auto, which sizes the flex item based on its contents.)

Each flex item has a flex-basis which is sort of like its initial size. Then from there, any remaining free space is distributed proportionally (based on flex-grow) among the items. With auto, that basis is the contents size (or defined size with width, etc.). As a result, items with bigger text within are being given more space overall in your example.

If you want your elements to be completely even, you can set flex-basis: 0. This will set the flex basis to 0 and then any remaining space (which will be all space since all basises are 0) will be proportionally distributed based on flex-grow.

li {
    flex-grow: 1;
    flex-basis: 0;
    /* ... */

This diagram from the spec does a pretty good job of illustrating the point.

And here is a working example with your fiddle.

Fastest check if row exists in PostgreSQL

INSERT INTO target( userid, rightid, count )
  SELECT userid, rightid, count 
  FROM batch
    SELECT * FROM target t2, batch b2
    WHERE t2.userid = b2.userid
    -- ... other keyfields ...

BTW: if you want the whole batch to fail in case of a duplicate, then (given a primary key constraint)

INSERT INTO target( userid, rightid, count )
SELECT userid, rightid, count 
FROM batch

will do exactly what you want: either it succeeds, or it fails.

How to convert an iterator to a stream?

Create Spliterator from Iterator using Spliterators class contains more than one function for creating spliterator, for example here am using spliteratorUnknownSize which is getting iterator as parameter, then create Stream using StreamSupport

Spliterator<Model> spliterator = Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(
        iterator, Spliterator.NONNULL);
Stream<Model> stream =, false);

How to format dateTime in django template?

You can use this:

addedDate =

Python extract pattern matches

You can use groups (indicated with '(' and ')') to capture parts of the string. The match object's group() method then gives you the group's contents:

>>> import re
>>> s = 'name my_user_name is valid'
>>> match ='name (.*) is valid', s)
>>>  # the entire match
'name my_user_name is valid'
>>>  # the first parenthesized subgroup

In Python 3.6+ you can also index into a match object instead of using group():

>>> match[0]  # the entire match 
'name my_user_name is valid'
>>> match[1]  # the first parenthesized subgroup

RestSharp JSON Parameter Posting

Hope this will help someone. It worked for me -

RestClient client = new RestClient("");
RestRequest request = new RestRequest("login", Method.POST);
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");
var body = new
    Host = "host_environment",
    Username = "UserID",
    Password = "Password"

var response = client.Execute(request).Content;

There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter - .NET Error

I got this error when one of my properties that was required for the constructor was not public. Make sure all the parameters in the constructor go to properties that are public if this is the case:

using statements namespace someNamespace

public class ExampleClass {

  //Properties - one is not visible to the class calling the constructor
  public string Property1 { get; set; }
  string Property2 { get; set; }

   public ExampleClass(string property1, string property2)
     this.Property1 = property1;
     this.Property2 = property2;  //this caused that error for me

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'msie' of undefined

$.browser was removed from jQuery starting with version 1.9. It is now available as a plugin. It's generally recommended to avoid browser detection, which is why it was removed.

how to stop a running script in Matlab

To add on:

you can insert a time check within a loop with intensive or possible deadlock, ie.


where within this section

if (toc > timeRequiredToBreakOff)     % time conditional break off
      % other options may be:                         
      % 1. display intermediate values with pause;
      % 2. exit;                           % in some cases, extreme : kill/ quit matlab

Set value of textarea in jQuery

There the problem : I need to generate html code from the contain of a given div. Then, I have to put this raw html code in a textarea. When I use the function $(textarea).val() like this :

$(textarea).val("some html like < input type='text' value='' style="background: url('') repeat-x center;" /> bla bla");


$('#idTxtArGenHtml').val( $('idDivMain').html() );

I had problem with some special character ( & ' " ) when they are between quot. But when I use the function : $(textarea).html() the text is ok.

There an example form :

<FORM id="idFormContact" name="nFormContact" action="send.php" method="post"  >
    <FIELDSET id="idFieldContact" class="CMainFieldset">
        <LEGEND>Test your newsletter&raquo; </LEGEND> 
        <p>Send to &agrave; : <input id='idInpMailList' type='text' value='[email protected]' /></p>
        <FIELDSET  class="CChildFieldset">
            <LABEL for="idNomClient" class="CInfoLabel">Enter the subject: *&nbsp</LABEL><BR/>
          <INPUT value="" name="nSubject" type="text" id="idSubject" class="CFormInput" alt="Enter the Subject" ><BR/>
    <FIELDSET  class="CChildFieldset">
        <INPUT id="idBtnGen" type="button" value="Generate" onclick="onGenHtml();"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;
          <INPUT id="idBtnSend" type="button" value="Send" onclick="onSend();"/><BR/><BR/>
                <LABEL for="idTxtArGenHtml" class="CInfoLabel">Html code : *&nbsp</LABEL><BR/>
                <span><TEXTAREA  name="nTxtArGenHtml" id="idTxtArGenHtml" width='100%' cols="69" rows="300" alt="enter your message" ></TEXTAREA></span>

And javascript/jquery code that don't work to fill the textarea is :

function onGenHtml(){
  $('#idTxtArGenHtml').html( $("#idDivMain").html()  );

Finaly the solution :

function onGenHtml(){
  $('#idTxtArGenHtml').html( $("#idDivMain").html() );
  $('#idTxtArGenHtml').parent().replaceWith( '<span>'+$('#idTxtArGenHtml').parent().html()+'</span>');

The trick is wrap your textarea with a span tag to help with the replaceWith function. I'm not sure if it's very clean, but it's work perfect too add raw html code in a textarea.

Animate scroll to ID on page load

try with following code. make elements with class name page-scroll and keep id name to href of corresponding links

$('').bind('click', function(event) {
        var $anchor = $(this);
        $('html, body').stop().animate({
            scrollTop: ($($anchor.attr('href')).offset().top - 50)
        }, 1250, 'easeInOutExpo');

Python style - line continuation with strings?

I've gotten around this with

mystr = ' '.join(
        ["Why, hello there",
         "wonderful stackoverflow people!"])

in the past. It's not perfect, but it works nicely for very long strings that need to not have line breaks in them.

Git : fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists

change your ssh url by an http url for your remote 'origin', use:

> git remote set-url origin<user_name>/<repo_name>.git

It will ask for your GitHub password on the git push.

Uninstall Node.JS using Linux command line?

If you installed node using curl + yum:

sudo curl --silent --location | bash -
sudo yum -y install nodejs

Then you can remove it using yum:

sudo yum remove nodejs

Note that using the curl script causes the wrong version of node to be installed. There is a bug that causes node v6.7 to be installed instead of v4.x intended by the path (../setup_4.x) used in the curl script.

How to get the last day of the month?

Considering there are unequal number of days in different months, here is the standard solution that works for every month.

import datetime
ref_date = # or what ever specified date

end_date_of_month = datetime.strptime(datetime.strftime(ref_date + relativedelta(months=1), '%Y-%m-01'),'%Y-%m-%d') + relativedelta(days=-1)

In the above code we are just adding a month to our selected date and then navigating to the first day of that month and then subtracting a day from that date.

How to Compare a long value is equal to Long value

On the one hand Long is an object, while on the other hand long is a primitive type. In order to compare them you could get the primitive type out of the Long type:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    long a = 1111;
    Long b = 1113;

    if ((b!=null)&&
        (a == b.longValue())) 
        System.out.println("not equals");

Invalid column count in CSV input on line 1 Error

I had a similar problem with phpmyAdmin. The column count in the file to be imported matched the columns in the target database table. I tried importing files in both .csv and .ods format to no avail, getting a variety of errors including one arguing that the column count was wrong.

Both the .csv and .ods files were created with LibreOffice 5.204. Based on a bit of experience with import issues in years past, I decided to remake the files with the gnumeric spreadsheet, exporting the .ods in compliance with the "strict" format standard. Voila! No more import problem. While I haven't had time to investigate the issue further, I suspect that something has changed in the internal structure of LibreOffice's file output.

Telling gcc directly to link a library statically

You can add .a file in the linking command:

  gcc yourfiles /path/to/library/libLIBRARY.a

But this is not talking with gcc driver, but with ld linker as options like -Wl,anything are.

When you tell gcc or ld -Ldir -lLIBRARY, linker will check both static and dynamic versions of library (you can see a process with -Wl,--verbose). To change order of library types checked you can use -Wl,-Bstatic and -Wl,-Bdynamic. Here is a man page of gnu LD:

To link your program with lib1, lib3 dynamically and lib2 statically, use such gcc call:

gcc program.o -llib1 -Wl,-Bstatic -llib2 -Wl,-Bdynamic -llib3

Assuming that default setting of ld is to use dynamic libraries (it is on Linux).

BeautifulSoup getting href

You can use find_all in the following way to find every a element that has an href attribute, and print each one:

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

html = '''<a href="some_url">next</a>
<span class="class"><a href="another_url">later</a></span>'''

soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

for a in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
    print "Found the URL:", a['href']

The output would be:

Found the URL: some_url
Found the URL: another_url

Note that if you're using an older version of BeautifulSoup (before version 4) the name of this method is findAll. In version 4, BeautifulSoup's method names were changed to be PEP 8 compliant, so you should use find_all instead.

If you want all tags with an href, you can omit the name parameter:

href_tags = soup.find_all(href=True)

How do I analyze a .hprof file?

Just get the Eclipse Memory Analyzer. There's nothing better out there and it's free.

JHAT is only usable for "toy applications"

jQuery scrollTop() doesn't seem to work in Safari or Chrome (Windows)

I was having this problem in Safari and Chrome (Mac) and discovered that .scrollTop would work on $("body") but not $("html, body"), FF and IE however works the other way round. A simple browser detect fixes the issue:

    bodyelem = $("body")
    bodyelem = $("html,body")


The jQuery browser value for Chrome is Safari, so you only need to do a detect on that.

Hope this helps someone.

Differences between dependencyManagement and dependencies in Maven

There's still one thing that is not highlighted enough, in my opinion, and that is unwanted inheritance.

Here's an incremental example:

I declare in my parent pom:


boom! I have it in my Child A, Child B and Child C modules:

  • Implicilty inherited by child poms
  • A single place to manage
  • No need to redeclare anything in child poms
  • I can still redelcare and override to version 18.0 in a Child B if I want to.

But what if I end up not needing guava in Child C, and neither in the future Child D and Child E modules?

They will still inherit it and this is undesired! This is just like Java God Object code smell, where you inherit some useful bits from a class, and a tonn of unwanted stuff as well.

This is where <dependencyManagement> comes into play. When you add this to your parent pom, all of your child modules STOP seeing it. And thus you are forced to go into each individual module that DOES need it and declare it again (Child A and Child B, without the version though).

And, obviously, you don't do it for Child C, and thus your module remains lean.

How to get an element's top position relative to the browser's viewport?

Thanks for all the answers. It seems Prototype already has a function that does this (the page() function). By viewing the source code of the function, I found that it first calculates the element offset position relative to the page (i.e. the document top), then subtracts the scrollTop from that. See the source code of prototype for more details.

LINQ Using Max() to select a single row

Addressing the first question, if you need to take several rows grouped by certain criteria with the other column with max value you can do something like this:

var query =
    from u1 in table
    join u2 in (
        from u in table
        group u by u.GroupId into g
        select new { GroupId = g.Key, MaxStatus = g.Max(x => x.Status) }
    ) on new { u1.GroupId, u1.Status } equals new { u2.GroupId, Status = u2.MaxStatus}
    select u1;

Toggle Checkboxes on/off

A better approach and UX

$('.checkall').on('click', function() {
   var $checks  = $('checks');
   var $ckall = $(this);

    $.each($checks, function(){
        $(this).prop("checked", $ckall.prop('checked'));

$('checks').on('click', function(e){
   $('.checkall').prop('checked', false);

How to convert string to boolean in typescript Angular 4

I have been trying different values with JSON.parse(value) and it seems to do the work:

// true

// false

Parsing JSON in Spring MVC using Jackson JSON

The whole point of using a mapping technology like Jackson is that you can use Objects (you don't have to parse the JSON yourself).

Define a Java class that resembles the JSON you will be expecting.

e.g. this JSON:

"foo" : ["abc","one","two","three"],
"bar" : "true",
"baz" : "1"

could be mapped to this class:

public class Fizzle{
    private List<String> foo;
    private boolean bar;
    private int baz;
    // getters and setters omitted

Now if you have a Controller method like this:

public Fozzle doSomeThing(@RequestBody Fizzle input){
    return new Fozzle(input);

and you pass in the JSON from above, Jackson will automatically create a Fizzle object for you, and it will serialize a JSON view of the returned Object out to the response with mime type application/json.

For a full working example see this previous answer of mine.

Round button with text and icon in flutter

If You need the text to be centered, and the image to be besides it, like this: Flutter RaisedButton with image and centered text

Then You can achieve it with this widget tree:

  onPressed: () {},
  child: Row(
    mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
    children: <Widget>[
      Expanded(child: Text(
        'Push it! '*10,

Full example available on my (link).

How to update values in a specific row in a Python Pandas DataFrame?

If you have one large dataframe and only a few update values I would use apply like this:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'filename' :  ['test0.dat', 'test2.dat'], 
                                  'm': [12, 13], 'n' : [None, None]})

data = {'filename' :  'test2.dat', 'n':16}

def update_vals(row, data=data):
    if row.filename == data['filename']:
        row.n = data['n']
    return row

df.apply(update_vals, axis=1)

Even though JRE 8 is installed on my MAC -" No Java Runtime present,requesting to install " gets displayed in terminal

You have to install the full JDK, not only the JRE.

I had the same issue and solved by installing JDK.

Please use this link to download the latest JDK version 15.0.2.

How to insert a large block of HTML in JavaScript?

The easiest way to insert html blocks is to use template strings (backticks). It will also allow you to insert dynamic content via ${...}:

document.getElementById("log-menu").innerHTML = `
            <a href="#"> 
            <div class="dropdown-menu p-3 dropdown-menu-right">
                <div class="form-group">
                    <label for="email1">Logged in as:</label>
                <button onClick="getLogout()" ">Sign out</button>

Ring Buffer in Java

None of the previously given examples were meeting my needs completely, so I wrote my own queue that allows following functionality: iteration, index access, indexOf, lastIndexOf, get first, get last, offer, remaining capacity, expand capacity, dequeue last, dequeue first, enqueue / add element, dequeue / remove element, subQueueCopy, subArrayCopy, toArray, snapshot, basics like size, remove or contains.



Page scroll when soft keyboard popped up

In your Manifest define windowSoftInputMode property:

<activity android:name=".MyActivity"

vertical alignment of text element in SVG

attr("dominant-baseline", "central")

How to terminate a thread when main program ends?

Daemon threads are killed ungracefully so any finalizer instructions are not executed. A possible solution is to check is main thread is alive instead of infinite loop.

E.g. for Python 3:

while threading.main_thread().isAlive():

See Check if the Main Thread is still alive from another thread.

BootStrap : Uncaught TypeError: $(...).datetimepicker is not a function

You guys copied the wrong code.

Go into the "/build" folder and grab the jquery.datetimepicker.full.js or jquery.datetimepicker.full.min.js if you want the minified version. It should fix it! :)

PHP: Inserting Values from the Form into MySQL

<!DOCTYPE html>
$con = new mysqli("localhost","root","","form");


<html xmlns="">
<script src=""></script>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

    // alert('here');
        $(".apnew").append('<input type="text" placeholder="Enter youy Name" name="e1[]"/><br>');



<h2><b>Register Form<b></h2>
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<tr><td>Name:</td><td><input type="text" placeholder="Enter youy Name" name="e1[]"/>
<div class="apnew"></div><button id="btn1">Add</button></td></tr>
<tr><td>Image:</td><td><input type="file"  name="e5[]" multiple="" accept="image/jpeg,image/gif,image/png,image/jpg"/></td></tr>

<tr><td>Address:</td><td><textarea  cols="20" rows="4" name="e2"></textarea></td></tr>
<tr><td>Contact:</td><td><div id="textnew"><input  type="number"  maxlength="10" name="e3"/></div></td></tr>
<tr><td>Gender:</td><td><input type="radio"  name="r1" value="Male" checked="checked"/>Male<input type="radio"  name="r1" value="feale"/>Female</td></tr>
<tr><td><input  id="submit" type="submit" name="t1" value="save" /></td></tr>
//echo '<pre>';print_r($_FILES);exit();
$values = implode(", ", $_POST['e1']);
foreach($_FILES["e5"]["tmp_name"] as $key=>$val){


                     $fname = $_FILES['e5']['name'][$key];
                     //echo $fname;

                         $img = $fname;
                      $d="insert into form(name,address,contact,gender,image)values('$values','$_POST[e2]','$_POST[e3]','$_POST[r1]','$img')";

         echo "Yoy Data Save Successfully!!!";

                      // echo $values;exit;
                      //foreach($_POST['e1'] as $row) 

    $d="insert into form(name,address,contact,gender,image)values('$values','$_POST[e2]','$_POST[e3]','$_POST[r1]','$img')";

         echo "Yoy Data Save Successfully!!!";



$t="select * from form";
foreach ($y as $q);
<td>Name:<?php echo $q['name'];?></td>
<td>Address:<?php echo $q['address'];?></td>
<td>Contact:<?php echo $q['contact'];?></td>
<td>Gender:<?php echo $q['gender'];?></td>
<?php }?>


SQL query for today's date minus two months

Would something like this work for you?