I was recently dealing with an issue when I was trying to get past authentication while making a REST call from Java, and while the answers in this thread (and other threads) helped, there was still a bit of trial and error involved in getting it working.
What worked for me was encoding credentials in Base64
and adding them as Basic Authorization headers. I then added them as an HttpEntity
to restTemplate.postForEntity
, which gave me the response I needed.
Here's the class I wrote for this in full (extending RestTemplate):
public class AuthorizedRestTemplate extends RestTemplate{
private String username;
private String password;
public AuthorizedRestTemplate(String username, String password){
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
public String getForObject(String url, Object... urlVariables){
return authorizedRestCall(this, url, urlVariables);
private String authorizedRestCall(RestTemplate restTemplate,
String url, Object... urlVariables){
HttpEntity<String> request = getRequest();
ResponseEntity<String> entity = restTemplate.postForEntity(url,
request, String.class, urlVariables);
return entity.getBody();
private HttpEntity<String> getRequest(){
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.add("Authorization", "Basic " + getBase64Credentials());
return new HttpEntity<String>(headers);
private String getBase64Credentials(){
String plainCreds = username + ":" + password;
byte[] plainCredsBytes = plainCreds.getBytes();
byte[] base64CredsBytes = Base64.encodeBase64(plainCredsBytes);
return new String(base64CredsBytes);